path: root/vendor/open-telemetry/sdk/Logs/Processor/BatchLogRecordProcessor.php
diff options
authorAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2023-10-20 17:12:29 +0300
committerAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2023-10-20 21:13:39 +0300
commitcdd7ad020e165fe680703b6d3319b908b682fb7a (patch)
treeb51eb09b7b4587e8fbc5624ac8d88d28cfcd0b04 /vendor/open-telemetry/sdk/Logs/Processor/BatchLogRecordProcessor.php
parent45a9ff0c88cbd33892ff16ab837e9059937d656e (diff)
jaeger-client -> opentelemetry
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/open-telemetry/sdk/Logs/Processor/BatchLogRecordProcessor.php')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/open-telemetry/sdk/Logs/Processor/BatchLogRecordProcessor.php b/vendor/open-telemetry/sdk/Logs/Processor/BatchLogRecordProcessor.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc6faca54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/open-telemetry/sdk/Logs/Processor/BatchLogRecordProcessor.php
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+namespace OpenTelemetry\SDK\Logs\Processor;
+use InvalidArgumentException;
+use OpenTelemetry\API\Behavior\LogsMessagesTrait;
+use OpenTelemetry\API\Metrics\MeterProviderInterface;
+use OpenTelemetry\API\Metrics\ObserverInterface;
+use OpenTelemetry\Context\Context;
+use OpenTelemetry\Context\ContextInterface;
+use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Common\Future\CancellationInterface;
+use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Common\Time\ClockInterface;
+use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Logs\LogRecordExporterInterface;
+use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Logs\LogRecordProcessorInterface;
+use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Logs\ReadWriteLogRecord;
+use SplQueue;
+use Throwable;
+class BatchLogRecordProcessor implements LogRecordProcessorInterface
+ use LogsMessagesTrait;
+ public const DEFAULT_SCHEDULE_DELAY = 1000;
+ public const DEFAULT_EXPORT_TIMEOUT = 30000;
+ public const DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 2048;
+ public const DEFAULT_MAX_EXPORT_BATCH_SIZE = 512;
+ private const ATTRIBUTES_PROCESSOR = ['processor' => 'batching'];
+ private const ATTRIBUTES_QUEUED = self::ATTRIBUTES_PROCESSOR + ['state' => 'queued'];
+ private const ATTRIBUTES_PENDING = self::ATTRIBUTES_PROCESSOR + ['state' => 'pending'];
+ private const ATTRIBUTES_PROCESSED = self::ATTRIBUTES_PROCESSOR + ['state' => 'processed'];
+ private const ATTRIBUTES_DROPPED = self::ATTRIBUTES_PROCESSOR + ['state' => 'dropped'];
+ private const ATTRIBUTES_FREE = self::ATTRIBUTES_PROCESSOR + ['state' => 'free'];
+ private LogRecordExporterInterface $exporter;
+ private ClockInterface $clock;
+ private int $maxQueueSize;
+ private int $scheduledDelayNanos;
+ private int $maxExportBatchSize;
+ private bool $autoFlush;
+ private ContextInterface $exportContext;
+ private ?int $nextScheduledRun = null;
+ private bool $running = false;
+ private int $dropped = 0;
+ private int $processed = 0;
+ private int $batchId = 0;
+ private int $queueSize = 0;
+ /** @var list<ReadWriteLogRecord> */
+ private array $batch = [];
+ /** @var SplQueue<list<ReadWriteLogRecord>> */
+ private SplQueue $queue;
+ /** @var SplQueue<array{int, string, ?CancellationInterface, bool, ContextInterface}> */
+ private SplQueue $flush;
+ private bool $closed = false;
+ public function __construct(
+ LogRecordExporterInterface $exporter,
+ ClockInterface $clock,
+ int $maxQueueSize = self::DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE,
+ int $scheduledDelayMillis = self::DEFAULT_SCHEDULE_DELAY,
+ int $exportTimeoutMillis = self::DEFAULT_EXPORT_TIMEOUT,
+ int $maxExportBatchSize = self::DEFAULT_MAX_EXPORT_BATCH_SIZE,
+ bool $autoFlush = true,
+ ?MeterProviderInterface $meterProvider = null
+ ) {
+ if ($maxQueueSize <= 0) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Maximum queue size (%d) must be greater than zero', $maxQueueSize));
+ }
+ if ($scheduledDelayMillis <= 0) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Scheduled delay (%d) must be greater than zero', $scheduledDelayMillis));
+ }
+ if ($exportTimeoutMillis <= 0) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Export timeout (%d) must be greater than zero', $exportTimeoutMillis));
+ }
+ if ($maxExportBatchSize <= 0) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Maximum export batch size (%d) must be greater than zero', $maxExportBatchSize));
+ }
+ if ($maxExportBatchSize > $maxQueueSize) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Maximum export batch size (%d) must be less than or equal to maximum queue size (%d)', $maxExportBatchSize, $maxQueueSize));
+ }
+ $this->exporter = $exporter;
+ $this->clock = $clock;
+ $this->maxQueueSize = $maxQueueSize;
+ $this->scheduledDelayNanos = $scheduledDelayMillis * 1_000_000;
+ $this->maxExportBatchSize = $maxExportBatchSize;
