is = $input; } /** * Get the current position. * * @return int * The current intiger byte position. */ public function position() { return $this->is->position(); } /** * Take a peek at the next character in the data. * * @return string * The next character. */ public function peek() { return $this->is->peek(); } /** * Get the next character. * * Note: This advances the pointer. * * @return string * The next character. */ public function next() { $this->char = $this->is->char(); return $this->char; } /** * Get the current character. * * Note, this does not advance the pointer. * * @return string * The current character. */ public function current() { return $this->char; } /** * Unconsume some of the data. This moves the data pointer backwards. * * @param int $howMany * The number of characters to move the pointer back. */ public function unconsume($howMany = 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < $howMany; ++$i) { $this->is->unconsume(); } } /** * Get the next group of that contains hex characters. * * Note, along with getting the characters the pointer in the data will be * moved as well. * * @return string * The next group that is hex characters. */ public function getHex() { return $this->is->charsWhile(self::CHARS_HEX); } /** * Get the next group of characters that are ASCII Alpha characters. * * Note, along with getting the characters the pointer in the data will be * moved as well. * * @return string * The next group of ASCII alpha characters. */ public function getAsciiAlpha() { return $this->is->charsWhile(self::CHARS_ALPHA); } /** * Get the next group of characters that are ASCII Alpha characters and numbers. * * Note, along with getting the characters the pointer in the data will be * moved as well. * * @return string * The next group of ASCII alpha characters and numbers. */ public function getAsciiAlphaNum() { return $this->is->charsWhile(self::CHARS_ALNUM); } /** * Get the next group of numbers. * * Note, along with getting the characters the pointer in the data will be * moved as well. * * @return string * The next group of numbers. */ public function getNumeric() { return $this->is->charsWhile('0123456789'); } }