path: root/lib/dijit/_Container.js.uncompressed.js
diff options
authorAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2012-08-14 18:59:10 +0400
committerAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2012-08-14 18:59:18 +0400
commit1354d17270961fff662d40f90521223f8fd0d73b (patch)
treee9266be71587e47c800303446e968a6d3565e2cf /lib/dijit/_Container.js.uncompressed.js
parentd04f8c826f5283765f52cf6b98b42a1ed8f2d6bc (diff)
update dojo to 1.7.3
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dijit/_Container.js.uncompressed.js')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_Container.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_Container.js.uncompressed.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a79c38262
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dijit/_Container.js.uncompressed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+define("dijit/_Container", [
+ "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.indexOf
+ "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
+ "dojo/dom-construct", //
+ "./registry" // registry.byNode()
+], function(array, declare, domConstruct, registry){
+ // module:
+ // dijit/_Container
+ // summary:
+ // Mixin for widgets that contain a set of widget children.
+ return declare("dijit._Container", null, {
+ // summary:
+ // Mixin for widgets that contain a set of widget children.
+ // description:
+ // Use this mixin for widgets that needs to know about and
+ // keep track of their widget children. Suitable for widgets like BorderContainer
+ // and TabContainer which contain (only) a set of child widgets.
+ //
+ // It's not suitable for widgets like ContentPane
+ // which contains mixed HTML (plain DOM nodes in addition to widgets),
+ // and where contained widgets are not necessarily directly below
+ // this.containerNode. In that case calls like addChild(node, position)
+ // wouldn't make sense.
+ buildRendering: function(){
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ if(!this.containerNode){
+ // all widgets with descendants must set containerNode
+ this.containerNode = this.domNode;
+ }
+ },
+ addChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ widget, /*int?*/ insertIndex){
+ // summary:
+ // Makes the given widget a child of this widget.
+ // description:
+ // Inserts specified child widget's dom node as a child of this widget's
+ // container node, and possibly does other processing (such as layout).
+ var refNode = this.containerNode;
+ if(insertIndex && typeof insertIndex == "number"){
+ var children = this.getChildren();
+ if(children && children.length >= insertIndex){
+ refNode = children[insertIndex-1].domNode;
+ insertIndex = "after";
+ }
+ }
+, refNode, insertIndex);
+ // If I've been started but the child widget hasn't been started,
+ // start it now. Make sure to do this after widget has been
+ // inserted into the DOM tree, so it can see that it's being controlled by me,
+ // so it doesn't try to size itself.
+ if(this._started && !widget._started){
+ widget.startup();
+ }
+ },
+ removeChild: function(/*Widget|int*/ widget){
+ // summary:
+ // Removes the passed widget instance from this widget but does
+ // not destroy it. You can also pass in an integer indicating
+ // the index within the container to remove
+ if(typeof widget == "number"){
+ widget = this.getChildren()[widget];
+ }
+ if(widget){
+ var node = widget.domNode;
+ if(node && node.parentNode){
+ node.parentNode.removeChild(node); // detach but don't destroy
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ hasChildren: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns true if widget has children, i.e. if this.containerNode contains something.
+ return this.getChildren().length > 0; // Boolean
+ },
+ _getSiblingOfChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child, /*int*/ dir){
+ // summary:
+ // Get the next or previous widget sibling of child
+ // dir:
+ // if 1, get the next sibling
+ // if -1, get the previous sibling
+ // tags:
+ // private
+ var node = child.domNode,
+ which = (dir>0 ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling");
+ do{
+ node = node[which];
+ }while(node && (node.nodeType != 1 || !registry.byNode(node)));
+ return node && registry.byNode(node); // dijit._Widget
+ },
+ getIndexOfChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child){
+ // summary:
+ // Gets the index of the child in this container or -1 if not found
+ return array.indexOf(this.getChildren(), child); // int
+ }
+ });