path: root/classes/dlg.php
diff options
authorAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2013-04-01 12:34:49 +0400
committerAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2013-04-01 12:34:49 +0400
commit9d76e754513ec1119a010ab2e9abcf9fb9df52d1 (patch)
treea27289aa21dc3450d6fc69462ea9365055b378bb /classes/dlg.php
parent7a5103ae90370884c31746b778de0bf9b2664431 (diff)
move editPrefProfiles to pref-prefs
Diffstat (limited to 'classes/dlg.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/classes/dlg.php b/classes/dlg.php
index 376f8d265..32a3b230a 100644
--- a/classes/dlg.php
+++ b/classes/dlg.php
@@ -42,122 +42,6 @@ class Dlg extends Handler_Protected {
- function editPrefProfiles() {
- print "<div dojoType=\"dijit.Toolbar\">";
- print "<div dojoType=\"dijit.form.DropDownButton\">".
- "<span>" . __('Select')."</span>";
- print "<div dojoType=\"dijit.Menu\" style=\"display: none;\">";
- print "<div onclick=\"selectTableRows('prefFeedProfileList', 'all')\"
- dojoType=\"dijit.MenuItem\">".__('All')."</div>";
- print "<div onclick=\"selectTableRows('prefFeedProfileList', 'none')\"
- dojoType=\"dijit.MenuItem\">".__('None')."</div>";
- print "</div></div>";
- print "<div style=\"float : right\">";
- print "<input name=\"newprofile\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.ValidationTextBox\"
- required=\"1\">
- <button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\"
- onclick=\"dijit.byId('profileEditDlg').addProfile()\">".
- __('Create profile')."</button></div>";
- print "</div>";
- $result = db_query($this->link, "SELECT title,id FROM ttrss_settings_profiles
- WHERE owner_uid = ".$_SESSION["uid"]." ORDER BY title");
- print "<div class=\"prefProfileHolder\">";
- print "<form id=\"profile_edit_form\" onsubmit=\"return false\">";
- print "<table width=\"100%\" class=\"prefFeedProfileList\"
- cellspacing=\"0\" id=\"prefFeedProfileList\">";
- print "<tr class=\"placeholder\" id=\"FCATR-0\">"; #odd
- print "<td width='5%' align='center'><input
- id='FCATC-0'
- onclick='toggleSelectRow2(this);'
- dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\"
- type=\"checkbox\"></td>";
- if (!$_SESSION["profile"]) {
- $is_active = __("(active)");
- } else {
- $is_active = "";
- }
- print "<td><span>" .
- __("Default profile") . " $is_active</span></td>";
- print "</tr>";
- $lnum = 1;
- while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- $class = ($lnum % 2) ? "even" : "odd";
- $profile_id = $line["id"];
- $this_row_id = "id=\"FCATR-$profile_id\"";
- print "<tr class=\"placeholder\" $this_row_id>";
- $edit_title = htmlspecialchars($line["title"]);
- print "<td width='5%' align='center'><input
- onclick='toggleSelectRow2(this);'
- id='FCATC-$profile_id'
- dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\"
- type=\"checkbox\"></td>";
- if ($_SESSION["profile"] == $line["id"]) {
- $is_active = __("(active)");
- } else {
- $is_active = "";
- }
- print "<td><span dojoType=\"dijit.InlineEditBox\"
- width=\"300px\" autoSave=\"false\"
- profile-id=\"$profile_id\">" . $edit_title .
- "<script type=\"dojo/method\" event=\"onChange\" args=\"item\">
- var elem = this;
- dojo.xhrPost({
- url: 'backend.php',
- content: {op: 'rpc', method: 'saveprofile',
- value: this.value,
- id: this.srcNodeRef.getAttribute('profile-id')},
- load: function(response) {
- elem.attr('value', response);
- }
- });
- </script>
- </span> $is_active</td>";
- print "</tr>";
- ++$lnum;
- }
- print "</table>";
- print "</form>";
- print "</div>";
- print "<div class='dlgButtons'>
- <div style='float : left'>
- <button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"dijit.byId('profileEditDlg').removeSelected()\">".
- __('Remove selected profiles')."</button>
- <button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"dijit.byId('profileEditDlg').activateProfile()\">".
- __('Activate profile')."</button>
- </div>";
- print "<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"dijit.byId('profileEditDlg').hide()\">".
- __('Close this window')."</button>";
- print "</div>";
- }
function pubOPMLUrl() {
$url_path = Opml::opml_publish_url($this->link);