diff options
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/classes/pref/system.php b/classes/pref/system.php
index a7512915a..763440d78 100644
--- a/classes/pref/system.php
+++ b/classes/pref/system.php
@@ -150,43 +150,35 @@ class Pref_System extends Handler_Protected {
print "</table>";
+ print "</div>";
+ print "</div>";
function index() {
$severity = (int) ($_REQUEST["severity"] ?? E_USER_WARNING);
$page = (int) ($_REQUEST["page"] ?? 0);
- print "<div dojoType='dijit.layout.AccordionContainer' region='center'>";
- print "<div dojoType='dijit.layout.AccordionPane' style='padding : 0'
- title='<i class=\"material-icons\">report</i> ".__('Event Log')."'>";
- if (LOG_DESTINATION == "sql") {
- $this->log_viewer($page, $severity);
- } else {
- print_notice("Please set LOG_DESTINATION to 'sql' in config.php to enable database logging.");
- }
- print "</div>"; # content pane
- print "</div>"; # container
- print "</div>"; # accordion pane
- print "<div dojoType='dijit.layout.AccordionPane'
- title='<i class=\"material-icons\">info</i> ".__('PHP Information')."'>";
- print "<script type='dojo/method' event='onSelected' args='evt'>
- Helpers.System.getPHPInfo(this);
- </script>";
- print "<div class='phpinfo'>" . __("Loading, please wait...") . "</div>";
- print "</div>"; # accordion pane
- PluginHost::getInstance()->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, "prefSystem");
- print "</div>"; #container
+ ?>
+ <div dojoType='dijit.layout.AccordionContainer' region='center'>
+ <div dojoType='dijit.layout.AccordionPane' style='padding : 0' title='<i class="material-icons">report</i> <?php echo __('Event Log') ?>'>
+ <?php
+ if (LOG_DESTINATION == "sql") {
+ $this->log_viewer($page, $severity);
+ } else {
+ print_notice("Please set LOG_DESTINATION to 'sql' in config.php to enable database logging.");
+ }
+ ?>
+ </div>
+ <div dojoType='dijit.layout.AccordionPane' title='<i class="material-icons">info</i> <?php echo __('PHP Information') ?>'>
+ <script type='dojo/method' event='onSelected' args='evt'>
+ Helpers.System.getPHPInfo(this);
+ </script>
+ <div class='phpinfo'><?php echo __("Loading, please wait...") ?></div>
+ </div>
+ <?php PluginHost::getInstance()->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, "prefSystem") ?>
+ </div>
+ <?php