diff options
5 files changed, 290 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/modules/opml_domdoc.php b/modules/opml_domdoc.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..459841022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/opml_domdoc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ function opml_import_domdoc($link, $owner_uid) {
+ if (is_file($_FILES['opml_file']['tmp_name'])) {
+ $doc = DOMDocument::load($_FILES['opml_file']['tmp_name']);
+ if ($doc) {
+ $body = $doc->getElementsByTagName('body');
+ $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
+ $query = "/opml/body//outline";
+ $outlines = $xpath->query($query);
+ print "<table>";
+ foreach ($outlines as $outline) {
+ $feed_title = db_escape_string($outline->attributes->getNamedItem('text')->nodeValue);
+ if (!$feed_title) {
+ $feed_title = db_escape_string($outline->attributes->getNamedItem('title')->nodeValue);
+ }
+ $cat_title = db_escape_string($outline->attributes->getNamedItem('title')->nodeValue);
+ if (!$cat_title) {
+ $cat_title = db_escape_string($outline->attributes->getNamedItem('text')->nodeValue);
+ }
+ $feed_url = db_escape_string($outline->attributes->getNamedItem('xmlUrl')->nodeValue);
+ $site_url = db_escape_string($outline->attributes->getNamedItem('htmlUrl')->nodeValue);
+ if ($cat_title && !$feed_url) {
+ db_query($link, "BEGIN");
+ $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM
+ ttrss_feed_categories WHERE title = '$cat_title' AND
+ owner_uid = '$owner_uid' LIMIT 1");
+ if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
+ print "Adding category <b>$cat_title</b>...<br>";
+ db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_feed_categories
+ (title,owner_uid)
+ VALUES ('$cat_title', '$owner_uid')");
+ }
+ db_query($link, "COMMIT");
+ }
+ // print "$active_category : $feed_title : $feed_url<br>";
+ if (!$feed_title || !$feed_url) continue;
+ db_query($link, "BEGIN");
+ $cat_id = null;
+ $parent_node = $outline->parentNode;
+ if ($parent_node && $parent_node->nodeName == "outline") {
+ $element_category = $parent_node->attributes->getNamedItem('title')->nodeValue;
+ } else {
+ $element_category = '';
+ }
+ if ($element_category) {
+ $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM
+ ttrss_feed_categories WHERE title = '$element_category' AND
+ owner_uid = '$owner_uid' LIMIT 1");
+ if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) {
+ $cat_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id");
+ }
+ }
+ $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE
+ (title = '$feed_title' OR feed_url = '$feed_url')
+ AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid'");
+ print "<tr><td><a href='$site_url'><b>$feed_title</b></a></b>
+ (<a href=\"$feed_url\">rss</a>)</td>";
+ if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
+ print "<td>Already imported.</td>";
+ } else {
+ if ($cat_id) {
+ $add_query = "INSERT INTO ttrss_feeds
+ (title, feed_url, owner_uid, cat_id, site_url) VALUES
+ ('$feed_title', '$feed_url', '$owner_uid',
+ '$cat_id', '$site_url')";
+ } else {
+ $add_query = "INSERT INTO ttrss_feeds
+ (title, feed_url, owner_uid, site_url) VALUES
+ ('$feed_title', '$feed_url', '$owner_uid', '$site_url')";
+ }
+ db_query($link, $add_query);
+ print "<td><b>Done.</b></td>";
+ }
+ print "</tr>";
+ db_query($link, "COMMIT");
+ }
+ print "</table>";
+ } else {
+ print "<div class=\"error\">Error while parsing document.</div>";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "<div class=\"error\">Error: please upload OPML file.</div>";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/modules/opml_domxml.php b/modules/opml_domxml.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a140f325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/opml_domxml.php
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ function opml_import_domxml($link, $owner_uid) {
+ if (is_file($_FILES['opml_file']['tmp_name'])) {
+ $dom = domxml_open_file($_FILES['opml_file']['tmp_name']);
+ if ($dom) {
+ $root = $dom->document_element();
+ $body = $root->get_elements_by_tagname('body');
+ if ($body[0]) {
+ $body = $body[0];
+ $outlines = $body->get_elements_by_tagname('outline');
+ print "<table>";
+ foreach ($outlines as $outline) {
+ $feed_title = db_escape_string($outline->get_attribute('text'));
+ if (!$feed_title) {
+ $feed_title = db_escape_string($outline->get_attribute('title'));
