path: root/src/org/catacombae/rarx/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/org/catacombae/rarx/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 428 deletions
diff --git a/src/org/catacombae/rarx/ b/src/org/catacombae/rarx/
deleted file mode 100644
index 104bed1..0000000
--- a/src/org/catacombae/rarx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Erik Larsson
- *
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
- */
-package org.catacombae.rarx;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Calendar;
-import java.util.Date;
-public class NewFileHeader extends RARHeader {
- /*
- * struct NewFileHeader
- * size: 32 bytes
- *
- * BP Size Description
- * 0 2 HeadCRC
- * 2 1 HeadType
- * 3 2 Flags
- * 5 2 HeadSize
- * 7 4 PackSize
- * 11 4 UnpSize
- * 15 1 HostOS
- * 16 4 FileCRC
- * 20 4 FileTime
- * 24 1 UnpVer
- * 25 1 Method
- * 26 2 NameSize
- * 28 4 FileAttr
- */
- // Possible values for the hostOS field in NewFileHeader, and possibly elsewhere...
- public static final int HOSTOS_MS_DOS = 0;
- public static final int HOSTOS_OS2 = 1;
- public static final int HOSTOS_WIN_32 = 2;
- public static final int HOSTOS_UNIX = 3;
- public static final String[] hostOSStrings = { "MS-DOS", "OS/2", "Win32", "UNIX" };
- public static final int FM_NORMAL = 0x00;
- public static final int FM_RDONLY = 0x01;
- public static final int FM_HIDDEN = 0x02;
- public static final int FM_SYSTEM = 0x04;
- public static final int FM_LABEL = 0x08;
- public static final int FM_DIREC = 0x10;
- public static final int FM_ARCH = 0x20;
- public static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = "\\";
- private final byte[] packSize = new byte[4];
- private final byte[] unpSize = new byte[4];
- private final byte[] hostOS = new byte[1];
- private final byte[] fileCRC = new byte[4];
- private final byte[] fileTime = new byte[4];
- private final byte[] unpVer = new byte[1];
- private final byte[] method = new byte[1];
- private final byte[] nameSize = new byte[2];
- private final byte[] fileAttr = new byte[4];
- private final byte[] packSizeExtended;
- private final byte[] unpSizeExtended;
- private final byte[] filename;
- private final byte[] trailingData;
- public NewFileHeader(byte[] data, int offset) {
- super(data, offset);
- System.arraycopy(data, offset+7, packSize, 0, 4);
- System.arraycopy(data, offset+11, unpSize, 0, 4);
- System.arraycopy(data, offset+15, hostOS, 0, 1);
- System.arraycopy(data, offset+16, fileCRC, 0, 4);
- System.arraycopy(data, offset+20, fileTime, 0, 4);
- System.arraycopy(data, offset+24, unpVer, 0, 1);
- System.arraycopy(data, offset+25, method, 0, 1);
- System.arraycopy(data, offset+26, nameSize, 0, 2);
- System.arraycopy(data, offset+28, fileAttr, 0, 4);
- if(hasExtendedHeader()) {
- packSizeExtended = new byte[4];
- unpSizeExtended = new byte[4];
- System.arraycopy(data, offset+32, packSizeExtended, 0, 4);
- System.arraycopy(data, offset+36, unpSizeExtended, 0, 4);
- }
- else {
- packSizeExtended = new byte[0];
- unpSizeExtended = new byte[0];
- }
- final int extSize = packSizeExtended.length + unpSizeExtended.length;
- filename = new byte[getNameSize()];
- trailingData = new byte[getHeadSize()-(getStaticSize()+extSize+filename.length)];
- System.arraycopy(data, offset+32+extSize, filename, 0, filename.length);
- System.arraycopy(data, offset+32+extSize+filename.length, trailingData, 0, trailingData.length);
- validateData();
- }
- public static int getStaticSize() { return 32; }
- public int getSize() { return _getSize(); }
- private int _getSize() { return getHeadSize(); }
- protected void validateData() {
- //print(System.out, "");
- super.validateData();
- if(getHeadType() != FILE_HEAD)
- throw new InvalidDataException("Incorrect head type! (headType=" + getHeadType() + ")");
- if(getHeadSize() < getStaticSize())
- throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid size! (size=" + getHeadSize() + ")");
- if(getHostOSAsString() == null)
- throw new InvalidDataException("Host OS value invalid.");
- }
- public long getPackSize() {
- long result = Util.readIntLE(packSize) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
