path: root/lib/dijit/_editor
diff options
authorBarak Korren <[email protected]>2013-04-02 20:38:07 +0300
committerBarak Korren <[email protected]>2013-04-02 20:38:07 +0300
commit58a2577d48790c79adfd44bcfd662c980ce6cfe4 (patch)
tree523d814ea0b7b6f617fe515b186099c6e83fed72 /lib/dijit/_editor
parente470a273cf09562fb2f9c0c899002303f19c8d16 (diff)
parentcc332603431102a682feda22b9cf0093a29f0176 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dijit/_editor')
112 files changed, 0 insertions, 10797 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/RichText.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/RichText.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fd3e0962..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/RichText.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2874 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/RichText", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.indexOf array.some
- "dojo/_base/config", // config
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/Deferred", // Deferred
- "dojo/dom", // dom.byId
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set or get
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create domConstruct.destroy
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.position
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle domStyle.set
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/keys", // keys.BACKSPACE keys.TAB
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.clone lang.hitch lang.isArray lang.isFunction lang.isString lang.trim
- "dojo/on", // on()
- "dojo/query", // query
- "dojo/ready", // ready
- "dojo/sniff", // has("ie") has("mozilla") has("opera") has("safari") has("webkit")
- "dojo/topic", // topic.publish() (publish)
- "dojo/_base/unload", // unload
- "dojo/_base/url", // url
- "dojo/_base/window", //
- "../_Widget",
- "../_CssStateMixin",
- "./selection",
- "./range",
- "./html",
- "../focus",
- "../main" // dijit._scopeName
-], function(array, config, declare, Deferred, dom, domAttr, domClass, domConstruct, domGeometry, domStyle,
- event, kernel, keys, lang, on, query, ready, has, topic, unload, _Url, win,
- _Widget, _CssStateMixin, selectionapi, rangeapi, htmlapi, focus, dijit){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/RichText
-// summary:
-// dijit/_editor/RichText is the core of dijit/Editor, which provides basic
-// WYSIWYG editing features.
-// if you want to allow for rich text saving with back/forward actions, you must add a text area to your page with
-// the id==dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText.value" (typically "dijit/_editor/RichText.value). For example,
-// something like this will work:
-// <textarea id="dijit._editor.RichText.value" style="display:none;position:absolute;top:-100px;left:-100px;height:3px;width:3px;overflow:hidden;"></textarea>
-var RichText = declare("dijit._editor.RichText", [_Widget, _CssStateMixin], {
- // summary:
- // dijit/_editor/RichText is the core of dijit.Editor, which provides basic
- // WYSIWYG editing features.
- //
- // description:
- // dijit/_editor/RichText is the core of dijit.Editor, which provides basic
- // WYSIWYG editing features. It also encapsulates the differences
- // of different js engines for various browsers. Do not use this widget
- // with an HTML &lt;TEXTAREA&gt; tag, since the browser unescapes XML escape characters,
- // like &lt;. This can have unexpected behavior and lead to security issues
- // such as scripting attacks.
- //
- // tags:
- // private
- constructor: function(params /*===== , srcNodeRef =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Create the widget.
- // params: Object|null
- // Initial settings for any of the widget attributes, except readonly attributes.
- // srcNodeRef: DOMNode
- // The widget replaces the specified DOMNode.
- // contentPreFilters: Function(String)[]
- // Pre content filter function register array.
- // these filters will be executed before the actual
- // editing area gets the html content.
- this.contentPreFilters = [];
- // contentPostFilters: Function(String)[]
- // post content filter function register array.
- // These will be used on the resulting html
- // from contentDomPostFilters. The resulting
- // content is the final html (returned by getValue()).
- this.contentPostFilters = [];
- // contentDomPreFilters: Function(DomNode)[]
- // Pre content dom filter function register array.
- // These filters are applied after the result from
- // contentPreFilters are set to the editing area.
- this.contentDomPreFilters = [];
- // contentDomPostFilters: Function(DomNode)[]
- // Post content dom filter function register array.
- // These filters are executed on the editing area dom.
- // The result from these will be passed to contentPostFilters.
- this.contentDomPostFilters = [];
- // editingAreaStyleSheets: dojo._URL[]
- // array to store all the stylesheets applied to the editing area
- this.editingAreaStyleSheets = [];
- // Make a copy of before we start writing into it, otherwise we
- // will modify the prototype which leads to bad things on pages w/multiple editors
- = [].concat(;
- this._keyHandlers = {};
- if(params && lang.isString(params.value)){
- this.value = params.value;
- }
- this.onLoadDeferred = new Deferred();
- },
- baseClass: "dijitEditor",
- // inheritWidth: Boolean
- // whether to inherit the parent's width or simply use 100%
- inheritWidth: false,
- // focusOnLoad: [deprecated] Boolean
- // Focus into this widget when the page is loaded
- focusOnLoad: false,
- // name: String?
- // Specifies the name of a (hidden) `<textarea>` node on the page that's used to save
- // the editor content on page leave. Used to restore editor contents after navigating
- // to a new page and then hitting the back button.
- name: "",
- // styleSheets: [const] String
- // semicolon (";") separated list of css files for the editing area
- styleSheets: "",
- // height: String
- // Set height to fix the editor at a specific height, with scrolling.
- // By default, this is 300px. If you want to have the editor always
- // resizes to accommodate the content, use AlwaysShowToolbar plugin
- // and set height="". If this editor is used within a layout widget,
- // set height="100%".
- height: "300px",
- // minHeight: String
- // The minimum height that the editor should have.
- minHeight: "1em",
- // isClosed: [private] Boolean
- isClosed: true,
- // isLoaded: [private] Boolean
- isLoaded: false,
- // _SEPARATOR: [private] String
- // Used to concat contents from multiple editors into a single string,
- // so they can be saved into a single `<textarea>` node. See "name" attribute.
- _SEPARATOR: "@@**%%__RICHTEXTBOUNDRY__%%**@@",
- // _NAME_CONTENT_SEP: [private] String
- // USed to separate name from content. Just a colon isn't safe.
- _NAME_CONTENT_SEP: "@@**%%:%%**@@",
- // onLoadDeferred: [readonly] dojo.Deferred
- // Deferred which is fired when the editor finishes loading.
- // Call myEditor.onLoadDeferred.then(callback) it to be informed
- // when the rich-text area initialization is finalized.
- onLoadDeferred: null,
- // isTabIndent: Boolean
- // Make tab key and shift-tab indent and outdent rather than navigating.
- // Caution: sing this makes web pages inaccessible to users unable to use a mouse.
- isTabIndent: false,
- // disableSpellCheck: [const] Boolean
- // When true, disables the browser's native spell checking, if supported.
- // Works only in Firefox.
- disableSpellCheck: false,
- postCreate: function(){
- if("textarea" === this.domNode.tagName.toLowerCase()){
- console.warn("RichText should not be used with the TEXTAREA tag. See dijit._editor.RichText docs.");
- }
- // Push in the builtin filters now, making them the first executed, but not over-riding anything
- // users passed in. See: #6062
- this.contentPreFilters = [lang.hitch(this, "_preFixUrlAttributes")].concat(this.contentPreFilters);
- if(has("mozilla")){
- this.contentPreFilters = [this._normalizeFontStyle].concat(this.contentPreFilters);
- this.contentPostFilters = [this._removeMozBogus].concat(this.contentPostFilters);
- }
- if(has("webkit")){
- // Try to clean up WebKit bogus artifacts. The inserted classes
- // made by WebKit sometimes messes things up.
- this.contentPreFilters = [this._removeWebkitBogus].concat(this.contentPreFilters);
- this.contentPostFilters = [this._removeWebkitBogus].concat(this.contentPostFilters);
- }
- if(has("ie")){
- // IE generates <strong> and <em> but we want to normalize to <b> and <i>
- this.contentPostFilters = [this._normalizeFontStyle].concat(this.contentPostFilters);
- this.contentDomPostFilters = [lang.hitch(this, this._stripBreakerNodes)].concat(this.contentDomPostFilters);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- topic.publish(dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText::init", this);
- this.setupDefaultShortcuts();
- },
- setupDefaultShortcuts: function(){
- // summary:
- // Add some default key handlers
- // description:
- // Overwrite this to setup your own handlers. The default
- // implementation does not use Editor commands, but directly
- // executes the builtin commands within the underlying browser
- // support.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var exec = lang.hitch(this, function(cmd, arg){
- return function(){
- return !this.execCommand(cmd,arg);
- };
- });
- var ctrlKeyHandlers = {
- b: exec("bold"),
- i: exec("italic"),
- u: exec("underline"),
- a: exec("selectall"),
- s: function(){; },
- m: function(){ this.isTabIndent = !this.isTabIndent; },
- "1": exec("formatblock", "h1"),
- "2": exec("formatblock", "h2"),
- "3": exec("formatblock", "h3"),
- "4": exec("formatblock", "h4"),
- "\\": exec("insertunorderedlist")
- };
- if(!has("ie")){
- ctrlKeyHandlers.Z = exec("redo"); //FIXME: undo?
- }
- var key;
- for(key in ctrlKeyHandlers){
- this.addKeyHandler(key, true, false, ctrlKeyHandlers[key]);
- }
- },
- // events: [private] String[]
- // events which should be connected to the underlying editing area
- events: ["onKeyPress", "onKeyDown", "onKeyUp"], // onClick handled specially
- // captureEvents: [deprecated] String[]
- // Events which should be connected to the underlying editing
- // area, events in this array will be addListener with
- // capture=true.
- // TODO: looking at the code I don't see any distinction between events and captureEvents,
- // so get rid of this for 2.0 if not sooner
- captureEvents: [],
- _editorCommandsLocalized: false,
- _localizeEditorCommands: function(){
- // summary:
- // When IE is running in a non-English locale, the API actually changes,
- // so that we have to say (for example) danraku instead of p (for paragraph).
- // Handle that here.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(RichText._editorCommandsLocalized){
- // Use the already generate cache of mappings.
- this._local2NativeFormatNames = RichText._local2NativeFormatNames;
- this._native2LocalFormatNames = RichText._native2LocalFormatNames;
- return;
- }
- RichText._editorCommandsLocalized = true;
- RichText._local2NativeFormatNames = {};
- RichText._native2LocalFormatNames = {};
- this._local2NativeFormatNames = RichText._local2NativeFormatNames;
- this._native2LocalFormatNames = RichText._native2LocalFormatNames;
- //in IE, names for blockformat is locale dependent, so we cache the values here
- //put p after div, so if IE returns Normal, we show it as paragraph
- //We can distinguish p and div if IE returns Normal, however, in order to detect that,
- //we have to call this.document.selection.createRange().parentElement() or such, which
- //could slow things down. Leave it as it is for now
- var formats = ['div', 'p', 'pre', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'ol', 'ul', 'address'];
- var localhtml = "", format, i=0;
- while((format=formats[i++])){
- //append a <br> after each element to separate the elements more reliably
- if(format.charAt(1) !== 'l'){
- localhtml += "<"+format+"><span>content</span></"+format+"><br/>";
- }else{
- localhtml += "<"+format+"><li>content</li></"+format+"><br/>";
- }
- }
- // queryCommandValue returns empty if we hide editNode, so move it out of screen temporary
- // Also, IE9 does weird stuff unless we do it inside the editor iframe.
- var style = { position: "absolute", top: "0px", zIndex: 10, opacity: 0.01 };
- var div = domConstruct.create('div', {style: style, innerHTML: localhtml});
- this.ownerDocumentBody.appendChild(div);
- // IE9 has a timing issue with doing this right after setting
- // the inner HTML, so put a delay in.
- var inject = lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var node = div.firstChild;
- while(node){
- try{
- this._sCall("selectElement", [node.firstChild]);
- var nativename = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
- this._local2NativeFormatNames[nativename] = document.queryCommandValue("formatblock");
- this._native2LocalFormatNames[this._local2NativeFormatNames[nativename]] = nativename;
- node = node.nextSibling.nextSibling;
- //console.log("Mapped: ", nativename, " to: ", this._local2NativeFormatNames[nativename]);
- }catch(e){ /*Sqelch the occasional IE9 error */ }
- }
- domConstruct.destroy(div);
- });
- this.defer(inject);
- },
- open: function(/*DomNode?*/ element){
- // summary:
- // Transforms the node referenced in this.domNode into a rich text editing
- // node.
- // description:
- // Sets up the editing area asynchronously. This will result in
- // the creation and replacement with an iframe.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!this.onLoadDeferred || this.onLoadDeferred.fired >= 0){
- this.onLoadDeferred = new Deferred();
- }
- if(!this.isClosed){ this.close(); }
- topic.publish(dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText::open", this);
- if(arguments.length === 1 && element.nodeName){ // else unchanged
- this.domNode = element;
- }
- var dn = this.domNode;
- // "html" will hold the innerHTML of the srcNodeRef and will be used to
- // initialize the editor.
- var html;
- if(lang.isString(this.value)){
- // Allow setting the editor content programmatically instead of
- // relying on the initial content being contained within the target
- // domNode.
- html = this.value;
- delete this.value;
- dn.innerHTML = "";
- }else if(dn.nodeName && dn.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "textarea"){
- // if we were created from a textarea, then we need to create a
- // new editing harness node.
- var ta = (this.textarea = dn);
- =;
- html = ta.value;
- dn = this.domNode = this.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- dn.setAttribute('widgetId',;
- ta.removeAttribute('widgetId');
- dn.cssText = ta.cssText;
- dn.className += " " + ta.className;
-, ta, "before");
- var tmpFunc = lang.hitch(this, function(){
- //some browsers refuse to submit display=none textarea, so
- //move the textarea off screen instead
- domStyle.set(ta, {
- display: "block",
- position: "absolute",
- top: "-1000px"
- });
- if(has("ie")){ //nasty IE bug: abnormal formatting if overflow is not hidden
- var s =;
- this.__overflow = s.overflow;
- s.overflow = "hidden";
- }
- });
- if(has("ie")){
- this.defer(tmpFunc, 10);
- }else{
- tmpFunc();
- }
- if(ta.form){
- var resetValue = ta.value;
- this.reset = function(){
- var current = this.getValue();
- if(current !== resetValue){
- this.replaceValue(resetValue);
- }
- };
- on(ta.form, "submit", lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // Copy value to the <textarea> so it gets submitted along with form.
- // FIXME: should we be calling close() here instead?
- domAttr.set(ta, 'disabled', this.disabled); // don't submit the value if disabled
- ta.value = this.getValue();
- }));
- }
- }else{
- html = htmlapi.getChildrenHtml(dn);
- dn.innerHTML = "";
- }
- this.value = html;
- // If we're a list item we have to put in a blank line to force the
- // bullet to nicely align at the top of text
- if(dn.nodeName && dn.nodeName === "LI"){
- dn.innerHTML = " <br>";
- }
- // Construct the editor div structure.
- this.header = dn.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- dn.appendChild(this.header);
- this.editingArea = dn.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- dn.appendChild(this.editingArea);
- this.footer = dn.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- dn.appendChild(this.footer);
- if(!{
- = + "_AUTOGEN";
- }
- // User has pressed back/forward button so we lost the text in the editor, but it's saved
- // in a hidden <textarea> (which contains the data for all the editors on this page),
- // so get editor value from there
- if( !== "" && (!config["useXDomain"] || config["allowXdRichTextSave"])){
- var saveTextarea = dom.byId(dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText.value");
- if(saveTextarea && saveTextarea.value !== ""){
- var datas = saveTextarea.value.split(this._SEPARATOR), i=0, dat;
- while((dat=datas[i++])){
- var data = dat.split(this._NAME_CONTENT_SEP);
- if(data[0] ==={
- html = data[1];
- datas = datas.splice(i, 1);
- saveTextarea.value = datas.join(this._SEPARATOR);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!RichText._globalSaveHandler){
- RichText._globalSaveHandler = {};
- unload.addOnUnload(function(){
- var id;
- for(id in RichText._globalSaveHandler){
- var f = RichText._globalSaveHandler[id];
- if(lang.isFunction(f)){
- f();
- }
- }
- });
- }
- RichText._globalSaveHandler[] = lang.hitch(this, "_saveContent");
- }
- this.isClosed = false;
- var ifr = (this.editorObject = this.iframe = this.ownerDocument.createElement('iframe'));
- ="_iframe";
- = "none";
- = "100%";
- if(this._layoutMode){
- // iframe should be 100% height, thus getting it's height from surrounding
- // <div> (which has the correct height set by Editor)
- = "100%";
- }else{
- if(has("ie") >= 7){
- if(this.height){
- = this.height;
- }
- if(this.minHeight){
- = this.minHeight;
- }
- }else{
- = this.height ? this.height : this.minHeight;
- }
- }
- ifr.frameBorder = 0;
- ifr._loadFunc = lang.hitch( this, function(w){
- this.window = w;
- this.document = this.window.document;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._localizeEditorCommands();
- }
- // Do final setup and set initial contents of editor
- this.onLoad(html);
- });
- // Set the iframe's initial (blank) content.
- var src = this._getIframeDocTxt(),
- s = "javascript: '" + src.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/'/g, "\\'") + "'";
- ifr.setAttribute('src', s);
- this.editingArea.appendChild(ifr);
- if(has("safari") <= 4){
- src = ifr.getAttribute("src");
- if(!src || src.indexOf("javascript") === -1){
- // Safari 4 and earlier sometimes act oddly
- // So we have to set it again.
- this.defer(function(){ ifr.setAttribute('src', s); });
- }
- }
- // TODO: this is a guess at the default line-height, kinda works
- if(dn.nodeName === "LI"){
- = "-1.2em";
- }
- domClass.add(this.domNode, this.baseClass);
- },
- //static cache variables shared among all instance of this class
- _local2NativeFormatNames: {},
- _native2LocalFormatNames: {},
- _getIframeDocTxt: function(){
- // summary:
- // Generates the boilerplate text of the document inside the iframe (ie, `<html><head>...</head><body/></html>`).
- // Editor content (if not blank) should be added afterwards.
- // tags:
- // private
- var _cs = domStyle.getComputedStyle(this.domNode);
- // The contents inside of <body>. The real contents are set later via a call to setValue().
- var html = "";
- var setBodyId = true;
- if(has("ie") || has("webkit") || (!this.height && !has("mozilla"))){
- // In auto-expand mode, need a wrapper div for AlwaysShowToolbar plugin to correctly
- // expand/contract the editor as the content changes.
- html = "<div id='dijitEditorBody'></div>";
- setBodyId = false;
- }else if(has("mozilla")){
- // workaround bug where can't select then delete text (until user types something
- // into the editor)... and/or issue where typing doesn't erase selected text
- this._cursorToStart = true;
- html = "&#160;"; // &nbsp;
- }
- var font = [ _cs.fontWeight, _cs.fontSize, _cs.fontFamily ].join(" ");
- // line height is tricky - applying a units value will mess things up.
- // if we can't get a non-units value, bail out.
- var lineHeight = _cs.lineHeight;
- if(lineHeight.indexOf("px") >= 0){
- lineHeight = parseFloat(lineHeight)/parseFloat(_cs.fontSize);
- // console.debug(lineHeight);
- }else if(lineHeight.indexOf("em")>=0){
- lineHeight = parseFloat(lineHeight);
- }else{
- // If we can't get a non-units value, just default
- // it to the CSS spec default of 'normal'. Seems to
- // work better, esp on IE, than '1.0'
- lineHeight = "normal";
- }
- var userStyle = "";
- var self = this;
-^|;)\s*(line-|font-?)[^;]+/ig, function(match){
- match = match.replace(/^;/ig,"") + ';';
- var s = match.split(":")[0];
- if(s){
- s = lang.trim(s);
- s = s.toLowerCase();
- var i;
- var sC = "";
- for(i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
- var c = s.charAt(i);
- switch(c){
- case "-":
- i++;
- c = s.charAt(i).toUpperCase();
- default:
- sC += c;
- }
- }
- domStyle.set(self.domNode, sC, "");
- }
- userStyle += match + ';';
- });
- // need to find any associated label element and update iframe document title
- var label=query('label[for="''"]');
- return [
- this.isLeftToRight() ? "<html>\n<head>\n" : "<html dir='rtl'>\n<head>\n",
- (has("mozilla") && label.length ? "<title>" + label[0].innerHTML + "</title>\n" : ""),
- "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html'>\n",
- "<style>\n",
- "\tbody,html {\n",
- "\t\tbackground:transparent;\n",
- "\t\tpadding: 1px 0 0 0;\n",
- "\t\tmargin: -1px 0 0 0;\n", // remove extraneous vertical scrollbar on safari and firefox
- // Set the html/body sizing. Webkit always needs this, other browsers
- // only set it when height is defined (not auto-expanding), otherwise
- // scrollers do not appear.
- ((has("webkit"))?"\t\twidth: 100%;\n":""),
- ((has("webkit"))?"\t\theight: 100%;\n":""),
- "\t}\n",
- // TODO: left positioning will cause contents to disappear out of view
- // if it gets too wide for the visible area
- "\tbody{\n",
- "\t\ttop:0px;\n",
- "\t\tleft:0px;\n",
- "\t\tright:0px;\n",
- "\t\tfont:", font, ";\n",
- ((this.height||has("opera")) ? "" : "\t\tposition: fixed;\n"),
- // FIXME: IE 6 won't understand min-height?
- "\t\tmin-height:", this.minHeight, ";\n",
- "\t\tline-height:", lineHeight,";\n",
- "\t}\n",
- "\tp{ margin: 1em 0; }\n",
- // Determine how scrollers should be applied. In autoexpand mode (height = "") no scrollers on y at all.
- // But in fixed height mode we want both x/y scrollers. Also, if it's using wrapping div and in auto-expand
- // (Mainly IE) we need to kill the y scroller on body and html.
- (!setBodyId && !this.height ? "\tbody,html {overflow-y: hidden;}\n" : ""),
- "\t#dijitEditorBody{overflow-x: auto; overflow-y:" + (this.height ? "auto;" : "hidden;") + " outline: 0px;}\n",
- "\tli > ul:-moz-first-node, li > ol:-moz-first-node{ padding-top: 1.2em; }\n",
- // Can't set min-height in IE9, it puts layout on li, which puts move/resize handles.
- (!has("ie") ? "\tli{ min-height:1.2em; }\n" : ""),
- "</style>\n",
- this._applyEditingAreaStyleSheets(),"\n",
- "</head>\n<body ",
- (setBodyId?"id='dijitEditorBody' ":""),
- // Onload handler fills in real editor content.
- // On IE9, sometimes onload is called twice, and the first time frameElement is null (test_FullScreen.html)
- "onload='frameElement && frameElement._loadFunc(window,document)' ",
- "style='"+userStyle+"'>", html, "</body>\n</html>"
- ].join(""); // String
- },
- _applyEditingAreaStyleSheets: function(){
- // summary:
- // apply the specified css files in styleSheets
- // tags:
- // private
- var files = [];
- if(this.styleSheets){
- files = this.styleSheets.split(';');
- this.styleSheets = '';
- }
- //empty this.editingAreaStyleSheets here, as it will be filled in addStyleSheet
- files = files.concat(this.editingAreaStyleSheets);
- this.editingAreaStyleSheets = [];
- var text='', i=0, url;
- while((url=files[i++])){
- var abstring = (new _Url(, url)).toString();
- this.editingAreaStyleSheets.push(abstring);
- text += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+abstring+'"/>';
- }
- return text;
- },
- addStyleSheet: function(/*dojo/_base/url*/ uri){
- // summary:
- // add an external stylesheet for the editing area
- // uri:
- // Url of the external css file
- var url=uri.toString();
- //if uri is relative, then convert it to absolute so that it can be resolved correctly in iframe
- if(url.charAt(0) === '.' || (url.charAt(0) !== '/' && !{
- url = (new _Url(, url)).toString();
- }
- if(array.indexOf(this.editingAreaStyleSheets, url) > -1){
-// console.debug("dijit/_editor/RichText.addStyleSheet(): Style sheet "+url+" is already applied");
- return;
- }
- this.editingAreaStyleSheets.push(url);
- this.onLoadDeferred.then(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- if(this.document.createStyleSheet){ //IE
- this.document.createStyleSheet(url);
- }else{ //other browser
- var head = this.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- var stylesheet = this.document.createElement("link");
- stylesheet.rel="stylesheet";
- stylesheet.type="text/css";
- stylesheet.href=url;
- head.appendChild(stylesheet);
- }
- }));
- },
- removeStyleSheet: function(/*dojo/_base/url*/ uri){
- // summary:
- // remove an external stylesheet for the editing area
- var url=uri.toString();
- //if uri is relative, then convert it to absolute so that it can be resolved correctly in iframe
- if(url.charAt(0) === '.' || (url.charAt(0) !== '/' && !{
- url = (new _Url(, url)).toString();
- }
- var index = array.indexOf(this.editingAreaStyleSheets, url);
- if(index === -1){
-// console.debug("dijit/_editor/RichText.removeStyleSheet(): Style sheet "+url+" has not been applied");
- return;
- }
- delete this.editingAreaStyleSheets[index];
- query('link:[href="'+url+'"]', this.window.document).orphan();
- },
- // disabled: Boolean
- // The editor is disabled; the text cannot be changed.
- disabled: false,
- _mozSettingProps: {'styleWithCSS':false},
- _setDisabledAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
- value = !!value;
- this._set("disabled", value);
- if(!this.isLoaded){ return; } // this method requires init to be complete
- if(has("ie") || has("webkit") || has("opera")){
- var preventIEfocus = has("ie") && (this.isLoaded || !this.focusOnLoad);
- if(preventIEfocus){ this.editNode.unselectable = "on"; }
- this.editNode.contentEditable = !value;
- if(preventIEfocus){
- this.defer(function(){
- if(this.editNode){ // guard in case widget destroyed before timeout
- this.editNode.unselectable = "off";
- }
- });
- }
- }else{ //moz
- try{
- this.document.designMode=(value?'off':'on');
- }catch(e){ return; } // ! _disabledOK
- if(!value && this._mozSettingProps){
- var ps = this._mozSettingProps;
- var n;
- for(n in ps){
- if(ps.hasOwnProperty(n)){
- try{
- this.document.execCommand(n,false,ps[n]);
- }catch(e2){}
- }
- }
- }
-// this.document.execCommand('contentReadOnly', false, value);
-// if(value){
-// this.blur(); //to remove the blinking caret
-// }
- }
- this._disabledOK = true;
- },
-/* Event handlers
- *****************/
- onLoad: function(/*String*/ html){
- // summary:
- // Handler after the iframe finishes loading.
- // html: String
- // Editor contents should be set to this value
- // tags:
- // protected
- // TODO: rename this to _onLoad, make empty public onLoad() method, deprecate/make protected onLoadDeferred handler?
- if(!this.window.__registeredWindow){
- this.window.__registeredWindow = true;
- this._iframeRegHandle = focus.registerIframe(this.iframe);
- }
- if(!has("ie") && !has("webkit") && (this.height || has("mozilla"))){
- this.editNode=this.document.body;
- }else{
- // there's a wrapper div around the content, see _getIframeDocTxt().
- this.editNode=this.document.body.firstChild;
- var _this = this;
- if(has("ie")){ // #4996 IE wants to focus the BODY tag
- this.tabStop = domConstruct.create('div', { tabIndex: -1 }, this.editingArea);
- this.iframe.onfocus = function(){ _this.editNode.setActive(); };
- }
- }
- this.focusNode = this.editNode; // for InlineEditBox
- var events =;
- var ap = this.iframe ? this.document : this.editNode;
- array.forEach(events, function(item){
- this.connect(ap, item.toLowerCase(), item);
- }, this);
- this.connect(ap, "onmouseup", "onClick"); // mouseup in the margin does not generate an onclick event
- if(has("ie")){ // IE contentEditable
- this.connect(this.document, "onmousedown", "_onIEMouseDown"); // #4996 fix focus
- // give the node Layout on IE
- // TODO: this may no longer be needed, since we've reverted IE to using an iframe,
- // not contentEditable. Removing it would also probably remove the need for creating
- // the extra <div> in _getIframeDocTxt()
- = 1.0;
- }else{
- this.connect(this.document, "onmousedown", function(){
- // Clear the moveToStart focus, as mouse
- // down will set cursor point. Required to properly
- // work with selection/position driven plugins and clicks in
- // the window. refs: #10678
- delete this._cursorToStart;
- });
- }
- if(has("webkit")){
- //WebKit sometimes doesn't fire right on selections, so the toolbar
- //doesn't update right. Therefore, help it out a bit with an additional
- //listener. A mouse up will typically indicate a display change, so fire this
- //and get the toolbar to adapt. Reference: #9532
- this._webkitListener = this.connect(this.document, "onmouseup", "onDisplayChanged");
- this.connect(this.document, "onmousedown", function(e){
- var t =;
- if(t && (t === this.document.body || t === this.document)){
- // Since WebKit uses the inner DIV, we need to check and set position.
- // See: #12024 as to why the change was made.
- this.defer("placeCursorAtEnd");
- }
- });
- }
- if(has("ie")){
- // Try to make sure 'hidden' elements aren't visible in edit mode (like browsers other than IE
- // do). See #9103
- try{
- this.document.execCommand('RespectVisibilityInDesign', true, null);
- }catch(e){/* squelch */}
- }
- this.isLoaded = true;
- this.set('disabled', this.disabled); // initialize content to editable (or not)
- // Note that setValue() call will only work after isLoaded is set to true (above)
- // Set up a function to allow delaying the setValue until a callback is fired
- // This ensures extensions like dijit.Editor have a way to hold the value set
- // until plugins load (and do things like register filters).
- var setContent = lang.hitch(this, function(){
- this.setValue(html);
- if(this.onLoadDeferred){
- this.onLoadDeferred.resolve(true);
- }
- this.onDisplayChanged();
- if(this.focusOnLoad){
- // after the document loads, then set focus after updateInterval expires so that
- // onNormalizedDisplayChanged has run to avoid input caret issues
- ready(lang.hitch(this, "defer", "focus", this.updateInterval));
- }
- // Save off the initial content now
- this.value = this.getValue(true);
- });
- if(this.setValueDeferred){
- this.setValueDeferred.then(setContent);
- }else{
- setContent();
- }
- },
- onKeyDown: function(/* Event */ e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onkeydown event
- // tags:
- // protected
- // we need this event at the moment to get the events from control keys
- // such as the backspace. It might be possible to add this to Dojo, so that
- // keyPress events can be emulated by the keyDown and keyUp detection.
- if(e.keyCode === keys.TAB && this.isTabIndent ){
- event.stop(e); //prevent tab from moving focus out of editor
- // FIXME: this is a poor-man's indent/outdent. It would be
- // better if it added 4 "&nbsp;" chars in an undoable way.
- // Unfortunately pasteHTML does not prove to be undoable
- if(this.queryCommandEnabled((e.shiftKey ? "outdent" : "indent"))){
- this.execCommand((e.shiftKey ? "outdent" : "indent"));
- }
- }
- if(has("ie")){
- if(e.keyCode == keys.TAB && !this.isTabIndent){
- if(e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey){
- // focus the BODY so the browser will tab away from it instead
- this.iframe.focus();
- }else if(!e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey){
- // focus the BODY so the browser will tab away from it instead
- this.tabStop.focus();
- }
- }else if(e.keyCode === keys.BACKSPACE && this.document.selection.type === "Control"){
- // IE has a bug where if a non-text object is selected in the editor,
- // hitting backspace would act as if the browser's back button was
- // clicked instead of deleting the object. see #1069
- event.stop(e);
- this.execCommand("delete");
- }else if((65 <= e.keyCode && e.keyCode <= 90) ||
- (e.keyCode>=37 && e.keyCode<=40) // FIXME: get this from connect() instead!
- ){ //arrow keys
- e.charCode = e.keyCode;
- this.onKeyPress(e);
- }
- }
- if(has("ff")){
- if(e.keyCode === keys.PAGE_UP || e.keyCode === keys.PAGE_DOWN ){
- if(this.editNode.clientHeight >= this.editNode.scrollHeight){
- // Stop the event to prevent firefox from trapping the cursor when there is no scroll bar.
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- onKeyUp: function(/*===== e =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onkeyup event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- setDisabled: function(/*Boolean*/ disabled){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated, use set('disabled', ...) instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated('dijit.Editor::setDisabled is deprecated','use dijit.Editor::attr("disabled",boolean) instead', 2.0);
- this.set('disabled',disabled);
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*String*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Registers that attr("value", foo) should call setValue(foo)
- this.setValue(value);
- },
- _setDisableSpellCheckAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ disabled){
- if(this.document){
- domAttr.set(this.document.body, "spellcheck", !disabled);
- }else{
- // try again after the editor is finished loading
- this.onLoadDeferred.then(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- domAttr.set(this.document.body, "spellcheck", !disabled);
- }));
- }
- this._set("disableSpellCheck", disabled);
- },
- onKeyPress: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Handle the various key events
- // tags:
- // protected
- var c = (e.keyChar && e.keyChar.toLowerCase()) || e.keyCode,
- handlers = this._keyHandlers[c],
- args = arguments;
- if(handlers && !e.altKey){
- array.some(handlers, function(h){
- // treat meta- same as ctrl-, for benefit of mac users
- if(!(h.shift ^ e.shiftKey) && !(h.ctrl ^ (e.ctrlKey||e.metaKey))){
- if(!h.handler.apply(this, args)){
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- return true;
- }
- }, this);
- }
- // function call after the character has been inserted
- if(!this._onKeyHitch){
- this._onKeyHitch = lang.hitch(this, "onKeyPressed");
- }
- this.defer("_onKeyHitch", 1);
- return true;
- },
- addKeyHandler: function(/*String*/ key, /*Boolean*/ ctrl, /*Boolean*/ shift, /*Function*/ handler){
- // summary:
- // Add a handler for a keyboard shortcut
- // description:
- // The key argument should be in lowercase if it is a letter character
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(!lang.isArray(this._keyHandlers[key])){
- this._keyHandlers[key] = [];
- }
- //TODO: would be nice to make this a hash instead of an array for quick lookups
- this._keyHandlers[key].push({
- shift: shift || false,
- ctrl: ctrl || false,
- handler: handler
- });
- },
- onKeyPressed: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for after the user has pressed a key, and the display has been updated.
- // (Runs on a timer so that it runs after the display is updated)
- // tags:
- // private
- this.onDisplayChanged(/*e*/); // can't pass in e
- },
- onClick: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for when the user clicks.
- // tags:
- // private
- //'onClick',this._tryDesignModeOn);
- this.onDisplayChanged(e);
- },
- _onIEMouseDown: function(){
- // summary:
- // IE only to prevent 2 clicks to focus
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(!this.focused && !this.disabled){
- this.focus();
- }
- },
- _onBlur: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Called from focus manager when focus has moved away from this editor
- // tags:
- // protected
- //'_onBlur')
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var newValue = this.getValue(true);
- if(newValue !== this.value){
- this.onChange(newValue);
- }
- this._set("value", newValue);
- },
- _onFocus: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Called from focus manager when focus has moved into this editor
- // tags:
- // protected
- //'_onFocus')
- if(!this.disabled){
- if(!this._disabledOK){
- this.set('disabled', false);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- },
- // TODO: remove in 2.0
- blur: function(){
- // summary:
- // Remove focus from this instance.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- if(!has("ie") && this.window.document.documentElement && this.window.document.documentElement.focus){
- this.window.document.documentElement.focus();
- }else if(this.ownerDocumentBody.focus){
- this.ownerDocumentBody.focus();
- }
- },
- focus: function(){
- // summary:
- // Move focus to this editor
- if(!this.isLoaded){
- this.focusOnLoad = true;
- return;
- }
- if(this._cursorToStart){
- delete this._cursorToStart;
- if(this.editNode.childNodes){
- this.placeCursorAtStart(); // this calls focus() so return
- return;
- }
- }
- if(!has("ie")){
- focus.focus(this.iframe);
- }else if(this.editNode && this.editNode.focus){
- // editNode may be hidden in display:none div, lets just punt in this case
- //this.editNode.focus(); -> causes IE to scroll always (strict and quirks mode) to the top the Iframe
- // if we fire the event manually and let the browser handle the focusing, the latest
- // cursor position is focused like in FF
- this.iframe.fireEvent('onfocus', document.createEventObject()); // createEventObject only in IE
- // }else{
- // TODO: should we throw here?
- // console.debug("Have no idea how to focus into the editor!");
- }
- },
- // _lastUpdate: 0,
- updateInterval: 200,
- _updateTimer: null,
- onDisplayChanged: function(/*Event*/ /*===== e =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This event will be fired every time the display context
- // changes and the result needs to be reflected in the UI.
- // description:
- // If you don't want to have update too often,
- // onNormalizedDisplayChanged should be used instead
- // tags:
- // private
- // var _t=new Date();
- if(this._updateTimer){
- this._updateTimer.remove();
- }
- this._updateTimer = this.defer("onNormalizedDisplayChanged", this.updateInterval);
- // Technically this should trigger a call to watch("value", ...) registered handlers,
- // but getValue() is too slow to call on every keystroke so we don't.
- },
- onNormalizedDisplayChanged: function(){
- // summary:
- // This event is fired every updateInterval ms or more
- // description:
- // If something needs to happen immediately after a
- // user change, please use onDisplayChanged instead.
- // tags:
- // private
- delete this._updateTimer;
- },
- onChange: function(/*===== newContent =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This is fired if and only if the editor loses focus and
- // the content is changed.
- },
- _normalizeCommand: function(/*String*/ cmd, /*Anything?*/argument){
- // summary:
- // Used as the advice function to map our
- // normalized set of commands to those supported by the target
- // browser.
- // tags:
- // private
- var command = cmd.toLowerCase();
- if(command === "formatblock"){
- if(has("safari") && argument === undefined){ command = "heading"; }
- }else if(command === "hilitecolor" && !has("mozilla")){
- command = "backcolor";
- }
- return command;
- },
- _qcaCache: {},
- queryCommandAvailable: function(/*String*/ command){
- // summary:
- // Tests whether a command is supported by the host. Clients
- // SHOULD check whether a command is supported before attempting
- // to use it, behaviour for unsupported commands is undefined.
- // command:
- // The command to test for
- // tags:
- // private
- // memoizing version. See _queryCommandAvailable for computing version
- var ca = this._qcaCache[command];
- if(ca !== undefined){ return ca; }
- return (this._qcaCache[command] = this._queryCommandAvailable(command));
- },
- _queryCommandAvailable: function(/*String*/ command){
- // summary:
- // See queryCommandAvailable().
