path: root/lib/dojo/_firebug/firebug.js.uncompressed.js
diff options
authorBarak Korren <[email protected]>2013-04-02 20:38:07 +0300
committerBarak Korren <[email protected]>2013-04-02 20:38:07 +0300
commit58a2577d48790c79adfd44bcfd662c980ce6cfe4 (patch)
tree523d814ea0b7b6f617fe515b186099c6e83fed72 /lib/dojo/_firebug/firebug.js.uncompressed.js
parente470a273cf09562fb2f9c0c899002303f19c8d16 (diff)
parentcc332603431102a682feda22b9cf0093a29f0176 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dojo/_firebug/firebug.js.uncompressed.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1191 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_firebug/firebug.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/_firebug/firebug.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 908e5f7b2..000000000
--- a/lib/dojo/_firebug/firebug.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1191 +0,0 @@
-define("dojo/_firebug/firebug", [
- "../_base/kernel",
- "require",
- "../_base/html",
- "../sniff",
- "../_base/array",
- "../_base/lang",
- "../_base/event",
- "../_base/unload"], function(dojo, require, html, has){
- // module:
- // dojo/_firebug/firebug
- // summary:
- // Firebug Lite, the baby brother to Joe Hewitt's Firebug for Mozilla Firefox
- // description:
- // Opens a console for logging, debugging, and error messages.
- // Contains partial functionality to Firebug. See function list below.
- //
- // NOTE:
- // Firebug is a Firefox extension created by Joe Hewitt (see license). You do not need Dojo to run Firebug.
- // Firebug Lite is included in Dojo by permission from Joe Hewitt
- // If you are new to Firebug, or used to the Dojo 0.4 dojo.debug, you can learn Firebug
- // functionality by reading the function comments below or visiting
- //
- // NOTE:
- // To test Firebug Lite in Firefox:
- //
- // - FF2: set "console = null" before loading dojo and set djConfig.isDebug=true
- // - FF3: disable Firebug and set djConfig.isDebug=true
- //
- // example:
- // Supports inline objects in object inspector window (only simple trace of dom nodes, however)
- // | console.log("my object", {foo:"bar"})
- // example:
- // Option for console to open in popup window
- // | var djConfig = {isDebug: true, popup:true };
- // example:
- // Option for console height (ignored for popup)
- // | var djConfig = {isDebug: true, debugHeight:100 }
- var isNewIE = (/Trident/.test(window.navigator.userAgent));
- if(isNewIE){
- // Fixing IE's console
- // IE doesn't insert space between arguments. How annoying.
- var calls = ["log", "info", "debug", "warn", "error"];
- for(var i=0;i<calls.length;i++){
- var m = calls[i];
- if(!console[m] ||console[m]._fake){
- // IE9 doesn't have console.debug method, a fake one is added later
- continue;
- }
- var n = "_"+calls[i];
- console[n] = console[m];
- console[m] = (function(){
- var type = n;
- return function(){
- console[type](, " "));
- };
- })();
- }
- // clear the console on load. This is more than a convenience - too many logs crashes it.
- // If closed it throws an error
- try{ console.clear(); }catch(e){}
- }
- if(
- has("ff") || // Firefox has Firebug
- has("chrome") || // Chrome 3+ has a console
- has("safari") || // Safari 4 has a console
- isNewIE || // Has the new IE console
- window.firebug || // Testing for mozilla firebug lite
- (typeof console != "undefined" && console.firebug) || //The firebug console
- dojo.config.useCustomLogger || // Allow custom loggers
- has("air") // isDebug triggers AIRInsector, not Firebug
- ){
- return;
- }
- // don't build firebug in iframes
- try{
- if(window != window.parent){
- // but if we've got a parent logger, connect to it
- if(window.parent["console"]){
- window.console = window.parent.console;
- }
- return;
- }
- }catch(e){/*squelch*/}
- // ***************************************************************************
- // Placing these variables before the functions that use them to avoid a
- // shrinksafe bug where variable renaming does not happen correctly otherwise.
