path: root/lib/dojo/NodeList-dom.js.uncompressed.js
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authorBarak Korren <[email protected]>2013-04-02 20:38:07 +0300
committerBarak Korren <[email protected]>2013-04-02 20:38:07 +0300
commit58a2577d48790c79adfd44bcfd662c980ce6cfe4 (patch)
tree523d814ea0b7b6f617fe515b186099c6e83fed72 /lib/dojo/NodeList-dom.js.uncompressed.js
parente470a273cf09562fb2f9c0c899002303f19c8d16 (diff)
parentcc332603431102a682feda22b9cf0093a29f0176 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dojo/NodeList-dom.js.uncompressed.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 509 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dojo/NodeList-dom.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/NodeList-dom.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index db478ef74..000000000
--- a/lib/dojo/NodeList-dom.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-define("dojo/NodeList-dom", ["./_base/kernel", "./query", "./_base/array", "./_base/lang", "./dom-class", "./dom-construct", "./dom-geometry", "./dom-attr", "./dom-style"], function(dojo, query, array, lang, domCls, domCtr, domGeom, domAttr, domStyle){
- // module:
- // dojo/NodeList-dom.js
- /*=====
- return function(){
- // summary:
- // Adds DOM related methods to NodeList, and returns NodeList constructor.
- };
- =====*/
- var magicGuard = function(a){
- // summary:
- // the guard function for dojo.attr() and
- return a.length == 1 && (typeof a[0] == "string"); // inline'd type check
- };
- var orphan = function(node){
- // summary:
- // function to orphan nodes
- var p = node.parentNode;
- if(p){
- p.removeChild(node);
- }
- };
- // FIXME: should we move orphan() to dojo.html?
- var NodeList = query.NodeList,
- awc = NodeList._adaptWithCondition,
- aafe = NodeList._adaptAsForEach,
- aam = NodeList._adaptAsMap;
- function getSet(module){
- return function(node, name, value){
- if(arguments.length == 2){
- return module[typeof name == "string" ? "get" : "set"](node, name);
- }
- // setter
- return module.set(node, name, value);
- };
- }
- lang.extend(NodeList, {
- _normalize: function(/*String||Element||Object||NodeList*/content, /*DOMNode?*/refNode){
- // summary:
- // normalizes data to an array of items to insert.
- // description:
- // If content is an object, it can have special properties "template" and
- // "parse". If "template" is defined, then the template value is run through
- // dojo.string.substitute (if dojo/string.substitute() has been dojo.required elsewhere),
- // or if templateFunc is a function on the content, that function will be used to
- // transform the template into a final string to be used for for passing to dojo/dom-construct.toDom().
- // If content.parse is true, then it is remembered for later, for when the content
- // nodes are inserted into the DOM. At that point, the nodes will be parsed for widgets
- // (if dojo.parser has been dojo.required elsewhere).
- //Wanted to just use a DocumentFragment, but for the array/NodeList
- //case that meant using cloneNode, but we may not want that.
- //Cloning should only happen if the node operations span
- //multiple refNodes. Also, need a real array, not a NodeList from the
- //DOM since the node movements could change those NodeLists.
- var parse = content.parse === true;
- //Do we have an object that needs to be run through a template?
- if(typeof content.template == "string"){
- var templateFunc = content.templateFunc || (dojo.string && dojo.string.substitute);
- content = templateFunc ? templateFunc(content.template, content) : content;
- }
- var type = (typeof content);
- if(type == "string" || type == "number"){
- content = domCtr.toDom(content, (refNode && refNode.ownerDocument));
- if(content.nodeType == 11){
- //DocumentFragment. It cannot handle cloneNode calls, so pull out the children.
- content = lang._toArray(content.childNodes);
- }else{
- content = [content];
- }
- }else if(!lang.isArrayLike(content)){
- content = [content];
- }else if(!lang.isArray(content)){
- //To get to this point, content is array-like, but
- //not an array, which likely means a DOM NodeList. Convert it now.
- content = lang._toArray(content);
- }
- //Pass around the parse info
- if(parse){
- content._runParse = true;
- }
- return content; //Array
- },
- _cloneNode: function(/*DOMNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // private utility to clone a node. Not very interesting in the vanilla
- // dojo/NodeList case, but delegates could do interesting things like
- // clone event handlers if that is derivable from the node.
