path: root/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/sl
diff options
authorAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2013-04-02 20:06:16 +0400
committerAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2013-04-02 20:06:16 +0400
commit870334be3f58507c05bfc72f3edbe5db10af4caf (patch)
tree441e1c41780eb75d422025cabea17724e2cc4a79 /lib/dojo/cldr/nls/sl
parent7caa48fe6a3a37bd08f846f90e407ef31171f12c (diff)
remove dojo uncompressed files
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dojo/cldr/nls/sl')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/sl/currency.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/sl/currency.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d1167f39d..000000000
--- a/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/sl/currency.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dojo/cldr/nls/sl/currency", //begin v1.x content
- "HKD_displayName": "hongkonški dolar",
- "CHF_displayName": "švicarski frank",
- "JPY_symbol": "¥",
- "CAD_displayName": "kanadski dolar",
- "CNY_displayName": "kitajski juan renminbi",
- "USD_symbol": "$",
- "AUD_displayName": "avstralski dolar",
- "JPY_displayName": "japonski jen",
- "USD_displayName": "ameriški dolar",
- "GBP_displayName": "britanski funt",
- "EUR_displayName": "evro"
-//end v1.x content
-); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/sl/gregorian.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/sl/gregorian.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 77f2c02ea..000000000
--- a/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/sl/gregorian.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-"dojo/cldr/nls/sl/gregorian", //begin v1.x content
- "days-standAlone-short": [
- "ned.",
- "pon.",
- "tor.",
- "sre.",
- "čet.",
- "pet.",
- "sob."
- ],
- "months-format-narrow": [
- "j",
- "f",
- "m",
- "a",
- "m",
- "j",
- "j",
- "a",
- "s",
- "o",
- "n",
- "d"
- ],
- "quarters-standAlone-narrow": [
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4"
- ],
- "field-weekday": "Dan v tednu",
- "dateFormatItem-yQQQ": "QQQ y",
- "dateFormatItem-yMEd": "E, d. M. y",
- "dateFormatItem-MMMEd": "E, d. MMM",
- "eraNarrow": [
- "pr. n. št.",
- "po Kr."
- ],
- "days-format-short": [
- "ned.",
- "pon.",
- "tor.",
- "sre.",
- "čet.",
- "pet.",
- "sob."
- ],
- "dateFormat-long": "dd. MMMM y",
- "months-format-wide": [
- "januar",
- "februar",
- "marec",
- "april",
- "maj",
- "junij",
- "julij",
- "avgust",
- "september",
- "oktober",
- "november",
- "december"
- ],
- "dateTimeFormat-medium": "{1} {0}",
- "dayPeriods-format-wide-pm": "pop.",
- "dateFormat-full": "EEEE, dd. MMMM y",
- "dateFormatItem-Md": "d. M.",
- "dateFormatItem-yMd": "d. M. y",
- "field-era": "Doba",
- "dateFormatItem-yM": "M/y",
- "months-standAlone-wide": [
- "januar",
- "februar",
- "marec",
- "april",
- "maj",
- "junij",
- "julij",
- "avgust",
- "september",
- "oktober",
- "november",
- "december"
- ],
- "timeFormat-short": "HH:mm",
- "quarters-format-wide": [
- "1. četrtletje",
- "2. četrtletje",
- "3. četrtletje",
- "4. četrtletje"
- ],
- "timeFormat-long": "HH:mm:ss z",
- "field-year": "Leto",
- "dateFormatItem-yMMM": "MMM y",
- "dateFormatItem-yQ": "Q y",
- "dateFormatItem-yyyyMMMM": "MMMM y",
- "field-hour": "Ura",
- "months-format-abbr": [
- "jan.",
- "feb.",
- "mar.",
- "apr.",
- "maj",
- "jun.",
- "jul.",
- "avg.",
- "sep.",
- "okt.",
- "nov.",
- "dec."