- // tags:
- // private
- var ie = 1;
- var mozilla = 1 << 1;
- var webkit = 1 << 2;
- var opera = 1 << 3;
- function isSupportedBy(browsers){
- return {
- ie: Boolean(browsers & ie),
- mozilla: Boolean(browsers & mozilla),
- webkit: Boolean(browsers & webkit),
- opera: Boolean(browsers & opera)
- };
- }
- var supportedBy = null;
- switch(command.toLowerCase()){
- case "bold": case "italic": case "underline":
- case "subscript": case "superscript":
- case "fontname": case "fontsize":
- case "forecolor": case "hilitecolor":
- case "justifycenter": case "justifyfull": case "justifyleft":
- case "justifyright": case "delete": case "selectall": case "toggledir":
- supportedBy = isSupportedBy(mozilla | ie | webkit | opera);
- break;
- case "createlink": case "unlink": case "removeformat":
- case "inserthorizontalrule": case "insertimage":
- case "insertorderedlist": case "insertunorderedlist":
- case "indent": case "outdent": case "formatblock":
- case "inserthtml": case "undo": case "redo": case "strikethrough": case "tabindent":
- supportedBy = isSupportedBy(mozilla | ie | opera | webkit);
- break;
- case "blockdirltr": case "blockdirrtl":
- case "dirltr": case "dirrtl":
- case "inlinedirltr": case "inlinedirrtl":
- supportedBy = isSupportedBy(ie);
- break;
- case "cut": case "copy": case "paste":
- supportedBy = isSupportedBy( ie | mozilla | webkit | opera);
- break;
- case "inserttable":
- supportedBy = isSupportedBy(mozilla | ie);
- break;
- case "insertcell": case "insertcol": case "insertrow":
- case "deletecells": case "deletecols": case "deleterows":
- case "mergecells": case "splitcell":
- supportedBy = isSupportedBy(ie | mozilla);
- break;
- default: return false;
- }
- return (has("ie") && ||
- (has("mozilla") && supportedBy.mozilla) ||
- (has("webkit") && supportedBy.webkit) ||
- (has("opera") && supportedBy.opera); // Boolean return true if the command is supported, false otherwise
- },
- execCommand: function(/*String*/ command, argument){
- // summary:
- // Executes a command in the Rich Text area
- // command:
- // The command to execute
- // argument:
- // An optional argument to the command
- // tags:
- // protected
- var returnValue;
- //focus() is required for IE to work
- //In addition, focus() makes sure after the execution of
- //the command, the editor receives the focus as expected
- this.focus();
- command = this._normalizeCommand(command, argument);
- if(argument !== undefined){
- if(command === "heading"){
- throw new Error("unimplemented");
- }else if((command === "formatblock") && has("ie")){
- argument = '<'+argument+'>';
- }
- }
- //Check to see if we have any over-rides for commands, they will be functions on this
- //widget of the form _commandImpl. If we don't, fall through to the basic native
- //exec command of the browser.
- var implFunc = "_" + command + "Impl";
- if(this[implFunc]){
- returnValue = this[implFunc](argument);
- }else{
- argument = arguments.length > 1 ? argument : null;
- if(argument || command !== "createlink"){
- returnValue = this.document.execCommand(command, false, argument);
- }
- }
- this.onDisplayChanged();
- return returnValue;
- },
- queryCommandEnabled: function(/*String*/ command){
- // summary:
- // Check whether a command is enabled or not.
- // command:
- // The command to execute
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.disabled || !this._disabledOK){ return false; }
- command = this._normalizeCommand(command);
- //Check to see if we have any over-rides for commands, they will be functions on this
- //widget of the form _commandEnabledImpl. If we don't, fall through to the basic native
- //command of the browser.
- var implFunc = "_" + command + "EnabledImpl";
- if(this[implFunc]){
- return this[implFunc](command);
- }else{
- return this._browserQueryCommandEnabled(command);
- }
- },
- queryCommandState: function(command){
- // summary:
- // Check the state of a given command and returns true or false.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.disabled || !this._disabledOK){ return false; }
- command = this._normalizeCommand(command);
- try{
- return this.document.queryCommandState(command);
- }catch(e){
- //Squelch, occurs if editor is hidden on FF 3 (and maybe others.)
- return false;
- }
- },
- queryCommandValue: function(command){
- // summary:
- // Check the value of a given command. This matters most for
- // custom selections and complex values like font value setting.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.disabled || !this._disabledOK){ return false; }
- var r;
- command = this._normalizeCommand(command);
- if(has("ie") && command === "formatblock"){
- r = this._native2LocalFormatNames[this.document.queryCommandValue(command)];
- }else if(has("mozilla") && command === "hilitecolor"){
- var oldValue;
- try{
- oldValue = this.document.queryCommandValue("styleWithCSS");
- }catch(e){
- oldValue = false;
- }
- this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, true);
- r = this.document.queryCommandValue(command);
- this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, oldValue);
- }else{
- r = this.document.queryCommandValue(command);
- }
- return r;
- },
- // Misc.
- _sCall: function(name, args){
- // summary:
- // Run the named method of dijit/_editor/selection over the
- // current editor instance's window, with the passed args.
- // tags:
- // private
- return win.withGlobal(this.window, name, selectionapi, args);
- },
- // FIXME: this is a TON of code duplication. Why?
- placeCursorAtStart: function(){
- // summary:
- // Place the cursor at the start of the editing area.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.focus();
- //see comments in placeCursorAtEnd
- var isvalid=false;
- if(has("mozilla")){
- // TODO: Is this branch even necessary?
- var first=this.editNode.firstChild;
- while(first){
- if(first.nodeType === 3){
- if(first.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").length>0){
- isvalid=true;
- this._sCall("selectElement", [ first ]);
- break;
- }
- }else if(first.nodeType === 1){
- isvalid=true;
- var tg = first.tagName ? first.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
- // Collapse before childless tags.
- if(/br|input|img|base|meta|area|basefont|hr|link/.test(tg)){
- this._sCall("selectElement", [ first ]);
- }else{
- // Collapse inside tags with children.
- this._sCall("selectElementChildren", [ first ]);
- }
- break;
- }
- first = first.nextSibling;
- }
- }else{
- isvalid=true;
- this._sCall("selectElementChildren", [ this.editNode ]);
- }
- if(isvalid){
- this._sCall("collapse", [ true ]);
- }
- },
- placeCursorAtEnd: function(){
- // summary:
- // Place the cursor at the end of the editing area.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.focus();
- //In mozilla, if last child is not a text node, we have to use
- // selectElementChildren on this.editNode.lastChild otherwise the
- // cursor would be placed at the end of the closing tag of
- //this.editNode.lastChild
- var isvalid=false;
- if(has("mozilla")){
- var last=this.editNode.lastChild;
- while(last){
- if(last.nodeType === 3){
- if(last.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").length>0){
- isvalid=true;
- this._sCall("selectElement", [ last ]);
- break;
- }
- }else if(last.nodeType === 1){
- isvalid=true;
- this._sCall("selectElement", [ last.lastChild || last]);
- break;
- }
- last = last.previousSibling;
- }
- }else{
- isvalid=true;
- this._sCall("selectElementChildren", [ this.editNode ]);
- }
- if(isvalid){
- this._sCall("collapse", [ false ]);
- }
- },
- getValue: function(/*Boolean?*/ nonDestructive){
- // summary:
- // Return the current content of the editing area (post filters
- // are applied). Users should call get('value') instead.
- // nonDestructive:
- // defaults to false. Should the post-filtering be run over a copy
- // of the live DOM? Most users should pass "true" here unless they
- // *really* know that none of the installed filters are going to
- // mess up the editing session.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.textarea){
- if(this.isClosed || !this.isLoaded){
- return this.textarea.value;
- }
- }
- return this._postFilterContent(null, nonDestructive);
- },
- _getValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hook to make attr("value") work
- return this.getValue(true);
- },
- setValue: function(/*String*/ html){
- // summary:
- // This function sets the content. No undo history is preserved.
- // Users should use set('value', ...) instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- // TODO: remove this and getValue() for 2.0, and move code to _setValueAttr()
- if(!this.isLoaded){
- // try again after the editor is finished loading
- this.onLoadDeferred.then(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- this.setValue(html);
- }));
- return;
- }
- this._cursorToStart = true;
- if(this.textarea && (this.isClosed || !this.isLoaded)){
- this.textarea.value=html;
- }else{
- html = this._preFilterContent(html);
- var node = this.isClosed ? this.domNode : this.editNode;
- if(html && has("mozilla") && html.toLowerCase() === "<p></p>"){
- html = "<p>&#160;</p>"; // &nbsp;
- }
- // Use &nbsp; to avoid webkit problems where editor is disabled until the user clicks it
- if(!html && has("webkit")){
- html = "&#160;"; // &nbsp;
- }
- node.innerHTML = html;
- this._preDomFilterContent(node);
- }
- this.onDisplayChanged();
- this._set("value", this.getValue(true));
- },
- replaceValue: function(/*String*/ html){
- // summary:
- // This function set the content while trying to maintain the undo stack
- // (now only works fine with Moz, this is identical to setValue in all
- // other browsers)
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.isClosed){
- this.setValue(html);
- }else if(this.window && this.window.getSelection && !has("mozilla")){ // Safari
- // look ma! it's a totally f'd browser!
- this.setValue(html);
- }else if(this.window && this.window.getSelection){ // Moz
- html = this._preFilterContent(html);
- this.execCommand("selectall");
- if(!html){
- this._cursorToStart = true;
- html = "&#160;"; // &nbsp;
- }
- this.execCommand("inserthtml", html);
- this._preDomFilterContent(this.editNode);
- }else if(this.document && this.document.selection){//IE
- //In IE, when the first element is not a text node, say
- //an <a> tag, when replacing the content of the editing
- //area, the <a> tag will be around all the content
- //so for now, use setValue for IE too
- this.setValue(html);
- }
- this._set("value", this.getValue(true));
- },
- _preFilterContent: function(/*String*/ html){
- // summary:
- // Filter the input before setting the content of the editing
- // area. DOM pre-filtering may happen after this
- // string-based filtering takes place but as of 1.2, this is not
- // guaranteed for operations such as the inserthtml command.
- // tags:
- // private
- var ec = html;
- array.forEach(this.contentPreFilters, function(ef){ if(ef){ ec = ef(ec); } });
- return ec;
- },
- _preDomFilterContent: function(/*DomNode*/ dom){
- // summary:
- // filter the input's live DOM. All filter operations should be
- // considered to be "live" and operating on the DOM that the user
- // will be interacting with in their editing session.
- // tags:
- // private
- dom = dom || this.editNode;
- array.forEach(this.contentDomPreFilters, function(ef){
- if(ef && lang.isFunction(ef)){
- ef(dom);
- }
- }, this);
- },
- _postFilterContent: function(
- /*DomNode|DomNode[]|String?*/ dom,
- /*Boolean?*/ nonDestructive){
- // summary:
- // filter the output after getting the content of the editing area
- //
- // description:
- // post-filtering allows plug-ins and users to specify any number
- // of transforms over the editor's content, enabling many common
- // use-cases such as transforming absolute to relative URLs (and
- // vice-versa), ensuring conformance with a particular DTD, etc.
- // The filters are registered in the contentDomPostFilters and
- // contentPostFilters arrays. Each item in the
- // contentDomPostFilters array is a function which takes a DOM
- // Node or array of nodes as its only argument and returns the
- // same. It is then passed down the chain for further filtering.
- // The contentPostFilters array behaves the same way, except each
- // member operates on strings. Together, the DOM and string-based
- // filtering allow the full range of post-processing that should
- // be necessaray to enable even the most agressive of post-editing
- // conversions to take place.
- //
- // If nonDestructive is set to "true", the nodes are cloned before
- // filtering proceeds to avoid potentially destructive transforms
- // to the content which may still needed to be edited further.
- // Once DOM filtering has taken place, the serialized version of
- // the DOM which is passed is run through each of the
- // contentPostFilters functions.
- //
- // dom:
- // a node, set of nodes, which to filter using each of the current
- // members of the contentDomPostFilters and contentPostFilters arrays.
- //
- // nonDestructive:
- // defaults to "false". If true, ensures that filtering happens on
- // a clone of the passed-in content and not the actual node
- // itself.
- //
- // tags:
- // private
- var ec;
- if(!lang.isString(dom)){
- dom = dom || this.editNode;
- if(this.contentDomPostFilters.length){
- if(nonDestructive){
- dom = lang.clone(dom);
- }
- array.forEach(this.contentDomPostFilters, function(ef){
- dom = ef(dom);
- });
- }
- ec = htmlapi.getChildrenHtml(dom);
- }else{
- ec = dom;
- }
- if(!lang.trim(ec.replace(/^\xA0\xA0*/, '').replace(/\xA0\xA0*$/, '')).length){
- ec = "";
- }
- // if(has("ie")){
- // //removing appended <P>&nbsp;</P> for IE
- // ec = ec.replace(/(?:<p>&nbsp;</p>[\n\r]*)+$/i,"");
- // }
- array.forEach(this.contentPostFilters, function(ef){
- ec = ef(ec);
- });
- return ec;
- },
- _saveContent: function(){
- // summary:
- // Saves the content in an onunload event if the editor has not been closed
- // tags:
- // private
- var saveTextarea = dom.byId(dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText.value");
- if(saveTextarea){
- if(saveTextarea.value){
- saveTextarea.value += this._SEPARATOR;
- }
- saveTextarea.value += + this._NAME_CONTENT_SEP + this.getValue(true);
- }
- },
- escapeXml: function(/*String*/ str, /*Boolean*/ noSingleQuotes){
- // summary:
- // Adds escape sequences for special characters in XML.
- // Optionally skips escapes for single quotes
- // tags:
- // private
- str = str.replace(/&/gm, "&amp;").replace(/</gm, "&lt;").replace(/>/gm, "&gt;").replace(/"/gm, "&quot;");
- if(!noSingleQuotes){
- str = str.replace(/'/gm, "&#39;");
- }
- return str; // string
- },
- getNodeHtml: function(/* DomNode */ node){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use dijit/_editor/html::_getNodeHtml() instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated('dijit.Editor::getNodeHtml is deprecated','use dijit/_editor/html::getNodeHtml instead', 2);
- return htmlapi.getNodeHtml(node); // String
- },
- getNodeChildrenHtml: function(/* DomNode */ dom){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use dijit/_editor/html::getChildrenHtml() instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated('dijit.Editor::getNodeChildrenHtml is deprecated','use dijit/_editor/html::getChildrenHtml instead', 2);
- return htmlapi.getChildrenHtml(dom);
- },
- close: function(/*Boolean?*/ save){
- // summary:
- // Kills the editor and optionally writes back the modified contents to the
- // element from which it originated.
- // save:
- // Whether or not to save the changes. If false, the changes are discarded.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.isClosed){ return; }
- if(!arguments.length){ save = true; }
- if(save){
- this._set("value", this.getValue(true));
- }
- // line height is squashed for iframes
- // FIXME: why was this here? if(this.iframe){ = null; }
- if(this.interval){ clearInterval(this.interval); }
- if(this._webkitListener){
- //Cleaup of WebKit fix: #9532
- this.disconnect(this._webkitListener);
- delete this._webkitListener;
- }
- // Guard against memory leaks on IE (see #9268)
- if(has("ie")){
- this.iframe.onfocus = null;
- }
- this.iframe._loadFunc = null;
- if(this._iframeRegHandle){
- this._iframeRegHandle.remove();
- delete this._iframeRegHandle;
- }
- if(this.textarea){
- var s =;
- s.position = "";
- s.left = = "";
- if(has("ie")){
- s.overflow = this.__overflow;
- this.__overflow = null;
- }
- this.textarea.value = this.value;
- domConstruct.destroy(this.domNode);
- this.domNode = this.textarea;
- }else{
- // Note that this destroys the iframe
- this.domNode.innerHTML = this.value;
- }
- delete this.iframe;
- domClass.remove(this.domNode, this.baseClass);
- this.isClosed = true;
- this.isLoaded = false;
- delete this.editNode;
- delete this.focusNode;
- if(this.window && this.window._frameElement){
- this.window._frameElement = null;
- }
- this.window = null;
- this.document = null;
- this.editingArea = null;
- this.editorObject = null;
- },
- destroy: function(){
- if(!this.isClosed){ this.close(false); }
- if(this._updateTimer){
- this._updateTimer.remove();
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(RichText._globalSaveHandler){
- delete RichText._globalSaveHandler[];
- }
- },
- _removeMozBogus: function(/* String */ html){
- // summary:
- // Post filter to remove unwanted HTML attributes generated by mozilla
- // tags:
- // private
- return html.replace(/\stype="_moz"/gi, '').replace(/\s_moz_dirty=""/gi, '').replace(/_moz_resizing="(true|false)"/gi,''); // String
- },
- _removeWebkitBogus: function(/* String */ html){
- // summary:
- // Post filter to remove unwanted HTML attributes generated by webkit
- // tags:
- // private
- html = html.replace(/\sclass="webkit-block-placeholder"/gi, '');
- html = html.replace(/\sclass="apple-style-span"/gi, '');
- // For some reason copy/paste sometime adds extra meta tags for charset on
- // webkit (chrome) on mac.They need to be removed. See: #12007"
- html = html.replace(/<meta charset=\"utf-8\" \/>/gi, '');
- return html; // String
- },
- _normalizeFontStyle: function(/* String */ html){
- // summary:
- // Convert 'strong' and 'em' to 'b' and 'i'.
- // description:
- // Moz can not handle strong/em tags correctly, so to help
- // mozilla and also to normalize output, convert them to 'b' and 'i'.
- //
- // Note the IE generates 'strong' and 'em' rather than 'b' and 'i'
- // tags:
- // private
- return html.replace(/<(\/)?strong([ \>])/gi, '<$1b$2')
- .replace(/<(\/)?em([ \>])/gi, '<$1i$2' ); // String
- },
- _preFixUrlAttributes: function(/* String */ html){
- // summary:
- // Pre-filter to do fixing to href attributes on `<a>` and `<img>` tags
- // tags:
- // private
- return html.replace(/(?:(<a(?=\s).*?\shref=)("|')(.*?)\2)|(?:(<a\s.*?href=)([^"'][^ >]+))/gi,
- '$1$4$2$3$5$2 _djrealurl=$2$3$5$2')
- .replace(/(?:(<img(?=\s).*?\ssrc=)("|')(.*?)\2)|(?:(<img\s.*?src=)([^"'][^ >]+))/gi,
- '$1$4$2$3$5$2 _djrealurl=$2$3$5$2'); // String
- },
- /*****************************************************************************
- The following functions implement HTML manipulation commands for various
- browser/contentEditable implementations. The goal of them is to enforce
- standard behaviors of them.
- ******************************************************************************/
- /*** queryCommandEnabled implementations ***/
- _browserQueryCommandEnabled: function(command){
- // summary:
- // Implementation to call to the native queryCommandEnabled of the browser.
- // command:
- // The command to check.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(!command) { return false; }
- var elem = has("ie") ? this.document.selection.createRange() : this.document;
- try{
- return elem.queryCommandEnabled(command);
- }catch(e){
- return false;
- }
- },
- _createlinkEnabledImpl: function(/*===== argument =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the test for if the create link
- // command should be enabled or not.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var enabled = true;
- if(has("opera")){
- var sel = this.window.getSelection();
- if(sel.isCollapsed){
- enabled = true;
- }else{
- enabled = this.document.queryCommandEnabled("createlink");
- }
- }else{
- enabled = this._browserQueryCommandEnabled("createlink");
- }
- return enabled;
- },
- _unlinkEnabledImpl: function(/*===== argument =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the test for if the unlink
- // command should be enabled or not.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var enabled = true;
- if(has("mozilla") || has("webkit")){
- enabled = this._sCall("hasAncestorElement", ["a"]);
- }else{
- enabled = this._browserQueryCommandEnabled("unlink");
- }
- return enabled;
- },
- _inserttableEnabledImpl: function(/*===== argument =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the test for if the inserttable
- // command should be enabled or not.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var enabled = true;
- if(has("mozilla") || has("webkit")){
- enabled = true;
- }else{
- enabled = this._browserQueryCommandEnabled("inserttable");
- }
- return enabled;
- },
- _cutEnabledImpl: function(/*===== argument =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the test for if the cut
- // command should be enabled or not.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var enabled = true;
- if(has("webkit")){
- // WebKit deems clipboard activity as a security threat and natively would return false
- var sel = this.window.getSelection();
- if(sel){ sel = sel.toString(); }
- enabled = !!sel;
- }else{
- enabled = this._browserQueryCommandEnabled("cut");
- }
- return enabled;
- },
- _copyEnabledImpl: function(/*===== argument =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the test for if the copy
- // command should be enabled or not.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var enabled = true;
- if(has("webkit")){
- // WebKit deems clipboard activity as a security threat and natively would return false
- var sel = this.window.getSelection();
- if(sel){ sel = sel.toString(); }
- enabled = !!sel;
- }else{
- enabled = this._browserQueryCommandEnabled("copy");
- }
- return enabled;
- },
- _pasteEnabledImpl: function(/*===== argument =====*/){
- // summary:c
- // This function implements the test for if the paste
- // command should be enabled or not.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var enabled = true;
- if(has("webkit")){
- return true;
- }else{
- enabled = this._browserQueryCommandEnabled("paste");
- }
- return enabled;
- },
- /*** execCommand implementations ***/
- _inserthorizontalruleImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the insertion of HTML 'HR' tags.
- // into a point on the page. IE doesn't to it right, so
- // we have to use an alternate form
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(has("ie")){
- return this._inserthtmlImpl("<hr>");
- }
- return this.document.execCommand("inserthorizontalrule", false, argument);
- },
- _unlinkImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the unlink of an 'a' tag.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if((this.queryCommandEnabled("unlink")) && (has("mozilla") || has("webkit"))){
- var a = this._sCall("getAncestorElement", [ "a" ]);
- this._sCall("selectElement", [ a ]);
- return this.document.execCommand("unlink", false, null);
- }
- return this.document.execCommand("unlink", false, argument);
- },
- _hilitecolorImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the hilitecolor command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var returnValue;
- var isApplied = this._handleTextColorOrProperties("hilitecolor", argument);
- if(!isApplied){
- if(has("mozilla")){
- // mozilla doesn't support hilitecolor properly when useCSS is
- // set to false (bugzilla #279330)
- this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, true);
- console.log("Executing color command.");
- returnValue = this.document.execCommand("hilitecolor", false, argument);
- this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, false);
- }else{
- returnValue = this.document.execCommand("hilitecolor", false, argument);
- }
- }
- return returnValue;
- },
- _backcolorImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the backcolor command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(has("ie")){
- // Tested under IE 6 XP2, no problem here, comment out
- // IE weirdly collapses ranges when we exec these commands, so prevent it
- // var tr = this.document.selection.createRange();
- argument = argument ? argument : null;
- }
- var isApplied = this._handleTextColorOrProperties("backcolor", argument);
- if(!isApplied){
- isApplied = this.document.execCommand("backcolor", false, argument);
- }
- return isApplied;
- },
- _forecolorImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the forecolor command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(has("ie")){
- // Tested under IE 6 XP2, no problem here, comment out
- // IE weirdly collapses ranges when we exec these commands, so prevent it
- // var tr = this.document.selection.createRange();
- argument = argument? argument : null;
- }
- var isApplied = false;
- isApplied = this._handleTextColorOrProperties("forecolor", argument);
- if(!isApplied){
- isApplied = this.document.execCommand("forecolor", false, argument);
- }
- return isApplied;
- },
- _inserthtmlImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the insertion of HTML content into
- // a point on the page.
- // argument:
- // The content to insert, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- argument = this._preFilterContent(argument);
- var rv = true;
- if(has("ie")){
- var insertRange = this.document.selection.createRange();
- if(this.document.selection.type.toUpperCase() === 'CONTROL'){
- var n=insertRange.item(0);
- while(insertRange.length){
- insertRange.remove(insertRange.item(0));
- }
- n.outerHTML=argument;
- }else{
- insertRange.pasteHTML(argument);
- }
- //insertRange.collapse(true);
- }else if(has("mozilla") && !argument.length){
- //mozilla can not inserthtml an empty html to delete current selection
- //so we delete the selection instead in this case
- this._sCall("remove"); // FIXME
- }else{
- rv = this.document.execCommand("inserthtml", false, argument);
- }
- return rv;
- },
- _boldImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements an over-ride of the bold command.
- // argument:
- // Not used, operates by selection.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._adaptIESelection();
- applied = this._adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec("bold");
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("bold", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _italicImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements an over-ride of the italic command.
- // argument:
- // Not used, operates by selection.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._adaptIESelection();
- applied = this._adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec("italic");
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("italic", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _underlineImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements an over-ride of the underline command.
- // argument:
- // Not used, operates by selection.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._adaptIESelection();
- applied = this._adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec("underline");
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("underline", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _strikethroughImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements an over-ride of the strikethrough command.
- // argument:
- // Not used, operates by selection.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._adaptIESelection();
- applied = this._adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec("strikethrough");
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("strikethrough", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _superscriptImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements an over-ride of the superscript command.
- // argument:
- // Not used, operates by selection.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._adaptIESelection();
- applied = this._adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec("superscript");
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("superscript", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _subscriptImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements an over-ride of the superscript command.
- // argument:
- // Not used, operates by selection.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._adaptIESelection();
- applied = this._adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec("subscript");
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("subscript", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _fontnameImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the fontname command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var isApplied;
- if(has("ie")){
- isApplied = this._handleTextColorOrProperties("fontname", argument);
- }
- if(!isApplied){
- isApplied = this.document.execCommand("fontname", false, argument);
- }
- return isApplied;
- },
- _fontsizeImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the fontsize command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var isApplied;
- if(has("ie")){
- isApplied = this._handleTextColorOrProperties("fontsize", argument);
- }
- if(!isApplied){
- isApplied = this.document.execCommand("fontsize", false, argument);
- }
- return isApplied;
- },
- _insertorderedlistImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the insertorderedlist command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- applied = this._adaptIEList("insertorderedlist", argument);
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("insertorderedlist", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _insertunorderedlistImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the insertunorderedlist command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- applied = this._adaptIEList("insertunorderedlist", argument);
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("insertunorderedlist", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- getHeaderHeight: function(){
- // summary:
- // A function for obtaining the height of the header node
- return this._getNodeChildrenHeight(this.header); // Number
- },
- getFooterHeight: function(){
- // summary:
- // A function for obtaining the height of the footer node
- return this._getNodeChildrenHeight(this.footer); // Number
- },
- _getNodeChildrenHeight: function(node){
- // summary:
- // An internal function for computing the cumulative height of all child nodes of 'node'
- // node:
- // The node to process the children of;
- var h = 0;
- if(node && node.childNodes){
- // IE didn't compute it right when position was obtained on the node directly is some cases,
- // so we have to walk over all the children manually.
- var i;
- for(i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++){
- var size = domGeometry.position(node.childNodes[i]);
- h += size.h;
- }
- }
- return h; // Number
- },
- _isNodeEmpty: function(node, startOffset){
- // summary:
- // Function to test if a node is devoid of real content.
- // node:
- // The node to check.
- // tags:
- // private.
- if(node.nodeType === 1/*element*/){
- if(node.childNodes.length > 0){
- return this._isNodeEmpty(node.childNodes[0], startOffset);
- }
- return true;
- }else if(node.nodeType === 3/*text*/){
- return (node.nodeValue.substring(startOffset) === "");
- }
- return false;
- },
- _removeStartingRangeFromRange: function(node, range){
- // summary:
- // Function to adjust selection range by removing the current
- // start node.
- // node:
- // The node to remove from the starting range.
- // range:
- // The range to adapt.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(node.nextSibling){
- range.setStart(node.nextSibling,0);
- }else{
- var parent = node.parentNode;
- while(parent && parent.nextSibling == null){
- //move up the tree until we find a parent that has another node, that node will be the next node
- parent = parent.parentNode;
- }
- if(parent){
- range.setStart(parent.nextSibling,0);
- }
- }
- return range;
- },
- _adaptIESelection: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to adapt the IE range by removing leading 'newlines'
- // Needed to fix issue with bold/italics/underline not working if
- // range included leading 'newlines'.
- // In IE, if a user starts a selection at the very end of a line,
- // then the native browser commands will fail to execute correctly.
- // To work around the issue, we can remove all empty nodes from
- // the start of the range selection.
- var selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.window);
- if(selection && selection.rangeCount && !selection.isCollapsed){
- var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- var firstNode = range.startContainer;
- var startOffset = range.startOffset;
- while(firstNode.nodeType === 3/*text*/ && startOffset >= firstNode.length && firstNode.nextSibling){
- //traverse the text nodes until we get to the one that is actually highlighted
- startOffset = startOffset - firstNode.length;
- firstNode = firstNode.nextSibling;
- }
- //Remove the starting ranges until the range does not start with an empty node.
- var lastNode=null;
- while(this._isNodeEmpty(firstNode, startOffset) && firstNode !== lastNode){
- lastNode =firstNode; //this will break the loop in case we can't find the next sibling
- range = this._removeStartingRangeFromRange(firstNode, range); //move the start container to the next node in the range
- firstNode = range.startContainer;
- startOffset = 0; //start at the beginning of the new starting range
- }
- selection.removeAllRanges();// this will work as long as users cannot select multiple ranges. I have not been able to do that in the editor.
- selection.addRange(range);
- }
- },
- _adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec: function(command){
- // summary:
- // Function to handle IE's quirkiness regarding how it handles
- // format commands on a word. This involves a lit of node splitting
- // and format cloning.
- // command:
- // The format command, needed to check if the desired
- // command is true or not.
- var selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.window);
- var doc = this.document;
- var rs, ret, range, txt, startNode, endNode, breaker, sNode;
- if(command && selection && selection.isCollapsed){
- var isApplied = this.queryCommandValue(command);
- if(isApplied){
- // We have to split backwards until we hit the format
- var nNames = this._tagNamesForCommand(command);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- var fs = range.startContainer;
- if(fs.nodeType === 3){
- var offset = range.endOffset;
- if(fs.length < offset){
- //We are not looking from the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, offset);
- fs = ret.node;
- offset = ret.offset;
- }
- }
- var topNode;
- while(fs && fs !== this.editNode){
- // We have to walk back and see if this is still a format or not.
- // Hm, how do I do this?
- var tName = fs.tagName? fs.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
- if(array.indexOf(nNames, tName) > -1){
- topNode = fs;
- break;
- }
- fs = fs.parentNode;
- }
- // Okay, we have a stopping place, time to split things apart.
- if(topNode){
- // Okay, we know how far we have to split backwards, so we have to split now.
- rs = range.startContainer;
- var newblock = doc.createElement(topNode.tagName);
-, topNode, "after");
- if(rs && rs.nodeType === 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- var nodeToMove, tNode;
- var endOffset = range.endOffset;
- if(rs.length < endOffset){
- //We are not splitting the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, endOffset);
- rs = ret.node;
- endOffset = ret.offset;
- }
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, endOffset));
- var endText = txt.substring(endOffset, txt.length);
- if(endText){
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(endText);
- }
- // Place the split, then remove original nodes.
-, rs, "before");
- if(endNode){
- breaker = doc.createElement("span");
- breaker.className = "ieFormatBreakerSpan";
-, rs, "after");
-, breaker, "after");
- endNode = breaker;
- }
- domConstruct.destroy(rs);
- // Okay, we split the text. Now we need to see if we're
- // parented to the block element we're splitting and if
- // not, we have to split all the way up. Ugh.
- var parentC = startNode.parentNode;
- var tagList = [];
- var tagData;
- while(parentC !== topNode){
- var tg = parentC.tagName;
- tagData = {tagName: tg};
- tagList.push(tagData);
- var newTg = doc.createElement(tg);
- // Clone over any 'style' data.
- if({
- if({
- if({
- =;
- tagData.cssText =;
- }
- }
- }
- // If font also need to clone over any font data.
- if(parentC.tagName === "FONT"){
- if(parentC.color){
- newTg.color = parentC.color;
- tagData.color = parentC.color;
- }
- if(parentC.face){
- newTg.face = parentC.face;
- tagData.face = parentC.face;
- }
- if(parentC.size){ // this check was necessary on IE
- newTg.size = parentC.size;
- tagData.size = parentC.size;
- }
- }
- if(parentC.className){
- newTg.className = parentC.className;
- tagData.className = parentC.className;
- }
- // Now move end node and every sibling
- // after it over into the new tag.
- if(endNode){
- nodeToMove = endNode;
- while(nodeToMove){
- tNode = nodeToMove.nextSibling;
- newTg.appendChild(nodeToMove);
- nodeToMove = tNode;
- }
- }
- if(newTg.tagName == parentC.tagName){
- breaker = doc.createElement("span");
- breaker.className = "ieFormatBreakerSpan";
-, parentC, "after");
-, breaker, "after");
- }else{
-, parentC, "after");
- }
- startNode = parentC;
- endNode = newTg;
- parentC = parentC.parentNode;
- }
- // Lastly, move the split out all the split tags
- // to the new block as they should now be split properly.
- if(endNode){
- nodeToMove = endNode;
- if(nodeToMove.nodeType === 1 || (nodeToMove.nodeType === 3 && nodeToMove.nodeValue)){
- // Non-blank text and non-text nodes need to clear out that blank space
- // before moving the contents.
- newblock.innerHTML = "";
- }
- while(nodeToMove){
- tNode = nodeToMove.nextSibling;
- newblock.appendChild(nodeToMove);
- nodeToMove = tNode;
- }
- }
- // We had intermediate tags, we have to now recreate them inbetween the split
- // and restore what styles, classnames, etc, we can.
- var newrange;
- if(tagList.length){
- tagData = tagList.pop();
- var newContTag = doc.createElement(tagData.tagName);
- if(tagData.cssText &&{
- = tagData.cssText;
- }
- if(tagData.className){
- newContTag.className = tagData.className;
- }
- if(tagData.tagName === "FONT"){
- if(tagData.color){
- newContTag.color = tagData.color;
- }
- if(tagData.face){
- newContTag.face = tagData.face;
- }
- if(tagData.size){
- newContTag.size = tagData.size;
- }
- }
-, newblock, "before");
- while(tagList.length){
- tagData = tagList.pop();
- var newTgNode = doc.createElement(tagData.tagName);
- if(tagData.cssText &&{
- = tagData.cssText;
- }
- if(tagData.className){
- newTgNode.className = tagData.className;
- }
- if(tagData.tagName === "FONT"){
- if(tagData.color){
- newTgNode.color = tagData.color;
- }
- if(tagData.face){
- newTgNode.face = tagData.face;
- }
- if(tagData.size){
- newTgNode.size = tagData.size;
- }
- }
- newContTag.appendChild(newTgNode);
- newContTag = newTgNode;
- }
- // Okay, everything is theoretically split apart and removed from the content
- // so insert the dummy text to select, select it, then
- // clear to position cursor.
- sNode = doc.createTextNode(".");
- breaker.appendChild(sNode);
- newContTag.appendChild(sNode);
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.window);
- newrange.setStart(sNode, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sNode, sNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- this._sCall("collapse", [false]);
- sNode.parentNode.innerHTML = "";
- }else{
- // No extra tags, so we have to insert a breaker point and rely
- // on filters to remove it later.
- breaker = doc.createElement("span");
- breaker.className="ieFormatBreakerSpan";
- sNode = doc.createTextNode(".");
- breaker.appendChild(sNode);
-, newblock, "before");
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.window);
- newrange.setStart(sNode, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sNode, sNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- this._sCall("collapse", [false]);
- sNode.parentNode.innerHTML = "";
- }
- if(!newblock.firstChild){
- // Empty, we don't need it. Split was at end or similar
- // So, remove it.
- domConstruct.destroy(newblock);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }else{
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- rs = range.startContainer;
- if(rs && rs.nodeType === 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- var offset = range.startOffset;
- if(rs.length < offset){
- //We are not splitting the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, offset);
- rs = ret.node;
- offset = ret.offset;
- }
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, offset));
- var endText = txt.substring(offset);
- if(endText !== ""){
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(offset));
- }
- // Create a space, we'll select and bold it, so
- // the whole word doesn't get bolded
- breaker = doc.createElement("span");
- sNode = doc.createTextNode(".");
- breaker.appendChild(sNode);
- if(startNode.length){
-, rs, "after");
- }else{
- startNode = rs;
- }
-, startNode, "after");
- if(endNode){
-, breaker, "after");
- }
- domConstruct.destroy(rs);
- var newrange = rangeapi.create(this.window);
- newrange.setStart(sNode, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sNode, sNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- doc.execCommand(command);
-, breaker, "before");
- domConstruct.destroy(breaker);
- newrange.setStart(sNode, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sNode, sNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- this._sCall("collapse", [false]);
- sNode.parentNode.innerHTML = "";
- return true;
- }
- }
- }else{
- return false;
- }
- },
- _adaptIEList: function(command /*===== , argument =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This function handles normalizing the IE list behavior as
- // much as possible.
- // command:
- // The list command to execute.
- // argument:
- // Any additional argument.
- // tags:
- // private
- var selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.window);
- if(selection.isCollapsed){
- // In the case of no selection, lets commonize the behavior and
- // make sure that it indents if needed.
- if(selection.rangeCount && !this.queryCommandValue(command)){
- var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- var sc = range.startContainer;
- if(sc && sc.nodeType == 3){
- // text node. Lets see if there is a node before it that isn't
- // some sort of breaker.
- if(!range.startOffset){
- // We're at the beginning of a text area. It may have been br split
- // Who knows? In any event, we must create the list manually
- // or IE may shove too much into the list element. It seems to
- // grab content before the text node too if it's br split.
- // Why can't IE work like everyone else?
- // Create a space, we'll select and bold it, so
- // the whole word doesn't get bolded
- var lType = "ul";
- if(command === "insertorderedlist"){
- lType = "ol";
- }
- var list = this.document.createElement(lType);
- var li = domConstruct.create("li", null, list);
-, sc, "before");
- // Move in the text node as part of the li.
- li.appendChild(sc);
- // We need a br after it or the enter key handler
- // sometimes throws errors.
- domConstruct.create("br", null, list, "after");
- // Okay, now lets move our cursor to the beginning.
- var newrange = rangeapi.create(this.window);
- newrange.setStart(sc, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sc, sc.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- this._sCall("collapse", [true]);
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- _handleTextColorOrProperties: function(command, argument){
- // summary:
- // This function handles appplying text color as best it is
- // able to do so when the selection is collapsed, making the
- // behavior cross-browser consistent. It also handles the name
- // and size for IE.
- // command:
- // The command.
- // argument:
- // Any additional arguments.
- // tags:
- // private
- var selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.window);
- var doc = this.document;
- var rs, ret, range, txt, startNode, endNode, breaker, sNode;
- argument = argument || null;
- if(command && selection && selection.isCollapsed){
- if(selection.rangeCount){
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- rs = range.startContainer;
- if(rs && rs.nodeType === 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- var offset = range.startOffset;
- if(rs.length < offset){
- //We are not splitting the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, offset);
- rs = ret.node;
- offset = ret.offset;
- }
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, offset));
- var endText = txt.substring(offset);
- if(endText !== ""){
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(offset));
- }
- // Create a space, we'll select and bold it, so
- // the whole word doesn't get bolded
- breaker = doc.createElement("span");
- sNode = doc.createTextNode(".");
- breaker.appendChild(sNode);
- // Create a junk node to avoid it trying to style the breaker.
- // This will get destroyed later.
