path: root/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/ca/gregorian.js.uncompressed.js
diff options
authorRichard Beales <[email protected]>2013-03-18 07:32:01 +0000
committerRichard Beales <[email protected]>2013-03-18 07:32:01 +0000
commit7c97d17aaf373339a8bcd917ad59ca6018148f0d (patch)
tree5a3c04f0f9529be392c1263d3feb75806eb43797 /lib/dojo/cldr/nls/ca/gregorian.js.uncompressed.js
parent70db7424e7068701e60cc5bcdfe8f858be508179 (diff)
parentc670a80ddd9b03bd4ea6d940a9ed682fd26248d7 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dojo/cldr/nls/ca/gregorian.js.uncompressed.js')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/ca/gregorian.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/ca/gregorian.js.uncompressed.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..868afb04f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/ca/gregorian.js.uncompressed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+"dojo/cldr/nls/ca/gregorian", //begin v1.x content
+ "days-standAlone-short": [
+ "dg.",
+ "dl.",
+ "dm.",
+ "dc.",
+ "dj.",
+ "dv.",
+ "ds."
+ ],
+ "months-format-narrow": [
+ "G",
+ "F",
+ "M",
+ "A",
+ "M",
+ "J",
+ "J",
+ "A",
+ "S",
+ "O",
+ "N",
+ "D"
+ ],
+ "quarters-standAlone-narrow": [
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4"
+ ],
+ "field-weekday": "dia de la setmana",
+ "dateFormatItem-yQQQ": "QQQ y",
+ "dateFormatItem-yMEd": "E, d.M.y",
+ "dateFormatItem-MMMEd": "E d MMM",
+ "eraNarrow": [
+ "aC",
+ "dC"
+ ],
+ "days-format-short": [
+ "dg.",
+ "dl.",
+ "dt.",
+ "dc.",
+ "dj.",
+ "dv.",
+ "ds."
+ ],
+ "dateFormat-long": "d MMMM 'de' y",
+ "months-format-wide": [
+ "de gener",
+ "de febrer",
+ "de març",
+ "d’abril",
+ "de maig",
+ "de juny",
+ "de juliol",
+ "d’agost",
+ "de setembre",
+ "d’octubre",
+ "de novembre",
+ "de desembre"
+ ],
+ "dateTimeFormat-medium": "{1} {0}",
+ "dayPeriods-format-wide-pm": "p.m.",
+ "dateFormat-full": "EEEE d MMMM 'de' y",
+ "dateFormatItem-Md": "d/M",
+ "dateFormatItem-yMd": "d/M/yyyy",
+ "field-era": "era",
+ "dateFormatItem-yM": "M/yyyy",
+ "months-standAlone-wide": [
+ "gener",
+ "febrer",
+ "març",
+ "abril",
+ "maig",
+ "juny",
+ "juliol",
+ "agost",
+ "setembre",
+ "octubre",
+ "novembre",
+ "desembre"
+ ],
+ "timeFormat-short": "",
+ "quarters-format-wide": [
+ "1r trimestre",
+ "2n trimestre",
+ "3r trimestre",
+ "4t trimestre"
+ ],
+ "timeFormat-long": " z",
+ "field-year": "any",
+ "dateFormatItem-yMMM": "LLL y",
+ "dateFormatItem-yQ": "Q yyyy",
+ "field-hour": "hora",
+ "months-format-abbr": [
+ "de gen.",
+ "de febr.",
+ "de març",
+ "d’abr.",
+ "de maig",
+ "de juny",
+ "de jul.",
+ "d’ag.",
+ "de set.",
+ "d’oct.",
+ "de nov.",
+ "de des."
+ ],
+ "dateFormatItem-yyQ": "Q yy",
+ "timeFormat-full": " zzzz",
+ "field-day-relative+0": "avui",
+ "field-day-relative+1": "demà",
+ "field-day-relative+2": "demà passat",
+ "dateFormatItem-H": "H",
+ "months-standAlone-abbr": [
+ "gen.",
+ "febr.",
+ "març",
+ "abr.",
+ "maig",
+ "juny",
+ "jul.",
+ "ag.",
+ "set.",
+ "oct.",
+ "nov.",
+ "des."
