From 2b8b845abe7c13ecbb266613910484310cffe8e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Dolgov Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2021 21:14:35 +0300 Subject: * use ORM for trivial queries * environment-based configuration * useradm.php -> update.php with new options * support for schema migrations * various fixes --- vendor/j4mie/idiorm/docs/querying.rst | 896 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 896 insertions(+) create mode 100644 vendor/j4mie/idiorm/docs/querying.rst (limited to 'vendor/j4mie/idiorm/docs/querying.rst') diff --git a/vendor/j4mie/idiorm/docs/querying.rst b/vendor/j4mie/idiorm/docs/querying.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ea5a25 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/j4mie/idiorm/docs/querying.rst @@ -0,0 +1,896 @@ +Querying +======== + +Idiorm provides a `*fluent +interface* `_ to enable +simple queries to be built without writing a single character of SQL. If +you've used `jQuery `_ at all, you'll be familiar +with the concept of a fluent interface. It just means that you can +*chain* method calls together, one after another. This can make your +code more readable, as the method calls strung together in order can +start to look a bit like a sentence. + +All Idiorm queries start with a call to the ``for_table`` static method +on the ORM class. This tells the ORM which table to use when making the +query. + +*Note that this method **does not** escape its query parameter and so +the table name should **not** be passed directly from user input.* + +Method calls which add filters and constraints to your query are then +strung together. Finally, the chain is finished by calling either +``find_one()`` or ``find_many()``, which executes the query and returns +the result. + +Let's start with a simple example. Say we have a table called ``person`` +which contains the columns ``id`` (the primary key of the record - +Idiorm assumes the primary key column is called ``id`` but this is +configurable, see below), ``name``, ``age`` and ``gender``. + +A note on PSR-1 and camelCase +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +All the methods detailed in the documentation can also be called in a PSR-1 way: +underscores (_) become camelCase. Here follows an example of one query chain +being converted to a PSR-1 compliant style. + +.. code-block:: php + + where('name', 'Fred Bloggs')->find_one(); + + // PSR-1 compliant style + $person = ORM::forTable('person')->where('name', 'Fred Bloggs')->findOne(); + +As you can see any method can be changed from the documented underscore (_) format +to that of a camelCase method name. + +.. note:: + + In the background the PSR-1 compliant style uses the `__call()` and + `__callStatic()` magic methods to map the camelCase method name you supply + to the original underscore method name. It then uses `call_user_func_array()` + to apply the arguments to the method. If this minimal overhead is too great + then you can simply revert to using the underscore methods to avoid it. In + general this will not be a bottle neck in any application however and should + be considered a micro-optimisation. + + As `__callStatic()` was added in PHP 5.3.0 you will need at least that version + of PHP to use this feature in any meaningful way. + +Single records +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Any method chain that ends in ``find_one()`` will return either a +*single* instance of the ORM class representing the database row you +requested, or ``false`` if no matching record was found. + +To find a single record where the ``name`` column has the value "Fred +Bloggs": + +.. code-block:: php + + where('name', 'Fred Bloggs')->find_one(); + +This roughly translates into the following SQL: +``SELECT * FROM person WHERE name = "Fred Bloggs"`` + +To find a single record by ID, you can pass the ID directly to the +``find_one`` method: + +.. code-block:: php + + find_one(5); + +If you are using a compound primary key, you can find the records +using an array as the parameter: + +.. code-block:: php + + find_one(array( + 'user_id' => 34, + 'role_id' => 10 + )); + + +Multiple records +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +.. note:: + + It is recommended that you use results sets over arrays - see `As a result set` + below. + +Any method chain that ends in ``find_many()`` will return an *array* of +ORM class instances, one for each row matched by your query. If no rows +were found, an empty array will be returned. + +To find all records in the table: + +.. code-block:: php + + find_many(); + +To find all records where the ``gender`` is ``female``: + +.. code-block:: php + + where('gender', 'female')->find_many(); + +As a result set +''''''''''''''' + +.. note:: + + There is a configuration setting ``return_result_sets`` that will cause + ``find_many()`` to return result sets