import {substitute} from "./utils/replacements"; import {createBase64Url, createBlobUrl, blob2base64} from "./utils/core"; import Url from "./utils/url"; import mime from "./utils/mime"; import Path from "./utils/path"; import path from "path-webpack"; /** * Handle Package Resources * @class * @param {Manifest} manifest * @param {object} [options] * @param {string} [options.replacements="base64"] * @param {Archive} [options.archive] * @param {method} [options.resolver] */ class Resources { constructor(manifest, options) { this.settings = { replacements: (options && options.replacements) || "base64", archive: (options && options.archive), resolver: (options && options.resolver), request: (options && options.request) }; this.process(manifest); } /** * Process resources * @param {Manifest} manifest */ process(manifest){ this.manifest = manifest; this.resources = Object.keys(manifest). map(function (key){ return manifest[key]; }); this.replacementUrls = []; this.html = []; this.assets = []; this.css = []; this.urls = []; this.cssUrls = []; this.split(); this.splitUrls(); } /** * Split resources by type * @private */ split(){ // HTML this.html = this.resources. filter(function (item){ if (item.type === "application/xhtml+xml" || item.type === "text/html") { return true; } }); // Exclude HTML this.assets = this.resources. filter(function (item){ if (item.type !== "application/xhtml+xml" && item.type !== "text/html") { return true; } }); // Only CSS this.css = this.resources. filter(function (item){ if (item.type === "text/css") { return true; } }); } /** * Convert split resources into Urls * @private */ splitUrls(){ // All Assets Urls this.urls = this.assets. map(function(item) { return item.href; }.bind(this)); // Css Urls this.cssUrls = { return item.href; }); } /** * Create a url to a resource * @param {string} url * @return {Promise} Promise resolves with url string */ createUrl (url) { var parsedUrl = new Url(url); var mimeType = mime.lookup(parsedUrl.filename); if (this.settings.archive) { return this.settings.archive.createUrl(url, {"base64": (this.settings.replacements === "base64")}); } else { if (this.settings.replacements === "base64") { return this.settings.request(url, 'blob') .then((blob) => { return blob2base64(blob); }) .then((blob) => { return createBase64Url(blob, mimeType); }); } else { return this.settings.request(url, 'blob').then((blob) => { return createBlobUrl(blob, mimeType); }) } } } /** * Create blob urls for all the assets * @return {Promise} returns replacement urls */ replacements(){ if (this.settings.replacements === "none") { return new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(this.urls); }.bind(this)); } var replacements = (url) => { var absolute = this.settings.resolver(url); return this.createUrl(absolute). catch((err) => { console.error(err); return null; }); }); return Promise.all(replacements) .then( (replacementUrls) => { this.replacementUrls = replacementUrls.filter((url) => { return (typeof(url) === "string"); }); return replacementUrls; }); } /** * Replace URLs in CSS resources * @private * @param {Archive} [archive] * @param {method} [resolver] * @return {Promise} */ replaceCss(archive, resolver){ var replaced = []; archive = archive || this.settings.archive; resolver = resolver || this.settings.resolver; this.cssUrls.forEach(function(href) { var replacement = this.createCssFile(href, archive, resolver) .then(function (replacementUrl) { // switch the url in the replacementUrls var indexInUrls = this.urls.indexOf(href); if (indexInUrls > -1) { this.replacementUrls[indexInUrls] = replacementUrl; } }.bind(this)) replaced.push(replacement); }.bind(this)); return Promise.all(replaced); } /** * Create a new CSS file with the replaced URLs * @private * @param {string} href the original css file * @return {Promise} returns a BlobUrl to the new CSS file or a data url */ createCssFile(href){ var newUrl; if (path.isAbsolute(href)) { return new Promise(function(resolve){ resolve(); }); } var absolute = this.settings.resolver(href); // Get the text of the css file from the archive var textResponse; if (this.settings.archive) { textResponse = this.settings.archive.getText(absolute); } else { textResponse = this.settings.request(absolute, "text"); } // Get asset links relative to css file var relUrls = (assetHref) => { var resolved = this.settings.resolver(assetHref); var relative = new Path(absolute).relative(resolved); return relative; }); if (!textResponse) { // file not found, don't replace return new Promise(function(resolve){ resolve(); }); } return textResponse.then( (text) => { // Replacements in the css text text = substitute(text, relUrls, this.replacementUrls); // Get the new url if (this.settings.replacements === "base64") { newUrl = createBase64Url(text, "text/css"); } else { newUrl = createBlobUrl(text, "text/css"); } return newUrl; }, (err) => { // handle response errors return new Promise(function(resolve){ resolve(); }); }); } /** * Resolve all resources URLs relative to an absolute URL * @param {string} absolute to be resolved to * @param {resolver} [resolver] * @return {string[]} array with relative Urls */ relativeTo(absolute, resolver){ resolver = resolver || this.settings.resolver; // Get Urls relative to current sections return this.urls. map(function(href) { var resolved = resolver(href); var relative = new Path(absolute).relative(resolved); return relative; }.bind(this)); } /** * Get a URL for a resource * @param {string} path * @return {string} url */ get(path) { var indexInUrls = this.urls.indexOf(path); if (indexInUrls === -1) { return; } if (this.replacementUrls.length) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(this.replacementUrls[indexInUrls]); }.bind(this)); } else { return this.createUrl(path); } } /** * Substitute urls in content, with replacements, * relative to a url if provided * @param {string} content * @param {string} [url] url to resolve to * @return {string} content with urls substituted */ substitute(content, url) { var relUrls; if (url) { relUrls = this.relativeTo(url); } else { relUrls = this.urls; } return substitute(content, relUrls, this.replacementUrls); } destroy() { this.settings = undefined; this.manifest = undefined; this.resources = undefined; this.replacementUrls = undefined; this.html = undefined; this.assets = undefined; this.css = undefined; this.urls = undefined; this.cssUrls = undefined; } } export default Resources;