- var extraSpan = doc.createElement("span");
- breaker.appendChild(extraSpan);
- if(startNode.length){
-, rs, "after");
- }else{
- startNode = rs;
- }
-, startNode, "after");
- if(endNode){
-, breaker, "after");
- }
- domConstruct.destroy(rs);
- var newrange = rangeapi.create(this.window);
- newrange.setStart(sNode, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sNode, sNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(has("webkit")){
- // WebKit is frustrating with positioning the cursor.
- // It stinks to have a selected space, but there really
- // isn't much choice here.
- var style = "color";
- if(command === "hilitecolor" || command === "backcolor"){
- style = "backgroundColor";
- }
- domStyle.set(breaker, style, argument);
- this._sCall("remove", []);
- domConstruct.destroy(extraSpan);
- breaker.innerHTML = "&#160;"; // &nbsp;
- this._sCall("selectElement", [breaker]);
- this.focus();
- }else{
- this.execCommand(command, argument);
-, breaker, "before");
- domConstruct.destroy(breaker);
- newrange.setStart(sNode, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sNode, sNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- this._sCall("collapse", [false]);
- sNode.parentNode.removeChild(sNode);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- _adjustNodeAndOffset: function(/*DomNode*/node, /*Int*/offset){
- // summary:
- // In the case there are multiple text nodes in a row the offset may not be within the node.
- // If the offset is larger than the node length, it will attempt to find
- // the next text sibling until it locates the text node in which the offset refers to
- // node:
- // The node to check.
- // offset:
- // The position to find within the text node
- // tags:
- // private.
- while(node.length < offset && node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeType === 3){
- //Adjust the offset and node in the case of multiple text nodes in a row
- offset = offset - node.length;
- node = node.nextSibling;
- }
- return {"node": node, "offset": offset};
- },
- _tagNamesForCommand: function(command){
- // summary:
- // Function to return the tab names that are associated
- // with a particular style.
- // command: String
- // The command to return tags for.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(command === "bold"){
- return ["b", "strong"];
- }else if(command === "italic"){
- return ["i","em"];
- }else if(command === "strikethrough"){
- return ["s", "strike"];
- }else if(command === "superscript"){
- return ["sup"];
- }else if(command === "subscript"){
- return ["sub"];
- }else if(command === "underline"){
- return ["u"];
- }
- return [];
- },
- _stripBreakerNodes: function(/*DOMNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Function for stripping out the breaker spans inserted by the formatting command.
- // Registered as a filter for IE, handles the breaker spans needed to fix up
- // How bold/italic/etc, work when selection is collapsed (single cursor).
- if(!this.isLoaded){ return; } // this method requires init to be complete
- query(".ieFormatBreakerSpan", node).forEach(function(b){
- while(b.firstChild){
-, b, "before");
- }
- domConstruct.destroy(b);
- });
- return node;
- }
-return RichText;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/_Plugin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/_Plugin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 18d8d4e25..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/_Plugin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/_Plugin", [
- "dojo/_base/connect", // connect.connect
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin, lang.hitch
- "../form/Button"
-], function(connect, declare, lang, Button){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/_Plugin
-// summary:
-// Base class for a "plugin" to the editor, which is usually
-// a single button on the Toolbar and some associated code
-var _Plugin = declare("dijit._editor._Plugin", null, {
- // summary:
- // Base class for a "plugin" to the editor, which is usually
- // a single button on the Toolbar and some associated code
- constructor: function(args){
- // summary:
- // Create the plugin.
- // args: Object?
- // Initial settings for any of the attributes.
- this.params = args || {};
- lang.mixin(this, this.params);
- this._connects=[];
- this._attrPairNames = {};
- },
- // editor: [const] dijit.Editor
- // Points to the parent editor
- editor: null,
- // iconClassPrefix: [const] String
- // The CSS class name for the button node is formed from `iconClassPrefix` and `command`
- iconClassPrefix: "dijitEditorIcon",
- // button: dijit/_WidgetBase?
- // Pointer to `dijit/form/Button` or other widget (ex: `dijit/form/FilteringSelect`)
- // that is added to the toolbar to control this plugin.
- // If not specified, will be created on initialization according to `buttonClass`
- button: null,
- // command: String
- // String like "insertUnorderedList", "outdent", "justifyCenter", etc. that represents an editor command.
- // Passed to editor.execCommand() if `useDefaultCommand` is true.
- command: "",
- // useDefaultCommand: Boolean
- // If true, this plugin executes by calling Editor.execCommand() with the argument specified in `command`.
- useDefaultCommand: true,
- // buttonClass: Widget Class
- // Class of widget (ex: dijit.form.Button or dijit/form/FilteringSelect)
- // that is added to the toolbar to control this plugin.
- // This is used to instantiate the button, unless `button` itself is specified directly.
- buttonClass: Button,
- // disabled: Boolean
- // Flag to indicate if this plugin has been disabled and should do nothing
- // helps control button state, among other things. Set via the setter api.
- disabled: false,
- getLabel: function(/*String*/key){
- // summary:
- // Returns the label to use for the button
- // tags:
- // private
- return this.editor.commands[key]; // String
- },
- _initButton: function(){
- // summary:
- // Initialize the button or other widget that will control this plugin.
- // This code only works for plugins controlling built-in commands in the editor.
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- if(this.command.length){
- var label = this.getLabel(this.command),
- editor = this.editor,
- className = this.iconClassPrefix+" "+this.iconClassPrefix + this.command.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.command.substr(1);
- if(!this.button){
- var props = lang.mixin({
- label: label,
- ownerDocument: editor.ownerDocument,
- dir: editor.dir,
- lang: editor.lang,
- showLabel: false,
- iconClass: className,
- dropDown: this.dropDown,
- tabIndex: "-1"
- }, this.params || {});
- this.button = new this.buttonClass(props);
- }
- }
- if(this.get("disabled") && this.button){
- this.button.set("disabled", this.get("disabled"));
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- // summary:
- // Destroy this plugin
- var h;
- while(h = this._connects.pop()){ h.remove(); }
- if(this.dropDown){
- this.dropDown.destroyRecursive();
- }
- },
- connect: function(o, f, tf){
- // summary:
- // Make a connect.connect() that is automatically disconnected when this plugin is destroyed.
- // Similar to `dijit/_Widget.connect()`.
- // tags:
- // protected
- this._connects.push(connect.connect(o, f, this, tf));
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Change state of the plugin to respond to events in the editor.
- // description:
- // This is called on meaningful events in the editor, such as change of selection
- // or caret position (but not simple typing of alphanumeric keys). It gives the
- // plugin a chance to update the CSS of its button.
- //
- // For example, the "bold" plugin will highlight/unhighlight the bold button depending on whether the
- // characters next to the caret are bold or not.
- //
- // Only makes sense when `useDefaultCommand` is true, as it calls Editor.queryCommandEnabled(`command`).
- var e = this.editor,
- c = this.command,
- checked, enabled;
- if(!e || !e.isLoaded || !c.length){ return; }
- var disabled = this.get("disabled");
- if(this.button){
- try{
- enabled = !disabled && e.queryCommandEnabled(c);
- if(this.enabled !== enabled){
- this.enabled = enabled;
- this.button.set('disabled', !enabled);
- }
- if(enabled){
- if(typeof this.button.checked == 'boolean'){
- checked = e.queryCommandState(c);
- if(this.checked !== checked){
- this.checked = checked;
- this.button.set('checked', e.queryCommandState(c));
- }
- }
- }
- }catch(e){
- console.log(e); // FIXME: we shouldn't have debug statements in our code. Log as an error?
- }
- }
- },
- setEditor: function(/*dijit/Editor*/ editor){
- // summary:
- // Tell the plugin which Editor it is associated with.
- // TODO: refactor code to just pass editor to constructor.
- // FIXME: detach from previous editor!!
- this.editor = editor;
- // FIXME: prevent creating this if we don't need to (i.e., editor can't handle our command)
- this._initButton();
- // Processing for buttons that execute by calling editor.execCommand()
- if(this.button && this.useDefaultCommand){
- if(this.editor.queryCommandAvailable(this.command)){
- this.connect(this.button, "onClick",
- lang.hitch(this.editor, "execCommand", this.command, this.commandArg)
- );
- }else{
- // hide button because editor doesn't support command (due to browser limitations)
- = "none";
- }
- }
- this.connect(this.editor, "onNormalizedDisplayChanged", "updateState");
- },
- setToolbar: function(/*dijit/Toolbar*/ toolbar){
- // summary:
- // Tell the plugin to add it's controller widget (often a button)
- // to the toolbar. Does nothing if there is no controller widget.
- // TODO: refactor code to just pass toolbar to constructor.
- if(this.button){
- toolbar.addChild(this.button);
- }
- // console.debug("adding", this.button, "to:", toolbar);
- },
- set: function(/* attribute */ name, /* anything */ value){
- // summary:
- // Set a property on a plugin
- // name:
- // The property to set.
- // value:
- // The value to set in the property.
- // description:
- // Sets named properties on a plugin which may potentially be handled by a
- // setter in the plugin.
- // For example, if the plugin has a properties "foo"
- // and "bar" and a method named "_setFooAttr", calling:
- // | plugin.set("foo", "Howdy!");
- // would be equivalent to writing:
- // | plugin._setFooAttr("Howdy!");
- // and:
- // | plugin.set("bar", 3);
- // would be equivalent to writing:
- // | = 3;
- //
- // set() may also be called with a hash of name/value pairs, ex:
- // | plugin.set({
- // | foo: "Howdy",
- // | bar: 3
- // | })
- // This is equivalent to calling set(foo, "Howdy") and set(bar, 3)
- if(typeof name === "object"){
- for(var x in name){
- this.set(x, name[x]);
- }
- return this;
- }
- var names = this._getAttrNames(name);
- if(this[names.s]){
- // use the explicit setter
- var result = this[names.s].apply(this,, 1));
- }else{
- this._set(name, value);
- }
- return result || this;
- },
- get: function(name){
- // summary:
- // Get a property from a plugin.
- // name:
- // The property to get.
- // description:
- // Get a named property from a plugin. The property may
- // potentially be retrieved via a getter method. If no getter is defined, this
- // just retrieves the object's property.
- // For example, if the plugin has a properties "foo"
- // and "bar" and a method named "_getFooAttr", calling:
- // | plugin.get("foo");
- // would be equivalent to writing:
- // | plugin._getFooAttr();
- // and:
- // | plugin.get("bar");
- // would be equivalent to writing:
- // |;
- var names = this._getAttrNames(name);
- return this[names.g] ? this[names.g]() : this[name];
- },
- _setDisabledAttr: function(disabled){
- // summary:
- // Function to set the plugin state and call updateState to make sure the
- // button is updated appropriately.
- this.disabled = disabled;
- this.updateState();
- },
- _getAttrNames: function(name){
- // summary:
- // Helper function for get() and set().
- // Caches attribute name values so we don't do the string ops every time.
- // tags:
- // private
- var apn = this._attrPairNames;
- if(apn[name]){ return apn[name]; }
- var uc = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1);
- return (apn[name] = {
- s: "_set"+uc+"Attr",
- g: "_get"+uc+"Attr"
- });
- },
- _set: function(/*String*/ name, /*anything*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Helper function to set new value for specified attribute
- this[name] = value;
- }
-// Hash mapping plugin name to factory, used for registering plugins
-_Plugin.registry = {};
-return _Plugin;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/html.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/html.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 76d591a30..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/html.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/html", [
- "dojo/_base/array",
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.setObject
- "dojo/sniff" // has("ie")
-], function(array, lang, has){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/html
-// summary:
-// HTML serialization utility functions used by editor
-var exports = {};
-lang.setObject("dijit._editor.html", exports);
-var escape = exports.escapeXml = function(/*String*/ str, /*Boolean?*/ noSingleQuotes){
- // summary:
- // Adds escape sequences for special characters in XML: `&<>"'`.
- // Optionally skips escapes for single quotes.
- str = str.replace(/&/gm, "&amp;").replace(/</gm, "&lt;").replace(/>/gm, "&gt;").replace(/"/gm, "&quot;");
- if(!noSingleQuotes){
- str = str.replace(/'/gm, "&#39;");
- }
- return str; // string
-exports.getNodeHtml = function(/*DomNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Return string representing HTML for node and it's children
- var output = [];
- exports.getNodeHtmlHelper(node, output);
- return output.join("");
-exports.getNodeHtmlHelper = function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String[]*/ output){
- // summary:
- // Pushes array of strings into output[] which represent HTML for node and it's children
- switch(node.nodeType){
- case 1: // element node
- var lName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- if(!lName || lName.charAt(0) == "/"){
- // IE does some strange things with malformed HTML input, like
- // treating a close tag </span> without an open tag <span>, as
- // a new tag with tagName of /span. Corrupts output HTML, remove
- // them. Other browsers don't prefix tags that way, so will
- // never show up.
- return "";
- }
- output.push('<', lName);
- // store the list of attributes and sort it to have the
- // attributes appear in the dictionary order
- var attrarray = [], attrhash = {};
- var attr;
- if(has("dom-attributes-explicit") || has("dom-attributes-specified-flag")){
- // IE8+ and all other browsers.
- var i = 0;
- while((attr = node.attributes[i++])){
- // ignore all attributes starting with _dj which are
- // internal temporary attributes used by the editor
- var n =;
- if(n.substr(0,3) !== '_dj' &&
- (!has("dom-attributes-specified-flag") || attr.specified) &&
- !(n in attrhash)){ // workaround repeated attributes bug in IE8 (LinkDialog test)
- var v = attr.value;
- if(n == 'src' || n == 'href'){
- if(node.getAttribute('_djrealurl')){
- v = node.getAttribute('_djrealurl');
- }
- }
- if(has("ie") === 8 && n === "style"){
- v = v.replace("HEIGHT:", "height:").replace("WIDTH:", "width:");
- }
- attrarray.push([n,v]);
- attrhash[n] = v;
- }
- }
- }else{
- // IE6-7 code path
- var clone = /^input$|^img$/i.test(node.nodeName) ? node : node.cloneNode(false);
- var s = clone.outerHTML;
- // Split up and manage the attrs via regexp
- // similar to prettyPrint attr logic.
- var rgxp_attrsMatch = /[\w-]+=("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\S*)/gi
- var attrSplit = s.match(rgxp_attrsMatch);
- s = s.substr(0, s.indexOf('>'));
- array.forEach(attrSplit, function(attr){
- if(attr){
- var idx = attr.indexOf("=");
- if(idx > 0){
- var key = attr.substring(0,idx);
- if(key.substr(0,3) != '_dj'){
- if(key == 'src' || key == 'href'){
- if(node.getAttribute('_djrealurl')){
- attrarray.push([key,node.getAttribute('_djrealurl')]);
- return;
- }
- }
- var val, match;
- switch(key){
- case 'style':
- val =;
- break;
- case 'class':
- val = node.className;
- break;
- case 'width':
- if(lName === "img"){
- // This somehow gets lost on IE for IMG tags and the like
- // and we have to find it in outerHTML, known IE oddity.
- match=/width=(\S+)/i.exec(s);
- if(match){
- val = match[1];
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'height':
- if(lName === "img"){
- // This somehow gets lost on IE for IMG tags and the like
- // and we have to find it in outerHTML, known IE oddity.
- match=/height=(\S+)/i.exec(s);
- if(match){
- val = match[1];
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- val = node.getAttribute(key);
- }
- if(val != null){
- attrarray.push([key, val.toString()]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }, this);
- }
- attrarray.sort(function(a,b){
- return a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : (a[0] == b[0] ? 0 : 1);
- });
- var j = 0;
- while((attr = attrarray[j++])){
- output.push(' ', attr[0], '="',
- (typeof attr[1] === "string" ? escape(attr[1], true) : attr[1]), '"');
- }
- switch(lName){
- case 'br':
- case 'hr':
- case 'img':
- case 'input':
- case 'base':
- case 'meta':
- case 'area':
- case 'basefont':
- // These should all be singly closed
- output.push(' />');
- break;
- case 'script':
- // Browsers handle script tags differently in how you get content,
- // but innerHTML always seems to work, so insert its content that way
- // Yes, it's bad to allow script tags in the editor code, but some people
- // seem to want to do it, so we need to at least return them right.
- // other plugins/filters can strip them.
- output.push('>', node.innerHTML, '</', lName, '>');
- break;
- default:
- output.push('>');
- if(node.hasChildNodes()){
- exports.getChildrenHtmlHelper(node, output);
- }
- output.push('</', lName, '>');
- }
- break;
- case 4: // cdata
- case 3: // text
- // FIXME:
- output.push(escape(node.nodeValue, true));
- break;
- case 8: // comment
- // FIXME:
- output.push('<!--', escape(node.nodeValue, true), '-->');
- break;
- default:
- output.push("<!-- Element not recognized - Type: ", node.nodeType, " Name: ", node.nodeName, "-->");
- }
-exports.getChildrenHtml = function(/*DomNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Returns the html content of a DomNode's children
- var output = [];
- exports.getChildrenHtmlHelper(node, output);
- return output.join("");
-exports.getChildrenHtmlHelper = function(/*DomNode*/ dom, /*String[]*/ output){
- // summary:
- // Pushes the html content of a DomNode's children into out[]
- if(!dom){ return; }
- var nodes = dom["childNodes"] || dom;
- // IE issue.
- // If we have an actual node we can check parent relationships on for IE,
- // We should check, as IE sometimes builds invalid DOMS. If no parent, we can't check
- // And should just process it and hope for the best.
- var checkParent = !has("ie") || nodes !== dom;
- var node, i = 0;
- while((node = nodes[i++])){
- // IE is broken. DOMs are supposed to be a tree. But in the case of malformed HTML, IE generates a graph
- // meaning one node ends up with multiple references (multiple parents). This is totally wrong and invalid, but
- // such is what it is. We have to keep track and check for this because otherwise the source output HTML will have dups.
- // No other browser generates a graph. Leave it to IE to break a fundamental DOM rule. So, we check the parent if we can
- // If we can't, nothing more we can do other than walk it.
- if(!checkParent || node.parentNode == dom){
- exports.getNodeHtmlHelper(node, output);
- }
- }
-return exports;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 07d0f0723..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/nls/FontChoice", { root:
-//begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Size",
- fontName: "Font",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "None",
- p: "Paragraph",
- h1: "Heading",
- h2: "Subheading",
- h3: "Sub-subheading",
- pre: "Pre-formatted",
- 1: "xx-small",
- 2: "x-small",
- 3: "small",
- 4: "medium",
- 5: "large",
- 6: "x-large",
- 7: "xx-large"
-//end v1.x content
-"zh": true,
-"zh-tw": true,
-"tr": true,
-"th": true,
-"sv": true,
-"sl": true,
-"sk": true,
-"ru": true,
-"ro": true,
-"pt": true,
-"pt-pt": true,
-"pl": true,
-"nl": true,
-"nb": true,
-"ko": true,
-"kk": true,
-"ja": true,
-"it": true,
-"hu": true,
-"hr": true,
-"he": true,
-"fr": true,
-"fi": true,
-"es": true,
-"el": true,
-"de": true,
-"da": true,
-"cs": true,
-"ca": true,
-"az": true,
-"ar": true
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 543f87a8e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/nls/LinkDialog", { root:
-//begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Link Properties",
- insertImageTitle: "Image Properties",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Description:",
- target: "Target:",
- set: "Set",
- currentWindow: "Current Window",
- parentWindow: "Parent Window",
- topWindow: "Topmost Window",
- newWindow: "New Window"
-//end v1.x content
-"zh": true,
-"zh-tw": true,
-"tr": true,
-"th": true,
-"sv": true,
-"sl": true,
-"sk": true,
-"ru": true,
-"ro": true,
-"pt": true,
-"pt-pt": true,
-"pl": true,
-"nl": true,
-"nb": true,
-"ko": true,
-"kk": true,
-"ja": true,
-"it": true,
-"hu": true,
-"hr": true,
-"he": true,
-"fr": true,
-"fi": true,
-"es": true,
-"el": true,
-"de": true,
-"da": true,
-"cs": true,
-"ca": true,
-"az": true,
-"ar": true
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ea2818c92..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ar/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "الحجم",
- fontName: "طاقم طباعة",
- formatBlock: "النسق",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "أحادي المسافة",
- cursive: "كتابة بحروف متصلة",
- fantasy: "خيالي",
- noFormat: "‏لا شيء‏",
- p: "فقرة",
- h1: "عنوان",
- h2: "عنوان فرعي",
- h3: "فرعي-عنوان فرعي",
- pre: "منسق بصفة مسبقة",
- 1: "صغير جدا جدا",
- 2: "صغير جدا",
- 3: "صغير",
- 4: "متوسط",
- 5: "كبير",
- 6: "كبير جدا",
- 7: "كبير جدا جدا"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 157b55d04..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ar/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "خصائص الوصلة",
- insertImageTitle: "خصائص الصورة",
- url: "‏عنوان URL:‏",
- text: "الوصف:",
- target: "الهدف:",
- set: "تحديد",
- currentWindow: "النافذة الحالية",
- parentWindow: "النافذة الرئيسية",
- topWindow: "النافذة العلوية",
- newWindow: "‏نافذة جديدة‏"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cb8d8dfbd..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ar/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'عري~ض',
- 'copy': 'نسخ',
- 'cut': 'قص',
- 'delete': 'حذف',
- 'indent': 'ازاحة للداخل',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'مسطرة أفقية',
- 'insertOrderedList': '‏كشف مرقم‏',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'كشف نقطي',
- 'italic': '~مائل',
- 'justifyCenter': 'محاذاة في الوسط',
- 'justifyFull': 'ضبط',
- 'justifyLeft': 'محاذاة الى اليسار',
- 'justifyRight': 'محاذاة الى اليمين',
- 'outdent': 'ازاحة للخارج',
- 'paste': 'لصق',
- 'redo': '‏اعادة‏',
- 'removeFormat': 'ازالة النسق',
- 'selectAll': '‏اختيار كل‏',
- 'strikethrough': 'تشطيب',
- 'subscript': 'رمز سفلي',
- 'superscript': 'رمز علوي',
- 'underline': '~تسطير',
- 'undo': 'تراجع',
- 'unlink': 'ازالة وصلة',
- 'createLink': 'تكوين وصلة',
- 'toggleDir': 'تبديل الاتجاه',
- 'insertImage': 'ادراج صورة',
- 'insertTable': 'ادراج/تحرير جدول',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'تبديل حدود الجدول',
- 'deleteTable': 'حذف جدول',
- 'tableProp': 'خصائص الجدول',
- 'htmlToggle': 'مصدر HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'لون الواجهة الأمامية',
- 'hiliteColor': '‏لون الخلفية‏',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'نمط الفقرة',
- 'formatBlock': 'نمط الفقرة',
- 'fontSize': 'حجم طاقم الطباعة',
- 'fontName': 'اسم طاقم الطباعة',
- 'tabIndent': 'ازاحة علامة الجدولة للداخل',
- "fullScreen": "تبديل الشاشة الكاملة",
- "viewSource": "مشاهدة مصدر HTML",
- "print": "طباعة",
- "newPage": "صفحة جديدة",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'يكون التصرف "${0}" متاحا فقط ببرنامج الاستعراض الخاص بك باستخدام المسار المختصر للوحة المفاتيح. استخدم ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 19c4deefa..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/az/FontChoice", ({
- "1" : "xx-kiçik",
- "2" : "x-kiçik",
- "formatBlock" : "Format",
- "3" : "kiçik",
- "4" : "orta",
- "5" : "böyük",
- "6" : "çox-böyük",
- "7" : "ən böyük",
- "fantasy" : "fantaziya",
- "serif" : "serif",
- "p" : "Abzas",
- "pre" : "Əvvəldən düzəldilmiş",
- "sans-serif" : "sans-serif",
- "fontName" : "Şrift",
- "h1" : "Başlıq",
- "h2" : "Alt Başlıq",
- "h3" : "Alt Alt Başlıq",
- "monospace" : "Tək aralıqlı",
- "fontSize" : "Ölçü",
- "cursive" : "Əl yazısı",
- "noFormat" : "Heç biri"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 66d46ad1c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/az/LinkDialog", ({
- "text" : "Yazı:",
- "insertImageTitle" : "Şəkil başlığı əlavə et",
- "set" : "Yönəlt",
- "newWindow" : "Yeni pəncərə",
- "topWindow" : "Üst pəncərə",
- "target" : "Hədəf:",
- "createLinkTitle" : "Köprü başlığı yarat",
- "parentWindow" : "Ana pəncərə",
- "currentWindow" : "Hazırki pəncərə",
- "url" : "URL:"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aba5f318..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/az/commands", ({
- "removeFormat" : "Formatı Sil",
- "copy" :"Köçür",
- "paste" :"Yapışdır",
- "selectAll" :"Hamısını seç",
- "insertOrderedList" :"Nömrəli siyahı",
- "insertTable" :"Cədvəl əlavə et",
- "print" :"Yazdır",
- "underline" :"Altıxətli",
- "foreColor" :"Ön plan rəngi",
- "htmlToggle" :"HTML kodu",
- "formatBlock" :"Abzas stili",
- "newPage" :"Yeni səhifə",
- "insertHorizontalRule" :"Üfüqi qayda",
- "delete" :"Sil",
- "insertUnorderedList" :"İşarələnmiş siyahı",
- "tableProp" :"Cədvəl xüsusiyyətləri",
- "insertImage" :"Şəkil əlavə et",
- "superscript" :"Üst işarə",
- "subscript" :"Alt işarə",
- "createLink" :"Körpü yarat",
- "undo" :"Geriyə al",
- "fullScreen" :"Tam ekran aç",
- "italic" :"İtalik",
- "fontName" :"Yazı tipi",
- "justifyLeft" :"Sol tərəfə Doğrult",
- "unlink" :"Körpünü sil",
- "toggleTableBorder" :"Cədvəl kənarlarını göstər/Gizlət",
- "viewSource" :"HTML qaynaq kodunu göstər",
- "fontSize" :"Yazı tipi böyüklüğü",
- "systemShortcut" :"\"${0}\" prosesi yalnız printerinizdə klaviatura qısayolu ilə istifadə oluna bilər. Bundan istifadə edin",
- "indent" :"Girinti",
- "redo" :"Yenilə",
- "strikethrough" :"Üstündən xətt çəkilmiş",
- "justifyFull" :"Doğrult",
- "justifyCenter" :"Ortaya doğrult",
- "hiliteColor" :"Arxa plan rəngi",
- "deleteTable" :"Cədvəli sil",
- "outdent" :"Çıxıntı",
- "cut" :"Kəs",
- "plainFormatBlock" :"Abzas stili",
- "toggleDir" :"İstiqaməti dəyişdir",
- "bold" :"Qalın",
- "tabIndent" :"Qulp girintisi",
- "justifyRight" :"Sağa doğrult",
- "appleKey" : "⌘${0}",
- "ctrlKey" : "ctrl+${0}"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 46237c108..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ca/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Mida",
- fontName: "Tipus de lletra",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monoespai",
- cursive: "Cursiva",
- fantasy: "Fantasia",
- noFormat: "Cap",
- p: "Paràgraf",
- h1: "Títol",
- h2: "Subtítol",
- h3: "Subsubtítol",
- pre: "Format previ",
- 1: "xx-petit",
- 2: "x-petit",
- 3: "petit",
- 4: "mitjà",
- 5: "gran",
- 6: "x-gran",
- 7: "xx-gran"
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8726255f9..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ca/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Propietats de l\'enllaç",
- insertImageTitle: "Propietats de la imatge",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Descripció:",
- target: "Destinació:",
- set: "Defineix",
- currentWindow: "Finestra actual",
- parentWindow: "Finestra pare",
- topWindow: "Finestra superior",
- newWindow: "Finestra nova"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 601b0dddd..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ca/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Negreta',
- 'copy': 'Copia',
- 'cut': 'Retalla',
- 'delete': 'Suprimeix',
- 'indent': 'Sagnat',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Regla horitzontal',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Llista numerada',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Llista de vinyetes',
- 'italic': 'Cursiva',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Centra',
- 'justifyFull': 'Justifica',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Alinea a l\'esquerra',
- 'justifyRight': 'Alinea a la dreta',
- 'outdent': 'Sagna a l\'esquerra',
- 'paste': 'Enganxa',
- 'redo': 'Refés',
- 'removeFormat': 'Elimina el format',
- 'selectAll': 'Selecciona-ho tot',
- 'strikethrough': 'Ratllat',
- 'subscript': 'Subíndex',
- 'superscript': 'Superíndex',
- 'underline': 'Subratllat',
- 'undo': 'Desfés',
- 'unlink': 'Elimina l\'enllaç',
- 'createLink': 'Crea un enllaç',
- 'toggleDir': 'Inverteix la direcció',
- 'insertImage': 'Insereix imatge',
- 'insertTable': 'Insereix/edita la taula',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Inverteix els contorns de taula',
- 'deleteTable': 'Suprimeix la taula',
- 'tableProp': 'Propietat de taula',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Font HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Color de primer pla',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Color de fons',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Estil de paràgraf',
- 'formatBlock': 'Estil de paràgraf',
- 'fontSize': 'Cos de la lletra',
- 'fontName': 'Nom del tipus de lletra',
- 'tabIndent': 'Sagnat',
- "fullScreen": "Commuta pantalla completa",
- "viewSource": "Visualitza font HTML",
- "print": "Imprimeix",
- "newPage": "Pàgina nova",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'L\'acció "${0}" és l\'única disponible al navegador utilitzant una drecera del teclat. Utilitzeu ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'control+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 344b5ec23..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/nls/commands", { root:
-//begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Bold',
- 'copy': 'Copy',
- 'cut': 'Cut',
- 'delete': 'Delete',
- 'indent': 'Indent',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Horizontal Rule',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Numbered List',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Bullet List',
- 'italic': 'Italic',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Align Center',
- 'justifyFull': 'Justify',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Align Left',
- 'justifyRight': 'Align Right',
- 'outdent': 'Outdent',
- 'paste': 'Paste',
- 'redo': 'Redo',
- 'removeFormat': 'Remove Format',
- 'selectAll': 'Select All',
- 'strikethrough': 'Strikethrough',
- 'subscript': 'Subscript',
- 'superscript': 'Superscript',
- 'underline': 'Underline',
- 'undo': 'Undo',
- 'unlink': 'Remove Link',
- 'createLink': 'Create Link',
- 'toggleDir': 'Toggle Direction',
- 'insertImage': 'Insert Image',
- 'insertTable': 'Insert/Edit Table',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Toggle Table Border',
- 'deleteTable': 'Delete Table',
- 'tableProp': 'Table Property',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML Source',
- 'foreColor': 'Foreground Color',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Background Color',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Paragraph Style',
- 'formatBlock': 'Paragraph Style',
- 'fontSize': 'Font Size',
- 'fontName': 'Font Name',
- 'tabIndent': 'Tab Indent',
- "fullScreen": "Toggle Full Screen",
- "viewSource": "View HTML Source",
- "print": "Print",
- "newPage": "New Page",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'The "${0}" action is only available in your browser using a keyboard shortcut. Use ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
-//end v1.x content
-"zh": true,
-"zh-tw": true,
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-"th": true,
-"sv": true,
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-"sk": true,
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-"pt-pt": true,
-"pl": true,
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-"nb": true,
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-"kk": true,
-"ja": true,
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-"hu": true,
-"hr": true,
-"he": true,
-"fr": true,
-"fi": true,
-"es": true,
-"el": true,
-"de": true,
-"da": true,
-"cs": true,
-"ca": true,
-"az": true,
-"ar": true
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deleted file mode 100644
index 42fbbaee2..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/cs/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Velikost",
- fontName: "Písmo",
- formatBlock: "Formát",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Žádný",
- p: "Odstavec",
- h1: "Nadpis",
- h2: "Podnadpis",
- h3: "Podnadpis 2",
- pre: "Předformátované",
- 1: "extra malé",
- 2: "velmi malé",
- 3: "malé",
- 4: "střední",
- 5: "velké",
- 6: "velmi velké",
- 7: "extra velké"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d437975be..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/cs/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Vlastnosti odkazu",
- insertImageTitle: "Vlastnosti obrázku",
- url: "Adresa URL:",
- text: "Popis:",
- target: "Cíl:",
- set: "Nastavit",
- currentWindow: "Aktuální okno",
- parentWindow: "Nadřízené okno",
- topWindow: "Okno nejvyšší úrovně",
- newWindow: "Nové okno"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d69aca728..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/cs/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Tučné',
- 'copy': 'Kopírovat',
- 'cut': 'Vyjmout',
- 'delete': 'Odstranit',
- 'indent': 'Odsadit',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vodorovná čára',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Číslovaný seznam',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Seznam s odrážkami',
- 'italic': 'Kurzíva',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Zarovnat na střed',
- 'justifyFull': 'Do bloku',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Zarovnat vlevo',
- 'justifyRight': 'Zarovnat vpravo',
- 'outdent': 'Předsadit',
- 'paste': 'Vložit',
- 'redo': 'Opakovat',
- 'removeFormat': 'Odebrat formát',
- 'selectAll': 'Vybrat vše',
- 'strikethrough': 'Přeškrtnutí',
- 'subscript': 'Dolní index',
- 'superscript': 'Horní index',
- 'underline': 'Podtržení',
- 'undo': 'Zpět',
- 'unlink': 'Odebrat odkaz',
- 'createLink': 'Vytvořit odkaz',
- 'toggleDir': 'Přepnout směr',
- 'insertImage': 'Vložit obrázek',
- 'insertTable': 'Vložit/upravit tabulku',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Přepnout ohraničení tabulky',
- 'deleteTable': 'Odstranit tabulku',
- 'tableProp': 'Vlastnost tabulky',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Zdroj HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Barva popředí',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Barva pozadí',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Styl odstavce',
- 'formatBlock': 'Styl odstavce',
- 'fontSize': 'Velikost písma',
- 'fontName': 'Název písma',
- 'tabIndent': 'Odsazení tabulátoru',
- "fullScreen": "Přepnout celou obrazovku",
- "viewSource": "Zobrazit zdroj HTML",
- "print": "Tisk",
- "newPage": "Nová stránka",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Akce "${0}" je v prohlížeči dostupná pouze prostřednictvím klávesové zkratky. Použijte klávesovou zkratku ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a5f959b0b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/da/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Størrelse",
- fontName: "Skrifttype",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "kursiv",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Ingen",
- p: "Afsnit",
- h1: "Overskrift",
- h2: "Underoverskrift",
- h3: "Underunderoverskrift",
- pre: "Forudformateret",
- 1: "xx-small",
- 2: "x-small",
- 3: "small",
- 4: "medium",
- 5: "large",
- 6: "x-large",
- 7: "xx-large"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1712160e4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/da/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Linkegenskaber",
- insertImageTitle: "Billedegenskaber",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Beskrivelse:",
- target: "Mål:",
- set: "Definér",
- currentWindow: "Aktuelt vindue",
- parentWindow: "Overordnet vindue",
- topWindow: "Øverste vindue",
- newWindow: "Nyt vindue"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 25987432c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/da/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Fed',
- 'copy': 'Kopiér',
- 'cut': 'Klip',
- 'delete': 'Slet',
- 'indent': 'Indrykning',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vandret linje',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Nummereret liste',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Punktliste',
- 'italic': 'Kursiv',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Centreret',
- 'justifyFull': 'Lige margener',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Venstrejusteret',
- 'justifyRight': 'Højrejusteret',
- 'outdent': 'Udrykning',
- 'paste': 'Sæt ind',
- 'redo': 'Annullér Fortryd',
- 'removeFormat': 'Fjern format',
- 'selectAll': 'Markér alle',
- 'strikethrough': 'Gennemstreget',
- 'subscript': 'Sænket skrift',
- 'superscript': 'Hævet skrift',
- 'underline': 'Understreget',
- 'undo': 'Fortryd',
- 'unlink': 'Fjern link',
- 'createLink': 'Opret link',
- 'toggleDir': 'Skift retning',
- 'insertImage': 'Indsæt billede',
- 'insertTable': 'Indsæt/redigér tabel',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Skift tabelramme',
- 'deleteTable': 'Slet tabel',
- 'tableProp': 'Tabelegenskab',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML-kilde',
- 'foreColor': 'Forgrundsfarve',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Baggrundsfarve',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Afsnitstypografi',
- 'formatBlock': 'Afsnitstypografi',
- 'fontSize': 'Skriftstørrelse',
- 'fontName': 'Skriftnavn',
- 'tabIndent': 'Tabulatorindrykning',
- "fullScreen": "Fuld skærm til/fra",
- "viewSource": "Vis HTML-kilde",
- "print": "Udskriv",
- "newPage": "Ny side",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Funktionen "${0}" kan kun bruges i din browser med en tastaturgenvej. Brug ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'Ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ea54a023c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/de/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Größe",
- fontName: "Schriftart",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "Serife",
- "sans-serif": "Serifenlos",
- monospace: "Monospaceschrift",
- cursive: "Kursiv",
- fantasy: "Fantasie",
- noFormat: "Keine Angabe",
- p: "Absatz",
- h1: "Überschrift",
- h2: "Unterüberschrift",
- h3: "Unterunterüberschrift",
- pre: "Vorformatiert",
- 1: "XXS",
- 2: "XS",
- 3: "S",
- 4: "M",
- 5: "L",
- 6: "XL",
- 7: "XXL"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ca28bfd2b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/de/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Linkeigenschaften",
- insertImageTitle: "Grafikeigenschaften",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Beschreibung:",
- target: "Ziel:",
- set: "Festlegen",
- currentWindow: "Aktuelles Fenster",
- parentWindow: "Übergeordnetes Fenster",
- topWindow: "Aktives Fenster",
- newWindow: "Neues Fenster"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 20917fe44..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/de/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Fett',
- 'copy': 'Kopieren',
- 'cut': 'Ausschneiden',
- 'delete': 'Löschen',
- 'indent': 'Einrücken',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Horizontaler Strich',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Nummerierung',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Aufzählungszeichen',
- 'italic': 'Kursiv',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Zentriert',
- 'justifyFull': 'Blocksatz',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Linksbündig',
- 'justifyRight': 'Rechtsbündig',
- 'outdent': 'Ausrücken',
- 'paste': 'Einfügen',
- 'redo': 'Wiederholen',
- 'removeFormat': 'Formatierung entfernen',
- 'selectAll': 'Alles auswählen',
- 'strikethrough': 'Durchgestrichen',
- 'subscript': 'Tiefgestellt',
- 'superscript': 'Hochgestellt',
- 'underline': 'Unterstrichen',
- 'undo': 'Rückgängig',
- 'unlink': 'Link entfernen',
- 'createLink': 'Link erstellen',
- 'toggleDir': 'Richtung wechseln',
- 'insertImage': 'Grafik einfügen',
- 'insertTable': 'Tabelle einfügen/bearbeiten',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Tabellenumrandung ein-/ausschalten',
- 'deleteTable': 'Tabelle löschen',
- 'tableProp': 'Tabelleneigenschaft',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML-Quelltext',
- 'foreColor': 'Vordergrundfarbe',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Hintergrundfarbe',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Absatzstil',
- 'formatBlock': 'Absatzstil',
- 'fontSize': 'Schriftgröße',
- 'fontName': 'Schriftartname',
- 'tabIndent': 'Registerkarteneinrückung',
- "fullScreen": "Gesamtanzeige",
- "viewSource": "HTML-Quelle",
- "print": "Drucken",
- "newPage": "Neue Seite",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Die Aktion "${0}" ist im Browser nur über einen Tastaturkurzbefehl verfügbar. Verwenden Sie ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'Strg+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c315b872..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/el/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Μέγεθος",
- fontName: "Γραμματοσειρά",
- formatBlock: "Μορφή",
- serif: "με πατούρες (serif)",
- "sans-serif": "χωρίς πατούρες (sans-serif)",
- monospace: "σταθερού πλάτους",
- cursive: "πλάγιοι",
- fantasy: "φαντασίας",
- noFormat: "Χωρίς",
- p: "Παράγραφος",
- h1: "Επικεφαλίδα",
- h2: "Δευτερεύουσα επικεφαλίδα",
- h3: "Δευτερεύουσα επικεφαλίδα τρίτου επιπέδου",
- pre: "Προ-μορφοποιημένο",
- 1: "xx-μικρά",
- 2: "x-μικρά",
- 3: "μικρά",
- 4: "μεσαία",
- 5: "μεγάλα",
- 6: "x-μεγάλα",
- 7: "xx-μεγάλα"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 69011f49a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/el/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Ιδιότητες σύνδεσης",
- insertImageTitle: "Ιδιότητες εικόνας",
- url: "Διεύθυνση URL:",
- text: "Περιγραφή:",
- target: "Προορισμός:",
- set: "Ορισμός",
- currentWindow: "Τρέχον παράθυρο",
- parentWindow: "Γονικό παράθυρο",
