path: root/lib/dijit
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dijit')
409 files changed, 0 insertions, 41701 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dijit/BackgroundIframe.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/BackgroundIframe.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 15133be6b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/BackgroundIframe.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/BackgroundIframe", [
- "require", // require.toUrl
- ".", // to export dijit.BackgroundIframe
- "dojo/_base/config",
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.set
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.extend lang.hitch
- "dojo/on",
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie"), has("mozilla"), has("quirks")
- "dojo/_base/window" // win.doc.createElement
-], function(require, dijit, config, domConstruct, domStyle, lang, on, has, win){
- // module:
- // dijit/BackgroundIFrame
- // summary:
- // new dijit.BackgroundIframe(node)
- // Makes a background iframe as a child of node, that fills
- // area (and position) of node
- // TODO: remove _frames, it isn't being used much, since popups never release their
- // iframes (see [22236])
- var _frames = new function(){
- // summary:
- // cache of iframes
- var queue = [];
- this.pop = function(){
- var iframe;
- if(queue.length){
- iframe = queue.pop();
- }else{
- if(has("ie") < 9){
- var burl = config["dojoBlankHtmlUrl"] || require.toUrl("dojo/resources/blank.html") || "javascript:\"\"";
- var html="<iframe src='" + burl + "' role='presentation'"
- + " style='position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;"
- + "z-index: -1; filter:Alpha(Opacity=\"0\");'>";
- iframe = win.doc.createElement(html);
- }else{
- iframe = domConstruct.create("iframe");
- iframe.src = 'javascript:""';
- iframe.className = "dijitBackgroundIframe";
- iframe.setAttribute("role", "presentation");
- domStyle.set(iframe, "opacity", 0.1);
- }
- iframe.tabIndex = -1; // Magic to prevent iframe from getting focus on tab keypress - as style didn't work.
- }
- return iframe;
- };
- this.push = function(iframe){
- queue.push(iframe);
- }
- }();
- dijit.BackgroundIframe = function(/*DomNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // For IE/FF z-index schenanigans. id attribute is required.
- //
- // description:
- // new dijit.BackgroundIframe(node)
- // Makes a background iframe as a child of node, that fills
- // area (and position) of node
- if(!{ throw new Error("no id"); }
- if(has("ie") || has("mozilla")){
- var iframe = (this.iframe = _frames.pop());
- node.appendChild(iframe);
- if(has("ie")<7 || has("quirks")){
- this.resize(node);
- this._conn = on(node, 'resize', lang.hitch(this, function(){
- this.resize(node);
- }));
- }else{
- domStyle.set(iframe, {
- width: '100%',
- height: '100%'
- });
- }
- }
- };
- lang.extend(dijit.BackgroundIframe, {
- resize: function(node){
- // summary:
- // Resize the iframe so it's the same size as node.
- // Needed on IE6 and IE/quirks because height:100% doesn't work right.
- if(this.iframe){
- domStyle.set(this.iframe, {
- width: node.offsetWidth + 'px',
- height: node.offsetHeight + 'px'
- });
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- // summary:
- // destroy the iframe
- if(this._conn){
- this._conn.remove();
- this._conn = null;
- }
- if(this.iframe){
- _frames.push(this.iframe);
- delete this.iframe;
- }
- }
- });
- return dijit.BackgroundIframe;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/Calendar.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/Calendar.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fd383b439..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/Calendar.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/Calendar", [
- "dojo/_base/array", //
- "dojo/date",
- "dojo/date/locale",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.get
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.contains domClass.remove domClass.toggle
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/keys", // keys
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "./CalendarLite",
- "./_Widget",
- "./_CssStateMixin",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./form/DropDownButton",
- "./hccss" // not used directly, but sets CSS class on <body>
-], function(array, date, local, declare, domAttr, domClass, event, kernel, keys, lang, has,
- CalendarLite, _Widget, _CssStateMixin, _TemplatedMixin, DropDownButton){
- var CalendarLite = dijit.CalendarLite;
- var _CssStateMixin = dijit._CssStateMixin;
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var DropDownButton = dijit.form.DropDownButton;
- // module:
- // dijit/Calendar
- // summary:
- // A simple GUI for choosing a date in the context of a monthly calendar.
- var Calendar = declare("dijit.Calendar",
- [CalendarLite, _Widget, _CssStateMixin], // _Widget for deprecated methods like setAttribute()
- {
- // summary:
- // A simple GUI for choosing a date in the context of a monthly calendar.
- //
- // description:
- // See CalendarLite for general description. Calendar extends CalendarLite, adding:
- // - month drop down list
- // - keyboard navigation
- // - CSS classes for hover/mousepress on date, month, and year nodes
- // - support of deprecated methods (will be removed in 2.0)
- // Set node classes for various mouse events, see dijit._CssStateMixin for more details
- cssStateNodes: {
- "decrementMonth": "dijitCalendarArrow",
- "incrementMonth": "dijitCalendarArrow",
- "previousYearLabelNode": "dijitCalendarPreviousYear",
- "nextYearLabelNode": "dijitCalendarNextYear"
- },
- setValue: function(/*Date*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set('value', ...) instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.Calendar:setValue() is deprecated. Use set('value', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.set('value', value);
- },
- _createMonthWidget: function(){
- // summary:
- // Creates the drop down button that displays the current month and lets user pick a new one
- return new Calendar._MonthDropDownButton({
- id: + "_mddb",
- tabIndex: -1,
- onMonthSelect: lang.hitch(this, "_onMonthSelect"),
- lang: this.lang,
- dateLocaleModule: this.dateLocaleModule
- }, this.monthNode);
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Events specific to Calendar, not used in CalendarLite
- this.connect(this.domNode, "onkeypress", "_onKeyPress");
- this.connect(this.dateRowsNode, "onmouseover", "_onDayMouseOver");
- this.connect(this.dateRowsNode, "onmouseout", "_onDayMouseOut");
- this.connect(this.dateRowsNode, "onmousedown", "_onDayMouseDown");
- this.connect(this.dateRowsNode, "onmouseup", "_onDayMouseUp");
- },
- _onMonthSelect: function(/*Number*/ newMonth){
- // summary:
- // Handler for when user selects a month from the drop down list
- // tags:
- // protected
- // move to selected month, bounding by the number of days in the month
- // (ex: dec 31 --> jan 28, not jan 31)
- this._setCurrentFocusAttr(this.dateFuncObj.add(this.currentFocus, "month",
- newMonth - this.currentFocus.getMonth()));
- },
- _onDayMouseOver: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handler for mouse over events on days, sets hovered style
- // tags:
- // protected
- // event can occur on <td> or the <span> inside the td,
- // set node to the <td>.
- var node =
- domClass.contains(, "dijitCalendarDateLabel") ?
- :
- if(node && (
- (node.dijitDateValue && !domClass.contains(node, "dijitCalendarDisabledDate"))
- || node == this.previousYearLabelNode || node == this.nextYearLabelNode
- )){
- domClass.add(node, "dijitCalendarHoveredDate");
- this._currentNode = node;
- }
- },
- _onDayMouseOut: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handler for mouse out events on days, clears hovered style
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(!this._currentNode){ return; }
- // if mouse out occurs moving from <td> to <span> inside <td>, ignore it
- if(evt.relatedTarget && evt.relatedTarget.parentNode == this._currentNode){ return; }
- var cls = "dijitCalendarHoveredDate";
- if(domClass.contains(this._currentNode, "dijitCalendarActiveDate")){
- cls += " dijitCalendarActiveDate";
- }
- domClass.remove(this._currentNode, cls);
- this._currentNode = null;
- },
- _onDayMouseDown: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- var node =;
- if(node && node.dijitDateValue && !domClass.contains(node, "dijitCalendarDisabledDate")){
- domClass.add(node, "dijitCalendarActiveDate");
- this._currentNode = node;
- }
- },
- _onDayMouseUp: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- var node =;
- if(node && node.dijitDateValue){
- domClass.remove(node, "dijitCalendarActiveDate");
- }
- },
- handleKey: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Provides keyboard navigation of calendar.
- // description:
- // Called from _onKeyPress() to handle keypress on a stand alone Calendar,
- // and also from `dijit.form._DateTimeTextBox` to pass a keypress event
- // from the `dijit.form.DateTextBox` to be handled in this widget
- // returns:
- // False if the key was recognized as a navigation key,
- // to indicate that the event was handled by Calendar and shouldn't be propogated
- // tags:
- // protected
- var increment = -1,
- interval,
- newValue = this.currentFocus;
- switch(evt.charOrCode){
- case keys.RIGHT_ARROW:
- increment = 1;
- //fallthrough...
- case keys.LEFT_ARROW:
- interval = "day";
- if(!this.isLeftToRight()){ increment *= -1; }
- break;
- case keys.DOWN_ARROW:
- increment = 1;
- //fallthrough...
- case keys.UP_ARROW:
- interval = "week";
- break;
- case keys.PAGE_DOWN:
- increment = 1;
- //fallthrough...
- case keys.PAGE_UP:
- interval = evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey ? "year" : "month";
- break;
- case keys.END:
- // go to the next month
- newValue = this.dateFuncObj.add(newValue, "month", 1);
- // subtract a day from the result when we're done
- interval = "day";
- //fallthrough...
- case keys.HOME:
- newValue = new this.dateClassObj(newValue);
- newValue.setDate(1);
- break;
- case keys.ENTER:
- case " ":
- this.set("value", this.currentFocus);
- break;
- default:
- return true;
- }
- if(interval){
- newValue = this.dateFuncObj.add(newValue, interval, increment);
- }
- this._setCurrentFocusAttr(newValue);
- return false;
- },
- _onKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // For handling keypress events on a stand alone calendar
- if(!this.handleKey(evt)){
- event.stop(evt);
- }
- },
- onValueSelected: function(/*Date*/ /*===== date =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Notification that a date cell was selected. It may be the same as the previous value.
- // description:
- // Formerly used by `dijit.form._DateTimeTextBox` (and thus `dijit.form.DateTextBox`)
- // to get notification when the user has clicked a date. Now onExecute() (above) is used.
- // tags:
- // protected
- },
- onChange: function(value){
- this.onValueSelected(value); // remove in 2.0
- },
- getClassForDate: function(/*===== dateObject, locale =====*/){
- // summary:
- // May be overridden to return CSS classes to associate with the date entry for the given dateObject,
- // for example to indicate a holiday in specified locale.
- // dateObject: Date
- // locale: String?
- // tags:
- // extension
- return ""; // String
- }
- });
- Calendar._MonthDropDownButton = declare("dijit.Calendar._MonthDropDownButton", DropDownButton, {
- // summary:
- // DropDownButton for the current month. Displays name of current month
- // and a list of month names in the drop down
- onMonthSelect: function(){ },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.dropDown = new Calendar._MonthDropDown({
- id: + "_mdd", //do not change this id because it is referenced in the template
- onChange: this.onMonthSelect
- });
- },
- _setMonthAttr: function(month){
- // summary:
- // Set the current month to display as a label
- var monthNames = this.dateLocaleModule.getNames('months', 'wide', 'standAlone', this.lang, month);
- this.dropDown.set("months", monthNames);
- // Set name of current month and also fill in spacer element with all the month names
- // (invisible) so that the maximum width will affect layout. But not on IE6 because then
- // the center <TH> overlaps the right <TH> (due to a browser bug).
- this.containerNode.innerHTML =
- (has("ie") == 6 ? "" : "<div class='dijitSpacer'>" + this.dropDown.domNode.innerHTML + "</div>") +
- "<div class='dijitCalendarMonthLabel dijitCalendarCurrentMonthLabel'>" + monthNames[month.getMonth()] + "</div>";
- }
- });
- Calendar._MonthDropDown = declare("dijit.Calendar._MonthDropDown", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], {
- // summary:
- // The list-of-months drop down from the MonthDropDownButton
- // months: String[]
- // List of names of months, possibly w/some undefined entries for Hebrew leap months
- // (ex: ["January", "February", undefined, "April", ...])
- months: [],
- templateString: "<div class='dijitCalendarMonthMenu dijitMenu' " +
- "data-dojo-attach-event='onclick:_onClick,onmouseover:_onMenuHover,onmouseout:_onMenuHover'></div>",
- _setMonthsAttr: function(/*String[]*/ months){
- this.domNode.innerHTML =, function(month, idx){
- return month ? "<div class='dijitCalendarMonthLabel' month='" + idx +"'>" + month + "</div>" : "";
- }).join("");
- },
- _onClick: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- this.onChange(domAttr.get(, "month"));
- },
- onChange: function(/*Number*/ /*===== month =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback when month is selected from drop down
- },
- _onMenuHover: function(evt){
- domClass.toggle(, "dijitCalendarMonthLabelHover", evt.type == "mouseover");
- }
- });
- return Calendar;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/CalendarLite.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/CalendarLite.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0187c2b42..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/CalendarLite.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/Calendar.html':"<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"dijitCalendarContainer\" role=\"grid\" aria-labelledby=\"${id}_mddb ${id}_year\">\n\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarMonthContainer\" valign=\"top\">\n\t\t\t<th class='dijitReset dijitCalendarArrow' data-dojo-attach-point=\"decrementMonth\">\n\t\t\t\t<img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" class=\"dijitCalendarIncrementControl dijitCalendarDecrease\" role=\"presentation\"/>\n\t\t\t\t<span data-dojo-attach-point=\"decreaseArrowNode\" class=\"dijitA11ySideArrow\">-</span>\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t\t<th class='dijitReset' colspan=\"5\">\n\t\t\t\t<div data-dojo-attach-point=\"monthNode\">\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t\t<th class='dijitReset dijitCalendarArrow' data-dojo-attach-point=\"incrementMonth\">\n\t\t\t\t<img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" class=\"dijitCalendarIncrementControl dijitCalendarIncrease\" role=\"presentation\"/>\n\t\t\t\t<span data-dojo-attach-point=\"increaseArrowNode\" class=\"dijitA11ySideArrow\">+</span>\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t${!dayCellsHtml}\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</thead>\n\t<tbody data-dojo-attach-point=\"dateRowsNode\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onclick: _onDayClick\" class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarBodyContainer\">\n\t\t\t${!dateRowsHtml}\n\t</tbody>\n\t<tfoot class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarYearContainer\">\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td class='dijitReset' valign=\"top\" colspan=\"7\" role=\"presentation\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"dijitCalendarYearLabel\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<span data-dojo-attach-point=\"previousYearLabelNode\" class=\"dijitInline dijitCalendarPreviousYear\" role=\"button\"></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span data-dojo-attach-point=\"currentYearLabelNode\" class=\"dijitInline dijitCalendarSelectedYear\" role=\"button\" id=\"${id}_year\"></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span data-dojo-attach-point=\"nextYearLabelNode\" class=\"dijitInline dijitCalendarNextYear\" role=\"button\"></span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</tfoot>\n</table>\n"}});
-define("dijit/CalendarLite", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/cldr/supplemental", // cldrSupplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek
- "dojo/date", // date
- "dojo/date/locale",
- "dojo/dom", // dom.setSelectable
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.contains
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject, lang.hitch
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("webkit")
- "dojo/string", // string.substitute
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.doc.createTextNode
- "./_WidgetBase",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "dojo/text!./templates/Calendar.html"
-], function(array, declare, cldrSupplemental, date, local, dom, domClass, event, lang, has, string, win,
- _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, template){
- var _WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/CalendarLite
- // summary:
- // Lightweight version of Calendar widget aimed towards mobile use
- var CalendarLite = declare("dijit.CalendarLite", [_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Lightweight version of Calendar widget aimed towards mobile use
- //
- // description:
- // A simple GUI for choosing a date in the context of a monthly calendar.
- // This widget can't be used in a form because it doesn't serialize the date to an
- // `<input>` field. For a form element, use dijit.form.DateTextBox instead.
- //
- // Note that the parser takes all dates attributes passed in the
- // [RFC 3339 format](, e.g. `2005-06-30T08:05:00-07:00`
- // so that they are serializable and locale-independent.
- //
- // Also note that this widget isn't keyboard accessible; use dijit.Calendar for that
- // example:
- // | var calendar = new dijit.CalendarLite({}, dojo.byId("calendarNode"));
- //
- // example:
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.CalendarLite"></div>
- // Template for main calendar
- templateString: template,
- // Template for cell for a day of the week (ex: M)
- dowTemplateString: '<th class="dijitReset dijitCalendarDayLabelTemplate" role="columnheader"><span class="dijitCalendarDayLabel">${d}</span></th>',
- // Templates for a single date (ex: 13), and for a row for a week (ex: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26)
- dateTemplateString: '<td class="dijitReset" role="gridcell" data-dojo-attach-point="dateCells"><span class="dijitCalendarDateLabel" data-dojo-attach-point="dateLabels"></span></td>',
- weekTemplateString: '<tr class="dijitReset dijitCalendarWeekTemplate" role="row">${d}${d}${d}${d}${d}${d}${d}</tr>',
- // value: Date
- // The currently selected Date, initially set to invalid date to indicate no selection.
- value: new Date(""),
- // TODO: for 2.0 make this a string (ISO format) rather than a Date
- // datePackage: String
- // JavaScript object containing Calendar functions. Uses Gregorian Calendar routines
- // from by default.
- datePackage: date,
- // dayWidth: String
- // How to represent the days of the week in the calendar header. See locale
- dayWidth: "narrow",
- // tabIndex: Integer
- // Order fields are traversed when user hits the tab key
- tabIndex: "0",
- // currentFocus: Date
- // Date object containing the currently focused date, or the date which would be focused
- // if the calendar itself was focused. Also indicates which year and month to display,
- // i.e. the current "page" the calendar is on.
- currentFocus: new Date(),
- baseClass:"dijitCalendar",
- _isValidDate: function(/*Date*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Runs various tests on the value, checking that it's a valid date, rather
- // than blank or NaN.
- // tags:
- // private
- return value && !isNaN(value) && typeof value == "object" &&
- value.toString() != this.constructor.prototype.value.toString();
- },
- _getValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Support get('value')
- // this.value is set to 1AM, but return midnight, local time for back-compat
- if(this.value && !isNaN(this.value)){
- var value = new this.dateClassObj(this.value);
- value.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
- // If daylight savings pushes midnight to the previous date, fix the Date
- // object to point at 1am so it will represent the correct day. See #9366
- if(value.getDate() < this.value.getDate()){
- value = this.dateFuncObj.add(value, "hour", 1);
- }
- return value;
- }else{
- return null;
- }
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*Date|Number*/ value, /*Boolean*/ priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Support set("value", ...)
- // description:
- // Set the current date and update the UI. If the date is disabled, the value will
- // not change, but the display will change to the corresponding month.
- // value:
- // Either a Date or the number of seconds since 1970.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(value){
- // convert from Number to Date, or make copy of Date object so that setHours() call below
- // doesn't affect original value
- value = new this.dateClassObj(value);
- }
- if(this._isValidDate(value)){
- if(!this._isValidDate(this.value) ||, this.value)){
- value.setHours(1, 0, 0, 0); // round to nearest day (1am to avoid issues when DST shift occurs at midnight, see #8521, #9366)
- if(!this.isDisabledDate(value, this.lang)){
- this._set("value", value);
- // Set focus cell to the new value. Arguably this should only happen when there isn't a current
- // focus point. This will also repopulate the grid, showing the new selected value (and possibly
- // new month/year).
- this.set("currentFocus", value);
- if(priorityChange || typeof priorityChange == "undefined"){
- this.onChange(this.get('value'));
- }
- }
- }
- }else{
- // clear value, and repopulate grid (to deselect the previously selected day) without changing currentFocus
- this._set("value", null);
- this.set("currentFocus", this.currentFocus);
- }
- },
- _setText: function(node, text){
- // summary:
- // This just sets the content of node to the specified text.
- // Can't do "node.innerHTML=text" because of an IE bug w/tables, see #3434.
- // tags:
- // private
- while(node.firstChild){
- node.removeChild(node.firstChild);
- }
- node.appendChild(win.doc.createTextNode(text));
- },
- _populateGrid: function(){
- // summary:
- // Fills in the calendar grid with each day (1-31)
- // tags:
- // private
- var month = new this.dateClassObj(this.currentFocus);
- month.setDate(1);
- var firstDay = month.getDay(),
- daysInMonth = this.dateFuncObj.getDaysInMonth(month),
- daysInPreviousMonth = this.dateFuncObj.getDaysInMonth(this.dateFuncObj.add(month, "month", -1)),
- today = new this.dateClassObj(),
- dayOffset = cldrSupplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek(this.lang);
- if(dayOffset > firstDay){ dayOffset -= 7; }
- // Mapping from date (as specified by number returned from Date.valueOf()) to corresponding <td>
- this._date2cell = {};
- // Iterate through dates in the calendar and fill in date numbers and style info
- array.forEach(this.dateCells, function(template, idx){
- var i = idx + dayOffset;
- var date = new this.dateClassObj(month),
- number, clazz = "dijitCalendar", adj = 0;
- if(i < firstDay){
- number = daysInPreviousMonth - firstDay + i + 1;
- adj = -1;
- clazz += "Previous";
- }else if(i >= (firstDay + daysInMonth)){
- number = i - firstDay - daysInMonth + 1;
- adj = 1;
- clazz += "Next";
- }else{
- number = i - firstDay + 1;
- clazz += "Current";
- }
- if(adj){
- date = this.dateFuncObj.add(date, "month", adj);
- }
- date.setDate(number);
- if(!, today, "date")){
- clazz = "dijitCalendarCurrentDate " + clazz;
- }
- if(this._isSelectedDate(date, this.lang)){
- clazz = "dijitCalendarSelectedDate " + clazz;
- template.setAttribute("aria-selected", true);
- }else{
- template.setAttribute("aria-selected", false);
- }
- if(this.isDisabledDate(date, this.lang)){
- clazz = "dijitCalendarDisabledDate " + clazz;
- template.setAttribute("aria-disabled", true);
- }else{
- clazz = "dijitCalendarEnabledDate " + clazz;
- template.removeAttribute("aria-disabled");
- }
- var clazz2 = this.getClassForDate(date, this.lang);
- if(clazz2){
- clazz = clazz2 + " " + clazz;
- }
- template.className = clazz + "Month dijitCalendarDateTemplate";
- // Each cell has an associated integer value representing it's date
- var dateVal = date.valueOf();
- this._date2cell[dateVal] = template;
- template.dijitDateValue = dateVal;
- // Set Date string (ex: "13").
- this._setText(this.dateLabels[idx], date.getDateLocalized ? date.getDateLocalized(this.lang) : date.getDate());
- }, this);
- // set name of this month
- this.monthWidget.set("month", month);
- // Fill in localized prev/current/next years
- var y = month.getFullYear() - 1;
- var d = new this.dateClassObj();
- array.forEach(["previous", "current", "next"], function(name){
- d.setFullYear(y++);
- this._setText(this[name+"YearLabelNode"],
- this.dateLocaleModule.format(d, {selector:'year', locale:this.lang}));
- }, this);
- },
- goToToday: function(){
- // summary:
- // Sets calendar's value to today's date
- this.set('value', new this.dateClassObj());
- },
- constructor: function(/*Object*/args){
- this.datePackage = args.datePackage || this.datePackage;
- this.dateFuncObj = typeof this.datePackage == "string" ?
- lang.getObject(this.datePackage, false) :// "string" part for back-compat, remove for 2.0
- this.datePackage;
- this.dateClassObj = this.dateFuncObj.Date || Date;
- this.dateLocaleModule = lang.getObject("locale", false, this.dateFuncObj);
- },
- _createMonthWidget: function(){
- // summary:
- // Creates the drop down button that displays the current month and lets user pick a new one
- return CalendarLite._MonthWidget({
- id: + "_mw",
- lang: this.lang,
- dateLocaleModule: this.dateLocaleModule
- }, this.monthNode);
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- // Markup for days of the week (referenced from template)
- var d = this.dowTemplateString,
- dayNames = this.dateLocaleModule.getNames('days', this.dayWidth, 'standAlone', this.lang),
- dayOffset = cldrSupplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek(this.lang);
- this.dayCellsHtml = string.substitute([d,d,d,d,d,d,d].join(""), {d: ""}, function(){
- return dayNames[dayOffset++ % 7]
- });
- // Markup for dates of the month (referenced from template), but without numbers filled in
- var r = string.substitute(this.weekTemplateString, {d: this.dateTemplateString});
- this.dateRowsHtml = [r,r,r,r,r,r].join("");
- // Instantiate from template.
- // dateCells and dateLabels arrays filled when _Templated parses my template.
- this.dateCells = [];
- this.dateLabels = [];
- this.inherited(arguments);
- dom.setSelectable(this.domNode, false);
- var dateObj = new this.dateClassObj(this.currentFocus);
- this._supportingWidgets.push(this.monthWidget = this._createMonthWidget());
- this.set('currentFocus', dateObj, false); // draw the grid to the month specified by currentFocus
- // Set up connects for increment/decrement of months/years
- var connect = lang.hitch(this, function(nodeProp, part, amount){
- this.connect(this[nodeProp], "onclick", function(){
- this._setCurrentFocusAttr(this.dateFuncObj.add(this.currentFocus, part, amount));
- });
- });
- connect("incrementMonth", "month", 1);
- connect("decrementMonth", "month", -1);
- connect("nextYearLabelNode", "year", 1);
- connect("previousYearLabelNode", "year", -1);
- },
- _setCurrentFocusAttr: function(/*Date*/ date, /*Boolean*/ forceFocus){
- // summary:
- // If the calendar currently has focus, then focuses specified date,
- // changing the currently displayed month/year if necessary.
- // If the calendar doesn't have focus, updates currently
- // displayed month/year, and sets the cell that will get focus.
- // forceFocus:
- // If true, will focus() the cell even if calendar itself doesn't have focus
- var oldFocus = this.currentFocus,
- oldCell = oldFocus && this._date2cell ? this._date2cell[oldFocus.valueOf()] : null;
- // round specified value to nearest day (1am to avoid issues when DST shift occurs at midnight, see #8521, #9366)
- date = new this.dateClassObj(date);
- date.setHours(1, 0, 0, 0);
- this._set("currentFocus", date);
- // TODO: only re-populate grid when month/year has changed
- this._populateGrid();
- // set tabIndex=0 on new cell, and focus it (but only if Calendar itself is focused)
- var newCell = this._date2cell[date.valueOf()];
- newCell.setAttribute("tabIndex", this.tabIndex);
- if(this.focused || forceFocus){
- newCell.focus();
- }
- // set tabIndex=-1 on old focusable cell
- if(oldCell && oldCell != newCell){
- if(has("webkit")){ // see #11064 about webkit bug
- oldCell.setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1");
- }else{
- oldCell.removeAttribute("tabIndex");
- }
- }
- },
- focus: function(){
- // summary:
- // Focus the calendar by focusing one of the calendar cells
- this._setCurrentFocusAttr(this.currentFocus, true);
- },
- _onDayClick: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handler for day clicks, selects the date if appropriate
- // tags:
- // protected
- event.stop(evt);
- for(var node =; node && !node.dijitDateValue; node = node.parentNode);
- if(node && !domClass.contains(node, "dijitCalendarDisabledDate")){
- this.set('value', node.dijitDateValue);
- }
- },
- onChange: function(/*Date*/ /*===== date =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Called only when the selected date has changed
- },
- _isSelectedDate: function(dateObject /*===== , locale =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Extension point so developers can subclass Calendar to
- // support multiple (concurrently) selected dates
- // dateObject: Date
- // locale: String?
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- return this._isValidDate(this.value) && !, this.value, "date")
- },
- isDisabledDate: function(/*===== dateObject, locale =====*/){
- // summary:
- // May be overridden to disable certain dates in the calendar e.g. ``
- // dateObject: Date
- // locale: String?
- // tags:
- // extension
- return false; // Boolean
- },
- getClassForDate: function(/*===== dateObject, locale =====*/){
- // summary:
- // May be overridden to return CSS classes to associate with the date entry for the given dateObject,
- // for example to indicate a holiday in specified locale.
- // dateObject: Date
- // locale: String?
- // tags:
- // extension
- return ""; // String
- }
- });
- CalendarLite._MonthWidget = declare("dijit.CalendarLite._MonthWidget", _WidgetBase, {
- // summary:
- // Displays name of current month padded to the width of the month
- // w/the longest name, so that changing months doesn't change width.
- //
- // Create as new dijit.Calendar._MonthWidget({
- // lang: ...,
- // dateLocaleModule: ...
- // })
- _setMonthAttr: function(month){
- // summary:
- // Set the current month to display as a label
- var monthNames = this.dateLocaleModule.getNames('months', 'wide', 'standAlone', this.lang, month),
- spacer =
- (has("ie") == 6 ? "" : "<div class='dijitSpacer'>" +
-, function(s){ return "<div>" + s + "</div>"; }).join("") + "</div>");
- // Set name of current month and also fill in spacer element with all the month names
- // (invisible) so that the maximum width will affect layout. But not on IE6 because then
- // the center <TH> overlaps the right <TH> (due to a browser bug).
- this.domNode.innerHTML =
- spacer +
- "<div class='dijitCalendarMonthLabel dijitCalendarCurrentMonthLabel'>" +
- monthNames[month.getMonth()] + "</div>";
- }
- });
- return CalendarLite;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/CheckedMenuItem.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/CheckedMenuItem.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index caa3bc7bf..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/CheckedMenuItem.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/CheckedMenuItem.html':"<tr class=\"dijitReset dijitMenuItem\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"focusNode\" role=\"menuitemcheckbox\" tabIndex=\"-1\"\n\t\tdata-dojo-attach-event=\"onmouseenter:_onHover,onmouseleave:_onUnhover,ondijitclick:_onClick\">\n\t<td class=\"dijitReset dijitMenuItemIconCell\" role=\"presentation\">\n\t\t<img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" class=\"dijitMenuItemIcon dijitCheckedMenuItemIcon\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"iconNode\"/>\n\t\t<span class=\"dijitCheckedMenuItemIconChar\">&#10003;</span>\n\t</td>\n\t<td class=\"dijitReset dijitMenuItemLabel\" colspan=\"2\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode,labelNode\"></td>\n\t<td class=\"dijitReset dijitMenuItemAccelKey\" style=\"display: none\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"accelKeyNode\"></td>\n\t<td class=\"dijitReset dijitMenuArrowCell\" role=\"presentation\">&#160;</td>\n</tr>\n"}});
-define("dijit/CheckedMenuItem", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.toggle
- "./MenuItem",
- "dojo/text!./templates/CheckedMenuItem.html",
- "./hccss"
-], function(declare, domClass, MenuItem, template){
- var MenuItem = dijit.MenuItem;
- // module:
- // dijit/CheckedMenuItem
- // summary:
- // A checkbox-like menu item for toggling on and off
- return declare("dijit.CheckedMenuItem", MenuItem, {
- // summary:
- // A checkbox-like menu item for toggling on and off
- templateString: template,
- // checked: Boolean
- // Our checked state
- checked: false,
- _setCheckedAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ checked){
- // summary:
- // Hook so attr('checked', bool) works.
- // Sets the class and state for the check box.
- domClass.toggle(this.domNode, "dijitCheckedMenuItemChecked", checked);
- this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-checked", checked);
- this._set("checked", checked);
- },
- iconClass: "", // override dijitNoIcon
- onChange: function(/*Boolean*/ /*===== checked =====*/){
- // summary:
- // User defined function to handle check/uncheck events
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- _onClick: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Clicking this item just toggles its state
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!this.disabled){
- this.set("checked", !this.checked);
- this.onChange(this.checked);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/ColorPalette.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/ColorPalette.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c99a057..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/ColorPalette.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/ColorPalette.html':"<div class=\"dijitInline dijitColorPalette\">\n\t<table dojoAttachPoint=\"paletteTableNode\" class=\"dijitPaletteTable\" cellSpacing=\"0\" cellPadding=\"0\" role=\"grid\">\n\t\t<tbody data-dojo-attach-point=\"gridNode\"></tbody>\n\t</table>\n</div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/ColorPalette", [
- "require", // require.toUrl
- "dojo/text!./templates/ColorPalette.html",
- "./_Widget",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./_PaletteMixin",
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/_base/Color", // dojo.Color dojo.Color.named
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.contains
- "dojo/dom-construct", //
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "dojo/string", // string.substitute
- "dojo/i18n!dojo/nls/colors", // translations
- "dojo/colors" // extend dojo.Color w/names of other colors
-], function(require, template, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _PaletteMixin, i18n, Color,
- declare, domClass, domConstruct, win, string){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _PaletteMixin = dijit._PaletteMixin;
-// module:
-// dijit/ColorPalette
-// summary:
-// A keyboard accessible color-picking widget
-var ColorPalette = declare("dijit.ColorPalette", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _PaletteMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A keyboard accessible color-picking widget
- // description:
- // Grid showing various colors, so the user can pick a certain color.
- // Can be used standalone, or as a popup.
- //
- // example:
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.ColorPalette"></div>
- //
- // example:
- // | var picker = new dijit.ColorPalette({ },srcNode);
- // | picker.startup();
- // palette: [const] String
- // Size of grid, either "7x10" or "3x4".
- palette: "7x10",
- // _palettes: [protected] Map
- // This represents the value of the colors.
- // The first level is a hashmap of the different palettes available.
- // The next two dimensions represent the columns and rows of colors.
- _palettes: {
- "7x10": [["white", "seashell", "cornsilk", "lemonchiffon","lightyellow", "palegreen", "paleturquoise", "lightcyan", "lavender", "plum"],
- ["lightgray", "pink", "bisque", "moccasin", "khaki", "lightgreen", "lightseagreen", "lightskyblue", "cornflowerblue", "violet"],
- ["silver", "lightcoral", "sandybrown", "orange", "palegoldenrod", "chartreuse", "mediumturquoise", "skyblue", "mediumslateblue","orchid"],
- ["gray", "red", "orangered", "darkorange", "yellow", "limegreen", "darkseagreen", "royalblue", "slateblue", "mediumorchid"],
- ["dimgray", "crimson", "chocolate", "coral", "gold", "forestgreen", "seagreen", "blue", "blueviolet", "darkorchid"],
- ["darkslategray","firebrick","saddlebrown", "sienna", "olive", "green", "darkcyan", "mediumblue","darkslateblue", "darkmagenta" ],
- ["black", "darkred", "maroon", "brown", "darkolivegreen", "darkgreen", "midnightblue", "navy", "indigo", "purple"]],
- "3x4": [["white", "lime", "green", "blue"],
- ["silver", "yellow", "fuchsia", "navy"],
- ["gray", "red", "purple", "black"]]
- },
- // templateString: String
- // The template of this widget.
- templateString: template,
- baseClass: "dijitColorPalette",
- _dyeFactory: function(value, row, col){
- // Overrides _PaletteMixin._dyeFactory().
- return new this._dyeClass(value, row, col);
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- // Instantiate the template, which makes a skeleton into which we'll insert a bunch of
- // <img> nodes
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Creates customized constructor for dye class (color of a single cell) for
- // specified palette and high-contrast vs. normal mode. Used in _getDye().
- this._dyeClass = declare(ColorPalette._Color, {
- hc: domClass.contains(win.body(), "dijit_a11y"),
- palette: this.palette
- });
- // Creates <img> nodes in each cell of the template.
- this._preparePalette(
- this._palettes[this.palette],
- i18n.getLocalization("dojo", "colors", this.lang));
- }
-ColorPalette._Color = declare("dijit._Color", Color, {
- // summary:
- // Object associated with each cell in a ColorPalette palette.
- // Implements dijit.Dye.
- // Template for each cell in normal (non-high-contrast mode). Each cell contains a wrapper
- // node for showing the border (called dijitPaletteImg for back-compat), and dijitColorPaletteSwatch
- // for showing the color.
- template:
- "<span class='dijitInline dijitPaletteImg'>" +
- "<img src='${blankGif}' alt='${alt}' class='dijitColorPaletteSwatch' style='background-color: ${color}'/>" +
- "</span>",
- // Template for each cell in high contrast mode. Each cell contains an image with the whole palette,
- // but scrolled and clipped to show the correct color only
- hcTemplate:
- "<span class='dijitInline dijitPaletteImg' style='position: relative; overflow: hidden; height: 12px; width: 14px;'>" +
- "<img src='${image}' alt='${alt}' style='position: absolute; left: ${left}px; top: ${top}px; ${size}'/>" +
- "</span>",
- // _imagePaths: [protected] Map
- // This is stores the path to the palette images used for high-contrast mode display
- _imagePaths: {
- "7x10": require.toUrl("./themes/a11y/colors7x10.png"),
- "3x4": require.toUrl("./themes/a11y/colors3x4.png")
- },
- constructor: function(/*String*/alias, /*Number*/ row, /*Number*/ col){
- this._alias = alias;
- this._row = row;
- this._col = col;
- this.setColor(Color.named[alias]);
- },
- getValue: function(){
- // summary:
- // Note that although dijit._Color is initialized with a value like "white" getValue() always
- // returns a hex value
- return this.toHex();
- },
- fillCell: function(/*DOMNode*/ cell, /*String*/ blankGif){
- var html = string.substitute(this.hc ? this.hcTemplate : this.template, {
- // substitution variables for normal mode
- color: this.toHex(),
- blankGif: blankGif,
- alt: this._alias,
- // variables used for high contrast mode
- image: this._imagePaths[this.palette].toString(),
- left: this._col * -20 - 5,
- top: this._row * -20 - 5,
- size: this.palette == "7x10" ? "height: 145px; width: 206px" : "height: 64px; width: 86px"
- });
-, cell);
- }
-return ColorPalette;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/Declaration.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/Declaration.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d06f328d..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/Declaration.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/Declaration", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/connect", // connect.connect
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject
- "dojo/parser", // parser._functionFromScript
- "dojo/query", // query
- "./_Widget",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./_WidgetsInTemplateMixin",
- "dojo/NodeList-dom"
-], function(array, connect, declare, lang, parser, query, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _WidgetsInTemplateMixin = dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/Declaration
- // summary:
- // The Declaration widget allows a developer to declare new widget
- // classes directly from a snippet of markup.
- return declare("dijit.Declaration", _Widget, {
- // summary:
- // The Declaration widget allows a developer to declare new widget
- // classes directly from a snippet of markup.
- // _noScript: [private] Boolean
- // Flag to parser to leave alone the script tags contained inside of me
- _noScript: true,
- // stopParser: [private] Boolean
- // Flag to parser to not try and parse widgets declared inside of me
- stopParser: true,
- // widgetClass: [const] String
- // Name of class being declared, ex: "acme.myWidget"
- widgetClass: "",
- // propList: [const] Object
- // Set of attributes for this widget along with default values, ex:
- // {delay: 100, title: "hello world"}
- defaults: null,
- // mixins: [const] String[]
- // List containing the prototype for this widget, and also any mixins,
- // ex: ["dijit._Widget", "dijit._Container"]
- mixins: [],
- buildRendering: function(){
- var src = this.srcNodeRef.parentNode.removeChild(this.srcNodeRef),
- methods = query("> script[type^='dojo/method']", src).orphan(),
- connects = query("> script[type^='dojo/connect']", src).orphan(),
- srcType = src.nodeName;
- var propList = this.defaults || {};
- // For all methods defined like <script type="dojo/method" data-dojo-event="foo">,
- // add that method to prototype.
- // If there's no "event" specified then it's code to run on instantiation,
- // so it becomes a connection to "postscript" (handled below).
- array.forEach(methods, function(s){
- var evt = s.getAttribute("event") || s.getAttribute("data-dojo-event"),
- func = parser._functionFromScript(s);
- if(evt){
- propList[evt] = func;
- }else{
- connects.push(s);
- }
- });
- // map array of strings like [ "dijit.form.Button" ] to array of mixin objects
- // (note that, lang.getObject) doesn't work because it passes
- // a bogus third argument to getObject(), confusing it)
- this.mixins = this.mixins.length ?
-, function(name){ return lang.getObject(name); } ) :
- [ _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin ];
- propList._skipNodeCache = true;
- propList.templateString =
- "<"+srcType+" class='"+src.className+"'" +
- " data-dojo-attach-point='"+
- (src.getAttribute("data-dojo-attach-point") || src.getAttribute("dojoAttachPoint") || '')+
- "' data-dojo-attach-event='"+
- (src.getAttribute("data-dojo-attach-event") || src.getAttribute("dojoAttachEvent") || '')+
- "' >"+src.innerHTML.replace(/\%7B/g,"{").replace(/\%7D/g,"}")+"</"+srcType+">";
- // create the new widget class
- var wc = declare(
- this.widgetClass,
- this.mixins,
- propList
- );
- // Handle <script> blocks of form:
- // <script type="dojo/connect" data-dojo-event="foo">
- // and
- // <script type="dojo/method">
- // (Note that the second one is just shorthand for a dojo/connect to postscript)
- // Since this is a connect in the declaration, we are actually connection to the method
- // in the _prototype_.
- array.forEach(connects, function(s){
- var evt = s.getAttribute("event") || s.getAttribute("data-dojo-event") || "postscript",
- func = parser._functionFromScript(s);
- connect.connect(wc.prototype, evt, func);
- });
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/Dialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/Dialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index aa763b074..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/Dialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,643 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/Dialog.html':"<div class=\"dijitDialog\" role=\"dialog\" aria-labelledby=\"${id}_title\">\n\t<div data-dojo-attach-point=\"titleBar\" class=\"dijitDialogTitleBar\">\n\t<span data-dojo-attach-point=\"titleNode\" class=\"dijitDialogTitle\" id=\"${id}_title\"></span>\n\t<span data-dojo-attach-point=\"closeButtonNode\" class=\"dijitDialogCloseIcon\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"ondijitclick: onCancel\" title=\"${buttonCancel}\" role=\"button\" tabIndex=\"-1\">\n\t\t<span data-dojo-attach-point=\"closeText\" class=\"closeText\" title=\"${buttonCancel}\">x</span>\n\t</span>\n\t</div>\n\t\t<div data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\" class=\"dijitDialogPaneContent\"></div>\n</div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/Dialog", [
- "require",
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.indexOf
- "dojo/_base/connect", // connect._keypress
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/Deferred", // Deferred
- "dojo/dom", // dom.isDescendant
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.contains
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.position
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.set
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/fx", // fx.fadeIn fx.fadeOut
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.isAsync
- "dojo/keys",
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin lang.hitch
- "dojo/on",
- "dojo/ready",
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("opera")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "dojo/window", // winUtils.getBox
- "dojo/dnd/Moveable", // Moveable
- "dojo/dnd/TimedMoveable", // TimedMoveable
- "./focus",
- "./_base/manager", // manager.defaultDuration
- "./_Widget",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./_CssStateMixin",
- "./form/_FormMixin",
- "./_DialogMixin",
- "./DialogUnderlay",
- "./layout/ContentPane",
- "dojo/text!./templates/Dialog.html",
- ".", // for back-compat, exporting dijit._underlay (remove in 2.0)
- "dojo/i18n!./nls/common"
-], function(require, array, connect, declare, Deferred,
- dom, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle, event, fx, i18n, kernel, keys, lang, on, ready, has, win, winUtils,
- Moveable, TimedMoveable, focus, manager, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _CssStateMixin, _FormMixin, _DialogMixin,
- DialogUnderlay, ContentPane, template, dijit){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _CssStateMixin = dijit._CssStateMixin;
- var _FormMixin = dijit.form._FormMixin;
- var _DialogMixin = dijit._DialogMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/Dialog
- // summary:
- // A modal dialog Widget
- /*=====
- dijit._underlay = function(kwArgs){
- // summary:
- // A shared instance of a `dijit.DialogUnderlay`
- //
- // description:
- // A shared instance of a `dijit.DialogUnderlay` created and
- // used by `dijit.Dialog`, though never created until some Dialog
- // or subclass thereof is shown.
- };
- =====*/
- var _DialogBase = declare("dijit._DialogBase", [_TemplatedMixin, _FormMixin, _DialogMixin, _CssStateMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A modal dialog Widget
- //
- // description:
- // Pops up a modal dialog window, blocking access to the screen
- // and also graying out the screen Dialog is extended from
- // ContentPane so it supports all the same parameters (href, etc.)
- //
- // example:
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.Dialog" data-dojo-props="href: 'test.html'"></div>
- //
- // example:
- // | var foo = new dijit.Dialog({ title: "test dialog", content: "test content" };
- // | dojo.body().appendChild(foo.domNode);
- // | foo.startup();
- templateString: template,
- baseClass: "dijitDialog",
- cssStateNodes: {
- closeButtonNode: "dijitDialogCloseIcon"
- },
- // Map widget attributes to DOMNode attributes.
- _setTitleAttr: [
- { node: "titleNode", type: "innerHTML" },
- { node: "titleBar", type: "attribute" }
- ],
- // open: [readonly] Boolean
- // True if Dialog is currently displayed on screen.
- open: false,
- // duration: Integer
- // The time in milliseconds it takes the dialog to fade in and out
- duration: manager.defaultDuration,
- // refocus: Boolean
- // A Toggle to modify the default focus behavior of a Dialog, which
- // is to re-focus the element which had focus before being opened.
- // False will disable refocusing. Default: true
- refocus: true,
- // autofocus: Boolean
- // A Toggle to modify the default focus behavior of a Dialog, which
- // is to focus on the first dialog element after opening the dialog.
- // False will disable autofocusing. Default: true
- autofocus: true,
- // _firstFocusItem: [private readonly] DomNode
- // The pointer to the first focusable node in the dialog.
- // Set by `dijit._DialogMixin._getFocusItems`.
- _firstFocusItem: null,
- // _lastFocusItem: [private readonly] DomNode
- // The pointer to which node has focus prior to our dialog.
- // Set by `dijit._DialogMixin._getFocusItems`.
- _lastFocusItem: null,
- // doLayout: [protected] Boolean
- // Don't change this parameter from the default value.
- // This ContentPane parameter doesn't make sense for Dialog, since Dialog
- // is never a child of a layout container, nor can you specify the size of
- // Dialog in order to control the size of an inner widget.
- doLayout: false,
- // draggable: Boolean
- // Toggles the moveable aspect of the Dialog. If true, Dialog
- // can be dragged by it's title. If false it will remain centered
- // in the viewport.
- draggable: true,
- //aria-describedby: String
- // Allows the user to add an aria-describedby attribute onto the dialog. The value should
- // be the id of the container element of text that describes the dialog purpose (usually
- // the first text in the dialog).
- // <div data-dojo-type="dijit.Dialog" aria-describedby="intro" .....>
- // <div id="intro">Introductory text</div>
- // <div>rest of dialog contents</div>
- // </div>
- "aria-describedby":"",
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- var _nlsResources = i18n.getLocalization("dijit", "common");
- lang.mixin(this, _nlsResources);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- domStyle.set(this.domNode, {
- display: "none",
- position:"absolute"
- });
- win.body().appendChild(this.domNode);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.connect(this, "onExecute", "hide");
- this.connect(this, "onCancel", "hide");
- this._modalconnects = [];
- },
- onLoad: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when data has been loaded from an href.
- // Unlike most other callbacks, this function can be connected to (via `dojo.connect`)
- // but should *not* be overridden.
- // tags:
- // callback
- // when href is specified we need to reposition the dialog after the data is loaded
- // and find the focusable elements
- this._position();
- if(this.autofocus && DialogLevelManager.isTop(this)){
- this._getFocusItems(this.domNode);
- focus.focus(this._firstFocusItem);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _endDrag: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called after dragging the Dialog. Saves the position of the dialog in the viewport,
- // and also adjust position to be fully within the viewport, so user doesn't lose access to handle
- var nodePosition = domGeometry.position(this.domNode),
- viewport = winUtils.getBox();
- nodePosition.y = Math.min(Math.max(nodePosition.y, 0), (viewport.h - nodePosition.h));
- nodePosition.x = Math.min(Math.max(nodePosition.x, 0), (viewport.w - nodePosition.w));
- this._relativePosition = nodePosition;
- this._position();
- },
- _setup: function(){
- // summary:
- // Stuff we need to do before showing the Dialog for the first
- // time (but we defer it until right beforehand, for
- // performance reasons).
- // tags:
- // private
- var node = this.domNode;
- if(this.titleBar && this.draggable){
- this._moveable = new ((has("ie") == 6) ? TimedMoveable // prevent overload, see #5285
- : Moveable)(node, { handle: this.titleBar });
- this.connect(this._moveable, "onMoveStop", "_endDrag");
- }else{
- domClass.add(node,"dijitDialogFixed");
- }
- this.underlayAttrs = {
- dialogId:,
- "class":["class"].split(/\s/), function(s){ return s+"_underlay"; }).join(" ")
- };
- },
- _size: function(){
- // summary:
- // If necessary, shrink dialog contents so dialog fits in viewport
- // tags:
- // private
- this._checkIfSingleChild();
- // If we resized the dialog contents earlier, reset them back to original size, so
- // that if the user later increases the viewport size, the dialog can display w/out a scrollbar.
- // Need to do this before the domGeometry.position(this.domNode) call below.
- if(this._singleChild){
- if(this._singleChildOriginalStyle){
- = this._singleChildOriginalStyle;
- }
- delete this._singleChildOriginalStyle;
- }else{
- domStyle.set(this.containerNode, {
- width:"auto",
- height:"auto"
- });
- }
- var bb = domGeometry.position(this.domNode);
- var viewport = winUtils.getBox();
- if(bb.w >= viewport.w || bb.h >= viewport.h){
- // Reduce size of dialog contents so that dialog fits in viewport
- var w = Math.min(bb.w, Math.floor(viewport.w * 0.75)),
- h = Math.min(bb.h, Math.floor(viewport.h * 0.75));
- if(this._singleChild && this._singleChild.resize){
- this._singleChildOriginalStyle =;
- this._singleChild.resize({w: w, h: h});
- }else{
- domStyle.set(this.containerNode, {
- width: w + "px",
- height: h + "px",
- overflow: "auto",
- position: "relative" // workaround IE bug moving scrollbar or dragging dialog
- });
- }
- }else{
- if(this._singleChild && this._singleChild.resize){
- this._singleChild.resize();
- }
- }
- },
- _position: function(){
- // summary:
- // Position modal dialog in the viewport. If no relative offset
- // in the viewport has been determined (by dragging, for instance),
- // center the node. Otherwise, use the Dialog's stored relative offset,
- // and position the node to top: left: values based on the viewport.
- if(!domClass.contains(win.body(), "dojoMove")){ // don't do anything if called during auto-scroll
- var node = this.domNode,
- viewport = winUtils.getBox(),
- p = this._relativePosition,
- bb = p ? null : domGeometry.position(node),
- l = Math.floor(viewport.l + (p ? p.x : (viewport.w - bb.w) / 2)),
- t = Math.floor(viewport.t + (p ? p.y : (viewport.h - bb.h) / 2))
- ;
- domStyle.set(node,{
- left: l + "px",
- top: t + "px"
- });
- }
- },
- _onKey: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handles the keyboard events for accessibility reasons
- // tags:
- // private
- if(evt.charOrCode){
- var node =;
- if(evt.charOrCode === keys.TAB){
- this._getFocusItems(this.domNode);
- }
- var singleFocusItem = (this._firstFocusItem == this._lastFocusItem);
- // see if we are shift-tabbing from first focusable item on dialog
- if(node == this._firstFocusItem && evt.shiftKey && evt.charOrCode === keys.TAB){
- if(!singleFocusItem){
- focus.focus(this._lastFocusItem); // send focus to last item in dialog
- }
- event.stop(evt);
- }else if(node == this._lastFocusItem && evt.charOrCode === keys.TAB && !evt.shiftKey){
- if(!singleFocusItem){
- focus.focus(this._firstFocusItem); // send focus to first item in dialog
- }
- event.stop(evt);
- }else{
- // see if the key is for the dialog
- while(node){
- if(node == this.domNode || domClass.contains(node, "dijitPopup")){
- if(evt.charOrCode == keys.ESCAPE){
- this.onCancel();
- }else{
- return; // just let it go
- }
- }
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- // this key is for the disabled document window
- if(evt.charOrCode !== keys.TAB){ // allow tabbing into the dialog for a11y
- event.stop(evt);
- // opera won't tab to a div
- }else if(!has("opera")){
- try{
- this._firstFocusItem.focus();
- }catch(e){ /*squelch*/ }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- show: function(){
- // summary:
- // Display the dialog
- // returns: dojo.Deferred
- // Deferred object that resolves when the display animation is complete
- if({ return; }
- if(!this._started){
- this.startup();
- }
- // first time we show the dialog, there's some initialization stuff to do
- if(!this._alreadyInitialized){
- this._setup();
- this._alreadyInitialized=true;
- }
- if(this._fadeOutDeferred){
- this._fadeOutDeferred.cancel();
- }
- this._modalconnects.push(on(window, "scroll", lang.hitch(this, "layout")));
- this._modalconnects.push(on(window, "resize", lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // IE gives spurious resize events and can actually get stuck
- // in an infinite loop if we don't ignore them
- var viewport = winUtils.getBox();
- if(!this._oldViewport ||
- viewport.h != this._oldViewport.h ||
- viewport.w != this._oldViewport.w){
- this.layout();
- this._oldViewport = viewport;
- }
- })));
- this._modalconnects.push(on(this.domNode, connect._keypress, lang.hitch(this, "_onKey")));
- domStyle.set(this.domNode, {
- opacity:0,
- display:""
- });
- this._set("open", true);
- this._onShow(); // lazy load trigger
- this._size();
- this._position();
- // fade-in Animation object, setup below
- var fadeIn;
- this._fadeInDeferred = new Deferred(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- fadeIn.stop();
- delete this._fadeInDeferred;
- }));
- fadeIn = fx.fadeIn({
- node: this.domNode,
- duration: this.duration,
- beforeBegin: lang.hitch(this, function(){
-, this.underlayAttrs);
- }),
- onEnd: lang.hitch(this, function(){
- if(this.autofocus && DialogLevelManager.isTop(this)){
- // find focusable items each time dialog is shown since if dialog contains a widget the
- // first focusable items can change
- this._getFocusItems(this.domNode);
- focus.focus(this._firstFocusItem);
- }
- this._fadeInDeferred.callback(true);
- delete this._fadeInDeferred;
- })
- }).play();
- return this._fadeInDeferred;
- },
- hide: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hide the dialog
- // returns: dojo.Deferred
- // Deferred object that resolves when the hide animation is complete
- // if we haven't been initialized yet then we aren't showing and we can just return
- if(!this._alreadyInitialized){
- return;
- }
- if(this._fadeInDeferred){
- this._fadeInDeferred.cancel();
- }
- // fade-in Animation object, setup below
- var fadeOut;
- this._fadeOutDeferred = new Deferred(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- fadeOut.stop();
- delete this._fadeOutDeferred;
- }));
- // fire onHide when the promise resolves.
- this._fadeOutDeferred.then(lang.hitch(this, 'onHide'));
- fadeOut = fx.fadeOut({
- node: this.domNode,
- duration: this.duration,
- onEnd: lang.hitch(this, function(){
- = "none";
- DialogLevelManager.hide(this);
- this._fadeOutDeferred.callback(true);
- delete this._fadeOutDeferred;
- })
- }).play();
- if(this._scrollConnected){
- this._scrollConnected = false;
- }
- var h;
- while(h = this._modalconnects.pop()){
- h.remove();
- }
- if(this._relativePosition){
- delete this._relativePosition;
- }
- this._set("open", false);
- return this._fadeOutDeferred;
- },
- layout: function(){
- // summary:
- // Position the Dialog and the underlay
- // tags:
- // private
- if( != "none"){
- if(dijit._underlay){ // avoid race condition during show()
- dijit._underlay.layout();
- }
- this._position();
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- if(this._fadeInDeferred){
- this._fadeInDeferred.cancel();
- }
- if(this._fadeOutDeferred){
- this._fadeOutDeferred.cancel();
- }
- if(this._moveable){
- this._moveable.destroy();
- }
- var h;
- while(h = this._modalconnects.pop()){
- h.remove();
- }
- DialogLevelManager.hide(this);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
- var Dialog = declare("dijit.Dialog", [ContentPane, _DialogBase], {});
- Dialog._DialogBase = _DialogBase; // for monkey patching
- var DialogLevelManager = Dialog._DialogLevelManager = {
- // summary:
- // Controls the various active "levels" on the page, starting with the
- // stuff initially visible on the page (at z-index 0), and then having an entry for
- // each Dialog shown.
- _beginZIndex: 950,
- show: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ dialog, /*Object*/ underlayAttrs){
- // summary:
- // Call right before fade-in animation for new dialog.
- // Saves current focus, displays/adjusts underlay for new dialog,
- // and sets the z-index of the dialog itself.
- //
- // New dialog will be displayed on top of all currently displayed dialogs.
- //
- // Caller is responsible for setting focus in new dialog after the fade-in
- // animation completes.
- // Save current focus
- ds[ds.length-1].focus = focus.curNode;
- // Display the underlay, or if already displayed then adjust for this new dialog
- var underlay = dijit._underlay;
- if(!underlay || underlay._destroyed){
- underlay = dijit._underlay = new DialogUnderlay(underlayAttrs);
- }else{
- underlay.set(dialog.underlayAttrs);
- }
- // Set z-index a bit above previous dialog
- var zIndex = ds[ds.length-1].dialog ? ds[ds.length-1].zIndex + 2 : Dialog._DialogLevelManager._beginZIndex;
- if(ds.length == 1){ // first dialog
- }
- domStyle.set(dijit._underlay.domNode, 'zIndex', zIndex - 1);
- // Dialog
- domStyle.set(dialog.domNode, 'zIndex', zIndex);
- ds.push({dialog: dialog, underlayAttrs: underlayAttrs, zIndex: zIndex});
- },
- hide: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ dialog){
- // summary:
- // Called when the specified dialog is hidden/destroyed, after the fade-out
- // animation ends, in order to reset page focus, fix the underlay, etc.
- // If the specified dialog isn't open then does nothing.
- //
- // Caller is responsible for either setting display:none on the dialog domNode,
- // or calling dijit.popup.hide(), or removing it from the page DOM.
- if(ds[ds.length-1].dialog == dialog){
- // Removing the top (or only) dialog in the stack, return focus
- // to previous dialog
- ds.pop();
- var pd = ds[ds.length-1]; // the new active dialog (or the base page itself)
- // Adjust underlay
- if(ds.length == 1){
- // Returning to original page.
- // Hide the underlay, unless the underlay widget has already been destroyed
- // because we are being called during page unload (when all widgets are destroyed)
- if(!dijit._underlay._destroyed){
- dijit._underlay.hide();
- }
- }else{
- // Popping back to previous dialog, adjust underlay
- domStyle.set(dijit._underlay.domNode, 'zIndex', pd.zIndex - 1);
- dijit._underlay.set(pd.underlayAttrs);
- }
- // Adjust focus
- if(dialog.refocus){
- // If we are returning control to a previous dialog but for some reason
- // that dialog didn't have a focused field, set focus to first focusable item.
- // This situation could happen if two dialogs appeared at nearly the same time,
- // since a dialog doesn't set it's focus until the fade-in is finished.
- var focus = pd.focus;
- if(pd.dialog && (!focus || !dom.isDescendant(focus, pd.dialog.domNode))){
- pd.dialog._getFocusItems(pd.dialog.domNode);
- focus = pd.dialog._firstFocusItem;
- }
- if(focus){
- // Refocus the button that spawned the Dialog. This will fail in corner cases including
- // page unload on IE, because the dijit/form/Button that launched the Dialog may get destroyed
- // before this code runs. (#15058)
- try{
- focus.focus();
- }catch(e){}
- }
- }
- }else{
- // Removing a dialog out of order (#9944, #10705).
- // Don't need to mess with underlay or z-index or anything.
- var idx = array.indexOf(, function(elem){return elem.dialog}), dialog);
- if(idx != -1){
- ds.splice(idx, 1);
- }
- }
- },
- isTop: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ dialog){
- // summary:
- // Returns true if specified Dialog is the top in the task
- return ds[ds.length-1].dialog == dialog;
- }
- };
- // Stack representing the various active "levels" on the page, starting with the
- // stuff initially visible on the page (at z-index 0), and then having an entry for
- // each Dialog shown.
- // Each element in stack has form {
- // dialog: dialogWidget,
- // focus: returnFromGetFocus(),
- // underlayAttrs: attributes to set on underlay (when this widget is active)
- // }
- var ds = Dialog._dialogStack = [
- {dialog: null, focus: null, underlayAttrs: null} // entry for stuff at z-index: 0
- ];
- // Back compat w/1.6, remove for 2.0
- if(!kernel.isAsync){
- ready(0, function(){
- var requires = ["dijit/TooltipDialog"];
- require(requires); // use indirection so modules not rolled into a build
- });
- }
- return Dialog;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/DialogUnderlay.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/DialogUnderlay.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 13d2817b6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/DialogUnderlay.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/DialogUnderlay", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "dojo/window", // winUtils.getBox
- "./_Widget",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./BackgroundIframe"
-], function(declare, domAttr, win, winUtils, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, BackgroundIframe){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/DialogUnderlay
- // summary:
- // The component that blocks the screen behind a `dijit.Dialog`
- return declare("dijit.DialogUnderlay", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], {
- // summary:
- // The component that blocks the screen behind a `dijit.Dialog`
- //
- // description:
- // A component used to block input behind a `dijit.Dialog`. Only a single
- // instance of this widget is created by `dijit.Dialog`, and saved as
- // a reference to be shared between all Dialogs as `dijit._underlay`
- //
- // The underlay itself can be styled based on and id:
- // | #myDialog_underlay { background-color:red; }
- //
- // In the case of `dijit.Dialog`, this id is based on the id of the Dialog,
- // suffixed with _underlay.
- // Template has two divs; outer div is used for fade-in/fade-out, and also to hold background iframe.
- // Inner div has opacity specified in CSS file.
- templateString: "<div class='dijitDialogUnderlayWrapper'><div class='dijitDialogUnderlay' data-dojo-attach-point='node'></div></div>",
- // Parameters on creation or updatable later
- // dialogId: String
- // Id of the dialog.... DialogUnderlay's id is based on this id
- dialogId: "",
- // class: String
- // This class name is used on the DialogUnderlay node, in addition to dijitDialogUnderlay
- "class": "",
- _setDialogIdAttr: function(id){
- domAttr.set(this.node, "id", id + "_underlay");
- this._set("dialogId", id);
- },
- _setClassAttr: function(clazz){
- this.node.className = "dijitDialogUnderlay " + clazz;
- this._set("class", clazz);
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- // summary:
- // Append the underlay to the body
- win.body().appendChild(this.domNode);
- },
- layout: function(){
- // summary:
- // Sets the background to the size of the viewport
- //
- // description:
- // Sets the background to the size of the viewport (rather than the size
- // of the document) since we need to cover the whole browser window, even
- // if the document is only a few lines long.
- // tags:
- // private
- var is =,
- os =;
- // hide the background temporarily, so that the background itself isn't
- // causing scrollbars to appear (might happen when user shrinks browser
- // window and then we are called to resize)
- os.display = "none";
- // then resize and show
- var viewport = winUtils.getBox();
- = viewport.t + "px";
- os.left = viewport.l + "px";
- is.width = viewport.w + "px";
- is.height = viewport.h + "px";
- os.display = "block";
- },
- show: function(){
- // summary:
- // Show the dialog underlay
- = "block";
- this.layout();
- this.bgIframe = new BackgroundIframe(this.domNode);
- },
- hide: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hides the dialog underlay
- this.bgIframe.destroy();
- delete this.bgIframe;
- = "none";
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/DropDownMenu.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/DropDownMenu.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a1f9041c8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/DropDownMenu.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/Menu.html':"<table class=\"dijit dijitMenu dijitMenuPassive dijitReset dijitMenuTable\" role=\"menu\" tabIndex=\"${tabIndex}\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onkeypress:_onKeyPress\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n\t<tbody class=\"dijitReset\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\"></tbody>\n</table>\n"}});
-define("dijit/DropDownMenu", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys", // keys
- "dojo/text!./templates/Menu.html",
- "./_OnDijitClickMixin",
- "./_MenuBase"
-], function(declare, event, keys, template, _OnDijitClickMixin, _MenuBase){
- var _MenuBase = dijit._MenuBase;
- var _OnDijitClickMixin = dijit._OnDijitClickMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/DropDownMenu
- // summary:
- // dijit.DropDownMenu widget
- return declare("dijit.DropDownMenu", [_MenuBase, _OnDijitClickMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A menu, without features for context menu (Meaning, drop down menu)
- templateString: template,
- baseClass: "dijitMenu",
- postCreate: function(){
- var l = this.isLeftToRight();
- this._openSubMenuKey = l ? keys.RIGHT_ARROW : keys.LEFT_ARROW;
- this._closeSubMenuKey = l ? keys.LEFT_ARROW : keys.RIGHT_ARROW;
- this.connectKeyNavHandlers([keys.UP_ARROW], [keys.DOWN_ARROW]);
- },
- _onKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handle keyboard based menu navigation.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey){ return; }
- switch(evt.charOrCode){
- case this._openSubMenuKey:
- this._moveToPopup(evt);
- event.stop(evt);
- break;
- case this._closeSubMenuKey:
- if(this.parentMenu){
- if(this.parentMenu._isMenuBar){
- this.parentMenu.focusPrev();
- }else{
- this.onCancel(false);
- }
- }else{
- event.stop(evt);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/Editor.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/Editor.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac7a238e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/Editor.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,859 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/Editor", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/Deferred", // Deferred
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add
- "dojo/dom-geometry",
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.set, get
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys", // keys.F1 keys.F15 keys.TAB
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject lang.hitch
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("mac") has("webkit")
- "dojo/string", // string.substitute
- "dojo/topic", // topic.publish()
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.withGlobal
- "./_base/focus", // dijit.getBookmark()
- "./_Container",
- "./Toolbar",
- "./ToolbarSeparator",
- "./layout/_LayoutWidget",
- "./form/ToggleButton",
- "./_editor/_Plugin",
- "./_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling",
- "./_editor/html",
- "./_editor/range",
- "./_editor/RichText",
- ".", // dijit._scopeName
- "dojo/i18n!./_editor/nls/commands"
-], function(array, declare, Deferred, i18n, domAttr, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle,
- event, keys, lang, has, string, topic, win,
- focusBase, _Container, Toolbar, ToolbarSeparator, _LayoutWidget, ToggleButton,
- _Plugin, EnterKeyHandling, html, rangeapi, RichText, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/Editor
- // summary:
- // A rich text Editing widget
- var Editor = declare("dijit.Editor", RichText, {
- // summary:
- // A rich text Editing widget
- //
- // description:
- // This widget provides basic WYSIWYG editing features, based on the browser's
- // underlying rich text editing capability, accompanied by a toolbar (`dijit.Toolbar`).
- // A plugin model is available to extend the editor's capabilities as well as the
- // the options available in the toolbar. Content generation may vary across
- // browsers, and clipboard operations may have different results, to name
- // a few limitations. Note: this widget should not be used with the HTML
- // &lt;TEXTAREA&gt; tag -- see dijit._editor.RichText for details.
- // plugins: [const] Object[]
- // A list of plugin names (as strings) or instances (as objects)
- // for this widget.
- //
- // When declared in markup, it might look like:
- // | plugins="['bold',{name:'dijit._editor.plugins.FontChoice', command:'fontName', generic:true}]"
- plugins: null,
- // extraPlugins: [const] Object[]
- // A list of extra plugin names which will be appended to plugins array
- extraPlugins: null,
- constructor: function(){
- // summary:
- // Runs on widget initialization to setup arrays etc.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!lang.isArray(this.plugins)){
- this.plugins=["undo","redo","|","cut","copy","paste","|","bold","italic","underline","strikethrough","|",
- "insertOrderedList","insertUnorderedList","indent","outdent","|","justifyLeft","justifyRight","justifyCenter","justifyFull",
- EnterKeyHandling /*, "createLink"*/];
- }
- this._plugins=[];
- this._editInterval = this.editActionInterval * 1000;
- //IE will always lose focus when other element gets focus, while for FF and safari,
- //when no iframe is used, focus will be lost whenever another element gets focus.
- //For IE, we can connect to onBeforeDeactivate, which will be called right before
- //the focus is lost, so we can obtain the selected range. For other browsers,
- //no equivalent of onBeforeDeactivate, so we need to do two things to make sure
- //selection is properly saved before focus is lost: 1) when user clicks another
- //element in the page, in which case we listen to mousedown on the entire page and
- //see whether user clicks out of a focus editor, if so, save selection (focus will
- //only lost after onmousedown event is fired, so we can obtain correct caret pos.)
- //2) when user tabs away from the editor, which is handled in onKeyDown below.
- if(has("ie")){
- }
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // summary:
- // Extension to make sure a deferred is in place before certain functions
- // execute, like making sure all the plugins are properly inserted.
- // Set up a deferred so that the value isn't applied to the editor
- // until all the plugins load, needed to avoid timing condition
- // reported in #10537.
- this.setValueDeferred = new Deferred();
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- //for custom undo/redo, if enabled.
- this._steps=this._steps.slice(0);
- this._undoedSteps=this._undoedSteps.slice(0);
- if(lang.isArray(this.extraPlugins)){
- this.plugins=this.plugins.concat(this.extraPlugins);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.commands = i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "commands", this.lang);
- if(!this.toolbar){
- // if we haven't been assigned a toolbar, create one
- this.toolbar = new Toolbar({
- dir: this.dir,
- lang: this.lang
- });
- this.header.appendChild(this.toolbar.domNode);
- }
- array.forEach(this.plugins, this.addPlugin, this);
- // Okay, denote the value can now be set.
- this.setValueDeferred.callback(true);
- domClass.add(this.iframe.parentNode, "dijitEditorIFrameContainer");
- domClass.add(this.iframe, "dijitEditorIFrame");
- domAttr.set(this.iframe, "allowTransparency", true);
- if(has("webkit")){
- // Disable selecting the entire editor by inadvertent double-clicks.
- // on buttons, title bar, etc. Otherwise clicking too fast on
- // a button such as undo/redo selects the entire editor.
- domStyle.set(this.domNode, "KhtmlUserSelect", "none");
- }
- this.toolbar.startup();
- this.onNormalizedDisplayChanged(); //update toolbar button status
- },
- destroy: function(){
- array.forEach(this._plugins, function(p){
- if(p && p.destroy){
- p.destroy();
- }
- });
- this._plugins=[];
- this.toolbar.destroyRecursive();
- delete this.toolbar;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- addPlugin: function(/*String||Object||Function*/plugin, /*Integer?*/index){
- // summary:
- // takes a plugin name as a string or a plugin instance and
- // adds it to the toolbar and associates it with this editor
- // instance. The resulting plugin is added to the Editor's
- // plugins array. If index is passed, it's placed in the plugins
- // array at that index. No big magic, but a nice helper for
- // passing in plugin names via markup.
- //
- // plugin: String, args object, plugin instance, or plugin constructor
- //
- // args:
- // This object will be passed to the plugin constructor
- //
- // index: Integer
- // Used when creating an instance from
- // something already in this.plugins. Ensures that the new
- // instance is assigned to this.plugins at that index.
- var args=lang.isString(plugin)?{name:plugin}:lang.isFunction(plugin)?{ctor:plugin}:plugin;
- if(!args.setEditor){
- var o={"args":args,"plugin":null,"editor":this};
- if({
- // search registry for a plugin factory matching, if it's not there then
- // fallback to 1.0 API:
- // ask all loaded plugin modules to fill in o.plugin if they can (ie, if they implement
- // remove fallback for 2.0.
- if(_Plugin.registry[]){
- o.plugin = _Plugin.registry[](args);
- }else{
- topic.publish(dijit._scopeName + ".Editor.getPlugin", o); // publish
- }
- }
- if(!o.plugin){
- var pc = args.ctor || lang.getObject(;
- if(pc){
- o.plugin=new pc(args);
- }
- }
- if(!o.plugin){
- console.warn('Cannot find plugin',plugin);
- return;
- }
- plugin=o.plugin;
- }
- if(arguments.length > 1){
- this._plugins[index] = plugin;
- }else{
- this._plugins.push(plugin);
- }
- plugin.setEditor(this);
- if(lang.isFunction(plugin.setToolbar)){
- plugin.setToolbar(this.toolbar);
- }
- },
- //the following 2 functions are required to make the editor play nice under a layout widget, see #4070
- resize: function(size){
- // summary:
- // Resize the editor to the specified size, see `dijit.layout._LayoutWidget.resize`
- if(size){
- // we've been given a height/width for the entire editor (toolbar + contents), calls layout()
- // to split the allocated size between the toolbar and the contents
- _LayoutWidget.prototype.resize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- /*
- else{
- // do nothing, the editor is already laid out correctly. The user has probably specified
- // the height parameter, which was used to set a size on the iframe
- }
- */
- },
- layout: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called from `dijit.layout._LayoutWidget.resize`. This shouldn't be called directly
- // tags:
- // protected
- // Converts the iframe (or rather the <div> surrounding it) to take all the available space
- // except what's needed for the header (toolbars) and footer (breadcrumbs, etc).
- // A class was added to the iframe container and some themes style it, so we have to
- // calc off the added margins and padding too. See tracker: #10662
- var areaHeight = (this._contentBox.h -
- (this.getHeaderHeight() + this.getFooterHeight() +
- domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(this.iframe.parentNode).h +
- domGeometry.getMarginExtents(this.iframe.parentNode).h));
- = areaHeight + "px";
- if(this.iframe){
- }
- this._layoutMode = true;
- },
- _onIEMouseDown: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // IE only to prevent 2 clicks to focus
- // tags:
- // private
- var outsideClientArea;
- // IE 8's componentFromPoint is broken, which is a shame since it
- // was smaller code, but oh well. We have to do this brute force
- // to detect if the click was scroller or not.
- var b = this.document.body;
- var clientWidth = b.clientWidth;
- var clientHeight = b.clientHeight;
- var clientLeft = b.clientLeft;
- var offsetWidth = b.offsetWidth;
- var offsetHeight = b.offsetHeight;
- var offsetLeft = b.offsetLeft;
- //Check for vertical scroller click.
- if(/^rtl$/i.test(b.dir || "")){
- if(clientWidth < offsetWidth && e.x > clientWidth && e.x < offsetWidth){
- // Check the click was between width and offset width, if so, scroller
- outsideClientArea = true;
- }
- }else{
- // RTL mode, we have to go by the left offsets.
- if(e.x < clientLeft && e.x > offsetLeft){
- // Check the click was between width and offset width, if so, scroller
- outsideClientArea = true;
- }
- }
- if(!outsideClientArea){
- // Okay, might be horiz scroller, check that.
- if(clientHeight < offsetHeight && e.y > clientHeight && e.y < offsetHeight){
- // Horizontal scroller.
- outsideClientArea = true;
- }
- }
- if(!outsideClientArea){
- delete this._cursorToStart; // Remove the force to cursor to start position.
- delete this._savedSelection; // new mouse position overrides old selection
- if( == "BODY"){
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, "placeCursorAtEnd"), 0);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- },
- onBeforeActivate: function(){
- this._restoreSelection();
- },
- onBeforeDeactivate: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Called on IE right before focus is lost. Saves the selected range.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.customUndo){
- this.endEditing(true);
- }
- //in IE, the selection will be lost when other elements get focus,
- //let's save focus before the editor is deactivated
- if( != "BODY"){
- this._saveSelection();
- }
- //console.log('onBeforeDeactivate',this);
- },
- /* beginning of custom undo/redo support */
- // customUndo: Boolean
- // Whether we shall use custom undo/redo support instead of the native
- // browser support. By default, we now use custom undo. It works better
- // than native browser support and provides a consistent behavior across
- // browsers with a minimal performance hit. We already had the hit on
- // the slowest browser, IE, anyway.
- customUndo: true,
- // editActionInterval: Integer
- // When using customUndo, not every keystroke will be saved as a step.
- // Instead typing (including delete) will be grouped together: after
- // a user stops typing for editActionInterval seconds, a step will be
- // saved; if a user resume typing within editActionInterval seconds,
- // the timeout will be restarted. By default, editActionInterval is 3
- // seconds.
- editActionInterval: 3,
- beginEditing: function(cmd){
- // summary:
- // Called to note that the user has started typing alphanumeric characters, if it's not already noted.
- // Deals with saving undo; see editActionInterval parameter.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!this._inEditing){
- this._inEditing=true;
- this._beginEditing(cmd);
- }
- if(this.editActionInterval>0){
- if(this._editTimer){
- clearTimeout(this._editTimer);
- }
- this._editTimer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, this.endEditing), this._editInterval);
- }
- },
- // TODO: declaring these in the prototype is meaningless, just create in the constructor/postCreate
- _steps:[],
- _undoedSteps:[],
- execCommand: function(cmd){
- // summary:
- // Main handler for executing any commands to the editor, like paste, bold, etc.
- // Called by plugins, but not meant to be called by end users.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.customUndo && (cmd == 'undo' || cmd == 'redo')){
- return this[cmd]();
- }else{
- if(this.customUndo){
- this.endEditing();
- this._beginEditing();
- }
- var r = this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.customUndo){
- this._endEditing();
- }
- return r;
- }
- },
- _pasteImpl: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride of paste command control to make execCommand cleaner
- // tags:
- // Protected
- return this._clipboardCommand("paste");
- },
- _cutImpl: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride of cut command control to make execCommand cleaner
- // tags:
- // Protected
- return this._clipboardCommand("cut");
- },
- _copyImpl: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride of copy command control to make execCommand cleaner
- // tags:
- // Protected
- return this._clipboardCommand("copy");
- },
- _clipboardCommand: function(cmd){
- // summary:
- // Function to handle processing clipboard commands (or at least try to).
- // tags:
- // Private
- var r;
- try{
- // Try to exec the superclass exec-command and see if it works.
- r = this.document.execCommand(cmd, false, null);
- if(has("webkit") && !r){ //see #4598: webkit does not guarantee clipboard support from js
- throw { code: 1011 }; // throw an object like Mozilla's error
- }
- }catch(e){
- //TODO: when else might we get an exception? Do we need the Mozilla test below?
- if(e.code == 1011 /* Mozilla: service denied */){
- // Warn user of platform limitation. Cannot programmatically access clipboard. See ticket #4136
- var sub = string.substitute,
- accel = {cut:'X', copy:'C', paste:'V'};
- alert(sub(this.commands.systemShortcut,
- [this.commands[cmd], sub(this.commands[has("mac") ? 'appleKey' : 'ctrlKey'], [accel[cmd]])]));
- }
- r = false;
- }
- return r;
- },
- queryCommandEnabled: function(cmd){
- // summary:
- // Returns true if specified editor command is enabled.
- // Used by the plugins to know when to highlight/not highlight buttons.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.customUndo && (cmd == 'undo' || cmd == 'redo')){
- return cmd == 'undo' ? (this._steps.length > 1) : (this._undoedSteps.length > 0);
- }else{
- return this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- },
- _moveToBookmark: function(b){
- // summary:
- // Selects the text specified in bookmark b
- // tags:
- // private
- var bookmark = b.mark;
- var mark = b.mark;
- var col = b.isCollapsed;
- var r, sNode, eNode, sel;
- if(mark){
- if(has("ie") < 9){
- if(lang.isArray(mark)){
- //IE CONTROL, have to use the native bookmark.
- bookmark = [];
- array.forEach(mark,function(n){
- bookmark.push(rangeapi.getNode(n,this.editNode));
- },this);
- win.withGlobal(this.window,'moveToBookmark',dijit,[{mark: bookmark, isCollapsed: col}]);
- }else{
- if(mark.startContainer && mark.endContainer){
- // Use the pseudo WC3 range API. This works better for positions
- // than the IE native bookmark code.
- sel = rangeapi.getSelection(this.window);
- if(sel && sel.removeAllRanges){
- sel.removeAllRanges();
- r = rangeapi.create(this.window);
- sNode = rangeapi.getNode(mark.startContainer,this.editNode);
- eNode = rangeapi.getNode(mark.endContainer,this.editNode);
- if(sNode && eNode){
- // Okay, we believe we found the position, so add it into the selection
- // There are cases where it may not be found, particularly in undo/redo, when
- // IE changes the underlying DOM on us (wraps text in a <p> tag or similar.
- // So, in those cases, don't bother restoring selection.
- r.setStart(sNode,mark.startOffset);
- r.setEnd(eNode,mark.endOffset);
- sel.addRange(r);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }else{//w3c range
- sel = rangeapi.getSelection(this.window);
- if(sel && sel.removeAllRanges){
- sel.removeAllRanges();
- r = rangeapi.create(this.window);
- sNode = rangeapi.getNode(mark.startContainer,this.editNode);
- eNode = rangeapi.getNode(mark.endContainer,this.editNode);
- if(sNode && eNode){
- // Okay, we believe we found the position, so add it into the selection
- // There are cases where it may not be found, particularly in undo/redo, when
- // formatting as been done and so on, so don't restore selection then.
- r.setStart(sNode,mark.startOffset);
- r.setEnd(eNode,mark.endOffset);
- sel.addRange(r);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- _changeToStep: function(from, to){
- // summary:
- // Reverts editor to "to" setting, from the undo stack.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.setValue(to.text);
- var b=to.bookmark;
- if(!b){ return; }
- this._moveToBookmark(b);
- },
- undo: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for editor undo (ex: ctrl-z) operation
- // tags:
- // private
- //console.log('undo');
- var ret = false;
- if(!this._undoRedoActive){
- this._undoRedoActive = true;
- this.endEditing(true);
- var s=this._steps.pop();
- if(s && this._steps.length>0){
- this.focus();
- this._changeToStep(s,this._steps[this._steps.length-1]);
- this._undoedSteps.push(s);
- this.onDisplayChanged();
- delete this._undoRedoActive;
- ret = true;
- }
- delete this._undoRedoActive;
- }
- return ret;
- },
- redo: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for editor redo (ex: ctrl-y) operation
- // tags:
- // private
- //console.log('redo');
- var ret = false;
- if(!this._undoRedoActive){
- this._undoRedoActive = true;
- this.endEditing(true);
- var s=this._undoedSteps.pop();
- if(s && this._steps.length>0){
- this.focus();
- this._changeToStep(this._steps[this._steps.length-1],s);
- this._steps.push(s);
- this.onDisplayChanged();
- ret = true;
- }
- delete this._undoRedoActive;
- }
- return ret;
- },
- endEditing: function(ignore_caret){
- // summary:
- // Called to note that the user has stopped typing alphanumeric characters, if it's not already noted.
- // Deals with saving undo; see editActionInterval parameter.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this._editTimer){
- clearTimeout(this._editTimer);
- }
- if(this._inEditing){
- this._endEditing(ignore_caret);
- this._inEditing=false;
- }
- },
- _getBookmark: function(){
- // summary:
- // Get the currently selected text
- // tags:
- // protected
- var b=win.withGlobal(this.window,focusBase.getBookmark);
- var tmp=[];
- if(b && b.mark){
- var mark = b.mark;
- if(has("ie") < 9){
- // Try to use the pseudo range API on IE for better accuracy.
- var sel = rangeapi.getSelection(this.window);
- if(!lang.isArray(mark)){
- if(sel){
- var range;
- if(sel.rangeCount){
- range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- if(range){
- b.mark = range.cloneRange();
- }else{
- b.mark = win.withGlobal(this.window,focusBase.getBookmark);
- }
- }
- }else{
- // Control ranges (img, table, etc), handle differently.
- array.forEach(b.mark,function(n){
- tmp.push(rangeapi.getIndex(n,this.editNode).o);
- },this);
- b.mark = tmp;
- }
- }
- try{
- if(b.mark && b.mark.startContainer){
- tmp=rangeapi.getIndex(b.mark.startContainer,this.editNode).o;
- b.mark={startContainer:tmp,
- startOffset:b.mark.startOffset,
- endContainer:b.mark.endContainer===b.mark.startContainer?tmp:rangeapi.getIndex(b.mark.endContainer,this.editNode).o,
- endOffset:b.mark.endOffset};
- }
- }catch(e){
- b.mark = null;
- }
- }
- return b;
- },
- _beginEditing: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when the user starts typing alphanumeric characters.
- // Deals with saving undo; see editActionInterval parameter.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this._steps.length === 0){
- // You want to use the editor content without post filtering
- // to make sure selection restores right for the 'initial' state.
- // and undo is called. So not using this.value, as it was 'processed'
- // and the line-up for selections may have been altered.
- this._steps.push({'text':html.getChildrenHtml(this.editNode),'bookmark':this._getBookmark()});
- }
- },
- _endEditing: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when the user stops typing alphanumeric characters.
- // Deals with saving undo; see editActionInterval parameter.
- // tags:
- // private
- // Avoid filtering to make sure selections restore.
- var v = html.getChildrenHtml(this.editNode);
- this._undoedSteps=[];//clear undoed steps
- this._steps.push({text: v, bookmark: this._getBookmark()});
- },
- onKeyDown: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onkeydown event.
- // tags:
- // private
- //We need to save selection if the user TAB away from this editor
- //no need to call _saveSelection for IE, as that will be taken care of in onBeforeDeactivate
- if(!has("ie") && !this.iframe && e.keyCode == keys.TAB && !this.tabIndent){
- this._saveSelection();
- }
- if(!this.customUndo){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- return;
- }
- var k = e.keyCode;
- if(e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey){//undo and redo only if the special right Alt + z/y are not pressed #5892
- if(k == 90 || k == 122){ //z
- event.stop(e);
- this.undo();
- return;
- }else if(k == 89 || k == 121){ //y
- event.stop(e);
- this.redo();
- return;
- }
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- switch(k){
- case keys.ENTER:
- case keys.BACKSPACE:
- case keys.DELETE:
- this.beginEditing();
- break;
- case 88: //x
- case 86: //v
- if(e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey){
- this.endEditing();//end current typing step if any
- if(e.keyCode == 88){
- this.beginEditing('cut');
- //use timeout to trigger after the cut is complete
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, this.endEditing), 1);
- }else{
- this.beginEditing('paste');
- //use timeout to trigger after the paste is complete
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, this.endEditing), 1);
- }
- break;
- }
- //pass through
- default:
- if(!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey && (e.keyCode<keys.F1 || e.keyCode>keys.F15)){
- this.beginEditing();
- break;
- }
- //pass through
- case keys.ALT:
- this.endEditing();
- break;
- case keys.UP_ARROW:
- case keys.DOWN_ARROW:
- case keys.LEFT_ARROW:
- case keys.RIGHT_ARROW:
- case keys.HOME:
- case keys.END:
- case keys.PAGE_UP:
- case keys.PAGE_DOWN:
- this.endEditing(true);
- break;
- //maybe ctrl+backspace/delete, so don't endEditing when ctrl is pressed
- case keys.CTRL:
- case keys.SHIFT:
- case keys.TAB:
- break;
- }
- },
- _onBlur: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called from focus manager when focus has moved away from this editor
- // tags:
- // protected
- //this._saveSelection();
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.endEditing(true);
- },
- _saveSelection: function(){
- // summary:
- // Save the currently selected text in _savedSelection attribute
- // tags:
- // private
- try{
- this._savedSelection=this._getBookmark();
- }catch(e){ /* Squelch any errors that occur if selection save occurs due to being hidden simultaneously. */}
- },
- _restoreSelection: function(){
- // summary:
- // Re-select the text specified in _savedSelection attribute;
- // see _saveSelection().
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this._savedSelection){
- // Clear off cursor to start, we're deliberately going to a selection.
- delete this._cursorToStart;
- // only restore the selection if the current range is collapsed
- // if not collapsed, then it means the editor does not lose
- // selection and there is no need to restore it
- if(win.withGlobal(this.window,'isCollapsed',dijit)){
- this._moveToBookmark(this._savedSelection);
- }
- delete this._savedSelection;
- }
- },
- onClick: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for when editor is clicked
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.endEditing(true);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- replaceValue: function(/*String*/ html){
- // summary:
- // over-ride of replaceValue to support custom undo and stack maintenance.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(!this.customUndo){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }else{
- if(this.isClosed){
- this.setValue(html);
- }else{
- this.beginEditing();
- if(!html){
- html = "&#160;"; // &nbsp;
- }
- this.setValue(html);
- this.endEditing();
- }
- }
- },
- _setDisabledAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
- var disableFunc = lang.hitch(this, function(){
- if((!this.disabled && value) || (!this._buttonEnabledPlugins && value)){
- // Disable editor: disable all enabled buttons and remember that list
- array.forEach(this._plugins, function(p){
- p.set("disabled", true);
- });
- }else if(this.disabled && !value){
- // Restore plugins to being active.
- array.forEach(this._plugins, function(p){
- p.set("disabled", false);
- });
- }
- });
- this.setValueDeferred.addCallback(disableFunc);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _setStateClass: function(){
- try{
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Let theme set the editor's text color based on editor enabled/disabled state.
- // We need to jump through hoops because the main document (where the theme CSS is)
- // is separate from the iframe's document.
- if(this.document && this.document.body){
- domStyle.set(this.document.body, "color", domStyle.get(this.iframe, "color"));
- }
- }catch(e){ /* Squelch any errors caused by focus change if hidden during a state change */}
- }
- });
- // Register the "default plugins", ie, the built-in editor commands
- function simplePluginFactory(args){
- return new _Plugin({ command: });
- }
- function togglePluginFactory(args){
- return new _Plugin({ buttonClass: ToggleButton, command: });
- }
- lang.mixin(_Plugin.registry, {
- "undo": simplePluginFactory,
- "redo": simplePluginFactory,
- "cut": simplePluginFactory,
- "copy": simplePluginFactory,
- "paste": simplePluginFactory,
- "insertOrderedList": simplePluginFactory,
- "insertUnorderedList": simplePluginFactory,
- "indent": simplePluginFactory,
- "outdent": simplePluginFactory,
- "justifyCenter": simplePluginFactory,
- "justifyFull": simplePluginFactory,
- "justifyLeft": simplePluginFactory,
- "justifyRight": simplePluginFactory,
- "delete": simplePluginFactory,
- "selectAll": simplePluginFactory,
- "removeFormat": simplePluginFactory,
- "unlink": simplePluginFactory,
- "insertHorizontalRule": simplePluginFactory,
- "bold": togglePluginFactory,
- "italic": togglePluginFactory,
- "underline": togglePluginFactory,
- "strikethrough": togglePluginFactory,
- "subscript": togglePluginFactory,
- "superscript": togglePluginFactory,
- "|": function(){
- return new _Plugin({ button: new ToolbarSeparator(), setEditor: function(editor){this.editor = editor;}});
- }
- });
- return Editor;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/InlineEditBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/InlineEditBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 415c9bdba..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/InlineEditBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,627 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/InlineEditBox.html':"<span data-dojo-attach-point=\"editNode\" role=\"presentation\" style=\"position: absolute; visibility:hidden\" class=\"dijitReset dijitInline\"\n\tdata-dojo-attach-event=\"onkeypress: _onKeyPress\"\n\t><span data-dojo-attach-point=\"editorPlaceholder\"></span\n\t><span data-dojo-attach-point=\"buttonContainer\"\n\t\t><button data-dojo-type=\"dijit.form.Button\" data-dojo-props=\"label: '${buttonSave}', 'class': 'saveButton'\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"saveButton\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onClick:save\"></button\n\t\t><button data-dojo-type=\"dijit.form.Button\" data-dojo-props=\"label: '${buttonCancel}', 'class': 'cancelButton'\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"cancelButton\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onClick:cancel\"></button\n\t></span\n></span>\n"}});
-define("dijit/InlineEditBox", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set domAttr.get
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove domClass.toggle
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create domConstruct.destroy
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle domStyle.set domStyle.get
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/keys", // keys.ENTER keys.ESCAPE
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "./focus",
- "./_Widget",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./_WidgetsInTemplateMixin",
- "./_Container",
- "./form/Button",
- "./form/_TextBoxMixin",
- "./form/TextBox",
- "dojo/text!./templates/InlineEditBox.html",
- "dojo/i18n!./nls/common"
-], function(array, declare, domAttr, domClass, domConstruct, domStyle, event, i18n, kernel, keys, lang, has,
- fm, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, _Container, Button, _TextBoxMixin, TextBox, template){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _WidgetsInTemplateMixin = dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin;
- var _Container = dijit._Container;
- var Button = dijit.form.Button;
- var TextBox = dijit.form.TextBox;
-// module:
-// dijit/InlineEditBox
-// summary:
-// An element with in-line edit capabilities
-var InlineEditor = declare("dijit._InlineEditor", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Internal widget used by InlineEditBox, displayed when in editing mode
- // to display the editor and maybe save/cancel buttons. Calling code should
- // connect to save/cancel methods to detect when editing is finished
- //
- // Has mainly the same parameters as InlineEditBox, plus these values:
- //
- // style: Object
- // Set of CSS attributes of display node, to replicate in editor
- //
- // value: String
- // Value as an HTML string or plain text string, depending on renderAsHTML flag
- templateString: template,
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.messages = i18n.getLocalization("dijit", "common", this.lang);
- array.forEach(["buttonSave", "buttonCancel"], function(prop){
- if(!this[prop]){ this[prop] = this.messages[prop]; }
- }, this);
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Create edit widget in place in the template
- var cls = typeof this.editor == "string" ? lang.getObject(this.editor) : this.editor;
- // Copy the style from the source
- // Don't copy ALL properties though, just the necessary/applicable ones.
