path: root/lib/dojo/promise
diff options
authorRichard Beales <[email protected]>2013-03-18 07:32:01 +0000
committerRichard Beales <[email protected]>2013-03-18 07:32:01 +0000
commit7c97d17aaf373339a8bcd917ad59ca6018148f0d (patch)
tree5a3c04f0f9529be392c1263d3feb75806eb43797 /lib/dojo/promise
parent70db7424e7068701e60cc5bcdfe8f858be508179 (diff)
parentc670a80ddd9b03bd4ea6d940a9ed682fd26248d7 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dojo/promise')
10 files changed, 488 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dojo/promise/Promise.js b/lib/dojo/promise/Promise.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b29fef360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dojo/promise/Promise.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
+ Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
+ see: for details
+define("dojo/promise/Promise",["../_base/lang"],function(_1){"use strict";function _2(){throw new TypeError("abstract");};return _1.extend(function Promise(){},{then:function(_3,_4,_5){_2();},cancel:function(_6,_7){_2();},isResolved:function(){_2();},isRejected:function(){_2();},isFulfilled:function(){_2();},isCanceled:function(){_2();},always:function(_8){return this.then(_8,_8);},otherwise:function(_9){return this.then(null,_9);},trace:function(){return this;},traceRejected:function(){return this;},toString:function(){return "[object Promise]";}});}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/dojo/promise/Promise.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/promise/Promise.js.uncompressed.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eba0080fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dojo/promise/Promise.js.uncompressed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+define("dojo/promise/Promise", [
+ "../_base/lang"
+], function(lang){
+ "use strict";
+ // module:
+ // dojo/promise/Promise
+ function throwAbstract(){
+ throw new TypeError("abstract");
+ }
+ return lang.extend(function Promise(){
+ // summary:
+ // The public interface to a deferred.
+ // description:
+ // The public interface to a deferred. All promises in Dojo are
+ // instances of this class.
+ }, {
+ then: function(callback, errback, progback){
+ // summary:
+ // Add new callbacks to the promise.
+ // description:
+ // Add new callbacks to the deferred. Callbacks can be added
+ // before or after the deferred is fulfilled.
+ // callback: Function?
+ // Callback to be invoked when the promise is resolved.
+ // Receives the resolution value.
+ // errback: Function?
+ // Callback to be invoked when the promise is rejected.
+ // Receives the rejection error.
+ // progback: Function?
+ // Callback to be invoked when the promise emits a progress
+ // update. Receives the progress update.
+ // returns: dojo/promise/Promise
+ // Returns a new promise for the result of the callback(s).
+ // This can be used for chaining many asynchronous operations.
+ throwAbstract();
+ },
+ cancel: function(reason, strict){
+ // summary:
+ // Inform the deferred it may cancel its asynchronous operation.
+ // description:
+ // Inform the deferred it may cancel its asynchronous operation.
+ // The deferred's (optional) canceler is invoked and the
+ // deferred will be left in a rejected state. Can affect other
+ // promises that originate with the same deferred.
+ // reason: any
+ // A message that may be sent to the deferred's canceler,
+ // explaining why it's being canceled.
+ // strict: Boolean?
+ // If strict, will throw an error if the deferred has already
+ // been fulfilled and consequently cannot be canceled.
+ // returns: any
+ // Returns the rejection reason if the deferred was canceled
+ // normally.
+ throwAbstract();
+ },
+ isResolved: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Checks whether the promise has been resolved.
+ // returns: Boolean
+ throwAbstract();
+ },
+ isRejected: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Checks whether the promise has been rejected.
+ // returns: Boolean
+ throwAbstract();
+ },
+ isFulfilled: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Checks whether the promise has been resolved or rejected.
+ // returns: Boolean
+ throwAbstract();
+ },
+ isCanceled: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Checks whether the promise has been canceled.