- // most of the objects in this script are run anonomously
- var _firebugDoc = document;
- var _firebugWin = window;
- var __consoleAnchorId__ = 0;
- var consoleFrame = null;
- var consoleBody = null;
- var consoleObjectInspector = null;
- var fireBugTabs = null;
- var commandLine = null;
- var consoleToolbar = null;
- var frameVisible = false;
- var messageQueue = [];
- var groupStack = [];
- var timeMap = {};
- var countMap = {};
- var consoleDomInspector = null;
- var _inspectionMoveConnection;
- var _inspectionClickConnection;
- var _inspectionEnabled = false;
- var _inspectionTimer = null;
- var _inspectTempNode = document.createElement("div");
- var _inspectCurrentNode;
- var _restoreBorderStyle;
- // ***************************************************************************
- window.console = {
- _connects: [],
- log: function(){
- // summary:
- // Sends arguments to console.
- logFormatted(arguments, "");
- },
- debug: function(){
- // summary:
- // Sends arguments to console. Missing finctionality to show script line of trace.
- logFormatted(arguments, "debug");
- },
- info: function(){
- // summary:
- // Sends arguments to console, highlighted with (I) icon.
- logFormatted(arguments, "info");
- },
- warn: function(){
- // summary:
- // Sends warning arguments to console, highlighted with (!) icon and blue style.
- logFormatted(arguments, "warning");
- },
- error: function(){
- // summary:
- // Sends error arguments (object) to console, highlighted with (X) icon and yellow style
- // NEW: error object now displays in object inspector
- logFormatted(arguments, "error");
- },
- assert: function(truth, message){
- // summary:
- // Tests for true. Throws exception if false.
- if(!truth){
- var args = [];
- for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i){
- args.push(arguments[i]);
- }
- logFormatted(args.length ? args : ["Assertion Failure"], "error");
- throw message ? message : "Assertion Failure";
- }
- },
- dir: function(obj){
- var str = printObject( obj );
- str = str.replace(/\n/g, "<br />");
- str = str.replace(/\t/g, "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
- logRow([str], "dir");
- },
- dirxml: function(node){
- var html = [];
- appendNode(node, html);
- logRow(html, "dirxml");
- },
- group: function(){
- // summary:
- // collects log messages into a group, starting with this call and ending with
- // groupEnd(). Missing collapse functionality
- logRow(arguments, "group", pushGroup);
- },
- groupEnd: function(){
- // summary:
- // Closes group. See above
- logRow(arguments, "", popGroup);
- },
- time: function(name){
- // summary:
- // Starts timers assigned to name given in argument. Timer stops and displays on timeEnd(title);
- // example:
- // | console.time("load");
- // | console.time("myFunction");
- // | console.timeEnd("load");
- // | console.timeEnd("myFunction");
- timeMap[name] = new Date().getTime();
- },
- timeEnd: function(name){
- // summary:
- // See above.
- if(name in timeMap){
- var delta = (new Date()).getTime() - timeMap[name];
- logFormatted([name+ ":", delta+"ms"]);
- delete timeMap[name];
- }
- },
- count: function(name){
- // summary:
- // Not supported
- if(!countMap[name]) countMap[name] = 0;
- countMap[name]++;
- logFormatted([name+": "+countMap[name]]);
- },
- trace: function(_value){
- var stackAmt = _value || 3;
- var f = console.trace.caller; //function that called trace
- console.log(">>> console.trace(stack)");
- for(var i=0;i<stackAmt;i++){
- var func = f.toString();
- var args=[];
- for (var a = 0; a < f.arguments.length; a++){
- args.push(f.arguments[a]);
- }
- if(f.arguments.length){
- console.dir({"function":func, "arguments":args});
- }else{
- console.dir({"function":func});
- }
- f = f.caller;
- }
- },
- profile: function(){
- // summary:
