path: root/lib/dijit/Tooltip.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dijit/Tooltip.js')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 440 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dijit/Tooltip.js b/lib/dijit/Tooltip.js
index 46b3a3805..94a8d1c15 100644
--- a/lib/dijit/Tooltip.js
+++ b/lib/dijit/Tooltip.js
@@ -1,440 +1,2 @@
- Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
- Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
- see: for details
-if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit.Tooltip"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dijit.Tooltip"] = true;
- "dijit._MasterTooltip",
- [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated],
- {
- // summary:
- // Internal widget that holds the actual tooltip markup,
- // which occurs once per page.
- // Called by Tooltip widgets which are just containers to hold
- // the markup
- // tags:
- // protected
- // duration: Integer
- // Milliseconds to fade in/fade out
- duration: dijit.defaultDuration,
- templateString: dojo.cache("dijit", "templates/Tooltip.html", "<div class=\"dijitTooltip dijitTooltipLeft\" id=\"dojoTooltip\"\n\t><div class=\"dijitTooltipContainer dijitTooltipContents\" dojoAttachPoint=\"containerNode\" role='alert'></div\n\t><div class=\"dijitTooltipConnector\" dojoAttachPoint=\"connectorNode\"></div\n></div>\n"),
- postCreate: function(){
- dojo.body().appendChild(this.domNode);
- this.bgIframe = new dijit.BackgroundIframe(this.domNode);
- // Setup fade-in and fade-out functions.
- this.fadeIn = dojo.fadeIn({ node: this.domNode, duration: this.duration, onEnd: dojo.hitch(this, "_onShow") });
- this.fadeOut = dojo.fadeOut({ node: this.domNode, duration: this.duration, onEnd: dojo.hitch(this, "_onHide") });
- },
- show: function(/*String*/ innerHTML, /*DomNode*/ aroundNode, /*String[]?*/ position, /*Boolean*/ rtl){
- // summary:
- // Display tooltip w/specified contents to right of specified node
- // (To left if there's no space on the right, or if rtl == true)
- if(this.aroundNode && this.aroundNode === aroundNode){
- return;
- }
- // reset width; it may have been set by orient() on a previous tooltip show()
- this.domNode.width = "auto";
- if(this.fadeOut.status() == "playing"){
- // previous tooltip is being hidden; wait until the hide completes then show new one
- this._onDeck=arguments;
- return;
- }
- this.containerNode.innerHTML=innerHTML;
- var pos = dijit.placeOnScreenAroundElement(this.domNode, aroundNode, dijit.getPopupAroundAlignment((position && position.length) ? position : dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition, !rtl), dojo.hitch(this, "orient"));
- // show it
-, "opacity", 0);
- this.isShowingNow = true;
- this.aroundNode = aroundNode;
- },
- orient: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String*/ aroundCorner, /*String*/ tooltipCorner, /*Object*/ spaceAvailable, /*Object*/ aroundNodeCoords){
- // summary:
- // Private function to set CSS for tooltip node based on which position it's in.
- // This is called by the dijit popup code. It will also reduce the tooltip's
- // width to whatever width is available
- // tags:
- // protected
- = ""; //reset to default
- //Adjust the spaceAvailable width, without changing the spaceAvailable object
- var tooltipSpaceAvaliableWidth = spaceAvailable.w - this.connectorNode.offsetWidth;
- node.className = "dijitTooltip " +
- {
- "BL-TL": "dijitTooltipBelow dijitTooltipABLeft",
- "TL-BL": "dijitTooltipAbove dijitTooltipABLeft",
- "BR-TR": "dijitTooltipBelow dijitTooltipABRight",
- "TR-BR": "dijitTooltipAbove dijitTooltipABRight",
- "BR-BL": "dijitTooltipRight",
- "BL-BR": "dijitTooltipLeft"
- }[aroundCorner + "-" + tooltipCorner];
- // reduce tooltip's width to the amount of width available, so that it doesn't overflow screen
- = "auto";
- var size = dojo.contentBox(this.domNode);
- var width = Math.min((Math.max(tooltipSpaceAvaliableWidth,1)), size.w);
- var widthWasReduced = width < size.w;
- = width+"px";
- //Adjust width for tooltips that have a really long word or a nowrap setting
- if(widthWasReduced){
- = "auto"; //temp change to overflow to detect if our tooltip needs to be wider to support the content
- var scrollWidth = this.containerNode.scrollWidth;
- = "visible"; //change it back
- if(scrollWidth > width){
- scrollWidth = scrollWidth +,"paddingLeft") +,"paddingRight");
- = scrollWidth + "px";
- }
- }
- // Reposition the tooltip connector.
