import assert from 'assert'; import EpubCFI from '../src/epubcfi.js'; // var fs = require('fs'); if (typeof DOMParser === "undefined") { global.DOMParser = require('xmldom').DOMParser; } describe('EpubCFI', function() { it('parse a cfi on init', function() { var cfi = new EpubCFI("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6)"); assert.equal( cfi.spinePos, 0, "spinePos is parsed as the first item" ); }); it('parse a cfi and ignore the base if present', function() { var cfi = new EpubCFI("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6)", "/6/6[end]"); assert.equal( cfi.spinePos, 0, "base is ignored and spinePos is parsed as the first item" ); }); describe('#parse()', function() { var cfi = new EpubCFI(); it('parse a cfi on init', function() { var parsed = cfi.parse("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6)"); assert.equal( parsed.spinePos, 0, "spinePos is parsed as the first item" ); }); it('parse a cfi and ignore the base if present', function() { var parsed = cfi.parse("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6)", "/6/6[end]"); assert.equal( parsed.spinePos, 0, "base is ignored and spinePos is parsed as the first item" ); }); it('parse a cfi with a character offset', function() { var parsed = cfi.parse("epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4[body01]/10[para05]/2/1:3)"); assert.equal( parsed.path.terminal.offset, 3, "Path has a terminal offset of 3" ); }); it('parse a cfi with a range', function() { var parsed = cfi.parse("epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4[body01]/10[para05],/2/1:1,/3:4)"); assert.equal( parsed.range, true, "Range is true" ); assert.equal( parsed.start.steps.length, 2, "Start steps are present" ); assert.equal( parsed.end.steps.length, 1, "End steps are present" ); assert.equal( parsed.start.terminal.offset, 1, "Start has a terminal offset of 1" ); assert.equal( parsed.end.terminal.offset, 4, "End has a terminal offset of 4" ); }); }); describe('#toString()', function() { it('parse a cfi and write it back', function() { assert.equal(new EpubCFI("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6)").toString(), "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6)", "output cfi string is same as input" ); assert.equal(new EpubCFI("epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4[body01]/10[para05]/2/1:3)").toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4[body01]/10[para05]/2/1:3)", "output cfi string is same as input" ); assert.equal(new EpubCFI("epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4[body01]/10[para05],/2/1:1,/3:4)").toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4[body01]/10[para05],/2/1:1,/3:4)", "output cfi string is same as input" ); }); }); describe('#checkType()', function() { it('determine the type of a cfi string', function() { var cfi = new EpubCFI(); assert.equal( cfi.checkType('epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6)'), 'string' ); assert.equal( cfi.checkType('/6/2[cover]!/6'), false ); }); it('determine the type of a cfi', function() { var ogcfi = new EpubCFI("epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4[body01]/10[para05]/2/1:3)"); var cfi = new EpubCFI(); assert.equal( cfi.checkType(ogcfi), 'EpubCFI' ); }); it('determine the type of a node', function() { var cfi = new EpubCFI(); var el = document.createElement('div'); assert.equal( cfi.checkType(el), 'node' ); }); it('determine the type of a range', function() { var cfi = new EpubCFI(); var range = document.createRange(); assert.equal( cfi.checkType(range), 'range' ); }); }); describe('#compare()', function() { it('compare CFIs', function() { var epubcfi = new EpubCFI(); // Spines assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/4[cover]!/4)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4)"), 1, "First spine is greater"); assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/4[cover]!/4)", "epubcfi(/6/6[cover]!/4)"), -1, "Second spine is greater"); // First is deeper assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/8/2)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6)"), 1, "First Element is after Second"); assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/2)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6)"), -1, "First Element is before Second"); // Second is deeper assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/8/2)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6/4/2/2)"), 1, "First Element is after Second"); assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/4)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6/4/2/2)"), -1, "First Element is before Second"); assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/6)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/6/8/1:0)"), -1, "First is less specific, so is before Second"); // Same Depth assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6/8)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6/2)"), 1, "First Element is after Second"); assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/20)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/6/10)"), -1, "First Element is before Second"); // Text nodes assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/5)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/3)"), 1, "First TextNode is after Second"); assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/7)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/13)"), -1, "First TextNode is before Second"); // Char offset assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/5:1)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/5:0)"), 1, "First Char Offset after Second"); assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/5:2)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/5:30)"), -1, "Second Char Offset before Second"); // Normal example assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/8/5:1)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/6/15:2)"), 1, "First Element after Second"); assert.equal("epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/8/1:0)", "epubcfi(/6/2[cover]!/4/8/1:0)"), 0, "All Equal"); // Different Lengths assert.equal( 'epubcfi(/6/16[id42]!/4[5N3C0-8c483216e03a4ff49927fc1a97dc7b2c]/10/1:317)', 'epubcfi(/6/16[id42]!/4[5N3C0-8c483216e03a4ff49927fc1a97dc7b2c]/10/2[page18]/1:0)' ), -1, "First CFI is before Second"); assert.equal( 'epubcfi(/6/16[id42]!/4[5N3C0-8c483216e03a4ff49927fc1a97dc7b2c]/12/1:0)', 'epubcfi(/6/16[id42]!/4[5N3C0-8c483216e03a4ff49927fc1a97dc7b2c]/12/2/1:9)' ), -1, "First CFI is before Second"); assert.equal( 'epubcfi(/6/16!/4/12/1:0)', 'epubcfi(/6/16!/4/12/2/1:9)' ), -1, "First CFI is before Second"); }); }); describe('#fromNode()', function() { var base = "/6/4[chap01ref]"; // var contents = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/chapter1-highlights.xhtml', 'utf8'); var contents = require('./fixtures/chapter1-highlights.xhtml').default; // var serializer = new XMLSerializer(); // var doc = serializer.serializeToString(contents); var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(contents, "application/xhtml+xml"); it('get a cfi from a p node', function() { var span = doc.getElementById('c001p0004'); var cfi = new EpubCFI(span, base); assert.equal(span.nodeType, Node.ELEMENT_NODE, "provided a element node"); assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/2/10/2[c001p0004])" ); }); it('get a cfi from a text node', function() { var t = doc.getElementById('c001p0004').childNodes[0]; var cfi = new EpubCFI(t, base); assert.equal(t.nodeType, Node.TEXT_NODE, "provided a text node"); assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/2/10/2[c001p0004]/1)" ); }); it('get a cfi from a text node inside a highlight', function() { var t = doc.getElementById('highlight-1').childNodes[0]; var cfi = new EpubCFI(t, base, 'annotator-hl'); assert.equal(t.nodeType, Node.TEXT_NODE, "provided a text node"); assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/2/32/2[c001p0017]/1)" ); }); it('get a cfi from a highlight node', function() { var t = doc.getElementById('highlight-1'); var cfi = new EpubCFI(t, base, 'annotator-hl'); assert.equal(t.nodeType, Node.ELEMENT_NODE, "provided a highlight node"); assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/2/32/2[c001p0017])" ); }); }); describe('#fromRange()', function() { var base = "/6/4[chap01ref]"; // var contentsClean = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/chapter1.xhtml', 'utf8'); var contentsClean = require('./fixtures/chapter1.xhtml').default; var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(contentsClean, "application/xhtml+xml"); // var contentsHighlights = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/chapter1-highlights.xhtml', 'utf8'); var contentsHighlights = require('./fixtures/chapter1-highlights.xhtml').default; var docHighlights = new DOMParser().parseFromString(contentsHighlights, "application/xhtml+xml"); // var highlightContents = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/highlight.xhtml', 'utf8'); var highlightContents = require('./fixtures/highlight.xhtml').default; var docHighlightsAlice = new DOMParser().parseFromString(highlightContents, "application/xhtml+xml"); it('get a cfi from a collapsed range', function() { var t1 = doc.getElementById('c001p0004').childNodes[0]; var t2 = doc.getElementById('c001p0007').childNodes[0]; var range = doc.createRange(); var cfi; range.setStart(t1, 6); cfi = new EpubCFI(range, base); assert.equal( cfi.range, false); assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/2/10/2[c001p0004]/1:6)" ); }); it('get a cfi from a range', function() { var t1 = doc.getElementById('c001p0004').childNodes[0]; var t2 = doc.getElementById('c001p0007').childNodes[0]; var range = doc.createRange(); var cfi; range.setStart(t1, 6); range.setEnd(t2, 27); cfi = new EpubCFI(range, base); assert.equal( cfi.range, true); assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/2,/10/2[c001p0004]/1:6,/16/2[c001p0007]/1:27)" ); }); it('get a cfi from a range with offset 0', function() { var t1 = doc.getElementById('c001p0004').childNodes[0]; var range = doc.createRange(); var cfi; range.setStart(t1, 0); range.setEnd(t1, 1); cfi = new EpubCFI(range, base); assert.equal( cfi.range, true); assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/2/10/2[c001p0004],/1:0,/1:1)" ); }); it('get a cfi from a range inside a highlight', function() { var t1 = docHighlights.getElementById('highlight-1').childNodes[0]; var range = docHighlights.createRange(); var cfi; range.setStart(t1, 6); cfi = new EpubCFI(range, base, 'annotator-hl'); assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/2/32/2[c001p0017]/1:43)" ); }); // TODO: might need to have double ranges in front it('get a cfi from a range past a highlight', function() { var t1 = docHighlights.getElementById('c001s0001').childNodes[1]; var range = docHighlights.createRange(); var cfi; range.setStart(t1, 25); cfi = new EpubCFI(range, base, 'annotator-hl'); assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/2/4/2[c001s0001]/1:41)" ); }); it('get a cfi from a range in between two highlights', function() { var t1 = docHighlightsAlice.getElementById('p2').childNodes[1]; var range = docHighlightsAlice.createRange(); var cfi; range.setStart(t1, 4); cfi = new EpubCFI(range, base, 'annotator-hl'); assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/4[p2]/1:123)" ); }); it('correctly count text nodes, independent of any elements present inbetween', function() { var t1 = docHighlightsAlice.getElementById('p3').childNodes[2]; var range = docHighlightsAlice.createRange(); var cfi; range.setStart(t1, 4); cfi = new EpubCFI(range, base); assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/6[p3]/3:4)" ); }); }); describe('#toRange()', function() { var base = "/6/4[chap01ref]"; // var contents = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/chapter1-highlights.xhtml', 'utf8'); var contents = require('./fixtures/chapter1-highlights.xhtml').default; var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(contents, "application/xhtml+xml"); // var serializer = new XMLSerializer(); // console.log(serializer.serializeToString(doc)); it('get a range from a cfi', function() { var t1 = doc.getElementById('c001p0004').childNodes[0]; var t2 = doc.getElementById('c001p0007').childNodes[0]; var ogRange = doc.createRange(); var cfi; var newRange; ogRange.setStart(t1, 6); cfi = new EpubCFI(ogRange, base); // Check it was parse correctly assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/2/10/2[c001p0004]/1:6)" ); // Check the range newRange = cfi.toRange(doc); assert.equal( newRange.startContainer, t1); assert.equal( newRange.startOffset, 6); assert.equal( newRange.collapsed, true); }); it('get a range from a cfi with a range', function() { var t1 = doc.getElementById('c001p0004').childNodes[0]; var t2 = doc.getElementById('c001p0007').childNodes[0]; var ogRange = doc.createRange(); var cfi; var newRange; ogRange.setStart(t1, 6); ogRange.setEnd(t2, 27); cfi = new EpubCFI(ogRange, base); // Check it was parse correctly assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/2,/10/2[c001p0004]/1:6,/16/2[c001p0007]/1:27)" ); // Check the range newRange = cfi.toRange(doc); assert.equal( newRange.startContainer, t1); assert.equal( newRange.startOffset, 6); assert.equal( newRange.endContainer, t2); assert.equal( newRange.endOffset, 27); assert.equal( newRange.collapsed, false); }); it('get a cfi from a range inside a highlight', function() { var t1 = doc.getElementById('highlight-1').childNodes[0]; var ogRange = doc.createRange(); var cfi; var newRange; ogRange.setStart(t1, 6); cfi = new EpubCFI(ogRange, base, 'annotator-hl'); assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/2/32/2[c001p0017]/1:43)" ); // Check the range newRange = cfi.toRange(doc, 'annotator-hl'); assert.ok(newRange.startContainer); assert.equal( newRange.startContainer, t1); assert.equal( newRange.startOffset, 6); }); it('get a cfi from a range inside a highlight range', function() { var t1 = doc.getElementById('highlight-2').childNodes[0]; var t2 = doc.getElementById('c001s0001').childNodes[1]; var ogRange = doc.createRange(); var cfi; var newRange; ogRange.setStart(t1, 5); ogRange.setEnd(t2, 25); cfi = new EpubCFI(ogRange, base, 'annotator-hl'); assert.equal( cfi.toString(), "epubcfi(/6/4[chap01ref]!/4/2/4/2[c001s0001],/1:5,/1:41)" ); // Check the range newRange = cfi.toRange(doc, 'annotator-hl'); assert.strictEqual( newRange.startContainer.textContent, t1.textContent); // assert.strictEqual( newRange.startContainer, t1); // assert.equal( newRange.startOffset, 5); }); }); });