Snopes fact checker and staff writer David Emery posted to Twitter asking if there were “any un-angry Trump supporters?”

Emery, a writer for partisan “fact-checking” website which soon will be in charge of labelling “fake news” alongside ABC News and Politifact, retweeted an article by Vulture magazine relating to the protests of the Hamilton musical following the decision by the cast of the show to make a public announcement to Vice-president elect Mike Pence while he watched the performance with his family.


The tweet from Vulture magazine reads, “#Hamilton Chicago show interrupted by angry Trump supporter.” Emery retweeted the story, saying, “Are there un-angry Trump supporters?”

This isn’t the first time the writer has expressed anti-Trump sentiment on his Twitter page. In another tweet in which Emery links to an article that falsely attributes a quote to President-elect Trump, Emery states, “Incredibly, some people actually think they have to put words in Trump’s mouth to make him look bad.”

Emery also retweeted an article by New York magazine that claimed President-elect Trump relied on lies to win during his campaign and that we now lived in a “post-truth” society. “Before long we’ll all have forgotten what it was like to live in the same universe; or maybe we already have,” Emery tweeted.

Facebook believe that Emery, along with other Snopes writers, ABC News, and Politifact are impartial enough to label and silence what they believe to be “fake news” on social media.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart Tech covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at