- // Not supported
- this.warn(["profile() not supported."]);
- },
- profileEnd: function(){ },
- clear: function(){
- // summary:
- // Clears message console. Do not call this directly
- if(consoleBody){
- while(consoleBody.childNodes.length){
- dojo.destroy(consoleBody.firstChild);
- }
- }
- dojo.forEach(this._connects,dojo.disconnect);
- },
- open: function(){
- // summary:
- // Opens message console. Do not call this directly
- toggleConsole(true);
- },
- close: function(){
- // summary:
- // Closes message console. Do not call this directly
- if(frameVisible){
- toggleConsole();
- }
- },
- _restoreBorder: function(){
- if(_inspectCurrentNode){
- = _restoreBorderStyle;
- }
- },
- openDomInspector: function(){
- _inspectionEnabled = true;
- = "none";
- = "block";
- = "none";
- = "pointer";
- _inspectionMoveConnection = dojo.connect(document, "mousemove", function(evt){
- if(!_inspectionEnabled){ return; }
- if(!_inspectionTimer){
- _inspectionTimer = setTimeout(function(){ _inspectionTimer = null; }, 50);
- }else{
- return;
- }
- var node =;
- if(node && (_inspectCurrentNode !== node)){
- var parent = true;
- console._restoreBorder();
- var html = [];
- appendNode(node, html);
- consoleDomInspector.innerHTML = html.join("");
- _inspectCurrentNode = node;
- _restoreBorderStyle =;
- = "#0000FF 1px solid";
- }
- });
- setTimeout(function(){
- _inspectionClickConnection = dojo.connect(document, "click", function(evt){
- = "";
- _inspectionEnabled = !_inspectionEnabled;
- dojo.disconnect(_inspectionClickConnection);
- // console._restoreBorder();
- });
- }, 30);
- },
- _closeDomInspector: function(){
- = "";
- dojo.disconnect(_inspectionMoveConnection);
- dojo.disconnect(_inspectionClickConnection);
- _inspectionEnabled = false;
- console._restoreBorder();
- },
- openConsole:function(){
- // summary:
- // Closes object inspector and opens message console. Do not call this directly
- = "block";
- = "none";
- = "none";
- console._closeDomInspector();
- },
- openObjectInspector:function(){
- = "none";
- = "none";
- = "block";
- console._closeDomInspector();
- },
- recss: function(){
- // this is placed in dojo since the console is most likely
- // in another window and dojo is easilly accessible
- var i,a,s;a=document.getElementsByTagName('link');
- for(i=0;i<a.length;i++){
- s=a[i];
- if(s.rel.toLowerCase().indexOf('stylesheet')>=0&&s.href){
- var h=s.href.replace(/(&|%5C?)forceReload=\d+/,'');
- s.href=h+(h.indexOf('?')>=0?'&':'?')+'forceReload='+new Date().valueOf();
- }
- }
- }
- };
- // ***************************************************************************
- function toggleConsole(forceOpen){
- frameVisible = forceOpen || !frameVisible;
- if(consoleFrame){
- = frameVisible ? "block" : "none";
- }
- }
- function focusCommandLine(){
- toggleConsole(true);
- if(commandLine){
- commandLine.focus();
- }
- }
- function openWin(x,y,w,h){
- var win ="","_firebug","status=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,top="+y+",left="+x+",width="+w+",height="+h+",scrollbars=1,addressbar=0");
- if(!win){
- var msg = "Firebug Lite could not open a pop-up window, most likely because of a blocker.\n" +
- "Either enable pop-ups for this domain, or change the djConfig to popup=false.";
- alert(msg);
- }
- createResizeHandler(win);
- var newDoc=win.document;
- //Safari needs an HTML height
- var HTMLstring= '<html style="height:100%;"><head><title>Firebug Lite</title></head>\n' +
- '<body bgColor="#ccc" style="height:97%;" onresize="opener.onFirebugResize()">\n' +
- '<div id="fb"></div>' +
- '</body></html>';
- newDoc.write(HTMLstring);
- newDoc.close();
- return win;
- }
- function createResizeHandler(wn){
- // summary:
- // Creates handle for onresize window. Called from script in popup's body tag (so that it will work with IE).