- if(tooltipCorner.charAt(0) == 'B' && aroundCorner.charAt(0) == 'B'){
- var mb = dojo.marginBox(node);
- var tooltipConnectorHeight = this.connectorNode.offsetHeight;
- if(mb.h > spaceAvailable.h){
- // The tooltip starts at the top of the page and will extend past the aroundNode
- var aroundNodePlacement = spaceAvailable.h - (aroundNodeCoords.h / 2) - (tooltipConnectorHeight / 2);
- = aroundNodePlacement + "px";
- = "";
- }else{
- // Align center of connector with center of aroundNode, except don't let bottom
- // of connector extend below bottom of tooltip content, or top of connector
- // extend past top of tooltip content
- = Math.min(
- Math.max(aroundNodeCoords.h/2 - tooltipConnectorHeight/2, 0),
- mb.h - tooltipConnectorHeight) + "px";
- = "";
- }
- }else{
- // reset the tooltip back to the defaults
- = "";
- = "";
- }
- return Math.max(0, size.w - tooltipSpaceAvaliableWidth);
- },
- _onShow: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called at end of fade-in operation
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(dojo.isIE){
- // the arrow won't show up on a node w/an opacity filter
- }
- },
- hide: function(aroundNode){
- // summary:
- // Hide the tooltip
- if(this._onDeck && this._onDeck[1] == aroundNode){
- // this hide request is for a show() that hasn't even started yet;
- // just cancel the pending show()
- this._onDeck=null;
- }else if(this.aroundNode === aroundNode){
- // this hide request is for the currently displayed tooltip
- this.fadeIn.stop();
- this.isShowingNow = false;
- this.aroundNode = null;
- }else{
- // just ignore the call, it's for a tooltip that has already been erased
- }
- },
- _onHide: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called at end of fade-out operation
- // tags:
- // protected
-""; // to position offscreen again
- this.containerNode.innerHTML="";
- if(this._onDeck){
- // a show request has been queued up; do it now
-, this._onDeck);
- this._onDeck=null;
- }
- }
- }
-dijit.showTooltip = function(/*String*/ innerHTML, /*DomNode*/ aroundNode, /*String[]?*/ position, /*Boolean*/ rtl){
- // summary:
- // Display tooltip w/specified contents in specified position.
- // See description of dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition for details on position parameter.
- // If position is not specified then dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition is used.
- if(!dijit._masterTT){ dijit._masterTT = new dijit._MasterTooltip(); }
- return, aroundNode, position, rtl);
-dijit.hideTooltip = function(aroundNode){
- // summary:
- // Hide the tooltip
- if(!dijit._masterTT){ dijit._masterTT = new dijit._MasterTooltip(); }
- return dijit._masterTT.hide(aroundNode);
- "dijit.Tooltip",
- dijit._Widget,
- {
- // summary:
- // Pops up a tooltip (a help message) when you hover over a node.
- // label: String
- // Text to display in the tooltip.
- // Specified as innerHTML when creating the widget from markup.
- label: "",
- // showDelay: Integer
- // Number of milliseconds to wait after hovering over/focusing on the object, before
- // the tooltip is displayed.
- showDelay: 400,
- // connectId: String|String[]
- // Id of domNode(s) to attach the tooltip to.
- // When user hovers over specified dom node, the tooltip will appear.
- connectId: [],
- // position: String[]
- // See description of `dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition` for details on position parameter.
- position: [],
- _setConnectIdAttr: function(/*String*/ newId){
- // summary:
- // Connect to node(s) (specified by id)
- // Remove connections to old nodes (if there are any)
- dojo.forEach(this._connections || [], function(nested){
- dojo.forEach(nested, dojo.hitch(this, "disconnect"));
- }, this);
- // Make connections to nodes in newIds.