by default. It is recommended that you + turn this setting on: + + :: + + ORM::configure('return_result_sets', true); + +You can also find many records as a result set instead of an array of Idiorm +instances. This gives you the advantage that you can run batch operations on a +set of results. + +So for example instead of running this: + +.. code-block:: php + + find_many(); + foreach ($people as $person) { + $person->age = 50; + $person->save(); + } + +You can simply do this instead: + +.. code-block:: php + + find_result_set() + ->set('age', 50) + ->save(); + +To do this substitute any call to ``find_many()`` with +``find_result_set()``. + +A result set will also behave like an array so you can `count()` it and `foreach` +over it just like an array. + +.. code-block:: php + + find_result_set() as $record) { + echo $record->name; + } + +.. code-block:: php + + find_result_set()); + +.. note:: + + For deleting many records it is recommended that you use `delete_many()` as it + is more efficient than calling `delete()` on a result set. + +As an associative array +''''''''''''''''''''''' + +You can also find many records as an associative array instead of Idiorm +instances. To do this substitute any call to ``find_many()`` with +``find_array()``. + +.. code-block:: php + + where('gender', 'female')->find_array(); + +This is useful if you need to serialise the the query output into a +format like JSON and you do not need the ability to update the returned +records. + +Counting results +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +To return a count of the number of rows that would be returned by a +query, call the ``count()`` method. + +.. code-block:: php + + count(); + +Filtering results +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Idiorm provides a family of methods to extract only records which +satisfy some condition or conditions. These methods may be called +multiple times to build up your query, and Idiorm's fluent interface +allows method calls to be *chained* to create readable and +simple-to-understand queries. + +*Caveats* +''''''''' + +Only a subset of the available conditions supported by SQL are available +when using Idiorm. Additionally, all the ``WHERE`` clauses will be +``AND``\ ed together when the query is run. Support for ``OR``\ ing +``WHERE`` clauses is not currently present. + +These limits are deliberate: these are by far the most commonly used +criteria, and by avoiding support for very complex queries, the Idiorm +codebase can remain small and simple. + +Some support for more complex conditions and queries is provided by the +``where_raw`` and ``raw_query`` methods (see below). If you find +yourself regularly requiring more functionality than Idiorm can provide, +it may be time to consider using a more full-featured ORM. + +Equality: ``where``, ``where_equal``, ``where_not_equal`` +''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' + +By default, calling ``where`` with two parameters (the column name and +the value) will combine them using an equals operator (``=``). For +example, calling ``where('name', 'Fred')`` will result in the clause +``WHERE name = "Fred"``. + +If your coding style favours clarity over brevity, you may prefer to use +the ``where_equal`` method: this is identical to ``where``. + +The ``where_not_equal`` method adds a ``WHERE column != "value"`` clause +to your query. + +You can specify multiple columns and their values in the same call. In this +case you should pass an associative array as the first parameter. The array +notation uses keys as column names. + +.. code-block:: php + + where(array( + 'name' => 'Fred', + 'age' => 20 + )) + ->find_many(); + + // Creates SQL: + SELECT * FROM `person` WHERE `name` = "Fred" AND `age` = "20"; + +Shortcut: ``where_id_is`` +''''''''''''''''''''''''' + +This is a simple helper method to query the table by primary key. +Respects the ID column specified in the config. If you are using a compound +primary key, you must pass an array where the key is the column name. Columns +that don't belong to the key will be ignored. + +Shortcut: ``where_id_in`` +''''''''''''''''''''''''' + +This helper method is similar to ``where_id_is`, but it expects an array of +primary keys to be selected. It is compound primary keys aware. + +Less than / greater than: ``where_lt``, ``where_gt``, ``where_lte``, ``where_gte`` +'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' + +There are four methods available for inequalities: + +- Less than: + ``$people = ORM::for_table('person')->where_lt('age', 10)->find_many();`` +- Greater than: + ``$people = ORM::for_table('person')->where_gt('age', 5)->find_many();`` +- Less than or equal: + ``$people = ORM::for_table('person')->where_lte('age', 10)->find_many();`` +- Greater than or equal: + ``$people = ORM::for_table('person')->where_gte('age', 5)->find_many();`` + +String