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- <div id="etiqueta-urgente"> </div> <div class="col630"> <div id="nota-ampliada"> <div class="titulo"> <p class="texto7 color-politica">Escándalo por el 24 M </p> <h1>Simularon un fusilamiento en un acto escolar en La Cumbre</h1> </div> <div class="bajada "> <p><strong>25/03/2017 | 06:41 |</strong> Ocurrió en la escuela Alfredo Benitz. Fue en un acto conmemorativo por el Día de la Memoria en la plaza céntrica de la localidad, ante la presencia del intendente Rubén Ovelar. <b>Video</b>. </p> </div><a name="audios"></a>
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+ <div class="slide-audios-sin-video"> <div id="Item_66184697_0" class="contenedor-general-hidden"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <a href="javascript:loadFileplayerarchivo('../../../../admin/playerswf/audios/ARCHI_366565.mp3');llamarasincrono('', 'procesoajax');"><span id="botonplay366565_0"><img class="play" src="" alt="Daniele cruzó en duros términos al intendente (Informe de Juan Pablo Viola)." title="Daniele cruzó en duros términos al intendente (Informe de Juan Pablo Viola)." /></span></a> </div> <div class="texto-audio"> <p>Daniele cruzó en duros términos al intendente (Informe de Juan Pablo Viola).</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="padding5top"><a class="compartir" href="../../../../audio.asp?id=366565&titulo=Daniele-cruzo-en-duros-terminos-al-intendente-Informe-de-Juan-Pablo-Viola">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Item_66184697_1" class="contenedor-general-hidden" style="display:none;"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <a href="javascript:loadFileplayerarchivo('../../../../admin/playerswf/audios/ARCHI_366485.mp3');llamarasincrono('', 'procesoajax');"><span id="botonplay366485_1"><img class="play" src="" alt="La medida resiente la atención en la Municipalidad (Informe de Juan Pablo Viola)." title="La medida resiente la atención en la Municipalidad (Informe de Juan Pablo Viola)." /></span></a> </div> <div class="texto-audio"> <p>La medida resiente la atención en la Municipalidad (Informe de Juan Pablo Viola).</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="padding5top"><a class="compartir" href="../../../../audio.asp?id=366485&titulo=La-medida-resiente-la-atencion-en-la-Municipalidad-Informe-de-Juan-Pablo-Viola">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="contador-audios"> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="JavaScript:ChangeItemBloque(66184697,1,'anterior')"><img src="" width="17" height="13" alt="flecha" /></a> </div> <div class="floatleft colorfff"> <span id="Count_Item_66184697">1</span> de 2 </div> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="JavaScript:ChangeItemBloque(66184697,1,'siguiente')"><img src="" width="17" height="13" alt="flecha" /></a> </div> </div> <script> if( typeof(bloquedin) == "undefined" ) {var bloquedin = new Object();} bloquedin[66184697]=0; </script> </div> </div> <div class="cuerpo"><p>Los municipales de la ciudad de Córdoba realizan este martes una ruidosa asamblea general en el Palacio 6 de Julio y todas las reparticiones como medida de presión en contra de la difusión de las lista de los empleados y los sueldos que perciben.<br>
+"Esta infamia, esta canallada, este intento por pisotear nuestra dignidad este ataque a nuestra seguridad y la de nuestras familias le prometo que lo va a pagar caro; vamos a responder con toda la fuerza", disparó al hablar ante la multitud el titular del Suoem, Rubén Daniele.<br>
-La polémica ceremonia fue realizada en el marco del acto central por el Día de la Memoria, Verdad y Justicia en la plaza principal de la ciudad, ante la presencia del intendente local, Rubén Ovelar y todo su gabinete. <br>
+"En estos días señor intendente lo he visto suelto de cuerpo, diría que casi con una sonrisa burlona. Le prometo y lo juro acá: en unos meses se va a borrar la sonrisa y se va a cagar como se cagó otras veces, pidiendo que vayamos a solucionar los problemas de la ciudad", agregó.<br>
-Las fotografías de niños simulando ser militares y otros, arrodillados en el piso, con los ojos vendados causaron conmoción y en minutos se viralizaron a través de las redes sociales. <br>
+Si bien la medida de fuerza arrancó a las 11 en la explanada de la Municipalidad, la atención en el municipio, los CPC y otras dependencias se vio resentida durante toda la jornada.<br>
-Ovelar, en diálogo con <b>Cadena 3</b>, salió a poner paños fríos y le restó importancia a la polémica. <br>
+<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="es"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="">#Asamblea</a> <a href="">#municipales</a> <a href=""></a></p>— SUOEM CÓRDOBA (@suoemcordoba) <a href="">30 de mayo de 2017</a></blockquote><br>
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-"Hay opiniones diversas, pero no hay que meter a los niños en esto. Fue una buena representación, por lo menos a mi manera de ver", dijo.<br>
+Además, las asambleas afectan el normal funcionamiento en las escuelas municipales y jardines maternales.<br>
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+Ayer, Damián Bizzi, vocero del Sindicato Unión Obreros y Empleados Municipales (Suoem) manifestó a <b>Cadena 3</b> que las asambleas “son la única forma de hacernos escuchar”: “Lo esencial sería que no hubiéramos tenido este problema. No hay otra forma que las autoridades municipales nos escuchen". <br>
-<b>Informes de María Eugenia Pasquali y Federico Albarenque</b>.</p> </div>
+"Estamos en una situación de conflicto y ésta es la única forma de hacernos escuchar. Es una gestión que no escucha mucho”, dijo. </p> </div>
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"Cada vez es menor la venta. No podemos mantener los costos fijos", señaló.</p></a> <div class="multimedia"> <div class="slide-audios-sin-video"> <div id="Item_6180325_0" class="contenedor-general-hidden"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <p> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/24/Quieren-agregar-un-plus-de-50-centavos-por-litro-de-nafta-180325.asp?audio=355907#audios"><span id="botonplay355907_0"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt=""Tenemos el agua al cuello", Pablo Bornoroni (Presidente de Fecac)" title=""Tenemos el agua al cuello", Pablo Bornoroni (Presidente de Fecac)" /></span></a> </p> </div> <div class="texto-audio-sin-video"> <p>"Tenemos el agua al cuello", Pablo Bornoroni (Presidente de Fecac)</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="margin2top"><a class="compartir" href="">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/24/Quieren-agregar-un-plus-de-50-centavos-por-litro-de-nafta-180325.asp"><h2>Quieren agregar un plus de 50 centavos por litro de nafta</h2></a> </div> </div> <div class="bloque300x295 nota-secundaria"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota"> <p class="texto8">Política y Economía</p> </div> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a href="#" title="Compartir en Facebook"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" /></a><a href="#" title="Compartir en Twitter"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div> <div class="multimedia-reposo"> <div class="icono-multimedia"><img src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png"/></div> </div> <div class="imagen-nota view view-first"> <img src="" alt="Simularon un fusilamiento en un acto escolar en La Cumbre." title="Simularon un fusilamiento en un acto escolar en La Cumbre." width="300"/> <div class="mask"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Simularon-un-fusilamiento-en-un-acto-escolar-en-La-Cumbre-180398.asp"><p><strong>06:41 |</strong> Ocurrió en la escuela Alfredo Benitz. Fue en un acto conmemorativo por el Día de la Memoria en la plaza céntrica de la localidad, ante la presencia del intendente Rubén Ovelar. <b>Video</b>. </p></a> <div class="multimedia"> <div class="slide-audios-sin-video"> <div id="Item_6180398_0" class="contenedor-general-hidden"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <p> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Simularon-un-fusilamiento-en-un-acto-escolar-en-La-Cumbre-180398.asp?audio=356126#audios"><span id="botonplay356126_0"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt="Escándalo en La Cumbre por un acto por el Día de la Memoria (María Eugenia Pasquali)." title="Escándalo en La Cumbre por un acto por el Día de la Memoria (María Eugenia Pasquali)." /></span></a> </p> </div> <div class="texto-audio-sin-video"> <p>Escándalo en La Cumbre por un acto por el Día de la Memoria (María Eugenia Pasquali).</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="margin2top"><a class="compartir" href="">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Simularon-un-fusilamiento-en-un-acto-escolar-en-La-Cumbre-180398.asp"><h2>Simularon un fusilamiento en un acto escolar en La Cumbre</h2></a> </div> </div> <div class="bloque300x295 nota-secundaria"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota"> <p class="texto8">Política y Economía</p> </div> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a href="#" title="Compartir en Facebook"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" /></a><a href="#" title="Compartir en Twitter"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div> <div class="multimedia-reposo"> </div> <div class="imagen-nota view view-first"> <img src="" alt="El sueño de la casa propia se cumple con una nueva líneas de créditos hipotecarios." title="El sueño de la casa propia se cumple con una nueva líneas de créditos hipotecarios." width="300"/> <div class="mask"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/24/Todo-lo-que-tenes-que-saber-sobre-los-creditos-a-30-anos-180339.asp"><p><strong>07:20 |</strong> El Gobierno nacional lanzó una nueva línea de préstamos hipotecarios para los sectores medios de la Argentina. <b>Entrá a la nota y conocé los detalles</b>.