import {extend, type, findChildren, RangeObject, isNumber} from "./utils/core"; const ELEMENT_NODE = 1; const TEXT_NODE = 3; const COMMENT_NODE = 8; const DOCUMENT_NODE = 9; /** * Parsing and creation of EpubCFIs: * Implements: * - Character Offset: epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4[body01]/10[para05]/2/1:3) * - Simple Ranges : epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4[body01]/10[para05],/2/1:1,/3:4) * Does Not Implement: * - Temporal Offset (~) * - Spatial Offset (@) * - Temporal-Spatial Offset (~ + @) * - Text Location Assertion ([) * @class @param {string | Range | Node } [cfiFrom] @param {string | object} [base] @param {string} [ignoreClass] class to ignore when parsing DOM */ class EpubCFI { constructor(cfiFrom, base, ignoreClass){ var type; this.str = ""; this.base = {}; this.spinePos = 0; // For compatibility this.range = false; // true || false; this.path = {}; this.start = null; this.end = null; // Allow instantiation without the "new" keyword if (!(this instanceof EpubCFI)) { return new EpubCFI(cfiFrom, base, ignoreClass); } if(typeof base === "string") { this.base = this.parseComponent(base); } else if(typeof base === "object" && base.steps) { this.base = base; } type = this.checkType(cfiFrom); if(type === "string") { this.str = cfiFrom; return extend(this, this.parse(cfiFrom)); } else if (type === "range") { return extend(this, this.fromRange(cfiFrom, this.base, ignoreClass)); } else if (type === "node") { return extend(this, this.fromNode(cfiFrom, this.base, ignoreClass)); } else if (type === "EpubCFI" && cfiFrom.path) { return cfiFrom; } else if (!cfiFrom) { return this; } else { throw new TypeError("not a valid argument for EpubCFI"); } } /** * Check the type of constructor input * @private */ checkType(cfi) { if (this.isCfiString(cfi)) { return "string"; // Is a range object } else if (cfi && typeof cfi === "object" && (type(cfi) === "Range" || typeof(cfi.startContainer) != "undefined")){ return "range"; } else if (cfi && typeof cfi === "object" && typeof(cfi.nodeType) != "undefined" ){ // || typeof cfi === "function" return "node"; } else if (cfi && typeof cfi === "object" && cfi instanceof EpubCFI){ return "EpubCFI"; } else { return false; } } /** * Parse a cfi string to a CFI object representation * @param {string} cfiStr * @returns {object} cfi */ parse(cfiStr) { var cfi = { spinePos: -1, range: false, base: {}, path: {}, start: null, end: null }; var baseComponent, pathComponent, range; if(typeof cfiStr !== "string") { return {spinePos: -1}; } if(cfiStr.indexOf("epubcfi(") === 0 && cfiStr[cfiStr.length-1] === ")") { // Remove initial epubcfi( and ending ) cfiStr = cfiStr.slice(8, cfiStr.length-1); } baseComponent = this.getChapterComponent(cfiStr); // Make sure this is a valid cfi or return if(!baseComponent) { return {spinePos: -1}; } cfi.base = this.parseComponent(baseComponent); pathComponent = this.getPathComponent(cfiStr); cfi.path = this.parseComponent(pathComponent); range = this.getRange(cfiStr); if(range) { cfi.range = true; cfi.start = this.parseComponent(range[0]); cfi.end = this.parseComponent(range[1]); } // Get spine node position // cfi.spineSegment = cfi.base.steps[1]; // Chapter segment is always the second step cfi.spinePos = cfi.base.steps[1].index; return cfi; } parseComponent(componentStr){ var component = { steps: [], terminal: { offset: null, assertion: null } }; var parts = componentStr.split(":"); var steps = parts[0].split("/"); var terminal; if(parts.length > 1) { terminal = parts[1]; component.terminal = this.parseTerminal(terminal); } if (steps[0] === "") { steps.shift(); // Ignore the first slash } component.steps ={ return this.parseStep(step); }.bind(this)); return component; } parseStep(stepStr){ var type, num, index, has_brackets, id; has_brackets = stepStr.match(/\[(.*)\]/); if(has_brackets && has_brackets[1]){ id = has_brackets[1]; } //-- Check if step is a text node or element num = parseInt(stepStr); if(isNaN(num)) { return; } if(num % 2 === 0) { // Even = is an element type = "element"; index = num / 2 - 1; } else { type = "text"; index = (num - 1 ) / 2; } return { "type" : type, "index" : index, "id" : id || null }; } parseTerminal(termialStr){ var characterOffset, textLocationAssertion; var assertion = termialStr.match(/\[(.