#!/bin/sh -e if ! id app >/dev/null 2>&1; then # what if i actually need a duplicate GID/UID group? addgroup -g $OWNER_GID app || echo app:x:$OWNER_GID:app | \ tee -a /etc/group adduser -D -h /var/www/html -G app -u $OWNER_UID app || \ echo app:x:$OWNER_UID:$OWNER_GID:Linux User,,,:/var/www/html:/bin/ash | tee -a /etc/passwd fi DST_DIR=/var/www/html/books [ -e $DST_DIR ] && rm -f $DST_DIR/.app_is_ready export PGPASSWORD=$DB_PASS [ ! -e /var/www/html/index.php ] && cp ${SCRIPT_ROOT}/index.php /var/www/html if [ -z $SKIP_RSYNC_ON_STARTUP ]; then if [ ! -d $DST_DIR ]; then rsync -a \ $SRC_DIR/ $DST_DIR/ else rsync -a --delete \ --exclude sessions \ --exclude lib/fonts \ --exclude db \ $SRC_DIR/ $DST_DIR/ fi fi if [ ! -e $DST_DIR/index.php ]; then echo "error: epube index.php missing (git clone failed?), unable to continue." exit 1 fi if [ -r ${SCRIPT_ROOT}/restore.db ]; then cp ${SCRIPT_ROOT}/restore.db ${DST_DIR}/${EPUBE_SCRATCH_DB} fi chown -R $OWNER_UID:$OWNER_GID $DST_DIR \ /var/log/php81 for d in db sessions; do mkdir -p $DST_DIR/$d chmod -R 777 $DST_DIR/$d done cp ${SCRIPT_ROOT}/config.docker.php $DST_DIR/config.php if [ ! -z "${EPUBE_XDEBUG_ENABLED}" ]; then if [ -z "${EPUBE_XDEBUG_HOST}" ]; then export EPUBE_XDEBUG_HOST=$(ip ro sh 0/0 | cut -d " " -f 3) fi echo enabling xdebug with the following parameters: env | grep EPUBE_XDEBUG cat > /etc/php81/conf.d/50_xdebug.ini <> /proc/1/fd/2) & if ! sudo -Eu app php81 $DST_DIR/update.php --user-list | grep -q "$EPUBE_ADMIN_USER"; then sudo -Eu app php81 $DST_DIR/update.php --user-add "$EPUBE_ADMIN_USER:$EPUBE_ADMIN_PASS" fi touch $DST_DIR/.app_is_ready exec /usr/sbin/php-fpm81 --nodaemonize --force-stderr -R