The Epube ========= web EPUB reader using EPUB.js, Bootstrap, and Calibre. * responsive design * relies on HTTP Authentication provided by httpd * has transparent offline mode via service workers * can optionally store files locally for later reading * supports word definition lookups using dictd * supports Chrome homescreen "app mode" Installation ============ 1. Initialize scratch.db
sqlite3 db/scratch.db < schema.sql
2. Ensure both scratch.db and its containing folder (i.e. db/) are writable by the application, normally this means chown-ing them as www-data or whatever user your httpd is running under.
chown www-data db/ db/sratch.db
3. Copy config.php-dist to config.php and edit path to Calibre, etc. 4. Setup HTTP Basic authentication for epube directories. This is required, even if you're the only user. Discussion ========== Requirements ============ * php-sqlite * Calibre books directory and metadata.db Acknowledgements ================ 1. Hires favicon by Flaticon - 2. Normal favicon from Silk icon pack - License ======= GNU GPL version 3.