- // wrapperStyle/destStyle code is to workaround IE bug where getComputedStyle().fontSize
- // is a relative value like 200%, rather than an absolute value like 24px, and
- // the 200% can refer *either* to a setting on the node or it's ancestor (see #11175)
- var srcStyle = this.sourceStyle,
- editStyle = "line-height:" + srcStyle.lineHeight + ";",
- destStyle = domStyle.getComputedStyle(this.domNode);
- array.forEach(["Weight","Family","Size","Style"], function(prop){
- var textStyle = srcStyle["font"+prop],
- wrapperStyle = destStyle["font"+prop];
- if(wrapperStyle != textStyle){
- editStyle += "font-"+prop+":"+srcStyle["font"+prop]+";";
- }
- }, this);
- array.forEach(["marginTop","marginBottom","marginLeft", "marginRight"], function(prop){
-[prop] = srcStyle[prop];
- }, this);
- var width = this.inlineEditBox.width;
- if(width == "100%"){
- // block mode
- editStyle += "width:100%;";
- = "block";
- }else{
- // inline-block mode
- editStyle += "width:" + (width + (Number(width) == width ? "px" : "")) + ";";
- }
- var editorParams = lang.delegate(this.inlineEditBox.editorParams, {
- style: editStyle,
- dir: this.dir,
- lang: this.lang,
- textDir: this.textDir
- });
- editorParams[ "displayedValue" in cls.prototype ? "displayedValue" : "value"] = this.value;
- this.editWidget = new cls(editorParams, this.editorPlaceholder);
- if(this.inlineEditBox.autoSave){
- // Remove the save/cancel buttons since saving is done by simply tabbing away or
- // selecting a value from the drop down list
- domConstruct.destroy(this.buttonContainer);
- }
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var ew = this.editWidget;
- if(this.inlineEditBox.autoSave){
- // Selecting a value from a drop down list causes an onChange event and then we save
- this.connect(ew, "onChange", "_onChange");
- // ESC and TAB should cancel and save. Note that edit widgets do a stopEvent() on ESC key (to
- // prevent Dialog from closing when the user just wants to revert the value in the edit widget),
- // so this is the only way we can see the key press event.
- this.connect(ew, "onKeyPress", "_onKeyPress");
- }else{
- // If possible, enable/disable save button based on whether the user has changed the value
- if("intermediateChanges" in ew){
- ew.set("intermediateChanges", true);
- this.connect(ew, "onChange", "_onIntermediateChange");
- this.saveButton.set("disabled", true);
- }
- }
- },
- _onIntermediateChange: function(/*===== val =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Called for editor widgets that support the intermediateChanges=true flag as a way
- // to detect when to enable/disabled the save button
- this.saveButton.set("disabled", (this.getValue() == this._resetValue) || !this.enableSave());
- },
- destroy: function(){
- this.editWidget.destroy(true); // let the parent wrapper widget clean up the DOM
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- getValue: function(){
- // summary:
- // Return the [display] value of the edit widget
- var ew = this.editWidget;
- return String(ew.get("displayedValue" in ew ? "displayedValue" : "value"));
- },
- _onKeyPress: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for keypress in the edit box in autoSave mode.
- // description:
- // For autoSave widgets, if Esc/Enter, call cancel/save.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.inlineEditBox.autoSave && this.inlineEditBox.editing){
- if(e.altKey || e.ctrlKey){ return; }
- // If Enter/Esc pressed, treat as save/cancel.
- if(e.charOrCode == keys.ESCAPE){
- event.stop(e);
- this.cancel(true); // sets editing=false which short-circuits _onBlur processing
- }else if(e.charOrCode == keys.ENTER && == "INPUT"){
- event.stop(e);
- this._onChange(); // fire _onBlur and then save
- }
- // _onBlur will handle TAB automatically by allowing
- // the TAB to change focus before we mess with the DOM: #6227
- // Expounding by request:
- // The current focus is on the edit widget input field.
- // save() will hide and destroy this widget.
- // We want the focus to jump from the currently hidden
- // displayNode, but since it's hidden, it's impossible to
- // unhide it, focus it, and then have the browser focus
- // away from it to the next focusable element since each
- // of these events is asynchronous and the focus-to-next-element
- // is already queued.
- // So we allow the browser time to unqueue the move-focus event
- // before we do all the hide/show stuff.
- }
- },
- _onBlur: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when focus moves outside the editor
- // tags:
- // private
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.inlineEditBox.autoSave && this.inlineEditBox.editing){
- if(this.getValue() == this._resetValue){
- this.cancel(false);
- }else if(this.enableSave()){
- }
- }
- },
- _onChange: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when the underlying widget fires an onChange event,
- // such as when the user selects a value from the drop down list of a ComboBox,
- // which means that the user has finished entering the value and we should save.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.inlineEditBox.autoSave && this.inlineEditBox.editing && this.enableSave()){
- fm.focus(this.inlineEditBox.displayNode); // fires _onBlur which will save the formatted value
- }
- },
- enableSave: function(){
- // summary:
- // User overridable function returning a Boolean to indicate
- // if the Save button should be enabled or not - usually due to invalid conditions
- // tags:
- // extension
- return (
- this.editWidget.isValid
- ? this.editWidget.isValid()
- : true
- );
- },
- focus: function(){
- // summary:
- // Focus the edit widget.
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.editWidget.focus();
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- if(this.editWidget.focusNode && this.editWidget.focusNode.tagName == "INPUT"){
- _TextBoxMixin.selectInputText(this.editWidget.focusNode);
- }
- }), 0);
- }
-var InlineEditBox = declare("dijit.InlineEditBox", _Widget, {
- // summary:
- // An element with in-line edit capabilities
- //
- // description:
- // Behavior for an existing node (`<p>`, `<div>`, `<span>`, etc.) so that
- // when you click it, an editor shows up in place of the original
- // text. Optionally, Save and Cancel button are displayed below the edit widget.
- // When Save is clicked, the text is pulled from the edit
- // widget and redisplayed and the edit widget is again hidden.
- // By default a plain Textarea widget is used as the editor (or for
- // inline values a TextBox), but you can specify an editor such as
- // dijit.Editor (for editing HTML) or a Slider (for adjusting a number).
- // An edit widget must support the following API to be used:
- // - displayedValue or value as initialization parameter,
- // and available through set('displayedValue') / set('value')
- // - void focus()
- // - DOM-node focusNode = node containing editable text
- // editing: [readonly] Boolean
- // Is the node currently in edit mode?
- editing: false,
- // autoSave: Boolean
- // Changing the value automatically saves it; don't have to push save button
- // (and save button isn't even displayed)
- autoSave: true,
- // buttonSave: String
- // Save button label
- buttonSave: "",
- // buttonCancel: String
- // Cancel button label
- buttonCancel: "",
- // renderAsHtml: Boolean
- // Set this to true if the specified Editor's value should be interpreted as HTML
- // rather than plain text (ex: `dijit.Editor`)
- renderAsHtml: false,
- // editor: String|Function
- // Class name (or reference to the Class) for Editor widget
- editor: TextBox,
- // editorWrapper: String|Function
- // Class name (or reference to the Class) for widget that wraps the editor widget, displaying save/cancel
- // buttons.
- editorWrapper: InlineEditor,
- // editorParams: Object
- // Set of parameters for editor, like {required: true}
- editorParams: {},
- // disabled: Boolean
- // If true, clicking the InlineEditBox to edit it will have no effect.
- disabled: false,
- onChange: function(/*===== value =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Set this handler to be notified of changes to value.
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onCancel: function(){
- // summary:
- // Set this handler to be notified when editing is cancelled.
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- // width: String
- // Width of editor. By default it's width=100% (ie, block mode).
- width: "100%",
- // value: String
- // The display value of the widget in read-only mode
- value: "",
- // noValueIndicator: [const] String
- // The text that gets displayed when there is no value (so that the user has a place to click to edit)
- noValueIndicator: has("ie") <= 6 ? // font-family needed on IE6 but it messes up IE8
- "<span style='font-family: wingdings; text-decoration: underline;'>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#x270d;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;</span>" :
- "<span style='text-decoration: underline;'>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#x270d;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;</span>", // // &#160; == &nbsp;
- constructor: function(){
- // summary:
- // Sets up private arrays etc.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.editorParams = {};
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // save pointer to original source node, since Widget nulls-out srcNodeRef
- this.displayNode = this.srcNodeRef;
- // connect handlers to the display node
- var events = {
- ondijitclick: "_onClick",
- onmouseover: "_onMouseOver",
- onmouseout: "_onMouseOut",
- onfocus: "_onMouseOver",
- onblur: "_onMouseOut"
- };
- for(var name in events){
- this.connect(this.displayNode, name, events[name]);
- }
- this.displayNode.setAttribute("role", "button");
- if(!this.displayNode.getAttribute("tabIndex")){
- this.displayNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", 0);
- }
- if(!this.value && !("value" in this.params)){ // "" is a good value if specified directly so check params){
- this.value = lang.trim(this.renderAsHtml ? this.displayNode.innerHTML :
- (this.displayNode.innerText||this.displayNode.textContent||""));
- }
- if(!this.value){
- this.displayNode.innerHTML = this.noValueIndicator;
- }
- domClass.add(this.displayNode, 'dijitInlineEditBoxDisplayMode');
- },
- setDisabled: function(/*Boolean*/ disabled){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set('disabled', ...) instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.InlineEditBox.setDisabled() is deprecated. Use set('disabled', bool) instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.set('disabled', disabled);
- },
- _setDisabledAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ disabled){
- // summary:
- // Hook to make set("disabled", ...) work.
- // Set disabled state of widget.
- this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-disabled", disabled);
- if(disabled){
- this.displayNode.removeAttribute("tabIndex");
- }else{
- this.displayNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", 0);
- }
- domClass.toggle(this.displayNode, "dijitInlineEditBoxDisplayModeDisabled", disabled);
- this._set("disabled", disabled);
- },
- _onMouseOver: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onmouseover and onfocus event.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!this.disabled){
- domClass.add(this.displayNode, "dijitInlineEditBoxDisplayModeHover");
- }
- },
- _onMouseOut: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onmouseout and onblur event.
- // tags:
- // private
- domClass.remove(this.displayNode, "dijitInlineEditBoxDisplayModeHover");
- },
- _onClick: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onclick event.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.disabled){ return; }
- if(e){ event.stop(e); }
- this._onMouseOut();
- // Since FF gets upset if you move a node while in an event handler for that node...
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, "edit"), 0);
- },
- edit: function(){
- // summary:
- // Display the editor widget in place of the original (read only) markup.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.disabled || this.editing){ return; }
- this._set('editing', true);
- // save some display node values that can be restored later
- this._savedPosition = domStyle.get(this.displayNode, "position") || "static";
- this._savedOpacity = domStyle.get(this.displayNode, "opacity") || "1";
- this._savedTabIndex = domAttr.get(this.displayNode, "tabIndex") || "0";
- if(this.wrapperWidget){
- var ew = this.wrapperWidget.editWidget;
- ew.set("displayedValue" in ew ? "displayedValue" : "value", this.value);
- }else{
- // Placeholder for edit widget
- // Put place holder (and eventually editWidget) before the display node so that it's positioned correctly
- // when Calendar dropdown appears, which happens automatically on focus.
- var placeholder = domConstruct.create("span", null, this.domNode, "before");
- // Create the editor wrapper (the thing that holds the editor widget and the save/cancel buttons)
- var ewc = typeof this.editorWrapper == "string" ? lang.getObject(this.editorWrapper) : this.editorWrapper;
- this.wrapperWidget = new ewc({
- value: this.value,
- buttonSave: this.buttonSave,
- buttonCancel: this.buttonCancel,
- dir: this.dir,
- lang: this.lang,
- tabIndex: this._savedTabIndex,
- editor: this.editor,
- inlineEditBox: this,
- sourceStyle: domStyle.getComputedStyle(this.displayNode),
- save: lang.hitch(this, "save"),
- cancel: lang.hitch(this, "cancel"),
- textDir: this.textDir
- }, placeholder);
- if(!this._started){
- this.startup();
- }
- }
- var ww = this.wrapperWidget;
- // to avoid screen jitter, we first create the editor with position:absolute, visibility:hidden,
- // and then when it's finished rendering, we switch from display mode to editor
- // position:absolute releases screen space allocated to the display node
- // opacity:0 is the same as visibility:hidden but is still focusable
- // visiblity:hidden removes focus outline
- domStyle.set(this.displayNode, { position: "absolute", opacity: "0" }); // makes display node invisible, display style used for focus-ability
- domStyle.set(ww.domNode, { position: this._savedPosition, visibility: "visible", opacity: "1" });
- domAttr.set(this.displayNode, "tabIndex", "-1"); // needed by WebKit for TAB from editor to skip displayNode
- // Replace the display widget with edit widget, leaving them both displayed for a brief time so that
- // focus can be shifted without incident. (browser may needs some time to render the editor.)
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(ww, function(){
- this.focus(); // both nodes are showing, so we can switch focus safely
- this._resetValue = this.getValue();
- }), 0);
- },
- _onBlur: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when focus moves outside the InlineEditBox.
- // Performs garbage collection.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(!this.editing){
- /* causes IE focus problems, see TooltipDialog_a11y.html...
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- if(this.wrapperWidget){
- this.wrapperWidget.destroy();
- delete this.wrapperWidget;
- }
- }), 0);
- */
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- if(this.wrapperWidget && !this.wrapperWidget._destroyed){
- this.wrapperWidget.destroy();
- delete this.wrapperWidget;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _showText: function(/*Boolean*/ focus){
- // summary:
- // Revert to display mode, and optionally focus on display node
- // tags:
- // private
- var ww = this.wrapperWidget;
- domStyle.set(ww.domNode, { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", opacity: "0" }); // hide the editor from mouse/keyboard events
- domStyle.set(this.displayNode, { position: this._savedPosition, opacity: this._savedOpacity }); // make the original text visible
- domAttr.set(this.displayNode, "tabIndex", this._savedTabIndex);
- if(focus){
- fm.focus(this.displayNode);
- }
- },
- save: function(/*Boolean*/ focus){
- // summary:
- // Save the contents of the editor and revert to display mode.
- // focus: Boolean
- // Focus on the display mode text
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.disabled || !this.editing){ return; }
- this._set('editing', false);
- var ww = this.wrapperWidget;
- var value = ww.getValue();
- this.set('value', value); // display changed, formatted value
- this._showText(focus); // set focus as needed
- },
- setValue: function(/*String*/ val){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set('value', ...) instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.InlineEditBox.setValue() is deprecated. Use set('value', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
- return this.set("value", val);
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*String*/ val){
- // summary:
- // Hook to make set("value", ...) work.
- // Inserts specified HTML value into this node, or an "input needed" character if node is blank.
- val = lang.trim(val);
- var renderVal = this.renderAsHtml ? val : val.replace(/&/gm, "&amp;").replace(/</gm, "&lt;").replace(/>/gm, "&gt;").replace(/"/gm, "&quot;").replace(/\n/g, "<br>");
- this.displayNode.innerHTML = renderVal || this.noValueIndicator;
- this._set("value", val);
- if(this._started){
- // tell the world that we have changed
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, "onChange", val), 0); // setTimeout prevents browser freeze for long-running event handlers
- }
- // contextual (auto) text direction depends on the text value
- if(this.textDir == "auto"){
- this.applyTextDir(this.displayNode, this.displayNode.innerText);
- }
- },
- getValue: function(){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use get('value') instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.InlineEditBox.getValue() is deprecated. Use get('value') instead.", "", "2.0");
- return this.get("value");
- },
- cancel: function(/*Boolean*/ focus){
- // summary:
- // Revert to display mode, discarding any changes made in the editor
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.disabled || !this.editing){ return; }
- this._set('editing', false);
- // tell the world that we have no changes
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, "onCancel"), 0); // setTimeout prevents browser freeze for long-running event handlers
- this._showText(focus);
- },
- _setTextDirAttr: function(/*String*/ textDir){
- // summary:
- // Setter for textDir.
- // description:
- // Users shouldn't call this function; they should be calling
- // set('textDir', value)
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!this._created || this.textDir != textDir){
- this._set("textDir", textDir);
- this.applyTextDir(this.displayNode, this.displayNode.innerText);
- this.displayNode.align = this.dir == "rtl" ? "right" : "left"; //fix the text alignment
- }
- }
-InlineEditBox._InlineEditor = InlineEditor; // for monkey patching
-return InlineEditBox;
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/dijit/Menu.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/Menu.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d8d78bd76..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/Menu.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/Menu", [
- "require",
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/dom", // dom.byId dom.isDescendant
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.get domAttr.set domAttr.has domAttr.remove
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domStyle.getComputedStyle domGeometry.position
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle
- "dojo/_base/kernel",
- "dojo/keys", // keys.F10
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/on",
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie"), has("quirks")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body win.doc.documentElement win.doc.frames win.withGlobal
- "dojo/window", // winUtils.get
- "./popup",
- "./DropDownMenu",
- "dojo/ready"
-], function(require, array, declare, event, dom, domAttr, domGeometry, domStyle, kernel, keys, lang, on,
- has, win, winUtils, pm, DropDownMenu, ready){
- var DropDownMenu = dijit.DropDownMenu;
-// module:
-// dijit/Menu
-// summary:
-// Includes dijit.Menu widget and base class dijit._MenuBase
-// Back compat w/1.6, remove for 2.0
- ready(0, function(){
- var requires = ["dijit/MenuItem", "dijit/PopupMenuItem", "dijit/CheckedMenuItem", "dijit/MenuSeparator"];
- require(requires); // use indirection so modules not rolled into a build
- });
-return declare("dijit.Menu", DropDownMenu, {
- // summary:
- // A context menu you can assign to multiple elements
- constructor: function(){
- this._bindings = [];
- },
- // targetNodeIds: [const] String[]
- // Array of dom node ids of nodes to attach to.
- // Fill this with nodeIds upon widget creation and it becomes context menu for those nodes.
- targetNodeIds: [],
- // contextMenuForWindow: [const] Boolean
- // If true, right clicking anywhere on the window will cause this context menu to open.
- // If false, must specify targetNodeIds.
- contextMenuForWindow: false,
- // leftClickToOpen: [const] Boolean
- // If true, menu will open on left click instead of right click, similar to a file menu.
- leftClickToOpen: false,
- // refocus: Boolean
- // When this menu closes, re-focus the element which had focus before it was opened.
- refocus: true,
- postCreate: function(){
- if(this.contextMenuForWindow){
- this.bindDomNode(win.body());
- }else{
- // TODO: should have _setTargetNodeIds() method to handle initialization and a possible
- // later set('targetNodeIds', ...) call. There's also a problem that targetNodeIds[]
- // gets stale after calls to bindDomNode()/unBindDomNode() as it still is just the original list (see #9610)
- array.forEach(this.targetNodeIds, this.bindDomNode, this);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- // thanks burstlib!
- _iframeContentWindow: function(/* HTMLIFrameElement */iframe_el){
- // summary:
- // Returns the window reference of the passed iframe
- // tags:
- // private
- return winUtils.get(this._iframeContentDocument(iframe_el)) ||
- // Moz. TODO: is this available when defaultView isn't?
- this._iframeContentDocument(iframe_el)['__parent__'] ||
- ( && win.doc.frames[]) || null; // Window
- },
- _iframeContentDocument: function(/* HTMLIFrameElement */iframe_el){
- // summary:
- // Returns a reference to the document object inside iframe_el
- // tags:
- // protected
- return iframe_el.contentDocument // W3
- || (iframe_el.contentWindow && iframe_el.contentWindow.document) // IE
- || ( && win.doc.frames[] && win.doc.frames[].document)
- || null; // HTMLDocument
- },
- bindDomNode: function(/*String|DomNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Attach menu to given node
- node = dom.byId(node);
- var cn; // Connect node
- // Support context menus on iframes. Rather than binding to the iframe itself we need
- // to bind to the <body> node inside the iframe.
- if(node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "iframe"){
- var iframe = node,
- window = this._iframeContentWindow(iframe);
- cn = win.withGlobal(window, win.body);
- }else{
- // To capture these events at the top level, attach to <html>, not <body>.
- // Otherwise right-click context menu just doesn't work.
- cn = (node == win.body() ? win.doc.documentElement : node);
- }
- // "binding" is the object to track our connection to the node (ie, the parameter to bindDomNode())
- var binding = {
- node: node,
- iframe: iframe
- };
- // Save info about binding in _bindings[], and make node itself record index(+1) into
- // _bindings[] array. Prefix w/_dijitMenu to avoid setting an attribute that may
- // start with a number, which fails on FF/safari.
- domAttr.set(node, "_dijitMenu" +, this._bindings.push(binding));
- // Setup the connections to monitor click etc., unless we are connecting to an iframe which hasn't finished
- // loading yet, in which case we need to wait for the onload event first, and then connect
- // On linux Shift-F10 produces the oncontextmenu event, but on Windows it doesn't, so
- // we need to monitor keyboard events in addition to the oncontextmenu event.
- var doConnects = lang.hitch(this, function(cn){
- return [
- // TODO: when leftClickToOpen is true then shouldn't space/enter key trigger the menu,
- // rather than shift-F10?
- on(cn, this.leftClickToOpen ? "click" : "contextmenu", lang.hitch(this, function(evt){
- // Schedule context menu to be opened unless it's already been scheduled from onkeydown handler
- event.stop(evt);
- this._scheduleOpen(, iframe, {x: evt.pageX, y: evt.pageY});
- })),
- on(cn, "keydown", lang.hitch(this, function(evt){
- if(evt.shiftKey && evt.keyCode == keys.F10){
- event.stop(evt);
- this._scheduleOpen(, iframe); // no coords - open near target node
- }
- }))
- ];
- });
- binding.connects = cn ? doConnects(cn) : [];
- if(iframe){
- // Setup handler to [re]bind to the iframe when the contents are initially loaded,
- // and every time the contents change.
- // Need to do this b/c we are actually binding to the iframe's <body> node.
- // Note: can't use connect.connect(), see #9609.
- binding.onloadHandler = lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // want to remove old connections, but IE throws exceptions when trying to
- // access the <body> node because it's already gone, or at least in a state of limbo
- var window = this._iframeContentWindow(iframe);
- cn = win.withGlobal(window, win.body);
- binding.connects = doConnects(cn);
- });
- if(iframe.addEventListener){
- iframe.addEventListener("load", binding.onloadHandler, false);
- }else{
- iframe.attachEvent("onload", binding.onloadHandler);
- }
- }
- },
- unBindDomNode: function(/*String|DomNode*/ nodeName){
- // summary:
- // Detach menu from given node
- var node;
- try{
- node = dom.byId(nodeName);
- }catch(e){
- // On IE the dom.byId() call will get an exception if the attach point was
- // the <body> node of an <iframe> that has since been reloaded (and thus the
- // <body> node is in a limbo state of destruction.
- return;
- }
- // node["_dijitMenu" +] contains index(+1) into my _bindings[] array
- var attrName = "_dijitMenu" +;
- if(node && domAttr.has(node, attrName)){
- var bid = domAttr.get(node, attrName)-1, b = this._bindings[bid], h;
- while(h = b.connects.pop()){
- h.remove();
- }
- // Remove listener for iframe onload events
- var iframe = b.iframe;
- if(iframe){
- if(iframe.removeEventListener){
- iframe.removeEventListener("load", b.onloadHandler, false);
- }else{
- iframe.detachEvent("onload", b.onloadHandler);
- }
- }
- domAttr.remove(node, attrName);
- delete this._bindings[bid];
- }
- },
- _scheduleOpen: function(/*DomNode?*/ target, /*DomNode?*/ iframe, /*Object?*/ coords){
- // summary:
- // Set timer to display myself. Using a timer rather than displaying immediately solves
- // two problems:
- //
- // 1. IE: without the delay, focus work in "open" causes the system
- // context menu to appear in spite of stopEvent.
- //
- // 2. Avoid double-shows on linux, where shift-F10 generates an oncontextmenu event
- // even after a event.stop(e). (Shift-F10 on windows doesn't generate the
- // oncontextmenu event.)
- if(!this._openTimer){
- this._openTimer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- delete this._openTimer;
- this._openMyself({
- target: target,
- iframe: iframe,
- coords: coords
- });
- }), 1);
- }
- },
- _openMyself: function(args){
- // summary:
- // Internal function for opening myself when the user does a right-click or something similar.
- // args:
- // This is an Object containing:
- // * target:
- // The node that is being clicked
- // * iframe:
- // If an <iframe> is being clicked, iframe points to that iframe
- // * coords:
- // Put menu at specified x/y position in viewport, or if iframe is
- // specified, then relative to iframe.
- //
- // _openMyself() formerly took the event object, and since various code references
- // (after connecting to _openMyself()), using an Object for parameters
- // (so that old code still works).
- var target =,
- iframe = args.iframe,
- coords = args.coords;
- // Get coordinates to open menu, either at specified (mouse) position or (if triggered via keyboard)
- // then near the node the menu is assigned to.
- if(coords){
- if(iframe){
- // Specified coordinates are on <body> node of an <iframe>, convert to match main document
- var ifc = domGeometry.position(iframe, true),
- window = this._iframeContentWindow(iframe),
- scroll = win.withGlobal(window, "_docScroll", dojo);
- var cs = domStyle.getComputedStyle(iframe),
- tp = domStyle.toPixelValue,
- left = (has("ie") && has("quirks") ? 0 : tp(iframe, cs.paddingLeft)) + (has("ie") && has("quirks") ? tp(iframe, cs.borderLeftWidth) : 0),
- top = (has("ie") && has("quirks") ? 0 : tp(iframe, cs.paddingTop)) + (has("ie") && has("quirks") ? tp(iframe, cs.borderTopWidth) : 0);
- coords.x += ifc.x + left - scroll.x;
- coords.y += ifc.y + top - scroll.y;
- }
- }else{
- coords = domGeometry.position(target, true);
- coords.x += 10;
- coords.y += 10;
- }
- var self=this;
- var prevFocusNode = this._focusManager.get("prevNode");
- var curFocusNode = this._focusManager.get("curNode");
- var savedFocusNode = !curFocusNode || (dom.isDescendant(curFocusNode, this.domNode)) ? prevFocusNode : curFocusNode;
- function closeAndRestoreFocus(){
- // user has clicked on a menu or popup
- if(self.refocus && savedFocusNode){
- savedFocusNode.focus();
- }
- pm.close(self);
- }
- popup: this,
- x: coords.x,
- y: coords.y,
- onExecute: closeAndRestoreFocus,
- onCancel: closeAndRestoreFocus,
- orient: this.isLeftToRight() ? 'L' : 'R'
- });
- this.focus();
- this._onBlur = function(){
- this.inherited('_onBlur', arguments);
- // Usually the parent closes the child widget but if this is a context
- // menu then there is no parent
- pm.close(this);
- // don't try to restore focus; user has clicked another part of the screen
- // and set focus there
- };
- },
- uninitialize: function(){
- array.forEach(this._bindings, function(b){ if(b){ this.unBindDomNode(b.node); } }, this);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/MenuBar.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/MenuBar.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b271b214a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/MenuBar.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/MenuBar.html':"<div class=\"dijitMenuBar dijitMenuPassive\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\" role=\"menubar\" tabIndex=\"${tabIndex}\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onkeypress: _onKeyPress\"></div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/MenuBar", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys", // keys.DOWN_ARROW
- "./_MenuBase",
- "dojo/text!./templates/MenuBar.html"
-], function(declare, event, keys, _MenuBase, template){
- var _MenuBase = dijit._MenuBase;
-// module:
-// dijit/MenuBar
-// summary:
-// A menu bar, listing menu choices horizontally, like the "File" menu in most desktop applications
-return declare("dijit.MenuBar", _MenuBase, {
- // summary:
- // A menu bar, listing menu choices horizontally, like the "File" menu in most desktop applications
- templateString: template,
- baseClass: "dijitMenuBar",
- // _isMenuBar: [protected] Boolean
- // This is a MenuBar widget, not a (vertical) Menu widget.
- _isMenuBar: true,
- postCreate: function(){
- var l = this.isLeftToRight();
- this.connectKeyNavHandlers(
- l ? [keys.LEFT_ARROW] : [keys.RIGHT_ARROW],
- l ? [keys.RIGHT_ARROW] : [keys.LEFT_ARROW]
- );
- // parameter to about where to put popup (relative to this.domNode)
- this._orient = ["below"];
- },
- focusChild: function(item){
- // overload focusChild so that whenever the focus is moved to a new item,
- // check the previous focused whether it has its popup open, if so, after
- // focusing the new item, open its submenu immediately
- var prev_item = this.focusedChild,
- showpopup = prev_item && prev_item.popup && prev_item.popup.isShowingNow;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(showpopup && item.popup && !item.disabled){
- this._openPopup(); // TODO: on down arrow, _openPopup() is called here and in onItemClick()
- }
- },
- _onKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handle keyboard based menu navigation.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey){ return; }
- switch(evt.charOrCode){
- case keys.DOWN_ARROW:
- this._moveToPopup(evt);
- event.stop(evt);
- }
- },
- onItemClick: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ item, /*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handle clicks on an item. Cancels a dropdown if already open.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(item.popup && item.popup.isShowingNow){
- item.popup.onCancel();
- }else{
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/MenuBarItem.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/MenuBarItem.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1369cf381..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/MenuBarItem.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/MenuBarItem.html':"<div class=\"dijitReset dijitInline dijitMenuItem dijitMenuItemLabel\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"focusNode\" role=\"menuitem\" tabIndex=\"-1\"\n\t\tdata-dojo-attach-event=\"onmouseenter:_onHover,onmouseleave:_onUnhover,ondijitclick:_onClick\">\n\t<span data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\"></span>\n</div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/MenuBarItem", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "./MenuItem",
- "dojo/text!./templates/MenuBarItem.html"
-], function(declare, MenuItem, template){
- var MenuItem = dijit.MenuItem;
- // module:
- // dijit/MenuBarItem
- // summary:
- // Item in a MenuBar that's clickable, and doesn't spawn a submenu when pressed (or hovered)
- var _MenuBarItemMixin = declare("dijit._MenuBarItemMixin", null, {
- templateString: template,
- // Map widget attributes to DOMNode attributes.
- _setIconClassAttr: null // cancel MenuItem setter because we don't have a place for an icon
- });
- var MenuBarItem = declare("dijit.MenuBarItem", [MenuItem, _MenuBarItemMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Item in a MenuBar that's clickable, and doesn't spawn a submenu when pressed (or hovered)
- });
- MenuBarItem._MenuBarItemMixin = _MenuBarItemMixin; // is accessing this
- return MenuBarItem;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/MenuItem.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/MenuItem.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c167d75ab..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/MenuItem.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/MenuItem.html':"<tr class=\"dijitReset dijitMenuItem\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"focusNode\" role=\"menuitem\" tabIndex=\"-1\"\n\t\tdata-dojo-attach-event=\"onmouseenter:_onHover,onmouseleave:_onUnhover,ondijitclick:_onClick\">\n\t<td class=\"dijitReset dijitMenuItemIconCell\" role=\"presentation\">\n\t\t<img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" class=\"dijitIcon dijitMenuItemIcon\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"iconNode\"/>\n\t</td>\n\t<td class=\"dijitReset dijitMenuItemLabel\" colspan=\"2\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\"></td>\n\t<td class=\"dijitReset dijitMenuItemAccelKey\" style=\"display: none\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"accelKeyNode\"></td>\n\t<td class=\"dijitReset dijitMenuArrowCell\" role=\"presentation\">\n\t\t<div data-dojo-attach-point=\"arrowWrapper\" style=\"visibility: hidden\">\n\t\t\t<img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" class=\"dijitMenuExpand\"/>\n\t\t\t<span class=\"dijitMenuExpandA11y\">+</span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</td>\n</tr>\n"}});
-define("dijit/MenuItem", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.setSelectable
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.toggle
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "./_Widget",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./_Contained",
- "./_CssStateMixin",
- "dojo/text!./templates/MenuItem.html"
-], function(declare, dom, domAttr, domClass, event, kernel, has,
- _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _Contained, _CssStateMixin, template){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _Contained = dijit._Contained;
- var _CssStateMixin = dijit._CssStateMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/MenuItem
- // summary:
- // A line item in a Menu Widget
- return declare("dijit.MenuItem",
- [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _Contained, _CssStateMixin],
- {
- // summary:
- // A line item in a Menu Widget
- // Make 3 columns
- // icon, label, and expand arrow (BiDi-dependent) indicating sub-menu
- templateString: template,
- baseClass: "dijitMenuItem",
- // label: String
- // Menu text
- label: '',
- _setLabelAttr: { node: "containerNode", type: "innerHTML" },
- // iconClass: String
- // Class to apply to DOMNode to make it display an icon.
- iconClass: "dijitNoIcon",
- _setIconClassAttr: { node: "iconNode", type: "class" },
- // accelKey: String
- // Text for the accelerator (shortcut) key combination.
- // Note that although Menu can display accelerator keys there
- // is no infrastructure to actually catch and execute these
- // accelerators.
- accelKey: "",
- // disabled: Boolean
- // If true, the menu item is disabled.
- // If false, the menu item is enabled.
- disabled: false,
- _fillContent: function(/*DomNode*/ source){
- // If button label is specified as srcNodeRef.innerHTML rather than
- // this.params.label, handle it here.
- if(source && !("label" in this.params)){
- this.set('label', source.innerHTML);
- }
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var label ="_text";
- domAttr.set(this.containerNode, "id", label);
- if(this.accelKeyNode){
- domAttr.set(this.accelKeyNode, "id", + "_accel");
- label += " " + + "_accel";
- }
- this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", label);
- dom.setSelectable(this.domNode, false);
- },
- _onHover: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler when mouse is moved onto menu item
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.getParent().onItemHover(this);
- },
- _onUnhover: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler when mouse is moved off of menu item,
- // possibly to a child menu, or maybe to a sibling
- // menuitem or somewhere else entirely.
- // tags:
- // protected
- // if we are unhovering the currently selected item
- // then unselect it
- this.getParent().onItemUnhover(this);
- // When menu is hidden (collapsed) due to clicking a MenuItem and having it execute,
- // FF and IE don't generate an onmouseout event for the MenuItem.
- // So, help out _CssStateMixin in this case.
- this._set("hovering", false);
- },
- _onClick: function(evt){
- // summary:
- // Internal handler for click events on MenuItem.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.getParent().onItemClick(this, evt);
- event.stop(evt);
- },
- onClick: function(/*Event*/){
- // summary:
- // User defined function to handle clicks
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- focus: function(){
- // summary:
- // Focus on this MenuItem
- try{
- if(has("ie") == 8){
- // needed for IE8 which won't scroll TR tags into view on focus yet calling scrollIntoView creates flicker (#10275)
- this.containerNode.focus();
- }
- this.focusNode.focus();
- }catch(e){
- // this throws on IE (at least) in some scenarios
- }
- },
- _onFocus: function(){
- // summary:
- // This is called by the focus manager when focus
- // goes to this MenuItem or a child menu.
- // tags:
- // protected
- this._setSelected(true);
- this.getParent()._onItemFocus(this);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _setSelected: function(selected){
- // summary:
- // Indicate that this node is the currently selected one
- // tags:
- // private
- /***
- * TODO: remove this method and calls to it, when _onBlur() is working for MenuItem.
- * Currently _onBlur() gets called when focus is moved from the MenuItem to a child menu.
- * That's not supposed to happen, but the problem is:
- * In order to allow dijit.popup's getTopPopup() to work,a sub menu's popupParent
- * points to the parent Menu, bypassing the parent MenuItem... thus the
- * MenuItem is not in the chain of active widgets and gets a premature call to
- * _onBlur()
- */
- domClass.toggle(this.domNode, "dijitMenuItemSelected", selected);
- },
- setLabel: function(/*String*/ content){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set('label', ...) instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.MenuItem.setLabel() is deprecated. Use set('label', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.set("label", content);
- },
- setDisabled: function(/*Boolean*/ disabled){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set('disabled', bool) instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.Menu.setDisabled() is deprecated. Use set('disabled', bool) instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.set('disabled', disabled);
- },
- _setDisabledAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Hook for attr('disabled', ...) to work.
- // Enable or disable this menu item.
- this.focusNode.setAttribute('aria-disabled', value ? 'true' : 'false');
- this._set("disabled", value);
- },
- _setAccelKeyAttr: function(/*String*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Hook for attr('accelKey', ...) to work.
- // Set accelKey on this menu item.
- this.accelKeyNode.innerHTML=value;
- //have to use colSpan to make it work in IE
- domAttr.set(this.containerNode,'colSpan',value?"1":"2");
- this._set("accelKey", value);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/MenuSeparator.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/MenuSeparator.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f2f68bff9..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/MenuSeparator.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/MenuSeparator.html':"<tr class=\"dijitMenuSeparator\">\n\t<td class=\"dijitMenuSeparatorIconCell\">\n\t\t<div class=\"dijitMenuSeparatorTop\"></div>\n\t\t<div class=\"dijitMenuSeparatorBottom\"></div>\n\t</td>\n\t<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"dijitMenuSeparatorLabelCell\">\n\t\t<div class=\"dijitMenuSeparatorTop dijitMenuSeparatorLabel\"></div>\n\t\t<div class=\"dijitMenuSeparatorBottom\"></div>\n\t</td>\n</tr>"}});
-define("dijit/MenuSeparator", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.setSelectable
- "./_WidgetBase",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./_Contained",
- "dojo/text!./templates/MenuSeparator.html"
-], function(declare, dom, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _Contained, template){
- var _WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _Contained = dijit._Contained;
- // module:
- // dijit/MenuSeparator
- // summary:
- // A line between two menu items
- return declare("dijit.MenuSeparator", [_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _Contained], {
- // summary:
- // A line between two menu items
- templateString: template,
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- dom.setSelectable(this.domNode, false);
- },
- isFocusable: function(){
- // summary:
- // Override to always return false
- // tags:
- // protected
- return false; // Boolean
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/PopupMenuBarItem.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/PopupMenuBarItem.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e5edbd066..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/PopupMenuBarItem.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/PopupMenuBarItem", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "./PopupMenuItem",
- "./MenuBarItem"
-], function(declare, PopupMenuItem, MenuBarItem){
- // module:
- // dijit/PopupMenuBarItem
- // summary:
- // Item in a MenuBar like "File" or "Edit", that spawns a submenu when pressed (or hovered)
- var _MenuBarItemMixin = MenuBarItem._MenuBarItemMixin;
- var PopupMenuItem = dijit.PopupMenuItem;
- var _MenuBarItemMixin = dijit._MenuBarItemMixin;
- return declare("dijit.PopupMenuBarItem", [PopupMenuItem, _MenuBarItemMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Item in a MenuBar like "File" or "Edit", that spawns a submenu when pressed (or hovered)
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/PopupMenuItem.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/PopupMenuItem.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 201574225..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/PopupMenuItem.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/PopupMenuItem", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.set
- "dojo/query", // query
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "./registry", // registry.byNode
- "./MenuItem",
- "./hccss"
-], function(declare, domStyle, query, win, registry, MenuItem){
- var MenuItem = dijit.MenuItem;
- // module:
- // dijit/PopupMenuItem
- // summary:
- // An item in a Menu that spawn a drop down (usually a drop down menu)
- return declare("dijit.PopupMenuItem", MenuItem, {
- // summary:
- // An item in a Menu that spawn a drop down (usually a drop down menu)
- _fillContent: function(){
- // summary:
- // When Menu is declared in markup, this code gets the menu label and
- // the popup widget from the srcNodeRef.
- // description:
- // srcNodeRefinnerHTML contains both the menu item text and a popup widget
- // The first part holds the menu item text and the second part is the popup
- // example:
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.PopupMenuItem">
- // | <span>pick me</span>
- // | <popup> ... </popup>
- // | </div>
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.srcNodeRef){
- var nodes = query("*", this.srcNodeRef);
- this.inherited(arguments, [nodes[0]]);
- // save pointer to srcNode so we can grab the drop down widget after it's instantiated
- this.dropDownContainer = this.srcNodeRef;
- }
- },
- startup: function(){
- if(this._started){ return; }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // we didn't copy the dropdown widget from the this.srcNodeRef, so it's in no-man's
- // land now. move it to win.doc.body.
- if(!this.popup){
- var node = query("[widgetId]", this.dropDownContainer)[0];
- this.popup = registry.byNode(node);
- }
- win.body().appendChild(this.popup.domNode);
- this.popup.startup();
- if(this.arrowWrapper){
- domStyle.set(this.arrowWrapper, "visibility", "");
- }
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "true");
- },
- destroyDescendants: function(/*Boolean*/ preserveDom){
- if(this.popup){
- // Destroy the popup, unless it's already been destroyed. This can happen because
- // the popup is a direct child of <body> even though it's logically my child.
- if(!this.popup._destroyed){
- this.popup.destroyRecursive(preserveDom);
- }
- delete this.popup;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/ProgressBar.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/ProgressBar.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 70b31f0b6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/ProgressBar.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/ProgressBar.html':"<div class=\"dijitProgressBar dijitProgressBarEmpty\" role=\"progressbar\"\n\t><div data-dojo-attach-point=\"internalProgress\" class=\"dijitProgressBarFull\"\n\t\t><div class=\"dijitProgressBarTile\" role=\"presentation\"></div\n\t\t><span style=\"visibility:hidden\">&#160;</span\n\t></div\n\t><div data-dojo-attach-point=\"labelNode\" class=\"dijitProgressBarLabel\" id=\"${id}_label\"></div\n\t><img data-dojo-attach-point=\"indeterminateHighContrastImage\" class=\"dijitProgressBarIndeterminateHighContrastImage\" alt=\"\"\n/></div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/ProgressBar", [
- "require", // require.toUrl
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.toggle
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin
- "dojo/number", // number.format
- "./_Widget",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "dojo/text!./templates/ProgressBar.html"
-], function(require, declare, domClass, lang, number, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, template){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
-// module:
-// dijit/ProgressBar
-// summary:
-// A progress indication widget, showing the amount completed
-// (often the percentage completed) of a task.
-return declare("dijit.ProgressBar", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A progress indication widget, showing the amount completed
- // (often the percentage completed) of a task.
- //
- // example:
- // | <div data-dojo-type="ProgressBar"
- // | places="0"
- // | value="..." maximum="...">
- // | </div>
- // progress: [const] String (Percentage or Number)
- // Number or percentage indicating amount of task completed.
- // Deprecated. Use "value" instead.
- progress: "0",
- // value: String (Percentage or Number)
- // Number or percentage indicating amount of task completed.
- // With "%": percentage value, 0% <= progress <= 100%, or
- // without "%": absolute value, 0 <= progress <= maximum.
- // Infinity means that the progress bar is indeterminate.
- value: "",
- // maximum: [const] Float
- // Max sample number
- maximum: 100,
- // places: [const] Number
- // Number of places to show in values; 0 by default
- places: 0,
- // indeterminate: [const] Boolean
- // If false: show progress value (number or percentage).
- // If true: show that a process is underway but that the amount completed is unknown.
- // Deprecated. Use "value" instead.
- indeterminate: false,
- // label: String?
- // Label on progress bar. Defaults to percentage for determinate progress bar and
- // blank for indeterminate progress bar.
- label:"",
- // name: String
- // this is the field name (for a form) if set. This needs to be set if you want to use
- // this widget in a dijit.form.Form widget (such as dijit.Dialog)
- name: '',
- templateString: template,
- // _indeterminateHighContrastImagePath: [private] URL
- // URL to image to use for indeterminate progress bar when display is in high contrast mode
- _indeterminateHighContrastImagePath:
- require.toUrl("./themes/a11y/indeterminate_progress.gif"),
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(!("value" in this.params)){
- this.value = this.indeterminate ? Infinity : this.progress;
- }
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.indeterminateHighContrastImage.setAttribute("src",
- this._indeterminateHighContrastImagePath.toString());
- this.update();
- },
- update: function(/*Object?*/attributes){
- // summary:
- // Internal method to change attributes of ProgressBar, similar to set(hash). Users should call
- // set("value", ...) rather than calling this method directly.
- // attributes:
- // May provide progress and/or maximum properties on this parameter;
- // see attribute specs for details.
- // example:
- // | myProgressBar.update({'indeterminate': true});
- // | myProgressBar.update({'progress': 80});
- // | myProgressBar.update({'indeterminate': true, label:"Loading ..." })
- // tags:
- // private
- // TODO: deprecate this method and use set() instead
- lang.mixin(this, attributes || {});
- var tip = this.internalProgress, ap = this.domNode;
- var percent = 1;
- if(this.indeterminate){
- ap.removeAttribute("aria-valuenow");
- ap.removeAttribute("aria-valuemin");
- ap.removeAttribute("aria-valuemax");
- }else{
- if(String(this.progress).indexOf("%") != -1){
- percent = Math.min(parseFloat(this.progress)/100, 1);
- this.progress = percent * this.maximum;
- }else{
- this.progress = Math.min(this.progress, this.maximum);
- percent = this.maximum ? this.progress / this.maximum : 0;
- }
- ap.setAttribute("aria-describedby",;
- ap.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", this.progress);
- ap.setAttribute("aria-valuemin", 0);
- ap.setAttribute("aria-valuemax", this.maximum);
- }
- this.labelNode.innerHTML =;
- domClass.toggle(this.domNode, "dijitProgressBarIndeterminate", this.indeterminate);
- = (percent * 100) + "%";
- this.onChange();
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(v){
- this._set("value", v);
- if(v == Infinity){
- this.update({indeterminate:true});
- }else{
- this.update({indeterminate:false, progress:v});
- }
- },
- _setLabelAttr: function(label){
- this._set("label", label);
- this.update();
- },
- _setIndeterminateAttr: function(indeterminate){
- // Deprecated, use set("value", ...) instead
- this.indeterminate = indeterminate;
- this.update();
- },
- report: function(/*float*/percent){
- // summary:
- // Generates message to show inside progress bar (normally indicating amount of task completed).
- // May be overridden.
- // tags:
- // extension
- return this.label ? this.label :
- (this.indeterminate ? "&#160;" : number.format(percent, { type: "percent", places: this.places, locale: this.lang }));
- },
- onChange: function(){
- // summary:
- // Callback fired when progress updates.
- // tags:
- // extension
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/TitlePane.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/TitlePane.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f3630c21..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/TitlePane.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/TitlePane.html':"<div>\n\t<div data-dojo-attach-event=\"onclick:_onTitleClick, onkeypress:_onTitleKey\"\n\t\t\tclass=\"dijitTitlePaneTitle\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"titleBarNode\">\n\t\t<div class=\"dijitTitlePaneTitleFocus\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"focusNode\">\n\t\t\t<img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"arrowNode\" class=\"dijitArrowNode\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t\t/><span data-dojo-attach-point=\"arrowNodeInner\" class=\"dijitArrowNodeInner\"></span\n\t\t\t><span data-dojo-attach-point=\"titleNode\" class=\"dijitTitlePaneTextNode\"></span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class=\"dijitTitlePaneContentOuter\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"hideNode\" role=\"presentation\">\n\t\t<div class=\"dijitReset\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"wipeNode\" role=\"presentation\">\n\t\t\t<div class=\"dijitTitlePaneContentInner\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\" role=\"region\" id=\"${id}_pane\">\n\t\t\t\t<!-- nested divs because wipeIn()/wipeOut() doesn't work right on node w/padding etc. Put padding on inner div. -->\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/TitlePane", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.setSelectable
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set or get domAttr.remove
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.replace
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.setMarginBox domGeometry.getMarginBox
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/fx", // fxUtils.wipeIn fxUtils.wipeOut
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/keys", // keys.DOWN_ARROW keys.ENTER
- "./_CssStateMixin",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./layout/ContentPane",
- "dojo/text!./templates/TitlePane.html",
- "./_base/manager" // defaultDuration
-], function(array, declare, dom, domAttr, domClass, domGeometry, event, fxUtils, kernel, keys,
- _CssStateMixin, _TemplatedMixin, ContentPane, template, manager){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _CssStateMixin = dijit._CssStateMixin;
- var ContentPane = dijit.layout.ContentPane;
-// module:
-// dijit/TitlePane
-// summary:
-// A pane with a title on top, that can be expanded or collapsed.
-return declare("dijit.TitlePane", [ContentPane, _TemplatedMixin, _CssStateMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A pane with a title on top, that can be expanded or collapsed.
- //
- // description:
- // An accessible container with a title Heading, and a content
- // section that slides open and closed. TitlePane is an extension to
- // `dijit.layout.ContentPane`, providing all the useful content-control aspects from it.
- //
- // example:
- // | // load a TitlePane from remote file:
- // | var foo = new dijit.TitlePane({ href: "foobar.html", title:"Title" });
- // | foo.startup();
- //
- // example:
- // | <!-- markup href example: -->
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.TitlePane" data-dojo-props="href: 'foobar.html', title: 'Title'"></div>
- //
- // example:
- // | <!-- markup with inline data -->
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.TitlePane" title="Title">
- // | <p>I am content</p>
- // | </div>
- // title: String
- // Title of the pane
- title: "",
- _setTitleAttr: { node: "titleNode", type: "innerHTML" }, // override default where title becomes a hover tooltip
- // open: Boolean
- // Whether pane is opened or closed.
- open: true,
- // toggleable: Boolean
- // Whether pane can be opened or closed by clicking the title bar.
- toggleable: true,
- // tabIndex: String
- // Tabindex setting for the title (so users can tab to the title then
- // use space/enter to open/close the title pane)
- tabIndex: "0",
- // duration: Integer
- // Time in milliseconds to fade in/fade out
- duration: manager.defaultDuration,
- // baseClass: [protected] String
- // The root className to be placed on this widget's domNode.
- baseClass: "dijitTitlePane",
- templateString: template,
- // doLayout: [protected] Boolean
- // Don't change this parameter from the default value.
- // This ContentPane parameter doesn't make sense for TitlePane, since TitlePane
- // is never a child of a layout container, nor should TitlePane try to control
- // the size of an inner widget.
- doLayout: false,
- // Tooltip is defined in _WidgetBase but we need to handle the mapping to DOM here
- _setTooltipAttr: {node: "focusNode", type: "attribute", attribute: "title"}, // focusNode spans the entire width, titleNode doesn't
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- dom.setSelectable(this.titleNode, false);
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Hover and focus effect on title bar, except for non-toggleable TitlePanes
- // This should really be controlled from _setToggleableAttr() but _CssStateMixin
- // doesn't provide a way to disconnect a previous _trackMouseState() call
- if(this.toggleable){
- this._trackMouseState(this.titleBarNode, "dijitTitlePaneTitle");
- }
- // setup open/close animations
- var hideNode = this.hideNode, wipeNode = this.wipeNode;
- this._wipeIn = fxUtils.wipeIn({
- node: wipeNode,
- duration: this.duration,
- beforeBegin: function(){
- }
- });
- this._wipeOut = fxUtils.wipeOut({
- node: wipeNode,
- duration: this.duration,
- onEnd: function(){
- }
- });
- },
- _setOpenAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ open, /*Boolean*/ animate){
- // summary:
- // Hook to make set("open", boolean) control the open/closed state of the pane.
- // open: Boolean
- // True if you want to open the pane, false if you want to close it.
- array.forEach([this._wipeIn, this._wipeOut], function(animation){
- if(animation && animation.status() == "playing"){
- animation.stop();
- }
- });
- if(animate){
- var anim = this[open ? "_wipeIn" : "_wipeOut"];
- }else{
- = = open ? "" : "none";
- }
- // load content (if this is the first time we are opening the TitlePane
- // and content is specified as an href, or href was set when hidden)
- if(this._started){
- if(open){
- this._onShow();
- }else{
- this.onHide();
- }
- }
- this.arrowNodeInner.innerHTML = open ? "-" : "+";
- this.containerNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", open ? "false" : "true");
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-pressed", open ? "true" : "false");
- this._set("open", open);
- this._setCss();
- },
- _setToggleableAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ canToggle){
- // summary:
- // Hook to make set("toggleable", boolean) work.
- // canToggle: Boolean
- // True to allow user to open/close pane by clicking title bar.
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("role", canToggle ? "button" : "heading");
- if(canToggle){
- // TODO: if canToggle is switched from true to false shouldn't we remove this setting?
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-controls","_pane");
- domAttr.set(this.focusNode, "tabIndex", this.tabIndex);
- }else{
- domAttr.remove(this.focusNode, "tabIndex");
- }
- this._set("toggleable", canToggle);
- this._setCss();
- },
- _setContentAttr: function(/*String|DomNode|Nodelist*/ content){
- // summary:
- // Hook to make set("content", ...) work.
- // Typically called when an href is loaded. Our job is to make the animation smooth.
- if(! || !this._wipeOut || this._wipeOut.status() == "playing"){
- // we are currently *closing* the pane (or the pane is closed), so just let that continue
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }else{
- if(this._wipeIn && this._wipeIn.status() == "playing"){
- this._wipeIn.stop();
- }
- // freeze container at current height so that adding new content doesn't make it jump
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.wipeNode, { h: domGeometry.getMarginBox(this.wipeNode).h });
- // add the new content (erasing the old content, if any)
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // call to animate from current height to new height
- if(this._wipeIn){
- }else{
- = "";
- }
- }
- },
- toggle: function(){
- // summary:
- // Switches between opened and closed state
- // tags:
- // private
- this._setOpenAttr(!, true);
- },
- _setCss: function(){
- // summary:
- // Set the open/close css state for the TitlePane
- // tags:
- // private
- var node = this.titleBarNode || this.focusNode;
- var oldCls = this._titleBarClass;
- this._titleBarClass = "dijit" + (this.toggleable ? "" : "Fixed") + ( ? "Open" : "Closed");
- domClass.replace(node, this._titleBarClass, oldCls || "");
- this.arrowNodeInner.innerHTML = ? "-" : "+";
- },
- _onTitleKey: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for when user hits a key
- // tags:
- // private
- if(e.charOrCode == keys.ENTER || e.charOrCode == ' '){
- if(this.toggleable){
- this.toggle();
- }
- event.stop(e);
- }else if(e.charOrCode == keys.DOWN_ARROW &&{
- this.containerNode.focus();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- },
- _onTitleClick: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler when user clicks the title bar
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.toggleable){
- this.toggle();
- }
- },
- setTitle: function(/*String*/ title){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set('title', ...) instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.TitlePane.setTitle() is deprecated. Use set('title', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.set("title", title);
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/Toolbar.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/Toolbar.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d70e61de4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/Toolbar.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/Toolbar", [
- "require",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/kernel",
- "dojo/keys", // keys.LEFT_ARROW keys.RIGHT_ARROW
- "dojo/ready",
- "./_Widget",
- "./_KeyNavContainer",
- "./_TemplatedMixin"
-], function(require, declare, kernel, keys, ready, _Widget, _KeyNavContainer, _TemplatedMixin){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _KeyNavContainer = dijit._KeyNavContainer;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/Toolbar
- // summary:
- // A Toolbar widget, used to hold things like `dijit.Editor` buttons
- // Back compat w/1.6, remove for 2.0
- if(!kernel.isAsync){
- ready(0, function(){
- var requires = ["dijit/ToolbarSeparator"];
- require(requires); // use indirection so modules not rolled into a build
- });
- }
- return declare("dijit.Toolbar", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _KeyNavContainer], {
- // summary:
- // A Toolbar widget, used to hold things like `dijit.Editor` buttons
- templateString:
- '<div class="dijit" role="toolbar" tabIndex="${tabIndex}" data-dojo-attach-point="containerNode">' +
- '</div>',
- baseClass: "dijitToolbar",
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.connectKeyNavHandlers(
- this.isLeftToRight() ? [keys.LEFT_ARROW] : [keys.RIGHT_ARROW],
- this.isLeftToRight() ? [keys.RIGHT_ARROW] : [keys.LEFT_ARROW]
- );
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/ToolbarSeparator.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/ToolbarSeparator.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b67d30c2..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/ToolbarSeparator.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/ToolbarSeparator", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.setSelectable
- "./_Widget",
- "./_TemplatedMixin"
-], function(declare, dom, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/ToolbarSeparator
- // summary:
- // A spacer between two `dijit.Toolbar` items
- return declare("dijit.ToolbarSeparator", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A spacer between two `dijit.Toolbar` items
- templateString: '<div class="dijitToolbarSeparator dijitInline" role="presentation"></div>',
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- dom.setSelectable(this.domNode, false);
- },
- isFocusable: function(){
- // summary:
- // This widget isn't focusable, so pass along that fact.
- // tags:
- // protected
- return false;
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/Tooltip.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/Tooltip.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2063f2a4b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/Tooltip.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/Tooltip.html':"<div class=\"dijitTooltip dijitTooltipLeft\" id=\"dojoTooltip\"\n\t><div class=\"dijitTooltipContainer dijitTooltipContents\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\" role='alert'></div\n\t><div class=\"dijitTooltipConnector\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"connectorNode\"></div\n></div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/Tooltip", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.indexOf
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/fx", // fx.fadeIn fx.fadeOut
- "dojo/dom", // dom.byId
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.getMarginBox domGeometry.position
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.set, domStyle.get
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch lang.isArrayLike
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "./_base/manager", // manager.defaultDuration
- "./place",
- "./_Widget",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./BackgroundIframe",
- "dojo/text!./templates/Tooltip.html",
- "." // sets dijit.showTooltip etc. for back-compat
-], function(array, declare, fx, dom, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle, lang, has, win,
- manager, place, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, BackgroundIframe, template, dijit){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var BackgroundIframe = dijit.BackgroundIframe;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/Tooltip
- // summary:
- // Defines dijit.Tooltip widget (to display a tooltip), showTooltip()/hideTooltip(), and _MasterTooltip
- var MasterTooltip = declare("dijit._MasterTooltip", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Internal widget that holds the actual tooltip markup,
- // which occurs once per page.
- // Called by Tooltip widgets which are just containers to hold
- // the markup
- // tags:
- // protected
- // duration: Integer
- // Milliseconds to fade in/fade out
- duration: manager.defaultDuration,
- templateString: template,
- postCreate: function(){
- win.body().appendChild(this.domNode);
- this.bgIframe = new BackgroundIframe(this.domNode);
- // Setup fade-in and fade-out functions.
- this.fadeIn = fx.fadeIn({ node: this.domNode, duration: this.duration, onEnd: lang.hitch(this, "_onShow") });
- this.fadeOut = fx.fadeOut({ node: this.domNode, duration: this.duration, onEnd: lang.hitch(this, "_onHide") });
- },
- show: function(innerHTML, aroundNode, position, rtl, textDir){
- // summary:
- // Display tooltip w/specified contents to right of specified node
- // (To left if there's no space on the right, or if rtl == true)
- // innerHTML: String
- // Contents of the tooltip
- // aroundNode: DomNode || dijit.__Rectangle
- // Specifies that tooltip should be next to this node / area
- // position: String[]?
- // List of positions to try to position tooltip (ex: ["right", "above"])
- // rtl: Boolean?
- // Corresponds to `WidgetBase.dir` attribute, where false means "ltr" and true
- // means "rtl"; specifies GUI direction, not text direction.
- // textDir: String?
- // Corresponds to `WidgetBase.textdir` attribute; specifies direction of text.
- if(this.aroundNode && this.aroundNode === aroundNode && this.containerNode.innerHTML == innerHTML){
- return;
- }
- // reset width; it may have been set by orient() on a previous tooltip show()
- this.domNode.width = "auto";
- if(this.fadeOut.status() == "playing"){
- // previous tooltip is being hidden; wait until the hide completes then show new one
- this._onDeck=arguments;
- return;
- }
- this.containerNode.innerHTML=innerHTML;
- this.set("textDir", textDir);
- this.containerNode.align = rtl? "right" : "left"; //fix the text alignment
- var pos = place.around(this.domNode, aroundNode,
- position && position.length ? position : Tooltip.defaultPosition, !rtl, lang.hitch(this, "orient"));
- // Position the tooltip connector for middle alignment.
- // This could not have been done in orient() since the tooltip wasn't positioned at that time.
- var aroundNodeCoords = pos.aroundNodePos;
- if(pos.corner.charAt(0) == 'M' && pos.aroundCorner.charAt(0) == 'M'){
- = aroundNodeCoords.y + ((aroundNodeCoords.h - this.connectorNode.offsetHeight) >> 1) - pos.y + "px";
- = "";
- }else if(pos.corner.charAt(1) == 'M' && pos.aroundCorner.charAt(1) == 'M'){
- = aroundNodeCoords.x + ((aroundNodeCoords.w - this.connectorNode.offsetWidth) >> 1) - pos.x + "px";
- }
- // show it
- domStyle.set(this.domNode, "opacity", 0);
- this.isShowingNow = true;
- this.aroundNode = aroundNode;
- },
- orient: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String*/ aroundCorner, /*String*/ tooltipCorner, /*Object*/ spaceAvailable, /*Object*/ aroundNodeCoords){
- // summary:
- // Private function to set CSS for tooltip node based on which position it's in.
- // This is called by the dijit popup code. It will also reduce the tooltip's
- // width to whatever width is available
- // tags:
- // protected
- = ""; //reset to default
- //Adjust the spaceAvailable width, without changing the spaceAvailable object
- var tooltipSpaceAvaliableWidth = spaceAvailable.w - this.connectorNode.offsetWidth;
- node.className = "dijitTooltip " +
- {
- "MR-ML": "dijitTooltipRight",
- "ML-MR": "dijitTooltipLeft",
- "TM-BM": "dijitTooltipAbove",
- "BM-TM": "dijitTooltipBelow",
- "BL-TL": "dijitTooltipBelow dijitTooltipABLeft",
- "TL-BL": "dijitTooltipAbove dijitTooltipABLeft",
- "BR-TR": "dijitTooltipBelow dijitTooltipABRight",
- "TR-BR": "dijitTooltipAbove dijitTooltipABRight",
- "BR-BL": "dijitTooltipRight",
- "BL-BR": "dijitTooltipLeft"
- }[aroundCorner + "-" + tooltipCorner];
- // reduce tooltip's width to the amount of width available, so that it doesn't overflow screen
- = "auto";
- var size = domGeometry.getContentBox(this.domNode);
- var width = Math.min((Math.max(tooltipSpaceAvaliableWidth,1)), size.w);
- var widthWasReduced = width < size.w;
- = width+"px";
- //Adjust width for tooltips that have a really long word or a nowrap setting
- if(widthWasReduced){
- = "auto"; //temp change to overflow to detect if our tooltip needs to be wider to support the content
- var scrollWidth = this.containerNode.scrollWidth;
- = "visible"; //change it back
- if(scrollWidth > width){
- scrollWidth = scrollWidth + domStyle.get(this.domNode,"paddingLeft") + domStyle.get(this.domNode,"paddingRight");
- = scrollWidth + "px";
- }
- }
- // Reposition the tooltip connector.
- if(tooltipCorner.charAt(0) == 'B' && aroundCorner.charAt(0) == 'B'){
- var mb = domGeometry.getMarginBox(node);
- var tooltipConnectorHeight = this.connectorNode.offsetHeight;
- if(mb.h > spaceAvailable.h){
- // The tooltip starts at the top of the page and will extend past the aroundNode
- var aroundNodePlacement = spaceAvailable.h - ((aroundNodeCoords.h + tooltipConnectorHeight) >> 1);
- = aroundNodePlacement + "px";
- = "";
- }else{
- // Align center of connector with center of aroundNode, except don't let bottom
- // of connector extend below bottom of tooltip content, or top of connector
- // extend past top of tooltip content
- = Math.min(
- Math.max(aroundNodeCoords.h/2 - tooltipConnectorHeight/2, 0),
- mb.h - tooltipConnectorHeight) + "px";
- = "";
- }
- }else{
- // reset the tooltip back to the defaults
- = "";
- = "";
- }
- return Math.max(0, size.w - tooltipSpaceAvaliableWidth);
- },
- _onShow: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called at end of fade-in operation
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(has("ie")){
- // the arrow won't show up on a node w/an opacity filter
- }
- },
- hide: function(aroundNode){
- // summary:
- // Hide the tooltip
- if(this._onDeck && this._onDeck[1] == aroundNode){
- // this hide request is for a show() that hasn't even started yet;
- // just cancel the pending show()
- this._onDeck=null;
- }else if(this.aroundNode === aroundNode){
- // this hide request is for the currently displayed tooltip
- this.fadeIn.stop();
- this.isShowingNow = false;
- this.aroundNode = null;
- }else{
- // just ignore the call, it's for a tooltip that has already been erased
- }
- },
- _onHide: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called at end of fade-out operation
- // tags:
- // protected
-""; // to position offscreen again
- this.containerNode.innerHTML="";
- if(this._onDeck){
- // a show request has been queued up; do it now
-, this._onDeck);
- this._onDeck=null;
- }
- },
- _setAutoTextDir: function(/*Object*/node){
- // summary:
- // Resolve "auto" text direction for children nodes
- // tags:
- // private
- this.applyTextDir(node, has("ie") ? node.outerText : node.textContent);
- array.forEach(node.children, function(child){this._setAutoTextDir(child); }, this);
- },
- _setTextDirAttr: function(/*String*/ textDir){
- // summary:
- // Setter for textDir.
- // description:
- // Users shouldn't call this function; they should be calling
- // set('textDir', value)
- // tags:
- // private
- this._set("textDir", typeof textDir != 'undefined'? textDir : "");
- if (textDir == "auto"){
- this._setAutoTextDir(this.containerNode);
- }else{
- this.containerNode.dir = this.textDir;
- }
- }
- });
- dijit.showTooltip = function(innerHTML, aroundNode, position, rtl, textDir){
- // summary:
- // Static method to display tooltip w/specified contents in specified position.
- // See description of dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition for details on position parameter.
- // If position is not specified then dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition is used.
- // innerHTML: String
- // Contents of the tooltip
- // aroundNode: dijit.__Rectangle
- // Specifies that tooltip should be next to this node / area
- // position: String[]?
- // List of positions to try to position tooltip (ex: ["right", "above"])
- // rtl: Boolean?
- // Corresponds to `WidgetBase.dir` attribute, where false means "ltr" and true
- // means "rtl"; specifies GUI direction, not text direction.
- // textDir: String?
- // Corresponds to `WidgetBase.textdir` attribute; specifies direction of text.
- // after/before don't work, but they used to, so for back-compat convert them to after-centered, before-centered
- if(position){
- position =, function(val){
- return {after: "after-centered", before: "before-centered"}[val] || val;
- });
- }
- if(!Tooltip._masterTT){ dijit._masterTT = Tooltip._masterTT = new MasterTooltip(); }
- return, aroundNode, position, rtl, textDir);
- };
- dijit.hideTooltip = function(aroundNode){
- // summary:
- // Static method to hide the tooltip displayed via showTooltip()
- return Tooltip._masterTT && Tooltip._masterTT.hide(aroundNode);
- };
- var Tooltip = declare("dijit.Tooltip", _Widget, {
- // summary:
- // Pops up a tooltip (a help message) when you hover over a node.
- // label: String
- // Text to display in the tooltip.
- // Specified as innerHTML when creating the widget from markup.
- label: "",
- // showDelay: Integer
- // Number of milliseconds to wait after hovering over/focusing on the object, before
- // the tooltip is displayed.
- showDelay: 400,
- // connectId: String|String[]
- // Id of domNode(s) to attach the tooltip to.
- // When user hovers over specified dom node, the tooltip will appear.
- connectId: [],
- // position: String[]
- // See description of `dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition` for details on position parameter.
- position: [],
- _setConnectIdAttr: function(/*String|String[]*/ newId){
- // summary:
- // Connect to specified node(s)
- // Remove connections to old nodes (if there are any)
- array.forEach(this._connections || [], function(nested){
- array.forEach(nested, lang.hitch(this, "disconnect"));
- }, this);
- // Make array of id's to connect to, excluding entries for nodes that don't exist yet, see startup()
- this._connectIds = array.filter(lang.isArrayLike(newId) ? newId : (newId ? [newId] : []),
- function(id){ return dom.byId(id); });
- // Make connections
- this._connections =, function(id){
- var node = dom.byId(id);
- return [
- this.connect(node, "onmouseenter", "_onHover"),
- this.connect(node, "onmouseleave", "_onUnHover"),
- this.connect(node, "onfocus", "_onHover"),
- this.connect(node, "onblur", "_onUnHover")
- ];
- }, this);
- this._set("connectId", newId);
- },
- addTarget: function(/*DOMNODE || String*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Attach tooltip to specified node if it's not already connected
- // TODO: remove in 2.0 and just use set("connectId", ...) interface
- var id = || node;
- if(array.indexOf(this._connectIds, id) == -1){
- this.set("connectId", this._connectIds.concat(id));
- }
- },
- removeTarget: function(/*DomNode || String*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Detach tooltip from specified node
- // TODO: remove in 2.0 and just use set("connectId", ...) interface
- var id = || node, // map from DOMNode back to plain id string
- idx = array.indexOf(this._connectIds, id);
- if(idx >= 0){
- // remove id (modifies original this._connectIds but that's OK in this case)
- this._connectIds.splice(idx, 1);
- this.set("connectId", this._connectIds);
- }
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- domClass.add(this.domNode,"dijitTooltipData");
- },
- startup: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // If this tooltip was created in a template, or for some other reason the specified connectId[s]
- // didn't exist during the widget's initialization, then connect now.
- var ids = this.connectId;
- array.forEach(lang.isArrayLike(ids) ? ids : [ids], this.addTarget, this);
- },
- _onHover: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Despite the name of this method, it actually handles both hover and focus
- // events on the target node, setting a timer to show the tooltip.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!this._showTimer){
- var target =;
- this._showTimer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){}), this.showDelay);
- }
- },
- _onUnHover: function(/*Event*/ /*===== e =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Despite the name of this method, it actually handles both mouseleave and blur
- // events on the target node, hiding the tooltip.
- // tags:
- // private
- // keep a tooltip open if the associated element still has focus (even though the
- // mouse moved away)
- if(this._focus){ return; }
- if(this._showTimer){
- clearTimeout(this._showTimer);
- delete this._showTimer;
- }
- this.close();
- },
- open: function(/*DomNode*/ target){
- // summary:
- // Display the tooltip; usually not called directly.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this._showTimer){
- clearTimeout(this._showTimer);
- delete this._showTimer;
- }
- || this.domNode.innerHTML, target, this.position, !this.isLeftToRight(), this.textDir);
- this._connectNode = target;
- this.onShow(target, this.position);
- },
- close: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hide the tooltip or cancel timer for show of tooltip
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this._connectNode){
- // if tooltip is currently shown
- Tooltip.hide(this._connectNode);
- delete this._connectNode;
- this.onHide();
- }
- if(this._showTimer){
- // if tooltip is scheduled to be shown (after a brief delay)
- clearTimeout(this._showTimer);
- delete this._showTimer;
- }
- },
- onShow: function(/*===== target, position =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Called when the tooltip is shown
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onHide: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when the tooltip is hidden
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- uninitialize: function(){
- this.close();
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
- Tooltip._MasterTooltip = MasterTooltip; // for monkey patching
- = dijit.showTooltip; // export function through module return value
- Tooltip.hide = dijit.hideTooltip; // export function through module return value
- // dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition: String[]
- // This variable controls the position of tooltips, if the position is not specified to
- // the Tooltip widget or *TextBox widget itself. It's an array of strings with the values
- // possible for `dijit/place::around()`. The recommended values are:
- //
- // * before-centered: centers tooltip to the left of the anchor node/widget, or to the right
- // in the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
- // * after-centered: centers tooltip to the right of the anchor node/widget, or to the left
- // in the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
- // * above-centered: tooltip is centered above anchor node
- // * below-centered: tooltip is centered above anchor node
- //
- // The list is positions is tried, in order, until a position is found where the tooltip fits
- // within the viewport.
- //
- // Be careful setting this parameter. A value of "above-centered" may work fine until the user scrolls
- // the screen so that there's no room above the target node. Nodes with drop downs, like
- // DropDownButton or FilteringSelect, are especially problematic, in that you need to be sure
- // that the drop down and tooltip don't overlap, even when the viewport is scrolled so that there
- // is only room below (or above) the target node, but not both.
- Tooltip.defaultPosition = ["after-centered", "before-centered"];
- return Tooltip;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/TooltipDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/TooltipDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 35d97c380..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/TooltipDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/TooltipDialog.html':"<div role=\"presentation\" tabIndex=\"-1\">\n\t<div class=\"dijitTooltipContainer\" role=\"presentation\">\n\t\t<div class =\"dijitTooltipContents dijitTooltipFocusNode\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\" role=\"dialog\"></div>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class=\"dijitTooltipConnector\" role=\"presentation\"></div>\n</div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/TooltipDialog", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.replace
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys", // keys
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "./focus",
- "./layout/ContentPane",
- "./_DialogMixin",
- "./form/_FormMixin",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "dojo/text!./templates/TooltipDialog.html",
- "." // exports methods to dijit global
-], function(declare, domClass, event, keys, lang,
- focus, ContentPane, _DialogMixin, _FormMixin, _TemplatedMixin, template, dijit){
- var ContentPane = dijit.layout.ContentPane;
- var _DialogMixin = dijit._DialogMixin;
- var _FormMixin = dijit.form._FormMixin;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/TooltipDialog
- // summary:
- // Pops up a dialog that appears like a Tooltip
- return declare("dijit.TooltipDialog",
- [ContentPane, _TemplatedMixin, _FormMixin, _DialogMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Pops up a dialog that appears like a Tooltip
- // title: String
- // Description of tooltip dialog (required for a11y)
- title: "",
- // doLayout: [protected] Boolean
- // Don't change this parameter from the default value.
- // This ContentPane parameter doesn't make sense for TooltipDialog, since TooltipDialog
- // is never a child of a layout container, nor can you specify the size of
- // TooltipDialog in order to control the size of an inner widget.
- doLayout: false,
- // autofocus: Boolean
- // A Toggle to modify the default focus behavior of a Dialog, which
- // is to focus on the first dialog element after opening the dialog.
- // False will disable autofocusing. Default: true
- autofocus: true,
- // baseClass: [protected] String
- // The root className to use for the various states of this widget
- baseClass: "dijitTooltipDialog",
- // _firstFocusItem: [private] [readonly] DomNode
- // The pointer to the first focusable node in the dialog.
- // Set by `dijit._DialogMixin._getFocusItems`.
- _firstFocusItem: null,
- // _lastFocusItem: [private] [readonly] DomNode
- // The pointer to which node has focus prior to our dialog.
- // Set by `dijit._DialogMixin._getFocusItems`.
- _lastFocusItem: null,
- templateString: template,
- _setTitleAttr: function(/*String*/ title){
- this.containerNode.title = title;
- this._set("title", title)
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.connect(this.containerNode, "onkeypress", "_onKey");
- },
- orient: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String*/ aroundCorner, /*String*/ corner){
- // summary:
- // Configure widget to be displayed in given position relative to the button.
- // This is called from the dijit.popup code, and should not be called
- // directly.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var newC = "dijitTooltipAB" + (corner.charAt(1) == 'L' ? "Left" : "Right")
- + " dijitTooltip"
- + (corner.charAt(0) == 'T' ? "Below" : "Above");
- domClass.replace(this.domNode, newC, this._currentOrientClass || "");
- this._currentOrientClass = newC;
- },
- focus: function(){
- // summary:
- // Focus on first field
- this._getFocusItems(this.containerNode);
- focus.focus(this._firstFocusItem);
- },
- onOpen: function(/*Object*/ pos){
- // summary:
- // Called when dialog is displayed.
- // This is called from the dijit.popup code, and should not be called directly.
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.orient(this.domNode,pos.aroundCorner, pos.corner);
- this._onShow(); // lazy load trigger
- },
- onClose: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when dialog is hidden.
- // This is called from the dijit.popup code, and should not be called directly.
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.onHide();
- },
- _onKey: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handler for keyboard events
- // description:
- // Keep keyboard focus in dialog; close dialog on escape key
- // tags:
- // private
- var node =;
- if(evt.charOrCode === keys.TAB){
- this._getFocusItems(this.containerNode);
- }
- var singleFocusItem = (this._firstFocusItem == this._lastFocusItem);
- if(evt.charOrCode == keys.ESCAPE){
- // Use setTimeout to avoid crash on IE, see #10396.
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, "onCancel"), 0);
- event.stop(evt);
- }else if(node == this._firstFocusItem && evt.shiftKey && evt.charOrCode === keys.TAB){
- if(!singleFocusItem){
- focus.focus(this._lastFocusItem); // send focus to last item in dialog
- }
- event.stop(evt);
- }else if(node == this._lastFocusItem && evt.charOrCode === keys.TAB && !evt.shiftKey){
- if(!singleFocusItem){
- focus.focus(this._firstFocusItem); // send focus to first item in dialog
- }
- event.stop(evt);
- }else if(evt.charOrCode === keys.TAB){
- // we want the browser's default tab handling to move focus
- // but we don't want the tab to propagate upwards
- evt.stopPropagation();
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/Tree.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/Tree.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd8161af..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/Tree.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1692 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/TreeNode.html':"<div class=\"dijitTreeNode\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t><div data-dojo-attach-point=\"rowNode\" class=\"dijitTreeRow\" role=\"presentation\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onmouseenter:_onMouseEnter, onmouseleave:_onMouseLeave, onclick:_onClick, ondblclick:_onDblClick\"\n\t\t><img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"expandoNode\" class=\"dijitTreeExpando\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t/><span data-dojo-attach-point=\"expandoNodeText\" class=\"dijitExpandoText\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t></span\n\t\t><span data-dojo-attach-point=\"contentNode\"\n\t\t\tclass=\"dijitTreeContent\" role=\"presentation\">\n\t\t\t<img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"iconNode\" class=\"dijitIcon dijitTreeIcon\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t\t/><span data-dojo-attach-point=\"labelNode\" class=\"dijitTreeLabel\" role=\"treeitem\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-selected=\"false\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onfocus:_onLabelFocus\"></span>\n\t\t</span\n\t></div>\n\t<div data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\" class=\"dijitTreeContainer\" role=\"presentation\" style=\"display: none;\"></div>\n</div>\n",
-'url:dijit/templates/Tree.html':"<div class=\"dijitTree dijitTreeContainer\" role=\"tree\"\n\tdata-dojo-attach-event=\"onkeypress:_onKeyPress\">\n\t<div class=\"dijitInline dijitTreeIndent\" style=\"position: absolute; top: -9999px\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"indentDetector\"></div>\n</div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/Tree", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.filter array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/connect", // connect.isCopyKey()
- "dojo/cookie", // cookie
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/Deferred", // Deferred
- "dojo/DeferredList", // DeferredList
- "dojo/dom", // dom.isDescendant
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove domClass.replace domClass.toggle
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.setMarginBox domGeometry.position
- "dojo/dom-style",// domStyle.set
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/fx", // fxUtils.wipeIn fxUtils.wipeOut
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/keys", // arrows etc.
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject lang.mixin lang.hitch
- "dojo/topic",
- "./focus",
- "./registry", // registry.getEnclosingWidget(), manager.defaultDuration
- "./_base/manager", // manager.getEnclosingWidget(), manager.defaultDuration
- "./_Widget",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./_Container",
- "./_Contained",
- "./_CssStateMixin",
- "dojo/text!./templates/TreeNode.html",
- "dojo/text!./templates/Tree.html",
- "./tree/TreeStoreModel",
- "./tree/ForestStoreModel",
- "./tree/_dndSelector"
-], function(array, connect, cookie, declare, Deferred, DeferredList,
- dom, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle, event, fxUtils, kernel, keys, lang, topic,
- focus, registry, manager, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _Container, _Contained, _CssStateMixin,
- treeNodeTemplate, treeTemplate, TreeStoreModel, ForestStoreModel, _dndSelector){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _CssStateMixin = dijit._CssStateMixin;
- var _Container = dijit._Container;
- var _Contained = dijit._Contained;
-// module:
-// dijit/Tree
-// summary:
-// dijit.Tree widget, and internal dijit._TreeNode widget
-var TreeNode = declare(
- "dijit._TreeNode",
- [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _Container, _Contained, _CssStateMixin],
- // summary:
- // Single node within a tree. This class is used internally
- // by Tree and should not be accessed directly.
- // tags:
- // private
- // item: [const] Item
- // the entry this tree represents
- item: null,
- // isTreeNode: [protected] Boolean
- // Indicates that this is a TreeNode. Used by `dijit.Tree` only,
- // should not be accessed directly.
- isTreeNode: true,
- // label: String
- // Text of this tree node
- label: "",
- _setLabelAttr: {node: "labelNode", type: "innerText"},
- // isExpandable: [private] Boolean
- // This node has children, so show the expando node (+ sign)
- isExpandable: null,
- // isExpanded: [readonly] Boolean
- // This node is currently expanded (ie, opened)
- isExpanded: false,
- // state: [private] String
- // Dynamic loading-related stuff.
- // When an empty folder node appears, it is "UNCHECKED" first,
- // then after query it becomes "LOADING" and, finally "LOADED"
- state: "UNCHECKED",
- templateString: treeNodeTemplate,
- baseClass: "dijitTreeNode",
- // For hover effect for tree node, and focus effect for label
- cssStateNodes: {
- rowNode: "dijitTreeRow",
- labelNode: "dijitTreeLabel"
- },
- // Tooltip is defined in _WidgetBase but we need to handle the mapping to DOM here
- _setTooltipAttr: {node: "rowNode", type: "attribute", attribute: "title"},
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // set expand icon for leaf
- this._setExpando();
- // set icon and label class based on item
- this._updateItemClasses(this.item);
- if(this.isExpandable){
- this.labelNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", this.isExpanded);
- }
- //aria-selected should be false on all selectable elements.
- this.setSelected(false);
- },
- _setIndentAttr: function(indent){
- // summary:
- // Tell this node how many levels it should be indented
- // description:
- // 0 for top level nodes, 1 for their children, 2 for their
- // grandchildren, etc.
- // Math.max() is to prevent negative padding on hidden root node (when indent == -1)
- var pixels = (Math.max(indent, 0) * this.tree._nodePixelIndent) + "px";
- domStyle.set(this.domNode, "backgroundPosition", pixels + " 0px");
- domStyle.set(this.rowNode, this.isLeftToRight() ? "paddingLeft" : "paddingRight", pixels);
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
- child.set("indent", indent+1);
- });
- this._set("indent", indent);
- },
- markProcessing: function(){
- // summary:
- // Visually denote that tree is loading data, etc.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.state = "LOADING";
- this._setExpando(true);
- },
- unmarkProcessing: function(){
- // summary:
- // Clear markup from markProcessing() call
- // tags:
- // private
- this._setExpando(false);
- },
- _updateItemClasses: function(item){
- // summary:
- // Set appropriate CSS classes for icon and label dom node
- // (used to allow for item updates to change respective CSS)
- // tags:
- // private
- var tree = this.tree, model = tree.model;
- if(tree._v10Compat && item === model.root){
- // For back-compat with 1.0, need to use null to specify root item (TODO: remove in 2.0)
- item = null;
- }
- this._applyClassAndStyle(item, "icon", "Icon");
- this._applyClassAndStyle(item, "label", "Label");
- this._applyClassAndStyle(item, "row", "Row");
- },
- _applyClassAndStyle: function(item, lower, upper){
- // summary:
- // Set the appropriate CSS classes and styles for labels, icons and rows.
- //
- // item:
- // The data item.
- //
- // lower:
- // The lower case attribute to use, e.g. 'icon', 'label' or 'row'.
- //
- // upper:
- // The upper case attribute to use, e.g. 'Icon', 'Label' or 'Row'.
- //
- // tags:
- // private
- var clsName = "_" + lower + "Class";
- var nodeName = lower + "Node";
- var oldCls = this[clsName];
- this[clsName] = this.tree["get" + upper + "Class"](item, this.isExpanded);
- domClass.replace(this[nodeName], this[clsName] || "", oldCls || "");
- domStyle.set(this[nodeName], this.tree["get" + upper + "Style"](item, this.isExpanded) || {});
- },
- _updateLayout: function(){
- // summary:
- // Set appropriate CSS classes for this.domNode
- // tags:
- // private
- var parent = this.getParent();
- if(!parent || !parent.rowNode || == "none"){
- /* if we are hiding the root node then make every first level child look like a root node */
- domClass.add(this.domNode, "dijitTreeIsRoot");
- }else{
- domClass.toggle(this.domNode, "dijitTreeIsLast", !this.getNextSibling());
- }
- },
- _setExpando: function(/*Boolean*/ processing){
- // summary:
- // Set the right image for the expando node
- // tags:
- // private
- var styles = ["dijitTreeExpandoLoading", "dijitTreeExpandoOpened",
- "dijitTreeExpandoClosed", "dijitTreeExpandoLeaf"],
- _a11yStates = ["*","-","+","*"],
- idx = processing ? 0 : (this.isExpandable ? (this.isExpanded ? 1 : 2) : 3);
- // apply the appropriate class to the expando node
- domClass.replace(this.expandoNode, styles[idx], styles);
- // provide a non-image based indicator for images-off mode
- this.expandoNodeText.innerHTML = _a11yStates[idx];
- },
- expand: function(){
- // summary:
- // Show my children
- // returns:
- // Deferred that fires when expansion is complete
- // If there's already an expand in progress or we are already expanded, just return
- if(this._expandDeferred){
- return this._expandDeferred; // dojo.Deferred
- }
- // cancel in progress collapse operation
- this._wipeOut && this._wipeOut.stop();
- // All the state information for when a node is expanded, maybe this should be
- // set when the animation completes instead
- this.isExpanded = true;
- this.labelNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");
- if(this.tree.showRoot || this !== this.tree.rootNode){
- this.containerNode.setAttribute("role", "group");
- }
- domClass.add(this.contentNode,'dijitTreeContentExpanded');
- this._setExpando();
- this._updateItemClasses(this.item);
- if(this == this.tree.rootNode){
- this.tree.domNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");
- }
- var def,
- wipeIn = fxUtils.wipeIn({
- node: this.containerNode, duration: manager.defaultDuration,
- onEnd: function(){
- def.callback(true);
- }
- });
- // Deferred that fires when expand is complete
- def = (this._expandDeferred = new Deferred(function(){
- // Canceller
- wipeIn.stop();
- }));
- return def; // dojo.Deferred
- },
- collapse: function(){
- // summary:
- // Collapse this node (if it's expanded)
- if(!this.isExpanded){ return; }
- // cancel in progress expand operation
- if(this._expandDeferred){
- this._expandDeferred.cancel();
- delete this._expandDeferred;
- }
- this.isExpanded = false;
- this.labelNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
- if(this == this.tree.rootNode){
- this.tree.domNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
- }
- domClass.remove(this.contentNode,'dijitTreeContentExpanded');
- this._setExpando();
- this._updateItemClasses(this.item);
- if(!this._wipeOut){
- this._wipeOut = fxUtils.wipeOut({
- node: this.containerNode, duration: manager.defaultDuration
- });
- }
- },
- // indent: Integer
- // Levels from this node to the root node
- indent: 0,
- setChildItems: function(/* Object[] */ items){
- // summary:
- // Sets the child items of this node, removing/adding nodes
- // from current children to match specified items[] array.
- // Also, if this.persist == true, expands any children that were previously
- // opened.
- // returns:
- // Deferred object that fires after all previously opened children
- // have been expanded again (or fires instantly if there are no such children).
- var tree = this.tree,
- model = tree.model,
- defs = []; // list of deferreds that need to fire before I am complete
- // Orphan all my existing children.
- // If items contains some of the same items as before then we will reattach them.
- // Don't call this.removeChild() because that will collapse the tree etc.
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
-, child);
- }, this);
- this.state = "LOADED";
- if(items && items.length > 0){
- this.isExpandable = true;
- // Create _TreeNode widget for each specified tree node, unless one already
- // exists and isn't being used (presumably it's from a DnD move and was recently
- // released
- array.forEach(items, function(item){
- var id = model.getIdentity(item),
- existingNodes = tree._itemNodesMap[id],
- node;
- if(existingNodes){
- for(var i=0;i<existingNodes.length;i++){
- if(existingNodes[i] && !existingNodes[i].getParent()){
- node = existingNodes[i];
- node.set('indent', this.indent+1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!node){
- node = this.tree._createTreeNode({
- item: item,
- tree: tree,
- isExpandable: model.mayHaveChildren(item),
- label: tree.getLabel(item),
- tooltip: tree.getTooltip(item),
- dir: tree.dir,
- lang: tree.lang,
- textDir: tree.textDir,
- indent: this.indent + 1
- });
- if(existingNodes){
- existingNodes.push(node);
- }else{
- tree._itemNodesMap[id] = [node];
- }
- }
- this.addChild(node);
- // If node was previously opened then open it again now (this may trigger
- // more data store accesses, recursively)
- if(this.tree.autoExpand || this.tree._state(node)){
- defs.push(tree._expandNode(node));
- }
- }, this);
- // note that updateLayout() needs to be called on each child after
- // _all_ the children exist
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
- child._updateLayout();
- });
- }else{
- this.isExpandable=false;
- }
- if(this._setExpando){
- // change expando to/from dot or + icon, as appropriate
- this._setExpando(false);
- }
- // Set leaf icon or folder icon, as appropriate
- this._updateItemClasses(this.item);
- // On initial tree show, make the selected TreeNode as either the root node of the tree,
- // or the first child, if the root node is hidden
- if(this == tree.rootNode){
- var fc = this.tree.showRoot ? this : this.getChildren()[0];
- if(fc){
- fc.setFocusable(true);
- tree.lastFocused = fc;
- }else{
- // fallback: no nodes in tree so focus on Tree <div> itself
- tree.domNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", "0");
- }
- }
- return new DeferredList(defs); // dojo.Deferred
- },
- getTreePath: function(){
- var node = this;
- var path = [];
- while(node && node !== this.tree.rootNode){
- path.unshift(node.item);
- node = node.getParent();
- }
- path.unshift(this.tree.rootNode.item);
- return path;
- },
- getIdentity: function(){
- return this.tree.model.getIdentity(this.item);
- },
- removeChild: function(/* treeNode */ node){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var children = this.getChildren();
- if(children.length == 0){
- this.isExpandable = false;
- this.collapse();
- }
- array.forEach(children, function(child){
- child._updateLayout();
- });
- },
- makeExpandable: function(){
- // summary:
- // if this node wasn't already showing the expando node,
- // turn it into one and call _setExpando()
- // TODO: hmm this isn't called from anywhere, maybe should remove it for 2.0
- this.isExpandable = true;
- this._setExpando(false);
- },
- _onLabelFocus: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when this row is focused (possibly programatically)
- // Note that we aren't using _onFocus() builtin to dijit
- // because it's called when focus is moved to a descendant TreeNode.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.tree._onNodeFocus(this);
- },
- setSelected: function(/*Boolean*/ selected){
- // summary:
- // A Tree has a (single) currently selected node.
