path: root/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 604 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js
index 670d491ae..60b3baa8a 100644
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js
+++ b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js
@@ -1,604 +1,2 @@
- Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
- Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
- see: for details
-if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._editor.plugins.EnterKeyHandling"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dijit._editor.plugins.EnterKeyHandling"] = true;
-dojo.declare("dijit._editor.plugins.EnterKeyHandling", dijit._editor._Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin tries to make all browsers behave consistently with regard to
- // how ENTER behaves in the editor window. It traps the ENTER key and alters
- // the way DOM is constructed in certain cases to try to commonize the generated
- // DOM and behaviors across browsers.
- //
- // description:
- // This plugin has three modes:
- //
- // * blockModeForEnter=BR
- // * blockModeForEnter=DIV
- // * blockModeForEnter=P
- //
- // In blockModeForEnter=P, the ENTER key starts a new
- // paragraph, and shift-ENTER starts a new line in the current paragraph.
- // For example, the input:
- //
- // | first paragraph <shift-ENTER>
- // | second line of first paragraph <ENTER>
- // | second paragraph
- //
- // will generate:
- //
- // | <p>
- // | first paragraph
- // | <br/>
- // | second line of first paragraph
- // | </p>
- // | <p>
- // | second paragraph
- // | </p>
- //
- // In BR and DIV mode, the ENTER key conceptually goes to a new line in the
- // current paragraph, and users conceptually create a new paragraph by pressing ENTER twice.
- // For example, if the user enters text into an editor like this:
- //
- // | one <ENTER>
- // | two <ENTER>
- // | three <ENTER>
- // | <ENTER>
- // | four <ENTER>
- // | five <ENTER>
- // | six <ENTER>
- //
- // It will appear on the screen as two 'paragraphs' of three lines each. Markupwise, this generates:
- //
- // BR:
- // | one<br/>
- // | two<br/>
- // | three<br/>
- // | <br/>
- // | four<br/>
- // | five<br/>
- // | six<br/>
- //
- // DIV:
- // | <div>one</div>
- // | <div>two</div>
- // | <div>three</div>
- // | <div>&nbsp;</div>
- // | <div>four</div>
- // | <div>five</div>
- // | <div>six</div>
- // blockNodeForEnter: String
- // This property decides the behavior of Enter key. It can be either P,
- // DIV, BR, or empty (which means disable this feature). Anything else
- // will trigger errors. The default is 'BR'
- //
- // See class description for more details.
- blockNodeForEnter: 'BR',
- constructor: function(args){
- if(args){
- if("blockNodeForEnter" in args){
- args.blockNodeForEnter = args.blockNodeForEnter.toUpperCase();
- }
- dojo.mixin(this,args);
- }
- },
- setEditor: function(editor){
- // Overrides _Plugin.setEditor().
- if(this.editor === editor) { return; }
- this.editor = editor;
- if(this.blockNodeForEnter == 'BR'){
- // While Moz has a mode tht mostly works, it's still a little different,
- // So, try to just have a common mode and be consistent. Which means
- // we need to enable customUndo, if not already enabled.
- this.editor.customUndo = true;
- editor.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(dojo.hitch(this,function(d){
- this.connect(editor.document, "onkeypress", function(e){
- if(e.charOrCode == dojo.keys.ENTER){
- // Just do it manually. The handleEnterKey has a shift mode that
- // Always acts like <br>, so just use it.
- var ne = dojo.mixin({},e);
- ne.shiftKey = true;
- if(!this.handleEnterKey(ne)){
- dojo.stopEvent(e);
- }
- }
- });
- return d;
- }));
- }else if(this.blockNodeForEnter){
- // add enter key handler
- // FIXME: need to port to the new event code!!