</p></a> <div class="multimedia"> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/24/Todo-lo-que-tenes-que-saber-sobre-los-creditos-a-30-anos-180339.asp"><h2>Todo lo que tenés que saber sobre los créditos a 30 años</h2></a> </div> </div> <div class="bloque300x295 nota-secundaria"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota"> <p class="texto8">Política y Economía</p> </div> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a href="#" title="Compartir en Facebook"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" /></a><a href="#" title="Compartir en Twitter"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div> <div class="multimedia-reposo"> <div class="icono-multimedia"><img src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png"/></div> </div> <div class="imagen-nota view view-first"> <img src="" alt="Los empleados de comercio cerraron un aumento del 20%." title="Los empleados de comercio cerraron un aumento del 20%." width="300"/> <div class="mask"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/24/Los-empleados-de-comercio-cerraron-un-aumento-del-20-180317.asp"><p><strong>06:26 |</strong> Será en dos tramos de 10% en abril y 10% en julio, con cláusula gatillo por inflación, informaron fuentes ministeriales.</p></a> <div class="multimedia"> <div class="slide-audios-sin-video"> <div id="Item_6180317_0" class="contenedor-general-hidden"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <p> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/24/Los-empleados-de-comercio-cerraron-un-aumento-del-20-180317.asp?audio=355906#audios"><span id="botonplay355906_0"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt="Los empleados de Comercio lograron un 20% de aumento (Informe de Andrés Carpio)." title="Los empleados de Comercio lograron un 20% de aumento (Informe de Andrés Carpio)." /></span></a> </p> </div> <div class="texto-audio-sin-video"> <p>Los empleados de Comercio lograron un 20% de aumento (Informe de Andrés Carpio).</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="margin2top"><a class="compartir" href="">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Item_6180317_1" class="contenedor-general-hidden" style="display:none;"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <p> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/24/Los-empleados-de-comercio-cerraron-un-aumento-del-20-180317.asp?audio=356009#audios"><span id="botonplay356009_1"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt="''Estamos satisfechos por lo menos con nosotros hubo diálogo'', dijo Pastore." title="''Estamos satisfechos por lo menos con nosotros hubo diálogo'', dijo Pastore." /></span></a> </p> </div> <div class="texto-audio-sin-video"> <p>''Estamos satisfechos por lo menos con nosotros hubo diálogo'', dijo Pastore.</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="margin2top"><a class="compartir" href="">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="contador-audios-sin-video"> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="JavaScript:ChangeItemBloque(6180317,1,'anterior')"><img src="../../../../imagenes/flecha-audio-anterior.gif" width="17" height="13" alt="flecha" /></a> </div> <div class="floatleft colorfff"> <span id="Count_Item_6180317">1</span> de 2 </div> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="JavaScript:ChangeItemBloque(6180317,1,'siguiente')"><img src="../../../../imagenes/flecha-audio-siguiente.gif" width="17" height="13" alt="flecha" /></a> </div> </div> <script> if( typeof(bloquedin) == "undefined" ) {var bloquedin = new Object();} bloquedin[6180317]=0; </script> </div> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/24/Los-empleados-de-comercio-cerraron-un-aumento-del-20-180317.asp"><h2>Los empleados de comercio cerraron un aumento del 20%</h2></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col300-nomargen"> <div class="bloque300x295 nota-secundaria"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota"> <p class="texto8">Política y Economía</p> </div> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a href="#" title="Compartir en Facebook"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" /></a><a href="#" title="Compartir en Twitter"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div> <div class="multimedia-reposo"> <div class="icono-multimedia"><img src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png"/></div> </div> <div class="imagen-nota view view-first"> <img src="" alt="El sueño de la casa propia se hace realidad con la nueva línea de créditos." title="El sueño de la casa propia se hace realidad con la nueva línea de créditos." width="300"/> <div class="mask"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/24/Lanzan-creditos-a-30-anos-con-cuotas-que-arrancan-en-$4600-180328.asp"><p><strong>06:20 |</strong> Al anuncio lo formuló el ministro de Finanzas de la Nación, Luis Caputo. Las cuotas mensuales llegarán hasta los $6.000, de acuerdo al banco. <b>Mirá el detalle</b>.</p></a> <div class="multimedia"> <div class="slide-audios-sin-video"> <div id="Item_6180328_0" class="contenedor-general-hidden"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <p> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/24/Lanzan-creditos-a-30-anos-con-cuotas-que-arrancan-en-$4600-180328.asp?audio=355912#audios"><span id="botonplay355912_0"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt="El Gobierno lanzó la nueva línea de créditos hipotecarios (Federico Albarenque)." title="El Gobierno lanzó la nueva línea de créditos hipotecarios (Federico Albarenque)." /></span></a> </p> </div> <div class="texto-audio-sin-video"> <p>El Gobierno lanzó la nueva línea de créditos hipotecarios (Federico Albarenque).</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="margin2top"><a class="compartir" href="">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/24/Lanzan-creditos-a-30-anos-con-cuotas-que-arrancan-en-$4600-180328.asp"><h2>Lanzan créditos a 30 años con cuotas que arrancan en $4.600</h2></a> </div> </div> <div class="bloque300x295 nota-secundaria"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota"> <p class="texto8">Política y Economía</p> </div> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a href="#" title="Compartir en Facebook"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" /></a><a href="#" title="Compartir en Twitter"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div> <div class="multimedia-reposo"> <div class="icono-multimedia"><img src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario-video.png"/></div> </div> <div class="imagen-nota view view-first"> <img src="" alt="Fuerte repudio al ataque a la sede del PRO." title="Fuerte repudio al ataque a la sede del PRO." width="300"/> <div class="mask"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Video-incendiaron-la-puerta-de-la-sede-del-PRO-en-Cordoba-180404.asp"><p><strong>06:32 |</strong> El incidente, que dejó como saldo pérdidas materiales sobre la fachada del local, se produjo ayer y causó indignación en el partido del presidente Macri. Fuerte condena al acto vandálico.</p></a> <div class="multimedia"> <div class="icono-multimedia"><a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Video-incendiaron-la-puerta-de-la-sede-del-PRO-en-Cordoba-180404.asp"><img src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario-video.png" title="Quemaron la puerta del local del Pro en Córdoba" alt="Quemaron la puerta del local del Pro en Córdoba"/></a></div> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Video-incendiaron-la-puerta-de-la-sede-del-PRO-en-Cordoba-180404.asp"><h2>Video: incendiaron la puerta de la sede del PRO en Córdoba</h2></a> </div> </div> </div>
+ <div class="col630"> <div class="bloque300x295 nota-secundaria"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota"> <p class="texto8">Sociedad</p> </div> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a href="#" title="Compartir en Facebook"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" /></a><a href="#" title="Compartir en Twitter"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div> <div class="multimedia-reposo"> <div class="icono-multimedia"><img src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png"/></div> </div> <div class="imagen-nota view view-first"> <img src="" alt="El edificio del empresario está sobre Santa Fe, frente a la Policía." title="El edificio del empresario está sobre Santa Fe, frente a la Policía." width="300"/> <div class="mask"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/29/Investigan-a-familiares-del-empresario-por-millonario-robo-184562.asp"><p><strong>10:25 |</strong> Habría sido víctima de una delación. Le llevaron US$ 500 mil y elementos de valor en su casa frente a la jefatura de Policía de Córdoba. Osvaldo Elías Absi contó a <i>Cadena 3</i> detalles del hecho. </p></a> <div class="multimedia"> <div class="slide-audios-sin-video"> <div id="Item_6184562_0" class="contenedor-general-hidden"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <p> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/29/Investigan-a-familiares-del-empresario-por-millonario-robo-184562.asp?audio=366343#audios"><span id="botonplay366343_0"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt="Sospechan que el círculo íntimo instigó el robo (Informe de Carlos Castro Torres)" title="Sospechan que el círculo íntimo instigó el robo (Informe de Carlos Castro Torres)" /></span></a> </p> </div> <div class="texto-audio-sin-video"> <p>Sospechan que el círculo íntimo instigó el robo (Informe de Carlos Castro Torres)</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="margin2top"><a class="compartir" href="">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Item_6184562_1" class="contenedor-general-hidden" style="display:none;"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <p> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/29/Investigan-a-familiares-del-empresario-por-millonario-robo-184562.asp?audio=366164#audios"><span id="botonplay366164_1"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt="El empresario dijo que le pegaron por todos lados (Informe de Carlos Castro Torres)." title="El empresario dijo que le pegaron por todos lados (Informe de Carlos Castro Torres)." /></span></a> </p> </div> <div class="texto-audio-sin-video"> <p>El empresario dijo que le pegaron por todos lados (Informe de Carlos Castro Torres).