path: root/offline.js
diff options
authorAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2010-11-14 21:50:13 +0300
committerAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2010-11-14 21:58:11 +0300
commit75c510323be9682951412510d82f97d838dcb3bf (patch)
tree803eb68df08ece6ce2f95758e0656aabd41e3544 /offline.js
parentb71a7df9edd13af85733f89d854e7d834fa0a468 (diff)
remove google gears
Diffstat (limited to 'offline.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1770 deletions
diff --git a/offline.js b/offline.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fb374aab..000000000
--- a/offline.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1770 +0,0 @@
-var offline_mode = false;
-var store = false;
-var localServer = false;
-var db = false;
-var articles_synced = 0;
-var sync_in_progress = false;
-var sync_timer = false;
-function view_offline(id) {
- try {
- enableHotkeys();
- showArticleInHeadlines(id);
- db.execute("UPDATE articles SET unread = 0 WHERE id = ?", [id]);
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id = ?", [id]);
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- var tmp = "<div class=\"postReply\">";
- tmp += "<div class=\"postHeader\" onmouseover=\"enable_resize(true)\" "+
- "onmouseout=\"enable_resize(false)\">";
- tmp += "<div class=\"postDate\">"+rs.fieldByName("updated")+"</div>";
- if (rs.fieldByName("link") != "") {
- tmp += "<div clear='both'><a target=\"_blank\" "+
- "href=\"" + rs.fieldByName("link") + "\">" +
- rs.fieldByName("title") + "</a></div>";
- } else {
- tmp += "<div clear='both'>" + rs.fieldByName("title") + "</div>";
- }
-/* tmp += "<div style='float : right'> "+
- "<img src='images/tag.png' class='tagsPic' alt='Tags' title='Tags'>";
- tmp += rs.fieldByName("tags");
- tmp += "</div>"; */
-/* tmp += "<div clear='both'>"+
- "<a target=\"_blank\" "+
- "href=\"" + rs.fieldByName("comments") + "\">" +
- __("comments") + "</a></div>"; */
- tmp += "</div>";
- tmp += "<div class=\"postContent\">"
- tmp += rs.fieldByName("content");
- tmp += "</div>";
- tmp += "</div>";
- render_article(tmp);
- update_local_feedlist_counters();
- }
- rs.close();
- return false;
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("view_offline", e);
- }
-function viewfeed_offline(feed_id, subop, is_cat, offset) {
- try {
- notify('');
- if (!offset) offset = 0;
- if (offset > 0) {
- _feed_cur_page = parseInt(offset);
- if (_infscroll_request_sent) {
- return;
- }
- } else {
- _feed_cur_page = 0;
- _infscroll_disable = 0;
- }
- if (getActiveFeedId() != feed_id) {
- _feed_cur_page = 0;
- active_post_id = 0;
- _infscroll_disable = 0;
- }
- loading_set_progress(100);
- clean_feed_selections();
- setActiveFeedId(feed_id, is_cat);
- if (!is_cat) {
- var feedr = $("FEEDR-" + feed_id);
- if (feedr && !feedr.className.match("Selected")) {
- feedr.className = feedr.className + "Selected";
- }
- } else {
- var feedr = $("FCAT-" + feed_id);
- if (feedr && !feedr.className.match("Selected")) {
- feedr.className = feedr.className + "Selected";
- }
- }
- if (subop == "MarkAllRead") {
- catchup_local_feed(feed_id, is_cat);
- }
- Form.enable("main_toolbar_form");
- var f = $("headlines-frame");
- try {
- if (reply.offset == 0) {
- console.log("resetting headlines scrollTop");
- f.scrollTop = 0;
- }
- } catch (e) { };
- var tmp = "";
- var feed_title = "";
- if (is_cat) {
- feed_title = get_local_category_title(feed_id);
- } else {
- feed_title = get_local_feed_title(feed_id);
- }
- if (feed_title) {
- if (offset == 0) {
- tmp += "<div id=\"headlinesContainer\">";
- tmp += "<div class=\"headlinesSubToolbar\">";
- tmp += "<div id=\"subtoolbar_ftitle\">";
- tmp += feed_title;
- tmp += "</div>";
- var catchup_feed_link = "javascript:catchupCurrentFeed()";
- var catchup_sel_link = "javascript:catchupSelection()";
- var sel_all_link = "javascript:selectArticles('all')";
- var sel_unread_link = "javascript:selectArticles('unread')";
- var sel_none_link = "javascript:selectArticles('none')";
- var sel_inv_link = "javascript:invertHeadlineSelection()";
- var tog_unread_link = "javascript:selectionToggleUnread()";
- var tog_marked_link = "javascript:selectionToggleMarked()";
- tmp += __('Select:')+
- " <a href=\""+sel_all_link+"\">"+__('All')+"</a>, "+
- "<a href=\""+sel_unread_link+"\">"+__('Unread')+"</a>, "+
- "<a href=\""+sel_inv_link+"\">"+__('Invert')+"</a>, "+
- "<a href=\""+sel_none_link+"\">"+__('None')+"</a>";
- tmp += "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
- tmp += "<span onmouseover=\"enable_selection(false)\" "+
- "onmouseout=\"enable_selection(true) \"" +
- "onclick=\"toggleHeadlineActions()\" id=\"headlineActionsDrop\">" +
- __("Actions...") + "&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=\"images/down_arrow.png\">" +
- "</span>";
- tmp += "<ul id=\"headlineActionsBody\" style=\"display : none\">";
- tmp += "<li class=\"insensitive\">"+__('Selection toggle:')+"</li>"+
- "<li onclick=\""+tog_unread_link+"\">&nbsp;&nbsp;"+__('Unread')+"</li>"+
- "<li onclick=\""+tog_marked_link+"\">&nbsp;&nbsp;"+__('Starred')+"</li>"+
- "<li class=\"insensitive\">"+__('Mark as read:')+"</li>"+
- "<li onclick=\""+catchup_sel_link+"\">&nbsp;&nbsp;"+__('Selection')+"</li>";
- tmp += "<li onclick=\""+catchup_feed_link+"\">&nbsp;&nbsp;"+__('Entire feed')+
- "</li>";
- tmp += "</ul>";
- tmp += "</div>";
- tmp += "<div id=\"headlinesInnerContainer\" onscroll=\"headlines_scroll_handler()\">";
- if ($("content-frame")) {