- //
- var d = new Date();
- d.setTime(d.getTime()+(60*24*60*60*1000)); // 60 days
- d = d.toUTCString();
- var dc = wn.document,
- getViewport;
- if (wn.innerWidth){
- getViewport = function(){
- return{w:wn.innerWidth, h:wn.innerHeight};
- };
- }else if (dc.documentElement && dc.documentElement.clientWidth){
- getViewport = function(){
- return{w:dc.documentElement.clientWidth, h:dc.documentElement.clientHeight};
- };
- }else if (dc.body){
- getViewport = function(){
- return{w:dc.body.clientWidth, h:dc.body.clientHeight};
- };
- }
- window.onFirebugResize = function(){
- //resize the height of the console log body
- layout(getViewport().h);
- clearInterval(wn._firebugWin_resize);
- wn._firebugWin_resize = setTimeout(function(){
- var x = wn.screenLeft,
- y = wn.screenTop,
- w = wn.outerWidth || wn.document.body.offsetWidth,
- h = wn.outerHeight || wn.document.body.offsetHeight;
- document.cookie = "_firebugPosition=" + [x,y,w,h].join(",") + "; expires="+d+"; path=/";
- }, 5000); //can't capture window.onMove - long timeout gives better chance of capturing a resize, then the move
- };
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- function createFrame(){
- if(consoleFrame){
- return;
- }
- toggleConsole(true);
- if(dojo.config.popup){
- var containerHeight = "100%";
- var cookieMatch = document.cookie.match(/(?:^|; )_firebugPosition=([^;]*)/);
- var p = cookieMatch ? cookieMatch[1].split(",") : [2,2,320,480];
- _firebugWin = openWin(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]); // global
- _firebugDoc = _firebugWin.document; // global
- dojo.config.debugContainerId = 'fb';
- // connecting popup
- _firebugWin.console = window.console;
- _firebugWin.dojo = window.dojo;
- }else{
- _firebugDoc = document;
- containerHeight = (dojo.config.debugHeight || 300) + "px";
- }
- var styleElement = _firebugDoc.createElement("link");
- styleElement.href = require.toUrl("./firebug.css");
- styleElement.rel = "stylesheet";
- styleElement.type = "text/css";
- var styleParent = _firebugDoc.getElementsByTagName("head");
- if(styleParent){
- styleParent = styleParent[0];
- }
- if(!styleParent){
- styleParent = _firebugDoc.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
- }
- if(has("ie")){
- window.setTimeout(function(){ styleParent.appendChild(styleElement); }, 0);
- }else{
- styleParent.appendChild(styleElement);
- }
- if(dojo.config.debugContainerId){
- consoleFrame = _firebugDoc.getElementById(dojo.config.debugContainerId);
- }
- if(!consoleFrame){
- consoleFrame = _firebugDoc.createElement("div");
- _firebugDoc.body.appendChild(consoleFrame);
- }
- consoleFrame.className += " firebug";
- = "firebug";
- = containerHeight;
- = (frameVisible ? "block" : "none");
- var buildLink = function(label, title, method, _class){
- return '<li class="'+_class+'"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="console.'+ method +'(); return false;" title="'+title+'">'+label+'</a></li>';
- };
- consoleFrame.innerHTML =
- '<div id="firebugToolbar">'
- + ' <ul id="fireBugTabs" class="tabs">'
- + buildLink("Clear", "Remove All Console Logs", "clear", "")
- + buildLink("ReCSS", "Refresh CSS without reloading page", "recss", "")
- + buildLink("Console", "Show Console Logs", "openConsole", "gap")
- + buildLink("DOM", "Show DOM Inspector", "openDomInspector", "")
- + buildLink("Object", "Show Object Inspector", "openObjectInspector", "")
- + ((dojo.config.popup) ? "" : buildLink("Close", "Close the console", "close", "gap"))
- + ' </ul>'
- + '</div>'
- + '<input type="text" id="firebugCommandLine" />'
- + '<div id="firebugLog"></div>'
- + '<div id="objectLog" style="display:none;">Click on an object in the Log display</div>'
- + '<div id="domInspect" style="display:none;">Hover over HTML elements in the main page. Click to hold selection.</div>';
- consoleToolbar = _firebugDoc.getElementById("firebugToolbar");
- commandLine = _firebugDoc.getElementById("firebugCommandLine");
- addEvent(commandLine, "keydown", onCommandLineKeyDown);
- addEvent(_firebugDoc, has("ie") || has("safari") ? "keydown" : "keypress", onKeyDown);
- consoleBody = _firebugDoc.getElementById("firebugLog");
- consoleObjectInspector = _firebugDoc.getElementById("objectLog");
- consoleDomInspector = _firebugDoc.getElementById("domInspect");
- fireBugTabs = _firebugDoc.getElementById("fireBugTabs");
- layout();
- flush();
- }
- dojo.addOnLoad(createFrame);
- function clearFrame(){
- _firebugDoc = null;
- if(_firebugWin.console){
- _firebugWin.console.clear();
- }
- _firebugWin = null;
- consoleFrame = null;
- consoleBody = null;
- consoleObjectInspector = null;
- consoleDomInspector = null;
- commandLine = null;
- messageQueue = [];
- groupStack = [];
- timeMap = {};
- }
- function evalCommandLine(){
- var text = commandLine.value;
- commandLine.value = "";
- logRow(["> ", text], "command");
- var value;
- try{
- value = eval(text);
- }catch(e){
- console.debug(e); // put exception on the console
- }
- console.log(value);
- }
- function layout(h){
- var tHeight = 25; //consoleToolbar.offsetHeight; // tab style not ready on load - throws off layout
- var height = h ?