*)\]/); if(assertion && assertion[1]){ characterOffset = parseInt(termialStr.split("[")[0]); textLocationAssertion = assertion[1]; } else { characterOffset = parseInt(termialStr); } if (!isNumber(characterOffset)) { characterOffset = null; } return { "offset": characterOffset, "assertion": textLocationAssertion }; } getChapterComponent(cfiStr) { var indirection = cfiStr.split("!"); return indirection[0]; } getPathComponent(cfiStr) { var indirection = cfiStr.split("!"); if(indirection[1]) { let ranges = indirection[1].split(","); return ranges[0]; } } getRange(cfiStr) { var ranges = cfiStr.split(","); if(ranges.length === 3){ return [ ranges[1], ranges[2] ]; } return false; } getCharecterOffsetComponent(cfiStr) { var splitStr = cfiStr.split(":"); return splitStr[1] || ""; } joinSteps(steps) { if(!steps) { return ""; } return{ var segment = ""; if(part.type === "element") { segment += (part.index + 1) * 2; } if(part.type === "text") { segment += 1 + (2 * part.index); // TODO: double check that this is odd } if( { segment += "[" + + "]"; } return segment; }).join("/"); } segmentString(segment) { var segmentString = "/"; segmentString += this.joinSteps(segment.steps); if(segment.terminal && segment.terminal.offset != null){ segmentString += ":" + segment.terminal.offset; } if(segment.terminal && segment.terminal.assertion != null){ segmentString += "[" + segment.terminal.assertion + "]"; } return segmentString; } /** * Convert CFI to a epubcfi(...) string * @returns {string} epubcfi */ toString() { var cfiString = "epubcfi("; cfiString += this.segmentString(this.base); cfiString += "!"; cfiString += this.segmentString(this.path); // Add Range, if present if(this.range && this.start) { cfiString += ","; cfiString += this.segmentString(this.start); } if(this.range && this.end) { cfiString += ","; cfiString += this.segmentString(this.end); } cfiString += ")"; return cfiString; } /** * Compare which of two CFIs is earlier in the text * @returns {number} First is earlier = -1, Second is earlier = 1, They are equal = 0 */ compare(cfiOne, cfiTwo) { var stepsA, stepsB; var terminalA, terminalB; var rangeAStartSteps, rangeAEndSteps; var rangeBEndSteps, rangeBEndSteps; var rangeAStartTerminal, rangeAEndTerminal; var rangeBStartTerminal, rangeBEndTerminal; if(typeof cfiOne === "string") { cfiOne = new EpubCFI(cfiOne); } if(typeof cfiTwo === "string") { cfiTwo = new EpubCFI(cfiTwo); } // Compare Spine Positions if(cfiOne.spinePos > cfiTwo.spinePos) { return 1; } if(cfiOne.spinePos < cfiTwo.spinePos) { return -1; } if (cfiOne.range) { stepsA = cfiOne.path.steps.concat(cfiOne.start.steps); terminalA = cfiOne.start.terminal; } else { stepsA = cfiOne.path.steps; terminalA = cfiOne.path.terminal; } if (cfiTwo.range) { stepsB = cfiTwo.path.steps.concat(cfiTwo.start.steps); terminalB = cfiTwo.start.terminal; } else { stepsB = cfiTwo.path.steps; terminalB = cfiTwo.path.terminal; } // Compare Each Step in the First item for (var i = 0; i < stepsA.length; i++) { if(!stepsA[i]) { return -1; } if(!stepsB[i]) { return 1; } if(stepsA[i].index > stepsB[i].index) { return 1; } if(stepsA[i].index < stepsB[i].index) { return -1; } // Otherwise continue checking } // All steps in First equal to Second and First is Less Specific if(stepsA.length < stepsB.length) { return -1; } // Compare the character offset of the text node if(terminalA.offset > terminalB.offset) { return 1; } if(terminalA.offset < terminalB.offset) { return -1; } // CFI's are equal return 0; } step(node) { var nodeType = (node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) ? "text" : "element"; return { "id" :, "tagName" : node.tagName, "type" : nodeType, "index" : this.position(node) }; } filteredStep(node, ignoreClass) { var filteredNode = this.filter(node, ignoreClass); var nodeType; // Node filtered, so ignore if (!filteredNode) { return; } // Otherwise add the filter node in nodeType = (filteredNode.