- tmp += "<table class=\"headlinesList\" id=\"headlinesList\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
- }
- }
- var limit = 30;
- var toolbar_form = document.forms["main_toolbar_form"];
- //var limit = toolbar_form.limit[toolbar_form.limit.selectedIndex].value;
- var view_mode = toolbar_form.view_mode[toolbar_form.view_mode.selectedIndex].value;
- var limit_qpart = "";
- var strategy_qpart = "";
- var mode_qpart = "";
- var offset_qpart = "";
- if (limit != 0) {
- limit_qpart = "LIMIT " + limit;
- }
- if (view_mode == "all_articles") {
- mode_qpart = "1";
- } else if (view_mode == "adaptive") {
- if (is_cat && get_local_category_unread(feed_id) ||
- get_local_feed_unread(feed_id) > 0) {
- mode_qpart = "unread = 1";
- } else {
- mode_qpart = "1";
- }
- } else if (view_mode == "marked") {
- mode_qpart = "marked = 1";
- } else if (view_mode == "unread") {
- mode_qpart = "unread = 1";
- } else {
- mode_qpart = "1";
- }
- var ext_tables_qpart = "";
- if (is_cat) {
- if (feed_id >= 0) {
- strategy_qpart = "cat_id = " + feed_id;
- } else if (feed_id == -2) {
- strategy_qpart = " =";
- ext_tables_qpart = ",article_labels";
- }
- } else if (feed_id > 0) {
- strategy_qpart = "feed_id = " + feed_id;
- } else if (feed_id == -1) {
- strategy_qpart = "marked = 1";
- } else if (feed_id == -4) {
- strategy_qpart = "1";
- } else if (feed_id < -10) {
- var label_id = -11 - feed_id;
- strategy_qpart = " = AND label_id = " + label_id;
- ext_tables_qpart = ",article_labels";
- }
- if (offset > 0) {
- offset_qpart = "OFFSET " + (offset*30);
- } else {
- offset_qpart = "";
- }
- var query = "SELECT *,feeds.title AS feed_title "+
- "FROM articles,feeds,categories"+ext_tables_qpart+" "+
- "WHERE " +
- "cat_id = AND " +
- "feed_id = AND " +
- strategy_qpart +
- " AND " + mode_qpart +
- " ORDER BY updated DESC "+
- limit_qpart + " " +
- offset_qpart;
- var rs = db.execute(query);
- var line_num = offset*30;
- var real_feed_id = feed_id;
- while (rs.isValidRow()) {
- var id = rs.fieldByName("id");
- var feed_id = rs.fieldByName("feed_id");
- var entry_feed_title = false;
- if (real_feed_id < 0 || is_cat) {
- entry_feed_title = rs.fieldByName("feed_title");
- }
- var marked_pic;
- var row_class = (line_num % 2) ? "even" : "odd";
- if (rs.fieldByName("unread") == "1") {
- row_class += "Unread";
- }
- var labels = get_local_article_labels(id);
- var labels_str = "<span id=\"HLLCTR-"+id+"\">";
- labels_str += format_article_labels(labels, id);
- labels_str += "</span>";
- if (rs.fieldByName("marked") == "1") {
- marked_pic = "<img id=\"FMPIC-"+id+"\" "+
- "src=\"images/mark_set.png\" class=\"markedPic\""+
- "alt=\"Unstar article\" onclick='javascript:tMark("+id+")'>";
- } else {
- marked_pic = "<img id=\"FMPIC-"+id+"\" "+
- "src=\"images/mark_unset.png\" class=\"markedPic\""+
- "alt=\"Star article\" onclick='javascript:tMark("+id+")'>";
- }
- var mouseover_attrs = "onmouseover='postMouseIn($id)' "+
- "onmouseout='postMouseOut($id)'";
- var content_preview = truncate_string(strip_tags(rs.fieldByName("content")),
- 100);
- if ($("content-frame")) {
- tmp += "<tr class='"+row_class+"' id='RROW-"+id+"' "+mouseover_attrs+">";
- tmp += "<td class='hlUpdPic'> </td>";
- tmp += "<td class='hlSelectRow'>"+
- "<input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"tSR(this)\" id=\"RCHK-"+id+"\"></td>";
- tmp += "<td class='hlMarkedPic'>"+marked_pic+"</td>";
- tmp += "<td onclick='view("+id+")' "+
- "class='hlContent' valign='middle'>";
- tmp += "<a target=\"_blank\" id=\"RTITLE-"+id+"\" href=\"" +
- rs.fieldByName("link") + "\"" +
- "onclick=\"return view("+id+");\">"+
- rs.fieldByName("title");
- tmp += "<span class=\"contentPreview\"> - "+content_preview+"</span>";
- tmp += "</a>";
- tmp += labels_str;
- if (entry_feed_title) {
- tmp += " <span class=\"hlFeed\">"+
- "(<a href='javascript:viewfeed("+feed_id+
- ")'>"+entry_feed_title+"</a>)</span>";
- }
- tmp += "</td>";
- tmp += "<td class=\"hlUpdated\" onclick='view("+id+")'>"+
- "<nobr>"+rs.fieldByName("updated").substring(0,16)+
- "</nobr></td>";
- tmp += "</tr>";
- } else {
- var add_class = "";
- if (rs.fieldByName("unread") == "1") {
- add_class = "Unread";
- }
- tmp += "<div class=\"cdmArticle"+add_class+"\" id=\"RROW-"+id+"\" "+
- mouseover_attrs+"'>";
- feed_icon_img = "<img class=\"tinyFeedIcon\" src=\""+
- getInitParam("icons_url")+"/"+feed_id+".ico\" alt=\"\">";
- cdm_feed_icon = "<span style=\"cursor : pointer\" "+
- "onclick=\"viewfeed("+feed_id+")\">"+feed_icon_img+"</span>";
- tmp += "<div class=\"cdmHeader\">";
- tmp += "<div class=\"articleUpdated\">"+
- rs.fieldByName("updated").substring(0,16)+
- " "+cdm_feed_icon+"</div>";
- tmp += "<span id=\"RTITLE-"+id+"\" class=\"titleWrap\">"+
- "<a class=\"title\" onclick=\"javascript:toggleUnread("+id+", 0)\""+
- "target=\"_blank\" href=\""+rs.fieldByName("link")+
- "\">"+rs.fieldByName("title")+"</a>";
- tmp += labels_str;
- if (entry_feed_title) {
- tmp += "&nbsp;(<a href='javascript:viewfeed("+feed_id+
- ")'>"+entry_feed_title+"</a>)";
- }
- tmp += "</span></div>";
- tmp += "<div class=\"cdmContent\" onclick=\"cdmClicked("+id+")\""+
- "id=\"CICD-"+id+"\">";
- tmp += rs.fieldByName("content");
- tmp += "<br clear='both'>"
- tmp += "</div>";
- tmp += "<div class=\"cdmFooter\"><span class='s0'>";
- tmp += __("Select:")+
- " <input type=\"checkbox\" "+
- "onclick=\"toggleSelectRowById(this, 'RROW-"+id+"')\" "+
- "class=\"feedCheckBox\" id=\"RCHK-"+id+"\">";
- tmp += "</span><span class='s1'>"+marked_pic+"</span> ";