- var h = dojo.hitch(this,this.handleEnterKey);
- editor.addKeyHandler(13, 0, 0, h); //enter
- editor.addKeyHandler(13, 0, 1, h); //shift+enter
- this.connect(this.editor,'onKeyPressed','onKeyPressed');
- }
- },
- onKeyPressed: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for keypress events.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this._checkListLater){
- if(dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, 'isCollapsed', dijit)){
- var liparent=dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, 'getAncestorElement', dijit._editor.selection, ['LI']);
- if(!liparent){
- // circulate the undo detection code by calling RichText::execCommand directly
-, 'formatblock',this.blockNodeForEnter);
- // set the innerHTML of the new block node
- var block = dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, 'getAncestorElement', dijit._editor.selection, [this.blockNodeForEnter]);
- if(block){
- block.innerHTML=this.bogusHtmlContent;
- if(dojo.isIE){
- // move to the start by moving backwards one char
- var r = this.editor.document.selection.createRange();
- r.move('character',-1);
- }
- }else{
- console.error('onKeyPressed: Cannot find the new block node'); // FIXME
- }
- }else{
- if(dojo.isMoz){
- if(liparent.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName == 'LI'){
- liparent=liparent.parentNode.parentNode;
- }
- }
- var fc=liparent.firstChild;
- if(fc && fc.nodeType == 1 && (fc.nodeName == 'UL' || fc.nodeName == 'OL')){
- liparent.insertBefore(fc.ownerDocument.createTextNode('\xA0'),fc);
- var newrange = dijit.range.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(liparent.firstChild,0);
- var selection = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window, true);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- }
- }
- }
- this._checkListLater = false;
- }
- if(this._pressedEnterInBlock){
- // the new created is the original current P, so we have previousSibling below
- if(this._pressedEnterInBlock.previousSibling){
- this.removeTrailingBr(this._pressedEnterInBlock.previousSibling);
- }
- delete this._pressedEnterInBlock;
- }
- },
- // bogusHtmlContent: [private] String
- // HTML to stick into a new empty block
- bogusHtmlContent: '&nbsp;',
- // blockNodes: [private] Regex
- // Regex for testing if a given tag is a block level (display:block) tag
- blockNodes: /^(?:P|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|LI)$/,
- handleEnterKey: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for enter key events when blockModeForEnter is DIV or P.
- // description:
- // Manually handle enter key event to make the behavior consistent across
- // all supported browsers. See class description for details.
- // tags:
- // private
- var selection, range, newrange, startNode, endNode, brNode, doc=this.editor.document,br,rs,txt;
- if(e.shiftKey){ // shift+enter always generates <br>
- var parent = dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, "getParentElement", dijit._editor.selection);
- var header = dijit.range.getAncestor(parent,this.blockNodes);
- if(header){
- if(header.tagName == 'LI'){
- return true; // let browser handle
- }
- selection = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- if(!range.collapsed){
- range.deleteContents();
- selection = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- if(dijit.range.atBeginningOfContainer(header, range.startContainer, range.startOffset)){
- br=doc.createElement('br');
- newrange = dijit.range.create(this.editor.window);
- header.insertBefore(br,header.firstChild);
- newrange.setStartBefore(br.nextSibling);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- }else if(dijit.range.atEndOfContainer(header, range.startContainer, range.startOffset)){
- newrange = dijit.range.create(this.editor.window);
- br=doc.createElement('br');
- header.appendChild(br);
- header.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('\xA0'));
- newrange.setStart(header.lastChild,0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- }else{
- rs = range.startContainer;
- if(rs && rs.nodeType == 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, function(){
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, range.startOffset));
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(range.startOffset));
- brNode = doc.createElement("br");
- if(endNode.nodeValue == "" && dojo.isWebKit){
- endNode = doc.createTextNode('\xA0')
- }
-, rs, "after");
-, startNode, "after");
-, brNode, "after");
- dojo.destroy(rs);
- newrange = dijit.range.create(dojo.gobal);
- newrange.setStart(endNode,0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- });
- return false;
- }
- return true; // let browser handle
- }
- }else{
- selection = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- if(selection.rangeCount){
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- if(range && range.startContainer){
- if(!range.collapsed){
- range.deleteContents();
- selection = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- rs = range.startContainer;
- if(rs && rs.nodeType == 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, dojo.hitch(this, function(){
- var endEmpty = false;
- var offset = range.startOffset;
- if(rs.length < offset){
- //We are not splitting the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, offset);
- rs = ret.node;
- offset = ret.offset;