</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="margin2top"><a class="compartir" href="">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="contador-audios-sin-video"> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="JavaScript:ChangeItemBloque(6184562,1,'anterior')"><img src="../../../../imagenes/flecha-audio-anterior.gif" width="17" height="13" alt="flecha" /></a> </div> <div class="floatleft colorfff"> <span id="Count_Item_6184562">1</span> de 2 </div> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="JavaScript:ChangeItemBloque(6184562,1,'siguiente')"><img src="../../../../imagenes/flecha-audio-siguiente.gif" width="17" height="13" alt="flecha" /></a> </div> </div> <script> if( typeof(bloquedin) == "undefined" ) {var bloquedin = new Object();} bloquedin[6184562]=0; </script> </div> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/29/Investigan-a-familiares-del-empresario-por-millonario-robo-184562.asp"><h2>Investigan a familiares del empresario por millonario robo</h2></a> </div> </div> <div class="bloque300x295 nota-secundaria"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota"> <p class="texto8">Sociedad</p> </div> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a href="#" title="Compartir en Facebook"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" /></a><a href="#" title="Compartir en Twitter"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div> <div class="multimedia-reposo"> <div class="icono-multimedia"><img src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario-video.png"/></div> </div> <div class="imagen-nota view view-first"> <img src="" alt="El bombero es sorprendido de atrás por los ladrones." title="El bombero es sorprendido de atrás por los ladrones." width="300"/> <div class="mask"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/29/Balearon-a-bombero-y-se-salvo-al-pegar-la-bala-en-el-celular-184561.asp"><p><strong>06:50 |</strong> Había bajado de su moto para comprar un alfajor en un kiosco de Villa Lugano cuando delincuentes los sorprendieron. Recibió seis tiros. <b>Las imágenes pueden herir la sensibilidad del lector</b>.</p></a> <div class="multimedia"> <div class="icono-multimedia"><a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/29/Balearon-a-bombero-y-se-salvo-al-pegar-la-bala-en-el-celular-184561.asp"><img src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario-video.png" title="Ataque a balazos a bombero de Policía Federal en Villa Lugano." alt="Ataque a balazos a bombero de Policía Federal en Villa Lugano."/></a></div> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/29/Balearon-a-bombero-y-se-salvo-al-pegar-la-bala-en-el-celular-184561.asp"><h2>Balearon a bombero y se salvó al pegar la bala en el celular</h2></a> </div> </div> <div class="bloque300x295 nota-secundaria"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota"> <p class="texto8">Sociedad</p> </div> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a href="#" title="Compartir en Facebook"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" /></a><a href="#" title="Compartir en Twitter"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div> <div class="multimedia-reposo"> </div> <div class="imagen-nota view view-first"> <img src="" alt="The Emerald Plunge es una de las principales atracciones en el parque." title="The Emerald Plunge es una de las principales atracciones en el parque." width="300"/> <div class="mask"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/29/Salio-disparado-en-un-tobogan-acuatico-recien-inaugurado-184651.asp"><p><strong>13:17 |</strong> Fue en el parque The Wave, en Dublin, California, apenas una hora y media después de que fuera inaugurado. El menor apenas sufrió unos raspones en su espalda. <b>Mirá el impactante momento.</b></p></a> <div class="multimedia"> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/29/Salio-disparado-en-un-tobogan-acuatico-recien-inaugurado-184651.asp"><h2>Salió disparado en un tobogán acuático recién inaugurado</h2></a> </div> </div> <div class="bloque300x295 nota-secundaria"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota"> <p class="texto8">Sociedad</p> </div> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a href="#" title="Compartir en Facebook"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" /></a><a href="#" title="Compartir en Twitter"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div> <div class="multimedia-reposo"> <div class="icono-multimedia"><img src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png"/></div> </div> <div class="imagen-nota view view-first"> <img src="" alt="Familiares de Sapito y Balbo se enfrentaron en Tribunales (Foto: @roxicanal12)" title="Familiares de Sapito y Balbo se enfrentaron en Tribunales (Foto: @roxicanal12)" width="300"/> <div class="mask"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/30/Video-asi-fue-la-pelea-entre-familiares-de-Balbo-y-Sapito-184682.asp"><p><strong>10:01 |</strong> Los incidentes se produjeron a la salida de la audiencia en la Cámara 4ª del Crimen. El abogado de "Sapito", Carlos Hairabedian, dijo a <b>Cadena 3</b> que fue un "ataque brutal".</p></a> <div class="multimedia"> <div class="slide-audios-sin-video"> <div id="Item_6184682_0" class="contenedor-general-hidden"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <p> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/30/Video-asi-fue-la-pelea-entre-familiares-de-Balbo-y-Sapito-184682.asp?audio=366521#audios"><span id="botonplay366521_0"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt="Fuerte crítica a la Justicia de Córdoba de Mario Pereyra." title="Fuerte crítica a la Justicia de Córdoba de Mario Pereyra." /></span></a> </p> </div> <div class="texto-audio-sin-video"> <p>Fuerte crítica a la Justicia de Córdoba de Mario Pereyra.</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="margin2top"><a class="compartir" href="">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Item_6184682_1" class="contenedor-general-hidden" style="display:none;"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <p> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/30/Video-asi-fue-la-pelea-entre-familiares-de-Balbo-y-Sapito-184682.asp?audio=366538#audios"><span id="botonplay366538_1"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt="El juez pidió reforzar la seguridad para la próxima audiencia (Informe de F.Centeno)" title="El juez pidió reforzar la seguridad para la próxima audiencia (Informe de F.Centeno)" /></span></a> </p> </div> <div class="texto-audio-sin-video"> <p>El juez pidió reforzar la seguridad para la próxima audiencia (Informe de F.Centeno)</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="margin2top"><a class="compartir" href="">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Item_6184682_2" class="contenedor-general-hidden" style="display:none;"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <p> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/30/Video-asi-fue-la-pelea-entre-familiares-de-Balbo-y-Sapito-184682.asp?audio=366453#audios"><span id="botonplay366453_2"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt=""La situación fue tan violenta como injusta", dijo Hairabedian (Federico Albarenque)" title=""La situación fue tan violenta como injusta", dijo Hairabedian (Federico Albarenque)" /></span></a> </p> </div> <div class="texto-audio-sin-video"> <p>"La situación fue tan violenta como injusta", dijo Hairabedian (Federico Albarenque)</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="margin2top"><a class="compartir" href="">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="contador-audios-sin-video"> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="JavaScript:ChangeItemBloque(6184682,2,'anterior')"><img src="../../../../imagenes/flecha-audio-anterior.gif" width="17" height="13" alt="flecha" /></a> </div> <div class="floatleft colorfff"> <span id="Count_Item_6184682">1</span> de 3 </div> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="JavaScript:ChangeItemBloque(6184682,2,'siguiente')"><img src="../../../../imagenes/flecha-audio-siguiente.gif" width="17" height="13" alt="flecha" /></a> </div> </div> <script> if( typeof(bloquedin) == "undefined" ) {var bloquedin = new Object();} bloquedin[6184682]=0; </script> </div> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/30/Video-asi-fue-la-pelea-entre-familiares-de-Balbo-y-Sapito-184682.asp"><h2>Video: así fue la pelea entre familiares de Balbo y "Sapito"</h2></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col300-nomargen"> <div class="bloque300x295 nota-secundaria"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota"> <p class="texto8">Sociedad</p> </div> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a href="#" title="Compartir en Facebook"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" /></a><a href="#" title="Compartir en Twitter"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div> <div class="multimedia-reposo"> </div> <div class="imagen-nota view view-first"> <img src="" alt="Macri volvió encantado con el trabajo en equipo en escuelas japonesas." title="Macri volvió encantado con el trabajo en equipo en escuelas japonesas." width="300"/> <div class="mask"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/29/Macri-mostro-como-trabajan-los-ninos-en-escuelas-de-Japon-184601.asp"><p><strong>12:15 |</strong> Tras su recorrida por Asia, el Presidente mostró en su cuenta de Facebook un video donde se observa a pequeños alumnos realizando tareas de limpieza. <b>Entrá y mirá</b></p></a> <div class="multimedia"> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/29/Macri-mostro-como-trabajan-los-ninos-en-escuelas-de-Japon-184601.asp"><h2>Macri mostró cómo trabajan los niños en escuelas de Japón</h2></a> </div> </div> <div class="bloque300x295 nota-secundaria"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota"> <p class="texto8">Sociedad</p> </div> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a href="#" title="Compartir en Facebook"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" /></a><a href="#" title="Compartir en Twitter"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div> <div class="multimedia-reposo"> </div> <div class="imagen-nota view view-first"> <img src="" alt="El padre Gabriel canta y baila." title="El padre Gabriel canta y baila." width="300"/> <div class="mask"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/30/El-boom-Despacito-un-cura-canta-y-baila-en-plena-misa-184698.asp"><p><strong>07:53 |</strong> En una parroquia en San Francisco, el padre Gabriel reversiona en cada celebración el hit de Luis Fonsi y además lo acompaña con una coreo. <b>Mirá el video</b>.
