diff options
authorAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2021-03-09 14:45:35 +0300
committerAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2021-03-09 14:45:35 +0300
commit74391ec30a7a76fb4774d12b41a033f146518db8 (patch)
parentdd9d017f7d5041eedc31a126d023f5f4d406e557 (diff)
reorganize update.php a bit, remove unneeded options
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/update.php b/update.php
index 956aa8548..079069a3b 100755
--- a/update.php
+++ b/update.php
@@ -74,31 +74,34 @@
- $longopts = array("feeds",
- "daemon",
- "daemon-loop",
- "update-feed:",
- "send-digests",
- "task:",
- "cleanup-tags",
- "quiet",
- "log:",
- "log-level:",
- "indexes",
- "pidlock:",
- "update-schema::",
- "convert-filters",
- "force-update",
- "gen-search-idx",
- "list-plugins",
- "debug-feed:",
- "force-refetch",
- "force-rehash",
- "opml-export:",
- "help");
+ $options_map = [
+ "feeds" => "update all pending feeds",
+ "daemon" => "start single-process update daemon",
+ "daemon-loop" => "",
+ "update-feed:" => "",
+ "send-digests" => "send pending email digests",
+ "task:" => "",
+ "cleanup-tags" => "perform maintenance on tags table",
+ "quiet" => "don't output messages to stdout",
+ "log:" => ["FILE", "log messages to FILE"],
+ "log-level:" => ["N", "set log verbosity level (0-2)"],
+ "pidlock:" => "",
+ "update-schema::" => ["[force-yes]", "update database schema, optionally without prompting"],
+ "force-update" => "mark all feeds as pending update",
+ "gen-search-idx" => "generate basic PostgreSQL fulltext search index",
+ "plugins-list" => "list installed plugins",
+ "debug-feed:" => ["N", "update specified feed with debug output enabled"],
+ "debug-force-refetch" => "debug update: force refetch feed data",
+ "debug-force-rehash" => "debug update: force rehash articles",
+ "opml-export:" => ["USER:FILE", "export OPML of USER to FILE"],
+ "user-list" => "list all users",
+# "user-add:" => ["USER[:PASSWORD]", "add USER, optionally without prompting for PASSWORD"],
+# "user-remove:" => ["USERNAME", "remove specified user"],
+ "help" => "",
+ ];
foreach (PluginHost::getInstance()->get_commands() as $command => $data) {
- array_push($longopts, $command . $data["suffix"]);
+ $options_map[$command . $data["suffix"]] = [ $data["arghelp"] ?? "", $data["description"] ];
if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") {
@@ -107,35 +110,32 @@
- $options = getopt("", $longopts);
+ $options = getopt("", array_keys($options_map));
if (count($options) == 0 || isset($options["help"]) ) {
- print "Tiny Tiny RSS data update script.\n\n";
- print "Options:\n";
- print " --feeds - update feeds\n";
- print " --daemon - start single-process update daemon\n";
- print " --task N - create lockfile using this task id\n";
- print " --cleanup-tags - perform tags table maintenance\n";
- print " --quiet - don't output messages to stdout\n";
- print " --log FILE - log messages to FILE\n";
- print " --log-level N - log verbosity level\n";
- print " --indexes - recreate missing schema indexes\n";
- print " --update-schema[=force-yes] - update database schema (without prompting)\n";
- print " --gen-search-idx - generate basic PostgreSQL fulltext search index\n";
- print " --convert-filters - convert type1 filters to type2\n";
- print " --send-digests - send pending email digests\n";
- print " --force-update - force update of all feeds\n";
- print " --list-plugins - list all available plugins\n";
- print " --debug-feed N - perform debug update of feed N\n";
- print " --force-refetch - debug update: force refetch feed data\n";
- print " --force-rehash - debug update: force rehash articles\n";
- print " --opml-export \"USER FILE\" - export feeds of selected user to OPML\n";
- print " --help - show this help\n";
- print "Plugin options:\n";
- foreach (PluginHost::getInstance()->get_commands() as $command => $data) {
- $args = $data['arghelp'];
- printf(" --%-26s - %s\n", "$command $args", $data["description"]);
+ print "Tiny Tiny RSS CLI management tool\n";
+ print "=================================\n";
+ print "Options:\n\n";
+ $options_help = [];
+ foreach ($options_map as $option => $descr) {
+ if (substr($option, -1) === ":")
+ $option = substr($option, 0, -1);
+ $help_key = trim(sprintf("--%s %s",
+ $option, is_array($descr) ? $descr[0] : ""));
+ $help_value = is_array($descr) ? $descr[1] : $descr;
+ if ($help_value)
+ $options_help[$help_key] = $help_value;
+ }
+ $max_key_len = array_reduce(array_keys($options_help),
+ function ($carry, $item) { $len = strlen($item); return $len > $carry ? strlen($item) : $carry; });
+ foreach ($options_help as $option => $help_text) {
+ printf(" %s %s\n", str_pad($option, $max_key_len + 5), $help_text);
@@ -263,112 +263,6 @@
Debug::log("$rc tags deleted.\n");
- if (isset($options["indexes"])) {
- Debug::log("Type 'yes' to continue.");
- if (read_stdin() != 'yes')
- exit;
- Debug::log("clearing existing indexes...");
- if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
- $sth = $pdo->query( "SELECT relname FROM
- pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'ttrss_%'
- AND relname NOT LIKE '%_pkey'
- AND relkind = 'i'");
- } else {
- $sth = $pdo->query( "SELECT index_name,table_name FROM
- information_schema.statistics WHERE index_name LIKE 'ttrss_%'");
- }
- while ($line = $sth->fetch()) {
- if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
- $statement = "DROP INDEX " . $line["relname"];
- Debug::log($statement);
- } else {
- $statement = "ALTER TABLE ".