- if(packSizeExtended.length == 4)
- result |= (Util.readIntLE(packSizeExtended) & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32;
- return result;
- }
- public long getUnpSize() {
- long result = Util.readIntLE(unpSize) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
- if(unpSizeExtended.length == 4)
- result |= (Util.readIntLE(unpSizeExtended) & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32;
- return result;
-// if(unpSizeExtended.length == 4) {
-// return Util.readIntLE(unpSize);
- }
- public byte getHostOS() { return Util.readByteLE(hostOS); }
- public int getFileCRC() { return Util.readIntLE(fileCRC); }
- public int getFileTime() { return Util.readIntLE(fileTime); }
- public byte getUnpVer() { return Util.readByteLE(unpVer); }
- public byte getMethod() { return Util.readByteLE(method); }
- public short getNameSize() { return Util.readShortLE(nameSize); }
- public int getFileAttr() { return Util.readIntLE(fileAttr); }
- public byte[] getFilename() { return Util.createCopy(filename); }
- public byte[] getTrailingData() { return Util.createCopy(trailingData); }
- public byte[] getHeaderData() {
- byte[] data = new byte[_getSize()];
- System.arraycopy(super.getHeaderData(), 0, data, 0, super.getSize());
- System.arraycopy(packSize, 0, data, 7, packSize.length);
- System.arraycopy(unpSize, 0, data, 11, unpSize.length);
- System.arraycopy(hostOS, 0, data, 15, hostOS.length);
- System.arraycopy(fileCRC, 0, data, 16, fileCRC.length);
- System.arraycopy(fileTime, 0, data, 20, fileTime.length);
- System.arraycopy(unpVer, 0, data, 24, unpVer.length);
- System.arraycopy(method, 0, data, 25, method.length);
- System.arraycopy(nameSize, 0, data, 26, nameSize.length);
- System.arraycopy(fileAttr, 0, data, 28, fileAttr.length);
- if(hasExtendedHeader()) {
- System.arraycopy(packSizeExtended, 0, data, 32, 4);
- System.arraycopy(unpSizeExtended, 0, data, 36, 4);
- }
- final int extSize = packSizeExtended.length + unpSizeExtended.length;
- System.arraycopy(filename, 0, data, 32+extSize, filename.length);
- System.arraycopy(trailingData, 0, data, 32+extSize+filename.length, trailingData.length);
- return data;
- }
- /**
- * true if the header is 40 bytes long, false if it is 32 bytes long
- * The 40 byte header exists to accommodate filesizes > 2^32
- */
- public boolean hasExtendedHeader() {
- return getFlag(8);
- }
- /**
- * true if this file is a continuation of a previous file (split archive)
- */
- public boolean hasIncomingData() {
- return getFlag(0);
- }
- /**
- * true if this file continues in another file (split archive)
- */
- public boolean hasOutgoingData() {
- return getFlag(1);
- }
- public Date getFileTimeAsDate() {
- int data = getFileTime();
- int year = 1980 + ((data >> (4+5+5+6+5)) & 0x7F);
- int month = ((data >> (5+5+6+5)) & 0xF)-1;
- int day = (data >> (5+6+5)) & 0x1F;
- int hour = (data >> (6+5)) & 0x1F;
- int minute = (data >> (5)) & 0x3F;
- int doublesecond = data & 0x1F; // the archive format only supports 2-second precision (probably due to simpler design)
-// System.out.println("year = " + year);
-// System.out.println("month = " + month);
-// System.out.println("day = " + day);
-// System.out.println("hour = " + hour);
-// System.out.println("minute = " + minute);
-// System.out.println("doublesecond = " + doublesecond);
- Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
- c.setTime(new Date(0));
- c.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
- c.set(Calendar.MONTH, month);
- c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day);
- c.set(Calendar.HOUR, hour);
- c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute);
- c.set(Calendar.SECOND, doublesecond*2);
- return c.getTime();
- }
- public FileAttributes getFileAttributesStructured() {
- byte hostOS = getHostOS();
- if(hostOS == HOSTOS_WIN_32)
- return new Win32FileAttributes(getFileAttr());
- else if(hostOS == HOSTOS_UNIX)
- return new UNIXFileAttributes(getFileAttr());
- else if(hostOS == HOSTOS_MS_DOS || hostOS == HOSTOS_OS2)