+</p></a> <div class="multimedia"> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/30/El-boom-Despacito-un-cura-canta-y-baila-en-plena-misa-184698.asp"><h2>El boom "Despacito": un cura canta y baila en plena misa</h2></a> </div> </div> </div>
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+ <div class="bloque630x620" id="nota-principal"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota "> <p class="texto8 color-sociedad"><a class="color-sociedad" href="buscador.asp?q=Difusión de datos">Difusión de datos</a></p> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a target="_blank" href=", a Mestre: &quot;En unos meses se va a borrar la sonrisa&quot;"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" title="Compartir en Facebook"/></a><a target="_blank" href=", a Mestre: &quot;En unos meses se va a borrar la sonrisa&quot;"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" title="Compartir en Twitter" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div></div> <div class="imagen-nota"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/30/Daniele-a-Mestre-En-unos-meses-se-va-a-borrar-la-sonrisa-184697.asp"><img src="../../../../admin/playerswf/fotos/ARCHI_366549.jpg" alt="Daniele habló en la asamblea general del Suoem." title="Daniele habló en la asamblea general del Suoem." width="630" height="400"/></a> <div class="multimedia"> <div class="slide-audios"> <div id="Item_6184697_0" class="contenedor-general-hidden"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/30/Daniele-a-Mestre-En-unos-meses-se-va-a-borrar-la-sonrisa-184697.asp?audio=366565#audios"><span id="botonplay366565_0"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt="Daniele cruzó en duros términos al intendente (Informe de Juan Pablo Viola)." title="Daniele cruzó en duros términos al intendente (Informe de Juan Pablo Viola)." /></span></a> </div> <div class="texto-audio"> <p>Daniele cruzó en duros términos al intendente (Informe de Juan Pablo Viola).</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="padding5top"><a class="compartir" href="../../../../audio.asp?id=366565&titulo=Daniele-cruzo-en-duros-terminos-al-intendente-Informe-de-Juan-Pablo-Viola">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Item_6184697_1" class="contenedor-general-hidden" style="display:none;"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/30/Daniele-a-Mestre-En-unos-meses-se-va-a-borrar-la-sonrisa-184697.asp?audio=366485#audios"><span id="botonplay366485_1"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt="La medida resiente la atención en la Municipalidad (Informe de Juan Pablo Viola)." title="La medida resiente la atención en la Municipalidad (Informe de Juan Pablo Viola)." /></span></a> </div> <div class="texto-audio"> <p>La medida resiente la atención en la Municipalidad (Informe de Juan Pablo Viola).</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="padding5top"><a class="compartir" href="../../../../audio.asp?id=366485&titulo=La-medida-resiente-la-atencion-en-la-Municipalidad-Informe-de-Juan-Pablo-Viola">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="contador-audios"> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="JavaScript:ChangeItemBloque(6184697,1,'anterior')"><img src="../../../../imagenes/flecha-audio-anterior.gif" width="17" height="13" alt="flecha" /></a> </div> <div class="floatleft colorfff"> <span id="Count_Item_6184697">1</span> de 2 </div> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="JavaScript:ChangeItemBloque(6184697,1,'siguiente')"><img src="../../../../imagenes/flecha-audio-siguiente.gif" width="17" height="13" alt="flecha" /></a> </div> </div> <script> if( typeof(bloquedin) == "undefined" ) {var bloquedin = new Object();} bloquedin[6184697]=0; </script> </div> </div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota"> <h2><a href="../../../../contenido/2017/05/30/Daniele-a-Mestre-En-unos-meses-se-va-a-borrar-la-sonrisa-184697.asp">Daniele, a Mestre: "En unos meses se va a borrar la sonrisa"</a></h2> </div> <div class="bajada"> <p><strong>11:57 |</strong> El titular del Suoem le dijo al intendente que "va a pagar caro, esta infamia y canallada"–por la publiación de sueldos–. Los municipales realizaron una ruidosa protesta en el Palacio 6 de Julio</p> </div> </div>
<div class="col300-nomargen">
- <div class="bloque300x295 nota-secundaria"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota "> <p class="texto8 color-politica"><a class="color-politica" href="buscador.asp?q=Viaje presidencial">Viaje presidencial</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a target="_blank" href=" en Holanda: los reyes lo alojan en su residencia"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" title="Compartir en Facebook"/></a><a target="_blank" href=" en Holanda: los reyes lo alojan en su residencia"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" title="Compartir en Twitter" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div> <div class="multimedia-reposo"> </div> <div class="imagen-nota view view-first"> <img src="../../../../admin/playerswf/fotos/ARCHI_356216400x285.jpg" alt="El Presidente arribó junto a su esposa, Juliana Awada." title="El Presidente arribó junto a su esposa, Juliana Awada."/> <div class="mask"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Macri-en-Holanda-los-reyes-lo-alojan-en-su-residencia-180445.asp"><p><strong>21:55 |</strong> El Presidente fue al país europeo con el objetivo de captar inversiones. Participará del Foro de Negocios en la Bolsa de Amsterdam y se reunirá con Guillermo y Máxima y con el primer ministro.</p></a> <div class="multimedia"> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota "> <h2><a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Macri-en-Holanda-los-reyes-lo-alojan-en-su-residencia-180445.asp">Macri en Holanda: los reyes lo alojan en su residencia</a></h2> </div> </div> <div class="bloque300x295 nota-secundaria"> <div class="categoria-y-redes"> <div class="categoria-nota "> <p class="texto8 color-deportes"><a class="color-deportes" href="buscador.asp?q=Primera División">Primera División</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="compartir-redes"> <a target="_blank" href=" venci&#243; ag&#243;nicamente a Godoy Cruz en El Cilindro"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-facebook-notas.png" alt="Compartir en Facebook" title="Compartir en Facebook"/></a><a target="_blank" href=" venci&#243; ag&#243;nicamente a Godoy Cruz en El Cilindro"><img src="../../../../imagenes/icono-twitter-notas.png" title="Compartir en Twitter" alt="Compartir en Twitter" /></a> </div> <div class="multimedia-reposo"> <div class="icono-multimedia"><img src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png"/></div> <div class="icono-multimedia-video"><img src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario-video.png"/></div> </div> <div class="imagen-nota view view-first"> <img src="../../../../admin/playerswf/fotos/ARCHI_356249400x285.jpg" alt="Racing venció a Godoy Cruz y escaló en la tabla." title="Racing venció a Godoy Cruz y escaló en la tabla."/> <div class="mask"> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Racing-vencio-agonicamente-a-Godoy-Cruz-en-El-Cilindro-180413.asp"><p><strong>22:22 |</strong> Fue 2-1 en Avellaneda. "El Tomba" ganaba con gol de Correa, pero "La Academia" lo dio vuelta sobre el final por intermedio de González y Bou. Con el triunfo, el local quedó sexto, con 27 puntos.</p></a> <div class="multimedia"> <div class="slide-audios"> <div id="Item_6180413_0" class="contenedor-general-hidden"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <p> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Racing-vencio-agonicamente-a-Godoy-Cruz-en-El-Cilindro-180413.asp?audio=356245#audios"><span id="botonplay356245_0"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt="Gol de Godoy Cruz (Correa)" title="Gol de Godoy Cruz (Correa)" /></span></a> </p> </div> <div class="texto-audio"> <p>Gol de Godoy Cruz (Correa)</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="margin2top"><a class="compartir" href="../../../../audio.asp?id=356245&titulo=Gol-de-Godoy-Cruz-Correa">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Item_6180413_1" class="contenedor-general-hidden" style="display:none;"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <p> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Racing-vencio-agonicamente-a-Godoy-Cruz-en-El-Cilindro-180413.asp?audio=356246#audios"><span id="botonplay356246_1"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt="1º gol de Racing (González)" title="1º gol de Racing (González)" /></span></a> </p> </div> <div class="texto-audio"> <p>1º gol de Racing (González)</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="margin2top"><a class="compartir" href="../../../../audio.asp?id=356246&titulo=1-gol-de-Racing-Gonzalez">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Item_6180413_2" class="contenedor-general-hidden" style="display:none;"> <div class="icono-multimedia"> <p> <a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Racing-vencio-agonicamente-a-Godoy-Cruz-en-El-Cilindro-180413.asp?audio=356247#audios"><span id="botonplay356247_2"><img class="play" src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario.png" alt="2º gol de Racing (Bou)" title="2º gol de Racing (Bou)" /></span></a> </p> </div> <div class="texto-audio"> <p>2º gol de Racing (Bou)</p> <div class="compartir-audio"> <p class="margin2top"><a class="compartir" href="../../../../audio.asp?id=356247&titulo=2-gol-de-Racing-Bou">Compartir</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="contador-audios"> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="JavaScript:ChangeItemBloque(6180413,2,'anterior')"><img src="../../../../imagenes/flecha-audio-anterior.gif" width="17" height="13" alt="flecha" /></a> </div> <div class="floatleft colorfff"> <span id="Count_Item_6180413">1</span> de 3 </div> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="JavaScript:ChangeItemBloque(6180413,2,'siguiente')"><img src="../../../../imagenes/flecha-audio-siguiente.gif" width="17" height="13" alt="flecha" /></a> </div> </div> <script> if( typeof(bloquedin) == "undefined" ) {var bloquedin = new Object();} bloquedin[6180413]=0; </script> </div> <div class="icono-multimedia-video"><a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Racing-vencio-agonicamente-a-Godoy-Cruz-en-El-Cilindro-180413.asp"><img src="../../../../imagenes/play-secundario-video.png" title="Racing 2 - 1 Godoy Cruz" alt="Racing 2 - 1 Godoy Cruz"/></a></div> </div></div> </div> <div class="titulo-nota "> <h2><a href="../../../../contenido/2017/03/25/Racing-vencio-agonicamente-a-Godoy-Cruz-en-El-Cilindro-180413.asp">Racing venció agónicamente a Godoy Cruz en El Cilindro</a></h2> </div> </div>
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diff --git a/test/test-pages/normalize-spaces/expected-metadata.json b/test/test-pages/normalize-spaces/expected-metadata.json
deleted file mode 100644