+ }
+ $cat_title = db_escape_string($outline->get_attribute('title'));
+ if (!$cat_title) {
+ $cat_title = db_escape_string($outline->get_attribute('text'));
+ }
+ $feed_url = db_escape_string($outline->get_attribute('xmlUrl'));
+ $site_url = db_escape_string($outline->get_attribute('htmlUrl'));
+ if ($cat_title && !$feed_url) {
+ db_query($link, "BEGIN");
+ $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM
+ ttrss_feed_categories WHERE title = '$cat_title' AND
+ owner_uid = '$owner_uid' LIMIT 1");
+ if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
+ printf(_("Adding category <b>%s</b>."), $cat_title);
+ print "<br>";
+ db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_feed_categories
+ (title,owner_uid)
+ VALUES ('$cat_title', '$owner_uid')");
+ }
+ db_query($link, "COMMIT");
+ }
+// print "$active_category : $feed_title : $feed_url<br>";
+ if (!$feed_title || !$feed_url) continue;
+ db_query($link, "BEGIN");
+ $cat_id = null;
+ $parent_node = $outline->parent_node();
+ if ($parent_node && $parent_node->node_name() == "outline") {
+ $element_category = $parent_node->get_attribute('title');
+ } else {
+ $element_category = '';
+ }
+ if ($element_category) {
+ $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM
+ ttrss_feed_categories WHERE title = '$element_category' AND
+ owner_uid = '$owner_uid' LIMIT 1");
+ if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) {
+ $cat_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id");
+ }
+ }
+ $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE
+ (title = '$feed_title' OR feed_url = '$feed_url')
+ AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid'");
+ print "<tr><td><a href='$site_url'><b>$feed_title</b></a></b>
+ (<a href=\"$feed_url\">rss</a>)</td>";
+ if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
+ print "<td>"._("Already imported.")."</td>";
+ } else {
+ if ($cat_id) {
+ $add_query = "INSERT INTO ttrss_feeds
+ (title, feed_url, owner_uid, cat_id, site_url) VALUES
+ ('$feed_title', '$feed_url', '$owner_uid',
+ '$cat_id', '$site_url')";
+ } else {
+ $add_query = "INSERT INTO ttrss_feeds
+ (title, feed_url, owner_uid, site_url) VALUES
+ ('$feed_title', '$feed_url', '$owner_uid', '$site_url')";
+ }
+ db_query($link, $add_query);
+ print "<td><b>"._('Done.')."</b></td>";
+ }
+ print "</tr>";
+ db_query($link, "COMMIT");
+ }
+ print "</table>";
+ } else {
+ print "<div class=\"error\">"._("Error: can't find body element.")."</div>";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "<div class=\"error\">"._("Error while parsing document.")."</div>";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "<div class=\"error\">"._("Error: please upload OPML file.")."</div>";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/opml.css b/opml.css
index a061a73af..e6d7612b6 100644
--- a/opml.css
+++ b/opml.css
@@ -6,17 +6,12 @@ body {
h1 {
- font-size : 21pt;
+ font-size : 16pt;
font-weight : bold;
- padding : 10px 0px 10px 30px;
- color : black;
border-width : 0px 0px 1px 0px;
- border-color : #c0c0c0;
+ border-color : #88b0f0;
border-style : solid;
- background-color : white;
- background-image : url("images/vgrad_light.png");
- background-position : bottom left;
- background-repeat : repeat-x;
+ margin-top : 2em;
h2 {
@@ -42,24 +37,6 @@ a {
text-decoration : none;
-.button {
- font-family : tahoma, sans-serif;
- border : 1px solid #d0d0d0;
- background-image : url("images/button.png");
- background-position : top;
- background-repeat : repeat-x;
- background-color : white;
- color : black;
- padding : 2px 10px 2px 10px;
- font-size : small;
-.button:hover {
- background : white;
- text-decoration : none;
- color : black;
a {
color : black;
text-decoration : none;
@@ -75,4 +52,6 @@ ul {
padding : 10px;
+.insensitive {
+ color : gray;
diff --git a/opml.php b/opml.php
index 5b0d7fe62..b3707df75 100644
--- a/opml.php
+++ b/opml.php
@@ -17,18 +17,10 @@
$owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"];
- // FIXME there are some brackets issues here
- $op = $_REQUEST["op"];
- if (!$op) $op = "Export";
- if ($op == "Export") {
+ function opml_export($link) {
header("Content-type: application/xml+opml");
print "<?phpxml version=\"1.0\"?>";
- }
- if ($op == "Export") {
print "<opml version=\"1.0\">";
print "<head>
<dateCreated>" . date("r", time()) . "</dateCreated>
@@ -91,6 +83,16 @@
print "</body></opml>";
