import {qs, qsa, qsp, indexOfElementNode} from "./utils/core"; /** * Open Packaging Format Parser * @class * @param {document} packageDocument OPF XML */ class Packaging { constructor(packageDocument) { this.manifest = {}; this.navPath = ''; this.ncxPath = ''; this.coverPath = ''; this.spineNodeIndex = 0; this.spine = []; this.metadata = {}; if (packageDocument) { this.parse(packageDocument); } } /** * Parse OPF XML * @param {document} packageDocument OPF XML * @return {object} parsed package parts */ parse(packageDocument){ var metadataNode, manifestNode, spineNode; if(!packageDocument) { throw new Error("Package File Not Found"); } metadataNode = qs(packageDocument, "metadata"); if(!metadataNode) { throw new Error("No Metadata Found"); } manifestNode = qs(packageDocument, "manifest"); if(!manifestNode) { throw new Error("No Manifest Found"); } spineNode = qs(packageDocument, "spine"); if(!spineNode) { throw new Error("No Spine Found"); } this.manifest = this.parseManifest(manifestNode); this.navPath = this.findNavPath(manifestNode); this.ncxPath = this.findNcxPath(manifestNode, spineNode); this.coverPath = this.findCoverPath(packageDocument); this.spineNodeIndex = indexOfElementNode(spineNode); this.spine = this.parseSpine(spineNode, this.manifest); this.uniqueIdentifier = this.findUniqueIdentifier(packageDocument); this.metadata = this.parseMetadata(metadataNode); this.metadata.direction = spineNode.getAttribute("page-progression-direction"); return { "metadata" : this.metadata, "spine" : this.spine, "manifest" : this.manifest, "navPath" : this.navPath, "ncxPath" : this.ncxPath, "coverPath": this.coverPath, "spineNodeIndex" : this.spineNodeIndex }; } /** * Parse Metadata * @private * @param {node} xml * @return {object} metadata */ parseMetadata(xml){ var metadata = {}; metadata.title = this.getElementText(xml, "title"); metadata.creator = this.getElementText(xml, "creator"); metadata.description = this.getElementText(xml, "description"); metadata.pubdate = this.getElementText(xml, "date"); metadata.publisher = this.getElementText(xml, "publisher"); metadata.identifier = this.getElementText(xml, "identifier"); metadata.language = this.getElementText(xml, "language"); metadata.rights = this.getElementText(xml, "rights"); metadata.modified_date = this.getPropertyText(xml, "dcterms:modified"); metadata.layout = this.getPropertyText(xml, "rendition:layout"); metadata.orientation = this.getPropertyText(xml, "rendition:orientation"); metadata.flow = this.getPropertyText(xml, "rendition:flow"); metadata.viewport = this.getPropertyText(xml, "rendition:viewport"); metadata.media_active_class = this.getPropertyText(xml, "media:active-class"); metadata.spread = this.getPropertyText(xml, "rendition:spread"); // metadata.page_prog_dir = packageXml.querySelector("spine").getAttribute("page-progression-direction"); return metadata; } /** * Parse Manifest * @private * @param {node} manifestXml * @return {object} manifest */ parseManifest(manifestXml){ var manifest = {}; //-- Turn items into an array // var selected = manifestXml.querySelectorAll("item"); var selected = qsa(manifestXml, "item"); var items =; //-- Create an object with the id as key items.forEach(function(item){ var id = item.getAttribute("id"), href = item.getAttribute("href") || "", type = item.getAttribute("media-type") || "", overlay = item.getAttribute("media-overlay") || "", properties = item.getAttribute("properties") || ""; manifest[id] = { "href" : href, // "url" : href, "type" : type, "overlay" : overlay, "properties" : properties.length ? properties.split(" ") : [] }; }); return manifest; } /** * Parse Spine * @private * @param {node} spineXml * @param {Packaging.manifest} manifest * @return {object} spine */ parseSpine(spineXml, manifest){ var spine = []; var selected = qsa(spineXml, "itemref"); var items =; // var epubcfi = new EpubCFI(); //-- Add to array to maintain ordering and cross reference with manifest items.forEach(function(item, index){ var idref = item.getAttribute("idref"); // var cfiBase = epubcfi.generateChapterComponent(spineNodeIndex, index, Id); var props = item.getAttribute("properties") || ""; var propArray = props.length ? props.split(" ") : []; // var manifestProps = manifest[Id].properties; // var manifestPropArray = manifestProps.length ? manifestProps.split(" ") : []; var itemref = { "id" : item.getAttribute("id"), "idref" : idref, "linear" : item.getAttribute("linear") || "yes", "properties" : propArray, // "href" : manifest[Id].href, // "url" : manifest[Id].url, "index" : index // "cfiBase" : cfiBase }; spine.push(itemref); }); return spine; } /** * Find Unique Identifier * @private * @param {node} packageXml * @return {string} Unique Identifier text */ findUniqueIdentifier(packageXml){ var uniqueIdentifierId = packageXml.documentElement.getAttribute("unique-identifier"); if (! uniqueIdentifierId) { return ""; } var identifier = packageXml.getElementById(uniqueIdentifierId); if (! identifier) { return ""; } if (identifier.localName === "identifier" && identifier.namespaceURI === "") { return identifier.childNodes.length > 0 ? identifier.childNodes[0].nodeValue.trim() : ""; } return ""; } /** * Find TOC NAV * @private * @param {element} manifestNode * @return {string} */ findNavPath(manifestNode){ // Find item with property "nav" // Should catch nav regardless of order // var node = manifestNode.querySelector("item[properties$='nav'], item[properties^='nav '], item[properties*=' nav ']"); var node = qsp(manifestNode, "item", {"properties":"nav"}); return node ? node.getAttribute("href") : false; } /** * Find TOC NCX * media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml" href="toc.ncx" * @private * @param {element} manifestNode * @param {element} spineNode * @return {string} */ findNcxPath(manifestNode, spineNode){ // var node = manifestNode.querySelector("item[media-type='application/x-dtbncx+xml']"); var node = qsp(manifestNode, "item", {"media-type":"application/x-dtbncx+xml"}); var tocId; // If we can't find the toc by media-type then try to look for id of the item in the spine attributes as // according to, // "The item that describes the NCX must be referenced by the spine toc attribute." if (!node) { tocId = spineNode.getAttribute("toc"); if(tocId) { // node = manifestNode.querySelector("item[id='" + tocId + "']"); node = manifestNode.querySelector(`#${tocId}`); } } return node ? node.getAttribute("href") : false; } /** * Find the Cover Path * * Fallback for Epub 2.0 * @private * @param {node} packageXml * @return {string} href */ findCoverPath(packageXml){ var pkg = qs(packageXml, "package"); var epubVersion = pkg.getAttribute("version"); // Try parsing cover with epub 3. // var node = packageXml.querySelector("item[properties='cover-image']"); var node = qsp(packageXml, "item", {"properties":"cover-image"}); if (node) return node.getAttribute("href"); // Fallback to epub 2. var metaCover = qsp(packageXml, "meta", {"name":"cover"}); if (metaCover) { var coverId = metaCover.getAttribute("content"); // var cover = packageXml.querySelector("item[id='" + coverId + "']"); var cover = packageXml.getElementById(coverId); return cover ? cover.getAttribute("href") : ""; } else { return false; } } /** * Get text of a namespaced element * @private * @param {node} xml * @param {string} tag * @return {string} text */ getElementText(xml, tag){ var found = xml.getElementsByTagNameNS("", tag); var el; if(!found || found.length === 0) return ""; el = found[0]; if(el.childNodes.length){ return el.childNodes[0].nodeValue; } return ""; } /** * Get text by property * @private * @param {node} xml * @param {string} property * @return {string} text */ getPropertyText(xml, property){ var el = qsp(xml, "meta", {"property":property}); if(el && el.childNodes.length){ return el.childNodes[0].nodeValue; } return ""; } /** * Load JSON Manifest * @param {document} packageDocument OPF XML * @return {object} parsed package parts */ load(json) { this.metadata = json.metadata; let spine = json.readingOrder || json.spine; this.spine =, index) =>{ item.index = index; item.linear = item.linear || "yes"; return item; }); json.resources.forEach((item, index) => { this.manifest[index] = item; if (item.rel && item.rel[0] === "cover") { this.coverPath = item.href; } }); this.spineNodeIndex = 0; this.toc =, index) =>{ item.label = item.title; return item; }); return { "metadata" : this.metadata, "spine" : this.spine, "manifest" : this.manifest, "navPath" : this.navPath, "ncxPath" : this.ncxPath, "coverPath": this.coverPath, "spineNodeIndex" : this.spineNodeIndex, "toc" : this.toc }; } destroy() { this.manifest = undefined; this.navPath = undefined; this.ncxPath = undefined; this.coverPath = undefined; this.spineNodeIndex = undefined; this.spine = undefined; this.metadata = undefined; } } export default Packaging;