- h - (tHeight + commandLine.offsetHeight +25 + (h*.01)) + "px" :
- (consoleFrame.offsetHeight - tHeight - commandLine.offsetHeight) + "px";
- = tHeight + "px";
- = height;
- = height;
- = tHeight + "px";
- = height;
- = tHeight + "px";
- = 0;
- dojo.addOnWindowUnload(clearFrame);
- }
- function logRow(message, className, handler){
- if(consoleBody){
- writeMessage(message, className, handler);
- }else{
- messageQueue.push([message, className, handler]);
- }
- }
- function flush(){
- var queue = messageQueue;
- messageQueue = [];
- for(var i = 0; i < queue.length; ++i){
- writeMessage(queue[i][0], queue[i][1], queue[i][2]);
- }
- }
- function writeMessage(message, className, handler){
- var isScrolledToBottom =
- consoleBody.scrollTop + consoleBody.offsetHeight >= consoleBody.scrollHeight;
- handler = handler||writeRow;
- handler(message, className);
- if(isScrolledToBottom){
- consoleBody.scrollTop = consoleBody.scrollHeight - consoleBody.offsetHeight;
- }
- }
- function appendRow(row){
- var container = groupStack.length ? groupStack[groupStack.length-1] : consoleBody;
- container.appendChild(row);
- }
- function writeRow(message, className){
- var row = consoleBody.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- row.className = "logRow" + (className ? " logRow-"+className : "");
- row.innerHTML = message.join("");
- appendRow(row);
- }
- function pushGroup(message, className){
- logFormatted(message, className);
- //var groupRow = consoleBody.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- //groupRow.className = "logGroup";
- var groupRowBox = consoleBody.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- groupRowBox.className = "logGroupBox";
- //groupRow.appendChild(groupRowBox);
- appendRow(groupRowBox);
- groupStack.push(groupRowBox);
- }
- function popGroup(){
- groupStack.pop();
- }
- // ***************************************************************************
- function logFormatted(objects, className){
- var html = [];
- var format = objects[0];
- var objIndex = 0;
- if(typeof(format) != "string"){
- format = "";
- objIndex = -1;
- }
- var parts = parseFormat(format);
- for(var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i){
- var part = parts[i];
- if(part && typeof part == "object"){
- part.appender(objects[++objIndex], html);
- }else{
- appendText(part, html);
- }
- }
- var ids = [];
- var obs = [];
- for(i = objIndex+1; i < objects.length; ++i){
- appendText(" ", html);
- var object = objects[i];
- if(object === undefined || object === null ){
- appendNull(object, html);
- }else if(typeof(object) == "string"){
- appendText(object, html);
- }else if(object instanceof Date){
- appendText(object.toString(), html);
- }else if(object.nodeType == 9){
- appendText("[ XmlDoc ]", html);
- }else{
- // Create link for object inspector
- // need to create an ID for this link, since it is currently text
- var id = "_a" + __consoleAnchorId__++;
- ids.push(id);
- // need to save the object, so the arrays line up
- obs.push(object);
- var str = '<a id="'+id+'" href="javascript:void(0);">'+getObjectAbbr(object)+'</a>';
- appendLink( str , html);
- }
- }
- logRow(html, className);
- // Now that the row is inserted in the DOM, loop through all of the links that were just created
- for(i=0; i<ids.length; i++){
- var btn = _firebugDoc.getElementById(ids[i]);
- if(!btn){ continue; }
- // store the object in the dom btn for reference later
- // avoid parsing these objects unless necessary
- btn.obj = obs[i];
- _firebugWin.console._connects.push(dojo.connect(btn, "onclick", function(){
- console.openObjectInspector();
- try{
- printObject(this.obj);
- }catch(e){
- this.obj = e;
- }
- consoleObjectInspector.innerHTML = "<pre>" + printObject( this.obj ) + "</pre>";
- }));
- }
- }
- function parseFormat(format){
- var parts = [];
- var reg = /((^%|[^\\]%)(\d+)?(\.)([a-zA-Z]))|((^%|[^\\]%)([a-zA-Z]))/;
- var appenderMap = {s: appendText, d: appendInteger, i: appendInteger, f: appendFloat};
- for(var m = reg.exec(format); m; m = reg.exec(format)){
- var type = m[8] ? m[8] : m[5];
- var appender = type in appenderMap ? appenderMap[type] : appendObject;
- var precision = m[3] ? parseInt(m[3]) : (m[4] == "." ? -1 : 0);
- parts.push(format.substr(0, m[0][0] == "%" ? m.index : m.index+1));
- parts.push({appender: appender, precision: precision});
- format = format.substr(m.index+m[0].length);
- }
- parts.push(format);
- return parts;
- }
- function escapeHTML(value){
- function replaceChars(ch){
- switch(ch){
- case "<":
- return "&lt;";
- case ">":
- return "&gt;";
- case "&":
- return "&amp;";
- case "'":