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- "title": "Normalize space test",
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- "excerpt": "Lorem\n ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod\n\ttab here\n incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,\n quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo\n consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse\n cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non\n proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
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deleted file mode 100644
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-<div id="readability-page-1" class="page">
- <article>
- <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tab here incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. </p>
- <h2>Foo</h2>
- <p> Tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. </p>
- </article>
-</div> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/test-pages/normalize-spaces/source.html b/test/test-pages/normalize-spaces/source.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b230798..0000000
--- a/test/test-pages/normalize-spaces/source.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <meta charset="utf-8"/>
- <title>Normalize space test</title>
- <article>
- <h1>Lorem</h1>
- <div>
- Lorem
- ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
- tab here
- incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
- quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
- consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
- cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
- proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
- </div>
- <h2>Foo</h2>
- <div>
- Tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
- quis nostrud exercitation
- ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
- consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
- cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
- proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
- </div>
- </article>
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index 04ae357..775568a 100644
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-<div id="readability-page-1" class="page">
- <div class="story-body-supplemental">
- <div class="story-body story-body-1">
- <figure id="media-100000004869232" class="media photo lede layout-large-horizontal" data-media-action="modal" itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope="" itemid="" itemtype="" aria-label="media" role="group">
- <span class="visually-hidden">Photo</span>
- <div class="image"><img src="" alt="" class="media-viewer-candidate" data-mediaviewer-src="" data-mediaviewer-caption="United Nations peacekeepers at a refugee camp in Sudan on Monday. In exchange for the lifting of United States trade sanctions, Sudan has said it will improve access for aid groups, stop supporting rebels in neighboring South Sudan and cooperate with American intelligence agents." data-mediaviewer-credit="Ashraf Shazly/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images" itemprop="url" itemid="" />
- <meta itemprop="height" content="512" />
- <meta itemprop="width" content="768" />
- </div>
- <figcaption class="caption" itemprop="caption description">
- <span class="caption-text">United Nations peacekeepers at a refugee camp in Sudan on Monday. In exchange for the lifting of United States trade sanctions, Sudan has said it will improve access for aid groups, stop supporting rebels in neighboring South Sudan and cooperate with American intelligence agents.</span>
- <span class="credit" itemprop="copyrightHolder">
- <span class="visually-hidden">Credit</span> Ashraf Shazly/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images </span>
- </figcaption>
- </figure>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="194" data-total-count="194">LONDON — After nearly 20 years of hostile relations, the American government plans to reverse its position on <a href="" title="More news and information about Sudan." class="meta-loc">Sudan</a> and lift trade sanctions, Obama administration officials said late Thursday.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="250" data-total-count="444">Sudan is one of the poorest, most isolated and most violent countries in Africa, and for years the United States has imposed punitive measures against it in a largely unsuccessful attempt to get the Sudanese government to stop killing its own people.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="293" data-total-count="737">On Friday, the Obama administration will announce a new Sudan strategy. For the first time since the 1990s, the nation will be able to trade extensively with the United States, allowing it to buy goods like tractors and spare parts and attract much-needed investment in its collapsing economy.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="193" data-total-count="930">In return, Sudan will improve access for aid groups, stop supporting rebels in neighboring <a href="" title="More articles about South Sudan." class="meta-loc">South Sudan</a>, cease the bombing of insurgent territory and cooperate with American intelligence agents.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="344" data-total-count="1274">American officials said Sudan had already shown important progress on a number of these fronts. But to make sure the progress continues, the executive order that President Obama plans to sign on Friday, days before leaving office, will have a six-month review period. If Sudan fails to live up to its commitments, the embargo can be reinstated.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="204" data-total-count="1478" id="story-continues-1">Analysts said good relations with Sudan could strengthen moderate voices within the country and give the Sudanese government incentives to refrain from the brutal tactics that have defined it for decades.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="295" data-total-count="1773">In 1997, President Bill Clinton imposed a <a href="">comprehensive trade embargo against Sudan and blocked the assets of the Sudanese government</a>, which was suspected of sponsoring international terrorism. In the mid-1990s, Osama bin Laden lived in Khartoum, the capital, as a guest of Sudan’s government.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="224" data-total-count="1997">In 1998, Bin Laden’s agents blew up the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing more than 200 people. In retaliation, Mr. Clinton ordered a cruise missile strike against a pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="474" data-total-count="2471">Since then, American-Sudanese relations have steadily soured. The conflict in Darfur, a vast desert region of western Sudan, was a low point. After rebels in Darfur staged an uprising in 2003, Sudanese security services and their militia allies slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians, leading to condemnation around the world, genocide charges at the International Criminal Court against Sudan’s president, Omar Hassan al-Bashir, and a new round of American sanctions.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="275" data-total-count="2746">American officials said Thursday that the American demand that Mr. Bashir be held accountable had not changed. Neither has Sudan’s status as one of the few countries, along with Iran and Syria, that remain on the <a href="">American government’s list of state sponsors of terrorism</a>.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="124" data-total-count="2870">Sales of military equipment will still be prohibited, and some Sudanese militia and rebel leaders will still face sanctions.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="264" data-total-count="3134">But the Obama administration is clearly trying to open a door to Sudan. There is intense discontent across the country, and its economy is imploding. American officials have argued for years that it was time to help Sudan dig itself out of the hole it had created.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="231" data-total-count="3365">Officials divulged Thursday that the Sudanese government had allowed two visits by American operatives to a restricted border area near Libya, which they cited as evidence of a new spirit of cooperation on counterterrorism efforts.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="248" data-total-count="3613" id="story-continues-2">In addition to continuing violence in Darfur, several other serious conflicts are raging in southern and central Sudan, along with a civil war in newly independent South Sudan, which Sudan has been suspected of inflaming with covert arms shipments.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="145" data-total-count="3758"><a href="">Eric Reeves</a>, one of the leading American academic voices on Sudan, said he was “appalled” that the American government was lifting sanctions.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="215" data-total-count="3973">He said that Sudan’s military-dominated government continued to commit grave human rights abuses and atrocities, and he noted that just last week Sudanese security services <a href="">killed</a><a href=""> more than 10 civilians in Darfur</a>.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="250" data-total-count="4223">“There is no reason to believe the guys in charge have changed their stripes,” said Mr. Reeves, a senior fellow at the François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University. “These guys are the worst of the worst.”</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="208" data-total-count="4431">Obama administration officials said that they had briefed President-elect Donald J. Trump’s transition team, but that they did not know if Mr. Trump would stick with a policy of warmer relations with Sudan.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="143" data-total-count="4574">They said that Sudan had a long way to go in terms of respecting human rights, but that better relations could help increase American leverage.</p>
- <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="149" data-total-count="4723" data-node-uid="1">Mr. Reeves said he thought that the American government was being manipulated and that the Obama administration had made a “deal with the devil.”</p><a class="visually-hidden skip-to-text-link" href="#whats-next">Continue reading the main story</a>
- </div>
- </div>
+<div class="story-body story-body-1">
+ <figure aria-label="media" class="media photo lede layout-large-horizontal" data-media-action="modal" id="media-100000004869232" itemid="" itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope="" itemtype="" role="group"><span class="visually-hidden">Photo</span>
+ <div class="image">