+ $this->autoFlush = $autoFlush;
+ $this->exportContext = Context::getCurrent();
+ $this->queue = new SplQueue();
+ $this->flush = new SplQueue();
+ if ($meterProvider === null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $meter = $meterProvider->getMeter('io.opentelemetry.sdk');
+ $meter
+ ->createObservableUpDownCounter(
+ 'otel.logs.log_processor.logs',
+ '{logs}',
+ 'The number of log records received by the processor',
+ )
+ ->observe(function (ObserverInterface $observer): void {
+ $queued = $this->queue->count() * $this->maxExportBatchSize + count($this->batch);
+ $pending = $this->queueSize - $queued;
+ $processed = $this->processed;
+ $dropped = $this->dropped;
+ $observer->observe($queued, self::ATTRIBUTES_QUEUED);
+ $observer->observe($pending, self::ATTRIBUTES_PENDING);
+ $observer->observe($processed, self::ATTRIBUTES_PROCESSED);
+ $observer->observe($dropped, self::ATTRIBUTES_DROPPED);
+ });
+ $meter
+ ->createObservableUpDownCounter(
+ 'otel.logs.log_processor.queue.limit',
+ '{logs}',
+ 'The queue size limit',
+ )
+ ->observe(function (ObserverInterface $observer): void {
+ $observer->observe($this->maxQueueSize, self::ATTRIBUTES_PROCESSOR);
+ });
+ $meter
+ ->createObservableUpDownCounter(
+ 'otel.logs.log_processor.queue.usage',
+ '{logs}',
+ 'The current queue usage',
+ )
+ ->observe(function (ObserverInterface $observer): void {
+ $queued = $this->queue->count() * $this->maxExportBatchSize + count($this->batch);
+ $pending = $this->queueSize - $queued;
+ $free = $this->maxQueueSize - $this->queueSize;
+ $observer->observe($queued, self::ATTRIBUTES_QUEUED);
+ $observer->observe($pending, self::ATTRIBUTES_PENDING);
+ $observer->observe($free, self::ATTRIBUTES_FREE);
+ });
+ }
+ public function onEmit(ReadWriteLogRecord $record, ?ContextInterface $context = null): void
+ {
+ if ($this->closed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($this->queueSize === $this->maxQueueSize) {
+ $this->dropped++;
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->queueSize++;
+ $this->batch[] = $record;
+ $this->nextScheduledRun ??= $this->clock->now() + $this->scheduledDelayNanos;
+ if (count($this->batch) === $this->maxExportBatchSize) {
+ $this->enqueueBatch();
+ }
+ if ($this->autoFlush) {
+ $this->flush();
+ }
+ }
+ public function forceFlush(?CancellationInterface $cancellation = null): bool
+ {
+ if ($this->closed) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $this->flush(__FUNCTION__, $cancellation);
+ }
+ public function shutdown(?CancellationInterface $cancellation = null): bool
+ {
+ if ($this->closed) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $this->closed = true;
+ return $this->flush(__FUNCTION__, $cancellation);
+ }
+ private function flush(?string $flushMethod = null, ?CancellationInterface $cancellation = null): bool
+ {
+ if ($flushMethod !== null) {
+ $flushId = $this->batchId + $this->queue->count() + (int) (bool) $this->batch;
+ $this->flush->enqueue([$flushId, $flushMethod, $cancellation, !$this->running, Context::getCurrent()]);
+ }
+ if ($this->running) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $success = true;
+ $exception = null;
+ $this->running = true;
+ try {
+ for (;;) {
+ while (!$this->flush->isEmpty() && $this->flush->bottom()[0] <= $this->batchId) {
+ [, $flushMethod, $cancellation, $propagateResult, $context] = $this->flush->dequeue();
+ $scope = $context->activate();
+ try {
+ $result = $this->exporter->$flushMethod($cancellation);
+ if ($propagateResult) {
+ $success = $result;
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable $e) {
+ if ($propagateResult) {
+ $exception = $e;
+ } else {
+ self::logError(sprintf('Unhandled %s error', $flushMethod), ['exception' => $e]);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ $scope->detach();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$this->shouldFlush()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($this->queue->isEmpty()) {
+ $this->enqueueBatch();
+ }
+ $batchSize = count($this->queue->bottom());
+ $this->batchId++;
+ $scope = $this->exportContext->activate();
+ try {
+ $this->exporter->export($this->queue->dequeue())->await();
+ } catch (Throwable $e) {
+ self::logError('Unhandled export error', ['exception' => $e]);
+ } finally {
+ $this->processed += $batchSize;
+ $this->queueSize -= $batchSize;
+ $scope->detach();
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ $this->running = false;
+ }
+ if ($exception !== null) {
+ throw $exception;
+ }
+ return $success;
+ }
+ private function shouldFlush(): bool
+ {
+ return !$this->flush->isEmpty()
+ || $this->autoFlush && !$this->queue->isEmpty()
+ || $this->autoFlush && $this->nextScheduledRun !== null && $this->clock->now() > $this->nextScheduledRun;
+ }
+ private function enqueueBatch(): void
+ {
+ assert($this->batch !== []);
+ $this->queue->enqueue($this->batch);
+ $this->batch = [];
+ $this->nextScheduledRun = null;
+ }