- // Mark that this node is/isn't that currently selected node.
- // description:
- // In particular, setting a node as selected involves setting tabIndex
- // so that when user tabs to the tree, focus will go to that node (only).
- this.labelNode.setAttribute("aria-selected", selected);
- domClass.toggle(this.rowNode, "dijitTreeRowSelected", selected);
- },
- setFocusable: function(/*Boolean*/ selected){
- // summary:
- // A Tree has a (single) node that's focusable.
- // Mark that this node is/isn't that currently focsuable node.
- // description:
- // In particular, setting a node as selected involves setting tabIndex
- // so that when user tabs to the tree, focus will go to that node (only).
- this.labelNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", selected ? "0" : "-1");
- },
- _onClick: function(evt){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onclick event on a node
- // tags:
- // private
- this.tree._onClick(this, evt);
- },
- _onDblClick: function(evt){
- // summary:
- // Handler for ondblclick event on a node
- // tags:
- // private
- this.tree._onDblClick(this, evt);
- },
- _onMouseEnter: function(evt){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onmouseenter event on a node
- // tags:
- // private
- this.tree._onNodeMouseEnter(this, evt);
- },
- _onMouseLeave: function(evt){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onmouseenter event on a node
- // tags:
- // private
- this.tree._onNodeMouseLeave(this, evt);
- },
- _setTextDirAttr: function(textDir){
- if(textDir &&((this.textDir != textDir) || !this._created)){
- this._set("textDir", textDir);
- this.applyTextDir(this.labelNode, this.labelNode.innerText || this.labelNode.textContent || "");
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(childNode){
- childNode.set("textDir", textDir);
- }, this);
- }
- }
-var Tree = declare("dijit.Tree", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], {
- // summary:
- // This widget displays hierarchical data from a store.
- // store: [deprecated] String||
- // Deprecated. Use "model" parameter instead.
- // The store to get data to display in the tree.
- store: null,
- // model: dijit.Tree.model
- // Interface to read tree data, get notifications of changes to tree data,
- // and for handling drop operations (i.e drag and drop onto the tree)
- model: null,
- // query: [deprecated] anything
- // Deprecated. User should specify query to the model directly instead.
- // Specifies datastore query to return the root item or top items for the tree.
- query: null,
- // label: [deprecated] String
- // Deprecated. Use dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel directly instead.
- // Used in conjunction with query parameter.
- // If a query is specified (rather than a root node id), and a label is also specified,
- // then a fake root node is created and displayed, with this label.
- label: "",
- // showRoot: [const] Boolean
- // Should the root node be displayed, or hidden?
- showRoot: true,
- // childrenAttr: [deprecated] String[]
- // Deprecated. This information should be specified in the model.
- // One ore more attributes that holds children of a tree node
- childrenAttr: ["children"],
- // paths: String[][] or Item[][]
- // Full paths from rootNode to selected nodes expressed as array of items or array of ids.
- // Since setting the paths may be asynchronous (because ofwaiting on, set("paths", ...)
- // returns a Deferred to indicate when the set is complete.
- paths: [],
- // path: String[] or Item[]
- // Backward compatible singular variant of paths.
- path: [],
- // selectedItems: [readonly] Item[]
- // The currently selected items in this tree.
- // This property can only be set (via set('selectedItems', ...)) when that item is already
- // visible in the tree. (I.e. the tree has already been expanded to show that node.)
- // Should generally use `paths` attribute to set the selected items instead.
- selectedItems: null,
- // selectedItem: [readonly] Item
- // Backward compatible singular variant of selectedItems.
- selectedItem: null,
- // openOnClick: Boolean
- // If true, clicking a folder node's label will open it, rather than calling onClick()
- openOnClick: false,
- // openOnDblClick: Boolean
- // If true, double-clicking a folder node's label will open it, rather than calling onDblClick()
- openOnDblClick: false,
- templateString: treeTemplate,
- // persist: Boolean
- // Enables/disables use of cookies for state saving.
- persist: true,
- // autoExpand: Boolean
- // Fully expand the tree on load. Overrides `persist`.
- autoExpand: false,
- // dndController: [protected] Function|String
- // Class to use as as the dnd controller. Specifying this class enables DnD.
- // Generally you should specify this as dijit.tree.dndSource.
- // Setting of dijit.tree._dndSelector handles selection only (no actual DnD).
- dndController: _dndSelector,
- // parameters to pull off of the tree and pass on to the dndController as its params
- dndParams: ["onDndDrop","itemCreator","onDndCancel","checkAcceptance", "checkItemAcceptance", "dragThreshold", "betweenThreshold"],
- //declare the above items so they can be pulled from the tree's markup
- // onDndDrop: [protected] Function
- // Parameter to dndController, see `dijit.tree.dndSource.onDndDrop`.
- // Generally this doesn't need to be set.
- onDndDrop: null,
- /*=====
- itemCreator: function(nodes, target, source){
- // summary:
- // Returns objects passed to `Tree.model.newItem()` based on DnD nodes
- // dropped onto the tree. Developer must override this method to enable
- // dropping from external sources onto this Tree, unless the Tree.model's items
- // happen to look like {id: 123, name: "Apple" } with no other attributes.
- // description:
- // For each node in nodes[], which came from source, create a hash of name/value
- // pairs to be passed to Tree.model.newItem(). Returns array of those hashes.
- // nodes: DomNode[]
- // The DOMNodes dragged from the source container
- // target: DomNode
- // The target TreeNode.rowNode
- // source: dojo.dnd.Source
- // The source container the nodes were dragged from, perhaps another Tree or a plain dojo.dnd.Source
- // returns: Object[]
- // Array of name/value hashes for each new item to be added to the Tree, like:
- // | [
- // | { id: 123, label: "apple", foo: "bar" },
- // | { id: 456, label: "pear", zaz: "bam" }
- // | ]
- // tags:
- // extension
- return [{}];
- },
- =====*/
- itemCreator: null,
- // onDndCancel: [protected] Function
- // Parameter to dndController, see `dijit.tree.dndSource.onDndCancel`.
- // Generally this doesn't need to be set.
- onDndCancel: null,
- checkAcceptance: function(source, nodes){
- // summary:
- // Checks if the Tree itself can accept nodes from this source
- // source: dijit.tree._dndSource
- // The source which provides items
- // nodes: DOMNode[]
- // Array of DOM nodes corresponding to nodes being dropped, dijitTreeRow nodes if
- // source is a dijit.Tree.
- // tags:
- // extension
- return true; // Boolean
- },
- checkAcceptance: null,
- checkItemAcceptance: function(target, source, position){
- // summary:
- // Stub function to be overridden if one wants to check for the ability to drop at the node/item level
- // description:
- // In the base case, this is called to check if target can become a child of source.
- // When betweenThreshold is set, position="before" or "after" means that we
- // are asking if the source node can be dropped before/after the target node.
- // target: DOMNode
- // The dijitTreeRoot DOM node inside of the TreeNode that we are dropping on to
- // Use dijit.getEnclosingWidget(target) to get the TreeNode.
- // source: dijit.tree.dndSource
- // The (set of) nodes we are dropping
- // position: String
- // "over", "before", or "after"
- // tags:
- // extension
- return true; // Boolean
- },
- checkItemAcceptance: null,
- // dragThreshold: Integer
- // Number of pixels mouse moves before it's considered the start of a drag operation
- dragThreshold: 5,
- // betweenThreshold: Integer
- // Set to a positive value to allow drag and drop "between" nodes.
- //
- // If during DnD mouse is over a (target) node but less than betweenThreshold
- // pixels from the bottom edge, dropping the the dragged node will make it
- // the next sibling of the target node, rather than the child.
- //
- // Similarly, if mouse is over a target node but less that betweenThreshold
- // pixels from the top edge, dropping the dragged node will make it
- // the target node's previous sibling rather than the target node's child.
- betweenThreshold: 0,
- // _nodePixelIndent: Integer
- // Number of pixels to indent tree nodes (relative to parent node).
- // Default is 19 but can be overridden by setting CSS class dijitTreeIndent
- // and calling resize() or startup() on tree after it's in the DOM.
- _nodePixelIndent: 19,
- _publish: function(/*String*/ topicName, /*Object*/ message){
- // summary:
- // Publish a message for this widget/topic
- topic.publish(, lang.mixin({tree: this, event: topicName}, message || {})); // publish
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.tree = this;
- if(this.autoExpand){
- // There's little point in saving opened/closed state of nodes for a Tree
- // that initially opens all it's nodes.
- this.persist = false;
- }
- this._itemNodesMap={};
- if(!this.cookieName &&{
- this.cookieName = + "SaveStateCookie";
- }
- this._loadDeferred = new Deferred();
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this._initState();
- // Create glue between store and Tree, if not specified directly by user
- if(!this.model){
- this._store2model();
- }
- // monitor changes to items
- this.connect(this.model, "onChange", "_onItemChange");
- this.connect(this.model, "onChildrenChange", "_onItemChildrenChange");
- this.connect(this.model, "onDelete", "_onItemDelete");
- this._load();
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.dndController){
- if(lang.isString(this.dndController)){
- this.dndController = lang.getObject(this.dndController);
- }
- var params={};
- for(var i=0; i<this.dndParams.length;i++){
- if(this[this.dndParams[i]]){
- params[this.dndParams[i]] = this[this.dndParams[i]];
- }
- }
- this.dndController = new this.dndController(this, params);
- }
- },
- _store2model: function(){
- // summary:
- // User specified a store&query rather than model, so create model from store/query
- this._v10Compat = true;
- kernel.deprecated("Tree: from version 2.0, should specify a model object rather than a store/query");
- var modelParams = {
- id: + "_ForestStoreModel",
- store:,
- query: this.query,
- childrenAttrs: this.childrenAttr
- };
- // Only override the model's mayHaveChildren() method if the user has specified an override
- if(this.params.mayHaveChildren){
- modelParams.mayHaveChildren = lang.hitch(this, "mayHaveChildren");
- }
- if(this.params.getItemChildren){
- modelParams.getChildren = lang.hitch(this, function(item, onComplete, onError){
- this.getItemChildren((this._v10Compat && item === this.model.root) ? null : item, onComplete, onError);
- });
- }
- this.model = new ForestStoreModel(modelParams);
- // For backwards compatibility, the visibility of the root node is controlled by
- // whether or not the user has specified a label
- this.showRoot = Boolean(this.label);
- },
- onLoad: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when tree finishes loading and expanding.
- // description:
- // If persist == true the loading may encompass many levels of fetches
- // from the data store, each asynchronous. Waits for all to finish.
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- _load: function(){
- // summary:
- // Initial load of the tree.
- // Load root node (possibly hidden) and it's children.
- this.model.getRoot(
- lang.hitch(this, function(item){
- var rn = (this.rootNode = this.tree._createTreeNode({
- item: item,
- tree: this,
- isExpandable: true,
- label: this.label || this.getLabel(item),
- textDir: this.textDir,
- indent: this.showRoot ? 0 : -1
- }));
- if(!this.showRoot){
- // if root is not visible, move tree role to the invisible
- // root node's containerNode, see #12135
- this.domNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation");
- rn.labelNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation");
- rn.containerNode.setAttribute("role", "tree");
- }
- this.domNode.appendChild(rn.domNode);
- var identity = this.model.getIdentity(item);
- if(this._itemNodesMap[identity]){
- this._itemNodesMap[identity].push(rn);
- }else{
- this._itemNodesMap[identity] = [rn];
- }
- rn._updateLayout(); // sets "dijitTreeIsRoot" CSS classname
- // load top level children and then fire onLoad() event
- this._expandNode(rn).addCallback(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- this._loadDeferred.callback(true);
- this.onLoad();
- }));
- }),
- function(err){
- console.error(this, ": error loading root: ", err);
- }
- );
- },
- getNodesByItem: function(/*Item or id*/ item){
- // summary:
- // Returns all tree nodes that refer to an item
- // returns:
- // Array of tree nodes that refer to passed item
- if(!item){ return []; }
- var identity = lang.isString(item) ? item : this.model.getIdentity(item);
- // return a copy so widget don't get messed up by changes to returned array
- return [].concat(this._itemNodesMap[identity]);
- },
- _setSelectedItemAttr: function(/*Item or id*/ item){
- this.set('selectedItems', [item]);
- },
- _setSelectedItemsAttr: function(/*Items or ids*/ items){
- // summary:
- // Select tree nodes related to passed items.
- // WARNING: if model use multi-parented items or desired tree node isn't already loaded
- // behavior is undefined. Use set('paths', ...) instead.
- var tree = this;
- this._loadDeferred.addCallback( lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var identities =, function(item){
- return (!item || lang.isString(item)) ? item : tree.model.getIdentity(item);
- });
- var nodes = [];
- array.forEach(identities, function(id){
- nodes = nodes.concat(tree._itemNodesMap[id] || []);
- });
- this.set('selectedNodes', nodes);
- }));
- },
- _setPathAttr: function(/*Item[] || String[]*/ path){
- // summary:
- // Singular variant of _setPathsAttr
- if(path.length){
- return this.set("paths", [path]);
- }else{
- // Empty list is interpreted as "select nothing"
- return this.set("paths", []);
- }
- },
- _setPathsAttr: function(/*Item[][] || String[][]*/ paths){
- // summary:
- // Select the tree nodes identified by passed paths.
- // paths:
- // Array of arrays of items or item id's
- // returns:
- // Deferred to indicate when the set is complete
- var tree = this;
- // We may need to wait for some nodes to expand, so setting
- // each path will involve a Deferred. We bring those deferreds
- // together witha DeferredList.
- return new DeferredList(, function(path){
- var d = new Deferred();
- // normalize path to use identity
- path =, function(item){
- return lang.isString(item) ? item : tree.model.getIdentity(item);
- });
- if(path.length){
- // Wait for the tree to load, if it hasn't already.
- tree._loadDeferred.addCallback(function(){ selectPath(path, [tree.rootNode], d); });
- }else{
- d.errback("Empty path");
- }
- return d;
- })).addCallback(setNodes);
- function selectPath(path, nodes, def){
- // Traverse path; the next path component should be among "nodes".
- var nextPath = path.shift();
- var nextNode = array.filter(nodes, function(node){
- return node.getIdentity() == nextPath;
- })[0];
- if(!!nextNode){
- if(path.length){
- tree._expandNode(nextNode).addCallback(function(){ selectPath(path, nextNode.getChildren(), def); });
- }else{
- //Successfully reached the end of this path
- def.callback(nextNode);
- }
- }else{
- def.errback("Could not expand path at " + nextPath);
- }
- }
- function setNodes(newNodes){
- //After all expansion is finished, set the selection to
- //the set of nodes successfully found.
- tree.set("selectedNodes",
- array.filter(newNodes,function(x){return x[0];}),
- function(x){return x[1];}));
- }
- },
- _setSelectedNodeAttr: function(node){
- this.set('selectedNodes', [node]);
- },
- _setSelectedNodesAttr: function(nodes){
- this._loadDeferred.addCallback( lang.hitch(this, function(){
- this.dndController.setSelection(nodes);
- }));
- },
- ////////////// Data store related functions //////////////////////
- // These just get passed to the model; they are here for back-compat
- mayHaveChildren: function(/**/ /*===== item =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. This should be specified on the model itself.
- //
- // Overridable function to tell if an item has or may have children.
- // Controls whether or not +/- expando icon is shown.
- // (For efficiency reasons we may not want to check if an element actually
- // has children until user clicks the expando node)
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- },
- getItemChildren: function(/*===== parentItem, onComplete =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. This should be specified on the model itself.
- //
- // Overridable function that return array of child items of given parent item,
- // or if parentItem==null then return top items in tree
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- },
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Functions for converting an item to a TreeNode
- getLabel: function(/**/ item){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function to get the label for a tree node (given the item)
- // tags:
- // extension
- return this.model.getLabel(item); // String
- },
- getIconClass: function(/**/ item, /*Boolean*/ opened){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function to return CSS class name to display icon
- // tags:
- // extension
- return (!item || this.model.mayHaveChildren(item)) ? (opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" : "dijitFolderClosed") : "dijitLeaf"
- },
- getLabelClass: function(/*===== item, opened =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function to return CSS class name to display label
- // item:
- // opened: Boolean
- // returns: String
- // CSS class name
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- getRowClass: function(/*===== item, opened =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function to return CSS class name to display row
- // item:
- // opened: Boolean
- // returns: String
- // CSS class name
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- getIconStyle: function(/*===== item, opened =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function to return CSS styles to display icon
- // item:
- // opened: Boolean
- // returns: Object
- // Object suitable for input to like {backgroundImage: "url(...)"}
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- getLabelStyle: function(/*===== item, opened =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function to return CSS styles to display label
- // item:
- // opened: Boolean
- // returns:
- // Object suitable for input to like {color: "red", background: "green"}
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- getRowStyle: function(/*===== item, opened =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function to return CSS styles to display row
- // item:
- // opened: Boolean
- // returns:
- // Object suitable for input to like {background-color: "#bbb"}
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- getTooltip: function(/**/ /*===== item =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function to get the tooltip for a tree node (given the item)
- // tags:
- // extension
- return ""; // String
- },
- /////////// Keyboard and Mouse handlers ////////////////////
- _onKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Translates keypress events into commands for the controller
- if(e.altKey){ return; }
- var treeNode = registry.getEnclosingWidget(;
- if(!treeNode){ return; }
- var key = e.charOrCode;
- if(typeof key == "string" && key != " "){ // handle printables (letter navigation)
- // Check for key navigation.
- if(!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey){
- this._onLetterKeyNav( { node: treeNode, key: key.toLowerCase() } );
- event.stop(e);
- }
- }else{ // handle non-printables (arrow keys)
- // clear record of recent printables (being saved for multi-char letter navigation),
- // because "a", down-arrow, "b" shouldn't search for "ab"
- if(this._curSearch){
- clearTimeout(this._curSearch.timer);
- delete this._curSearch;
- }
- var map = this._keyHandlerMap;
- if(!map){
- // setup table mapping keys to events
- map = {};
- map[keys.ENTER]="_onEnterKey";
- //On WebKit based browsers, the combination ctrl-enter
- //does not get passed through. To allow accessible
- //multi-select on those browsers, the space key is
- //also used for selection.
- map[keys.SPACE]= map[" "] = "_onEnterKey";
- map[this.isLeftToRight() ? keys.LEFT_ARROW : keys.RIGHT_ARROW]="_onLeftArrow";
- map[this.isLeftToRight() ? keys.RIGHT_ARROW : keys.LEFT_ARROW]="_onRightArrow";
- map[keys.UP_ARROW]="_onUpArrow";
- map[keys.DOWN_ARROW]="_onDownArrow";
- map[keys.HOME]="_onHomeKey";
- map[keys.END]="_onEndKey";
- this._keyHandlerMap = map;
- }
- if(this._keyHandlerMap[key]){
- this[this._keyHandlerMap[key]]( { node: treeNode, item: treeNode.item, evt: e } );
- event.stop(e);
- }
- }
- },
- _onEnterKey: function(/*Object*/ message){
- this._publish("execute", { item: message.item, node: message.node } );
- this.dndController.userSelect(message.node, connect.isCopyKey( message.evt ), message.evt.shiftKey);
- this.onClick(message.item, message.node, message.evt);
- },
- _onDownArrow: function(/*Object*/ message){
- // summary:
- // down arrow pressed; get next visible node, set focus there
- var node = this._getNextNode(message.node);
- if(node && node.isTreeNode){
- this.focusNode(node);
- }
- },
- _onUpArrow: function(/*Object*/ message){
- // summary:
- // Up arrow pressed; move to previous visible node
- var node = message.node;
- // if younger siblings
- var previousSibling = node.getPreviousSibling();
- if(previousSibling){
- node = previousSibling;
- // if the previous node is expanded, dive in deep
- while(node.isExpandable && node.isExpanded && node.hasChildren()){
- // move to the last child
- var children = node.getChildren();
- node = children[children.length-1];
- }
- }else{
- // if this is the first child, return the parent
- // unless the parent is the root of a tree with a hidden root
- var parent = node.getParent();
- if(!(!this.showRoot && parent === this.rootNode)){
- node = parent;
- }
- }
- if(node && node.isTreeNode){
- this.focusNode(node);
- }
- },
- _onRightArrow: function(/*Object*/ message){
- // summary:
- // Right arrow pressed; go to child node
- var node = message.node;
- // if not expanded, expand, else move to 1st child
- if(node.isExpandable && !node.isExpanded){
- this._expandNode(node);
- }else if(node.hasChildren()){
- node = node.getChildren()[0];
- if(node && node.isTreeNode){
- this.focusNode(node);
- }
- }
- },
- _onLeftArrow: function(/*Object*/ message){
- // summary:
- // Left arrow pressed.
- // If not collapsed, collapse, else move to parent.
- var node = message.node;
- if(node.isExpandable && node.isExpanded){
- this._collapseNode(node);
- }else{
- var parent = node.getParent();
- if(parent && parent.isTreeNode && !(!this.showRoot && parent === this.rootNode)){
- this.focusNode(parent);
- }
- }
- },
- _onHomeKey: function(){
- // summary:
- // Home key pressed; get first visible node, and set focus there
- var node = this._getRootOrFirstNode();
- if(node){
- this.focusNode(node);
- }
- },
- _onEndKey: function(){
- // summary:
- // End key pressed; go to last visible node.
- var node = this.rootNode;
- while(node.isExpanded){
- var c = node.getChildren();
- node = c[c.length - 1];
- }
- if(node && node.isTreeNode){
- this.focusNode(node);
- }
- },
- // multiCharSearchDuration: Number
- // If multiple characters are typed where each keystroke happens within
- // multiCharSearchDuration of the previous keystroke,
- // search for nodes matching all the keystrokes.
- //
- // For example, typing "ab" will search for entries starting with
- // "ab" unless the delay between "a" and "b" is greater than multiCharSearchDuration.
- multiCharSearchDuration: 250,
- _onLetterKeyNav: function(message){
- // summary:
- // Called when user presses a prinatable key; search for node starting with recently typed letters.
- // message: Object
- // Like { node: TreeNode, key: 'a' } where key is the key the user pressed.
- // Branch depending on whether this key starts a new search, or modifies an existing search
- var cs = this._curSearch;
- if(cs){
- // We are continuing a search. Ex: user has pressed 'a', and now has pressed
- // 'b', so we want to search for nodes starting w/"ab".
- cs.pattern = cs.pattern + message.key;
- clearTimeout(cs.timer);
- }else{
- // We are starting a new search
- cs = this._curSearch = {
- pattern: message.key,
- startNode: message.node
- };
- }
- // set/reset timer to forget recent keystrokes
- var self = this;
- cs.timer = setTimeout(function(){
- delete self._curSearch;
- }, this.multiCharSearchDuration);
- // Navigate to TreeNode matching keystrokes [entered so far].
- var node = cs.startNode;
- do{
- node = this._getNextNode(node);
- //check for last node, jump to first node if necessary
- if(!node){
- node = this._getRootOrFirstNode();
- }
- }while(node !== cs.startNode && (node.label.toLowerCase().substr(0, cs.pattern.length) != cs.pattern));
- if(node && node.isTreeNode){
- // no need to set focus if back where we started
- if(node !== cs.startNode){
- this.focusNode(node);
- }
- }
- },
- isExpandoNode: function(node, widget){
- // summary:
- // check whether a dom node is the expandoNode for a particular TreeNode widget
- return dom.isDescendant(node, widget.expandoNode);
- },
- _onClick: function(/*TreeNode*/ nodeWidget, /*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Translates click events into commands for the controller to process
- var domElement =,
- isExpandoClick = this.isExpandoNode(domElement, nodeWidget);
- if( (this.openOnClick && nodeWidget.isExpandable) || isExpandoClick ){
- // expando node was clicked, or label of a folder node was clicked; open it
- if(nodeWidget.isExpandable){
- this._onExpandoClick({node:nodeWidget});
- }
- }else{
- this._publish("execute", { item: nodeWidget.item, node: nodeWidget, evt: e } );
- this.onClick(nodeWidget.item, nodeWidget, e);
- this.focusNode(nodeWidget);
- }
- event.stop(e);
- },
- _onDblClick: function(/*TreeNode*/ nodeWidget, /*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Translates double-click events into commands for the controller to process
- var domElement =,
- isExpandoClick = (domElement == nodeWidget.expandoNode || domElement == nodeWidget.expandoNodeText);
- if( (this.openOnDblClick && nodeWidget.isExpandable) ||isExpandoClick ){
- // expando node was clicked, or label of a folder node was clicked; open it
- if(nodeWidget.isExpandable){
- this._onExpandoClick({node:nodeWidget});
- }
- }else{
- this._publish("execute", { item: nodeWidget.item, node: nodeWidget, evt: e } );
- this.onDblClick(nodeWidget.item, nodeWidget, e);
- this.focusNode(nodeWidget);
- }
- event.stop(e);
- },
- _onExpandoClick: function(/*Object*/ message){
- // summary:
- // User clicked the +/- icon; expand or collapse my children.
- var node = message.node;
- // If we are collapsing, we might be hiding the currently focused node.
- // Also, clicking the expando node might have erased focus from the current node.
- // For simplicity's sake just focus on the node with the expando.
- this.focusNode(node);
- if(node.isExpanded){
- this._collapseNode(node);
- }else{
- this._expandNode(node);
- }
- },
- onClick: function(/*===== item, node, evt =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback when a tree node is clicked
- // item:
- // node: TreeNode
- // evt: Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onDblClick: function(/*===== item, node, evt =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback when a tree node is double-clicked
- // item:
- // node: TreeNode
- // evt: Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onOpen: function(/*===== item, node =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback when a node is opened
- // item:
- // node: TreeNode
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onClose: function(/*===== item, node =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback when a node is closed
- // item:
- // node: TreeNode
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- _getNextNode: function(node){
- // summary:
- // Get next visible node
- if(node.isExpandable && node.isExpanded && node.hasChildren()){
- // if this is an expanded node, get the first child
- return node.getChildren()[0]; // _TreeNode
- }else{
- // find a parent node with a sibling
- while(node && node.isTreeNode){
- var returnNode = node.getNextSibling();
- if(returnNode){
- return returnNode; // _TreeNode
- }
- node = node.getParent();
- }
- return null;
- }
- },
- _getRootOrFirstNode: function(){
- // summary:
- // Get first visible node
- return this.showRoot ? this.rootNode : this.rootNode.getChildren()[0];
- },
- _collapseNode: function(/*_TreeNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Called when the user has requested to collapse the node
- if(node._expandNodeDeferred){
- delete node._expandNodeDeferred;
- }
- if(node.isExpandable){
- if(node.state == "LOADING"){
- // ignore clicks while we are in the process of loading data
- return;
- }
- node.collapse();
- this.onClose(node.item, node);
- this._state(node, false);
- }
- },
- _expandNode: function(/*_TreeNode*/ node, /*Boolean?*/ recursive){
- // summary:
- // Called when the user has requested to expand the node
- // recursive:
- // Internal flag used when _expandNode() calls itself, don't set.
- // returns:
- // Deferred that fires when the node is loaded and opened and (if persist=true) all it's descendants
- // that were previously opened too
- if(node._expandNodeDeferred && !recursive){
- // there's already an expand in progress (or completed), so just return
- return node._expandNodeDeferred; // dojo.Deferred
- }
- var model = this.model,
- item = node.item,
- _this = this;
- switch(node.state){
- case "UNCHECKED":
- // need to load all the children, and then expand
- node.markProcessing();
- // Setup deferred to signal when the load and expand are finished.
- // Save that deferred in this._expandDeferred as a flag that operation is in progress.
- var def = (node._expandNodeDeferred = new Deferred());
- // Get the children
- model.getChildren(
- item,
- function(items){
- node.unmarkProcessing();
- // Display the children and also start expanding any children that were previously expanded
- // (if this.persist == true). The returned Deferred will fire when those expansions finish.
- var scid = node.setChildItems(items);
- // Call _expandNode() again but this time it will just to do the animation (default branch).
- // The returned Deferred will fire when the animation completes.
- // TODO: seems like I can avoid recursion and just use a deferred to sequence the events?
- var ed = _this._expandNode(node, true);
- // After the above two tasks (setChildItems() and recursive _expandNode()) finish,
- // signal that I am done.
- scid.addCallback(function(){
- ed.addCallback(function(){
- def.callback();
- })
- });
- },
- function(err){
- console.error(_this, ": error loading root children: ", err);
- }
- );
- break;
- default: // "LOADED"
- // data is already loaded; just expand node
- def = (node._expandNodeDeferred = node.expand());
- this.onOpen(node.item, node);
- this._state(node, true);
- }
- return def; // dojo.Deferred
- },
- ////////////////// Miscellaneous functions ////////////////
- focusNode: function(/* _tree.Node */ node){
- // summary:
- // Focus on the specified node (which must be visible)
- // tags:
- // protected
- // set focus so that the label will be voiced using screen readers
- focus.focus(node.labelNode);
- },
- _onNodeFocus: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Called when a TreeNode gets focus, either by user clicking
- // it, or programatically by arrow key handling code.
- // description:
- // It marks that the current node is the selected one, and the previously
- // selected node no longer is.
- if(node && node != this.lastFocused){
- if(this.lastFocused && !this.lastFocused._destroyed){
- // mark that the previously focsable node is no longer focusable
- this.lastFocused.setFocusable(false);
- }
- // mark that the new node is the currently selected one
- node.setFocusable(true);
- this.lastFocused = node;
- }
- },
- _onNodeMouseEnter: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ /*===== node =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Called when mouse is over a node (onmouseenter event),
- // this is monitored by the DND code
- },
- _onNodeMouseLeave: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ /*===== node =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Called when mouse leaves a node (onmouseleave event),
- // this is monitored by the DND code
- },
- //////////////// Events from the model //////////////////////////
- _onItemChange: function(/*Item*/ item){
- // summary:
- // Processes notification of a change to an item's scalar values like label
- var model = this.model,
- identity = model.getIdentity(item),
- nodes = this._itemNodesMap[identity];
- if(nodes){
- var label = this.getLabel(item),
- tooltip = this.getTooltip(item);
- array.forEach(nodes, function(node){
- node.set({
- item: item, // theoretically could be new JS Object representing same item
- label: label,
- tooltip: tooltip
- });
- node._updateItemClasses(item);
- });
- }
- },
- _onItemChildrenChange: function(/**/ parent, /*[]*/ newChildrenList){
- // summary:
- // Processes notification of a change to an item's children
- var model = this.model,
- identity = model.getIdentity(parent),
- parentNodes = this._itemNodesMap[identity];
- if(parentNodes){
- array.forEach(parentNodes,function(parentNode){
- parentNode.setChildItems(newChildrenList);
- });
- }
- },
- _onItemDelete: function(/*Item*/ item){
- // summary:
- // Processes notification of a deletion of an item
- var model = this.model,
- identity = model.getIdentity(item),
- nodes = this._itemNodesMap[identity];
- if(nodes){
- array.forEach(nodes,function(node){
- // Remove node from set of selected nodes (if it's selected)
- this.dndController.removeTreeNode(node);
- var parent = node.getParent();
- if(parent){
- // if node has not already been orphaned from a _onSetItem(parent, "children", ..) call...
- parent.removeChild(node);
- }
- node.destroyRecursive();
- }, this);
- delete this._itemNodesMap[identity];
- }
- },
- /////////////// Miscellaneous funcs
- _initState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Load in which nodes should be opened automatically
- this._openedNodes = {};
- if(this.persist && this.cookieName){
- var oreo = cookie(this.cookieName);
- if(oreo){
- array.forEach(oreo.split(','), function(item){
- this._openedNodes[item] = true;
- }, this);
- }
- }
- },
- _state: function(node, expanded){
- // summary:
- // Query or set expanded state for an node
- if(!this.persist){
- return false;
- }
- var path =, function(item){
- return this.model.getIdentity(item);
- }, this).join("/");
- if(arguments.length === 1){
- return this._openedNodes[path];
- }else{
- if(expanded){
- this._openedNodes[path] = true;
- }else{
- delete this._openedNodes[path];
- }
- var ary = [];
- for(var id in this._openedNodes){
- ary.push(id);
- }
- cookie(this.cookieName, ary.join(","), {expires:365});
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- if(this._curSearch){
- clearTimeout(this._curSearch.timer);
- delete this._curSearch;
- }
- if(this.rootNode){
- this.rootNode.destroyRecursive();
- }
- if(this.dndController && !lang.isString(this.dndController)){
- this.dndController.destroy();
- }
- this.rootNode = null;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- destroyRecursive: function(){
- // A tree is treated as a leaf, not as a node with children (like a grid),
- // but defining destroyRecursive for back-compat.
- this.destroy();
- },
- resize: function(changeSize){
- if(changeSize){
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.domNode, changeSize);
- }
- // The only JS sizing involved w/tree is the indentation, which is specified
- // in CSS and read in through this dummy indentDetector node (tree must be
- // visible and attached to the DOM to read this)
- this._nodePixelIndent = domGeometry.position(this.tree.indentDetector).w;
- if(this.tree.rootNode){
- // If tree has already loaded, then reset indent for all the nodes
- this.tree.rootNode.set('indent', this.showRoot ? 0 : -1);
- }
- },
- _createTreeNode: function(/*Object*/ args){
- // summary:
- // creates a TreeNode
- // description:
- // Developers can override this method to define their own TreeNode class;
- // However it will probably be removed in a future release in favor of a way
- // of just specifying a widget for the label, rather than one that contains
- // the children too.
- return new TreeNode(args);
- },
- _setTextDirAttr: function(textDir){
- if(textDir && this.textDir!= textDir){
- this._set("textDir",textDir);
- this.rootNode.set("textDir", textDir);
- }
- }
-Tree._TreeNode = TreeNode; // for monkey patching
-return Tree;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/WidgetSet.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/WidgetSet.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bc38c1e08..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/WidgetSet.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/WidgetSet", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/window", //
- "./registry" // to add functions to dijit.registry
-], function(array, declare, win, registry){
- // module:
- // dijit/WidgetSet
- // summary:
- // Legacy registry code. New modules should just use registry.
- // Will be removed in 2.0.
- var WidgetSet = declare("dijit.WidgetSet", null, {
- // summary:
- // A set of widgets indexed by id. A default instance of this class is
- // available as `dijit.registry`
- //
- // example:
- // Create a small list of widgets:
- // | var ws = new dijit.WidgetSet();
- // | ws.add(dijit.byId("one"));
- // | ws.add(dijit.byId("two"));
- // | // destroy both:
- // | ws.forEach(function(w){ w.destroy(); });
- //
- // example:
- // Using dijit.registry:
- // | dijit.registry.forEach(function(w){ /* do something */ });
- constructor: function(){
- this._hash = {};
- this.length = 0;
- },
- add: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ widget){
- // summary:
- // Add a widget to this list. If a duplicate ID is detected, a error is thrown.
- //
- // widget: dijit._Widget
- // Any dijit._Widget subclass.
- if(this._hash[]){
- throw new Error("Tried to register widget with id==" + + " but that id is already registered");
- }
- this._hash[] = widget;
- this.length++;
- },
- remove: function(/*String*/ id){
- // summary:
- // Remove a widget from this WidgetSet. Does not destroy the widget; simply
- // removes the reference.
- if(this._hash[id]){
- delete this._hash[id];
- this.length--;
- }
- },
- forEach: function(/*Function*/ func, /* Object? */thisObj){
- // summary:
- // Call specified function for each widget in this set.
- //
- // func:
- // A callback function to run for each item. Is passed the widget, the index
- // in the iteration, and the full hash, similar to `array.forEach`.
- //
- // thisObj:
- // An optional scope parameter
- //
- // example:
- // Using the default `dijit.registry` instance:
- // | dijit.registry.forEach(function(widget){
- // | console.log(widget.declaredClass);
- // | });
- //
- // returns:
- // Returns self, in order to allow for further chaining.
- thisObj = thisObj ||;
- var i = 0, id;
- for(id in this._hash){
-, this._hash[id], i++, this._hash);
- }
- return this; // dijit.WidgetSet
- },
- filter: function(/*Function*/ filter, /* Object? */thisObj){
- // summary:
- // Filter down this WidgetSet to a smaller new WidgetSet
- // Works the same as `array.filter` and `NodeList.filter`
- //
- // filter:
- // Callback function to test truthiness. Is passed the widget
- // reference and the pseudo-index in the object.
- //
- // thisObj: Object?
- // Option scope to use for the filter function.
- //
- // example:
- // Arbitrary: select the odd widgets in this list
- // | dijit.registry.filter(function(w, i){
- // | return i % 2 == 0;
- // | }).forEach(function(w){ /* odd ones */ });
- thisObj = thisObj ||;
- var res = new WidgetSet(), i = 0, id;
- for(id in this._hash){
- var w = this._hash[id];
- if(, w, i++, this._hash)){
- res.add(w);
- }
- }
- return res; // dijit.WidgetSet
- },
- byId: function(/*String*/ id){
- // summary:
- // Find a widget in this list by it's id.
- // example:
- // Test if an id is in a particular WidgetSet
- // | var ws = new dijit.WidgetSet();
- // | ws.add(dijit.byId("bar"));
- // | var t = ws.byId("bar") // returns a widget
- // | var x = ws.byId("foo"); // returns undefined
- return this._hash[id]; // dijit._Widget
- },
- byClass: function(/*String*/ cls){
- // summary:
- // Reduce this widgetset to a new WidgetSet of a particular `declaredClass`
- //
- // cls: String
- // The Class to scan for. Full dot-notated string.
- //
- // example:
- // Find all `dijit.TitlePane`s in a page:
- // | dijit.registry.byClass("dijit.TitlePane").forEach(function(tp){ tp.close(); });
- var res = new WidgetSet(), id, widget;
- for(id in this._hash){
- widget = this._hash[id];
- if(widget.declaredClass == cls){
- res.add(widget);
- }
- }
- return res; // dijit.WidgetSet
- },
- toArray: function(){
- // summary:
- // Convert this WidgetSet into a true Array
- //
- // example:
- // Work with the widget .domNodes in a real Array
- // |, function(w){ return w.domNode; });
- var ar = [];
- for(var id in this._hash){
- ar.push(this._hash[id]);
- }
- return ar; // dijit._Widget[]
- },
- map: function(/* Function */func, /* Object? */thisObj){
- // summary:
- // Create a new Array from this WidgetSet, following the same rules as ``
- // example:
- // | var nodes ={ return w.domNode; });
- //
- // returns:
- // A new array of the returned values.
- return, func, thisObj); // Array
- },
- every: function(func, thisObj){
- // summary:
- // A synthetic clone of `array.every` acting explicitly on this WidgetSet
- //
- // func: Function
- // A callback function run for every widget in this list. Exits loop
- // when the first false return is encountered.
- //
- // thisObj: Object?
- // Optional scope parameter to use for the callback
- thisObj = thisObj ||;
- var x = 0, i;
- for(i in this._hash){
- if(!, this._hash[i], x++, this._hash)){
- return false; // Boolean
- }
- }
- return true; // Boolean
- },
- some: function(func, thisObj){
- // summary:
- // A synthetic clone of `array.some` acting explicitly on this WidgetSet
- //
- // func: Function
- // A callback function run for every widget in this list. Exits loop
- // when the first true return is encountered.
- //
- // thisObj: Object?
- // Optional scope parameter to use for the callback
- thisObj = thisObj ||;
- var x = 0, i;
- for(i in this._hash){
- if(, this._hash[i], x++, this._hash)){
- return true; // Boolean
- }
- }
- return false; // Boolean
- }
- });
- // Add in 1.x compatibility methods to dijit.registry.
- // These functions won't show up in the API doc but since they are deprecated anyway,
- // that's probably for the best.
- array.forEach(["forEach", "filter", "byClass", "map", "every", "some"], function(func){
- registry[func] = WidgetSet.prototype[func];
- });
- return WidgetSet;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_BidiSupport.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_BidiSupport.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ef43a158c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_BidiSupport.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_BidiSupport", ["./_WidgetBase"], function(_WidgetBase){
- var _WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
- // module:
- // dijit/_BidiSupport
- // summary:
- // Module that deals with BIDI, special with the auto
- // direction if needed without changing the GUI direction.
- // Including this module will extend _WidgetBase with BIDI related methods.
- // description:
- // There's a special need for displaying BIDI text in rtl direction
- // in ltr GUI, sometimes needed auto support.
- // In creation of widget, if it's want to activate this class,
- // the widget should define the "textDir".
- _WidgetBase.extend({
- getTextDir: function(/*String*/ text){
- // summary:
- // Gets the right direction of text.
- // description:
- // If textDir is ltr or rtl returns the value.
- // If it's auto, calls to another function that responsible
- // for checking the value, and defining the direction.
- // tags:
- // protected.
- return this.textDir == "auto" ? this._checkContextual(text) : this.textDir;
- },
- _checkContextual: function(text){
- // summary:
- // Finds the first strong (directional) character, return ltr if isLatin
- // or rtl if isBidiChar.
- // tags:
- // private.
- // look for strong (directional) characters
- var fdc = /[A-Za-z\u05d0-\u065f\u066a-\u06ef\u06fa-\u07ff\ufb1d-\ufdff\ufe70-\ufefc]/.exec(text);
- // if found return the direction that defined by the character, else return widgets dir as defult.
- return fdc ? ( fdc[0] <= 'z' ? "ltr" : "rtl" ) : this.dir ? this.dir : this.isLeftToRight() ? "ltr" : "rtl";
- },
- applyTextDir: function(/*Object*/ element, /*String*/ text){
- // summary:
- // Set element.dir according to this.textDir
- // element:
- // The text element to be set. Should have dir property.
- // text:
- // Used in case this.textDir is "auto", for calculating the right transformation
- // description:
- // If textDir is ltr or rtl returns the value.
- // If it's auto, calls to another function that responsible
- // for checking the value, and defining the direction.
- // tags:
- // protected.
- var textDir = this.textDir == "auto" ? this._checkContextual(text) : this.textDir;
- // update only when there's a difference
- if(element.dir != textDir){
- element.dir = textDir;
- }
- }
- });
- return _WidgetBase;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_Calendar.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_Calendar.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c01d7bfd7..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_Calendar.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_Calendar", [
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "./Calendar",
- "." // for exporting dijit.Calendar
-], function(kernel, Calendar, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/_Calendar
- // summary:
- // Deprecated widget, used dijit/Calendar instead. Will be removed in 2.0.
- kernel.deprecated("dijit._Calendar is deprecated", "dijit._Calendar moved to dijit.Calendar", 2.0);
- // dijit._Calendar had an underscore all this time merely because it did
- // not satisfy dijit's a11y policy.
- dijit._Calendar = Calendar;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_Contained.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_Contained.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bffb113b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_Contained.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_Contained", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "./registry" // registry.getEnclosingWidget(), registry.byNode()
-], function(declare, registry){
- // module:
- // dijit/_Contained
- // summary:
- // Mixin for widgets that are children of a container widget
- return declare("dijit._Contained", null, {
- // summary:
- // Mixin for widgets that are children of a container widget
- //
- // example:
- // | // make a basic custom widget that knows about it's parents
- // | declare("my.customClass",[dijit._Widget,dijit._Contained],{});
- _getSibling: function(/*String*/ which){
- // summary:
- // Returns next or previous sibling
- // which:
- // Either "next" or "previous"
- // tags:
- // private
- var node = this.domNode;
- do{
- node = node[which+"Sibling"];
- }while(node && node.nodeType != 1);
- return node && registry.byNode(node); // dijit._Widget
- },
- getPreviousSibling: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns null if this is the first child of the parent,
- // otherwise returns the next element sibling to the "left".
- return this._getSibling("previous"); // dijit._Widget
- },
- getNextSibling: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns null if this is the last child of the parent,
- // otherwise returns the next element sibling to the "right".
- return this._getSibling("next"); // dijit._Widget
- },
- getIndexInParent: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns the index of this widget within its container parent.
- // It returns -1 if the parent does not exist, or if the parent
- // is not a dijit._Container
- var p = this.getParent();
- if(!p || !p.getIndexOfChild){
- return -1; // int
- }
- return p.getIndexOfChild(this); // int
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_Container.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_Container.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a79c38262..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_Container.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_Container", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.indexOf
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-construct", //
- "./registry" // registry.byNode()
-], function(array, declare, domConstruct, registry){
- // module:
- // dijit/_Container
- // summary:
- // Mixin for widgets that contain a set of widget children.
- return declare("dijit._Container", null, {
- // summary:
- // Mixin for widgets that contain a set of widget children.
- // description:
- // Use this mixin for widgets that needs to know about and
- // keep track of their widget children. Suitable for widgets like BorderContainer
- // and TabContainer which contain (only) a set of child widgets.
- //
- // It's not suitable for widgets like ContentPane
- // which contains mixed HTML (plain DOM nodes in addition to widgets),
- // and where contained widgets are not necessarily directly below
- // this.containerNode. In that case calls like addChild(node, position)
- // wouldn't make sense.
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(!this.containerNode){
- // all widgets with descendants must set containerNode
- this.containerNode = this.domNode;
- }
- },
- addChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ widget, /*int?*/ insertIndex){
- // summary:
- // Makes the given widget a child of this widget.
- // description:
- // Inserts specified child widget's dom node as a child of this widget's
- // container node, and possibly does other processing (such as layout).
- var refNode = this.containerNode;
- if(insertIndex && typeof insertIndex == "number"){
- var children = this.getChildren();
- if(children && children.length >= insertIndex){
- refNode = children[insertIndex-1].domNode;
- insertIndex = "after";
- }
- }
-, refNode, insertIndex);
- // If I've been started but the child widget hasn't been started,
- // start it now. Make sure to do this after widget has been
- // inserted into the DOM tree, so it can see that it's being controlled by me,
- // so it doesn't try to size itself.
- if(this._started && !widget._started){
- widget.startup();
- }
- },
- removeChild: function(/*Widget|int*/ widget){
- // summary:
- // Removes the passed widget instance from this widget but does
- // not destroy it. You can also pass in an integer indicating
- // the index within the container to remove
- if(typeof widget == "number"){
- widget = this.getChildren()[widget];
- }
- if(widget){
- var node = widget.domNode;
- if(node && node.parentNode){
- node.parentNode.removeChild(node); // detach but don't destroy
- }
- }
- },
- hasChildren: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns true if widget has children, i.e. if this.containerNode contains something.
- return this.getChildren().length > 0; // Boolean
- },
- _getSiblingOfChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child, /*int*/ dir){
- // summary:
- // Get the next or previous widget sibling of child
- // dir:
- // if 1, get the next sibling
- // if -1, get the previous sibling
- // tags:
- // private
- var node = child.domNode,
- which = (dir>0 ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling");
- do{
- node = node[which];
- }while(node && (node.nodeType != 1 || !registry.byNode(node)));
- return node && registry.byNode(node); // dijit._Widget
- },
- getIndexOfChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child){
- // summary:
- // Gets the index of the child in this container or -1 if not found
- return array.indexOf(this.getChildren(), child); // int
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_CssStateMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_CssStateMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 876dbaf09..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_CssStateMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_CssStateMixin", [
- "dojo/touch",
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.toggle
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/_base/window" // win.body
-], function(touch, array, declare, domClass, lang, win){
-// module:
-// dijit/_CssStateMixin
-// summary:
-// Mixin for widgets to set CSS classes on the widget DOM nodes depending on hover/mouse press/focus
-// state changes, and also higher-level state changes such becoming disabled or selected.
-return declare("dijit._CssStateMixin", [], {
- // summary:
- // Mixin for widgets to set CSS classes on the widget DOM nodes depending on hover/mouse press/focus
- // state changes, and also higher-level state changes such becoming disabled or selected.
- //
- // description:
- // By mixing this class into your widget, and setting the this.baseClass attribute, it will automatically
- // maintain CSS classes on the widget root node (this.domNode) depending on hover,
- // active, focus, etc. state. Ex: with a baseClass of dijitButton, it will apply the classes
- // dijitButtonHovered and dijitButtonActive, as the user moves the mouse over the widget and clicks it.
- //
- // It also sets CSS like dijitButtonDisabled based on widget semantic state.
- //
- // By setting the cssStateNodes attribute, a widget can also track events on subnodes (like buttons
- // within the widget).
- // cssStateNodes: [protected] Object
- // List of sub-nodes within the widget that need CSS classes applied on mouse hover/press and focus
- //.
- // Each entry in the hash is a an attachpoint names (like "upArrowButton") mapped to a CSS class names
- // (like "dijitUpArrowButton"). Example:
- // | {
- // | "upArrowButton": "dijitUpArrowButton",
- // | "downArrowButton": "dijitDownArrowButton"
- // | }
- // The above will set the CSS class dijitUpArrowButton to the this.upArrowButton DOMNode when it
- // is hovered, etc.
- cssStateNodes: {},
- // hovering: [readonly] Boolean
- // True if cursor is over this widget
- hovering: false,
- // active: [readonly] Boolean
- // True if mouse was pressed while over this widget, and hasn't been released yet
- active: false,
- _applyAttributes: function(){
- // This code would typically be in postCreate(), but putting in _applyAttributes() for
- // performance: so the class changes happen before DOM is inserted into the document.
- // Change back to postCreate() in 2.0. See #11635.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Automatically monitor mouse events (essentially :hover and :active) on this.domNode
- array.forEach(["onmouseenter", "onmouseleave",], function(e){
- this.connect(this.domNode, e, "_cssMouseEvent");
- }, this);
- // Monitoring changes to disabled, readonly, etc. state, and update CSS class of root node
- array.forEach(["disabled", "readOnly", "checked", "selected", "focused", "state", "hovering", "active"], function(attr){
-, lang.hitch(this, "_setStateClass"));
- }, this);
- // Events on sub nodes within the widget
- for(var ap in this.cssStateNodes){
- this._trackMouseState(this[ap], this.cssStateNodes[ap]);
- }
- // Set state initially; there's probably no hover/active/focus state but widget might be
- // disabled/readonly/checked/selected so we want to set CSS classes for those conditions.
- this._setStateClass();
- },
- _cssMouseEvent: function(/*Event*/ event){
- // summary:
- // Sets hovering and active properties depending on mouse state,
- // which triggers _setStateClass() to set appropriate CSS classes for this.domNode.
- if(!this.disabled){
- switch(event.type){
- case "mouseenter":
- case "mouseover": // generated on non-IE browsers even though we connected to mouseenter
- this._set("hovering", true);
- this._set("active", this._mouseDown);
- break;
- case "mouseleave":
- case "mouseout": // generated on non-IE browsers even though we connected to mouseleave
- this._set("hovering", false);
- this._set("active", false);
- break;
- case "mousedown":
- case "touchpress":
- this._set("active", true);
- this._mouseDown = true;
- // Set a global event to handle mouseup, so it fires properly
- // even if the cursor leaves this.domNode before the mouse up event.
- // Alternately could set active=false on mouseout.
- var mouseUpConnector = this.connect(win.body(), touch.release, function(){
- this._mouseDown = false;
- this._set("active", false);
- this.disconnect(mouseUpConnector);
- });
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- _setStateClass: function(){
- // summary:
- // Update the visual state of the widget by setting the css classes on this.domNode
- // (or this.stateNode if defined) by combining this.baseClass with
- // various suffixes that represent the current widget state(s).
- //
- // description:
- // In the case where a widget has multiple
- // states, it sets the class based on all possible
- // combinations. For example, an invalid form widget that is being hovered
- // will be "dijitInput dijitInputInvalid dijitInputHover dijitInputInvalidHover".
- //
- // The widget may have one or more of the following states, determined
- // by this.state, this.checked, this.valid, and this.selected:
- // - Error - ValidationTextBox sets this.state to "Error" if the current input value is invalid
- // - Incomplete - ValidationTextBox sets this.state to "Incomplete" if the current input value is not finished yet
- // - Checked - ex: a checkmark or a ToggleButton in a checked state, will have this.checked==true
- // - Selected - ex: currently selected tab will have this.selected==true
- //
- // In addition, it may have one or more of the following states,
- // based on this.disabled and flags set in _onMouse (, this.hovering) and from focus manager (this.focused):
- // - Disabled - if the widget is disabled
- // - Active - if the mouse (or space/enter key?) is being pressed down
- // - Focused - if the widget has focus
- // - Hover - if the mouse is over the widget
- // Compute new set of classes
- var newStateClasses = this.baseClass.split(" ");
- function multiply(modifier){
- newStateClasses = newStateClasses.concat(, function(c){ return c+modifier; }), "dijit"+modifier);
- }
- if(!this.isLeftToRight()){
- // For RTL mode we need to set an addition class like dijitTextBoxRtl.
- multiply("Rtl");
- }
- var checkedState = this.checked == "mixed" ? "Mixed" : (this.checked ? "Checked" : "");
- if(this.checked){
- multiply(checkedState);
- }
- if(this.state){
- multiply(this.state);
- }
- if(this.selected){
- multiply("Selected");
- }
- if(this.disabled){
- multiply("Disabled");
- }else if(this.readOnly){
- multiply("ReadOnly");
- }else{
- if({
- multiply("Active");
- }else if(this.hovering){
- multiply("Hover");
- }
- }
- if(this.focused){
- multiply("Focused");
- }
- // Remove old state classes and add new ones.
- // For performance concerns we only write into domNode.className once.
- var tn = this.stateNode || this.domNode,
- classHash = {}; // set of all classes (state and otherwise) for node
- array.forEach(tn.className.split(" "), function(c){ classHash[c] = true; });
- if("_stateClasses" in this){
- array.forEach(this._stateClasses, function(c){ delete classHash[c]; });
- }
- array.forEach(newStateClasses, function(c){ classHash[c] = true; });
- var newClasses = [];
- for(var c in classHash){
- newClasses.push(c);
- }
- tn.className = newClasses.join(" ");
- this._stateClasses = newStateClasses;
- },
- _trackMouseState: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String*/ clazz){
- // summary:
- // Track mouse/focus events on specified node and set CSS class on that node to indicate
- // current state. Usually not called directly, but via cssStateNodes attribute.
- // description:
- // Given class=foo, will set the following CSS class on the node
- // - fooActive: if the user is currently pressing down the mouse button while over the node
- // - fooHover: if the user is hovering the mouse over the node, but not pressing down a button
- // - fooFocus: if the node is focused
- //
- // Note that it won't set any classes if the widget is disabled.
- // node: DomNode
- // Should be a sub-node of the widget, not the top node (this.domNode), since the top node
- // is handled specially and automatically just by mixing in this class.
- // clazz: String
- // CSS class name (ex: dijitSliderUpArrow).
- // Current state of node (initially false)
- // NB: setting specifically to false because domClass.toggle() needs true boolean as third arg
- var hovering=false, active=false, focused=false;
- var self = this,
- cn = lang.hitch(this, "connect", node);
- function setClass(){
- var disabled = ("disabled" in self && self.disabled) || ("readonly" in self && self.readonly);
- domClass.toggle(node, clazz+"Hover", hovering && !active && !disabled);
- domClass.toggle(node, clazz+"Active", active && !disabled);
- domClass.toggle(node, clazz+"Focused", focused && !disabled);
- }
- // Mouse
- cn("onmouseenter", function(){
- hovering = true;
- setClass();
- });
- cn("onmouseleave", function(){
- hovering = false;
- active = false;
- setClass();
- });
- cn(, function(){
- active = true;
- setClass();
- });
- cn(touch.release, function(){
- active = false;
- setClass();
- });
- // Focus
- cn("onfocus", function(){
- focused = true;
- setClass();
- });
- cn("onblur", function(){
- focused = false;
- setClass();
- });
- // Just in case widget is enabled/disabled while it has focus/hover/active state.
- // Maybe this is overkill.
-"disabled", setClass);
-"readOnly", setClass);
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_DialogMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_DialogMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index efb2f66b0..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_DialogMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_DialogMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "./a11y" // _getTabNavigable
-], function(declare, a11y){
- // module:
- // dijit/_DialogMixin
- // summary:
- // _DialogMixin provides functions useful to Dialog and TooltipDialog
- return declare("dijit._DialogMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // This provides functions useful to Dialog and TooltipDialog
- execute: function(/*Object*/ /*===== formContents =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback when the user hits the submit button.
- // Override this method to handle Dialog execution.
- // description:
- // After the user has pressed the submit button, the Dialog
- // first calls onExecute() to notify the container to hide the
- // dialog and restore focus to wherever it used to be.
- //
- // *Then* this method is called.
- // type:
- // callback
- },
- onCancel: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when user has pressed the Dialog's cancel button, to notify container.
- // description:
- // Developer shouldn't override or connect to this method;
- // it's a private communication device between the TooltipDialog
- // and the thing that opened it (ex: `dijit.form.DropDownButton`)
- // type:
- // protected
- },
- onExecute: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when user has pressed the dialog's OK button, to notify container.
- // description:
- // Developer shouldn't override or connect to this method;
- // it's a private communication device between the TooltipDialog
- // and the thing that opened it (ex: `dijit.form.DropDownButton`)
- // type:
- // protected
- },
- _onSubmit: function(){
- // summary:
- // Callback when user hits submit button
- // type:
- // protected
- this.onExecute(); // notify container that we are about to execute
- this.execute(this.get('value'));
- },
- _getFocusItems: function(){
- // summary:
- // Finds focusable items in dialog,
- // and sets this._firstFocusItem and this._lastFocusItem
- // tags:
- // protected
- var elems = a11y._getTabNavigable(this.containerNode);
- this._firstFocusItem = elems.lowest || elems.first || this.closeButtonNode || this.domNode;
- this._lastFocusItem = elems.last || elems.highest || this._firstFocusItem;
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_FocusMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_FocusMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0759329e4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_FocusMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_FocusMixin", [
- "./focus",
- "./_WidgetBase",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang" // lang.extend
-], function(focus, _WidgetBase, declare, lang){
- var _WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
- // module:
- // dijit/_FocusMixin
- // summary:
- // Mixin to widget to provide _onFocus() and _onBlur() methods that
- // fire when a widget or it's descendants get/lose focus
- // We don't know where _FocusMixin will occur in the inheritance chain, but we need the _onFocus()/_onBlur() below
- // to be last in the inheritance chain, so mixin to _WidgetBase.
- lang.extend(_WidgetBase, {
- // focused: [readonly] Boolean
- // This widget or a widget it contains has focus, or is "active" because
- // it was recently clicked.
- focused: false,
- onFocus: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when the widget becomes "active" because
- // it or a widget inside of it either has focus, or has recently
- // been clicked.
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onBlur: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when the widget stops being "active" because
- // focus moved to something outside of it, or the user
- // clicked somewhere outside of it, or the widget was
- // hidden.
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- _onFocus: function(){
- // summary:
- // This is where widgets do processing for when they are active,
- // such as changing CSS classes. See onFocus() for more details.
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.onFocus();
- },
- _onBlur: function(){
- // summary:
- // This is where widgets do processing for when they stop being active,
- // such as changing CSS classes. See onBlur() for more details.
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.onBlur();
- }
- });
- return declare("dijit._FocusMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // Mixin to widget to provide _onFocus() and _onBlur() methods that
- // fire when a widget or it's descendants get/lose focus
- // flag that I want _onFocus()/_onBlur() notifications from focus manager
- _focusManager: focus
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_HasDropDown.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_HasDropDown.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 06f8a7154..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_HasDropDown.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_HasDropDown", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/Deferred",
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/dom", // dom.isDescendant
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.contains domClass.remove
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.marginBox domGeometry.position
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.set
- "dojo/has",
- "dojo/keys", // keys.DOWN_ARROW keys.ENTER keys.ESCAPE
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch lang.isFunction
- "dojo/touch",
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.doc
- "dojo/window", // winUtils.getBox
- "./registry", // registry.byNode()
- "./focus",
- "./popup",
- "./_FocusMixin"
-], function(declare, Deferred, event,dom, domAttr, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle, has, keys, lang, touch,
- win, winUtils, registry, focus, popup, _FocusMixin){
- var _FocusMixin = dijit._FocusMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/_HasDropDown
- // summary:
- // Mixin for widgets that need drop down ability.
- return declare("dijit._HasDropDown", _FocusMixin, {
- // summary:
- // Mixin for widgets that need drop down ability.
- // _buttonNode: [protected] DomNode
- // The button/icon/node to click to display the drop down.
- // Can be set via a data-dojo-attach-point assignment.
- // If missing, then either focusNode or domNode (if focusNode is also missing) will be used.
- _buttonNode: null,
- // _arrowWrapperNode: [protected] DomNode
- // Will set CSS class dijitUpArrow, dijitDownArrow, dijitRightArrow etc. on this node depending
- // on where the drop down is set to be positioned.
- // Can be set via a data-dojo-attach-point assignment.
- // If missing, then _buttonNode will be used.
- _arrowWrapperNode: null,
- // _popupStateNode: [protected] DomNode
- // The node to set the popupActive class on.
- // Can be set via a data-dojo-attach-point assignment.
- // If missing, then focusNode or _buttonNode (if focusNode is missing) will be used.
- _popupStateNode: null,
- // _aroundNode: [protected] DomNode
- // The node to display the popup around.
- // Can be set via a data-dojo-attach-point assignment.
- // If missing, then domNode will be used.
- _aroundNode: null,
- // dropDown: [protected] Widget
- // The widget to display as a popup. This widget *must* be
- // defined before the startup function is called.
- dropDown: null,
- // autoWidth: [protected] Boolean
- // Set to true to make the drop down at least as wide as this
- // widget. Set to false if the drop down should just be its
- // default width
- autoWidth: true,
- // forceWidth: [protected] Boolean
- // Set to true to make the drop down exactly as wide as this
- // widget. Overrides autoWidth.
- forceWidth: false,
- // maxHeight: [protected] Integer
- // The max height for our dropdown.
- // Any dropdown taller than this will have scrollbars.
- // Set to 0 for no max height, or -1 to limit height to available space in viewport
- maxHeight: 0,
- // dropDownPosition: [const] String[]
- // This variable controls the position of the drop down.
- // It's an array of strings with the following values:
- //
- // * before: places drop down to the left of the target node/widget, or to the right in
- // the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
- // * after: places drop down to the right of the target node/widget, or to the left in
- // the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
- // * above: drop down goes above target node
- // * below: drop down goes below target node
- //
- // The list is positions is tried, in order, until a position is found where the drop down fits
- // within the viewport.
- //
- dropDownPosition: ["below","above"],
- // _stopClickEvents: Boolean
- // When set to false, the click events will not be stopped, in
- // case you want to use them in your subwidget
- _stopClickEvents: true,
- _onDropDownMouseDown: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Callback when the user mousedown's on the arrow icon
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; }
- // Prevent default to stop things like text selection, but don't stop propogation, so that:
- // 1. TimeTextBox etc. can focusthe <input> on mousedown
- // 2. dropDownButtonActive class applied by _CssStateMixin (on button depress)
- // 3. user defined onMouseDown handler fires
- e.preventDefault();
- this._docHandler = this.connect(win.doc, touch.release, "_onDropDownMouseUp");
- this.toggleDropDown();
- },
- _onDropDownMouseUp: function(/*Event?*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Callback when the user lifts their mouse after mouse down on the arrow icon.
- // If the drop down is a simple menu and the mouse is over the menu, we execute it, otherwise, we focus our
- // drop down widget. If the event is missing, then we are not
- // a mouseup event.
- //
- // This is useful for the common mouse movement pattern
- // with native browser <select> nodes:
- // 1. mouse down on the select node (probably on the arrow)
- // 2. move mouse to a menu item while holding down the mouse button
- // 3. mouse up. this selects the menu item as though the user had clicked it.
- if(e && this._docHandler){
- this.disconnect(this._docHandler);
- }
- var dropDown = this.dropDown, overMenu = false;
- if(e && this._opened){
- // This code deals with the corner-case when the drop down covers the original widget,
- // because it's so large. In that case mouse-up shouldn't select a value from the menu.
- // Find out if our target is somewhere in our dropdown widget,
- // but not over our _buttonNode (the clickable node)
- var c = domGeometry.position(this._buttonNode, true);
- if(!(e.pageX >= c.x && e.pageX <= c.x + c.w) ||
- !(e.pageY >= c.y && e.pageY <= c.y + c.h)){
- var t =;
- while(t && !overMenu){
- if(domClass.contains(t, "dijitPopup")){
- overMenu = true;
- }else{
- t = t.parentNode;
- }
- }
- if(overMenu){
- t =;
- if(dropDown.onItemClick){
- var menuItem;
- while(t && !(menuItem = registry.byNode(t))){
- t = t.parentNode;
- }
- if(menuItem && menuItem.onClick && menuItem.getParent){
- menuItem.getParent().onItemClick(menuItem, e);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if(this._opened){
- if(dropDown.focus && dropDown.autoFocus !== false){
- // Focus the dropdown widget - do it on a delay so that we
- // don't steal our own focus.
- window.setTimeout(lang.hitch(dropDown, "focus"), 1);
- }
- }else{
- // The drop down arrow icon probably can't receive focus, but widget itself should get focus.
- // setTimeout() needed to make it work on IE (test DateTextBox)
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, "focus"), 0);
- }
- if(has("ios")){
- this._justGotMouseUp = true;
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- this._justGotMouseUp = false;
- }), 0);
- }
- },
- _onDropDownClick: function(/*Event*/ e){
- if(has("ios") && !this._justGotMouseUp){
- // This branch fires on iPhone for ComboBox, because the button node is an <input> and doesn't
- // generate touchstart/touchend events. Pretend we just got a mouse down / mouse up.
- // The if(has("ios") is necessary since IE and desktop safari get spurious onclick events
- // when there are nested tables (specifically, clicking on a table that holds a dijit.form.Select,
- // but not on the Select itself, causes an onclick event on the Select)
- this._onDropDownMouseDown(e);
- this._onDropDownMouseUp(e);
- }
- // The drop down was already opened on mousedown/keydown; just need to call stopEvent().
- if(this._stopClickEvents){
- event.stop(e);
- }
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._buttonNode = this._buttonNode || this.focusNode || this.domNode;
- this._popupStateNode = this._popupStateNode || this.focusNode || this._buttonNode;
- // Add a class to the "dijitDownArrowButton" type class to _buttonNode so theme can set direction of arrow
- // based on where drop down will normally appear
- var defaultPos = {
- "after" : this.isLeftToRight() ? "Right" : "Left",
- "before" : this.isLeftToRight() ? "Left" : "Right",
- "above" : "Up",
- "below" : "Down",
- "left" : "Left",
- "right" : "Right"
- }[this.dropDownPosition[0]] || this.dropDownPosition[0] || "Down";
- domClass.add(this._arrowWrapperNode || this._buttonNode, "dijit" + defaultPos + "ArrowButton");
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- // summary:
- // set up nodes and connect our mouse and keypress events
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.connect(this._buttonNode,, "_onDropDownMouseDown");
- this.connect(this._buttonNode, "onclick", "_onDropDownClick");
- this.connect(this.focusNode, "onkeypress", "_onKey");
- this.connect(this.focusNode, "onkeyup", "_onKeyUp");
- },
- destroy: function(){
- if(this.dropDown){
- // Destroy the drop down, unless it's already been destroyed. This can happen because
- // the drop down is a direct child of <body> even though it's logically my child.
- if(!this.dropDown._destroyed){
- this.dropDown.destroyRecursive();
- }
- delete this.dropDown;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _onKey: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Callback when the user presses a key while focused on the button node
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; }
- var d = this.dropDown, target =;
- if(d && this._opened && d.handleKey){
- if(d.handleKey(e) === false){
- /* false return code means that the drop down handled the key */
- event.stop(e);
- return;
- }
- }
- if(d && this._opened && e.charOrCode == keys.ESCAPE){
- this.closeDropDown();
- event.stop(e);
- }else if(!this._opened &&
- (e.charOrCode == keys.DOWN_ARROW ||
- ( (e.charOrCode == keys.ENTER || e.charOrCode == " ") &&
- //ignore enter and space if the event is for a text input
- ((target.tagName || "").toLowerCase() !== 'input' ||
- (target.type && target.type.toLowerCase() !== 'text'))))){
- // Toggle the drop down, but wait until keyup so that the drop down doesn't
- // get a stray keyup event, or in the case of key-repeat (because user held
- // down key for too long), stray keydown events
- this._toggleOnKeyUp = true;
- event.stop(e);
- }
- },
- _onKeyUp: function(){
- if(this._toggleOnKeyUp){
- delete this._toggleOnKeyUp;
- this.toggleDropDown();
- var d = this.dropDown; // drop down may not exist until toggleDropDown() call
- if(d && d.focus){
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(d, "focus"), 1);
- }
- }
- },
- _onBlur: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called magically when focus has shifted away from this widget and it's dropdown
- // Don't focus on button if the user has explicitly focused on something else (happens
- // when user clicks another control causing the current popup to close)..
- // But if focus is inside of the drop down then reset focus to me, because IE doesn't like
- // it when you display:none a node with focus.
- var focusMe = focus.curNode && this.dropDown && dom.isDescendant(focus.curNode, this.dropDown.domNode);
- this.closeDropDown(focusMe);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- isLoaded: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns true if the dropdown exists and it's data is loaded. This can
- // be overridden in order to force a call to loadDropDown().
- // tags:
- // protected
- return true;
- },
- loadDropDown: function(/*Function*/ loadCallback){
- // summary:
- // Creates the drop down if it doesn't exist, loads the data
- // if there's an href and it hasn't been loaded yet, and then calls
- // the given callback.
- // tags:
- // protected
- // TODO: for 2.0, change API to return a Deferred, instead of calling loadCallback?
- loadCallback();
- },
- loadAndOpenDropDown: function(){
- // summary:
- // Creates the drop down if it doesn't exist, loads the data
- // if there's an href and it hasn't been loaded yet, and
- // then opens the drop down. This is basically a callback when the
- // user presses the down arrow button to open the drop down.
- // returns: Deferred
- // Deferred for the drop down widget that
- // fires when drop down is created and loaded
- // tags:
- // protected
- var d = new Deferred(),
- afterLoad = lang.hitch(this, function(){
- this.openDropDown();
- d.resolve(this.dropDown);
- });
- if(!this.isLoaded()){
- this.loadDropDown(afterLoad);
- }else{
- afterLoad();
- }
- return d;
- },
- toggleDropDown: function(){
- // summary:
- // Callback when the user presses the down arrow button or presses
- // the down arrow key to open/close the drop down.
- // Toggle the drop-down widget; if it is up, close it, if not, open it
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; }
- if(!this._opened){
- this.loadAndOpenDropDown();
- }else{
- this.closeDropDown();
- }
- },
- openDropDown: function(){
- // summary:
- // Opens the dropdown for this widget. To be called only when this.dropDown
- // has been created and is ready to display (ie, it's data is loaded).
- // returns:
- // return value of
- // tags:
- // protected
- var dropDown = this.dropDown,
- ddNode = dropDown.domNode,
- aroundNode = this._aroundNode || this.domNode,
- self = this;
- // Prepare our popup's height and honor maxHeight if it exists.
- // TODO: isn't maxHeight dependent on the return value from,
- // ie, dependent on how much space is available (BK)
- if(!this._preparedNode){
- this._preparedNode = true;
- // Check if we have explicitly set width and height on the dropdown widget dom node
- if({
- this._explicitDDWidth = true;
- }
- if({
- this._explicitDDHeight = true;
- }
- }
- // Code for resizing dropdown (height limitation, or increasing width to match my width)
- if(this.maxHeight || this.forceWidth || this.autoWidth){
- var myStyle = {
- display: "",
- visibility: "hidden"
- };
- if(!this._explicitDDWidth){
- myStyle.width = "";
- }
- if(!this._explicitDDHeight){
- myStyle.height = "";
- }
- domStyle.set(ddNode, myStyle);
- // Figure out maximum height allowed (if there is a height restriction)
- var maxHeight = this.maxHeight;
- if(maxHeight == -1){
- // limit height to space available in viewport either above or below my domNode
- // (whichever side has more room)
- var viewport = winUtils.getBox(),
- position = domGeometry.position(aroundNode, false);
- maxHeight = Math.floor(Math.max(position.y, viewport.h - (position.y + position.h)));
- }
- // Attach dropDown to DOM and make make visibility:hidden rather than display:none
- // so we call startup() and also get the size
- popup.moveOffScreen(dropDown);
- if(dropDown.startup && !dropDown._started){
- dropDown.startup(); // this has to be done after being added to the DOM
- }
- // Get size of drop down, and determine if vertical scroll bar needed
- var mb = domGeometry.getMarginSize(ddNode);
- var overHeight = (maxHeight && mb.h > maxHeight);
- domStyle.set(ddNode, {
- overflowX: "hidden",
- overflowY: overHeight ? "auto" : "hidden"
- });
- if(overHeight){
- mb.h = maxHeight;
- if("w" in mb){
- mb.w += 16; // room for vertical scrollbar
- }
- }else{
- delete mb.h;
- }
- // Adjust dropdown width to match or be larger than my width
- if(this.forceWidth){
- mb.w = aroundNode.offsetWidth;
- }else if(this.autoWidth){
- mb.w = Math.max(mb.w, aroundNode.offsetWidth);
- }else{
- delete mb.w;
- }
- // And finally, resize the dropdown to calculated height and width
- if(lang.isFunction(dropDown.resize)){
- dropDown.resize(mb);
- }else{
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(ddNode, mb);
- }
- }
- var retVal ={
- parent: this,
- popup: dropDown,
- around: aroundNode,
- orient: this.dropDownPosition,
- onExecute: function(){
- self.closeDropDown(true);
- },
- onCancel: function(){
- self.closeDropDown(true);
- },
- onClose: function(){
- domAttr.set(self._popupStateNode, "popupActive", false);
- domClass.remove(self._popupStateNode, "dijitHasDropDownOpen");
- self._opened = false;
- }
- });
- domAttr.set(this._popupStateNode, "popupActive", "true");
- domClass.add(self._popupStateNode, "dijitHasDropDownOpen");
- this._opened=true;
- // TODO: set this.checked and call setStateClass(), to affect button look while drop down is shown
- return retVal;
- },
- closeDropDown: function(/*Boolean*/ focus){
- // summary:
- // Closes the drop down on this widget
- // focus:
- // If true, refocuses the button widget
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this._opened){
- if(focus){ this.focus(); }
- popup.close(this.dropDown);
- this._opened = false;
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_KeyNavContainer.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_KeyNavContainer.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 19f98f91f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_KeyNavContainer.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_KeyNavContainer", [
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "./_Container",
- "./_FocusMixin",
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/keys", // keys.END keys.HOME
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/_base/lang" // lang.hitch
-], function(kernel, _Container, _FocusMixin, array, keys, declare, event, domAttr, lang){
- var _FocusMixin = dijit._FocusMixin;
- var _Container = dijit._Container;
- // module:
- // dijit/_KeyNavContainer
- // summary:
- // A _Container with keyboard navigation of its children.
- return declare("dijit._KeyNavContainer", [_FocusMixin, _Container], {
- // summary:
- // A _Container with keyboard navigation of its children.
- // description:
- // To use this mixin, call connectKeyNavHandlers() in
- // postCreate().
- // It provides normalized keyboard and focusing code for Container
- // widgets.
- // focusedChild: [protected] Widget
- // The currently focused child widget, or null if there isn't one
- focusedChild: null,
- // tabIndex: Integer
- // Tab index of the container; same as HTML tabIndex attribute.
- // Note then when user tabs into the container, focus is immediately
- // moved to the first item in the container.
- tabIndex: "0",
- connectKeyNavHandlers: function(/*keys[]*/ prevKeyCodes, /*keys[]*/ nextKeyCodes){
- // summary:
- // Call in postCreate() to attach the keyboard handlers
- // to the container.
- // preKeyCodes: keys[]
- // Key codes for navigating to the previous child.
- // nextKeyCodes: keys[]
- // Key codes for navigating to the next child.
- // tags:
- // protected
- // TODO: call this automatically from my own postCreate()
- var keyCodes = (this._keyNavCodes = {});
- var prev = lang.hitch(this, "focusPrev");
- var next = lang.hitch(this, "focusNext");
- array.forEach(prevKeyCodes, function(code){ keyCodes[code] = prev; });
- array.forEach(nextKeyCodes, function(code){ keyCodes[code] = next; });
- keyCodes[keys.HOME] = lang.hitch(this, "focusFirstChild");
- keyCodes[keys.END] = lang.hitch(this, "focusLastChild");
- this.connect(this.domNode, "onkeypress", "_onContainerKeypress");
- this.connect(this.domNode, "onfocus", "_onContainerFocus");
- },
- startupKeyNavChildren: function(){
- kernel.deprecated("startupKeyNavChildren() call no longer needed", "", "2.0");
- },
- startup: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), lang.hitch(this, "_startupChild"));
- },
- addChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ widget, /*int?*/ insertIndex){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._startupChild(widget);
- },
- focus: function(){
- // summary:
- // Default focus() implementation: focus the first child.
- this.focusFirstChild();
- },
- focusFirstChild: function(){
- // summary:
- // Focus the first focusable child in the container.
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.focusChild(this._getFirstFocusableChild());
- },
- focusLastChild: function(){
- // summary:
- // Focus the last focusable child in the container.
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.focusChild(this._getLastFocusableChild());
- },
- focusNext: function(){
- // summary:
- // Focus the next widget
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.focusChild(this._getNextFocusableChild(this.focusedChild, 1));
- },
- focusPrev: function(){
- // summary:
- // Focus the last focusable node in the previous widget
- // (ex: go to the ComboButton icon section rather than button section)
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.focusChild(this._getNextFocusableChild(this.focusedChild, -1), true);
- },
- focusChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ widget, /*Boolean*/ last){
- // summary:
- // Focus specified child widget.
- // widget:
- // Reference to container's child widget
- // last:
- // If true and if widget has multiple focusable nodes, focus the
- // last one instead of the first one
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(!widget){ return; }
- if(this.focusedChild && widget !== this.focusedChild){
- this._onChildBlur(this.focusedChild); // used by _MenuBase
- }
- widget.set("tabIndex", this.tabIndex); // for IE focus outline to appear, must set tabIndex before focs
- widget.focus(last ? "end" : "start");
- this._set("focusedChild", widget);
- },
- _startupChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ widget){
- // summary:
- // Setup for each child widget
- // description:
- // Sets tabIndex=-1 on each child, so that the tab key will
- // leave the container rather than visiting each child.
- // tags:
- // private
- widget.set("tabIndex", "-1");
- this.connect(widget, "_onFocus", function(){
- // Set valid tabIndex so tabbing away from widget goes to right place, see #10272
- widget.set("tabIndex", this.tabIndex);
- });
- this.connect(widget, "_onBlur", function(){
- widget.set("tabIndex", "-1");
- });
- },
- _onContainerFocus: function(evt){
- // summary:
- // Handler for when the container gets focus
- // description:
- // Initially the container itself has a tabIndex, but when it gets
- // focus, switch focus to first child...
- // tags:
- // private
- // Note that we can't use _onFocus() because switching focus from the
- // _onFocus() handler confuses the focus.js code
- // (because it causes _onFocusNode() to be called recursively)
- // Also, _onFocus() would fire when focus went directly to a child widget due to mouse click.
- // Ignore spurious focus events:
- // 1. focus on a child widget bubbles on FF
- // 2. on IE, clicking the scrollbar of a select dropdown moves focus from the focused child item to me
- if( !== this.domNode || this.focusedChild){ return; }
- this.focusFirstChild();
- // and then set the container's tabIndex to -1,
- // (don't remove as that breaks Safari 4)
- // so that tab or shift-tab will go to the fields after/before
- // the container, rather than the container itself
- domAttr.set(this.domNode, "tabIndex", "-1");
- },
- _onBlur: function(evt){
- // When focus is moved away the container, and its descendant (popup) widgets,
- // then restore the container's tabIndex so that user can tab to it again.
- // Note that using _onBlur() so that this doesn't happen when focus is shifted
- // to one of my child widgets (typically a popup)
- if(this.tabIndex){
- domAttr.set(this.domNode, "tabIndex", this.tabIndex);
- }
- this.focusedChild = null;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _onContainerKeypress: function(evt){
- // summary:
- // When a key is pressed, if it's an arrow key etc. then
- // it's handled here.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey){ return; }
- var func = this._keyNavCodes[evt.charOrCode];
- if(func){
- func();
- event.stop(evt);
- }
- },
- _onChildBlur: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ /*===== widget =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Called when focus leaves a child widget to go
- // to a sibling widget.
- // Used by MenuBase.js (TODO: move code there)
- // tags:
- // protected
- },
- _getFirstFocusableChild: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns first child that can be focused
- return this._getNextFocusableChild(null, 1); // dijit._Widget
- },
- _getLastFocusableChild: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns last child that can be focused
- return this._getNextFocusableChild(null, -1); // dijit._Widget
- },
- _getNextFocusableChild: function(child, dir){
- // summary:
- // Returns the next or previous focusable child, compared
- // to "child"
- // child: Widget
- // The current widget
- // dir: Integer
- // * 1 = after
- // * -1 = before
- if(child){
- child = this._getSiblingOfChild(child, dir);
- }
- var children = this.getChildren();
- for(var i=0; i < children.length; i++){
- if(!child){
- child = children[(dir>0) ? 0 : (children.length-1)];
- }
- if(child.isFocusable()){
- return child; // dijit._Widget
- }
- child = this._getSiblingOfChild(child, dir);
- }
- // no focusable child found
- return null; // dijit._Widget
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_MenuBase.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_MenuBase.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ab4f115c4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_MenuBase.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_MenuBase", [
- "./popup",
- "dojo/window",
- "./_Widget",
- "./_KeyNavContainer",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.isDescendant domClass.replace
- "dojo/dom-attr",
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.replace
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/_base/array" // array.indexOf
-], function(pm, winUtils, _Widget, _KeyNavContainer, _TemplatedMixin,
- declare, dom, domAttr, domClass, lang, array){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _KeyNavContainer = dijit._KeyNavContainer;
-// module:
-// dijit/_MenuBase
-// summary:
-// Base class for Menu and MenuBar
-return declare("dijit._MenuBase",
- [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _KeyNavContainer],
- // summary:
- // Base class for Menu and MenuBar
- // parentMenu: [readonly] Widget
- // pointer to menu that displayed me
- parentMenu: null,
- // popupDelay: Integer
- // number of milliseconds before hovering (without clicking) causes the popup to automatically open.
- popupDelay: 500,
- onExecute: function(){
- // summary:
- // Attach point for notification about when a menu item has been executed.
- // This is an internal mechanism used for Menus to signal to their parent to
- // close them, because they are about to execute the onClick handler. In
- // general developers should not attach to or override this method.
- // tags:
- // protected
- },
- onCancel: function(/*Boolean*/ /*===== closeAll =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Attach point for notification about when the user cancels the current menu
- // This is an internal mechanism used for Menus to signal to their parent to
- // close them. In general developers should not attach to or override this method.
- // tags:
- // protected
- },
- _moveToPopup: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // This handles the right arrow key (left arrow key on RTL systems),
- // which will either open a submenu, or move to the next item in the
- // ancestor MenuBar
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.focusedChild && this.focusedChild.popup && !this.focusedChild.disabled){
- this.focusedChild._onClick(evt);
- }else{
- var topMenu = this._getTopMenu();
- if(topMenu && topMenu._isMenuBar){
- topMenu.focusNext();
- }
- }
- },
- _onPopupHover: function(/*Event*/ /*===== evt =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This handler is called when the mouse moves over the popup.
- // tags:
- // private
- // if the mouse hovers over a menu popup that is in pending-close state,
- // then stop the close operation.
- // This can't be done in onItemHover since some popup targets don't have MenuItems (e.g. ColorPicker)
- if(this.currentPopup && this.currentPopup._pendingClose_timer){
- var parentMenu = this.currentPopup.parentMenu;
- // highlight the parent menu item pointing to this popup
- if(parentMenu.focusedChild){
- parentMenu.focusedChild._setSelected(false);
- }
- parentMenu.focusedChild = this.currentPopup.from_item;
- parentMenu.focusedChild._setSelected(true);
- // cancel the pending close
- this._stopPendingCloseTimer(this.currentPopup);
- }
- },
- onItemHover: function(/*MenuItem*/ item){
- // summary:
- // Called when cursor is over a MenuItem.
- // tags:
- // protected
- // Don't do anything unless user has "activated" the menu by:
- // 1) clicking it
- // 2) opening it from a parent menu (which automatically focuses it)
- if(this.isActive){
- this.focusChild(item);
- if(this.focusedChild.popup && !this.focusedChild.disabled && !this.hover_timer){
- this.hover_timer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, "_openPopup"), this.popupDelay);
- }
- }
- // if the user is mixing mouse and keyboard navigation,
- // then the menu may not be active but a menu item has focus,
- // but it's not the item that the mouse just hovered over.
- // To avoid both keyboard and mouse selections, use the latest.
- if(this.focusedChild){
- this.focusChild(item);
- }
- this._hoveredChild = item;
- },
- _onChildBlur: function(item){
- // summary:
- // Called when a child MenuItem becomes inactive because focus
- // has been removed from the MenuItem *and* it's descendant menus.
- // tags:
- // private
- this._stopPopupTimer();
- item._setSelected(false);
- // Close all popups that are open and descendants of this menu
- var itemPopup = item.popup;
- if(itemPopup){
- this._stopPendingCloseTimer(itemPopup);
- itemPopup._pendingClose_timer = setTimeout(function(){
- itemPopup._pendingClose_timer = null;
- if(itemPopup.parentMenu){
- itemPopup.parentMenu.currentPopup = null;
- }
- pm.close(itemPopup); // this calls onClose
- }, this.popupDelay);
- }
- },
- onItemUnhover: function(/*MenuItem*/ item){
- // summary:
- // Callback fires when mouse exits a MenuItem
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.isActive){
- this._stopPopupTimer();
- }
- if(this._hoveredChild == item){ this._hoveredChild = null; }
- },
- _stopPopupTimer: function(){
- // summary:
- // Cancels the popup timer because the user has stop hovering
- // on the MenuItem, etc.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.hover_timer){
- clearTimeout(this.hover_timer);
- this.hover_timer = null;
- }
- },
- _stopPendingCloseTimer: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ popup){
- // summary:
- // Cancels the pending-close timer because the close has been preempted
- // tags:
- // private
- if(popup._pendingClose_timer){
- clearTimeout(popup._pendingClose_timer);
- popup._pendingClose_timer = null;
- }
- },
- _stopFocusTimer: function(){
- // summary:
- // Cancels the pending-focus timer because the menu was closed before focus occured
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this._focus_timer){
- clearTimeout(this._focus_timer);
- this._focus_timer = null;
- }
- },
- _getTopMenu: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns the top menu in this chain of Menus
- // tags:
- // private
- for(var top=this; top.parentMenu; top=top.parentMenu);
- return top;
- },
- onItemClick: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ item, /*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handle clicks on an item.
- // tags:
- // private
- // this can't be done in _onFocus since the _onFocus events occurs asynchronously
- if(typeof this.isShowingNow == 'undefined'){ // non-popup menu
- this._markActive();
- }
- this.focusChild(item);
- if(item.disabled){ return false; }
- if(item.popup){
- this._openPopup();
- }else{
- // before calling user defined handler, close hierarchy of menus
- // and restore focus to place it was when menu was opened
- this.onExecute();
- // user defined handler for click
- item.onClick(evt);
- }
- },
- _openPopup: function(){
- // summary:
- // Open the popup to the side of/underneath the current menu item
- // tags:
- // protected
- this._stopPopupTimer();
- var from_item = this.focusedChild;
- if(!from_item){ return; } // the focused child lost focus since the timer was started
- var popup = from_item.popup;
- if(popup.isShowingNow){ return; }
- if(this.currentPopup){
- this._stopPendingCloseTimer(this.currentPopup);
- pm.close(this.currentPopup);
- }
- popup.parentMenu = this;
- popup.from_item = from_item; // helps finding the parent item that should be focused for this popup
- var self = this;
- parent: this,
- popup: popup,
- around: from_item.domNode,
- orient: this._orient || ["after", "before"],
- onCancel: function(){ // called when the child menu is canceled
- // set isActive=false (_closeChild vs _cleanUp) so that subsequent hovering will NOT open child menus
- // which seems aligned with the UX of most applications (e.g. notepad, wordpad, paint shop pro)
- self.focusChild(from_item); // put focus back on my node
- self._cleanUp(); // close the submenu (be sure this is done _after_ focus is moved)
- from_item._setSelected(true); // oops, _cleanUp() deselected the item
- self.focusedChild = from_item; // and unset focusedChild
- },
- onExecute: lang.hitch(this, "_cleanUp")
- });
- this.currentPopup = popup;
- // detect mouseovers to handle lazy mouse movements that temporarily focus other menu items
- popup.connect(popup.domNode, "onmouseenter", lang.hitch(self, "_onPopupHover")); // cleaned up when the popped-up widget is destroyed on close
- if(popup.focus){
- // If user is opening the popup via keyboard (right arrow, or down arrow for MenuBar),
- // if the cursor happens to collide with the popup, it will generate an onmouseover event
- // even though the mouse wasn't moved. Use a setTimeout() to call popup.focus so that
- // our focus() call overrides the onmouseover event, rather than vice-versa. (#8742)
- popup._focus_timer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(popup, function(){
- this._focus_timer = null;
- this.focus();
- }), 0);
- }
- },
- _markActive: function(){
- // summary:
- // Mark this menu's state as active.
- // Called when this Menu gets focus from:
- // 1) clicking it (mouse or via space/arrow key)
- // 2) being opened by a parent menu.
- // This is not called just from mouse hover.
- // Focusing a menu via TAB does NOT automatically set isActive
- // since TAB is a navigation operation and not a selection one.
- // For Windows apps, pressing the ALT key focuses the menubar
- // menus (similar to TAB navigation) but the menu is not active
- // (ie no dropdown) until an item is clicked.