- }
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, offset));
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(offset));
- brNode = doc.createElement("br");
- if(!endNode.length){
- endNode = doc.createTextNode('\xA0');
- endEmpty = true;
- }
- if(startNode.length){
-, rs, "after");
- }else{
- startNode = rs;
- }
-, startNode, "after");
-, brNode, "after");
- dojo.destroy(rs);
- newrange = dijit.range.create(dojo.gobal);
- newrange.setStart(endNode,0);
- newrange.setEnd(endNode, endNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(endEmpty && !dojo.isWebKit){
- dijit._editor.selection.remove();
- }else{
- dijit._editor.selection.collapse(true);
- }
- }));
- }else{
- dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, dojo.hitch(this, function(){
- var brNode = doc.createElement("br");
- rs.appendChild(brNode);
- var endNode = doc.createTextNode('\xA0');
- rs.appendChild(endNode);
- newrange = dijit.range.create(;
- newrange.setStart(endNode,0);
- newrange.setEnd(endNode, endNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- dijit._editor.selection.collapse(true);
- }));
- }
- }
- }else{
- // don't change this: do not call this.execCommand, as that may have other logic in subclass
-, 'inserthtml', '<br>');
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- var _letBrowserHandle = true;
- // first remove selection
- selection = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- if(!range.collapsed){
- range.deleteContents();
- selection = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- var block = dijit.range.getBlockAncestor(range.endContainer, null, this.editor.editNode);
- var blockNode = block.blockNode;
- // if this is under a LI or the parent of the blockNode is LI, just let browser to handle it
- if((this._checkListLater = (blockNode && (blockNode.nodeName == 'LI' || blockNode.parentNode.nodeName == 'LI')))){
- if(dojo.isMoz){
- // press enter in middle of P may leave a trailing <br/>, let's remove it later
- this._pressedEnterInBlock = blockNode;
- }
- // if this li only contains spaces, set the content to empty so the browser will outdent this item
- if(/^(\s|&nbsp;|\xA0|<span\b[^>]*\bclass=['"]Apple-style-span['"][^>]*>(\s|&nbsp;|\xA0)<\/span>)?(<br>)?$/.test(blockNode.innerHTML)){
- // empty LI node
- blockNode.innerHTML = '';
- if(dojo.isWebKit){ // WebKit tosses the range when innerHTML is reset
- newrange = dijit.range.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(blockNode, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- }
- this._checkListLater = false; // nothing to check since the browser handles outdent
- }
- return true;
- }
- // text node directly under body, let's wrap them in a node
- if(!block.blockNode || block.blockNode===this.editor.editNode){
- try{
-, 'formatblock',this.blockNodeForEnter);
- }catch(e2){ /*squelch FF3 exception bug when editor content is a single BR*/ }
- // get the newly created block node
- // FIXME
- block = {blockNode:dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, "getAncestorElement", dijit._editor.selection, [this.blockNodeForEnter]),
- blockContainer: this.editor.editNode};
- if(block.blockNode){
- if(block.blockNode != this.editor.editNode &&
- (!(block.blockNode.textContent || block.blockNode.innerHTML).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").length)){
- this.removeTrailingBr(block.blockNode);
- return false;
- }
- }else{ // we shouldn't be here if formatblock worked
- block.blockNode = this.editor.editNode;
- }
- selection = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- var newblock = doc.createElement(this.blockNodeForEnter);
- newblock.innerHTML=this.bogusHtmlContent;
- this.removeTrailingBr(block.blockNode);
- var endOffset = range.endOffset;
- var node = range.endContainer;
- if(node.length < endOffset){
- //We are not checking the right node, try to locate the correct one
- var ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(node, endOffset);
- node = ret.node;
- endOffset = ret.offset;
- }
- if(dijit.range.atEndOfContainer(block.blockNode, node, endOffset)){
- if(block.blockNode === block.blockContainer){
- block.blockNode.appendChild(newblock);
- }else{
-, block.blockNode, "after");
- }
- _letBrowserHandle = false;
- // lets move caret to the newly created block
- newrange = dijit.range.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(newblock, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(this.editor.height){
- dojo.window.scrollIntoView(newblock);
- }
- }else if(dijit.range.atBeginningOfContainer(block.blockNode,
- range.startContainer, range.startOffset)){
-, block.blockNode, block.blockNode === block.blockContainer ? "first" : "before");
- if(newblock.nextSibling && this.editor.height){
- // position input caret - mostly WebKit needs this
- newrange = dijit.range.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(newblock.nextSibling, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- // browser does not scroll the caret position into view, do it manually
- dojo.window.scrollIntoView(newblock.nextSibling);
- }
- _letBrowserHandle = false;
- }else{ //press enter in the middle of P/DIV/Whatever/
- if(block.blockNode === block.blockContainer){
- block.blockNode.appendChild(newblock);
- }else{
-, block.blockNode, "after");
- }
- _letBrowserHandle = false;
- // Clone any block level styles.