- topWindow: "Παράθυρο σε πρώτο πλάνο",
- newWindow: "Νέο παράθυρο"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bb12160be..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/el/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Έντονα',
- 'copy': 'Αντιγραφή',
- 'cut': 'Αποκοπή',
- 'delete': 'Διαγραφή',
- 'indent': 'Εσοχή',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Οριζόντια γραμμή',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Αριθμημένη λίστα',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Λίστα με κουκίδες',
- 'italic': 'Πλάγια',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Στοίχιση στο κέντρο',
- 'justifyFull': 'Πλήρης στοίχιση',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Στοίχιση αριστερά',
- 'justifyRight': 'Στοίχιση δεξιά',
- 'outdent': 'Μείωση περιθωρίου',
- 'paste': 'Επικόλληση',
- 'redo': 'Ακύρωση αναίρεσης',
- 'removeFormat': 'Αφαίρεση μορφοποίησης',
- 'selectAll': 'Επιλογή όλων',
- 'strikethrough': 'Διαγράμμιση',
- 'subscript': 'Δείκτης',
- 'superscript': 'Εκθέτης',
- 'underline': 'Υπογράμμιση',
- 'undo': 'Αναίρεση',
- 'unlink': 'Αφαίρεση σύνδεσης',
- 'createLink': 'Δημιουργία σύνδεσης',
- 'toggleDir': 'Εναλλαγή κατεύθυνσης',
- 'insertImage': 'Εισαγωγή εικόνας',
- 'insertTable': 'Εισαγωγή/Τροποποίηση πίνακα',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Εναλλαγή εμφάνισης περιγράμματος πίνακα',
- 'deleteTable': 'Διαγραφή πίνακα',
- 'tableProp': 'Ιδιότητα πίνακα',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Πρωτογενής κώδικας HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Χρώμα προσκηνίου',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Χρώμα φόντου',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Στυλ παραγράφου',
- 'formatBlock': 'Στυλ παραγράφου',
- 'fontSize': 'Μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς',
- 'fontName': 'Όνομα γραμματοσειράς',
- 'tabIndent': 'Εσοχή με το πλήκτρο Tab',
- "fullScreen": "Εναλλαγή κατάστασης πλήρους οθόνης",
- "viewSource": "Προβολή προέλευσης HTML",
- "print": "Εκτύπωση",
- "newPage": "Νέα σελίδα",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Σε αυτό το πρόγραμμα πλοήγησης, η ενέργεια "${0}" είναι διαθέσιμη μόνο με τη χρήση μιας συντόμευσης πληκτρολογίου. Χρησιμοποιήστε τη συντόμευση ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ed8e6ff23..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/es/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Tamaño",
- fontName: "Font",
- formatBlock: "Formato",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "espacio sencillo",
- cursive: "cursiva",
- fantasy: "fantasía",
- noFormat: "Ninguno",
- p: "Párrafo",
- h1: "Cabecera",
- h2: "Subcabecera",
- h3: "Sub-subcabecera",
- pre: "Preformateado",
- 1: "xx-pequeño",
- 2: "x-pequeño",
- 3: "pequeño",
- 4: "medio",
- 5: "grande",
- 6: "x-grande",
- 7: "xx-grande"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index de34f6770..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/es/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Propiedades del enlace",
- insertImageTitle: "Propiedades de la imagen",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Descripción:",
- target: "Destino:",
- set: "Establecer",
- currentWindow: "Ventana actual",
- parentWindow: "Ventana padre",
- topWindow: "Ventana superior",
- newWindow: "Nueva ventana"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 72e1b322a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/es/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Negrita',
- 'copy': 'Copiar',
- 'cut': 'Cortar',
- 'delete': 'Suprimir',
- 'indent': 'Sangría',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Regla horizontal',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Lista numerada',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Lista con viñetas',
- 'italic': 'Cursiva',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Alinear centro',
- 'justifyFull': 'Justificar',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Alinear izquierda',
- 'justifyRight': 'Alinear derecha',
- 'outdent': 'Anular sangría',
- 'paste': 'Pegar',
- 'redo': 'Rehacer',
- 'removeFormat': 'Eliminar formato',
- 'selectAll': 'Seleccionar todo',
- 'strikethrough': 'Tachado',
- 'subscript': 'Subíndice',
- 'superscript': 'Superíndice',
- 'underline': 'Subrayado',
- 'undo': 'Deshacer',
- 'unlink': 'Eliminar enlace',
- 'createLink': 'Crear enlace',
- 'toggleDir': 'Conmutar dirección',
- 'insertImage': 'Insertar imagen',
- 'insertTable': 'Insertar/Editar tabla',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Conmutar borde de tabla',
- 'deleteTable': 'Suprimir tabla',
- 'tableProp': 'Propiedad de tabla',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Fuente HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Color de primer plano',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Color de segundo plano',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Estilo de párrafo',
- 'formatBlock': 'Estilo de párrafo',
- 'fontSize': 'Tamaño de font',
- 'fontName': 'Nombre de font',
- 'tabIndent': 'Sangría de tabulador',
- "fullScreen": "Conmutar pantalla completa",
- "viewSource": "Ver fuente HTML",
- "print": "Imprimir",
- "newPage": "Nueva página",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'La acción "${0}" sólo está disponible en su navegador mediante un atajo de teclado. Utilice ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'control+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 30fa99971..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/fi/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Koko",
- fontName: "Fontti",
- formatBlock: "Muotoile",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Ei mitään",
- p: "Kappale",
- h1: "Otsikko",
- h2: "Alatason otsikko",
- h3: "Alimman tason otsikko",
- pre: "Esimuotoiltu",
- 1: "xx-small",
- 2: "x-small",
- 3: "small",
- 4: "medium",
- 5: "large",
- 6: "x-large",
- 7: "xx-large"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ad6cfceca..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/fi/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Linkin ominaisuudet",
- insertImageTitle: "Kuvan ominaisuudet",
- url: "URL-osoite:",
- text: "Kuvaus:",
- target: "Kohde:",
- set: "Aseta",
- currentWindow: "Nykyinen ikkuna",
- parentWindow: "Pääikkuna",
- topWindow: "Päällimmäinen ikkuna",
- newWindow: "Uusi ikkuna"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eb730864..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/fi/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Lihavointi',
- 'copy': 'Kopioi',
- 'cut': 'Leikkaa',
- 'delete': 'Poista',
- 'indent': 'Sisennä',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vaakasuuntainen viiva',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Numeroitu luettelo',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Numeroimaton luettelo',
- 'italic': 'Kursivointi',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Tasaus keskelle',
- 'justifyFull': 'Tasaus',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Tasaus vasemmalle',
- 'justifyRight': 'Tasaus oikealle',
- 'outdent': 'Ulonna',
- 'paste': 'Liitä',
- 'redo': 'Tee uudelleen',
- 'removeFormat': 'Poista muotoilu',
- 'selectAll': 'Valitse kaikki',
- 'strikethrough': 'Yliviivaus',
- 'subscript': 'Alennettu',
- 'superscript': 'Korotettu',
- 'underline': 'Alleviivaus',
- 'undo': 'Kumoa',
- 'unlink': 'Poista linkki',
- 'createLink': 'Luo linkki',
- 'toggleDir': 'Vaihda suuntaa',
- 'insertImage': 'Lisää kuva',
- 'insertTable': 'Lisää taulukko/muokkaa taulukkoa',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Ota taulukon kehys käyttöön/poista kehys käytöstä',
- 'deleteTable': 'Poista taulukko',
- 'tableProp': 'Taulukon ominaisuudet',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML-lähde',
- 'foreColor': 'Edustaväri',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Taustaväri',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Kappaletyyli',
- 'formatBlock': 'Kappaletyyli',
- 'fontSize': 'Fonttikoko',
- 'fontName': 'Fontin nimi',
- 'tabIndent': 'Sarkainsisennys',
- "fullScreen": "Vaihda koko näyttö",
- "viewSource": "Näytä HTML-lähde",
- "print": "Tulosta",
- "newPage": "Uusi sivu",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Toiminto "${0}" on käytettävissä selaimessa vain näppäimistön pikatoiminnolla. Käytä seuraavaa: ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'Ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fba25433..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/fr/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Taille",
- fontName: "Police",
- formatBlock: "Mise en forme",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans serif",
- monospace: "espacement fixe",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantaisie",
- noFormat: "Néant",
- p: "Paragraphe",
- h1: "En-tête",
- h2: "Sous-en-tête",
- h3: "Sous-sous-en-tête",
- pre: "Pré-mise en forme",
- 1: "très très petite",
- 2: "très petite",
- 3: "petite",
- 4: "moyenne",
- 5: "grande",
- 6: "très grande",
- 7: "très très grande"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 46ee185ad..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/fr/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Propriétés du lien",
- insertImageTitle: "Propriétés de l'image",
- url: "URL :",
- text: "Description :",
- target: "Cible :",
- set: "Définir",
- currentWindow: "Fenêtre actuelle",
- parentWindow: "Fenêtre parent",
- topWindow: "Fenêtre supérieure",
- newWindow: "Nouvelle fenêtre"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 27b6a4031..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/fr/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Gras',
- 'copy': 'Copier',
- 'cut': 'Couper',
- 'delete': 'Supprimer',
- 'indent': 'Retrait',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Règle horizontale',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Liste numérotée',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Liste à puces',
- 'italic': 'Italique',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Aligner au centre',
- 'justifyFull': 'Justifier',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Aligner à gauche',
- 'justifyRight': 'Aligner à droite',
- 'outdent': 'Retrait négatif',
- 'paste': 'Coller',
- 'redo': 'Rétablir',
- 'removeFormat': 'Supprimer la mise en forme',
- 'selectAll': 'Sélectionner tout',
- 'strikethrough': 'Barrer',
- 'subscript': 'Indice',
- 'superscript': 'Exposant',
- 'underline': 'Souligner',
- 'undo': 'Annuler',
- 'unlink': 'Supprimer le lien',
- 'createLink': 'Créer un lien',
- 'toggleDir': 'Changer de sens',
- 'insertImage': 'Insérer une image',
- 'insertTable': 'Insérer/Modifier un tableau',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Afficher/Masquer la bordure du tableau',
- 'deleteTable': 'Supprimer le tableau',
- 'tableProp': 'Propriété du tableau',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Source HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Couleur d\'avant-plan',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Couleur d\'arrière-plan',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Style de paragraphe',
- 'formatBlock': 'Style de paragraphe',
- 'fontSize': 'Taille de police',
- 'fontName': 'Nom de police',
- 'tabIndent': 'Retrait de tabulation',
- "fullScreen": "Basculer en plein écran",
- "viewSource": "Afficher la source HTML",
- "print": "Imprimer",
- "newPage": "Nouvelle page",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'L\'action "${0}" est disponible dans votre navigateur uniquement, par le biais d\'un raccourci-clavier. Utilisez ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c8bee2c34..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/he/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "גודל",
- fontName: "גופן",
- formatBlock: "עיצוב",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "ללא ",
- p: "פיסקה",
- h1: "כותרת",
- h2: "תת-כותרת",
- h3: "תת-תת-כותרת",
- pre: "מעוצב מראש",
- 1: "קטן ביות",
- 2: "קטן מאוד",
- 3: "קטן",
- 4: "בינוני",
- 5: "גדול",
- 6: "גדול מאוד",
- 7: "גדול ביותר"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a5de943c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/he/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "תכונות קישור",
- insertImageTitle: "תכונות תמונה",
- url: "URL:‏",
- text: "תיאור:",
- target: "יעד:",
- set: "הגדרה",
- currentWindow: "חלון נוכחי",
- parentWindow: "חלון אב",
- topWindow: "חלון עליון",
- newWindow: "חלון חדש"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cf719d478..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/he/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'מודגש',
- 'copy': 'עותק',
- 'cut': 'גזירה',
- 'delete': 'מחיקה',
- 'indent': 'הגדלת כניסה',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'קו אופקי',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'רשימה ממוספרת',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'רשימה עם תבליטים',
- 'italic': 'נטוי',
- 'justifyCenter': 'יישור למרכז',
- 'justifyFull': 'יישור דו-צדדי',
- 'justifyLeft': 'יישור לשמאל',
- 'justifyRight': 'יישור לימין',
- 'outdent': 'הקטנת כניסה',
- 'paste': 'הדבקה',
- 'redo': 'שחזור פעולה',
- 'removeFormat': 'סילוק עיצוב',
- 'selectAll': 'בחירת הכל',
- 'strikethrough': 'קו חוצה',
- 'subscript': 'כתב תחתי',
- 'superscript': 'כתב עילי',
- 'underline': 'קו תחתי',
- 'undo': 'ביטול פעולה',
- 'unlink': 'סילוק הקישור',
- 'createLink': 'יצירת קישור',
- 'toggleDir': 'מיתוג כיוון',
- 'insertImage': 'הוספת תמונה',
- 'insertTable': 'הוספת/עריכת טבלה',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'מיתוג גבול טבלה',
- 'deleteTable': 'מחיקת טבלה',
- 'tableProp': 'תכונת טבלה',
- 'htmlToggle': 'מקור HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'צבע חזית',
- 'hiliteColor': 'צבע רקע',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'סגנון פיסקה',
- 'formatBlock': 'סגנון פיסקה',
- 'fontSize': 'גופן יחסי',
- 'fontName': 'שם גופן',
- 'tabIndent': 'כניסת טאב',
- "fullScreen": "מיתוג מסך מלא",
- "viewSource": "הצגת מקור HTML",
- "print": "הדפסה",
- "newPage": "דף חדש",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'הפעולה "${0}" זמינה בדפדפן רק באמצעות קיצור דרך במקלדת. השתמשו בקיצור ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}‎',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}‎' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 82e9bad43..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/hr/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Veličina",
- fontName: "Font",
- formatBlock: "Oblikovanje",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "jednaki razmak",
- cursive: "rukopisni",
- fantasy: "fantastika",
- noFormat: "Nijedan",
- p: "Odlomak",
- h1: "Naslov",
- h2: "Podnaslov",
- h3: "Pod-podnaslov",
- pre: "Prethodno formatirano",
- 1: "vrlo vrlo malo",
- 2: "vrlo malo",
- 3: "malo",
- 4: "srednje",
- 5: "veliko",
- 6: "vrlo veliko",
- 7: "vrlo vrlo veliko"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 43869cceb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/hr/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Svojstva veze",
- insertImageTitle: "Svojstva slike",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Opis:",
- target: "Cilj:",
- set: "Postavi",
- currentWindow: "Aktivni prozor",
- parentWindow: "Nadređeni prozor",
- topWindow: "Najviši prozor",
- newWindow: "Novi prozor"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d61bf4899..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/hr/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Podebljaj',
- 'copy': 'Kopiraj',
- 'cut': 'Izreži',
- 'delete': 'Izbriši',
- 'indent': 'Uvuci',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vodoravno ravnalo',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Numerirani popis',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Popis s grafičkim oznakama',
- 'italic': 'Kurziv',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Centriraj',
- 'justifyFull': 'Poravnaj',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Poravnaj lijevo',
- 'justifyRight': 'Poravnaj desno',
- 'outdent': 'Izvuci',
- 'paste': 'Zalijepi',
- 'redo': 'Ponovno napravi',
- 'removeFormat': 'Ukloni oblikovanje',
- 'selectAll': 'Izaberi sve',
- 'strikethrough': 'Precrtaj',
- 'subscript': 'Indeks',
- 'superscript': 'Superskript',
- 'underline': 'Podcrtaj',
- 'undo': 'Poništi',
- 'unlink': 'Ukloni vezu',
- 'createLink': 'Kreiraj vezu',
- 'toggleDir': 'Prebaci smjer',
- 'insertImage': 'Umetni sliku',
- 'insertTable': 'Umetni/Uredi tablicu',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Prebaci rub tablice',
- 'deleteTable': 'Izbriši tablicu',
- 'tableProp': 'Svojstvo tablice',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML izvor',
- 'foreColor': 'Boja prednjeg plana',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Boja pozadine',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Stil odlomka',
- 'formatBlock': 'Stil odlomka',
- 'fontSize': 'Veličina fonta',
- 'fontName': 'Ime fonta',
- 'tabIndent': 'Tabulator uvlačenja',
- "fullScreen": "Prebaci na potpun ekran",
- "viewSource": "Pogledaj HTML izvor",
- "print": "Ispis",
- "newPage": "Nova stranica",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '"${0}" akcija je dostupna jedino u vašem pregledniku upotrebom prečice tipkovnice. Koristite ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2868348ed..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/hu/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Méret",
- fontName: "Betűtípus",
- formatBlock: "Formátum",
- serif: "talpas",
- "sans-serif": "talpatlan",
- monospace: "rögzített szélességű",
- cursive: "kurzív",
- fantasy: "fantázia",
- noFormat: "Nincs",
- p: "Bekezdés",
- h1: "Címsor",
- h2: "Alcím",
- h3: "Al-alcím",
- pre: "Előformázott",
- 1: "xx-kicsi",
- 2: "x-kicsi",
- 3: "kicsi",
- 4: "közepes",
- 5: "nagy",
- 6: "x-nagy",
- 7: "xx-nagy"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6558a2b42..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/hu/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Hivatkozás tulajdonságai",
- insertImageTitle: "Kép tulajdonságai",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Leírás:",
- target: "Cél:",
- set: "Beállítás",
- currentWindow: "Aktuális ablak",
- parentWindow: "Szülő ablak",
- topWindow: "Legfelső szintű ablak",
- newWindow: "Új ablak"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 10b86ea90..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/hu/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Félkövér',
- 'copy': 'Másolás',
- 'cut': 'Kivágás',
- 'delete': 'Törlés',
- 'indent': 'Behúzás',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vízszintes vonalzó',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Számozott lista',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Felsorolásjeles lista',
- 'italic': 'Dőlt',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Középre igazítás',
- 'justifyFull': 'Sorkizárás',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Balra igazítás',
- 'justifyRight': 'Jobbra igazítás',
- 'outdent': 'Negatív behúzás',
- 'paste': 'Beillesztés',
- 'redo': 'Újra',
- 'removeFormat': 'Formázás eltávolítása',
- 'selectAll': 'Összes kijelölése',
- 'strikethrough': 'Áthúzott',
- 'subscript': 'Alsó index',
- 'superscript': 'Felső index',
- 'underline': 'Aláhúzott',
- 'undo': 'Visszavonás',
- 'unlink': 'Hivatkozás eltávolítása',
- 'createLink': 'Hivatkozás létrehozása',
- 'toggleDir': 'Irány váltókapcsoló',
- 'insertImage': 'Kép beszúrása',
- 'insertTable': 'Táblázat beszúrása/szerkesztése',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Táblázatszegély ki-/bekapcsolása',
- 'deleteTable': 'Táblázat törlése',
- 'tableProp': 'Táblázat tulajdonságai',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML forrás',
- 'foreColor': 'Előtérszín',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Háttérszín',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Bekezdés stílusa',
- 'formatBlock': 'Bekezdés stílusa',
- 'fontSize': 'Betűméret',
- 'fontName': 'Betűtípus',
- 'tabIndent': 'Tab behúzás',
- "fullScreen": "Váltás teljes képernyőre",
- "viewSource": "HTML forrás megjelenítése",
- "print": "Nyomtatás",
- "newPage": "Új oldal",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'A(z) "${0}" művelet a böngészőben csak billentyűparancs használatával érhető el. Használja a következőt: ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d181d3b3..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/it/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Dimensione",
- fontName: "Carattere",
- formatBlock: "Formato",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "spaziatura fissa",
- cursive: "corsivo",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Nessuna",
- p: "Paragrafo",
- h1: "Intestazione",
- h2: "Sottointestazione",
- h3: "Sottointestazione secondaria",
- pre: "Preformattato",
- 1: "piccolissimo",
- 2: "molto piccolo",
- 3: "piccolo",
- 4: "medio",
- 5: "grande",
- 6: "molto grande",
- 7: "grandissimo"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e59b36583..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/it/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Proprietà collegamento",
- insertImageTitle: "Proprietà immagine",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Descrizione:",
- target: "Destinazione:",
- set: "Imposta",
- currentWindow: "Finestra corrente",
- parentWindow: "Finestra padre",
- topWindow: "Finestra superiore",
- newWindow: "Nuova finestra"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b1b53a4b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/it/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Grassetto',
- 'copy': 'Copia',
- 'cut': 'Taglia',
- 'delete': 'Annulla',
- 'indent': 'Rientra',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Righello orizzontale',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Elenco numerato',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Elenco a punti',
- 'italic': 'Corsivo',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Allinea al centro',
- 'justifyFull': 'Giustifica',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Allinea a sinistra',
- 'justifyRight': 'Allinea a destra',
- 'outdent': 'Annulla rientro',
- 'paste': 'Incolla',
- 'redo': 'Ripeti',
- 'removeFormat': 'Rimuovi formato',
- 'selectAll': 'Seleziona tutto',
- 'strikethrough': 'Barrato',
- 'subscript': 'Pedice',
- 'superscript': 'Apice',
- 'underline': 'Sottolinea',
- 'undo': 'Annulla',
- 'unlink': 'Rimuovi collegamento',
- 'createLink': 'Crea collegamento',
- 'toggleDir': 'Attiva/Disattiva direzione',
- 'insertImage': 'Inserisci immagine',
- 'insertTable': 'Inserisci/Modifica tabella',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Attiva/Disattiva bordo tabella',
- 'deleteTable': 'Elimina tabella',
- 'tableProp': 'Proprietà tabella',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Origine HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Colore in primo piano',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Colore di sfondo',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Stile paragrafo',
- 'formatBlock': 'Stile paragrafo',
- 'fontSize': 'Dimensione tipo di carattere',
- 'fontName': 'Nome tipo di carattere',
- 'tabIndent': 'Rientro tabulazione',
- "fullScreen": "Attiva/Disattiva schermo intero",
- "viewSource": "Visualizza origine HTML",
- "print": "Stampa",
- "newPage": "Nuova pagina",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Azione "${0}" disponibile nel browser solo utilizzando una scelta rapida da tastiera. Utilizzare ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 51232f1a5..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ja/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "サイズ",
- fontName: "フォント",
- formatBlock: "フォーマット",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "なし",
- p: "段落",
- h1: "見出し",
- h2: "副見出し",
- h3: "副見出しの副見出し",
- pre: "事前フォーマット済み",
- 1: "超極小",
- 2: "極小",
- 3: "小",
- 4: "標準",
- 5: "大",
- 6: "特大",
- 7: "超特大"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f4e06567..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ja/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "リンク・プロパティー",
- insertImageTitle: "イメージ・プロパティー",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "説明:",
- target: "ターゲット: ",
- set: "設定",
- currentWindow: "現在のウィンドウ",
- parentWindow: "親ウィンドウ",
- topWindow: "最上位ウィンドウ",
- newWindow: "新規ウィンドウ"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c41419c5..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ja/commands", ({
- 'bold': '太字',
- 'copy': 'コピー',
- 'cut': '切り取り',
- 'delete': '削除',
- 'indent': 'インデント',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': '水平罫線',
- 'insertOrderedList': '番号付きリスト',
- 'insertUnorderedList': '黒丸付きリスト',
- 'italic': 'イタリック',
- 'justifyCenter': '中央揃え',
- 'justifyFull': '両端揃え',
- 'justifyLeft': '左揃え',
- 'justifyRight': '右揃え',
- 'outdent': 'アウトデント',
- 'paste': '貼り付け',
- 'redo': 'やり直し',
- 'removeFormat': '形式の削除',
- 'selectAll': 'すべて選択',
- 'strikethrough': '取り消し線',
- 'subscript': '下付き文字',
- 'superscript': '上付き文字',
- 'underline': '下線',
- 'undo': '元に戻す',
- 'unlink': 'リンクの削除',
- 'createLink': 'リンクの作成',
- 'toggleDir': '方向の切り替え',
- 'insertImage': 'イメージの挿入',
- 'insertTable': 'テーブルの挿入/編集',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'テーブルボーダーの切り替え',
- 'deleteTable': 'テーブルの削除',
- 'tableProp': 'テーブルプロパティ',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML ソース',
- 'foreColor': '前景色',
- 'hiliteColor': '背景色',
- 'plainFormatBlock': '段落スタイル',
- 'formatBlock': '段落スタイル',
- 'fontSize': 'フォントサイズ',
- 'fontName': 'フォント名',
- 'tabIndent': 'タブインデント',
- "fullScreen": "全画面表示に切り替え",
- "viewSource": "HTML ソースの表示",
- "print": "印刷",
- "newPage": "新しいページ",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '"${0}" アクションを使用できるのは、ブラウザーでキーボードショートカットを使用する場合のみです。 ${1} を使用してください。',
- 'ctrlKey':'Ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e7a52c87a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/kk/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Өлшемі",
- fontName: "Қаріп",
- formatBlock: "Пішім",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "көлбеу",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Ешбір",
- p: "Еже",
- h1: "Тақырып",
- h2: "Ішкі тақырып",
- h3: "Ішкі-ішкі тақырып",
- pre: "Алдын ала пішімделген",
- 1: "xx-кіші",
- 2: "x-кіші",
- 3: "кіші",
- 4: "орташа",
- 5: "үлкен",
- 6: "x-үлкен",
- 7: "xx-үлкен"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a78a3295..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/kk/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Сілтеме сипаттары",
- insertImageTitle: "Сурет сипаттары",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Сипаттама:",
- target: "Мақсат:",
- set: "Орнату",
- currentWindow: "Ағымдағы терезе",
- parentWindow: "Басты терезе",
- topWindow: "Ең жоғарғы терезе",
- newWindow: "Жаңа терезе"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ea78dd296..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/kk/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Қалың',
- 'copy': 'Көшіру',
- 'cut': 'Қиып алу',
- 'delete': 'Жою',
- 'indent': 'Шегіндіру',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Көлденең сызғыш',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Нөмірленген тізім',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Таңбалауыш тізім',
- 'italic': 'Көлбеу',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Ортасы бойынша туралау',
- 'justifyFull': 'Туралау',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Сол жақ бойынша туралау',
- 'justifyRight': 'Оң жақ бойынша туралау',
- 'outdent': 'Солға ығысу',
- 'paste': 'Қою',
- 'redo': 'Қайтару',
- 'removeFormat': 'Пішімді алып тастау',
- 'selectAll': 'Барлығын таңдау',
- 'strikethrough': 'Сызылған',
- 'subscript': 'Жоласты',
- 'superscript': 'Жолүсті',
- 'underline': 'Асты сызылған',
- 'undo': 'Болдырмау',
- 'unlink': 'Сілтемені алып тастау',
- 'createLink': 'Сілтеме жасау',
- 'toggleDir': 'Бағытты қосу',
- 'insertImage': 'Суретті кірістіру',
- 'insertTable': 'Кестені кірістіру/өңдеу',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Кесте жиегін қосу',
- 'deleteTable': 'Кестені жою',
- 'tableProp': 'Кесте сипаты',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML көзі',
- 'foreColor': 'Алды түсі',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Өң түсі',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Еже мәнері',
- 'formatBlock': 'Еже мәнері',
- 'fontSize': 'Қаріп өлшемі',
- 'fontName': 'Қаріп атауы',
- 'tabIndent': 'Қойынды шегінісі',
- "fullScreen": "Толық экранды қосу",
- "viewSource": "HTML көзін қарау",
- "print": "Басып шығару",
- "newPage": "Жаңа бет",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '"${0}" әрекеті шолғышта тек пернелер тіркесімі арқылы қол жетімді. ${1} пайдаланыңыз.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ae20a2c66..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ko/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "크기",
- fontName: "글꼴",
- formatBlock: "서식",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "없음",
- p: "단락",
- h1: "제목",
- h2: "부제목",
- h3: "하위 부제목",
- pre: "서식이 지정됨",
- 1: "가장 작게",
- 2: "조금 작게",
- 3: "작게",
- 4: "중간",
- 5: "크게",
- 6: "조금 크게",
- 7: "가장 크게"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 02d50173f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ko/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "링크 특성",
- insertImageTitle: "이미지 특성",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "설명:",
- target: "대상",
- set: "설정",
- currentWindow: "현재 창",
- parentWindow: "상위 창",
- topWindow: "최상위 창",
- newWindow: "새 창"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 893da2609..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ko/commands", ({
- 'bold': '굵게',
- 'copy': '복사',
- 'cut': '잘라내기',
- 'delete': '삭제',
- 'indent': '들여쓰기',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': '가로 줄',
- 'insertOrderedList': '번호 목록',
- 'insertUnorderedList': '글머리표 목록',
- 'italic': '기울임꼴',
- 'justifyCenter': '가운데 맞춤',
- 'justifyFull': '양쪽 맞춤',
- 'justifyLeft': '왼쪽 맞춤',
- 'justifyRight': '오른쪽 맞춤',
- 'outdent': '내어쓰기',
- 'paste': '붙여넣기',
- 'redo': '다시 실행',
- 'removeFormat': '형식 제거',
- 'selectAll': '모두 선택',
- 'strikethrough': '취소선',
- 'subscript': '아래첨자',
- 'superscript': '위첨자',
- 'underline': '밑줄',
- 'undo': '실행 취소',
- 'unlink': '링크 제거',
- 'createLink': '링크 작성',
- 'toggleDir': '방향 토글',
- 'insertImage': '이미지 삽입',
- 'insertTable': '테이블 삽입/편집',
- 'toggleTableBorder': '테이블 외곽선 토글',
- 'deleteTable': '테이블 삭제',
- 'tableProp': '테이블 특성',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML 소스',
- 'foreColor': '전경색',
- 'hiliteColor': '배경색',
- 'plainFormatBlock': '단락 양식',
- 'formatBlock': '단락 양식',
- 'fontSize': '글꼴 크기',
- 'fontName': '글꼴 이름',
- 'tabIndent': '탭 들여쓰기',
- "fullScreen": "전체 화면 토글",
- "viewSource": "HTML 소스 보기",
- "print": "인쇄",
- "newPage": "새 페이지",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '"${0}" 조치는 브라우저에서 키보드 단축키를 통해서만 사용 가능합니다. ${1}을(를) 사용하십시오.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index edcbd6707..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/nb/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Størrelse",
- fontName: "Skrift",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "kursiv",
- fantasy: "fantasi",
- noFormat: "Ingen",
- p: "Avsnitt",
- h1: "Overskrift",
- h2: "Undertittel",
- h3: "Under-undertittel",
- pre: "Forhåndsformatert",
- 1: "xx-liten",
- 2: "x-liten",
- 3: "liten",
- 4: "middels",
- 5: "stor",
- 6: "x-stor",
- 7: "xx-stor"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 02595e10f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/nb/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Koblingsegenskaper",
- insertImageTitle: "Bildeegenskaper",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Beskrivelse:",
- target: "Mål:",
- set: "Definer",
- currentWindow: "Gjeldende vindu",
- parentWindow: "Overordnet vindu",
- topWindow: "Øverste vindu",
- newWindow: "Nytt vindu"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ffc6c151..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/nb/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Fet',
- 'copy': 'Kopier',
- 'cut': 'Klipp ut',
- 'delete': 'Slett',
- 'indent': 'Innrykk',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vannrett strek',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Nummerert liste',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Punktliste',
- 'italic': 'Kursiv',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Midtstill',
- 'justifyFull': 'Juster',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Venstrejuster',
- 'justifyRight': 'Høyrejuster',
- 'outdent': 'Fjern innrykk',
- 'paste': 'Lim inn',
- 'redo': 'Gjør om',
- 'removeFormat': 'Fjern format',
- 'selectAll': 'Velg alle',
- 'strikethrough': 'Gjennomstreking',
- 'subscript': 'Senket skrift',
- 'superscript': 'Hevet skrift',
- 'underline': 'Understreking',
- 'undo': 'Angre',
- 'unlink': 'Fjern kobling',
- 'createLink': 'Opprett kobling',
- 'toggleDir': 'Bytt retning',
- 'insertImage': 'Sett inn bilde',
- 'insertTable': 'Sett inn/rediger tabell',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Bytt tabellkant',
- 'deleteTable': 'Slett tabell',
- 'tableProp': 'Tabellegenskap',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML-kilde',
- 'foreColor': 'Forgrunnsfarge',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Avsnittsstil',
- 'formatBlock': 'Avsnittsstil',
- 'fontSize': 'Skriftstørrelse',
- 'fontName': 'Skriftnavn',
- 'tabIndent': 'Tabulatorinnrykk',
- "fullScreen": "Slå på/av full skjerm",
- "viewSource": "Vis HTML-kilde",
- "print": "Skriv ut",
- "newPage": "Ny side",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Handlingen "${0}" er bare tilgjengelig i nettleseren ved hjelp av en tastatursnarvei. Bruk ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 05657e5d0..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/nl/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Grootte",
- fontName: "Lettertype",
- formatBlock: "Opmaak",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursief",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Geen",
- p: "Alinea",
- h1: "Kop",
- h2: "Subkop",
- h3: "Sub-subkop",
- pre: "Vooraf opgemaakt",
- 1: "xx-klein",
- 2: "x-klein",
- 3: "klein",
- 4: "gemiddeld",
- 5: "groot",
- 6: "x-groot",
- 7: "xx-groot"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 63cbfd8a8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/nl/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Linkeigenschappen",
- insertImageTitle: "Afbeeldingseigenschappen",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Beschrijving:",
- target: "Doel:",
- set: "Instellen",
- currentWindow: "Huidig venster",
- parentWindow: "Hoofdvenster",
- topWindow: "Bovenste venster",
- newWindow: "Nieuw venster"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 588289fad..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/nl/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Vet',
- 'copy': 'Kopiëren',
- 'cut': 'Knippen',
- 'delete': 'Wissen',
- 'indent': 'Inspringen',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Horizontale liniaal',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Genummerde lijst',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Lijst met opsommingstekens',
- 'italic': 'Cursief',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Centreren',
- 'justifyFull': 'Uitvullen',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Links uitlijnen',
- 'justifyRight': 'Rechts uitlijnen',
- 'outdent': 'Uitspringen',
- 'paste': 'Plakken',
- 'redo': 'Opnieuw',
- 'removeFormat': 'Opmaak verwijderen',
- 'selectAll': 'Alles selecteren',
- 'strikethrough': 'Doorhalen',
- 'subscript': 'Subscript',
- 'superscript': 'Superscript',
- 'underline': 'Onderstrepen',
- 'undo': 'Ongedaan maken',
- 'unlink': 'Link verwijderen',
- 'createLink': 'Link maken',
- 'toggleDir': 'Schrijfrichting wijzigen',
- 'insertImage': 'Afbeelding invoegen',
- 'insertTable': 'Tabel invoegen/bewerken',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Tabelkader wijzigen',
- 'deleteTable': 'Tabel wissen',
- 'tableProp': 'Tabeleigenschap',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML-bron',
- 'foreColor': 'Voorgrondkleur',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Achtergrondkleur',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Alineastijl',
- 'formatBlock': 'Alineastijl',
- 'fontSize': 'Lettergrootte',
- 'fontName': 'Lettertype',
- 'tabIndent': 'Inspringen',
- "fullScreen": "Volledig scherm in-/uitschakelen",
- "viewSource": "HTML-bron bekijken",
- "print": "Afdrukken",
- "newPage": "Nieuwe pagina",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'De actie "${0}" is alleen beschikbaar in uw browser via een sneltoetscombinatie. Gebruik ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d19712073..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pl/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Rozmiar",
- fontName: "Czcionka",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "szeryfowa",
- "sans-serif": "bezszeryfowa",
- monospace: "czcionka o stałej szerokości",
- cursive: "kursywa",
- fantasy: "fantazyjna",
- noFormat: "Brak",
- p: "Akapit",
- h1: "Nagłówek",
- h2: "Nagłówek 2-go poziomu",
- h3: "Nagłówek 3-go poziomu",
- pre: "Wstępnie sformatowane",
- 1: "najmniejsza",
- 2: "mniejsza",
- 3: "mała",
- 4: "średnia",
- 5: "duże",
- 6: "większa",
- 7: "największa"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ff35a305..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pl/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Właściwości odsyłacza",
- insertImageTitle: "Właściwości obrazu",
- url: "Adres URL:",
- text: "Opis:",
- target: "Docelowe:",
- set: "Ustaw",
- currentWindow: "Bieżące okno",
- parentWindow: "Okno macierzyste",
- topWindow: "Okno najwyższego poziomu",
- newWindow: "Nowe okno"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e84a7aa60..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pl/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Pogrubienie',
- 'copy': 'Kopiuj',
- 'cut': 'Wytnij',
- 'delete': 'Usuń',
- 'indent': 'Wcięcie',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Linijka pozioma',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Lista numerowana',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Lista wypunktowana',
- 'italic': 'Kursywa',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Wyśrodkowanie',
- 'justifyFull': 'Wyrównaj do lewej i prawej',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Wyrównanie do lewej',
- 'justifyRight': 'Wyrównanie do prawej',
- 'outdent': 'Usuwanie wcięcia',
- 'paste': 'Wklej',
- 'redo': 'Ponów',
- 'removeFormat': 'Usuń formatowanie',
- 'selectAll': 'Zaznacz wszystko',
- 'strikethrough': 'Przekreślenie',
- 'subscript': 'Indeks dolny',
- 'superscript': 'Indeks górny',
- 'underline': 'Podkreślenie',
- 'undo': 'Cofnij',
- 'unlink': 'Usuń odsyłacz',
- 'createLink': 'Utwórz odsyłacz',
- 'toggleDir': 'Przełącz kierunek',
- 'insertImage': 'Wstaw obraz',
- 'insertTable': 'Wstaw/edytuj tabelę',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Przełącz ramkę tabeli',
- 'deleteTable': 'Usuń tabelę',
- 'tableProp': 'Właściwość tabeli',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Źródło HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Kolor pierwszego planu',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Kolor tła',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Styl akapitu',
- 'formatBlock': 'Styl akapitu',
- 'fontSize': 'Rozmiar czcionki',
- 'fontName': 'Nazwa czcionki',
- 'tabIndent': 'Wcięcie o tabulator',
- "fullScreen": "Przełącz pełny ekran",
- "viewSource": "Wyświetl kod źródłowy HTML",
- "print": "Drukuj",
- "newPage": "Nowa strona",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Działanie ${0} jest dostępne w tej przeglądarce wyłącznie przy użyciu skrótu klawiaturowego. Należy użyć klawiszy ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'Ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b06f43f23..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Tamanho",
- fontName: "Tipo de letra",
- formatBlock: "Formato",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Nenhum",
- p: "Parágrafo",
- h1: "Título",
- h2: "Sub-título",
- h3: "Sub-subtítulo",
- pre: "Pré-formatado",
- 1: "xxs",
- 2: "xs",
- 3: "small",
- 4: "medium",
- 5: "large",
- 6: "xl",
- 7: "xxl"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ff0409226..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Propriedades da ligação",
- insertImageTitle: "Propriedades da imagem",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Descrição:",
- target: "Destino:",
- set: "Definir",
- currentWindow: "Janela actual",
- parentWindow: "Janela ascendente",
- topWindow: "Janela superior",
- newWindow: "Nova janela"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 18cc55828..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Negrito',
- 'copy': 'Copiar',
- 'cut': 'Cortar',
- 'delete': 'Eliminar',
- 'indent': 'Indentar',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Régua horizontal',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Lista numerada',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Lista marcada',
- 'italic': 'Itálico',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Alinhar ao centro',
- 'justifyFull': 'Justificar',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Alinhar à esquerda',
- 'justifyRight': 'Alinhar à direita',
- 'outdent': 'Recuar',
- 'paste': 'Colar',
- 'redo': 'Repetir',
- 'removeFormat': 'Remover formato',
- 'selectAll': 'Seleccionar tudo',
- 'strikethrough': 'Rasurado',
- 'subscript': 'Inferior à linha',
- 'superscript': 'Superior à linha',
- 'underline': 'Sublinhado',
- 'undo': 'Anular',
- 'unlink': 'Remover ligação',
- 'createLink': 'Criar ligação',
- 'toggleDir': 'Alternar direcção',
- 'insertImage': 'Inserir imagem',
- 'insertTable': 'Inserir/Editar tabela',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Alternar contorno da tabela',
- 'deleteTable': 'Eliminar tabela',
- 'tableProp': 'Propriedades da tabela',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Código-fonte de HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Cor de primeiro plano',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Cor de segundo plano',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Estilo de parágrafo',
- 'formatBlock': 'Estilo de parágrafo',
- 'fontSize': 'Tamanho do tipo de letra',
- 'fontName': 'Nome do tipo de letra',
- 'tabIndent': 'Indentar com a tecla Tab',
- "fullScreen": "Alternar ecrã completo",
- "viewSource": "Ver origem HTML",
- "print": "Imprimir",
- "newPage": "Nova página",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'A acção "${0}" apenas está disponível no navegador utilizando um atalho de teclado. Utilize ${1}.'