+ // returns: Boolean
+ throwAbstract();
+ },
+ always: function(callbackOrErrback){
+ // summary:
+ // Add a callback to be invoked when the promise is resolved
+ // or rejected.
+ // callbackOrErrback: Function?
+ // A function that is used both as a callback and errback.
+ // returns: dojo/promise/Promise
+ // Returns a new promise for the result of the callback/errback.
+ return this.then(callbackOrErrback, callbackOrErrback);
+ },
+ otherwise: function(errback){
+ // summary:
+ // Add new errbacks to the promise.
+ // errback: Function?
+ // Callback to be invoked when the promise is rejected.
+ // returns: dojo/promise/Promise
+ // Returns a new promise for the result of the errback.
+ return this.then(null, errback);
+ },
+ trace: function(){
+ return this;
+ },
+ traceRejected: function(){
+ return this;
+ },
+ toString: function(){
+ // returns: string
+ // Returns `[object Promise]`.
+ return "[object Promise]";
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/lib/dojo/promise/all.js b/lib/dojo/promise/all.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..928c63bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dojo/promise/all.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
+ Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
+ see: for details
+define("dojo/promise/all",["../_base/array","../Deferred","../when"],function(_1,_2,_3){"use strict";var _4=_1.some;return function all(_5){var _6,_1;if(_5 instanceof Array){_1=_5;}else{if(_5&&typeof _5==="object"){_6=_5;}}var _7;var _8=[];if(_6){_1=[];for(var _9 in _6){if(,_9)){_8.push(_9);_1.push(_6[_9]);}}_7={};}else{if(_1){_7=[];}}if(!_1||!_1.length){return new _2().resolve(_7);}var _a=new _2();_a.promise.always(function(){_7=_8=null;});var _b=_1.length;_4(_1,function(_c,_d){if(!_6){_8.push(_d);}_3(_c,function(_e){if(!_a.isFulfilled()){_7[_8[_d]]=_e;if(--_b===0){_a.resolve(_7);}}},_a.reject);return _a.isFulfilled();});return _a.promise;};}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/dojo/promise/all.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/promise/all.js.uncompressed.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..278f604a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dojo/promise/all.js.uncompressed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+define("dojo/promise/all", [
+ "../_base/array",
+ "../Deferred",
+ "../when"
+], function(array, Deferred, when){
+ "use strict";
+ // module:
+ // dojo/promise/all
+ var some = array.some;
+ return function all(objectOrArray){
+ // summary:
+ // Takes multiple promises and returns a new promise that is fulfilled
+ // when all promises have been fulfilled.
+ // description:
+ // Takes multiple promises and returns a new promise that is fulfilled
+ // when all promises have been fulfilled. If one of the promises is rejected,
+ // the returned promise is also rejected. Canceling the returned promise will
+ // *not* cancel any passed promises.
+ // objectOrArray: Object|Array?
+ // The promise will be fulfilled with a list of results if invoked with an
+ // array, or an object of results when passed an object (using the same
+ // keys). If passed neither an object or array it is resolved with an
+ // undefined value.