- if({
- if({
- if({
- =;
- }
- }
- }
- // Okay, we probably have to split.
- rs = range.startContainer;
- var firstNodeMoved;
- if(rs && rs.nodeType == 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- var nodeToMove, tNode;
- endOffset = range.endOffset;
- if(rs.length < endOffset){
- //We are not splitting the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, endOffset);
- rs = ret.node;
- endOffset = ret.offset;
- }
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, endOffset));
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(endOffset, txt.length));
- // Place the split, then remove original nodes.
-, rs, "before");
-, rs, "after");
- dojo.destroy(rs);
- // Okay, we split the text. Now we need to see if we're
- // parented to the block element we're splitting and if
- // not, we have to split all the way up. Ugh.
- var parentC = startNode.parentNode;
- while(parentC !== block.blockNode){
- var tg = parentC.tagName;
- var newTg = doc.createElement(tg);
- // Clone over any 'style' data.
- if({
- if({
- if({
- =;
- }
- }
- }
- // If font also need to clone over any font data.
- if(parentC.tagName === "FONT"){
- if(parentC.color){
- newTg.color = parentC.color;
- }
- if(parentC.face){
- newTg.face = parentC.face;
- }
- if(parentC.size){ // this check was necessary on IE
- newTg.size = parentC.size;
- }
- }
- nodeToMove = endNode;
- while(nodeToMove){
- tNode = nodeToMove.nextSibling;
- newTg.appendChild(nodeToMove);
- nodeToMove = tNode;
- }
-, parentC, "after");
- startNode = parentC;
- endNode = newTg;
- parentC = parentC.parentNode;
- }
- // Lastly, move the split out tags to the new block.
- // as they should now be split properly.
- nodeToMove = endNode;
- if(nodeToMove.nodeType == 1 || (nodeToMove.nodeType == 3 && nodeToMove.nodeValue)){
- // Non-blank text and non-text nodes need to clear out that blank space
- // before moving the contents.
- newblock.innerHTML = "";
- }
- firstNodeMoved = nodeToMove;
- while(nodeToMove){
- tNode = nodeToMove.nextSibling;
- newblock.appendChild(nodeToMove);
- nodeToMove = tNode;
- }
- }
- //lets move caret to the newly created block
- newrange = dijit.range.create(this.editor.window);
- var nodeForCursor;
- var innerMostFirstNodeMoved = firstNodeMoved;
- if(this.blockNodeForEnter !== 'BR'){
- while(innerMostFirstNodeMoved){
- nodeForCursor = innerMostFirstNodeMoved;
- tNode = innerMostFirstNodeMoved.firstChild;
- innerMostFirstNodeMoved = tNode;
- }
- if(nodeForCursor && nodeForCursor.parentNode){
- newblock = nodeForCursor.parentNode;
- newrange.setStart(newblock, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(this.editor.height){
- dijit.scrollIntoView(newblock);
- }
- if(dojo.isMoz){
- // press enter in middle of P may leave a trailing <br/>, let's remove it later
- this._pressedEnterInBlock = block.blockNode;
- }
- }else{
- _letBrowserHandle = true;
- }
- }else{
- newrange.setStart(newblock, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(this.editor.height){
- dijit.scrollIntoView(newblock);
- }
- if(dojo.isMoz){
- // press enter in middle of P may leave a trailing <br/>, let's remove it later
- this._pressedEnterInBlock = block.blockNode;
- }
- }
- }
- return _letBrowserHandle;
- },
- _adjustNodeAndOffset: function(/*DomNode*/node, /*Int*/offset){
- // summary:
- // In the case there are multiple text nodes in a row the offset may not be within the node. If the offset is larger than the node length, it will attempt to find
- // the next text sibling until it locates the text node in which the offset refers to
- // node:
- // The node to check.
- // offset:
- // The position to find within the text node
- // tags:
- // private.