-/* tmp += "<span class='s1'>"+
- "<img class='tagsPic' src='images/tag.png' alt='Tags' title='Tags'>"+
- "<span id=\"ATSTR-"+id+"\">"+rs.fieldByName("tags")+"</span>"+
- "</span>"; */
- tmp += "<span class='s2'>Toggle: <a class=\"cdmToggleLink\""+
- "href=\"javascript:toggleUnread("+id+")\">"+
- "Unread</a></span>";
- tmp += "</div>";
- tmp += "</div>";
- }
- line_num++;
- }
- if (line_num - offset*30 < 30) {
- _infscroll_disable = 1;
- }
- rs.close();
- if (offset == 0) {
- tmp += "</table>";
- if (line_num - offset*30 == 0) {
- tmp += "<div class='whiteBox'>" +
- __("No articles found to display.") +
- "</div>";
- }
- tmp += "</div></div>";
- }
- if (offset == 0) {
- var container = $("headlines-frame");
- container.innerHTML = tmp;
- } else {
- var ids = getSelectedArticleIds2();
- var container = $("headlinesList");
- container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + tmp;
- for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
- markHeadline(ids[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- remove_splash();
- _infscroll_request_sent = 0;
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("viewfeed_offline", e);
- }
-function render_offline_feedlist() {
- try {
- var cats_enabled = getInitParam("enable_feed_cats") == "1";
- var tmp = "<ul class=\"feedList\" id=\"feedList\">";
- var unread = get_local_feed_unread(-4);
- global_unread = unread;
- updateTitle();
- if (cats_enabled) {
- tmp += printCategoryHeader(-1, is_local_cat_collapsed(-1), false);
- }
- tmp += printFeedEntry(-4, __("All articles"), "feed", unread,
- "images/tag.png");
- var unread = get_local_feed_unread(-1);
- tmp += printFeedEntry(-1, __("Starred articles"), "feed", unread,
- "images/mark_set.png");
- if (cats_enabled) {
- tmp += "</ul></li>";
- } else {
- tmp += "<li><hr/></li>";
- }
- if (cats_enabled) {
- tmp += printCategoryHeader(-2, is_local_cat_collapsed(-2), false);
- }
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT id,caption "+
- "FROM labels "+
- "ORDER BY caption");
- while (rs.isValidRow()) {
- var id = -11 - parseInt(rs.field(0));
- var caption = rs.field(1);
- var unread = get_local_feed_unread(id);
- tmp += printFeedEntry(id, caption, "feed", unread,
- "images/label.png");
- }
- rs.close();
- if (cats_enabled) {
- tmp += "</ul></li>";
- } else {
- tmp += "<li><hr/></li>";
- }
-/* var rs = db.execute("SELECT,feeds.title,has_icon,COUNT( "+
- "FROM feeds LEFT JOIN articles ON (feed_id = "+
- "WHERE unread = 1 OR unread IS NULL GROUP BY "+
- "ORDER BY feeds.title"); */
- var order_by = "feeds.title";
- if (cats_enabled) order_by = "categories.title," + order_by;
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT "+
- ",feeds.title,has_icon,cat_id,collapsed "+
- "FROM feeds,categories WHERE cat_id = "+
- "ORDER BY "+order_by);
- var tmp_cat_id = -1;
- while (rs.isValidRow()) {
- var id = rs.field(0);
- var title = rs.field(1);
- var has_icon = rs.field(2);
- var unread = get_local_feed_unread(id);
- var cat_id = rs.field(3);
- var cat_hidden = rs.field(4);
- if (cat_id != tmp_cat_id && cats_enabled) {
- if (tmp_cat_id != -1) {
- tmp += "</ul></li>";
- }
- tmp += printCategoryHeader(cat_id, cat_hidden, true);
- tmp_cat_id = cat_id;
- }
- var icon = "";
- if (has_icon) {
- icon = getInitParam("icons_url") + "/" + id + ".ico";
- }
- var feed_icon = "";
- var row_class = "feed";
- if (unread > 0) {
- row_class += "Unread";
- fctr_class = "feedCtrHasUnread";
- } else {
- fctr_class = "feedCtrNoUnread";
- }
- tmp += printFeedEntry(id, title, "feed", unread, icon);
- }
- rs.close();
- if (cats_enabled) {
- tmp += "</ul>";
- }
- tmp += "</ul>";
- render_feedlist(tmp);
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("render_offline_feedlist", e);
- }
-function init_offline() {
- try {
- offline_mode = true;
- store.enabled = true;
- Element.hide("dispSwitchPrompt");
- Element.hide("topLinksOnline");
- var tb_form = $("main_toolbar_form");
- Element.hide(tb_form.update);
- var chooser = $("quickMenuChooser");
- chooser.disabled = true;
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT key, value FROM init_params");
- while (rs.isValidRow()) {
- init_params[rs.field(0)] = rs.field(1);
- }
- rs.close();
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM feeds");
- var num_feeds = 0;
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- num_feeds = rs.field(0);
- }
- rs.close();
- if (num_feeds == 0) {
- remove_splash();
- return fatalError(0,
- __("Data for offline browsing has not been downloaded yet."));
- }
- render_offline_feedlist();
- init_second_stage();
- window.setTimeout("viewfeed(-4)", 50);
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("init_offline", e);
- }
-function offline_download_parse(stage, transport) {
- try {
- if (transport.responseXML) {
- if (!sync_in_progress) return;
- var sync_ok = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("sync-ok");
- if (sync_ok.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < sync_ok.length; i++) {
- var id = sync_ok[i].getAttribute("id");
- var unread = sync_ok[i].getAttribute("unread");
- var marked = sync_ok[i].getAttribute("marked");
- if (id) {
- console.log("synced offline info for id " + id);
- if (unread != undefined && marked != undefined) {
- db.execute("UPDATE articles SET "+
- "unread = ?, marked = ? WHERE id = ?", [unread, marked, id]);
- }
- db.execute("UPDATE articles SET modified = '' WHERE id = ?", [id]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (stage == 0) {