- return node.cloneNode(true);
- },
- _place: function(/*Array*/ary, /*DOMNode*/refNode, /*String*/position, /*Boolean*/useClone){
- // summary:
- // private utility to handle placing an array of nodes relative to another node.
- // description:
- // Allows for cloning the nodes in the array, and for
- // optionally parsing widgets, if ary._runParse is true.
- //Avoid a disallowed operation if trying to do an innerHTML on a non-element node.
- if(refNode.nodeType != 1 && position == "only"){
- return;
- }
- var rNode = refNode, tempNode;
- //Always cycle backwards in case the array is really a
- //DOM NodeList and the DOM operations take it out of the live collection.
- var length = ary.length;
- for(var i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- var node = (useClone ? this._cloneNode(ary[i]) : ary[i]);
- //If need widget parsing, use a temp node, instead of waiting after inserting into
- //real DOM because we need to start widget parsing at one node up from current node,
- //which could cause some already parsed widgets to be parsed again.
- if(ary._runParse && dojo.parser && dojo.parser.parse){
- if(!tempNode){
- tempNode = rNode.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- }
- tempNode.appendChild(node);
- dojo.parser.parse(tempNode);
- node = tempNode.firstChild;
- while(tempNode.firstChild){
- tempNode.removeChild(tempNode.firstChild);
- }
- }
- if(i == length - 1){
-, rNode, position);
- }else{
- rNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, rNode);
- }
- rNode = node;
- }
- },
- position: aam(domGeom.position),
- /*=====
- position: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns border-box objects (x/y/w/h) of all elements in a node list
- // as an Array (*not* a NodeList). Acts like `dojo.position`, though
- // assumes the node passed is each node in this list.
- return, dojo.position); // Array
- },
- =====*/
- attr: awc(getSet(domAttr), magicGuard),
- /*=====
- attr: function(property, value){
- // summary:
- // gets or sets the DOM attribute for every element in the
- // NodeList. See also `dojo.attr`
- // property: String
- // the attribute to get/set
- // value: String?
- // optional. The value to set the property to
- // returns:
- // if no value is passed, the result is an array of attribute values
- // If a value is passed, the return is this NodeList
- // example:
- // Make all nodes with a particular class focusable:
- // | dojo.query(".focusable").attr("tabIndex", -1);
- // example:
- // Disable a group of buttons:
- // | dojo.query("").attr("disabled", true);
- // example:
- // innerHTML can be assigned or retrieved as well:
- // | // get the innerHTML (as an array) for each list item
- // | var ih = dojo.query("li.replaceable").attr("innerHTML");
- return; // dojo/NodeList|Array
- },
- =====*/
- style: awc(getSet(domStyle), magicGuard),
- /*=====
- style: function(property, value){
- // summary:
- // gets or sets the CSS property for every element in the NodeList
- // property: String
- // the CSS property to get/set, in JavaScript notation
- // ("lineHieght" instead of "line-height")
- // value: String?
- // optional. The value to set the property to
- // returns:
- // if no value is passed, the result is an array of strings.
- // If a value is passed, the return is this NodeList
- return; // dojo/NodeList
- return; // Array
- },
- =====*/
- addClass: aafe(domCls.add),
- /*=====
- addClass: function(className){
- // summary:
- // adds the specified class to every node in the list
- // className: String|Array
- // A String class name to add, or several space-separated class names,
- // or an array of class names.
- return; // dojo/NodeList
- },
- =====*/
- removeClass: aafe(domCls.remove),
- /*=====
- removeClass: function(className){
- // summary:
- // removes the specified class from every node in the list
- // className: String|Array?
- // An optional String class name to remove, or several space-separated
- // class names, or an array of class names. If omitted, all class names
- // will be deleted.
- // returns:
- // this list
- return; // dojo/NodeList
- },
- =====*/
- toggleClass: aafe(domCls.toggle),
- /*=====
- toggleClass: function(className, condition){
- // summary:
- // Adds a class to node if not present, or removes if present.
- // Pass a boolean condition if you want to explicitly add or remove.
- // condition: Boolean?
- // If passed, true means to add the class, false means to remove.
