# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ## Unreleased - Merged PR #24. Fixes notice when trying to extract `og:image` - Up to date to commit [eb221c5](https://github.com/mozilla/readability/commit/c3ff1a2d2c94c1db257b2c9aa88a4b8fbeb221c5) (2017-10-16), which includes the following changes: - New tags added to the unlikelyCandidates regex - Detection and removal of hierarchical separators in titles - Added more tags to clean after parsing the article (`button`, `textarea`, `select`, etc.) - New way to detect empty nodes (including a edge case where a node with a `&nsbp;` was detected as a node with content) - Better approach to find a top candidate (specially when a top candidate is the only child of a parent node, which allows a more accurate joining of sibling elements) - Detect text direction (`ltr` or `rtl`) - Detect and mark data tables to avoid removing them during final clean up - Major fixes when scanning and deleting nodes (no need to traverse backwards anymore) - Node cleaning via regex matches - Clean table attributes during final clean up. - Added license Next release after this one will be v1 and will be a major refactor around Readability and HTMLParser methods and responsibilities. ## [v0.2.2](https://github.com/andreskrey/readability.php/releases/tag/v0.2.2) - Added a safecheck for really nasty HTML - Added summonCthulhu option, to remove all script tags via regex ## [v0.2.1](https://github.com/andreskrey/readability.php/releases/tag/v0.2.1) - Added `normalizeEntities` flag to convert UTF-8 characters to its HTML Entity equivalent. Fixes bugs on htmls with mixed encoding. - Added more information to the readme.md file - New way to create a backup DOM: not creating a backup. In the previous version, the system cloned the $this->dom object to keep it as a backup in order to restart the algorithm with other flags, if needed. This seemed to work until I realized that *sometimes* the backup changes even if we are not touching it. Seems that the `dom` and `backupdom` objects are linked and *some* changes on the dom object reach the bakcupdom object. The new approach consists in deleting the backupdom object and recreating from scratch the dom object. Of course this has a performance impact, but seems to be quite low. ## [v0.2.0](https://github.com/andreskrey/readability.php/releases/tag/v0.2.0) 100% complete port of Readability.js! - Every test unit passes - Readability.php produces the same exact output as Readability.js - I'm happy :) ### Fixed - Lots of bugs - Merged PR by DavidFricker to avoid exceptions while grabbing the document content ### Added - substituteEntities flag, to avoid replacing especial characters with HTML entities. There's nothing we can do about ` `, that entity is replaced by libxml and there's no way to disable it. - Named data sets so it's easier to detect which test case is failing. ### Removed - Couple of test cases that involved broken JS. There's nothing we can do about JS spilling onto the text. ## [0.0.3-alpha](https://github.com/andreskrey/readability.php/releases/tag/v0.0.3v-alpha) We are getting closer to be a 100% complete port of Readability.js! - Added prepArticle to remove junk after selecting the top candidates. - Added a function to restore score after selecting top candidates. This basically works by scanning the data-readability tag and restoring the score to the contentScore variable. This is an horrible hack and should be removed once we ditch the Element interface of html-to-markdown and start extending the DOMDocument object. - Switched all strlen functions to mb_strlen - Fixed lots of bugs and pretty sure that introduced a bunch of new ones. ## [0.0.2-alpha](https://github.com/andreskrey/readability.php/releases/tag/v0.0.2-alpha) - Last version I'm using master as the main development branch. All unreleased changes and main development will happen in the develop branch. ## [0.0.1-alpha](https://github.com/andreskrey/readability.php/releases/tag/v0.0.1-alpha) - Initial release