- this.isActive = true;
- domClass.replace(this.domNode, "dijitMenuActive", "dijitMenuPassive");
- },
- onOpen: function(/*Event*/ /*===== e =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback when this menu is opened.
- // This is called by the popup manager as notification that the menu
- // was opened.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.isShowingNow = true;
- this._markActive();
- },
- _markInactive: function(){
- // summary:
- // Mark this menu's state as inactive.
- this.isActive = false; // don't do this in _onBlur since the state is pending-close until we get here
- domClass.replace(this.domNode, "dijitMenuPassive", "dijitMenuActive");
- },
- onClose: function(){
- // summary:
- // Callback when this menu is closed.
- // This is called by the popup manager as notification that the menu
- // was closed.
- // tags:
- // private
- this._stopFocusTimer();
- this._markInactive();
- this.isShowingNow = false;
- this.parentMenu = null;
- },
- _closeChild: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when submenu is clicked or focus is lost. Close hierarchy of menus.
- // tags:
- // private
- this._stopPopupTimer();
- if(this.currentPopup){
- // If focus is on a descendant MenuItem then move focus to me,
- // because IE doesn't like it when you display:none a node with focus,
- // and also so keyboard users don't lose control.
- // Likely, immediately after a user defined onClick handler will move focus somewhere
- // else, like a Dialog.
- if(array.indexOf(this._focusManager.activeStack, >= 0){
- domAttr.set(this.focusedChild.focusNode, "tabIndex", this.tabIndex);
- this.focusedChild.focusNode.focus();
- }
- // Close all popups that are open and descendants of this menu
- pm.close(this.currentPopup);
- this.currentPopup = null;
- }
- if(this.focusedChild){ // unhighlight the focused item
- this.focusedChild._setSelected(false);
- this.focusedChild._onUnhover();
- this.focusedChild = null;
- }
- },
- _onItemFocus: function(/*MenuItem*/ item){
- // summary:
- // Called when child of this Menu gets focus from:
- // 1) clicking it
- // 2) tabbing into it
- // 3) being opened by a parent menu.
- // This is not called just from mouse hover.
- if(this._hoveredChild && this._hoveredChild != item){
- this._hoveredChild._onUnhover(); // any previous mouse movement is trumped by focus selection
- }
- },
- _onBlur: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when focus is moved away from this Menu and it's submenus.
- // tags:
- // protected
- this._cleanUp();
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _cleanUp: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when the user is done with this menu. Closes hierarchy of menus.
- // tags:
- // private
- this._closeChild(); // don't call this.onClose since that's incorrect for MenuBar's that never close
- if(typeof this.isShowingNow == 'undefined'){ // non-popup menu doesn't call onClose
- this._markInactive();
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_OnDijitClickMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_OnDijitClickMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cc9a98c6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_OnDijitClickMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_OnDijitClickMixin", [
- "dojo/on",
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/keys", // keys.ENTER keys.SPACE
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "dojo/_base/unload", // unload.addOnWindowUnload
- "dojo/_base/window" // win.doc.addEventListener win.doc.attachEvent win.doc.detachEvent
-], function(on, array, keys, declare, has, unload, win){
- // module:
- // dijit/_OnDijitClickMixin
- // summary:
- // Mixin so you can pass "ondijitclick" to this.connect() method,
- // as a way to handle clicks by mouse, or by keyboard (SPACE/ENTER key)
- // Keep track of where the last keydown event was, to help avoid generating
- // spurious ondijitclick events when:
- // 1. focus is on a <button> or <a>
- // 2. user presses then releases the ENTER key
- // 3. onclick handler fires and shifts focus to another node, with an ondijitclick handler
- // 4. onkeyup event fires, causing the ondijitclick handler to fire
- var lastKeyDownNode = null;
- if(has("ie")){
- (function(){
- var keydownCallback = function(evt){
- lastKeyDownNode = evt.srcElement;
- };
- win.doc.attachEvent('onkeydown', keydownCallback);
- unload.addOnWindowUnload(function(){
- win.doc.detachEvent('onkeydown', keydownCallback);
- });
- })();
- }else{
- win.doc.addEventListener('keydown', function(evt){
- lastKeyDownNode =;
- }, true);
- }
- // Custom a11yclick (a.k.a. ondijitclick) event
- var a11yclick = function(node, listener){
- if(/input|button/i.test(node.nodeName)){
- // pass through, the browser already generates click event on SPACE/ENTER key
- return on(node, "click", listener);
- }else{
- // Don't fire the click event unless both the keydown and keyup occur on this node.
- // Avoids problems where focus shifted to this node or away from the node on keydown,
- // either causing this node to process a stray keyup event, or causing another node
- // to get a stray keyup event.
- function clickKey(/*Event*/ e){
- return (e.keyCode == keys.ENTER || e.keyCode == keys.SPACE) &&
- !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey;
- }
- var handles = [
- on(node, "keypress", function(e){
- //console.log( + ": onkeydown, = ",, ", lastKeyDownNode was ", lastKeyDownNode, ", equality is ", ( === lastKeyDownNode));
- if(clickKey(e)){
- // needed on IE for when focus changes between keydown and keyup - otherwise dropdown menus do not work
- lastKeyDownNode =;
- // Prevent viewport scrolling on space key in IE<9.
- // (Reproducible on test_Button.html on any of the first dijit.form.Button examples)
- // Do this onkeypress rather than onkeydown because onkeydown.preventDefault() will
- // suppress the onkeypress event, breaking _HasDropDown
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- }),
- on(node, "keyup", function(e){
- //console.log( + ": onkeyup, = ",, ", lastKeyDownNode was ", lastKeyDownNode, ", equality is ", ( === lastKeyDownNode));
- if(clickKey(e) && == lastKeyDownNode){ // === breaks greasemonkey
- //need reset here or have problems in FF when focus returns to trigger element after closing popup/alert
- lastKeyDownNode = null;
-, e);
- }
- }),
- on(node, "click", function(e){
- // and connect for mouse clicks too (or touch-clicks on mobile)
-, e);
- })
- ];
- return {
- remove: function(){
- array.forEach(handles, function(h){ h.remove(); });
- }
- };
- }
- };
- return declare("dijit._OnDijitClickMixin", null, {
- connect: function(
- /*Object|null*/ obj,
- /*String|Function*/ event,
- /*String|Function*/ method){
- // summary:
- // Connects specified obj/event to specified method of this object
- // and registers for disconnect() on widget destroy.
- // description:
- // Provide widget-specific analog to connect.connect, except with the
- // implicit use of this widget as the target object.
- // This version of connect also provides a special "ondijitclick"
- // event which triggers on a click or space or enter keyup.
- // Events connected with `this.connect` are disconnected upon
- // destruction.
- // returns:
- // A handle that can be passed to `disconnect` in order to disconnect before
- // the widget is destroyed.
- // example:
- // | var btn = new dijit.form.Button();
- // | // when is called, call the listener we're going to
- // | // provide in the scope of btn
- // | btn.connect(foo, "bar", function(){
- // | console.debug(this.toString());
- // | });
- // tags:
- // protected
- return this.inherited(arguments, [obj, event == "ondijitclick" ? a11yclick : event, method]);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_PaletteMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_PaletteMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fa93b6feb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_PaletteMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_PaletteMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys", // keys
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject
- "./_CssStateMixin",
- "./focus",
- "./typematic"
-], function(declare, domAttr, domClass, domConstruct, event, keys, lang, _CssStateMixin, focus, typematic){
- var _CssStateMixin = dijit._CssStateMixin;
-// module:
-// dijit/_PaletteMixin
-// summary:
-// A keyboard accessible palette, for picking a color/emoticon/etc.
-return declare("dijit._PaletteMixin", [_CssStateMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A keyboard accessible palette, for picking a color/emoticon/etc.
- // description:
- // A mixin for a grid showing various entities, so the user can pick a certain entity.
- // defaultTimeout: Number
- // Number of milliseconds before a held key or button becomes typematic
- defaultTimeout: 500,
- // timeoutChangeRate: Number
- // Fraction of time used to change the typematic timer between events
- // 1.0 means that each typematic event fires at defaultTimeout intervals
- // < 1.0 means that each typematic event fires at an increasing faster rate
- timeoutChangeRate: 0.90,
- // value: String
- // Currently selected color/emoticon/etc.
- value: "",
- // _selectedCell: [private] Integer
- // Index of the currently selected cell. Initially, none selected
- _selectedCell: -1,
- // _currentFocus: [private] DomNode
- // The currently focused cell (if the palette itself has focus), or otherwise
- // the cell to be focused when the palette itself gets focus.
- // Different from value, which represents the selected (i.e. clicked) cell.
- _currentFocus: null,
- // _xDim: [protected] Integer
- // This is the number of cells horizontally across.
- _xDim: null,
- // _yDim: [protected] Integer
- // This is the number of cells vertically down.
- _yDim: null,
- // tabIndex: String
- // Widget tab index.
- tabIndex: "0",
- // cellClass: [protected] String
- // CSS class applied to each cell in the palette
- cellClass: "dijitPaletteCell",
- // dyeClass: [protected] String
- // Name of javascript class for Object created for each cell of the palette.
- // dyeClass should implements dijit.Dye interface
- dyeClass: '',
- // summary: String
- // Localized summary for the palette table
- summary: '',
- _setSummaryAttr: "paletteTableNode",
- _dyeFactory: function(value /*===== , row, col =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Return instance of dijit.Dye for specified cell of palette
- // tags:
- // extension
- var dyeClassObj = lang.getObject(this.dyeClass);
- return new dyeClassObj(value);
- },
- _preparePalette: function(choices, titles) {
- // summary:
- // Subclass must call _preparePalette() from postCreate(), passing in the tooltip
- // for each cell
- // choices: String[][]
- // id's for each cell of the palette, used to create Dye JS object for each cell
- // titles: String[]
- // Localized tooltip for each cell
- this._cells = [];
- var url = this._blankGif;
- this.connect(this.gridNode, "ondijitclick", "_onCellClick");
- for(var row=0; row < choices.length; row++){
- var rowNode = domConstruct.create("tr", {tabIndex: "-1"}, this.gridNode);
- for(var col=0; col < choices[row].length; col++){
- var value = choices[row][col];
- if(value){
- var cellObject = this._dyeFactory(value, row, col);
- var cellNode = domConstruct.create("td", {
- "class": this.cellClass,
- tabIndex: "-1",
- title: titles[value],
- role: "gridcell"
- });
- // prepare cell inner structure
- cellObject.fillCell(cellNode, url);
-, rowNode);
- cellNode.index = this._cells.length;
- // save cell info into _cells
- this._cells.push({node:cellNode, dye:cellObject});
- }
- }
- }
- this._xDim = choices[0].length;
- this._yDim = choices.length;
- // Now set all events
- // The palette itself is navigated to with the tab key on the keyboard
- // Keyboard navigation within the Palette is with the arrow keys
- // Spacebar selects the cell.
- // For the up key the index is changed by negative the x dimension.
- var keyIncrementMap = {
- UP_ARROW: -this._xDim,
- // The down key the index is increase by the x dimension.
- DOWN_ARROW: this._xDim,
- // Right and left move the index by 1.
- RIGHT_ARROW: this.isLeftToRight() ? 1 : -1,
- LEFT_ARROW: this.isLeftToRight() ? -1 : 1
- };
- for(var key in keyIncrementMap){
- this._connects.push(
- typematic.addKeyListener(
- this.domNode,
- {charOrCode:keys[key], ctrlKey:false, altKey:false, shiftKey:false},
- this,
- function(){
- var increment = keyIncrementMap[key];
- return function(count){ this._navigateByKey(increment, count); };
- }(),
- this.timeoutChangeRate,
- this.defaultTimeout
- )
- );
- }
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Set initial navigable node.
- this._setCurrent(this._cells[0].node);
- },
- focus: function(){
- // summary:
- // Focus this widget. Puts focus on the most recently focused cell.
- // The cell already has tabIndex set, just need to set CSS and focus it
- focus.focus(this._currentFocus);
- },
- _onCellClick: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handler for click, enter key & space key. Selects the cell.
- // evt:
- // The event.
- // tags:
- // private
- var target =;
- // Find TD associated with click event. For ColorPalette user likely clicked IMG inside of TD
- while(target.tagName != "TD"){
- if(!target.parentNode || target == this.gridNode){ // probably can never happen, but just in case
- return;
- }
- target = target.parentNode;
- }
- var value = this._getDye(target).getValue();
- // First focus the clicked cell, and then send onChange() notification.
- // onChange() (via _setValueAttr) must be after the focus call, because
- // it may trigger a refocus to somewhere else (like the Editor content area), and that
- // second focus should win.
- this._setCurrent(target);
- focus.focus(target);
- this._setValueAttr(value, true);
- event.stop(evt);
- },
- _setCurrent: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Sets which node is the focused cell.
- // description:
- // At any point in time there's exactly one
- // cell with tabIndex != -1. If focus is inside the palette then
- // focus is on that cell.
- //
- // After calling this method, arrow key handlers and mouse click handlers
- // should focus the cell in a setTimeout().
- // tags:
- // protected
- if("_currentFocus" in this){
- // Remove tabIndex on old cell
- domAttr.set(this._currentFocus, "tabIndex", "-1");
- }
- // Set tabIndex of new cell
- this._currentFocus = node;
- if(node){
- domAttr.set(node, "tabIndex", this.tabIndex);
- }
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(value, priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // This selects a cell. It triggers the onChange event.
- // value: String value of the cell to select
- // tags:
- // protected
- // priorityChange:
- // Optional parameter used to tell the select whether or not to fire
- // onChange event.
- // clear old selected cell
- if(this._selectedCell >= 0){
- domClass.remove(this._cells[this._selectedCell].node, this.cellClass + "Selected");
- }
- this._selectedCell = -1;
- // search for cell matching specified value
- if(value){
- for(var i = 0; i < this._cells.length; i++){
- if(value == this._cells[i].dye.getValue()){
- this._selectedCell = i;
- domClass.add(this._cells[i].node, this.cellClass + "Selected");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // record new value, or null if no matching cell
- this._set("value", this._selectedCell >= 0 ? value : null);
- if(priorityChange || priorityChange === undefined){
- this.onChange(value);
- }
- },
- onChange: function(/*===== value =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback when a cell is selected.
- // value: String
- // Value corresponding to cell.
- },
- _navigateByKey: function(increment, typeCount){
- // summary:
- // This is the callback for typematic.
- // It changes the focus and the highlighed cell.
- // increment:
- // How much the key is navigated.
- // typeCount:
- // How many times typematic has fired.
- // tags:
- // private
- // typecount == -1 means the key is released.
- if(typeCount == -1){ return; }
- var newFocusIndex = this._currentFocus.index + increment;
- if(newFocusIndex < this._cells.length && newFocusIndex > -1){
- var focusNode = this._cells[newFocusIndex].node;
- this._setCurrent(focusNode);
- // Actually focus the node, for the benefit of screen readers.
- // Use setTimeout because IE doesn't like changing focus inside of an event handler
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(dijit, "focus", focusNode), 0);
- }
- },
- _getDye: function(/*DomNode*/ cell){
- // summary:
- // Get JS object for given cell DOMNode
- return this._cells[cell.index].dye;
- }
- null,
- {
- // summary:
- // Interface for the JS Object associated with a palette cell (i.e. DOMNode)
- constructor: function(alias, row, col){
- // summary:
- // Initialize according to value or alias like "white"
- // alias: String
- },
- getValue: function(){
- // summary:
- // Return "value" of cell; meaning of "value" varies by subclass.
- // description:
- // For example color hex value, emoticon ascii value etc, entity hex value.
- },
- fillCell: function(cell, blankGif){
- // summary:
- // Add cell DOMNode inner structure
- // cell: DomNode
- // The surrounding cell
- // blankGif: String
- // URL for blank cell image
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_Templated.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_Templated.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f0d772be..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_Templated.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_Templated", [
- "./_WidgetBase",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./_WidgetsInTemplateMixin",
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.extend lang.isArray
- "dojo/_base/kernel" // kernel.deprecated
-], function(_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, array, declare, lang, kernel){
- var _WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _WidgetsInTemplateMixin = dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/_Templated
- // summary:
- // Deprecated mixin for widgets that are instantiated from a template.
- // These arguments can be specified for widgets which are used in templates.
- // Since any widget can be specified as sub widgets in template, mix it
- // into the base widget class. (This is a hack, but it's effective.)
- lang.extend(_WidgetBase, {
- waiRole: "",
- waiState:""
- });
- return declare("dijit._Templated", [_TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Deprecated mixin for widgets that are instantiated from a template.
- // Widgets should use _TemplatedMixin plus if necessary _WidgetsInTemplateMixin instead.
- // widgetsInTemplate: [protected] Boolean
- // Should we parse the template to find widgets that might be
- // declared in markup inside it? False by default.
- widgetsInTemplate: false,
- constructor: function(){
- kernel.deprecated(this.declaredClass + ": dijit._Templated deprecated, use dijit._TemplatedMixin and if necessary dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin", "", "2.0");
- },
- _attachTemplateNodes: function(rootNode, getAttrFunc){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Do deprecated waiRole and waiState
- var nodes = lang.isArray(rootNode) ? rootNode : (rootNode.all || rootNode.getElementsByTagName("*"));
- var x = lang.isArray(rootNode) ? 0 : -1;
- for(; x<nodes.length; x++){
- var baseNode = (x == -1) ? rootNode : nodes[x];
- // waiRole, waiState
- var role = getAttrFunc(baseNode, "waiRole");
- if(role){
- baseNode.setAttribute("role", role);
- }
- var values = getAttrFunc(baseNode, "waiState");
- if(values){
- array.forEach(values.split(/\s*,\s*/), function(stateValue){
- if(stateValue.indexOf('-') != -1){
- var pair = stateValue.split('-');
- baseNode.setAttribute("aria-"+pair[0], pair[1]);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_TemplatedMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_TemplatedMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bbc544b4f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_TemplatedMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_TemplatedMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject
- "dojo/touch",
- "./_WidgetBase",
- "dojo/string", // string.substitute string.trim
- "dojo/cache", // dojo.cache
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.destroy, domConstruct.toDom
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "dojo/_base/unload", // unload.addOnWindowUnload
- "dojo/_base/window" // win.doc
-], function(lang, touch, _WidgetBase, string, cache, array, declare, domConstruct, has, unload, win) {
- var _WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
- // module:
- // dijit/_TemplatedMixin
- // summary:
- // Mixin for widgets that are instantiated from a template
- var _TemplatedMixin = declare("dijit._TemplatedMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // Mixin for widgets that are instantiated from a template
- // templateString: [protected] String
- // A string that represents the widget template.
- // Use in conjunction with dojo.cache() to load from a file.
- templateString: null,
- // templatePath: [protected deprecated] String
- // Path to template (HTML file) for this widget relative to dojo.baseUrl.
- // Deprecated: use templateString with require([... "dojo/text!..."], ...) instead
- templatePath: null,
- // skipNodeCache: [protected] Boolean
- // If using a cached widget template nodes poses issues for a
- // particular widget class, it can set this property to ensure
- // that its template is always re-built from a string
- _skipNodeCache: false,
- // _earlyTemplatedStartup: Boolean
- // A fallback to preserve the 1.0 - 1.3 behavior of children in
- // templates having their startup called before the parent widget
- // fires postCreate. Defaults to 'false', causing child widgets to
- // have their .startup() called immediately before a parent widget
- // .startup(), but always after the parent .postCreate(). Set to
- // 'true' to re-enable to previous, arguably broken, behavior.
- _earlyTemplatedStartup: false,
- // _attachPoints: [private] String[]
- // List of widget attribute names associated with data-dojo-attach-point=... in the
- // template, ex: ["containerNode", "labelNode"]
- _attachPoints: [],
- =====*/
- // _attachEvents: [private] Handle[]
- // List of connections associated with data-dojo-attach-event=... in the
- // template
- _attachEvents: [],
- =====*/
- constructor: function(){
- this._attachPoints = [];
- this._attachEvents = [];
- },
- _stringRepl: function(tmpl){
- // summary:
- // Does substitution of ${foo} type properties in template string
- // tags:
- // private
- var className = this.declaredClass, _this = this;
- // Cache contains a string because we need to do property replacement
- // do the property replacement
- return string.substitute(tmpl, this, function(value, key){
- if(key.charAt(0) == '!'){ value = lang.getObject(key.substr(1), false, _this); }
- if(typeof value == "undefined"){ throw new Error(className+" template:"+key); } // a debugging aide
- if(value == null){ return ""; }
- // Substitution keys beginning with ! will skip the transform step,
- // in case a user wishes to insert unescaped markup, e.g. ${!foo}
- return key.charAt(0) == "!" ? value :
- // Safer substitution, see heading "Attribute values" in
- //
- value.toString().replace(/"/g,"&quot;"); //TODO: add &amp? use encodeXML method?
- }, this);
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- // summary:
- // Construct the UI for this widget from a template, setting this.domNode.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(!this.templateString){
- this.templateString = cache(this.templatePath, {sanitize: true});
- }
- // Lookup cached version of template, and download to cache if it
- // isn't there already. Returns either a DomNode or a string, depending on
- // whether or not the template contains ${foo} replacement parameters.
- var cached = _TemplatedMixin.getCachedTemplate(this.templateString, this._skipNodeCache);
- var node;
- if(lang.isString(cached)){
- node = domConstruct.toDom(this._stringRepl(cached));
- if(node.nodeType != 1){
- // Flag common problems such as templates with multiple top level nodes (nodeType == 11)
- throw new Error("Invalid template: " + cached);
- }
- }else{
- // if it's a node, all we have to do is clone it
- node = cached.cloneNode(true);
- }
- this.domNode = node;
- // Call down to _Widget.buildRendering() to get base classes assigned
- // TODO: change the baseClass assignment to _setBaseClassAttr
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // recurse through the node, looking for, and attaching to, our
- // attachment points and events, which should be defined on the template node.
- this._attachTemplateNodes(node, function(n,p){ return n.getAttribute(p); });
- this._beforeFillContent(); // hook for _WidgetsInTemplateMixin
- this._fillContent(this.srcNodeRef);
- },
- _beforeFillContent: function(){
- },
- _fillContent: function(/*DomNode*/ source){
- // summary:
- // Relocate source contents to templated container node.
- // this.containerNode must be able to receive children, or exceptions will be thrown.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var dest = this.containerNode;
- if(source && dest){
- while(source.hasChildNodes()){
- dest.appendChild(source.firstChild);
- }
- }
- },
- _attachTemplateNodes: function(rootNode, getAttrFunc){
- // summary:
- // Iterate through the template and attach functions and nodes accordingly.
- // Alternately, if rootNode is an array of widgets, then will process data-dojo-attach-point
- // etc. for those widgets.
- // description:
- // Map widget properties and functions to the handlers specified in
- // the dom node and it's descendants. This function iterates over all
- // nodes and looks for these properties:
- // * dojoAttachPoint/data-dojo-attach-point
- // * dojoAttachEvent/data-dojo-attach-event
- // rootNode: DomNode|Widget[]
- // the node to search for properties. All children will be searched.
- // getAttrFunc: Function
- // a function which will be used to obtain property for a given
- // DomNode/Widget
- // tags:
- // private
- var nodes = lang.isArray(rootNode) ? rootNode : (rootNode.all || rootNode.getElementsByTagName("*"));
- var x = lang.isArray(rootNode) ? 0 : -1;
- for(; x<nodes.length; x++){
- var baseNode = (x == -1) ? rootNode : nodes[x];
- if(this.widgetsInTemplate && (getAttrFunc(baseNode, "dojoType") || getAttrFunc(baseNode, "data-dojo-type"))){
- continue;
- }
- // Process data-dojo-attach-point
- var attachPoint = getAttrFunc(baseNode, "dojoAttachPoint") || getAttrFunc(baseNode, "data-dojo-attach-point");
- if(attachPoint){
- var point, points = attachPoint.split(/\s*,\s*/);
- while((point = points.shift())){
- if(lang.isArray(this[point])){
- this[point].push(baseNode);
- }else{
- this[point]=baseNode;
- }
- this._attachPoints.push(point);
- }
- }
- // Process data-dojo-attach-event
- var attachEvent = getAttrFunc(baseNode, "dojoAttachEvent") || getAttrFunc(baseNode, "data-dojo-attach-event");
- if(attachEvent){
- // NOTE: we want to support attributes that have the form
- // "domEvent: nativeEvent; ..."
- var event, events = attachEvent.split(/\s*,\s*/);
- var trim = lang.trim;
- while((event = events.shift())){
- if(event){
- var thisFunc = null;
- if(event.indexOf(":") != -1){
- // oh, if only JS had tuple assignment
- var funcNameArr = event.split(":");
- event = trim(funcNameArr[0]);
- thisFunc = trim(funcNameArr[1]);
- }else{
- event = trim(event);
- }
- if(!thisFunc){
- thisFunc = event;
- }
- // Map "press", "move" and "release" to keys.touch, keys.move, keys.release
- this._attachEvents.push(this.connect(baseNode, touch[event] || event, thisFunc));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- destroyRendering: function(){
- // Delete all attach points to prevent IE6 memory leaks.
- array.forEach(this._attachPoints, function(point){
- delete this[point];
- }, this);
- this._attachPoints = [];
- // And same for event handlers
- array.forEach(this._attachEvents, this.disconnect, this);
- this._attachEvents = [];
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
- // key is templateString; object is either string or DOM tree
- _TemplatedMixin._templateCache = {};
- _TemplatedMixin.getCachedTemplate = function(templateString, alwaysUseString){
- // summary:
- // Static method to get a template based on the templatePath or
- // templateString key
- // templateString: String
- // The template
- // alwaysUseString: Boolean
- // Don't cache the DOM tree for this template, even if it doesn't have any variables
- // returns: Mixed
- // Either string (if there are ${} variables that need to be replaced) or just
- // a DOM tree (if the node can be cloned directly)
- // is it already cached?
- var tmplts = _TemplatedMixin._templateCache;
- var key = templateString;
- var cached = tmplts[key];
- if(cached){
- try{
- // if the cached value is an innerHTML string (no ownerDocument) or a DOM tree created within the current document, then use the current cached value
- if(!cached.ownerDocument || cached.ownerDocument == win.doc){
- // string or node of the same document
- return cached;
- }
- }catch(e){ /* squelch */ } // IE can throw an exception if cached.ownerDocument was reloaded
- domConstruct.destroy(cached);
- }
- templateString = string.trim(templateString);
- if(alwaysUseString || templateString.match(/\$\{([^\}]+)\}/g)){
- // there are variables in the template so all we can do is cache the string
- return (tmplts[key] = templateString); //String
- }else{
- // there are no variables in the template so we can cache the DOM tree
- var node = domConstruct.toDom(templateString);
- if(node.nodeType != 1){
- throw new Error("Invalid template: " + templateString);
- }
- return (tmplts[key] = node); //Node
- }
- };
- if(has("ie")){
- unload.addOnWindowUnload(function(){
- var cache = _TemplatedMixin._templateCache;
- for(var key in cache){
- var value = cache[key];
- if(typeof value == "object"){ // value is either a string or a DOM node template
- domConstruct.destroy(value);
- }
- delete cache[key];
- }
- });
- }
- // These arguments can be specified for widgets which are used in templates.
- // Since any widget can be specified as sub widgets in template, mix it
- // into the base widget class. (This is a hack, but it's effective.)
- lang.extend(_WidgetBase,{
- dojoAttachEvent: "",
- dojoAttachPoint: ""
- });
- return _TemplatedMixin;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_TimePicker.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_TimePicker.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a89f9eed..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_TimePicker.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/templates/TimePicker.html':"<div id=\"widget_${id}\" class=\"dijitMenu\"\n ><div data-dojo-attach-point=\"upArrow\" class=\"dijitButtonNode dijitUpArrowButton\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onmouseenter:_buttonMouse,onmouseleave:_buttonMouse\"\n\t\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitInline dijitArrowButtonInner\" role=\"presentation\">&#160;</div\n\t\t><div class=\"dijitArrowButtonChar\">&#9650;</div></div\n ><div data-dojo-attach-point=\"timeMenu,focusNode\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onclick:_onOptionSelected,onmouseover,onmouseout\"></div\n ><div data-dojo-attach-point=\"downArrow\" class=\"dijitButtonNode dijitDownArrowButton\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onmouseenter:_buttonMouse,onmouseleave:_buttonMouse\"\n\t\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitInline dijitArrowButtonInner\" role=\"presentation\">&#160;</div\n\t\t><div class=\"dijitArrowButtonChar\">&#9660;</div></div\n></div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/_TimePicker", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/date", //
- "dojo/date/locale", // locale.format
- "dojo/date/stamp", // stamp.fromISOString stamp.toISOString
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.contains domClass.toggle
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // deprecated
- "dojo/keys", // keys
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "dojo/query", // query
- "dijit/typematic",
- "./_Widget",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./form/_FormValueWidget",
- "dojo/text!./templates/TimePicker.html"
-], function(array, ddate, locale, stamp, declare, domClass, domConstruct, event, kernel, keys, lang, has, query,
- typematic, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _FormValueWidget, template){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _FormValueWidget = dijit.form._FormValueWidget;
- // module:
- // dijit/_TimePicker
- // summary:
- // A graphical time picker.
- /*=====
- declare(
- "dijit._TimePicker.__Constraints",
- locale.__FormatOptions,
- {
- // clickableIncrement: String
- // See `dijit._TimePicker.clickableIncrement`
- clickableIncrement: "T00:15:00",
- // visibleIncrement: String
- // See `dijit._TimePicker.visibleIncrement`
- visibleIncrement: "T01:00:00",
- // visibleRange: String
- // See `dijit._TimePicker.visibleRange`
- visibleRange: "T05:00:00"
- }
- );
- =====*/
- return declare("dijit._TimePicker", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A graphical time picker.
- // This widget is used internally by other widgets and is not available
- // as a standalone widget due to lack of accessibility support.
- templateString: template,
- // baseClass: [protected] String
- // The root className to use for the various states of this widget
- baseClass: "dijitTimePicker",
- // clickableIncrement: String
- // ISO-8601 string representing the amount by which
- // every clickable element in the time picker increases.
- // Set in local time, without a time zone.
- // Example: `T00:15:00` creates 15 minute increments
- // Must divide dijit._TimePicker.visibleIncrement evenly
- clickableIncrement: "T00:15:00",
- // visibleIncrement: String
- // ISO-8601 string representing the amount by which
- // every element with a visible time in the time picker increases.
- // Set in local time, without a time zone.
- // Example: `T01:00:00` creates text in every 1 hour increment
- visibleIncrement: "T01:00:00",
- // visibleRange: String
- // ISO-8601 string representing the range of this TimePicker.
- // The TimePicker will only display times in this range.
- // Example: `T05:00:00` displays 5 hours of options
- visibleRange: "T05:00:00",
- // value: String
- // Date to display.
- // Defaults to current time and date.
- // Can be a Date object or an ISO-8601 string.
- // If you specify the GMT time zone (`-01:00`),
- // the time will be converted to the local time in the local time zone.
- // Otherwise, the time is considered to be in the local time zone.
- // If you specify the date and isDate is true, the date is used.
- // Example: if your local time zone is `GMT -05:00`,
- // `T10:00:00` becomes `T10:00:00-05:00` (considered to be local time),
- // `T10:00:00-01:00` becomes `T06:00:00-05:00` (4 hour difference),
- // `T10:00:00Z` becomes `T05:00:00-05:00` (5 hour difference between Zulu and local time)
- // `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss` is the format to set the date and time
- // Example: `2007-06-01T09:00:00`
- value: new Date(),
- _visibleIncrement:2,
- _clickableIncrement:1,
- _totalIncrements:10,
- // constraints: dijit._TimePicker.__Constraints
- // Specifies valid range of times (start time, end time)
- constraints:{},
- serialize: function(val, options){
- // summary:
- // User overridable function used to convert the attr('value') result to a String
- // val: Date
- // The current value
- // options: Object?
- // tags:
- // protected
- },
- serialize: stamp.toISOString,
- // filterString: string
- // The string to filter by
- filterString: "",
- setValue: function(/*Date*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Used set('value') instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated("dijit._TimePicker:setValue() is deprecated. Use set('value', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.set('value', value);
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*Date*/ date){
- // summary:
- // Hook so set('value', ...) works.
- // description:
- // Set the value of the TimePicker.
- // Redraws the TimePicker around the new date.
- // tags:
- // protected
- this._set("value", date);
- this._showText();
- },
- _setFilterStringAttr: function(val){
- // summary:
- // Called by TimeTextBox to filter the values shown in my list
- this._set("filterString", val);
- this._showText();
- },
- isDisabledDate: function(/*===== dateObject, locale =====*/){
- // summary:
- // May be overridden to disable certain dates in the TimePicker e.g. `isDisabledDate=locale.isWeekend`
- // dateObject: Date
- // locale: String?
- // type:
- // extension
- return false; // Boolean
- },
- _getFilteredNodes: function(/*number*/ start, /*number*/ maxNum, /*Boolean*/ before, /*DOMnode*/ lastNode){
- // summary:
- // Returns an array of nodes with the filter applied. At most maxNum nodes
- // will be returned - but fewer may be returned as well. If the
- // before parameter is set to true, then it will return the elements
- // before the given index
- // tags:
- // private
- var
- nodes = [],
- lastValue = lastNode ? : this._refDate,
- n,
- i = start,
- max = this._maxIncrement + Math.abs(i),
- chk = before ? -1 : 1,
- dec = before ? 1 : 0,
- inc = 1 - dec;
- do{
- i -= dec;
- n = this._createOption(i);
- if(n){
- if((before && > lastValue) || (!before && < lastValue)){
- break; // don't wrap
- }
- nodes[before ? "unshift" : "push"](n);
- lastValue =;
- }
- i += inc;
- }while(nodes.length < maxNum && (i*chk) < max);
- return nodes;
- },
- _showText: function(){
- // summary:
- // Displays the relevant choices in the drop down list
- // tags:
- // private
- var fromIso = stamp.fromISOString;
- this.timeMenu.innerHTML = "";
- this._clickableIncrementDate=fromIso(this.clickableIncrement);
- this._visibleIncrementDate=fromIso(this.visibleIncrement);
- this._visibleRangeDate=fromIso(this.visibleRange);
- // get the value of the increments and the range in seconds (since 00:00:00) to find out how many divs to create
- var
- sinceMidnight = function(/*Date*/ date){
- return date.getHours() * 60 * 60 + date.getMinutes() * 60 + date.getSeconds();
- },
- clickableIncrementSeconds = sinceMidnight(this._clickableIncrementDate),
- visibleIncrementSeconds = sinceMidnight(this._visibleIncrementDate),
- visibleRangeSeconds = sinceMidnight(this._visibleRangeDate),
- // round reference date to previous visible increment
- time = (this.value || this.currentFocus).getTime();
- this._refDate = new Date(time - time % (clickableIncrementSeconds*1000));
- this._refDate.setFullYear(1970,0,1); // match parse defaults
- // assume clickable increment is the smallest unit
- this._clickableIncrement = 1;
- // divide the visible range by the clickable increment to get the number of divs to create
- // example: 10:00:00/00:15:00 -> display 40 divs
- this._totalIncrements = visibleRangeSeconds / clickableIncrementSeconds;
- // divide the visible increments by the clickable increments to get how often to display the time inline
- // example: 01:00:00/00:15:00 -> display the time every 4 divs
- this._visibleIncrement = visibleIncrementSeconds / clickableIncrementSeconds;
- // divide the number of seconds in a day by the clickable increment in seconds to get the
- // absolute max number of increments.
- this._maxIncrement = (60 * 60 * 24) / clickableIncrementSeconds;
- var
- // Find the nodes we should display based on our filter.
- // Limit to 10 nodes displayed as a half-hearted attempt to stop drop down from overlapping <input>.
- count = Math.min(this._totalIncrements, 10),
- after = this._getFilteredNodes(0, (count >> 1) + 1, false),
- moreAfter = [],
- estBeforeLength = count - after.length,
- before = this._getFilteredNodes(0, estBeforeLength, true, after[0]);
- if(before.length < estBeforeLength && after.length > 0){
- moreAfter = this._getFilteredNodes(after.length, estBeforeLength - before.length, false, after[after.length-1]);
- }
- array.forEach(before.concat(after, moreAfter), function(n){ this.timeMenu.appendChild(n); }, this);
- },
- constructor: function(){
- this.constraints = {}; // create instance object
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._setConstraintsAttr(this.constraints); // this needs to happen now (and later) due to codependency on _set*Attr calls
- },
- _setConstraintsAttr: function(/* Object */ constraints){
- // brings in visibleRange, increments, etc.
- lang.mixin(this, constraints);
- // locale needs the lang in the constraints as locale
- if(!constraints.locale){
- constraints.locale = this.lang;
- }
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- // assign typematic mouse listeners to the arrow buttons
- this.connect(this.timeMenu, has("ie") ? "onmousewheel" : 'DOMMouseScroll', "_mouseWheeled");
- this._connects.push(typematic.addMouseListener(this.upArrow, this, "_onArrowUp", 33, 250));
- this._connects.push(typematic.addMouseListener(this.downArrow, this, "_onArrowDown", 33, 250));
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _buttonMouse: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for hover (and unhover) on up/down arrows
- // tags:
- // private
- // in non-IE browser the "mouseenter" event will become "mouseover",
- // but in IE it's still "mouseenter"
- domClass.toggle(e.currentTarget, e.currentTarget == this.upArrow ? "dijitUpArrowHover" : "dijitDownArrowHover",
- e.type == "mouseenter" || e.type == "mouseover");
- },
- _createOption: function(/*Number*/ index){
- // summary:
- // Creates a clickable time option
- // tags:
- // private
- var date = new Date(this._refDate);
- var incrementDate = this._clickableIncrementDate;
- date.setHours(date.getHours() + incrementDate.getHours() * index,
- date.getMinutes() + incrementDate.getMinutes() * index,
- date.getSeconds() + incrementDate.getSeconds() * index);
- if(this.constraints.selector == "time"){
- date.setFullYear(1970,0,1); // make sure each time is for the same date
- }
- var dateString = locale.format(date, this.constraints);
- if(this.filterString && dateString.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.filterString) !== 0){
- // Doesn't match the filter - return null
- return null;
- }
- var div = domConstruct.create("div", {"class": this.baseClass+"Item"});
- = date;
- div.index = index;
- domConstruct.create('div',{
- "class": this.baseClass + "ItemInner",
- innerHTML: dateString
- }, div);
- if(index%this._visibleIncrement<1 && index%this._visibleIncrement>-1){
- domClass.add(div, this.baseClass+"Marker");
- }else if(!(index%this._clickableIncrement)){
- domClass.add(div, this.baseClass+"Tick");
- }
- if(this.isDisabledDate(date)){
- // set disabled
- domClass.add(div, this.baseClass+"ItemDisabled");
- }
- if(this.value && !, date, this.constraints.selector)){
- div.selected = true;
- domClass.add(div, this.baseClass+"ItemSelected");
- if(domClass.contains(div, this.baseClass+"Marker")){
- domClass.add(div, this.baseClass+"MarkerSelected");
- }else{
- domClass.add(div, this.baseClass+"TickSelected");
- }
- // Initially highlight the current value. User can change highlight by up/down arrow keys
- // or mouse movement.
- this._highlightOption(div, true);
- }
- return div;
- },
- _onOptionSelected: function(/*Object*/ tgt){
- // summary:
- // Called when user clicks an option in the drop down list
- // tags:
- // private
- var tdate = ||;
- if(!tdate || this.isDisabledDate(tdate)){ return; }
- this._highlighted_option = null;
- this.set('value', tdate);
- this.onChange(tdate);
- },
- onChange: function(/*Date*/ /*===== time =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Notification that a time was selected. It may be the same as the previous value.
- // tags:
- // public
- },
- _highlightOption: function(/*node*/ node, /*Boolean*/ highlight){
- // summary:
- // Turns on/off highlight effect on a node based on mouse out/over event
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!node){return;}
- if(highlight){
- if(this._highlighted_option){
- this._highlightOption(this._highlighted_option, false);
- }
- this._highlighted_option = node;
- }else if(this._highlighted_option !== node){
- return;
- }else{
- this._highlighted_option = null;
- }
- domClass.toggle(node, this.baseClass+"ItemHover", highlight);
- if(domClass.contains(node, this.baseClass+"Marker")){
- domClass.toggle(node, this.baseClass+"MarkerHover", highlight);
- }else{
- domClass.toggle(node, this.baseClass+"TickHover", highlight);
- }
- },
- onmouseover: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onmouseover event
- // tags:
- // private
- this._keyboardSelected = null;
- var tgr = ( === this.timeMenu) ? :;
- // if we aren't targeting an item, then we return
- if(!domClass.contains(tgr, this.baseClass+"Item")){return;}
- this._highlightOption(tgr, true);
- },
- onmouseout: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onmouseout event
- // tags:
- // private
- this._keyboardSelected = null;
- var tgr = ( === this.timeMenu) ? :;
- this._highlightOption(tgr, false);
- },
- _mouseWheeled: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Handle the mouse wheel events
- // tags:
- // private
- this._keyboardSelected = null;
- event.stop(e);
- // we're not _measuring_ the scroll amount, just direction
- var scrollAmount = (has("ie") ? e.wheelDelta : -e.detail);
- this[(scrollAmount>0 ? "_onArrowUp" : "_onArrowDown")](); // yes, we're making a new dom node every time you mousewheel, or click
- },
- _onArrowUp: function(count){
- // summary:
- // Handler for up arrow key.
- // description:
- // Removes the bottom time and add one to the top
- // tags:
- // private
- if(typeof count == "number" && count == -1){ return; } // typematic end
- if(!this.timeMenu.childNodes.length){ return; }
- var index = this.timeMenu.childNodes[0].index;
- var divs = this._getFilteredNodes(index, 1, true, this.timeMenu.childNodes[0]);
- if(divs.length){
- this.timeMenu.removeChild(this.timeMenu.childNodes[this.timeMenu.childNodes.length - 1]);
- this.timeMenu.insertBefore(divs[0], this.timeMenu.childNodes[0]);
- }
- },
- _onArrowDown: function(count){
- // summary:
- // Handler for up arrow key.
- // description:
- // Remove the top time and add one to the bottom
- // tags:
- // private
- if(typeof count == "number" && count == -1){ return; } // typematic end
- if(!this.timeMenu.childNodes.length){ return; }
- var index = this.timeMenu.childNodes[this.timeMenu.childNodes.length - 1].index + 1;
- var divs = this._getFilteredNodes(index, 1, false, this.timeMenu.childNodes[this.timeMenu.childNodes.length - 1]);
- if(divs.length){
- this.timeMenu.removeChild(this.timeMenu.childNodes[0]);
- this.timeMenu.appendChild(divs[0]);
- }
- },
- handleKey: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Called from `dijit.form._DateTimeTextBox` to pass a keypress event
- // from the `dijit.form.TimeTextBox` to be handled in this widget
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(e.charOrCode == keys.DOWN_ARROW || e.charOrCode == keys.UP_ARROW){
- event.stop(e);
- // Figure out which option to highlight now and then highlight it
- if(this._highlighted_option && !this._highlighted_option.parentNode){
- this._highlighted_option = null;
- }
- var timeMenu = this.timeMenu,
- tgt = this._highlighted_option || query("." + this.baseClass + "ItemSelected", timeMenu)[0];
- if(!tgt){
- tgt = timeMenu.childNodes[0];
- }else if(timeMenu.childNodes.length){
- if(e.charOrCode == keys.DOWN_ARROW && !tgt.nextSibling){
- this._onArrowDown();
- }else if(e.charOrCode == keys.UP_ARROW && !tgt.previousSibling){
- this._onArrowUp();
- }
- if(e.charOrCode == keys.DOWN_ARROW){
- tgt = tgt.nextSibling;
- }else{
- tgt = tgt.previousSibling;
- }
- }
- this._highlightOption(tgt, true);
- this._keyboardSelected = tgt;
- return false;
- }else if(e.charOrCode == keys.ENTER || e.charOrCode === keys.TAB){
- // mouse hover followed by TAB is NO selection
- if(!this._keyboardSelected && e.charOrCode === keys.TAB){
- return true; // true means don't call stopEvent()
- }
- // Accept the currently-highlighted option as the value
- if(this._highlighted_option){
- this._onOptionSelected({target: this._highlighted_option});
- }
- // Call stopEvent() for ENTER key so that form doesn't submit,
- // but not for TAB, so that TAB does switch focus
- return e.charOrCode === keys.TAB;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_Widget.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_Widget.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e588a62cf..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_Widget.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_Widget", [
- "dojo/aspect", // aspect.around
- "dojo/_base/config", // config.isDebug
- "dojo/_base/connect", // connect.connect
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/query",
- "dojo/ready",
- "./registry", // registry.byNode
- "./_WidgetBase",
- "./_OnDijitClickMixin",
- "./_FocusMixin",
- "dojo/uacss", // browser sniffing (included for back-compat; subclasses may be using)
- "./hccss" // high contrast mode sniffing (included to set CSS classes on <body>, module ret value unused)
-], function(aspect, config, connect, declare, kernel, lang, query, ready,
- registry, _WidgetBase, _OnDijitClickMixin, _FocusMixin){
- var _WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
- var _OnDijitClickMixin = dijit._OnDijitClickMixin;
- var _FocusMixin = dijit._FocusMixin;
-// module:
-// dijit/_Widget
-// summary:
-// Old base for widgets. New widgets should extend _WidgetBase instead
-function connectToDomNode(){
- // summary:
- // If user connects to a widget method === this function, then they will
- // instead actually be connecting the equivalent event on this.domNode
-// Trap dojo.connect() calls to connectToDomNode methods, and redirect to _Widget.on()
-function aroundAdvice(originalConnect){
- return function(obj, event, scope, method){
- if(obj && typeof event == "string" && obj[event] == connectToDomNode){
- return obj.on(event.substring(2).toLowerCase(), lang.hitch(scope, method));
- }
- return originalConnect.apply(connect, arguments);
- };
-aspect.around(connect, "connect", aroundAdvice);
- aspect.around(kernel, "connect", aroundAdvice);
-var _Widget = declare("dijit._Widget", [_WidgetBase, _OnDijitClickMixin, _FocusMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Base class for all Dijit widgets.
- //
- // Extends _WidgetBase, adding support for:
- // - declaratively/programatically specifying widget initialization parameters like
- // onMouseMove="foo" that call foo when this.domNode gets a mousemove event
- // - ondijitclick
- // Support new data-dojo-attach-event="ondijitclick: ..." that is triggered by a mouse click or a SPACE/ENTER keypress
- // - focus related functions
- // In particular, the onFocus()/onBlur() callbacks. Driven internally by
- // dijit/_base/focus.js.
- // - deprecated methods
- // - onShow(), onHide(), onClose()
- //
- // Also, by loading code in dijit/_base, turns on:
- // - browser sniffing (putting browser id like .dj_ie on <html> node)
- // - high contrast mode sniffing (add .dijit_a11y class to <body> if machine is in high contrast mode)
- ////////////////// DEFERRED CONNECTS ///////////////////
- onClick: connectToDomNode,
- /*=====
- onClick: function(event){
- // summary:
- // Connect to this function to receive notifications of mouse click events.
- // event:
- // mouse Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- =====*/
- onDblClick: connectToDomNode,
- /*=====
- onDblClick: function(event){
- // summary:
- // Connect to this function to receive notifications of mouse double click events.
- // event:
- // mouse Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- =====*/
- onKeyDown: connectToDomNode,
- /*=====
- onKeyDown: function(event){
- // summary:
- // Connect to this function to receive notifications of keys being pressed down.
- // event:
- // key Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- =====*/
- onKeyPress: connectToDomNode,
- /*=====
- onKeyPress: function(event){
- // summary:
- // Connect to this function to receive notifications of printable keys being typed.
- // event:
- // key Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- =====*/
- onKeyUp: connectToDomNode,
- /*=====
- onKeyUp: function(event){
- // summary:
- // Connect to this function to receive notifications of keys being released.
- // event:
- // key Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- =====*/
- onMouseDown: connectToDomNode,
- /*=====
- onMouseDown: function(event){
- // summary:
- // Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse button is pressed down.
- // event:
- // mouse Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- =====*/
- onMouseMove: connectToDomNode,
- /*=====
- onMouseMove: function(event){
- // summary:
- // Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves over nodes contained within this widget.
- // event:
- // mouse Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- =====*/
- onMouseOut: connectToDomNode,
- /*=====
- onMouseOut: function(event){
- // summary:
- // Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves off of nodes contained within this widget.
- // event:
- // mouse Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- =====*/
- onMouseOver: connectToDomNode,
- /*=====
- onMouseOver: function(event){
- // summary:
- // Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves onto nodes contained within this widget.
- // event:
- // mouse Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- =====*/
- onMouseLeave: connectToDomNode,
- /*=====
- onMouseLeave: function(event){
- // summary:
- // Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves off of this widget.
- // event:
- // mouse Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- =====*/
- onMouseEnter: connectToDomNode,
- /*=====
- onMouseEnter: function(event){
- // summary:
- // Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves onto this widget.
- // event:
- // mouse Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- =====*/
- onMouseUp: connectToDomNode,
- /*=====
- onMouseUp: function(event){
- // summary:
- // Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse button is released.
- // event:
- // mouse Event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- =====*/
- constructor: function(params){
- // extract parameters like onMouseMove that should connect directly to this.domNode
- this._toConnect = {};
- for(var name in params){
- if(this[name] === connectToDomNode){
- this._toConnect[name.replace(/^on/, "").toLowerCase()] = params[name];
- delete params[name];
- }
- }
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // perform connection from this.domNode to user specified handlers (ex: onMouseMove)
- for(var name in this._toConnect){
- this.on(name, this._toConnect[name]);
- }
- delete this._toConnect;
- },
- on: function(/*String*/ type, /*Function*/ func){
- if(this[this._onMap(type)] === connectToDomNode){
- // Use connect.connect() rather than on() to get handling for "onmouseenter" on non-IE, etc.
- // Also, need to specify context as "this" rather than the default context of the DOMNode
- return connect.connect(this.domNode, type.toLowerCase(), this, func);
- }
- return this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _setFocusedAttr: function(val){
- // Remove this method in 2.0 (or sooner), just here to set _focused == focused, for back compat
- // (but since it's a private variable we aren't required to keep supporting it).
- this._focused = val;
- this._set("focused", val);
- },
- ////////////////// DEPRECATED METHODS ///////////////////
- setAttribute: function(/*String*/ attr, /*anything*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set() instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated(this.declaredClass+"::setAttribute(attr, value) is deprecated. Use set() instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.set(attr, value);
- },
- attr: function(/*String|Object*/name, /*Object?*/value){
- // summary:
- // Set or get properties on a widget instance.
- // name:
- // The property to get or set. If an object is passed here and not
- // a string, its keys are used as names of attributes to be set
- // and the value of the object as values to set in the widget.
- // value:
- // Optional. If provided, attr() operates as a setter. If omitted,
- // the current value of the named property is returned.
- // description:
- // This method is deprecated, use get() or set() directly.
- // Print deprecation warning but only once per calling function
- if(config.isDebug){
- var alreadyCalledHash = arguments.callee._ach || (arguments.callee._ach = {}),
- caller = (arguments.callee.caller || "unknown caller").toString();
- if(!alreadyCalledHash[caller]){
- kernel.deprecated(this.declaredClass + "::attr() is deprecated. Use get() or set() instead, called from " +
- caller, "", "2.0");
- alreadyCalledHash[caller] = true;
- }
- }
- var args = arguments.length;
- if(args >= 2 || typeof name === "object"){ // setter
- return this.set.apply(this, arguments);
- }else{ // getter
- return this.get(name);
- }
- },
- getDescendants: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns all the widgets contained by this, i.e., all widgets underneath this.containerNode.
- // This method should generally be avoided as it returns widgets declared in templates, which are
- // supposed to be internal/hidden, but it's left here for back-compat reasons.
- kernel.deprecated(this.declaredClass+"::getDescendants() is deprecated. Use getChildren() instead.", "", "2.0");
- return this.containerNode ? query('[widgetId]', this.containerNode).map(registry.byNode) : []; // dijit._Widget[]
- },
- ////////////////// MISCELLANEOUS METHODS ///////////////////
- _onShow: function(){
- // summary:
- // Internal method called when this widget is made visible.
- // See `onShow` for details.
- this.onShow();
- },
- onShow: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when this widget becomes the selected pane in a
- // `dijit.layout.TabContainer`, `dijit.layout.StackContainer`,
- // `dijit.layout.AccordionContainer`, etc.
- //
- // Also called to indicate display of a `dijit.Dialog`, `dijit.TooltipDialog`, or `dijit.TitlePane`.
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onHide: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when another widget becomes the selected pane in a
- // `dijit.layout.TabContainer`, `dijit.layout.StackContainer`,
- // `dijit.layout.AccordionContainer`, etc.
- //
- // Also called to indicate hide of a `dijit.Dialog`, `dijit.TooltipDialog`, or `dijit.TitlePane`.
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onClose: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when this widget is being displayed as a popup (ex: a Calendar popped
- // up from a DateTextBox), and it is hidden.
- // This is called from the dijit.popup code, and should not be called directly.
- //
- // Also used as a parameter for children of `dijit.layout.StackContainer` or subclasses.
- // Callback if a user tries to close the child. Child will be closed if this function returns true.
- // tags:
- // extension
- return true; // Boolean
- }
-// For back-compat, remove in 2.0.
- ready(0, function(){
- var requires = ["dijit/_base"];
- require(requires); // use indirection so modules not rolled into a build
- });
-return _Widget;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_WidgetBase.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_WidgetBase.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b8dbe83b4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_WidgetBase.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1020 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_WidgetBase", [
- "require", // require.toUrl
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/aspect",
- "dojo/_base/config", // config.blankGif
- "dojo/_base/connect", // connect.connect
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.byId
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set domAttr.remove
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.replace
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create domConstruct.destroy
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // isBodyLtr
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.set, domStyle.get
- "dojo/_base/kernel",
- "dojo/_base/lang", // mixin(), isArray(), etc.
- "dojo/on",
- "dojo/ready",
- "dojo/Stateful", // Stateful
- "dojo/topic",
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.doc.createTextNode
- "./registry" // registry.getUniqueId(), registry.findWidgets()
-], function(require, array, aspect, config, connect, declare,
- dom, domAttr, domClass, domConstruct, domGeometry, domStyle, kernel,
- lang, on, ready, Stateful, topic, win, registry){
-var Stateful = dojo.Stateful;
-// module:
-// dijit/_WidgetBase
-// summary:
-// Future base class for all Dijit widgets.
-// For back-compat, remove in 2.0.
- ready(0, function(){
- var requires = ["dijit/_base/manager"];
- require(requires); // use indirection so modules not rolled into a build
- });
-// Nested hash listing attributes for each tag, all strings in lowercase.
-// ex: {"div": {"style": true, "tabindex" true}, "form": { ...
-var tagAttrs = {};
-function getAttrs(obj){
- var ret = {};
- for(var attr in obj){
- ret[attr.toLowerCase()] = true;
- }
- return ret;
-function nonEmptyAttrToDom(attr){
- // summary:
- // Returns a setter function that copies the attribute to this.domNode,
- // or removes the attribute from this.domNode, depending on whether the
- // value is defined or not.
- return function(val){
- domAttr[val ? "set" : "remove"](this.domNode, attr, val);
- this._set(attr, val);
- };
-return declare("dijit._WidgetBase", Stateful, {
- // summary:
- // Future base class for all Dijit widgets.
- // description:
- // Future base class for all Dijit widgets.
- // _Widget extends this class adding support for various features needed by desktop.
- //
- // Provides stubs for widget lifecycle methods for subclasses to extend, like postMixInProperties(), buildRendering(),
- // postCreate(), startup(), and destroy(), and also public API methods like set(), get(), and watch().
- //
- // Widgets can provide custom setters/getters for widget attributes, which are called automatically by set(name, value).
- // For an attribute XXX, define methods _setXXXAttr() and/or _getXXXAttr().
- //
- // _setXXXAttr can also be a string/hash/array mapping from a widget attribute XXX to the widget's DOMNodes:
- //
- // - DOM node attribute
- // | _setFocusAttr: {node: "focusNode", type: "attribute"}
- // | _setFocusAttr: "focusNode" (shorthand)
- // | _setFocusAttr: "" (shorthand, maps to this.domNode)
- // Maps this.focus to this.focusNode.focus, or (last example) this.domNode.focus
- //
- // - DOM node innerHTML
- // | _setTitleAttr: { node: "titleNode", type: "innerHTML" }
- // Maps this.title to this.titleNode.innerHTML
- //
- // - DOM node innerText
- // | _setTitleAttr: { node: "titleNode", type: "innerText" }
- // Maps this.title to this.titleNode.innerText
- //
- // - DOM node CSS class
- // | _setMyClassAttr: { node: "domNode", type: "class" }
- // Maps this.myClass to this.domNode.className
- //
- // If the value of _setXXXAttr is an array, then each element in the array matches one of the
- // formats of the above list.
- //
- // If the custom setter is null, no action is performed other than saving the new value
- // in the widget (in this).
- //
- // If no custom setter is defined for an attribute, then it will be copied
- // to this.focusNode (if the widget defines a focusNode), or this.domNode otherwise.
- // That's only done though for attributes that match DOMNode attributes (title,
- // alt, aria-labelledby, etc.)
- // id: [const] String
- // A unique, opaque ID string that can be assigned by users or by the
- // system. If the developer passes an ID which is known not to be
- // unique, the specified ID is ignored and the system-generated ID is
- // used instead.
- id: "",
- _setIdAttr: "domNode", // to copy to this.domNode even for auto-generated id's
- // lang: [const] String
- // Rarely used. Overrides the default Dojo locale used to render this widget,
- // as defined by the [HTML LANG]( attribute.
- // Value must be among the list of locales specified during by the Dojo bootstrap,
- // formatted according to [RFC 3066]( (like en-us).
- lang: "",
- // set on domNode even when there's a focus node. but don't set lang="", since that's invalid.
- _setLangAttr: nonEmptyAttrToDom("lang"),
- // dir: [const] String
- // Bi-directional support, as defined by the [HTML DIR](
- // attribute. Either left-to-right "ltr" or right-to-left "rtl". If undefined, widgets renders in page's
- // default direction.
- dir: "",
- // set on domNode even when there's a focus node. but don't set dir="", since that's invalid.
- _setDirAttr: nonEmptyAttrToDom("dir"), // to set on domNode even when there's a focus node
- // textDir: String
- // Bi-directional support, the main variable which is responsible for the direction of the text.
- // The text direction can be different than the GUI direction by using this parameter in creation
- // of a widget.
- // Allowed values:
- // 1. "ltr"
- // 2. "rtl"
- // 3. "auto" - contextual the direction of a text defined by first strong letter.
- // By default is as the page direction.
- textDir: "",
- // class: String
- // HTML class attribute
- "class": "",
- _setClassAttr: { node: "domNode", type: "class" },
- // style: String||Object
- // HTML style attributes as cssText string or name/value hash
- style: "",
- // title: String
- // HTML title attribute.
- //
- // For form widgets this specifies a tooltip to display when hovering over
- // the widget (just like the native HTML title attribute).
- //
- // For TitlePane or for when this widget is a child of a TabContainer, AccordionContainer,
- // etc., it's used to specify the tab label, accordion pane title, etc.
- title: "",
- // tooltip: String
- // When this widget's title attribute is used to for a tab label, accordion pane title, etc.,
- // this specifies the tooltip to appear when the mouse is hovered over that text.
- tooltip: "",
- // baseClass: [protected] String
- // Root CSS class of the widget (ex: dijitTextBox), used to construct CSS classes to indicate
- // widget state.
- baseClass: "",
- // srcNodeRef: [readonly] DomNode
- // pointer to original DOM node
- srcNodeRef: null,
- // domNode: [readonly] DomNode
- // This is our visible representation of the widget! Other DOM
- // Nodes may by assigned to other properties, usually through the
- // template system's data-dojo-attach-point syntax, but the domNode
- // property is the canonical "top level" node in widget UI.
- domNode: null,
- // containerNode: [readonly] DomNode
- // Designates where children of the source DOM node will be placed.
- // "Children" in this case refers to both DOM nodes and widgets.
- // For example, for myWidget:
- //
- // | <div data-dojo-type=myWidget>
- // | <b> here's a plain DOM node
- // | <span data-dojo-type=subWidget>and a widget</span>
- // | <i> and another plain DOM node </i>
- // | </div>
- //
- // containerNode would point to:
- //
- // | <b> here's a plain DOM node
- // | <span data-dojo-type=subWidget>and a widget</span>
- // | <i> and another plain DOM node </i>
- //
- // In templated widgets, "containerNode" is set via a
- // data-dojo-attach-point assignment.
- //
- // containerNode must be defined for any widget that accepts innerHTML
- // (like ContentPane or BorderContainer or even Button), and conversely
- // is null for widgets that don't, like TextBox.
- containerNode: null,
- // _started: Boolean
- // startup() has completed.
- _started: false,
- // attributeMap: [protected] Object
- // Deprecated. Instead of attributeMap, widget should have a _setXXXAttr attribute
- // for each XXX attribute to be mapped to the DOM.
- //
- // attributeMap sets up a "binding" between attributes (aka properties)
- // of the widget and the widget's DOM.
- // Changes to widget attributes listed in attributeMap will be
- // reflected into the DOM.
- //
- // For example, calling set('title', 'hello')
- // on a TitlePane will automatically cause the TitlePane's DOM to update
- // with the new title.
- //
- // attributeMap is a hash where the key is an attribute of the widget,
- // and the value reflects a binding to a:
- //
- // - DOM node attribute
- // | focus: {node: "focusNode", type: "attribute"}
- // Maps this.focus to this.focusNode.focus
- //
- // - DOM node innerHTML
- // | title: { node: "titleNode", type: "innerHTML" }
- // Maps this.title to this.titleNode.innerHTML
- //
- // - DOM node innerText
- // | title: { node: "titleNode", type: "innerText" }
- // Maps this.title to this.titleNode.innerText
- //
- // - DOM node CSS class
- // | myClass: { node: "domNode", type: "class" }
- // Maps this.myClass to this.domNode.className
- //
- // If the value is an array, then each element in the array matches one of the
- // formats of the above list.
- //
- // There are also some shorthands for backwards compatibility:
- // - string --> { node: string, type: "attribute" }, for example:
- // | "focusNode" ---> { node: "focusNode", type: "attribute" }
- // - "" --> { node: "domNode", type: "attribute" }
- attributeMap: {},
- // _blankGif: [protected] String
- // Path to a blank 1x1 image.
- // Used by <img> nodes in templates that really get their image via CSS background-image.
- _blankGif: config.blankGif || require.toUrl("dojo/resources/blank.gif"),
- //////////// INITIALIZATION METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////
- postscript: function(/*Object?*/params, /*DomNode|String*/srcNodeRef){
- // summary:
- // Kicks off widget instantiation. See create() for details.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.create(params, srcNodeRef);
- },
- create: function(/*Object?*/params, /*DomNode|String?*/srcNodeRef){
- // summary:
- // Kick off the life-cycle of a widget
- // params:
- // Hash of initialization parameters for widget, including
- // scalar values (like title, duration etc.) and functions,
- // typically callbacks like onClick.
- // srcNodeRef:
- // If a srcNodeRef (DOM node) is specified:
- // - use srcNodeRef.innerHTML as my contents
- // - if this is a behavioral widget then apply behavior
- // to that srcNodeRef
- // - otherwise, replace srcNodeRef with my generated DOM
- // tree
- // description:
- // Create calls a number of widget methods (postMixInProperties, buildRendering, postCreate,
- // etc.), some of which of you'll want to override. See
- // for a discussion of the widget creation lifecycle.
- //
- // Of course, adventurous developers could override create entirely, but this should
- // only be done as a last resort.
- // tags:
- // private
- // store pointer to original DOM tree
- this.srcNodeRef = dom.byId(srcNodeRef);
- // For garbage collection. An array of listener handles returned by this.connect() / this.subscribe()
- this._connects = [];
- // For widgets internal to this widget, invisible to calling code
- this._supportingWidgets = [];
- // this is here for back-compat, remove in 2.0 (but check NodeList-instantiate.html test)
- if(this.srcNodeRef && (typeof == "string")){ =; }
- // mix in our passed parameters
- if(params){
- this.params = params;
- lang.mixin(this, params);
- }
- this.postMixInProperties();
- // generate an id for the widget if one wasn't specified
- // (be sure to do this before buildRendering() because that function might
- // expect the id to be there.)
- if(!{
- = registry.getUniqueId(this.declaredClass.replace(/\./g,"_"));
- }
- registry.add(this);
- this.buildRendering();
- if(this.domNode){
- // Copy attributes listed in attributeMap into the [newly created] DOM for the widget.
- // Also calls custom setters for all attributes with custom setters.
- this._applyAttributes();
- // If srcNodeRef was specified, then swap out original srcNode for this widget's DOM tree.
- // For 2.0, move this after postCreate(). postCreate() shouldn't depend on the
- // widget being attached to the DOM since it isn't when a widget is created programmatically like
- // new MyWidget({}). See #11635.
- var source = this.srcNodeRef;
- if(source && source.parentNode && this.domNode !== source){
- source.parentNode.replaceChild(this.domNode, source);
- }
- }
- if(this.domNode){
- // Note: for 2.0 may want to rename widgetId to dojo._scopeName + "_widgetId",
- // assuming that dojo._scopeName even exists in 2.0
- this.domNode.setAttribute("widgetId",;
- }
- this.postCreate();
- // If srcNodeRef has been processed and removed from the DOM (e.g. TemplatedWidget) then delete it to allow GC.
- if(this.srcNodeRef && !this.srcNodeRef.parentNode){
- delete this.srcNodeRef;
- }
- this._created = true;
- },
- _applyAttributes: function(){
- // summary:
- // Step during widget creation to copy widget attributes to the
- // DOM according to attributeMap and _setXXXAttr objects, and also to call
- // custom _setXXXAttr() methods.
- //
- // Skips over blank/false attribute values, unless they were explicitly specified
- // as parameters to the widget, since those are the default anyway,
- // and setting tabIndex="" is different than not setting tabIndex at all.
- //
- // For backwards-compatibility reasons attributeMap overrides _setXXXAttr when
- // _setXXXAttr is a hash/string/array, but _setXXXAttr as a functions override attributeMap.
- // tags:
- // private
- // Get list of attributes where this.set(name, value) will do something beyond
- // setting this[name] = value. Specifically, attributes that have:
- // - associated _setXXXAttr() method/hash/string/array
- // - entries in attributeMap.
- var ctor = this.constructor,
- list = ctor._setterAttrs;
- if(!list){
- list = (ctor._setterAttrs = []);
- for(var attr in this.attributeMap){
- list.push(attr);
- }
- var proto = ctor.prototype;
- for(var fxName in proto){
- if(fxName in this.attributeMap){ continue; }
- var setterName = "_set" + fxName.replace(/^[a-z]|-[a-zA-Z]/g, function(c){ return c.charAt(c.length-1).toUpperCase(); }) + "Attr";
- if(setterName in proto){
- list.push(fxName);
- }
- }
- }
- // Call this.set() for each attribute that was either specified as parameter to constructor,
- // or was found above and has a default non-null value. For correlated attributes like value and displayedValue, the one
- // specified as a parameter should take precedence, so apply attributes in this.params last.
- // Particularly important for new DateTextBox({displayedValue: ...}) since DateTextBox's default value is
- // NaN and thus is not ignored like a default value of "".
- array.forEach(list, function(attr){
- if(this.params && attr in this.params){
- // skip this one, do it below
- }else if(this[attr]){
- this.set(attr, this[attr]);
- }
- }, this);
- for(var param in this.params){
- this.set(param, this[param]);
- }
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called after the parameters to the widget have been read-in,
- // but before the widget template is instantiated. Especially
- // useful to set properties that are referenced in the widget
- // template.
- // tags:
- // protected
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- // summary:
- // Construct the UI for this widget, setting this.domNode.
- // Most widgets will mixin `dijit._TemplatedMixin`, which implements this method.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(!this.domNode){
- // Create root node if it wasn't created by _Templated
- this.domNode = this.srcNodeRef || domConstruct.create('div');
- }
- // baseClass is a single class name or occasionally a space-separated list of names.
- // Add those classes to the DOMNode. If RTL mode then also add with Rtl suffix.
- // TODO: make baseClass custom setter
- if(this.baseClass){
- var classes = this.baseClass.split(" ");
- if(!this.isLeftToRight()){
- classes = classes.concat(, function(name){ return name+"Rtl"; }));
- }
- domClass.add(this.domNode, classes);
- }
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- // summary:
- // Processing after the DOM fragment is created
- // description:
- // Called after the DOM fragment has been created, but not necessarily
- // added to the document. Do not include any operations which rely on
- // node dimensions or placement.
- // tags:
- // protected
- },
- startup: function(){
- // summary:
- // Processing after the DOM fragment is added to the document
- // description:
- // Called after a widget and its children have been created and added to the page,
- // and all related widgets have finished their create() cycle, up through postCreate().
- // This is useful for composite widgets that need to control or layout sub-widgets.
- // Many layout widgets can use this as a wiring phase.
- if(this._started){ return; }
- this._started = true;
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(obj){
- if(!obj._started && !obj._destroyed && lang.isFunction(obj.startup)){
- obj.startup();
- obj._started = true;
- }
- });
- },
- //////////// DESTROY FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////
- destroyRecursive: function(/*Boolean?*/ preserveDom){
- // summary:
- // Destroy this widget and its descendants
- // description:
- // This is the generic "destructor" function that all widget users
- // should call to cleanly discard with a widget. Once a widget is
- // destroyed, it is removed from the manager object.
- // preserveDom:
- // If true, this method will leave the original DOM structure
- // alone of descendant Widgets. Note: This will NOT work with
- // dijit._Templated widgets.
- this._beingDestroyed = true;
- this.destroyDescendants(preserveDom);
- this.destroy(preserveDom);
- },
- destroy: function(/*Boolean*/ preserveDom){
- // summary:
- // Destroy this widget, but not its descendants.
- // This method will, however, destroy internal widgets such as those used within a template.
- // preserveDom: Boolean
- // If true, this method will leave the original DOM structure alone.
- // Note: This will not yet work with _Templated widgets
- this._beingDestroyed = true;
- this.uninitialize();
- // remove this.connect() and this.subscribe() listeners
- var c;
- while((c = this._connects.pop())){
- c.remove();
- }
- // destroy widgets created as part of template, etc.
- var w;
- while((w = this._supportingWidgets.pop())){
- if(w.destroyRecursive){
- w.destroyRecursive();
- }else if(w.destroy){
- w.destroy();
- }
- }
- this.destroyRendering(preserveDom);
- registry.remove(;
- this._destroyed = true;
- },
- destroyRendering: function(/*Boolean?*/ preserveDom){
- // summary:
- // Destroys the DOM nodes associated with this widget
- // preserveDom:
- // If true, this method will leave the original DOM structure alone
- // during tear-down. Note: this will not work with _Templated
- // widgets yet.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.bgIframe){
- this.bgIframe.destroy(preserveDom);
- delete this.bgIframe;
- }
- if(this.domNode){
- if(preserveDom){
- domAttr.remove(this.domNode, "widgetId");
- }else{
- domConstruct.destroy(this.domNode);
- }
- delete this.domNode;
- }
- if(this.srcNodeRef){
- if(!preserveDom){
- domConstruct.destroy(this.srcNodeRef);
- }
- delete this.srcNodeRef;
- }
- },
- destroyDescendants: function(/*Boolean?*/ preserveDom){
- // summary:
- // Recursively destroy the children of this widget and their
- // descendants.
- // preserveDom:
- // If true, the preserveDom attribute is passed to all descendant
- // widget's .destroy() method. Not for use with _Templated
- // widgets.
- // get all direct descendants and destroy them recursively
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(widget){
- if(widget.destroyRecursive){
- widget.destroyRecursive(preserveDom);
- }
- });
- },
- uninitialize: function(){
- // summary:
- // Stub function. Override to implement custom widget tear-down
- // behavior.
- // tags:
- // protected
- return false;
- },
- ////////////////// GET/SET, CUSTOM SETTERS, ETC. ///////////////////
- _setStyleAttr: function(/*String||Object*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Sets the style attribute of the widget according to value,
- // which is either a hash like {height: "5px", width: "3px"}
- // or a plain string
- // description:
- // Determines which node to set the style on based on style setting
- // in attributeMap.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var mapNode = this.domNode;
- // Note: technically we should revert any style setting made in a previous call
- // to his method, but that's difficult to keep track of.
- if(lang.isObject(value)){
- domStyle.set(mapNode, value);
- }else{
- if({
- += "; " + value;
- }else{
- = value;
- }
- }
- this._set("style", value);
- },
- _attrToDom: function(/*String*/ attr, /*String*/ value, /*Object?*/ commands){
- // summary:
- // Reflect a widget attribute (title, tabIndex, duration etc.) to
- // the widget DOM, as specified by commands parameter.
- // If commands isn't specified then it's looked up from attributeMap.
- // Note some attributes like "type"
- // cannot be processed this way as they are not mutable.
- //
- // tags:
- // private
- commands = arguments.length >= 3 ? commands : this.attributeMap[attr];
- array.forEach(lang.isArray(commands) ? commands : [commands], function(command){
- // Get target node and what we are doing to that node
- var mapNode = this[command.node || command || "domNode"]; // DOM node
- var type = command.type || "attribute"; // class, innerHTML, innerText, or attribute
- switch(type){
- case "attribute":
- if(lang.isFunction(value)){ // functions execute in the context of the widget
- value = lang.hitch(this, value);
- }
- // Get the name of the DOM node attribute; usually it's the same
- // as the name of the attribute in the widget (attr), but can be overridden.
- // Also maps handler names to lowercase, like onSubmit --> onsubmit
- var attrName = command.attribute ? command.attribute :
- (/^on[A-Z][a-zA-Z]*$/.test(attr) ? attr.toLowerCase() : attr);
- domAttr.set(mapNode, attrName, value);
- break;
- case "innerText":
- mapNode.innerHTML = "";
- mapNode.appendChild(win.doc.createTextNode(value));
- break;
- case "innerHTML":
- mapNode.innerHTML = value;
- break;
- case "class":
- domClass.replace(mapNode, value, this[attr]);
- break;
- }
- }, this);
- },
- get: function(name){
- // summary:
- // Get a property from a widget.
- // name:
- // The property to get.
- // description:
- // Get a named property from a widget. The property may
- // potentially be retrieved via a getter method. If no getter is defined, this
- // just retrieves the object's property.
- //
- // For example, if the widget has properties `foo` and `bar`
- // and a method named `_getFooAttr()`, calling:
- // `myWidget.get("foo")` would be equivalent to calling
- // `widget._getFooAttr()` and `myWidget.get("bar")`
- // would be equivalent to the expression
- // `widget.bar2`
- var names = this._getAttrNames(name);
- return this[names.g] ? this[names.g]() : this[name];
- },
- set: function(name, value){
- // summary:
- // Set a property on a widget
- // name:
- // The property to set.
- // value:
- // The value to set in the property.
- // description:
- // Sets named properties on a widget which may potentially be handled by a
- // setter in the widget.
- //
- // For example, if the widget has properties `foo` and `bar`
- // and a method named `_setFooAttr()`, calling
- // `myWidget.set("foo", "Howdy!")` would be equivalent to calling
- // `widget._setFooAttr("Howdy!")` and `myWidget.set("bar", 3)`
- // would be equivalent to the statement ` = 3;`
- //
- // set() may also be called with a hash of name/value pairs, ex:
- //
- // | myWidget.set({
- // | foo: "Howdy",
- // | bar: 3
- // | });
- //
- // This is equivalent to calling `set(foo, "Howdy")` and `set(bar, 3)`
- if(typeof name === "object"){
- for(var x in name){
- this.set(x, name[x]);
- }
- return this;
- }
- var names = this._getAttrNames(name),
- setter = this[names.s];
- if(lang.isFunction(setter)){
- // use the explicit setter
- var result = setter.apply(this,, 1));
- }else{
- // Mapping from widget attribute to DOMNode attribute/value/etc.
- // Map according to:
- // 1. attributeMap setting, if one exists (TODO: attributeMap deprecated, remove in 2.0)
- // 2. _setFooAttr: {...} type attribute in the widget (if one exists)
- // 3. apply to focusNode or domNode if standard attribute name, excluding funcs like onClick.
- // Checks if an attribute is a "standard attribute" by whether the DOMNode JS object has a similar
- // attribute name (ex: accept-charset attribute matches jsObject.acceptCharset).
- // Note also that Tree.focusNode() is a function not a DOMNode, so test for that.
- var defaultNode = this.focusNode && !lang.isFunction(this.focusNode) ? "focusNode" : "domNode",
- tag = this[defaultNode].tagName,
- attrsForTag = tagAttrs[tag] || (tagAttrs[tag] = getAttrs(this[defaultNode])),
- map = name in this.attributeMap ? this.attributeMap[name] :
- names.s in this ? this[names.s] :
- ((names.l in attrsForTag && typeof value != "function") ||
- /^aria-|^data-|^role$/.test(name)) ? defaultNode : null;
- if(map != null){
- this._attrToDom(name, value, map);
- }
- this._set(name, value);
- }
- return result || this;
- },
- _attrPairNames: {}, // shared between all widgets
- _getAttrNames: function(name){
- // summary:
- // Helper function for get() and set().
- // Caches attribute name values so we don't do the string ops every time.
- // tags:
- // private
- var apn = this._attrPairNames;
- if(apn[name]){ return apn[name]; }
- var uc = name.replace(/^[a-z]|-[a-zA-Z]/g, function(c){ return c.charAt(c.length-1).toUpperCase(); });
- return (apn[name] = {
- n: name+"Node",
- s: "_set"+uc+"Attr", // converts dashes to camel case, ex: accept-charset --> _setAcceptCharsetAttr
- g: "_get"+uc+"Attr",
- l: uc.toLowerCase() // lowercase name w/out dashes, ex: acceptcharset
- });
- },
- _set: function(/*String*/ name, /*anything*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Helper function to set new value for specified attribute, and call handlers
- // registered with watch() if the value has changed.
- var oldValue = this[name];
- this[name] = value;
- if(this._watchCallbacks && this._created && value !== oldValue){
- this._watchCallbacks(name, oldValue, value);
- }
- },
- on: function(/*String*/ type, /*Function*/ func){
- // summary:
- // Call specified function when event occurs, ex: myWidget.on("click", function(){ ... }).
- // description:
- // Call specified function when event `type` occurs, ex: `myWidget.on("click", function(){ ... })`.
- // Note that the function is not run in any particular scope, so if (for example) you want it to run in the
- // widget's scope you must do `myWidget.on("click", lang.hitch(myWidget, func))`.
- return aspect.after(this, this._onMap(type), func, true);
- },
- _onMap: function(/*String*/ type){
- // summary:
- // Maps on() type parameter (ex: "mousemove") to method name (ex: "onMouseMove")
- var ctor = this.constructor, map = ctor._onMap;
- if(!map){
- map = (ctor._onMap = {});
- for(var attr in ctor.prototype){
- if(/^on/.test(attr)){
- map[attr.replace(/^on/, "").toLowerCase()] = attr;
- }
- }
- }
- return map[type.toLowerCase()]; // String
- },
- toString: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns a string that represents the widget
- // description:
- // When a widget is cast to a string, this method will be used to generate the
- // output. Currently, it does not implement any sort of reversible
- // serialization.
- return '[Widget ' + this.declaredClass + ', ' + ( || 'NO ID') + ']'; // String
- },
- getChildren: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns all the widgets contained by this, i.e., all widgets underneath this.containerNode.
- // Does not return nested widgets, nor widgets that are part of this widget's template.
- return this.containerNode ? registry.findWidgets(this.containerNode) : []; // dijit._Widget[]
- },
- getParent: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns the parent widget of this widget
- return registry.getEnclosingWidget(this.domNode.parentNode);
- },
- connect: function(
- /*Object|null*/ obj,
- /*String|Function*/ event,
- /*String|Function*/ method){
- // summary:
- // Connects specified obj/event to specified method of this object
- // and registers for disconnect() on widget destroy.
- // description:
- // Provide widget-specific analog to dojo.connect, except with the
- // implicit use of this widget as the target object.
- // Events connected with `this.connect` are disconnected upon
- // destruction.
- // returns:
- // A handle that can be passed to `disconnect` in order to disconnect before
- // the widget is destroyed.
- // example:
- // | var btn = new dijit.form.Button();
- // | // when is called, call the listener we're going to
- // | // provide in the scope of btn
- // | btn.connect(foo, "bar", function(){
- // | console.debug(this.toString());
- // | });
- // tags:
- // protected
- var handle = connect.connect(obj, event, this, method);
- this._connects.push(handle);
- return handle; // _Widget.Handle
- },
- disconnect: function(handle){
- // summary:
- // Disconnects handle created by `connect`.
- // Also removes handle from this widget's list of connects.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var i = array.indexOf(this._connects, handle);
- if(i != -1){
- handle.remove();
- this._connects.splice(i, 1);
- }
- },
- subscribe: function(t, method){
- // summary:
- // Subscribes to the specified topic and calls the specified method
- // of this object and registers for unsubscribe() on widget destroy.
- // description:
- // Provide widget-specific analog to dojo.subscribe, except with the
- // implicit use of this widget as the target object.
- // t: String
- // The topic
- // method: Function
- // The callback
- // example:
- // | var btn = new dijit.form.Button();
- // | // when /my/topic is published, this button changes its label to
- // | // be the parameter of the topic.
- // | btn.subscribe("/my/topic", function(v){
- // | this.set("label", v);
- // | });
- // tags:
- // protected
- var handle = topic.subscribe(t, lang.hitch(this, method));
- this._connects.push(handle);
- return handle; // _Widget.Handle
- },
- unsubscribe: function(/*Object*/ handle){
- // summary:
- // Unsubscribes handle created by this.subscribe.
- // Also removes handle from this widget's list of subscriptions
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.disconnect(handle);
- },
- isLeftToRight: function(){
- // summary:
- // Return this widget's explicit or implicit orientation (true for LTR, false for RTL)
- // tags:
- // protected
- return this.dir ? (this.dir == "ltr") : domGeometry.isBodyLtr(); //Boolean
- },
- isFocusable: function(){
- // summary:
- // Return true if this widget can currently be focused
- // and false if not
- return this.focus && (domStyle.get(this.domNode, "display") != "none");
- },
- placeAt: function(/* String|DomNode|_Widget */reference, /* String?|Int? */position){
- // summary:
- // Place this widget's domNode reference somewhere in the DOM based
- // on standard conventions, or passing a Widget reference that
- // contains and addChild member.
- //
- // description:
- // A convenience function provided in all _Widgets, providing a simple
- // shorthand mechanism to put an existing (or newly created) Widget
- // somewhere in the dom, and allow chaining.
- //
- // reference:
- // The String id of a domNode, a domNode reference, or a reference to a Widget possessing
- // an addChild method.
- //
- // position:
- // If passed a string or domNode reference, the position argument
- // accepts a string just as does, one of: "first", "last",
- // "before", or "after".
- //
- // If passed a _Widget reference, and that widget reference has an ".addChild" method,
- // it will be called passing this widget instance into that method, supplying the optional
- // position index passed.
- //
- // returns:
- // dijit._Widget
- // Provides a useful return of the newly created dijit._Widget instance so you
- // can "chain" this function by instantiating, placing, then saving the return value
- // to a variable.
- //
- // example:
- // | // create a Button with no srcNodeRef, and place it in the body:
- // | var button = new dijit.form.Button({ label:"click" }).placeAt(win.body());
- // | // now, 'button' is still the widget reference to the newly created button
- // | button.on("click", function(e){ console.log('click'); }));
- //
- // example:
- // | // create a button out of a node with id="src" and append it to id="wrapper":
- // | var button = new dijit.form.Button({},"src").placeAt("wrapper");
- //
- // example:
- // | // place a new button as the first element of some div
- // | var button = new dijit.form.Button({ label:"click" }).placeAt("wrapper","first");
- //
- // example:
- // | // create a contentpane and add it to a TabContainer
- // | var tc = dijit.byId("myTabs");
- // | new dijit.layout.ContentPane({ href:"foo.html", title:"Wow!" }).placeAt(tc)
- if(reference.declaredClass && reference.addChild){
- reference.addChild(this, position);
- }else{
-, reference, position);
- }
- return this;
- },
- getTextDir: function(/*String*/ text,/*String*/ originalDir){
- // summary:
- // Return direction of the text.
- // The function overridden in the _BidiSupport module,
- // its main purpose is to calculate the direction of the
- // text, if was defined by the programmer through textDir.
- // tags:
- // protected.
- return originalDir;
- },
- applyTextDir: function(/*===== element, text =====*/){
- // summary:
- // The function overridden in the _BidiSupport module,
- // originally used for setting element.dir according to this.textDir.
- // In this case does nothing.
- // element: DOMNode
- // text: String
- // tags:
- // protected.
- },
- defer: function(fcn, delay){
- // summary:
- // Wrapper to setTimeout to avoid deferred functions executing
- // after the originating widget has been destroyed.
- // Returns an object handle with a remove method (that returns null) (replaces clearTimeout).
- // fcn: function reference
- // delay: Optional number (defaults to 0)
- // tags:
- // protected.
- var timer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this,
- function(){
- timer = null;
- if(!this._destroyed){
- lang.hitch(this, fcn)();
- }
- }),
- delay || 0
- );
- return {
- remove: function(){
- if(timer){
- clearTimeout(timer);
- timer = null;
- }
- return null; // so this works well: handle = handle.remove();
- }
- };
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index af7e5d221..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/parser", // parser.parse
- "dijit/registry" // registry.findWidgets
-], function(array, declare, parser, registry){
- // module:
- // dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin
- // summary:
- // Mixin to supplement _TemplatedMixin when template contains widgets
- return declare("dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // Mixin to supplement _TemplatedMixin when template contains widgets
- // _earlyTemplatedStartup: Boolean
- // A fallback to preserve the 1.0 - 1.3 behavior of children in
- // templates having their startup called before the parent widget
- // fires postCreate. Defaults to 'false', causing child widgets to
- // have their .startup() called immediately before a parent widget
- // .startup(), but always after the parent .postCreate(). Set to
- // 'true' to re-enable to previous, arguably broken, behavior.
- _earlyTemplatedStartup: false,
- // widgetsInTemplate: [protected] Boolean
- // Should we parse the template to find widgets that might be
- // declared in markup inside it? (Remove for 2.0 and assume true)
- widgetsInTemplate: true,
- _beforeFillContent: function(){
- if(this.widgetsInTemplate){
- // Before copying over content, instantiate widgets in template
- var node = this.domNode;
- var cw = (this._startupWidgets = parser.parse(node, {
- noStart: !this._earlyTemplatedStartup,
- template: true,
- inherited: {dir: this.dir, lang: this.lang, textDir: this.textDir},
- propsThis: this, // so data-dojo-props of widgets in the template can reference "this" to refer to me
- scope: "dojo" // even in multi-version mode templates use dojoType/data-dojo-type
- }));
- this._supportingWidgets = registry.findWidgets(node);
- this._attachTemplateNodes(cw, function(n,p){
- return n[p];
- });
- }
- },
- startup: function(){
- array.forEach(this._startupWidgets, function(w){
- if(w && !w._started && w.startup){
- w.startup();
- }
- });
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_base.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_base.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f67ac521..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_base.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_base", [
- ".",
- "./a11y", // used to be in dijit/_base/manager
- "./WidgetSet", // used to be in dijit/_base/manager
- "./_base/focus",
- "./_base/manager",
- "./_base/place",
- "./_base/popup",
- "./_base/scroll",
- "./_base/sniff",
- "./_base/typematic",
- "./_base/wai",
- "./_base/window"
-], function(dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/_base
- // summary:
- // Includes all the modules in dijit/_base
- return dijit._base;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_base/focus.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_base/focus.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a82e17f13..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_base/focus.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_base/focus", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/dom", // dom.isDescendant
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.isArray
- "dojo/topic", // publish
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.doc win.doc.selection win.withGlobal
- "../focus",
- ".." // for exporting symbols to dijit
-], function(array, dom, lang, topic, win, focus, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/_base/focus
- // summary:
- // Deprecated module to monitor currently focused node and stack of currently focused widgets.
- // New code should access dijit/focus directly.
- lang.mixin(dijit, {
- // _curFocus: DomNode
- // Currently focused item on screen
- _curFocus: null,
- // _prevFocus: DomNode
- // Previously focused item on screen
- _prevFocus: null,
- isCollapsed: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns true if there is no text selected
- return dijit.getBookmark().isCollapsed;
- },
- getBookmark: function(){
- // summary:
- // Retrieves a bookmark that can be used with moveToBookmark to return to the same range
- var bm, rg, tg, sel = win.doc.selection, cf = focus.curNode;
- if({
- //W3C Range API for selections.
- sel =;
- if(sel){
- if(sel.isCollapsed){
- tg = cf? cf.tagName : "";
- if(tg){
- //Create a fake rangelike item to restore selections.
- tg = tg.toLowerCase();
- if(tg == "textarea" ||
- (tg == "input" && (!cf.type || cf.type.toLowerCase() == "text"))){
- sel = {
- start: cf.selectionStart,
- end: cf.selectionEnd,
- node: cf,
- pRange: true
- };
- return {isCollapsed: (sel.end <= sel.start), mark: sel}; //Object.
- }
- }
- bm = {isCollapsed:true};
- if(sel.rangeCount){
- bm.mark = sel.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange();
- }
- }else{
- rg = sel.getRangeAt(0);
- bm = {isCollapsed: false, mark: rg.cloneRange()};
- }
- }
- }else if(sel){
- // If the current focus was a input of some sort and no selection, don't bother saving
- // a native bookmark. This is because it causes issues with dialog/page selection restore.
- // So, we need to create psuedo bookmarks to work with.
- tg = cf ? cf.tagName : "";
- tg = tg.toLowerCase();
- if(cf && tg && (tg == "button" || tg == "textarea" || tg == "input")){
- if(sel.type && sel.type.toLowerCase() == "none"){
- return {
- isCollapsed: true,
- mark: null
- }
- }else{
- rg = sel.createRange();
- return {
- isCollapsed: rg.text && rg.text.length?false:true,
- mark: {
- range: rg,
- pRange: true
- }
- };
- }
- }
- bm = {};
- //'IE' way for selections.
- try{
- // createRange() throws exception when dojo in iframe
- //and nothing selected, see #9632
- rg = sel.createRange();
- bm.isCollapsed = !(sel.type == 'Text' ? rg.htmlText.length : rg.length);
- }catch(e){
- bm.isCollapsed = true;
- return bm;
- }
- if(sel.type.toUpperCase() == 'CONTROL'){
- if(rg.length){
- bm.mark=[];
- var i=0,len=rg.length;
- while(i<len){
- bm.mark.push(rg.item(i++));
- }
- }else{
- bm.isCollapsed = true;
- bm.mark = null;
- }
- }else{
- bm.mark = rg.getBookmark();
- }
- }else{
- console.warn("No idea how to store the current selection for this browser!");
- }
- return bm; // Object
- },
- moveToBookmark: function(/*Object*/ bookmark){
- // summary:
- // Moves current selection to a bookmark
- // bookmark:
- // This should be a returned object from dijit.getBookmark()
- var _doc = win.doc,
- mark = bookmark.mark;
- if(mark){
- if({
- //W3C Rangi API (FF, WebKit, Opera, etc)
- var sel =;
- if(sel && sel.removeAllRanges){
- if(mark.pRange){
- var n = mark.node;
- n.selectionStart = mark.start;
- n.selectionEnd = mark.end;
- }else{
- sel.removeAllRanges();
- sel.addRange(mark);
- }
- }else{
- console.warn("No idea how to restore selection for this browser!");
- }
- }else if(_doc.selection && mark){
- //'IE' way.