- // className: String
- // the CSS class to add
- return; // dojo/NodeList
- },
- =====*/
- replaceClass: aafe(domCls.replace),
- /*=====
- replaceClass: function(addClassStr, removeClassStr){
- // summary:
- // Replaces one or more classes on a node if not present.
- // Operates more quickly than calling `removeClass()` and `addClass()`
- // addClassStr: String|Array
- // A String class name to add, or several space-separated class names,
- // or an array of class names.
- // removeClassStr: String|Array?
- // A String class name to remove, or several space-separated class names,
- // or an array of class names.
- return; // dojo/NodeList
- },
- =====*/
- empty: aafe(domCtr.empty),
- /*=====
- empty: function(){
- // summary:
- // clears all content from each node in the list. Effectively
- // equivalent to removing all child nodes from every item in
- // the list.
- return this.forEach("item.innerHTML='';"); // dojo/NodeList
- // FIXME: should we be checking for and/or disposing of widgets below these nodes?
- },
- =====*/
- removeAttr: aafe(domAttr.remove),
- /*=====
- removeAttr: function(name){
- // summary:
- // Removes an attribute from each node in the list.
- // name: String
- // the name of the attribute to remove
- return; // dojo/NodeList
- },
- =====*/
- marginBox: aam(domGeom.getMarginBox),
- /*=====
- marginBox: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns margin-box size of nodes
- return; // dojo/NodeList
- },
- =====*/
- // FIXME: connectPublisher()? connectRunOnce()?
- /*
- destroy: function(){
- // summary:
- // destroys every item in the list.
- this.forEach(d.destroy);
- // FIXME: should we be checking for and/or disposing of widgets below these nodes?
- },
- */
- place: function(/*String||Node*/ queryOrNode, /*String*/ position){
- // summary:
- // places elements of this node list relative to the first element matched
- // by queryOrNode. Returns the original NodeList. See: ``
- // queryOrNode:
- // may be a string representing any valid CSS3 selector or a DOM node.
- // In the selector case, only the first matching element will be used
- // for relative positioning.
- // position:
- // can be one of:
- //
- // - "last" (default)
- // - "first"
- // - "before"
- // - "after"
- // - "only"
- // - "replace"
- //
- // or an offset in the childNodes property
- var item = query(queryOrNode)[0];
- return this.forEach(function(node){, item, position); }); // dojo/NodeList
- },
- orphan: function(/*String?*/ filter){
- // summary:
- // removes elements in this list that match the filter
- // from their parents and returns them as a new NodeList.
- // filter:
- // CSS selector like ".foo" or "div > span"
- // returns:
- // NodeList containing the orphaned elements
- return (filter ? query._filterResult(this, filter) : this).forEach(orphan); // dojo/NodeList
- },
- adopt: function(/*String||Array||DomNode*/ queryOrListOrNode, /*String?*/ position){
- // summary:
- // places any/all elements in queryOrListOrNode at a
- // position relative to the first element in this list.
- // Returns a dojo/NodeList of the adopted elements.
- // queryOrListOrNode:
- // a DOM node or a query string or a query result.
- // Represents the nodes to be adopted relative to the
- // first element of this NodeList.
- // position:
- // can be one of:
- //
- // - "last" (default)
- // - "first"
- // - "before"
- // - "after"
- // - "only"
- // - "replace"
- //
- // or an offset in the childNodes property
- return query(queryOrListOrNode).place(this[0], position)._stash(this); // dojo/NodeList
- },
- // FIXME: do we need this?
- query: function(/*String*/ queryStr){
- // summary:
- // Returns a new list whose members match the passed query,
- // assuming elements of the current NodeList as the root for
- // each search.
- // example:
- // assume a DOM created by this markup:
- // | <div id="foo">
- // | <p>
- // | bacon is tasty, <span>dontcha think?</span>
- // | </p>
- // | </div>
- // | <div id="bar">
- // | <p>great comedians may not be funny <span>in person</span></p>
- // | </div>
- // If we are presented with the following definition for a NodeList:
- // | var l = new NodeList(dojo.byId("foo"), dojo.byId("bar"));
- // it's possible to find all span elements under paragraphs
- // contained by these elements with this sub-query:
- // | var spans = l.query("p span");
- // FIXME: probably slow
- if(!queryStr){ return this; }
- var ret = new NodeList;
- // FIXME: why would we ever get undefined here?