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) ? "text" : "element"; return { "id" :, "tagName" : filteredNode.tagName, "type" : nodeType, "index" : this.filteredPosition(filteredNode, ignoreClass) }; } pathTo(node, offset, ignoreClass) { var segment = { steps: [], terminal: { offset: null, assertion: null } }; var currentNode = node; var step; while(currentNode && currentNode.parentNode && currentNode.parentNode.nodeType != DOCUMENT_NODE) { if (ignoreClass) { step = this.filteredStep(currentNode, ignoreClass); } else { step = this.step(currentNode); } if (step) { segment.steps.unshift(step); } currentNode = currentNode.parentNode; } if (offset != null && offset >= 0) { segment.terminal.offset = offset; // Make sure we are getting to a textNode if there is an offset if(segment.steps[segment.steps.length-1].type != "text") { segment.steps.push({ "type" : "text", "index" : 0 }); } } return segment; } equalStep(stepA, stepB) { if (!stepA || !stepB) { return false; } if(stepA.index === stepB.index && === && stepA.type === stepB.type) { return true; } return false; } /** * Create a CFI object from a Range * @param {Range} range * @param {string | object} base * @param {string} [ignoreClass] * @returns {object} cfi */ fromRange(range, base, ignoreClass) { var cfi = { range: false, base: {}, path: {}, start: null, end: null }; var start = range.startContainer; var end = range.endContainer; var startOffset = range.startOffset; var endOffset = range.endOffset; var needsIgnoring = false; if (ignoreClass) { // Tell pathTo if / what to ignore needsIgnoring = (start.ownerDocument.querySelector("." + ignoreClass) != null); } if (typeof base === "string") { cfi.base = this.parseComponent(base); cfi.spinePos = cfi.base.steps[1].index; } else if (typeof base === "object") { cfi.base = base; } if (range.collapsed) { if (needsIgnoring) { startOffset = this.patchOffset(start, startOffset, ignoreClass); } cfi.path = this.pathTo(start, startOffset, ignoreClass); } else { cfi.range = true; if (needsIgnoring) { startOffset = this.patchOffset(start, startOffset, ignoreClass); } cfi.start = this.pathTo(start, startOffset, ignoreClass); if (needsIgnoring) { endOffset = this.patchOffset(end, endOffset, ignoreClass); } cfi.end = this.pathTo(end, endOffset, ignoreClass); // Create a new empty path cfi.path = { steps: [], terminal: null }; // Push steps that are shared between start and end to the common path var len = cfi.start.steps.length; var i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (this.equalStep(cfi.start.steps[i], cfi.end.steps[i])) { if(i === len-1) { // Last step is equal, check terminals if(cfi.start.terminal === cfi.end.terminal) { // CFI's are equal cfi.path.steps.push(cfi.start.steps[i]); // Not a range cfi.range = false; } } else { cfi.path.steps.push(cfi.start.steps[i]); } } else { break; } } cfi.start.steps = cfi.start.steps.slice(cfi.path.steps.length); cfi.end.steps = cfi.end.steps.slice(cfi.path.steps.length); // TODO: Add Sanity check to make sure that the end if greater than the start } return cfi; } /** * Create a CFI object from a Node * @param {Node} anchor * @param {string | object} base * @param {string} [ignoreClass] * @returns {object} cfi */ fromNode(anchor, base, ignoreClass) { var cfi = { range: false, base: {}, path: {}, start: null, end: null }; if (typeof base === "string") { cfi.base = this.parseComponent(base); cfi.spinePos = cfi.base.steps[1].index; } else if (typeof base === "object") { cfi.base = base; } cfi.path = this.pathTo(anchor, null, ignoreClass); return cfi; } filter(anchor, ignoreClass) { var needsIgnoring; var sibling; // to join with var parent, previousSibling, nextSibling; var isText = false; if (anchor.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) { isText = true; parent = anchor.parentNode; needsIgnoring = anchor.parentNode.classList.contains(ignoreClass); } else { isText = false; needsIgnoring = anchor.classList.contains(ignoreClass); } if (needsIgnoring && isText) { previousSibling = parent.previousSibling; nextSibling = parent.nextSibling; // If the sibling is a text node, join the nodes if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) { sibling = previousSibling; } else if (nextSibling && nextSibling.