- ],
- "dateFormatItem-yyQ": "Q/yy",
- "timeFormat-full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
- "field-day-relative+0": "Danes",
- "field-day-relative+1": "Jutri",
- "field-day-relative+2": "Pojutrišnjem",
- "dateFormatItem-H": "HH",
- "months-standAlone-abbr": [
- "jan",
- "feb",
- "mar",
- "apr",
- "maj",
- "jun",
- "jul",
- "avg",
- "sep",
- "okt",
- "nov",
- "dec"
- ],
- "quarters-format-abbr": [
- "Q1",
- "Q2",
- "Q3",
- "Q4"
- ],
- "quarters-standAlone-wide": [
- "1. četrtletje",
- "2. četrtletje",
- "3. četrtletje",
- "4. četrtletje"
- ],
- "dateFormatItem-M": "L",
- "days-standAlone-wide": [
- "nedelja",
- "ponedeljek",
- "torek",
- "sreda",
- "četrtek",
- "petek",
- "sobota"
- ],
- "timeFormat-medium": "HH:mm:ss",
- "dateFormatItem-Hm": "HH:mm",
- "eraAbbr": [
- "pr. n. št.",
- "po Kr."
- ],
- "field-minute": "Minuta",
- "field-dayperiod": "Čas dneva",
- "days-standAlone-abbr": [
- "ned",
- "pon",
- "tor",
- "sre",
- "čet",
- "pet",
- "sob"
- ],
- "dateFormatItem-d": "d",
- "dateFormatItem-ms": "mm:ss",
- "quarters-format-narrow": [
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4"
- ],
- "field-day-relative+-1": "Včeraj",
- "dateFormatItem-h": "h a",
- "dateTimeFormat-long": "{1} {0}",
- "field-day-relative+-2": "Predvčerajšnjim",
- "dateFormatItem-MMMd": "d. MMM",
- "dateFormatItem-MEd": "E, d. MM.",
- "dateTimeFormat-full": "{1} {0}",
- "field-day": "Dan",
- "days-format-wide": [
- "nedelja",
- "ponedeljek",
- "torek",
- "sreda",
- "četrtek",
- "petek",
- "sobota"
- ],
- "field-zone": "Območje",
- "dateFormatItem-y": "y",
- "months-standAlone-narrow": [
- "j",
- "f",
- "m",
- "a",
- "m",
- "j",
- "j",
- "a",
- "s",
- "o",
- "n",
- "d"
- ],
- "field-year-relative+-1": "Lani",
- "field-month-relative+-1": "Prejšnji mesec",
- "dateFormatItem-hm": "h:mm a",
- "days-format-abbr": [
- "ned.",
- "pon.",
- "tor.",
- "sre.",
- "čet.",
- "pet.",
- "sob."
- ],
- "dateFormatItem-yMMMd": "MMM d, y",
- "eraNames": [
- "pred našim štetjem",
- "naše štetje"
- ],
- "days-format-narrow": [
- "n",
- "p",
- "t",
- "s",
- "č",
- "p",
- "s"
- ],
- "field-month": "Mesec",
- "days-standAlone-narrow": [
- "n",
- "p",
- "t",
- "s",
- "č",
- "p",
- "s"
- ],
- "dateFormatItem-MMM": "LLL",
- "dayPeriods-format-wide-am": "dop.",
- "dateFormat-short": "d. MM. yy",
- "field-second": "Sekunda",
- "dateFormatItem-yMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y",
- "field-month-relative+0": "Ta mesec",
- "field-month-relative+1": "Naslednji mesec",
- "dateFormatItem-Ed": "E, d.",
- "field-week": "Teden",
- "dateFormat-medium": "d. MMM yyyy",
- "field-year-relative+0": "Letos",
- "field-week-relative+-1": "Prejšnji teden",
- "dateFormatItem-yyyyM": "M/yyyy",
- "field-year-relative+1": "Naslednje leto",
- "dateFormatItem-mmss": "mm:ss",
- "dateTimeFormat-short": "{1} {0}",
- "dateFormatItem-Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
- "dateFormatItem-hms": "h:mm:ss a",
- "field-week-relative+0": "Ta teden",
- "field-week-relative+1": "Naslednji teden"
-//end v1.x content
-); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/sl/number.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/sl/number.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 46c662b02..000000000
--- a/lib/dojo/cldr/nls/sl/number.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-"dojo/cldr/nls/sl/number", //begin v1.x content
- "group": ".",
- "percentSign": "%",
- "exponential": "e",
- "scientificFormat": "#E0",
- "percentFormat": "#,##0%",
- "list": ";",
- "infinity": "∞",
- "minusSign": "-",
- "decimal": ",",
- "nan": "NaN",
- "perMille": "‰",
- "decimalFormat": "#,##0.###",
- "currencyFormat": "¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)",
- "plusSign": "+",
- "decimalFormat-long": "000 bilijona",
- "decimalFormat-short": "000 bil'.'"
-//end v1.x content
-); \ No newline at end of file