## Contributing code the right way TLDR: it works *almost* like Github. Due to spam, new Gitlab users are set to [external](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/admin_area/external_users.html). In order to do anything, you'll need to ask for your account to be promoted. Sorry for the inconvenience. 1. Register on the [development website](https://dev.tt-rss.org); 2. Post on the forums asking for your account to be promoted; 3. Fork the repository you're interested in; 4. Do the needful; 5. Verify that your changes pass through PHPStan (see below); 6. File a PR against master branch; If you have any other questions, see this [forum thread](https://discourse.tt-rss.org/t/how-to-contribute-code-via-pull-requests-on-git-tt-rss-org/1850).