- return "&#39;";
- case '"':
- return "&quot;";
- }
- return "?";
- }
- return String(value).replace(/[<>&"']/g, replaceChars);
- }
- function objectToString(object){
- try{
- return object+"";
- }catch(e){
- return null;
- }
- }
- // ***************************************************************************
- function appendLink(object, html){
- // needed for object links - no HTML escaping
- html.push( objectToString(object) );
- }
- function appendText(object, html){
- html.push(escapeHTML(objectToString(object)));
- }
- function appendNull(object, html){
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-null">', escapeHTML(objectToString(object)), '</span>');
- }
- function appendString(object, html){
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-string">&quot;', escapeHTML(objectToString(object)),
- '&quot;</span>');
- }
- function appendInteger(object, html){
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-number">', escapeHTML(objectToString(object)), '</span>');
- }
- function appendFloat(object, html){
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-number">', escapeHTML(objectToString(object)), '</span>');
- }
- function appendFunction(object, html){
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-function">', getObjectAbbr(object), '</span>');
- }
- function appendObject(object, html){
- try{
- if(object === undefined){
- appendNull("undefined", html);
- }else if(object === null){
- appendNull("null", html);
- }else if(typeof object == "string"){
- appendString(object, html);
- }else if(typeof object == "number"){
- appendInteger(object, html);
- }else if(typeof object == "function"){
- appendFunction(object, html);
- }else if(object.nodeType == 1){
- appendSelector(object, html);
- }else if(typeof object == "object"){
- appendObjectFormatted(object, html);
- }else{
- appendText(object, html);
- }
- }catch(e){
- /* squelch */
- }
- }
- function appendObjectFormatted(object, html){
- var text = objectToString(object);
- var reObject = /\[object (.*?)\]/;
- var m = reObject.exec(text);
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-object">', m ? m[1] : text, '</span>');
- }
- function appendSelector(object, html){
- html.push('<span class="objectBox-selector">');
- html.push('<span class="selectorTag">', escapeHTML(object.nodeName.toLowerCase()), '</span>');
- if({
- html.push('<span class="selectorId">#', escapeHTML(, '</span>');
- }
- if(object.className){
- html.push('<span class="selectorClass">.', escapeHTML(object.className), '</span>');
- }
- html.push('</span>');
- }
- function appendNode(node, html){
- if(node.nodeType == 1){
- html.push(
- '<div class="objectBox-element">',
- '&lt;<span class="nodeTag">', node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), '</span>');
- for(var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; ++i){
- var attr = node.attributes[i];
- if(!attr.specified){ continue; }
- html.push('&nbsp;<span class="nodeName">', attr.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
- '</span>=&quot;<span class="nodeValue">', escapeHTML(attr.nodeValue),
- '</span>&quot;');
- }
- if(node.firstChild){
- html.push('&gt;</div><div class="nodeChildren">');
- for(var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling){
- appendNode(child, html);
- }
- html.push('</div><div class="objectBox-element">&lt;/<span class="nodeTag">',
- node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), '&gt;</span></div>');
- }else{
- html.push('/&gt;</div>');
- }
- }else if (node.nodeType == 3){
- html.push('<div class="nodeText">', escapeHTML(node.nodeValue),
- '</div>');
- }
- }
- // ***************************************************************************
- function addEvent(object, name, handler){
- if(document.all){
- object.attachEvent("on"+name, handler);
- }else{
- object.addEventListener(name, handler, false);
- }
- }
- function removeEvent(object, name, handler){
- if(document.all){
- object.detachEvent("on"+name, handler);
- }else{
- object.removeEventListener(name, handler, false);
- }
- }
- function cancelEvent(event){
- if(document.all){
- event.cancelBubble = true;
- }else{
- event.stopPropagation();
- }
- }
- function onError(msg, href, lineNo){
- var lastSlash = href.lastIndexOf("/");
- var fileName = lastSlash == -1 ? href : href.substr(lastSlash+1);
- var html = [
- '<span class="errorMessage">', msg, '</span>',
- '<div class="objectBox-sourceLink">', fileName, ' (line ', lineNo, ')</div>'
- ];
- logRow(html, "error");
- }
- //After converting to div instead of iframe, now getting two keydowns right away in IE 6.