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a5e4cfca6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pt/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Tamanho",
- fontName: "Fonte",
- formatBlock: "Formatar",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "espaço simples",
- cursive: "cursiva",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Nenhum",
- p: "Parágrafo",
- h1: "Título",
- h2: "Subtítulo",
- h3: "Sub-subtítulo",
- pre: "Pré-formatado",
- 1: "extra-extra-pequeno",
- 2: "extra-pequeno",
- 3: "pequena",
- 4: "médio",
- 5: "grande",
- 6: "extra-grande",
- 7: "extra-extra-grande"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d9b29633c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pt/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Propriedades de Link",
- insertImageTitle: "Propriedades de Imagem",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Descrição:",
- target: "Destino:",
- set: "Configurar",
- currentWindow: "Janela Atual",
- parentWindow: "Janela Pai",
- topWindow: "Primeira Janela",
- newWindow: "Nova Janela"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 55b380684..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pt/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Negrito',
- 'copy': 'Copiar',
- 'cut': 'Recortar',
- 'delete': 'Excluir',
- 'indent': 'Recuar',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Régua Horizontal',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Lista Numerada',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Lista com Marcadores',
- 'italic': 'Itálico',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Alinhar pelo Centro',
- 'justifyFull': 'Justificar',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Alinhar à Esquerda',
- 'justifyRight': 'Alinhar à Direita',
- 'outdent': 'Não chanfrado',
- 'paste': 'Colar',
- 'redo': 'Refazer',
- 'removeFormat': 'Remover Formato',
- 'selectAll': 'Selecionar Tudo',
- 'strikethrough': 'Tachado',
- 'subscript': 'Subscrito',
- 'superscript': 'Sobrescrito',
- 'underline': 'Sublinhado',
- 'undo': 'Desfazer',
- 'unlink': 'Remover Link',
- 'createLink': 'Criar Link',
- 'toggleDir': 'Comutar Direção',
- 'insertImage': 'Inserir imagem',
- 'insertTable': 'Inserir/Editar Tabela',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Alternar Moldura da Tabela',
- 'deleteTable': 'Excluir Tabela',
- 'tableProp': 'Propriedade da Tabela',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Origem HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Cor do Primeiro Plano',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Cor do Segundo Plano',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Estilo de Parágrafo',
- 'formatBlock': 'Estilo de Parágrafo',
- 'fontSize': 'Tamanho da Fonte',
- 'fontName': 'Nome da Fonte',
- 'tabIndent': 'Recuo de Guia',
- "fullScreen": "Comutar Tela Cheia",
- "viewSource": "Visualizar Origem HTML",
- "print": "Imprimir",
- "newPage": "Nova Página",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'A ação "${0}" está disponível em seu navegador apenas usando um atalho de teclado. Use ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dd383953..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ro/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Mărime",
- fontName: "Font",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Nimic",
- p: "Paragraf",
- h1: "Titlu",
- h2: "Subtitlu",
- h3: "Sub-subtitlu",
- pre: "Preformatat",
- 1: "xxs (xx-small)",
- 2: "xs (x-small)",
- 3: "s (small)",
- 4: "m (medium)",
- 5: "l (large)",
- 6: "xl (x-large)",
- 7: "xxl (xx-large)"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9be4db081..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ro/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Proprietăţi legătură",
- insertImageTitle: "Proprietăţi imagine",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Descriere:",
- target: "Destinaţie:",
- set: "Setare",
- currentWindow: "Fereastra curentă",
- parentWindow: "Fereastra părinte",
- topWindow: "Fereastra cea mai de sus",
- newWindow: "Fereastra nouă"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 565e2c3ec..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ro/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Aldin',
- 'copy': 'Copiere',
- 'cut': 'Tăiere',
- 'delete': 'Ştergere',
- 'indent': 'Micşorare indent',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Linie delimitatoare',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Listă numerotată',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Listă cu marcator',
- 'italic': 'Cursiv',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Aliniere centru',
- 'justifyFull': 'Aliniere stânga-dreapta',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Aliniere stânga',
- 'justifyRight': 'Aliniere dreapta',
- 'outdent': 'Mărire indent',
- 'paste': 'Lipire',
- 'redo': 'Refacere acţiune',
- 'removeFormat': 'Înlăturare format',
- 'selectAll': 'Selectează tot',
- 'strikethrough': 'Tăiere text cu o linie',
- 'subscript': 'Scriere indice inferior',
- 'superscript': 'Scriere indice superior',
- 'underline': 'Subliniere',
- 'undo': 'Anulare acţiune',
- 'unlink': 'Înlăturare legătură',
- 'createLink': 'Creare legătură',
- 'toggleDir': 'Comutare direcţie',
- 'insertImage': 'Inserare imagine',
- 'insertTable': 'Inserare/Editare tabelă',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Comutare bordură tabelă',
- 'deleteTable': 'Ştergere tabelă',
- 'tableProp': 'Proprietate tabelă',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Sursă HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Culoare de prim-plan',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Culoare de fundal',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Stil paragraf',
- 'formatBlock': 'Stil paragraf',
- 'fontSize': 'Dimensiune font',
- 'fontName': 'Nume font',
- 'tabIndent': 'Indentare Tab',
- "fullScreen": "Comutare ecran complet",
- "viewSource": "Vizualizara sursă HTML",
- "print": "Tipărire",
- "newPage": "Pagină nouă",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Acţiunea "${0}" este disponibilă în browser doar utilizând o comandă rapidă de la tastatură. Utilizaţi ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 34b0396ba..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ru/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Размер",
- fontName: "Шрифт",
- formatBlock: "Формат",
- serif: "с засечками",
- "sans-serif": "без засечек",
- monospace: "непропорциональный",
- cursive: "курсив",
- fantasy: "артистический",
- noFormat: "Нет",
- p: "Абзац",
- h1: "Заголовок",
- h2: "Подзаголовок",
- h3: "Вложенный подзаголовок",
- pre: "Заранее отформатированный",
- 1: "самый маленький",
- 2: "очень маленький",
- 3: "маленький",
- 4: "средний",
- 5: "большой",
- 6: "очень большой",
- 7: "самый большой"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 19b5f75f8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ru/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Свойства ссылки",
- insertImageTitle: "Свойства изображения",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Описание:",
- target: "Целевой объект:",
- set: "Задать",
- currentWindow: "Текущее окно",
- parentWindow: "Родительское окно",
- topWindow: "Верхнее окно",
- newWindow: "Новое окно"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bfe3568e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ru/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Полужирный',
- 'copy': 'Копировать',
- 'cut': 'Вырезать',
- 'delete': 'Удалить',
- 'indent': 'Отступ',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Горизонтальная линейка',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Нумерованный список',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Список с маркерами',
- 'italic': 'Курсив',
- 'justifyCenter': 'По центру',
- 'justifyFull': 'По ширине',
- 'justifyLeft': 'По левому краю',
- 'justifyRight': 'По правому краю',
- 'outdent': 'Втяжка',
- 'paste': 'Вставить',
- 'redo': 'Повторить',
- 'removeFormat': 'Удалить формат',
- 'selectAll': 'Выбрать все',
- 'strikethrough': 'Перечеркивание',
- 'subscript': 'Нижний индекс',
- 'superscript': 'Верхний индекс',
- 'underline': 'Подчеркивание',
- 'undo': 'Отменить',
- 'unlink': 'Удалить ссылку',
- 'createLink': 'Создать ссылку',
- 'toggleDir': 'Изменить направление',
- 'insertImage': 'Вставить изображение',
- 'insertTable': 'Вставить/изменить таблицу',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Переключить рамку таблицы',
- 'deleteTable': 'Удалить таблицу',
- 'tableProp': 'Свойства таблицы',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Код HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Цвет текста',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Цвет фона',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Стиль абзаца',
- 'formatBlock': 'Стиль абзаца',
- 'fontSize': 'Размер шрифта',
- 'fontName': 'Название шрифта',
- 'tabIndent': 'Табуляция',
- "fullScreen": "Переключить полноэкранный режим",
- "viewSource": "Показать исходный код HTML",
- "print": "Печать",
- "newPage": "Создать страницу",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Действие "${0}" можно выполнить в браузере только путем нажатия клавиш ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fbc1d786c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sk/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Veľkosť",
- fontName: "Písmo",
- formatBlock: "Formát",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Žiadny",
- p: "Odsek",
- h1: "Hlavička",
- h2: "Podhlavička",
- h3: "Pod-podhlavička",
- pre: "Predformátované",
- 1: "xx-small",
- 2: "x-small",
- 3: "small",
- 4: "medium",
- 5: "large",
- 6: "x-large",
- 7: "xx-large"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b9ce3ac..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sk/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Vlastnosti prepojenia",
- insertImageTitle: "Vlastnosti obrázka",
- url: "Adresa URL:",
- text: "Opis:",
- target: "Cieľ:",
- set: "Nastaviť",
- currentWindow: "Aktuálne okno",
- parentWindow: "Rodičovské okno",
- topWindow: "Najvyššie okno",
- newWindow: "Nové okno"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bb8632e75..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sk/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Tučné',
- 'copy': 'Kopírovať',
- 'cut': 'Vystrihnúť',
- 'delete': 'Vymazať',
- 'indent': 'Odsadiť',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vodorovná čiara',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Číslovaný zoznam',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Zoznam s odrážkami',
- 'italic': 'Kurzíva',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Zarovnať na stred',
- 'justifyFull': 'Zarovnať k okrajom',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Zarovnať vľavo',
- 'justifyRight': 'Zarovnať vpravo',
- 'outdent': 'Zmenšiť odsadenie',
- 'paste': 'Prilepiť',
- 'redo': 'Znova',
- 'removeFormat': 'Odstrániť formátovanie',
- 'selectAll': 'Vybrať všetko',
- 'strikethrough': 'Prečiarknuť',
- 'subscript': 'Dolný index',
- 'superscript': 'Horný index',
- 'underline': 'Podčiarknuť',
- 'undo': 'Späť',
- 'unlink': 'Odstrániť prepojenie',
- 'createLink': 'Vytvoriť prepojenie',
- 'toggleDir': 'Prepnúť smer',
- 'insertImage': 'Vložiť obrázok',
- 'insertTable': 'Vložiť/upraviť tabuľku',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Prepnúť ohraničenie tabuľky',
- 'deleteTable': 'Odstrániť tabuľku',
- 'tableProp': 'Vlastnosť tabuľky',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Zdrojový kód HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Farba popredia',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Farba pozadia',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Štýl odseku',
- 'formatBlock': 'Štýl odseku',
- 'fontSize': 'Veľkosť písma',
- 'fontName': 'Názov písma',
- 'tabIndent': 'Odsadenie tabulátora',
- "fullScreen": "Prepnúť na celú obrazovku",
- "viewSource": "Zobraziť zdrojový kód HTML",
- "print": "Vytlačiť",
- "newPage": "Nová stránka",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Akcia "${0}" je vo vašom prehliadači dostupná iba prostredníctvom klávesovej skratky. Stlačte ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'Ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d9e927b1..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sl/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Velikost",
- fontName: "Pisava",
- formatBlock: "Oblika",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Brez",
- p: "Odstavek",
- h1: "Naslovni slog",
- h2: "Podnaslovni slog",
- h3: "Pod-podnaslovni slog",
- pre: "Vnaprej oblikovan",
- 1: "xx-majhno",
- 2: "x-majhno",
- 3: "majhno",
- 4: "srednje",
- 5: "veliko",
- 6: "x-veliko",
- 7: "xx-veliko"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c7f1c7252..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sl/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Lastnosti povezave",
- insertImageTitle: "Lastnosti slike",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Opis:",
- target: "Cilj:",
- set: "Nastavi",
- currentWindow: "Trenutno okno",
- parentWindow: "Nadrejeno okno",
- topWindow: "Okno na vrhu",
- newWindow: "Novo okno"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b03f5af33..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sl/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Krepko',
- 'copy': 'Prekopiraj',
- 'cut': 'Izreži',
- 'delete': 'Izbriši',
- 'indent': 'Zamik',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vodoravno ravnilo',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Oštevilčen seznam',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Naštevni seznam',
- 'italic': 'Ležeče',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Poravnaj na sredino',
- 'justifyFull': 'Poravnaj obojestransko',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Poravnaj levo',
- 'justifyRight': 'Poravnaj desno',
- 'outdent': 'Primakni',
- 'paste': 'Prilepi',
- 'redo': 'Znova uveljavi',
- 'removeFormat': 'Odstrani oblikovanje',
- 'selectAll': 'Izberi vse',
- 'strikethrough': 'Prečrtano',
- 'subscript': 'Podpisano',
- 'superscript': 'Nadpisano',
- 'underline': 'Podčrtano',
- 'undo': 'Razveljavi',
- 'unlink': 'Odstrani povezavo',
- 'createLink': 'Ustvari povezavo',
- 'toggleDir': 'Preklopi smer',
- 'insertImage': 'Vstavi sliko',
- 'insertTable': 'Vstavi/uredi tabelo',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Preklopi na obrobo tabele',
- 'deleteTable': 'Izbriši tabelo',
- 'tableProp': 'Lastnost tabele',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Izvor HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Barva ospredja',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Barva ozadja',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Slog odstavka',
- 'formatBlock': 'Slog odstavka',
- 'fontSize': 'Velikost pisave',
- 'fontName': 'Ime pisave',
- 'tabIndent': 'Zamik tabulatorja',
- "fullScreen": "Preklopi na celozaslonski način",
- "viewSource": "Prikaži izvorno kodo HTML",
- "print": "Natisni",
- "newPage": "Nova stran",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Dejanje "${0}" lahko v vašem brskalniku uporabite samo z bližnjico na tipkovnici. Uporabite ${1}.'
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ba2ec83f2..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sv/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Storlek ",
- fontName: "Teckensnitt",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Inget",
- p: "Stycke",
- h1: "Rubrik 1",
- h2: "Rubrik 2",
- h3: "Rubrik 3",
- pre: "Förformaterad",
- 1: "XXS",
- 2: "XS",
- 3: "S",
- 4: "M",
- 5: "L",
- 6: "XL",
- 7: "XXL"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dca1fc0f6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sv/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Länkegenskaper",
- insertImageTitle: "Bildegenskaper",
- url: "URL-adress:",
- text: "Beskrivning:",
- target: "Mål:",
- set: "Använd",
- currentWindow: "Aktuellt fönster",
- parentWindow: "Överordnat fönster",
- topWindow: "Översta fönstret",
- newWindow: "Nytt fönster"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5950b0196..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sv/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Halvfet',
- 'copy': 'Kopiera ',
- 'cut': 'Klipp ut ',
- 'delete': 'Ta bort ',
- 'indent': 'Indrag',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Horisontell linje',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Numrerad lista',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Punktlista',
- 'italic': 'Kursiv',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Justera centrerat',
- 'justifyFull': 'Justera',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Justera till vänster',
- 'justifyRight': 'Justera till höger',
- 'outdent': 'Utdrag',
- 'paste': 'Klistra in',
- 'redo': 'Gör om',
- 'removeFormat': 'Ta bort format',
- 'selectAll': 'Markera allt',
- 'strikethrough': 'Genomstrykning',
- 'subscript': 'Nedsänkt',
- 'superscript': 'Upphöjt',
- 'underline': 'Understrykning',
- 'undo': 'Ångra',
- 'unlink': 'Ta bort länk',
- 'createLink': 'Skapa länk',
- 'toggleDir': 'Växla riktning',
- 'insertImage': 'Infoga bild',
- 'insertTable': 'Infoga/redigera tabell',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Växla tabellkantlinjer',
- 'deleteTable': 'Ta bort tabell',
- 'tableProp': 'Tabellegenskap',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML-källa',
- 'foreColor': 'Förgrundsfärg',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Bakgrundsfärg',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Styckeformat',
- 'formatBlock': 'Styckeformat',
- 'fontSize': 'Teckenstorlek',
- 'fontName': 'Teckensnitt',
- 'tabIndent': 'Indrag tabb',
- "fullScreen": "Växla fullskärm",
- "viewSource": "Visa HTML-kod",
- "print": "Skriv ut",
- "newPage": "Ny sida",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Åtgärden ${0} är endast tillgänglig i webbläsaren via ett tangentbordskommando. Använd ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'Ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 715e2e617..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/th/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "ขนาด",
- fontName: "ฟอนต์",
- formatBlock: "รูปแบบ",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "ไม่มี",
- p: "ย่อหน้า",
- h1: "ส่วนหัว",
- h2: "ส่วนหัวย่อย",
- h3: "ส่วนย่อยของส่วนหัวย่อย",
- pre: "การกำหนดรูปแบบล่วงหน้า",
- 1: "xx-small",
- 2: "x-small",
- 3: "small",
- 4: "medium",
- 5: "large",
- 6: "x-large",
- 7: "xx-large"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8df6810f4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/th/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "คุณสมบัติลิงก์",
- insertImageTitle: "คุณสมบัติรูปภาพ",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "คำอธิบาย:",
- target: "เป้าหมาย:",
- set: "เซ็ต",
- currentWindow: "หน้าต่างปัจจุบัน",
- parentWindow: "หน้าต่างหลัก",
- topWindow: "หน้าต่างบนสุด",
- newWindow: "หน้าต่างใหม่"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dced848cd..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/th/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'ตัวหนา',
- 'copy': 'คัดลอก',
- 'cut': 'ตัด',
- 'delete': 'ลบ',
- 'indent': 'เพิ่มการเยื้อง',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'ไม้บรรทัดแนวนอน',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'ลำดับเลข',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'หัวข้อย่อย',
- 'italic': 'ตัวเอียง',
- 'justifyCenter': 'จัดแนวกึ่งกลาง',
- 'justifyFull': 'ชิดขอบ',
- 'justifyLeft': 'จัดชิดซ้าย',
- 'justifyRight': 'จัดชิดขวา',
- 'outdent': 'ลดการเยื้อง',
- 'paste': 'วาง',
- 'redo': 'ทำซ้ำ',
- 'removeFormat': 'ลบรูปแบบออก',
- 'selectAll': 'เลือกทั้งหมด',
- 'strikethrough': 'ขีดทับ',
- 'subscript': 'ตัวห้อย',
- 'superscript': 'ตัวยก',
- 'underline': 'ขีดเส้นใต้',
- 'undo': 'เลิกทำ',
- 'unlink': 'ลบลิงก์ออก',
- 'createLink': 'สร้างลิงก์',
- 'toggleDir': 'สลับทิศทาง',
- 'insertImage': 'แทรกรูปภาพ',
- 'insertTable': 'แทรก/แก้ไขตาราง',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'สลับเส้นขอบตาราง',
- 'deleteTable': 'ลบตาราง',
- 'tableProp': 'คุณสมบัติตาราง',
- 'htmlToggle': 'ซอร์ส HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'สีพื้นหน้า',
- 'hiliteColor': 'สีพื้นหลัง',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'ลักษณะย่อหน้า',
- 'formatBlock': 'ลักษณะย่อหน้า',
- 'fontSize': 'ขนาดฟอนต์',
- 'fontName': 'ชื่อฟอนต์',
- 'tabIndent': 'เยื้องแท็บ',
- "fullScreen": "สลับจอภาพแบบเต็ม",
- "viewSource": "ดูซอร์ส HTML",
- "print": "พิมพ์",
- "newPage": "หน้าใหม่",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'การดำเนินการ"${0}" ใช้งานได้เฉพาะกับเบราว์เซอร์ของคุณโดยใช้แป้นพิมพ์ลัด ใช้ ${1}',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 456d3c236..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/tr/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Boyut",
- fontName: "Yazı Tipi",
- formatBlock: "Biçim",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "tek aralıklı",
- cursive: "el yazısı",
- fantasy: "fantazi",
- noFormat: "Yok",
- p: "Paragraf",
- h1: "Başlık",
- h2: "Alt Başlık",
- h3: "Alt Alt Başlık",
- pre: "Önceden Biçimlendirilmiş",
- 1: "xx-küçük",
- 2: "x-küçük",
- 3: "küçük",
- 4: "orta",
- 5: "büyük",
- 6: "x-büyük",
- 7: "xx-büyük"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bef0e704f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/tr/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Bağlantı Özellikleri",
- insertImageTitle: "Resim Özellikleri",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Açıklama:",
- target: "Hedef:",
- set: "Ayarla",
- currentWindow: "Geçerli Pencere",
- parentWindow: "Üst Pencere",
- topWindow: "En Üst Pencere",
- newWindow: "Yeni Pencere"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a93e67ccd..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/tr/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Kalın',
- 'copy': 'Kopyala',
- 'cut': 'Kes',
- 'delete': 'Sil',
- 'indent': 'Girinti',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Yatay Kural',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Numaralı Liste',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Madde İşaretli Liste',
- 'italic': 'İtalik',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Ortaya Hizala',
- 'justifyFull': 'Yasla',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Sola Hizala',
- 'justifyRight': 'Sağa Hizala',
- 'outdent': 'Çıkıntı',
- 'paste': 'Yapıştır',
- 'redo': 'Yinele',
- 'removeFormat': 'Biçimi Kaldır',
- 'selectAll': 'Tümünü Seç',
- 'strikethrough': 'Üstü Çizili',
- 'subscript': 'Alt Simge',
- 'superscript': 'Üst Simge',
- 'underline': 'Altı Çizili',
- 'undo': 'Geri Al',
- 'unlink': 'Bağlantıyı Kaldır',
- 'createLink': 'Bağlantı Oluştur',
- 'toggleDir': 'Yönü Değiştir',
- 'insertImage': 'Resim Ekle',
- 'insertTable': 'Tablo Ekle/Düzenle',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Tablo Kenarlığını Göster/Gizle',
- 'deleteTable': 'Tabloyu Sil',
- 'tableProp': 'Tablo Özelliği',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML Kaynağı',
- 'foreColor': 'Ön Plan Rengi',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Arka Plan Rengi',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Paragraf Stili',
- 'formatBlock': 'Paragraf Stili',
- 'fontSize': 'Yazı Tipi Boyutu',
- 'fontName': 'Yazı Tipi Adı',
- 'tabIndent': 'Sekme Girintisi',
- "fullScreen": "Tam Ekranı Aç/Kapat",
- "viewSource": "HTML Kaynağını Görüntüle",
- "print": "Yazdır",
- "newPage": "Yeni Sayfa",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '"${0}" işlemi yalnızca tarayıcınızda bir klavye kısayoluyla birlikte kullanılabilir. Şunu kullanın: ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fce29893..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "大小",
- fontName: "字型",
- formatBlock: "格式",
- serif: "新細明體",
- "sans-serif": "新細明體",
- monospace: "等寬",
- cursive: "Cursive",
- fantasy: "Fantasy",
- noFormat: "無",
- p: "段落",
- h1: "標題",
- h2: "子標題",
- h3: "次子標題",
- pre: "預先格式化",
- 1: "最小",
- 2: "較小",
- 3: "小",
- 4: "中",
- 5: "大",
- 6: "較大",
- 7: "最大"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a51049592..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "鏈結內容",
- insertImageTitle: "影像內容",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "說明:",
- target: "目標:",
- set: "設定",
- currentWindow: "現行視窗",
- parentWindow: "上層視窗",
- topWindow: "最上面的視窗",
- newWindow: "新視窗"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a694fd174..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/commands", ({
- 'bold': '粗體',
- 'copy': '複製',
- 'cut': '剪下',
- 'delete': '刪除',
- 'indent': '縮排',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': '水平尺規',
- 'insertOrderedList': '編號清單',
- 'insertUnorderedList': '項目符號清單',
- 'italic': '斜體',
- 'justifyCenter': '置中對齊',
- 'justifyFull': '對齊',
- 'justifyLeft': '靠左對齊',
- 'justifyRight': '靠右對齊',
- 'outdent': '凸排',
- 'paste': '貼上',
- 'redo': '重做',
- 'removeFormat': '移除格式',
- 'selectAll': '全選',
- 'strikethrough': '刪除線',
- 'subscript': '下標',
- 'superscript': '上標',
- 'underline': '底線',
- 'undo': '復原',
- 'unlink': '移除鏈結',
- 'createLink': '建立鏈結',
- 'toggleDir': '切換方向',
- 'insertImage': '插入影像',
- 'insertTable': '插入/編輯表格',
- 'toggleTableBorder': '切換表格邊框',
- 'deleteTable': '刪除表格',
- 'tableProp': '表格內容',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML 原始檔',
- 'foreColor': '前景顏色',
- 'hiliteColor': '背景顏色',
- 'plainFormatBlock': '段落樣式',
- 'formatBlock': '段落樣式',
- 'fontSize': '字型大小',
- 'fontName': '字型名稱',
- 'tabIndent': '標籤縮排',
- "fullScreen": "切換全螢幕",
- "viewSource": "檢視 HTML 原始檔",
- "print": "列印",
- "newPage": "新頁面",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '"${0}" 動作在您的瀏覽器中,只能使用鍵盤快速鍵。請使用 ${1}。',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dd8bd834b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/zh/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "大小",
- fontName: "字体",
- formatBlock: "格式",
- serif: "有衬线",
- "sans-serif": "无衬线",
- monospace: "等宽字体",
- cursive: "草书",
- fantasy: "虚线",
- noFormat: "无",
- p: "段落",
- h1: "标题",
- h2: "副标题",
- h3: "二级子标题",
- pre: "预设有格式的",
- 1: "XX 小号",
- 2: "X 小号",
- 3: "小号",
- 4: "中号",
- 5: "大号",
- 6: "X 大号",
- 7: "XX 大号"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a954c9be8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/zh/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "链接属性",
- insertImageTitle: "图像属性",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "说明:",
- target: "目标:",
- set: "集",
- currentWindow: "当前窗口",
- parentWindow: "父窗口",
- topWindow: "最顶层窗口",
- newWindow: "新建窗口"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d1a567a53..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/zh/commands", ({
- 'bold': '粗体',
- 'copy': '复制',
- 'cut': '剪切',
- 'delete': '删除',
- 'indent': '缩进',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': '水平线',
- 'insertOrderedList': '编号列表',
- 'insertUnorderedList': '符号列表',
- 'italic': '斜体',
- 'justifyCenter': '居中',
- 'justifyFull': '调整',
- 'justifyLeft': '左对齐',
- 'justifyRight': '右对齐',
- 'outdent': '凸出',
- 'paste': '粘贴',
- 'redo': '重做',
- 'removeFormat': '除去格式',
- 'selectAll': '全选',
- 'strikethrough': '删除线',
- 'subscript': '下标',
- 'superscript': '上标',
- 'underline': '下划线',
- 'undo': '撤销',
- 'unlink': '除去链接',
- 'createLink': '创建链接',
- 'toggleDir': '切换方向',
- 'insertImage': '插入图像',
- 'insertTable': '插入/编辑表',
- 'toggleTableBorder': '切换表格边框',
- 'deleteTable': '删除表格',
- 'tableProp': '表格属性',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML 源',
- 'foreColor': '前景颜色',
- 'hiliteColor': '背景颜色',
- 'plainFormatBlock': '段落样式',
- 'formatBlock': '段落样式',
- 'fontSize': '字体大小',
- 'fontName': '字体名称',
- 'tabIndent': '跳格缩进',
- "fullScreen": "切换全屏幕",
- "viewSource": "查看 HTML 源",
- "print": "打印",
- "newPage": "新建页面",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '只能在浏览器中通过键盘快捷方式执行“${0}”操作。使用 ${1}。',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/AlwaysShowToolbar.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/AlwaysShowToolbar.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f2b7a4e2..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/AlwaysShowToolbar.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/AlwaysShowToolbar", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove
- "dojo/dom-construct", //
- "dojo/dom-geometry",
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/sniff", // has("ie") has("opera")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "../_Plugin"
-], function(declare, domClass, domConstruct, domGeometry, lang, has, win, _Plugin){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/AlwaysShowToolbar
-return declare("dijit._editor.plugins.AlwaysShowToolbar", _Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin is required for Editors in auto-expand mode.
- // It handles the auto-expansion as the user adds/deletes text,
- // and keeps the editor's toolbar visible even when the top of the editor
- // has scrolled off the top of the viewport (usually when editing a long
- // document).
- // description:
- // Specify this in extraPlugins (or plugins) parameter and also set
- // height to "".
- // example:
- // | <script type="dojo/require">
- // | AlwaysShowToolbar: "dijit/_editor/plugins/AlwaysShowToolbar"
- // | </script>
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit/Editor" height=""
- // | data-dojo-props="extraPlugins: [AlwaysShowToolbar]">
- // _handleScroll: Boolean
- // Enables/disables the handler for scroll events
- _handleScroll: true,
- setEditor: function(e){
- // Overrides _Plugin.setEditor().
- if(!e.iframe){
- console.log('Port AlwaysShowToolbar plugin to work with Editor without iframe');
- return;
- }
- this.editor = e;
- e.onLoadDeferred.then(lang.hitch(this, this.enable));
- },
- enable: function(d){
- // summary:
- // Enable plugin. Called when Editor has finished initializing.
- // tags:
- // private
- this._updateHeight();
- this.connect(window, 'onscroll', "globalOnScrollHandler");
- this.connect(this.editor, 'onNormalizedDisplayChanged', "_updateHeight");
- return d;
- },
- _updateHeight: function(){
- // summary:
- // Updates the height of the editor area to fit the contents.
- var e = this.editor;
- if(!e.isLoaded){ return; }
- if(e.height){ return; }
- var height = domGeometry.getMarginSize(e.editNode).h;
- if(has("opera")){
- height = e.editNode.scrollHeight;
- }
- // console.debug('height',height);
- // alert(this.editNode);
- //height maybe zero in some cases even though the content is not empty,
- //we try the height of body instead
- if(!height){
- height = domGeometry.getMarginSize(e.document.body).h;
- }
- if(height == 0){
- console.debug("Can not figure out the height of the editing area!");
- return; //prevent setting height to 0
- }
- if(has("ie") <= 7 && this.editor.minHeight){
- var min = parseInt(this.editor.minHeight);
- if(height < min){ height = min; }
- }
- if(height != this._lastHeight){
- this._lastHeight = height;
- // = this._lastHeight + "px";
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(e.iframe, { h: this._lastHeight });
- }
- },
- // _lastHeight: Integer
- // Height in px of the editor at the last time we did sizing
- _lastHeight: 0,
- globalOnScrollHandler: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for scroll events that bubbled up to `<html>`
- // tags:
- // private
- var isIE6 = has("ie") < 7;
- if(!this._handleScroll){ return; }
- var tdn = this.editor.header;
- if(!this._scrollSetUp){
- this._scrollSetUp = true;
- this._scrollThreshold = domGeometry.position(tdn, true).y;
-// var db = win.body;
-// console.log("threshold:", this._scrollThreshold);
- //what's this for?? comment out for now
-// if((isIE6)&&(db)&&(domStyle.set or get TODO(db, "backgroundIimage")=="none")){
-// = "url(" + dojo.uri.moduleUri("dijit", "templates/blank.gif") + ")";
-// = "fixed";
-// }
- }
- var scrollPos = domGeometry.docScroll(this.editor.ownerDocument).y;
- var s =;
- if(scrollPos > this._scrollThreshold && scrollPos < this._scrollThreshold+this._lastHeight){
- // dojo.debug(scrollPos);
- if(!this._fixEnabled){
- var tdnbox = domGeometry.getMarginSize(tdn);
- = tdnbox.h+"px";
- if(isIE6){
- s.left = domGeometry.position(tdn).x;
- if(tdn.previousSibling){
- this._IEOriginalPos = ['after',tdn.previousSibling];
- }else if(tdn.nextSibling){
- this._IEOriginalPos = ['before',tdn.nextSibling];
- }else{
- this._IEOriginalPos = ['last',tdn.parentNode];
- }
- this.editor.ownerDocumentBody.appendChild(tdn);
- domClass.add(tdn,'dijitIEFixedToolbar');
- }else{
- s.position = "fixed";
- = "0px";
- }
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(tdn, { w: tdnbox.w });
- s.zIndex = 2000;
- this._fixEnabled = true;
- }
- // if we're showing the floating toolbar, make sure that if
- // we've scrolled past the bottom of the editor that we hide
- // the toolbar for this instance of the editor.
- // TODO: when we get multiple editor toolbar support working
- // correctly, ensure that we check this against the scroll
- // position of the bottom-most editor instance.
- var eHeight = (this.height) ? parseInt(this.editor.height) : this.editor._lastHeight;
- s.display = (scrollPos > this._scrollThreshold+eHeight) ? "none" : "";
- }else if(this._fixEnabled){
- = '';
- s.position = "";
- = "";
- s.zIndex = "";
- s.display = "";
- if(isIE6){
- s.left = "";
- domClass.remove(tdn,'dijitIEFixedToolbar');
- if(this._IEOriginalPos){
-, this._IEOriginalPos[1], this._IEOriginalPos[0]);
- this._IEOriginalPos = null;
- }else{
-, this.editor.iframe, 'before');
- }
- }
- s.width = "";
- this._fixEnabled = false;
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- // Overrides _Plugin.destroy(). TODO: call this.inherited() rather than repeating code.
- this._IEOriginalPos = null;
- this._handleScroll = false;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(has("ie") < 7){
- domClass.remove(this.editor.header, 'dijitIEFixedToolbar');
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e5c7b7466..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.destroy
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys", // keys.ENTER
- "dojo/_base/lang",
- "dojo/sniff", // has("ie") has("mozilla") has("webkit")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.withGlobal
- "dojo/window", // winUtils.scrollIntoView
- "../_Plugin",
- "../RichText",
- "../range",
- "../../_base/focus"
-], function(declare, domConstruct, event, keys, lang, has, win, winUtils, _Plugin, RichText, rangeapi, baseFocus){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling
-return declare("dijit._editor.plugins.EnterKeyHandling", _Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin tries to make all browsers behave consistently with regard to
- // how ENTER behaves in the editor window. It traps the ENTER key and alters
- // the way DOM is constructed in certain cases to try to commonize the generated
- // DOM and behaviors across browsers.
- //
- // description:
- // This plugin has three modes:
- //
- // - blockNodeForEnter=BR
- // - blockNodeForEnter=DIV
- // - blockNodeForEnter=P
- //
- // In blockNodeForEnter=P, the ENTER key starts a new
- // paragraph, and shift-ENTER starts a new line in the current paragraph.
- // For example, the input:
- //
- // | first paragraph <shift-ENTER>
- // | second line of first paragraph <ENTER>
- // | second paragraph
- //
- // will generate:
- //
- // | <p>
- // | first paragraph
- // | <br/>
- // | second line of first paragraph
- // | </p>
- // | <p>
- // | second paragraph
- // | </p>
- //
- // In BR and DIV mode, the ENTER key conceptually goes to a new line in the
- // current paragraph, and users conceptually create a new paragraph by pressing ENTER twice.
- // For example, if the user enters text into an editor like this:
- //
- // | one <ENTER>
- // | two <ENTER>
- // | three <ENTER>
- // | <ENTER>
- // | four <ENTER>
- // | five <ENTER>
- // | six <ENTER>
- //
- // It will appear on the screen as two 'paragraphs' of three lines each. Markupwise, this generates:
- //
- // BR:
- // | one<br/>
- // | two<br/>
- // | three<br/>
- // | <br/>
- // | four<br/>
- // | five<br/>
- // | six<br/>
- //
- // DIV:
- // | <div>one</div>
- // | <div>two</div>
- // | <div>three</div>
- // | <div>&nbsp;</div>
- // | <div>four</div>
- // | <div>five</div>
- // | <div>six</div>
- // blockNodeForEnter: String
- // This property decides the behavior of Enter key. It can be either P,
- // DIV, BR, or empty (which means disable this feature). Anything else
- // will trigger errors. The default is 'BR'
- //
- // See class description for more details.