- $("offlineModeSyncMsg").innerHTML = __("Synchronizing feeds...");
- var feeds = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("feed");
- if (feeds.length > 0) {
- db.execute("DELETE FROM feeds");
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < feeds.length; i++) {
- var id = feeds[i].getAttribute("id");
- var has_icon = feeds[i].getAttribute("has_icon");
- var title = feeds[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
- var cat_id = feeds[i].getAttribute("cat_id");
- db.execute("INSERT INTO feeds (id,title,has_icon,cat_id)"+
- "VALUES (?,?,?,?)",
- [id, title, has_icon, cat_id]);
- }
- $("offlineModeSyncMsg").innerHTML = __("Synchronizing categories...");
- var cats = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("category");
- if (feeds.length > 0) {
- db.execute("DELETE FROM categories");
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) {
- var id = cats[i].getAttribute("id");
- var collapsed = cats[i].getAttribute("collapsed");
- var title = cats[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
- db.execute("INSERT INTO categories (id,title,collapsed)"+
- "VALUES (?,?,?)",
- [id, title, collapsed]);
- }
- $("offlineModeSyncMsg").innerHTML = __("Synchronizing labels...");
- var labels = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("label");
- if (labels.length > 0) {
- db.execute("DELETE FROM labels");
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
- var id = labels[i].getAttribute("id");
- var fg_color = labels[i].getAttribute("fg_color");
- var bg_color = labels[i].getAttribute("bg_color");
- var caption = labels[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
- db.execute("INSERT INTO labels (id,caption,fg_color,bg_color)"+
- "VALUES (?,?,?,?)",
- [id, caption, fg_color, bg_color]);
- }
- $("offlineModeSyncMsg").innerHTML = __("Synchronizing articles...");
- sync_timer = window.setTimeout("update_offline_data("+(stage+1)+")", 2*1000);
- } else {
- var articles = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("article");
- var limit = transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("limit")[0];
- if (limit) {
- limit = limit.getAttribute("value");
- } else {
- limit = 0;
- }
- var articles_found = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) {
- var a = eval("("+articles[i].firstChild.nodeValue+")");
- articles_found++;
- if (a) {
- db.execute("DELETE FROM articles WHERE id = ?", []);
- db.execute("INSERT INTO articles "+
- "(id, feed_id, title, link, guid, updated, content, "+
- "unread, marked, tags, comments) "+
- "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
- [, a.feed_id, a.title,, a.guid, a.updated,
- a.content, a.unread, a.marked, a.tags,
- a.comments]);
- if (a.labels.length > 0) {
- for (var j = 0; j < a.labels.length; j++) {
- label_local_add_article(, a.labels[j][0]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- console.log("downloaded articles: " + articles_found + " limit: " + limit);
- articles_synced += articles_found;
- var msg =__("Synchronizing articles (%d)...").replace("%d", articles_synced);
- $("offlineModeSyncMsg").innerHTML = msg;
- var has_sync_data = has_local_sync_data();
- if (articles_found >= limit || has_sync_data) {
- sync_timer = window.setTimeout("update_offline_data("+(stage+1)+")",
- 3*1000);
- console.log("<b>update_offline_data: done " + stage + " HSD: " +
- has_sync_data + "</b>");
- } else {
- window.setTimeout("offlineDownloadStart()", 180*1000);
- console.log("update_offline_data: finished");
- var pic = $("offlineModePic");
- if (pic) {
- pic.src = "images/offline.png";
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT value FROM syncdata WHERE key = 'last_online'");
- var last_sync = "";
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- last_sync = rs.field(0).substring(0,16);
- }
- rs.close();
- var msg = __("Last sync: %s").replace("%s", last_sync);
- articles_synced = 0;
- $("offlineModeSyncMsg").innerHTML = msg;
- }
- offlineSyncShowHideElems(false);
- sync_in_progress = false;
- db.execute("DELETE FROM articles WHERE "+
- "updated < DATETIME('NOW', 'localtime', '-31 days')");
- }
- }
- update_local_sync_data();
-// notify('');
- } else {
- sync_in_progress = false;
- var pic = $("offlineModePic");
- if (pic) {
- pic.src = "images/offline.png";
- var msg = __("Last sync: Error receiving data.");
- articles_synced = 0;
- $("offlineModeSyncMsg").innerHTML = msg;
- }
- offlineSyncShowHideElems(false);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("offline_download_parse", e);
- }
-function update_offline_data(stage) {
- try {
- if (!stage) stage = 0;
- if (!db || offline_mode || getInitParam("offline_enabled") != "1") return;
- var query = "?op=rpc&subop=download";
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT MAX(id), MIN(id) FROM articles");
- if (rs.isValidRow() && rs.field(0)) {
- var offline_dl_max_id = rs.field(0);
- var offline_dl_min_id = rs.field(1);
- query = query + "&cidt=" + offline_dl_max_id;
- query = query + "&cidb=" + offline_dl_min_id;
- if (stage > 0) stage = 1;
- }
- rs.close();
- console.log("update_offline_data: stage " + stage);
- query = query + "&stage=" + stage;
- var to_sync = prepare_local_sync_data();
- if (to_sync != "") {
- to_sync = "&sync=" + param_escape(to_sync);
- }
- query = query + to_sync;
- var pic = $("offlineModePic");
- if (pic) {
- pic.src = "images/offline-sync.gif";
- if (articles_synced == 0) {
- $("offlineModeSyncMsg").innerHTML = __("Synchronizing...");
