The Epube ========= web EPUB reader using EPUB.js, Bootstrap, and Calibre. Copyright (c) 2017 Andrew Dolgov (unless explicitly stated otherwise). Requirements ============ * HTTPS: required for service workers to work * PDO::sqlite * Calibre books directory and metadata.db Host installation ================= Note: Consider using [docker-compose]( instead. Most of the stuff below is handled for you automatically then. ```sh git clone the-epube ``` **WARNING:** since database folder is, by default, accessible for unauthenticated HTTP requests it is recommended to set ``SCRATCH_DB`` to a secure random value (i.e. ``db/long-random-string.db``) or put it outside of scope accessible by your http server. Alternatively, you can simply block access to ``db``: ```nginx location /the-epube/db { deny all; } ``` 1. Apply database migrations ```sh php ./update.php --update-schema ``` 2. Ensure both scratch.db and its containing folder (i.e. db/) are writable by the application, normally this means chown-ing them as www-data or whatever user your httpd is running under. ```sh chown www-data db/ db/scratch.db ``` 3. Set path to Calibre, etc, in `config.php`: ```ini putenv('EPUBE_BOOKS_DIR=/home/user/calibre/Books'); ``` See `classes/config.php` for the list of settings. 4. Setup users via update.php (command line) ``` php ./update.php --help ``` Acknowledgements ================ Normal favicon from Silk icon pack - License ======= GNU GPL version 3.