+ // returns: dojo/promise/Promise
+ var object, array;
+ if(objectOrArray instanceof Array){
+ array = objectOrArray;
+ }else if(objectOrArray && typeof objectOrArray === "object"){
+ object = objectOrArray;
+ }
+ var results;
+ var keyLookup = [];
+ if(object){
+ array = [];
+ for(var key in object){
+ if(, key)){
+ keyLookup.push(key);
+ array.push(object[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ results = {};
+ }else if(array){
+ results = [];
+ }
+ if(!array || !array.length){
+ return new Deferred().resolve(results);
+ }
+ var deferred = new Deferred();
+ deferred.promise.always(function(){
+ results = keyLookup = null;
+ });
+ var waiting = array.length;
+ some(array, function(valueOrPromise, index){
+ if(!object){
+ keyLookup.push(index);
+ }
+ when(valueOrPromise, function(value){
+ if(!deferred.isFulfilled()){
+ results[keyLookup[index]] = value;
+ if(--waiting === 0){
+ deferred.resolve(results);
+ }
+ }
+ }, deferred.reject);
+ return deferred.isFulfilled();
+ });
+ return deferred.promise; // dojo/promise/Promise
+ };
diff --git a/lib/dojo/promise/first.js b/lib/dojo/promise/first.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a06ac2fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dojo/promise/first.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
+ Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
+ see: for details
+define("dojo/promise/first",["../_base/array","../Deferred","../when"],function(_1,_2,_3){"use strict";var _4=_1.forEach;return function first(_5){var _6;if(_5 instanceof Array){_6=_5;}else{if(_5&&typeof _5==="object"){_6=[];for(var _7 in _5){if(,_7)){_6.push(_5[_7]);}}}}if(!_6||!_6.length){return new _2().resolve();}var _8=new _2();_4(_6,function(_9){_3(_9,_8.resolve,_8.reject);});return _8.promise;};}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/dojo/promise/first.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/promise/first.js.uncompressed.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..863573fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dojo/promise/first.js.uncompressed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+define("dojo/promise/first", [
+ "../_base/array",
+ "../Deferred",
+ "../when"
+], function(array, Deferred, when){
+ "use strict";
+ // module:
+ // dojo/promise/first
+ var forEach = array.forEach;
+ return function first(objectOrArray){
+ // summary:
+ // Takes multiple promises and returns a new promise that is fulfilled
+ // when the first of these promises is fulfilled.
+ // description:
+ // Takes multiple promises and returns a new promise that is fulfilled
+ // when the first of these promises is fulfilled. Canceling the returned
+ // promise will *not* cancel any passed promises. The promise will be
+ // fulfilled with the value of the first fulfilled promise.
+ // objectOrArray: Object|Array?
+ // The promises are taken from the array or object values. If no value
+ // is passed, the returned promise is resolved with an undefined value.
+ // returns: dojo/promise/Promise
+ var array;
+ if(objectOrArray instanceof Array){
+ array = objectOrArray;
+ }else if(objectOrArray && typeof objectOrArray === "object"){
+ array = [];
+ for(var key in objectOrArray){
+ if(, key)){
+ array.push(objectOrArray[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!array || !array.length){
+ return new Deferred().resolve();
+ }
+ var deferred = new Deferred();
+ forEach(array, function(valueOrPromise){
+ when(valueOrPromise, deferred.resolve, deferred.reject);
+ });
+ return deferred.promise; // dojo/promise/Promise
+ };
diff --git a/lib/dojo/promise/instrumentation.js b/lib/dojo/promise/instrumentation.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..086b49a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dojo/promise/instrumentation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
+ Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
+ see: for details