- while(node.length < offset && node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeType==3){
- //Adjust the offset and node in the case of multiple text nodes in a row
- offset = offset - node.length;
- node = node.nextSibling;
- }
- var ret = {"node": node, "offset": offset};
- return ret;
- },
- removeTrailingBr: function(container){
- // summary:
- // If last child of container is a <br>, then remove it.
- // tags:
- // private
- var para = /P|DIV|LI/i.test(container.tagName) ?
- container : dijit._editor.selection.getParentOfType(container,['P','DIV','LI']);
- if(!para){ return; }
- if(para.lastChild){
- if((para.childNodes.length > 1 && para.lastChild.nodeType == 3 && /^[\s\xAD]*$/.test(para.lastChild.nodeValue)) ||
- para.lastChild.tagName=='BR'){
- dojo.destroy(para.lastChild);
- }
- }
- if(!para.childNodes.length){
- para.innerHTML=this.bogusHtmlContent;
- }
- }
+define("dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling",["dojo/_base/declare","dojo/dom-construct","dojo/_base/event","dojo/keys","dojo/_base/lang","dojo/_base/sniff","dojo/_base/window","dojo/window","../_Plugin","../RichText","../range","../selection"],function(_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,_6,_7,_8,_9,_a,_b,_c){return _1("dijit._editor.plugins.EnterKeyHandling",_9,{blockNodeForEnter:"BR",constructor:function(_d){if(_d){if("blockNodeForEnter" in _d){_d.blockNodeForEnter=_d.blockNodeForEnter.toUpperCase();}_5.mixin(this,_d);}},setEditor:function(_e){if(this.editor===_e){return;}this.editor=_e;if(this.blockNodeForEnter=="BR"){this.editor.customUndo=true;_e.onLoadDeferred.then(_5.hitch(this,function(d){this.connect(_e.document,"onkeypress",function(e){if(e.charOrCode==_4.ENTER){var ne=_5.mixin({},e);ne.shiftKey=true;if(!this.handleEnterKey(ne)){_3.stop(e);}}});if(_6("ie")==9){this.connect(_e.document,"onpaste",function(e){setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this,function(){var r=this.editor.document.selection.createRange();r.move("character",-1);;r.move("character",1);;}),0);});}return d;}));}else{if(this.blockNodeForEnter){var h=_5.hitch(this,this.handleEnterKey);_e.addKeyHandler(13,0,0,h);_e.addKeyHandler(13,0,1,h);this.connect(this.editor,"onKeyPressed","onKeyPressed");}}},onKeyPressed:function(){if(this._checkListLater){if(_7.withGlobal(this.editor.window,"isCollapsed",dijit)){var _f=_7.withGlobal(this.editor.window,"getAncestorElement",_c,["LI"]);if(!_f){,"formatblock",this.blockNodeForEnter);var _10=_7.withGlobal(this.editor.window,"getAncestorElement",_c,[this.blockNodeForEnter]);if(_10){_10.innerHTML=this.bogusHtmlContent;if(_6("ie")){var r=this.editor.document.selection.createRange();r.move("character",-1);;}}else{console.error("onKeyPressed: Cannot find the new block node");}}else{if(_6("mozilla")){if(_f.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName=="LI"){_f=_f.parentNode.parentNode;}}var fc=_f.firstChild;if(fc&&fc.nodeType==1&&(fc.nodeName=="UL"||fc.nodeName=="OL")){_f.insertBefore(fc.ownerDocument.createTextNode(" "),fc);var _11=_b.create(this.editor.window);_11.setStart(_f.firstChild,0);var _12=_b.getSelection(this.editor.window,true);_12.removeAllRanges();_12.addRange(_11);}}}this._checkListLater=false;}if(this._pressedEnterInBlock){if(this._pressedEnterInBlock.previousSibling){this.removeTrailingBr(this._pressedEnterInBlock.previousSibling);}delete this._pressedEnterInBlock;}},bogusHtmlContent:"&#160;",blockNodes:/^(?:P|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|LI)$/,handleEnterKey:function(e){var _13,_14,_15,_16,_17,_18,doc=this.editor.document,br,rs,txt;if(e.shiftKey){var _19=_7.withGlobal(this.editor.window,"getParentElement",_c);var _1a=_b.getAncestor(_19,this.blockNodes);if(_1a){if(_1a.tagName=="LI"){return 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