- blockNodeForEnter: 'BR',
- constructor: function(args){
- if(args){
- if("blockNodeForEnter" in args){
- args.blockNodeForEnter = args.blockNodeForEnter.toUpperCase();
- }
- lang.mixin(this,args);
- }
- },
- setEditor: function(editor){
- // Overrides _Plugin.setEditor().
- if(this.editor === editor){ return; }
- this.editor = editor;
- if(this.blockNodeForEnter == 'BR'){
- // While Moz has a mode tht mostly works, it's still a little different,
- // So, try to just have a common mode and be consistent. Which means
- // we need to enable customUndo, if not already enabled.
- this.editor.customUndo = true;
- editor.onLoadDeferred.then(lang.hitch(this,function(d){
- this.connect(editor.document, "onkeypress", function(e){
- if(e.charOrCode == keys.ENTER){
- // Just do it manually. The handleEnterKey has a shift mode that
- // Always acts like <br>, so just use it.
- var ne = lang.mixin({},e);
- ne.shiftKey = true;
- if(!this.handleEnterKey(ne)){
- event.stop(e);
- }
- }
- });
- if(has("ie") >= 9){
- this.connect(editor.document, "onpaste", function(e){
- setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){
- // Use the old range/selection code to kick IE 9 into updating
- // its range by moving it back, then forward, one 'character'.
- var r = this.editor.document.selection.createRange();
- r.move('character',-1);
- r.move('character',1);
- }),0);
- });
- }
- return d;
- }));
- }else if(this.blockNodeForEnter){
- // add enter key handler
- // FIXME: need to port to the new event code!!
- var h = lang.hitch(this,this.handleEnterKey);
- editor.addKeyHandler(13, 0, 0, h); //enter
- editor.addKeyHandler(13, 0, 1, h); //shift+enter
- this.connect(this.editor,'onKeyPressed','onKeyPressed');
- }
- },
- onKeyPressed: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for keypress events.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this._checkListLater){
- if(win.withGlobal(this.editor.window, 'isCollapsed', baseFocus)){
- var liparent = this.editor._sCall('getAncestorElement', ['LI']);
- if(!liparent){
- // circulate the undo detection code by calling RichText::execCommand directly
-, 'formatblock',this.blockNodeForEnter);
- // set the innerHTML of the new block node
- var block = this.editor._sCall('getAncestorElement', [this.blockNodeForEnter]);
- if(block){
- block.innerHTML=this.bogusHtmlContent;
- if(has("ie") <= 9){
- // move to the start by moving backwards one char
- var r = this.editor.document.selection.createRange();
- r.move('character',-1);
- }
- }else{
- console.error('onKeyPressed: Cannot find the new block node'); // FIXME
- }
- }else{
- if(has("mozilla")){
- if(liparent.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName == 'LI'){
- liparent=liparent.parentNode.parentNode;
- }
- }
- var fc=liparent.firstChild;
- if(fc && fc.nodeType == 1 && (fc.nodeName == 'UL' || fc.nodeName == 'OL')){
- liparent.insertBefore(fc.ownerDocument.createTextNode('\xA0'),fc);
- var newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(liparent.firstChild,0);
- var selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window, true);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- }
- }
- }
- this._checkListLater = false;
- }
- if(this._pressedEnterInBlock){
- // the new created is the original current P, so we have previousSibling below
- if(this._pressedEnterInBlock.previousSibling){
- this.removeTrailingBr(this._pressedEnterInBlock.previousSibling);
- }
- delete this._pressedEnterInBlock;
- }
- },
- // bogusHtmlContent: [private] String
- // HTML to stick into a new empty block
- bogusHtmlContent: '&#160;', // &nbsp;
- // blockNodes: [private] Regex
- // Regex for testing if a given tag is a block level (display:block) tag
- blockNodes: /^(?:P|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|LI)$/,
- handleEnterKey: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for enter key events when blockNodeForEnter is DIV or P.
- // description:
- // Manually handle enter key event to make the behavior consistent across
- // all supported browsers. See class description for details.
- // tags:
- // private
- var selection, range, newrange, startNode, endNode, brNode, doc=this.editor.document,br,rs,txt;
- if(e.shiftKey){ // shift+enter always generates <br>
- var parent = this.editor._sCall('getParentElement', []);
- var header = rangeapi.getAncestor(parent,this.blockNodes);
- if(header){
- if(header.tagName == 'LI'){
- return true; // let browser handle
- }
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- if(!range.collapsed){
- range.deleteContents();
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- if(rangeapi.atBeginningOfContainer(header, range.startContainer, range.startOffset)){
- br=doc.createElement('br');
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- header.insertBefore(br,header.firstChild);
- newrange.setStartAfter(br);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- }else if(rangeapi.atEndOfContainer(header, range.startContainer, range.startOffset)){
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- br=doc.createElement('br');
- header.appendChild(br);
- header.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('\xA0'));
- newrange.setStart(header.lastChild,0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- }else{
- rs = range.startContainer;
- if(rs && rs.nodeType == 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, range.startOffset));
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(range.startOffset));
- brNode = doc.createElement("br");
- if(endNode.nodeValue == "" && has("webkit")){
- endNode = doc.createTextNode('\xA0')
- }
-, rs, "after");
-, startNode, "after");
-, brNode, "after");
- domConstruct.destroy(rs);
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(endNode,0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- return false;
- }
- return true; // let browser handle
- }
- }else{
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- if(selection.rangeCount){
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- if(range && range.startContainer){
- if(!range.collapsed){
- range.deleteContents();
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- rs = range.startContainer;
- if(rs && rs.nodeType == 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- var endEmpty = false;
- var offset = range.startOffset;
- if(rs.length < offset){
- //We are not splitting the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, offset);
- rs = ret.node;
- offset = ret.offset;
- }
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, offset));
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(offset));
- brNode = doc.createElement("br");
- if(!endNode.length){
- endNode = doc.createTextNode('\xA0');
- endEmpty = true;
- }
- if(startNode.length){
-, rs, "after");
- }else{
- startNode = rs;
- }
-, startNode, "after");
-, brNode, "after");
- domConstruct.destroy(rs);
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(endNode,0);
- newrange.setEnd(endNode, endNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(endEmpty && !has("webkit")){
- this.editor._sCall("remove", []);
- }else{
- this.editor._sCall("collapse", [true]);
- }
- }else{
- var targetNode;
- if(range.startOffset >= 0){
- targetNode = rs.childNodes[range.startOffset];
- }
- var brNode = doc.createElement("br");
- var endNode = doc.createTextNode('\xA0');
- if(!targetNode){
- rs.appendChild(brNode);
- rs.appendChild(endNode);
- }else{
-, targetNode, "before");
-, brNode, "after");
- }
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(endNode,0);
- newrange.setEnd(endNode, endNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- this.editor._sCall("collapse", [true]);
- }
- }
- }else{
- // don't change this: do not call this.execCommand, as that may have other logic in subclass
-, 'inserthtml', '<br>');
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- var _letBrowserHandle = true;
- // first remove selection
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- if(!range.collapsed){
- range.deleteContents();
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- var block = rangeapi.getBlockAncestor(range.endContainer, null, this.editor.editNode);
- var blockNode = block.blockNode;
- // if this is under a LI or the parent of the blockNode is LI, just let browser to handle it
- if((this._checkListLater = (blockNode && (blockNode.nodeName == 'LI' || blockNode.parentNode.nodeName == 'LI')))){
- if(has("mozilla")){
- // press enter in middle of P may leave a trailing <br/>, let's remove it later
- this._pressedEnterInBlock = blockNode;
- }
- // if this li only contains spaces, set the content to empty so the browser will outdent this item
- if(/^(\s|&nbsp;|&#160;|\xA0|<span\b[^>]*\bclass=['"]Apple-style-span['"][^>]*>(\s|&nbsp;|&#160;|\xA0)<\/span>)?(<br>)?$/.test(blockNode.innerHTML)){
- // empty LI node
- blockNode.innerHTML = '';
- if(has("webkit")){ // WebKit tosses the range when innerHTML is reset
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(blockNode, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- }
- this._checkListLater = false; // nothing to check since the browser handles outdent
- }
- return true;
- }
- // text node directly under body, let's wrap them in a node
- if(!block.blockNode || block.blockNode===this.editor.editNode){
- try{
-, 'formatblock',this.blockNodeForEnter);
- }catch(e2){ /*squelch FF3 exception bug when editor content is a single BR*/ }
- // get the newly created block node
- // FIXME
- block = {blockNode: this.editor._sCall('getAncestorElement', [this.blockNodeForEnter]),
- blockContainer: this.editor.editNode};
- if(block.blockNode){
- if(block.blockNode != this.editor.editNode &&
- (!(block.blockNode.textContent || block.blockNode.innerHTML).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").length)){
- this.removeTrailingBr(block.blockNode);
- return false;
- }
- }else{ // we shouldn't be here if formatblock worked
- block.blockNode = this.editor.editNode;
- }
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- var newblock = doc.createElement(this.blockNodeForEnter);
- newblock.innerHTML=this.bogusHtmlContent;
- this.removeTrailingBr(block.blockNode);
- var endOffset = range.endOffset;
- var node = range.endContainer;
- if(node.length < endOffset){
- //We are not checking the right node, try to locate the correct one
- var ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(node, endOffset);
- node = ret.node;
- endOffset = ret.offset;
- }
- if(rangeapi.atEndOfContainer(block.blockNode, node, endOffset)){
- if(block.blockNode === block.blockContainer){
- block.blockNode.appendChild(newblock);
- }else{
-, block.blockNode, "after");
- }
- _letBrowserHandle = false;
- // lets move caret to the newly created block
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(newblock, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(this.editor.height){
- winUtils.scrollIntoView(newblock);
- }
- }else if(rangeapi.atBeginningOfContainer(block.blockNode,
- range.startContainer, range.startOffset)){
-, block.blockNode, block.blockNode === block.blockContainer ? "first" : "before");
- if(newblock.nextSibling && this.editor.height){
- // position input caret - mostly WebKit needs this
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(newblock.nextSibling, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- // browser does not scroll the caret position into view, do it manually
- winUtils.scrollIntoView(newblock.nextSibling);
- }
- _letBrowserHandle = false;
- }else{ //press enter in the middle of P/DIV/Whatever/
- if(block.blockNode === block.blockContainer){
- block.blockNode.appendChild(newblock);
- }else{
-, block.blockNode, "after");
- }
- _letBrowserHandle = false;
- // Clone any block level styles.
- if({
- if({
- if({
- =;
- }
- }
- }
- // Okay, we probably have to split.
- rs = range.startContainer;
- var firstNodeMoved;
- if(rs && rs.nodeType == 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- var nodeToMove, tNode;
- endOffset = range.endOffset;
- if(rs.length < endOffset){
- //We are not splitting the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, endOffset);
- rs = ret.node;
- endOffset = ret.offset;
- }
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, endOffset));
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(endOffset, txt.length));
- // Place the split, then remove original nodes.
-, rs, "before");
-, rs, "after");
- domConstruct.destroy(rs);
- // Okay, we split the text. Now we need to see if we're
- // parented to the block element we're splitting and if
- // not, we have to split all the way up. Ugh.
- var parentC = startNode.parentNode;
- while(parentC !== block.blockNode){
- var tg = parentC.tagName;
- var newTg = doc.createElement(tg);
- // Clone over any 'style' data.
- if({
- if({
- if({
- =;
- }
- }
- }
- // If font also need to clone over any font data.
- if(parentC.tagName === "FONT"){
- if(parentC.color){
- newTg.color = parentC.color;
- }
- if(parentC.face){
- newTg.face = parentC.face;
- }
- if(parentC.size){ // this check was necessary on IE
- newTg.size = parentC.size;
- }
- }
- nodeToMove = endNode;
- while(nodeToMove){
- tNode = nodeToMove.nextSibling;
- newTg.appendChild(nodeToMove);
- nodeToMove = tNode;
- }
-, parentC, "after");
- startNode = parentC;
- endNode = newTg;
- parentC = parentC.parentNode;
- }
- // Lastly, move the split out tags to the new block.
- // as they should now be split properly.
- nodeToMove = endNode;
- if(nodeToMove.nodeType == 1 || (nodeToMove.nodeType == 3 && nodeToMove.nodeValue)){
- // Non-blank text and non-text nodes need to clear out that blank space
- // before moving the contents.
- newblock.innerHTML = "";
- }
- firstNodeMoved = nodeToMove;
- while(nodeToMove){
- tNode = nodeToMove.nextSibling;
- newblock.appendChild(nodeToMove);
- nodeToMove = tNode;
- }
- }
- //lets move caret to the newly created block
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- var nodeForCursor;
- var innerMostFirstNodeMoved = firstNodeMoved;
- if(this.blockNodeForEnter !== 'BR'){
- while(innerMostFirstNodeMoved){
- nodeForCursor = innerMostFirstNodeMoved;
- tNode = innerMostFirstNodeMoved.firstChild;
- innerMostFirstNodeMoved = tNode;
- }
- if(nodeForCursor && nodeForCursor.parentNode){
- newblock = nodeForCursor.parentNode;
- newrange.setStart(newblock, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(this.editor.height){
- winUtils.scrollIntoView(newblock);
- }
- if(has("mozilla")){
- // press enter in middle of P may leave a trailing <br/>, let's remove it later
- this._pressedEnterInBlock = block.blockNode;
- }
- }else{
- _letBrowserHandle = true;
- }
- }else{
- newrange.setStart(newblock, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(this.editor.height){
- winUtils.scrollIntoView(newblock);
- }
- if(has("mozilla")){
- // press enter in middle of P may leave a trailing <br/>, let's remove it later
- this._pressedEnterInBlock = block.blockNode;
- }
- }
- }
- return _letBrowserHandle;
- },
- _adjustNodeAndOffset: function(/*DomNode*/node, /*Int*/offset){
- // summary:
- // In the case there are multiple text nodes in a row the offset may not be within the node. If the offset is larger than the node length, it will attempt to find
- // the next text sibling until it locates the text node in which the offset refers to
- // node:
- // The node to check.
- // offset:
- // The position to find within the text node
- // tags:
- // private.
- while(node.length < offset && node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeType==3){
- //Adjust the offset and node in the case of multiple text nodes in a row
- offset = offset - node.length;
- node = node.nextSibling;
- }
- return {"node": node, "offset": offset};
- },
- removeTrailingBr: function(container){
- // summary:
- // If last child of container is a `<br>`, then remove it.
- // tags:
- // private
- var para = /P|DIV|LI/i.test(container.tagName) ?
- container : this.editor._sCall("getParentOfType", [container,['P','DIV','LI']]);
- if(!para){ return; }
- if(para.lastChild){
- if((para.childNodes.length > 1 && para.lastChild.nodeType == 3 && /^[\s\xAD]*$/.test(para.lastChild.nodeValue)) ||
- para.lastChild.tagName=='BR'){
- domConstruct.destroy(para.lastChild);
- }
- }
- if(!para.childNodes.length){
- para.innerHTML=this.bogusHtmlContent;
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 713717351..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,583 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.indexOf
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-construct", //
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.delegate lang.hitch lang.isString
- "dojo/store/Memory", // MemoryStore
- "../../registry", // registry.getUniqueId
- "../../_Widget",
- "../../_TemplatedMixin",
- "../../_WidgetsInTemplateMixin",
- "../../form/FilteringSelect",
- "../_Plugin",
- "../range",
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/FontChoice"
-], function(array, declare, domConstruct, i18n, lang, MemoryStore,
- registry, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, FilteringSelect, _Plugin, rangeapi){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice
-var _FontDropDown = declare("dijit._editor.plugins._FontDropDown",
- [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Base class for widgets that contains a label (like "Font:")
- // and a FilteringSelect drop down to pick a value.
- // Used as Toolbar entry.
- // label: [public] String
- // The label to apply to this particular FontDropDown.
- label: "",
- // plainText: [public] boolean
- // Flag to indicate that the returned label should be plain text
- // instead of an example.
- plainText: false,
- // templateString: [public] String
- // The template used to construct the labeled dropdown.
- templateString:
- "<span style='white-space: nowrap' class='dijit dijitReset dijitInline'>" +
- "<label class='dijitLeft dijitInline' for='${selectId}'>${label}</label>" +
- "<input data-dojo-type='dijit.form.FilteringSelect' required='false' " +
- "data-dojo-props='labelType:\"html\", labelAttr:\"label\", searchAttr:\"name\"' " +
- "tabIndex='-1' id='${selectId}' data-dojo-attach-point='select' value=''/>" +
- "</span>",
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride to set specific properties.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.strings = i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "FontChoice");
- // Set some substitution variables used in the template
- this.label = this.strings[this.command];
- // _WidgetBase sets the id after postMixInProperties(), but we need it now.
- // Alternative is to have a buildRendering() method and move this.selectId setting there,
- // or alternately get rid of selectId variable and just access ${id} in template?
- = registry.getUniqueId(this.declaredClass.replace(/\./g,"_"));
- this.selectId = + "_select"; // used in template
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the default postCreate action
- // This establishes the filtering selects and the like.
- // Initialize the list of items in the drop down by creating data store with items like:
- // {value: 1, name: "xx-small", label: "<font size=1>xx-small</font-size>" }
-"store", new MemoryStore({
- idProperty: "value",
- data:, function(value){
- var name = this.strings[value] || value;
- return {
- label: this.getLabel(value, name),
- name: name,
- value: value
- };
- }, this)
- }));
-"value", "", false);
- this.disabled ="disabled");
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(value, priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the default action of setting the
- // widget value, maps the input to known values
- // value: Object|String
- // The value to set in the select.
- // priorityChange:
- // Optional parameter used to tell the select whether or not to fire
- // onChange event.
- // if the value is not a permitted value, just set empty string to prevent showing the warning icon
- priorityChange = priorityChange !== false;
-'value', array.indexOf(this.values,value) < 0 ? "" : value, priorityChange);
- if(!priorityChange){
- // Clear the last state in case of updateState calls. Ref: #10466
- }
- },
- _getValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Allow retrieving the value from the composite select on
- // call to button.get("value");
- return'value');
- },
- focus: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for focus control of this widget. Delegates focus down to the
- // filtering select.
- },
- _setDisabledAttr: function(value){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the button's 'disabled' attribute so that it can be
- // disabled programmatically.
- // Save off ths disabled state so the get retrieves it correctly
- //without needing to have a function proxy it.
- this.disabled = value;
-"disabled", value);
- }
-var _FontNameDropDown = declare("dijit._editor.plugins._FontNameDropDown", _FontDropDown, {
- // summary:
- // Dropdown to select a font; goes in editor toolbar.
- // generic: [const] Boolean
- // Use generic (web standard) font names
- generic: false,
- // command: [public] String
- // The editor 'command' implemented by this plugin.
- command: "fontName",
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the default posr mixin control
- if(!this.values){
- this.values = this.generic ?
- ["serif", "sans-serif", "monospace", "cursive", "fantasy"] : // CSS font-family generics
- ["Arial", "Times New Roman", "Comic Sans MS", "Courier New"];
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- getLabel: function(value, name){
- // summary:
- // Function used to generate the labels of the format dropdown
- // will return a formatted, or plain label based on the value
- // of the plainText option.
- // value: String
- // The 'insert value' associated with a name
- // name: String
- // The text name of the value
- if(this.plainText){
- return name;
- }else{
- return "<div style='font-family: "+value+"'>" + name + "</div>";
- }
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(value, priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the default action of setting the
- // widget value, maps the input to known values
- priorityChange = priorityChange !== false;
- if(this.generic){
- var map = {
- "Arial": "sans-serif",
- "Helvetica": "sans-serif",
- "Myriad": "sans-serif",
- "Times": "serif",
- "Times New Roman": "serif",
- "Comic Sans MS": "cursive",
- "Apple Chancery": "cursive",
- "Courier": "monospace",
- "Courier New": "monospace",
- "Papyrus": "fantasy",
- "Estrangelo Edessa": "cursive", // Windows 7
- "Gabriola": "fantasy" // Windows 7
- };
- value = map[value] || value;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments, [value, priorityChange]);
- }
-var _FontSizeDropDown = declare("dijit._editor.plugins._FontSizeDropDown", _FontDropDown, {
- // summary:
- // Dropdown to select a font size; goes in editor toolbar.
- // command: [public] String
- // The editor 'command' implemented by this plugin.
- command: "fontSize",
- // values: [public] Number[]
- // The HTML font size values supported by this plugin
- values: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], // sizes according to the old HTML FONT SIZE
- getLabel: function(value, name){
- // summary:
- // Function used to generate the labels of the format dropdown
- // will return a formatted, or plain label based on the value
- // of the plainText option.
- // We're stuck using the deprecated FONT tag to correspond
- // with the size measurements used by the editor
- // value: String
- // The 'insert value' associated with a name
- // name: String
- // The text name of the value
- if(this.plainText){
- return name;
- }else{
- return "<font size=" + value + "'>" + name + "</font>";
- }
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(value, priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the default action of setting the
- // widget value, maps the input to known values
- priorityChange = priorityChange !== false;
- if(value.indexOf && value.indexOf("px") != -1){
- var pixels = parseInt(value, 10);
- value = {10:1, 13:2, 16:3, 18:4, 24:5, 32:6, 48:7}[pixels] || value;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments, [value, priorityChange]);
- }
-var _FormatBlockDropDown = declare("dijit._editor.plugins._FormatBlockDropDown", _FontDropDown, {
- // summary:
- // Dropdown to select a format (like paragraph or heading); goes in editor toolbar.
- // command: [public] String
- // The editor 'command' implemented by this plugin.
- command: "formatBlock",
- // values: [public] Array
- // The HTML format tags supported by this plugin
- values: ["noFormat", "p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "pre"],
- postCreate: function(){
- // Init and set the default value to no formatting. Update state will adjust it
- // as needed.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.set("value", "noFormat", false);
- },
- getLabel: function(value, name){
- // summary:
- // Function used to generate the labels of the format dropdown
- // will return a formatted, or plain label based on the value
- // of the plainText option.
- // value: String
- // The 'insert value' associated with a name
- // name: String
- // The text name of the value
- if(this.plainText || value == "noFormat"){
- return name;
- }else{
- return "<" + value + ">" + name + "</" + value + ">";
- }
- },
- _execCommand: function(editor, command, choice){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for default exec-command label.
- // Allows us to treat 'none' as special.
- if(choice === "noFormat"){
- var start;
- var end;
- var sel = rangeapi.getSelection(editor.window);
- if(sel && sel.rangeCount > 0){
- var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
- var node, tag;
- if(range){
- start = range.startContainer;
- end = range.endContainer;
- // find containing nodes of start/end.
- while(start && start !== editor.editNode &&
- start !== editor.document.body &&
- start.nodeType !== 1){
- start = start.parentNode;
- }
- while(end && end !== editor.editNode &&
- end !== editor.document.body &&
- end.nodeType !== 1){
- end = end.parentNode;
- }
- var processChildren = lang.hitch(this, function(node, ary){
- if(node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length){
- var i;
- for(i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++){
- var c = node.childNodes[i];
- if(c.nodeType == 1){
- if(editor._sCall("inSelection", [c])){
- var tag = c.tagName? c.tagName.toLowerCase(): "";
- if(array.indexOf(this.values, tag) !== -1){
- ary.push(c);
- }
- processChildren(c, ary);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- var unformatNodes = lang.hitch(this, function(nodes){
- // summary:
- // Internal function to clear format nodes.
- // nodes:
- // The array of nodes to strip formatting from.
- if(nodes && nodes.length){
- editor.beginEditing();
- while(nodes.length){
- this._removeFormat(editor, nodes.pop());
- }
- editor.endEditing();
- }
- });
- var clearNodes = [];
- if(start == end){
- //Contained within the same block, may be collapsed, but who cares, see if we
- // have a block element to remove.
- var block;
- node = start;
- while(node && node !== editor.editNode && node !== editor.document.body){
- if(node.nodeType == 1){
- tag = node.tagName? node.tagName.toLowerCase(): "";
- if(array.indexOf(this.values, tag) !== -1){
- block = node;
- break;
- }
- }
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- //Also look for all child nodes in the selection that may need to be
- //cleared of formatting
- processChildren(start, clearNodes);
- if(block){ clearNodes = [block].concat(clearNodes); }
- unformatNodes(clearNodes);
- }else{
- // Probably a multi select, so we have to process it. Whee.
- node = start;
- while(editor._sCall("inSelection", [node])){
- if(node.nodeType == 1){
- tag = node.tagName? node.tagName.toLowerCase(): "";
- if(array.indexOf(this.values, tag) !== -1){
- clearNodes.push(node);
- }
- processChildren(node,clearNodes);
- }
- node = node.nextSibling;
- }
- unformatNodes(clearNodes);
- }
- editor.onDisplayChanged();
- }
- }
- }else{
- editor.execCommand(command, choice);
- }
- },
- _removeFormat: function(editor, node){
- // summary:
- // function to remove the block format node.
- // node:
- // The block format node to remove (and leave the contents behind)
- if(editor.customUndo){
- // So of course IE doesn't work right with paste-overs.
- // We have to do this manually, which is okay since IE already uses
- // customUndo and we turned it on for WebKit. WebKit pasted funny,
- // so couldn't use the execCommand approach
- while(node.firstChild){
-, node, "before");
- }
- node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
- }else{
- // Everyone else works fine this way, a paste-over and is native
- // undo friendly.
- editor._sCall("selectElementChildren", [node])
- var html = editor._sCall("getSelectedHtml", [])
- editor._sCall("selectElement", [node])
- editor.execCommand("inserthtml", html||"");
- }
- }
-// TODO: for 2.0, split into FontChoice plugin into three separate classes,
-// one for each command (and change registry below)
-var FontChoice = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.FontChoice", _Plugin,{
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides three drop downs for setting style in the editor
- // (font, font size, and format block), as controlled by command.
- //
- // description:
- // The commands provided by this plugin are:
- //
- // - fontName: Provides a drop down to select from a list of font names
- // - fontSize: Provides a drop down to select from a list of font sizes
- // - formatBlock: Provides a drop down to select from a list of block styles
- // which can easily be added to an editor by including one or more of the above commands
- // in the `plugins` attribute as follows:
- //
- // | plugins="['fontName','fontSize',...]"
- //
- // It is possible to override the default dropdown list by providing an Array for the `custom` property when
- // instantiating this plugin, e.g.
- //
- // | plugins="[{name:'dijit._editor.plugins.FontChoice', command:'fontName', values:['Verdana','Myriad','Garamond']},...]"
- //
- // Alternatively, for `fontName` only, `generic:true` may be specified to provide a dropdown with
- // [CSS generic font families](
- //
- // Note that the editor is often unable to properly handle font styling information defined outside
- // the context of the current editor instance, such as pre-populated HTML.
- // useDefaultCommand: [protected] Boolean
- // Override _Plugin.useDefaultCommand...
- // processing is handled by this plugin, not by dijit/Editor.
- useDefaultCommand: false,
- _initButton: function(){
- // summary:
- // Overrides _Plugin._initButton(), to initialize the FilteringSelect+label in toolbar,
- // rather than a simple button.
- // tags:
- // protected
- // Create the widget to go into the toolbar (the so-called "button")
- var clazz = {
- fontName: _FontNameDropDown,
- fontSize: _FontSizeDropDown,
- formatBlock: _FormatBlockDropDown
- }[this.command],
- params = this.params;
- // For back-compat reasons support setting custom values via "custom" parameter
- // rather than "values" parameter. Remove in 2.0.
- if(this.params.custom){
- params.values = this.params.custom;
- }
- var editor = this.editor;
- this.button = new clazz(lang.delegate({dir: editor.dir, lang: editor.lang}, params));
- // Reflect changes to the drop down in the editor
- this.connect(, "onChange", function(choice){
- // User invoked change, since all internal updates set priorityChange to false and will
- // not trigger an onChange event.
- this.editor.focus();
- if(this.command == "fontName" && choice.indexOf(" ") != -1){ choice = "'" + choice + "'"; }
- // Invoke, the editor already normalizes commands called through its
- // execCommand.
- if(this.button._execCommand){
- this.button._execCommand(this.editor, this.command, choice);
- }else{
- this.editor.execCommand(this.command, choice);
- }
- });
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Overrides _Plugin.updateState(). This controls updating the menu
- // options to the right values on state changes in the document (that trigger a
- // test of the actions.)
- // It set value of drop down in toolbar to reflect font/font size/format block
- // of text at current caret position.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var _e = this.editor;
- var _c = this.command;
- if(!_e || !_e.isLoaded || !_c.length){ return; }
- if(this.button){
- var disabled = this.get("disabled");
- this.button.set("disabled", disabled);
- if(disabled){ return; }
- var value;
- try{
- value = _e.queryCommandValue(_c) || "";
- }catch(e){
- //Firefox may throw error above if the editor is just loaded, ignore it
- value = "";
- }
- // strip off single quotes, if any
- var quoted = lang.isString(value) && value.match(/'([^']*)'/);
- if(quoted){ value = quoted[1]; }
- if(_c === "formatBlock"){
- if(!value || value == "p"){
- // Some browsers (WebKit) doesn't actually get the tag info right.
- // and IE returns paragraph when in a DIV!, so incorrect a lot,
- // so we have double-check it.
- value = null;
- var elem;
- // Try to find the current element where the caret is.
- var sel = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- if(sel && sel.rangeCount > 0){
- var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
- if(range){
- elem = range.endContainer;
- }
- }
- // Okay, now see if we can find one of the formatting types we're in.
- while(elem && elem !== _e.editNode && elem !== _e.document){
- var tg = elem.tagName?elem.tagName.toLowerCase():"";
- if(tg && array.indexOf(this.button.values, tg) > -1){
- value = tg;
- break;
- }
- elem = elem.parentNode;
- }
- if(!value){
- // Still no value, so lets select 'none'.
- value = "noFormat";
- }
- }else{
- // Check that the block format is one allowed, if not,
- // null it so that it gets set to empty.
- if(array.indexOf(this.button.values, value) < 0){
- value = "noFormat";
- }
- }
- }
- if(value !== this.button.get("value")){
- // Set the value, but denote it is not a priority change, so no
- // onchange fires.
- this.button.set('value', value, false);
- }
- }
- }
-// Register these plugins
-array.forEach(["fontName", "fontSize", "formatBlock"], function(name){
- _Plugin.registry[name] = function(args){
- return new FontChoice({
- command: name,
- plainText: args.plainText
- });
- };
-// Make all classes available through AMD, and return main class
-FontChoice._FontDropDown = _FontDropDown;
-FontChoice._FontNameDropDown = _FontNameDropDown;
-FontChoice._FontSizeDropDown = _FontSizeDropDown;
-FontChoice._FormatBlockDropDown = _FormatBlockDropDown;
-return FontChoice;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/FullScreen.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/FullScreen.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 68f27954b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/FullScreen.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/FullScreen", [
- "dojo/aspect",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove
- "dojo/dom-geometry",
- "dojo/dom-style",
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/keys", // keys.F11 keys.TAB
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/on", // on()
- "dojo/sniff", // has("ie"), has("quirks")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "dojo/window", // winUtils.getBox winUtils.scrollIntoView
- "../../focus", // focus.focus(), focus.curNode
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/ToggleButton",
- "../../registry", // registry.getEnclosingWidget()
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/commands"
-], function(aspect, declare, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle, event, i18n, keys, lang, on, has, win, winUtils,
- focus, _Plugin, ToggleButton, registry){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/FullScreen
-var FullScreen = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.FullScreen",_Plugin,{
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides FullScreen capability to the editor. When
- // toggled on, it will render the editor into the full window and
- // overlay everything. It also binds to the hotkey: CTRL-SHIFT-F11
- // for toggling fullscreen mode.
- // zIndex: [public] Number
- // zIndex value used for overlaying the full page.
- // default is 500.
- zIndex: 500,
- // _origState: [private] Object
- // The original view state of the editor.
- _origState: null,
- // _origiFrameState: [private] Object
- // The original view state of the iframe of the editor.
- _origiFrameState: null,
- // _resizeHandle: [private] Object
- // Connection point used for handling resize when window resizes.
- _resizeHandle: null,
- // isFullscreen: [const] boolean
- // Read-Only variable used to denote of the editor is in fullscreen mode or not.
- isFullscreen: false,
- toggle: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to allow programmatic toggling of the view.
- this.button.set("checked", !this.button.get("checked"));
- },
- _initButton: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for creation of the resize button.
- var strings = i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "commands"),
- editor = this.editor;
- this.button = new ToggleButton({
- label: strings["fullScreen"],
- ownerDocument: editor.ownerDocument,
- dir: editor.dir,
- lang: editor.lang,
- showLabel: false,
- iconClass: this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + "FullScreen",
- tabIndex: "-1",
- onChange: lang.hitch(this, "_setFullScreen")
- });
- },
- setEditor: function(editor){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the setting of the editor.
- // editor: Object
- // The editor to configure for this plugin to use.
- this.editor = editor;
- this._initButton();
- this.editor.addKeyHandler(keys.F11, true, true, lang.hitch(this, function(e){
- // Enable the CTRL-SHIFT-F11 hotkey for fullscreen mode.
- this.toggle();
- event.stop(e);
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){this.editor.focus();}), 250);
- return true;
- }));
- this.connect(this.editor.domNode, "onkeydown", "_containFocus");
- },
- _containFocus: function(e){
- // summary:
- // When in Full Screen mode, it's good to try and retain focus in the editor
- // so this function is intended to try and constrain the TAB key.
- // e: Event
- // The key event.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.isFullscreen){
- var ed = this.editor;
- if(!ed.isTabIndent &&
- ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown &&
- e.keyCode === keys.TAB){
- // If we're in fullscreen mode, we want to take over how tab moves focus a bit.
- // to keep it within the editor since it's hiding the rest of the page.
- // IE hates changing focus IN the event handler, so need to put calls
- // in a timeout. Gotta love IE.
- // Also need to check for alternate view nodes if present and active.
- var f = focus.curNode;
- var avn = this._getAltViewNode();
- if(f == ed.iframe ||
- (avn && f === avn)){
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- ed.toolbar.focus();
- }), 10);
- }else{
- if(avn && domStyle.get(ed.iframe, "display") === "none"){
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- focus.focus(avn);
- }), 10);
- }else{
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- ed.focus();
- }), 10);
- }
- }
- event.stop(e);
- }else if(ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown){
- // Only call up when it's a different function. Traps corner case event issue
- // on IE which caused stack overflow on handler cleanup.
- ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown(e);
- }
- }
- },
- _resizeEditor: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to handle resizing the editor as the viewport
- // resizes (window scaled)
- // tags:
- // private
- var vp = winUtils.getBox(this.editor.ownerDocument);
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.editor.domNode, {
- w: vp.w,
- h: vp.h
- });
- //Adjust the internal heights too, as they can be a bit off.
- var hHeight = this.editor.getHeaderHeight();
- var fHeight = this.editor.getFooterHeight();
- var extents = domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(this.editor.domNode);
- var fcpExtents = domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(this.editor.iframe.parentNode);
- var fcmExtents = domGeometry.getMarginExtents(this.editor.iframe.parentNode);
- var cHeight = vp.h - (hHeight + extents.h + fHeight);
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.editor.iframe.parentNode, {
- h: cHeight,
- w: vp.w
- });
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.editor.iframe, {
- h: cHeight - (fcpExtents.h + fcmExtents.h)
- });
- },
- _getAltViewNode: function(){
- // summary:
- // This function is intended as a hook point for setting an
- // alternate view node for when in full screen mode and the
- // editable iframe is hidden.
- // tags:
- // protected.
- },
- _setFullScreen: function(full){
- // summary:
- // Function to handle toggling between full screen and
- // regular view.
- // tags:
- // private
- //Alias this for shorter code.
- var ed = this.editor;
- var body = ed.ownerDocumentBody;
- var editorParent = ed.domNode.parentNode;
- var vp = winUtils.getBox(ed.ownerDocument);
- this.isFullscreen = full;
- if(full){
- //Parent classes can royally screw up this plugin, so we
- //have to set everything to position static.
- while(editorParent && editorParent !== body){
- domClass.add(editorParent, "dijitForceStatic");
- editorParent = editorParent.parentNode;
- }
- // Save off the resize function. We want to kill its behavior.
- this._editorResizeHolder = this.editor.resize;
- ed.resize = function(){} ;
- // Try to constrain focus control.
- ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown = ed.onKeyDown;
- ed.onKeyDown = lang.hitch(this, this._containFocus);
- this._origState = {};
- this._origiFrameState = {};
- // Store the basic editor state we have to restore later.
- // Not using domStyle.get here, had problems, didn't
- // give me stuff like 100%, gave me pixel calculated values.
- // Need the exact original values.
- var domNode = ed.domNode,
- rawStyle = domNode && || {};
- this._origState = {
- width: rawStyle.width || "",
- height: rawStyle.height || "",
- top: domStyle.get(domNode, "top") || "",
- left: domStyle.get(domNode, "left") || "",
- position: domStyle.get(domNode, "position") || "static",
- marginBox: domGeometry.getMarginBox(ed.domNode)
- };
- // Store the iframe state we have to restore later.
- // Not using domStyle.get here, had problems, didn't
- // give me stuff like 100%, gave me pixel calculated values.
- // Need the exact original values.
- var iframe = ed.iframe,
- iframeStyle = iframe && || {};
- var bc = domStyle.get(ed.iframe, "backgroundColor");
- this._origiFrameState = {
- backgroundColor: bc || "transparent",
- width: iframeStyle.width || "auto",
- height: iframeStyle.height || "auto",
- zIndex: iframeStyle.zIndex || ""
- };
- // Okay, size everything.
- domStyle.set(ed.domNode, {
- position: "absolute",
- top: "0px",
- left: "0px",
- zIndex: this.zIndex,
- width: vp.w + "px",
- height: vp.h + "px"
- });
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe, {
- height: "100%",
- width: "100%",
- zIndex: this.zIndex,
- backgroundColor: bc !== "transparent" &&
- bc !== "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"?bc:"white"
- });
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe.parentNode, {
- height: "95%",
- width: "100%"
- });
- // Store the overflow state we have to restore later.
- // IE had issues, so have to check that it's defined. Ugh.
- if( &&{
- this._oldOverflow = domStyle.get(body, "overflow");
- }else{
- this._oldOverflow = "";
- }
- if(has("ie") && !has("quirks")){
- // IE will put scrollbars in anyway, html (parent of body)
- // also controls them in standards mode, so we have to
- // remove them, argh.
- if(body.parentNode &&
- &&
- this._oldBodyParentOverflow =;
- }else{
- try{
- this._oldBodyParentOverflow = domStyle.get(body.parentNode, "overflow");
- }catch(e){
- this._oldBodyParentOverflow = "scroll";
- }
- }
- domStyle.set(body.parentNode, "overflow", "hidden");
- }
- domStyle.set(body, "overflow", "hidden");
- var resizer = function(){
- // function to handle resize events.
