import assert from 'assert'; import Url from '../src/utils/url'; import Path from '../src/utils/path'; describe('Core', function() { before(function(){ }); describe('Url', function () { it("Url()", function() { var url = new Url(""); assert.equal( url.href, "" ); assert.equal(, "/fred/chasen/" ); assert.equal( url.extension, "html" ); assert.equal( url.filename, "derf.html" ); assert.equal( url.origin, "" ); assert.equal( url.protocol, "http:" ); assert.equal(, "" ); }); describe('#resolve()', function () { it("should join subfolders", function() { var a = ""; var b = "ops/derf.html"; var resolved = new Url(a).resolve(b); assert.equal( resolved, "" ); }); it("should resolve up a level", function() { var a = ""; var b = "../derf.html"; var resolved = new Url(a).resolve(b); assert.equal( resolved, "" ); }); it("should resolve absolute", function() { var a = ""; var b = "/derf.html"; var resolved = new Url(a).resolve(b); assert.equal( resolved, "" ); }); it("should resolve with search strings", function() { var a = ""; var b = "/derf.html"; var resolved = new Url(a).resolve(b); assert.equal( resolved, "" ); }); // Doesn't work with path.parse xit("should handle directory with a dot", function() { var a = ""; var url = new Url(a); assert.equal(, "/fred/chasen/index.epub/" ); assert.equal( url.extension, "" ); }); it("should handle file urls", function() { var url = new Url("file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/F47E4434-9B98-4654-93F1-702336B08EE6/Documents/books/moby-dick/derf.html"); assert.equal( url.href, "file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/F47E4434-9B98-4654-93F1-702336B08EE6/Documents/books/moby-dick/derf.html" ); assert.equal(, "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/F47E4434-9B98-4654-93F1-702336B08EE6/Documents/books/moby-dick/" ); assert.equal( url.extension, "html" ); assert.equal( url.filename, "derf.html" ); assert.equal( url.origin, "file://" ); // origin should be blank assert.equal( url.protocol, "file:" ); assert.equal(, "" ); }); it("should resolve with file urls", function() { var a = "file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/books/"; var b = "derf.html"; var resolved = new Url(a).resolve(b); assert.equal( resolved, "file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/books/derf.html" ); }); }); }); describe('Path', function () { it("Path()", function() { var path = new Path("/fred/chasen/derf.html"); assert.equal( path.path, "/fred/chasen/derf.html" ); assert.equal(, "/fred/chasen/" ); assert.equal( path.extension, "html" ); assert.equal( path.filename, "derf.html" ); }); it("Strip out url", function() { var path = new Path(""); assert.equal( path.path, "/fred/chasen/derf.html" ); assert.equal(, "/fred/chasen/" ); assert.equal( path.extension, "html" ); assert.equal( path.filename, "derf.html" ); }); describe('#parse()', function () { it("should parse a path", function() { var path = Path.prototype.parse("/fred/chasen/derf.html"); assert.equal( path.dir, "/fred/chasen" ); assert.equal( path.base, "derf.html" ); assert.equal( path.ext, ".html" ); }); it("should parse a relative path", function() { var path = Path.prototype.parse("fred/chasen/derf.html"); assert.equal( path.dir, "fred/chasen" ); assert.equal( path.base, "derf.html" ); assert.equal( path.ext, ".html" ); }); }); describe('#isDirectory()', function () { it("should recognize a directory", function() { var directory = Path.prototype.isDirectory("/fred/chasen/"); var notDirectory = Path.prototype.isDirectory("/fred/chasen/derf.html"); assert(directory, "/fred/chasen/ is a directory" ); assert(!notDirectory, "/fred/chasen/derf.html is not directory" ); }); }); describe('#resolve()', function () { it("should resolve a path", function() { var a = "/fred/chasen/index.html"; var b = "derf.html"; var resolved = new Path(a).resolve(b); assert.equal(resolved, "/fred/chasen/derf.html" ); }); it("should resolve a relative path", function() { var a = "fred/chasen/index.html"; var b = "derf.html"; var resolved = new Path(a).resolve(b); assert.equal(resolved, "/fred/chasen/derf.html" ); }); it("should resolve a level up", function() { var a = "/fred/chasen/index.html"; var b = "../derf.html"; var resolved = new Path(a).resolve(b); assert.equal(resolved, "/fred/derf.html" ); }); }); describe('#relative()', function () { it("should find a relative path at the same level", function() { var a = "/fred/chasen/index.html"; var b = "/fred/chasen/derf.html"; var relative = new Path(a).relative(b); assert.equal(relative, "derf.html" ); }); it("should find a relative path down a level", function() { var a = "/fred/chasen/index.html"; var b = "/fred/chasen/ops/derf.html"; var relative = new Path(a).relative(b); assert.equal(relative, "ops/derf.html" ); }); it("should resolve a level up", function() { var a = "/fred/chasen/index.html"; var b = "/fred/derf.html"; var relative = new Path(a).relative(b); assert.equal(relative, "../derf.html" ); }); }); }); });