+ <img alt="" class="media-viewer-candidate" data-mediaviewer-caption="United Nations peacekeepers at a refugee camp in Sudan on Monday. In exchange for the lifting of United States trade sanctions, Sudan has said it will improve access for aid groups, stop supporting rebels in neighboring South Sudan and cooperate with American intelligence agents." data-mediaviewer-credit="Ashraf Shazly/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images" data-mediaviewer-src="" itemid="" itemprop="url" src=""></img>
+ <meta content="512" itemprop="height"></meta><meta content="768" itemprop="width"></meta></div>
+ <figcaption class="caption" itemprop="caption description"><span class="caption-text">United Nations peacekeepers at a refugee camp in Sudan on Monday. In exchange for the lifting of United States trade sanctions, Sudan has said it will improve access for aid groups, stop supporting rebels in neighboring South Sudan and cooperate with American intelligence agents.</span>
+ <span class="credit" itemprop="copyrightHolder">
+ <span class="visually-hidden">Credit</span> Ashraf Shazly/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images </span>
+ </figcaption></figure><p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="194" data-total-count="194">LONDON — After nearly 20 years of hostile relations, the American government plans to reverse its position on <a class="meta-loc" href="" title="More news and information about Sudan.">Sudan</a> and lift trade sanctions, Obama administration officials said late Thursday.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="250" data-total-count="444">Sudan is one of the poorest, most isolated and most violent countries in Africa, and for years the United States has imposed punitive measures against it in a largely unsuccessful attempt to get the Sudanese government to stop killing its own people.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="293" data-total-count="737">On Friday, the Obama administration will announce a new Sudan strategy. For the first time since the 1990s, the nation will be able to trade extensively with the United States, allowing it to buy goods like tractors and spare parts and attract much-needed investment in its collapsing economy.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="193" data-total-count="930">In return, Sudan will improve access for aid groups, stop supporting rebels in neighboring <a class="meta-loc" href="" title="More articles about South Sudan.">South Sudan</a>, cease the bombing of insurgent territory and cooperate with American intelligence agents.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="344" data-total-count="1274">American officials said Sudan had already shown important progress on a number of these fronts. But to make sure the progress continues, the executive order that President Obama plans to sign on Friday, days before leaving office, will have a six-month review period. If Sudan fails to live up to its commitments, the embargo can be reinstated.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="204" data-total-count="1478" id="story-continues-1">Analysts said good relations with Sudan could strengthen moderate voices within the country and give the Sudanese government incentives to refrain from the brutal tactics that have defined it for decades.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="295" data-total-count="1773">In 1997, President Bill Clinton imposed a <a href="">comprehensive trade embargo against Sudan and blocked the assets of the Sudanese government</a>, which was suspected of sponsoring international terrorism. In the mid-1990s, Osama bin Laden lived in Khartoum, the capital, as a guest of Sudan’s government.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="224" data-total-count="1997">In 1998, Bin Laden’s agents blew up the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing more than 200 people. In retaliation, Mr. Clinton ordered a cruise missile strike against a pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="474" data-total-count="2471">Since then, American-Sudanese relations have steadily soured. The conflict in Darfur, a vast desert region of western Sudan, was a low point. After rebels in Darfur staged an uprising in 2003, Sudanese security services and their militia allies slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians, leading to condemnation around the world, genocide charges at the International Criminal Court against Sudan’s president, Omar Hassan al-Bashir, and a new round of American sanctions.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="275" data-total-count="2746">American officials said Thursday that the American demand that Mr. Bashir be held accountable had not changed. Neither has Sudan’s status as one of the few countries, along with Iran and Syria, that remain on the <a href="">American government’s list of state sponsors of terrorism</a>.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="124" data-total-count="2870">Sales of military equipment will still be prohibited, and some Sudanese militia and rebel leaders will still face sanctions.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="264" data-total-count="3134">But the Obama administration is clearly trying to open a door to Sudan. There is intense discontent across the country, and its economy is imploding. American officials have argued for years that it was time to help Sudan dig itself out of the hole it had created.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="231" data-total-count="3365">Officials divulged Thursday that the Sudanese government had allowed two visits by American operatives to a restricted border area near Libya, which they cited as evidence of a new spirit of cooperation on counterterrorism efforts.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="248" data-total-count="3613" id="story-continues-2">In addition to continuing violence in Darfur, several other serious conflicts are raging in southern and central Sudan, along with a civil war in newly independent South Sudan, which Sudan has been suspected of inflaming with covert arms shipments.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="145" data-total-count="3758"><a href="">Eric Reeves</a>, one of the leading American academic voices on Sudan, said he was “appalled” that the American government was lifting sanctions.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="215" data-total-count="3973">He said that Sudan’s military-dominated government continued to commit grave human rights abuses and atrocities, and he noted that just last week Sudanese security services <a href="">killed</a><a href=""> more than 10 civilians in Darfur</a>.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="250" data-total-count="4223">“There is no reason to believe the guys in charge have changed their stripes,” said Mr. Reeves, a senior fellow at the François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University. “These guys are the worst of the worst.”</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="208" data-total-count="4431">Obama administration officials said that they had briefed President-elect Donald J. Trump’s transition team, but that they did not know if Mr. Trump would stick with a policy of warmer relations with Sudan.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-para-count="143" data-total-count="4574">They said that Sudan had a long way to go in terms of respecting human rights, but that better relations could help increase American leverage.</p>
+ <p class="story-body-text story-content" data-node-uid="1" data-para-count="149" data-total-count="4723">Mr. Reeves said he thought that the American government was being manipulated and that the Obama administration had made a “deal with the devil.”</p>
+ <a class="visually-hidden skip-to-text-link" href="#whats-next">Continue reading the main story</a>
+ </div> \ No newline at end of file
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-<div id="readability-page-1" class="page">
- <div class="container">
- <div id="posts">
- <div class="post text">
- <h3><a href="">Minecraft 1.8 - The Bountiful Update</a></h3>
- <p>+ Added Granite, Andesite, and Diorite stone blocks, with smooth versions<br/>+ Added Slime Block<br/>+ Added Iron Trapdoor<br/>+ Added Prismarine and Sea Lantern blocks<br/>+ Added the Ocean Monument<br/>+ Added Red Sandstone<br/>+ Added Banners<br/>+ Added Armor Stands<br/>+ Added Coarse Dirt (dirt where grass won’t grow)<br/>+ Added Guardian mobs, with item drops<br/>+ Added Endermite mob<br/>+ Added Rabbits, with item drops<br/>+ Added Mutton and Cooked Mutton<br/>+ Villagers will harvest crops and plant new ones<br/>+ Mossy Cobblestone and Mossy Stone Bricks are now craftable<br/>+ Chiseled Stone Bricks are now craftable<br/>+ Doors and fences now come in all wood type variants<br/>+ Sponge block has regained its water-absorbing ability and becomes wet<br/>+ Added a spectator game mode (game mode 3)<br/>+ Added one new achievement<br/>+ Added “Customized” world type<br/>+ Added hidden “Debug Mode” world type<br/>+ Worlds can now have a world barrier<br/>+ Added @e target selector for Command Blocks<br/>+ Added /blockdata command<br/>+ Added /clone command<br/>+ Added /execute command<br/>+ Added /fill command<br/>+ Added /particle command<br/>+ Added /testforblocks command<br/>+ Added /title command<br/>+ Added /trigger command<br/>+ Added /worldborder command<br/>+ Added /stats command<br/>+ Containers can be locked in custom maps by using the “Lock” data tag<br/>+ Added logAdminCommands, showDeathMessages, reducedDebugInfo, sendCommandFeedback, and randomTickSpeed game rules<br/>+ Added three new statistics<br/>+ Player skins can now have double layers across the whole model, and left/right arms/legs can be edited independently<br/>+ Added a new player model with smaller arms, and a new player skin called Alex?<br/>+ Added options for configuring what pieces of the skin that are visible<br/>+ Blocks can now have custom visual variations in the resource packs<br/>+ Minecraft Realms now has an activity chart, so you can see who has been online<br/>+ Minecraft Realms now lets you upload your maps<br/>* Difficulty setting is saved per world, and can be locked if wanted<br/>* Enchanting has been redone, now costs lapis lazuli in addition to enchantment levels<br/>* Villager trading has been rebalanced<br/>* Anvil repairing has been rebalanced<br/>* Considerable faster client-side performance<br/>* Max render distance has been increased to 32 chunks (512 blocks)<br/>* Adventure mode now prevents you from destroying blocks, unless your items have the CanDestroy data tag<br/>* Resource packs can now also define the shape of blocks and items, and not just their textures<br/>* Scoreboards have been given a lot of new features<br/>* Tweaked the F3 debug screen<br/>* Block ID numbers (such as 1 for stone), are being replaced by ID names (such as minecraft:stone)<br/>* Server list has been improved<br/>* A few minor changes to village and temple generation<br/>* Mob heads for players now show both skin layers<br/>* Buttons can now be placed on the ceiling<br/>* Lots and lots of other changes<br/>* LOTS AND LOTS of other changes<br/>- Removed Herobrine</p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
