# /etc/dictd/dictd.conf # This is the configuration file for /usr/sbin/dictd. The access # specification included in this file allows access only from the # localhost. If this machine is acting as a server for a network you # will probably want to add additional access specifications in this # file. See the dictd manpage - man dictd. # A sample database section is generated automatically upon # installation or removal of the dictd package or any dictionary # database package. Replace the ``include /var/lib/dictd/db.list'' # line below if you wish to provide a custom database section. # Customization may also be achieved via the optional dictdconfig # order override file /etc/dictd/dictd.order. See the dictdconfig # manpage - man dictdconfig. # Older dictionary database packages did not automatically # invoke /usr/sbin/dictdconfig upon installation and removal, # so you may need to do so manually. # Site section here: global { #listen_to # bind to local interfacea only } # Access section here: access { allow * allow localhost allow # this allows access only from local host allow inetd # this allows access from inetd server } # Database section here: include /var/lib/dictd/db.list # User section here: