path: root/classes/RSSUtils.php
diff options
authorAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2023-10-25 12:55:09 +0300
committerAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2023-10-25 12:55:09 +0300
commit865ecc87963dc3b26e66296616eef2a1cc41ac3f (patch)
treebf2ecd8a391103bdb2c8b70cd33c47467310754b /classes/RSSUtils.php
parent0a5507d3bd79d04c860455664f919bf8e7274fda (diff)
move to psr-4 autoloader
Diffstat (limited to 'classes/RSSUtils.php')
1 files changed, 2085 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/classes/RSSUtils.php b/classes/RSSUtils.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c340f6cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/RSSUtils.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2085 @@
+class RSSUtils {
+ /**
+ * @param array<string, mixed> $article
+ */
+ static function calculate_article_hash(array $article, PluginHost $pluginhost): string {
+ $tmp = "";
+ $ignored_fields = [ "feed", "guid", "guid_hashed", "owner_uid", "force_catchup" ];
+ foreach ($article as $k => $v) {
+ if (in_array($k, $ignored_fields))
+ continue;
+ if ($k != "feed" && isset($v)) {
+ $x = strip_tags(
+ is_array($v) ? implode(",", array_keys($v)) : $v);
+ $tmp .= sha1("$k:" . sha1($x));
+ }
+ }
+ return sha1(implode(",", $pluginhost->get_plugin_names()) . $tmp);
+ }
+ // Strips utf8mb4 characters (i.e. emoji) for mysql
+ static function strip_utf8mb4(string $str): string {
+ return preg_replace('/[\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', "\xEF\xBF\xBD", $str);
+ }
+ static function cleanup_feed_browser(): void {
+ $pdo = Db::pdo();
+ $pdo->query("DELETE FROM ttrss_feedbrowser_cache");
+ }
+ static function cleanup_feed_icons(): void {
+ $pdo = Db::pdo();
+ $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ?");
+ $cache = DiskCache::instance('feed-icons');
+ if ($cache->is_writable()) {
+ $dh = opendir($cache->get_full_path(""));
+ if ($dh) {
+ while (($icon = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
+ if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,}$/', $icon) && $cache->get_mtime($icon) < time() - 86400 * Config::get(Config::CACHE_MAX_DAYS)) {
+ $sth->execute([(int)$icon]);
+ if ($sth->fetch()) {
+ $cache->put($icon, $cache->get($icon));
+ } else {
+ $icon_path = $cache->get_full_path($icon);
+ Debug::log("Removing orphaned feed icon: $icon_path");
+ unlink($icon_path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array<string, false|string> $options
+ */
+ static function update_daemon_common(int $limit = 0, array $options = []): int {
+ $span = Tracer::start(__METHOD__);
+ if (!$limit) $limit = Config::get(Config::DAEMON_FEED_LIMIT);
+ if (Config::get_schema_version() != Config::SCHEMA_VERSION) {
+ die("Schema version is wrong, please upgrade the database.\n");
+ }
+ $pdo = Db::pdo();
+ if (!Config::get(Config::SINGLE_USER_MODE) && Config::get(Config::DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT) > 0) {
+ $login_limit = (int) Config::get(Config::DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT);
+ if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
+ $login_thresh_qpart = "AND last_login >= NOW() - INTERVAL '$login_limit days'";
+ } else {
+ $login_thresh_qpart = "AND last_login >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $login_limit DAY)";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $login_thresh_qpart = "";
+ }
+ $default_interval = (int) Prefs::get_default(Prefs::DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL);
+ if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
+ $update_limit_qpart = "AND ((
+ update_interval = 0
+ AND (p.value IS NULL OR p.value != '-1')
+ AND last_updated < NOW() - CAST((COALESCE(p.value, '$default_interval') || ' minutes') AS INTERVAL)
+ ) OR (
+ update_interval > 0
+ AND last_updated < NOW() - CAST((update_interval || ' minutes') AS INTERVAL)
+ ) OR (
+ update_interval >= 0
+ AND (p.value IS NULL OR p.value != '-1')
+ AND (last_updated = '1970-01-01 00:00:00' OR last_updated IS NULL)
+ ))";
+ } else {
+ $update_limit_qpart = "AND ((
+ update_interval = 0
+ AND (p.value IS NULL OR p.value != '-1')
+ AND last_updated < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL CONVERT(COALESCE(p.value, '$default_interval'), SIGNED INTEGER) MINUTE)
+ ) OR (
+ update_interval > 0
+ AND last_updated < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL update_interval MINUTE)
+ ) OR (
+ update_interval >= 0
+ AND (p.value IS NULL OR p.value != '-1')
+ AND (last_updated = '1970-01-01 00:00:00' OR last_updated IS NULL)
+ ))";
+ }
+ // Test if feed is currently being updated by another process.
+ if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
+ $updstart_thresh_qpart = "AND (last_update_started IS NULL OR last_update_started < NOW() - INTERVAL '10 minutes')";
+ } else {
+ $updstart_thresh_qpart = "AND (last_update_started IS NULL OR last_update_started < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 10 MINUTE))";
+ }
+ $query_limit = $limit ? sprintf("LIMIT %d", $limit) : "";
+ // Update the least recently updated feeds first
+ $query_order = "ORDER BY last_updated";
+ if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql")
+ $query_order .= " NULLS FIRST";
+ $query = "SELECT f.feed_url, f.last_updated
+ ttrss_feeds f, ttrss_users u LEFT JOIN ttrss_user_prefs2 p ON
+ (p.owner_uid = AND profile IS NULL AND pref_name = 'DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL')
+ f.owner_uid = AND
+ u.access_level NOT IN (".sprintf("%d, %d", UserHelper::ACCESS_LEVEL_DISABLED, UserHelper::ACCESS_LEVEL_READONLY).")
+ $login_thresh_qpart
+ $update_limit_qpart
+ $updstart_thresh_qpart
+ $query_order $query_limit";
+ //print "$query\n";
+ $res = $pdo->query($query);
+ $feeds_to_update = array();
+ while ($line = $res->fetch()) {
+ array_push($feeds_to_update, $line['feed_url']);
+ }
+ Debug::log(sprintf("Scheduled %d feeds to update...", count($feeds_to_update)));
+ // Update last_update_started before actually starting the batch
+ // in order to minimize collision risk for parallel daemon tasks
+ if (count($feeds_to_update) > 0) {
+ $feeds_qmarks = arr_qmarks($feeds_to_update);
+ $tmph = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_update_started = NOW()
+ WHERE feed_url IN ($feeds_qmarks)");
+ $tmph->execute($feeds_to_update);
+ }
+ $nf = 0;
+ $bstarted = microtime(true);
+ $batch_owners = [];
+ $user_query = "SELECT,
+ last_updated,
+ f.owner_uid,
+ u.login AS owner,
+ f.title
+ FROM ttrss_feeds f, ttrss_users u LEFT JOIN ttrss_user_prefs2 p ON
+ (p.owner_uid = AND profile IS NULL AND pref_name = 'DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL')
+ f.owner_uid = AND
+ u.access_level NOT IN (".sprintf("%d, %d", UserHelper::ACCESS_LEVEL_DISABLED, UserHelper::ACCESS_LEVEL_READONLY).")
+ AND feed_url = :feed
+ $login_thresh_qpart
+ $update_limit_qpart
+ ORDER BY $query_limit";
+ //print "$user_query\n";
+ // since we have feed xml cached, we can deal with other feeds with the same url
+ $usth = $pdo->prepare($user_query);
+ foreach ($feeds_to_update as $feed) {
+ Debug::log("Base feed: $feed");
+ $usth->execute(["feed" => $feed]);
+ if ($tline = $usth->fetch()) {
+ Debug::log(sprintf("=> %s (ID: %d, U: %s [%d]), last updated: %s", $tline["title"], $tline["id"],
+ $tline["owner"], $tline["owner_uid"],
+ $tline["last_updated"] ? $tline["last_updated"] : "never"));
+ if (!in_array($tline["owner_uid"], $batch_owners))
+ array_push($batch_owners, $tline["owner_uid"]);
+ $fstarted = microtime(true);
+ $quiet = (isset($options["quiet"])) ? "--quiet" : "";
+ $log = function_exists("flock") && isset($options['log']) ? '--log '.$options['log'] : '';
+ $log_level = isset($options['log-level']) ? '--log-level '.$options['log-level'] : '';
+ /* shared hosting may have this disabled and it's not strictly required */
+ if (self::function_enabled('passthru')) {
+ $exit_code = 0;
+ passthru(Config::get(Config::PHP_EXECUTABLE) . " update.php --update-feed " . $tline["id"] . " --pidlock feed-" . $tline["id"] . " $quiet $log $log_level", $exit_code);
+ Debug::log(sprintf("<= %.4f (sec) exit code: %d", microtime(true) - $fstarted, $exit_code));
+ // -1 can be caused by a SIGCHLD handler which daemon master process installs (not every setup, apparently)
+ if ($exit_code != 0 && $exit_code != -1) {
+ $festh = $pdo->prepare("SELECT last_error FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = ?");
+ $festh->execute([$tline["id"]]);
+ if ($ferow = $festh->fetch()) {
+ $error_message = $ferow["last_error"];
+ } else {
+ $error_message = "N/A";
+ }
+ Debug::log("!! Last error: $error_message");
+ Logger::log(E_USER_NOTICE,
+ sprintf("Update process for feed %d (%s, owner UID: %d) failed with exit code: %d (%s).",
+ $tline["id"], clean($tline["title"]), $tline["owner_uid"], $exit_code, clean($error_message)));
+ $combined_error_message = sprintf("Update process failed with exit code: %d (%s)",
+ $exit_code, clean($error_message));
+ # mark failed feed as having an update error (unless it is already marked)
+ $fusth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_error = ? WHERE id = ? AND last_error = ''");
+ $fusth->execute([$combined_error_message, $tline["id"]]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ try {
+ if (!self::update_rss_feed($tline["id"], true)) {
+ Logger::log(E_USER_NOTICE,
+ sprintf("Update request for feed %d (%s, owner UID: %d) failed: %s.",
+ $tline["id"], clean($tline["title"]), $tline["owner_uid"], clean(UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error)));
+ }
+ Debug::log(sprintf("<= %.4f (sec) (not using a separate process)", microtime(true) - $fstarted));
+ } catch (PDOException $e) {
+ Logger::log_error(E_USER_WARNING, $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getTraceAsString());
+ try {
+ $pdo->rollback();
+ } catch (PDOException $e) {
+ // it doesn't matter if there wasn't actually anything to rollback, PDO Exception can be
+ // thrown outside of an active transaction during feed update
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++$nf;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($nf > 0) {
+ Debug::log(sprintf("Processed %d feeds in %.4f (sec), %.4f (sec/feed avg)", $nf,
+ microtime(true) - $bstarted, (microtime(true) - $bstarted) / $nf));
+ }
+ foreach ($batch_owners as $owner_uid) {
+ Debug::log("Running housekeeping tasks for user $owner_uid...");
+ self::housekeeping_user($owner_uid);
+ }
+ // Send feed digests by email if needed.
+ Digest::send_headlines_digests();
+ $span->end();
+ return $nf;
+ }
+ /** this is used when subscribing */
+ static function update_basic_info(int $feed_id): void {
+ $feed = ORM::for_table('ttrss_feeds')
+ ->select_many('id', 'owner_uid', 'feed_url', 'auth_pass', 'auth_login', 'title', 'site_url')
+ ->find_one($feed_id);
+ if ($feed) {
+ $pluginhost = new PluginHost();
+ $user_plugins = get_pref(Prefs::_ENABLED_PLUGINS, $feed->owner_uid);
+ $pluginhost->load(Config::get(Config::PLUGINS), PluginHost::KIND_ALL);
+ $pluginhost->load((string)$user_plugins, PluginHost::KIND_USER, $feed->owner_uid);
+ //$pluginhost->load_data();
+ $basic_info = [];
+ $pluginhost->run_hooks_callback(PluginHost::HOOK_FEED_BASIC_INFO, function ($result) use (&$basic_info) {
+ $basic_info = $result;
+ }, $basic_info, $feed->feed_url, $feed->owner_uid, $feed_id, $feed->auth_login, $feed->auth_pass);
+ if (!$basic_info) {
+ $feed_data = UrlHelper::fetch([
+ 'url' => $feed->feed_url,
+ 'login' => $feed->auth_login,
+ 'pass' => $feed->auth_pass,
+ 'timeout' => Config::get(Config::FEED_FETCH_TIMEOUT),
+ ]);
+ $feed_data = trim($feed_data);
+ if ($feed_data) {
+ $rss = new FeedParser($feed_data);
+ $rss->init();
+ if (!$rss->error()) {
+ $basic_info = [
+ 'title' => mb_substr(clean($rss->get_title()), 0, 199),
+ 'site_url' => mb_substr(UrlHelper::rewrite_relative($feed->feed_url, clean($rss->get_link())), 0, 245),
+ ];
+ } else {
+ Debug::log(sprintf("unable to parse feed for basic info: %s", $rss->error()), Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Debug::log(sprintf("unable to fetch feed for basic info: %s [%s]", UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error, UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error_code), Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($basic_info && is_array($basic_info)) {
+ if (!empty($basic_info['title']) && (!$feed->title || $feed->title == '[Unknown]')) {
+ $feed->title = $basic_info['title'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($basic_info['site_url']) && $feed->site_url != $basic_info['site_url']) {
+ $feed->site_url = $basic_info['site_url'];
+ }
+ $feed->save();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static function update_rss_feed(int $feed, bool $no_cache = false, bool $html_output = false) : bool {
+ $span = Tracer::start(__METHOD__);
+ $span->setAttribute('func.args', json_encode(func_get_args()));
+ Debug::enable_html($html_output);
+ Debug::log("start", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $pdo = Db::pdo();
+ /** @var DiskCache $cache */
+ $cache = DiskCache::instance('feeds');
+ if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
+ $favicon_interval_qpart = "favicon_last_checked < NOW() - INTERVAL '12 hour'";
+ } else {
+ $favicon_interval_qpart = "favicon_last_checked < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 12 HOUR)";
+ }
+ $feed_obj = ORM::for_table('ttrss_feeds')
+ ->select_expr("ttrss_feeds.*,
+ ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(last_unconditional, 1, 19) AS last_unconditional,
+ (favicon_is_custom IS NOT TRUE AND
+ (favicon_last_checked IS NULL OR $favicon_interval_qpart)) AS favicon_needs_check")
+ ->find_one($feed);
+ if ($feed_obj) {
+ $feed_obj->last_update_started = Db::NOW();
+ $feed_obj->save();
+ $feed_language = mb_strtolower($feed_obj->feed_language);
+ if (!$feed_language) $feed_language = mb_strtolower(get_pref(Prefs::DEFAULT_SEARCH_LANGUAGE, $feed_obj->owner_uid));
+ if (!$feed_language) $feed_language = 'simple';
+ $user = ORM::for_table('ttrss_users')->find_one($feed_obj->owner_uid);
+ if ($user) {
+ if ($user->access_level == UserHelper::ACCESS_LEVEL_READONLY) {
+ Debug::log("error: denied update for $feed: permission denied by owner access level");
+ $span->end();
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // this would indicate database corruption of some kind
+ Debug::log("error: owner not found for feed: $feed");
+ $span->end();
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Debug::log("error: feeds table record not found for feed: $feed");
+ $span->end();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // feed was batch-subscribed or something, we need to get basic info
+ // this is not optimal currently as it fetches stuff separately TODO: optimize
+ if ($feed_obj->title == "[Unknown]" || empty($feed_obj->title) || empty($feed_obj->site_url)) {
+ Debug::log("setting basic feed info for $feed...");
+ self::update_basic_info($feed);
+ }
+ $date_feed_processed = date('Y-m-d H:i');
+ $cache_filename = sha1($feed_obj->feed_url) . ".xml";
+ $pluginhost = new PluginHost();
+ $user_plugins = get_pref(Prefs::_ENABLED_PLUGINS, $feed_obj->owner_uid);
+ $pluginhost->load(Config::get(Config::PLUGINS), PluginHost::KIND_ALL);
+ $pluginhost->load((string)$user_plugins, PluginHost::KIND_USER, $feed_obj->owner_uid);
+ $rss_hash = false;
+ $force_refetch = isset($_REQUEST["force_refetch"]);
+ $dump_feed_xml = isset($_REQUEST["dump_feed_xml"]);
+ $feed_data = "";
+ Debug::log("running HOOK_FETCH_FEED handlers...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $start_ts = microtime(true);
+ $last_article_timestamp = 0;
+ $hff_owner_uid = $feed_obj->owner_uid;
+ $hff_feed_url = $feed_obj->feed_url;
+ $pluginhost->chain_hooks_callback(PluginHost::HOOK_FETCH_FEED,
+ function ($result, $plugin) use (&$feed_data, $start_ts) {
+ $feed_data = $result;
+ Debug::log(sprintf("=== %.4f (sec) %s", microtime(true) - $start_ts, get_class($plugin)), Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ },
+ $feed_data, $hff_feed_url, $hff_owner_uid, $feed, $last_article_timestamp, $auth_login, $auth_pass);
+ if ($feed_data) {
+ Debug::log("feed data has been modified by a plugin.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ } else {
+ Debug::log("feed data has not been modified by a plugin.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ // try cache
+ if (!$feed_data &&
+ $cache->exists($cache_filename) &&
+ !$feed_obj->auth_login && !$feed_obj->auth_pass &&
+ $cache->get_mtime($cache_filename) > time() - 30) {
+ Debug::log("using local cache: {$cache_filename}.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $feed_data = $cache->get($cache_filename);
+ if ($feed_data) {
+ $rss_hash = sha1($feed_data);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Debug::log("local cache will not be used for this feed", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ // fetch feed from source
+ if (!$feed_data) {
+ Debug::log("last unconditional update request: {$feed_obj->last_unconditional}", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if (ini_get("open_basedir") && function_exists("curl_init")) {
+ Debug::log("not using CURL due to open_basedir restrictions", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ if (time() - strtotime($feed_obj->last_unconditional ?? "") > Config::get(Config::MAX_CONDITIONAL_INTERVAL)) {
+ Debug::log("maximum allowed interval for conditional requests exceeded, forcing refetch", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $force_refetch = true;
+ } else {
+ Debug::log("stored last modified for conditional request: {$feed_obj->last_modified}", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ Debug::log("fetching {$feed_obj->feed_url} (force_refetch: $force_refetch)...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $feed_data = UrlHelper::fetch([
+ "url" => $feed_obj->feed_url,
+ "login" => $feed_obj->auth_login,
+ "pass" => $feed_obj->auth_pass,
+ "timeout" => $no_cache ? Config::get(Config::FEED_FETCH_NO_CACHE_TIMEOUT) : Config::get(Config::FEED_FETCH_TIMEOUT),
+ "last_modified" => $force_refetch ? "" : $feed_obj->last_modified
+ ]);
+ $feed_data = trim($feed_data);
+ Debug::log("fetch done.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Debug::log(sprintf("effective URL (after redirects): %s (IP: %s) ", UrlHelper::$fetch_effective_url, UrlHelper::$fetch_effective_ip_addr), Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Debug::log("server last modified: " . UrlHelper::$fetch_last_modified, Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if ($feed_data && UrlHelper::$fetch_last_modified != $feed_obj->last_modified) {
+ $feed_obj->last_modified = substr(UrlHelper::$fetch_last_modified, 0, 245);
+ $feed_obj->save();
+ }
+ // cache vanilla feed data for re-use
+ if ($feed_data && !$feed_obj->auth_pass && !$feed_obj->auth_login && $cache->is_writable()) {
+ $new_rss_hash = sha1($feed_data);
+ if ($new_rss_hash != $rss_hash) {
+ Debug::log("saving to local cache: $cache_filename", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $cache->put($cache_filename, $feed_data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$feed_data) {
+ Debug::log(sprintf("unable to fetch: %s [%s]", UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error, UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error_code), Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ // If-Modified-Since
+ if (UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error_code == 304) {
+ Debug::log("source claims data not modified (304), nothing to do.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $error_message = "";
+ $feed_obj->set([
+ 'last_error' => '',
+ 'last_successful_update' => Db::NOW(),
+ 'last_updated' => Db::NOW(),
+ ]);
+ $feed_obj->save();
+ } else if (UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error_code == 429) {
+ // randomize interval using Config::HTTP_429_THROTTLE_INTERVAL as a base value (1-2x)
+ $http_429_throttle_interval = rand(Config::get(Config::HTTP_429_THROTTLE_INTERVAL),
+ Config::get(Config::HTTP_429_THROTTLE_INTERVAL)*2);
+ $error_message = UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error;
+ Debug::log("source claims we're requesting too often (429), throttling updates for $http_429_throttle_interval seconds.",
+ Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $feed_obj->set([
+ 'last_error' => $error_message . " (updates throttled for $http_429_throttle_interval seconds.)",
+ 'last_successful_update' => Db::NOW($http_429_throttle_interval),
+ 'last_updated' => Db::NOW($http_429_throttle_interval),
+ ]);
+ $feed_obj->save();
+ } else {
+ $error_message = UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error;
+ $feed_obj->set([
+ 'last_error' => $error_message,
+ 'last_updated' => Db::NOW(),
+ ]);
+ $feed_obj->save();
+ }
+ $span->end();
+ return $error_message == "";
+ }
+ Debug::log("running HOOK_FEED_FETCHED handlers...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $feed_data_checksum = md5($feed_data);
+ // because chain_hooks_callback() accepts variables by value
+ $pff_owner_uid = $feed_obj->owner_uid;
+ $pff_feed_url = $feed_obj->feed_url;
+ if ($dump_feed_xml) {
+ Debug::log("feed data before hooks:", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Debug::log(Debug::SEPARATOR, Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ print("<code class='feed-xml'>" . htmlspecialchars($feed_data). "</code>\n");
+ Debug::log(Debug::SEPARATOR, Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ $start_ts = microtime(true);
+ $pluginhost->chain_hooks_callback(PluginHost::HOOK_FEED_FETCHED,
+ function ($result, $plugin) use (&$feed_data, $start_ts) {
+ $feed_data = $result;
+ Debug::log(sprintf("=== %.4f (sec) %s", microtime(true) - $start_ts, get_class($plugin)), Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ },
+ $feed_data, $pff_feed_url, $pff_owner_uid, $feed);
+ if (md5($feed_data) != $feed_data_checksum) {
+ Debug::log("feed data has been modified by a plugin.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ } else {
+ Debug::log("feed data has not been modified by a plugin.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ if ($dump_feed_xml) {
+ Debug::log("feed data after hooks:", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Debug::log(Debug::SEPARATOR, Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ print("<code class='feed-xml'>" . htmlspecialchars($feed_data). "</code>\n");
+ Debug::log(Debug::SEPARATOR, Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ $rss = new FeedParser($feed_data);
+ $rss->init();
+ if (!$rss->error()) {
+ Debug::log("running HOOK_FEED_PARSED handlers...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ // We use local pluginhost here because we need to load different per-user feed plugins
+ $start_ts = microtime(true);
+ $pluginhost->chain_hooks_callback(PluginHost::HOOK_FEED_PARSED,
+ function($result, $plugin) use ($start_ts) {
+ Debug::log(sprintf("=== %.4f (sec) %s", microtime(true) - $start_ts, get_class($plugin)), Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ },
+ $rss, $feed);
+ Debug::log("language: $feed_language", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Debug::log("processing feed data...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ // this is a fallback, in case RSSUtils::update_basic_info() fails.
+ // TODO: is this necessary? remove unless it is.
+ if (empty($feed_obj->site_url)) {
+ $feed_obj->site_url = mb_substr(UrlHelper::rewrite_relative($feed_obj->feed_url, clean($rss->get_link())), 0, 245);
+ $feed_obj->save();
+ }
+ Debug::log("site_url: {$feed_obj->site_url}", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Debug::log("feed_title: {$rss->get_title()}", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Debug::log('favicon: needs check: ' . ($feed_obj->favicon_needs_check ? 'true' : 'false')
+ . ', is custom: ' . ($feed_obj->favicon_is_custom ? 'true' : 'false')
+ . ", avg color: {$feed_obj->favicon_avg_color}",
+ Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if ($feed_obj->favicon_needs_check || $force_refetch
+ || ($feed_obj->favicon_is_custom && !$feed_obj->favicon_avg_color)) {
+ // restrict update attempts to once per 12h
+ $feed_obj->favicon_last_checked = Db::NOW();
+ $feed_obj->save();
+ $favicon_cache = DiskCache::instance('feed-icons');
+ $favicon_modified = $favicon_cache->exists($feed) ? $favicon_cache->get_mtime($feed) : -1;
+ // don't try to redownload custom favicons
+ if (!$feed_obj->favicon_is_custom) {
+ Debug::log("favicon: trying to update favicon...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ self::update_favicon($feed_obj->site_url, $feed);
+ if (!$favicon_cache->exists($feed) || $favicon_cache->get_mtime($feed) > $favicon_modified) {
+ $feed_obj->favicon_avg_color = null;
+ $feed_obj->save();
+ }
+ }
+ /* terrible hack: if we crash on floicon shit here, we won't check
+ * the icon avgcolor again (unless icon got updated) */
+ if (file_exists($favicon_cache->get_full_path($feed)) && function_exists("imagecreatefromstring") && empty($feed_obj->favicon_avg_color)) {
+ require_once "colors.php";
+ Debug::log("favicon: trying to calculate average color...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $feed_obj->favicon_avg_color = 'fail';
+ $feed_obj->save();
+ $calculated_avg_color = \Colors\calculate_avg_color($favicon_cache->get_full_path($feed));
+ if ($calculated_avg_color) {
+ $feed_obj->favicon_avg_color = $calculated_avg_color;
+ $feed_obj->save();
+ }
+ Debug::log("favicon: calculated avg color: {$calculated_avg_color}, setting avg color: {$feed_obj->favicon_avg_color}", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ } else if ($feed_obj->favicon_avg_color == 'fail') {
+ Debug::log("floicon failed on $feed or a suitable avg color couldn't be determined, not trying to recalculate avg color", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ }
+ Debug::log("loading filters & labels...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $filters = self::load_filters($feed, $feed_obj->owner_uid);
+ if (Debug::get_loglevel() >= Debug::LOG_EXTENDED) {
+ print_r($filters);
+ }
+ Debug::log("" . count($filters) . " filters loaded.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $items = $rss->get_items();
+ if (!is_array($items)) {
+ Debug::log("no articles found.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $feed_obj->set([
+ 'last_updated' => Db::NOW(),
+ 'last_unconditional' => Db::NOW(),
+ 'last_error' => '',
+ ]);
+ $feed_obj->save();
+ $span->end();
+ return true; // no articles
+ }
+ Debug::log("processing articles...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $tstart = time();
+ foreach ($items as $item) {
+ $a_span = Tracer::start('article');
+ $pdo->beginTransaction();
+ Debug::log(Debug::SEPARATOR, Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if (Debug::get_loglevel() >= 3) {
+ print_r($item);
+ }
+ if (ini_get("max_execution_time") > 0 && time() - $tstart >= ((float)ini_get("max_execution_time") * 0.7)) {
+ Debug::log("looks like there's too many articles to process at once, breaking out.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $pdo->commit();
+ break;
+ }
+ $entry_guid = strip_tags($item->get_id());
+ if (!$entry_guid) $entry_guid = strip_tags($item->get_link());
+ if (!$entry_guid) $entry_guid = self::make_guid_from_title($item->get_title());
+ if (!$entry_guid) {
+ $pdo->commit();
+ continue;
+ }
+ $entry_guid_hashed_compat = 'SHA1:' . sha1("{$feed_obj->owner_uid},$entry_guid");
+ $entry_guid_hashed = json_encode(["ver" => 2, "uid" => $feed_obj->owner_uid, "hash" => 'SHA1:' . sha1($entry_guid)]);
+ $entry_guid = "$feed_obj->owner_uid,$entry_guid";
+ Debug::log("guid $entry_guid (hash: $entry_guid_hashed compat: $entry_guid_hashed_compat)", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $entry_timestamp = (int)$item->get_date();
+ Debug::log(sprintf("orig date: %s (%s)", $item->get_date(), date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $item->get_date())),
+ Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $entry_title = strip_tags($item->get_title());
+ $entry_link = UrlHelper::rewrite_relative($feed_obj->site_url, clean($item->get_link()), "a", "href");
+ $entry_language = mb_substr(trim($item->get_language()), 0, 2);
+ Debug::log("title $entry_title", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Debug::log("link $entry_link", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Debug::log("language $entry_language", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if (!$entry_title) $entry_title = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $entry_timestamp);;
+ $entry_content = $item->get_content();
+ if (!$entry_content) $entry_content = $item->get_description();
+ if (Debug::get_loglevel() >= 3) {
+ print "content: ";
+ print htmlspecialchars($entry_content);
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ $entry_comments = mb_substr(strip_tags($item->get_comments_url()), 0, 245);
+ $num_comments = $item->get_comments_count();
+ $entry_author = strip_tags($item->get_author());
+ $entry_guid = mb_substr($entry_guid, 0, 245);
+ Debug::log("author $entry_author", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Debug::log("looking for tags...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $entry_tags = $item->get_categories();
+ Debug::log("tags found: " . join(", ", $entry_tags), Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Debug::log("done collecting data.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id, content_hash, lang FROM ttrss_entries
+ WHERE guid IN (?, ?, ?)");
+ $sth->execute([$entry_guid, $entry_guid_hashed, $entry_guid_hashed_compat]);
+ if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
+ $base_entry_id = $row["id"];
+ $entry_stored_hash = $row["content_hash"];
+ $article_labels = Article::_get_labels($base_entry_id, $feed_obj->owner_uid);
+ $existing_tags = Article::_get_tags($base_entry_id, $feed_obj->owner_uid);
+ $entry_tags = array_unique([...$entry_tags, ...$existing_tags]);
+ } else {
+ $base_entry_id = false;
+ $entry_stored_hash = "";
+ $article_labels = array();
+ }
+ Debug::log("looking for enclosures...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ // enclosures
+ $enclosures = array();
+ $encs = $item->get_enclosures();
+ if (is_array($encs)) {
+ foreach ($encs as $e) {
+ $pluginhost->chain_hooks_callback(PluginHost::HOOK_ENCLOSURE_IMPORTED,
+ function ($result) use (&$e) {
+ $e = $result;
+ },
+ $e, $feed);
+ // TODO: Just use FeedEnclosure (and modify it to cover whatever justified this)?
+ $e_item = array(
+ UrlHelper::rewrite_relative($feed_obj->site_url, $e->link, "", "", $e->type),
+ $e->type, $e->length, $e->title, $e->width, $e->height);
+ // Yet another episode of "mysql utf8_general_ci is gimped"
+ if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "mysql" && Config::get(Config::MYSQL_CHARSET) != "UTF8MB4") {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($e_item); $i++) {
+ if (is_string($e_item[$i])) {
+ $e_item[$i] = self::strip_utf8mb4($e_item[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ array_push($enclosures, $e_item);
+ }
+ }
+ $article = array("owner_uid" => $feed_obj->owner_uid, // read only
+ "guid" => $entry_guid, // read only
+ "guid_hashed" => $entry_guid_hashed, // read only
+ "title" => $entry_title,
+ "content" => $entry_content,
+ "link" => $entry_link,
+ "labels" => $article_labels, // current limitation: can add labels to article, can't remove them
+ "tags" => $entry_tags,
+ "author" => $entry_author,
+ "force_catchup" => false, // ugly hack for the time being
+ "score_modifier" => 0, // no previous value, plugin should recalculate score modifier based on content if needed
+ "language" => $entry_language,
+ "timestamp" => $entry_timestamp,
+ "num_comments" => $num_comments,
+ "enclosures" => $enclosures,
+ "feed" => array("id" => $feed,
+ "fetch_url" => $feed_obj->feed_url,
+ "site_url" => $feed_obj->site_url,
+ "cache_images" => $feed_obj->cache_images)
+ );
+ $entry_plugin_data = "";
+ $entry_current_hash = self::calculate_article_hash($article, $pluginhost);
+ Debug::log("article hash: $entry_current_hash [stored=$entry_stored_hash]", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if ($entry_current_hash == $entry_stored_hash && !isset($_REQUEST["force_rehash"])) {
+ Debug::log("stored article seems up to date [IID: $base_entry_id], updating timestamp only.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ // we keep encountering the entry in feeds, so we need to
+ // update date_updated column so that we don't get horrible
+ // dupes when the entry gets purged and reinserted again e.g.
+ // in the case of SLOW SLOW OMG SLOW updating feeds
+ $pdo->commit();
+ $entry_obj = ORM::for_table('ttrss_entries')
+ ->find_one($base_entry_id)
+ ->set('date_updated', Db::NOW())
+ ->save();
+ continue;
+ }
+ Debug::log("hash differs, running HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER handlers...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $start_ts = microtime(true);
+ $pluginhost->chain_hooks_callback(PluginHost::HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER,
+ function ($result, $plugin) use (&$article, &$entry_plugin_data, $start_ts) {
+ $article = $result;
+ $entry_plugin_data .= mb_strtolower(get_class($plugin)) . ",";
+ Debug::log(sprintf("=== %.4f (sec) %s", microtime(true) - $start_ts, get_class($plugin)),
+ Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ },
+ $article);
+ if (Debug::get_loglevel() >= 3) {
+ print "processed content: ";
+ print htmlspecialchars($article["content"]);
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ Debug::log("plugin data: {$entry_plugin_data}", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ // Workaround: 4-byte unicode requires utf8mb4 in MySQL. See
+ if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "mysql" && Config::get(Config::MYSQL_CHARSET) != "UTF8MB4") {
+ foreach ($article as $k => $v) {
+ // i guess we'll have to take the risk of 4byte unicode labels & tags here
+ if (is_string($article[$k])) {
+ $article[$k] = self::strip_utf8mb4($v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Collect article tags here so we could filter by them: */
+ $matched_rules = [];
+ $matched_filters = [];
+ $article_filters = self::get_article_filters($filters, $article["title"],
+ $article["content"], $article["link"], $article["author"],
+ $article["tags"], $matched_rules, $matched_filters);
+ // $article_filters should be renamed to something like $filter_actions; actual filter objects are in $matched_filters
+ $pluginhost->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_FILTER_TRIGGERED,
+ $feed, $feed_obj->owner_uid, $article, $matched_filters, $matched_rules, $article_filters);
+ $matched_filter_ids = array_map(fn(array $f) => $f['id'], $matched_filters);
+ if (count($matched_filter_ids) > 0) {
+ $filter_objs = ORM::for_table('ttrss_filters2')
+ ->where('owner_uid', $feed_obj->owner_uid)
+ ->where_in('id', $matched_filter_ids)
+ ->find_many();
+ foreach ($filter_objs as $filter_obj) {
+ $filter_obj->set('last_triggered', Db::NOW());
+ $filter_obj->save();
+ }
+ }
+ if (Debug::get_loglevel() >= Debug::LOG_EXTENDED) {
+ Debug::log("matched filters: ", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if (count($matched_filters) != 0) {
+ print_r($matched_filters);
+ }
+ Debug::log("matched filter rules: ", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if (count($matched_rules) != 0) {
+ print_r($matched_rules);
+ }
+ Debug::log("filter actions: ", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if (count($article_filters) != 0) {
+ print_r($article_filters);
+ }
+ }
+ $plugin_filter_names = self::find_article_filters($article_filters, "plugin");
+ $plugin_filter_actions = $pluginhost->get_filter_actions();
+ if (count($plugin_filter_names) > 0) {
+ Debug::log("applying plugin filter actions...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ foreach ($plugin_filter_names as $pfn) {
+ list($pfclass,$pfaction) = explode(":", $pfn["param"]);
+ if (isset($plugin_filter_actions[$pfclass])) {
+ $plugin = $pluginhost->get_plugin($pfclass);
+ Debug::log("... $pfclass: $pfaction", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if ($plugin) {
+ $start = microtime(true);
+ $article = $plugin->hook_article_filter_action($article, $pfaction);
+ Debug::log(sprintf("=== %.4f (sec)", microtime(true) - $start), Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ } else {
+ Debug::log("??? $pfclass: plugin object not found.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Debug::log("??? $pfclass: filter plugin not registered.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $entry_tags = $article["tags"];
+ $entry_title = strip_tags($article["title"]);
+ $entry_author = mb_substr(strip_tags($article["author"]), 0, 245);
+ $entry_link = strip_tags($article["link"]);
+ $entry_content = $article["content"]; // escaped below
+ $entry_force_catchup = $article["force_catchup"];
+ $article_labels = $article["labels"];
+ $entry_score_modifier = (int) $article["score_modifier"];
+ $entry_language = $article["language"];
+ $entry_timestamp = $article["timestamp"];
+ $num_comments = $article["num_comments"];
+ $enclosures = $article["enclosures"];
+ if ($entry_timestamp == -1 || !$entry_timestamp || $entry_timestamp > time()) {
+ $entry_timestamp = time();
+ }
+ $entry_timestamp_fmt = date("Y/m/d H:i:s", $entry_timestamp);
+ Debug::log("date: $entry_timestamp ($entry_timestamp_fmt)", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Debug::log("num_comments: $num_comments", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if (Debug::get_loglevel() >= Debug::LOG_EXTENDED) {
+ Debug::log("article labels:", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if (count($article_labels) != 0) {
+ print_r($article_labels);
+ }
+ }
+ Debug::log("force catchup: $entry_force_catchup", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if ($feed_obj->cache_images)
+ self::cache_media($entry_content, $feed_obj->site_url);
+ $csth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_entries
+ WHERE guid IN (?, ?, ?)");
+ $csth->execute([$entry_guid, $entry_guid_hashed, $entry_guid_hashed_compat]);
+ if (!$row = $csth->fetch()) {
+ Debug::log("base guid [$entry_guid or $entry_guid_hashed] not found, creating...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ // base post entry does not exist, create it
+ $usth = $pdo->prepare(
+ "INSERT INTO ttrss_entries
+ (title,
+ guid,
+ link,
+ updated,
+ content,
+ content_hash,
+ no_orig_date,
+ date_updated,
+ date_entered,
+ comments,
+ num_comments,
+ plugin_data,
+ lang,
+ author)
+ (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
+ false,
+ NOW(),
+ ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
+ $usth->execute([$entry_title,
+ $entry_guid_hashed,
+ $entry_link,
+ $entry_timestamp_fmt,
+ "$entry_content",
+ $entry_current_hash,
+ $date_feed_processed,
+ $entry_comments,
+ (int)$num_comments,
+ $entry_plugin_data,
+ "$entry_language",
+ "$entry_author"]);
+ }
+ $csth->execute([$entry_guid, $entry_guid_hashed, $entry_guid_hashed_compat]);
+ $entry_ref_id = 0;
+ $entry_int_id = 0;
+ if ($row = $csth->fetch()) {
+ Debug::log("base guid found, checking for user record", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $ref_id = $row['id'];
+ $entry_ref_id = $ref_id;
+ if (self::find_article_filter($article_filters, "filter")) {
+ Debug::log("article is filtered out, nothing to do.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $pdo->commit();
+ continue;
+ }
+ $score = self::calculate_article_score($article_filters) + $entry_score_modifier;
+ Debug::log("initial score: $score [including plugin modifier: $entry_score_modifier]", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ // check for user post link to main table
+ $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT ref_id, int_id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE
+ ref_id = ? AND owner_uid = ?");
+ $sth->execute([$ref_id, $feed_obj->owner_uid]);
+ // okay it doesn't exist - create user entry
+ if ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
+ $entry_ref_id = $row["ref_id"];
+ $entry_int_id = $row["int_id"];
+ Debug::log("user record FOUND: RID: $entry_ref_id, IID: $entry_int_id", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ } else {
+ Debug::log("user record not found, creating...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if ($score >= -500 && !self::find_article_filter($article_filters, 'catchup') && !$entry_force_catchup) {
+ $unread = 1;
+ $last_read_qpart = null;
+ } else {
+ $unread = 0;
+ $last_read_qpart = date("Y-m-d H:i"); // we can't use NOW() here because it gets quoted
+ }
+ if (self::find_article_filter($article_filters, 'mark') || $score > 1000) {
+ $marked = 1;
+ } else {
+ $marked = 0;
+ }
+ if (self::find_article_filter($article_filters, 'publish')) {
+ $published = 1;
+ } else {
+ $published = 0;
+ }
+ $last_marked = ($marked == 1) ? 'NOW()' : 'NULL';
+ $last_published = ($published == 1) ? 'NOW()' : 'NULL';
+ $sth = $pdo->prepare(
+ "INSERT INTO ttrss_user_entries
+ (ref_id, owner_uid, feed_id, unread, last_read, marked,
+ published, score, tag_cache, label_cache, uuid,
+ last_marked, last_published)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, '', '', '', ".$last_marked.", ".$last_published.")");
+ $sth->execute([$ref_id, $feed_obj->owner_uid, $feed, $unread, $last_read_qpart, $marked,
+ $published, $score]);
+ $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT int_id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE
+ ref_id = ? AND owner_uid = ? AND
+ feed_id = ? LIMIT 1");
+ $sth->execute([$ref_id, $feed_obj->owner_uid, $feed]);
+ if ($row = $sth->fetch())
+ $entry_int_id = $row['int_id'];
+ }
+ Debug::log("resulting RID: $entry_ref_id, IID: $entry_int_id", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql")
+ $tsvector_qpart = "tsvector_combined = to_tsvector(:ts_lang, :ts_content),";
+ else
+ $tsvector_qpart = "";
+ $sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_entries
+ SET title = :title,
+ $tsvector_qpart
+ content = :content,
+ content_hash = :content_hash,
+ updated = :updated,
+ date_updated = NOW(),
+ num_comments = :num_comments,
+ plugin_data = :plugin_data,
+ author = :author,
+ lang = :lang
+ WHERE id = :id");
+ $params = [":title" => $entry_title,
+ ":content" => "$entry_content",
+ ":content_hash" => $entry_current_hash,
+ ":updated" => $entry_timestamp_fmt,
+ ":num_comments" => (int)$num_comments,
+ ":plugin_data" => $entry_plugin_data,
+ ":author" => "$entry_author",
+ ":lang" => $entry_language,
+ ":id" => $ref_id];
+ if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
+ $params[":ts_lang"] = $feed_language;
+ $params[":ts_content"] = mb_substr(strip_tags($entry_title) . " " . \Soundasleep\Html2Text::convert($entry_content), 0, 900000);
+ }
+ $sth->execute($params);
+ // update aux data
+ $sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
+ SET score = ? WHERE ref_id = ?");
+ $sth->execute([$score, $ref_id]);
+ if ($feed_obj->mark_unread_on_update &&
+ !$entry_force_catchup &&
+ !self::find_article_filter($article_filters, 'catchup')) {
+ Debug::log("article updated, marking unread as requested.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
+ SET last_read = null, unread = true WHERE ref_id = ?");
+ $sth->execute([$ref_id]);
+ } else {
+ Debug::log("article updated, but we're forbidden to mark it unread.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ }
+ Debug::log("assigning labels [other]...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ foreach ($article_labels as $label) {
+ Labels::add_article($entry_ref_id, $label[1], $feed_obj->owner_uid);
+ }
+ Debug::log("assigning labels [filters]...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ self::assign_article_to_label_filters($entry_ref_id, $article_filters,
+ $feed_obj->owner_uid, $article_labels);
+ if ($feed_obj->cache_images)
+ self::cache_enclosures($enclosures, $feed_obj->site_url);
+ if (Debug::get_loglevel() >= Debug::LOG_EXTENDED) {
+ Debug::log("article enclosures:", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ print_r($enclosures);
+ }
+ $esth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_enclosures
+ WHERE content_url = ? AND content_type = ? AND post_id = ?");
+ $usth = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO ttrss_enclosures
+ (content_url, content_type, title, duration, post_id, width, height) VALUES
+ (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
+ foreach ($enclosures as $enc) {
+ $enc_url = $enc[0];
+ $enc_type = $enc[1];
+ $enc_dur = (int)$enc[2];
+ $enc_title = $enc[3];
+ $enc_width = intval($enc[4]);
+ $enc_height = intval($enc[5]);
+ $esth->execute([$enc_url, $enc_type, $entry_ref_id]);
+ if (!$esth->fetch()) {
+ $usth->execute([$enc_url, $enc_type, (string)$enc_title, $enc_dur, $entry_ref_id, $enc_width, $enc_height]);
+ }
+ }
+ // check for manual tags (we have to do it here since they're loaded from filters)
+ foreach ($article_filters as $f) {
+ if ($f["type"] == "tag") {
+ $entry_tags = [...$entry_tags, ...FeedItem_Common::normalize_categories(explode(",", $f["param"]))];
+ }
+ }
+ // like boring tags, but filter-based
+ foreach ($article_filters as $f) {
+ if ($f["type"] == "ignore-tag") {
+ $entry_tags = array_diff($entry_tags,
+ FeedItem_Common::normalize_categories(explode(",", $f["param"])));
+ }
+ }
+ // Skip boring tags
+ $entry_tags = FeedItem_Common::normalize_categories(
+ array_diff($entry_tags,
+ FeedItem_Common::normalize_categories(explode(",",
+ get_pref(Prefs::BLACKLISTED_TAGS, $feed_obj->owner_uid)))));
+ Debug::log("resulting article tags: " . implode(", ", $entry_tags), Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ // Save article tags in the database
+ if (count($entry_tags) > 0) {
+ $tsth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM ttrss_tags
+ WHERE tag_name = ? AND post_int_id = ? AND
+ owner_uid = ? LIMIT 1");
+ $usth = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO ttrss_tags
+ (owner_uid,tag_name,post_int_id)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
+ foreach ($entry_tags as $tag) {
+ $tsth->execute([$tag, $entry_int_id, $feed_obj->owner_uid]);
+ if (!$tsth->fetch()) {
+ $usth->execute([$feed_obj->owner_uid, $tag, $entry_int_id]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* update the cache */
+ $tsth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
+ SET tag_cache = ? WHERE ref_id = ?
+ AND owner_uid = ?");
+ $tsth->execute([
+ join(",", $entry_tags),
+ $entry_ref_id,
+ $feed_obj->owner_uid
+ ]);
+ }
+ Debug::log("article processed.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $pdo->commit();
+ $a_span->end();
+ }
+ Debug::log(Debug::SEPARATOR, Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Debug::log("purging feed...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ Feeds::_purge($feed, 0);
+ $feed_obj->set([
+ 'last_updated' => Db::NOW(),
+ 'last_unconditional' => Db::NOW(),
+ 'last_successful_update' => Db::NOW(),
+ 'last_error' => '',
+ ]);
+ $feed_obj->save();
+ } else {
+ $error_msg = mb_substr($rss->error(), 0, 245);
+ Debug::log("fetch error: $error_msg", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if (count($rss->errors()) > 1) {
+ foreach ($rss->errors() as $error) {
+ Debug::log("+ $error", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ }
+ $feed_obj->set([
+ 'last_updated' => Db::NOW(),
+ 'last_unconditional' => Db::NOW(),
+ 'last_error' => $error_msg,
+ ]);
+ $feed_obj->save();
+ unset($rss);
+ Debug::log("update failed.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $span->end();
+ return false;
+ }
+ Debug::log("update done.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $span->end();
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * TODO: move to DiskCache?
+ *
+ * @param array<int, array<string>> $enclosures An array of "enclosure arrays" [string $link, string $type, string $length, string, $title, string $width, string $height]
+ * @see RSSUtils::update_rss_feed()
+ * @see FeedEnclosure
+ */
+ static function cache_enclosures(array $enclosures, string $site_url): void {
+ $cache = DiskCache::instance("images");
+ if ($cache->is_writable()) {
+ foreach ($enclosures as $enc) {
+ if (preg_match("/(image|audio|video)/", $enc[1])) {
+ $src = UrlHelper::rewrite_relative($site_url, $enc[0]);
+ $local_filename = sha1($src);
+ Debug::log("cache_enclosures: downloading: $src to $local_filename", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if (!$cache->exists($local_filename)) {
+ $file_content = UrlHelper::fetch(array("url" => $src,
+ "http_referrer" => $src,
+ "max_size" => Config::get(Config::MAX_CACHE_FILE_SIZE)));
+ if ($file_content) {
+ $cache->put($local_filename, $file_content);
+ } else {
+ Debug::log("cache_enclosures: failed with ".UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error_code.": ".UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* TODO: move to DiskCache? */
+ static function cache_media_url(DiskCache $cache, string $url, string $site_url): void {
+ $url = UrlHelper::rewrite_relative($site_url, $url);
+ $local_filename = sha1($url);
+ Debug::log("cache_media: checking $url", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ if (!$cache->exists($local_filename)) {
+ Debug::log("cache_media: downloading: $url to $local_filename", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $file_content = UrlHelper::fetch(array("url" => $url,
+ "http_referrer" => $url,
+ "max_size" => Config::get(Config::MAX_CACHE_FILE_SIZE)));
+ if ($file_content) {
+ $cache->put($local_filename, $file_content);
+ } else {
+ Debug::log("cache_media: failed with ".UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error_code.": ".UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* TODO: move to DiskCache? */
+ static function cache_media(string $html, string $site_url): void {
+ $cache = DiskCache::instance("images");
+ if ($html && $cache->is_writable()) {
+ $doc = new DOMDocument();
+ if (@$doc->loadHTML($html)) {
+ $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
+ $entries = $xpath->query('(//img[@src]|//source[@src|@srcset]|//video[@poster|@src])');
+ foreach ($entries as $entry) {
+ foreach (array('src', 'poster') as $attr) {
+ if ($entry->hasAttribute($attr) && strpos($entry->getAttribute($attr), "data:") !== 0) {
+ self::cache_media_url($cache, $entry->getAttribute($attr), $site_url);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($entry->hasAttribute("srcset")) {
+ $matches = self::decode_srcset($entry->getAttribute('srcset'));
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) {
+ self::cache_media_url($cache, $matches[$i]["url"], $site_url);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static function expire_error_log(): void {
+ Debug::log("Removing old error log entries...");
+ $pdo = Db::pdo();
+ if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
+ $pdo->query("DELETE FROM ttrss_error_log
+ WHERE created_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '7 days'");
+ } else {
+ $pdo->query("DELETE FROM ttrss_error_log
+ WHERE created_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated table not used
+ */
+ static function expire_feed_archive(): void {
+ $pdo = Db::pdo();
+ $pdo->query("DELETE FROM ttrss_archived_feeds");
+ }
+ static function expire_lock_files(): void {
+ Debug::log("Removing old lock files...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ $num_deleted = 0;
+ if (is_writable(Config::get(Config::LOCK_DIRECTORY))) {
+ $files = glob(Config::get(Config::LOCK_DIRECTORY) . "/*.lock");
+ if ($files) {
+ foreach ($files as $file) {
+ if (!file_is_locked(basename($file)) && time() - filemtime($file) > 86400*2) {
+ unlink($file);
+ ++$num_deleted;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Debug::log("Removed $num_deleted old lock files.");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Source:
+ * Returns the url query as associative array
+ *
+ * @param string query
+ * @return array params
+ */
+ /* static function convertUrlQuery($query) {
+ $queryParts = explode('&', $query);
+ $params = array();
+ foreach ($queryParts as $param) {
+ $item = explode('=', $param);
+ $params[$item[0]] = $item[1];
+ }
+ return $params;
+ } */
+ /**
+ * @param array<int, array<string, mixed>> $filters
+ * @param array<int, string> $tags
+ * @param array<int, array<string, mixed>>|null $matched_rules
+ * @param array<int, array<string, mixed>>|null $matched_filters
+ *
+ * @return array<int, array<string, string>> An array of filter action arrays with keys "type" and "param"
+ */
+ static function get_article_filters(array $filters, string $title, string $content, string $link, string $author, array $tags, array &$matched_rules = null, array &$matched_filters = null): array {
+ $span = Tracer::start(__METHOD__);
+ $matches = array();
+ foreach ($filters as $filter) {
+ $match_any_rule = $filter["match_any_rule"] ?? false;
+ $inverse = $filter["inverse"] ?? false;
+ $filter_match = false;
+ $last_processed_rule = false;
+ $regexp_matches = [];
+ foreach ($filter["rules"] as $rule) {
+ $match = false;
+ $reg_exp = str_replace('/', '\/', (string)$rule["reg_exp"]);
+ $reg_exp = str_replace("\n", "", $reg_exp); // reg_exp may be formatted with CRs now because of textarea, we need to strip those
+ $rule_inverse = $rule["inverse"] ?? false;
+ $last_processed_rule = $rule;
+ if (empty($reg_exp))
+ continue;
+ switch ($rule["type"]) {
+ case "title":
+ $match = @preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $title, $regexp_matches);
+ break;
+ case "content":
+ // we don't need to deal with multiline regexps
+ $content = (string)preg_replace("/[\r\n\t]/", "", $content);
+ $match = @preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $content, $regexp_matches);
+ break;
+ case "both":
+ // we don't need to deal with multiline regexps
+ $content = (string)preg_replace("/[\r\n\t]/", "", $content);
+ $match = (@preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $title, $regexp_matches) || @preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $content, $regexp_matches));
+ break;
+ case "link":
+ $match = @preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $link, $regexp_matches);
+ break;
+ case "author":
+ $match = @preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $author, $regexp_matches);
+ break;
+ case "tag":
+ if (count($tags) == 0)
+ array_push($tags, ''); // allow matching if there are no tags
+ foreach ($tags as $tag) {
+ if (@preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $tag, $regexp_matches)) {
+ $match = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($rule_inverse) $match = !$match;
+ if ($match_any_rule) {
+ if ($match) {
+ $filter_match = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $filter_match = $match;
+ if (!$match) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($inverse) $filter_match = !$filter_match;
+ if ($filter_match) {
+ $last_processed_rule["regexp_matches"] = $regexp_matches;
+ if (is_array($matched_rules)) array_push($matched_rules, $last_processed_rule);
+ if (is_array($matched_filters)) array_push($matched_filters, $filter);
+ foreach ($filter["actions"] AS $action) {
+ array_push($matches, $action);
+ // if Stop action encountered, perform no further processing
+ if (isset($action["type"]) && $action["type"] == "stop") return $matches;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $span->end();
+ return $matches;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array<int, array<string, string>> $filters An array of filter action arrays with keys "type" and "param"
+ *
+ * @return array<string, string>|null A filter action array with keys "type" and "param"
+ */
+ static function find_article_filter(array $filters, string $filter_name): ?array {
+ foreach ($filters as $f) {
+ if ($f["type"] == $filter_name) {
+ return $f;
+ };
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array<int, array<string, string>> $filters An array of filter action arrays with keys "type" and "param"
+ *
+ * @return array<int, array<string, string>> An array of filter action arrays with keys "type" and "param"
+ */
+ static function find_article_filters(array $filters, string $filter_name): array {
+ $results = array();
+ foreach ($filters as $f) {
+ if ($f["type"] == $filter_name) {
+ array_push($results, $f);
+ };
+ }
+ return $results;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array<int, array<string, string>> $filters An array of filter action arrays with keys "type" and "param"
+ */
+ static function calculate_article_score(array $filters): int {
+ $score = 0;
+ foreach ($filters as $f) {
+ if ($f["type"] == "score") {
+ $score += $f["param"];
+ };
+ }
+ return $score;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array<int, array<int, int|string>> $labels An array of label arrays like [int $feed_id, string $caption, string $fg_color, string $bg_color]
+ *
+ * @see Article::_get_labels()
+ */
+ static function labels_contains_caption(array $labels, string $caption): bool {
+ foreach ($labels as $label) {
+ if ($label[1] == $caption) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array<int, array<string, string>> $filters An array of filter action arrays with keys "type" and "param"
+ * @param array<int, array<int, int|string>> $article_labels An array of label arrays like [int $feed_id, string $caption, string $fg_color, string $bg_color]
+ */
+ static function assign_article_to_label_filters(int $id, array $filters, int $owner_uid, $article_labels): void {
+ foreach ($filters as $f) {
+ if ($f["type"] == "label") {
+ if (!self::labels_contains_caption($article_labels, $f["param"])) {
+ Labels::add_article($id, $f["param"], $owner_uid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static function make_guid_from_title(string $title): ?string {
+ return preg_replace("/[ \"\',.:;]/", "-",
+ mb_strtolower(strip_tags($title), 'utf-8'));
+ }
+ /* counter cache is no longer used, if called truncate leftover data */
+ static function cleanup_counters_cache(): void {
+ $pdo = Db::pdo();
+ $pdo->query("DELETE FROM ttrss_counters_cache");
+ $pdo->query("DELETE FROM ttrss_cat_counters_cache");
+ }
+ static function disable_failed_feeds(): void {
+ if (Config::get(Config::DAEMON_UNSUCCESSFUL_DAYS_LIMIT) > 0) {
+ $pdo = Db::pdo();
+ $pdo->beginTransaction();
+ $days = Config::get(Config::DAEMON_UNSUCCESSFUL_DAYS_LIMIT);
+ if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") {
+ $interval_query = "last_successful_update < NOW() - INTERVAL '$days days' AND last_updated > NOW() - INTERVAL '1 days'";
+ } else /* if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "mysql") */ {
+ $interval_query = "last_successful_update < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $days DAY) AND last_updated > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)";
+ }
+ $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id, title, owner_uid
+ FROM ttrss_feeds
+ WHERE update_interval != -1 AND last_successful_update IS NOT NULL AND $interval_query");
+ $sth->execute();
+ while ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
+ Logger::log(E_USER_NOTICE,
+ sprintf("Auto disabling feed %d (%s, UID: %d) because it failed to update for %d days.",
+ $row["id"], clean($row["title"]), $row["owner_uid"], Config::get(Config::DAEMON_UNSUCCESSFUL_DAYS_LIMIT)));
+ Debug::log(sprintf("Auto-disabling feed %d (%s) (failed to update for %d days).", $row["id"],
+ clean($row["title"]), Config::get(Config::DAEMON_UNSUCCESSFUL_DAYS_LIMIT)));
+ }
+ $sth = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET update_interval = -1 WHERE
+ update_interval != -1 AND last_successful_update IS NOT NULL AND $interval_query");
+ $sth->execute();
+ $pdo->commit();
+ }
+ }
+ static function housekeeping_user(int $owner_uid): void {
+ $tmph = new PluginHost();
+ UserHelper::load_user_plugins($owner_uid, $tmph);
+ $tmph->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_HOUSE_KEEPING);
+ }
+ /** migrates favicons from legacy storage in feed-icons/ to cache/feed-icons/using new naming (sans .ico suffix) */
+ static function migrate_feed_icons() : void {
+ $old_dir = Config::get(Config::ICONS_DIR);
+ $new_dir = Config::get(Config::CACHE_DIR) . '/feed-icons';
+ $dh = opendir($old_dir);
+ $cache = DiskCache::instance('feed-icons');
+ if ($dh) {
+ while (($old_filename = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
+ if (strpos($old_filename, ".ico") !== false) {
+ $new_filename = str_replace(".ico", "", $old_filename);
+ $old_full_path = "$old_dir/$old_filename";
+ if (is_file($old_full_path) && $cache->put($new_filename, file_get_contents($old_full_path))) {
+ unlink($old_full_path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ }
+ }
+ static function housekeeping_common(): void {
+ $cache = DiskCache::instance("");
+ $cache->expire_all();
+ self::migrate_feed_icons();
+ self::expire_lock_files();
+ self::expire_error_log();
+ self::expire_feed_archive();
+ self::cleanup_feed_browser();
+ self::cleanup_feed_icons();
+ self::disable_failed_feeds();
+ Article::_purge_orphans();
+ self::cleanup_counters_cache();
+ PluginHost::getInstance()->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_HOUSE_KEEPING);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return false|string
+ */
+ static function update_favicon(string $site_url, int $feed) {
+ $favicon_urls = self::get_favicon_urls($site_url);
+ if (count($favicon_urls) == 0) {
+ Debug::log("favicon: couldn't find any favicon URLs for $site_url", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // i guess we'll have to go through all of them until something looks valid...
+ foreach ($favicon_urls as $favicon_url) {
+ // Limiting to "image" type misses those served with text/plain
+ $contents = UrlHelper::fetch([
+ 'url' => $favicon_url,
+ 'max_size' => Config::get(Config::MAX_FAVICON_FILE_SIZE),
+ //'type' => 'image',
+ ]);
+ if (!$contents) {
+ Debug::log("favicon: fetching $favicon_url failed, skipping...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ break;
+ }
+ // TODO: we could use mime_conent_type() here instead of below hacks but we'll need to
+ // save every favicon to disk and go from there.