- var rg;
- if(mark.pRange){
- rg = mark.range;
- }else if(lang.isArray(mark)){
- rg = _doc.body.createControlRange();
- //rg.addElement does not have call/apply method, so can not call it directly
- //rg is not available in "range.addElement(item)", so can't use that either
- array.forEach(mark, function(n){
- rg.addElement(n);
- });
- }else{
- rg = _doc.body.createTextRange();
- rg.moveToBookmark(mark);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- getFocus: function(/*Widget?*/ menu, /*Window?*/ openedForWindow){
- // summary:
- // Called as getFocus(), this returns an Object showing the current focus
- // and selected text.
- //
- // Called as getFocus(widget), where widget is a (widget representing) a button
- // that was just pressed, it returns where focus was before that button
- // was pressed. (Pressing the button may have either shifted focus to the button,
- // or removed focus altogether.) In this case the selected text is not returned,
- // since it can't be accurately determined.
- //
- // menu: dijit._Widget or {domNode: DomNode} structure
- // The button that was just pressed. If focus has disappeared or moved
- // to this button, returns the previous focus. In this case the bookmark
- // information is already lost, and null is returned.
- //
- // openedForWindow:
- // iframe in which menu was opened
- //
- // returns:
- // A handle to restore focus/selection, to be passed to `dijit.focus`
- var node = !focus.curNode || (menu && dom.isDescendant(focus.curNode, menu.domNode)) ? dijit._prevFocus : focus.curNode;
- return {
- node: node,
- bookmark: node && (node == focus.curNode) && win.withGlobal(openedForWindow ||, dijit.getBookmark),
- openedForWindow: openedForWindow
- }; // Object
- },
- // _activeStack: dijit._Widget[]
- // List of currently active widgets (focused widget and it's ancestors)
- _activeStack: [],
- registerIframe: function(/*DomNode*/ iframe){
- // summary:
- // Registers listeners on the specified iframe so that any click
- // or focus event on that iframe (or anything in it) is reported
- // as a focus/click event on the <iframe> itself.
- // description:
- // Currently only used by editor.
- // returns:
- // Handle to pass to unregisterIframe()
- return focus.registerIframe(iframe);
- },
- unregisterIframe: function(/*Object*/ handle){
- // summary:
- // Unregisters listeners on the specified iframe created by registerIframe.
- // After calling be sure to delete or null out the handle itself.
- // handle:
- // Handle returned by registerIframe()
- handle && handle.remove();
- },
- registerWin: function(/*Window?*/targetWindow, /*DomNode?*/ effectiveNode){
- // summary:
- // Registers listeners on the specified window (either the main
- // window or an iframe's window) to detect when the user has clicked somewhere
- // or focused somewhere.
- // description:
- // Users should call registerIframe() instead of this method.
- // targetWindow:
- // If specified this is the window associated with the iframe,
- // i.e. iframe.contentWindow.
- // effectiveNode:
- // If specified, report any focus events inside targetWindow as
- // an event on effectiveNode, rather than on
- // returns:
- // Handle to pass to unregisterWin()
- return focus.registerWin(targetWindow, effectiveNode);
- },
- unregisterWin: function(/*Handle*/ handle){
- // summary:
- // Unregisters listeners on the specified window (either the main
- // window or an iframe's window) according to handle returned from registerWin().
- // After calling be sure to delete or null out the handle itself.
- handle && handle.remove();
- }
- });
- // Override focus singleton's focus function so that dijit.focus()
- // has backwards compatible behavior of restoring selection (although
- // probably no one is using that).
- focus.focus = function(/*Object || DomNode */ handle){
- // summary:
- // Sets the focused node and the selection according to argument.
- // To set focus to an iframe's content, pass in the iframe itself.
- // handle:
- // object returned by get(), or a DomNode
- if(!handle){ return; }
- var node = "node" in handle ? handle.node : handle, // because handle is either DomNode or a composite object
- bookmark = handle.bookmark,
- openedForWindow = handle.openedForWindow,
- collapsed = bookmark ? bookmark.isCollapsed : false;
- // Set the focus
- // Note that for iframe's we need to use the <iframe> to follow the parentNode chain,
- // but we need to set focus to iframe.contentWindow
- if(node){
- var focusNode = (node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "iframe") ? node.contentWindow : node;
- if(focusNode && focusNode.focus){
- try{
- // Gecko throws sometimes if setting focus is impossible,
- // node not displayed or something like that
- focusNode.focus();
- }catch(e){/*quiet*/}
- }
- focus._onFocusNode(node);
- }
- // set the selection
- // do not need to restore if current selection is not empty
- // (use keyboard to select a menu item) or if previous selection was collapsed
- // as it may cause focus shift (Esp in IE).
- if(bookmark && win.withGlobal(openedForWindow ||, dijit.isCollapsed) && !collapsed){
- if(openedForWindow){
- openedForWindow.focus();
- }
- try{
- win.withGlobal(openedForWindow ||, dijit.moveToBookmark, null, [bookmark]);
- }catch(e2){
- /*squelch IE internal error, see */
- }
- }
- };
- // For back compatibility, monitor changes to focused node and active widget stack,
- // publishing events and copying changes from focus manager variables into dijit (top level) variables
-"curNode", function(name, oldVal, newVal){
- dijit._curFocus = newVal;
- dijit._prevFocus = oldVal;
- if(newVal){
- topic.publish("focusNode", newVal); // publish
- }
- });
-"activeStack", function(name, oldVal, newVal){
- dijit._activeStack = newVal;
- });
- focus.on("widget-blur", function(widget, by){
- topic.publish("widgetBlur", widget, by); // publish
- });
- focus.on("widget-focus", function(widget, by){
- topic.publish("widgetFocus", widget, by); // publish
- });
- return dijit;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_base/manager.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_base/manager.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fb48af5a6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_base/manager.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_base/manager", [
- "dojo/_base/array",
- "dojo/_base/config", // defaultDuration
- "../registry",
- ".." // for setting exports to dijit namespace
-], function(array, config, registry, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/_base/manager
- // summary:
- // Shim to methods on registry, plus a few other declarations.
- // New code should access dijit/registry directly when possible.
- /*=====
- dijit.byId = function(id){
- // summary:
- // Returns a widget by it's id, or if passed a widget, no-op (like dom.byId())
- // id: String|dijit._Widget
- return registry.byId(id); // dijit._Widget
- };
- dijit.getUniqueId = function(widgetType){
- // summary:
- // Generates a unique id for a given widgetType
- // widgetType: String
- return registry.getUniqueId(widgetType); // String
- };
- dijit.findWidgets = function(root){
- // summary:
- // Search subtree under root returning widgets found.
- // Doesn't search for nested widgets (ie, widgets inside other widgets).
- // root: DOMNode
- return registry.findWidgets(root);
- };
- dijit._destroyAll = function(){
- // summary:
- // Code to destroy all widgets and do other cleanup on page unload
- return registry._destroyAll();
- };
- dijit.byNode = function(node){
- // summary:
- // Returns the widget corresponding to the given DOMNode
- // node: DOMNode
- return registry.byNode(node); // dijit._Widget
- };
- dijit.getEnclosingWidget = function(node){
- // summary:
- // Returns the widget whose DOM tree contains the specified DOMNode, or null if
- // the node is not contained within the DOM tree of any widget
- // node: DOMNode
- return registry.getEnclosingWidget(node);
- };
- =====*/
- array.forEach(["byId", "getUniqueId", "findWidgets", "_destroyAll", "byNode", "getEnclosingWidget"], function(name){
- dijit[name] = registry[name];
- });
- /*=====
- dojo.mixin(dijit, {
- // defaultDuration: Integer
- // The default fx.animation speed (in ms) to use for all Dijit
- // transitional fx.animations, unless otherwise specified
- // on a per-instance basis. Defaults to 200, overrided by
- // `djConfig.defaultDuration`
- defaultDuration: 200
- });
- =====*/
- dijit.defaultDuration = config["defaultDuration"] || 200;
- return dijit;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_base/place.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_base/place.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b8deaf03f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_base/place.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_base/place", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.isArray
- "dojo/window", // windowUtils.getBox
- "../place",
- ".." // export to dijit namespace
-], function(array, lang, windowUtils, place, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/_base/place
- // summary:
- // Back compatibility module, new code should use dijit/place directly instead of using this module.
- dijit.getViewport = function(){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated method to return the dimensions and scroll position of the viewable area of a browser window.
- // New code should use windowUtils.getBox()
- return windowUtils.getBox();
- };
- /*=====
- dijit.placeOnScreen = function(node, pos, corners, padding){
- // summary:
- // Positions one of the node's corners at specified position
- // such that node is fully visible in viewport.
- // Deprecated, new code should use instead.
- };
- =====*/
- dijit.placeOnScreen =;
- /*=====
- dijit.placeOnScreenAroundElement = function(node, aroundElement, aroundCorners, layoutNode){
- // summary:
- // Like dijit.placeOnScreenAroundNode(), except it accepts an arbitrary object
- // for the "around" argument and finds a proper processor to place a node.
- // Deprecated, new code should use instead.
- };
- ====*/
- dijit.placeOnScreenAroundElement = function(node, aroundNode, aroundCorners, layoutNode){
- // Convert old style {"BL": "TL", "BR": "TR"} type argument
- // to style needed by code:
- // [
- // {aroundCorner: "BL", corner: "TL" },
- // {aroundCorner: "BR", corner: "TR" }
- // ]
- var positions;
- if(lang.isArray(aroundCorners)){
- positions = aroundCorners;
- }else{
- positions = [];
- for(var key in aroundCorners){
- positions.push({aroundCorner: key, corner: aroundCorners[key]});
- }
- }
- return place.around(node, aroundNode, positions, true, layoutNode);
- };
- /*=====
- dijit.placeOnScreenAroundNode = function(node, aroundNode, aroundCorners, layoutNode){
- // summary:
- // Position node adjacent or kitty-corner to aroundNode
- // such that it's fully visible in viewport.
- // Deprecated, new code should use instead.
- };
- =====*/
- dijit.placeOnScreenAroundNode = dijit.placeOnScreenAroundElement;
- /*=====
- dijit.placeOnScreenAroundRectangle = function(node, aroundRect, aroundCorners, layoutNode){
- // summary:
- // Like dijit.placeOnScreenAroundNode(), except that the "around"
- // parameter is an arbitrary rectangle on the screen (x, y, width, height)
- // instead of a dom node.
- // Deprecated, new code should use instead.
- };
- =====*/
- dijit.placeOnScreenAroundRectangle = dijit.placeOnScreenAroundElement;
- dijit.getPopupAroundAlignment = function(/*Array*/ position, /*Boolean*/ leftToRight){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated method, unneeded when using dijit/place directly.
- // Transforms the passed array of preferred positions into a format suitable for
- // passing as the aroundCorners argument to dijit.placeOnScreenAroundElement.
- //
- // position: String[]
- // This variable controls the position of the drop down.
- // It's an array of strings with the following values:
- //
- // * before: places drop down to the left of the target node/widget, or to the right in
- // the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
- // * after: places drop down to the right of the target node/widget, or to the left in
- // the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
- // * above: drop down goes above target node
- // * below: drop down goes below target node
- //
- // The list is positions is tried, in order, until a position is found where the drop down fits
- // within the viewport.
- //
- // leftToRight: Boolean
- // Whether the popup will be displaying in leftToRight mode.
- //
- var align = {};
- array.forEach(position, function(pos){
- var ltr = leftToRight;
- switch(pos){
- case "after":
- align[leftToRight ? "BR" : "BL"] = leftToRight ? "BL" : "BR";
- break;
- case "before":
- align[leftToRight ? "BL" : "BR"] = leftToRight ? "BR" : "BL";
- break;
- case "below-alt":
- ltr = !ltr;
- // fall through
- case "below":
- // first try to align left borders, next try to align right borders (or reverse for RTL mode)
- align[ltr ? "BL" : "BR"] = ltr ? "TL" : "TR";
- align[ltr ? "BR" : "BL"] = ltr ? "TR" : "TL";
- break;
- case "above-alt":
- ltr = !ltr;
- // fall through
- case "above":
- default:
- // first try to align left borders, next try to align right borders (or reverse for RTL mode)
- align[ltr ? "TL" : "TR"] = ltr ? "BL" : "BR";
- align[ltr ? "TR" : "TL"] = ltr ? "BR" : "BL";
- break;
- }
- });
- return align;
- };
- return dijit;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_base/popup.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_base/popup.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bf8e6b104..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_base/popup.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_base/popup", [
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.contains
- "../popup",
- "../BackgroundIframe" // just loading for back-compat, in case client code is referencing it
-], function(domClass, popup){
-// module:
-// dijit/_base/popup
-// summary:
-// Old module for popups, new code should use dijit/popup directly
-// Hack support for old API passing in node instead of a widget (to various methods)
-var origCreateWrapper = popup._createWrapper;
-popup._createWrapper = function(widget){
- if(!widget.declaredClass){
- // make fake widget to pass to new API
- widget = {
- _popupWrapper: (widget.parentNode && domClass.contains(widget.parentNode, "dijitPopup")) ?
- widget.parentNode : null,
- domNode: widget,
- destroy: function(){}
- };
- }
- return, widget);
-// Support old format of orient parameter
-var origOpen =; = function(/*dijit.popup.__OpenArgs*/ args){
- // Convert old hash structure (ex: {"BL": "TL", ...}) of orient to format compatible w/new API.
- // Don't do conversion for:
- // - null parameter (that means to use the default positioning)
- // - "R" or "L" strings used to indicate positioning for context menus (when there is no around node)
- // - new format, ex: ["below", "above"]
- // - return value from deprecated dijit.getPopupAroundAlignment() method,
- // ex: ["below", "above"]
- if(args.orient && typeof args.orient != "string" && !("length" in args.orient)){
- var ary = [];
- for(var key in args.orient){
- ary.push({aroundCorner: key, corner: args.orient[key]});
- }
- args.orient = ary;
- }
- return, args);
-return popup;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_base/scroll.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_base/scroll.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de65e593..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_base/scroll.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_base/scroll", [
- "dojo/window", // windowUtils.scrollIntoView
- ".." // export symbol to dijit
-], function(windowUtils, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/_base/scroll
- // summary:
- // Back compatibility module, new code should use windowUtils directly instead of using this module.
- dijit.scrollIntoView = function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Object?*/ pos){
- // summary:
- // Scroll the passed node into view, if it is not already.
- // Deprecated, use `windowUtils.scrollIntoView` instead.
- windowUtils.scrollIntoView(node, pos);
- };
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_base/sniff.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_base/sniff.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e2afeb12e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_base/sniff.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_base/sniff", [ "dojo/uacss" ], function(){
- // module:
- // dijit/_base/sniff
- // summary:
- // Back compatibility module, new code should require dojo/uacss directly instead of this module.
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_base/typematic.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_base/typematic.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dea7c8ee6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_base/typematic.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_base/typematic", ["../typematic"], function(){
- // for back-compat, just loads top level module
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_base/wai.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_base/wai.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 524007695..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_base/wai.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_base/wai", [
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.attr
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin
- "..", // export symbols to dijit
- "../hccss" // not using this module directly, but loading it sets CSS flag on <html>
-], function(domAttr, lang, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/_base/wai
- // summary:
- // Deprecated methods for setting/getting wai roles and states.
- // New code should call setAttribute()/getAttribute() directly.
- //
- // Also loads hccss to apply dijit_a11y class to root node if machine is in high-contrast mode.
- lang.mixin(dijit, {
- hasWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String?*/ role){
- // summary:
- // Determines if an element has a particular role.
- // returns:
- // True if elem has the specific role attribute and false if not.
- // For backwards compatibility if role parameter not provided,
- // returns true if has a role
- var waiRole = this.getWaiRole(elem);
- return role ? (waiRole.indexOf(role) > -1) : (waiRole.length > 0);
- },
- getWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem){
- // summary:
- // Gets the role for an element (which should be a wai role).
- // returns:
- // The role of elem or an empty string if elem
- // does not have a role.
- return lang.trim((domAttr.get(elem, "role") || "").replace("wairole:",""));
- },
- setWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ role){
- // summary:
- // Sets the role on an element.
- // description:
- // Replace existing role attribute with new role.
- domAttr.set(elem, "role", role);
- },
- removeWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ role){
- // summary:
- // Removes the specified role from an element.
- // Removes role attribute if no specific role provided (for backwards compat.)
- var roleValue = domAttr.get(elem, "role");
- if(!roleValue){ return; }
- if(role){
- var t = lang.trim((" " + roleValue + " ").replace(" " + role + " ", " "));
- domAttr.set(elem, "role", t);
- }else{
- elem.removeAttribute("role");
- }
- },
- hasWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state){
- // summary:
- // Determines if an element has a given state.
- // description:
- // Checks for an attribute called "aria-"+state.
- // returns:
- // true if elem has a value for the given state and
- // false if it does not.
- return elem.hasAttribute ? elem.hasAttribute("aria-"+state) : !!elem.getAttribute("aria-"+state);
- },
- getWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state){
- // summary:
- // Gets the value of a state on an element.
- // description:
- // Checks for an attribute called "aria-"+state.
- // returns:
- // The value of the requested state on elem
- // or an empty string if elem has no value for state.
- return elem.getAttribute("aria-"+state) || "";
- },
- setWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state, /*String*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Sets a state on an element.
- // description:
- // Sets an attribute called "aria-"+state.
- elem.setAttribute("aria-"+state, value);
- },
- removeWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state){
- // summary:
- // Removes a state from an element.
- // description:
- // Sets an attribute called "aria-"+state.
- elem.removeAttribute("aria-"+state);
- }
- });
- return dijit;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_base/window.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_base/window.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e065c966..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_base/window.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_base/window", [
- "dojo/window", // windowUtils.get
- ".." // export symbol to dijit
-], function(windowUtils, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/_base/window
- // summary:
- // Back compatibility module, new code should use windowUtils directly instead of using this module.
- dijit.getDocumentWindow = function(doc){
- return windowUtils.get(doc);
- };
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/RichText.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/RichText.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e385fbb4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/RichText.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2891 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/RichText", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.indexOf array.some
- "dojo/_base/config", // config
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/Deferred", // Deferred
- "dojo/dom", // dom.byId
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set or get
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create domConstruct.destroy
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.getMarginBox domGeometry.position
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle domStyle.set
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/keys", // keys.BACKSPACE keys.TAB
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.clone lang.hitch lang.isArray lang.isFunction lang.isString lang.trim
- "dojo/on", // on()
- "dojo/query", // query
- "dojo/ready", // ready
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("mozilla") has("opera") has("safari") has("webkit")
- "dojo/topic", // topic.publish() (publish)
- "dojo/_base/unload", // unload
- "dojo/_base/url", // url
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body win.doc.body.focus win.doc.createElement win.withGlobal
- "../_Widget",
- "../_CssStateMixin",
- "./selection",
- "./range",
- "./html",
- "../focus",
- ".." // dijit._scopeName
-], function(array, config, declare, Deferred, dom, domAttr, domClass, domConstruct, domGeometry, domStyle,
- event, kernel, keys, lang, on, query, ready, has, topic, unload, _Url, win,
- _Widget, _CssStateMixin, selectionapi, rangeapi, htmlapi, focus, dijit){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _CssStateMixin = dijit._CssStateMixin;
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/RichText
-// summary:
-// dijit._editor.RichText is the core of dijit.Editor, which provides basic
-// WYSIWYG editing features.
-// if you want to allow for rich text saving with back/forward actions, you must add a text area to your page with
-// the id==dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText.value" (typically "dijit._editor.RichText.value). For example,
-// something like this will work:
-// <textarea id="dijit._editor.RichText.value" style="display:none;position:absolute;top:-100px;left:-100px;height:3px;width:3px;overflow:hidden;"></textarea>
-var RichText = declare("dijit._editor.RichText", [_Widget, _CssStateMixin], {
- // summary:
- // dijit._editor.RichText is the core of dijit.Editor, which provides basic
- // WYSIWYG editing features.
- //
- // description:
- // dijit._editor.RichText is the core of dijit.Editor, which provides basic
- // WYSIWYG editing features. It also encapsulates the differences
- // of different js engines for various browsers. Do not use this widget
- // with an HTML &lt;TEXTAREA&gt; tag, since the browser unescapes XML escape characters,
- // like &lt;. This can have unexpected behavior and lead to security issues
- // such as scripting attacks.
- //
- // tags:
- // private
- constructor: function(params){
- // contentPreFilters: Function(String)[]
- // Pre content filter function register array.
- // these filters will be executed before the actual
- // editing area gets the html content.
- this.contentPreFilters = [];
- // contentPostFilters: Function(String)[]
- // post content filter function register array.
- // These will be used on the resulting html
- // from contentDomPostFilters. The resulting
- // content is the final html (returned by getValue()).
- this.contentPostFilters = [];
- // contentDomPreFilters: Function(DomNode)[]
- // Pre content dom filter function register array.
- // These filters are applied after the result from
- // contentPreFilters are set to the editing area.
- this.contentDomPreFilters = [];
- // contentDomPostFilters: Function(DomNode)[]
- // Post content dom filter function register array.
- // These filters are executed on the editing area dom.
- // The result from these will be passed to contentPostFilters.
- this.contentDomPostFilters = [];
- // editingAreaStyleSheets: dojo._URL[]
- // array to store all the stylesheets applied to the editing area
- this.editingAreaStyleSheets = [];
- // Make a copy of before we start writing into it, otherwise we
- // will modify the prototype which leads to bad things on pages w/multiple editors
- = [].concat(;
- this._keyHandlers = {};
- if(params && lang.isString(params.value)){
- this.value = params.value;
- }
- this.onLoadDeferred = new Deferred();
- },
- baseClass: "dijitEditor",
- // inheritWidth: Boolean
- // whether to inherit the parent's width or simply use 100%
- inheritWidth: false,
- // focusOnLoad: [deprecated] Boolean
- // Focus into this widget when the page is loaded
- focusOnLoad: false,
- // name: String?
- // Specifies the name of a (hidden) <textarea> node on the page that's used to save
- // the editor content on page leave. Used to restore editor contents after navigating
- // to a new page and then hitting the back button.
- name: "",
- // styleSheets: [const] String
- // semicolon (";") separated list of css files for the editing area
- styleSheets: "",
- // height: String
- // Set height to fix the editor at a specific height, with scrolling.
- // By default, this is 300px. If you want to have the editor always
- // resizes to accommodate the content, use AlwaysShowToolbar plugin
- // and set height="". If this editor is used within a layout widget,
- // set height="100%".
- height: "300px",
- // minHeight: String
- // The minimum height that the editor should have.
- minHeight: "1em",
- // isClosed: [private] Boolean
- isClosed: true,
- // isLoaded: [private] Boolean
- isLoaded: false,
- // _SEPARATOR: [private] String
- // Used to concat contents from multiple editors into a single string,
- // so they can be saved into a single <textarea> node. See "name" attribute.
- _SEPARATOR: "@@**%%__RICHTEXTBOUNDRY__%%**@@",
- // _NAME_CONTENT_SEP: [private] String
- // USed to separate name from content. Just a colon isn't safe.
- _NAME_CONTENT_SEP: "@@**%%:%%**@@",
- // onLoadDeferred: [readonly] dojo.Deferred
- // Deferred which is fired when the editor finishes loading.
- // Call myEditor.onLoadDeferred.then(callback) it to be informed
- // when the rich-text area initialization is finalized.
- onLoadDeferred: null,
- // isTabIndent: Boolean
- // Make tab key and shift-tab indent and outdent rather than navigating.
- // Caution: sing this makes web pages inaccessible to users unable to use a mouse.
- isTabIndent: false,
- // disableSpellCheck: [const] Boolean
- // When true, disables the browser's native spell checking, if supported.
- // Works only in Firefox.
- disableSpellCheck: false,
- postCreate: function(){
- if("textarea" === this.domNode.tagName.toLowerCase()){
- console.warn("RichText should not be used with the TEXTAREA tag. See dijit._editor.RichText docs.");
- }
- // Push in the builtin filters now, making them the first executed, but not over-riding anything
- // users passed in. See: #6062
- this.contentPreFilters = [lang.hitch(this, "_preFixUrlAttributes")].concat(this.contentPreFilters);
- if(has("mozilla")){
- this.contentPreFilters = [this._normalizeFontStyle].concat(this.contentPreFilters);
- this.contentPostFilters = [this._removeMozBogus].concat(this.contentPostFilters);
- }
- if(has("webkit")){
- // Try to clean up WebKit bogus artifacts. The inserted classes
- // made by WebKit sometimes messes things up.
- this.contentPreFilters = [this._removeWebkitBogus].concat(this.contentPreFilters);
- this.contentPostFilters = [this._removeWebkitBogus].concat(this.contentPostFilters);
- }
- if(has("ie")){
- // IE generates <strong> and <em> but we want to normalize to <b> and <i>
- this.contentPostFilters = [this._normalizeFontStyle].concat(this.contentPostFilters);
- this.contentDomPostFilters = [lang.hitch(this, this._stripBreakerNodes)].concat(this.contentDomPostFilters);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- topic.publish(dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText::init", this);
- this.setupDefaultShortcuts();
- },
- setupDefaultShortcuts: function(){
- // summary:
- // Add some default key handlers
- // description:
- // Overwrite this to setup your own handlers. The default
- // implementation does not use Editor commands, but directly
- // executes the builtin commands within the underlying browser
- // support.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var exec = lang.hitch(this, function(cmd, arg){
- return function(){
- return !this.execCommand(cmd,arg);
- };
- });
- var ctrlKeyHandlers = {
- b: exec("bold"),
- i: exec("italic"),
- u: exec("underline"),
- a: exec("selectall"),
- s: function(){; },
- m: function(){ this.isTabIndent = !this.isTabIndent; },
- "1": exec("formatblock", "h1"),
- "2": exec("formatblock", "h2"),
- "3": exec("formatblock", "h3"),
- "4": exec("formatblock", "h4"),
- "\\": exec("insertunorderedlist")
- };
- if(!has("ie")){
- ctrlKeyHandlers.Z = exec("redo"); //FIXME: undo?
- }
- var key;
- for(key in ctrlKeyHandlers){
- this.addKeyHandler(key, true, false, ctrlKeyHandlers[key]);
- }
- },
- // events: [private] String[]
- // events which should be connected to the underlying editing area
- events: ["onKeyPress", "onKeyDown", "onKeyUp"], // onClick handled specially
- // captureEvents: [deprecated] String[]
- // Events which should be connected to the underlying editing
- // area, events in this array will be addListener with
- // capture=true.
- // TODO: looking at the code I don't see any distinction between events and captureEvents,
- // so get rid of this for 2.0 if not sooner
- captureEvents: [],
- _editorCommandsLocalized: false,
- _localizeEditorCommands: function(){
- // summary:
- // When IE is running in a non-English locale, the API actually changes,
- // so that we have to say (for example) danraku instead of p (for paragraph).
- // Handle that here.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(RichText._editorCommandsLocalized){
- // Use the already generate cache of mappings.
- this._local2NativeFormatNames = RichText._local2NativeFormatNames;
- this._native2LocalFormatNames = RichText._native2LocalFormatNames;
- return;
- }
- RichText._editorCommandsLocalized = true;
- RichText._local2NativeFormatNames = {};
- RichText._native2LocalFormatNames = {};
- this._local2NativeFormatNames = RichText._local2NativeFormatNames;
- this._native2LocalFormatNames = RichText._native2LocalFormatNames;
- //in IE, names for blockformat is locale dependent, so we cache the values here
- //put p after div, so if IE returns Normal, we show it as paragraph
- //We can distinguish p and div if IE returns Normal, however, in order to detect that,
- //we have to call this.document.selection.createRange().parentElement() or such, which
- //could slow things down. Leave it as it is for now
- var formats = ['div', 'p', 'pre', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'ol', 'ul', 'address'];
- var localhtml = "", format, i=0;
- while((format=formats[i++])){
- //append a <br> after each element to separate the elements more reliably
- if(format.charAt(1) !== 'l'){
- localhtml += "<"+format+"><span>content</span></"+format+"><br/>";
- }else{
- localhtml += "<"+format+"><li>content</li></"+format+"><br/>";
- }
- }
- // queryCommandValue returns empty if we hide editNode, so move it out of screen temporary
- // Also, IE9 does weird stuff unless we do it inside the editor iframe.
- var style = { position: "absolute", top: "0px", zIndex: 10, opacity: 0.01 };
- var div = domConstruct.create('div', {style: style, innerHTML: localhtml});
- win.body().appendChild(div);
- // IE9 has a timing issue with doing this right after setting
- // the inner HTML, so put a delay in.
- var inject = lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var node = div.firstChild;
- while(node){
- try{
- selectionapi.selectElement(node.firstChild);
- var nativename = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
- this._local2NativeFormatNames[nativename] = document.queryCommandValue("formatblock");
- this._native2LocalFormatNames[this._local2NativeFormatNames[nativename]] = nativename;
- node = node.nextSibling.nextSibling;
- //console.log("Mapped: ", nativename, " to: ", this._local2NativeFormatNames[nativename]);
- }catch(e){ /*Sqelch the occasional IE9 error */ }
- }
- div.parentNode.removeChild(div);
- div.innerHTML = "";
- });
- setTimeout(inject, 0);
- },
- open: function(/*DomNode?*/ element){
- // summary:
- // Transforms the node referenced in this.domNode into a rich text editing
- // node.
- // description:
- // Sets up the editing area asynchronously. This will result in
- // the creation and replacement with an iframe.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!this.onLoadDeferred || this.onLoadDeferred.fired >= 0){
- this.onLoadDeferred = new Deferred();
- }
- if(!this.isClosed){ this.close(); }
- topic.publish(dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText::open", this);
- if(arguments.length === 1 && element.nodeName){ // else unchanged
- this.domNode = element;
- }
- var dn = this.domNode;
- // "html" will hold the innerHTML of the srcNodeRef and will be used to
- // initialize the editor.
- var html;
- if(lang.isString(this.value)){
- // Allow setting the editor content programmatically instead of
- // relying on the initial content being contained within the target
- // domNode.
- html = this.value;
- delete this.value;
- dn.innerHTML = "";
- }else if(dn.nodeName && dn.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "textarea"){
- // if we were created from a textarea, then we need to create a
- // new editing harness node.
- var ta = (this.textarea = dn);
- =;
- html = ta.value;
- dn = this.domNode = win.doc.createElement("div");
- dn.setAttribute('widgetId',;
- ta.removeAttribute('widgetId');
- dn.cssText = ta.cssText;
- dn.className += " " + ta.className;
-, ta, "before");
- var tmpFunc = lang.hitch(this, function(){
- //some browsers refuse to submit display=none textarea, so
- //move the textarea off screen instead
- domStyle.set(ta, {
- display: "block",
- position: "absolute",
- top: "-1000px"
- });
- if(has("ie")){ //nasty IE bug: abnormal formatting if overflow is not hidden
- var s =;
- this.__overflow = s.overflow;
- s.overflow = "hidden";
- }
- });
- if(has("ie")){
- setTimeout(tmpFunc, 10);
- }else{
- tmpFunc();
- }
- if(ta.form){
- var resetValue = ta.value;
- this.reset = function(){
- var current = this.getValue();
- if(current !== resetValue){
- this.replaceValue(resetValue);
- }
- };
- on(ta.form, "submit", lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // Copy value to the <textarea> so it gets submitted along with form.
- // FIXME: should we be calling close() here instead?
- domAttr.set(ta, 'disabled', this.disabled); // don't submit the value if disabled
- ta.value = this.getValue();
- }));
- }
- }else{
- html = htmlapi.getChildrenHtml(dn);
- dn.innerHTML = "";
- }
- this.value = html;
- // If we're a list item we have to put in a blank line to force the
- // bullet to nicely align at the top of text
- if(dn.nodeName && dn.nodeName === "LI"){
- dn.innerHTML = " <br>";
- }
- // Construct the editor div structure.
- this.header = dn.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- dn.appendChild(this.header);
- this.editingArea = dn.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- dn.appendChild(this.editingArea);
- this.footer = dn.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
- dn.appendChild(this.footer);
- if(!{
- = + "_AUTOGEN";
- }
- // User has pressed back/forward button so we lost the text in the editor, but it's saved
- // in a hidden <textarea> (which contains the data for all the editors on this page),
- // so get editor value from there
- if( !== "" && (!config["useXDomain"] || config["allowXdRichTextSave"])){
- var saveTextarea = dom.byId(dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText.value");
- if(saveTextarea && saveTextarea.value !== ""){
- var datas = saveTextarea.value.split(this._SEPARATOR), i=0, dat;
- while((dat=datas[i++])){
- var data = dat.split(this._NAME_CONTENT_SEP);
- if(data[0] ==={
- html = data[1];
- datas = datas.splice(i, 1);
- saveTextarea.value = datas.join(this._SEPARATOR);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!RichText._globalSaveHandler){
- RichText._globalSaveHandler = {};
- unload.addOnUnload(function(){
- var id;
- for(id in RichText._globalSaveHandler){
- var f = RichText._globalSaveHandler[id];
- if(lang.isFunction(f)){
- f();
- }
- }
- });
- }
- RichText._globalSaveHandler[] = lang.hitch(this, "_saveContent");
- }
- this.isClosed = false;
- var ifr = (this.editorObject = this.iframe = win.doc.createElement('iframe'));
- ="_iframe";
- this._iframeSrc = this._getIframeDocTxt();
- = "none";
- = "100%";
- if(this._layoutMode){
- // iframe should be 100% height, thus getting it's height from surrounding
- // <div> (which has the correct height set by Editor)
- = "100%";
- }else{
- if(has("ie") >= 7){
- if(this.height){
- = this.height;
- }
- if(this.minHeight){
- = this.minHeight;
- }
- }else{
- = this.height ? this.height : this.minHeight;
- }
- }
- ifr.frameBorder = 0;
- ifr._loadFunc = lang.hitch( this, function(w){
- this.window = w;
- this.document = this.window.document;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._localizeEditorCommands();
- }
- // Do final setup and set initial contents of editor
- this.onLoad(html);
- });
- // Set the iframe's initial (blank) content.
- var iframeSrcRef = 'parent.' + dijit._scopeName + '.byId("''")._iframeSrc';
- var s = 'javascript:(function(){try{return ' + iframeSrcRef + '}catch(e){;document.domain="' +
- document.domain + '";document.write(' + iframeSrcRef + ');document.close();}})()';
- ifr.setAttribute('src', s);
- this.editingArea.appendChild(ifr);
- if(has("safari") <= 4){
- var src = ifr.getAttribute("src");
- if(!src || src.indexOf("javascript") === -1){
- // Safari 4 and earlier sometimes act oddly
- // So we have to set it again.
- setTimeout(function(){ifr.setAttribute('src', s);},0);
- }
- }
- // TODO: this is a guess at the default line-height, kinda works
- if(dn.nodeName === "LI"){
- = "-1.2em";
- }
- domClass.add(this.domNode, this.baseClass);
- },
- //static cache variables shared among all instance of this class
- _local2NativeFormatNames: {},
- _native2LocalFormatNames: {},
- _getIframeDocTxt: function(){
- // summary:
- // Generates the boilerplate text of the document inside the iframe (ie, <html><head>...</head><body/></html>).
- // Editor content (if not blank) should be added afterwards.
- // tags:
- // private
- var _cs = domStyle.getComputedStyle(this.domNode);
- // The contents inside of <body>. The real contents are set later via a call to setValue().
- var html = "";
- var setBodyId = true;
- if(has("ie") || has("webkit") || (!this.height && !has("mozilla"))){
- // In auto-expand mode, need a wrapper div for AlwaysShowToolbar plugin to correctly
- // expand/contract the editor as the content changes.
- html = "<div id='dijitEditorBody'></div>";
- setBodyId = false;
- }else if(has("mozilla")){
- // workaround bug where can't select then delete text (until user types something
- // into the editor)... and/or issue where typing doesn't erase selected text
- this._cursorToStart = true;
- html = "&#160;"; // &nbsp;
- }
- var font = [ _cs.fontWeight, _cs.fontSize, _cs.fontFamily ].join(" ");
- // line height is tricky - applying a units value will mess things up.
- // if we can't get a non-units value, bail out.
- var lineHeight = _cs.lineHeight;
- if(lineHeight.indexOf("px") >= 0){
- lineHeight = parseFloat(lineHeight)/parseFloat(_cs.fontSize);
- // console.debug(lineHeight);
- }else if(lineHeight.indexOf("em")>=0){
- lineHeight = parseFloat(lineHeight);
- }else{
- // If we can't get a non-units value, just default
- // it to the CSS spec default of 'normal'. Seems to
- // work better, esp on IE, than '1.0'
- lineHeight = "normal";
- }
- var userStyle = "";
- var self = this;
-^|;)\s*(line-|font-?)[^;]+/ig, function(match){
- match = match.replace(/^;/ig,"") + ';';
- var s = match.split(":")[0];
- if(s){
- s = lang.trim(s);
- s = s.toLowerCase();
- var i;
- var sC = "";
- for(i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
- var c = s.charAt(i);
- switch(c){
- case "-":
- i++;
- c = s.charAt(i).toUpperCase();
- default:
- sC += c;
- }
- }
- domStyle.set(self.domNode, sC, "");
- }
- userStyle += match + ';';
- });
- // need to find any associated label element and update iframe document title
- var label=query('label[for="''"]');
- return [
- this.isLeftToRight() ? "<html>\n<head>\n" : "<html dir='rtl'>\n<head>\n",
- (has("mozilla") && label.length ? "<title>" + label[0].innerHTML + "</title>\n" : ""),
- "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html'>\n",
- "<style>\n",
- "\tbody,html {\n",
- "\t\tbackground:transparent;\n",
- "\t\tpadding: 1px 0 0 0;\n",
- "\t\tmargin: -1px 0 0 0;\n", // remove extraneous vertical scrollbar on safari and firefox
- // Set the html/body sizing. Webkit always needs this, other browsers
- // only set it when height is defined (not auto-expanding), otherwise
- // scrollers do not appear.
- ((has("webkit"))?"\t\twidth: 100%;\n":""),
- ((has("webkit"))?"\t\theight: 100%;\n":""),
- "\t}\n",
- // TODO: left positioning will cause contents to disappear out of view
- // if it gets too wide for the visible area
- "\tbody{\n",
- "\t\ttop:0px;\n",
- "\t\tleft:0px;\n",
- "\t\tright:0px;\n",
- "\t\tfont:", font, ";\n",
- ((this.height||has("opera")) ? "" : "\t\tposition: fixed;\n"),
- // FIXME: IE 6 won't understand min-height?
- "\t\tmin-height:", this.minHeight, ";\n",
- "\t\tline-height:", lineHeight,";\n",
- "\t}\n",
- "\tp{ margin: 1em 0; }\n",
- // Determine how scrollers should be applied. In autoexpand mode (height = "") no scrollers on y at all.
- // But in fixed height mode we want both x/y scrollers. Also, if it's using wrapping div and in auto-expand
- // (Mainly IE) we need to kill the y scroller on body and html.
- (!setBodyId && !this.height ? "\tbody,html {overflow-y: hidden;}\n" : ""),
- "\t#dijitEditorBody{overflow-x: auto; overflow-y:" + (this.height ? "auto;" : "hidden;") + " outline: 0px;}\n",
- "\tli > ul:-moz-first-node, li > ol:-moz-first-node{ padding-top: 1.2em; }\n",
- // Can't set min-height in IE9, it puts layout on li, which puts move/resize handles.
- (!has("ie") ? "\tli{ min-height:1.2em; }\n" : ""),
- "</style>\n",
- this._applyEditingAreaStyleSheets(),"\n",
- "</head>\n<body ",
- (setBodyId?"id='dijitEditorBody' ":""),
- "onload='frameElement._loadFunc(window,document)' style='"+userStyle+"'>", html, "</body>\n</html>"
- ].join(""); // String
- },
- _applyEditingAreaStyleSheets: function(){
- // summary:
- // apply the specified css files in styleSheets
- // tags:
- // private
- var files = [];
- if(this.styleSheets){
- files = this.styleSheets.split(';');
- this.styleSheets = '';
- }
- //empty this.editingAreaStyleSheets here, as it will be filled in addStyleSheet
- files = files.concat(this.editingAreaStyleSheets);
- this.editingAreaStyleSheets = [];
- var text='', i=0, url;
- while((url=files[i++])){
- var abstring = (new _Url(, url)).toString();
- this.editingAreaStyleSheets.push(abstring);
- text += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+abstring+'"/>';
- }
- return text;
- },
- addStyleSheet: function(/*dojo._Url*/ uri){
- // summary:
- // add an external stylesheet for the editing area
- // uri:
- // A dojo.uri.Uri pointing to the url of the external css file
- var url=uri.toString();
- //if uri is relative, then convert it to absolute so that it can be resolved correctly in iframe
- if(url.charAt(0) === '.' || (url.charAt(0) !== '/' && !{
- url = (new _Url(, url)).toString();
- }
- if(array.indexOf(this.editingAreaStyleSheets, url) > -1){
-// console.debug("dijit._editor.RichText.addStyleSheet: Style sheet "+url+" is already applied");
- return;
- }
- this.editingAreaStyleSheets.push(url);
- this.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- if(this.document.createStyleSheet){ //IE
- this.document.createStyleSheet(url);
- }else{ //other browser
- var head = this.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- var stylesheet = this.document.createElement("link");
- stylesheet.rel="stylesheet";
- stylesheet.type="text/css";
- stylesheet.href=url;
- head.appendChild(stylesheet);
- }
- }));
- },
- removeStyleSheet: function(/*dojo._Url*/ uri){
- // summary:
- // remove an external stylesheet for the editing area
- var url=uri.toString();
- //if uri is relative, then convert it to absolute so that it can be resolved correctly in iframe
- if(url.charAt(0) === '.' || (url.charAt(0) !== '/' && !{
- url = (new _Url(, url)).toString();
- }
- var index = array.indexOf(this.editingAreaStyleSheets, url);
- if(index === -1){
-// console.debug("dijit._editor.RichText.removeStyleSheet: Style sheet "+url+" has not been applied");
- return;
- }
- delete this.editingAreaStyleSheets[index];
- win.withGlobal(this.window,'query', dojo, ['link:[href="'+url+'"]']).orphan();
- },
- // disabled: Boolean
- // The editor is disabled; the text cannot be changed.
- disabled: false,
- _mozSettingProps: {'styleWithCSS':false},
- _setDisabledAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
- value = !!value;
- this._set("disabled", value);
- if(!this.isLoaded){ return; } // this method requires init to be complete
- if(has("ie") || has("webkit") || has("opera")){
- var preventIEfocus = has("ie") && (this.isLoaded || !this.focusOnLoad);
- if(preventIEfocus){ this.editNode.unselectable = "on"; }
- this.editNode.contentEditable = !value;
- if(preventIEfocus){
- var _this = this;
- setTimeout(function(){
- if(_this.editNode){ // guard in case widget destroyed before timeout
- _this.editNode.unselectable = "off";
- }
- }, 0);
- }
- }else{ //moz
- try{
- this.document.designMode=(value?'off':'on');
- }catch(e){ return; } // ! _disabledOK
- if(!value && this._mozSettingProps){
- var ps = this._mozSettingProps;
- var n;
- for(n in ps){
- if(ps.hasOwnProperty(n)){
- try{
- this.document.execCommand(n,false,ps[n]);
- }catch(e2){}
- }
- }
- }
-// this.document.execCommand('contentReadOnly', false, value);
-// if(value){
-// this.blur(); //to remove the blinking caret
-// }
- }
- this._disabledOK = true;
- },
-/* Event handlers
- *****************/
- onLoad: function(/*String*/ html){
- // summary:
- // Handler after the iframe finishes loading.
- // html: String
- // Editor contents should be set to this value
- // tags:
- // protected
- // TODO: rename this to _onLoad, make empty public onLoad() method, deprecate/make protected onLoadDeferred handler?
- if(!this.window.__registeredWindow){
- this.window.__registeredWindow = true;
- this._iframeRegHandle = focus.registerIframe(this.iframe);
- }
- if(!has("ie") && !has("webkit") && (this.height || has("mozilla"))){
- this.editNode=this.document.body;
- }else{
- // there's a wrapper div around the content, see _getIframeDocTxt().
- this.editNode=this.document.body.firstChild;
- var _this = this;
- if(has("ie")){ // #4996 IE wants to focus the BODY tag
- this.tabStop = domConstruct.create('div', { tabIndex: -1 }, this.editingArea);
- this.iframe.onfocus = function(){ _this.editNode.setActive(); };
- }
- }
- this.focusNode = this.editNode; // for InlineEditBox
- var events =;
- var ap = this.iframe ? this.document : this.editNode;
- array.forEach(events, function(item){
- this.connect(ap, item.toLowerCase(), item);
- }, this);
- this.connect(ap, "onmouseup", "onClick"); // mouseup in the margin does not generate an onclick event
- if(has("ie")){ // IE contentEditable
- this.connect(this.document, "onmousedown", "_onIEMouseDown"); // #4996 fix focus
- // give the node Layout on IE
- // TODO: this may no longer be needed, since we've reverted IE to using an iframe,
- // not contentEditable. Removing it would also probably remove the need for creating
- // the extra <div> in _getIframeDocTxt()
- = 1.0;
- }else{
- this.connect(this.document, "onmousedown", function(){
- // Clear the moveToStart focus, as mouse
- // down will set cursor point. Required to properly
- // work with selection/position driven plugins and clicks in
- // the window. refs: #10678
- delete this._cursorToStart;
- });
- }
- if(has("webkit")){
- //WebKit sometimes doesn't fire right on selections, so the toolbar
- //doesn't update right. Therefore, help it out a bit with an additional
- //listener. A mouse up will typically indicate a display change, so fire this
- //and get the toolbar to adapt. Reference: #9532
- this._webkitListener = this.connect(this.document, "onmouseup", "onDisplayChanged");
- this.connect(this.document, "onmousedown", function(e){
- var t =;
- if(t && (t === this.document.body || t === this.document)){
- // Since WebKit uses the inner DIV, we need to check and set position.
- // See: #12024 as to why the change was made.
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, "placeCursorAtEnd"), 0);
- }
- });
- }
- if(has("ie")){
- // Try to make sure 'hidden' elements aren't visible in edit mode (like browsers other than IE
- // do). See #9103
- try{
- this.document.execCommand('RespectVisibilityInDesign', true, null);
- }catch(e){/* squelch */}
- }
- this.isLoaded = true;
- this.set('disabled', this.disabled); // initialize content to editable (or not)
- // Note that setValue() call will only work after isLoaded is set to true (above)
- // Set up a function to allow delaying the setValue until a callback is fired
- // This ensures extensions like dijit.Editor have a way to hold the value set
- // until plugins load (and do things like register filters).
- var setContent = lang.hitch(this, function(){
- this.setValue(html);
- if(this.onLoadDeferred){
- this.onLoadDeferred.callback(true);
- }
- this.onDisplayChanged();
- if(this.focusOnLoad){
- // after the document loads, then set focus after updateInterval expires so that
- // onNormalizedDisplayChanged has run to avoid input caret issues
- ready(lang.hitch(this, function(){ setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, "focus"), this.updateInterval); }));
- }
- // Save off the initial content now
- this.value = this.getValue(true);
- });
- if(this.setValueDeferred){
- this.setValueDeferred.addCallback(setContent);
- }else{
- setContent();
- }
- },
- onKeyDown: function(/* Event */ e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onkeydown event
- // tags:
- // protected
- // we need this event at the moment to get the events from control keys
- // such as the backspace. It might be possible to add this to Dojo, so that
- // keyPress events can be emulated by the keyDown and keyUp detection.
- if(e.keyCode === keys.TAB && this.isTabIndent ){
- event.stop(e); //prevent tab from moving focus out of editor
- // FIXME: this is a poor-man's indent/outdent. It would be
- // better if it added 4 "&nbsp;" chars in an undoable way.
- // Unfortunately pasteHTML does not prove to be undoable
- if(this.queryCommandEnabled((e.shiftKey ? "outdent" : "indent"))){
- this.execCommand((e.shiftKey ? "outdent" : "indent"));
- }
- }
- if(has("ie")){
- if(e.keyCode == keys.TAB && !this.isTabIndent){
- if(e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey){
- // focus the BODY so the browser will tab away from it instead
- this.iframe.focus();
- }else if(!e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey){
- // focus the BODY so the browser will tab away from it instead
- this.tabStop.focus();
- }
- }else if(e.keyCode === keys.BACKSPACE && this.document.selection.type === "Control"){
- // IE has a bug where if a non-text object is selected in the editor,
- // hitting backspace would act as if the browser's back button was
- // clicked instead of deleting the object. see #1069
- event.stop(e);
- this.execCommand("delete");
- }else if((65 <= e.keyCode && e.keyCode <= 90) ||
- (e.keyCode>=37 && e.keyCode<=40) // FIXME: get this from connect() instead!
- ){ //arrow keys
- e.charCode = e.keyCode;
- this.onKeyPress(e);
- }
- }
- if(has("ff")){
- if(e.keyCode === keys.PAGE_UP || e.keyCode === keys.PAGE_DOWN ){
- if(this.editNode.clientHeight >= this.editNode.scrollHeight){
- // Stop the event to prevent firefox from trapping the cursor when there is no scroll bar.
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- onKeyUp: function(/*===== e =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onkeyup event
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- setDisabled: function(/*Boolean*/ disabled){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated, use set('disabled', ...) instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated('dijit.Editor::setDisabled is deprecated','use dijit.Editor::attr("disabled",boolean) instead', 2.0);
- this.set('disabled',disabled);
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*String*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Registers that attr("value", foo) should call setValue(foo)
- this.setValue(value);
- },
- _setDisableSpellCheckAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ disabled){
- if(this.document){
- domAttr.set(this.document.body, "spellcheck", !disabled);
- }else{
- // try again after the editor is finished loading
- this.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- domAttr.set(this.document.body, "spellcheck", !disabled);
- }));
- }
- this._set("disableSpellCheck", disabled);
- },
- onKeyPress: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Handle the various key events
- // tags:
- // protected
- var c = (e.keyChar && e.keyChar.toLowerCase()) || e.keyCode,
- handlers = this._keyHandlers[c],
- args = arguments;
- if(handlers && !e.altKey){
- array.some(handlers, function(h){
- // treat meta- same as ctrl-, for benefit of mac users
- if(!(h.shift ^ e.shiftKey) && !(h.ctrl ^ (e.ctrlKey||e.metaKey))){
- if(!h.handler.apply(this, args)){
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- return true;
- }
- }, this);
- }
- // function call after the character has been inserted
- if(!this._onKeyHitch){
- this._onKeyHitch = lang.hitch(this, "onKeyPressed");
- }
- setTimeout(this._onKeyHitch, 1);
- return true;
- },
- addKeyHandler: function(/*String*/ key, /*Boolean*/ ctrl, /*Boolean*/ shift, /*Function*/ handler){
- // summary:
- // Add a handler for a keyboard shortcut
- // description:
- // The key argument should be in lowercase if it is a letter character
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(!lang.isArray(this._keyHandlers[key])){
- this._keyHandlers[key] = [];
- }
- //TODO: would be nice to make this a hash instead of an array for quick lookups
- this._keyHandlers[key].push({
- shift: shift || false,
- ctrl: ctrl || false,
- handler: handler
- });
- },
- onKeyPressed: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for after the user has pressed a key, and the display has been updated.
- // (Runs on a timer so that it runs after the display is updated)
- // tags:
- // private
- this.onDisplayChanged(/*e*/); // can't pass in e
- },
- onClick: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for when the user clicks.
- // tags:
- // private
- //'onClick',this._tryDesignModeOn);
- this.onDisplayChanged(e);
- },
- _onIEMouseDown: function(){
- // summary:
- // IE only to prevent 2 clicks to focus
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(!this.focused && !this.disabled){
- this.focus();
- }
- },
- _onBlur: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Called from focus manager when focus has moved away from this editor
- // tags:
- // protected
- //'_onBlur')
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var newValue = this.getValue(true);
- if(newValue !== this.value){
- this.onChange(newValue);
- }
- this._set("value", newValue);
- },
- _onFocus: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Called from focus manager when focus has moved into this editor
- // tags:
- // protected
- //'_onFocus')
- if(!this.disabled){
- if(!this._disabledOK){
- this.set('disabled', false);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- },
- // TODO: remove in 2.0
- blur: function(){
- // summary:
- // Remove focus from this instance.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- if(!has("ie") && this.window.document.documentElement && this.window.document.documentElement.focus){
- this.window.document.documentElement.focus();
- }else if(win.doc.body.focus){
- win.doc.body.focus();
- }
- },
- focus: function(){
- // summary:
- // Move focus to this editor
- if(!this.isLoaded){
- this.focusOnLoad = true;
- return;
- }
- if(this._cursorToStart){
- delete this._cursorToStart;
- if(this.editNode.childNodes){
- this.placeCursorAtStart(); // this calls focus() so return
- return;
- }
- }
- if(!has("ie")){
- focus.focus(this.iframe);
- }else if(this.editNode && this.editNode.focus){
- // editNode may be hidden in display:none div, lets just punt in this case
- //this.editNode.focus(); -> causes IE to scroll always (strict and quirks mode) to the top the Iframe
- // if we fire the event manually and let the browser handle the focusing, the latest
- // cursor position is focused like in FF
- this.iframe.fireEvent('onfocus', document.createEventObject()); // createEventObject only in IE
- // }else{
- // TODO: should we throw here?
- // console.debug("Have no idea how to focus into the editor!");
- }
- },
- // _lastUpdate: 0,
- updateInterval: 200,
- _updateTimer: null,
- onDisplayChanged: function(/*Event*/ /*===== e =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This event will be fired every time the display context
- // changes and the result needs to be reflected in the UI.
- // description:
- // If you don't want to have update too often,
- // onNormalizedDisplayChanged should be used instead
- // tags:
- // private
- // var _t=new Date();
- if(this._updateTimer){
- clearTimeout(this._updateTimer);
- }
- if(!this._updateHandler){
- this._updateHandler = lang.hitch(this,"onNormalizedDisplayChanged");
- }
- this._updateTimer = setTimeout(this._updateHandler, this.updateInterval);
- // Technically this should trigger a call to watch("value", ...) registered handlers,
- // but getValue() is too slow to call on every keystroke so we don't.
- },
- onNormalizedDisplayChanged: function(){
- // summary:
- // This event is fired every updateInterval ms or more
- // description:
- // If something needs to happen immediately after a
- // user change, please use onDisplayChanged instead.
- // tags:
- // private
- delete this._updateTimer;
- },
- onChange: function(/*===== newContent =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This is fired if and only if the editor loses focus and
- // the content is changed.
- },
- _normalizeCommand: function(/*String*/ cmd, /*Anything?*/argument){
- // summary:
- // Used as the advice function to map our
- // normalized set of commands to those supported by the target
- // browser.
- // tags:
- // private
- var command = cmd.toLowerCase();
- if(command === "formatblock"){
- if(has("safari") && argument === undefined){ command = "heading"; }
- }else if(command === "hilitecolor" && !has("mozilla")){
- command = "backcolor";
- }
- return command;
- },
- _qcaCache: {},
- queryCommandAvailable: function(/*String*/ command){
- // summary:
- // Tests whether a command is supported by the host. Clients
- // SHOULD check whether a command is supported before attempting
- // to use it, behaviour for unsupported commands is undefined.
- // command:
- // The command to test for
- // tags:
- // private
- // memoizing version. See _queryCommandAvailable for computing version
- var ca = this._qcaCache[command];
- if(ca !== undefined){ return ca; }
- return (this._qcaCache[command] = this._queryCommandAvailable(command));
- },
- _queryCommandAvailable: function(/*String*/ command){
- // summary:
- // See queryCommandAvailable().
- // tags:
- // private
- var ie = 1;
- var mozilla = 1 << 1;
- var webkit = 1 << 2;
- var opera = 1 << 3;
- function isSupportedBy(browsers){
- return {
- ie: Boolean(browsers & ie),
- mozilla: Boolean(browsers & mozilla),
- webkit: Boolean(browsers & webkit),
- opera: Boolean(browsers & opera)
- };
- }
- var supportedBy = null;
- switch(command.toLowerCase()){
- case "bold": case "italic": case "underline":
- case "subscript": case "superscript":
- case "fontname": case "fontsize":
- case "forecolor": case "hilitecolor":
- case "justifycenter": case "justifyfull": case "justifyleft":
- case "justifyright": case "delete": case "selectall": case "toggledir":
- supportedBy = isSupportedBy(mozilla | ie | webkit | opera);
- break;
- case "createlink": case "unlink": case "removeformat":
- case "inserthorizontalrule": case "insertimage":
- case "insertorderedlist": case "insertunorderedlist":
- case "indent": case "outdent": case "formatblock":
- case "inserthtml": case "undo": case "redo": case "strikethrough": case "tabindent":
- supportedBy = isSupportedBy(mozilla | ie | opera | webkit);
- break;
- case "blockdirltr": case "blockdirrtl":
- case "dirltr": case "dirrtl":
- case "inlinedirltr": case "inlinedirrtl":
- supportedBy = isSupportedBy(ie);
- break;
- case "cut": case "copy": case "paste":
- supportedBy = isSupportedBy( ie | mozilla | webkit);
- break;
- case "inserttable":
- supportedBy = isSupportedBy(mozilla | ie);
- break;
- case "insertcell": case "insertcol": case "insertrow":
- case "deletecells": case "deletecols": case "deleterows":
- case "mergecells": case "splitcell":
- supportedBy = isSupportedBy(ie | mozilla);
- break;
- default: return false;
- }
- return (has("ie") && ||
- (has("mozilla") && supportedBy.mozilla) ||
- (has("webkit") && supportedBy.webkit) ||
- (has("opera") && supportedBy.opera); // Boolean return true if the command is supported, false otherwise
- },
- execCommand: function(/*String*/ command, argument){
- // summary:
- // Executes a command in the Rich Text area
- // command:
- // The command to execute
- // argument:
- // An optional argument to the command
- // tags:
- // protected
- var returnValue;
- //focus() is required for IE to work
- //In addition, focus() makes sure after the execution of
- //the command, the editor receives the focus as expected
- this.focus();
- command = this._normalizeCommand(command, argument);
- if(argument !== undefined){
- if(command === "heading"){
- throw new Error("unimplemented");
- }else if((command === "formatblock") && has("ie")){
- argument = '<'+argument+'>';
- }
- }
- //Check to see if we have any over-rides for commands, they will be functions on this
- //widget of the form _commandImpl. If we don't, fall through to the basic native
- //exec command of the browser.
- var implFunc = "_" + command + "Impl";
- if(this[implFunc]){
- returnValue = this[implFunc](argument);
- }else{
- argument = arguments.length > 1 ? argument : null;
- if(argument || command !== "createlink"){
- returnValue = this.document.execCommand(command, false, argument);
- }
- }
- this.onDisplayChanged();
- return returnValue;
- },
- queryCommandEnabled: function(/*String*/ command){
- // summary:
- // Check whether a command is enabled or not.
- // command:
- // The command to execute
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.disabled || !this._disabledOK){ return false; }
- command = this._normalizeCommand(command);
- //Check to see if we have any over-rides for commands, they will be functions on this
- //widget of the form _commandEnabledImpl. If we don't, fall through to the basic native
- //command of the browser.
- var implFunc = "_" + command + "EnabledImpl";
- if(this[implFunc]){
- return this[implFunc](command);
- }else{
- return this._browserQueryCommandEnabled(command);
- }
- },
- queryCommandState: function(command){
- // summary:
- // Check the state of a given command and returns true or false.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.disabled || !this._disabledOK){ return false; }
- command = this._normalizeCommand(command);
- try{
- return this.document.queryCommandState(command);
- }catch(e){
- //Squelch, occurs if editor is hidden on FF 3 (and maybe others.)
- return false;
- }
- },
- queryCommandValue: function(command){
- // summary:
- // Check the value of a given command. This matters most for
- // custom selections and complex values like font value setting.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.disabled || !this._disabledOK){ return false; }
- var r;
- command = this._normalizeCommand(command);
- if(has("ie") && command === "formatblock"){
- r = this._native2LocalFormatNames[this.document.queryCommandValue(command)];
- }else if(has("mozilla") && command === "hilitecolor"){
- var oldValue;
- try{
- oldValue = this.document.queryCommandValue("styleWithCSS");
- }catch(e){
- oldValue = false;
- }
- this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, true);
- r = this.document.queryCommandValue(command);
- this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, oldValue);
- }else{
- r = this.document.queryCommandValue(command);
- }
- return r;
- },
- // Misc.
- _sCall: function(name, args){
- // summary:
- // Run the named method of dijit._editor.selection over the
- // current editor instance's window, with the passed args.
- // tags:
- // private
- return win.withGlobal(this.window, name, selectionapi, args);
- },
- // FIXME: this is a TON of code duplication. Why?
- placeCursorAtStart: function(){
- // summary:
- // Place the cursor at the start of the editing area.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.focus();
- //see comments in placeCursorAtEnd
- var isvalid=false;
- if(has("mozilla")){
- // TODO: Is this branch even necessary?
- var first=this.editNode.firstChild;
- while(first){
- if(first.nodeType === 3){
- if(first.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").length>0){
- isvalid=true;
- this._sCall("selectElement", [ first ]);
- break;
- }
- }else if(first.nodeType === 1){
- isvalid=true;
- var tg = first.tagName ? first.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
- // Collapse before childless tags.
- if(/br|input|img|base|meta|area|basefont|hr|link/.test(tg)){
- this._sCall("selectElement", [ first ]);
- }else{
- // Collapse inside tags with children.
- this._sCall("selectElementChildren", [ first ]);
- }
- break;
- }
- first = first.nextSibling;
- }
- }else{
- isvalid=true;
- this._sCall("selectElementChildren", [ this.editNode ]);
- }
- if(isvalid){
- this._sCall("collapse", [ true ]);
- }
- },
- placeCursorAtEnd: function(){
- // summary:
- // Place the cursor at the end of the editing area.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.focus();
- //In mozilla, if last child is not a text node, we have to use
- // selectElementChildren on this.editNode.lastChild otherwise the
- // cursor would be placed at the end of the closing tag of
- //this.editNode.lastChild
- var isvalid=false;
- if(has("mozilla")){
- var last=this.editNode.lastChild;
- while(last){
- if(last.nodeType === 3){
- if(last.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").length>0){
- isvalid=true;
- this._sCall("selectElement", [ last ]);
- break;
- }
- }else if(last.nodeType === 1){
- isvalid=true;
- if(last.lastChild){
- this._sCall("selectElement", [ last.lastChild ]);
- }else{
- this._sCall("selectElement", [ last ]);
- }
- break;
- }
- last = last.previousSibling;
- }
- }else{
- isvalid=true;
- this._sCall("selectElementChildren", [ this.editNode ]);
- }
- if(isvalid){
- this._sCall("collapse", [ false ]);
- }
- },
- getValue: function(/*Boolean?*/ nonDestructive){
- // summary:
- // Return the current content of the editing area (post filters
- // are applied). Users should call get('value') instead.
- // nonDestructive:
- // defaults to false. Should the post-filtering be run over a copy
- // of the live DOM? Most users should pass "true" here unless they
- // *really* know that none of the installed filters are going to
- // mess up the editing session.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.textarea){
- if(this.isClosed || !this.isLoaded){
- return this.textarea.value;
- }
- }
- return this._postFilterContent(null, nonDestructive);
- },
- _getValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hook to make attr("value") work
- return this.getValue(true);
- },
- setValue: function(/*String*/ html){
- // summary:
- // This function sets the content. No undo history is preserved.
- // Users should use set('value', ...) instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- // TODO: remove this and getValue() for 2.0, and move code to _setValueAttr()
- if(!this.isLoaded){
- // try again after the editor is finished loading
- this.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- this.setValue(html);
- }));
- return;
- }
- this._cursorToStart = true;
- if(this.textarea && (this.isClosed || !this.isLoaded)){
- this.textarea.value=html;
- }else{
- html = this._preFilterContent(html);
- var node = this.isClosed ? this.domNode : this.editNode;
- if(html && has("mozilla") && html.toLowerCase() === "<p></p>"){
- html = "<p>&#160;</p>"; // &nbsp;
- }
- // Use &nbsp; to avoid webkit problems where editor is disabled until the user clicks it
- if(!html && has("webkit")){
- html = "&#160;"; // &nbsp;
- }
- node.innerHTML = html;
- this._preDomFilterContent(node);
- }
- this.onDisplayChanged();
- this._set("value", this.getValue(true));
- },
- replaceValue: function(/*String*/ html){
- // summary:
- // This function set the content while trying to maintain the undo stack
- // (now only works fine with Moz, this is identical to setValue in all
- // other browsers)
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.isClosed){
- this.setValue(html);
- }else if(this.window && this.window.getSelection && !has("mozilla")){ // Safari
- // look ma! it's a totally f'd browser!
- this.setValue(html);
- }else if(this.window && this.window.getSelection){ // Moz
- html = this._preFilterContent(html);
- this.execCommand("selectall");
- if(!html){
- this._cursorToStart = true;
- html = "&#160;"; // &nbsp;
- }
- this.execCommand("inserthtml", html);
- this._preDomFilterContent(this.editNode);
- }else if(this.document && this.document.selection){//IE
- //In IE, when the first element is not a text node, say
- //an <a> tag, when replacing the content of the editing
- //area, the <a> tag will be around all the content
- //so for now, use setValue for IE too
- this.setValue(html);
- }
- this._set("value", this.getValue(true));
- },
- _preFilterContent: function(/*String*/ html){
- // summary:
- // Filter the input before setting the content of the editing
- // area. DOM pre-filtering may happen after this
- // string-based filtering takes place but as of 1.2, this is not
- // guaranteed for operations such as the inserthtml command.
- // tags:
- // private
- var ec = html;
- array.forEach(this.contentPreFilters, function(ef){ if(ef){ ec = ef(ec); } });
- return ec;
- },
- _preDomFilterContent: function(/*DomNode*/ dom){
- // summary:
- // filter the input's live DOM. All filter operations should be
- // considered to be "live" and operating on the DOM that the user
- // will be interacting with in their editing session.
- // tags:
- // private
- dom = dom || this.editNode;
- array.forEach(this.contentDomPreFilters, function(ef){
- if(ef && lang.isFunction(ef)){
- ef(dom);
- }
- }, this);
- },
- _postFilterContent: function(
- /*DomNode|DomNode[]|String?*/ dom,
- /*Boolean?*/ nonDestructive){
- // summary:
- // filter the output after getting the content of the editing area
- //
- // description:
- // post-filtering allows plug-ins and users to specify any number
- // of transforms over the editor's content, enabling many common
- // use-cases such as transforming absolute to relative URLs (and
- // vice-versa), ensuring conformance with a particular DTD, etc.
- // The filters are registered in the contentDomPostFilters and
- // contentPostFilters arrays. Each item in the
- // contentDomPostFilters array is a function which takes a DOM
- // Node or array of nodes as its only argument and returns the
- // same. It is then passed down the chain for further filtering.
- // The contentPostFilters array behaves the same way, except each
- // member operates on strings. Together, the DOM and string-based
- // filtering allow the full range of post-processing that should
- // be necessaray to enable even the most agressive of post-editing
- // conversions to take place.
- //
- // If nonDestructive is set to "true", the nodes are cloned before
- // filtering proceeds to avoid potentially destructive transforms
- // to the content which may still needed to be edited further.
- // Once DOM filtering has taken place, the serialized version of
- // the DOM which is passed is run through each of the
- // contentPostFilters functions.
- //
- // dom:
- // a node, set of nodes, which to filter using each of the current
- // members of the contentDomPostFilters and contentPostFilters arrays.
- //
- // nonDestructive:
- // defaults to "false". If true, ensures that filtering happens on
- // a clone of the passed-in content and not the actual node
- // itself.
- //
- // tags:
- // private
- var ec;
- if(!lang.isString(dom)){
- dom = dom || this.editNode;
- if(this.contentDomPostFilters.length){
- if(nonDestructive){
- dom = lang.clone(dom);
- }
- array.forEach(this.contentDomPostFilters, function(ef){
- dom = ef(dom);
- });
- }
- ec = htmlapi.getChildrenHtml(dom);
- }else{
- ec = dom;
- }
- if(!lang.trim(ec.replace(/^\xA0\xA0*/, '').replace(/\xA0\xA0*$/, '')).length){
- ec = "";
- }
- // if(has("ie")){
- // //removing appended <P>&nbsp;</P> for IE
- // ec = ec.replace(/(?:<p>&nbsp;</p>[\n\r]*)+$/i,"");
- // }
- array.forEach(this.contentPostFilters, function(ef){
- ec = ef(ec);
- });
- return ec;
- },
- _saveContent: function(){
- // summary:
- // Saves the content in an onunload event if the editor has not been closed
- // tags:
- // private
- var saveTextarea = dom.byId(dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText.value");
- if(saveTextarea){
- if(saveTextarea.value){
- saveTextarea.value += this._SEPARATOR;
- }
- saveTextarea.value += + this._NAME_CONTENT_SEP + this.getValue(true);
- }
- },
- escapeXml: function(/*String*/ str, /*Boolean*/ noSingleQuotes){
- // summary:
- // Adds escape sequences for special characters in XML.
- // Optionally skips escapes for single quotes
- // tags:
- // private
- str = str.replace(/&/gm, "&amp;").replace(/</gm, "&lt;").replace(/>/gm, "&gt;").replace(/"/gm, "&quot;");
- if(!noSingleQuotes){
- str = str.replace(/'/gm, "&#39;");
- }
- return str; // string
- },
- getNodeHtml: function(/* DomNode */ node){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use dijit/_editor/html::_getNodeHtml() instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated('dijit.Editor::getNodeHtml is deprecated','use dijit/_editor/html::getNodeHtml instead', 2);
- return htmlapi.getNodeHtml(node); // String
- },
- getNodeChildrenHtml: function(/* DomNode */ dom){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use dijit/_editor/html::getChildrenHtml() instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated('dijit.Editor::getNodeChildrenHtml is deprecated','use dijit/_editor/html::getChildrenHtml instead', 2);
- return htmlapi.getChildrenHtml(dom);
- },
- close: function(/*Boolean?*/ save){
- // summary:
- // Kills the editor and optionally writes back the modified contents to the
- // element from which it originated.
- // save:
- // Whether or not to save the changes. If false, the changes are discarded.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.isClosed){ return; }
- if(!arguments.length){ save = true; }
- if(save){
- this._set("value", this.getValue(true));
- }
- // line height is squashed for iframes
- // FIXME: why was this here? if(this.iframe){ = null; }
- if(this.interval){ clearInterval(this.interval); }
- if(this._webkitListener){
- //Cleaup of WebKit fix: #9532
- this.disconnect(this._webkitListener);
- delete this._webkitListener;
- }
- // Guard against memory leaks on IE (see #9268)
- if(has("ie")){
- this.iframe.onfocus = null;
- }
- this.iframe._loadFunc = null;
- if(this._iframeRegHandle){
- this._iframeRegHandle.remove();
- delete this._iframeRegHandle;
- }
- if(this.textarea){
- var s =;
- s.position = "";
- s.left = = "";
- if(has("ie")){
- s.overflow = this.__overflow;
- this.__overflow = null;
- }
- this.textarea.value = this.value;
- domConstruct.destroy(this.domNode);
- this.domNode = this.textarea;
- }else{
- // Note that this destroys the iframe
- this.domNode.innerHTML = this.value;
- }
- delete this.iframe;
- domClass.remove(this.domNode, this.baseClass);
- this.isClosed = true;
- this.isLoaded = false;
- delete this.editNode;
- delete this.focusNode;
- if(this.window && this.window._frameElement){
- this.window._frameElement = null;
- }
- this.window = null;
- this.document = null;
- this.editingArea = null;
- this.editorObject = null;
- },
- destroy: function(){
- if(!this.isClosed){ this.close(false); }
- if(this._updateTimer){
- clearTimeout(this._updateTimer);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(RichText._globalSaveHandler){
- delete RichText._globalSaveHandler[];
- }
- },
- _removeMozBogus: function(/* String */ html){
- // summary:
- // Post filter to remove unwanted HTML attributes generated by mozilla
- // tags:
- // private
- return html.replace(/\stype="_moz"/gi, '').replace(/\s_moz_dirty=""/gi, '').replace(/_moz_resizing="(true|false)"/gi,''); // String
- },
- _removeWebkitBogus: function(/* String */ html){
- // summary:
- // Post filter to remove unwanted HTML attributes generated by webkit
- // tags:
- // private
- html = html.replace(/\sclass="webkit-block-placeholder"/gi, '');
- html = html.replace(/\sclass="apple-style-span"/gi, '');
- // For some reason copy/paste sometime adds extra meta tags for charset on
- // webkit (chrome) on mac.They need to be removed. See: #12007"
- html = html.replace(/<meta charset=\"utf-8\" \/>/gi, '');
- return html; // String
- },
- _normalizeFontStyle: function(/* String */ html){
- // summary:
- // Convert 'strong' and 'em' to 'b' and 'i'.
- // description:
- // Moz can not handle strong/em tags correctly, so to help
- // mozilla and also to normalize output, convert them to 'b' and 'i'.
- //
- // Note the IE generates 'strong' and 'em' rather than 'b' and 'i'
- // tags:
- // private
- return html.replace(/<(\/)?strong([ \>])/gi, '<$1b$2')
- .replace(/<(\/)?em([ \>])/gi, '<$1i$2' ); // String
- },
- _preFixUrlAttributes: function(/* String */ html){
- // summary:
- // Pre-filter to do fixing to href attributes on <a> and <img> tags
- // tags:
- // private
- return html.replace(/(?:(<a(?=\s).*?\shref=)("|')(.*?)\2)|(?:(<a\s.*?href=)([^"'][^ >]+))/gi,
- '$1$4$2$3$5$2 _djrealurl=$2$3$5$2')
- .replace(/(?:(<img(?=\s).*?\ssrc=)("|')(.*?)\2)|(?:(<img\s.*?src=)([^"'][^ >]+))/gi,
- '$1$4$2$3$5$2 _djrealurl=$2$3$5$2'); // String
- },
- /*****************************************************************************
- The following functions implement HTML manipulation commands for various
- browser/contentEditable implementations. The goal of them is to enforce
- standard behaviors of them.
- ******************************************************************************/
- /*** queryCommandEnabled implementations ***/
- _browserQueryCommandEnabled: function(command){
- // summary:
- // Implementation to call to the native queryCommandEnabled of the browser.
- // command:
- // The command to check.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(!command) { return false; }
- var elem = has("ie") ? this.document.selection.createRange() : this.document;
- try{
- return elem.queryCommandEnabled(command);
- }catch(e){
- return false;
- }
- },
- _createlinkEnabledImpl: function(/*===== argument =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the test for if the create link
- // command should be enabled or not.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var enabled = true;
- if(has("opera")){
- var sel = this.window.getSelection();
- if(sel.isCollapsed){
- enabled = true;
- }else{
- enabled = this.document.queryCommandEnabled("createlink");
- }
- }else{
- enabled = this._browserQueryCommandEnabled("createlink");
- }
- return enabled;
- },
- _unlinkEnabledImpl: function(/*===== argument =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the test for if the unlink
- // command should be enabled or not.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var enabled = true;
- if(has("mozilla") || has("webkit")){
- enabled = this._sCall("hasAncestorElement", ["a"]);
- }else{
- enabled = this._browserQueryCommandEnabled("unlink");
- }
- return enabled;
- },
- _inserttableEnabledImpl: function(/*===== argument =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the test for if the inserttable
- // command should be enabled or not.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var enabled = true;
- if(has("mozilla") || has("webkit")){
- enabled = true;
- }else{
- enabled = this._browserQueryCommandEnabled("inserttable");
- }
- return enabled;
- },
- _cutEnabledImpl: function(/*===== argument =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the test for if the cut
- // command should be enabled or not.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var enabled = true;
- if(has("webkit")){
- // WebKit deems clipboard activity as a security threat and natively would return false
- var sel = this.window.getSelection();
- if(sel){ sel = sel.toString(); }
- enabled = !!sel;
- }else{
- enabled = this._browserQueryCommandEnabled("cut");
- }
- return enabled;
- },
- _copyEnabledImpl: function(/*===== argument =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the test for if the copy
- // command should be enabled or not.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var enabled = true;
- if(has("webkit")){
- // WebKit deems clipboard activity as a security threat and natively would return false
- var sel = this.window.getSelection();
- if(sel){ sel = sel.toString(); }
- enabled = !!sel;
- }else{
- enabled = this._browserQueryCommandEnabled("copy");
- }
- return enabled;
- },
- _pasteEnabledImpl: function(/*===== argument =====*/){
- // summary:c
- // This function implements the test for if the paste
- // command should be enabled or not.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var enabled = true;
- if(has("webkit")){
- return true;
- }else{
- enabled = this._browserQueryCommandEnabled("paste");
- }
- return enabled;
- },
- /*** execCommand implementations ***/
- _inserthorizontalruleImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the insertion of HTML 'HR' tags.
- // into a point on the page. IE doesn't to it right, so
- // we have to use an alternate form
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(has("ie")){
- return this._inserthtmlImpl("<hr>");
- }
- return this.document.execCommand("inserthorizontalrule", false, argument);
- },
- _unlinkImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the unlink of an 'a' tag.
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if((this.queryCommandEnabled("unlink")) && (has("mozilla") || has("webkit"))){
- var a = this._sCall("getAncestorElement", [ "a" ]);
- this._sCall("selectElement", [ a ]);
- return this.document.execCommand("unlink", false, null);
- }
- return this.document.execCommand("unlink", false, argument);
- },
- _hilitecolorImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the hilitecolor command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var returnValue;
- var isApplied = this._handleTextColorOrProperties("hilitecolor", argument);
- if(!isApplied){
- if(has("mozilla")){
- // mozilla doesn't support hilitecolor properly when useCSS is
- // set to false (bugzilla #279330)
- this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, true);
- console.log("Executing color command.");
- returnValue = this.document.execCommand("hilitecolor", false, argument);
- this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, false);
- }else{
- returnValue = this.document.execCommand("hilitecolor", false, argument);
- }
- }
- return returnValue;
- },
- _backcolorImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the backcolor command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(has("ie")){
- // Tested under IE 6 XP2, no problem here, comment out
- // IE weirdly collapses ranges when we exec these commands, so prevent it
- // var tr = this.document.selection.createRange();
- argument = argument ? argument : null;
- }
- var isApplied = this._handleTextColorOrProperties("backcolor", argument);
- if(!isApplied){
- isApplied = this.document.execCommand("backcolor", false, argument);
- }
- return isApplied;
- },
- _forecolorImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the forecolor command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(has("ie")){
- // Tested under IE 6 XP2, no problem here, comment out
- // IE weirdly collapses ranges when we exec these commands, so prevent it
- // var tr = this.document.selection.createRange();
- argument = argument? argument : null;
- }
- var isApplied = false;
- isApplied = this._handleTextColorOrProperties("forecolor", argument);
- if(!isApplied){
- isApplied = this.document.execCommand("forecolor", false, argument);
- }
- return isApplied;
- },
- _inserthtmlImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the insertion of HTML content into
- // a point on the page.
- // argument:
- // The content to insert, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- argument = this._preFilterContent(argument);
- var rv = true;
- if(has("ie")){
- var insertRange = this.document.selection.createRange();
- if(this.document.selection.type.toUpperCase() === 'CONTROL'){
- var n=insertRange.item(0);
- while(insertRange.length){
- insertRange.remove(insertRange.item(0));
- }
- n.outerHTML=argument;
- }else{
- insertRange.pasteHTML(argument);
- }
- //insertRange.collapse(true);
- }else if(has("mozilla") && !argument.length){
- //mozilla can not inserthtml an empty html to delete current selection
- //so we delete the selection instead in this case
- this._sCall("remove"); // FIXME
- }else{
- rv = this.document.execCommand("inserthtml", false, argument);
- }
- return rv;
- },
- _boldImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements an over-ride of the bold command.
- // argument:
- // Not used, operates by selection.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._adaptIESelection();
- applied = this._adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec("bold");
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("bold", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _italicImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements an over-ride of the italic command.
- // argument:
- // Not used, operates by selection.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._adaptIESelection();
- applied = this._adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec("italic");
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("italic", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _underlineImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements an over-ride of the underline command.
- // argument:
- // Not used, operates by selection.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._adaptIESelection();
- applied = this._adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec("underline");
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("underline", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _strikethroughImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements an over-ride of the strikethrough command.
- // argument:
- // Not used, operates by selection.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._adaptIESelection();
- applied = this._adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec("strikethrough");
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("strikethrough", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _superscriptImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements an over-ride of the superscript command.
- // argument:
- // Not used, operates by selection.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._adaptIESelection();
- applied = this._adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec("superscript");
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("superscript", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _subscriptImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements an over-ride of the superscript command.
- // argument:
- // Not used, operates by selection.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- this._adaptIESelection();
- applied = this._adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec("subscript");
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("subscript", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _fontnameImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the fontname command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var isApplied;
- if(has("ie")){
- isApplied = this._handleTextColorOrProperties("fontname", argument);
- }
- if(!isApplied){
- isApplied = this.document.execCommand("fontname", false, argument);
- }
- return isApplied;
- },
- _fontsizeImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the fontsize command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var isApplied;
- if(has("ie")){
- isApplied = this._handleTextColorOrProperties("fontsize", argument);
- }
- if(!isApplied){
- isApplied = this.document.execCommand("fontsize", false, argument);
- }
- return isApplied;
- },
- _insertorderedlistImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the insertorderedlist command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- applied = this._adaptIEList("insertorderedlist", argument);
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("insertorderedlist", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- _insertunorderedlistImpl: function(argument){
- // summary:
- // This function implements the insertunorderedlist command
- // argument:
- // arguments to the exec command, if any.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var applied = false;
- if(has("ie")){
- applied = this._adaptIEList("insertunorderedlist", argument);
- }
- if(!applied){
- applied = this.document.execCommand("insertunorderedlist", false, argument);
- }
- return applied;
- },
- getHeaderHeight: function(){
- // summary:
- // A function for obtaining the height of the header node
- return this._getNodeChildrenHeight(this.header); // Number
- },
- getFooterHeight: function(){
- // summary:
- // A function for obtaining the height of the footer node
- return this._getNodeChildrenHeight(this.footer); // Number
- },
- _getNodeChildrenHeight: function(node){
- // summary:
- // An internal function for computing the cumulative height of all child nodes of 'node'
- // node:
- // The node to process the children of;
- var h = 0;
- if(node && node.childNodes){
- // IE didn't compute it right when position was obtained on the node directly is some cases,
- // so we have to walk over all the children manually.
- var i;
- for(i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++){
- var size = domGeometry.position(node.childNodes[i]);
- h += size.h;
- }
- }
- return h; // Number
- },
- _isNodeEmpty: function(node, startOffset){
- // summary:
- // Function to test if a node is devoid of real content.
- // node:
- // The node to check.
- // tags:
- // private.
- if(node.nodeType === 1/*element*/){
- if(node.childNodes.length > 0){
- return this._isNodeEmpty(node.childNodes[0], startOffset);
- }
- return true;
- }else if(node.nodeType === 3/*text*/){
- return (node.nodeValue.substring(startOffset) === "");
- }
- return false;
- },
- _removeStartingRangeFromRange: function(node, range){
- // summary:
- // Function to adjust selection range by removing the current
- // start node.
- // node:
- // The node to remove from the starting range.
- // range:
- // The range to adapt.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(node.nextSibling){
- range.setStart(node.nextSibling,0);
- }else{
- var parent = node.parentNode;
- while(parent && parent.nextSibling == null){
- //move up the tree until we find a parent that has another node, that node will be the next node
- parent = parent.parentNode;
- }
- if(parent){
- range.setStart(parent.nextSibling,0);
- }
- }
- return range;
- },
- _adaptIESelection: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to adapt the IE range by removing leading 'newlines'
- // Needed to fix issue with bold/italics/underline not working if
- // range included leading 'newlines'.
- // In IE, if a user starts a selection at the very end of a line,
- // then the native browser commands will fail to execute correctly.
- // To work around the issue, we can remove all empty nodes from
- // the start of the range selection.
- var selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.window);
- if(selection && selection.rangeCount && !selection.isCollapsed){
- var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- var firstNode = range.startContainer;
- var startOffset = range.startOffset;
- while(firstNode.nodeType === 3/*text*/ && startOffset >= firstNode.length && firstNode.nextSibling){
- //traverse the text nodes until we get to the one that is actually highlighted
- startOffset = startOffset - firstNode.length;
- firstNode = firstNode.nextSibling;
- }
- //Remove the starting ranges until the range does not start with an empty node.
- var lastNode=null;
- while(this._isNodeEmpty(firstNode, startOffset) && firstNode !== lastNode){
- lastNode =firstNode; //this will break the loop in case we can't find the next sibling
- range = this._removeStartingRangeFromRange(firstNode, range); //move the start container to the next node in the range
- firstNode = range.startContainer;
- startOffset = 0; //start at the beginning of the new starting range
- }
- selection.removeAllRanges();// this will work as long as users cannot select multiple ranges. I have not been able to do that in the editor.
- selection.addRange(range);
- }
- },
- _adaptIEFormatAreaAndExec: function(command){
- // summary:
- // Function to handle IE's quirkiness regarding how it handles
- // format commands on a word. This involves a lit of node splitting
- // and format cloning.
- // command:
- // The format command, needed to check if the desired
- // command is true or not.
- var selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.window);
- var doc = this.document;
- var rs, ret, range, txt, startNode, endNode, breaker, sNode;
- if(command && selection && selection.isCollapsed){
- var isApplied = this.queryCommandValue(command);
- if(isApplied){
- // We have to split backwards until we hit the format
- var nNames = this._tagNamesForCommand(command);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- var fs = range.startContainer;
- if(fs.nodeType === 3){
- var offset = range.endOffset;
- if(fs.length < offset){
- //We are not looking from the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, offset);
- fs = ret.node;
- offset = ret.offset;
- }
- }
- var topNode;
- while(fs && fs !== this.editNode){
- // We have to walk back and see if this is still a format or not.
- // Hm, how do I do this?
- var tName = fs.tagName? fs.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
- if(array.indexOf(nNames, tName) > -1){
- topNode = fs;
- break;
- }
- fs = fs.parentNode;
- }
- // Okay, we have a stopping place, time to split things apart.
- if(topNode){
- // Okay, we know how far we have to split backwards, so we have to split now.
- rs = range.startContainer;
- var newblock = doc.createElement(topNode.tagName);
-, topNode, "after");
- if(rs && rs.nodeType === 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- var nodeToMove, tNode;
- var endOffset = range.endOffset;
- if(rs.length < endOffset){
- //We are not splitting the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, endOffset);
- rs = ret.node;
- endOffset = ret.offset;
- }
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, endOffset));
- var endText = txt.substring(endOffset, txt.length);
- if(endText){
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(endText);
- }
- // Place the split, then remove original nodes.
-, rs, "before");
- if(endNode){
- breaker = doc.createElement("span");
- breaker.className = "ieFormatBreakerSpan";
-, rs, "after");
-, breaker, "after");
- endNode = breaker;
- }
- domConstruct.destroy(rs);
- // Okay, we split the text. Now we need to see if we're
- // parented to the block element we're splitting and if
- // not, we have to split all the way up. Ugh.
- var parentC = startNode.parentNode;
- var tagList = [];
- var tagData;
- while(parentC !== topNode){
- var tg = parentC.tagName;
- tagData = {tagName: tg};
- tagList.push(tagData);
- var newTg = doc.createElement(tg);
- // Clone over any 'style' data.
- if({
- if({
- if({
- =;
- tagData.cssText =;
- }
- }
- }
- // If font also need to clone over any font data.
- if(parentC.tagName === "FONT"){
- if(parentC.color){
- newTg.color = parentC.color;
- tagData.color = parentC.color;
- }
- if(parentC.face){
- newTg.face = parentC.face;
- tagData.face = parentC.face;
- }
- if(parentC.size){ // this check was necessary on IE
- newTg.size = parentC.size;
- tagData.size = parentC.size;
- }
- }
- if(parentC.className){
- newTg.className = parentC.className;
- tagData.className = parentC.className;
- }
- // Now move end node and every sibling
- // after it over into the new tag.
- if(endNode){
- nodeToMove = endNode;
- while(nodeToMove){
- tNode = nodeToMove.nextSibling;
- newTg.appendChild(nodeToMove);
- nodeToMove = tNode;
- }
- }
- if(newTg.tagName == parentC.tagName){
- breaker = doc.createElement("span");
- breaker.className = "ieFormatBreakerSpan";
-, parentC, "after");
-, breaker, "after");
- }else{
-, parentC, "after");
- }
- startNode = parentC;
- endNode = newTg;
- parentC = parentC.parentNode;
- }
- // Lastly, move the split out all the split tags
- // to the new block as they should now be split properly.
- if(endNode){
- nodeToMove = endNode;
- if(nodeToMove.nodeType === 1 || (nodeToMove.nodeType === 3 && nodeToMove.nodeValue)){
- // Non-blank text and non-text nodes need to clear out that blank space
- // before moving the contents.
- newblock.innerHTML = "";
- }
- while(nodeToMove){
- tNode = nodeToMove.nextSibling;
- newblock.appendChild(nodeToMove);
- nodeToMove = tNode;
- }
- }
- // We had intermediate tags, we have to now recreate them inbetween the split
- // and restore what styles, classnames, etc, we can.
- if(tagList.length){
- tagData = tagList.pop();
- var newContTag = doc.createElement(tagData.tagName);
- if(tagData.cssText &&{
- = tagData.cssText;
- }
- if(tagData.className){
- newContTag.className = tagData.className;
- }
- if(tagData.tagName === "FONT"){
- if(tagData.color){
- newContTag.color = tagData.color;
- }
- if(tagData.face){
- newContTag.face = tagData.face;
- }
- if(tagData.size){
- newContTag.size = tagData.size;
- }
- }
-, newblock, "before");
- while(tagList.length){
- tagData = tagList.pop();
- var newTgNode = doc.createElement(tagData.tagName);
- if(tagData.cssText &&{
- = tagData.cssText;
- }
- if(tagData.className){
- newTgNode.className = tagData.className;
- }
- if(tagData.tagName === "FONT"){
- if(tagData.color){
- newTgNode.color = tagData.color;
- }
- if(tagData.face){
- newTgNode.face = tagData.face;
- }
- if(tagData.size){
- newTgNode.size = tagData.size;
- }
- }
- newContTag.appendChild(newTgNode);
- newContTag = newTgNode;
- }
- // Okay, everything is theoretically split apart and removed from the content
- // so insert the dummy text to select, select it, then
- // clear to position cursor.