comparision: ``where_like`` and ``where_not_like`` +''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' + +To add a ``WHERE ... LIKE`` clause, use: + +.. code-block:: php + + where_like('name', '%fred%')->find_many(); + +Similarly, to add a ``WHERE ... NOT LIKE`` clause, use: + +.. code-block:: php + + where_not_like('name', '%bob%')->find_many(); + +Multiple OR'ed conditions +''''''''''''''''''''''''' + +You can add simple OR'ed conditions to the same WHERE clause using ``where_any_is``. You +should specify multiple conditions using an array of items. Each item will be an +associative array that contains a multiple conditions. + +.. code-block:: php + + where_any_is(array( + array('name' => 'Joe', 'age' => 10), + array('name' => 'Fred', 'age' => 20))) + ->find_many(); + + // Creates SQL: + SELECT * FROM `widget` WHERE (( `name` = 'Joe' AND `age` = '10' ) OR ( `name` = 'Fred' AND `age` = '20' )); + +By default, it uses the equal operator for every column, but it can be overriden for any +column using a second parameter: + +.. code-block:: php + + where_any_is(array( + array('name' => 'Joe', 'age' => 10), + array('name' => 'Fred', 'age' => 20)), array('age' => '>')) + ->find_many(); + + // Creates SQL: + SELECT * FROM `widget` WHERE (( `name` = 'Joe' AND `age` = '10' ) OR ( `name` = 'Fred' AND `age` > '20' )); + +If you want to set the default operator for all the columns, just pass it as the second parameter: + +.. code-block:: php + + where_any_is(array( + array('score' => '5', 'age' => 10), + array('score' => '15', 'age' => 20)), '>') + ->find_many(); + + // Creates SQL: + SELECT * FROM `widget` WHERE (( `score` > '5' AND `age` > '10' ) OR ( `score` > '15' AND `age` > '20' )); + +Set membership: ``where_in`` and ``where_not_in`` +''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' + +To add a ``WHERE ... IN ()`` or ``WHERE ... NOT IN ()`` clause, use the +``where_in`` and ``where_not_in`` methods respectively. + +Both methods accept two arguments. The first is the column name to +compare against. The second is an *array* of possible values. As all the +``where_`` methods, you can specify multiple columns using an associative +*array* as the only parameter. + +.. code-block:: php + + where_in('name', array('Fred', 'Joe', 'John'))->find_many(); + +Working with ``NULL`` values: ``where_null`` and ``where_not_null`` +''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' + +To add a ``WHERE column IS NULL`` or ``WHERE column IS NOT NULL`` +clause, use the ``where_null`` and ``where_not_null`` methods +respectively. Both methods accept a single parameter: the column name to +test. + +Raw WHERE clauses +''''''''''''''''' + +If you require a more complex query, you can use the ``where_raw`` +method to specify the SQL fragment for the WHERE clause exactly. This +method takes two arguments: the string to add to the query, and an +(optional) array of parameters which will be bound to the string. If +parameters are supplied, the string should contain question mark +characters (``?``) to represent the values to be bound, and the +parameter array should contain the values to be substituted into the +string in the correct order. + +This method may be used in a method chain alongside other ``where_*`` +methods as well as methods such as ``offset``, ``limit`` and +``order_by_*``. The contents of the string you supply will be connected +with preceding and following WHERE clauses with AND. + +.. code-block:: php + + where('name', 'Fred') + ->where_raw('(`age` = ? OR `age` = ?)', array(20, 25)) + ->order_by_asc('name') + ->find_many(); + + // Creates SQL: + SELECT * FROM `person` WHERE `name` = "Fred" AND (`age` = 20 OR `age` = 25) ORDER BY `name` ASC; + +.. note:: + + You must wrap your expression in parentheses when using any of ``ALL``, + ``ANY``, ``BETWEEN``, ``IN``, ``LIKE``, ``OR`` and ``SOME``. Otherwise + the precedence of ``AND`` will bind stronger and in the above example + you would effectively get ``WHERE (`name` = "Fred" AND `age` = 20) OR `age` = 25`` + +Note that this method only supports "question mark placeholder" syntax, +and NOT "named placeholder" syntax. This is because PDO does not allow +queries that contain a mixture of placeholder types. Also, you should +ensure that the number of question mark placeholders in the string +exactly matches the number of elements in the array. + +If you require yet more flexibility, you can manually specify the entire +query. See *Raw queries* below. + +Limits and offsets +'''''''''''''''''' + +*Note that these methods **do not** escape their query parameters and so +these should **not** be passed directly from user input.* + +The ``limit`` and ``offset`` methods map pretty closely to their SQL +equivalents. + +.. code-block:: php + + where('gender', 'female')->limit(5)->offset(10)->find_many(); + +Ordering +'''''''' + +*Note that these methods **do not** escape their query parameters and so +these should **not** be passed directly from user input.