+ // also, if SVG is allowed in the future, we'll need to specifically forbid 'image/svg+xml'.
+ // Crude image type matching.
+ // Patterns gleaned from the file(1) source code.
+ if (preg_match('/^\x00\x00\x01\x00/', $contents)) {
+ // 0 string \000\000\001\000 MS Windows icon resource
+ //error_log("update_favicon: favicon_url=$favicon_url isa MS Windows icon resource");
+ }
+ elseif (preg_match('/^GIF8/', $contents)) {
+ // 0 string GIF8 GIF image data
+ //error_log("update_favicon: favicon_url=$favicon_url isa GIF image");
+ }
+ elseif (preg_match('/^\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a/', $contents)) {
+ // 0 string \x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a PNG image data
+ //error_log("update_favicon: favicon_url=$favicon_url isa PNG image");
+ }
+ elseif (preg_match('/^\xff\xd8/', $contents)) {
+ // 0 beshort 0xffd8 JPEG image data
+ //error_log("update_favicon: favicon_url=$favicon_url isa JPG image");
+ }
+ elseif (preg_match('/^BM/', $contents)) {
+ // 0 string BM PC bitmap (OS2, Windows BMP files)
+ //error_log("update_favicon, favicon_url=$favicon_url isa BMP image");
+ }
+ else {
+ //error_log("update_favicon: favicon_url=$favicon_url isa UNKNOWN type");
+ Debug::log("favicon $favicon_url type is unknown, skipping...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ break;
+ }
+ $favicon_cache = DiskCache::instance('feed-icons');
+ if ($favicon_cache->is_writable()) {
+ Debug::log("favicon: $favicon_url looks valid, saving to cache", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ // we deal with this manually
+ if (!$favicon_cache->exists(".no-auto-expiry"))
+ $favicon_cache->put(".no-auto-expiry", "");
+ return $favicon_cache->put((string)$feed, $contents);
+ } else {
+ Debug::log("favicon: $favicon_url skipping, local cache is not writable", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static function is_gzipped(string $feed_data): bool {
+ return strpos(substr($feed_data, 0, 3),
+ "\x1f" . "\x8b" . "\x08", 0) === 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array<int, array<string, mixed>> An array of filter arrays with keys "id", "match_any_rule", "inverse", "rules", and "actions"
+ */
+ static function load_filters(int $feed_id, int $owner_uid) {
+ $filters = array();
+ $feed_id = (int) $feed_id;
+ $cat_id = Feeds::_cat_of($feed_id);
+ if (!$cat_id)
+ $null_cat_qpart = "cat_id IS NULL OR";
+ else
+ $null_cat_qpart = "";
+ $pdo = Db::pdo();
+ $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM ttrss_filters2 WHERE
+ owner_uid = ? AND enabled = true ORDER BY order_id, title");
+ $sth->execute([$owner_uid]);
+ $check_cats = [...Feeds::_get_parent_cats($cat_id, $owner_uid), $cat_id];
+ $check_cats_str = join(",", $check_cats);
+ $check_cats_fullids = array_map(fn(int $a) => "CAT:$a", $check_cats);
+ while ($line = $sth->fetch()) {
+ $filter_id = $line["id"];
+ $match_any_rule = sql_bool_to_bool($line["match_any_rule"]);
+ $sth2 = $pdo->prepare("SELECT
+ r.reg_exp, r.inverse, r.feed_id, r.cat_id, r.cat_filter, r.match_on, AS type_name
+ FROM ttrss_filters2_rules AS r,
+ ttrss_filter_types AS t
+ (match_on IS NOT NULL OR
+ (($null_cat_qpart (cat_id IS NULL AND cat_filter = false) OR cat_id IN ($check_cats_str)) AND
+ (feed_id IS NULL OR feed_id = ?))) AND
+ filter_type = AND filter_id = ?");
+ $sth2->execute([$feed_id, $filter_id]);
+ $rules = array();
+ $actions = array();
+ while ($rule_line = $sth2->fetch()) {
+ # print_r($rule_line);
+ if ($rule_line["match_on"]) {
+ $match_on = json_decode($rule_line["match_on"], true);
+ if (in_array("0", $match_on) || in_array($feed_id, $match_on) || count(array_intersect($check_cats_fullids, $match_on)) > 0) {
+ $rule = array();
+ $rule["reg_exp"] = $rule_line["reg_exp"];
+ $rule["type"] = $rule_line["type_name"];
+ $rule["inverse"] = sql_bool_to_bool($rule_line["inverse"]);
+ array_push($rules, $rule);
+ } else if (!$match_any_rule) {
+ // this filter contains a rule that doesn't match to this feed/category combination
+ // thus filter has to be rejected
+ $rules = [];
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $rule = array();
+ $rule["reg_exp"] = $rule_line["reg_exp"];
+ $rule["type"] = $rule_line["type_name"];
+ $rule["inverse"] = sql_bool_to_bool($rule_line["inverse"]);
+ array_push($rules, $rule);
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($rules) > 0) {
+ $sth2 = $pdo->prepare("SELECT a.action_param, AS type_name
+ FROM ttrss_filters2_actions AS a,
+ ttrss_filter_actions AS t
+ action_id = AND filter_id = ?");
+ $sth2->execute([$filter_id]);
+ while ($action_line = $sth2->fetch()) {
+ # print_r($action_line);
+ $action = array();
+ $action["type"] = $action_line["type_name"];
+ $action["param"] = $action_line["action_param"];
+ array_push($actions, $action);
+ }
+ }
+ $filter = [];
+ $filter["id"] = $filter_id;
+ $filter["match_any_rule"] = sql_bool_to_bool($line["match_any_rule"]);
+ $filter["inverse"] = sql_bool_to_bool($line["inverse"]);
+ $filter["rules"] = $rules;
+ $filter["actions"] = $actions;
+ if (count($rules) > 0 && count($actions) > 0) {
+ array_push($filters, $filter);
+ }
+ }
+ return $filters;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns first determined favicon URL for a feed.
+ * @param string $url A feed or page URL
+ * @access public
+ * @return false|string The favicon URL string, or false if none was found.
+ */
+ static function get_favicon_url(string $url) {
+ $favicon_urls = self::get_favicon_urls($url);
+ if (count($favicon_urls) > 0)
+ return $favicon_urls[0];
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Try to determine all favicon URLs for a feed.
+ * adapted from wordpress favicon plugin by Jeff Minard (
+ *
+ *
+ * @param string $url A feed or page URL
+ * @access public
+ * @return array<string> List of all determined favicon URLs or an empty array
+ */
+ static function get_favicon_urls(string $url) : array {
+ $favicon_urls = [];
+ if ($html = @UrlHelper::fetch($url)) {
+ $doc = new DOMDocument();
+ if (@$doc->loadHTML($html)) {
+ $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
+ $base = $xpath->query('/html/head/base[@href]');
+ foreach ($base as $b) {
+ $url = UrlHelper::rewrite_relative($url, $b->getAttribute("href"));
+ break;
+ }
+ $entries = $xpath->query('/html/head/link[@rel="shortcut icon" or @rel="icon" or @rel="alternate icon"]');
+ if (count($entries) > 0) {
+ foreach ($entries as $entry) {
+ $favicon_url = UrlHelper::rewrite_relative($url, $entry->getAttribute("href"));
+ if ($favicon_url)
+ array_push($favicon_urls, $favicon_url);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($favicon_urls) == 0) {
+ $favicon_url = UrlHelper::rewrite_relative($url, "/favicon.ico");
+ if ($favicon_url)
+ array_push($favicon_urls, $favicon_url);
+ }
+ return $favicon_urls;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see
+ *
+ * @return array<int, array<string, string>> An array of srcset subitem arrays with keys "url" and "size"
+ */
+ static function decode_srcset(string $srcset): array {
+ $matches = [];
+ preg_match_all(
+ '/(?:\A|,)\s*(?P<url>(?!,)\S+(?<!,))\s*(?P<size>\s\d+w|\s\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?x|)\s*(?=,|\Z)/',
+ $srcset, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER
+ );
+ foreach ($matches as $m) {
+ array_push($matches, [
+ "url" => trim($m["url"]),
+ "size" => trim($m["size"])
+ ]);
+ }
+ return $matches;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array<int, array<string, string>> $matches An array of srcset subitem arrays with keys "url" and "size"
+ */
+ static function encode_srcset(array $matches): string {
+ $tokens = [];
+ foreach ($matches as $m) {
+ array_push($tokens, trim($m["url"]) . " " . trim($m["size"]));
+ }
+ return implode(",", $tokens);
+ }
+ static function function_enabled(string $func): bool {
+ return !in_array($func,
+ explode(',', str_replace(" ", "", ini_get('disable_functions'))));
+ }