- //Make sure there is a little bit of delay.
- var onKeyDownTime = new Date().getTime();
- function onKeyDown(event){
- var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
- if(timestamp > onKeyDownTime + 200){
- event = dojo.fixEvent(event);
- var keys = dojo.keys;
- var ekc = event.keyCode;
- onKeyDownTime = timestamp;
- if(ekc == keys.F12){
- toggleConsole();
- }else if(
- (ekc == keys.NUMPAD_ENTER || ekc == 76) &&
- event.shiftKey &&
- (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey)
- ){
- focusCommandLine();
- }else{
- return;
- }
- cancelEvent(event);
- }
- }
- function onCommandLineKeyDown(e){
- var dk = dojo.keys;
- if(e.keyCode == 13 && commandLine.value){
- addToHistory(commandLine.value);
- evalCommandLine();
- }else if(e.keyCode == 27){
- commandLine.value = "";
- }else if(e.keyCode == dk.UP_ARROW || e.charCode == dk.UP_ARROW){
- navigateHistory("older");
- }else if(e.keyCode == dk.DOWN_ARROW || e.charCode == dk.DOWN_ARROW){
- navigateHistory("newer");
- }else if(e.keyCode == dk.HOME || e.charCode == dk.HOME){
- historyPosition = 1;
- navigateHistory("older");
- }else if(e.keyCode == dk.END || e.charCode == dk.END){
- historyPosition = 999999;
- navigateHistory("newer");
- }
- }
- var historyPosition = -1;
- var historyCommandLine = null;
- function addToHistory(value){
- var history = cookie("firebug_history");
- history = (history) ? dojo.fromJson(history) : [];
- var pos = dojo.indexOf(history, value);
- if (pos != -1){
- history.splice(pos, 1);
- }
- history.push(value);
- cookie("firebug_history", dojo.toJson(history), 30);
- while(history.length && !cookie("firebug_history")){
- history.shift();
- cookie("firebug_history", dojo.toJson(history), 30);
- }
- historyCommandLine = null;
- historyPosition = -1;
- }
- function navigateHistory(direction){
- var history = cookie("firebug_history");
- history = (history) ? dojo.fromJson(history) : [];
- if(!history.length){
- return;
- }
- if(historyCommandLine === null){
- historyCommandLine = commandLine.value;
- }
- if(historyPosition == -1){
- historyPosition = history.length;
- }
- if(direction == "older"){
- --historyPosition;
- if(historyPosition < 0){
- historyPosition = 0;
- }
- }else if(direction == "newer"){
- ++historyPosition;
- if(historyPosition > history.length){
- historyPosition = history.length;
- }
- }
- if(historyPosition == history.length){
- commandLine.value = historyCommandLine;
- historyCommandLine = null;
- }else{
- commandLine.value = history[historyPosition];
- }
- }
- function cookie(name, value){
- var c = document.cookie;
- if(arguments.length == 1){
- var matches = c.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )" + name + "=([^;]*)"));
- return matches ? decodeURIComponent(matches[1]) : undefined; // String or undefined
- }else{
- var d = new Date();
- d.setMonth(d.getMonth()+1);
- document.cookie = name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + ((d.toUtcString) ? "; expires=" + d.toUTCString() : "");
- }
- }
- function isArray(it){
- return it && it instanceof Array || typeof it == "array";
- }
- //***************************************************************************************************
- // Print Object Helpers
- function objectLength(o){
- var cnt = 0;
- for(var nm in o){
- cnt++;
- }
- return cnt;
- }
- function printObject(o, i, txt, used){
- // Recursively trace object, indenting to represent depth for display in object inspector
- var ind = " \t";
- txt = txt || "";
- i = i || ind;
- used = used || [];
- var opnCls;
- if(o && o.nodeType == 1){