* + +Two methods are provided to add ``ORDER BY`` clauses to your query. +These are ``order_by_desc`` and ``order_by_asc``, each of which takes a +column name to sort by. The column names will be quoted. + +.. code-block:: php + + order_by_asc('gender')->order_by_desc('name')->find_many(); + +If you want to order by something other than a column name, then use the +``order_by_expr`` method to add an unquoted SQL expression as an +``ORDER BY`` clause. + +.. code-block:: php + + order_by_expr('SOUNDEX(`name`)')->find_many(); + +Grouping +^^^^^^^^ + +*Note that this method **does not** escape it query parameter and so +this should **not** by passed directly from user input.* + +To add a ``GROUP BY`` clause to your query, call the ``group_by`` +method, passing in the column name. You can call this method multiple +times to add further columns. + +.. code-block:: php + + where('gender', 'female')->group_by('name')->find_many(); + +It is also possible to ``GROUP BY`` a database expression: + +.. code-block:: php + + where('gender', 'female')->group_by_expr("FROM_UNIXTIME(`time`, '%Y-%m')")->find_many(); + +Having +^^^^^^ + +When using aggregate functions in combination with a ``GROUP BY`` you can use +``HAVING`` to filter based on those values. + +``HAVING`` works in exactly the same way as all of the ``where*`` functions in Idiorm. +Substitute ``where_`` for ``having_`` to make use of these functions. + +For example: + +.. code-block:: php + + group_by('name')->having_not_like('name', '%bob%')->find_many(); + +Result columns +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +By default, all columns in the ``SELECT`` statement are returned from +your query. That is, calling: + +.. code-block:: php + + find_many(); + +Will result in the query: + +.. code-block:: php + + `_ to specify +many columns at once. + +.. code-block:: php + + select('name')->select('age')->find_many(); + +Will result in the query: + +.. code-block:: php + + select('name', 'person_name')->find_many(); + +Will result in the query: + +.. code-block:: php + + select('', 'person_name')->find_many(); + +Will result in the query: + +.. code-block:: php + + `_ +to specify many expressions at once. + +.. code-block:: php + + select_expr('COUNT(*)', 'count')->find_many(); + +Will result in the query: + +.. code-block:: php + + select_many('name', 'age')->find_many(); + +Will result in the query: + +.. code-block:: php + + select_many(array('first_name' => 'name'), 'age', 'height')->find_many(); + +Will result in the query: + +.. code-block:: php + + 'column', 'column2', 'alias2' => 'column3'), 'column4', 'column5') + select_many('column', 'column2', 'column3') + select_many(array('column', 'column2', 'column3'), 'column4', 'column5') + +All the select methods can also be chained with each other so you could +do the following to get a neat select query including an expression: + +.. code-block:: php + + select_many('name', 'age', 'height')->select_expr('NOW()', 'timestamp')->find_many(); + +Will result in the query: + +.. code-block:: php + + distinct()->select('name')->find_many(); + +This will result in the query: + +.. code-block:: php + + join('person_profile', array('', '=', 'person_profile.person_id'))->find_many(); + +It is also possible to specify the condition as a string, which will be +inserted as-is into the query. However, in this case the column names +will **not** be escaped, and so this method should be used with caution. + +.. code-block:: php + + join('person_profile', ' = person_profile.person_id')->find_many(); + +The ``join`` methods also take an optional third parameter, which is an +``alias`` for the table in the query. This is useful if you wish to join +the table to *itself* to create a hierarchical structure. In this case, +it is best combined with the ``table_alias`` method, which will add an +alias to the *main* table associated with the ORM, and the ``select`` +method to control which columns get returned. + +.. code-block:: php + + table_alias('p1') + ->select('p1.*') + ->select('', 'parent_name') + ->join('person', array('p1.parent', '=', ''), 'p2') + ->find_many(); + +Raw JOIN clauses +''''''''''''''''' + +If you need to construct a more complex query, you can use the ``raw_join`` +method to specify the SQL fragment for the JOIN clause exactly. This +method takes four required arguments: the string to add to the query, +the conditions is as an *array* containing three components: +the first column, the operator, and the second column, the table alias and +(optional) the parameters array. If parameters are supplied, +the string should contain question mark characters (``?