+define("dojo/promise/instrumentation",["./tracer","../has","../_base/lang","../_base/array"],function(_1,_2,_3,_4){function _5(_6,_7,_8){var _9="";if(_6&&_6.stack){_9+=_6.stack;}if(_7&&_7.stack){_9+="\n ----------------------------------------\n rejected"+_7.stack.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n").replace(/^\s+/," ");}if(_8&&_8.stack){_9+="\n ----------------------------------------\n"+_8.stack;}console.error(_6,_9);};function _a(_b,_c,_d,_e){if(!_c){_5(_b,_d,_e);}};var _f=[];var _10=false;var _11=1000;function _12(_13,_14,_15,_16){if(_14){_4.some(_f,function(obj,ix){if(obj.error===_13){_f.splice(ix,1);return true;}});}else{if(!_4.some(_f,function(obj){return obj.error===_13;})){_f.push({error:_13,rejection:_15,deferred:_16,timestamp:new Date().getTime()});}}if(!_10){_10=setTimeout(_17,_11);}};function _17(){var now=new Date().getTime();var _18=now-_11;_f=_4.filter(_f,function(obj){if(obj.timestamp<_18){_5(obj.error,obj.rejection,obj.deferred);return false;}return true;});if(_f.length){_10=setTimeout(_17,_f[0].timestamp+_11-now);}else{_10=false;}};return function(_19){var _1a=_2("config-useDeferredInstrumentation");if(_1a){_1.on("resolved",_3.hitch(console,"log","resolved"));_1.on("rejected",_3.hitch(console,"log","rejected"));_1.on("progress",_3.hitch(console,"log","progress"));var _1b=[];if(typeof _1a==="string"){_1b=_1a.split(",");_1a=_1b.shift();}if(_1a==="report-rejections"){_19.instrumentRejected=_a;}else{if(_1a==="report-unhandled-rejections"||_1a===true||_1a===1){_19.instrumentRejected=_12;_11=parseInt(_1b[0],10)||_11;}else{throw new Error("Unsupported instrumentation usage <"+_1a+">");}}}};}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/dojo/promise/instrumentation.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/promise/instrumentation.js.uncompressed.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b32bb9841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dojo/promise/instrumentation.js.uncompressed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+define("dojo/promise/instrumentation", [
+ "./tracer",
+ "../has",
+ "../_base/lang",
+ "../_base/array"
+], function(tracer, has, lang, arrayUtil){
+ function logError(error, rejection, deferred){
+ var stack = "";
+ if(error && error.stack){
+ stack += error.stack;
+ }
+ if(rejection && rejection.stack){
+ stack += "\n ----------------------------------------\n rejected" + rejection.stack.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n").replace(/^\s+/, " ");
+ }
+ if(deferred && deferred.stack){
+ stack += "\n ----------------------------------------\n" + deferred.stack;
+ }
+ console.error(error, stack);
+ }
+ function reportRejections(error, handled, rejection, deferred){
+ if(!handled){
+ logError(error, rejection, deferred);
+ }
+ }
+ var errors = [];
+ var activeTimeout = false;
+ var unhandledWait = 1000;
+ function trackUnhandledRejections(error, handled, rejection, deferred){
+ if(handled){
+ arrayUtil.some(errors, function(obj, ix){
+ if(obj.error === error){
+ errors.splice(ix, 1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ }else if(!arrayUtil.some(errors, function(obj){ return obj.error === error; })){
+ errors.push({
+ error: error,
+ rejection: rejection,
+ deferred: deferred,
+ timestamp: new Date().getTime()
+ });
+ }
+ if(!activeTimeout){
+ activeTimeout = setTimeout(logRejected, unhandledWait);
+ }
+ }
+ function logRejected(){
+ var now = new Date().getTime();
+ var reportBefore = now - unhandledWait;
+ errors = arrayUtil.filter(errors, function(obj){
+ if(obj.timestamp < reportBefore){
+ logError(obj.error, obj.rejection, obj.deferred);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ if(errors.length){
+ activeTimeout = setTimeout(logRejected, errors[0].timestamp + unhandledWait - now);
+ }else{
+ activeTimeout = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return function(Deferred){
+ // summary:
+ // Initialize instrumentation for the Deferred class.
+ // description:
+ // Initialize instrumentation for the Deferred class.
+ // Done automatically by `dojo/Deferred` if the
+ // `deferredInstrumentation` and `useDeferredInstrumentation`
+ // config options are set.
+ //
+ // Sets up `dojo/promise/tracer` to log to the console.
+ //
+ // Sets up instrumentation of rejected deferreds so unhandled
+ // errors are logged to the console.