- }
- }
- offlineSyncShowHideElems(true);
- offlineUpdateStore();
- sync_in_progress = true;
- console.log(query);
- new Ajax.Request("backend.php", {
- parameters: query,
- onComplete: function(transport) {
- offline_download_parse(stage, transport);
- } });
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("initiate_offline_download", e);
- }
-function set_feedlist_counter(id, ctr, is_cat) {
- try {
- var feedctr = $("FEEDCTR-" + id);
- var feedu = $("FEEDU-" + id);
- var feedr = $("FEEDR-" + id);
- if (is_cat) {
- var catctr = $("FCATCTR-" + id);
- if (catctr) {
- catctr.innerHTML = "(" + ctr + ")";
- if (ctr > 0) {
- catctr.className = "catCtrHasUnread";
- } else {
- catctr.className = "catCtrNoUnread";
- }
- }
- } else if (feedctr && feedu && feedr) {
- var row_needs_hl = (ctr > 0 && ctr > parseInt(feedu.innerHTML));
- feedu.innerHTML = ctr;
- if (ctr > 0) {
- feedctr.className = "feedCtrHasUnread";
- if (!feedr.className.match("Unread")) {
- var is_selected = feedr.className.match("Selected");
- feedr.className = feedr.className.replace("Selected", "");
- feedr.className = feedr.className.replace("Unread", "");
- feedr.className = feedr.className + "Unread";
- if (is_selected) {
- feedr.className = feedr.className + "Selected";
- }
- }
- if (row_needs_hl) {
- new Effect.Highlight(feedr, {duration: 1, startcolor: "#fff7d5",
- queue: { position:'end', scope: 'EFQ-' + id, limit: 1 } } );
- }
- } else {
- feedctr.className = "feedCtrNoUnread";
- feedr.className = feedr.className.replace("Unread", "");
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("set_feedlist_counter", e);
- }
-function update_local_feedlist_counters() {
- try {
- if (!offline_mode || !db) return;
-/* var rs = db.execute("SELECT,COUNT( "+
- "FROM feeds LEFT JOIN articles ON (feed_id = "+
- "WHERE unread = 1 OR unread IS NULL GROUP BY "+
- "ORDER BY feeds.title"); */
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT id FROM feeds "+
- "ORDER BY title");
- while (rs.isValidRow()) {
- var id = rs.field(0);
- var ctr = get_local_feed_unread(id);
- set_feedlist_counter(id, ctr, false);
- }
- rs.close();
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT cat_id,SUM(unread) "+
- "FROM articles, feeds WHERE = feed_id GROUP BY cat_id");
- while (rs.isValidRow()) {
- var id = rs.field(0);
- var ctr = rs.field(1);
- set_feedlist_counter(id, ctr, true);
- }
- rs.close();
- set_feedlist_counter(-2, get_local_category_unread(-2), true);
- set_feedlist_counter(-4, get_local_feed_unread(-4));
- set_feedlist_counter(-1, get_local_feed_unread(-1));
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT id FROM labels");
- while (rs.isValidRow()) {
- var id = -11 - rs.field(0);
- var ctr = get_local_feed_unread(id);
- set_feedlist_counter(id, ctr, false);
- }
- rs.close();
- hideOrShowFeeds(getInitParam("hide_read_feeds") == 1);
- global_unread = get_local_feed_unread(-4);
- updateTitle();
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("update_local_feedlist_counters", e);
- }
-function get_local_feed_unread(id) {
- try {
- var rs;
- if (id == -4) {
- rs = db.execute("SELECT SUM(unread) FROM articles");
- } else if (id == -1) {
- rs = db.execute("SELECT SUM(unread) FROM articles WHERE marked = 1");
- } else if (id > 0) {
- rs = db.execute("SELECT SUM(unread) FROM articles WHERE feed_id = ?", [id]);
- } else if (id < -10) {
- var label_id = -11 - id;
- rs = db.execute("SELECT SUM(unread) FROM articles,article_labels "+
- "WHERE = AND label_id = ?", [label_id]);
- }
- var a = false;
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- a = rs.field(0);
- } else {
- a = 0;
- }
- rs.close();
- return a;
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("get_local_feed_unread", e);
- }
-function enable_offline_reading() {
- try {
- if (db && getInitParam("offline_enabled") == "1") {
- init_local_sync_data();
- offlineDownloadStart();
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("enable_offline_reading", e);
- }
-function init_gears() {
- try {
- if ( && google.gears) {
- try {
- localServer = google.gears.factory.create("beta.localserver");
- } catch (e) {
- return;
- }
- store = localServer.createManagedStore("tt-rss");
- store.manifestUrl = "manifest.json.php";
- store.enabled = false;
- db = google.gears.factory.create('beta.database');
- db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS version (schema_version text)");
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT schema_version FROM version");
- var version = "";
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- version = rs.field(0);
- }
- rs.close();
- if (version != SCHEMA_VERSION) {
- db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS init_params");
- db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cache");
- db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS feeds");
- db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS categories");
- db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS labels");
- db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS article_labels");
- db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS articles");
- db.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS article_labels_label_id_idx");
- db.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS articles_unread_idx");
- db.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS articles_feed_id_idx");
- db.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS articles_id_idx");