+ ],
+ "quarters-format-abbr": [
+ "1T",
+ "2T",
+ "3T",
+ "4T"
+ ],
+ "quarters-standAlone-wide": [
+ "1r trimestre",
+ "2n trimestre",
+ "3r trimestre",
+ "4t trimestre"
+ ],
+ "dateFormatItem-M": "L",
+ "days-standAlone-wide": [
+ "Diumenge",
+ "Dilluns",
+ "Dimarts",
+ "Dimecres",
+ "Dijous",
+ "Divendres",
+ "Dissabte"
+ ],
+ "dateFormatItem-MMMMd": "d MMMM",
+ "timeFormat-medium": "",
+ "dateFormatItem-Hm": "",
+ "quarters-standAlone-abbr": [
+ "1T",
+ "2T",
+ "3T",
+ "4T"
+ ],
+ "eraAbbr": [
+ "aC",
+ "dC"
+ ],
+ "field-minute": "minut",
+ "field-dayperiod": "a.m./p.m.",
+ "days-standAlone-abbr": [
+ "dg",
+ "dl",
+ "dt",
+ "dc",
+ "dj",
+ "dv",
+ "ds"
+ ],
+ "dateFormatItem-d": "d",
+ "dateFormatItem-ms": "",
+ "quarters-format-narrow": [
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4"
+ ],
+ "field-day-relative+-1": "ahir",
+ "dateFormatItem-h": "h a",
+ "dateTimeFormat-long": "{1} {0}",
+ "dayPeriods-format-narrow-am": "a.m.",
+ "field-day-relative+-2": "abans d'ahir",
+ "dateFormatItem-MMMd": "d MMM",
+ "dateFormatItem-MEd": "E d/M",
+ "dateTimeFormat-full": "{1} {0}",
+ "dateFormatItem-yMMMM": "LLLL 'de' y",
+ "field-day": "dia",
+ "days-format-wide": [
+ "diumenge",
+ "dilluns",
+ "dimarts",
+ "dimecres",
+ "dijous",
+ "divendres",
+ "dissabte"
+ ],
+ "field-zone": "zona",
+ "dateFormatItem-yyyyMM": "MM/yyyy",
+ "dateFormatItem-y": "y",
+ "months-standAlone-narrow": [
+ "g",
+ "f",
+ "m",
+ "a",
+ "m",
+ "j",
+ "j",
+ "a",
+ "s",
+ "o",
+ "n",
+ "d"
+ ],
+ "field-year-relative+-1": "Últim any",
+ "field-month-relative+-1": "Últim mes",
+ "dateFormatItem-hm": " a",
+ "days-format-abbr": [
+ "dg.",
+ "dl.",
+ "dt.",
+ "dc.",
+ "dj.",
+ "dv.",
+ "ds."
+ ],
+ "dateFormatItem-yMMMd": "d MMM y",
+ "eraNames": [
+ "abans de Crist",
+ "després de Crist"
+ ],
+ "days-format-narrow": [
+ "dg",
+ "dl",
+ "dt",
+ "dc",
+ "dj",
+ "dv",
+ "ds"
+ ],
+ "days-standAlone-narrow": [
+ "dg",
+ "dl",
+ "dt",
+ "dc",
+ "dj",
+ "dv",
+ "ds"
+ ],
+ "dateFormatItem-MMM": "LLL",
+ "field-month": "mes",
+ "dayPeriods-format-wide-am": "a.m.",
+ "dateFormatItem-MMMMEd": "E d MMMM",
+ "dateFormat-short": "dd/MM/yy",
+ "field-second": "segon",
+ "dateFormatItem-yMMMEd": "E, d MMM, y",
+ "field-month-relative+0": "Aquest mes",
+ "field-month-relative+1": "Mes següent",
+ "dateFormatItem-Ed": "E d",
+ "field-week": "setmana",
+ "dateFormat-medium": "dd/MM/yyyy",
+ "field-year-relative+0": "Aquest any",
+ "field-week-relative+-1": "Última setmana",
+ "field-year-relative+1": "Any següent",
+ "dateFormatItem-mmss": "mm:ss",
+ "dayPeriods-format-narrow-pm": "p.m.",
+ "dateTimeFormat-short": "{1} {0}",
+ "dateFormatItem-Hms": "",
+ "dateFormatItem-hms": " a",
+ "field-week-relative+0": "Aquesta setmana",
+ "field-week-relative+1": "Setmana següent"
+//end v1.x content
+); \ No newline at end of file