+ var usage = has("config-useDeferredInstrumentation");
+ if(usage){
+ tracer.on("resolved", lang.hitch(console, "log", "resolved"));
+ tracer.on("rejected", lang.hitch(console, "log", "rejected"));
+ tracer.on("progress", lang.hitch(console, "log", "progress"));
+ var args = [];
+ if(typeof usage === "string"){
+ args = usage.split(",");
+ usage = args.shift();
+ }
+ if(usage === "report-rejections"){
+ Deferred.instrumentRejected = reportRejections;
+ }else if(usage === "report-unhandled-rejections" || usage === true || usage === 1){
+ Deferred.instrumentRejected = trackUnhandledRejections;
+ unhandledWait = parseInt(args[0], 10) || unhandledWait;
+ }else{
+ throw new Error("Unsupported instrumentation usage <" + usage + ">");
+ }
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/lib/dojo/promise/tracer.js b/lib/dojo/promise/tracer.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..906b9452d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dojo/promise/tracer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
+ Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
+ see: for details
+define("dojo/promise/tracer",["../_base/lang","./Promise","../Evented"],function(_1,_2,_3){"use strict";var _4=new _3;var _5=_4.emit;_4.emit=null;function _6(_7){setTimeout(function(){_5.apply(_4,_7);},0);};_2.prototype.trace=function(){var _8=_1._toArray(arguments);this.then(function(_9){_6(["resolved",_9].concat(_8));},function(_a){_6(["rejected",_a].concat(_8));},function(_b){_6(["progress",_b].concat(_8));});return this;};_2.prototype.traceRejected=function(){var _c=_1._toArray(arguments);this.otherwise(function(_d){_6(["rejected",_d].concat(_c));});return this;};return _4;}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/dojo/promise/tracer.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/promise/tracer.js.uncompressed.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5380cc32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dojo/promise/tracer.js.uncompressed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+define("dojo/promise/tracer", [
+ "../_base/lang",
+ "./Promise",
+ "../Evented"
+], function(lang, Promise, Evented){
+ "use strict";
+ // module:
+ // dojo/promise/tracer
+ /*=====
+ return {
+ // summary:
+ // Trace promise fulfillment.
+ // description:
+ // Trace promise fulfillment. Calling `.trace()` or `.traceError()` on a
+ // promise enables tracing. Will emit `resolved`, `rejected` or `progress`
+ // events.
+ on: function(type, listener){
+ // summary:
+ // Subscribe to traces.
+ // description:
+ // See `dojo/Evented#on()`.
+ // type: String
+ // `resolved`, `rejected`, or `progress`
+ // listener: Function
+ // The listener is passed the traced value and any arguments
+ // that were used with the `.trace()` call.
+ }
+ };
+ =====*/
+ var evented = new Evented;
+ var emit = evented.emit;
+ evented.emit = null;
+ // Emit events asynchronously since they should not change the promise state.
+ function emitAsync(args){
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ emit.apply(evented, args);
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ Promise.prototype.trace = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Trace the promise.
+ // description:
+ // Tracing allows you to transparently log progress,
+ // resolution and rejection of promises, without affecting the
+ // promise itself. Any arguments passed to `trace()` are
+ // emitted in trace events. See `dojo/promise/tracer` on how
+ // to handle traces.
+ // returns: dojo/promise/Promise
+ // The promise instance `trace()` is called on.
+ var args = lang._toArray(arguments);
+ this.then(
+ function(value){ emitAsync(["resolved", value].concat(args)); },
+ function(error){ emitAsync(["rejected", error].concat(args)); },
+ function(update){ emitAsync(["progress", update].concat(args)); }
+ );
+ return this;
+ };
+ Promise.prototype.traceRejected = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Trace rejection of the promise.
+ // description:
+ // Tracing allows you to transparently log progress,
+ // resolution and rejection of promises, without affecting the
+ // promise itself. Any arguments passed to `trace()` are
+ // emitted in trace events. See `dojo/promise/tracer` on how
+ // to handle traces.
+ // returns: dojo/promise/Promise
+ // The promise instance `traceRejected()` is called on.
+ var args = lang._toArray(arguments);
+ this.otherwise(function(error){
+ emitAsync(["rejected", error].concat(args));
+ });
+ return this;
+ };
+ return evented;