+<div class="post text">
+ <h3><a href="">Minecraft 1.8 - The Bountiful Update</a></h3>
+ <p>+ Added Granite, Andesite, and Diorite stone blocks, with smooth versions<br></br>+ Added Slime Block<br></br>+ Added Iron Trapdoor<br></br>+ Added Prismarine and Sea Lantern blocks<br></br>+ Added the Ocean Monument<br></br>+ Added Red Sandstone<br></br>+ Added Banners<br></br>+ Added Armor Stands<br></br>+ Added Coarse Dirt (dirt where grass won’t grow)<br></br>+ Added Guardian mobs, with item drops<br></br>+ Added Endermite mob<br></br>+ Added Rabbits, with item drops<br></br>+ Added Mutton and Cooked Mutton<br></br>+ Villagers will harvest crops and plant new ones<br></br>+ Mossy Cobblestone and Mossy Stone Bricks are now craftable<br></br>+ Chiseled Stone Bricks are now craftable<br></br>+ Doors and fences now come in all wood type variants<br></br>+ Sponge block has regained its water-absorbing ability and becomes wet<br></br>+ Added a spectator game mode (game mode 3)<br></br>+ Added one new achievement<br></br>+ Added “Customized” world type<br></br>+ Added hidden “Debug Mode” world type<br></br>+ Worlds can now have a world barrier<br></br>+ Added @e target selector for Command Blocks<br></br>+ Added /blockdata command<br></br>+ Added /clone command<br></br>+ Added /execute command<br></br>+ Added /fill command<br></br>+ Added /particle command<br></br>+ Added /testforblocks command<br></br>+ Added /title command<br></br>+ Added /trigger command<br></br>+ Added /worldborder command<br></br>+ Added /stats command<br></br>+ Containers can be locked in custom maps by using the “Lock” data tag<br></br>+ Added logAdminCommands, showDeathMessages, reducedDebugInfo, sendCommandFeedback, and randomTickSpeed game rules<br></br>+ Added three new statistics<br></br>+ Player skins can now have double layers across the whole model, and left/right arms/legs can be edited independently<br></br>+ Added a new player model with smaller arms, and a new player skin called Alex?<br></br>+ Added options for configuring what pieces of the skin that are visible<br></br>+ Blocks can now have custom visual variations in the resource packs<br></br>+ Minecraft Realms now has an activity chart, so you can see who has been online<br></br>+ Minecraft Realms now lets you upload your maps<br></br>* Difficulty setting is saved per world, and can be locked if wanted<br></br>* Enchanting has been redone, now costs lapis lazuli in addition to enchantment levels<br></br>* Villager trading has been rebalanced<br></br>* Anvil repairing has been rebalanced<br></br>* Considerable faster client-side performance<br></br>* Max render distance has been increased to 32 chunks (512 blocks)<br></br>* Adventure mode now prevents you from destroying blocks, unless your items have the CanDestroy data tag<br></br>* Resource packs can now also define the shape of blocks and items, and not just their textures<br></br>* Scoreboards have been given a lot of new features<br></br>* Tweaked the F3 debug screen<br></br>* Block ID numbers (such as 1 for stone), are being replaced by ID names (such as minecraft:stone)<br></br>* Server list has been improved<br></br>* A few minor changes to village and temple generation<br></br>* Mob heads for players now show both skin layers<br></br>* Buttons can now be placed on the ceiling<br></br>* Lots and lots of other changes<br></br>* LOTS AND LOTS of other changes<br></br>- Removed Herobrine</p>
+ </div> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/test-pages/webmd-1/expected-metadata.json b/test/test-pages/webmd-1/expected-metadata.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ceddcf..0000000
--- a/test/test-pages/webmd-1/expected-metadata.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "title": "Babies Who Eat Peanuts Early May Avoid Allergy",
- "byline": "By Brenda Goodman, MA\n WebMD Health News",
- "excerpt": "Life-threatening peanut allergies have mysteriously been on the rise in the past decade, with little hope for a cure. But a groundbreaking new study may offer a way to stem that rise, while another may offer some hope for those who are already allergic.",
- "readerable": true
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- <p>Feb. 23, 2015 -- Life-threatening peanut allergies have mysteriously been on the rise in the past decade, with little hope for a cure.</p>
- <p xmlns:xalan="">But a groundbreaking new study may offer a way to stem that rise, while another may offer some hope for those who are already allergic.</p>
- <p>Parents have been told for years to avoid giving foods containing peanuts to babies for fear of triggering an allergy. Now research shows the opposite is true: Feeding babies snacks made with peanuts before their first birthday appears to prevent that from happening.</p>
- <p>The study is published in the <i>New England Journal of Medicine,</i> and it was presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology in Houston. It found that among children at high risk for getting peanut allergies, eating peanut snacks by 11 months of age and continuing to eat them at least three times a week until age 5 cut their chances of becoming allergic by more than 80% compared to kids who avoided peanuts. Those at high risk were already allergic to egg, they had the skin condition <a href="" onclick="return sl(this,'','embd-lnk');" class="Article">eczema</a>, or both.</p>
- <p>Overall, about 3% of kids who ate peanut butter or peanut snacks before their first birthday got an allergy, compared to about 17% of kids who didn’t eat them.</p>
- <p>“I think this study is an astounding and groundbreaking study, really,” says Katie Allen, MD, PhD. She's the director of the Center for Food and Allergy Research at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia. Allen was not involved in the research.</p>
- <p>Experts say the research should shift thinking about how kids develop <a href="" onclick="return sl(this,'','embd-lnk');" class="Article">food allergies</a>, and it should change the guidance doctors give to parents.</p>
- <p>Meanwhile, for children and adults who are already <a href="" onclick="return sl(this,'','embd-lnk');" class="Article">allergic to peanuts</a>, another study presented at the same meeting held out hope of a treatment.</p>
- <p>A new skin patch called Viaskin allowed people with peanut allergies to eat tiny amounts of peanuts after they wore it for a year.</p>
- <a name="1"> </a>
- <h3>A Change in Guidelines?</h3>
- <p>Allergies to peanuts and other foods are on the rise. In the U.S., more than 2% of people react to peanuts, a 400% increase since 1997. And reactions to peanuts and other tree nuts can be especially severe. Nuts are the main reason people get a life-threatening problem called <a href="" onclick="return sl(this,'','embd-lnk');" class="Article">anaphylaxis</a>.</p>
- </div>
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- <h2>Babies Who Eat Peanuts Early May Avoid Allergy</h2>
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- <div class="author_fmt">By <a rel="author" href="" onclick="return sl(this,'','prog-lnk');">Brenda Goodman, MA</a>
- <br/>WebMD Health News</div>
- <div class="reviewedBy_fmt">Reviewed by <a onclick="return sl(this,'','prog-lnk');" href="">Hansa D. Bhargava, MD</a>
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- <h3></h3>
- <p></p>
- <p>Feb. 23, 2015 -- Life-threatening peanut allergies have mysteriously been
- on the rise in the past decade, with little hope for a cure.</p>
- <p xmlns:xalan="">But a groundbreaking new study may offer a way to stem that rise, while
- another may offer some hope for those who are already allergic.</p>
- <p>Parents have been told for years to avoid giving foods containing peanuts
- to babies for fear of triggering an allergy. Now research shows the opposite
- is true: Feeding babies snacks made with peanuts before their first birthday
- appears to prevent that from happening.</p>
- <p>The study is published in the <i>New England Journal of Medicine,</i> and
- it was presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy,
- Asthma and Immunology in Houston. It found that among children at high
- risk for getting peanut allergies, eating peanut snacks by 11 months of
- age and continuing to eat them at least three times a week until age 5
- cut their chances of becoming allergic by more than 80% compared to kids
- who avoided peanuts. Those at high risk were already allergic to egg, they
- had the skin condition <a href=""
- onclick="return sl(this,'','embd-lnk');" class="Article">eczema</a>, or
- both.</p>
- <p>Overall, about 3% of kids who ate peanut butter or peanut snacks before
- their first birthday got an allergy, compared to about 17% of kids who
- didn’t eat them.</p>
- <p>“I think this study is an astounding and groundbreaking study, really,”
- says Katie Allen, MD, PhD. She's the director of the Center for Food and
- Allergy Research at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne,
- Australia. Allen was not involved in the research.</p>
- <p>Experts say the research should shift thinking about how kids develop
- <a
- href="" onclick="return sl(this,'','embd-lnk');"
- class="Article">food allergies</a>, and it should change the guidance doctors give to
- parents.</p>
- <p>Meanwhile, for children and adults who are already <a href=""
- onclick="return sl(this,'','embd-lnk');" class="Article">allergic to peanuts</a>,
- another study presented at the same meeting held out hope of a treatment.</p>
- <p>A new skin patch called Viaskin allowed people with peanut allergies to
- eat tiny amounts of peanuts after they wore it for a year.</p>
- <p></p> <a name="1"> </a>
- <h3>A Change in Guidelines?</h3>
- <p>Allergies to peanuts and other foods are on the rise. In the U.S., more
- than 2% of people react to peanuts, a 400% increase since 1997. And reactions
- to peanuts and other tree nuts can be especially severe. Nuts are the main
- reason people get a life-threatening problem called <a href=""
- onclick="return sl(this,'','embd-lnk');" class="Article">anaphylaxis</a>.</p>
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-<div id="readability-page-1" class="page">
- <div class="entry-content">
- <p>Although Lucasfilm is already planning a birthday bash for the Star Wars Saga at <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable">Celebration Orlando</a> this April, fans might get another present for the saga’s 40th anniversary. According to fan site <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable"></a>, rumors abound that Lucasfilm might re-release the unaltered cuts of the saga’s original trilogy.</p>
- <p>If the rumors are true, this is big news for Star Wars fans. Aside from limited VHS releases, the unaltered cuts of the original trilogy films haven’t been available since they premiered in theaters in the 1970s and ’80s. If Lucasfilm indeed re-releases the films’ original cuts, then this will be the first time in decades that fans can see the films in their original forms. Here’s what makes the unaltered cuts of the original trilogy so special.</p>