- sNode = doc.createTextNode(".");
- breaker.appendChild(sNode);
- newContTag.appendChild(sNode);
- win.withGlobal(this.window, lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var newrange = rangeapi.create();
- newrange.setStart(sNode, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sNode, sNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- selectionapi.collapse(false);
- sNode.parentNode.innerHTML = "";
- }));
- }else{
- // No extra tags, so we have to insert a breaker point and rely
- // on filters to remove it later.
- breaker = doc.createElement("span");
- breaker.className="ieFormatBreakerSpan";
- sNode = doc.createTextNode(".");
- breaker.appendChild(sNode);
-, newblock, "before");
- win.withGlobal(this.window, lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var newrange = rangeapi.create();
- newrange.setStart(sNode, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sNode, sNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- selectionapi.collapse(false);
- sNode.parentNode.innerHTML = "";
- }));
- }
- if(!newblock.firstChild){
- // Empty, we don't need it. Split was at end or similar
- // So, remove it.
- domConstruct.destroy(newblock);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }else{
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- rs = range.startContainer;
- if(rs && rs.nodeType === 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- win.withGlobal(this.window, lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var offset = range.startOffset;
- if(rs.length < offset){
- //We are not splitting the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, offset);
- rs = ret.node;
- offset = ret.offset;
- }
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, offset));
- var endText = txt.substring(offset);
- if(endText !== ""){
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(offset));
- }
- // Create a space, we'll select and bold it, so
- // the whole word doesn't get bolded
- breaker = doc.createElement("span");
- sNode = doc.createTextNode(".");
- breaker.appendChild(sNode);
- if(startNode.length){
-, rs, "after");
- }else{
- startNode = rs;
- }
-, startNode, "after");
- if(endNode){
-, breaker, "after");
- }
- domConstruct.destroy(rs);
- var newrange = rangeapi.create();
- newrange.setStart(sNode, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sNode, sNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- doc.execCommand(command);
-, breaker, "before");
- domConstruct.destroy(breaker);
- newrange.setStart(sNode, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sNode, sNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- selectionapi.collapse(false);
- sNode.parentNode.innerHTML = "";
- }));
- return true;
- }
- }
- }else{
- return false;
- }
- },
- _adaptIEList: function(command /*===== , argument =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This function handles normalizing the IE list behavior as
- // much as possible.
- // command:
- // The list command to execute.
- // argument:
- // Any additional argument.
- // tags:
- // private
- var selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.window);
- if(selection.isCollapsed){
- // In the case of no selection, lets commonize the behavior and
- // make sure that it indents if needed.
- if(selection.rangeCount && !this.queryCommandValue(command)){
- var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- var sc = range.startContainer;
- if(sc && sc.nodeType == 3){
- // text node. Lets see if there is a node before it that isn't
- // some sort of breaker.
- if(!range.startOffset){
- // We're at the beginning of a text area. It may have been br split
- // Who knows? In any event, we must create the list manually
- // or IE may shove too much into the list element. It seems to
- // grab content before the text node too if it's br split.
- // Why can't IE work like everyone else?
- win.withGlobal(this.window, lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // Create a space, we'll select and bold it, so
- // the whole word doesn't get bolded
- var lType = "ul";
- if(command === "insertorderedlist"){
- lType = "ol";
- }
- var list = domConstruct.create(lType);
- var li = domConstruct.create("li", null, list);
-, sc, "before");
- // Move in the text node as part of the li.
- li.appendChild(sc);
- // We need a br after it or the enter key handler
- // sometimes throws errors.
- domConstruct.create("br", null, list, "after");
- // Okay, now lets move our cursor to the beginning.
- var newrange = rangeapi.create();
- newrange.setStart(sc, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sc, sc.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- selectionapi.collapse(true);
- }));
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- _handleTextColorOrProperties: function(command, argument){
- // summary:
- // This function handles appplying text color as best it is
- // able to do so when the selection is collapsed, making the
- // behavior cross-browser consistent. It also handles the name
- // and size for IE.
- // command:
- // The command.
- // argument:
- // Any additional arguments.
- // tags:
- // private
- var selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.window);
- var doc = this.document;
- var rs, ret, range, txt, startNode, endNode, breaker, sNode;
- argument = argument || null;
- if(command && selection && selection.isCollapsed){
- if(selection.rangeCount){
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- rs = range.startContainer;
- if(rs && rs.nodeType === 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- win.withGlobal(this.window, lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var offset = range.startOffset;
- if(rs.length < offset){
- //We are not splitting the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, offset);
- rs = ret.node;
- offset = ret.offset;
- }
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, offset));
- var endText = txt.substring(offset);
- if(endText !== ""){
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(offset));
- }
- // Create a space, we'll select and bold it, so
- // the whole word doesn't get bolded
- breaker = domConstruct.create("span");
- sNode = doc.createTextNode(".");
- breaker.appendChild(sNode);
- // Create a junk node to avoid it trying to stlye the breaker.
- // This will get destroyed later.
- var extraSpan = domConstruct.create("span");
- breaker.appendChild(extraSpan);
- if(startNode.length){
-, rs, "after");
- }else{
- startNode = rs;
- }
-, startNode, "after");
- if(endNode){
-, breaker, "after");
- }
- domConstruct.destroy(rs);
- var newrange = rangeapi.create();
- newrange.setStart(sNode, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sNode, sNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(has("webkit")){
- // WebKit is frustrating with positioning the cursor.
- // It stinks to have a selected space, but there really
- // isn't much choice here.
- var style = "color";
- if(command === "hilitecolor" || command === "backcolor"){
- style = "backgroundColor";
- }
- domStyle.set(breaker, style, argument);
- selectionapi.remove();
- domConstruct.destroy(extraSpan);
- breaker.innerHTML = "&#160;"; // &nbsp;
- selectionapi.selectElement(breaker);
- this.focus();
- }else{
- this.execCommand(command, argument);
-, breaker, "before");
- domConstruct.destroy(breaker);
- newrange.setStart(sNode, 0);
- newrange.setEnd(sNode, sNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- selectionapi.collapse(false);
- sNode.parentNode.removeChild(sNode);
- }
- }));
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- _adjustNodeAndOffset: function(/*DomNode*/node, /*Int*/offset){
- // summary:
- // In the case there are multiple text nodes in a row the offset may not be within the node.
- // If the offset is larger than the node length, it will attempt to find
- // the next text sibling until it locates the text node in which the offset refers to
- // node:
- // The node to check.
- // offset:
- // The position to find within the text node
- // tags:
- // private.
- while(node.length < offset && node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeType === 3){
- //Adjust the offset and node in the case of multiple text nodes in a row
- offset = offset - node.length;
- node = node.nextSibling;
- }
- return {"node": node, "offset": offset};
- },
- _tagNamesForCommand: function(command){
- // summary:
- // Function to return the tab names that are associated
- // with a particular style.
- // command: String
- // The command to return tags for.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(command === "bold"){
- return ["b", "strong"];
- }else if(command === "italic"){
- return ["i","em"];
- }else if(command === "strikethrough"){
- return ["s", "strike"];
- }else if(command === "superscript"){
- return ["sup"];
- }else if(command === "subscript"){
- return ["sub"];
- }else if(command === "underline"){
- return ["u"];
- }
- return [];
- },
- _stripBreakerNodes: function(node){
- // summary:
- // Function for stripping out the breaker spans inserted by the formatting command.
- // Registered as a filter for IE, handles the breaker spans needed to fix up
- // How bold/italic/etc, work when selection is collapsed (single cursor).
- win.withGlobal(this.window, lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var breakers = query(".ieFormatBreakerSpan", node);
- var i;
- for(i = 0; i < breakers.length; i++){
- var b = breakers[i];
- while(b.firstChild){
-, b, "before");
- }
- domConstruct.destroy(b);
- }
- }));
- return node;
- }
-return RichText;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/_Plugin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/_Plugin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d1bed1298..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/_Plugin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/_Plugin", [
- "dojo/_base/connect", // connect.connect
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin, lang.hitch
- "../form/Button"
-], function(connect, declare, lang, Button){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/_Plugin
-// summary:
-// Base class for a "plugin" to the editor, which is usually
-// a single button on the Toolbar and some associated code
-var _Plugin = declare("dijit._editor._Plugin", null, {
- // summary:
- // Base class for a "plugin" to the editor, which is usually
- // a single button on the Toolbar and some associated code
- constructor: function(/*Object?*/args){
- this.params = args || {};
- lang.mixin(this, this.params);
- this._connects=[];
- this._attrPairNames = {};
- },
- // editor: [const] dijit.Editor
- // Points to the parent editor
- editor: null,
- // iconClassPrefix: [const] String
- // The CSS class name for the button node is formed from `iconClassPrefix` and `command`
- iconClassPrefix: "dijitEditorIcon",
- // button: dijit._Widget?
- // Pointer to `dijit.form.Button` or other widget (ex: `dijit.form.FilteringSelect`)
- // that is added to the toolbar to control this plugin.
- // If not specified, will be created on initialization according to `buttonClass`
- button: null,
- // command: String
- // String like "insertUnorderedList", "outdent", "justifyCenter", etc. that represents an editor command.
- // Passed to editor.execCommand() if `useDefaultCommand` is true.
- command: "",
- // useDefaultCommand: Boolean
- // If true, this plugin executes by calling Editor.execCommand() with the argument specified in `command`.
- useDefaultCommand: true,
- // buttonClass: Widget Class
- // Class of widget (ex: dijit.form.Button or dijit.form.FilteringSelect)
- // that is added to the toolbar to control this plugin.
- // This is used to instantiate the button, unless `button` itself is specified directly.
- buttonClass: Button,
- // disabled: Boolean
- // Flag to indicate if this plugin has been disabled and should do nothing
- // helps control button state, among other things. Set via the setter api.
- disabled: false,
- getLabel: function(/*String*/key){
- // summary:
- // Returns the label to use for the button
- // tags:
- // private
- return this.editor.commands[key]; // String
- },
- _initButton: function(){
- // summary:
- // Initialize the button or other widget that will control this plugin.
- // This code only works for plugins controlling built-in commands in the editor.
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- if(this.command.length){
- var label = this.getLabel(this.command),
- editor = this.editor,
- className = this.iconClassPrefix+" "+this.iconClassPrefix + this.command.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.command.substr(1);
- if(!this.button){
- var props = lang.mixin({
- label: label,
- dir: editor.dir,
- lang: editor.lang,
- showLabel: false,
- iconClass: className,
- dropDown: this.dropDown,
- tabIndex: "-1"
- }, this.params || {});
- this.button = new this.buttonClass(props);
- }
- }
- if(this.get("disabled") && this.button){
- this.button.set("disabled", this.get("disabled"));
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- // summary:
- // Destroy this plugin
- var h;
- while(h = this._connects.pop()){ h.remove(); }
- if(this.dropDown){
- this.dropDown.destroyRecursive();
- }
- },
- connect: function(o, f, tf){
- // summary:
- // Make a connect.connect() that is automatically disconnected when this plugin is destroyed.
- // Similar to `dijit._Widget.connect`.
- // tags:
- // protected
- this._connects.push(connect.connect(o, f, this, tf));
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Change state of the plugin to respond to events in the editor.
- // description:
- // This is called on meaningful events in the editor, such as change of selection
- // or caret position (but not simple typing of alphanumeric keys). It gives the
- // plugin a chance to update the CSS of its button.
- //
- // For example, the "bold" plugin will highlight/unhighlight the bold button depending on whether the
- // characters next to the caret are bold or not.
- //
- // Only makes sense when `useDefaultCommand` is true, as it calls Editor.queryCommandEnabled(`command`).
- var e = this.editor,
- c = this.command,
- checked, enabled;
- if(!e || !e.isLoaded || !c.length){ return; }
- var disabled = this.get("disabled");
- if(this.button){
- try{
- enabled = !disabled && e.queryCommandEnabled(c);
- if(this.enabled !== enabled){
- this.enabled = enabled;
- this.button.set('disabled', !enabled);
- }
- if(typeof this.button.checked == 'boolean'){
- checked = e.queryCommandState(c);
- if(this.checked !== checked){
- this.checked = checked;
- this.button.set('checked', e.queryCommandState(c));
- }
- }
- }catch(e){
- console.log(e); // FIXME: we shouldn't have debug statements in our code. Log as an error?
- }
- }
- },
- setEditor: function(/*dijit.Editor*/ editor){
- // summary:
- // Tell the plugin which Editor it is associated with.
- // TODO: refactor code to just pass editor to constructor.
- // FIXME: detach from previous editor!!
- this.editor = editor;
- // FIXME: prevent creating this if we don't need to (i.e., editor can't handle our command)
- this._initButton();
- // Processing for buttons that execute by calling editor.execCommand()
- if(this.button && this.useDefaultCommand){
- if(this.editor.queryCommandAvailable(this.command)){
- this.connect(this.button, "onClick",
- lang.hitch(this.editor, "execCommand", this.command, this.commandArg)
- );
- }else{
- // hide button because editor doesn't support command (due to browser limitations)
- = "none";
- }
- }
- this.connect(this.editor, "onNormalizedDisplayChanged", "updateState");
- },
- setToolbar: function(/*dijit.Toolbar*/ toolbar){
- // summary:
- // Tell the plugin to add it's controller widget (often a button)
- // to the toolbar. Does nothing if there is no controller widget.
- // TODO: refactor code to just pass toolbar to constructor.
- if(this.button){
- toolbar.addChild(this.button);
- }
- // console.debug("adding", this.button, "to:", toolbar);
- },
- set: function(/* attribute */ name, /* anything */ value){
- // summary:
- // Set a property on a plugin
- // name:
- // The property to set.
- // value:
- // The value to set in the property.
- // description:
- // Sets named properties on a plugin which may potentially be handled by a
- // setter in the plugin.
- // For example, if the plugin has a properties "foo"
- // and "bar" and a method named "_setFooAttr", calling:
- // | plugin.set("foo", "Howdy!");
- // would be equivalent to writing:
- // | plugin._setFooAttr("Howdy!");
- // and:
- // | plugin.set("bar", 3);
- // would be equivalent to writing:
- // | = 3;
- //
- // set() may also be called with a hash of name/value pairs, ex:
- // | plugin.set({
- // | foo: "Howdy",
- // | bar: 3
- // | })
- // This is equivalent to calling set(foo, "Howdy") and set(bar, 3)
- if(typeof name === "object"){
- for(var x in name){
- this.set(x, name[x]);
- }
- return this;
- }
- var names = this._getAttrNames(name);
- if(this[names.s]){
- // use the explicit setter
- var result = this[names.s].apply(this,, 1));
- }else{
- this._set(name, value);
- }
- return result || this;
- },
- get: function(name){
- // summary:
- // Get a property from a plugin.
- // name:
- // The property to get.
- // description:
- // Get a named property from a plugin. The property may
- // potentially be retrieved via a getter method. If no getter is defined, this
- // just retrieves the object's property.
- // For example, if the plugin has a properties "foo"
- // and "bar" and a method named "_getFooAttr", calling:
- // | plugin.get("foo");
- // would be equivalent to writing:
- // | plugin._getFooAttr();
- // and:
- // | plugin.get("bar");
- // would be equivalent to writing:
- // |;
- var names = this._getAttrNames(name);
- return this[names.g] ? this[names.g]() : this[name];
- },
- _setDisabledAttr: function(disabled){
- // summary:
- // Function to set the plugin state and call updateState to make sure the
- // button is updated appropriately.
- this.disabled = disabled;
- this.updateState();
- },
- _getAttrNames: function(name){
- // summary:
- // Helper function for get() and set().
- // Caches attribute name values so we don't do the string ops every time.
- // tags:
- // private
- var apn = this._attrPairNames;
- if(apn[name]){ return apn[name]; }
- var uc = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1);
- return (apn[name] = {
- s: "_set"+uc+"Attr",
- g: "_get"+uc+"Attr"
- });
- },
- _set: function(/*String*/ name, /*anything*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Helper function to set new value for specified attribute
- this[name] = value;
- }
-// Hash mapping plugin name to factory, used for registering plugins
-_Plugin.registry = {};
-return _Plugin;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/html.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/html.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 94a8dacfd..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/html.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/html", [
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.isString
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- ".." // for exporting symbols to dijit._editor (remove for 2.0)
-], function(lang, has, dijit){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/html
-// summary:
-// Utility functions used by editor
-lang.getObject("_editor", true, dijit);
-dijit._editor.escapeXml=function(/*String*/str, /*Boolean?*/noSingleQuotes){
- // summary:
- // Adds escape sequences for special characters in XML: &<>"'
- // Optionally skips escapes for single quotes
- str = str.replace(/&/gm, "&amp;").replace(/</gm, "&lt;").replace(/>/gm, "&gt;").replace(/"/gm, "&quot;");
- if(!noSingleQuotes){
- str = str.replace(/'/gm, "&#39;");
- }
- return str; // string
-dijit._editor.getNodeHtml=function(/* DomNode */node){
- var output;
- switch(node.nodeType){
- case 1: //element node
- var lName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- if(!lName || lName.charAt(0) == "/"){
- // IE does some strange things with malformed HTML input, like
- // treating a close tag </span> without an open tag <span>, as
- // a new tag with tagName of /span. Corrupts output HTML, remove
- // them. Other browsers don't prefix tags that way, so will
- // never show up.
- return "";
- }
- output = '<' + lName;
- //store the list of attributes and sort it to have the
- //attributes appear in the dictionary order
- var attrarray = [];
- var attr;
- if(has("ie") && node.outerHTML){
- var s = node.outerHTML;
- s = s.substr(0, s.indexOf('>'))
- .replace(/(['"])[^"']*\1/g, ''); //to make the following regexp safe
- var reg = /(\b\w+)\s?=/g;
- var m, key;
- while((m = reg.exec(s))){
- key = m[1];
- if(key.substr(0,3) != '_dj'){
- if(key == 'src' || key == 'href'){
- if(node.getAttribute('_djrealurl')){
- attrarray.push([key,node.getAttribute('_djrealurl')]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- var val, match;
- switch(key){
- case 'style':
- val =;
- break;
- case 'class':
- val = node.className;
- break;
- case 'width':
- if(lName === "img"){
- // This somehow gets lost on IE for IMG tags and the like
- // and we have to find it in outerHTML, known IE oddity.
- match=/width=(\S+)/i.exec(s);
- if(match){
- val = match[1];
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'height':
- if(lName === "img"){
- // This somehow gets lost on IE for IMG tags and the like
- // and we have to find it in outerHTML, known IE oddity.
- match=/height=(\S+)/i.exec(s);
- if(match){
- val = match[1];
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- val = node.getAttribute(key);
- }
- if(val != null){
- attrarray.push([key, val.toString()]);
- }
- }
- }
- }else{
- var i = 0;
- while((attr = node.attributes[i++])){
- //ignore all attributes starting with _dj which are
- //internal temporary attributes used by the editor
- var n =;
- if(n.substr(0,3) != '_dj' /*&&
- (attr.specified == undefined || attr.specified)*/){
- var v = attr.value;
- if(n == 'src' || n == 'href'){
- if(node.getAttribute('_djrealurl')){
- v = node.getAttribute('_djrealurl');
- }
- }
- attrarray.push([n,v]);
- }
- }
- }
- attrarray.sort(function(a,b){
- return a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : (a[0] == b[0] ? 0 : 1);
- });
- var j = 0;
- while((attr = attrarray[j++])){
- output += ' ' + attr[0] + '="' +
- (lang.isString(attr[1]) ? dijit._editor.escapeXml(attr[1], true) : attr[1]) + '"';
- }
- if(lName === "script"){
- // Browsers handle script tags differently in how you get content,
- // but innerHTML always seems to work, so insert its content that way
- // Yes, it's bad to allow script tags in the editor code, but some people
- // seem to want to do it, so we need to at least return them right.
- // other plugins/filters can strip them.
- output += '>' + node.innerHTML +'</' + lName + '>';
- }else{
- if(node.childNodes.length){
- output += '>' + dijit._editor.getChildrenHtml(node)+'</' + lName +'>';
- }else{
- switch(lName){
- case 'br':
- case 'hr':
- case 'img':
- case 'input':
- case 'base':
- case 'meta':
- case 'area':
- case 'basefont':
- // These should all be singly closed
- output += ' />';
- break;
- default:
- // Assume XML style separate closure for everything else.
- output += '></' + lName + '>';
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 4: // cdata
- case 3: // text
- // FIXME:
- output = dijit._editor.escapeXml(node.nodeValue, true);
- break;
- case 8: //comment
- // FIXME:
- output = '<!--' + dijit._editor.escapeXml(node.nodeValue, true) + '-->';
- break;
- default:
- output = "<!-- Element not recognized - Type: " + node.nodeType + " Name: " + node.nodeName + "-->";
- }
- return output;
-dijit._editor.getChildrenHtml = function(/* DomNode */dom){
- // summary:
- // Returns the html content of a DomNode and children
- var out = "";
- if(!dom){ return out; }
- var nodes = dom["childNodes"] || dom;
- //IE issue.
- //If we have an actual node we can check parent relationships on for IE,
- //We should check, as IE sometimes builds invalid DOMS. If no parent, we can't check
- //And should just process it and hope for the best.
- var checkParent = !has("ie") || nodes !== dom;
- var node, i = 0;
- while((node = nodes[i++])){
- //IE is broken. DOMs are supposed to be a tree. But in the case of malformed HTML, IE generates a graph
- //meaning one node ends up with multiple references (multiple parents). This is totally wrong and invalid, but
- //such is what it is. We have to keep track and check for this because otherise the source output HTML will have dups.
- //No other browser generates a graph. Leave it to IE to break a fundamental DOM rule. So, we check the parent if we can
- //If we can't, nothing more we can do other than walk it.
- if(!checkParent || node.parentNode == dom){
- out += dijit._editor.getNodeHtml(node);
- }
- }
- return out; // String
-return dijit._editor;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 07d0f0723..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/nls/FontChoice", { root:
-//begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Size",
- fontName: "Font",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "None",
- p: "Paragraph",
- h1: "Heading",
- h2: "Subheading",
- h3: "Sub-subheading",
- pre: "Pre-formatted",
- 1: "xx-small",
- 2: "x-small",
- 3: "small",
- 4: "medium",
- 5: "large",
- 6: "x-large",
- 7: "xx-large"
-//end v1.x content
-"zh": true,
-"zh-tw": true,
-"tr": true,
-"th": true,
-"sv": true,
-"sl": true,
-"sk": true,
-"ru": true,
-"ro": true,
-"pt": true,
-"pt-pt": true,
-"pl": true,
-"nl": true,
-"nb": true,
-"ko": true,
-"kk": true,
-"ja": true,
-"it": true,
-"hu": true,
-"hr": true,
-"he": true,
-"fr": true,
-"fi": true,
-"es": true,
-"el": true,
-"de": true,
-"da": true,
-"cs": true,
-"ca": true,
-"az": true,
-"ar": true
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 543f87a8e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/nls/LinkDialog", { root:
-//begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Link Properties",
- insertImageTitle: "Image Properties",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Description:",
- target: "Target:",
- set: "Set",
- currentWindow: "Current Window",
- parentWindow: "Parent Window",
- topWindow: "Topmost Window",
- newWindow: "New Window"
-//end v1.x content
-"zh": true,
-"zh-tw": true,
-"tr": true,
-"th": true,
-"sv": true,
-"sl": true,
-"sk": true,
-"ru": true,
-"ro": true,
-"pt": true,
-"pt-pt": true,
-"pl": true,
-"nl": true,
-"nb": true,
-"ko": true,
-"kk": true,
-"ja": true,
-"it": true,
-"hu": true,
-"hr": true,
-"he": true,
-"fr": true,
-"fi": true,
-"es": true,
-"el": true,
-"de": true,
-"da": true,
-"cs": true,
-"ca": true,
-"az": true,
-"ar": true
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f006116c6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ar/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "الحجم",
- fontName: "طاقم طباعة",
- formatBlock: "النسق",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "أحادي المسافة",
- cursive: "كتابة بحروف متصلة",
- fantasy: "خيالي",
- noFormat: "‏لا شيء‏",
- p: "فقرة",
- h1: "عنوان",
- h2: "عنوان فرعي",
- h3: "فرعي-عنوان فرعي",
- pre: "منسق بصفة مسبقة",
- 1: "صغير جدا جدا",
- 2: "صغير جدا",
- 3: "صغير",
- 4: "متوسط",
- 5: "كبير",
- 6: "كبير جدا",
- 7: "كبير جدا جدا"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a523563d3..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ar/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "خصائص الوصلة",
- insertImageTitle: "خصائص الصورة",
- url: "‏عنوان URL:‏",
- text: "الوصف:",
- target: "الهدف:",
- set: "تحديد",
- currentWindow: "النافذة الحالية",
- parentWindow: "النافذة الرئيسية",
- topWindow: "النافذة العلوية",
- newWindow: "‏نافذة جديدة‏"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a86d7f7d..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ar/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ar/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'عري~ض',
- 'copy': 'نسخ',
- 'cut': 'قص',
- 'delete': 'حذف',
- 'indent': 'ازاحة للداخل',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'مسطرة أفقية',
- 'insertOrderedList': '‏كشف مرقم‏',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'كشف نقطي',
- 'italic': '~مائل',
- 'justifyCenter': 'محاذاة في الوسط',
- 'justifyFull': 'ضبط',
- 'justifyLeft': 'محاذاة الى اليسار',
- 'justifyRight': 'محاذاة الى اليمين',
- 'outdent': 'ازاحة للخارج',
- 'paste': 'لصق',
- 'redo': '‏اعادة‏',
- 'removeFormat': 'ازالة النسق',
- 'selectAll': '‏اختيار كل‏',
- 'strikethrough': 'تشطيب',
- 'subscript': 'رمز سفلي',
- 'superscript': 'رمز علوي',
- 'underline': '~تسطير',
- 'undo': 'تراجع',
- 'unlink': 'ازالة وصلة',
- 'createLink': 'تكوين وصلة',
- 'toggleDir': 'تبديل الاتجاه',
- 'insertImage': 'ادراج صورة',
- 'insertTable': 'ادراج/تحرير جدول',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'تبديل حدود الجدول',
- 'deleteTable': 'حذف جدول',
- 'tableProp': 'خصائص الجدول',
- 'htmlToggle': 'مصدر HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'لون الواجهة الأمامية',
- 'hiliteColor': '‏لون الخلفية‏',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'نمط الفقرة',
- 'formatBlock': 'نمط الفقرة',
- 'fontSize': 'حجم طاقم الطباعة',
- 'fontName': 'اسم طاقم الطباعة',
- 'tabIndent': 'ازاحة علامة الجدولة للداخل',
- "fullScreen": "تبديل الشاشة الكاملة",
- "viewSource": "مشاهدة مصدر HTML",
- "print": "طباعة",
- "newPage": "صفحة جديدة",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'يكون التصرف "${0}" متاحا فقط ببرنامج الاستعراض الخاص بك باستخدام المسار المختصر للوحة المفاتيح. استخدم ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dd41c9b7..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/az/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- "1" : "xx-kiçik",
- "2" : "x-kiçik",
- "formatBlock" : "Format",
- "3" : "kiçik",
- "4" : "orta",
- "5" : "böyük",
- "6" : "çox-böyük",
- "7" : "ən böyük",
- "fantasy" : "fantaziya",
- "serif" : "serif",
- "p" : "Abzas",
- "pre" : "Əvvəldən düzəldilmiş",
- "sans-serif" : "sans-serif",
- "fontName" : "Şrift",
- "h1" : "Başlıq",
- "h2" : "Alt Başlıq",
- "h3" : "Alt Alt Başlıq",
- "monospace" : "Tək aralıqlı",
- "fontSize" : "Ölçü",
- "cursive" : "Əl yazısı",
- "noFormat" : "Heç biri"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f4ae27921..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/az/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- "text" : "Yazı:",
- "insertImageTitle" : "Şəkil başlığı əlavə et",
- "set" : "Yönəlt",
- "newWindow" : "Yeni pəncərə",
- "topWindow" : "Üst pəncərə",
- "target" : "Hədəf:",
- "createLinkTitle" : "Köprü başlığı yarat",
- "parentWindow" : "Ana pəncərə",
- "currentWindow" : "Hazırki pəncərə",
- "url" : "URL:"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 13e21011f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/az/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/az/commands", //begin v1.x content
- "removeFormat" : "Formatı Sil",
- "copy" :"Köçür",
- "paste" :"Yapışdır",
- "selectAll" :"Hamısını seç",
- "insertOrderedList" :"Nömrəli siyahı",
- "insertTable" :"Cədvəl əlavə et",
- "print" :"Yazdır",
- "underline" :"Altıxətli",
- "foreColor" :"Ön plan rəngi",
- "htmlToggle" :"HTML kodu",
- "formatBlock" :"Abzas stili",
- "newPage" :"Yeni səhifə",
- "insertHorizontalRule" :"Üfüqi qayda",
- "delete" :"Sil",
- "insertUnorderedList" :"İşarələnmiş siyahı",
- "tableProp" :"Cədvəl xüsusiyyətləri",
- "insertImage" :"Şəkil əlavə et",
- "superscript" :"Üst işarə",
- "subscript" :"Alt işarə",
- "createLink" :"Körpü yarat",
- "undo" :"Geriyə al",
- "fullScreen" :"Tam ekran aç",
- "italic" :"İtalik",
- "fontName" :"Yazı tipi",
- "justifyLeft" :"Sol tərəfə Doğrult",
- "unlink" :"Körpünü sil",
- "toggleTableBorder" :"Cədvəl kənarlarını göstər/Gizlət",
- "viewSource" :"HTML qaynaq kodunu göstər",
- "fontSize" :"Yazı tipi böyüklüğü",
- "systemShortcut" :"\"${0}\" prosesi yalnız printerinizdə klaviatura qısayolu ilə istifadə oluna bilər. Bundan istifadə edin",
- "indent" :"Girinti",
- "redo" :"Yenilə",
- "strikethrough" :"Üstündən xətt çəkilmiş",
- "justifyFull" :"Doğrult",
- "justifyCenter" :"Ortaya doğrult",
- "hiliteColor" :"Arxa plan rəngi",
- "deleteTable" :"Cədvəli sil",
- "outdent" :"Çıxıntı",
- "cut" :"Kəs",
- "plainFormatBlock" :"Abzas stili",
- "toggleDir" :"İstiqaməti dəyişdir",
- "bold" :"Qalın",
- "tabIndent" :"Qulp girintisi",
- "justifyRight" :"Sağa doğrult",
- "appleKey" : "⌘${0}",
- "ctrlKey" : "ctrl+${0}"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e4d0214d8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ca/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Mida",
- fontName: "Tipus de lletra",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monoespai",
- cursive: "Cursiva",
- fantasy: "Fantasia",
- noFormat: "Cap",
- p: "Paràgraf",
- h1: "Títol",
- h2: "Subtítol",
- h3: "Subsubtítol",
- pre: "Format previ",
- 1: "xx-petit",
- 2: "x-petit",
- 3: "petit",
- 4: "mitjà",
- 5: "gran",
- 6: "x-gran",
- 7: "xx-gran"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 16dda33e6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ca/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Propietats de l\'enllaç",
- insertImageTitle: "Propietats de la imatge",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Descripció:",
- target: "Destinació:",
- set: "Defineix",
- currentWindow: "Finestra actual",
- parentWindow: "Finestra pare",
- topWindow: "Finestra superior",
- newWindow: "Finestra nova"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b9d49d18a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ca/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ca/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Negreta',
- 'copy': 'Copia',
- 'cut': 'Retalla',
- 'delete': 'Suprimeix',
- 'indent': 'Sagnat',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Regla horitzontal',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Llista numerada',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Llista de vinyetes',
- 'italic': 'Cursiva',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Centra',
- 'justifyFull': 'Justifica',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Alinea a l\'esquerra',
- 'justifyRight': 'Alinea a la dreta',
- 'outdent': 'Sagna a l\'esquerra',
- 'paste': 'Enganxa',
- 'redo': 'Refés',
- 'removeFormat': 'Elimina el format',
- 'selectAll': 'Selecciona-ho tot',
- 'strikethrough': 'Ratllat',
- 'subscript': 'Subíndex',
- 'superscript': 'Superíndex',
- 'underline': 'Subratllat',
- 'undo': 'Desfés',
- 'unlink': 'Elimina l\'enllaç',
- 'createLink': 'Crea un enllaç',
- 'toggleDir': 'Inverteix la direcció',
- 'insertImage': 'Insereix imatge',
- 'insertTable': 'Insereix/edita la taula',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Inverteix els contorns de taula',
- 'deleteTable': 'Suprimeix la taula',
- 'tableProp': 'Propietat de taula',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Font HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Color de primer pla',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Color de fons',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Estil de paràgraf',
- 'formatBlock': 'Estil de paràgraf',
- 'fontSize': 'Cos de la lletra',
- 'fontName': 'Nom del tipus de lletra',
- 'tabIndent': 'Sagnat',
- "fullScreen": "Commuta pantalla completa",
- "viewSource": "Visualitza font HTML",
- "print": "Imprimeix",
- "newPage": "Pàgina nova",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'L\'acció "${0}" és l\'única disponible al navegador utilitzant una drecera del teclat. Utilitzeu ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'control+${0}'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 344b5ec23..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/nls/commands", { root:
-//begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Bold',
- 'copy': 'Copy',
- 'cut': 'Cut',
- 'delete': 'Delete',
- 'indent': 'Indent',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Horizontal Rule',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Numbered List',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Bullet List',
- 'italic': 'Italic',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Align Center',
- 'justifyFull': 'Justify',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Align Left',
- 'justifyRight': 'Align Right',
- 'outdent': 'Outdent',
- 'paste': 'Paste',
- 'redo': 'Redo',
- 'removeFormat': 'Remove Format',
- 'selectAll': 'Select All',
- 'strikethrough': 'Strikethrough',
- 'subscript': 'Subscript',
- 'superscript': 'Superscript',
- 'underline': 'Underline',
- 'undo': 'Undo',
- 'unlink': 'Remove Link',
- 'createLink': 'Create Link',
- 'toggleDir': 'Toggle Direction',
- 'insertImage': 'Insert Image',
- 'insertTable': 'Insert/Edit Table',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Toggle Table Border',
- 'deleteTable': 'Delete Table',
- 'tableProp': 'Table Property',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML Source',
- 'foreColor': 'Foreground Color',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Background Color',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Paragraph Style',
- 'formatBlock': 'Paragraph Style',
- 'fontSize': 'Font Size',
- 'fontName': 'Font Name',
- 'tabIndent': 'Tab Indent',
- "fullScreen": "Toggle Full Screen",
- "viewSource": "View HTML Source",
- "print": "Print",
- "newPage": "New Page",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'The "${0}" action is only available in your browser using a keyboard shortcut. Use ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
-//end v1.x content
-"zh": true,
-"zh-tw": true,
-"tr": true,
-"th": true,
-"sv": true,
-"sl": true,
-"sk": true,
-"ru": true,
-"ro": true,
-"pt": true,
-"pt-pt": true,
-"pl": true,
-"nl": true,
-"nb": true,
-"ko": true,
-"kk": true,
-"ja": true,
-"it": true,
-"hu": true,
-"hr": true,
-"he": true,
-"fr": true,
-"fi": true,
-"es": true,
-"el": true,
-"de": true,
-"da": true,
-"cs": true,
-"ca": true,
-"az": true,
-"ar": true
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5feaa7d26..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/cs/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Velikost",
- fontName: "Písmo",
- formatBlock: "Formát",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Žádný",
- p: "Odstavec",
- h1: "Nadpis",
- h2: "Podnadpis",
- h3: "Podnadpis 2",
- pre: "Předformátované",
- 1: "extra malé",
- 2: "velmi malé",
- 3: "malé",
- 4: "střední",
- 5: "velké",
- 6: "velmi velké",
- 7: "extra velké"
-//end v1.x content
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4445db454..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/cs/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Vlastnosti odkazu",
- insertImageTitle: "Vlastnosti obrázku",
- url: "Adresa URL:",
- text: "Popis:",
- target: "Cíl:",
- set: "Nastavit",
- currentWindow: "Aktuální okno",
- parentWindow: "Nadřízené okno",
- topWindow: "Okno nejvyšší úrovně",
- newWindow: "Nové okno"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7992b4735..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/cs/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/cs/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Tučné',
- 'copy': 'Kopírovat',
- 'cut': 'Vyjmout',
- 'delete': 'Odstranit',
- 'indent': 'Odsadit',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vodorovná čára',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Číslovaný seznam',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Seznam s odrážkami',
- 'italic': 'Kurzíva',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Zarovnat na střed',
- 'justifyFull': 'Do bloku',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Zarovnat vlevo',
- 'justifyRight': 'Zarovnat vpravo',
- 'outdent': 'Předsadit',
- 'paste': 'Vložit',
- 'redo': 'Opakovat',
- 'removeFormat': 'Odebrat formát',
- 'selectAll': 'Vybrat vše',
- 'strikethrough': 'Přeškrtnutí',
- 'subscript': 'Dolní index',
- 'superscript': 'Horní index',
- 'underline': 'Podtržení',
- 'undo': 'Zpět',
- 'unlink': 'Odebrat odkaz',
- 'createLink': 'Vytvořit odkaz',
- 'toggleDir': 'Přepnout směr',
- 'insertImage': 'Vložit obrázek',
- 'insertTable': 'Vložit/upravit tabulku',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Přepnout ohraničení tabulky',
- 'deleteTable': 'Odstranit tabulku',
- 'tableProp': 'Vlastnost tabulky',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Zdroj HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Barva popředí',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Barva pozadí',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Styl odstavce',
- 'formatBlock': 'Styl odstavce',
- 'fontSize': 'Velikost písma',
- 'fontName': 'Název písma',
- 'tabIndent': 'Odsazení tabulátoru',
- "fullScreen": "Přepnout celou obrazovku",
- "viewSource": "Zobrazit zdroj HTML",
- "print": "Tisk",
- "newPage": "Nová stránka",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Akce "${0}" je v prohlížeči dostupná pouze prostřednictvím klávesové zkratky. Použijte klávesovou zkratku ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a4c65e57f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/da/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Størrelse",
- fontName: "Skrifttype",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "kursiv",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Ingen",
- p: "Afsnit",
- h1: "Overskrift",
- h2: "Underoverskrift",
- h3: "Underunderoverskrift",
- pre: "Forudformateret",
- 1: "xx-small",
- 2: "x-small",
- 3: "small",
- 4: "medium",
- 5: "large",
- 6: "x-large",
- 7: "xx-large"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3191eb680..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/da/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Linkegenskaber",
- insertImageTitle: "Billedegenskaber",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Beskrivelse:",
- target: "Mål:",
- set: "Definér",
- currentWindow: "Aktuelt vindue",
- parentWindow: "Overordnet vindue",
- topWindow: "Øverste vindue",
- newWindow: "Nyt vindue"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b0b401fd..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/da/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/da/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Fed',
- 'copy': 'Kopiér',
- 'cut': 'Klip',
- 'delete': 'Slet',
- 'indent': 'Indrykning',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vandret linje',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Nummereret liste',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Punktliste',
- 'italic': 'Kursiv',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Centreret',
- 'justifyFull': 'Lige margener',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Venstrejusteret',
- 'justifyRight': 'Højrejusteret',
- 'outdent': 'Udrykning',
- 'paste': 'Sæt ind',
- 'redo': 'Annullér Fortryd',
- 'removeFormat': 'Fjern format',
- 'selectAll': 'Markér alle',
- 'strikethrough': 'Gennemstreget',
- 'subscript': 'Sænket skrift',
- 'superscript': 'Hævet skrift',
- 'underline': 'Understreget',
- 'undo': 'Fortryd',
- 'unlink': 'Fjern link',
- 'createLink': 'Opret link',
- 'toggleDir': 'Skift retning',
- 'insertImage': 'Indsæt billede',
- 'insertTable': 'Indsæt/redigér tabel',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Skift tabelramme',
- 'deleteTable': 'Slet tabel',
- 'tableProp': 'Tabelegenskab',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML-kilde',
- 'foreColor': 'Forgrundsfarve',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Baggrundsfarve',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Afsnitstypografi',
- 'formatBlock': 'Afsnitstypografi',
- 'fontSize': 'Skriftstørrelse',
- 'fontName': 'Skriftnavn',
- 'tabIndent': 'Indrykning med tabulator',
- "fullScreen": "Aktivér/deaktivér fuldskærm",
- "viewSource": "Vis HTML-kilde",
- "print": "Udskriv",
- "newPage": "Ny side",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Funktionen "${0}" kan kun bruges i din browser med en tastaturgenvej. Brug ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d445a3095..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/de/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Größe",
- fontName: "Schriftart",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "Serife",
- "sans-serif": "Serifenlos",
- monospace: "Monospaceschrift",
- cursive: "Kursiv",
- fantasy: "Fantasie",
- noFormat: "Keine Angabe",
- p: "Absatz",
- h1: "Überschrift",
- h2: "Unterüberschrift",
- h3: "Unterunterüberschrift",
- pre: "Vorformatiert",
- 1: "XXS",
- 2: "XS",
- 3: "S",
- 4: "M",
- 5: "L",
- 6: "XL",
- 7: "XXL"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a3b203ba3..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/de/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Linkeigenschaften",
- insertImageTitle: "Grafikeigenschaften",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Beschreibung:",
- target: "Ziel:",
- set: "Festlegen",
- currentWindow: "Aktuelles Fenster",
- parentWindow: "Übergeordnetes Fenster",
- topWindow: "Aktives Fenster",
- newWindow: "Neues Fenster"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a1c27dd25..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/de/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/de/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Fett',
- 'copy': 'Kopieren',
- 'cut': 'Ausschneiden',
- 'delete': 'Löschen',
- 'indent': 'Einrücken',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Horizontaler Strich',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Nummerierung',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Aufzählungszeichen',
- 'italic': 'Kursiv',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Zentriert',
- 'justifyFull': 'Blocksatz',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Linksbündig',
- 'justifyRight': 'Rechtsbündig',
- 'outdent': 'Ausrücken',
- 'paste': 'Einfügen',
- 'redo': 'Wiederherstellen',
- 'removeFormat': 'Formatierung entfernen',
- 'selectAll': 'Alles auswählen',
- 'strikethrough': 'Durchgestrichen',
- 'subscript': 'Tiefgestellt',
- 'superscript': 'Hochgestellt',
- 'underline': 'Unterstrichen',
- 'undo': 'Rückgängig',
- 'unlink': 'Link entfernen',
- 'createLink': 'Link erstellen',
- 'toggleDir': 'Wechselrichtung',
- 'insertImage': 'Grafik einfügen',
- 'insertTable': 'Tabelle einfügen/bearbeiten',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Tabellenumrandung ein-/ausschalten',
- 'deleteTable': 'Tabelle löschen',
- 'tableProp': 'Tabelleneigenschaft',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML-Quelltext',
- 'foreColor': 'Vordergrundfarbe',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Hintergrundfarbe',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Absatzstil',
- 'formatBlock': 'Absatzstil',
- 'fontSize': 'Schriftgröße',
- 'fontName': 'Schriftartname',
- 'tabIndent': 'Tabulatoreinrückung',
- "fullScreen": "Gesamtanzeige",
- "viewSource": "HTML-Quelle",
- "print": "Drucken",
- "newPage": "Neue Seite",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Die Aktion "${0}" ist nur über einen Direktaufruf in Ihrem Browser verfügbar. Verwenden Sie ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'Strg+${0}'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d913350f3..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/el/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Μέγεθος",
- fontName: "Γραμματοσειρά",
- formatBlock: "Μορφή",
- serif: "με πατούρες (serif)",
- "sans-serif": "χωρίς πατούρες (sans-serif)",
- monospace: "σταθερού πλάτους",
- cursive: "πλάγιοι",
- fantasy: "φαντασίας",
- noFormat: "Χωρίς",
- p: "Παράγραφος",
- h1: "Επικεφαλίδα",
- h2: "Δευτερεύουσα επικεφαλίδα",
- h3: "Δευτερεύουσα επικεφαλίδα τρίτου επιπέδου",
- pre: "Προ-μορφοποιημένο",
- 1: "xx-μικρά",
- 2: "x-μικρά",
- 3: "μικρά",
- 4: "μεσαία",
- 5: "μεγάλα",
- 6: "x-μεγάλα",
- 7: "xx-μεγάλα"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b13e98b6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/el/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Ιδιότητες σύνδεσης",
- insertImageTitle: "Ιδιότητες εικόνας",
- url: "Διεύθυνση URL:",
- text: "Περιγραφή:",
- target: "Προορισμός:",
- set: "Ορισμός",
- currentWindow: "Τρέχον παράθυρο",
- parentWindow: "Γονικό παράθυρο",
- topWindow: "Παράθυρο σε πρώτο πλάνο",
- newWindow: "Νέο παράθυρο"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d2916b31..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/el/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/el/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Έντονα',
- 'copy': 'Αντιγραφή',
- 'cut': 'Αποκοπή',
- 'delete': 'Διαγραφή',
- 'indent': 'Εσοχή',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Οριζόντια γραμμή',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Αριθμημένη λίστα',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Λίστα με κουκίδες',
- 'italic': 'Πλάγια',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Στοίχιση στο κέντρο',
- 'justifyFull': 'Πλήρης στοίχιση',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Στοίχιση αριστερά',
- 'justifyRight': 'Στοίχιση δεξιά',
- 'outdent': 'Μείωση περιθωρίου',
- 'paste': 'Επικόλληση',
- 'redo': 'Ακύρωση αναίρεσης',
- 'removeFormat': 'Αφαίρεση μορφοποίησης',
- 'selectAll': 'Επιλογή όλων',
- 'strikethrough': 'Διαγράμμιση',
- 'subscript': 'Δείκτης',
- 'superscript': 'Εκθέτης',
- 'underline': 'Υπογράμμιση',
- 'undo': 'Αναίρεση',
- 'unlink': 'Αφαίρεση σύνδεσης',
- 'createLink': 'Δημιουργία σύνδεσης',
- 'toggleDir': 'Εναλλαγή κατεύθυνσης',
- 'insertImage': 'Εισαγωγή εικόνας',
- 'insertTable': 'Εισαγωγή/Τροποποίηση πίνακα',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Εναλλαγή εμφάνισης περιγράμματος πίνακα',
- 'deleteTable': 'Διαγραφή πίνακα',
- 'tableProp': 'Ιδιότητα πίνακα',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Πρωτογενής κώδικας HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Χρώμα προσκηνίου',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Χρώμα φόντου',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Στυλ παραγράφου',
- 'formatBlock': 'Στυλ παραγράφου',
- 'fontSize': 'Μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς',
- 'fontName': 'Όνομα γραμματοσειράς',
- 'tabIndent': 'Εσοχή με το πλήκτρο Tab',
- "fullScreen": "Εναλλαγή κατάστασης πλήρους οθόνης",
- "viewSource": "Προβολή προέλευσης HTML",
- "print": "Εκτύπωση",
- "newPage": "Νέα σελίδα",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Σε αυτό το πρόγραμμα πλοήγησης, η ενέργεια "${0}" είναι διαθέσιμη μόνο με τη χρήση μιας συντόμευσης πληκτρολογίου. Χρησιμοποιήστε τη συντόμευση ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fe1e09ce..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/es/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Tamaño",
- fontName: "Font",
- formatBlock: "Formato",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "espacio sencillo",
- cursive: "cursiva",
- fantasy: "fantasía",
- noFormat: "Ninguno",
- p: "Párrafo",
- h1: "Cabecera",
- h2: "Subcabecera",
- h3: "Sub-subcabecera",
- pre: "Preformateado",
- 1: "xx-pequeño",
- 2: "x-pequeño",
- 3: "pequeño",
- 4: "medio",
- 5: "grande",
- 6: "x-grande",
- 7: "xx-grande"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index eea817fba..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/es/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Propiedades del enlace",
- insertImageTitle: "Propiedades de la imagen",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Descripción:",
- target: "Destino:",
- set: "Establecer",
- currentWindow: "Ventana actual",
- parentWindow: "Ventana padre",
- topWindow: "Ventana superior",
- newWindow: "Nueva ventana"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 13072dc48..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/es/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/es/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Negrita',
- 'copy': 'Copiar',
- 'cut': 'Cortar',
- 'delete': 'Suprimir',
- 'indent': 'Sangría',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Regla horizontal',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Lista numerada',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Lista con viñetas',
- 'italic': 'Cursiva',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Alinear centro',
- 'justifyFull': 'Justificar',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Alinear izquierda',
- 'justifyRight': 'Alinear derecha',
- 'outdent': 'Anular sangría',
- 'paste': 'Pegar',
- 'redo': 'Rehacer',
- 'removeFormat': 'Eliminar formato',
- 'selectAll': 'Seleccionar todo',
- 'strikethrough': 'Tachado',
- 'subscript': 'Subíndice',
- 'superscript': 'Superíndice',
- 'underline': 'Subrayado',
- 'undo': 'Deshacer',
- 'unlink': 'Eliminar enlace',
- 'createLink': 'Crear enlace',
- 'toggleDir': 'Conmutar dirección',
- 'insertImage': 'Insertar imagen',
- 'insertTable': 'Insertar/Editar tabla',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Conmutar borde de tabla',
- 'deleteTable': 'Suprimir tabla',
- 'tableProp': 'Propiedad de tabla',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Fuente HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Color de primer plano',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Color de segundo plano',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Estilo de párrafo',
- 'formatBlock': 'Estilo de párrafo',
- 'fontSize': 'Tamaño de font',
- 'fontName': 'Nombre de font',
- 'tabIndent': 'Sangría de tabulador',
- "fullScreen": "Conmutar pantalla completa",
- "viewSource": "Ver fuente HTML",
- "print": "Imprimir",
- "newPage": "Nueva página",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'La acción "${0}" sólo está disponible en su navegador mediante un atajo de teclado. Utilice ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'control+${0}'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 73cbd7034..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/fi/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Koko",
- fontName: "Fontti",
- formatBlock: "Muoto",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Ei mitään",
- p: "Kappale",
- h1: "Otsikko",
- h2: "Alatason otsikko",
- h3: "Alimman tason otsikko",
- pre: "Esimuotoiltu",
- 1: "xx-small",
- 2: "x-small",
- 3: "small",
- 4: "medium",
- 5: "large",
- 6: "x-large",
- 7: "xx-large"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cfd2f1e6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/fi/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Linkin ominaisuudet",
- insertImageTitle: "Kuvan ominaisuudet",
- url: "URL-osoite:",
- text: "Kuvaus:",
- target: "Kohde:",
- set: "Aseta",
- currentWindow: "Nykyinen ikkuna",
- parentWindow: "Pääikkuna",
- topWindow: "Päällimmäinen ikkuna",
- newWindow: "Uusi ikkuna"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e532a60a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fi/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/fi/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Lihavointi',
- 'copy': 'Kopioi',
- 'cut': 'Leikkaa',
- 'delete': 'Poista',
- 'indent': 'Sisennä',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vaakasuuntainen viiva',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Numeroitu luettelo',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Numeroimaton luettelo',
- 'italic': 'Kursivointi',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Tasaus keskelle',
- 'justifyFull': 'Tasaus',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Tasaus vasemmalle',
- 'justifyRight': 'Tasaus oikealle',
- 'outdent': 'Ulonna',
- 'paste': 'Liitä',
- 'redo': 'Tee uudelleen',
- 'removeFormat': 'Poista muotoilu',
- 'selectAll': 'Valitse kaikki',
- 'strikethrough': 'Yliviivaus',
- 'subscript': 'Alaindeksi',
- 'superscript': 'Yläindeksi',
- 'underline': 'Alleviivaus',
- 'undo': 'Kumoa',
- 'unlink': 'Poista linkki',
- 'createLink': 'Luo linkki',
- 'toggleDir': 'Vaihda suuntaa',
- 'insertImage': 'Lisää kuva',
- 'insertTable': 'Lisää taulukko/muokkaa taulukkoa',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Ota taulukon kehys käyttöön/poista kehys käytöstä',
- 'deleteTable': 'Poista taulukko',
- 'tableProp': 'Taulukon ominaisuudet',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML-lähde',
- 'foreColor': 'Edustaväri',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Taustaväri',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Kappaletyyli',
- 'formatBlock': 'Kappaletyyli',
- 'fontSize': 'Fontin koko',
- 'fontName': 'Fontin nimi',
- 'tabIndent': 'Sarkainsisennys',
- "fullScreen": "Vaihda koko näyttö",
- "viewSource": "Näytä HTML-lähde",
- "print": "Tulosta",
- "newPage": "Uusi sivu",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Toiminto "${0}" on käytettävissä selaimessa vain näppäimistön pikatoiminnolla. Käytä seuraavaa: ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fba25433..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/fr/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Taille",
- fontName: "Police",
- formatBlock: "Mise en forme",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans serif",
- monospace: "espacement fixe",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantaisie",
- noFormat: "Néant",
- p: "Paragraphe",
- h1: "En-tête",
- h2: "Sous-en-tête",
- h3: "Sous-sous-en-tête",
- pre: "Pré-mise en forme",
- 1: "très très petite",
- 2: "très petite",
- 3: "petite",
- 4: "moyenne",
- 5: "grande",
- 6: "très grande",
- 7: "très très grande"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c72da62e8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/fr/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Propriétés du lien",
- insertImageTitle: "Propriétés de l'image",
- url: "URL :",
- text: "Description :",
- target: "Cible :",
- set: "Définir",
- currentWindow: "Fenêtre actuelle",
- parentWindow: "Fenêtre parent",
- topWindow: "Fenêtre supérieure",
- newWindow: "Nouvelle fenêtre"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 077514081..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/fr/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/fr/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Gras',
- 'copy': 'Copier',
- 'cut': 'Couper',
- 'delete': 'Supprimer',
- 'indent': 'Retrait',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Règle horizontale',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Liste numérotée',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Liste à puces',
- 'italic': 'Italique',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Aligner au centre',
- 'justifyFull': 'Justifier',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Aligner à gauche',
- 'justifyRight': 'Aligner à droite',
- 'outdent': 'Retrait négatif',
- 'paste': 'Coller',
- 'redo': 'Rétablir',
- 'removeFormat': 'Supprimer la mise en forme',
- 'selectAll': 'Sélectionner tout',
- 'strikethrough': 'Barrer',
- 'subscript': 'Indice',
- 'superscript': 'Exposant',
- 'underline': 'Souligner',
- 'undo': 'Annuler',
- 'unlink': 'Supprimer le lien',
- 'createLink': 'Créer un lien',
- 'toggleDir': 'Changer de sens',
- 'insertImage': 'Insérer une image',
- 'insertTable': 'Insérer/Modifier un tableau',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Afficher/Masquer la bordure du tableau',
- 'deleteTable': 'Supprimer le tableau',
- 'tableProp': 'Propriété du tableau',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Source HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Couleur d\'avant-plan',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Couleur d\'arrière-plan',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Style de paragraphe',
- 'formatBlock': 'Style de paragraphe',
- 'fontSize': 'Taille de police',
- 'fontName': 'Nom de police',
- 'tabIndent': 'Retrait de tabulation',
- "fullScreen": "Basculer en plein écran",
- "viewSource": "Afficher la source HTML",
- "print": "Imprimer",
- "newPage": "Nouvelle page",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'L\'action "${0}" est disponible dans votre navigateur uniquement, par le biais d\'un raccourci-clavier. Utilisez ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 985e5c83e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/he/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "גודל",
- fontName: "גופן",
- formatBlock: "עיצוב",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "ללא ",
- p: "פיסקה",
- h1: "כותרת",
- h2: "תת-כותרת",
- h3: "תת-תת-כותרת",
- pre: "מעוצב מראש",
- 1: "קטן ביות",
- 2: "קטן מאוד",
- 3: "קטן",
- 4: "בינוני",
- 5: "גדול",
- 6: "גדול מאוד",
- 7: "גדול ביותר"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dcd6fc738..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/he/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "תכונות קישור",
- insertImageTitle: "תכונות תמונה",
- url: "URL:‏",
- text: "תיאור:",
- target: "יעד:",
- set: "הגדרה",
- currentWindow: "חלון נוכחי",
- parentWindow: "חלון אב",
- topWindow: "חלון עליון",
- newWindow: "חלון חדש"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e31869135..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/he/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/he/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'מודגש',
- 'copy': 'עותק',
- 'cut': 'גזירה',
- 'delete': 'מחיקה',
- 'indent': 'הגדלת כניסה',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'קו אופקי',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'רשימה ממוספרת',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'רשימה עם תבליטים',
- 'italic': 'נטוי',
- 'justifyCenter': 'יישור למרכז',
- 'justifyFull': 'יישור דו-צדדי',
- 'justifyLeft': 'יישור לשמאל',
- 'justifyRight': 'יישור לימין',
- 'outdent': 'הקטנת כניסה',
- 'paste': 'הדבקה',
- 'redo': 'שחזור פעולה',
- 'removeFormat': 'סילוק עיצוב',
- 'selectAll': 'בחירת הכל',
- 'strikethrough': 'קו חוצה',
- 'subscript': 'כתב תחתי',
- 'superscript': 'כתב עילי',
- 'underline': 'קו תחתי',
- 'undo': 'ביטול פעולה',
- 'unlink': 'סילוק הקישור',
- 'createLink': 'יצירת קישור',
- 'toggleDir': 'מיתוג כיוון',
- 'insertImage': 'הוספת תמונה',
- 'insertTable': 'הוספת/עריכת טבלה',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'מיתוג גבול טבלה',
- 'deleteTable': 'מחיקת טבלה',
- 'tableProp': 'תכונת טבלה',
- 'htmlToggle': 'מקור HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'צבע חזית',
- 'hiliteColor': 'צבע רקע',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'סגנון פיסקה',
- 'formatBlock': 'סגנון פיסקה',
- 'fontSize': 'גופן יחסי',
- 'fontName': 'שם גופן',
- 'tabIndent': 'כניסת טאב',
- "fullScreen": "מיתוג מסך מלא",
- "viewSource": "הצגת מקור HTML",
- "print": "הדפסה",
- "newPage": "דף חדש",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'הפעולה "${0}" זמינה בדפדפן רק באמצעות קיצור דרך במקלדת. השתמשו בקיצור ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}‎',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}‎' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 82e9bad43..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/hr/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Veličina",
- fontName: "Font",
- formatBlock: "Oblikovanje",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "jednaki razmak",
- cursive: "rukopisni",
- fantasy: "fantastika",
- noFormat: "Nijedan",
- p: "Odlomak",
- h1: "Naslov",
- h2: "Podnaslov",
- h3: "Pod-podnaslov",
- pre: "Prethodno formatirano",
- 1: "vrlo vrlo malo",
- 2: "vrlo malo",
- 3: "malo",
- 4: "srednje",
- 5: "veliko",
- 6: "vrlo veliko",
- 7: "vrlo vrlo veliko"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 43869cceb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/hr/LinkDialog", ({
- createLinkTitle: "Svojstva veze",
- insertImageTitle: "Svojstva slike",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Opis:",
- target: "Cilj:",
- set: "Postavi",
- currentWindow: "Aktivni prozor",
- parentWindow: "Nadređeni prozor",
- topWindow: "Najviši prozor",
- newWindow: "Novi prozor"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d61bf4899..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hr/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/hr/commands", ({
- 'bold': 'Podebljaj',
- 'copy': 'Kopiraj',
- 'cut': 'Izreži',
- 'delete': 'Izbriši',
- 'indent': 'Uvuci',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vodoravno ravnalo',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Numerirani popis',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Popis s grafičkim oznakama',
- 'italic': 'Kurziv',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Centriraj',
- 'justifyFull': 'Poravnaj',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Poravnaj lijevo',
- 'justifyRight': 'Poravnaj desno',
- 'outdent': 'Izvuci',
- 'paste': 'Zalijepi',
- 'redo': 'Ponovno napravi',
- 'removeFormat': 'Ukloni oblikovanje',
- 'selectAll': 'Izaberi sve',
- 'strikethrough': 'Precrtaj',
- 'subscript': 'Indeks',
- 'superscript': 'Superskript',
- 'underline': 'Podcrtaj',
- 'undo': 'Poništi',
- 'unlink': 'Ukloni vezu',
- 'createLink': 'Kreiraj vezu',
- 'toggleDir': 'Prebaci smjer',
- 'insertImage': 'Umetni sliku',
- 'insertTable': 'Umetni/Uredi tablicu',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Prebaci rub tablice',
- 'deleteTable': 'Izbriši tablicu',
- 'tableProp': 'Svojstvo tablice',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML izvor',
- 'foreColor': 'Boja prednjeg plana',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Boja pozadine',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Stil odlomka',
- 'formatBlock': 'Stil odlomka',
- 'fontSize': 'Veličina fonta',
- 'fontName': 'Ime fonta',
- 'tabIndent': 'Tabulator uvlačenja',
- "fullScreen": "Prebaci na potpun ekran",
- "viewSource": "Pogledaj HTML izvor",
- "print": "Ispis",
- "newPage": "Nova stranica",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '"${0}" akcija je dostupna jedino u vašem pregledniku upotrebom prečice tipkovnice. Koristite ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dd0c13b0d..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/hu/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Méret",
- fontName: "Betűtípus",
- formatBlock: "Formátum",
- serif: "talpas",
- "sans-serif": "talpatlan",
- monospace: "rögzített szélességű",
- cursive: "kurzív",
- fantasy: "fantázia",
- noFormat: "Nincs",
- p: "Bekezdés",
- h1: "Címsor",
- h2: "Alcím",
- h3: "Al-alcím",
- pre: "Előformázott",
- 1: "xx-kicsi",
- 2: "x-kicsi",
- 3: "kicsi",
- 4: "közepes",
- 5: "nagy",
- 6: "x-nagy",
- 7: "xx-nagy"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fddb0bd74..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/hu/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Hivatkozás tulajdonságai",
- insertImageTitle: "Kép tulajdonságai",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Leírás:",
- target: "Cél:",
- set: "Beállítás",
- currentWindow: "Aktuális ablak",
- parentWindow: "Szülő ablak",
- topWindow: "Legfelső szintű ablak",
- newWindow: "Új ablak"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 590f06464..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/hu/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/hu/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Félkövér',
- 'copy': 'Másolás',
- 'cut': 'Kivágás',
- 'delete': 'Törlés',
- 'indent': 'Behúzás',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vízszintes vonalzó',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Számozott lista',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Felsorolásjeles lista',
- 'italic': 'Dőlt',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Középre igazítás',
- 'justifyFull': 'Sorkizárás',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Balra igazítás',
- 'justifyRight': 'Jobbra igazítás',
- 'outdent': 'Negatív behúzás',
- 'paste': 'Beillesztés',
- 'redo': 'Újra',
- 'removeFormat': 'Formázás eltávolítása',
- 'selectAll': 'Összes kijelölése',
- 'strikethrough': 'Áthúzott',
- 'subscript': 'Alsó index',
- 'superscript': 'Felső index',
- 'underline': 'Aláhúzott',
- 'undo': 'Visszavonás',
- 'unlink': 'Hivatkozás eltávolítása',
- 'createLink': 'Hivatkozás létrehozása',
- 'toggleDir': 'Irány váltókapcsoló',
- 'insertImage': 'Kép beszúrása',
- 'insertTable': 'Táblázat beszúrása/szerkesztése',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Táblázatszegély ki-/bekapcsolása',
- 'deleteTable': 'Táblázat törlése',
- 'tableProp': 'Táblázat tulajdonságai',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML forrás',
- 'foreColor': 'Előtérszín',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Háttérszín',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Bekezdés stílusa',
- 'formatBlock': 'Bekezdés stílusa',
- 'fontSize': 'Betűméret',
- 'fontName': 'Betűtípus',
- 'tabIndent': 'Tab behúzás',
- "fullScreen": "Váltás teljes képernyőre",
- "viewSource": "HTML forrás megjelenítése",
- "print": "Nyomtatás",
- "newPage": "Új oldal",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'A(z) "${0}" művelet a böngészőben csak billentyűparancs használatával érhető el. Használja a következőt: ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d181d3b3..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/it/FontChoice", ({
- fontSize: "Dimensione",
- fontName: "Carattere",
- formatBlock: "Formato",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "spaziatura fissa",
- cursive: "corsivo",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Nessuna",
- p: "Paragrafo",
- h1: "Intestazione",
- h2: "Sottointestazione",
- h3: "Sottointestazione secondaria",
- pre: "Preformattato",
- 1: "piccolissimo",
- 2: "molto piccolo",
- 3: "piccolo",
- 4: "medio",
- 5: "grande",
- 6: "molto grande",
- 7: "grandissimo"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f9e4675fe..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/it/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Proprietà collegamento",
- insertImageTitle: "Proprietà immagine",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Descrizione:",
- target: "Destinazione:",
- set: "Imposta",
- currentWindow: "Finestra corrente",
- parentWindow: "Finestra parent",
- topWindow: "Finestra in primo piano",
- newWindow: "Nuova finestra"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 83be36a83..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/it/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/it/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Grassetto',
- 'copy': 'Copia',
- 'cut': 'Taglia',
- 'delete': 'Elimina',
- 'indent': 'Rientra',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Righello orizzontale',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Elenco numerato',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Elenco puntato',
- 'italic': 'Corsivo',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Allinea al centro',
- 'justifyFull': 'Giustifica',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Allinea a sinistra',
- 'justifyRight': 'Allinea a destra',
- 'outdent': 'Rimuovi rientro',
- 'paste': 'Incolla',
- 'redo': 'Ripristina',
- 'removeFormat': 'Rimuovi formato',
- 'selectAll': 'Seleziona tutto',
- 'strikethrough': 'Barrato',
- 'subscript': 'Pedice',
- 'superscript': 'Apice',
- 'underline': 'Sottolineato',
- 'undo': 'Annulla',
- 'unlink': 'Rimuovi collegamento',
- 'createLink': 'Crea collegamento',
- 'toggleDir': 'Inverti direzione',
- 'insertImage': 'Inserisci immagine',
- 'insertTable': 'Inserisci/Modifica tabella',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Mostra/Nascondi margine tabella',
- 'deleteTable': 'Elimina tabella',
- 'tableProp': 'Proprietà tabella',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Origine HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Colore primo piano',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Colore sfondo',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Stile paragrafo',
- 'formatBlock': 'Stile paragrafo',
- 'fontSize': 'Dimensione carattere',
- 'fontName': 'Nome carattere',
- 'tabIndent': 'Rientranza tabulazione',
- "fullScreen": "Attiva/Disattiva schermo intero",
- "viewSource": "Visualizza origine HTML",
- "print": "Stampa",
- "newPage": "Nuova pagina",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Azione "${0}" disponibile sul proprio browser solo mediante i tasti di scelta rapida della tastiera. Utilizzare ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e654c1998..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ja/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "サイズ",
- fontName: "フォント",
- formatBlock: "フォーマット",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "なし",
- p: "段落",
- h1: "見出し",
- h2: "副見出し",
- h3: "副見出しの副見出し",
- pre: "事前フォーマット済み",
- 1: "超極小",
- 2: "極小",
- 3: "小",
- 4: "標準",
- 5: "大",
- 6: "特大",
- 7: "超特大"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 95f44f71a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ja/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "リンク・プロパティー",
- insertImageTitle: "イメージ・プロパティー",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "説明:",
- target: "ターゲット:",
- set: "設定",
- currentWindow: "現行ウィンドウ",
- parentWindow: "親ウィンドウ",
- topWindow: "最上位ウィンドウ",
- newWindow: "新規ウィンドウ"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b97ea2ed4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ja/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ja/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': '太字',
- 'copy': 'コピー',
- 'cut': '切り取り',
- 'delete': '削除',
- 'indent': 'インデント',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': '水平罫線',
- 'insertOrderedList': '番号付きリスト',
- 'insertUnorderedList': '黒丸付きリスト',
- 'italic': 'イタリック',
- 'justifyCenter': '中央揃え',
- 'justifyFull': '両端揃え',
- 'justifyLeft': '左揃え',
- 'justifyRight': '右揃え',
- 'outdent': 'アウトデント',
- 'paste': '貼り付け',
- 'redo': 'やり直し',
- 'removeFormat': '書式のクリア',
- 'selectAll': 'すべて選択',
- 'strikethrough': '取り消し線',
- 'subscript': '下付き文字',
- 'superscript': '上付き文字',
- 'underline': '下線',
- 'undo': '元に戻す',
- 'unlink': 'リンクの削除',
- 'createLink': 'リンクの作成',
- 'toggleDir': '方向の切り替え',
- 'insertImage': 'イメージの挿入',
- 'insertTable': 'テーブルの挿入/編集',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'テーブル・ボーダーの切り替え',
- 'deleteTable': 'テーブルの削除',
- 'tableProp': 'テーブル・プロパティー',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML ソース',
- 'foreColor': '前景色',
- 'hiliteColor': 'マーカー',
- 'plainFormatBlock': '段落スタイル',
- 'formatBlock': '段落スタイル',
- 'fontSize': 'フォント・サイズ',
- 'fontName': 'フォント名',
- 'tabIndent': 'タブ・インデント',
- "fullScreen": "全画面表示に切り替え",
- "viewSource": "HTML ソースの表示",
- "print": "印刷",
- "newPage": "新規ページ",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '"${0}" アクションを使用できるのは、ブラウザーでキーボード・ショートカットを使用する場合のみです。${1} を使用してください。',
- 'ctrlKey':'Ctrl+${0}'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 58c607be0..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/kk/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Өлшемі",
- fontName: "Қаріп",
- formatBlock: "Пішім",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "көлбеу",
- fantasy: "қиял-ғажайып",
- noFormat: "Ешбір",
- p: "Еже",
- h1: "Үстіңгі деректеме",
- h2: "Ішкі тақырып",
- h3: "Ішкі-ішкі тақырып",
- pre: "Алдын ала пішімделген",
- 1: "xx-кіші",
- 2: "x-кіші",
- 3: "кіші",
- 4: "орташа",
- 5: "үлкен",
- 6: "x-үлкен",
- 7: "xx-үлкен"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 942f7e7f6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/kk/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Сілтеме сипаттары",
- insertImageTitle: "Сурет сипаттары",
- url: "URL мекенжайы:",
- text: "Сипаттама:",
- target: "Мақсат:",
- set: "Орнату",
- currentWindow: "Ағымдағы терезе",
- parentWindow: "Басты терезе",
- topWindow: "Ең жоғарғы терезе",
- newWindow: "Жаңа терезе"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 77a8173b8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/kk/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/kk/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Қалың',
- 'copy': 'Көшіру',
- 'cut': 'Қиып алу',
- 'delete': 'Жою',
- 'indent': 'Шегіндіру',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Көлденең сызғыш',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Нөмірленген тізім',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Таңбалауыш тізім',
- 'italic': 'Көлбеу',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Ортасы бойынша туралау',
- 'justifyFull': 'Туралау',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Сол жақ бойынша туралау',
- 'justifyRight': 'Оң жақ бойынша туралау',
- 'outdent': 'Шығыңқы',
- 'paste': 'Қою',
- 'redo': 'Қайтару',
- 'removeFormat': 'Пішімді алып тастау',
- 'selectAll': 'Барлығын таңдау',
- 'strikethrough': 'Сызылған',
- 'subscript': 'Жоласты',
- 'superscript': 'Жолүсті',
- 'underline': 'Асты сызылған',
- 'undo': 'Болдырмау ',
- 'unlink': 'Сілтемені жою',
- 'createLink': 'Сілтеме жасау',
- 'toggleDir': 'Бағытты қосу',
- 'insertImage': 'Сурет кірістіру',
- 'insertTable': 'Кестені кірістіру/өңдеу',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Кесте жиегін қосу',
- 'deleteTable': 'Кестені жою',
- 'tableProp': 'Кесте сипаты',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML көзі',
- 'foreColor': 'Алды түсі',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Өң түсі',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Еже мәнері',
- 'formatBlock': 'Еже мәнері',
- 'fontSize': 'Қаріп өлшемі',
- 'fontName': 'Қаріп атауы',
- 'tabIndent': 'Қойынды шегінісі',
- "fullScreen": "Толық экранды қосу",
- "viewSource": "HTML көзін қарау",
- "print": "Басып шығару",
- "newPage": "Жаңа бет",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '"${0}" әрекеті шолғышта тек пернелер тіркесімі арқылы қол жетімді. ${1} пайдаланыңыз.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 92d615d0b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ko/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "크기",
- fontName: "글꼴",
- formatBlock: "서식",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "없음",
- p: "단락",
- h1: "제목",
- h2: "부제목",
- h3: "하위 부제목",
- pre: "서식이 지정됨",
- 1: "가장 작게",
- 2: "조금 작게",
- 3: "작게",
- 4: "중간",
- 5: "크게",
- 6: "조금 크게",
- 7: "가장 크게"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 44cc8337f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ko/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "링크 등록 정보",
- insertImageTitle: "이미지 등록 정보",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "설명:",
- target: "대상",
- set: "설정",
- currentWindow: "현재 창",
- parentWindow: "상위 창",
- topWindow: "최상위 창",
- newWindow: "새 창"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3582114dc..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ko/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ko/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': '굵게',
- 'copy': '복사',
- 'cut': '잘라내기',
- 'delete': '삭제',
- 'indent': '들여쓰기',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': '수평 자',
- 'insertOrderedList': '번호 목록',
- 'insertUnorderedList': '글머리표 목록',
- 'italic': '기울임꼴',
- 'justifyCenter': '가운데 맞춤',
- 'justifyFull': '양쪽 맞춤',
- 'justifyLeft': '왼쪽 맞춤',
- 'justifyRight': '오른쪽 맞춤',
- 'outdent': '내어쓰기',
- 'paste': '붙여넣기',
- 'redo': '다시 실행',
- 'removeFormat': '형식 제거',
- 'selectAll': '모두 선택',
- 'strikethrough': '취소선',
- 'subscript': '아래첨자',
- 'superscript': '위첨자',
- 'underline': '밑줄',
- 'undo': '실행 취소',
- 'unlink': '링크 제거',
- 'createLink': '링크 작성',
- 'toggleDir': '방향 토글',
- 'insertImage': '이미지 삽입',
- 'insertTable': '테이블 삽입/편집',
- 'toggleTableBorder': '테이블 외곽선 토글',
- 'deleteTable': '테이블 삭제',
- 'tableProp': '테이블 특성',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML 소스',
- 'foreColor': '전경색',
- 'hiliteColor': '배경색',
- 'plainFormatBlock': '단락 양식',
- 'formatBlock': '단락 양식',
- 'fontSize': '글꼴 크기',
- 'fontName': '글꼴 이름',
- 'tabIndent': '탭 들여쓰기',
- "fullScreen": "전체 화면 토글",
- "viewSource": "HTML 소스 보기",
- "print": "인쇄",
- "newPage": "새 페이지",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '"${0}" 조치는 브라우저에서 키보드 단축키를 통해서만 사용 가능합니다. ${1}을(를) 사용하십시오.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d15cb84aa..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/nb/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Størrelse",
- fontName: "Skrift",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "kursiv",
- fantasy: "fantasi",
- noFormat: "Ingen",
- p: "Avsnitt",
- h1: "Overskrift",
- h2: "Undertittel",
- h3: "Under-undertittel",
- pre: "Forhåndsformatert",
- 1: "xx-liten",
- 2: "x-liten",
- 3: "liten",
- 4: "middels",
- 5: "stor",
- 6: "x-stor",
- 7: "xx-stor"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 435138ec0..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/nb/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Koblingsegenskaper",
- insertImageTitle: "Bildeegenskaper",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Beskrivelse:",
- target: "Mål:",
- set: "Definer",
- currentWindow: "Gjeldende vindu",
- parentWindow: "Overordnet vindu",
- topWindow: "Øverste vindu",
- newWindow: "Nytt vindu"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f6a78017..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nb/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/nb/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Fet',
- 'copy': 'Kopier',
- 'cut': 'Klipp ut',
- 'delete': 'Slett',
- 'indent': 'Innrykk',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vannrett strek',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Nummerert liste',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Punktliste',
- 'italic': 'Kursiv',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Midtstill',
- 'justifyFull': 'Juster',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Venstrejuster',
- 'justifyRight': 'Høyrejuster',
- 'outdent': 'Fjern innrykk',
- 'paste': 'Lim inn',
- 'redo': 'Gjør om',
- 'removeFormat': 'Fjern format',
- 'selectAll': 'Velg alle',
- 'strikethrough': 'Gjennomstreking',
- 'subscript': 'Senket skrift',
- 'superscript': 'Hevet skrift',
- 'underline': 'Understreking',
- 'undo': 'Angre',
- 'unlink': 'Fjern kobling',
- 'createLink': 'Opprett kobling',
- 'toggleDir': 'Bytt retning',
- 'insertImage': 'Sett inn bilde',
- 'insertTable': 'Sett inn/rediger tabell',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Bytt tabellkant',
- 'deleteTable': 'Slett tabell',
- 'tableProp': 'Tabellegenskap',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML-kilde',
- 'foreColor': 'Forgrunnsfarge',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Bakgrunnsfarge',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Avsnittsstil',
- 'formatBlock': 'Avsnittsstil',
- 'fontSize': 'Skriftstørrelse',
- 'fontName': 'Skriftnavn',
- 'tabIndent': 'Tabulatorinnrykk',
- "fullScreen": "Slå på/av full skjerm",
- "viewSource": "Vis HTML-kilde",
- "print": "Skriv ut",
- "newPage": "Ny side",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Handlingen "${0}" er bare tilgjengelig i nettleseren ved hjelp av en tastatursnarvei. Bruk ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 43ddc20b4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/nl/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Grootte",
- fontName: "Lettertype",
- formatBlock: "Opmaak",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursief",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Geen",
- p: "Alinea",
- h1: "Kop",
- h2: "Subkop",
- h3: "Sub-subkop",
- pre: "Vooraf opgemaakt",
- 1: "xx-klein",
- 2: "x-klein",
- 3: "klein",
- 4: "gemiddeld",
- 5: "groot",
- 6: "x-groot",
- 7: "xx-groot"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cccaf0464..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/nl/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Linkeigenschappen",
- insertImageTitle: "Afbeeldingseigenschappen",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Beschrijving:",
- target: "Doel:",
- set: "Instellen",
- currentWindow: "Huidig venster",
- parentWindow: "Hoofdvenster",
- topWindow: "Bovenste venster",
- newWindow: "Nieuw venster"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e2db8144a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/nl/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/nl/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Vet',
- 'copy': 'Kopiëren',
- 'cut': 'Knippen',
- 'delete': 'Wissen',
- 'indent': 'Inspringen',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Horizontale liniaal',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Genummerde lijst',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Lijst met opsommingstekens',
- 'italic': 'Cursief',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Centreren',
- 'justifyFull': 'Uitvullen',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Links uitlijnen',
- 'justifyRight': 'Rechts uitlijnen',
- 'outdent': 'Uitspringen',
- 'paste': 'Plakken',
- 'redo': 'Opnieuw',
- 'removeFormat': 'Opmaak verwijderen',
- 'selectAll': 'Alles selecteren',
- 'strikethrough': 'Doorhalen',
- 'subscript': 'Subscript',
- 'superscript': 'Superscript',
- 'underline': 'Onderstrepen',
- 'undo': 'Ongedaan maken',
- 'unlink': 'Link verwijderen',
- 'createLink': 'Link maken',
- 'toggleDir': 'Schrijfrichting wijzigen',
- 'insertImage': 'Afbeelding invoegen',
- 'insertTable': 'Tabel invoegen/bewerken',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Tabelkader wijzigen',
- 'deleteTable': 'Tabel wissen',
- 'tableProp': 'Tabeleigenschap',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML-bron',
- 'foreColor': 'Voorgrondkleur',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Achtergrondkleur',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Alineastijl',
- 'formatBlock': 'Alineastijl',
- 'fontSize': 'Lettergrootte',
- 'fontName': 'Lettertype',
- 'tabIndent': 'Inspringen',
- "fullScreen": "Volledig scherm in-/uitschakelen",
- "viewSource": "HTML-bron bekijken",
- "print": "Afdrukken",
- "newPage": "Nieuwe pagina",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'De actie "${0}" is alleen beschikbaar in uw browser via een sneltoetscombinatie. Gebruik ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2726d1eb0..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pl/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Wielkość",
- fontName: "Czcionka",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "szeryfowa",
- "sans-serif": "bezszeryfowa",
- monospace: "czcionka o stałej szerokości",
- cursive: "kursywa",
- fantasy: "fantazyjna",
- noFormat: "Brak",
- p: "Akapit",
- h1: "Nagłówek",
- h2: "Nagłówek 2-go poziomu",
- h3: "Nagłówek 3-go poziomu",
- pre: "Wstępnie sformatowane",
- 1: "najmniejsza",
- 2: "mniejsza",
- 3: "mała",
- 4: "średnia",
- 5: "duża",
- 6: "większa",
- 7: "największa"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d94475c03..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pl/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Właściwości odsyłacza",
- insertImageTitle: "Właściwości obrazu",
- url: "Adres URL:",
- text: "Opis:",
- target: "Cel:",
- set: "Ustaw",
- currentWindow: "Bieżące okno",
- parentWindow: "Okno macierzyste",
- topWindow: "Okno najwyższego poziomu",
- newWindow: "Nowe okno"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d84ba7f3..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pl/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pl/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Pogrubienie',
- 'copy': 'Kopiuj',
- 'cut': 'Wytnij',
- 'delete': 'Usuń',
- 'indent': 'Wcięcie',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Linia pozioma',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Lista numerowana',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Lista wypunktowana',
- 'italic': 'Kursywa',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Wyrównaj do środka',
- 'justifyFull': 'Wyrównaj do lewej i prawej',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Wyrównaj do lewej',
- 'justifyRight': 'Wyrównaj do prawej',
- 'outdent': 'Usuń wcięcie',
- 'paste': 'Wklej',
- 'redo': 'Ponów',
- 'removeFormat': 'Usuń formatowanie',
- 'selectAll': 'Wybierz wszystko',
- 'strikethrough': 'Przekreślenie',
- 'subscript': 'Indeks dolny',
- 'superscript': 'Indeks górny',
- 'underline': 'Podkreślenie',
- 'undo': 'Cofnij',
- 'unlink': 'Usuń odsyłacz',
- 'createLink': 'Utwórz odsyłacz',
- 'toggleDir': 'Przełącz kierunek',
- 'insertImage': 'Wstaw obraz',
- 'insertTable': 'Wstaw/edytuj tabelę',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Przełącz ramkę tabeli',
- 'deleteTable': 'Usuń tabelę',
- 'tableProp': 'Właściwość tabeli',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Kod źródłowy HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Kolor pierwszego planu',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Kolor tła',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Styl akapitu',
- 'formatBlock': 'Styl akapitu',
- 'fontSize': 'Wielkość czcionki',
- 'fontName': 'Nazwa czcionki',
- 'tabIndent': 'Wcięcie o tabulator',
- "fullScreen": "Przełącz pełny ekran",
- "viewSource": "Wyświetl kod źródłowy HTML",
- "print": "Drukuj",
- "newPage": "Nowa strona",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Działanie ${0} jest dostępne w tej przeglądarce wyłącznie przy użyciu skrótu klawiaturowego. Należy użyć klawiszy ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'Ctrl+${0}'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index aa3f84137..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Tamanho",
- fontName: "Tipo de letra",
- formatBlock: "Formato",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Nenhum",
- p: "Parágrafo",
- h1: "Título",
- h2: "Sub-título",
- h3: "Sub-subtítulo",
- pre: "Pré-formatado",
- 1: "xxs",
- 2: "xs",
- 3: "small",
- 4: "medium",
- 5: "large",
- 6: "xl",
- 7: "xxl"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bd423cfdb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Propriedades da ligação",
- insertImageTitle: "Propriedades da imagem",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Descrição:",
- target: "Destino:",
- set: "Definir",
- currentWindow: "Janela actual",
- parentWindow: "Janela ascendente",
- topWindow: "Janela superior",
- newWindow: "Nova janela"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d6bf5e430..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pt-pt/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Negrito',
- 'copy': 'Copiar',
- 'cut': 'Cortar',
- 'delete': 'Eliminar',
- 'indent': 'Indentar',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Régua horizontal',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Lista numerada',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Lista marcada',
- 'italic': 'Itálico',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Alinhar ao centro',
- 'justifyFull': 'Justificar',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Alinhar à esquerda',
- 'justifyRight': 'Alinhar à direita',
- 'outdent': 'Recuar',
- 'paste': 'Colar',
- 'redo': 'Repetir',
- 'removeFormat': 'Remover formato',
- 'selectAll': 'Seleccionar tudo',
- 'strikethrough': 'Rasurado',
- 'subscript': 'Inferior à linha',
- 'superscript': 'Superior à linha',
- 'underline': 'Sublinhado',
- 'undo': 'Anular',
- 'unlink': 'Remover ligação',
- 'createLink': 'Criar ligação',
- 'toggleDir': 'Alternar direcção',
- 'insertImage': 'Inserir imagem',
- 'insertTable': 'Inserir/Editar tabela',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Alternar contorno da tabela',
- 'deleteTable': 'Eliminar tabela',
- 'tableProp': 'Propriedades da tabela',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Código-fonte de HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Cor de primeiro plano',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Cor de segundo plano',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Estilo de parágrafo',
- 'formatBlock': 'Estilo de parágrafo',
- 'fontSize': 'Tamanho do tipo de letra',
- 'fontName': 'Nome do tipo de letra',
- 'tabIndent': 'Indentar com a tecla Tab',
- "fullScreen": "Alternar ecrã completo",
- "viewSource": "Ver origem HTML",
- "print": "Imprimir",
- "newPage": "Nova página",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'A acção "${0}" apenas está disponível no navegador utilizando um atalho de teclado. Utilize ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b2f06442..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pt/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Tamanho",
- fontName: "Fonte",
- formatBlock: "Formatar",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "espaço simples",
- cursive: "cursiva",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Nenhuma",
- p: "Parágrafo",
- h1: "Título",
- h2: "Subtítulo",
- h3: "Sub-subtítulo",
- pre: "Pré-formatado",
- 1: "extra-extra-pequeno",
- 2: "extra-pequeno",
- 3: "pequena",
- 4: "médio",
- 5: "grande",
- 6: "extra-grande",
- 7: "extra-extra-grande"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 447b2c31b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pt/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Propriedades de Link",
- insertImageTitle: "Propriedades de Imagem",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Descrição:",
- target: "Destino:",
- set: "Definir",
- currentWindow: "Janela Atual",
- parentWindow: "Janela Pai",
- topWindow: "Primeira Janela",
- newWindow: "Nova Janela"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b2fad6a30..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/pt/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/pt/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Negrito',
- 'copy': 'Copiar',
- 'cut': 'Recortar',
- 'delete': 'Excluir',
- 'indent': 'Recuar',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Régua Horizontal',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Lista Numerada',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Lista com Marcadores',
- 'italic': 'Itálico',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Alinhar pelo Centro',
- 'justifyFull': 'Justificar',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Alinhar à Esquerda',
- 'justifyRight': 'Alinhar à Direita',
- 'outdent': 'Não chanfrado',
- 'paste': 'Colar',
- 'redo': 'Refazer',
- 'removeFormat': 'Remover Formato',
- 'selectAll': 'Selecionar Todos',
- 'strikethrough': 'Tachado',
- 'subscript': 'Subscrito',
- 'superscript': 'Sobrescrito',
- 'underline': 'Sublinhado',
- 'undo': 'Desfazer',
- 'unlink': 'Remover Link',
- 'createLink': 'Criar Link',
- 'toggleDir': 'Comutar Direção',
- 'insertImage': 'Inserir Imagem',
- 'insertTable': 'Inserir/Editar Tabela',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Alternar Moldura da Tabela',
- 'deleteTable': 'Excluir Tabela',
- 'tableProp': 'Propriedade da Tabela',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Origem HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Cor do Primeiro Plano',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Cor do Segundo Plano',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Estilo de Parágrafo',
- 'formatBlock': 'Estilo de Parágrafo',
- 'fontSize': 'Tamanho da Fonte',
- 'fontName': 'Nome da Fonte',
- 'tabIndent': 'Recuo de Guia',
- "fullScreen": "Comutar Tela Cheia",
- "viewSource": "Visualizar Origem HTML",
- "print": "Imprimir",
- "newPage": "Nova Página",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'A ação "${0}" está disponível em seu navegador apenas usando um atalho de teclado. Use ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 02f2269f8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ro/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Dimensiune",
- fontName: "Font",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Fără",
- p: "Paragraf",
- h1: "Titlu",
- h2: "Subtitlu",
- h3: "Sub-subtitlu",
- pre: "Preformatat",
- 1: "xxs (xx-small)",
- 2: "xs (x-small)",
- 3: "s (small)",
- 4: "m (medium)",
- 5: "l (large)",
- 6: "xl (x-large)",
- 7: "xxl (xx-large)"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fafb290b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ro/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Proprietăţi legătură",
- insertImageTitle: "Proprietăţi imagine",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Descriere:",
- target: "Destinaţie:",
- set: "Setare",
- currentWindow: "Fereastra curentă",
- parentWindow: "Fereastra părinte",
- topWindow: "Fereastra cea mai de sus",
- newWindow: "Fereastra nouă"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a534e9f49..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ro/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ro/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Aldin',
- 'copy': 'Copiere',
- 'cut': 'Tăiere',
- 'delete': 'Ştergere',
- 'indent': 'Micşorare indent',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Linie delimitatoare',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Listă numerotată',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Listă cu marcator',
- 'italic': 'Cursiv',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Aliniere centru',
- 'justifyFull': 'Aliniere stânga-dreapta',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Aliniere stânga',
- 'justifyRight': 'Aliniere dreapta',
- 'outdent': 'Mărire indent',
- 'paste': 'Lipire',
- 'redo': 'Refacere acţiune',
- 'removeFormat': 'Înlăturare format',
- 'selectAll': 'Selectează tot',
- 'strikethrough': 'Tăiere text cu o linie',
- 'subscript': 'Scriere indice inferior',
- 'superscript': 'Scriere indice superior',
- 'underline': 'Subliniere',
- 'undo': 'Anulare acţiune',
- 'unlink': 'Înlăturare legătură',
- 'createLink': 'Creare legătură',
- 'toggleDir': 'Comutare direcţie',
- 'insertImage': 'Inserare imagine',
- 'insertTable': 'Inserare/Editare tabelă',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Comutare bordură tabelă',
- 'deleteTable': 'Ştergere tabelă',
- 'tableProp': 'Proprietate tabelă',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Sursă HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Culoare de prim-plan',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Culoare de fundal',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Stil paragraf',
- 'formatBlock': 'Stil paragraf',
- 'fontSize': 'Dimensiune font',
- 'fontName': 'Nume font',
- 'tabIndent': 'Indentare Tab',
- "fullScreen": "Comutare ecran complet",
- "viewSource": "Vizualizara sursă HTML",
- "print": "Tipărire",
- "newPage": "Pagină nouă",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Acţiunea "${0}" este disponibilă în browser doar utilizând o comandă rapidă de la tastatură. Utilizaţi ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 611a40c82..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ru/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Размер",
- fontName: "Шрифт",
- formatBlock: "Формат",
- serif: "с засечками",
- "sans-serif": "без засечек",
- monospace: "непропорциональный",
- cursive: "курсив",
- fantasy: "артистический",
- noFormat: "Нет",
- p: "Абзац",
- h1: "Заголовок",
- h2: "Подзаголовок",
- h3: "Вложенный подзаголовок",
- pre: "Заранее отформатированный",
- 1: "самый маленький",
- 2: "очень маленький",
- 3: "маленький",
- 4: "средний",
- 5: "большой",
- 6: "очень большой",
- 7: "самый большой"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 35b914001..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ru/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Свойства ссылки",
- insertImageTitle: "Свойства изображения",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Описание:",
- target: "Целевой объект:",
- set: "Задать",
- currentWindow: "Текущее окно",
- parentWindow: "Родительское окно",
- topWindow: "Верхнее окно",
- newWindow: "Новое окно"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 112659bd6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/ru/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/ru/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Полужирный',
- 'copy': 'Копировать',
- 'cut': 'Вырезать',
- 'delete': 'Удалить',
- 'indent': 'Отступ',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Горизонтальная линейка',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Нумерованный список',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Список с маркерами',
- 'italic': 'Курсив',
- 'justifyCenter': 'По центру',
- 'justifyFull': 'По ширине',
- 'justifyLeft': 'По левому краю',
- 'justifyRight': 'По правому краю',
- 'outdent': 'Втяжка',
- 'paste': 'Вставить',
- 'redo': 'Повторить',
- 'removeFormat': 'Удалить формат',
- 'selectAll': 'Выбрать все',
- 'strikethrough': 'Перечеркивание',
- 'subscript': 'Нижний индекс',
- 'superscript': 'Верхний индекс',
- 'underline': 'Подчеркивание',
- 'undo': 'Отменить',
- 'unlink': 'Удалить ссылку',
- 'createLink': 'Создать ссылку',
- 'toggleDir': 'Изменить направление',
- 'insertImage': 'Вставить изображение',
- 'insertTable': 'Вставить/изменить таблицу',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Переключить рамку таблицы',
- 'deleteTable': 'Удалить таблицу',
- 'tableProp': 'Свойства таблицы',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Код HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Цвет текста',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Цвет фона',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Стиль абзаца',
- 'formatBlock': 'Стиль абзаца',
- 'fontSize': 'Размер шрифта',
- 'fontName': 'Название шрифта',
- 'tabIndent': 'Табуляция',
- "fullScreen": "Переключить полноэкранный режим",
- "viewSource": "Показать исходный код HTML",
- "print": "Печать",
- "newPage": "Создать страницу",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Действие "${0}" можно выполнить в браузере только путем нажатия клавиш ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 50dce9b79..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sk/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Veľkosť",
- fontName: "Písmo",
- formatBlock: "Formát",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Žiadny",
- p: "Odsek",
- h1: "Hlavička",
- h2: "Podhlavička",
- h3: "Pod-podhlavička",
- pre: "Predformátované",
- 1: "xx-small",
- 2: "x-small",
- 3: "small",
- 4: "medium",
- 5: "large",
- 6: "x-large",
- 7: "xx-large"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aec07ccb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sk/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Pripojiť vlastnosti",
- insertImageTitle: "Vlastnosti obrázka ",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Opis:",
- target: "Cieľ:",
- set: "Nastaviť",
- currentWindow: "Aktuálne okno ",
- parentWindow: "Rodičovské okno ",
- topWindow: "Najvrchnejšie okno ",
- newWindow: "Nové okno "
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fd58cdcc..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sk/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sk/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Tučné písmo',
- 'copy': 'Kopírovať',
- 'cut': 'Vystrihnúť',
- 'delete': 'Vymazať',
- 'indent': 'Odsadiť',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Horizontálna čiara',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Číslovaný zoznam',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Zoznam s odrážkami',
- 'italic': 'Kurzíva',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Zarovnať na stred',
- 'justifyFull': 'Zarovnať podľa okraja',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Zarovnať doľava',
- 'justifyRight': 'Zarovnať doprava',
- 'outdent': 'Predsadiť',
- 'paste': 'Nalepiť',
- 'redo': 'Znova vykonať',
- 'removeFormat': 'Odstrániť formát',
- 'selectAll': 'Vybrať všetko',
- 'strikethrough': 'Prečiarknuť',
- 'subscript': 'Dolný index',
- 'superscript': 'Horný index',
- 'underline': 'Podčiarknuť',
- 'undo': 'Vrátiť späť',
- 'unlink': 'Odstrániť prepojenie',
- 'createLink': 'Vytvoriť prepojenie',
- 'toggleDir': 'Prepnúť smer',
- 'insertImage': 'Vložiť obrázok',
- 'insertTable': 'Vložiť/upraviť tabuľku',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Prepnúť rámček tabuľky',
- 'deleteTable': 'Vymazať tabuľku',
- 'tableProp': 'Vlastnosť tabuľky',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Zdroj HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Farba popredia',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Farba pozadia',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Štýl odseku',
- 'formatBlock': 'Štýl odseku',
- 'fontSize': 'Veľkosť písma',
- 'fontName': 'Názov písma',
- 'tabIndent': 'Odsadenie tabulátora',
- "fullScreen": "Zobraziť na celú obrazovku",
- "viewSource": "Zobraziť zdrojový kód HTML ",
- "print": "Tlačiť",
- "newPage": "Nová stránka ",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Akcia "${0}" je vo vašom prehliadači dostupná len s použitím klávesovej skratky. Použite ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bed8749d8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sl/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Velikost",
- fontName: "Pisava",
- formatBlock: "Oblika",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Brez",
- p: "Odstavek",
- h1: "Naslovni slog",
- h2: "Podnaslovni slog",
- h3: "Pod-podnaslovni slog",
- pre: "Vnaprej oblikovan",
- 1: "xx-majhno",
- 2: "x-majhno",
- 3: "majhno",
- 4: "srednje",
- 5: "veliko",
- 6: "x-veliko",
- 7: "xx-veliko"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1df1ae577..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sl/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Lastnosti povezave",
- insertImageTitle: "Lastnosti slike",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Opis:",
- target: "Cilj:",
- set: "Nastavi",
- currentWindow: "Trenutno okno",
- parentWindow: "Nadrejeno okno",
- topWindow: "Okno na vrhu",
- newWindow: "Novo okno"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9701eed05..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sl/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sl/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Krepko',
- 'copy': 'Prekopiraj',
- 'cut': 'Izreži',
- 'delete': 'Izbriši',
- 'indent': 'Zamik',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Vodoravno ravnilo',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Oštevilčen seznam',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Naštevni seznam',
- 'italic': 'Ležeče',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Poravnaj na sredino',
- 'justifyFull': 'Poravnaj obojestransko',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Poravnaj levo',
- 'justifyRight': 'Poravnaj desno',
- 'outdent': 'Primakni',
- 'paste': 'Prilepi',
- 'redo': 'Znova uveljavi',
- 'removeFormat': 'Odstrani oblikovanje',
- 'selectAll': 'Izberi vse',
- 'strikethrough': 'Prečrtano',
- 'subscript': 'Podpisano',
- 'superscript': 'Nadpisano',
- 'underline': 'Podčrtano',
- 'undo': 'Razveljavi',
- 'unlink': 'Odstrani povezavo',
- 'createLink': 'Ustvari povezavo',
- 'toggleDir': 'Preklopi smer',
- 'insertImage': 'Vstavi sliko',
- 'insertTable': 'Vstavi/uredi tabelo',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Preklopi na rob tabele',
- 'deleteTable': 'Izbriši tabelo',
- 'tableProp': 'Lastnost tabele',
- 'htmlToggle': 'Izvorna koda HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'Barva ospredja',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Barva ozadja',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Slog odstavka',
- 'formatBlock': 'Slog odstavka',
- 'fontSize': 'Velikost pisave',
- 'fontName': 'Ime pisave',
- 'tabIndent': 'Zamik tabulatorja',
- "fullScreen": "Preklopi na celozaslonski način",
- "viewSource": "Prikaži izvorno kodo HTML",
- "print": "Natisni",
- "newPage": "Nova stran",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Dejanje "${0}" lahko v vašem brskalniku uporabite samo z bližnjico na tipkovnici. Uporabite ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index eca88dab7..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sv/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Storlek",
- fontName: "Teckensnitt",
- formatBlock: "Format",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "kursivt",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "Ingen",
- p: "Stycke",
- h1: "Rubrik",
- h2: "Underrubrik",
- h3: "Underunderrubrik",
- pre: "Förformaterat",
- 1: "mycket, mycket litet",
- 2: "mycket litet",
- 3: "litet",
- 4: "medelstort",
- 5: "stort",
- 6: "extra stort",
- 7: "extra extra stort"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 14b12b19a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sv/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Länkegenskaper",
- insertImageTitle: "Bildegenskaper",
- url: "URL-adress:",
- text: "Beskrivning:",
- target: "Mål:",
- set: "Ange",
- currentWindow: "aktuellt fönster",
- parentWindow: "överordnat fönster",
- topWindow: "översta fönstret",
- newWindow: "nytt fönster"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 03d8ceaa6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/sv/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/sv/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Fetstil',
- 'copy': 'Kopiera',
- 'cut': 'Klipp ut',
- 'delete': 'Ta bort',
- 'indent': 'Indrag',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Horisontell linjal',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Numrerad lista',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Punktlista',
- 'italic': 'Kursiv',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Centrera',
- 'justifyFull': 'Marginaljustera',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Vänsterjustera',
- 'justifyRight': 'Högerjustera',
- 'outdent': 'Utdrag',
- 'paste': 'Klistra in',
- 'redo': 'Gör om',
- 'removeFormat': 'Ta bort format',
- 'selectAll': 'Markera allt',
- 'strikethrough': 'Genomstruken',
- 'subscript': 'Nedsänkt',
- 'superscript': 'Upphöjt',
- 'underline': 'Understrykning',
- 'undo': 'Ångra',
- 'unlink': 'Ta bort länk',
- 'createLink': 'Skapa länk',
- 'toggleDir': 'Växla riktning',
- 'insertImage': 'Infoga bild',
- 'insertTable': 'Infoga/redigera tabell',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Aktivera/avaktivera tabellram',
- 'deleteTable': 'Ta bort tabell',
- 'tableProp': 'Tabellegenskap',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML-källkod',
- 'foreColor': 'Förgrundsfärg',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Bakgrundsfärg',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Styckeformat',
- 'formatBlock': 'Styckeformat',
- 'fontSize': 'Teckenstorlek',
- 'fontName': 'Teckensnittsnamn',
- 'tabIndent': 'Tabbindrag',
- "fullScreen": "Växla helskärm",
- "viewSource": "Visa HTML-kod",
- "print": "Skriv ut",
- "newPage": "Ny sida",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'Åtgärden "${0}" är endast tillgänglig i webbläsaren med hjälp av ett kortkommando. Använd ${1}.',
- 'ctrlKey':'Ctrl+${0}',
- 'appleKey':'\u2318+${0}' // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d1201c77..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/th/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "ขนาด",
- fontName: "ฟอนต์",
- formatBlock: "รูปแบบ",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "monospace",
- cursive: "cursive",
- fantasy: "fantasy",
- noFormat: "ไม่มี",
- p: "ย่อหน้า",
- h1: "ส่วนหัว",
- h2: "ส่วนหัวย่อย",
- h3: "ส่วนย่อยของส่วนหัวย่อย",
- pre: "การกำหนดรูปแบบล่วงหน้า",
- 1: "xx-small",
- 2: "x-small",
- 3: "small",
- 4: "medium",
- 5: "large",
- 6: "x-large",
- 7: "xx-large"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 115cb91f2..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/th/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "คุณสมบัติลิงก์",
- insertImageTitle: "คุณสมบัติอิมเมจ",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "รายละเอียด:",
- target: "เป้าหมาย:",
- set: "ตั้งค่า",
- currentWindow: "หน้าต่างปัจจุบัน",
- parentWindow: "หน้าต่างหลัก",
- topWindow: "หน้าต่างบนสุด",
- newWindow: "หน้าต่างใหม่"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 82b4e8ef8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/th/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/th/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'ตัวหนา',
- 'copy': 'คัดลอก',
- 'cut': 'ตัด',
- 'delete': 'ลบ',
- 'indent': 'เพิ่มการเยื้อง',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'ไม้บรรทัดแนวนอน',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'ลำดับเลข',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'หัวข้อย่อย',
- 'italic': 'ตัวเอียง',
- 'justifyCenter': 'จัดกึ่งกลาง',
- 'justifyFull': 'จัดชิดขอบ',
- 'justifyLeft': 'จัดชิดซ้าย',
- 'justifyRight': 'จัดชิดขวา',
- 'outdent': 'ลดการเยื้อง',
- 'paste': 'วาง',
- 'redo': 'ทำซ้ำ',
- 'removeFormat': 'ลบรูปแบบออก',
- 'selectAll': 'เลือกทั้งหมด',
- 'strikethrough': 'ขีดทับ',
- 'subscript': 'ตัวห้อย',
- 'superscript': 'ตัวยก',
- 'underline': 'ขีดเส้นใต้',
- 'undo': 'เลิกทำ',
- 'unlink': 'ลบลิงก์ออก',
- 'createLink': 'สร้างลิงก์',
- 'toggleDir': 'สลับทิศทาง',
- 'insertImage': 'แทรกอิมเมจ',
- 'insertTable': 'แทรก/แก้ไขตาราง',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'สลับเส้นขอบตาราง',
- 'deleteTable': 'ลบตาราง',
- 'tableProp': 'คุณสมบัติตาราง',
- 'htmlToggle': 'ซอร์ส HTML',
- 'foreColor': 'สีพื้นหน้า',
- 'hiliteColor': 'สีพื้นหลัง',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'ลักษณะย่อหน้า',
- 'formatBlock': 'ลักษณะย่อหน้า',
- 'fontSize': 'ขนาดฟอนต์',
- 'fontName': 'ชื่อฟอนต์',
- 'tabIndent': 'เยื้องแท็บ',
- "fullScreen": "สลับจอภาพแบบเต็ม",
- "viewSource": "ดูซอร์ส HTML",
- "print": "พิมพ์",
- "newPage": "หน้าใหม่",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': 'การดำเนินการ"${0}" ใช้งานได้เฉพาะกับเบราว์เซอร์ของคุณโดยใช้แป้นพิมพ์ลัด ใช้ ${1}'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index db0afbe92..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/tr/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "Boyut",
- fontName: "Yazı Tipi",
- formatBlock: "Biçim",
- serif: "serif",
- "sans-serif": "sans-serif",
- monospace: "tek aralıklı",
- cursive: "el yazısı",
- fantasy: "fantazi",
- noFormat: "Yok",
- p: "Paragraf",
- h1: "Başlık",
- h2: "Alt Başlık",
- h3: "Alt Alt Başlık",
- pre: "Önceden Biçimlendirilmiş",
- 1: "xx-küçük",
- 2: "x-küçük",
- 3: "küçük",
- 4: "orta",
- 5: "büyük",
- 6: "x-büyük",
- 7: "xx-büyük"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 48cd60f5e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/tr/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "Bağlantı Özellikleri",
- insertImageTitle: "Resim Özellikleri",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "Açıklama:",
- target: "Hedef:",
- set: "Ayarla",
- currentWindow: "Geçerli Pencere",
- parentWindow: "Üst Pencere",
- topWindow: "En Üst Pencere",
- newWindow: "Yeni Pencere"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 60e76b77c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/tr/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/tr/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': 'Kalın',
- 'copy': 'Kopyala',
- 'cut': 'Kes',
- 'delete': 'Sil',
- 'indent': 'Girinti',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': 'Yatay Kural',
- 'insertOrderedList': 'Numaralı Liste',
- 'insertUnorderedList': 'Madde İşaretli Liste',
- 'italic': 'İtalik',
- 'justifyCenter': 'Ortaya Hizala',
- 'justifyFull': 'Yasla',
- 'justifyLeft': 'Sola Hizala',
- 'justifyRight': 'Sağa Hizala',
- 'outdent': 'Çıkıntı',
- 'paste': 'Yapıştır',
- 'redo': 'Yinele',
- 'removeFormat': 'Biçimi Kaldır',
- 'selectAll': 'Tümünü Seç',
- 'strikethrough': 'Üstü Çizili',
- 'subscript': 'Alt Simge',
- 'superscript': 'Üst Simge',
- 'underline': 'Altı Çizili',
- 'undo': 'Geri Al',
- 'unlink': 'Bağlantıyı Kaldır',
- 'createLink': 'Bağlantı Oluştur',
- 'toggleDir': 'Yönü Değiştir',
- 'insertImage': 'Resim Ekle',
- 'insertTable': 'Tablo Ekle/Düzenle',
- 'toggleTableBorder': 'Tablo Kenarlığını Göster/Gizle',
- 'deleteTable': 'Tabloyu Sil',
- 'tableProp': 'Tablo Özelliği',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML Kaynağı',
- 'foreColor': 'Ön Plan Rengi',
- 'hiliteColor': 'Arka Plan Rengi',
- 'plainFormatBlock': 'Paragraf Stili',
- 'formatBlock': 'Paragraf Stili',
- 'fontSize': 'Yazı Tipi Boyutu',
- 'fontName': 'Yazı Tipi Adı',
- 'tabIndent': 'Sekme Girintisi',
- "fullScreen": "Tam Ekranı Aç/Kapat",
- "viewSource": "HTML Kaynağını Görüntüle",
- "print": "Yazdır",
- "newPage": "Yeni Sayfa",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '"${0}" işlemi yalnızca tarayıcınızda bir klavye kısayoluyla birlikte kullanılabilir. Şunu kullanın: ${1}.'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 72a48d3d4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "大小",
- fontName: "字型",
- formatBlock: "格式",
- serif: "新細明體",
- "sans-serif": "新細明體",
- monospace: "等寬",
- cursive: "Cursive",
- fantasy: "Fantasy",
- noFormat: "無",
- p: "段落",
- h1: "標題",
- h2: "子標題",
- h3: "次子標題",
- pre: "預先格式化",
- 1: "最小",
- 2: "較小",
- 3: "小",
- 4: "中",
- 5: "大",
- 6: "較大",
- 7: "最大"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1233e9a80..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "鏈結內容",
- insertImageTitle: "影像內容",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "說明:",
- target: "目標:",
- set: "設定",
- currentWindow: "現行視窗",
- parentWindow: "上層視窗",
- topWindow: "最上面的視窗",
- newWindow: "新視窗"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a7009ad27..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/zh-tw/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': '粗體',
- 'copy': '複製',
- 'cut': '剪下',
- 'delete': '刪除',
- 'indent': '縮排',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': '水平尺規',
- 'insertOrderedList': '編號清單',
- 'insertUnorderedList': '項目符號清單',
- 'italic': '斜體',
- 'justifyCenter': '置中對齊',
- 'justifyFull': '對齊',
- 'justifyLeft': '靠左對齊',
- 'justifyRight': '靠右對齊',
- 'outdent': '凸排',
- 'paste': '貼上',
- 'redo': '重做',
- 'removeFormat': '移除格式',
- 'selectAll': '全選',
- 'strikethrough': '刪除線',
- 'subscript': '下標',
- 'superscript': '上標',
- 'underline': '底線',
- 'undo': '復原',
- 'unlink': '移除鏈結',
- 'createLink': '建立鏈結',
- 'toggleDir': '切換方向',
- 'insertImage': '插入影像',
- 'insertTable': '插入/編輯表格',
- 'toggleTableBorder': '切換表格邊框',
- 'deleteTable': '刪除表格',
- 'tableProp': '表格內容',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML 原始檔',
- 'foreColor': '前景顏色',
- 'hiliteColor': '背景顏色',
- 'plainFormatBlock': '段落樣式',
- 'formatBlock': '段落樣式',
- 'fontSize': '字型大小',
- 'fontName': '字型名稱',
- 'tabIndent': '標籤縮排',
- "fullScreen": "切換全螢幕",
- "viewSource": "檢視 HTML 原始檔",
- "print": "列印",
- "newPage": "新頁面",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '"${0}" 動作在您的瀏覽器中,只能使用鍵盤快速鍵。請使用 ${1}。'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f708d6677..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/zh/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
- fontSize: "大小",
- fontName: "字体",
- formatBlock: "格式",
- serif: "有衬线",
- "sans-serif": "无衬线",
- monospace: "等宽字体",
- cursive: "草书",
- fantasy: "虚线",
- noFormat: "无",
- p: "段落",
- h1: "标题",
- h2: "子标题",
- h3: "二级子标题",
- pre: "预设有格式的",
- 1: "XXS 号",
- 2: "XS 号",
- 3: "S 号",
- 4: "M 号",
- 5: "L 号",
- 6: "XL 号",
- 7: "XXL 号"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a82796eb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/zh/LinkDialog", //begin v1.x content
- createLinkTitle: "链接属性",
- insertImageTitle: "图像属性",
- url: "URL:",
- text: "描述:",
- target: "目标:",
- set: "设置",
- currentWindow: "当前窗口",
- parentWindow: "父窗口",
- topWindow: "顶层窗口",
- newWindow: "新建窗口"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/commands.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/commands.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fb4b8dd46..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/nls/zh/commands.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/_editor/nls/zh/commands", //begin v1.x content
- 'bold': '粗体',
- 'copy': '复制',
- 'cut': '剪切',
- 'delete': '删除',
- 'indent': '增加缩进',
- 'insertHorizontalRule': '水平线',
- 'insertOrderedList': '编号列表',
- 'insertUnorderedList': '符号列表',
- 'italic': '斜体',
- 'justifyCenter': '居中',
- 'justifyFull': '对齐',
- 'justifyLeft': '左对齐',
- 'justifyRight': '右对齐',
- 'outdent': '减少缩进',
- 'paste': '粘贴',
- 'redo': '重做',
- 'removeFormat': '除去格式',
- 'selectAll': '全选',
- 'strikethrough': '删除线',
- 'subscript': '下标',
- 'superscript': '上标',
- 'underline': '下划线',
- 'undo': '撤销',
- 'unlink': '除去链接',
- 'createLink': '创建链接',
- 'toggleDir': '固定方向',
- 'insertImage': '插入图像',
- 'insertTable': '插入/编辑表',
- 'toggleTableBorder': '切换表边框',
- 'deleteTable': '删除表',
- 'tableProp': '表属性',
- 'htmlToggle': 'HTML 源代码',
- 'foreColor': '前景色',
- 'hiliteColor': '背景色',
- 'plainFormatBlock': '段落样式',
- 'formatBlock': '段落样式',
- 'fontSize': '字体大小',
- 'fontName': '字体名称',
- 'tabIndent': '制表符缩进',
- "fullScreen": "切换全屏幕",
- "viewSource": "查看 HTML 源代码",
- "print": "打印",
- "newPage": "新建页面",
- /* Error messages */
- 'systemShortcut': '只能在浏览器中通过键盘快捷方式执行“${0}”操作。使用 ${1}。'
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/AlwaysShowToolbar.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/AlwaysShowToolbar.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 42935c3fc..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/AlwaysShowToolbar.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/AlwaysShowToolbar", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove
- "dojo/dom-construct", //
- "dojo/dom-geometry",
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("opera")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "../_Plugin"
-], function(declare, domClass, domConstruct, domGeometry, lang, has, win, _Plugin){
- var _Plugin = dijit._editor._Plugin;
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/AlwaysShowToolbar
-// summary:
-// This plugin is required for Editors in auto-expand mode.
