'use strict'; /* global localforage, EpubeApp, App, Cookie, $ */ const DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 16; const DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY = "Georgia"; const DEFAULT_LINE_HEIGHT = 140; const MIN_LENGTH_TO_JUSTIFY = 32; /* characters */ const LOCATION_DIVISOR = 10; const PAGE_RESET_PROGRESS = -1; Promise.allSettled = Promise.allSettled || ((promises) => Promise.all( promises.map((p) => p .then((value) => ({ status: "fulfilled", value })) .catch((reason) => ({ status: "rejected", reason })) ) )); const Reader = { csrf_token: "", last_stored_cfi: "", prevent_lastread_update: false, hyphenate: {}, init: function() { this.csrf_token = Cookie.get('epube_csrf_token'); console.log('setting prefilter for token', this.csrf_token); $.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, originalOptions/*, jqXHR*/) { if (originalOptions.type !== 'post' || options.type !== 'post') { return; } const datatype = typeof originalOptions.data; if (datatype == 'object') options.data = $.param($.extend(originalOptions.data, {"csrf_token": Reader.csrf_token})); else if (datatype == 'string') options.data = originalOptions.data + "&csrf_token=" + encodeURIComponent(Reader.srf_token); console.log('>>>', options); }); $(document).on("keyup", function(e) { Reader.hotkeyHandler(e); }); $("#left").on("mouseup", function() { Reader.Page.prev(); }); $("#right").on("mouseup", function() { Reader.Page.next(); }); Reader.Loader.init(); }, onOfflineModeChanged: function(offline) { console.log('onOfflineModeChanged', offline); if (!offline && window.book) { const book = window.book; console.log("we're online, storing lastread"); const currentCfi = book.rendition.currentLocation().start.cfi; const currentPage = parseInt(book.locations.percentageFromCfi(currentCfi) * 100); $.post("backend.php", { op: "storelastread", id: $.urlParam("id"), page: currentPage, cfi: currentCfi, timestamp: new Date().getTime() }, function() { // }) .fail(function(e) { if (e && e.status == 401) { window.location = "index.php"; } }); } }, initSecondStage: function() { if (typeof EpubeApp != "undefined") { EpubeApp.setPage("PAGE_READER"); } else { $(window).on('online', function() { Reader.onOfflineModeChanged(false); }); $(window).on('offline', function() { Reader.onOfflineModeChanged(true); }); } Reader.applyTheme(); return localforage.getItem(Reader.cacheId()).then(function(item) { if (!item) { console.log('requesting bookinfo...') return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const bookId = $.urlParam("b"); $.post("backend.php", {op: "getinfo", id: bookId }).success(function(data) { if (data) { if (data.has_cover) { fetch("backend.php?op=cover&id=" + bookId, {credentials: 'same-origin'}).then(function(resp) { if (resp.status == 200) { localforage.setItem(Reader.cacheId('cover'), resp.blob()); } }); } return localforage.setItem(Reader.cacheId(), data).then(function() { console.log('bookinfo saved'); resolve(); }) } reject(new Error("unable to load book info: blank")); }).error(function(xhr) { $(".loading-message").html("Unable to load book info.
" + xhr.status + ""); reject(new Error("unable to load book info: " + xhr.status)); }); }); } else { console.log('bookinfo already stored'); } }).then(function() { console.log('trying to load book...'); localforage.getItem(Reader.cacheId("book")).then(function(item) { if (item) { console.log("loading from local storage"); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { const fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function() { try { return book.open(this.result).then(function() { resolve(); }) } catch (e) { $(".loading-message").html("Unable to load book (local)."); console.log(e); reject(new Error("Unable to load book (local):" + e)); } }; fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(item); }); } else { console.log("loading from network"); if (App.isOnline()) { const book_url = "backend.php?op=download&id=" + $.urlParam("id"); $(".loading-message").html("Downloading…"); return fetch(book_url, {credentials: 'same-origin'}).then(function(resp) { if (resp.status == 200) { return resp.blob().then(function(blob) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function() { book.open(this.result).then(function() { // let's store this for later localforage.setItem(Reader.cacheId('book'), blob).then(function() { resolve(); }) }).catch((e) => { $(".loading-message").html("Unable to open book.
" + e + ""); reject(new Error("Unable to open book: " + e)); }); }; fileReader.onerror = function(e) { console.log('filereader error', e); $(".loading-message").html("Unable to open book.
" + e + ""); reject(new Error("Unable to open book: " + e)); }; fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); }); }).catch((e) => { console.log('blob error', e); $(".loading-message").html("Unable to download book.
" + e + ""); }); } else { $(".loading-message").html("Unable to download book: " + resp.status + "."); } }).catch(function(e) { console.warn(e); if ($(".loading").is(":visible")) { $(".loading-message").html("Unable to load book (remote).
" + e + ""); } }); } else { $(".loading-message").html("This book is not available offline."); } } }); /* global ePub */ const book = ePub(); window.book = book; const rendition = book.renderTo("reader", { width: '100%', height: '100%', allowScriptedContent: true, minSpreadWidth: 961 }); localforage.getItem("epube.enable-hyphens").then(function(enable_hyphens) { if (enable_hyphens) { /* global hyphenationPatternsEnUs, hyphenationPatternsRu, createHyphenator */ Reader.hyphenate.en = createHyphenator(hyphenationPatternsEnUs, { html: true }); Reader.hyphenate.ru = createHyphenator(hyphenationPatternsRu, { html: true }); } Reader.applyStyles(true); /* rendition.hooks.content.register(function() { Reader.applyStyles(); }); */ rendition.display().then(function() { console.log("book displayed"); }); }); rendition.hooks.content.register(function(contents) { contents.on("linkClicked", function(href) { console.log('linkClicked', href); Reader.prevent_lastread_update = true; if (href.indexOf("://") == -1) { $(".prev_location_btn") .attr("data-location-cfi", book.rendition.currentLocation().start.cfi) .show(); window.setTimeout(function() { Reader.showUI(true); }, 50); } }); const base_url = window.location.href.match(/^.*\//)[0]; const res_names = [ "dist/app-libs.min.js", "dist/reader_iframe.min.js" ]; const doc = contents.document; for (let i = 0; i < res_names.length; i++) { // we need to create script element with proper context, that is inside the iframe const elem = doc.createElement("script"); elem.type = 'text/javascript'; elem.text = Reader.Loader._res_data[base_url + res_names[i]]; doc.head.appendChild(elem); } $(contents.document.head) .append($("