+ // FIXME there are some brackets issues here
+ $op = $_REQUEST["op"];
+ if (!$op) $op = "Export";
+ if ($op == "Export") {
+ return opml_export($link);
+ }
if ($op == "Import") {
print "<html>
@@ -98,142 +100,24 @@
<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"opml.css\" type=\"text/css\">
- <h1><img src=\"images/ttrss_logo.png\"></h1>
- <div class=\"opmlBody\">
- <h2>"._('Importing OPML...')."</h2>";
- if (is_file($_FILES['opml_file']['tmp_name'])) {
- $dom = domxml_open_file($_FILES['opml_file']['tmp_name']);
- if ($dom) {
- $root = $dom->document_element();
- $body = $root->get_elements_by_tagname('body');
- if ($body[0]) {
- $body = $body[0];
- $outlines = $body->get_elements_by_tagname('outline');
- print "<table>";
- foreach ($outlines as $outline) {
- $feed_title = db_escape_string($outline->get_attribute('text'));
- if (!$feed_title) {
- $feed_title = db_escape_string($outline->get_attribute('title'));
- }
- $cat_title = db_escape_string($outline->get_attribute('title'));
- if (!$cat_title) {
- $cat_title = db_escape_string($outline->get_attribute('text'));
- }
- $feed_url = db_escape_string($outline->get_attribute('xmlUrl'));
- $site_url = db_escape_string($outline->get_attribute('htmlUrl'));
- if ($cat_title && !$feed_url) {
- db_query($link, "BEGIN");
- $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM
- ttrss_feed_categories WHERE title = '$cat_title' AND
- owner_uid = '$owner_uid' LIMIT 1");
- if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
- printf(_("Adding category <b>%s</b>..."), $cat_title);
- print "<br>";
- db_query($link, "INSERT INTO ttrss_feed_categories
- (title,owner_uid)
- VALUES ('$cat_title', '$owner_uid')");
- }
- db_query($link, "COMMIT");
- }
-// print "$active_category : $feed_title : $feed_url<br>";
- if (!$feed_title || !$feed_url) continue;
- db_query($link, "BEGIN");
- $cat_id = null;
- $parent_node = $outline->parent_node();
- if ($parent_node && $parent_node->node_name() == "outline") {
- $element_category = $parent_node->get_attribute('title');
- } else {
- $element_category = '';
- }
- if ($element_category) {
- $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM
- ttrss_feed_categories WHERE title = '$element_category' AND
- owner_uid = '$owner_uid' LIMIT 1");
- if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) {
- $cat_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id");
- }
- }
- $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE
- (title = '$feed_title' OR feed_url = '$feed_url')
- AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid'");
- print "<tr><td><a href='$site_url'><b>$feed_title</b></a></b>
- (<a href=\"$feed_url\">rss</a>)</td>";
- if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
- print "<td>"._("Already imported.")."</td>";
- } else {
- if ($cat_id) {
- $add_query = "INSERT INTO ttrss_feeds
- (title, feed_url, owner_uid, cat_id, site_url) VALUES
- ('$feed_title', '$feed_url', '$owner_uid',
- '$cat_id', '$site_url')";
- } else {
- $add_query = "INSERT INTO ttrss_feeds
- (title, feed_url, owner_uid, site_url) VALUES
- ('$feed_title', '$feed_url', '$owner_uid', '$site_url')";
- }
- db_query($link, $add_query);
- print "<td><b>"._('Done.')."</b></td>";
- }
- print "</tr>";
- db_query($link, "COMMIT");
- }
- print "</table>";
- } else {
- print "<div class=\"error\">"._("Error: can't find body element.")."</div>";
- }
- } else {
- print "<div class=\"error\">"._("Error while parsing document.")."</div>";
- }
+ <div style='float : right'><img src=\"images/ttrss_logo.png\"></div>
+ <h1>"._('OPML Import')."</h1>";
+ if (function_exists('domxml_open_file')) {
+ print "<p class='insensitive'>Using DOMXML library</p>";
+ require_once "modules/opml_domxml.php";
+ opml_import_domxml($link, $owner_uid);
} else {
- print "<div class=\"error\">"._("Error: please upload OPML file.")."</div>";
+ print "<p class='insensitive'>Using DOMDocument library (PHP5)</p>";
+ require_once "modules/opml_domdoc.php";
+ opml_import_domdoc($link, $owner_uid);
print "<br><form method=\"GET\" action=\"prefs.php\">
<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Return to preferences\">
- print "</div></body></html>";
+ print "</body></html>";
diff --git a/update.css b/update.css
index d3c2890fc..f4b9da36c 100644
--- a/update.css
+++ b/update.css
@@ -5,3 +5,7 @@ p.warning {
p.query {
color : green;
+p.insensitive {
+ color : gray;