- var ary = dojo.isArrayLike(newId) ? newId : (newId ? [newId] : []);
- this._connections =, function(id){
- var node = dojo.byId(id);
- return node ? [
- this.connect(node, "onmouseenter", "_onTargetMouseEnter"),
- this.connect(node, "onmouseleave", "_onTargetMouseLeave"),
- this.connect(node, "onfocus", "_onTargetFocus"),
- this.connect(node, "onblur", "_onTargetBlur")
- ] : [];
- }, this);
- this._set("connectId", newId);
- this._connectIds = ary; // save as array
- },
- addTarget: function(/*DOMNODE || String*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Attach tooltip to specified node if it's not already connected
- // TODO: remove in 2.0 and just use set("connectId", ...) interface
- var id = || node;
- if(dojo.indexOf(this._connectIds, id) == -1){
- this.set("connectId", this._connectIds.concat(id));
- }
- },
- removeTarget: function(/*DOMNODE || String*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Detach tooltip from specified node
- // TODO: remove in 2.0 and just use set("connectId", ...) interface
- var id = || node, // map from DOMNode back to plain id string
- idx = dojo.indexOf(this._connectIds, id);
- if(idx >= 0){
- // remove id (modifies original this._connectIds but that's OK in this case)
- this._connectIds.splice(idx, 1);
- this.set("connectId", this._connectIds);
- }
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- dojo.addClass(this.domNode,"dijitTooltipData");
- },
- startup: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // If this tooltip was created in a template, or for some other reason the specified connectId[s]
- // didn't exist during the widget's initialization, then connect now.
- var ids = this.connectId;
- dojo.forEach(dojo.isArrayLike(ids) ? ids : [ids], this.addTarget, this);
- },
- _onTargetMouseEnter: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for mouseenter event on the target node
- // tags:
- // private
- this._onHover(e);
- },
- _onTargetMouseLeave: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for mouseleave event on the target node
- // tags:
- // private
- this._onUnHover(e);
- },
- _onTargetFocus: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for focus event on the target node
- // tags:
- // private
- this._focus = true;
- this._onHover(e);
- },
- _onTargetBlur: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for blur event on the target node
- // tags:
- // private
- this._focus = false;
- this._onUnHover(e);
- },
- _onHover: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Despite the name of this method, it actually handles both hover and focus
- // events on the target node, setting a timer to show the tooltip.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!this._showTimer){
- var target =;
- this._showTimer = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){}), this.showDelay);
- }
- },
- _onUnHover: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Despite the name of this method, it actually handles both mouseleave and blur
- // events on the target node, hiding the tooltip.
- // tags:
- // private
- // keep a tooltip open if the associated element still has focus (even though the
- // mouse moved away)
- if(this._focus){ return; }
- if(this._showTimer){
- clearTimeout(this._showTimer);
- delete this._showTimer;
- }
- this.close();
- },
- open: function(/*DomNode*/ target){
- // summary:
- // Display the tooltip; usually not called directly.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this._showTimer){
- clearTimeout(this._showTimer);
- delete this._showTimer;
- }
- dijit.showTooltip(this.label || this.domNode.innerHTML, target, this.position, !this.isLeftToRight());
- this._connectNode = target;
- this.onShow(target, this.position);
- },
- close: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hide the tooltip or cancel timer for show of tooltip
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this._connectNode){
- // if tooltip is currently shown
- dijit.hideTooltip(this._connectNode);
- delete this._connectNode;
- this.onHide();
- }
- if(this._showTimer){
- // if tooltip is scheduled to be shown (after a brief delay)
- clearTimeout(this._showTimer);
- delete this._showTimer;
- }
- },
- onShow: function(target, position){
- // summary:
- // Called when the tooltip is shown
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onHide: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when the tooltip is hidden
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- uninitialize: function(){
- this.close();
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- }
-// dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition: String[]
-// This variable controls the position of tooltips, if the position is not specified to
-// the Tooltip widget or *TextBox widget itself. It's an array of strings with the following values:
-// * before: places tooltip to the left of the target node/widget, or to the right in
-// the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
-// * after: places tooltip to the right of the target node/widget, or to the left in
-// the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
-// * above: tooltip goes above target node
-// * below: tooltip goes below target node
-// The list is positions is tried, in order, until a position is found where the tooltip fits
-// within the viewport.
