import { defer } from "./utils/core"; import EpubCFI from "./epubcfi"; import Hook from "./utils/hook"; import { sprint } from "./utils/core"; import { replaceBase } from "./utils/replacements"; import Request from "./utils/request"; import { XMLDOMParser as XMLDOMSerializer } from "xmldom"; /** * Represents a Section of the Book * * In most books this is equivelent to a Chapter * @param {object} item The spine item representing the section * @param {object} hooks hooks for serialize and content */ class Section { constructor(item, hooks){ this.idref = item.idref; this.linear = item.linear === "yes"; =; this.index = item.index; this.href = item.href; this.url = item.url; this.canonical = item.canonical; =; this.prev = item.prev; this.cfiBase = item.cfiBase; if (hooks) { this.hooks = hooks; } else { this.hooks = {}; this.hooks.serialize = new Hook(this); this.hooks.content = new Hook(this); } this.document = undefined; this.contents = undefined; this.output = undefined; } /** * Load the section from its url * @param {method} [_request] a request method to use for loading * @return {document} a promise with the xml document */ load(_request){ var request = _request || this.request || Request; var loading = new defer(); var loaded = loading.promise; if(this.contents) { loading.resolve(this.contents); } else { request(this.url) .then(function(xml){ // var directory = new Url(this.url).directory; this.document = xml; this.contents = xml.documentElement; return this.hooks.content.trigger(this.document, this); }.bind(this)) .then(function(){ loading.resolve(this.contents); }.bind(this)) .catch(function(error){ loading.reject(error); }); } return loaded; } /** * Adds a base tag for resolving urls in the section * @private */ base(){ return replaceBase(this.document, this); } /** * Render the contents of a section * @param {method} [_request] a request method to use for loading * @return {string} output a serialized XML Document */ render(_request){ var rendering = new defer(); var rendered = rendering.promise; this.output; // TODO: better way to return this from hooks? this.load(_request). then(function(contents){ var userAgent = (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent) || ''; var isIE = userAgent.indexOf('Trident') >= 0; var Serializer; if (typeof XMLSerializer === "undefined" || isIE) { Serializer = XMLDOMSerializer; } else { Serializer = XMLSerializer; } var serializer = new Serializer(); this.output = serializer.serializeToString(contents); return this.output; }.bind(this)). then(function(){ return this.hooks.serialize.trigger(this.output, this); }.bind(this)). then(function(){ rendering.resolve(this.output); }.bind(this)) .catch(function(error){ rendering.reject(error); }); return rendered; } /** * Find a string in a section * @param {string} _query The query string to find * @return {object[]} A list of matches, with form {cfi, excerpt} */ find(_query){ var section = this; var matches = []; var query = _query.toLowerCase(); var find = function(node){ var text = node.textContent.toLowerCase(); var range = section.document.createRange(); var cfi; var pos; var last = -1; var excerpt; var limit = 150; while (pos != -1) { // Search for the query pos = text.indexOf(query, last + 1); if (pos != -1) { // We found it! Generate a CFI range = section.document.createRange(); range.setStart(node, pos); range.setEnd(node, pos + query.length); cfi = section.cfiFromRange(range); // Generate the excerpt if (node.textContent.length < limit) { excerpt = node.textContent; } else { excerpt = node.textContent.substring(pos - limit/2, pos + limit/2); excerpt = "..." + excerpt + "..."; } // Add the CFI to the matches list matches.push({ cfi: cfi, excerpt: excerpt }); } last = pos; } }; sprint(section.document, function(node) { find(node); }); return matches; }; /** * Search a string in multiple sequential Element of the section. If the document.createTreeWalker api is missed(eg: IE8), use `find` as a fallback. * @param {string} _query The query string to search * @param {int} maxSeqEle The maximum number of Element that are combined for search, defualt value is 5. * @return {object[]} A list of matches, with form {cfi, excerpt} */ search(_query , maxSeqEle = 5){ if (typeof(document.createTreeWalker) == "undefined") { return this.find(_query); } let matches = []; const excerptLimit = 150; const section = this; const query = _query.toLowerCase(); const search = function(nodeList){ const textWithCase = nodeList.reduce((acc ,current)=>{ return acc + current.textContent; },""); const text = textWithCase.toLowerCase(); const pos = text.indexOf(query); if (pos != -1){ const startNodeIndex = 0 , endPos = pos + query.length; let endNodeIndex = 0 , l = 0; if (pos < nodeList[startNodeIndex].length){ let cfi; while( endNodeIndex < nodeList.length - 1 ){ l += nodeList[endNodeIndex].length; if ( endPos <= l){ break; } endNodeIndex += 1; } let startNode = nodeList[startNodeIndex] , endNode = nodeList[endNodeIndex]; let range = section.document.createRange(); range.setStart(startNode,pos); let beforeEndLengthCount = nodeList.slice(0, endNodeIndex).reduce((acc,current)=>{return acc+current.textContent.length;},0) ; range.setEnd(endNode, beforeEndLengthCount > endPos ? endPos : endPos - beforeEndLengthCount ); cfi = section.cfiFromRange(range); let excerpt = nodeList.slice(0, endNodeIndex+1).reduce((acc,current)=>{return acc+current.textContent ;},""); if (excerpt.length > excerptLimit){ excerpt = excerpt.substring(pos - excerptLimit/2, pos + excerptLimit/2); excerpt = "..." + excerpt + "..."; } matches.push({ cfi: cfi, excerpt: excerpt }); } } } const treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(section.document, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false); let node , nodeList = []; while (node = treeWalker.nextNode()) { nodeList.push(node); if (nodeList.length == maxSeqEle){ search(nodeList.slice(0 , maxSeqEle)); nodeList = nodeList.slice(1, maxSeqEle); } } if (nodeList.length > 0){ search(nodeList); } return matches; } /** * Reconciles the current chapters layout properies with * the global layout properities. * @param {object} globalLayout The global layout settings object, chapter properties string * @return {object} layoutProperties Object with layout properties */ reconcileLayoutSettings(globalLayout){ //-- Get the global defaults var settings = { layout : globalLayout.layout, spread : globalLayout.spread, orientation : globalLayout.orientation }; //-- Get the chapter's display type{ var rendition = prop.replace("rendition:", ""); var split = rendition.indexOf("-"); var property, value; if(split != -1){ property = rendition.slice(0, split); value = rendition.slice(split+1); settings[property] = value; } }); return settings; } /** * Get a CFI from a Range in the Section * @param {range} _range * @return {string} cfi an EpubCFI string */ cfiFromRange(_range) { return new EpubCFI(_range, this.cfiBase).toString(); } /** * Get a CFI from an Element in the Section * @param {element} el * @return {string} cfi an EpubCFI string */ cfiFromElement(el) { return new EpubCFI(el, this.cfiBase).toString(); } /** * Unload the section document */ unload() { this.document = undefined; this.contents = undefined; this.output = undefined; } destroy() { this.unload(); this.hooks.serialize.clear(); this.hooks.content.clear(); this.hooks = undefined; this.idref = undefined; this.linear = undefined; = undefined; this.index = undefined; this.href = undefined; this.url = undefined; = undefined; this.prev = undefined; this.cfiBase = undefined; } } export default Section;