- db.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS article_labels_id_idx");
- db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS version");
- db.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS articles_update_unread");
- db.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS articles_update_marked");
- db.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS articles_remove_labelrefs");
- db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS version (schema_version text)");
- db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS syncdata");
- db.execute("INSERT INTO version (schema_version) VALUES (?)",
- }
- db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS init_params (key text, value text)");
- db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cache (id integer, article text, param text, added text)");
- db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feeds (id integer, title text, has_icon integer, cat_id integer)");
- db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS categories (id integer, title text, collapsed integer)");
- db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS labels (id integer, caption text, fg_color text, bg_color text)");
- db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS article_labels (id integer, label_id integer)");
- db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS articles (id integer, feed_id integer, title text, link text, guid text, updated timestamp, content text, tags text, unread integer, marked integer, added text, modified timestamp, comments text)");
- db.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS articles_unread_idx ON articles(unread)");
- db.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS article_labels_label_id_idx ON article_labels(label_id)");
- db.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS articles_feed_id_idx ON articles(feed_id)");
- db.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS articles_id_idx ON articles(id)");
- db.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS article_labels_id_idx ON article_labels(id)");
- db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS syncdata (key integer, value text)");
- db.execute("DELETE FROM cache WHERE id LIKE 'F:%' OR id LIKE 'C:%'");
- db.execute("CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS articles_update_unread "+
- "UPDATE OF unread ON articles "+
- "BEGIN "+
- "UPDATE articles SET modified = DATETIME('NOW', 'localtime') "+
- "WHERE id = AND "+
- "OLD.unread != NEW.unread;"+
- "END;");
- db.execute("CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS articles_update_marked "+
- "UPDATE OF marked ON articles "+
- "BEGIN "+
- "UPDATE articles SET modified = DATETIME('NOW', 'localtime') "+
- "WHERE id =;"+
- "END;");
- db.execute("CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS articles_remove_labelrefs "+
- "DELETE ON articles "+
- "BEGIN "+
- "DELETE FROM article_labels WHERE id =; "+
- "END; ");
- }
- cache_expire();
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("init_gears", e);
- }
-function offlineArticlesStored() {
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM articles");
- var count = 0;
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- count = rs.field(0);
- }
- rs.close();
- return count;
-function gotoOffline() {
-// console.log("[Local store] currentVersion = " + store.currentVersion);
- if (offlineArticlesStored() == 0) {
- notify_error("You have to synchronize some articles before going into offline mode.");
- return;
- }
- if (confirm(__("Switch Tiny Tiny RSS into offline mode?"))) {
- store.enabled = true;
- store.checkForUpdate();
- notify_progress("Preparing offline mode...", true);
- var timerId = window.setInterval(function() {
- if (store.currentVersion) {
- window.clearInterval(timerId);
- console.log("[Local store] sync complete: " + store.currentVersion);
- //window.location.href = "tt-rss.php";
- offlineDownloadStop();
- init_offline();
- notify_info("Tiny Tiny RSS is in offline mode.");
- } else if (store.updateStatus == 3) {
- console.log("[Local store] sync error: " + store.lastErrorMessage);
- notify_error(store.lastErrorMessage, true);
- } }, 500);
- }
-function gotoOnline() {
-// if (confirm(__("You won't be able to access offline version of Tiny Tiny RSS until you switch it into offline mode again. Go online?"))) {
- if (confirm(__("Tiny Tiny RSS will reload. Go online?"))) {
- //localServer.removeManagedStore("tt-rss");
- window.location.href = "tt-rss.php?online=1";
- }
-function local_collapse_cat(id) {
- try {
- if (db) {
- db.execute("UPDATE categories SET collapsed = NOT collapsed WHERE id = ?",
- [id]);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("local_collapse_cat", e);
- }
-function get_local_category_title(id) {
- try {
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT title FROM categories WHERE id = ?", [id]);
- var tmp = "";
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- tmp = rs.field(0);
- }
- rs.close();
- return tmp;
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("get_local_category_title", e);
- }
-function get_local_category_unread(id) {
- try {
- var rs = false;
- if (id >= 0) {
- rs = db.execute("SELECT SUM(unread) FROM articles, feeds "+
- "WHERE = feed_id AND cat_id = ?", [id]);
- } else if (id == -2) {
- rs = db.execute("SELECT SUM(unread) FROM article_labels, articles "+
- "where =");
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- var tmp = 0;