-// Be careful setting this parameter. A value of "above" may work fine until the user scrolls
-// the screen so that there's no room above the target node. Nodes with drop downs, like
-// DropDownButton or FilteringSelect, are especially problematic, in that you need to be sure
-// that the drop down and tooltip don't overlap, even when the viewport is scrolled so that there
-// is only room below (or above) the target node, but not both.
-dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition = ["after", "before"];
+require({cache:{"url:dijit/templates/Tooltip.html":"<div class=\"dijitTooltip dijitTooltipLeft\" id=\"dojoTooltip\"\n\t><div class=\"dijitTooltipContainer dijitTooltipContents\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\" role='alert'></div\n\t><div class=\"dijitTooltipConnector\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"connectorNode\"></div\n></div>\n"}});define("dijit/Tooltip",["dojo/_base/array","dojo/_base/declare","dojo/_base/fx","dojo/dom","dojo/dom-class","dojo/dom-geometry","dojo/dom-style","dojo/_base/lang","dojo/_base/sniff","dojo/_base/window","./_base/manager","./place","./_Widget","./_TemplatedMixin","./BackgroundIframe","dojo/text!./templates/Tooltip.html","."],function(_1,_2,fx,_3,_4,_5,_6,_7,_8,_9,_a,_b,_c,_d,_e,_f,_10){var _11=_2("dijit._MasterTooltip",[_c,_d],{duration:_a.defaultDuration,templateString:_f,postCreate:function(){_9.body().appendChild(this.domNode);this.bgIframe=new _e(this.domNode);this.fadeIn=fx.fadeIn({node:this.domNode,duration:this.duration,onEnd:_7.hitch(this,"_onShow")});this.fadeOut=fx.fadeOut({node:this.domNode,duration:this.duration,onEnd:_7.hitch(this,"_onHide")});},show:function(_12,_13,_14,rtl,_15){if(this.aroundNode&&this.aroundNode===_13&&this.containerNode.innerHTML==_12){return;}this.domNode.width="auto";if(this.fadeOut.status()=="playing"){this._onDeck=arguments;return;}this.containerNode.innerHTML=_12;this.set("textDir",_15);this.containerNode.align=rtl?"right":"left";var pos=_b.around(this.domNode,_13,_14&&_14.length?_14:_16.defaultPosition,!rtl,_7.hitch(this,"orient"));var _17=pos.aroundNodePos;if(pos.corner.charAt(0)=="M"&&pos.aroundCorner.charAt(0)=="M"){>>1)-pos.y+"px";"";}else{if(pos.corner.charAt(1)=="M"&&pos.aroundCorner.charAt(1)=="M"){>>1)-pos.x+"px";}}_6.set(this.domNode,"opacity",0);;this.isShowingNow=true;this.aroundNode=_13;},orient:function(_18,_19,_1a,_1b,_1c){"";var _1d=_1b.w-this.connectorNode.offsetWidth;_18.className="dijitTooltip "+{"MR-ML":"dijitTooltipRight","ML-MR":"dijitTooltipLeft","TM-BM":"dijitTooltipAbove","BM-TM":"dijitTooltipBelow","BL-TL":"dijitTooltipBelow dijitTooltipABLeft","TL-BL":"dijitTooltipAbove dijitTooltipABLeft","BR-TR":"dijitTooltipBelow dijitTooltipABRight","TR-BR":"dijitTooltipAbove dijitTooltipABRight","BR-BL":"dijitTooltipRight","BL-BR":"dijitTooltipLeft"}[_19+"-"+_1a];"auto";var _1e=_5.getContentBox(this.domNode);var _1f=Math.min((Math.max(_1d,1)),_1e.w);var _20=_1f<_1e.w;"px";if(_20){"auto";var _21=this.containerNode.scrollWidth;"visible";if(_21>_1f){_21=_21+_6.get(this.domNode,"paddingLeft")+_6.get(this.domNode,"paddingRight");"px";}}if(_1a.charAt(0)=="B"&&_19.charAt(0)=="B"){var