- <h2>The Star Wars Special Editions Caused Controversy
- <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable"><img class="size-full aligncenter" src="" alt="star wars han solo" srcset=" 400w, 627w, 800w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 840px) 100vw, (max-width: 1064px) calc(100vw - 300px), 627px" /></a>
- </h2>
- <p>Thanks to the commercial success of Star Wars, <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable">George Lucas</a> has revisited and further edited his films for re-releases. The most notable — and controversial — release were the <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable">Special Editions</a> of the original trilogy. In 1997, to celebrate the saga’s 20th anniversary, Lucasfilm spent a total of $15 million to remaster <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable"><em>A New Hope</em></a>, <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable"><em>The Empire Strikes Back</em></a>, and <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable"><em>Return of the Jedi</em></a>. The Special Editions had stints in theaters before moving to home media.</p>
- <p>Although most of the Special Editions’ changes were cosmetic, others significantly affected the plot of the films. The most notable example is the “<a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable">Han shot first</a>” scene in <em>A New Hope</em>. As a result, the Special Editions generated significant controversy among Star Wars fans. Many fans remain skeptical about George Lucas’s decision to finish each original trilogy film “the way it was meant to be.”</p>
- <p>
- <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable"><img class="size-full aligncenter" src="" alt="star wars" srcset=" 400w, 627w, 800w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 840px) 100vw, (max-width: 1064px) calc(100vw - 300px), 627px" /></a>
- </p>
- <p>While the Special Editions represent the most significant edits to the original trilogy, the saga has undergone other changes. Following up on the saga’s first Blu-ray release in 2011, Industrial Light &amp; Magic (ILM) began remastering the entire saga in 3D, starting with the prequel trilogy. <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable"><em>The Phantom Menace</em></a> saw a theatrical 3D re-release in 2012, but Disney’s 2012 acquisition of Lucasfilm indefinitely postponed further 3D releases.</p>
- <p>In 2015, <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable"><em>Attack of the Clones</em></a> and <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable"><em>Revenge of the Sith</em></a> received limited 3D showings at <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable">Celebration Anaheim</a>. Other than that, it seems as though Disney has decided to refocus Lucasfilm’s efforts to new films. Of course, that’s why the saga has produced new content beginning with <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable"><em>The Force Awakens</em></a>. However, it looks like Lucasfilm isn’t likely to generate 3D versions of the original trilogy anytime soon.</p>
- <h2>Why the Original Film Cuts Matter</h2>
- <p>
- <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable"><img class="size-full aligncenter" src="" alt="" srcset=" 400w, 627w, 800w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 840px) 100vw, (max-width: 1064px) calc(100vw - 300px), 627px" /></a>
- </p>
- <p>Admittedly, the differences between the original trilogy’s unaltered cuts and the Special Editions appeal to more hardcore fans. Casual fans are less likely to care about whether <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable">Greedo</a> or <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable">Han Solo</a> shot first. Still, given Star Wars’ indelible impact on pop culture, there’s certainly a market for the original trilogy’s unaltered cuts. They might not be for every Star Wars fan, but many of us care about them.</p>
- <p>ILM supervisor <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable">John Knoll</a>, who first pitched the <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable">story idea</a> for <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable"><em>Rogue One</em></a>, said <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable">last year</a> that ILM finished a brand new 4K restoration print of <em>A New Hope</em>. For that reason, it seems likely that Lucasfilm will finally give diehard fans the original film cuts that they’ve clamored for. There’s no word yet whether the unaltered cuts will be released in theaters or on home media. At the very least, however, fans will likely get them after all this time. After all, the Special Editions marked the saga’s 20th anniversary. Star Wars turns 40 years old this year, so there’s no telling what’s in store.</p>
- <hr/>
- <p class="cta-fandom-contributor">
- <em>
- Would you like to be part of the Fandom team? <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable">Join our Fan Contributor Program</a> and share your voice on <a href="" data-is="trackable" riot-tag="trackable"></a>! </em>
+<div class="entry-content">
+ <p>Although Lucasfilm is already planning a birthday bash for the Star Wars Saga at <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable">Celebration Orlando</a> this April, fans might get another present for the saga’s 40th anniversary. According to fan site <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable"></a>, rumors abound that Lucasfilm might re-release the unaltered cuts of the saga’s original trilogy.</p>
+ <p>If the rumors are true, this is big news for Star Wars fans. Aside from limited VHS releases, the unaltered cuts of the original trilogy films haven’t been available since they premiered in theaters in the 1970s and ’80s. If Lucasfilm indeed re-releases the films’ original cuts, then this will be the first time in decades that fans can see the films in their original forms. Here’s what makes the unaltered cuts of the original trilogy so special.</p>
+ <h2>The Star Wars Special Editions Caused Controversy
+ <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable"><img alt="star wars han solo" class="size-full aligncenter" sizes="(max-width: 840px) 100vw, (max-width: 1064px) calc(100vw - 300px), 627px" src="" srcset=" 400w, 627w, 800w, 1200w"></img></a>
+ </h2>
+ <p>Thanks to the commercial success of Star Wars, <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable">George Lucas</a> has revisited and further edited his films for re-releases. The most notable — and controversial — release were the <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable">Special Editions</a> of the original trilogy. In 1997, to celebrate the saga’s 20th anniversary, Lucasfilm spent a total of $15 million to remaster <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable"><em>A New Hope</em></a>, <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable"><em>The Empire Strikes Back</em></a>, and <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable"><em>Return of the Jedi</em></a>. The Special Editions had stints in theaters before moving to home media.</p>
+ <p>Although most of the Special Editions’ changes were cosmetic, others significantly affected the plot of the films. The most notable example is the “<a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable">Han shot first</a>” scene in <em>A New Hope</em>. As a result, the Special Editions generated significant controversy among Star Wars fans. Many fans remain skeptical about George Lucas’s decision to finish each original trilogy film “the way it was meant to be.”</p>
+ <p>
+ <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable"><img alt="star wars" class="size-full aligncenter" sizes="(max-width: 840px) 100vw, (max-width: 1064px) calc(100vw - 300px), 627px" src="" srcset=" 400w, 627w, 800w, 1200w"></img></a>
+ </p>
+ <p>While the Special Editions represent the most significant edits to the original trilogy, the saga has undergone other changes. Following up on the saga’s first Blu-ray release in 2011, Industrial Light &amp; Magic (ILM) began remastering the entire saga in 3D, starting with the prequel trilogy. <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable"><em>The Phantom Menace</em></a> saw a theatrical 3D re-release in 2012, but Disney’s 2012 acquisition of Lucasfilm indefinitely postponed further 3D releases.</p>
+ <p>In 2015, <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable"><em>Attack of the Clones</em></a> and <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable"><em>Revenge of the Sith</em></a> received limited 3D showings at <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable">Celebration Anaheim</a>. Other than that, it seems as though Disney has decided to refocus Lucasfilm’s efforts to new films. Of course, that’s why the saga has produced new content beginning with <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable"><em>The Force Awakens</em></a>. However, it looks like Lucasfilm isn’t likely to generate 3D versions of the original trilogy anytime soon.</p>
+ <h2>Why the Original Film Cuts Matter</h2>
+ <p>
+ <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable"><img alt="" class="size-full aligncenter" sizes="(max-width: 840px) 100vw, (max-width: 1064px) calc(100vw - 300px), 627px" src="" srcset=" 400w, 627w, 800w, 1200w"></img></a>
+ </p>
+ <p>Admittedly, the differences between the original trilogy’s unaltered cuts and the Special Editions appeal to more hardcore fans. Casual fans are less likely to care about whether <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable">Greedo</a> or <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable">Han Solo</a> shot first. Still, given Star Wars’ indelible impact on pop culture, there’s certainly a market for the original trilogy’s unaltered cuts. They might not be for every Star Wars fan, but many of us care about them.</p>
+ <p>ILM supervisor <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable">John Knoll</a>, who first pitched the <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable">story idea</a> for <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable"><em>Rogue One</em></a>, said <a data-is="trackable" href="" riot-tag="trackable">last year</a> that ILM finished a brand new 4K restoration print of <em>A New Hope</em>. For that reason, it seems likely that Lucasfilm will finally give diehard fans the original film cuts that they’ve clamored for. There’s no word yet whether the unaltered cuts will be released in theaters or on home media. At the very least, however, fans will likely get them after all this time. After all, the Special Editions marked the saga’s 20th anniversary. Star Wars turns 40 years old this year, so there’s no telling what’s in store.</p>
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