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- tmp = rs.field(0);
- }
- rs.close();
- return tmp;
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("get_local_category_unread", e);
- }
-function printCategoryHeader(cat_id, hidden, can_browse) {
- try {
- if (hidden == undefined) hidden = false;
- if (can_browse == undefined) can_browse = false;
- var tmp_category = get_local_category_title(cat_id);
- var tmp = "";
- var cat_unread = get_local_category_unread(cat_id);
- var holder_style = "";
- var ellipsis = "";
- if (hidden) {
- holder_style = "display:none;";
- ellipsis = "…";
- }
- var catctr_class = (cat_unread > 0) ? "catCtrHasUnread" : "catCtrNoUnread";
- var browse_cat_link = "";
- var inner_title_class = "catTitleNL";
- if (can_browse) {
- browse_cat_link = "onclick=\"javascript:viewCategory("+cat_id+")\"";
- inner_title_class = "catTitle";
- }
- var cat_class = "feedCat";
- tmp += "<li class=\""+cat_class+"\" id=\"FCAT-"+cat_id+"\">"+
- "<img onclick=\"toggleCollapseCat("+cat_id+")\" class=\"catCollapse\""+
- " title=\""+__('Click to collapse category')+"\""+
- " src=\"images/cat-collapse.png\"><span class=\""+inner_title_class+"\" "+
- " id=\"FCATN-"+cat_id+"\" "+browse_cat_link+
- "\">"+tmp_category+"</span>";
- tmp += "<span id=\"FCAP-"+cat_id+"\">";
- tmp += " <span id=\"FCATCTR-"+cat_id+"\" "+
- "class=\""+catctr_class+"\">("+cat_unread+")</span> "+ellipsis;
- tmp += "</span>";
- tmp += "<ul class=\"feedCatList\" id=\"FCATLIST-"+cat_id+"\" "+
- "style='"+holder_style+"'>";
- return tmp;
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("printCategoryHeader", e);
- }
-function is_local_cat_collapsed(id) {
- try {
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT collapsed FROM categories WHERE id = ?", [id]);
- var cat_hidden = 0;
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- cat_hidden = rs.field(0);
- }
- rs.close();
- return cat_hidden == "1";
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("is_local_cat_collapsed", e);
- }
-function get_local_article_labels(id) {
- try {
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT DISTINCT label_id,caption,fg_color,bg_color "+
- "FROM labels, article_labels "+
- "WHERE = label_id AND = ?", [id]);
- var tmp = new Array();
- while (rs.isValidRow()) {
- var e = new Array();
- e[0] = rs.field(0);
- e[1] = rs.field(1);
- e[2] = rs.field(2);
- e[3] = rs.field(3);
- tmp.push(e);
- }
- return tmp;
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("get_local_article_labels", e);
- }
-function label_local_add_article(id, label_id) {
- try {
- //console.log("label_local_add_article " + id + " => " + label_id);
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM article_labels WHERE "+
- "id = ? AND label_id = ?", [id, label_id]);
- var check = rs.field(0);
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- var check = rs.field(0);
- }
- rs.close();
- if (check == 0) {
- db.execute("INSERT INTO article_labels (id, label_id) VALUES "+
- "(?,?)", [id, label_id]);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("label_local_add_article", e);
- }
-function get_local_feed_title(id) {
- try {
- var feed_title = "Unknown feed: " + id;
- if (id > 0) {
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT title FROM feeds WHERE id = ?", [id]);
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- feed_title = rs.field(0);
- }
- rs.close();
- } else if (id == -1) {
- feed_title = __("Starred articles");
- } else if (id == -4) {
- feed_title = __("All articles");
- } else if (id < -10) {
- var label_id = -11 - id;
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT caption FROM labels WHERE id = ?", [label_id]);
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- feed_title = rs.field(0);
- }
- rs.close();
- }
- return feed_title;
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("get_local_feed_title", e);
- }
-function format_article_labels(labels, id) {
- try {
- var labels_str = "";
- if (!labels) return "";
- for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
- var l = labels[i];
- labels_str += "<span class='hlLabelRef' "+
- "style='color : "+l[2]+"; background-color : "+l[3]+"'>"+l[1]+"</span>";
- }
- return labels_str;
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("format_article_labels", e);
- }
-function init_local_sync_data() {
- try {
- if (!db) return;
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM syncdata WHERE key = 'last_online'");
- var has_last_online = 0;
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- has_last_online = rs.field(0);
- }
- rs.close();
- if (!has_last_online) {
- db.execute("INSERT INTO syncdata (key, value) VALUES ('last_online', '')");
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("init_local_sync_data", e);
- }
-function has_local_sync_data() {
- try {
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT id FROM articles "+
- "WHERE modified > (SELECT value FROM syncdata WHERE key = 'last_online') "+
- "LIMIT 1");
- var tmp = 0;
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- tmp = rs.field(0);
- }
- rs.close();
- return tmp != 0;
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("has_local_sync_data", e);
- }
-function prepare_local_sync_data() {
- try {
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT value FROM syncdata WHERE key = 'last_online'");
- var last_online = "";
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- last_online = rs.field(0);
- }