- query(queryStr, node).forEach(function(subNode){
- if(subNode !== undefined){
- ret.push(subNode);
- }
- });
- });
- return ret._stash(this); // dojo/NodeList
- },
- filter: function(/*String|Function*/ filter){
- // summary:
- // "masks" the built-in javascript filter() method (supported
- // in Dojo via `dojo.filter`) to support passing a simple
- // string filter in addition to supporting filtering function
- // objects.
- // filter:
- // If a string, a CSS rule like ".thinger" or "div > span".
- // example:
- // "regular" JS filter syntax as exposed in dojo.filter:
- // | dojo.query("*").filter(function(item){
- // | // highlight every paragraph
- // | return (item.nodeName == "p");
- // | }).style("backgroundColor", "yellow");
- // example:
- // the same filtering using a CSS selector
- // | dojo.query("*").filter("p").styles("backgroundColor", "yellow");
- var a = arguments, items = this, start = 0;
- if(typeof filter == "string"){ // inline'd type check
- items = query._filterResult(this, a[0]);
- if(a.length == 1){
- // if we only got a string query, pass back the filtered results
- return items._stash(this); // dojo/NodeList
- }
- // if we got a callback, run it over the filtered items
- start = 1;
- }
- return this._wrap(array.filter(items, a[start], a[start + 1]), this); // dojo/NodeList
- },
- /*
- // FIXME: should this be "copyTo" and include parenting info?
- clone: function(){
- // summary:
- // creates node clones of each element of this list
- // and returns a new list containing the clones
- },
- */
- addContent: function(/*String||DomNode||Object||dojo/NodeList*/ content, /*String||Integer?*/ position){
- // summary:
- // add a node, NodeList or some HTML as a string to every item in the
- // list. Returns the original list.
- // description:
- // a copy of the HTML content is added to each item in the
- // list, with an optional position argument. If no position
- // argument is provided, the content is appended to the end of
- // each item.
- // content:
- // DOM node, HTML in string format, a NodeList or an Object. If a DOM node or
- // NodeList, the content will be cloned if the current NodeList has more than one
- // element. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, no event handlers. If it is an Object,
- // it should be an object with at "template" String property that has the HTML string
- // to insert. If dojo.string has already been dojo.required, then dojo.string.substitute
- // will be used on the "template" to generate the final HTML string. Other allowed
- // properties on the object are: "parse" if the HTML
- // string should be parsed for widgets (dojo.require("dojo.parser") to get that
- // option to work), and "templateFunc" if a template function besides dojo.string.substitute
- // should be used to transform the "template".
- // position:
- // can be one of:
- //
- // - "last"||"end" (default)
- // - "first||"start"
- // - "before"
- // - "after"
- // - "replace" (replaces nodes in this NodeList with new content)
- // - "only" (removes other children of the nodes so new content is the only child)
- //
- // or an offset in the childNodes property
- // example:
- // appends content to the end if the position is omitted
- // | dojo.query("h3 > p").addContent("hey there!");
- // example:
- // add something to the front of each element that has a
- // "thinger" property:
- // | dojo.query("[thinger]").addContent("...", "first");
- // example:
- // adds a header before each element of the list
- // | dojo.query(".note").addContent("<h4>NOTE:</h4>", "before");
- // example:
- // add a clone of a DOM node to the end of every element in
- // the list, removing it from its existing parent.
- // | dojo.query(".note").addContent(dojo.byId("foo"));
- // example:
- // Append nodes from a templatized string.
- // | dojo.require("dojo.string");
- // | dojo.query(".note").addContent({
- // | template: '<b>${id}: </b><span>${name}</span>',
- // | id: "user332",
- // | name: "Mr. Anderson"
- // | });
- // example:
- // Append nodes from a templatized string that also has widgets parsed.
- // | dojo.require("dojo.string");
- // | dojo.require("dojo.parser");
- // | var notes = dojo.query(".note").addContent({
- // | template: '<button dojoType="dijit/form/Button">${text}</button>',
- // | parse: true,
- // | text: "Send"
- // | });
- content = this._normalize(content, this[0]);
- for(var i = 0, node; (node = this[i]); i++){
- this._place(content, node, position, i > 0);
- }
- return this; // dojo/NodeList
- }
- });
- return NodeList;