``) to represent +the values to be bound, and the parameter array should contain the values +to be substituted into the string in the correct order. + +This method may be used in a method chain alongside other ``*_join`` +methods as well as methods such as ``offset``, ``limit`` and +``order_by_*``. The contents of the string you supply will be connected +with preceding and following JOIN clauses. + +.. code-block:: php + + raw_join( + 'JOIN (SELECT * FROM role WHERE = ?)', + array('person.role_id', '=', ''), + 'role', + array('role' => 'janitor')) + ->order_by_asc('') + ->find_many(); + + // Creates SQL: + SELECT * FROM `person` JOIN (SELECT * FROM role WHERE = 'janitor') `role` ON `person`.`role_id` = `role`.`id` ORDER BY `person`.`name` ASC + +Note that this method only supports "question mark placeholder" syntax, +and NOT "named placeholder" syntax. This is because PDO does not allow +queries that contain a mixture of placeholder types. Also, you should +ensure that the number of question mark placeholders in the string +exactly matches the number of elements in the array. + +If you require yet more flexibility, you can manually specify the entire +query. See *Raw queries* below. + + +Aggregate functions +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +There is support for ``MIN``, ``AVG``, ``MAX`` and ``SUM`` in addition +to ``COUNT`` (documented earlier). + +To return a minimum value of column, call the ``min()`` method. + +.. code-block:: php + + min('height'); + +The other functions (``AVG``, ``MAX`` and ``SUM``) work in exactly the +same manner. Supply a column name to perform the aggregate function on +and it will return an integer. + +Raw queries +^^^^^^^^^^^ + +If you need to perform more complex queries, you can completely specify +the query to execute by using the ``raw_query`` method. This method +takes a string and optionally an array of parameters. The string can +contain placeholders, either in question mark or named placeholder +syntax, which will be used to bind the parameters to the query. + +.. code-block:: php + + raw_query('SELECT p.* FROM person p JOIN role r ON p.role_id = WHERE = :role', array('role' => 'janitor'))->find_many(); + +The ORM class instance(s) returned will contain data for all the columns +returned by the query. Note that you still must call ``for_table`` to +bind the instances to a particular table, even though there is nothing +to stop you from specifying a completely different table in the query. +This is because if you wish to later called ``save``, the ORM will need +to know which table to update. + +.. note:: + + Using ``raw_query`` is advanced and possibly dangerous, and + Idiorm does not make any attempt to protect you from making errors when + using this method. If you find yourself calling ``raw_query`` often, you + may have misunderstood the purpose of using an ORM, or your application + may be too complex for Idiorm. Consider using a more full-featured + database abstraction system. + +Raw SQL execution using PDO +''''''''''''''''''''''''''' + +.. warning:: + + By using this function you're dropping down to PHPs PDO directly. Idiorm + does not make any attempt to protect you from making errors when using this + method. + + You're essentially just using Idiorm to manage the connection and configuration + when you implement ``raw_execute()``. + +It can be handy, in some instances, to make use of the PDO instance underneath +Idiorm to make advanced queries. These can be things like dropping a table from +the database that Idiorm doesn't support and will not support in the future. These +are operations that fall outside the 80/20 philosophy of Idiorm. That said there is +a lot of interest in this function and quite a lot of support requests related to +it. + +This method directly maps to `PDOStatement::execute()`_ underneath so please +familiarise yourself with it's documentation. + +Dropping tables +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This can be done very simply using ``raw_execute()``. + +.. code-block:: php + + fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { + var_dump($row); + } + +It is also worth noting that ``$statement`` is a ``PDOStatement`` instance so calling +its ``fetch()`` method is the same as if you had called against PDO without Idiorm. + +Getting the PDO instance +'''''''''''''''''''''''' + +.. warning:: + + By using this function you're dropping down to PHPs PDO directly. Idiorm + does not make any attempt to protect you from making errors when using this + method. + + You're essentially just using Idiorm to manage the connection and configuration + when you implement against ``get_db()``. + +If none of the preceeding methods suit your purposes then you can also get direct +access to the PDO instance underneath Idiorm using ``ORM::get_db()``. This will +return a configured instance of `PDO`_. + +.. code-block:: php + + query('SHOW TABLES') as $row) { + var_dump($row); + } + +.. _PDOStatement::execute(): +.. _PDO: -- cgit v1.2.3