- rs.close();
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT id,unread,marked FROM articles "+
- "WHERE modified > ? LIMIT 200", [last_online]);
- var tmp = last_online + ";";
- var entries = 0;
- while (rs.isValidRow()) {
- var e = new Array();
- tmp = tmp + rs.field(0) + "," + rs.field(1) + "," + rs.field(2) + ";";
- entries++;
- }
- rs.close();
- if (entries > 0) {
- return tmp;
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("prepare_local_sync_data", e);
- }
-function update_local_sync_data() {
- try {
- if (db && !offline_mode) {
- var rs = db.execute("SELECT id FROM articles "+
- "WHERE modified > (SELECT value FROM syncdata WHERE "+
- "key = 'last_online') LIMIT 1")
- var f_id = 0;
- if (rs.isValidRow()) {
- f_id = rs.field(0);
- }
- rs.close();
- /* no pending articles to sync */
- if (f_id == 0) {
- db.execute("UPDATE syncdata SET value = DATETIME('NOW', 'localtime') "+
- "WHERE key = 'last_online'");
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("update_local_sync_data", e);
- }
-function catchup_local_feed(id, is_cat) {
- try {
- if (!db) return;
- if (!is_cat) {
- if (id >= 0) {
- db.execute("UPDATE articles SET unread = 0 WHERE feed_id = ?", [id]);
- } else if (id == -1) {
- db.execute("UPDATE articles SET unread = 0 WHERE marked = 1");
- } else if (id == -4) {
- db.execute("UPDATE articles SET unread = 0");
- } else if (id < -10) {
- var label_id = -11-id;
- db.execute("UPDATE articles SET unread = 0 WHERE "+
- "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM article_labels WHERE "+
- " = AND label_id = ?) > 0", [label_id]);
- }
- }
- update_local_feedlist_counters();
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("catchup_local_feed", e);
- }
-function toggleOfflineModeInfo() {
- try {
- var e = $('offlineModeDrop');
- var p = $('offlineModePic');
- if (Element.visible(e)) {
- Element.hide(e);
- } else {
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("toggleOfflineModeInfo", e);
- }
-function offlineDownloadStart(stage) {
- try {
- if (!stage) stage = 0;
- if (db && !sync_in_progress && getInitParam("offline_enabled") == "1") {
- window.setTimeout("update_offline_data("+stage+")", 100);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("offlineDownloadStart", e);
- }
-function offlineDownloadStop() {
- try {
- if (db && sync_in_progress && getInitParam("offline_enabled") == "1") {
- sync_in_progress = false;
- if (sync_timer) {
- window.clearTimeout(sync_timer);
- sync_timer = false;
- }
- var pic = $("offlineModePic");
- if (pic) {
- pic.src = "images/offline.png";
- var msg = __("Last sync: Cancelled.");
- articles_synced = 0;
- $("offlineModeSyncMsg").innerHTML = msg;
- }
- offlineSyncShowHideElems(false);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("offlineDownloadStart", e);
- }
-function offlineClearData() {
- try {
- if (db) {
- if (confirm(__("This will remove all offline data stored by Tiny Tiny RSS on this computer. Continue?"))) {
- notify_progress("Removing offline data...");
- localServer.removeManagedStore("tt-rss");
- db.execute("DELETE FROM articles");
- db.execute("DELETE FROM article_labels");
- db.execute("DELETE FROM labels");
- db.execute("DELETE FROM feeds");
- db.execute("DELETE FROM cache");
- notify_info("Local data removed.");
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("offlineClearData", e);
- }
-function offlineUpdateStore() {
- try {
- if (offline_mode || !store) return;
- store.checkForUpdate();
- var timerId = window.setInterval(function() {
- if (store.currentVersion) {
- window.clearInterval(timerId);
- console.log("[Local store] sync complete: " + store.currentVersion);
- } else if (store.updateStatus == 3) {
- console.log("[Local store] sync error: " + store.lastErrorMessage);
- } }, 500);
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("offlineUpdateStore", e);
- }
-function offlineSyncShowHideElems(syncing) {
- try {
- var elems = $$("div.hideWhenSyncing");
- for (var j = 0; j < elems.length; j++) {
- if (syncing) {
- Element.hide(elems[j]);
- } else {
- }
- }
- var elems = $$("div.showWhenSyncing");
- for (var j = 0; j < elems.length; j++) {
- if (syncing) {
- } else {
- Element.hide(elems[j]);
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("offlineSyncShowHideElems", e);
- }
-function offlineConfirmModeChange() {
- try {
- if (db && getInitParam("offline_enabled") == "1" && offlineArticlesStored() > 0) {
- var ok = confirm(__("Tiny Tiny RSS has trouble accessing its server. Would you like to go offline?"));
- if (ok) {
- init_offline();
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- exception_error("offlineConfirmModeChange", e);
- }
-function printFeedEntry(id, title, row_class, unread, icon) {
- var tmp = "";
- var fctr_class = "";
- var feed_icon = "";
- if (unread > 0) {
- row_class += "Unread";
- fctr_class = "feedCtrHasUnread";
- } else {
- fctr_class = "feedCtrNoUnread";
- }
- if (icon) {
- feed_icon = "<img id='FIMG-"+id+"' src='" + icon + "'>";
- } else {
- feed_icon = "<img id='FIMG-"+id+"' src='images/blank_icon.gif'>";
- }
- var link = "<a title=\"FIXME\" id=\"FEEDL-"+id+"\""+
- "href=\"javascript:viewfeed('"+id+"', '', false, '', false, 0);\">"+
- title + "</a>";
- tmp += "<li id='FEEDR-"+id+"' class="+row_class+">" + feed_icon +
- "<span id=\"FEEDN-"+id+"\">" + link + "</span>";
- tmp += " <span class='"+fctr_class+"' id=\"FEEDCTR-"+id+"\">" +
- "(<span id=\"FEEDU-"+id+"\">"+unread+"</span>)</span>";
- tmp += "</li>";
- return tmp;