- // Will check current VP and only resize if
- // different.
- var vp = winUtils.getBox(ed.ownerDocument);
- if("_prevW" in this && "_prevH" in this){
- // No actual size change, ignore.
- if(vp.w === this._prevW && vp.h === this._prevH){
- return;
- }
- }else{
- this._prevW = vp.w;
- this._prevH = vp.h;
- }
- if(this._resizer){
- clearTimeout(this._resizer);
- delete this._resizer;
- }
- // Timeout it to help avoid spamming resize on IE.
- // Works for all browsers.
- this._resizer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- delete this._resizer;
- this._resizeEditor();
- }), 10);
- };
- this._resizeHandle = on(window, "resize", lang.hitch(this, resizer));
- // Also monitor for direct calls to resize and adapt editor.
- this._resizeHandle2 = aspect.after(ed, "onResize", lang.hitch(this, function(){
- if(this._resizer){
- clearTimeout(this._resizer);
- delete this._resizer;
- }
- this._resizer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- delete this._resizer;
- this._resizeEditor();
- }), 10);
- }));
- // Call it once to work around IE glitchiness. Safe for other browsers too.
- this._resizeEditor();
- var dn = this.editor.toolbar.domNode;
- setTimeout(function(){winUtils.scrollIntoView(dn);}, 250);
- }else{
- if(this._resizeHandle){
- // Cleanup resizing listeners
- this._resizeHandle.remove();
- this._resizeHandle = null;
- }
- if(this._resizeHandle2){
- // Cleanup resizing listeners
- this._resizeHandle2.remove();
- this._resizeHandle2 = null;
- }
- if(this._rst){
- clearTimeout(this._rst);
- this._rst = null;
- }
- //Remove all position static class assigns.
- while(editorParent && editorParent !== body){
- domClass.remove(editorParent, "dijitForceStatic");
- editorParent = editorParent.parentNode;
- }
- // Restore resize function
- if(this._editorResizeHolder){
- this.editor.resize = this._editorResizeHolder;
- }
- if(!this._origState && !this._origiFrameState){
- // If we actually didn't toggle, then don't do anything.
- return;
- }
- if(ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown){
- ed.onKeyDown = ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown;
- delete ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown;
- }
- // Add a timeout to make sure we don't have a resize firing in the
- // background at the time of minimize.
- var self = this;
- setTimeout(function(){
- // Restore all the editor state.
- var mb = self._origState.marginBox;
- var oh = self._origState.height;
- if(has("ie") && !has("quirks")){
- = self._oldBodyParentOverflow;
- delete self._oldBodyParentOverflow;
- }
- domStyle.set(body, "overflow", self._oldOverflow);
- delete self._oldOverflow;
- domStyle.set(ed.domNode, self._origState);
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe.parentNode, {
- height: "",
- width: ""
- });
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe, self._origiFrameState);
- delete self._origState;
- delete self._origiFrameState;
- // In case it is contained in a layout and the layout changed size,
- // go ahead and call resize.
- var pWidget = registry.getEnclosingWidget(ed.domNode.parentNode);
- if(pWidget && pWidget.resize){
- pWidget.resize();
- }else{
- if(!oh || oh.indexOf("%") < 0){
- // Resize if the original size wasn't set
- // or wasn't in percent. Timeout is to avoid
- // an IE crash in unit testing.
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){ed.resize({h: mb.h});}), 0);
- }
- }
- winUtils.scrollIntoView(self.editor.toolbar.domNode);
- }, 100);
- }
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for button state control for disabled to work.
- this.button.set("disabled", this.get("disabled"));
- },
- destroy: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride to ensure the resize handle gets cleaned up.
- if(this._resizeHandle){
- // Cleanup resizing listeners
- this._resizeHandle.remove();
- this._resizeHandle = null;
- }
- if(this._resizeHandle2){
- // Cleanup resizing listeners
- this._resizeHandle2.remove();
- this._resizeHandle2 = null;
- }
- if(this._resizer){
- clearTimeout(this._resizer);
- this._resizer = null;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
-// Register this plugin.
-// For back-compat accept "fullscreen" (all lowercase) too, remove in 2.0
-_Plugin.registry["fullScreen"] = _Plugin.registry["fullscreen"] = function(args){
- return new FullScreen({
- zIndex: ("zIndex" in args)?args.zIndex:500
- });
-return FullScreen;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ed6ce3da..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,609 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog", [
- "require",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.get
- "dojo/keys", // keys.ENTER
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.delegate lang.hitch lang.trim
- "dojo/sniff", // has("ie")
- "dojo/_base/query", // query
- "dojo/string", // string.substitute
- "../../_Widget",
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/DropDownButton",
- "../range"
-], function(require, declare, domAttr, keys, lang, has, query, string,
- _Widget, _Plugin, DropDownButton, rangeapi){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog
-// summary:
-// Editor plugins: LinkDialog (for inserting links) and ImgLinkDialog (for inserting images)
-var LinkDialog = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.LinkDialog", _Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides the basis for an 'anchor' (link) dialog and an extension of it
- // provides the image link dialog.
- // description:
- // The command provided by this plugin is:
- //
- // - createLink
- // Override _Plugin.buttonClass. This plugin is controlled by a DropDownButton
- // (which triggers a TooltipDialog).
- buttonClass: DropDownButton,
- // Override _Plugin.useDefaultCommand... processing is handled by this plugin, not by dijit/Editor.
- useDefaultCommand: false,
- // urlRegExp: [protected] String
- // Used for validating input as correct URL. While file:// urls are not terribly
- // useful, they are technically valid.
- urlRegExp: "((https?|ftps?|file)\\://|\./|\.\./|/|)(/[a-zA-Z]{1,1}:/|)(((?:(?:[\\da-zA-Z](?:[-\\da-zA-Z]{0,61}[\\da-zA-Z])?)\\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:[-\\da-zA-Z]{0,80}[\\da-zA-Z])?)\\.?)|(((\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])|(0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]?[\\da-fA-F]\\.){3}0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]?[\\da-fA-F]|(0+[0-3][0-7][0-7]\\.){3}0+[0-3][0-7][0-7]|(0|[1-9]\\d{0,8}|[1-3]\\d{9}|4[01]\\d{8}|42[0-8]\\d{7}|429[0-3]\\d{6}|4294[0-8]\\d{5}|42949[0-5]\\d{4}|429496[0-6]\\d{3}|4294967[01]\\d{2}|42949672[0-8]\\d|429496729[0-5])|0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]{1,8}|([\\da-fA-F]{1,4}\\:){7}[\\da-fA-F]{1,4}|([\\da-fA-F]{1,4}\\:){6}((\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])))(\\:\\d+)?(/(?:[^?#\\s/]+/)*(?:[^?#\\s/]{0,}(?:\\?[^?#\\s/]*)?(?:#.*)?)?)?",
- // emailRegExp: [protected] String
- // Used for validating input as correct email address. Taken from dojox.validate
- emailRegExp: "<?(mailto\\:)([!#-'*+\\-\\/-9=?A-Z^-~]+[.])*[!#-'*+\\-\\/-9=?A-Z^-~]+" /*username*/ + "@" +
- "((?:(?:[\\da-zA-Z](?:[-\\da-zA-Z]{0,61}[\\da-zA-Z])?)\\.)+(?:[a-zA-Z](?:[-\\da-zA-Z]{0,6}[\\da-zA-Z])?)\\.?)|localhost|^[^-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*>?", // host.
- // htmlTemplate: [protected] String
- // String used for templating the HTML to insert at the desired point.
- htmlTemplate: "<a href=\"${urlInput}\" _djrealurl=\"${urlInput}\"" +
- " target=\"${targetSelect}\"" +
- ">${textInput}</a>",
- // tag: [protected] String
- // Tag used for the link type.
- tag: "a",
- // _hostRxp [private] RegExp
- // Regular expression used to validate url fragments (ip address, hostname, etc)
- _hostRxp: /^((([^\[:]+):)?([^@]+)@)?(\[([^\]]+)\]|([^\[:]*))(:([0-9]+))?$/,
- // _userAtRxp [private] RegExp
- // Regular expression used to validate e-mail address fragment.
- _userAtRxp: /^([!#-'*+\-\/-9=?A-Z^-~]+[.])*[!#-'*+\-\/-9=?A-Z^-~]+@/i,
- // linkDialogTemplate: [protected] String
- // Template for contents of TooltipDialog to pick URL
- linkDialogTemplate: [
- "<table role='presentation'><tr><td>",
- "<label for='${id}_urlInput'>${url}</label>",
- "</td><td>",
- "<input data-dojo-type='dijit.form.ValidationTextBox' required='true' " +
- "id='${id}_urlInput' name='urlInput' data-dojo-props='intermediateChanges:true'/>",
- "</td></tr><tr><td>",
- "<label for='${id}_textInput'>${text}</label>",
- "</td><td>",
- "<input data-dojo-type='dijit.form.ValidationTextBox' required='true' id='${id}_textInput' " +
- "name='textInput' data-dojo-props='intermediateChanges:true'/>",
- "</td></tr><tr><td>",
- "<label for='${id}_targetSelect'>${target}</label>",
- "</td><td>",
- "<select id='${id}_targetSelect' name='targetSelect' data-dojo-type='dijit.form.Select'>",
- "<option selected='selected' value='_self'>${currentWindow}</option>",
- "<option value='_blank'>${newWindow}</option>",
- "<option value='_top'>${topWindow}</option>",
- "<option value='_parent'>${parentWindow}</option>",
- "</select>",
- "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'>",
- "<button data-dojo-type='dijit.form.Button' type='submit' id='${id}_setButton'>${set}</button>",
- "<button data-dojo-type='dijit.form.Button' type='button' id='${id}_cancelButton'>${buttonCancel}</button>",
- "</td></tr></table>"
- ].join(""),
- _initButton: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Setup to lazy create TooltipDialog first time the button is clicked
- this.button.loadDropDown = lang.hitch(this, "_loadDropDown");
- this._connectTagEvents();
- },
- _loadDropDown: function(callback){
- // Called the first time the button is pressed. Initialize TooltipDialog.
- require([
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "../../TooltipDialog",
- "../../registry", // registry.byId, registry.getUniqueId
- "../../form/Button", // used by template
- "../../form/Select", // used by template
- "../../form/ValidationTextBox", // used by template
- "dojo/i18n!../../nls/common",
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/LinkDialog"
- ], lang.hitch(this, function(i18n, TooltipDialog, registry){
- var _this = this;
- this.tag = this.command == 'insertImage' ? 'img' : 'a';
- var messages = lang.delegate(i18n.getLocalization("dijit", "common", this.lang),
- i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "LinkDialog", this.lang));
- var dropDown = (this.dropDown = this.button.dropDown = new TooltipDialog({
- title: messages[this.command + "Title"],
- ownerDocument: this.editor.ownerDocument,
- dir: this.editor.dir,
- execute: lang.hitch(this, "setValue"),
- onOpen: function(){
- _this._onOpenDialog();
- TooltipDialog.prototype.onOpen.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- onCancel: function(){
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(_this, "_onCloseDialog"),0);
- }
- }));
- messages.urlRegExp = this.urlRegExp;
- = registry.getUniqueId(;
- this._uniqueId =;
- this._setContent(dropDown.title +
- "<div style='border-bottom: 1px black solid;padding-bottom:2pt;margin-bottom:4pt'></div>" +
- string.substitute(this.linkDialogTemplate, messages));
- dropDown.startup();
- this._urlInput = registry.byId(this._uniqueId + "_urlInput");
- this._textInput = registry.byId(this._uniqueId + "_textInput");
- this._setButton = registry.byId(this._uniqueId + "_setButton");
- this.connect(registry.byId(this._uniqueId + "_cancelButton"), "onClick", function(){
- this.dropDown.onCancel();
- });
- if(this._urlInput){
- this.connect(this._urlInput, "onChange", "_checkAndFixInput");
- }
- if(this._textInput){
- this.connect(this._textInput, "onChange", "_checkAndFixInput");
- }
- // Build up the dual check for http/https/file:, and mailto formats.
- this._urlRegExp = new RegExp("^" + this.urlRegExp + "$", "i");
- this._emailRegExp = new RegExp("^" + this.emailRegExp + "$", "i");
- this._urlInput.isValid = lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // Function over-ride of isValid to test if the input matches a url or a mailto style link.
- var value = this._urlInput.get("value");
- return this._urlRegExp.test(value) || this._emailRegExp.test(value);
- });
- // Listen for enter and execute if valid.
- this.connect(dropDown.domNode, "onkeypress", function(e){
- if(e && e.charOrCode == keys.ENTER &&
- !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey){
- if(!this._setButton.get("disabled")){
- dropDown.onExecute();
- dropDown.execute(dropDown.get('value'));
- }
- }
- });
- callback();
- }));
- },
- _checkAndFixInput: function(){
- // summary:
- // A function to listen for onChange events and test the input contents
- // for valid information, such as valid urls with http/https/ftp and if
- // not present, try and guess if the input url is relative or not, and if
- // not, append http:// to it. Also validates other fields as determined by
- // the internal _isValid function.
- var self = this;
- var url = this._urlInput.get("value");
- var fixupUrl = function(url){
- var appendHttp = false;
- var appendMailto = false;
- if(url && url.length > 1){
- url = lang.trim(url);
- if(url.indexOf("mailto:") !== 0){
- if(url.indexOf("/") > 0){
- if(url.indexOf("://") === -1){
- // Check that it doesn't start with /, ./, or ../, which would
- // imply 'target server relativeness'
- if(url.charAt(0) !== '/' && url.indexOf("./") && url.indexOf("../") !== 0){
- if(self._hostRxp.test(url)){
- appendHttp = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }else if(self._userAtRxp.test(url)){
- // If it looks like a foo@, append a mailto.
- appendMailto = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if(appendHttp){
- self._urlInput.set("value", "http://" + url);
- }
- if(appendMailto){
- self._urlInput.set("value", "mailto:" + url);
- }
- self._setButton.set("disabled", !self._isValid());
- };
- if(this._delayedCheck){
- clearTimeout(this._delayedCheck);
- this._delayedCheck = null;
- }
- this._delayedCheck = setTimeout(function(){
- fixupUrl(url);
- }, 250);
- },
- _connectTagEvents: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ridable function that connects tag specific events.
- this.editor.onLoadDeferred.then(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- this.connect(this.editor.editNode, "ondblclick", this._onDblClick);
- }));
- },
- _isValid: function(){
- // summary:
- // Internal function to allow validating of the inputs
- // for a link to determine if set should be disabled or not
- // tags:
- // protected
- return this._urlInput.isValid() && this._textInput.isValid();
- },
- _setContent: function(staticPanel){
- // summary:
- // Helper for _initButton above. Not sure why it's a separate method.
- this.dropDown.set({
- parserScope: "dojo", // make parser search for dojoType/data-dojo-type even if page is multi-version
- content: staticPanel
- });
- },
- _checkValues: function(args){
- // summary:
- // Function to check the values in args and 'fix' them up as needed.
- // args: Object
- // Content being set.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(args && args.urlInput){
- args.urlInput = args.urlInput.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
- }
- return args;
- },
- setValue: function(args){
- // summary:
- // Callback from the dialog when user presses "set" button.
- // tags:
- // private
- // TODO: prevent closing popup if the text is empty
- this._onCloseDialog();
- if(has("ie") < 9){ //see #4151
- var sel = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
- var a = range.endContainer;
- if(a.nodeType === 3){
- // Text node, may be the link contents, so check parent.
- // This plugin doesn't really support nested HTML elements
- // in the link, it assumes all link content is text.
- a = a.parentNode;
- }
- if(a && (a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== this.tag)){
- // Still nothing, one last thing to try on IE, as it might be 'img'
- // and thus considered a control.
- a = this.editor._sCall("getSelectedElement", [this.tag]);
- }
- if(a && (a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === this.tag)){
- // Okay, we do have a match. IE, for some reason, sometimes pastes before
- // instead of removing the targeted paste-over element, so we unlink the
- // old one first. If we do not the <a> tag remains, but it has no content,
- // so isn't readily visible (but is wrong for the action).
- if(this.editor.queryCommandEnabled("unlink")){
- // Select all the link children, then unlink. The following insert will
- // then replace the selected text.
- this.editor._sCall("selectElementChildren", [a]);
- this.editor.execCommand("unlink");
- }
- }
- }
- // make sure values are properly escaped, etc.
- args = this._checkValues(args);
- this.editor.execCommand('inserthtml',
- string.substitute(this.htmlTemplate, args));
- // IE sometimes leaves a blank link, so we need to fix it up.
- // Go ahead and do this for everyone just to avoid blank links
- // in the page.
- query("a", this.editor.document).forEach(function(a){
- if(!a.innerHTML && !domAttr.has(a, "name")){
- // Remove empty anchors that do not have "name" set.
- // Empty ones with a name set could be a hidden hash
- // anchor.
- a.parentNode.removeChild(a);
- }
- }, this);
- },
- _onCloseDialog: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for close event on the dialog
- this.editor.focus();
- },
- _getCurrentValues: function(a){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for getting the values to set in the dropdown.
- // a:
- // The anchor/link to process for data for the dropdown.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var url, text, target;
- if(a && a.tagName.toLowerCase() === this.tag){
- url = a.getAttribute('_djrealurl') || a.getAttribute('href');
- target = a.getAttribute('target') || "_self";
- text = a.textContent || a.innerText;
- this.editor._sCall("selectElement", [a, true]);
- }else{
- text = this.editor._sCall("getSelectedText");
- }
- return {urlInput: url || '', textInput: text || '', targetSelect: target || ''}; //Object;
- },
- _onOpenDialog: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for when the dialog is opened.
- // If the caret is currently in a URL then populate the URL's info into the dialog.
- var a,b,fc;
- if(has("ie")){
- // IE, even IE10, is difficult to select the element in, using the range unified
- // API seems to work reasonably well.
- var sel = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- if(sel.rangeCount){
- var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
- a = range.endContainer;
- if(a.nodeType === 3){
- // Text node, may be the link contents, so check parent.
- // This plugin doesn't really support nested HTML elements
- // in the link, it assumes all link content is text.
- a = a.parentNode;
- }
- if(a && (a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== this.tag)){
- // Still nothing, one last thing to try on IE, as it might be 'img'
- // and thus considered a control.
- a = this.editor._sCall("getSelectedElement", [this.tag]);
- }
- if(!a || (a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== this.tag)){
- // Try another lookup, IE's selection is just terrible.
- b = this.editor._sCall("getAncestorElement", [this.tag]);
- if(b && (b.nodeName && b.nodeName.toLowerCase() == this.tag)){
- // Looks like we found an A tag, use it and make sure just it is
- // selected.
- a = b;
- this.editor._sCall("selectElement", [a]);
- }else if (range.startContainer === range.endContainer){
- // STILL nothing. Trying one more thing. Lets look at the first child.
- // It might be an anchor tag in a div by itself or the like. If it is,
- // we'll use it otherwise we give up. The selection is not easily
- // determinable to be on an existing anchor tag.
- fc = range.startContainer.firstChild;
- if(fc && (fc.nodeName && fc.nodeName.toLowerCase() == this.tag)){
- a = fc;
- this.editor._sCall("selectElement", [a]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }else{
- a = this.editor._sCall("getAncestorElement", [this.tag]);
- }
- this.dropDown.reset();
- this._setButton.set("disabled", true);
- this.dropDown.set("value", this._getCurrentValues(a));
- },
- _onDblClick: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Function to define a behavior on double clicks on the element
- // type this dialog edits to select it and pop up the editor
- // dialog.
- // e: Object
- // The double-click event.
- // tags:
- // protected.
- if(e &&{
- var t =;
- var tg = t.tagName ? t.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
- if(tg === this.tag && domAttr.get(t,"href")){
- var editor = this.editor;
- this.editor._sCall("selectElement", [t]);
- editor.onDisplayChanged();
- // Call onNormalizedDisplayChange() now, rather than on timer.
- // On IE, when focus goes to the first <input> in the TooltipDialog, the editor loses it's selection.
- // Later if onNormalizedDisplayChange() gets called via the timer it will disable the LinkDialog button
- // (actually, all the toolbar buttons), at which point clicking the <input> will close the dialog,
- // since (for unknown reasons) focus.js ignores disabled controls.
- if(editor._updateTimer){
- editor._updateTimer.remove();
- delete editor._updateTimer;
- }
- editor.onNormalizedDisplayChanged();
- var button = this.button;
- setTimeout(function(){
- // Focus shift outside the event handler.
- // IE doesn't like focus changes in event handles.
- button.set("disabled", false);
- button.loadAndOpenDropDown().then(function(){
- if(button.dropDown.focus){
- button.dropDown.focus();
- }
- });
- }, 10);
- }
- }
- }
-var ImgLinkDialog = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.ImgLinkDialog", [LinkDialog], {
- // summary:
- // This plugin extends LinkDialog and adds in a plugin for handling image links.
- // provides the image link dialog.
- // description:
- // The command provided by this plugin is:
- //
- // - insertImage
- // linkDialogTemplate: [protected] String
- // Over-ride for template since img dialog doesn't need target that anchor tags may.
- linkDialogTemplate: [
- "<table role='presentation'><tr><td>",
- "<label for='${id}_urlInput'>${url}</label>",
- "</td><td>",
- "<input dojoType='dijit.form.ValidationTextBox' regExp='${urlRegExp}' " +
- "required='true' id='${id}_urlInput' name='urlInput' data-dojo-props='intermediateChanges:true'/>",
- "</td></tr><tr><td>",
- "<label for='${id}_textInput'>${text}</label>",
- "</td><td>",
- "<input data-dojo-type='dijit.form.ValidationTextBox' required='false' id='${id}_textInput' " +
- "name='textInput' data-dojo-props='intermediateChanges:true'/>",
- "</td></tr><tr><td>",
- "</td><td>",
- "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'>",
- "<button data-dojo-type='dijit.form.Button' type='submit' id='${id}_setButton'>${set}</button>",
- "<button data-dojo-type='dijit.form.Button' type='button' id='${id}_cancelButton'>${buttonCancel}</button>",
- "</td></tr></table>"
- ].join(""),
- // htmlTemplate: [protected] String
- // String used for templating the `<img>` HTML to insert at the desired point.
- htmlTemplate: "<img src=\"${urlInput}\" _djrealurl=\"${urlInput}\" alt=\"${textInput}\" />",
- // tag: [protected] String
- // Tag used for the link type (img).
- tag: "img",
- _getCurrentValues: function(img){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for getting the values to set in the dropdown.
- // a:
- // The anchor/link to process for data for the dropdown.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var url, text;
- if(img && img.tagName.toLowerCase() === this.tag){
- url = img.getAttribute('_djrealurl') || img.getAttribute('src');
- text = img.getAttribute('alt');
- this.editor._sCall("selectElement", [img, true]);
- }else{
- text = this.editor._sCall("getSelectedText", []);
- }
- return {urlInput: url || '', textInput: text || ''}; //Object
- },
- _isValid: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for images. You can have alt text of blank, it is valid.
- // tags:
- // protected
- return this._urlInput.isValid();
- },
- _connectTagEvents: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ridable function that connects tag specific events.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.editor.onLoadDeferred.then(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // Use onmousedown instead of onclick. Seems that IE eats the first onclick
- // to wrap it in a selector box, then the second one acts as onclick. See #10420
- this.connect(this.editor.editNode, "onmousedown", this._selectTag);
- }));
- },
- _selectTag: function(e){
- // summary:
- // A simple event handler that lets me select an image if it is clicked on.
- // makes it easier to select images in a standard way across browsers. Otherwise
- // selecting an image for edit becomes difficult.
- // e: Event
- // The mousedown event.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(e &&{
- var t =;
- var tg = t.tagName? t.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
- if(tg === this.tag){
- this.editor._sCall("selectElement", [t]);
- }
- }
- },
- _checkValues: function(args){
- // summary:
- // Function to check the values in args and 'fix' them up as needed
- // (special characters in the url or alt text)
- // args: Object
- // Content being set.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(args && args.urlInput){
- args.urlInput = args.urlInput.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
- }
- if(args && args.textInput){
- args.textInput = args.textInput.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
- }
- return args;
- },
- _onDblClick: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Function to define a behavior on double clicks on the element
- // type this dialog edits to select it and pop up the editor
- // dialog.
- // e: Object
- // The double-click event.
- // tags:
- // protected.
- if(e &&{
- var t =;
- var tg = t.tagName ? t.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
- if(tg === this.tag && domAttr.get(t,"src")){
- var editor = this.editor;
- this.editor._sCall("selectElement", [t]);
- editor.onDisplayChanged();
- // Call onNormalizedDisplayChange() now, rather than on timer.
- // On IE, when focus goes to the first <input> in the TooltipDialog, the editor loses it's selection.
- // Later if onNormalizedDisplayChange() gets called via the timer it will disable the LinkDialog button
- // (actually, all the toolbar buttons), at which point clicking the <input> will close the dialog,
- // since (for unknown reasons) focus.js ignores disabled controls.
- if(editor._updateTimer){
- editor._updateTimer.remove();
- delete editor._updateTimer;
- }
- editor.onNormalizedDisplayChanged();
- var button = this.button;
- setTimeout(function(){
- // Focus shift outside the event handler.
- // IE doesn't like focus changes in event handles.
- button.set("disabled", false);
- button.loadAndOpenDropDown().then(function(){
- if(button.dropDown.focus){
- button.dropDown.focus();
- }
- });
- }, 10);
- }
- }
- }
-// Register these plugins
-_Plugin.registry["createLink"] = function(){
- return new LinkDialog({command: "createLink"});
-_Plugin.registry["insertImage"] = function(){
- return new ImgLinkDialog({command: "insertImage"});
-// Export both LinkDialog and ImgLinkDialog
-// TODO for 2.0: either return both classes in a hash, or split this file into two separate files.
-// Then the documentation for the module can be applied to the hash, and will show up in the API doc.
-LinkDialog.ImgLinkDialog = ImgLinkDialog;
-return LinkDialog;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/NewPage.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/NewPage.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 72b6f686a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/NewPage.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/NewPage", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/Button",
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/commands"
-], function(declare, i18n, lang, _Plugin, Button){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/NewPage
-var NewPage = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.NewPage",_Plugin,{
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides a simple 'new page' capability. In other
- // words, set content to some default user defined string.
- // content: [public] String
- // The default content to insert into the editor as the new page.
- // The default is the `<br>` tag, a single blank line.
- content: "<br>",
- _initButton: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for creation of the Print button.
- var strings = i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "commands"),
- editor = this.editor;
- this.button = new Button({
- label: strings["newPage"],
- ownerDocument: editor.ownerDocument,
- dir: editor.dir,
- lang: editor.lang,
- showLabel: false,
- iconClass: this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + "NewPage",
- tabIndex: "-1",
- onClick: lang.hitch(this, "_newPage")
- });
- },
- setEditor: function(/*dijit/Editor*/ editor){
- // summary:
- // Tell the plugin which Editor it is associated with.
- // editor: Object
- // The editor object to attach the newPage capability to.
- this.editor = editor;
- this._initButton();
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for button state control for disabled to work.
- this.button.set("disabled", this.get("disabled"));
- },
- _newPage: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to set the content to blank.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.editor.beginEditing();
- this.editor.set("value", this.content);
- this.editor.endEditing();
- this.editor.focus();
- }
-// Register this plugin.
-// For back-compat accept "newpage" (all lowercase) too, remove in 2.0
-_Plugin.registry["newPage"] = _Plugin.registry["newpage"] = function(args){
- return new NewPage({
- content: ("content" in args)?args.content:"<br>"
- });
-return NewPage;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/Print.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/Print.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 933633d24..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/Print.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/Print", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/sniff", // has("chrome") has("opera")
- "../../focus", // focus.focus()
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/Button",
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/commands"
-], function(declare, i18n, lang, has, focus, _Plugin, Button){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/Print
-var Print = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.Print",_Plugin,{
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides Print capability to the editor. When
- // clicked, the document in the editor frame will be printed.
- _initButton: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for creation of the Print button.
- var strings = i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "commands"),
- editor = this.editor;
- this.button = new Button({
- label: strings["print"],
- ownerDocument: editor.ownerDocument,
- dir: editor.dir,
- lang: editor.lang,
- showLabel: false,
- iconClass: this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + "Print",
- tabIndex: "-1",
- onClick: lang.hitch(this, "_print")
- });
- },
- setEditor: function(/*dijit/Editor*/ editor){
- // summary:
- // Tell the plugin which Editor it is associated with.
- // editor: Object
- // The editor object to attach the print capability to.
- this.editor = editor;
- this._initButton();
- // Set up a check that we have a print function
- // and disable button if we do not.
- this.editor.onLoadDeferred.then(
- lang.hitch(this, function(){
- if(!this.editor.iframe.contentWindow["print"]){
- this.button.set("disabled", true);
- }
- })
- );
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for button state control for disabled to work.
- var disabled = this.get("disabled");
- if(!this.editor.iframe.contentWindow["print"]){
- disabled = true;
- }
- this.button.set("disabled", disabled);
- },
- _print: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to trigger printing of the editor document
- // tags:
- // private
- var edFrame = this.editor.iframe;
- if(edFrame.contentWindow["print"]){
- // IE requires the frame to be focused for
- // print to work, but since this is okay for all
- // no special casing.
- if(!has("opera") && !has("chrome")){
- focus.focus(edFrame);
- edFrame.contentWindow.print();
- }else{
- // Neither Opera nor Chrome 3 et you print single frames.
- // So, open a new 'window', print it, and close it.
- // Also, can't use size 0x0, have to use 1x1
- var edDoc = this.editor.document;
- var content = this.editor.get("value");
- content = "<html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' " +
- "content='text/html; charset='UTF-8'></head><body>" +
- content + "</body></html>";
- var win ="javascript: ''",
- "",
- "status=0,menubar=0,location=0,toolbar=0," +
- "width=1,height=1,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");
- win.document.write(content);
- win.document.close();
- var styleNodes = edDoc.getElementsByTagName("style");
- if(styleNodes){
- // Clone over any editor view styles, since we can't print the iframe
- // directly.
- var i;
- for(i = 0; i < styleNodes.length; i++){
- var style = styleNodes[i].innerHTML;
- var sNode = win.document.createElement("style");
- sNode.appendChild(win.document.createTextNode(style));
- win.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(sNode);
- }
- }
- win.print();
- win.close();
- }
- }
- }
-// Register this plugin.
-_Plugin.registry["print"] = function(){
- return new Print({command: "print"});
-return Print;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/TabIndent.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/TabIndent.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cd0a136b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/TabIndent.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/TabIndent", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.experimental
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/ToggleButton"
-], function(declare, kernel, _Plugin, ToggleButton){
- // module:
- // dijit/_editor/plugins/TabIndent
- kernel.experimental("dijit._editor.plugins.TabIndent");
- var TabIndent = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.TabIndent", _Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin is used to allow the use of the tab and shift-tab keys
- // to indent/outdent list items. This overrides the default behavior
- // of moving focus from/to the toolbar
- // Override _Plugin.useDefaultCommand... processing is handled by this plugin, not by dijit/Editor.
- useDefaultCommand: false,
- // Override _Plugin.buttonClass to use a ToggleButton for this plugin rather than a vanilla Button
- buttonClass: ToggleButton,
- command: "tabIndent",
- _initButton: function(){
- // Override _Plugin._initButton() to setup listener on button click
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var e = this.editor;
- this.connect(this.button, "onChange", function(val){
- e.set("isTabIndent", val);
- });
- // Set initial checked state of button based on Editor.isTabIndent
- this.updateState();
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // Overrides _Plugin.updateState().
- // Ctrl-m in the editor will switch tabIndent mode on/off, so we need to react to that.
- var disabled = this.get("disabled");
- this.button.set("disabled", disabled);
- if(disabled){
- return;
- }
- this.button.set('checked', this.editor.isTabIndent, false);
- }
- });
- // Register this plugin.
- _Plugin.registry["tabIndent"] = function(){
- return new TabIndent({command: "tabIndent"});
- };
- return TabIndent;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/TextColor.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/TextColor.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b8da7c4a6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/TextColor.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/TextColor", [
- "require",
- "dojo/colors", // colors.fromRgb
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang",
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/DropDownButton"
-], function(require, colors, declare, lang, _Plugin, DropDownButton){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/TextColor
-var TextColor = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.TextColor", _Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides dropdown color pickers for setting text color and background color
- // description:
- // The commands provided by this plugin are:
- //
- // - foreColor - sets the text color
- // - hiliteColor - sets the background color
- // Override _Plugin.buttonClass to use DropDownButton (with ColorPalette) to control this plugin
- buttonClass: DropDownButton,
- // useDefaultCommand: Boolean
- // False as we do not use the default editor command/click behavior.
- useDefaultCommand: false,
- _initButton: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Setup to lazy load ColorPalette first time the button is clicked
- var self = this;
- this.button.loadDropDown = function(callback){
- require(["../../ColorPalette"], lang.hitch(this, function(ColorPalette){
- this.dropDown = new ColorPalette({
- dir: self.editor.dir,
- ownerDocument: self.editor.ownerDocument,
- value: self.value,
- onChange: function(color){
- self.editor.execCommand(self.command, color);
- }
- });
- callback();
- }));
- };
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Overrides _Plugin.updateState(). This updates the ColorPalette
- // to show the color of the currently selected text.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var _e = this.editor;
- var _c = this.command;
- if(!_e || !_e.isLoaded || !_c.length){
- return;
- }
- if(this.button){
- var disabled = this.get("disabled");
- this.button.set("disabled", disabled);
- if(disabled){ return; }
- var value;
- try{
- value = _e.queryCommandValue(_c)|| "";
- }catch(e){
- //Firefox may throw error above if the editor is just loaded, ignore it
- value = "";
- }
- }
- if(value == ""){
- value = "#000000";
- }
- if(value == "transparent"){
- value = "#ffffff";
- }
- if(typeof value == "string"){
- //if RGB value, convert to hex value
- if(value.indexOf("rgb")> -1){
- value = colors.fromRgb(value).toHex();
- }
- }else{ //it's an integer(IE returns an MS access #)
- value =((value & 0x0000ff)<< 16)|(value & 0x00ff00)|((value & 0xff0000)>>> 16);
- value = value.toString(16);
- value = "#000000".slice(0, 7 - value.length)+ value;
- }
- this.value = value;
- var dropDown = this.button.dropDown;
- if(dropDown && value !== dropDown.get('value')){
- dropDown.set('value', value, false);
- }
- }
-// Register this plugin.
-_Plugin.registry["foreColor"] = function(){
- return new TextColor({command: "foreColor"});
-_Plugin.registry["hiliteColor"] = function(){
- return new TextColor({command: "hiliteColor"});
-return TextColor;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/ToggleDir.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/ToggleDir.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b36a21d9..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/ToggleDir.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/ToggleDir", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.experimental
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/ToggleButton"
-], function(declare, domStyle, kernel, lang, _Plugin, ToggleButton){
- // module:
- // dijit/_editor/plugins/ToggleDir
- kernel.experimental("dijit._editor.plugins.ToggleDir");
- var ToggleDir = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.ToggleDir", _Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin is used to toggle direction of the edited document,
- // independent of what direction the whole page is.
- // Override _Plugin.useDefaultCommand: processing is done in this plugin
- // rather than by sending commands to the Editor
- useDefaultCommand: false,
- command: "toggleDir",
- // Override _Plugin.buttonClass to use a ToggleButton for this plugin rather than a vanilla Button
- buttonClass: ToggleButton,
- _initButton: function(){
- // Override _Plugin._initButton() to setup handler for button click events.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.editor.onLoadDeferred.then(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var editDoc = this.editor.editorObject.contentWindow.document.documentElement;
- //IE direction has to toggle on the body, not document itself.
- //If you toggle just the document, things get very strange in the
- //view. But, the nice thing is this works for all supported browsers.
- editDoc = editDoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
- var isLtr = domStyle.getComputedStyle(editDoc).direction == "ltr";
- this.button.set("checked", !isLtr);
- this.connect(this.button, "onChange", "_setRtl");
- }));
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for button state control for disabled to work.
- this.button.set("disabled", this.get("disabled"));
- },
- _setRtl: function(rtl){
- // summary:
- // Handler for button click events, to switch the text direction of the editor
- var dir = "ltr";
- if(rtl){
- dir = "rtl";
- }
- var editDoc = this.editor.editorObject.contentWindow.document.documentElement;
- editDoc = editDoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
- editDoc.dir/*html node*/ = dir;
- }
- });
- // Register this plugin.
- _Plugin.registry["toggleDir"] = function(){
- return new ToggleDir({command: "toggleDir"});
- };
- return ToggleDir;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/ViewSource.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/ViewSource.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e70e05c22..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/ViewSource.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,577 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/ViewSource", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.setMarginBox domGeometry.position
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.set
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/keys", // keys.F12
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/on", // on()
- "dojo/sniff", // has("ie") has("webkit")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "dojo/window", // winUtils.getBox
- "../../focus", // focus.focus()
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/ToggleButton",
- "../..", // dijit._scopeName
- "../../registry", // registry.getEnclosingWidget()
- "dojo/aspect", // Aspect commands for adice
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/commands"
-], function(array, declare, domAttr, domConstruct, domGeometry, domStyle, event, i18n, keys, lang, on, has, win,
- winUtils, focus, _Plugin, ToggleButton, dijit, registry, aspect){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/ViewSource
-var ViewSource = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.ViewSource",_Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides a simple view source capability. When view
- // source mode is enabled, it disables all other buttons/plugins on the RTE.
- // It also binds to the hotkey: CTRL-SHIFT-F11 for toggling ViewSource mode.
- // stripScripts: [public] Boolean
- // Boolean flag used to indicate if script tags should be stripped from the document.
- // Defaults to true.
- stripScripts: true,
- // stripComments: [public] Boolean
- // Boolean flag used to indicate if comment tags should be stripped from the document.
- // Defaults to true.
- stripComments: true,
- // stripComments: [public] Boolean
- // Boolean flag used to indicate if iframe tags should be stripped from the document.
- // Defaults to true.
- stripIFrames: true,
- // readOnly: [const] Boolean
- // Boolean flag used to indicate if the source view should be readonly or not.
- // Cannot be changed after initialization of the plugin.
- // Defaults to false.
- readOnly: false,
- // _fsPlugin: [private] Object
- // Reference to a registered fullscreen plugin so that viewSource knows
- // how to scale.
- _fsPlugin: null,
- toggle: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to allow programmatic toggling of the view.
- // For Webkit, we have to focus a very particular way.
- // when swapping views, otherwise focus doesn't shift right
- // but can't focus this way all the time, only for VS changes.
- // If we did it all the time, buttons like bold, italic, etc
- // break.
- if(has("webkit")){this._vsFocused = true;}
- this.button.set("checked", !this.button.get("checked"));
- },
- _initButton: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for creation of the resize button.