-// It handles the auto-expansion as the user adds/deletes text,
-// and keeps the editor's toolbar visible even when the top of the editor
-// has scrolled off the top of the viewport (usually when editing a long
-// document).
-return declare("dijit._editor.plugins.AlwaysShowToolbar", _Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin is required for Editors in auto-expand mode.
- // It handles the auto-expansion as the user adds/deletes text,
- // and keeps the editor's toolbar visible even when the top of the editor
- // has scrolled off the top of the viewport (usually when editing a long
- // document).
- // description:
- // Specify this in extraPlugins (or plugins) parameter and also set
- // height to "".
- // example:
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.Editor" height=""
- // | data-dojo-props="extraPlugins: [dijit._editor.plugins.AlwaysShowToolbar]">
- // _handleScroll: Boolean
- // Enables/disables the handler for scroll events
- _handleScroll: true,
- setEditor: function(e){
- // Overrides _Plugin.setEditor().
- if(!e.iframe){
- console.log('Port AlwaysShowToolbar plugin to work with Editor without iframe');
- return;
- }
- this.editor = e;
- e.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(lang.hitch(this, this.enable));
- },
- enable: function(d){
- // summary:
- // Enable plugin. Called when Editor has finished initializing.
- // tags:
- // private
- this._updateHeight();
- this.connect(window, 'onscroll', "globalOnScrollHandler");
- this.connect(this.editor, 'onNormalizedDisplayChanged', "_updateHeight");
- return d;
- },
- _updateHeight: function(){
- // summary:
- // Updates the height of the editor area to fit the contents.
- var e = this.editor;
- if(!e.isLoaded){ return; }
- if(e.height){ return; }
- var height = domGeometry.getMarginSize(e.editNode).h;
- if(has("opera")){
- height = e.editNode.scrollHeight;
- }
- // console.debug('height',height);
- // alert(this.editNode);
- //height maybe zero in some cases even though the content is not empty,
- //we try the height of body instead
- if(!height){
- height = domGeometry.getMarginSize(e.document.body).h;
- }
- if(height == 0){
- console.debug("Can not figure out the height of the editing area!");
- return; //prevent setting height to 0
- }
- if(has("ie") <= 7 && this.editor.minHeight){
- var min = parseInt(this.editor.minHeight);
- if(height < min){ height = min; }
- }
- if(height != this._lastHeight){
- this._lastHeight = height;
- // = this._lastHeight + "px";
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(e.iframe, { h: this._lastHeight });
- }
- },
- // _lastHeight: Integer
- // Height in px of the editor at the last time we did sizing
- _lastHeight: 0,
- globalOnScrollHandler: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for scroll events that bubbled up to <html>
- // tags:
- // private
- var isIE6 = has("ie") < 7;
- if(!this._handleScroll){ return; }
- var tdn = this.editor.header;
- if(!this._scrollSetUp){
- this._scrollSetUp = true;
- this._scrollThreshold = domGeometry.position(tdn, true).y;
-// var db = win.body;
-// console.log("threshold:", this._scrollThreshold);
- //what's this for?? comment out for now
-// if((isIE6)&&(db)&&(domStyle.set or get TODO(db, "backgroundIimage")=="none")){
-// = "url(" + dojo.uri.moduleUri("dijit", "templates/blank.gif") + ")";
-// = "fixed";
-// }
- }
- var scrollPos = domGeometry.docScroll().y;
- var s =;
- if(scrollPos > this._scrollThreshold && scrollPos < this._scrollThreshold+this._lastHeight){
- // dojo.debug(scrollPos);
- if(!this._fixEnabled){
- var tdnbox = domGeometry.getMarginSize(tdn);
- = tdnbox.h+"px";
- if(isIE6){
- s.left = domGeometry.position(tdn).x;
- if(tdn.previousSibling){
- this._IEOriginalPos = ['after',tdn.previousSibling];
- }else if(tdn.nextSibling){
- this._IEOriginalPos = ['before',tdn.nextSibling];
- }else{
- this._IEOriginalPos = ['last',tdn.parentNode];
- }
- win.body().appendChild(tdn);
- domClass.add(tdn,'dijitIEFixedToolbar');
- }else{
- s.position = "fixed";
- = "0px";
- }
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(tdn, { w: tdnbox.w });
- s.zIndex = 2000;
- this._fixEnabled = true;
- }
- // if we're showing the floating toolbar, make sure that if
- // we've scrolled past the bottom of the editor that we hide
- // the toolbar for this instance of the editor.
- // TODO: when we get multiple editor toolbar support working
- // correctly, ensure that we check this against the scroll
- // position of the bottom-most editor instance.
- var eHeight = (this.height) ? parseInt(this.editor.height) : this.editor._lastHeight;
- s.display = (scrollPos > this._scrollThreshold+eHeight) ? "none" : "";
- }else if(this._fixEnabled){
- = '';
- s.position = "";
- = "";
- s.zIndex = "";
- s.display = "";
- if(isIE6){
- s.left = "";
- domClass.remove(tdn,'dijitIEFixedToolbar');
- if(this._IEOriginalPos){
-, this._IEOriginalPos[1], this._IEOriginalPos[0]);
- this._IEOriginalPos = null;
- }else{
-, this.editor.iframe, 'before');
- }
- }
- s.width = "";
- this._fixEnabled = false;
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- // Overrides _Plugin.destroy(). TODO: call this.inherited() rather than repeating code.
- this._IEOriginalPos = null;
- this._handleScroll = false;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(has("ie") < 7){
- domClass.remove(this.editor.header, 'dijitIEFixedToolbar');
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f5937778..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,638 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.destroy
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys", // keys.ENTER
- "dojo/_base/lang",
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("mozilla") has("webkit")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.withGlobal
- "dojo/window", // winUtils.scrollIntoView
- "../_Plugin",
- "../RichText",
- "../range",
- "../selection"
-], function(declare, domConstruct, event, keys, lang, has, win, winUtils, _Plugin, RichText, rangeapi, selectionapi){
- var _Plugin = dijit._editor._Plugin;
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling
-// summary:
-// This plugin tries to make all browsers behave consistently with regard to
-// how ENTER behaves in the editor window. It traps the ENTER key and alters
-// the way DOM is constructed in certain cases to try to commonize the generated
-// DOM and behaviors across browsers.
-return declare("dijit._editor.plugins.EnterKeyHandling", _Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin tries to make all browsers behave consistently with regard to
- // how ENTER behaves in the editor window. It traps the ENTER key and alters
- // the way DOM is constructed in certain cases to try to commonize the generated
- // DOM and behaviors across browsers.
- //
- // description:
- // This plugin has three modes:
- //
- // * blockNodeForEnter=BR
- // * blockNodeForEnter=DIV
- // * blockNodeForEnter=P
- //
- // In blockNodeForEnter=P, the ENTER key starts a new
- // paragraph, and shift-ENTER starts a new line in the current paragraph.
- // For example, the input:
- //
- // | first paragraph <shift-ENTER>
- // | second line of first paragraph <ENTER>
- // | second paragraph
- //
- // will generate:
- //
- // | <p>
- // | first paragraph
- // | <br/>
- // | second line of first paragraph
- // | </p>
- // | <p>
- // | second paragraph
- // | </p>
- //
- // In BR and DIV mode, the ENTER key conceptually goes to a new line in the
- // current paragraph, and users conceptually create a new paragraph by pressing ENTER twice.
- // For example, if the user enters text into an editor like this:
- //
- // | one <ENTER>
- // | two <ENTER>
- // | three <ENTER>
- // | <ENTER>
- // | four <ENTER>
- // | five <ENTER>
- // | six <ENTER>
- //
- // It will appear on the screen as two 'paragraphs' of three lines each. Markupwise, this generates:
- //
- // BR:
- // | one<br/>
- // | two<br/>
- // | three<br/>
- // | <br/>
- // | four<br/>
- // | five<br/>
- // | six<br/>
- //
- // DIV:
- // | <div>one</div>
- // | <div>two</div>
- // | <div>three</div>
- // | <div>&nbsp;</div>
- // | <div>four</div>
- // | <div>five</div>
- // | <div>six</div>
- // blockNodeForEnter: String
- // This property decides the behavior of Enter key. It can be either P,
- // DIV, BR, or empty (which means disable this feature). Anything else
- // will trigger errors. The default is 'BR'
- //
- // See class description for more details.
- blockNodeForEnter: 'BR',
- constructor: function(args){
- if(args){
- if("blockNodeForEnter" in args){
- args.blockNodeForEnter = args.blockNodeForEnter.toUpperCase();
- }
- lang.mixin(this,args);
- }
- },
- setEditor: function(editor){
- // Overrides _Plugin.setEditor().
- if(this.editor === editor){ return; }
- this.editor = editor;
- if(this.blockNodeForEnter == 'BR'){
- // While Moz has a mode tht mostly works, it's still a little different,
- // So, try to just have a common mode and be consistent. Which means
- // we need to enable customUndo, if not already enabled.
- this.editor.customUndo = true;
- editor.onLoadDeferred.then(lang.hitch(this,function(d){
- this.connect(editor.document, "onkeypress", function(e){
- if(e.charOrCode == keys.ENTER){
- // Just do it manually. The handleEnterKey has a shift mode that
- // Always acts like <br>, so just use it.
- var ne = lang.mixin({},e);
- ne.shiftKey = true;
- if(!this.handleEnterKey(ne)){
- event.stop(e);
- }
- }
- });
- if(has("ie") == 9){
- this.connect(editor.document, "onpaste", function(e){
- setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){
- // Use the old range/selection code to kick IE 9 into updating
- // its range by moving it back, then forward, one 'character'.
- var r = this.editor.document.selection.createRange();
- r.move('character',-1);
- r.move('character',1);
- }),0);
- });
- }
- return d;
- }));
- }else if(this.blockNodeForEnter){
- // add enter key handler
- // FIXME: need to port to the new event code!!
- var h = lang.hitch(this,this.handleEnterKey);
- editor.addKeyHandler(13, 0, 0, h); //enter
- editor.addKeyHandler(13, 0, 1, h); //shift+enter
- this.connect(this.editor,'onKeyPressed','onKeyPressed');
- }
- },
- onKeyPressed: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for keypress events.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this._checkListLater){
- if(win.withGlobal(this.editor.window, 'isCollapsed', dijit)){
- var liparent=win.withGlobal(this.editor.window, 'getAncestorElement', selectionapi, ['LI']);
- if(!liparent){
- // circulate the undo detection code by calling RichText::execCommand directly
-, 'formatblock',this.blockNodeForEnter);
- // set the innerHTML of the new block node
- var block = win.withGlobal(this.editor.window, 'getAncestorElement', selectionapi, [this.blockNodeForEnter]);
- if(block){
- block.innerHTML=this.bogusHtmlContent;
- if(has("ie")){
- // move to the start by moving backwards one char
- var r = this.editor.document.selection.createRange();
- r.move('character',-1);
- }
- }else{
- console.error('onKeyPressed: Cannot find the new block node'); // FIXME
- }
- }else{
- if(has("mozilla")){
- if(liparent.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName == 'LI'){
- liparent=liparent.parentNode.parentNode;
- }
- }
- var fc=liparent.firstChild;
- if(fc && fc.nodeType == 1 && (fc.nodeName == 'UL' || fc.nodeName == 'OL')){
- liparent.insertBefore(fc.ownerDocument.createTextNode('\xA0'),fc);
- var newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(liparent.firstChild,0);
- var selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window, true);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- }
- }
- }
- this._checkListLater = false;
- }
- if(this._pressedEnterInBlock){
- // the new created is the original current P, so we have previousSibling below
- if(this._pressedEnterInBlock.previousSibling){
- this.removeTrailingBr(this._pressedEnterInBlock.previousSibling);
- }
- delete this._pressedEnterInBlock;
- }
- },
- // bogusHtmlContent: [private] String
- // HTML to stick into a new empty block
- bogusHtmlContent: '&#160;', // &nbsp;
- // blockNodes: [private] Regex
- // Regex for testing if a given tag is a block level (display:block) tag
- blockNodes: /^(?:P|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|LI)$/,
- handleEnterKey: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for enter key events when blockNodeForEnter is DIV or P.
- // description:
- // Manually handle enter key event to make the behavior consistent across
- // all supported browsers. See class description for details.
- // tags:
- // private
- var selection, range, newrange, startNode, endNode, brNode, doc=this.editor.document,br,rs,txt;
- if(e.shiftKey){ // shift+enter always generates <br>
- var parent = win.withGlobal(this.editor.window, "getParentElement", selectionapi);
- var header = rangeapi.getAncestor(parent,this.blockNodes);
- if(header){
- if(header.tagName == 'LI'){
- return true; // let browser handle
- }
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- if(!range.collapsed){
- range.deleteContents();
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- if(rangeapi.atBeginningOfContainer(header, range.startContainer, range.startOffset)){
- br=doc.createElement('br');
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- header.insertBefore(br,header.firstChild);
- newrange.setStartAfter(br);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- }else if(rangeapi.atEndOfContainer(header, range.startContainer, range.startOffset)){
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- br=doc.createElement('br');
- header.appendChild(br);
- header.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('\xA0'));
- newrange.setStart(header.lastChild,0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- }else{
- rs = range.startContainer;
- if(rs && rs.nodeType == 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- win.withGlobal(this.editor.window, function(){
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, range.startOffset));
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(range.startOffset));
- brNode = doc.createElement("br");
- if(endNode.nodeValue == "" && has("webkit")){
- endNode = doc.createTextNode('\xA0')
- }
-, rs, "after");
-, startNode, "after");
-, brNode, "after");
- domConstruct.destroy(rs);
- newrange = rangeapi.create();
- newrange.setStart(endNode,0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- });
- return false;
- }
- return true; // let browser handle
- }
- }else{
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- if(selection.rangeCount){
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- if(range && range.startContainer){
- if(!range.collapsed){
- range.deleteContents();
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- rs = range.startContainer;
- if(rs && rs.nodeType == 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- win.withGlobal(this.editor.window, lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var endEmpty = false;
- var offset = range.startOffset;
- if(rs.length < offset){
- //We are not splitting the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, offset);
- rs = ret.node;
- offset = ret.offset;
- }
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, offset));
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(offset));
- brNode = doc.createElement("br");
- if(!endNode.length){
- endNode = doc.createTextNode('\xA0');
- endEmpty = true;
- }
- if(startNode.length){
-, rs, "after");
- }else{
- startNode = rs;
- }
-, startNode, "after");
-, brNode, "after");
- domConstruct.destroy(rs);
- newrange = rangeapi.create();
- newrange.setStart(endNode,0);
- newrange.setEnd(endNode, endNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(endEmpty && !has("webkit")){
- selectionapi.remove();
- }else{
- selectionapi.collapse(true);
- }
- }));
- }else{
- var targetNode;
- if(range.startOffset >= 0){
- targetNode = rs.childNodes[range.startOffset];
- }
- win.withGlobal(this.editor.window, lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var brNode = doc.createElement("br");
- var endNode = doc.createTextNode('\xA0');
- if(!targetNode){
- rs.appendChild(brNode);
- rs.appendChild(endNode);
- }else{
-, targetNode, "before");
-, brNode, "after");
- }
- newrange = rangeapi.create(;
- newrange.setStart(endNode,0);
- newrange.setEnd(endNode, endNode.length);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- selectionapi.collapse(true);
- }));
- }
- }
- }else{
- // don't change this: do not call this.execCommand, as that may have other logic in subclass
-, 'inserthtml', '<br>');
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- var _letBrowserHandle = true;
- // first remove selection
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- if(!range.collapsed){
- range.deleteContents();
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- var block = rangeapi.getBlockAncestor(range.endContainer, null, this.editor.editNode);
- var blockNode = block.blockNode;
- // if this is under a LI or the parent of the blockNode is LI, just let browser to handle it
- if((this._checkListLater = (blockNode && (blockNode.nodeName == 'LI' || blockNode.parentNode.nodeName == 'LI')))){
- if(has("mozilla")){
- // press enter in middle of P may leave a trailing <br/>, let's remove it later
- this._pressedEnterInBlock = blockNode;
- }
- // if this li only contains spaces, set the content to empty so the browser will outdent this item
- if(/^(\s|&nbsp;|&#160;|\xA0|<span\b[^>]*\bclass=['"]Apple-style-span['"][^>]*>(\s|&nbsp;|&#160;|\xA0)<\/span>)?(<br>)?$/.test(blockNode.innerHTML)){
- // empty LI node
- blockNode.innerHTML = '';
- if(has("webkit")){ // WebKit tosses the range when innerHTML is reset
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(blockNode, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- }
- this._checkListLater = false; // nothing to check since the browser handles outdent
- }
- return true;
- }
- // text node directly under body, let's wrap them in a node
- if(!block.blockNode || block.blockNode===this.editor.editNode){
- try{
-, 'formatblock',this.blockNodeForEnter);
- }catch(e2){ /*squelch FF3 exception bug when editor content is a single BR*/ }
- // get the newly created block node
- // FIXME
- block = {blockNode:win.withGlobal(this.editor.window, "getAncestorElement", selectionapi, [this.blockNodeForEnter]),
- blockContainer: this.editor.editNode};
- if(block.blockNode){
- if(block.blockNode != this.editor.editNode &&
- (!(block.blockNode.textContent || block.blockNode.innerHTML).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").length)){
- this.removeTrailingBr(block.blockNode);
- return false;
- }
- }else{ // we shouldn't be here if formatblock worked
- block.blockNode = this.editor.editNode;
- }
- selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- var newblock = doc.createElement(this.blockNodeForEnter);
- newblock.innerHTML=this.bogusHtmlContent;
- this.removeTrailingBr(block.blockNode);
- var endOffset = range.endOffset;
- var node = range.endContainer;
- if(node.length < endOffset){
- //We are not checking the right node, try to locate the correct one
- var ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(node, endOffset);
- node = ret.node;
- endOffset = ret.offset;
- }
- if(rangeapi.atEndOfContainer(block.blockNode, node, endOffset)){
- if(block.blockNode === block.blockContainer){
- block.blockNode.appendChild(newblock);
- }else{
-, block.blockNode, "after");
- }
- _letBrowserHandle = false;
- // lets move caret to the newly created block
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(newblock, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(this.editor.height){
- winUtils.scrollIntoView(newblock);
- }
- }else if(rangeapi.atBeginningOfContainer(block.blockNode,
- range.startContainer, range.startOffset)){
-, block.blockNode, block.blockNode === block.blockContainer ? "first" : "before");
- if(newblock.nextSibling && this.editor.height){
- // position input caret - mostly WebKit needs this
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- newrange.setStart(newblock.nextSibling, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- // browser does not scroll the caret position into view, do it manually
- winUtils.scrollIntoView(newblock.nextSibling);
- }
- _letBrowserHandle = false;
- }else{ //press enter in the middle of P/DIV/Whatever/
- if(block.blockNode === block.blockContainer){
- block.blockNode.appendChild(newblock);
- }else{
-, block.blockNode, "after");
- }
- _letBrowserHandle = false;
- // Clone any block level styles.
- if({
- if({
- if({
- =;
- }
- }
- }
- // Okay, we probably have to split.
- rs = range.startContainer;
- var firstNodeMoved;
- if(rs && rs.nodeType == 3){
- // Text node, we have to split it.
- var nodeToMove, tNode;
- endOffset = range.endOffset;
- if(rs.length < endOffset){
- //We are not splitting the right node, try to locate the correct one
- ret = this._adjustNodeAndOffset(rs, endOffset);
- rs = ret.node;
- endOffset = ret.offset;
- }
- txt = rs.nodeValue;
- startNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(0, endOffset));
- endNode = doc.createTextNode(txt.substring(endOffset, txt.length));
- // Place the split, then remove original nodes.
-, rs, "before");
-, rs, "after");
- domConstruct.destroy(rs);
- // Okay, we split the text. Now we need to see if we're
- // parented to the block element we're splitting and if
- // not, we have to split all the way up. Ugh.
- var parentC = startNode.parentNode;
- while(parentC !== block.blockNode){
- var tg = parentC.tagName;
- var newTg = doc.createElement(tg);
- // Clone over any 'style' data.
- if({
- if({
- if({
- =;
- }
- }
- }
- // If font also need to clone over any font data.
- if(parentC.tagName === "FONT"){
- if(parentC.color){
- newTg.color = parentC.color;
- }
- if(parentC.face){
- newTg.face = parentC.face;
- }
- if(parentC.size){ // this check was necessary on IE
- newTg.size = parentC.size;
- }
- }
- nodeToMove = endNode;
- while(nodeToMove){
- tNode = nodeToMove.nextSibling;
- newTg.appendChild(nodeToMove);
- nodeToMove = tNode;
- }
-, parentC, "after");
- startNode = parentC;
- endNode = newTg;
- parentC = parentC.parentNode;
- }
- // Lastly, move the split out tags to the new block.
- // as they should now be split properly.
- nodeToMove = endNode;
- if(nodeToMove.nodeType == 1 || (nodeToMove.nodeType == 3 && nodeToMove.nodeValue)){
- // Non-blank text and non-text nodes need to clear out that blank space
- // before moving the contents.
- newblock.innerHTML = "";
- }
- firstNodeMoved = nodeToMove;
- while(nodeToMove){
- tNode = nodeToMove.nextSibling;
- newblock.appendChild(nodeToMove);
- nodeToMove = tNode;
- }
- }
- //lets move caret to the newly created block
- newrange = rangeapi.create(this.editor.window);
- var nodeForCursor;
- var innerMostFirstNodeMoved = firstNodeMoved;
- if(this.blockNodeForEnter !== 'BR'){
- while(innerMostFirstNodeMoved){
- nodeForCursor = innerMostFirstNodeMoved;
- tNode = innerMostFirstNodeMoved.firstChild;
- innerMostFirstNodeMoved = tNode;
- }
- if(nodeForCursor && nodeForCursor.parentNode){
- newblock = nodeForCursor.parentNode;
- newrange.setStart(newblock, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(this.editor.height){
- winUtils.scrollIntoView(newblock);
- }
- if(has("mozilla")){
- // press enter in middle of P may leave a trailing <br/>, let's remove it later
- this._pressedEnterInBlock = block.blockNode;
- }
- }else{
- _letBrowserHandle = true;
- }
- }else{
- newrange.setStart(newblock, 0);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(newrange);
- if(this.editor.height){
- winUtils.scrollIntoView(newblock);
- }
- if(has("mozilla")){
- // press enter in middle of P may leave a trailing <br/>, let's remove it later
- this._pressedEnterInBlock = block.blockNode;
- }
- }
- }
- return _letBrowserHandle;
- },
- _adjustNodeAndOffset: function(/*DomNode*/node, /*Int*/offset){
- // summary:
- // In the case there are multiple text nodes in a row the offset may not be within the node. If the offset is larger than the node length, it will attempt to find
- // the next text sibling until it locates the text node in which the offset refers to
- // node:
- // The node to check.
- // offset:
- // The position to find within the text node
- // tags:
- // private.
- while(node.length < offset && node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeType==3){
- //Adjust the offset and node in the case of multiple text nodes in a row
- offset = offset - node.length;
- node = node.nextSibling;
- }
- return {"node": node, "offset": offset};
- },
- removeTrailingBr: function(container){
- // summary:
- // If last child of container is a <br>, then remove it.
- // tags:
- // private
- var para = /P|DIV|LI/i.test(container.tagName) ?
- container : selectionapi.getParentOfType(container,['P','DIV','LI']);
- if(!para){ return; }
- if(para.lastChild){
- if((para.childNodes.length > 1 && para.lastChild.nodeType == 3 && /^[\s\xAD]*$/.test(para.lastChild.nodeValue)) ||
- para.lastChild.tagName=='BR'){
- domConstruct.destroy(para.lastChild);
- }
- }
- if(!para.childNodes.length){
- para.innerHTML=this.bogusHtmlContent;
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 51b78273c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.indexOf
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-construct", //
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.delegate lang.hitch lang.isString
- "dojo/store/Memory", // MemoryStore
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.withGlobal
- "../../registry", // registry.getUniqueId
- "../../_Widget",
- "../../_TemplatedMixin",
- "../../_WidgetsInTemplateMixin",
- "../../form/FilteringSelect",
- "../_Plugin",
- "../range",
- "../selection",
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/FontChoice"
-], function(array, declare, domConstruct, i18n, lang, MemoryStore, win,
- registry, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, FilteringSelect, _Plugin, rangeapi, selectionapi){
- var _Plugin = dijit._editor._Plugin;
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _WidgetsInTemplateMixin = dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin;
- var FilteringSelect = dijit.form.FilteringSelect;
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice
-// summary:
-// fontchoice, fontsize, and formatblock editor plugins
-var _FontDropDown = declare("dijit._editor.plugins._FontDropDown",
- [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Base class for widgets that contains a label (like "Font:")
- // and a FilteringSelect drop down to pick a value.
- // Used as Toolbar entry.
- // label: [public] String
- // The label to apply to this particular FontDropDown.
- label: "",
- // plainText: [public] boolean
- // Flag to indicate that the returned label should be plain text
- // instead of an example.
- plainText: false,
- // templateString: [public] String
- // The template used to construct the labeled dropdown.
- templateString:
- "<span style='white-space: nowrap' class='dijit dijitReset dijitInline'>" +
- "<label class='dijitLeft dijitInline' for='${selectId}'>${label}</label>" +
- "<input data-dojo-type='dijit.form.FilteringSelect' required='false' " +
- "data-dojo-props='labelType:\"html\", labelAttr:\"label\", searchAttr:\"name\"' " +
- "tabIndex='-1' id='${selectId}' data-dojo-attach-point='select' value=''/>" +
- "</span>",
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride to set specific properties.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.strings = i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "FontChoice");
- // Set some substitution variables used in the template
- this.label = this.strings[this.command];
- = registry.getUniqueId(this.declaredClass.replace(/\./g,"_")); // TODO: unneeded??
- this.selectId = + "_select"; // used in template
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the default postCreate action
- // This establishes the filtering selects and the like.
- // Initialize the list of items in the drop down by creating data store with items like:
- // {value: 1, name: "xx-small", label: "<font size=1>xx-small</font-size>" }
-"store", new MemoryStore({
- idProperty: "value",
- data:, function(value){
- var name = this.strings[value] || value;
- return {
- label: this.getLabel(value, name),
- name: name,
- value: value
- };
- }, this)
- }));
-"value", "", false);
- this.disabled ="disabled");
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(value, priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the default action of setting the
- // widget value, maps the input to known values
- // value: Object|String
- // The value to set in the select.
- // priorityChange:
- // Optional parameter used to tell the select whether or not to fire
- // onChange event.
- // if the value is not a permitted value, just set empty string to prevent showing the warning icon
- priorityChange = priorityChange !== false;
-'value', array.indexOf(this.values,value) < 0 ? "" : value, priorityChange);
- if(!priorityChange){
- // Clear the last state in case of updateState calls. Ref: #10466
- }
- },
- _getValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Allow retrieving the value from the composite select on
- // call to button.get("value");
- return'value');
- },
- focus: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for focus control of this widget. Delegates focus down to the
- // filtering select.
- },
- _setDisabledAttr: function(value){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the button's 'disabled' attribute so that it can be
- // disabled programmatically.
- // Save off ths disabled state so the get retrieves it correctly
- //without needing to have a function proxy it.
- this.disabled = value;
-"disabled", value);
- }
-var _FontNameDropDown = declare("dijit._editor.plugins._FontNameDropDown", _FontDropDown, {
- // summary:
- // Dropdown to select a font; goes in editor toolbar.
- // generic: Boolean
- // Use generic (web standard) font names
- generic: false,
- // command: [public] String
- // The editor 'command' implemented by this plugin.
- command: "fontName",
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the default posr mixin control
- if(!this.values){
- this.values = this.generic ?
- ["serif", "sans-serif", "monospace", "cursive", "fantasy"] : // CSS font-family generics
- ["Arial", "Times New Roman", "Comic Sans MS", "Courier New"];
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- getLabel: function(value, name){
- // summary:
- // Function used to generate the labels of the format dropdown
- // will return a formatted, or plain label based on the value
- // of the plainText option.
- // value: String
- // The 'insert value' associated with a name
- // name: String
- // The text name of the value
- if(this.plainText){
- return name;
- }else{
- return "<div style='font-family: "+value+"'>" + name + "</div>";
- }
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(value, priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the default action of setting the
- // widget value, maps the input to known values
- priorityChange = priorityChange !== false;
- if(this.generic){
- var map = {
- "Arial": "sans-serif",
- "Helvetica": "sans-serif",
- "Myriad": "sans-serif",
- "Times": "serif",
- "Times New Roman": "serif",
- "Comic Sans MS": "cursive",
- "Apple Chancery": "cursive",
- "Courier": "monospace",
- "Courier New": "monospace",
- "Papyrus": "fantasy",
- "Estrangelo Edessa": "cursive", // Windows 7
- "Gabriola": "fantasy" // Windows 7
- };
- value = map[value] || value;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments, [value, priorityChange]);
- }
-var _FontSizeDropDown = declare("dijit._editor.plugins._FontSizeDropDown", _FontDropDown, {
- // summary:
- // Dropdown to select a font size; goes in editor toolbar.
- // command: [public] String
- // The editor 'command' implemented by this plugin.
- command: "fontSize",
- // values: [public] Number[]
- // The HTML font size values supported by this plugin
- values: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], // sizes according to the old HTML FONT SIZE
- getLabel: function(value, name){
- // summary:
- // Function used to generate the labels of the format dropdown
- // will return a formatted, or plain label based on the value
- // of the plainText option.
- // We're stuck using the deprecated FONT tag to correspond
- // with the size measurements used by the editor
- // value: String
- // The 'insert value' associated with a name
- // name: String
- // The text name of the value
- if(this.plainText){
- return name;
- }else{
- return "<font size=" + value + "'>" + name + "</font>";
- }
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(value, priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the default action of setting the
- // widget value, maps the input to known values
- priorityChange = priorityChange !== false;
- if(value.indexOf && value.indexOf("px") != -1){
- var pixels = parseInt(value, 10);
- value = {10:1, 13:2, 16:3, 18:4, 24:5, 32:6, 48:7}[pixels] || value;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments, [value, priorityChange]);
- }
-var _FormatBlockDropDown = declare("dijit._editor.plugins._FormatBlockDropDown", _FontDropDown, {
- // summary:
- // Dropdown to select a format (like paragraph or heading); goes in editor toolbar.
- // command: [public] String
- // The editor 'command' implemented by this plugin.
- command: "formatBlock",
- // values: [public] Array
- // The HTML format tags supported by this plugin
- values: ["noFormat", "p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "pre"],
- postCreate: function(){
- // Init and set the default value to no formatting. Update state will adjust it
- // as needed.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.set("value", "noFormat", false);
- },
- getLabel: function(value, name){
- // summary:
- // Function used to generate the labels of the format dropdown
- // will return a formatted, or plain label based on the value
- // of the plainText option.
- // value: String
- // The 'insert value' associated with a name
- // name: String
- // The text name of the value
- if(this.plainText || value == "noFormat"){
- return name;
- }else{
- return "<" + value + ">" + name + "</" + value + ">";
- }
- },
- _execCommand: function(editor, command, choice){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for default exec-command label.
- // Allows us to treat 'none' as special.
- if(choice === "noFormat"){
- var start;
- var end;
- var sel = rangeapi.getSelection(editor.window);
- if(sel && sel.rangeCount > 0){
- var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
- var node, tag;
- if(range){
- start = range.startContainer;
- end = range.endContainer;
- // find containing nodes of start/end.
- while(start && start !== editor.editNode &&
- start !== editor.document.body &&
- start.nodeType !== 1){
- start = start.parentNode;
- }
- while(end && end !== editor.editNode &&
- end !== editor.document.body &&
- end.nodeType !== 1){
- end = end.parentNode;
- }
- var processChildren = lang.hitch(this, function(node, ary){
- if(node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length){
- var i;
- for(i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++){
- var c = node.childNodes[i];
- if(c.nodeType == 1){
- if(win.withGlobal(editor.window, "inSelection", selectionapi, [c])){
- var tag = c.tagName? c.tagName.toLowerCase(): "";
- if(array.indexOf(this.values, tag) !== -1){
- ary.push(c);
- }
- processChildren(c, ary);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- var unformatNodes = lang.hitch(this, function(nodes){
- // summary:
- // Internal function to clear format nodes.
- // nodes:
- // The array of nodes to strip formatting from.
- if(nodes && nodes.length){
- editor.beginEditing();
- while(nodes.length){
- this._removeFormat(editor, nodes.pop());
- }
- editor.endEditing();
- }
- });
- var clearNodes = [];
- if(start == end){
- //Contained within the same block, may be collapsed, but who cares, see if we
- // have a block element to remove.
- var block;
- node = start;
- while(node && node !== editor.editNode && node !== editor.document.body){
- if(node.nodeType == 1){
- tag = node.tagName? node.tagName.toLowerCase(): "";
- if(array.indexOf(this.values, tag) !== -1){
- block = node;
- break;
- }
- }
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- //Also look for all child nodes in the selection that may need to be
- //cleared of formatting
- processChildren(start, clearNodes);
- if(block){ clearNodes = [block].concat(clearNodes); }
- unformatNodes(clearNodes);
- }else{
- // Probably a multi select, so we have to process it. Whee.
- node = start;
- while(win.withGlobal(editor.window, "inSelection", selectionapi, [node])){
- if(node.nodeType == 1){
- tag = node.tagName? node.tagName.toLowerCase(): "";
- if(array.indexOf(this.values, tag) !== -1){
- clearNodes.push(node);
- }
- processChildren(node,clearNodes);
- }
- node = node.nextSibling;
- }
- unformatNodes(clearNodes);
- }
- editor.onDisplayChanged();
- }
- }
- }else{
- editor.execCommand(command, choice);
- }
- },
- _removeFormat: function(editor, node){
- // summary:
- // function to remove the block format node.
- // node:
- // The block format node to remove (and leave the contents behind)
- if(editor.customUndo){
- // So of course IE doesn't work right with paste-overs.
- // We have to do this manually, which is okay since IE already uses
- // customUndo and we turned it on for WebKit. WebKit pasted funny,
- // so couldn't use the execCommand approach
- while(node.firstChild){
-, node, "before");
- }
- node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
- }else{
- // Everyone else works fine this way, a paste-over and is native
- // undo friendly.
- win.withGlobal(editor.window,
- "selectElementChildren", selectionapi, [node]);
- var html = win.withGlobal(editor.window,
- "getSelectedHtml", selectionapi, [null]);
- win.withGlobal(editor.window,
- "selectElement", selectionapi, [node]);
- editor.execCommand("inserthtml", html||"");
- }
- }
-// TODO: for 2.0, split into FontChoice plugin into three separate classes,
-// one for each command (and change registry below)
-var FontChoice = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.FontChoice", _Plugin,{
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides three drop downs for setting style in the editor
- // (font, font size, and format block), as controlled by command.
- //
- // description:
- // The commands provided by this plugin are:
- //
- // * fontName
- // | Provides a drop down to select from a list of font names
- // * fontSize
- // | Provides a drop down to select from a list of font sizes
- // * formatBlock
- // | Provides a drop down to select from a list of block styles
- // |
- //
- // which can easily be added to an editor by including one or more of the above commands
- // in the `plugins` attribute as follows:
- //
- // | plugins="['fontName','fontSize',...]"
- //
- // It is possible to override the default dropdown list by providing an Array for the `custom` property when
- // instantiating this plugin, e.g.
- //
- // | plugins="[{name:'dijit._editor.plugins.FontChoice', command:'fontName', custom:['Verdana','Myriad','Garamond']},...]"
- //
- // Alternatively, for `fontName` only, `generic:true` may be specified to provide a dropdown with
- // [CSS generic font families](
- //
- // Note that the editor is often unable to properly handle font styling information defined outside
- // the context of the current editor instance, such as pre-populated HTML.
- // useDefaultCommand: [protected] Boolean
- // Override _Plugin.useDefaultCommand...
- // processing is handled by this plugin, not by dijit.Editor.
- useDefaultCommand: false,
- _initButton: function(){
- // summary:
- // Overrides _Plugin._initButton(), to initialize the FilteringSelect+label in toolbar,
- // rather than a simple button.
- // tags:
- // protected
- // Create the widget to go into the toolbar (the so-called "button")
- var clazz = {
- fontName: _FontNameDropDown,
- fontSize: _FontSizeDropDown,
- formatBlock: _FormatBlockDropDown
- }[this.command],
- params = this.params;
- // For back-compat reasons support setting custom values via "custom" parameter
- // rather than "values" parameter
- if(this.params.custom){
- params.values = this.params.custom;
- }
- var editor = this.editor;
- this.button = new clazz(lang.delegate({dir: editor.dir, lang: editor.lang}, params));
- // Reflect changes to the drop down in the editor
- this.connect(, "onChange", function(choice){
- // User invoked change, since all internal updates set priorityChange to false and will
- // not trigger an onChange event.
- this.editor.focus();
- if(this.command == "fontName" && choice.indexOf(" ") != -1){ choice = "'" + choice + "'"; }
- // Invoke, the editor already normalizes commands called through its
- // execCommand.
- if(this.button._execCommand){
- this.button._execCommand(this.editor, this.command, choice);
- }else{
- this.editor.execCommand(this.command, choice);
- }
- });
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Overrides _Plugin.updateState(). This controls updating the menu
- // options to the right values on state changes in the document (that trigger a
- // test of the actions.)
- // It set value of drop down in toolbar to reflect font/font size/format block
- // of text at current caret position.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var _e = this.editor;
- var _c = this.command;
- if(!_e || !_e.isLoaded || !_c.length){ return; }
- if(this.button){
- var disabled = this.get("disabled");
- this.button.set("disabled", disabled);
- if(disabled){ return; }
- var value;
- try{
- value = _e.queryCommandValue(_c) || "";
- }catch(e){
- //Firefox may throw error above if the editor is just loaded, ignore it
- value = "";
- }
- // strip off single quotes, if any
- var quoted = lang.isString(value) && value.match(/'([^']*)'/);
- if(quoted){ value = quoted[1]; }
- if(_c === "formatBlock"){
- if(!value || value == "p"){
- // Some browsers (WebKit) doesn't actually get the tag info right.
- // and IE returns paragraph when in a DIV!, so incorrect a lot,
- // so we have double-check it.
- value = null;
- var elem;
- // Try to find the current element where the caret is.
- var sel = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- if(sel && sel.rangeCount > 0){
- var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
- if(range){
- elem = range.endContainer;
- }
- }
- // Okay, now see if we can find one of the formatting types we're in.
- while(elem && elem !== _e.editNode && elem !== _e.document){
- var tg = elem.tagName?elem.tagName.toLowerCase():"";
- if(tg && array.indexOf(this.button.values, tg) > -1){
- value = tg;
- break;
- }
- elem = elem.parentNode;
- }
- if(!value){
- // Still no value, so lets select 'none'.
- value = "noFormat";
- }
- }else{
- // Check that the block format is one allowed, if not,
- // null it so that it gets set to empty.
- if(array.indexOf(this.button.values, value) < 0){
- value = "noFormat";
- }
- }
- }
- if(value !== this.button.get("value")){
- // Set the value, but denote it is not a priority change, so no
- // onchange fires.
- this.button.set('value', value, false);
- }
- }
- }
-// Register these plugins
-array.forEach(["fontName", "fontSize", "formatBlock"], function(name){
- _Plugin.registry[name] = function(args){
- return new FontChoice({
- command: name,
- plainText: args.plainText
- });
- };
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/FullScreen.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/FullScreen.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 819f11f59..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/FullScreen.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/FullScreen", [
- "dojo/aspect",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove
- "dojo/dom-geometry",
- "dojo/dom-style",
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/keys", // keys.F11 keys.TAB
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/on", // on()
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie"), has("quirks")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "dojo/window", // winUtils.getBox winUtils.scrollIntoView
- "../../focus", // focus.focus(), focus.curNode
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/ToggleButton",
- "../../registry", // registry.getEnclosingWidget()
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/commands"
-], function(aspect, declare, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle, event, i18n, keys, lang, on, has, win, winUtils,
- focus, _Plugin, ToggleButton, registry){
- var _Plugin = dijit._editor._Plugin;
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/FullScreen
-// summary:
-// This plugin provides FullScreen capability to the editor. When
-// toggled on, it will render the editor into the full window and
-// overlay everything. It also binds to the hotkey: CTRL-SHIFT-F11
-// for toggling fullscreen mode.
-var FullScreen = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.FullScreen",_Plugin,{
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides FullScreen capability to the editor. When
- // toggled on, it will render the editor into the full window and
- // overlay everything. It also binds to the hotkey: CTRL-SHIFT-F11
- // for toggling fullscreen mode.
- // zIndex: [public] Number
- // zIndex value used for overlaying the full page.
- // default is 500.
- zIndex: 500,
- // _origState: [private] Object
- // The original view state of the editor.
- _origState: null,
- // _origiFrameState: [private] Object
- // The original view state of the iframe of the editor.
- _origiFrameState: null,
- // _resizeHandle: [private] Object
- // Connection point used for handling resize when window resizes.
- _resizeHandle: null,
- // isFullscreen: [const] boolean
- // Read-Only variable used to denote of the editor is in fullscreen mode or not.
- isFullscreen: false,
- toggle: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to allow programmatic toggling of the view.
- this.button.set("checked", !this.button.get("checked"));
- },
- _initButton: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for creation of the resize button.
- var strings = i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "commands"),
- editor = this.editor;
- this.button = new ToggleButton({
- label: strings["fullScreen"],
- dir: editor.dir,
- lang: editor.lang,
- showLabel: false,
- iconClass: this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + "FullScreen",
- tabIndex: "-1",
- onChange: lang.hitch(this, "_setFullScreen")
- });
- },
- setEditor: function(editor){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for the setting of the editor.
- // editor: Object
- // The editor to configure for this plugin to use.
- this.editor = editor;
- this._initButton();
- this.editor.addKeyHandler(keys.F11, true, true, lang.hitch(this, function(e){
- // Enable the CTRL-SHIFT-F11 hotkey for fullscreen mode.
- this.toggle();
- event.stop(e);
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){this.editor.focus();}), 250);
- return true;
- }));
- this.connect(this.editor.domNode, "onkeydown", "_containFocus");
- },
- _containFocus: function(e){
- // summary:
- // When in Full Screen mode, it's good to try and retain focus in the editor
- // so this function is intended to try and constrain the TAB key.
- // e: Event
- // The key event.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.isFullscreen){
- var ed = this.editor;
- if(!ed.isTabIndent &&
- ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown &&
- e.keyCode === keys.TAB){
- // If we're in fullscreen mode, we want to take over how tab moves focus a bit.
- // to keep it within the editor since it's hiding the rest of the page.
- // IE hates changing focus IN the event handler, so need to put calls
- // in a timeout. Gotta love IE.
- // Also need to check for alternate view nodes if present and active.
- var f = focus.curNode;
- var avn = this._getAltViewNode();
- if(f == ed.iframe ||
- (avn && f === avn)){
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- ed.toolbar.focus();
- }), 10);
- }else{
- if(avn && domStyle.get(ed.iframe, "display") === "none"){
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- focus.focus(avn);
- }), 10);
- }else{
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- ed.focus();
- }), 10);
- }
- }
- event.stop(e);
- }else if(ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown){
- // Only call up when it's a different function. Traps corner case event issue
- // on IE which caused stack overflow on handler cleanup.
- ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown(e);
- }
- }
- },
- _resizeEditor: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to handle resizing the editor as the viewport
- // resizes (window scaled)
- // tags:
- // private
- var vp = winUtils.getBox();
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.editor.domNode, {
- w: vp.w,
- h: vp.h
- });
- //Adjust the internal heights too, as they can be a bit off.
- var hHeight = this.editor.getHeaderHeight();
- var fHeight = this.editor.getFooterHeight();
- var extents = domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(this.editor.domNode);
- var fcpExtents = domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(this.editor.iframe.parentNode);
- var fcmExtents = domGeometry.getMarginExtents(this.editor.iframe.parentNode);
- var cHeight = vp.h - (hHeight + extents.h + fHeight);
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.editor.iframe.parentNode, {
- h: cHeight,
- w: vp.w
- });
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.editor.iframe, {
- h: cHeight - (fcpExtents.h + fcmExtents.h)
- });
- },
- _getAltViewNode: function(){
- // summary:
- // This function is intended as a hook point for setting an
- // alternate view node for when in full screen mode and the
- // editable iframe is hidden.
- // tags:
- // protected.
- },
- _setFullScreen: function(full){
- // summary:
- // Function to handle toggling between full screen and
- // regular view.
- // tags:
- // private
- var vp = winUtils.getBox();
- //Alias this for shorter code.
- var ed = this.editor;
- var body = win.body();
- var editorParent = ed.domNode.parentNode;
- this.isFullscreen = full;
- if(full){
- //Parent classes can royally screw up this plugin, so we
- //have to set everything to position static.
- while(editorParent && editorParent !== win.body()){
- domClass.add(editorParent, "dijitForceStatic");
- editorParent = editorParent.parentNode;
- }
- // Save off the resize function. We want to kill its behavior.
- this._editorResizeHolder = this.editor.resize;
- ed.resize = function(){} ;
- // Try to constrain focus control.
- ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown = ed.onKeyDown;
- ed.onKeyDown = lang.hitch(this, this._containFocus);
- this._origState = {};
- this._origiFrameState = {};
- // Store the basic editor state we have to restore later.
- // Not using domStyle.get here, had problems, didn't
- // give me stuff like 100%, gave me pixel calculated values.
- // Need the exact original values.
- var domNode = ed.domNode,
- rawStyle = domNode && || {};
- this._origState = {
- width: rawStyle.width || "",
- height: rawStyle.height || "",
- top: domStyle.get(domNode, "top") || "",
- left: domStyle.get(domNode, "left") || "",
- position: domStyle.get(domNode, "position") || "static",
- marginBox: domGeometry.getMarginBox(ed.domNode)
- };
- // Store the iframe state we have to restore later.
- // Not using domStyle.get here, had problems, didn't
- // give me stuff like 100%, gave me pixel calculated values.
- // Need the exact original values.
- var iframe = ed.iframe,
- iframeStyle = iframe && || {};
- var bc = domStyle.get(ed.iframe, "backgroundColor");
- this._origiFrameState = {
- backgroundColor: bc || "transparent",
- width: iframeStyle.width || "auto",
- height: iframeStyle.height || "auto",
- zIndex: iframeStyle.zIndex || ""
- };
- // Okay, size everything.
- domStyle.set(ed.domNode, {
- position: "absolute",
- top: "0px",
- left: "0px",
- zIndex: this.zIndex,
- width: vp.w + "px",
- height: vp.h + "px"
- });
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe, {
- height: "100%",
- width: "100%",
- zIndex: this.zIndex,
- backgroundColor: bc !== "transparent" &&
- bc !== "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"?bc:"white"
- });
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe.parentNode, {
- height: "95%",
- width: "100%"
- });
- // Store the overflow state we have to restore later.
- // IE had issues, so have to check that it's defined. Ugh.
- if( &&{
- this._oldOverflow = domStyle.get(body, "overflow");
- }else{
- this._oldOverflow = "";
- }
- if(has("ie") && !has("quirks")){
- // IE will put scrollbars in anyway, html (parent of body)
- // also controls them in standards mode, so we have to
- // remove them, argh.
- if(body.parentNode &&
- &&
- this._oldBodyParentOverflow =;
- }else{
- try{
- this._oldBodyParentOverflow = domStyle.get(body.parentNode, "overflow");
- }catch(e){
- this._oldBodyParentOverflow = "scroll";
- }
- }
- domStyle.set(body.parentNode, "overflow", "hidden");
- }
- domStyle.set(body, "overflow", "hidden");
- var resizer = function(){
- // function to handle resize events.
- // Will check current VP and only resize if
- // different.
- var vp = winUtils.getBox();
- if("_prevW" in this && "_prevH" in this){
- // No actual size change, ignore.
- if(vp.w === this._prevW && vp.h === this._prevH){
- return;
- }
- }else{
- this._prevW = vp.w;
- this._prevH = vp.h;
- }
- if(this._resizer){
- clearTimeout(this._resizer);
- delete this._resizer;
- }
- // Timeout it to help avoid spamming resize on IE.
- // Works for all browsers.
- this._resizer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- delete this._resizer;
- this._resizeEditor();
- }), 10);
- };
- this._resizeHandle = on(window, "resize", lang.hitch(this, resizer));
- // Also monitor for direct calls to resize and adapt editor.
- this._resizeHandle2 = aspect.after(ed, "onResize", lang.hitch(this, function(){
- if(this._resizer){
- clearTimeout(this._resizer);
- delete this._resizer;
- }
- this._resizer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- delete this._resizer;
- this._resizeEditor();
- }), 10);
- }));
- // Call it once to work around IE glitchiness. Safe for other browsers too.
- this._resizeEditor();
- var dn = this.editor.toolbar.domNode;
- setTimeout(function(){winUtils.scrollIntoView(dn);}, 250);
- }else{
- if(this._resizeHandle){
- // Cleanup resizing listeners
- this._resizeHandle.remove();
- this._resizeHandle = null;
- }
- if(this._resizeHandle2){
- // Cleanup resizing listeners
- this._resizeHandle2.remove();
- this._resizeHandle2 = null;
- }
- if(this._rst){
- clearTimeout(this._rst);
- this._rst = null;
- }
- //Remove all position static class assigns.
- while(editorParent && editorParent !== win.body()){
- domClass.remove(editorParent, "dijitForceStatic");
- editorParent = editorParent.parentNode;
- }
- // Restore resize function
- if(this._editorResizeHolder){
- this.editor.resize = this._editorResizeHolder;
- }
- if(!this._origState && !this._origiFrameState){
- // If we actually didn't toggle, then don't do anything.
- return;
- }
- if(ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown){
- ed.onKeyDown = ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown;
- delete ed._fullscreen_oldOnKeyDown;
- }
- // Add a timeout to make sure we don't have a resize firing in the
- // background at the time of minimize.
- var self = this;
- setTimeout(function(){
- // Restore all the editor state.
- var mb = self._origState.marginBox;
- var oh = self._origState.height;
- if(has("ie") && !has("quirks")){
- = self._oldBodyParentOverflow;
- delete self._oldBodyParentOverflow;
- }
- domStyle.set(body, "overflow", self._oldOverflow);
- delete self._oldOverflow;
- domStyle.set(ed.domNode, self._origState);
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe.parentNode, {
- height: "",
- width: ""
- });
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe, self._origiFrameState);
- delete self._origState;
- delete self._origiFrameState;
- // In case it is contained in a layout and the layout changed size,
- // go ahead and call resize.
- var pWidget = registry.getEnclosingWidget(ed.domNode.parentNode);
- if(pWidget && pWidget.resize){
- pWidget.resize();
- }else{
- if(!oh || oh.indexOf("%") < 0){
- // Resize if the original size wasn't set
- // or wasn't in percent. Timeout is to avoid
- // an IE crash in unit testing.
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){ed.resize({h: mb.h});}), 0);
- }
- }
- winUtils.scrollIntoView(self.editor.toolbar.domNode);
- }, 100);
- }
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for button state control for disabled to work.
- this.button.set("disabled", this.get("disabled"));
- },
- destroy: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride to ensure the resize handle gets cleaned up.
- if(this._resizeHandle){
- // Cleanup resizing listeners
- this._resizeHandle.remove();
- this._resizeHandle = null;
- }
- if(this._resizeHandle2){
- // Cleanup resizing listeners
- this._resizeHandle2.remove();
- this._resizeHandle2 = null;
- }
- if(this._resizer){
- clearTimeout(this._resizer);
- this._resizer = null;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
-// Register this plugin.
-// For back-compat accept "fullscreen" (all lowercase) too, remove in 2.0
-_Plugin.registry["fullScreen"] = _Plugin.registry["fullscreen"] = function(args){
- return new FullScreen({
- zIndex: ("zIndex" in args)?args.zIndex:500
- });
-return FullScreen;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e5537271d..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog", [
- "require",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.get
- "dojo/keys", // keys.ENTER
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.delegate lang.hitch lang.trim
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "dojo/string", // string.substitute
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.withGlobal
- "../../_Widget",
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/DropDownButton",
- "../range",
- "../selection"
-], function(require, declare, domAttr, keys, lang, has, string, win,
- _Widget, _Plugin, DropDownButton, rangeapi, selectionapi){
- var _Plugin = dijit._editor._Plugin;
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog
-// summary:
-// Editor plugins: LinkDialog (for inserting links) and ImgLinkDialog (for inserting images)
-var LinkDialog = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.LinkDialog", _Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides the basis for an 'anchor' (link) dialog and an extension of it
- // provides the image link dialog.
- //
- // description:
- // The command provided by this plugin is:
- // * createLink
- // Override _Plugin.buttonClass. This plugin is controlled by a DropDownButton
- // (which triggers a TooltipDialog).
- buttonClass: DropDownButton,
- // Override _Plugin.useDefaultCommand... processing is handled by this plugin, not by dijit.Editor.
- useDefaultCommand: false,
- // urlRegExp: [protected] String
- // Used for validating input as correct URL. While file:// urls are not terribly
- // useful, they are technically valid.
- urlRegExp: "((https?|ftps?|file)\\://|\./|/|)(/[a-zA-Z]{1,1}:/|)(((?:(?:[\\da-zA-Z](?:[-\\da-zA-Z]{0,61}[\\da-zA-Z])?)\\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z](?:[-\\da-zA-Z]{0,80}[\\da-zA-Z])?)\\.?)|(((\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])|(0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]?[\\da-fA-F]\\.){3}0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]?[\\da-fA-F]|(0+[0-3][0-7][0-7]\\.){3}0+[0-3][0-7][0-7]|(0|[1-9]\\d{0,8}|[1-3]\\d{9}|4[01]\\d{8}|42[0-8]\\d{7}|429[0-3]\\d{6}|4294[0-8]\\d{5}|42949[0-5]\\d{4}|429496[0-6]\\d{3}|4294967[01]\\d{2}|42949672[0-8]\\d|429496729[0-5])|0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]{1,8}|([\\da-fA-F]{1,4}\\:){7}[\\da-fA-F]{1,4}|([\\da-fA-F]{1,4}\\:){6}((\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])))(\\:\\d+)?(/(?:[^?#\\s/]+/)*(?:[^?#\\s/]{0,}(?:\\?[^?#\\s/]*)?(?:#.*)?)?)?",
- // emailRegExp: [protected] String
- // Used for validating input as correct email address. Taken from dojox.validate
- emailRegExp: "<?(mailto\\:)([!#-'*+\\-\\/-9=?A-Z^-~]+[.])*[!#-'*+\\-\\/-9=?A-Z^-~]+" /*username*/ + "@" +
- "((?:(?:[\\da-zA-Z](?:[-\\da-zA-Z]{0,61}[\\da-zA-Z])?)\\.)+(?:[a-zA-Z](?:[-\\da-zA-Z]{0,6}[\\da-zA-Z])?)\\.?)|localhost|^[^-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*>?", // host.
- // htmlTemplate: [protected] String
- // String used for templating the HTML to insert at the desired point.
- htmlTemplate: "<a href=\"${urlInput}\" _djrealurl=\"${urlInput}\"" +
- " target=\"${targetSelect}\"" +
- ">${textInput}</a>",
- // tag: [protected] String
- // Tag used for the link type.
- tag: "a",
- // _hostRxp [private] RegExp
- // Regular expression used to validate url fragments (ip address, hostname, etc)
- _hostRxp: /^((([^\[:]+):)?([^@]+)@)?(\[([^\]]+)\]|([^\[:]*))(:([0-9]+))?$/,
- // _userAtRxp [private] RegExp
- // Regular expression used to validate e-mail address fragment.
- _userAtRxp: /^([!#-'*+\-\/-9=?A-Z^-~]+[.])*[!#-'*+\-\/-9=?A-Z^-~]+@/i,
- // linkDialogTemplate: [protected] String
- // Template for contents of TooltipDialog to pick URL
- linkDialogTemplate: [
- "<table><tr><td>",
- "<label for='${id}_urlInput'>${url}</label>",
- "</td><td>",
- "<input data-dojo-type='dijit.form.ValidationTextBox' required='true' " +
- "id='${id}_urlInput' name='urlInput' data-dojo-props='intermediateChanges:true'/>",
- "</td></tr><tr><td>",
- "<label for='${id}_textInput'>${text}</label>",
- "</td><td>",
- "<input data-dojo-type='dijit.form.ValidationTextBox' required='true' id='${id}_textInput' " +
- "name='textInput' data-dojo-props='intermediateChanges:true'/>",
- "</td></tr><tr><td>",
- "<label for='${id}_targetSelect'>${target}</label>",
- "</td><td>",
- "<select id='${id}_targetSelect' name='targetSelect' data-dojo-type='dijit.form.Select'>",
- "<option selected='selected' value='_self'>${currentWindow}</option>",
- "<option value='_blank'>${newWindow}</option>",
- "<option value='_top'>${topWindow}</option>",
- "<option value='_parent'>${parentWindow}</option>",
- "</select>",
- "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'>",
- "<button data-dojo-type='dijit.form.Button' type='submit' id='${id}_setButton'>${set}</button>",
- "<button data-dojo-type='dijit.form.Button' type='button' id='${id}_cancelButton'>${buttonCancel}</button>",
- "</td></tr></table>"
- ].join(""),
- _initButton: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Setup to lazy create TooltipDialog first time the button is clicked
- this.button.loadDropDown = lang.hitch(this, "_loadDropDown");
- this._connectTagEvents();
- },
- _loadDropDown: function(callback){
- // Called the first time the button is pressed. Initialize TooltipDialog.
- require([
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "../../TooltipDialog",
- "../../registry", // registry.byId, registry.getUniqueId
- "../../form/Button", // used by template
- "../../form/Select", // used by template
- "../../form/ValidationTextBox", // used by template
- "dojo/i18n!../../nls/common",
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/LinkDialog"
- ], lang.hitch(this, function(i18n, TooltipDialog, registry){
- var _this = this;
- this.tag = this.command == 'insertImage' ? 'img' : 'a';
- var messages = lang.delegate(i18n.getLocalization("dijit", "common", this.lang),
- i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "LinkDialog", this.lang));
- var dropDown = (this.dropDown = this.button.dropDown = new TooltipDialog({
- title: messages[this.command + "Title"],
- execute: lang.hitch(this, "setValue"),
- onOpen: function(){
- _this._onOpenDialog();
- TooltipDialog.prototype.onOpen.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- onCancel: function(){
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(_this, "_onCloseDialog"),0);
- }
- }));
- messages.urlRegExp = this.urlRegExp;
- = registry.getUniqueId(;
- this._uniqueId =;
- this._setContent(dropDown.title +
- "<div style='border-bottom: 1px black solid;padding-bottom:2pt;margin-bottom:4pt'></div>" +
- string.substitute(this.linkDialogTemplate, messages));
- dropDown.startup();
- this._urlInput = registry.byId(this._uniqueId + "_urlInput");
- this._textInput = registry.byId(this._uniqueId + "_textInput");
- this._setButton = registry.byId(this._uniqueId + "_setButton");
- this.connect(registry.byId(this._uniqueId + "_cancelButton"), "onClick", function(){
- this.dropDown.onCancel();
- });
- if(this._urlInput){
- this.connect(this._urlInput, "onChange", "_checkAndFixInput");
- }
- if(this._textInput){
- this.connect(this._textInput, "onChange", "_checkAndFixInput");
- }
- // Build up the dual check for http/https/file:, and mailto formats.
- this._urlRegExp = new RegExp("^" + this.urlRegExp + "$", "i");
- this._emailRegExp = new RegExp("^" + this.emailRegExp + "$", "i");
- this._urlInput.isValid = lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // Function over-ride of isValid to test if the input matches a url or a mailto style link.
- var value = this._urlInput.get("value");
- return this._urlRegExp.test(value) || this._emailRegExp.test(value);
- });
- // Listen for enter and execute if valid.
- this.connect(dropDown.domNode, "onkeypress", function(e){
- if(e && e.charOrCode == keys.ENTER &&
- !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey){
- if(!this._setButton.get("disabled")){
- dropDown.onExecute();
- dropDown.execute(dropDown.get('value'));
- }
- }
- });
- callback();
- }));
- },
- _checkAndFixInput: function(){
- // summary:
- // A function to listen for onChange events and test the input contents
- // for valid information, such as valid urls with http/https/ftp and if
- // not present, try and guess if the input url is relative or not, and if
- // not, append http:// to it. Also validates other fields as determined by
- // the internal _isValid function.
- var self = this;
- var url = this._urlInput.get("value");
- var fixupUrl = function(url){
- var appendHttp = false;
- var appendMailto = false;
- if(url && url.length > 1){
- url = lang.trim(url);
- if(url.indexOf("mailto:") !== 0){
- if(url.indexOf("/") > 0){
- if(url.indexOf("://") === -1){
- // Check that it doesn't start with / or ./, which would
- // imply 'target server relativeness'
- if(url.charAt(0) !== '/' && url.indexOf("./") !== 0){
- if(self._hostRxp.test(url)){
- appendHttp = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }else if(self._userAtRxp.test(url)){
- // If it looks like a foo@, append a mailto.
- appendMailto = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if(appendHttp){
- self._urlInput.set("value", "http://" + url);
- }
- if(appendMailto){
- self._urlInput.set("value", "mailto:" + url);
- }
- self._setButton.set("disabled", !self._isValid());
- };
- if(this._delayedCheck){
- clearTimeout(this._delayedCheck);
- this._delayedCheck = null;
- }
- this._delayedCheck = setTimeout(function(){
- fixupUrl(url);
- }, 250);
- },
- _connectTagEvents: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ridable function that connects tag specific events.
- this.editor.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- this.connect(this.editor.editNode, "ondblclick", this._onDblClick);
- }));
- },
- _isValid: function(){
- // summary:
- // Internal function to allow validating of the inputs
- // for a link to determine if set should be disabled or not
- // tags:
- // protected
- return this._urlInput.isValid() && this._textInput.isValid();
- },
- _setContent: function(staticPanel){
- // summary:
- // Helper for _initButton above. Not sure why it's a separate method.
- this.dropDown.set({
- parserScope: "dojo", // make parser search for dojoType/data-dojo-type even if page is multi-version
- content: staticPanel
- });
- },
- _checkValues: function(args){
- // summary:
- // Function to check the values in args and 'fix' them up as needed.
- // args: Object
- // Content being set.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(args && args.urlInput){
- args.urlInput = args.urlInput.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
- }
- return args;
- },
- setValue: function(args){
- // summary:
- // Callback from the dialog when user presses "set" button.
- // tags:
- // private
- //TODO: prevent closing popup if the text is empty
- this._onCloseDialog();
- if(has("ie") < 9){ //see #4151
- var sel = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
- var a = range.endContainer;
- if(a.nodeType === 3){
- // Text node, may be the link contents, so check parent.
- // This plugin doesn't really support nested HTML elements
- // in the link, it assumes all link content is text.
- a = a.parentNode;
- }
- if(a && (a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== this.tag)){
- // Still nothing, one last thing to try on IE, as it might be 'img'
- // and thus considered a control.
- a = win.withGlobal(this.editor.window,
- "getSelectedElement", selectionapi, [this.tag]);
- }
- if(a && (a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === this.tag)){
- // Okay, we do have a match. IE, for some reason, sometimes pastes before
- // instead of removing the targeted paste-over element, so we unlink the
- // old one first. If we do not the <a> tag remains, but it has no content,
- // so isn't readily visible (but is wrong for the action).
- if(this.editor.queryCommandEnabled("unlink")){
- // Select all the link children, then unlink. The following insert will
- // then replace the selected text.
- win.withGlobal(this.editor.window,
- "selectElementChildren", selectionapi, [a]);
- this.editor.execCommand("unlink");
- }
- }
- }
- // make sure values are properly escaped, etc.
- args = this._checkValues(args);
- this.editor.execCommand('inserthtml',
- string.substitute(this.htmlTemplate, args));
- },
- _onCloseDialog: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for close event on the dialog
- this.editor.focus();
- },
- _getCurrentValues: function(a){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for getting the values to set in the dropdown.
- // a:
- // The anchor/link to process for data for the dropdown.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var url, text, target;
- if(a && a.tagName.toLowerCase() === this.tag){
- url = a.getAttribute('_djrealurl') || a.getAttribute('href');
- target = a.getAttribute('target') || "_self";
- text = a.textContent || a.innerText;
- win.withGlobal(this.editor.window, "selectElement", selectionapi, [a, true]);
- }else{
- text = win.withGlobal(this.editor.window, selectionapi.getSelectedText);
- }
- return {urlInput: url || '', textInput: text || '', targetSelect: target || ''}; //Object;
- },
- _onOpenDialog: function(){
- // summary:
- // Handler for when the dialog is opened.
- // If the caret is currently in a URL then populate the URL's info into the dialog.
- var a;
- if(has("ie") < 9){
- // IE is difficult to select the element in, using the range unified
- // API seems to work reasonably well.
- var sel = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
- var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
- a = range.endContainer;
- if(a.nodeType === 3){
- // Text node, may be the link contents, so check parent.
- // This plugin doesn't really support nested HTML elements
- // in the link, it assumes all link content is text.
- a = a.parentNode;
- }
- if(a && (a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== this.tag)){
- // Still nothing, one last thing to try on IE, as it might be 'img'
- // and thus considered a control.
- a = win.withGlobal(this.editor.window,
- "getSelectedElement", selectionapi, [this.tag]);
- }
- }else{
- a = win.withGlobal(this.editor.window,
- "getAncestorElement", selectionapi, [this.tag]);
- }
- this.dropDown.reset();
- this._setButton.set("disabled", true);
- this.dropDown.set("value", this._getCurrentValues(a));
- },
- _onDblClick: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Function to define a behavior on double clicks on the element
- // type this dialog edits to select it and pop up the editor
- // dialog.
- // e: Object
- // The double-click event.
- // tags:
- // protected.
- if(e &&{
- var t =;
- var tg = t.tagName? t.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
- if(tg === this.tag && domAttr.get(t,"href")){
- var editor = this.editor;
- win.withGlobal(editor.window,
- "selectElement",
- selectionapi, [t]);
- editor.onDisplayChanged();
- // Call onNormalizedDisplayChange() now, rather than on timer.
- // On IE, when focus goes to the first <input> in the TooltipDialog, the editor loses it's selection.
- // Later if onNormalizedDisplayChange() gets called via the timer it will disable the LinkDialog button
- // (actually, all the toolbar buttons), at which point clicking the <input> will close the dialog,
- // since (for unknown reasons) focus.js ignores disabled controls.
- if(editor._updateTimer){
- clearTimeout(editor._updateTimer);
- delete editor._updateTimer;
- }
- editor.onNormalizedDisplayChanged();
- var button = this.button;
- setTimeout(function(){
- // Focus shift outside the event handler.
- // IE doesn't like focus changes in event handles.
- button.set("disabled", false);
- button.loadAndOpenDropDown().then(function(){
- if(button.dropDown.focus){
- button.dropDown.focus();
- }
- });
- }, 10);
- }
- }
- }
-var ImgLinkDialog = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.ImgLinkDialog", [LinkDialog], {
- // summary:
- // This plugin extends LinkDialog and adds in a plugin for handling image links.
- // provides the image link dialog.
- //
- // description:
- // The command provided by this plugin is:
- // * insertImage
- // linkDialogTemplate: [protected] String
- // Over-ride for template since img dialog doesn't need target that anchor tags may.