- var html = [];
- appendNode(o, html);
- return html.join("");
- }
- var br=",\n", cnt = 0, length = objectLength(o);
- if(o instanceof Date){
- return i + o.toString() + br;
- }
- looking:
- for(var nm in o){
- cnt++;
- if(cnt==length){br = "\n";}
- if(o[nm] === window || o[nm] === document){
- // do nothing
- }else if(o[nm] === null){
- txt += i+nm + " : NULL" + br;
- }else if(o[nm] && o[nm].nodeType){
- if(o[nm].nodeType == 1){
- //txt += i+nm + " : < "+o[nm].tagName+" id=\""+ o[nm].id+"\" />" + br;
- }else if(o[nm].nodeType == 3){
- txt += i+nm + " : [ TextNode "+o[nm].data + " ]" + br;
- }
- }else if(typeof o[nm] == "object" && (o[nm] instanceof String || o[nm] instanceof Number || o[nm] instanceof Boolean)){
- txt += i+nm + " : " + o[nm] + "," + br;
- }else if(o[nm] instanceof Date){
- txt += i+nm + " : " + o[nm].toString() + br;
- }else if(typeof(o[nm]) == "object" && o[nm]){
- for(var j = 0, seen; seen = used[j]; j++){
- if(o[nm] === seen){
- txt += i+nm + " : RECURSION" + br;
- continue looking;
- }
- }
- used.push(o[nm]);
- opnCls = (isArray(o[nm]))?["[","]"]:["{","}"];
- txt += i+nm +" : " + opnCls[0] + "\n";//non-standard break, (no comma)
- txt += printObject(o[nm], i+ind, "", used);
- txt += i + opnCls[1] + br;
- }else if(typeof o[nm] == "undefined"){
- txt += i+nm + " : undefined" + br;
- }else if(nm == "toString" && typeof o[nm] == "function"){
- var toString = o[nm]();
- if(typeof toString == "string" && toString.match(/function ?(.*?)\(/)){
- toString = escapeHTML(getObjectAbbr(o[nm]));
- }
- txt += i+nm +" : " + toString + br;
- }else{
- txt += i+nm +" : "+ escapeHTML(getObjectAbbr(o[nm])) + br;
- }
- }
- return txt;
- }
- function getObjectAbbr(obj){
- // Gets an abbreviation of an object for display in log
- // X items in object, including id
- // X items in an array
- // TODO: Firebug Sr. actually goes by char count
- var isError = (obj instanceof Error);
- if(obj.nodeType == 1){
- return escapeHTML('< '+obj.tagName.toLowerCase()+' id=\"'+ '\" />');
- }
- if(obj.nodeType == 3){
- return escapeHTML('[TextNode: "'+obj.nodeValue+'"]');
- }
- var nm = (obj && ( || || obj.ObjectID || obj.widgetId));
- if(!isError && nm){ return "{"+nm+"}"; }
- var obCnt = 2;
- var arCnt = 4;
- var cnt = 0;
- if(isError){
- nm = "[ Error: "+(obj.message || obj.description || obj)+" ]";
- }else if(isArray(obj)){
- nm = "[" + obj.slice(0,arCnt).join(",");
- if(obj.length > arCnt){
- nm += " ... ("+obj.length+" items)";
- }
- nm += "]";
- }else if(typeof obj == "function"){
- nm = obj + "";
- var reg = /function\s*([^\(]*)(\([^\)]*\))[^\{]*\{/;
- var m = reg.exec(nm);
- if(m){
- if(!m[1]){
- m[1] = "function";
- }
- nm = m[1] + m[2];
- }else{
- nm = "function()";
- }
- }else if(typeof obj != "object" || typeof obj == "string"){
- nm = obj + "";
- }else{
- nm = "{";
- for(var i in obj){
- cnt++;
- if(cnt > obCnt){ break; }
- nm += i+":"+escapeHTML(obj[i])+" ";
- }
- nm+="}";
- }
- return nm;
- }
- //*************************************************************************************
- //window.onerror = onError;
- addEvent(document, has("ie") || has("safari") ? "keydown" : "keypress", onKeyDown);
- if( (document.documentElement.getAttribute("debug") == "true")||
- (dojo.config.isDebug)
- ){
- toggleConsole(true);
- }
- dojo.addOnWindowUnload(function(){
- // Erase the globals and event handlers I created, to prevent spurious leak warnings
- removeEvent(document, has("ie") || has("safari") ? "keydown" : "keypress", onKeyDown);
- window.onFirebugResize = null;
- window.console = null;
- });