path: root/lib/dojo/nls/th/colors.js.uncompressed.js
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authorAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2012-08-14 18:59:10 +0400
committerAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2012-08-14 18:59:18 +0400
commit1354d17270961fff662d40f90521223f8fd0d73b (patch)
treee9266be71587e47c800303446e968a6d3565e2cf /lib/dojo/nls/th/colors.js.uncompressed.js
parentd04f8c826f5283765f52cf6b98b42a1ed8f2d6bc (diff)
update dojo to 1.7.3
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dojo/nls/th/colors.js.uncompressed.js')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dojo/nls/th/colors.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/nls/th/colors.js.uncompressed.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3159be889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dojo/nls/th/colors.js.uncompressed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+"dojo/nls/th/colors", ({
+// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
+// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
+ //Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color (e.g. gray / grey).
+ //TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
+ aliceblue: "alice blue",
+ antiquewhite: "antique white",
+ aqua: "ฟ้าน้ำทะเล",
+ aquamarine: "aquamarine",
+ azure: "น้ำเงินฟ้า",
+ beige: "น้ำตาลเบจ",
+ bisque: "bisque",
+ black: "ดำ",
+ blanchedalmond: "blanched almond",
+ blue: "น้ำเงิน",
+ blueviolet: "น้ำเงินม่วง",
+ brown: "น้ำตาล",
+ burlywood: "burlywood",
+ cadetblue: "cadet blue",
+ chartreuse: "chartreuse",
+ chocolate: "ช็อกโกแลต",
+ coral: "coral",
+ cornflowerblue: "cornflower blue",
+ cornsilk: "cornsilk",
+ crimson: "แดงเลือดหมู",
+ cyan: "เขียวแกมน้ำเงิน",
+ darkblue: "น้ำเงินเข้ม",
+ darkcyan: "เขียวแกมน้ำเงินเข้ม",
+ darkgoldenrod: "dark goldenrod",
+ darkgray: "เทาเข้ม",
+ darkgreen: "เขียวเข้ม",
+ darkgrey: "เทาเข้ม", // same as darkgray
+ darkkhaki: "dark khaki",
+ darkmagenta: "แดงแกมม่วงเข้ม",
+ darkolivegreen: "เขียวโอลีฟเข้ม",
+ darkorange: "ส้มเข้ม",
+ darkorchid: "dark orchid",
+ darkred: "แดงเข้ม",
+ darksalmon: "dark salmon",
+ darkseagreen: "dark sea green",
+ darkslateblue: "dark slate blue",
+ darkslategray: "dark slate gray",
+ darkslategrey: "dark slate gray", // same as darkslategray
+ darkturquoise: "dark turquoise",
+ darkviolet: "ม่วงเข้ม",
+ deeppink: "ชมพูเข้ม",
+ deepskyblue: "deep sky blue",
+ dimgray: "dim gray",
+ dimgrey: "dim gray", // same as dimgray
+ dodgerblue: "dodger blue",
+ firebrick: "สีอิฐ",
+ floralwhite: "floral white",
+ forestgreen: "forest green",
+ fuchsia: "fuchsia",
+ gainsboro: "gainsboro",
+ ghostwhite: "ghost white",
+ gold: "ทอง",
+ goldenrod: "goldenrod",
+ gray: "เทา",
+ green: "เขียว",
+ greenyellow: "เขียวแกมเหลือง",
+ grey: "เทา", // same as gray
+ honeydew: "honeydew",
+ hotpink: "hot pink",
+ indianred: "indian red",
+ indigo: "indigo",
+ ivory: "งาช้าง",
+ khaki: "khaki",
+ lavender: "ม่วงลาเวนเดอร์",
+ lavenderblush: "lavender blush",
+ lawngreen: "lawn green",
+ lemonchiffon: "lemon chiffon",
+ lightblue: "น้ำเงินอ่อน",
+ lightcoral: "light coral",
+ lightcyan: "เขียวแกมน้ำเงินอ่อน",
+ lightgoldenrodyellow: "light goldenrod yellow",
+ lightgray: "เทาอ่อน",
+ lightgreen: "เขียวอ่อน",
+ lightgrey: "เทาอ่อน", // same as lightgray
+ lightpink: "ชมพูอ่อน",
+ lightsalmon: "light salmon",
+ lightseagreen: "light sea green",
+ lightskyblue: "ฟ้าอ่อน",
+ lightslategray: "light slate gray",
+ lightslategrey: "light slate gray", // same as lightslategray
+ lightsteelblue: "light steel blue",
+ lightyellow: "เหลืองอ่อน",
+ lime: "เหลืองมะนาว",
+ limegreen: "เขียวมะนาว",
+ linen: "linen",
+ magenta: "แดงแกมม่วง",
+ maroon: "น้ำตาลแดง",
+ mediumaquamarine: "medium aquamarine",
+ mediumblue: "medium blue",
+ mediumorchid: "medium orchid",
+ mediumpurple: "medium purple",
+ mediumseagreen: "medium sea green",
+ mediumslateblue: "medium slate blue",
+ mediumspringgreen: "medium spring green",
+ mediumturquoise: "medium turquoise",
+ mediumvioletred: "medium violet-red",
+ midnightblue: "midnight blue",
+ mintcream: "mint cream",
+ mistyrose: "misty rose",
+ moccasin: "ม็อคค่า",
+ navajowhite: "navajo white",
+ navy: "น้ำเงินเข้ม",
+ oldlace: "old lace",
+ olive: "โอลีฟ",
+ olivedrab: "olive drab",
+ orange: "ส้ม",
+ orangered: "ส้มแกมแดง",
+ orchid: "orchid",
+ palegoldenrod: "pale goldenrod",
+ palegreen: "pale green",
+ paleturquoise: "pale turquoise",
+ palevioletred: "pale violet-red",
+ papayawhip: "papaya whip",
+ peachpuff: "peach puff",
+ peru: "peru",
+ pink: "ชมพู",
+ plum: "plum",
+ powderblue: "powder blue",
+ purple: "ม่วง",
+ red: "แดง",
+ rosybrown: "rosy brown",
+ royalblue: "royal blue",
+ saddlebrown: "saddle brown",
+ salmon: "salmon",
+ sandybrown: "sandy brown",
+ seagreen: "sea green",
+ seashell: "seashell",
+ sienna: "sienna",
+ silver: "เงิน",
+ skyblue: "sky blue",
+ slateblue: "slate blue",
+ slategray: "slate gray",
+ slategrey: "slate gray", // same as slategray
+ snow: "snow",
+ springgreen: "spring green",
+ steelblue: "steel blue",
+ tan: "tan",
+ teal: "teal",
+ thistle: "thistle",
+ tomato: "tomato",
+ transparent: "สีใส",
+ turquoise: "turquoise",
+ violet: "ม่วง",
+ wheat: "wheat",
+ white: "ขาว",
+ whitesmoke: "ขาวควัน",
+ yellow: "เหลือง",
+ yellowgreen: "เหลืองแกมเขียว"