- return new Win32FileAttributes(getFileAttr()); // Win, DOS and OS/2 seems to have a lot in common, but I don't really know what the file attributes will look like under DOS and OS/2. Hopefully something like the Win32-attributes (:
- else
- throw new RuntimeException("Unknown OS type!");
- }
-// public boolean isFile() {
-// return getFlag(getFileAttr(), 13);
-// }
- public String getHostOSAsString() {
- return hostOSToString(getHostOS());
- }
- public String getUnpackVersionAsString() {
- byte unpVer = getUnpVer();
- return (unpVer/10) + "." + (unpVer%10);
- }
- public String getFilenameAsString() {
- String result = getUnicodeFilenameAsString();
- if(result == null)
- result = getLegacyFilenameAsString();
- return result;
- }
- public String getLegacyFilenameAsString() {
- /* After testing, it seems that one of the old MS-DOS charsets
- are used to store the file name in this structure. If
- different charsets are supported, I don't know how to detect
- which charset will be used yet. Code Page 850 is used for now. */
- try {
- return new String(filename, /*"IBM437"*/"iso-8859-1").split("\0")[0];
- } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
- throw new RuntimeException(uee);
- }
- }
- public String getUnicodeFilenameAsString() {
- /* To cope with characters outside the old IBM charset originally
- used for filenames, RAR embeds extra data after the area
- containing the IBM charset filename. The old style filename is
- terminated by null, and after that follows the characters that
- could not be encoded properly with the IBM charset. */
- boolean debug = false;
- if(debug) System.out.println("getExtendedCharsetFilenameAsString();");
- char[] legacyFilename = getLegacyFilenameAsString().toCharArray();
- char[] unicodeFilename = new char[legacyFilename.length];
- int unicodeFilenamePointer = 0;
- //LinkedList<Character> codeUnitList = new LinkedList<Character>();
- // Find the index at which the extended filename characters begin (first occurrence of 0x00).
- int zeroIndex = 0;
- for(; zeroIndex < filename.length; ++zeroIndex)
- if(filename[zeroIndex] == 0)
- break;
- int codeUnitsRead = 0;;
- int extendedDataPointer = zeroIndex+1;
- if(extendedDataPointer+2 >= filename.length) // Must have compressedLSB (1 bytes) and at least one byte
- return null;
- byte compressedLSB = Util.readByteLE(filename, extendedDataPointer++);
- mainLoop:
- while(extendedDataPointer < filename.length) {
- if(debug) System.out.println(" Reading 4 bytes... (found " + codeUnitsRead +
- " code points, extendedDataPointer=" + extendedDataPointer + ")");
- byte groupDescriptor = Util.readByteLE(filename, extendedDataPointer++);
- for(int i = 0; (i < 4) && (extendedDataPointer < filename.length); ++i) {
- byte current = (byte)((groupDescriptor >>> ((3-i)*2)) & 0x3); // 0b11
- if(current == 0x0) { // 0b00
- //if(extendedDataPointer >= filename.length) break;
- char codeUnit = (char)(Util.readByteLE(filename, extendedDataPointer++) & 0xFF);
- if(debug) System.out.println(" Encountered 8-bit character: 0x" + Util.toHexStringBE(codeUnit));
- //codeUnitList.add(codeUnit);
- unicodeFilename[unicodeFilenamePointer++] = codeUnit;
- ++codeUnitsRead;
- }
- else if(current == 0x1) {
- //if(extendedDataPointer >= filename.length) break;
- char codeUnit = (char)(((compressedLSB & 0xFF) << 8) |
- (Util.readByteLE(filename, extendedDataPointer++) & 0xFF));
- if(debug) System.out.println(" Encountered compressed 16-bit character: 0x" +
- Util.toHexStringBE(codeUnit));
- //codeUnitList.add(codeUnit);
- unicodeFilename[unicodeFilenamePointer++] = codeUnit;
- ++codeUnitsRead;
- }
- else if(current == 0x2) { // 0b10
- //if(extendedDataPointer+1 >= filename.length) break;
- char codeUnit = (char)Util.readShortLE(filename, extendedDataPointer);
- extendedDataPointer += 2;
- if(debug) System.out.println(" Encountered 16-bit character: 0x" + Util.toHexStringBE(codeUnit));
- //codeUnitList.add(codeUnit);
- unicodeFilename[unicodeFilenamePointer++] = codeUnit;
- ++codeUnitsRead;
- }
- else if(current == 0x3) {
- //if(extendedDataPointer >= filename.length) break;
- byte indicator = Util.readByteLE(filename, extendedDataPointer++);
- /* Detta �r bullshit. Det �r INTE en indikator utan ett "skip"-kommando.