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) { sibling = nextSibling; } if (sibling) { return sibling; } else { // Parent will be ignored on next step return anchor; } } else if (needsIgnoring && !isText) { // Otherwise just skip the element node return false; } else { // No need to filter return anchor; } } patchOffset(anchor, offset, ignoreClass) { if (anchor.nodeType != TEXT_NODE) { throw new Error("Anchor must be a text node"); } var curr = anchor; var totalOffset = offset; // If the parent is a ignored node, get offset from it's start if (anchor.parentNode.classList.contains(ignoreClass)) { curr = anchor.parentNode; } while (curr.previousSibling) { if(curr.previousSibling.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { // Originally a text node, so join if(curr.previousSibling.classList.contains(ignoreClass)){ totalOffset += curr.previousSibling.textContent.length; } else { break; // Normal node, dont join } } else { // If the previous sibling is a text node, join the nodes totalOffset += curr.previousSibling.textContent.length; } curr = curr.previousSibling; } return totalOffset; } normalizedMap(children, nodeType, ignoreClass) { var output = {}; var prevIndex = -1; var i, len = children.length; var currNodeType; var prevNodeType; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { currNodeType = children[i].nodeType; // Check if needs ignoring if (currNodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && children[i].classList.contains(ignoreClass)) { currNodeType = TEXT_NODE; } if (i > 0 && currNodeType === TEXT_NODE && prevNodeType === TEXT_NODE) { // join text nodes output[i] = prevIndex; } else if (nodeType === currNodeType){ prevIndex = prevIndex + 1; output[i] = prevIndex; } prevNodeType = currNodeType; } return output; } position(anchor) { var children, index; if (anchor.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { children = anchor.parentNode.children; if (!children) { children = findChildren(anchor.parentNode); } index =, anchor); } else { children = this.textNodes(anchor.parentNode); index = children.indexOf(anchor); } return index; } filteredPosition(anchor, ignoreClass) { var children, index, map; if (anchor.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { children = anchor.parentNode.children; map = this.normalizedMap(children, ELEMENT_NODE, ignoreClass); } else { children = anchor.parentNode.childNodes; // Inside an ignored node if(anchor.parentNode.classList.contains(ignoreClass)) { anchor = anchor.parentNode; children = anchor.parentNode.childNodes; } map = this.normalizedMap(children, TEXT_NODE, ignoreClass); } index =, anchor); return map[index]; } stepsToXpath(steps) { var xpath = [".", "*"]; steps.forEach(function(step){ var position = step.index + 1; if({ xpath.push("*[position()=" + position + " and @id='" + + "']"); } else if(step.type === "text") { xpath.push("text()[" + position + "]"); } else { xpath.push("*[" + position + "]"); } }); return xpath.join("/"); } /* To get the last step if needed: // Get the terminal step lastStep = steps[steps.length-1]; // Get the query string query = this.stepsToQuery(steps); // Find the containing element startContainerParent = doc.querySelector(query); // Find the text node within that element if(startContainerParent && lastStep.type == "text") { container = startContainerParent.childNodes[lastStep.index]; } */ stepsToQuerySelector(steps) { var query = ["html"]; steps.forEach(function(step){ var position = step.index + 1; if({ query.push("#" +; } else if(step.type === "text") { // unsupported in querySelector // query.push("text()[" + position + "]"); } else { query.push("*:nth-child(" + position + ")"); } }); return query.join(">"); } textNodes(container, ignoreClass) { return filter(function (node) { if (node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) { return true; } else if (ignoreClass && node.classList.contains(ignoreClass)) { return true; } return false; }); } walkToNode(steps, _doc, ignoreClass) { var doc = _doc || document; var container = doc.documentElement; var children; var step; var len = steps.length; var i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { step = steps[i]; if(step.type === "element") { //better to get a container using id as some times step.index may not be correct //For ex. if( { container = doc.getElementById(; } else { children = container.children || findChildren(container); container = children[step.index]; } } else if(step.type === "text") { container = this.textNodes(container, ignoreClass)[step.index]; } if(!container) { //Break the for loop as due to incorrect index we can get error if //container is undefined so that other functionailties works fine //like navigation break; } } return container; } findNode(steps, _doc, ignoreClass) { var doc = _doc || document; var container; var xpath; if(!ignoreClass && typeof doc.evaluate != "undefined") { xpath = this.stepsToXpath(steps); container = doc.evaluate(xpath, doc, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; } else if(ignoreClass) { container = this.walkToNode(steps, doc, ignoreClass); } else { container = this.walkToNode(steps, doc); } return container; } fixMiss(steps, offset, _doc, ignoreClass) { var container = this.findNode(steps.slice(0,-1), _doc, ignoreClass); var children = container.childNodes; var map = this.normalizedMap(children, TEXT_NODE, ignoreClass); var child; var len; var lastStepIndex = steps[steps.length-1].index; for (let childIndex in map) { if (!map.hasOwnProperty(childIndex)) return; if(map[childIndex] === lastStepIndex) { child = children[childIndex]; len = child.textContent.length; if(offset > len) { offset = offset - len; } else { if (child.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { container = child.childNodes[0]; } else { container = child; } break; } } } return { container: container, offset: offset }; } /** * Creates a DOM range representing a CFI * @param {document} _doc document referenced in the base * @param {string} [ignoreClass] * @return {Range} */ toRange(_doc, ignoreClass) { var doc = _doc || document; var range; var start, end, startContainer, endContainer; var cfi = this; var startSteps, endSteps; var needsIgnoring = ignoreClass ? (doc.querySelector("." + ignoreClass) != null) : false; var missed; if (typeof(doc.createRange) !== "undefined") { range = doc.createRange(); } else { range = new RangeObject(); } if (cfi.range) { start = cfi.start; startSteps = cfi.path.steps.concat(start.steps); startContainer = this.findNode(startSteps, doc, needsIgnoring ? ignoreClass : null); end = cfi.end; endSteps = cfi.path.steps.concat(end.steps); endContainer = this.findNode(endSteps, doc, needsIgnoring ? ignoreClass : null); } else { start = cfi.path; startSteps = cfi.path.steps; startContainer = this.findNode(cfi.path.steps, doc, needsIgnoring ? ignoreClass : null); } if(startContainer) { try { if(start.terminal.offset != null) { range.setStart(startContainer, start.terminal.offset); } else { range.setStart(startContainer, 0); } } catch (e) { missed = this.fixMiss(startSteps, start.terminal.offset, doc, needsIgnoring ? ignoreClass : null); range.setStart(missed.container, missed.offset); } } else { console.log("No startContainer found for", this.toString()); // No start found return null; } if (endContainer) { try { if(end.terminal.offset != null) { range.setEnd(endContainer, end.terminal.offset); } else { range.setEnd(endContainer, 0); } } catch (e) { missed = this.fixMiss(endSteps, cfi.end.terminal.offset, doc, needsIgnoring ? ignoreClass : null); range.setEnd(missed.container, missed.offset); } } // doc.defaultView.getSelection().addRange(range); return range; } /** * Check if a string is wrapped with "epubcfi()" * @param {string} str * @returns {boolean} */ isCfiString(str) { if(typeof str === "string" && str.indexOf("epubcfi(") === 0 && str[str.length-1] === ")") { return true; } return false; } generateChapterComponent(_spineNodeIndex, _pos, id) { var pos = parseInt(_pos), spineNodeIndex = (_spineNodeIndex + 1) * 2, cfi = "/"+spineNodeIndex+"/"; cfi += (pos + 1) * 2; if(id) { cfi += "[" + id + "]"; } return cfi; } /** * Collapse a CFI Range to a single CFI Position * @param {boolean} [toStart=false] */ collapse(toStart) { if (!this.range) { return; } this.range = false; if (toStart) { this.path.steps = this.path.steps.concat(this.start.steps); this.path.terminal = this.start.terminal; } else { this.path.steps = this.path.steps.concat(this.end.steps); this.path.terminal = this.end.terminal; } } } export default EpubCFI;