query = $statement; } public function execute($input_parameters=array()) { $this->input_parameters = $input_parameters; } public function fetch($fetch_style) { if ($this->current_row == 5) { return false; } else { $this->current_row++; return array('name' => 'Fred', 'age' => 10, 'id' => '1'); } } public function get_query() { return $this->query; } public function get_parameters() { return $this->input_parameters; } public function get_bound_query() { $sql = $this->get_query(); $sql = str_replace("?", "%s", $sql); $quoted_values = array(); $values = $this->get_parameters(); foreach ($values as $value) { $quoted_values[] = '"' . $value . '"'; } return vsprintf($sql, $quoted_values); } } /** * * Mock database class implementing a subset * of the PDO API. * */ class DummyPDO { private $last_query; public function __construct($connection_string="") { } public function setAttribute($attribute, $value) { } public function prepare($statement) { $this->last_query = new DummyPDOStatement($statement); return $this->last_query; } public function lastInsertId() { return 0; } public function get_last_query() { return $this->last_query->get_bound_query(); } } /** * * Class to provide simple testing functionality * */ class Tester { private static $passed_tests = array(); private static $failed_tests = array(); private static $db; private static $term_colours = array( 'BLACK' => "30", 'RED' => "31", 'GREEN' => "32", 'DEFAULT' => "00", ); /** * Set the dummy database connection to be * used by the class to capture the SQL strings */ public static function set_db($db) { self::$db = $db; } /** * Format a line for printing. Detects * if the script is being run from the command * line or from a browser. * * Colouring code loosely based on * http://www.zend.com//code/codex.php?ozid=1112&single=1 */ private static function format_line($line, $colour='DEFAULT') { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $colour = strtolower($colour); return "


\n"; } else { $colour = self::$term_colours[$colour]; return chr(27) . "[0;{$colour}m{$line}" . chr(27) . "[00m\n"; } } /** * Report a passed test */ private static function report_pass($test_name) { echo self::format_line("PASS: $test_name", 'GREEN'); self::$passed_tests[] = $test_name; } /** * Report a failed test */ private static function report_failure($test_name, $query) { echo self::format_line("FAIL: $test_name", 'RED'); echo self::format_line("Expected: $query", 'RED'); echo self::format_line("Actual: " . self::$db->get_last_query(), 'RED'); self::$failed_tests[] = $test_name; } /** * Print a summary of passed and failed test counts */ public static function report() { $passed_count = count(self::$passed_tests); $failed_count = count(self::$failed_tests); echo self::format_line(''); echo self::format_line("$passed_count tests passed. $failed_count tests failed."); if ($failed_count != 0) { echo self::format_line("Failed tests: " . join(", ", self::$failed_tests)); } } /** * Check the provided string is equal to the last * query generated by the dummy database class. */ public static function check_equal($test_name, $query) { $last_query = self::$db->get_last_query(); if ($query == self::$db->get_last_query()) { self::report_pass($test_name); } else { self::report_failure($test_name, $query); } } }