- * Ex. skip(0x02) => Spola f�rbi 4 characters dvs. ".txt" (n�stan alla test*+.rar)
- * skip(0x05) => Spola f�rbi 7 characters ex. "bok.txt" (ctest6.rar)
- * skip(0x01) => Spola f�rbi 3 characters ex. "Hej" (ctest16.rar)
- * skip(0x03) => Spola f�rbi 5 characters ex. "laban" (ctest16.rar)
- * Specialfall:
- * - Man kan som minst spola f�rbi 2 characters (skip(0x00)). Om str�ngen inleds med
- * en ASCII-character med Unicode-char direkt f�ljande s� kodas ASCII-charactern ner
- * som Unicode.
- * - P� samma s�tt kan man inte spola f�rbi 131 characters, utan �r tvungen att koda
- * skip(0x7F)... eller n�t. iaf skitsamma. orka.
- */
- if((indicator & 0xFF) > 0x7F)
- System.out.println(" Encountered unexpected skip value! 0x" + Util.toHexStringBE(indicator));
- if(debug) System.out.println(" Skipping " + (indicator+2) + " bytes.");
- System.arraycopy(legacyFilename, unicodeFilenamePointer, unicodeFilename, unicodeFilenamePointer, (indicator+2));
- unicodeFilenamePointer += (indicator+2);
- }
- }
- }
- if(unicodeFilenamePointer != legacyFilename.length)
- if(debug) System.out.println(" ERROR! Did not read enough characters. Read " + unicodeFilenamePointer + " characters while legacyFilename.length==" + legacyFilename.length + ".");
- else
- if(debug) System.out.println(" Read " + unicodeFilenamePointer + " characters.");
- return new String(unicodeFilename);
- }
- public byte[] getTrailingFilenameData() {
- for(int i = 0; i < filename.length; ++i) {
- if(filename[i] == 0)
- return Util.createCopy(filename, i, filename.length-i);
- }
- return new byte[0];
- }
- public static String hostOSToString(byte hostOS) {
- if(hostOS >= 0 && hostOS <= hostOSStrings.length)
- return hostOSStrings[hostOS];
- else
- return null;
- }
- /* // An attempt at porting the CRC-function from unrarlib to Java. Seems to work poorly.
- private static class MyCRC32 {
- private final int[] CRCTab = new int[256];
- private int currentCRC = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- public MyCRC32() {
- short I, J;
- int C;
- for(I=0;(I&0xFFFF)<256;I++) {
- for(C=I,J=0;J<8;J++)
- C=((C & 1) != 0)? (C>>1)^0xEDB88320 : (C>>1);
- CRCTab[I&0xFFFF]=C;
- }
- }
- public void update(byte[] data) {
- currentCRC = CalcCRC32(currentCRC, data);
- }
- public int getValue() {
- return currentCRC;
- }
- private int CalcCRC32(int StartCRC, byte[] Addr) {
- short I;
- for(I=0; I<Addr.length; I++)
- StartCRC = CRCTab[((byte)StartCRC ^ Addr[I])&0xFF] ^ (StartCRC >> 8);
- return(StartCRC);
- }
- }
- */
- protected void printFields(PrintStream ps, String prefix) {
- super.printFields(ps, prefix);
- ps.println(prefix + " PackSize: " + getPackSize() + " bytes");
- ps.println(prefix + " UnpSize: " + getUnpSize() + " bytes");
- ps.println(prefix + " HostOS: \"" + getHostOSAsString() + "\"");
- ps.println(prefix + " FileCRC: 0x" + Util.toHexStringBE(getFileCRC()));
- ps.println(prefix + " FileTime: " + getFileTimeAsDate() + " (0x" + Util.toHexStringBE(getFileTime()) + ")");
- ps.println(prefix + " UnpVer: \"" + getUnpackVersionAsString() + "\"");
- ps.println(prefix + " Method: 0x" + Util.toHexStringBE(getMethod()));
- ps.println(prefix + " NameSize: " + getNameSize() + " bytes");
- ps.println(prefix + " FileAttr: 0x" + Util.toHexStringBE(getFileAttr()));
- ps.println(prefix + " Structured file attributes:");
- getFileAttributesStructured().print(ps, prefix + " ");
- ps.println(prefix + " Filename: \"" + getFilenameAsString() + "\"");
- byte[] trailingFilenameData = getTrailingFilenameData();
- if(trailingFilenameData.length > 0)
- ps.println(prefix + " (Trailing filename data: 0x" + Util.byteArrayToHexString(trailingFilenameData) + ")");
- ps.println(prefix + " Trailing data: 0x" + Util.byteArrayToHexString(getTrailingData()));
- }
- public void print(PrintStream ps, String prefix) {
- ps.println(prefix + "NewFileHeader: ");
- printFields(ps, prefix);
- }