- $line['table_name']." DROP INDEX ".$line['index_name'];
- Debug::log($statement);
- }
- $pdo->query($statement);
- }
- Debug::log("reading indexes from schema for: " . Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE));
- $fp = fopen("schema/ttrss_schema_" . Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) . ".sql", "r");
- if ($fp) {
- while ($line = fgets($fp)) {
- $matches = array();
- if (preg_match("/^create index ([^ ]+) on ([^ ]+)$/i", $line, $matches)) {
- $index = $matches[1];
- $table = $matches[2];
- $statement = "CREATE INDEX $index ON $table";
- Debug::log($statement);
- $pdo->query($statement);
- }
- }
- fclose($fp);
- } else {
- Debug::log("unable to open schema file.");
- }
- Debug::log("all done.");
- }
- if (isset($options["convert-filters"])) {
- Debug::log("WARNING: this will remove all existing type2 filters.");
- Debug::log("Type 'yes' to continue.");
- if (read_stdin() != 'yes')
- exit;
- Debug::log("converting filters...");
- $pdo->query("DELETE FROM ttrss_filters2");
- $res = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM ttrss_filters ORDER BY id");
- while ($line = $res->fetch()) {
- $owner_uid = $line["owner_uid"];
- // date filters are removed
- if ($line["filter_type"] != 5) {
- $filter = array();
- if (sql_bool_to_bool($line["cat_filter"])) {
- $feed_id = "CAT:" . (int)$line["cat_id"];
- } else {
- $feed_id = (int)$line["feed_id"];
- }
- $filter["enabled"] = $line["enabled"] ? "on" : "off";
- $filter["rule"] = array(
- json_encode(array(
- "reg_exp" => $line["reg_exp"],
- "feed_id" => $feed_id,
- "filter_type" => $line["filter_type"])));
- $filter["action"] = array(
- json_encode(array(
- "action_id" => $line["action_id"],
- "action_param_label" => $line["action_param"],
- "action_param" => $line["action_param"])));
- // Oh god it's full of hacks
- $_REQUEST = $filter;
- $_SESSION["uid"] = $owner_uid;
- $filters = new Pref_Filters($_REQUEST);
- $filters->add();
- }
- }
- }
if (isset($options["update-schema"])) {
if (Config::is_migration_needed()) {
@@ -431,7 +325,7 @@
- if (isset($options["list-plugins"])) {
+ if (isset($options["plugins-list"])) {
$tmppluginhost = new PluginHost();
$enabled = array_map("trim", explode(",", Config::get(Config::PLUGINS)));
@@ -470,8 +364,19 @@
+ if (isset($options["user-list"])) {
+ $users = ORM::for_table('ttrss_users')
+ ->order_by_expr('id')
+ ->find_many();
+ foreach ($users as $user) {
+ printf ("%-4d\t%-15s\t%-20s\t%-20s\n",
+ $user->id, $user->login, $user->full_name, $user->email);
+ }
+ }
if (isset($options["opml-export"])) {
- list ($user, $filename) = explode(" ", $options["opml-export"], 2);
+ list ($user, $filename) = explode(":", $options["opml-export"], 2);
Debug::log("Exporting feeds of user $user to $filename as OPML...");