- var strings = i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "commands"),
- editor = this.editor;
- this.button = new ToggleButton({
- label: strings["viewSource"],
- ownerDocument: editor.ownerDocument,
- dir: editor.dir,
- lang: editor.lang,
- showLabel: false,
- iconClass: this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + "ViewSource",
- tabIndex: "-1",
- onChange: lang.hitch(this, "_showSource")
- });
- // IE 7 has a horrible bug with zoom, so we have to create this node
- // to cross-check later. Sigh.
- if(has("ie") == 7){
- this._ieFixNode = domConstruct.create("div", {
- style: {
- opacity: "0",
- zIndex: "-1000",
- position: "absolute",
- top: "-1000px"
- }
- }, editor.ownerDocumentBody);
- }
- // Make sure readonly mode doesn't make the wrong cursor appear over the button.
- this.button.set("readOnly", false);
- },
- setEditor: function(/*dijit/Editor*/ editor){
- // summary:
- // Tell the plugin which Editor it is associated with.
- // editor: Object
- // The editor object to attach the print capability to.
- this.editor = editor;
- this._initButton();
- this.editor.addKeyHandler(keys.F12, true, true, lang.hitch(this, function(e){
- // Move the focus before switching
- // It'll focus back. Hiding a focused
- // node causes issues.
- this.button.focus();
- this.toggle();
- event.stop(e);
- // Call the focus shift outside of the handler.
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // We over-ride focus, so we just need to call.
- this.editor.focus();
- }), 100);
- }));
- },
- _showSource: function(source){
- // summary:
- // Function to toggle between the source and RTE views.
- // source: boolean
- // Boolean value indicating if it should be in source mode or not.
- // tags:
- // private
- var ed = this.editor;
- var edPlugins = ed._plugins;
- var html;
- this._sourceShown = source;
- var self = this;
- try{
- if(!this.sourceArea){
- this._createSourceView();
- }
- if(source){
- // Update the QueryCommandEnabled function to disable everything but
- // the source view mode. Have to over-ride a function, then kick all
- // plugins to check their state.
- ed._sourceQueryCommandEnabled = ed.queryCommandEnabled;
- ed.queryCommandEnabled = function(cmd){
- return cmd.toLowerCase() === "viewsource";
- };
- this.editor.onDisplayChanged();
- html = ed.get("value");
- html = this._filter(html);
- ed.set("value", html);
- array.forEach(edPlugins, function(p){
- // Turn off any plugins not controlled by queryCommandenabled.
- if(p && !(p instanceof ViewSource) && p.isInstanceOf(_Plugin)){
- p.set("disabled", true)
- }
- });
- // We actually do need to trap this plugin and adjust how we
- // display the textarea.
- if(this._fsPlugin){
- this._fsPlugin._getAltViewNode = function(){
- return self.sourceArea;
- };
- }
- this.sourceArea.value = html;
- // Since neither iframe nor textarea have margin, border, or padding,
- // just set sizes equal
- =;
- =;
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe, "display", "none");
- domStyle.set(this.sourceArea, {
- display: "block"
- });
- var resizer = function(){
- // function to handle resize events.
- // Will check current VP and only resize if
- // different.
- var vp = winUtils.getBox(ed.ownerDocument);
- if("_prevW" in this && "_prevH" in this){
- // No actual size change, ignore.
- if(vp.w === this._prevW && vp.h === this._prevH){
- return;
- }else{
- this._prevW = vp.w;
- this._prevH = vp.h;
- }
- }else{
- this._prevW = vp.w;
- this._prevH = vp.h;
- }
- if(this._resizer){
- clearTimeout(this._resizer);
- delete this._resizer;
- }
- // Timeout it to help avoid spamming resize on IE.
- // Works for all browsers.
- this._resizer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- delete this._resizer;
- this._resize();
- }), 10);
- };
- this._resizeHandle = on(window, "resize", lang.hitch(this, resizer));
- //Call this on a delay once to deal with IE glitchiness on initial size.
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, this._resize), 100);
- //Trigger a check for command enablement/disablement.
- this.editor.onNormalizedDisplayChanged();
- this.editor.__oldGetValue = this.editor.getValue;
- this.editor.getValue = lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var txt = this.sourceArea.value;
- txt = this._filter(txt);
- return txt;
- });
- this._setListener = aspect.after(this.editor, "setValue", lang.hitch(this, function(htmlTxt){
- htmlTxt = htmlTxt || "";
- htmlTxt = this._filter(htmlTxt);
- this.sourceArea.value = htmlTxt;
- }), true);
- }else{
- // First check that we were in source view before doing anything.
- // corner case for being called with a value of false and we hadn't
- // actually been in source display mode.
- if(!ed._sourceQueryCommandEnabled){
- return;
- }
- // Remove the set listener.
- this._setListener.remove();
- delete this._setListener;
- this._resizeHandle.remove();
- delete this._resizeHandle;
- if(this.editor.__oldGetValue){
- this.editor.getValue = this.editor.__oldGetValue;
- delete this.editor.__oldGetValue;
- }
- // Restore all the plugin buttons state.
- ed.queryCommandEnabled = ed._sourceQueryCommandEnabled;
- if(!this._readOnly){
- html = this.sourceArea.value;
- html = this._filter(html);
- ed.beginEditing();
- ed.set("value", html);
- ed.endEditing();
- }
- array.forEach(edPlugins, function(p){
- // Turn back on any plugins we turned off.
- if(p && p.isInstanceOf(_Plugin)){
- p.set("disabled", false);
- }
- });
- domStyle.set(this.sourceArea, "display", "none");
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe, "display", "block");
- delete ed._sourceQueryCommandEnabled;
- //Trigger a check for command enablement/disablement.
- this.editor.onDisplayChanged();
- }
- // Call a delayed resize to wait for some things to display in header/footer.
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // Make resize calls.
- var parent = ed.domNode.parentNode;
- if(parent){
- var container = registry.getEnclosingWidget(parent);
- if(container && container.resize){
- container.resize();
- }
- }
- ed.resize();
- }), 300);
- }catch(e){
- console.log(e);
- }
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for button state control for disabled to work.
- this.button.set("disabled", this.get("disabled"));
- },
- _resize: function(){
- // summary:
- // Internal function to resize the source view
- // tags:
- // private
- var ed = this.editor;
- var tbH = ed.getHeaderHeight();
- var fH = ed.getFooterHeight();
- var eb = domGeometry.position(ed.domNode);
- // Styles are now applied to the internal source container, so we have
- // to subtract them off.
- var containerPadding = domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(ed.iframe.parentNode);
- var containerMargin = domGeometry.getMarginExtents(ed.iframe.parentNode);
- var extents = domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(ed.domNode);
- var edb = {
- w: eb.w - extents.w,
- h: eb.h - (tbH + extents.h + fH)
- };
- // Fullscreen gets odd, so we need to check for the FS plugin and
- // adapt.
- if(this._fsPlugin && this._fsPlugin.isFullscreen){
- //Okay, probably in FS, adjust.
- var vp = winUtils.getBox(ed.ownerDocument);
- edb.w = (vp.w - extents.w);
- edb.h = (vp.h - (tbH + extents.h + fH));
- }
- if(has("ie")){
- // IE is always off by 2px, so we have to adjust here
- // Note that IE ZOOM is broken here. I can't get
- //it to scale right.
- edb.h -= 2;
- }
- // IE has a horrible zoom bug. So, we have to try and account for
- // it and fix up the scaling.
- if(this._ieFixNode){
- var _ie7zoom = -this._ieFixNode.offsetTop / 1000;
- edb.w = Math.floor((edb.w + 0.9) / _ie7zoom);
- edb.h = Math.floor((edb.h + 0.9) / _ie7zoom);
- }
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.sourceArea, {
- w: edb.w - (containerPadding.w + containerMargin.w),
- h: edb.h - (containerPadding.h + containerMargin.h)
- });
- // Scale the parent container too in this case.
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(ed.iframe.parentNode, {
- h: edb.h
- });
- },
- _createSourceView: function(){
- // summary:
- // Internal function for creating the source view area.
- // tags:
- // private
- var ed = this.editor;
- var edPlugins = ed._plugins;
- this.sourceArea = domConstruct.create("textarea");
- if(this.readOnly){
- domAttr.set(this.sourceArea, "readOnly", true);
- this._readOnly = true;
- }
- domStyle.set(this.sourceArea, {
- padding: "0px",
- margin: "0px",
- borderWidth: "0px",
- borderStyle: "none"
- });
-, ed.iframe, "before");
- if(has("ie") && ed.iframe.parentNode.lastChild !== ed.iframe){
- // There's some weirdo div in IE used for focus control
- // But is messed up scaling the textarea if we don't config
- // it some so it doesn't have a varying height.
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe.parentNode.lastChild,{
- width: "0px",
- height: "0px",
- padding: "0px",
- margin: "0px",
- borderWidth: "0px",
- borderStyle: "none"
- });
- }
- // We also need to take over editor focus a bit here, so that focus calls to
- // focus the editor will focus to the right node when VS is active.
- ed._viewsource_oldFocus = ed.focus;
- var self = this;
- ed.focus = function(){
- if(self._sourceShown){
- self.setSourceAreaCaret();
- }else{
- try{
- if(this._vsFocused){
- delete this._vsFocused;
- // Must focus edit node in this case (webkit only) or
- // focus doesn't shift right, but in normal
- // cases we focus with the regular function.
- focus.focus(ed.editNode);
- }else{
- ed._viewsource_oldFocus();
- }
- }catch(e){
- console.log(e);
- }
- }
- };
- var i, p;
- for(i = 0; i < edPlugins.length; i++){
- // We actually do need to trap this plugin and adjust how we
- // display the textarea.
- p = edPlugins[i];
- if(p && (p.declaredClass === "dijit._editor.plugins.FullScreen" ||
- p.declaredClass === (dijit._scopeName +
- "._editor.plugins.FullScreen"))){
- this._fsPlugin = p;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(this._fsPlugin){
- // Found, we need to over-ride the alt-view node function
- // on FullScreen with our own, chain up to parent call when appropriate.
- this._fsPlugin._viewsource_getAltViewNode = this._fsPlugin._getAltViewNode;
- this._fsPlugin._getAltViewNode = function(){
- return self._sourceShown?self.sourceArea:this._viewsource_getAltViewNode();
- };
- }
- // Listen to the source area for key events as well, as we need to be able to hotkey toggle
- // it from there too.
- this.connect(this.sourceArea, "onkeydown", lang.hitch(this, function(e){
- if(this._sourceShown && e.keyCode == keys.F12 && e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey){
- this.button.focus();
- this.button.set("checked", false);
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){ed.focus();}), 100);
- event.stop(e);
- }
- }));
- },
- _stripScripts: function(html){
- // summary:
- // Strips out script tags from the HTML used in editor.
- // html: String
- // The HTML to filter
- // tags:
- // private
- if(html){
- // Look for closed and unclosed (malformed) script attacks.
- html = html.replace(/<\s*script[^>]*>((.|\s)*?)<\\?\/\s*script\s*>/ig, "");
- html = html.replace(/<\s*script\b([^<>]|\s)*>?/ig, "");
- html = html.replace(/<[^>]*=(\s|)*[("|')]javascript:[^$1][(\s|.)]*[$1][^>]*>/ig, "");
- }
- return html;
- },
- _stripComments: function(html){
- // summary:
- // Strips out comments from the HTML used in editor.
- // html: String
- // The HTML to filter
- // tags:
- // private
- if(html){
- html = html.replace(/<!--(.|\s){1,}?-->/g, "");
- }
- return html;
- },
- _stripIFrames: function(html){
- // summary:
- // Strips out iframe tags from the content, to avoid iframe script
- // style injection attacks.
- // html: String
- // The HTML to filter
- // tags:
- // private
- if(html){
- html = html.replace(/<\s*iframe[^>]*>((.|\s)*?)<\\?\/\s*iframe\s*>/ig, "");
- }
- return html;
- },
- _filter: function(html){
- // summary:
- // Internal function to perform some filtering on the HTML.
- // html: String
- // The HTML to filter
- // tags:
- // private
- if(html){
- if(this.stripScripts){
- html = this._stripScripts(html);
- }
- if(this.stripComments){
- html = this._stripComments(html);
- }
- if(this.stripIFrames){
- html = this._stripIFrames(html);
- }
- }
- return html;
- },
- setSourceAreaCaret: function(){
- // summary:
- // Internal function to set the caret in the sourceArea
- // to 0x0
- var global =;
- var elem = this.sourceArea;
- focus.focus(elem);
- if(this._sourceShown && !this.readOnly){
- if(has("ie")){
- if(this.sourceArea.createTextRange){
- var range = elem.createTextRange();
- range.collapse(true);
- range.moveStart("character", -99999); // move to 0
- range.moveStart("character", 0); // delta from 0 is the correct position
- range.moveEnd("character", 0);
- }
- }else if(global.getSelection){
- if(elem.setSelectionRange){
- elem.setSelectionRange(0,0);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride to remove the node used to correct for IE's
- // zoom bug.
- if(this._ieFixNode){
- domConstruct.destroy(this._ieFixNode);
- }
- if(this._resizer){
- clearTimeout(this._resizer);
- delete this._resizer;
- }
- if(this._resizeHandle){
- this._resizeHandle.remove();
- delete this._resizeHandle;
- }
- if(this._setListener){
- this._setListener.remove();
- delete this._setListener;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
-// Register this plugin.
-// For back-compat accept "viewsource" (all lowercase) too, remove in 2.0
-_Plugin.registry["viewSource"] = _Plugin.registry["viewsource"] = function(args){
- return new ViewSource({
- readOnly: ("readOnly" in args)?args.readOnly:false,
- stripComments: ("stripComments" in args)?args.stripComments:true,
- stripScripts: ("stripScripts" in args)?args.stripScripts:true,
- stripIFrames: ("stripIFrames" in args)?args.stripIFrames:true
- });
-return ViewSource;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/range.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/range.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b1f55e1ce..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/range.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/range", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.every
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.isArray
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.doc TODO: remove in 2.0
- "../main" // for exporting symbols to dijit, TODO: remove in 2.0
-], function(array, declare, lang, win, dijit){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/range
-// summary:
-// W3C range API
-dijit.range.getIndex = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*DomNode*/parent){
-// dojo.profile.start("dijit.range.getIndex");
- var ret = [], retR = [];
- var onode = node;
- var pnode, n;
- while(node != parent){
- var i = 0;
- pnode = node.parentNode;
- while((n = pnode.childNodes[i++])){
- if(n === node){
- --i;
- break;
- }
- }
- //if(i>=pnode.childNodes.length){
- //dojo.debug("Error finding index of a node in dijit/range.getIndex()");
- //}
- ret.unshift(i);
- retR.unshift(i - pnode.childNodes.length);
- node = pnode;
- }
- //normalized() can not be called so often to prevent
- //invalidating selection/range, so we have to detect
- //here that any text nodes in a row
- if(ret.length > 0 && onode.nodeType == 3){
- n = onode.previousSibling;
- while(n && n.nodeType == 3){
- ret[ret.length - 1]--;
- n = n.previousSibling;
- }
- n = onode.nextSibling;
- while(n && n.nodeType == 3){
- retR[retR.length - 1]++;
- n = n.nextSibling;
- }
- }
-// dojo.profile.end("dijit/range.getIndex()");
- return {o: ret, r:retR};
-dijit.range.getNode = function(/*Array*/index, /*DomNode*/parent){
- if(!lang.isArray(index) || index.length == 0){
- return parent;
- }
- var node = parent;
-// if(!node)debugger
- array.every(index, function(i){
- if(i >= 0 && i < node.childNodes.length){
- node = node.childNodes[i];
- }else{
- node = null;
- //console.debug('Error: can not find node with index',index,'under parent node',parent );
- return false; //terminate array.every
- }
- return true; //carry on the every loop
- });
- return node;
-dijit.range.getCommonAncestor = function(n1, n2, root){
- root = root || n1.ownerDocument.body;
- var getAncestors = function(n){
- var as = [];
- while(n){
- as.unshift(n);
- if(n !== root){
- n = n.parentNode;
- }else{
- break;
- }
- }
- return as;
- };
- var n1as = getAncestors(n1);
- var n2as = getAncestors(n2);
- var m = Math.min(n1as.length, n2as.length);
- var com = n1as[0]; //at least, one element should be in the array: the root (BODY by default)
- for(var i = 1; i < m; i++){
- if(n1as[i] === n2as[i]){
- com = n1as[i]
- }else{
- break;
- }
- }
- return com;
-dijit.range.getAncestor = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*RegEx?*/regex, /*DomNode?*/root){
- root = root || node.ownerDocument.body;
- while(node && node !== root){
- var name = node.nodeName.toUpperCase();
- if(regex.test(name)){
- return node;
- }
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return null;
-dijit.range.BlockTagNames = /^(?:P|DIV|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|ADDRESS|PRE|OL|UL|LI|DT|DE)$/;
-dijit.range.getBlockAncestor = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*RegEx?*/regex, /*DomNode?*/root){
- root = root || node.ownerDocument.body;
- regex = regex || dijit.range.BlockTagNames;
- var block = null, blockContainer;
- while(node && node !== root){
- var name = node.nodeName.toUpperCase();
- if(!block && regex.test(name)){
- block = node;
- }
- if(!blockContainer && (/^(?:BODY|TD|TH|CAPTION)$/).test(name)){
- blockContainer = node;
- }
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return {blockNode:block, blockContainer:blockContainer || node.ownerDocument.body};
-dijit.range.atBeginningOfContainer = function(/*DomNode*/container, /*DomNode*/node, /*Int*/offset){
- var atBeginning = false;
- var offsetAtBeginning = (offset == 0);
- if(!offsetAtBeginning && node.nodeType == 3){ //if this is a text node, check whether the left part is all space
- if(/^[\s\xA0]+$/.test(node.nodeValue.substr(0, offset))){
- offsetAtBeginning = true;
- }
- }
- if(offsetAtBeginning){
- var cnode = node;
- atBeginning = true;
- while(cnode && cnode !== container){
- if(cnode.previousSibling){
- atBeginning = false;
- break;
- }
- cnode = cnode.parentNode;
- }
- }
- return atBeginning;
-dijit.range.atEndOfContainer = function(/*DomNode*/container, /*DomNode*/node, /*Int*/offset){
- var atEnd = false;
- var offsetAtEnd = (offset == (node.length || node.childNodes.length));
- if(!offsetAtEnd && node.nodeType == 3){ //if this is a text node, check whether the right part is all space
- if(/^[\s\xA0]+$/.test(node.nodeValue.substr(offset))){
- offsetAtEnd = true;
- }
- }
- if(offsetAtEnd){
- var cnode = node;
- atEnd = true;
- while(cnode && cnode !== container){
- if(cnode.nextSibling){
- atEnd = false;
- break;
- }
- cnode = cnode.parentNode;
- }
- }
- return atEnd;
-dijit.range.adjacentNoneTextNode = function(startnode, next){
- var node = startnode;
- var len = (0 - startnode.length) || 0;
- var prop = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
- while(node){
- if(node.nodeType != 3){
- break;
- }
- len += node.length;
- node = node[prop];
- }
- return [node,len];
-dijit.range.create = function(/*Window?*/ win){ // TODO: for 2.0, replace optional window param w/mandatory window or document param
- win = win || window;
- if(win.getSelection){
- return win.document.createRange();
- }else{//IE
- return new dijit.range.W3CRange();
- }
-dijit.range.getSelection = function(/*Window*/ window, /*Boolean?*/ ignoreUpdate){
- if(window.getSelection){
- return window.getSelection();
- }else{//IE
- var s = new;
- if(!ignoreUpdate){
- s._getCurrentSelection();
- }
- return s;
- }
-// TODO: convert to has() test? But remember IE9 issues with quirks vs. standards in main frame vs. iframe.
- = {
- cachedSelection: {},
- selection: function(window){
- this._ranges = [];
- this.addRange = function(r, /*boolean*/ internal){
- this._ranges.push(r);
- if(!internal){
- r._select();
- }
- this.rangeCount = this._ranges.length;
- };
- this.removeAllRanges = function(){
- //don't detach, the range may be used later
-// for(var i=0;i<this._ranges.length;i++){
-// this._ranges[i].detach();
-// }
- this._ranges = [];
- this.rangeCount = 0;
- };
- var _initCurrentRange = function(){
- var r = window.document.selection.createRange();
- var type = window.document.selection.type.toUpperCase();
- if(type == "CONTROL"){
- //TODO: multiple range selection(?)
- return new dijit.range.W3CRange(;
- }else{
- return new dijit.range.W3CRange(;
- }
- };
- this.getRangeAt = function(i){
- return this._ranges[i];
- };
- this._getCurrentSelection = function(){
- this.removeAllRanges();
- var r = _initCurrentRange();
- if(r){
- this.addRange(r, true);
- this.isCollapsed = r.collapsed;
- }else{
- this.isCollapsed = true;
- }
- };
- },
- decomposeControlRange: function(range){
- var firstnode = range.item(0), lastnode = range.item(range.length - 1);
- var startContainer = firstnode.parentNode, endContainer = lastnode.parentNode;
- var startOffset = dijit.range.getIndex(firstnode, startContainer).o[0];
- var endOffset = dijit.range.getIndex(lastnode, endContainer).o[0] + 1;
- return [startContainer, startOffset,endContainer, endOffset];
- },
- getEndPoint: function(range, end){
- var atmrange = range.duplicate();
- atmrange.collapse(!end);
- var cmpstr = 'EndTo' + (end ? 'End' : 'Start');
- var parentNode = atmrange.parentElement();
- var startnode, startOffset, lastNode;
- if(parentNode.childNodes.length > 0){
- array.every(parentNode.childNodes, function(node, i){
- var calOffset;
- if(node.nodeType != 3){
- atmrange.moveToElementText(node);
- if(atmrange.compareEndPoints(cmpstr, range) > 0){
- //startnode = node.previousSibling;
- if(lastNode && lastNode.nodeType == 3){
- //where shall we put the start? in the text node or after?
- startnode = lastNode;
- calOffset = true;
- }else{
- startnode = parentNode;
- startOffset = i;
- return false;
- }
- }else{
- if(i == parentNode.childNodes.length - 1){
- startnode = parentNode;
- startOffset = parentNode.childNodes.length;
- return false;
- }
- }
- }else{
- if(i == parentNode.childNodes.length - 1){//at the end of this node
- startnode = node;
- calOffset = true;
- }
- }
- // try{
- if(calOffset && startnode){
- var prevnode = dijit.range.adjacentNoneTextNode(startnode)[0];
- if(prevnode){
- startnode = prevnode.nextSibling;
- }else{
- startnode = parentNode.firstChild; //firstChild must be a text node
- }
- var prevnodeobj = dijit.range.adjacentNoneTextNode(startnode);
- prevnode = prevnodeobj[0];
- var lenoffset = prevnodeobj[1];
- if(prevnode){
- atmrange.moveToElementText(prevnode);
- atmrange.collapse(false);
- }else{
- atmrange.moveToElementText(parentNode);
- }
- atmrange.setEndPoint(cmpstr, range);
- startOffset = atmrange.text.length - lenoffset;
- return false;
- }
- // }catch(e){ debugger }
- lastNode = node;
- return true;
- });
- }else{
- startnode = parentNode;
- startOffset = 0;
- }
- //if at the end of startnode and we are dealing with start container, then
- //move the startnode to nextSibling if it is a text node
- //TODO: do this for end container?
- if(!end && startnode.nodeType == 1 && startOffset == startnode.childNodes.length){
- var nextnode = startnode.nextSibling;
- if(nextnode && nextnode.nodeType == 3){
- startnode = nextnode;
- startOffset = 0;
- }
- }
- return [startnode, startOffset];
- },
- setEndPoint: function(range, container, offset){
- //text node
- var atmrange = range.duplicate(), node, len;
- if(container.nodeType != 3){ //normal node
- if(offset > 0){
- node = container.childNodes[offset - 1];
- if(node){
- if(node.nodeType == 3){
- container = node;
- offset = node.length;
- //pass through
- }else{
- if(node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeType == 3){
- container = node.nextSibling;
- offset = 0;
- //pass through
- }else{
- atmrange.moveToElementText(node.nextSibling ? node : container);
- var parent = node.parentNode;
- var tempNode = parent.insertBefore(node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(' '), node.nextSibling);
- atmrange.collapse(false);
- parent.removeChild(tempNode);
- }
- }
- }
- }else{
- atmrange.moveToElementText(container);
- atmrange.collapse(true);
- }
- }
- if(container.nodeType == 3){
- var prevnodeobj = dijit.range.adjacentNoneTextNode(container);
- var prevnode = prevnodeobj[0];
- len = prevnodeobj[1];
- if(prevnode){
- atmrange.moveToElementText(prevnode);
- atmrange.collapse(false);
- //if contentEditable is not inherit, the above collapse won't make the end point
- //in the correctly position: it always has a -1 offset, so compensate it
- if(prevnode.contentEditable != 'inherit'){
- len++;
- }
- }else{
- atmrange.moveToElementText(container.parentNode);
- atmrange.collapse(true);
- // Correct internal cursor position
- //
- atmrange.move('character', 1);
- atmrange.move('character', -1);
- }
- offset += len;
- if(offset > 0){
- if(atmrange.move('character', offset) != offset){
- console.error('Error when moving!');
- }
- }
- }
- return atmrange;
- },
- decomposeTextRange: function(range){
- var tmpary =;
- var startContainer = tmpary[0], startOffset = tmpary[1];
- var endContainer = tmpary[0], endOffset = tmpary[1];
- if(range.htmlText.length){
- if(range.htmlText == range.text){ //in the same text node
- endOffset = startOffset + range.text.length;
- }else{
- tmpary =, true);
- endContainer = tmpary[0],endOffset = tmpary[1];
-// if(startContainer.tagName == "BODY"){
-// startContainer = startContainer.firstChild;
-// }
- }
- }
- return [startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset];
- },
- setRange: function(range, startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset, collapsed){
- var start =, startContainer, startOffset);
- range.setEndPoint('StartToStart', start);
- if(!collapsed){
- var end =, endContainer, endOffset);
- }
- range.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', end || start);
- return range;
- }
- };
-declare("dijit.range.W3CRange",null, {
- constructor: function(){
- if(arguments.length>0){
- this.setStart(arguments[0][0],arguments[0][1]);
- this.setEnd(arguments[0][2],arguments[0][3]);
- }else{
- this.commonAncestorContainer = null;
- this.startContainer = null;
- this.startOffset = 0;
- this.endContainer = null;
- this.endOffset = 0;
- this.collapsed = true;
- }
- },
- _updateInternal: function(){
- if(this.startContainer !== this.endContainer){
- this.commonAncestorContainer = dijit.range.getCommonAncestor(this.startContainer, this.endContainer);
- }else{
- this.commonAncestorContainer = this.startContainer;
- }
- this.collapsed = (this.startContainer === this.endContainer) && (this.startOffset == this.endOffset);
- },
- setStart: function(node, offset){
- offset=parseInt(offset);
- if(this.startContainer === node && this.startOffset == offset){
- return;
- }
- delete this._cachedBookmark;
- this.startContainer = node;
- this.startOffset = offset;
- if(!this.endContainer){
- this.setEnd(node, offset);
- }else{
- this._updateInternal();
- }
- },
- setEnd: function(node, offset){
- offset=parseInt(offset);
- if(this.endContainer === node && this.endOffset == offset){
- return;
- }
- delete this._cachedBookmark;
- this.endContainer = node;
- this.endOffset = offset;
- if(!this.startContainer){
- this.setStart(node, offset);
- }else{
- this._updateInternal();
- }
- },
- setStartAfter: function(node, offset){
- this._setPoint('setStart', node, offset, 1);
- },
- setStartBefore: function(node, offset){
- this._setPoint('setStart', node, offset, 0);
- },
- setEndAfter: function(node, offset){
- this._setPoint('setEnd', node, offset, 1);
- },
- setEndBefore: function(node, offset){
- this._setPoint('setEnd', node, offset, 0);
- },
- _setPoint: function(what, node, offset, ext){
- var index = dijit.range.getIndex(node, node.parentNode).o;
- this[what](node.parentNode, index.pop()+ext);
- },
- _getIERange: function(){
- var r = (this._body || this.endContainer.ownerDocument.body).createTextRange();
-, this.startContainer, this.startOffset, this.endContainer, this.endOffset, this.collapsed);
- return r;
- },
- getBookmark: function(){
- this._getIERange();
- return this._cachedBookmark;
- },
- _select: function(){
- var r = this._getIERange();
- },
- deleteContents: function(){
- var s = this.startContainer, r = this._getIERange();
- if(s.nodeType === 3 && !this.startOffset){
- //if the range starts at the beginning of a
- //text node, move it to before the textnode
- //to make sure the range is still valid
- //after deleteContents() finishes
- this.setStartBefore(s);
- }
- r.pasteHTML('');
- this.endContainer = this.startContainer;
- this.endOffset = this.startOffset;
- this.collapsed = true;
- },
- cloneRange: function(){
- var r = new dijit.range.W3CRange([this.startContainer,this.startOffset,
- this.endContainer,this.endOffset]);
- r._body = this._body;
- return r;
- },
- detach: function(){
- this._body = null;
- this.commonAncestorContainer = null;
- this.startContainer = null;
- this.startOffset = 0;
- this.endContainer = null;
- this.endOffset = 0;
- this.collapsed = true;
-} //if(!window.getSelection)
-return dijit.range;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/selection.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/selection.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 272ac7787..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/selection.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/selection", [
- "dojo/dom", // dom.byId
- "dojo/_base/lang",
- "dojo/sniff", // has("ie") has("opera")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body win.doc win.doc.createElement win.doc.selection win.doc.selection.createRange win.doc.selection.type.toLowerCase
- "../main" // for exporting symbols to dijit._editor.selection (TODO: remove in 2.0)
-], function(dom, lang, has, win, dijit){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/selection
-// summary:
-// Text selection API
-// FIXME:
-// all of these methods branch internally for IE. This is probably
-// sub-optimal in terms of runtime performance. We should investigate the
-// size difference for differentiating at definition time.
-var selection = {
- getType: function(){
- // summary:
- // Get the selection type (like in IE).
- if(win.doc.getSelection){
- // W3C path
- var stype = "text";
- // Check if the actual selection is a CONTROL (IMG, TABLE, HR, etc...).
- var oSel;
- try{
- oSel =;
- }catch(e){ /*squelch*/ }
- if(oSel && oSel.rangeCount == 1){
- var oRange = oSel.getRangeAt(0);
- if( (oRange.startContainer == oRange.endContainer) &&
- ((oRange.endOffset - oRange.startOffset) == 1) &&
- (oRange.startContainer.nodeType != 3 /* text node*/)
- ){
- stype = "control";
- }
- }
- return stype; //String
- }else{
- // IE6-8
- return win.doc.selection.type.toLowerCase();
- }
- },
- getSelectedText: function(){
- // summary:
- // Return the text (no html tags) included in the current selection or null if no text is selected
- if(win.doc.getSelection){
- // W3C path
- var selection =;
- return selection ? selection.toString() : ""; //String
- }else{
- // IE6-8
- if(dijit._editor.selection.getType() == 'control'){
- return null;
- }
- return win.doc.selection.createRange().text;
- }
- },
- getSelectedHtml: function(){
- // summary:
- // Return the html text of the current selection or null if unavailable
- if(win.doc.getSelection){
- // W3C path
- var selection =;
- if(selection && selection.rangeCount){
- var i;
- var html = "";
- for(i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++){
- //Handle selections spanning ranges, such as Opera
- var frag = selection.getRangeAt(i).cloneContents();
- var div = win.doc.createElement("div");
- div.appendChild(frag);
- html += div.innerHTML;
- }
- return html; //String
- }
- return null;
- }else{
- // IE6-8
- if(dijit._editor.selection.getType() == 'control'){
- return null;
- }
- return win.doc.selection.createRange().htmlText;
- }
- },
- getSelectedElement: function(){
- // summary:
- // Retrieves the selected element (if any), just in the case that
- // a single element (object like and image or a table) is
- // selected.
- if(dijit._editor.selection.getType() == "control"){
- if(win.doc.getSelection){
- // W3C path
- var selection =;
- return selection.anchorNode.childNodes[ selection.anchorOffset ];
- }else{
- // IE6-8
- var range = win.doc.selection.createRange();
- if(range && range.item){
- return win.doc.selection.createRange().item(0);
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- getParentElement: function(){
- // summary:
- // Get the parent element of the current selection
- if(dijit._editor.selection.getType() == "control"){
- var p = this.getSelectedElement();
- if(p){ return p.parentNode; }
- }else{
- if(win.doc.getSelection){
- var selection =;
- if(selection){
- var node = selection.anchorNode;
- while(node && (node.nodeType != 1)){ // not an element
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return node;
- }
- }else{
- var r = win.doc.selection.createRange();
- r.collapse(true);
- return r.parentElement();
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- hasAncestorElement: function(/*String*/ tagName /* ... */){
- // summary:
- // Check whether current selection has a parent element which is
- // of type tagName (or one of the other specified tagName)
- // tagName: String
- // The tag name to determine if it has an ancestor of.
- return this.getAncestorElement.apply(this, arguments) != null; //Boolean
- },
- getAncestorElement: function(/*String*/ tagName /* ... */){
- // summary:
- // Return the parent element of the current selection which is of
- // type tagName (or one of the other specified tagName)
- // tagName: String
- // The tag name to determine if it has an ancestor of.
- var node = this.getSelectedElement() || this.getParentElement();
- return this.getParentOfType(node, arguments); //DOMNode
- },
- isTag: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String[]*/ tags){
- // summary:
- // Function to determine if a node is one of an array of tags.
- // node:
- // The node to inspect.
- // tags:
- // An array of tag name strings to check to see if the node matches.
- if(node && node.tagName){
- var _nlc = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
- for(var i=0; i<tags.length; i++){
- var _tlc = String(tags[i]).toLowerCase();
- if(_nlc == _tlc){
- return _tlc; // String
- }
- }
- }
- return "";
- },
- getParentOfType: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String[]*/ tags){
- // summary:
- // Function to locate a parent node that matches one of a set of tags
- // node:
- // The node to inspect.
- // tags:
- // An array of tag name strings to check to see if the node matches.
- while(node){
- if(this.isTag(node, tags).length){
- return node; // DOMNode
- }
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return null;
- },
- collapse: function(/*Boolean*/ beginning){
- // summary:
- // Function to collapse (clear), the current selection
- // beginning: Boolean
- // Indicates whether to collapse the cursor to the beginning of the selection or end.
- if(win.doc.getSelection){
- // W3C path
- var selection =;
- if(selection.removeAllRanges){ // Mozilla
- if(beginning){
- selection.collapseToStart();
- }else{
- selection.collapseToEnd();
- }
- }else{ // Safari
- // pulled from WebCore/ecma/kjs_window.cpp, line 2536
- selection.collapse(beginning);
- }
- }else{
- // IE6-8
- var range = win.doc.selection.createRange();
- range.collapse(beginning);
- }
- },
- remove: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to delete the currently selected content from the document.
- var sel = win.doc.selection;
- if(win.doc.getSelection){
- // W3C path
- sel =;
- sel.deleteFromDocument();
- return sel; //Selection
- }else{
- // IE6-8
- if(sel.type.toLowerCase() != "none"){
- sel.clear();
- }
- return sel; //Selection
- }
- },
- selectElementChildren: function(/*DomNode*/ element, /*Boolean?*/ nochangefocus){
- // summary:
- // clear previous selection and select the content of the node
- // (excluding the node itself)
- // element: DOMNode
- // The element you wish to select the children content of.
- // nochangefocus: Boolean
- // Indicates if the focus should change or not.
- var doc = win.doc;
- var range;
- element = dom.byId(element);
- if(win.doc.getSelection){
- // W3C
- var selection =;
- if(has("opera")){
- //Opera's selectAllChildren doesn't seem to work right
- //against <body> nodes and possibly others ... so
- //we use the W3C range API
- if(selection.rangeCount){
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }else{
- range = doc.createRange();
- }
- range.setStart(element, 0);
- range.setEnd(element,(element.nodeType == 3) ? element.length : element.childNodes.length);
- selection.addRange(range);
- }else{
- selection.selectAllChildren(element);
- }
- }else{
- // IE6-8
- range = element.ownerDocument.body.createTextRange();
- range.moveToElementText(element);
- if(!nochangefocus){
- try{
-; // IE throws an exception here if the widget is hidden. See #5439
- }catch(e){ /* squelch */}
- }
- }
- },
- selectElement: function(/*DomNode*/ element, /*Boolean?*/ nochangefocus){
- // summary:
- // clear previous selection and select element (including all its children)
- // element: DOMNode
- // The element to select.
- // nochangefocus: Boolean
- // Boolean indicating if the focus should be changed. IE only.
- var range;
- element = dom.byId(element); // TODO: remove for 2.0 or sooner, spec listed above doesn't allow for string
- var doc = element.ownerDocument;
- var global =; // TODO: use winUtils.get(doc)?
- if(doc.getSelection){
- // W3C path
- var selection = global.getSelection();
- range = doc.createRange();
- if(selection.removeAllRanges){ // Mozilla
- // FIXME: does this work on Safari?
- if(has("opera")){
- //Opera works if you use the current range on
- //the selection if present.
- if(selection.getRangeAt(0)){
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- }
- range.selectNode(element);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(range);
- }
- }else{
- // IE6-8
- try{
- var tg = element.tagName ? element.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
- if(tg === "img" || tg === "table"){
- range = win.body(doc).createControlRange();
- }else{
- range = win.body(doc).createRange();
- }
- range.addElement(element);
- if(!nochangefocus){
- }
- }catch(e){
- this.selectElementChildren(element, nochangefocus);
- }
- }
- },
- inSelection: function(node){
- // summary:
- // This function determines if 'node' is
- // in the current selection.
- // tags:
- // public
- if(node){
- var newRange;
- var doc = win.doc;
- var range;
- if(win.doc.getSelection){
- // WC3
- var sel =;
- if(sel && sel.rangeCount > 0){
- range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- if(range && range.compareBoundaryPoints && doc.createRange){
- try{
- newRange = doc.createRange();
- newRange.setStart(node, 0);
- if(range.compareBoundaryPoints(range.START_TO_END, newRange) === 1){
- return true;
- }
- }catch(e){ /* squelch */}
- }
- }else{
- // IE6-8, so we can't use the range object as the pseudo
- // range doesn't implement the boundary checking, we have to
- // use IE specific crud.
- range = doc.selection.createRange();
- try{
- newRange = node.ownerDocument.body.createControlRange();
- if(newRange){
- newRange.addElement(node);
- }
- }catch(e1){
- try{
- newRange = node.ownerDocument.body.createTextRange();
- newRange.moveToElementText(node);
- }catch(e2){/* squelch */}
- }
- if(range && newRange){
- // We can finally compare similar to W3C
- if(range.compareEndPoints("EndToStart", newRange) === 1){
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false; // Boolean
- }
-lang.setObject("dijit._editor.selection", selection);
-return selection;