# The Serializer (Writer) Model The serializer roughly follows sections _8.1 Writing HTML documents_ and section _8.3 Serializing HTML fragments_ by converting DOMDocument, DOMDocumentFragment, and DOMNodeList into HTML5. [ HTML5 ] // Interface for saving. || [ Traverser ] // Walk the DOM || [ Rules ] // Convert DOM elements into strings. || [ HTML5 ] // HTML5 document or fragment in text. ## HTML5 Class Provides the top level interface for saving. ## The Traverser Walks the DOM finding each element and passing it off to the output rules to convert to HTML5. ## Output Rules The output rules are defined in the RulesInterface which can have multiple implementations. Currently, the OutputRules is the default implementation that converts a DOM as is into HTML5. ## HTML5 String The output of the process it HTML5 as a string or saved to a file.