mb=_5.getMarginBox(_18);var _22=this.connectorNode.offsetHeight;if(mb.h>_1b.h){var _23=_1b.h-((_1c.h+_22)>>1);"px";"";}else{,0),mb.h-_22)+"px";"";}}else{"";"";}return Math.max(0,_1e.w-_1d);},_onShow:function(){if(_8("ie")){"";}},hide:function(_24){if(this._onDeck&&this._onDeck[1]==_24){this._onDeck=null;}else{if(this.aroundNode===_24){this.fadeIn.stop();this.isShowingNow=false;this.aroundNode=null;;}else{}}},_onHide:function(){"";this.containerNode.innerHTML="";if(this._onDeck){,this._onDeck);this._onDeck=null;}},_setAutoTextDir:function(_25){this.applyTextDir(_25,_8("ie")?_25.outerText:_25.textContent);_1.forEach(_25.children,function(_26){this._setAutoTextDir(_26);},this);},_setTextDirAttr:function(_27){this._set("textDir",typeof _27!="undefined"?_27:"");if(_27=="auto"){this._setAutoTextDir(this.containerNode);}else{this.containerNode.dir=this.textDir;}}});_10.showTooltip=function(_28,_29,_2a,rtl,_2b){if(_2a){,function(val){return {after:"after-centered",before:"before-centered"}[val]||val;});}if(!_16._masterTT){_10._masterTT=_16._masterTT=new _11();}return,_29,_2a,rtl,_2b);};_10.hideTooltip=function(_2c){return _16._masterTT&&_16._masterTT.hide(_2c);};var _16=_2("dijit.Tooltip",_c,{label:"",showDelay:400,connectId:[],position:[],_setConnectIdAttr:function(_2d){_1.forEach(this._connections||[],function(_2e){_1.forEach(_2e,_7.hitch(this,"disconnect"));},this);this._connectIds=_1.filter(_7.isArrayLike(_2d)?_2d:(_2d?[_2d]:[]),function(id){return _3.byId(id);});,function(id){var _2f=_3.byId(id);return [this.connect(_2f,"onmouseenter","_onHover"),this.connect(_2f,"onmouseleave","_onUnHover"),this.connect(_2f,"onfocus","_onHover"),this.connect(_2f,"onblur","_onUnHover")];},this);this._set("connectId",_2d);},addTarget:function(_30){var||_30;if(_1.indexOf(this._connectIds,id)==-1){this.set("connectId",this._connectIds.concat(id));}},removeTarget:function(_31){var||_31,idx=_1.indexOf(this._connectIds,id);if(idx>=0){this._connectIds.splice(idx,1);this.set("connectId",this._connectIds);}},buildRendering:function(){this.inherited(arguments);_4.add(this.domNode,"dijitTooltipData");},startup:function(){this.inherited(arguments);var ids=this.connectId;_1.forEach(_7.isArrayLike(ids)?ids:[ids],this.addTarget,this);},_onHover:function(e){if(!this._showTimer){var;this._showTimer=setTimeout(_7.hitch(this,function(){;}),this.showDelay);}},_onUnHover:function(){if(this._focus){return;}if(this._showTimer){clearTimeout(this._showTimer);delete this._showTimer;}this.close();},open:function(_33){if(this._showTimer){clearTimeout(this._showTimer);delete this._showTimer;}||this.domNode.innerHTML,_33,this.position,!this.isLeftToRight(),this.textDir);this._connectNode=_33;this.onShow(_33,this.position);},close:function(){if(this._connectNode){_16.hide(this._connectNode);delete this._connectNode;this.onHide();}if(this._showTimer){clearTimeout(this._showTimer);delete this._showTimer;}},onShow:function(){},onHide:function(){},uninitialize:function(){this.close();this.inherited(arguments);}});_16._MasterTooltip=_11;;_16.hide=_10.hideTooltip;_16.defaultPosition=["after-centered","before-centered"];return _16;}); \ No newline at end of file