- linkDialogTemplate: [
- "<table><tr><td>",
- "<label for='${id}_urlInput'>${url}</label>",
- "</td><td>",
- "<input dojoType='dijit.form.ValidationTextBox' regExp='${urlRegExp}' " +
- "required='true' id='${id}_urlInput' name='urlInput' data-dojo-props='intermediateChanges:true'/>",
- "</td></tr><tr><td>",
- "<label for='${id}_textInput'>${text}</label>",
- "</td><td>",
- "<input data-dojo-type='dijit.form.ValidationTextBox' required='false' id='${id}_textInput' " +
- "name='textInput' data-dojo-props='intermediateChanges:true'/>",
- "</td></tr><tr><td>",
- "</td><td>",
- "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'>",
- "<button data-dojo-type='dijit.form.Button' type='submit' id='${id}_setButton'>${set}</button>",
- "<button data-dojo-type='dijit.form.Button' type='button' id='${id}_cancelButton'>${buttonCancel}</button>",
- "</td></tr></table>"
- ].join(""),
- // htmlTemplate: [protected] String
- // String used for templating the <img> HTML to insert at the desired point.
- htmlTemplate: "<img src=\"${urlInput}\" _djrealurl=\"${urlInput}\" alt=\"${textInput}\" />",
- // tag: [protected] String
- // Tag used for the link type (img).
- tag: "img",
- _getCurrentValues: function(img){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for getting the values to set in the dropdown.
- // a:
- // The anchor/link to process for data for the dropdown.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var url, text;
- if(img && img.tagName.toLowerCase() === this.tag){
- url = img.getAttribute('_djrealurl') || img.getAttribute('src');
- text = img.getAttribute('alt');
- win.withGlobal(this.editor.window,
- "selectElement", selectionapi, [img, true]);
- }else{
- text = win.withGlobal(this.editor.window, selectionapi.getSelectedText);
- }
- return {urlInput: url || '', textInput: text || ''}; //Object;
- },
- _isValid: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for images. You can have alt text of blank, it is valid.
- // tags:
- // protected
- return this._urlInput.isValid();
- },
- _connectTagEvents: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ridable function that connects tag specific events.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.editor.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // Use onmousedown instead of onclick. Seems that IE eats the first onclick
- // to wrap it in a selector box, then the second one acts as onclick. See #10420
- this.connect(this.editor.editNode, "onmousedown", this._selectTag);
- }));
- },
- _selectTag: function(e){
- // summary:
- // A simple event handler that lets me select an image if it is clicked on.
- // makes it easier to select images in a standard way across browsers. Otherwise
- // selecting an image for edit becomes difficult.
- // e: Event
- // The mousedown event.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(e &&{
- var t =;
- var tg = t.tagName? t.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
- if(tg === this.tag){
- win.withGlobal(this.editor.window,
- "selectElement",
- selectionapi, [t]);
- }
- }
- },
- _checkValues: function(args){
- // summary:
- // Function to check the values in args and 'fix' them up as needed
- // (special characters in the url or alt text)
- // args: Object
- // Content being set.
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(args && args.urlInput){
- args.urlInput = args.urlInput.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
- }
- if(args && args.textInput){
- args.textInput = args.textInput.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
- }
- return args;
- },
- _onDblClick: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Function to define a behavior on double clicks on the element
- // type this dialog edits to select it and pop up the editor
- // dialog.
- // e: Object
- // The double-click event.
- // tags:
- // protected.
- if(e &&{
- var t =;
- var tg = t.tagName ? t.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
- if(tg === this.tag && domAttr.get(t,"src")){
- var editor = this.editor;
- win.withGlobal(editor.window,
- "selectElement",
- selectionapi, [t]);
- editor.onDisplayChanged();
- // Call onNormalizedDisplayChange() now, rather than on timer.
- // On IE, when focus goes to the first <input> in the TooltipDialog, the editor loses it's selection.
- // Later if onNormalizedDisplayChange() gets called via the timer it will disable the LinkDialog button
- // (actually, all the toolbar buttons), at which point clicking the <input> will close the dialog,
- // since (for unknown reasons) focus.js ignores disabled controls.
- if(editor._updateTimer){
- clearTimeout(editor._updateTimer);
- delete editor._updateTimer;
- }
- editor.onNormalizedDisplayChanged();
- var button = this.button;
- setTimeout(function(){
- // Focus shift outside the event handler.
- // IE doesn't like focus changes in event handles.
- button.set("disabled", false);
- button.loadAndOpenDropDown().then(function(){
- if(button.dropDown.focus){
- button.dropDown.focus();
- }
- });
- }, 10);
- }
- }
- }
-// Register these plugins
-_Plugin.registry["createLink"] = function(){
- return new LinkDialog({command: "createLink"});
-_Plugin.registry["insertImage"] = function(){
- return new ImgLinkDialog({command: "insertImage"});
-// Export both LinkDialog and ImgLinkDialog
-LinkDialog.ImgLinkDialog = ImgLinkDialog;
-return LinkDialog;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/NewPage.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/NewPage.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5750bb55f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/NewPage.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/NewPage", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/Button",
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/commands"
-], function(declare, i18n, lang, _Plugin, Button){
- var _Plugin = dijit._editor._Plugin;
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/NewPage
-// summary:
-// This plugin provides a simple 'new page' capability. In other
-// words, set content to some default user defined string.
-var NewPage = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.NewPage",_Plugin,{
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides a simple 'new page' capability. In other
- // words, set content to some default user defined string.
- // content: [public] String
- // The default content to insert into the editor as the new page.
- // The default is the <br> tag, a single blank line.
- content: "<br>",
- _initButton: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for creation of the Print button.
- var strings = i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "commands"),
- editor = this.editor;
- this.button = new Button({
- label: strings["newPage"],
- dir: editor.dir,
- lang: editor.lang,
- showLabel: false,
- iconClass: this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + "NewPage",
- tabIndex: "-1",
- onClick: lang.hitch(this, "_newPage")
- });
- },
- setEditor: function(/*dijit.Editor*/ editor){
- // summary:
- // Tell the plugin which Editor it is associated with.
- // editor: Object
- // The editor object to attach the newPage capability to.
- this.editor = editor;
- this._initButton();
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for button state control for disabled to work.
- this.button.set("disabled", this.get("disabled"));
- },
- _newPage: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to set the content to blank.
- // tags:
- // private
- this.editor.beginEditing();
- this.editor.set("value", this.content);
- this.editor.endEditing();
- this.editor.focus();
- }
-// Register this plugin.
-// For back-compat accept "newpage" (all lowercase) too, remove in 2.0
-_Plugin.registry["newPage"] = _Plugin.registry["newpage"] = function(args){
- return new NewPage({
- content: ("content" in args)?args.content:"<br>"
- });
-return NewPage;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/Print.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/Print.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 06774f6ab..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/Print.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/Print", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("chrome") has("opera")
- "../../focus", // focus.focus()
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/Button",
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/commands"
-], function(declare, i18n, lang, has, focus, _Plugin, Button){
- var _Plugin = dijit._editor._Plugin;
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/Print
-// summary:
-// This plugin provides Print capability to the editor. When
-// clicked, the document in the editor frame will be printed.
-var Print = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.Print",_Plugin,{
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides Print capability to the editor. When
- // clicked, the document in the editor frame will be printed.
- _initButton: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for creation of the Print button.
- var strings = i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "commands"),
- editor = this.editor;
- this.button = new Button({
- label: strings["print"],
- dir: editor.dir,
- lang: editor.lang,
- showLabel: false,
- iconClass: this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + "Print",
- tabIndex: "-1",
- onClick: lang.hitch(this, "_print")
- });
- },
- setEditor: function(/*dijit.Editor*/ editor){
- // summary:
- // Tell the plugin which Editor it is associated with.
- // editor: Object
- // The editor object to attach the print capability to.
- this.editor = editor;
- this._initButton();
- // Set up a check that we have a print function
- // and disable button if we do not.
- this.editor.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(
- lang.hitch(this, function(){
- if(!this.editor.iframe.contentWindow["print"]){
- this.button.set("disabled", true);
- }
- })
- );
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for button state control for disabled to work.
- var disabled = this.get("disabled");
- if(!this.editor.iframe.contentWindow["print"]){
- disabled = true;
- }
- this.button.set("disabled", disabled);
- },
- _print: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to trigger printing of the editor document
- // tags:
- // private
- var edFrame = this.editor.iframe;
- if(edFrame.contentWindow["print"]){
- // IE requires the frame to be focused for
- // print to work, but since this is okay for all
- // no special casing.
- if(!has("opera") && !has("chrome")){
- focus.focus(edFrame);
- edFrame.contentWindow.print();
- }else{
- // Neither Opera nor Chrome 3 et you print single frames.
- // So, open a new 'window', print it, and close it.
- // Also, can't use size 0x0, have to use 1x1
- var edDoc = this.editor.document;
- var content = this.editor.get("value");
- content = "<html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' " +
- "content='text/html; charset='UTF-8'></head><body>" +
- content + "</body></html>";
- var win ="javascript: ''",
- "",
- "status=0,menubar=0,location=0,toolbar=0," +
- "width=1,height=1,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");
- win.document.write(content);
- win.document.close();
- var styleNodes = edDoc.getElementsByTagName("style");
- if(styleNodes){
- // Clone over any editor view styles, since we can't print the iframe
- // directly.
- var i;
- for(i = 0; i < styleNodes.length; i++){
- var style = styleNodes[i].innerHTML;
- var sNode = win.document.createElement("style");
- sNode.appendChild(win.document.createTextNode(style));
- win.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(sNode);
- }
- }
- win.print();
- win.close();
- }
- }
- }
-// Register this plugin.
-_Plugin.registry["print"] = function(){
- return new Print({command: "print"});
-return Print;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/TabIndent.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/TabIndent.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d4287b87..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/TabIndent.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/TabIndent", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.experimental
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/ToggleButton"
-], function(declare, kernel, _Plugin, ToggleButton){
- var _Plugin = dijit._editor._Plugin;
- // module:
- // dijit/_editor/plugins/TabIndent
- // summary:
- // This plugin is used to allow the use of the tab and shift-tab keys
- // to indent/outdent list items. This overrides the default behavior
- // of moving focus from/to the toolbar
- kernel.experimental("dijit._editor.plugins.TabIndent");
- var TabIndent = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.TabIndent", _Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin is used to allow the use of the tab and shift-tab keys
- // to indent/outdent list items. This overrides the default behavior
- // of moving focus from/to the toolbar
- // Override _Plugin.useDefaultCommand... processing is handled by this plugin, not by dijit.Editor.
- useDefaultCommand: false,
- // Override _Plugin.buttonClass to use a ToggleButton for this plugin rather than a vanilla Button
- buttonClass: ToggleButton,
- command: "tabIndent",
- _initButton: function(){
- // Override _Plugin._initButton() to setup listener on button click
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var e = this.editor;
- this.connect(this.button, "onChange", function(val){
- e.set("isTabIndent", val);
- });
- // Set initial checked state of button based on Editor.isTabIndent
- this.updateState();
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // Overrides _Plugin.updateState().
- // Ctrl-m in the editor will switch tabIndent mode on/off, so we need to react to that.
- var disabled = this.get("disabled");
- this.button.set("disabled", disabled);
- if(disabled){
- return;
- }
- this.button.set('checked', this.editor.isTabIndent, false);
- }
- });
- // Register this plugin.
- _Plugin.registry["tabIndent"] = function(){
- return new TabIndent({command: "tabIndent"});
- };
- return TabIndent;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/TextColor.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/TextColor.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cbcf6249..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/TextColor.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/TextColor", [
- "require",
- "dojo/colors", // colors.fromRgb
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang",
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/DropDownButton"
-], function(require, colors, declare, lang, _Plugin, DropDownButton){
- var _Plugin = dijit._editor._Plugin;
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/TextColor
-// summary:
-// This plugin provides dropdown color pickers for setting text color and background color
-var TextColor = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.TextColor", _Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides dropdown color pickers for setting text color and background color
- //
- // description:
- // The commands provided by this plugin are:
- // * foreColor - sets the text color
- // * hiliteColor - sets the background color
- // Override _Plugin.buttonClass to use DropDownButton (with ColorPalette) to control this plugin
- buttonClass: DropDownButton,
- // useDefaultCommand: Boolean
- // False as we do not use the default editor command/click behavior.
- useDefaultCommand: false,
- _initButton: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Setup to lazy load ColorPalette first time the button is clicked
- var self = this;
- this.button.loadDropDown = function(callback){
- require(["../../ColorPalette"], lang.hitch(this, function(ColorPalette){
- this.dropDown = new ColorPalette({
- value: self.value,
- onChange: function(color){
- self.editor.execCommand(self.command, color);
- }
- });
- callback();
- }));
- };
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Overrides _Plugin.updateState(). This updates the ColorPalette
- // to show the color of the currently selected text.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var _e = this.editor;
- var _c = this.command;
- if(!_e || !_e.isLoaded || !_c.length){
- return;
- }
- if(this.button){
- var disabled = this.get("disabled");
- this.button.set("disabled", disabled);
- if(disabled){ return; }
- var value;
- try{
- value = _e.queryCommandValue(_c)|| "";
- }catch(e){
- //Firefox may throw error above if the editor is just loaded, ignore it
- value = "";
- }
- }
- if(value == ""){
- value = "#000000";
- }
- if(value == "transparent"){
- value = "#ffffff";
- }
- if(typeof value == "string"){
- //if RGB value, convert to hex value
- if(value.indexOf("rgb")> -1){
- value = colors.fromRgb(value).toHex();
- }
- }else{ //it's an integer(IE returns an MS access #)
- value =((value & 0x0000ff)<< 16)|(value & 0x00ff00)|((value & 0xff0000)>>> 16);
- value = value.toString(16);
- value = "#000000".slice(0, 7 - value.length)+ value;
- }
- this.value = value;
- var dropDown = this.button.dropDown;
- if(dropDown && value !== dropDown.get('value')){
- dropDown.set('value', value, false);
- }
- }
-// Register this plugin.
-_Plugin.registry["foreColor"] = function(){
- return new TextColor({command: "foreColor"});
-_Plugin.registry["hiliteColor"] = function(){
- return new TextColor({command: "hiliteColor"});
-return TextColor;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/ToggleDir.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/ToggleDir.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b651518c8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/ToggleDir.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/ToggleDir", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.experimental
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/ToggleButton"
-], function(declare, domStyle, kernel, lang, _Plugin, ToggleButton){
- var _Plugin = dijit._editor._Plugin;
- // module:
- // dijit/_editor/plugins/ToggleDir
- // summary:
- // This plugin is used to toggle direction of the edited document,
- // independent of what direction the whole page is.
- kernel.experimental("dijit._editor.plugins.ToggleDir");
- var ToggleDir = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.ToggleDir", _Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin is used to toggle direction of the edited document,
- // independent of what direction the whole page is.
- // Override _Plugin.useDefaultCommand: processing is done in this plugin
- // rather than by sending commands to the Editor
- useDefaultCommand: false,
- command: "toggleDir",
- // Override _Plugin.buttonClass to use a ToggleButton for this plugin rather than a vanilla Button
- buttonClass: ToggleButton,
- _initButton: function(){
- // Override _Plugin._initButton() to setup handler for button click events.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.editor.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var editDoc = this.editor.editorObject.contentWindow.document.documentElement;
- //IE direction has to toggle on the body, not document itself.
- //If you toggle just the document, things get very strange in the
- //view. But, the nice thing is this works for all supported browsers.
- editDoc = editDoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
- var isLtr = domStyle.getComputedStyle(editDoc).direction == "ltr";
- this.button.set("checked", !isLtr);
- this.connect(this.button, "onChange", "_setRtl");
- }));
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for button state control for disabled to work.
- this.button.set("disabled", this.get("disabled"));
- },
- _setRtl: function(rtl){
- // summary:
- // Handler for button click events, to switch the text direction of the editor
- var dir = "ltr";
- if(rtl){
- dir = "rtl";
- }
- var editDoc = this.editor.editorObject.contentWindow.document.documentElement;
- editDoc = editDoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
- editDoc.dir/*html node*/ = dir;
- }
- });
- // Register this plugin.
- _Plugin.registry["toggleDir"] = function(){
- return new ToggleDir({command: "toggleDir"});
- };
- return ToggleDir;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/ViewSource.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/ViewSource.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index afc7606ea..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/plugins/ViewSource.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/plugins/ViewSource", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.setMarginBox domGeometry.position
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.set
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/keys", // keys.F12
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/on", // on()
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("webkit")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "dojo/window", // winUtils.getBox
- "../../focus", // focus.focus()
- "../_Plugin",
- "../../form/ToggleButton",
- "../..", // dijit._scopeName
- "../../registry", // registry.getEnclosingWidget()
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/commands"
-], function(array, declare, domAttr, domConstruct, domGeometry, domStyle, event, i18n, keys, lang, on, has, win,
- winUtils, focus, _Plugin, ToggleButton, dijit, registry){
- var _Plugin = dijit._editor._Plugin;
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/plugins/ViewSource
-// summary:
-// This plugin provides a simple view source capability.
-var ViewSource = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.ViewSource",_Plugin, {
- // summary:
- // This plugin provides a simple view source capability. When view
- // source mode is enabled, it disables all other buttons/plugins on the RTE.
- // It also binds to the hotkey: CTRL-SHIFT-F11 for toggling ViewSource mode.
- // stripScripts: [public] Boolean
- // Boolean flag used to indicate if script tags should be stripped from the document.
- // Defaults to true.
- stripScripts: true,
- // stripComments: [public] Boolean
- // Boolean flag used to indicate if comment tags should be stripped from the document.
- // Defaults to true.
- stripComments: true,
- // stripComments: [public] Boolean
- // Boolean flag used to indicate if iframe tags should be stripped from the document.
- // Defaults to true.
- stripIFrames: true,
- // readOnly: [const] Boolean
- // Boolean flag used to indicate if the source view should be readonly or not.
- // Cannot be changed after initialization of the plugin.
- // Defaults to false.
- readOnly: false,
- // _fsPlugin: [private] Object
- // Reference to a registered fullscreen plugin so that viewSource knows
- // how to scale.
- _fsPlugin: null,
- toggle: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to allow programmatic toggling of the view.
- // For Webkit, we have to focus a very particular way.
- // when swapping views, otherwise focus doesn't shift right
- // but can't focus this way all the time, only for VS changes.
- // If we did it all the time, buttons like bold, italic, etc
- // break.
- if(has("webkit")){this._vsFocused = true;}
- this.button.set("checked", !this.button.get("checked"));
- },
- _initButton: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for creation of the resize button.
- var strings = i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "commands"),
- editor = this.editor;
- this.button = new ToggleButton({
- label: strings["viewSource"],
- dir: editor.dir,
- lang: editor.lang,
- showLabel: false,
- iconClass: this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + "ViewSource",
- tabIndex: "-1",
- onChange: lang.hitch(this, "_showSource")
- });
- // IE 7 has a horrible bug with zoom, so we have to create this node
- // to cross-check later. Sigh.
- if(has("ie") == 7){
- this._ieFixNode = domConstruct.create("div", {
- style: {
- opacity: "0",
- zIndex: "-1000",
- position: "absolute",
- top: "-1000px"
- }
- }, win.body());
- }
- // Make sure readonly mode doesn't make the wrong cursor appear over the button.
- this.button.set("readOnly", false);
- },
- setEditor: function(/*dijit.Editor*/ editor){
- // summary:
- // Tell the plugin which Editor it is associated with.
- // editor: Object
- // The editor object to attach the print capability to.
- this.editor = editor;
- this._initButton();
- this.editor.addKeyHandler(keys.F12, true, true, lang.hitch(this, function(e){
- // Move the focus before switching
- // It'll focus back. Hiding a focused
- // node causes issues.
- this.button.focus();
- this.toggle();
- event.stop(e);
- // Call the focus shift outside of the handler.
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // We over-ride focus, so we just need to call.
- this.editor.focus();
- }), 100);
- }));
- },
- _showSource: function(source){
- // summary:
- // Function to toggle between the source and RTE views.
- // source: boolean
- // Boolean value indicating if it should be in source mode or not.
- // tags:
- // private
- var ed = this.editor;
- var edPlugins = ed._plugins;
- var html;
- this._sourceShown = source;
- var self = this;
- try{
- if(!this.sourceArea){
- this._createSourceView();
- }
- if(source){
- // Update the QueryCommandEnabled function to disable everything but
- // the source view mode. Have to over-ride a function, then kick all
- // plugins to check their state.
- ed._sourceQueryCommandEnabled = ed.queryCommandEnabled;
- ed.queryCommandEnabled = function(cmd){
- return cmd.toLowerCase() === "viewsource";
- };
- this.editor.onDisplayChanged();
- html = ed.get("value");
- html = this._filter(html);
- ed.set("value", html);
- array.forEach(edPlugins, function(p){
- // Turn off any plugins not controlled by queryCommandenabled.
- if(!(p instanceof ViewSource)){
- p.set("disabled", true)
- }
- });
- // We actually do need to trap this plugin and adjust how we
- // display the textarea.
- if(this._fsPlugin){
- this._fsPlugin._getAltViewNode = function(){
- return self.sourceArea;
- };
- }
- this.sourceArea.value = html;
- // Since neither iframe nor textarea have margin, border, or padding,
- // just set sizes equal
- =;
- =;
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe, "display", "none");
- domStyle.set(this.sourceArea, {
- display: "block"
- });
- var resizer = function(){
- // function to handle resize events.
- // Will check current VP and only resize if
- // different.
- var vp = winUtils.getBox();
- if("_prevW" in this && "_prevH" in this){
- // No actual size change, ignore.
- if(vp.w === this._prevW && vp.h === this._prevH){
- return;
- }else{
- this._prevW = vp.w;
- this._prevH = vp.h;
- }
- }else{
- this._prevW = vp.w;
- this._prevH = vp.h;
- }
- if(this._resizer){
- clearTimeout(this._resizer);
- delete this._resizer;
- }
- // Timeout it to help avoid spamming resize on IE.
- // Works for all browsers.
- this._resizer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- delete this._resizer;
- this._resize();
- }), 10);
- };
- this._resizeHandle = on(window, "resize", lang.hitch(this, resizer));
- //Call this on a delay once to deal with IE glitchiness on initial size.
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, this._resize), 100);
- //Trigger a check for command enablement/disablement.
- this.editor.onNormalizedDisplayChanged();
- this.editor.__oldGetValue = this.editor.getValue;
- this.editor.getValue = lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var txt = this.sourceArea.value;
- txt = this._filter(txt);
- return txt;
- });
- }else{
- // First check that we were in source view before doing anything.
- // corner case for being called with a value of false and we hadn't
- // actually been in source display mode.
- if(!ed._sourceQueryCommandEnabled){
- return;
- }
- this._resizeHandle.remove();
- delete this._resizeHandle;
- if(this.editor.__oldGetValue){
- this.editor.getValue = this.editor.__oldGetValue;
- delete this.editor.__oldGetValue;
- }
- // Restore all the plugin buttons state.
- ed.queryCommandEnabled = ed._sourceQueryCommandEnabled;
- if(!this._readOnly){
- html = this.sourceArea.value;
- html = this._filter(html);
- ed.beginEditing();
- ed.set("value", html);
- ed.endEditing();
- }
- array.forEach(edPlugins, function(p){
- // Turn back on any plugins we turned off.
- p.set("disabled", false);
- });
- domStyle.set(this.sourceArea, "display", "none");
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe, "display", "block");
- delete ed._sourceQueryCommandEnabled;
- //Trigger a check for command enablement/disablement.
- this.editor.onDisplayChanged();
- }
- // Call a delayed resize to wait for some things to display in header/footer.
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // Make resize calls.
- var parent = ed.domNode.parentNode;
- if(parent){
- var container = registry.getEnclosingWidget(parent);
- if(container && container.resize){
- container.resize();
- }
- }
- ed.resize();
- }), 300);
- }catch(e){
- console.log(e);
- }
- },
- updateState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride for button state control for disabled to work.
- this.button.set("disabled", this.get("disabled"));
- },
- _resize: function(){
- // summary:
- // Internal function to resize the source view
- // tags:
- // private
- var ed = this.editor;
- var tbH = ed.getHeaderHeight();
- var fH = ed.getFooterHeight();
- var eb = domGeometry.position(ed.domNode);
- // Styles are now applied to the internal source container, so we have
- // to subtract them off.
- var containerPadding = domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(ed.iframe.parentNode);
- var containerMargin = domGeometry.getMarginExtents(ed.iframe.parentNode);
- var extents = domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(ed.domNode);
- var edb = {
- w: eb.w - extents.w,
- h: eb.h - (tbH + extents.h + + fH)
- };
- // Fullscreen gets odd, so we need to check for the FS plugin and
- // adapt.
- if(this._fsPlugin && this._fsPlugin.isFullscreen){
- //Okay, probably in FS, adjust.
- var vp = winUtils.getBox();
- edb.w = (vp.w - extents.w);
- edb.h = (vp.h - (tbH + extents.h + fH));
- }
- if(has("ie")){
- // IE is always off by 2px, so we have to adjust here
- // Note that IE ZOOM is broken here. I can't get
- //it to scale right.
- edb.h -= 2;
- }
- // IE has a horrible zoom bug. So, we have to try and account for
- // it and fix up the scaling.
- if(this._ieFixNode){
- var _ie7zoom = -this._ieFixNode.offsetTop / 1000;
- edb.w = Math.floor((edb.w + 0.9) / _ie7zoom);
- edb.h = Math.floor((edb.h + 0.9) / _ie7zoom);
- }
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.sourceArea, {
- w: edb.w - (containerPadding.w + containerMargin.w),
- h: edb.h - (containerPadding.h + containerMargin.h)
- });
- // Scale the parent container too in this case.
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(ed.iframe.parentNode, {
- h: edb.h
- });
- },
- _createSourceView: function(){
- // summary:
- // Internal function for creating the source view area.
- // tags:
- // private
- var ed = this.editor;
- var edPlugins = ed._plugins;
- this.sourceArea = domConstruct.create("textarea");
- if(this.readOnly){
- domAttr.set(this.sourceArea, "readOnly", true);
- this._readOnly = true;
- }
- domStyle.set(this.sourceArea, {
- padding: "0px",
- margin: "0px",
- borderWidth: "0px",
- borderStyle: "none"
- });
-, ed.iframe, "before");
- if(has("ie") && ed.iframe.parentNode.lastChild !== ed.iframe){
- // There's some weirdo div in IE used for focus control
- // But is messed up scaling the textarea if we don't config
- // it some so it doesn't have a varying height.
- domStyle.set(ed.iframe.parentNode.lastChild,{
- width: "0px",
- height: "0px",
- padding: "0px",
- margin: "0px",
- borderWidth: "0px",
- borderStyle: "none"
- });
- }
- // We also need to take over editor focus a bit here, so that focus calls to
- // focus the editor will focus to the right node when VS is active.
- ed._viewsource_oldFocus = ed.focus;
- var self = this;
- ed.focus = function(){
- if(self._sourceShown){
- self.setSourceAreaCaret();
- }else{
- try{
- if(this._vsFocused){
- delete this._vsFocused;
- // Must focus edit node in this case (webkit only) or
- // focus doesn't shift right, but in normal
- // cases we focus with the regular function.
- focus.focus(ed.editNode);
- }else{
- ed._viewsource_oldFocus();
- }
- }catch(e){
- console.log(e);
- }
- }
- };
- var i, p;
- for(i = 0; i < edPlugins.length; i++){
- // We actually do need to trap this plugin and adjust how we
- // display the textarea.
- p = edPlugins[i];
- if(p && (p.declaredClass === "dijit._editor.plugins.FullScreen" ||
- p.declaredClass === (dijit._scopeName +
- "._editor.plugins.FullScreen"))){
- this._fsPlugin = p;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(this._fsPlugin){
- // Found, we need to over-ride the alt-view node function
- // on FullScreen with our own, chain up to parent call when appropriate.
- this._fsPlugin._viewsource_getAltViewNode = this._fsPlugin._getAltViewNode;
- this._fsPlugin._getAltViewNode = function(){
- return self._sourceShown?self.sourceArea:this._viewsource_getAltViewNode();
- };
- }
- // Listen to the source area for key events as well, as we need to be able to hotkey toggle
- // it from there too.
- this.connect(this.sourceArea, "onkeydown", lang.hitch(this, function(e){
- if(this._sourceShown && e.keyCode == keys.F12 && e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey){
- this.button.focus();
- this.button.set("checked", false);
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){ed.focus();}), 100);
- event.stop(e);
- }
- }));
- },
- _stripScripts: function(html){
- // summary:
- // Strips out script tags from the HTML used in editor.
- // html: String
- // The HTML to filter
- // tags:
- // private
- if(html){
- // Look for closed and unclosed (malformed) script attacks.
- html = html.replace(/<\s*script[^>]*>((.|\s)*?)<\\?\/\s*script\s*>/ig, "");
- html = html.replace(/<\s*script\b([^<>]|\s)*>?/ig, "");
- html = html.replace(/<[^>]*=(\s|)*[("|')]javascript:[^$1][(\s|.)]*[$1][^>]*>/ig, "");
- }
- return html;
- },
- _stripComments: function(html){
- // summary:
- // Strips out comments from the HTML used in editor.
- // html: String
- // The HTML to filter
- // tags:
- // private
- if(html){
- html = html.replace(/<!--(.|\s){1,}?-->/g, "");
- }
- return html;
- },
- _stripIFrames: function(html){
- // summary:
- // Strips out iframe tags from the content, to avoid iframe script
- // style injection attacks.
- // html: String
- // The HTML to filter
- // tags:
- // private
- if(html){
- html = html.replace(/<\s*iframe[^>]*>((.|\s)*?)<\\?\/\s*iframe\s*>/ig, "");
- }
- return html;
- },
- _filter: function(html){
- // summary:
- // Internal function to perform some filtering on the HTML.
- // html: String
- // The HTML to filter
- // tags:
- // private
- if(html){
- if(this.stripScripts){
- html = this._stripScripts(html);
- }
- if(this.stripComments){
- html = this._stripComments(html);
- }
- if(this.stripIFrames){
- html = this._stripIFrames(html);
- }
- }
- return html;
- },
- setSourceAreaCaret: function(){
- // summary:
- // Internal function to set the caret in the sourceArea
- // to 0x0
- var global =;
- var elem = this.sourceArea;
- focus.focus(elem);
- if(this._sourceShown && !this.readOnly){
- if(has("ie")){
- if(this.sourceArea.createTextRange){
- var range = elem.createTextRange();
- range.collapse(true);
- range.moveStart("character", -99999); // move to 0
- range.moveStart("character", 0); // delta from 0 is the correct position
- range.moveEnd("character", 0);
- }
- }else if(global.getSelection){
- if(elem.setSelectionRange){
- elem.setSelectionRange(0,0);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- // summary:
- // Over-ride to remove the node used to correct for IE's
- // zoom bug.
- if(this._ieFixNode){
- win.body().removeChild(this._ieFixNode);
- }
- if(this._resizer){
- clearTimeout(this._resizer);
- delete this._resizer;
- }
- if(this._resizeHandle){
- this._resizeHandle.remove();
- delete this._resizeHandle;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
-// Register this plugin.
-// For back-compat accept "viewsource" (all lowercase) too, remove in 2.0
-_Plugin.registry["viewSource"] = _Plugin.registry["viewsource"] = function(args){
- return new ViewSource({
- readOnly: ("readOnly" in args)?args.readOnly:false,
- stripComments: ("stripComments" in args)?args.stripComments:true,
- stripScripts: ("stripScripts" in args)?args.stripScripts:true,
- stripIFrames: ("stripIFrames" in args)?args.stripIFrames:true
- });
-return ViewSource;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/range.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/range.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c35f7a036..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/range.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/range", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.every
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.isArray
- "dojo/_base/window", //
- ".." // for exporting symbols to dijit, TODO: remove in 2.0
-], function(array, declare, lang, win, dijit){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/range
-// summary:
-// W3C range API
-dijit.range.getIndex = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*DomNode*/parent){
-// dojo.profile.start("dijit.range.getIndex");
- var ret = [], retR = [];
- var onode = node;
- var pnode, n;
- while(node != parent){
- var i = 0;
- pnode = node.parentNode;
- while((n = pnode.childNodes[i++])){
- if(n === node){
- --i;
- break;
- }
- }
- //if(i>=pnode.childNodes.length){
- //dojo.debug("Error finding index of a node in dijit.range.getIndex");
- //}
- ret.unshift(i);
- retR.unshift(i - pnode.childNodes.length);
- node = pnode;
- }
- //normalized() can not be called so often to prevent
- //invalidating selection/range, so we have to detect
- //here that any text nodes in a row
- if(ret.length > 0 && onode.nodeType == 3){
- n = onode.previousSibling;
- while(n && n.nodeType == 3){
- ret[ret.length - 1]--;
- n = n.previousSibling;
- }
- n = onode.nextSibling;
- while(n && n.nodeType == 3){
- retR[retR.length - 1]++;
- n = n.nextSibling;
- }
- }
-// dojo.profile.end("dijit.range.getIndex");
- return {o: ret, r:retR};
-dijit.range.getNode = function(/*Array*/index, /*DomNode*/parent){
- if(!lang.isArray(index) || index.length == 0){
- return parent;
- }
- var node = parent;
-// if(!node)debugger
- array.every(index, function(i){
- if(i >= 0 && i < node.childNodes.length){
- node = node.childNodes[i];
- }else{
- node = null;
- //console.debug('Error: can not find node with index',index,'under parent node',parent );
- return false; //terminate array.every
- }
- return true; //carry on the every loop
- });
- return node;
-dijit.range.getCommonAncestor = function(n1, n2, root){
- root = root || n1.ownerDocument.body;
- var getAncestors = function(n){
- var as = [];
- while(n){
- as.unshift(n);
- if(n !== root){
- n = n.parentNode;
- }else{
- break;
- }
- }
- return as;
- };
- var n1as = getAncestors(n1);
- var n2as = getAncestors(n2);
- var m = Math.min(n1as.length, n2as.length);
- var com = n1as[0]; //at least, one element should be in the array: the root (BODY by default)
- for(var i = 1; i < m; i++){
- if(n1as[i] === n2as[i]){
- com = n1as[i]
- }else{
- break;
- }
- }
- return com;
-dijit.range.getAncestor = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*RegEx?*/regex, /*DomNode?*/root){
- root = root || node.ownerDocument.body;
- while(node && node !== root){
- var name = node.nodeName.toUpperCase();
- if(regex.test(name)){
- return node;
- }
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return null;
-dijit.range.BlockTagNames = /^(?:P|DIV|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|ADDRESS|PRE|OL|UL|LI|DT|DE)$/;
-dijit.range.getBlockAncestor = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*RegEx?*/regex, /*DomNode?*/root){
- root = root || node.ownerDocument.body;
- regex = regex || dijit.range.BlockTagNames;
- var block = null, blockContainer;
- while(node && node !== root){
- var name = node.nodeName.toUpperCase();
- if(!block && regex.test(name)){
- block = node;
- }
- if(!blockContainer && (/^(?:BODY|TD|TH|CAPTION)$/).test(name)){
- blockContainer = node;
- }
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return {blockNode:block, blockContainer:blockContainer || node.ownerDocument.body};
-dijit.range.atBeginningOfContainer = function(/*DomNode*/container, /*DomNode*/node, /*Int*/offset){
- var atBeginning = false;
- var offsetAtBeginning = (offset == 0);
- if(!offsetAtBeginning && node.nodeType == 3){ //if this is a text node, check whether the left part is all space
- if(/^[\s\xA0]+$/.test(node.nodeValue.substr(0, offset))){
- offsetAtBeginning = true;
- }
- }
- if(offsetAtBeginning){
- var cnode = node;
- atBeginning = true;
- while(cnode && cnode !== container){
- if(cnode.previousSibling){
- atBeginning = false;
- break;
- }
- cnode = cnode.parentNode;
- }
- }
- return atBeginning;
-dijit.range.atEndOfContainer = function(/*DomNode*/container, /*DomNode*/node, /*Int*/offset){
- var atEnd = false;
- var offsetAtEnd = (offset == (node.length || node.childNodes.length));
- if(!offsetAtEnd && node.nodeType == 3){ //if this is a text node, check whether the right part is all space
- if(/^[\s\xA0]+$/.test(node.nodeValue.substr(offset))){
- offsetAtEnd = true;
- }
- }
- if(offsetAtEnd){
- var cnode = node;
- atEnd = true;
- while(cnode && cnode !== container){
- if(cnode.nextSibling){
- atEnd = false;
- break;
- }
- cnode = cnode.parentNode;
- }
- }
- return atEnd;
-dijit.range.adjacentNoneTextNode = function(startnode, next){
- var node = startnode;
- var len = (0 - startnode.length) || 0;
- var prop = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
- while(node){
- if(node.nodeType != 3){
- break;
- }
- len += node.length;
- node = node[prop];
- }
- return [node,len];
-dijit.range._w3c = Boolean(window['getSelection']);
-dijit.range.create = function(/*Window?*/window){
- if(dijit.range._w3c){
- return (window ||;
- }else{//IE
- return new dijit.range.W3CRange;
- }
-dijit.range.getSelection = function(/*Window*/win, /*Boolean?*/ignoreUpdate){
- if(dijit.range._w3c){
- return win.getSelection();
- }else{//IE
- var s = new;
- if(!ignoreUpdate){
- s._getCurrentSelection();
- }
- return s;
- }
- = {
- cachedSelection: {},
- selection: function(win){
- this._ranges = [];
- this.addRange = function(r, /*boolean*/internal){
- this._ranges.push(r);
- if(!internal){
- r._select();
- }
- this.rangeCount = this._ranges.length;
- };
- this.removeAllRanges = function(){
- //don't detach, the range may be used later
-// for(var i=0;i<this._ranges.length;i++){
-// this._ranges[i].detach();
-// }
- this._ranges = [];
- this.rangeCount = 0;
- };
- var _initCurrentRange = function(){
- var r = win.document.selection.createRange();
- var type = win.document.selection.type.toUpperCase();
- if(type == "CONTROL"){
- //TODO: multiple range selection(?)
- return new dijit.range.W3CRange(;
- }else{
- return new dijit.range.W3CRange(;
- }
- };
- this.getRangeAt = function(i){
- return this._ranges[i];
- };
- this._getCurrentSelection = function(){
- this.removeAllRanges();
- var r = _initCurrentRange();
- if(r){
- this.addRange(r, true);
- this.isCollapsed = r.collapsed;
- }else{
- this.isCollapsed = true;
- }
- };
- },
- decomposeControlRange: function(range){
- var firstnode = range.item(0), lastnode = range.item(range.length - 1);
- var startContainer = firstnode.parentNode, endContainer = lastnode.parentNode;
- var startOffset = dijit.range.getIndex(firstnode, startContainer).o[0];
- var endOffset = dijit.range.getIndex(lastnode, endContainer).o[0] + 1;
- return [startContainer, startOffset,endContainer, endOffset];
- },
- getEndPoint: function(range, end){
- var atmrange = range.duplicate();
- atmrange.collapse(!end);
- var cmpstr = 'EndTo' + (end ? 'End' : 'Start');
- var parentNode = atmrange.parentElement();
- var startnode, startOffset, lastNode;
- if(parentNode.childNodes.length > 0){
- array.every(parentNode.childNodes, function(node, i){
- var calOffset;
- if(node.nodeType != 3){
- atmrange.moveToElementText(node);
- if(atmrange.compareEndPoints(cmpstr, range) > 0){
- //startnode = node.previousSibling;
- if(lastNode && lastNode.nodeType == 3){
- //where shall we put the start? in the text node or after?
- startnode = lastNode;
- calOffset = true;
- }else{
- startnode = parentNode;
- startOffset = i;
- return false;
- }
- }else{
- if(i == parentNode.childNodes.length - 1){
- startnode = parentNode;
- startOffset = parentNode.childNodes.length;
- return false;
- }
- }
- }else{
- if(i == parentNode.childNodes.length - 1){//at the end of this node
- startnode = node;
- calOffset = true;
- }
- }
- // try{
- if(calOffset && startnode){
- var prevnode = dijit.range.adjacentNoneTextNode(startnode)[0];
- if(prevnode){
- startnode = prevnode.nextSibling;
- }else{
- startnode = parentNode.firstChild; //firstChild must be a text node
- }
- var prevnodeobj = dijit.range.adjacentNoneTextNode(startnode);
- prevnode = prevnodeobj[0];
- var lenoffset = prevnodeobj[1];
- if(prevnode){
- atmrange.moveToElementText(prevnode);
- atmrange.collapse(false);
- }else{
- atmrange.moveToElementText(parentNode);
- }
- atmrange.setEndPoint(cmpstr, range);
- startOffset = atmrange.text.length - lenoffset;
- return false;
- }
- // }catch(e){ debugger }
- lastNode = node;
- return true;
- });
- }else{
- startnode = parentNode;
- startOffset = 0;
- }
- //if at the end of startnode and we are dealing with start container, then
- //move the startnode to nextSibling if it is a text node
- //TODO: do this for end container?
- if(!end && startnode.nodeType == 1 && startOffset == startnode.childNodes.length){
- var nextnode = startnode.nextSibling;
- if(nextnode && nextnode.nodeType == 3){
- startnode = nextnode;
- startOffset = 0;
- }
- }
- return [startnode, startOffset];
- },
- setEndPoint: function(range, container, offset){
- //text node
- var atmrange = range.duplicate(), node, len;
- if(container.nodeType != 3){ //normal node
- if(offset > 0){
- node = container.childNodes[offset - 1];
- if(node){
- if(node.nodeType == 3){
- container = node;
- offset = node.length;
- //pass through
- }else{
- if(node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeType == 3){
- container = node.nextSibling;
- offset = 0;
- //pass through
- }else{
- atmrange.moveToElementText(node.nextSibling ? node : container);
- var parent = node.parentNode;
- var tempNode = parent.insertBefore(node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(' '), node.nextSibling);
- atmrange.collapse(false);
- parent.removeChild(tempNode);
- }
- }
- }
- }else{
- atmrange.moveToElementText(container);
- atmrange.collapse(true);
- }
- }
- if(container.nodeType == 3){
- var prevnodeobj = dijit.range.adjacentNoneTextNode(container);
- var prevnode = prevnodeobj[0];
- len = prevnodeobj[1];
- if(prevnode){
- atmrange.moveToElementText(prevnode);
- atmrange.collapse(false);
- //if contentEditable is not inherit, the above collapse won't make the end point
- //in the correctly position: it always has a -1 offset, so compensate it
- if(prevnode.contentEditable != 'inherit'){
- len++;
- }
- }else{
- atmrange.moveToElementText(container.parentNode);
- atmrange.collapse(true);
- }
- offset += len;
- if(offset > 0){
- if(atmrange.move('character', offset) != offset){
- console.error('Error when moving!');
- }
- }
- }
- return atmrange;
- },
- decomposeTextRange: function(range){
- var tmpary =;
- var startContainer = tmpary[0], startOffset = tmpary[1];
- var endContainer = tmpary[0], endOffset = tmpary[1];
- if(range.htmlText.length){
- if(range.htmlText == range.text){ //in the same text node
- endOffset = startOffset + range.text.length;
- }else{
- tmpary =, true);
- endContainer = tmpary[0],endOffset = tmpary[1];
-// if(startContainer.tagName == "BODY"){
-// startContainer = startContainer.firstChild;
-// }
- }
- }
- return [startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset];
- },
- setRange: function(range, startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset, collapsed){
- var start =, startContainer, startOffset);
- range.setEndPoint('StartToStart', start);
- if(!collapsed){
- var end =, endContainer, endOffset);
- }
- range.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', end || start);
- return range;
- }
- };
-declare("dijit.range.W3CRange",null, {
- constructor: function(){
- if(arguments.length>0){
- this.setStart(arguments[0][0],arguments[0][1]);
- this.setEnd(arguments[0][2],arguments[0][3]);
- }else{
- this.commonAncestorContainer = null;
- this.startContainer = null;
- this.startOffset = 0;
- this.endContainer = null;
- this.endOffset = 0;
- this.collapsed = true;
- }
- },
- _updateInternal: function(){
- if(this.startContainer !== this.endContainer){
- this.commonAncestorContainer = dijit.range.getCommonAncestor(this.startContainer, this.endContainer);
- }else{
- this.commonAncestorContainer = this.startContainer;
- }
- this.collapsed = (this.startContainer === this.endContainer) && (this.startOffset == this.endOffset);
- },
- setStart: function(node, offset){
- offset=parseInt(offset);
- if(this.startContainer === node && this.startOffset == offset){
- return;
- }
- delete this._cachedBookmark;
- this.startContainer = node;
- this.startOffset = offset;
- if(!this.endContainer){
- this.setEnd(node, offset);
- }else{
- this._updateInternal();
- }
- },
- setEnd: function(node, offset){
- offset=parseInt(offset);
- if(this.endContainer === node && this.endOffset == offset){
- return;
- }
- delete this._cachedBookmark;
- this.endContainer = node;
- this.endOffset = offset;
- if(!this.startContainer){
- this.setStart(node, offset);
- }else{
- this._updateInternal();
- }
- },
- setStartAfter: function(node, offset){
- this._setPoint('setStart', node, offset, 1);
- },
- setStartBefore: function(node, offset){
- this._setPoint('setStart', node, offset, 0);
- },
- setEndAfter: function(node, offset){
- this._setPoint('setEnd', node, offset, 1);
- },
- setEndBefore: function(node, offset){
- this._setPoint('setEnd', node, offset, 0);
- },
- _setPoint: function(what, node, offset, ext){
- var index = dijit.range.getIndex(node, node.parentNode).o;
- this[what](node.parentNode, index.pop()+ext);
- },
- _getIERange: function(){
- var r = (this._body || this.endContainer.ownerDocument.body).createTextRange();
-, this.startContainer, this.startOffset, this.endContainer, this.endOffset, this.collapsed);
- return r;
- },
- getBookmark: function(){
- this._getIERange();
- return this._cachedBookmark;
- },
- _select: function(){
- var r = this._getIERange();
- },
- deleteContents: function(){
- var s = this.startContainer, r = this._getIERange();
- if(s.nodeType === 3 && !this.startOffset){
- //if the range starts at the beginning of a
- //text node, move it to before the textnode
- //to make sure the range is still valid
- //after deleteContents() finishes
- this.setStartBefore(s);
- }
- r.pasteHTML('');
- this.endContainer = this.startContainer;
- this.endOffset = this.startOffset;
- this.collapsed = true;
- },
- cloneRange: function(){
- var r = new dijit.range.W3CRange([this.startContainer,this.startOffset,
- this.endContainer,this.endOffset]);
- r._body = this._body;
- return r;
- },
- detach: function(){
- this._body = null;
- this.commonAncestorContainer = null;
- this.startContainer = null;
- this.startOffset = 0;
- this.endContainer = null;
- this.endOffset = 0;
- this.collapsed = true;
-} //if(!dijit.range._w3c)
-return dijit.range;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_editor/selection.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_editor/selection.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d1c8331b5..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_editor/selection.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_editor/selection", [
- "dojo/dom", // dom.byId
- "dojo/_base/lang",
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("opera")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body win.doc win.doc.createElement win.doc.selection win.doc.selection.createRange win.doc.selection.type.toLowerCase
- ".." // for exporting symbols to dijit._editor.selection (TODO: remove in 2.0)
-], function(dom, lang, has, win, dijit){
-// module:
-// dijit/_editor/selection
-// summary:
-// Text selection API
-lang.getObject("_editor.selection", true, dijit);
-// FIXME:
-// all of these methods branch internally for IE. This is probably
-// sub-optimal in terms of runtime performance. We should investigate the
-// size difference for differentiating at definition time.
-lang.mixin(dijit._editor.selection, {
- getType: function(){
- // summary:
- // Get the selection type (like in IE).
- if(has("ie") < 9){
- return win.doc.selection.type.toLowerCase();
- }else{
- var stype = "text";
- // Check if the actual selection is a CONTROL (IMG, TABLE, HR, etc...).
- var oSel;
- try{
- oSel =;
- }catch(e){ /*squelch*/ }
- if(oSel && oSel.rangeCount == 1){
- var oRange = oSel.getRangeAt(0);
- if( (oRange.startContainer == oRange.endContainer) &&
- ((oRange.endOffset - oRange.startOffset) == 1) &&
- (oRange.startContainer.nodeType != 3 /* text node*/)
- ){
- stype = "control";
- }
- }
- return stype; //String
- }
- },
- getSelectedText: function(){
- // summary:
- // Return the text (no html tags) included in the current selection or null if no text is selected
- if(has("ie") < 9){
- if(dijit._editor.selection.getType() == 'control'){
- return null;
- }
- return win.doc.selection.createRange().text;
- }else{
- var selection =;
- if(selection){
- return selection.toString(); //String
- }
- }
- return '';
- },
- getSelectedHtml: function(){
- // summary:
- // Return the html text of the current selection or null if unavailable
- if(has("ie") < 9){
- if(dijit._editor.selection.getType() == 'control'){
- return null;
- }
- return win.doc.selection.createRange().htmlText;
- }else{
- var selection =;
- if(selection && selection.rangeCount){
- var i;
- var html = "";
- for(i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++){
- //Handle selections spanning ranges, such as Opera
- var frag = selection.getRangeAt(i).cloneContents();
- var div = win.doc.createElement("div");
- div.appendChild(frag);
- html += div.innerHTML;
- }
- return html; //String
- }
- return null;
- }
- },
- getSelectedElement: function(){
- // summary:
- // Retrieves the selected element (if any), just in the case that
- // a single element (object like and image or a table) is
- // selected.
- if(dijit._editor.selection.getType() == "control"){
- if(has("ie") < 9){
- var range = win.doc.selection.createRange();
- if(range && range.item){
- return win.doc.selection.createRange().item(0);
- }
- }else{
- var selection =;
- return selection.anchorNode.childNodes[ selection.anchorOffset ];
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- getParentElement: function(){
- // summary:
- // Get the parent element of the current selection
- if(dijit._editor.selection.getType() == "control"){
- var p = this.getSelectedElement();
- if(p){ return p.parentNode; }
- }else{
- if(has("ie") < 9){
- var r = win.doc.selection.createRange();
- r.collapse(true);
- return r.parentElement();
- }else{
- var selection =;
- if(selection){
- var node = selection.anchorNode;
- while(node && (node.nodeType != 1)){ // not an element
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return node;
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- hasAncestorElement: function(/*String*/tagName /* ... */){
- // summary:
- // Check whether current selection has a parent element which is
- // of type tagName (or one of the other specified tagName)
- // tagName: String
- // The tag name to determine if it has an ancestor of.
- return this.getAncestorElement.apply(this, arguments) != null; //Boolean
- },
- getAncestorElement: function(/*String*/tagName /* ... */){
- // summary:
- // Return the parent element of the current selection which is of
- // type tagName (or one of the other specified tagName)
- // tagName: String
- // The tag name to determine if it has an ancestor of.
- var node = this.getSelectedElement() || this.getParentElement();
- return this.getParentOfType(node, arguments); //DOMNode
- },
- isTag: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String[]*/ tags){
- // summary:
- // Function to determine if a node is one of an array of tags.
- // node:
- // The node to inspect.
- // tags:
- // An array of tag name strings to check to see if the node matches.
- if(node && node.tagName){
- var _nlc = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
- for(var i=0; i<tags.length; i++){
- var _tlc = String(tags[i]).toLowerCase();
- if(_nlc == _tlc){
- return _tlc; // String
- }
- }
- }
- return "";
- },
- getParentOfType: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String[]*/ tags){
- // summary:
- // Function to locate a parent node that matches one of a set of tags
- // node:
- // The node to inspect.
- // tags:
- // An array of tag name strings to check to see if the node matches.
- while(node){
- if(this.isTag(node, tags).length){
- return node; // DOMNode
- }
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return null;
- },
- collapse: function(/*Boolean*/beginning){
- // summary:
- // Function to collapse (clear), the current selection
- // beginning: Boolean
- // Boolean to indicate whether to collapse the cursor to the beginning of the selection or end.
- if(window.getSelection){
- var selection =;
- if(selection.removeAllRanges){ // Mozilla
- if(beginning){
- selection.collapseToStart();
- }else{
- selection.collapseToEnd();
- }
- }else{ // Safari
- // pulled from WebCore/ecma/kjs_window.cpp, line 2536
- selection.collapse(beginning);
- }
- }else if(has("ie")){ // IE
- var range = win.doc.selection.createRange();
- range.collapse(beginning);
- }
- },
- remove: function(){
- // summary:
- // Function to delete the currently selected content from the document.
- var sel = win.doc.selection;
- if(has("ie") < 9){
- if(sel.type.toLowerCase() != "none"){
- sel.clear();
- }
- return sel; //Selection
- }else{
- sel =;
- sel.deleteFromDocument();
- return sel; //Selection
- }
- },
- selectElementChildren: function(/*DomNode*/element,/*Boolean?*/nochangefocus){
- // summary:
- // clear previous selection and select the content of the node
- // (excluding the node itself)
- // element: DOMNode
- // The element you wish to select the children content of.
- // nochangefocus: Boolean
- // Boolean to indicate if the foxus should change or not.
- var global =;
- var doc = win.doc;
- var range;
- element = dom.byId(element);
- if(doc.selection && has("ie") < 9 && win.body().createTextRange){ // IE
- range = element.ownerDocument.body.createTextRange();
- range.moveToElementText(element);
- if(!nochangefocus){
- try{
-; // IE throws an exception here if the widget is hidden. See #5439
- }catch(e){ /* squelch */}
- }
- }else if(global.getSelection){
- var selection =;
- if(has("opera")){
- //Opera's selectAllChildren doesn't seem to work right
- //against <body> nodes and possibly others ... so
- //we use the W3C range API
- if(selection.rangeCount){
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }else{
- range = doc.createRange();
- }
- range.setStart(element, 0);
- range.setEnd(element,(element.nodeType == 3)?element.length:element.childNodes.length);
- selection.addRange(range);
- }else{
- selection.selectAllChildren(element);
- }
- }
- },
- selectElement: function(/*DomNode*/element,/*Boolean?*/nochangefocus){
- // summary:
- // clear previous selection and select element (including all its children)
- // element: DOMNode
- // The element to select.
- // nochangefocus: Boolean
- // Boolean indicating if the focus should be changed. IE only.
- var range;
- var doc = win.doc;
- var global =;
- element = dom.byId(element);
- if(has("ie") < 9 && win.body().createTextRange){
- try{
- var tg = element.tagName ? element.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
- if(tg === "img" || tg === "table"){
- range = win.body().createControlRange();
- }else{
- range = win.body().createRange();
- }
- range.addElement(element);
- if(!nochangefocus){
- }
- }catch(e){
- this.selectElementChildren(element,nochangefocus);
- }
- }else if(global.getSelection){
- var selection = global.getSelection();
- range = doc.createRange();
- if(selection.removeAllRanges){ // Mozilla
- // FIXME: does this work on Safari?
- if(has("opera")){
- //Opera works if you use the current range on
- //the selection if present.
- if(selection.getRangeAt(0)){
- range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- }
- range.selectNode(element);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(range);
- }
- }
- },
- inSelection: function(node){
- // summary:
- // This function determines if 'node' is
- // in the current selection.
- // tags:
- // public
- if(node){
- var newRange;
- var doc = win.doc;
- var range;
- if({
- //WC3
- var sel =;
- if(sel && sel.rangeCount > 0){
- range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- if(range && range.compareBoundaryPoints && doc.createRange){
- try{
- newRange = doc.createRange();
- newRange.setStart(node, 0);
- if(range.compareBoundaryPoints(range.START_TO_END, newRange) === 1){
- return true;
- }
- }catch(e){ /* squelch */}
- }
- }else if(doc.selection){
- // Probably IE, so we can't use the range object as the pseudo
- // range doesn't implement the boundry checking, we have to
- // use IE specific crud.
- range = doc.selection.createRange();
- try{
- newRange = node.ownerDocument.body.createControlRange();
- if(newRange){
- newRange.addElement(node);
- }
- }catch(e1){
- try{
- newRange = node.ownerDocument.body.createTextRange();
- newRange.moveToElementText(node);
- }catch(e2){/* squelch */}
- }
- if(range && newRange){
- // We can finally compare similar to W3C
- if(range.compareEndPoints("EndToStart", newRange) === 1){
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false; // boolean
- }
-return dijit._editor.selection;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/_tree/dndSource.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/_tree/dndSource.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3833b6072..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/_tree/dndSource.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/_tree/dndSource", [
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject
- "../tree/dndSource"
-], function(kernel, lang, dndSource){
- // module:
- // dijit/_tree/dndSource
- // summary:
- // Deprecated module, use dijit.tree.dndSource instead
- // TODO: remove this file in 2.0
- kernel.deprecated("dijit._tree.dndSource has been moved to dijit.tree.dndSource, use that instead", "", "2.0");
- lang.setObject("dijit._tree.dndSource", dndSource);
diff --git a/lib/dijit/a11y.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/a11y.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 83f97cb1e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/a11y.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/a11y", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/config", // defaultDuration
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.byId
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.attr domAttr.has
- "dojo/dom-style", //
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "./_base/manager", // manager._isElementShown
- "." // for exporting methods to dijit namespace
-], function(array, config, declare, dom, domAttr, domStyle, has, manager, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/a11y
- // summary:
- // Accessibility utility functions (keyboard, tab stops, etc.)
- var shown = (dijit._isElementShown = function(/*Element*/ elem){
- var s = domStyle.get(elem);
- return (s.visibility != "hidden")
- && (s.visibility != "collapsed")
- && (s.display != "none")
- && (domAttr.get(elem, "type") != "hidden");
- });
- dijit.hasDefaultTabStop = function(/*Element*/ elem){
- // summary:
- // Tests if element is tab-navigable even without an explicit tabIndex setting
- // No explicit tabIndex setting, need to investigate node type
- switch(elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()){
- case "a":
- // An <a> w/out a tabindex is only navigable if it has an href
- return domAttr.has(elem, "href");
- case "area":
- case "button":
- case "input":
- case "object":
- case "select":
- case "textarea":
- // These are navigable by default
- return true;
- case "iframe":
- // If it's an editor <iframe> then it's tab navigable.
- var body;
- try{
- // non-IE
- var contentDocument = elem.contentDocument;
- if("designMode" in contentDocument && contentDocument.designMode == "on"){
- return true;
- }
- body = contentDocument.body;
- }catch(e1){
- // contentWindow.document isn't accessible within IE7/8
- // if the iframe.src points to a foreign url and this
- // page contains an element, that could get focus
- try{
- body = elem.contentWindow.document.body;
- }catch(e2){
- return false;
- }
- }
- return body && (body.contentEditable == 'true' ||
- (body.firstChild && body.firstChild.contentEditable == 'true'));
- default:
- return elem.contentEditable == 'true';
- }
- };
- var isTabNavigable = (dijit.isTabNavigable = function(/*Element*/ elem){
- // summary:
- // Tests if an element is tab-navigable
- // TODO: convert (and rename method) to return effective tabIndex; will save time in _getTabNavigable()
- if(domAttr.get(elem, "disabled")){
- return false;
- }else if(domAttr.has(elem, "tabIndex")){
- // Explicit tab index setting
- return domAttr.get(elem, "tabIndex") >= 0; // boolean
- }else{
- // No explicit tabIndex setting, so depends on node type
- return dijit.hasDefaultTabStop(elem);
- }
- });
- dijit._getTabNavigable = function(/*DOMNode*/ root){
- // summary:
- // Finds descendants of the specified root node.
- //
- // description:
- // Finds the following descendants of the specified root node:
- // * the first tab-navigable element in document order
- // without a tabIndex or with tabIndex="0"
- // * the last tab-navigable element in document order
- // without a tabIndex or with tabIndex="0"
- // * the first element in document order with the lowest
- // positive tabIndex value
- // * the last element in document order with the highest
- // positive tabIndex value
- var first, last, lowest, lowestTabindex, highest, highestTabindex, radioSelected = {};
- function radioName(node){
- // If this element is part of a radio button group, return the name for that group.
- return node && node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" &&
- node.type && node.type.toLowerCase() == "radio" &&
- &&;
- }
- var walkTree = function(/*DOMNode*/parent){
- for(var child = parent.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling){
- // Skip text elements, hidden elements, and also non-HTML elements (those in custom namespaces) in IE,
- // since show() invokes getAttribute("type"), which crash on VML nodes in IE.
- if(child.nodeType != 1 || (has("ie") && child.scopeName !== "HTML") || !shown(child)){
- continue;
- }
- if(isTabNavigable(child)){
- var tabindex = domAttr.get(child, "tabIndex");
- if(!domAttr.has(child, "tabIndex") || tabindex == 0){
- if(!first){
- first = child;
- }
- last = child;
- }else if(tabindex > 0){
- if(!lowest || tabindex < lowestTabindex){
- lowestTabindex = tabindex;
- lowest = child;
- }
- if(!highest || tabindex >= highestTabindex){
- highestTabindex = tabindex;
- highest = child;
- }
- }
- var rn = radioName(child);
- if(domAttr.get(child, "checked") && rn){
- radioSelected[rn] = child;
- }
- }
- if(child.nodeName.toUpperCase() != 'SELECT'){
- walkTree(child);
- }
- }
- };
- if(shown(root)){
- walkTree(root);
- }
- function rs(node){
- // substitute checked radio button for unchecked one, if there is a checked one with the same name.
- return radioSelected[radioName(node)] || node;
- }
- return { first: rs(first), last: rs(last), lowest: rs(lowest), highest: rs(highest) };
- };
- dijit.getFirstInTabbingOrder = function(/*String|DOMNode*/ root){
- // summary:
- // Finds the descendant of the specified root node
- // that is first in the tabbing order
- var elems = dijit._getTabNavigable(dom.byId(root));
- return elems.lowest ? elems.lowest : elems.first; // DomNode
- };
- dijit.getLastInTabbingOrder = function(/*String|DOMNode*/ root){
- // summary:
- // Finds the descendant of the specified root node
- // that is last in the tabbing order
- var elems = dijit._getTabNavigable(dom.byId(root));
- return elems.last ? elems.last : elems.highest; // DomNode
- };
- return {
- hasDefaultTabStop: dijit.hasDefaultTabStop,
- isTabNavigable: dijit.isTabNavigable,
- _getTabNavigable: dijit._getTabNavigable,
- getFirstInTabbingOrder: dijit.getFirstInTabbingOrder,
- getLastInTabbingOrder: dijit.getLastInTabbingOrder
- };
diff --git a/lib/dijit/dijit-all.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/dijit-all.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 042624573..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/dijit-all.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/dijit-all", [
- ".",
- "./dijit",
- "./ColorPalette",
- "./Declaration",
- "./Dialog",
- "./DialogUnderlay",
- "./TooltipDialog",
- "./Editor",
- "./_editor/plugins/FontChoice",
- "./_editor/plugins/LinkDialog",
- "./Menu",
- "./MenuItem",
- "./PopupMenuItem",
- "./CheckedMenuItem",
- "./MenuBar",
- "./MenuBarItem",
- "./PopupMenuBarItem",
- "./MenuSeparator",
- "./ProgressBar",
- "./TitlePane",
- "./Toolbar",
- "./Tooltip",
- "./Tree",
- "./InlineEditBox",
- "./form/Form",
- "./form/Button",
- "./form/DropDownButton",
- "./form/ComboButton",
- "./form/ToggleButton",
- "./form/CheckBox",
- "./form/RadioButton",
- "./form/TextBox",
- "./form/ValidationTextBox",
- "./form/CurrencyTextBox",
- "./form/DateTextBox",
- "./form/TimeTextBox",
- "./form/NumberSpinner",
- "./form/NumberTextBox",
- "./form/ComboBox",
- "./form/FilteringSelect",
- "./form/MultiSelect",
- "./form/Select",
- "./form/HorizontalSlider",
- "./form/VerticalSlider",
- "./form/HorizontalRule",
- "./form/VerticalRule",
- "./form/HorizontalRuleLabels",
- "./form/VerticalRuleLabels",
- "./form/SimpleTextarea",
- "./form/Textarea",
- "./layout/AccordionContainer",
- "./layout/ContentPane",
- "./layout/BorderContainer",
- "./layout/LayoutContainer",
- "./layout/LinkPane",
- "./layout/SplitContainer",
- "./layout/StackContainer",
- "./layout/TabContainer"
-], function(dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/dijit-all
- // summary:
- // A rollup that includes every dijit. You probably don't need this.
- console.warn("dijit-all may include much more code than your application actually requires. We strongly recommend that you investigate a custom build or the web build tool");
- return dijit;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/dijit.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/dijit.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ead16abe..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/dijit.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/dijit", [
- ".",
- "./_base",
- "dojo/parser",
- "./_Widget",
- "./_TemplatedMixin",
- "./_Container",
- "./layout/_LayoutWidget",
- "./form/_FormWidget",
- "./form/_FormValueWidget"
-], function(dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/dijit
- // summary:
- // A roll-up for common dijit methods
- // All the stuff in _base (these are the function that are guaranteed available without an explicit dojo.require)
- // And some other stuff that we tend to pull in all the time anyway
- return dijit;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/focus.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/focus.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 749a5bb8c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/focus.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/focus", [
- "dojo/aspect",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // domAttr.get dom.isDescendant
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.get dom.isDescendant
- "dojo/dom-construct", // connect to domConstruct.empty, domConstruct.destroy
- "dojo/Evented",
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/on",
- "dojo/ready",
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "dojo/Stateful",
- "dojo/_base/unload", // unload.addOnWindowUnload
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "dojo/window", // winUtils.get
- "./a11y", // a11y.isTabNavigable
- "./registry", // registry.byId
- "." // to set dijit.focus
-], function(aspect, declare, dom, domAttr, domConstruct, Evented, lang, on, ready, has, Stateful, unload, win, winUtils,
- a11y, registry, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/focus
- // summary:
- // Returns a singleton that tracks the currently focused node, and which widgets are currently "active".
- dijit.focus = {
- // summary:
- // Tracks the currently focused node, and which widgets are currently "active".
- // Access via require(["dijit/focus"], function(focus){ ... }).
- //
- // A widget is considered active if it or a descendant widget has focus,
- // or if a non-focusable node of this widget or a descendant was recently clicked.
- //
- // Call"curNode", callback) to track the current focused DOMNode,
- // or"activeStack", callback) to track the currently focused stack of widgets.
- //
- // Call focus.on("widget-blur", func) or focus.on("widget-focus", ...) to monitor when
- // when widgets become active/inactive
- //
- // Finally, focus(node) will focus a node, suppressing errors if the node doesn't exist.
- // curNode: DomNode
- // Currently focused item on screen
- curNode: null,
- // activeStack: dijit._Widget[]
- // List of currently active widgets (focused widget and it's ancestors)
- activeStack: [],
- registerIframe: function(iframe){
- // summary:
- // Registers listeners on the specified iframe so that any click
- // or focus event on that iframe (or anything in it) is reported
- // as a focus/click event on the <iframe> itself.
- // description:
- // Currently only used by editor.
- // returns:
- // Handle with remove() method to deregister.
- },
- registerWin: function(targetWindow, effectiveNode){
- // summary:
- // Registers listeners on the specified window (either the main
- // window or an iframe's window) to detect when the user has clicked somewhere
- // or focused somewhere.
- // description:
- // Users should call registerIframe() instead of this method.
- // targetWindow: Window?
- // If specified this is the window associated with the iframe,
- // i.e. iframe.contentWindow.
- // effectiveNode: DOMNode?
- // If specified, report any focus events inside targetWindow as
- // an event on effectiveNode, rather than on
- // returns:
- // Handle with remove() method to deregister.
- }
- };
- var FocusManager = declare([Stateful, Evented], {
- // curNode: DomNode
- // Currently focused item on screen
- curNode: null,
- // activeStack: dijit._Widget[]
- // List of currently active widgets (focused widget and it's ancestors)
- activeStack: [],
- constructor: function(){
- // Don't leave curNode/prevNode pointing to bogus elements
- var check = lang.hitch(this, function(node){
- if(dom.isDescendant(this.curNode, node)){
- this.set("curNode", null);
- }
- if(dom.isDescendant(this.prevNode, node)){
- this.set("prevNode", null);
- }
- });
- aspect.before(domConstruct, "empty", check);
- aspect.before(domConstruct, "destroy", check);
- },
- registerIframe: function(/*DomNode*/ iframe){
- // summary:
- // Registers listeners on the specified iframe so that any click
- // or focus event on that iframe (or anything in it) is reported
- // as a focus/click event on the <iframe> itself.
- // description:
- // Currently only used by editor.
- // returns:
- // Handle with remove() method to deregister.
- return this.registerWin(iframe.contentWindow, iframe);
- },
- registerWin: function(/*Window?*/targetWindow, /*DomNode?*/ effectiveNode){
- // summary:
- // Registers listeners on the specified window (either the main
- // window or an iframe's window) to detect when the user has clicked somewhere
- // or focused somewhere.
- // description:
- // Users should call registerIframe() instead of this method.
- // targetWindow:
- // If specified this is the window associated with the iframe,
- // i.e. iframe.contentWindow.
- // effectiveNode:
- // If specified, report any focus events inside targetWindow as
- // an event on effectiveNode, rather than on
- // returns:
- // Handle with remove() method to deregister.
- // TODO: make this function private in 2.0; Editor/users should call registerIframe(),
- var _this = this;
- var mousedownListener = function(evt){
- _this._justMouseDowned = true;
- setTimeout(function(){ _this._justMouseDowned = false; }, 0);
- // workaround weird IE bug where the click is on an orphaned node
- // (first time clicking a Select/DropDownButton inside a TooltipDialog)
- if(has("ie") && evt && evt.srcElement && evt.srcElement.parentNode == null){
- return;
- }
- _this._onTouchNode(effectiveNode || || evt.srcElement, "mouse");
- };
- // Listen for blur and focus events on targetWindow's document.
- // IIRC, I'm using attachEvent() rather than dojo.connect() because focus/blur events don't bubble
- // through dojo.connect(), and also maybe to catch the focus events early, before onfocus handlers
- // fire.
- // Connect to <html> (rather than document) on IE to avoid memory leaks, but document on other browsers because
- // (at least for FF) the focus event doesn't fire on <html> or <body>.
- var doc = has("ie") ? targetWindow.document.documentElement : targetWindow.document;
- if(doc){
- if(has("ie")){
- targetWindow.document.body.attachEvent('onmousedown', mousedownListener);
- var activateListener = function(evt){
- // IE reports that nodes like <body> have gotten focus, even though they have tabIndex=-1,
- // ignore those events
- var tag = evt.srcElement.tagName.toLowerCase();
- if(tag == "#document" || tag == "body"){ return; }
- // Previous code called _onTouchNode() for any activate event on a non-focusable node. Can
- // probably just ignore such an event as it will be handled by onmousedown handler above, but
- // leaving the code for now.
- if(a11y.isTabNavigable(evt.srcElement)){
- _this._onFocusNode(effectiveNode || evt.srcElement);
- }else{
- _this._onTouchNode(effectiveNode || evt.srcElement);
- }
- };
- doc.attachEvent('onactivate', activateListener);
- var deactivateListener = function(evt){
- _this._onBlurNode(effectiveNode || evt.srcElement);
- };
- doc.attachEvent('ondeactivate', deactivateListener);
- return {
- remove: function(){
- targetWindow.document.detachEvent('onmousedown', mousedownListener);
- doc.detachEvent('onactivate', activateListener);
- doc.detachEvent('ondeactivate', deactivateListener);
- doc = null; // prevent memory leak (apparent circular reference via closure)
- }
- };
- }else{
- doc.body.addEventListener('mousedown', mousedownListener, true);
- doc.body.addEventListener('touchstart', mousedownListener, true);
- var focusListener = function(evt){
- _this._onFocusNode(effectiveNode ||;
- };
- doc.addEventListener('focus', focusListener, true);
- var blurListener = function(evt){
- _this._onBlurNode(effectiveNode ||;
- };
- doc.addEventListener('blur', blurListener, true);
- return {
- remove: function(){
- doc.body.removeEventListener('mousedown', mousedownListener, true);
- doc.body.removeEventListener('touchstart', mousedownListener, true);
- doc.removeEventListener('focus', focusListener, true);
- doc.removeEventListener('blur', blurListener, true);
- doc = null; // prevent memory leak (apparent circular reference via closure)
- }
- };
- }
- }
- },
- _onBlurNode: function(/*DomNode*/ /*===== node =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Called when focus leaves a node.
- // Usually ignored, _unless_ it *isn't* followed by touching another node,
- // which indicates that we tabbed off the last field on the page,
- // in which case every widget is marked inactive
- this.set("prevNode", this.curNode);
- this.set("curNode", null);
- if(this._justMouseDowned){
- // the mouse down caused a new widget to be marked as active; this blur event
- // is coming late, so ignore it.
- return;
- }
- // if the blur event isn't followed by a focus event then mark all widgets as inactive.
- if(this._clearActiveWidgetsTimer){
- clearTimeout(this._clearActiveWidgetsTimer);
- }
- this._clearActiveWidgetsTimer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- delete this._clearActiveWidgetsTimer;
- this._setStack([]);
- this.prevNode = null;
- }), 100);
- },
- _onTouchNode: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String*/ by){
- // summary:
- // Callback when node is focused or mouse-downed
- // node:
- // The node that was touched.
- // by:
- // "mouse" if the focus/touch was caused by a mouse down event
- // ignore the recent blurNode event
- if(this._clearActiveWidgetsTimer){
- clearTimeout(this._clearActiveWidgetsTimer);
- delete this._clearActiveWidgetsTimer;
- }
- // compute stack of active widgets (ex: ComboButton --> Menu --> MenuItem)
- var newStack=[];
- try{
- while(node){
- var popupParent = domAttr.get(node, "dijitPopupParent");
- if(popupParent){
- node=registry.byId(popupParent).domNode;
- }else if(node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "body"){
- // is this the root of the document or just the root of an iframe?
- if(node === win.body()){
- // node is the root of the main document
- break;
- }
- // otherwise, find the iframe this node refers to (can't access it via parentNode,
- // need to do this trick instead). window.frameElement is supported in IE/FF/Webkit
- node=winUtils.get(node.ownerDocument).frameElement;
- }else{
- // if this node is the root node of a widget, then add widget id to stack,
- // except ignore clicks on disabled widgets (actually focusing a disabled widget still works,
- // to support MenuItem)
- var id = node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute("widgetId"),
- widget = id && registry.byId(id);
- if(widget && !(by == "mouse" && widget.get("disabled"))){
- newStack.unshift(id);
- }
- node=node.parentNode;
- }
- }
- }catch(e){ /* squelch */ }
- this._setStack(newStack, by);
- },
- _onFocusNode: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Callback when node is focused
- if(!node){
- return;
- }
- if(node.nodeType == 9){
- // Ignore focus events on the document itself. This is here so that
- // (for example) clicking the up/down arrows of a spinner
- // (which don't get focus) won't cause that widget to blur. (FF issue)
- return;
- }
- this._onTouchNode(node);
- if(node == this.curNode){ return; }
- this.set("curNode", node);
- },
- _setStack: function(/*String[]*/ newStack, /*String*/ by){
- // summary:
- // The stack of active widgets has changed. Send out appropriate events and records new stack.
- // newStack:
- // array of widget id's, starting from the top (outermost) widget
- // by:
- // "mouse" if the focus/touch was caused by a mouse down event
- var oldStack = this.activeStack;
- this.set("activeStack", newStack);
- // compare old stack to new stack to see how many elements they have in common
- for(var nCommon=0; nCommon<Math.min(oldStack.length, newStack.length); nCommon++){
- if(oldStack[nCommon] != newStack[nCommon]){
- break;
- }
- }
- var widget;
- // for all elements that have gone out of focus, set focused=false
- for(var i=oldStack.length-1; i>=nCommon; i--){
- widget = registry.byId(oldStack[i]);
- if(widget){
- widget._hasBeenBlurred = true; // TODO: used by form widgets, should be moved there
- widget.set("focused", false);
- if(widget._focusManager == this){
- widget._onBlur(by);
- }
- this.emit("widget-blur", widget, by);
- }
- }
- // for all element that have come into focus, set focused=true
- for(i=nCommon; i<newStack.length; i++){
- widget = registry.byId(newStack[i]);
- if(widget){
- widget.set("focused", true);
- if(widget._focusManager == this){
- widget._onFocus(by);
- }
- this.emit("widget-focus", widget, by);
- }
- }
- },
- focus: function(node){
- // summary:
- // Focus the specified node, suppressing errors if they occur
- if(node){
- try{ node.focus(); }catch(e){/*quiet*/}
- }
- }
- });
- var singleton = new FocusManager();
- // register top window and all the iframes it contains
- ready(function(){
- var handle = singleton.registerWin(win.doc.parentWindow || win.doc.defaultView);
- if(has("ie")){
- unload.addOnWindowUnload(function(){
- handle.remove();
- handle = null;
- })
- }
- });
- // Setup dijit.focus as a pointer to the singleton but also (for backwards compatibility)
- // as a function to set focus.
- dijit.focus = function(node){
- singleton.focus(node); // indirection here allows dijit/_base/focus.js to override behavior
- };
- for(var attr in singleton){
- if(!/^_/.test(attr)){
- dijit.focus[attr] = typeof singleton[attr] == "function" ? lang.hitch(singleton, attr) : singleton[attr];
- }
- }
-, oldVal, newVal){
- dijit.focus[attr] = newVal;
- });
- return singleton;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/Button.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/Button.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6236c81c3..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/Button.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/form/templates/Button.html':"<span class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitInline\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t><span class=\"dijitReset dijitInline dijitButtonNode\"\n\t\tdata-dojo-attach-event=\"ondijitclick:_onClick\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t><span class=\"dijitReset dijitStretch dijitButtonContents\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"titleNode,focusNode\"\n\t\t\trole=\"button\" aria-labelledby=\"${id}_label\"\n\t\t\t><span class=\"dijitReset dijitInline dijitIcon\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"iconNode\"></span\n\t\t\t><span class=\"dijitReset dijitToggleButtonIconChar\">&#x25CF;</span\n\t\t\t><span class=\"dijitReset dijitInline dijitButtonText\"\n\t\t\t\tid=\"${id}_label\"\n\t\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\"\n\t\t\t></span\n\t\t></span\n\t></span\n\t><input ${!nameAttrSetting} type=\"${type}\" value=\"${value}\" class=\"dijitOffScreen\"\n\t\ttabIndex=\"-1\" role=\"presentation\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"valueNode\"\n/></span>\n"}});
-define("dijit/form/Button", [
- "require",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.toggle
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.trim
- "dojo/ready",
- "./_FormWidget",
- "./_ButtonMixin",
- "dojo/text!./templates/Button.html"
-], function(require, declare, domClass, kernel, lang, ready, _FormWidget, _ButtonMixin, template){
- var _FormWidget = dijit.form._FormWidget;
- var _ButtonMixin = dijit.form._ButtonMixin;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/Button
-// summary:
-// Button widget
-// Back compat w/1.6, remove for 2.0
- ready(0, function(){
- var requires = ["dijit/form/DropDownButton", "dijit/form/ComboButton", "dijit/form/ToggleButton"];
- require(requires); // use indirection so modules not rolled into a build
- });
-return declare("dijit.form.Button", [_FormWidget, _ButtonMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Basically the same thing as a normal HTML button, but with special styling.
- // description:
- // Buttons can display a label, an icon, or both.
- // A label should always be specified (through innerHTML) or the label
- // attribute. It can be hidden via showLabel=false.
- // example:
- // | <button data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Button" onClick="...">Hello world</button>
- //
- // example:
- // | var button1 = new dijit.form.Button({label: "hello world", onClick: foo});
- // | dojo.body().appendChild(button1.domNode);
- // showLabel: Boolean
- // Set this to true to hide the label text and display only the icon.
- // (If showLabel=false then iconClass must be specified.)
- // Especially useful for toolbars.
- // If showLabel=true, the label will become the title (a.k.a. tooltip/hint) of the icon.
- //
- // The exception case is for computers in high-contrast mode, where the label
- // will still be displayed, since the icon doesn't appear.
- showLabel: true,
- // iconClass: String
- // Class to apply to DOMNode in button to make it display an icon
- iconClass: "dijitNoIcon",
- _setIconClassAttr: { node: "iconNode", type: "class" },
- baseClass: "dijitButton",
- templateString: template,
- // Map widget attributes to DOMNode attributes.
- _setValueAttr: "valueNode",
- _onClick: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Internal function to handle click actions
- var ok = this.inherited(arguments);
- if(ok){
- if(this.valueNode){
- e.preventDefault(); // cancel BUTTON click and continue with hidden INPUT click
- // leave ok = true so that subclasses can do what they need to do
- }
- }
- return ok;
- },
- _fillContent: function(/*DomNode*/ source){
- // Overrides _Templated._fillContent().
- // If button label is specified as srcNodeRef.innerHTML rather than
- // this.params.label, handle it here.
- // TODO: remove the method in 2.0, parser will do it all for me
- if(source && (!this.params || !("label" in this.params))){
- var sourceLabel = lang.trim(source.innerHTML);
- if(sourceLabel){
- this.label = sourceLabel; // _applyAttributes will be called after buildRendering completes to update the DOM
- }
- }
- },
- _setShowLabelAttr: function(val){
- if(this.containerNode){
- domClass.toggle(this.containerNode, "dijitDisplayNone", !val);
- }
- this._set("showLabel", val);
- },
- setLabel: function(/*String*/ content){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set('label', ...) instead.
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.form.Button.setLabel() is deprecated. Use set('label', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.set("label", content);
- },
- _setLabelAttr: function(/*String*/ content){
- // summary:
- // Hook for set('label', ...) to work.
- // description:
- // Set the label (text) of the button; takes an HTML string.
- // If the label is hidden (showLabel=false) then and no title has
- // been specified, then label is also set as title attribute of icon.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(!this.showLabel && !("title" in this.params)){
- this.titleNode.title = lang.trim(this.containerNode.innerText || this.containerNode.textContent || '');
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/CheckBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/CheckBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4663e1e69..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/CheckBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/form/templates/CheckBox.html':"<div class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitInline\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t><input\n\t \t${!nameAttrSetting} type=\"${type}\" ${checkedAttrSetting}\n\t\tclass=\"dijitReset dijitCheckBoxInput\"\n\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"focusNode\"\n\t \tdata-dojo-attach-event=\"onclick:_onClick\"\n/></div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/form/CheckBox", [
- "require",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/_base/kernel",
- "dojo/query", // query
- "dojo/ready",
- "./ToggleButton",
- "./_CheckBoxMixin",
- "dojo/text!./templates/CheckBox.html",
- "dojo/NodeList-dom" // NodeList.addClass/removeClass
-], function(require, declare, domAttr, kernel, query, ready, ToggleButton, _CheckBoxMixin, template){
- var ToggleButton = dijit.form.ToggleButton;
- var _CheckBoxMixin = dijit.form._CheckBoxMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/CheckBox
- // summary:
- // Checkbox widget
- // Back compat w/1.6, remove for 2.0
- if(!kernel.isAsync){
- ready(0, function(){
- var requires = ["dijit/form/RadioButton"];
- require(requires); // use indirection so modules not rolled into a build
- });
- }
- return declare("dijit.form.CheckBox", [ToggleButton, _CheckBoxMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Same as an HTML checkbox, but with fancy styling.
- //
- // description:
- // User interacts with real html inputs.
- // On onclick (which occurs by mouse click, space-bar, or
- // using the arrow keys to switch the selected radio button),
- // we update the state of the checkbox/radio.
- //
- // There are two modes:
- // 1. High contrast mode
- // 2. Normal mode
- //
- // In case 1, the regular html inputs are shown and used by the user.
- // In case 2, the regular html inputs are invisible but still used by
- // the user. They are turned quasi-invisible and overlay the background-image.
- templateString: template,
- baseClass: "dijitCheckBox",
- _setValueAttr: function(/*String|Boolean*/ newValue, /*Boolean*/ priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Handler for value= attribute to constructor, and also calls to
- // set('value', val).
- // description:
- // During initialization, just saves as attribute to the <input type=checkbox>.
- //
- // After initialization,
- // when passed a boolean, controls whether or not the CheckBox is checked.
- // If passed a string, changes the value attribute of the CheckBox (the one
- // specified as "value" when the CheckBox was constructed (ex: <input
- // data-dojo-type="dijit.CheckBox" value="chicken">)
- // widget.set('value', string) will check the checkbox and change the value to the
- // specified string
- // widget.set('value', boolean) will change the checked state.
- if(typeof newValue == "string"){
- this._set("value", newValue);
- domAttr.set(this.focusNode, 'value', newValue);
- newValue = true;
- }
- if(this._created){
- this.set('checked', newValue, priorityChange);
- }
- },
- _getValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hook so get('value') works.
- // description:
- // If the CheckBox is checked, returns the value attribute.
- // Otherwise returns false.
- return (this.checked ? this.value : false);
- },
- // Override behavior from Button, since we don't have an iconNode
- _setIconClassAttr: null,
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Need to set initial checked state as part of template, so that form submit works.
- // domAttr.set(node, "checked", bool) doesn't work on IE until node has been attached
- // to <body>, see #8666
- this.checkedAttrSetting = this.checked ? "checked" : "";
- },
- _fillContent: function(){
- // Override Button::_fillContent() since it doesn't make sense for CheckBox,
- // since CheckBox doesn't even have a container
- },
- _onFocus: function(){
- if({
- query("label[for='""']").addClass("dijitFocusedLabel");
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _onBlur: function(){
- if({
- query("label[for='""']").removeClass("dijitFocusedLabel");
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a72f24797..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/ComboBox", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "./ValidationTextBox",
- "./ComboBoxMixin"
-], function(declare, ValidationTextBox, ComboBoxMixin){
- var ValidationTextBox = dijit.form.ValidationTextBox;
- var ComboBoxMixin = dijit.form.ComboBoxMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/ComboBox
- // summary:
- // Auto-completing text box
- return declare("dijit.form.ComboBox", [ValidationTextBox, ComboBoxMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Auto-completing text box
- //
- // description:
- // The drop down box's values are populated from an class called
- // a data provider, which returns a list of values based on the characters
- // that the user has typed into the input box.
- // If OPTION tags are used as the data provider via markup,
- // then the OPTION tag's child text node is used as the widget value
- // when selected. The OPTION tag's value attribute is ignored.
- // To set the default value when using OPTION tags, specify the selected
- // attribute on 1 of the child OPTION tags.
- //
- // Some of the options to the ComboBox are actually arguments to the data
- // provider.
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/ComboBoxMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/ComboBoxMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d49c7072e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/ComboBoxMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/form/templates/DropDownBox.html':"<div class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitLeft\"\n\tid=\"widget_${id}\"\n\trole=\"combobox\"\n\t><div class='dijitReset dijitRight dijitButtonNode dijitArrowButton dijitDownArrowButton dijitArrowButtonContainer'\n\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"_buttonNode, _popupStateNode\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitArrowButtonInner\" value=\"&#9660; \" type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"-1\" readonly=\"readonly\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t\t${_buttonInputDisabled}\n\t/></div\n\t><div class='dijitReset dijitValidationContainer'\n\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitValidationIcon dijitValidationInner\" value=\"&#935; \" type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"-1\" readonly=\"readonly\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t/></div\n\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitInputContainer\"\n\t\t><input class='dijitReset dijitInputInner' ${!nameAttrSetting} type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"textbox,focusNode\" role=\"textbox\" aria-haspopup=\"true\"\n\t/></div\n></div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/form/ComboBoxMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/Deferred",
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin
- "dojo/store/util/QueryResults", //
- "./_AutoCompleterMixin",
- "./_ComboBoxMenu",
- "../_HasDropDown",
- "dojo/text!./templates/DropDownBox.html"
-], function(declare, Deferred, kernel, lang, QueryResults, _AutoCompleterMixin, _ComboBoxMenu, _HasDropDown, template){
- var _AutoCompleterMixin = dijit.form._AutoCompleterMixin;
- var _ComboBoxMenu = dijit.form._ComboBoxMenu;
- var _HasDropDown = dijit._HasDropDown;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/ComboBoxMixin
- // summary:
- // Provides main functionality of ComboBox widget
- return declare("dijit.form.ComboBoxMixin", [_HasDropDown, _AutoCompleterMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Provides main functionality of ComboBox widget
- // dropDownClass: [protected extension] Function String
- // Dropdown widget class used to select a date/time.
- // Subclasses should specify this.
- dropDownClass: _ComboBoxMenu,
- // hasDownArrow: Boolean
- // Set this textbox to have a down arrow button, to display the drop down list.
- // Defaults to true.
- hasDownArrow: true,
- templateString: template,
- baseClass: "dijitTextBox dijitComboBox",
- /*=====
- // store: [const] ||
- // Reference to data provider object used by this ComboBox.
- //
- // Should be, but supported
- // for backwards compatibility.
- store: null,
- =====*/
- // Set classes like dijitDownArrowButtonHover depending on
- // mouse action over button node
- cssStateNodes: {
- "_buttonNode": "dijitDownArrowButton"
- },
- _setHasDownArrowAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ val){
- this._set("hasDownArrow", val);
- = val ? "" : "none";
- },
- _showResultList: function(){
- // hide the tooltip
- this.displayMessage("");
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _setStoreAttr: function(store){
- // For backwards-compatibility, accept store in addition to Remove in 2.0.
- if(!store.get){
- lang.mixin(store, {
- _oldAPI: true,
- get: function(id){
- // summary:
- // Retrieves an object by it's identity. This will trigger a fetchItemByIdentity.
- // Like except returns native item.
- var deferred = new Deferred();
- this.fetchItemByIdentity({
- identity: id,
- onItem: function(object){
- deferred.resolve(object);
- },
- onError: function(error){
- deferred.reject(error);
- }
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- },
- query: function(query, options){
- // summary:
- // Queries the store for objects. Like
- // except returned Deferred contains array of native items.
- var deferred = new Deferred(function(){ fetchHandle.abort && fetchHandle.abort(); });
- var fetchHandle = this.fetch(lang.mixin({
- query: query,
- onBegin: function(count){
- = count;
- },
- onComplete: function(results){
- deferred.resolve(results);
- },
- onError: function(error){
- deferred.reject(error);
- }
- }, options));
- return QueryResults(deferred);
- }
- });
- }
- this._set("store", store);
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // Since _setValueAttr() depends on, _setStoreAttr() needs to execute first.
- // Unfortunately, without special code, it ends up executing second.
- if({
- this._setStoreAttr(;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // User may try to access etc. in a custom labelFunc() function.
- // It's not available with the new data store for handling inline <option> tags, so add it.
- if(!{
- var clazz = this.declaredClass;
- lang.mixin(, {
- getValue: function(item, attr){
- kernel.deprecated(clazz + ".store.getValue(item, attr) is deprecated for builtin store. Use item.attr directly", "", "2.0");
- return item[attr];
- },
- getLabel: function(item){
- kernel.deprecated(clazz + ".store.getLabel(item) is deprecated for builtin store. Use item.label directly", "", "2.0");
- return;
- },
- fetch: function(args){
- kernel.deprecated(clazz + ".store.fetch() is deprecated for builtin store.", "Use store.query()", "2.0");
- var shim = ["dojo/data/ObjectStore"]; // indirection so it doesn't get rolled into a build
- require(shim, lang.hitch(this, function(ObjectStore){
- new ObjectStore({objectStore: this}).fetch(args);
- }));
- }
- });
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/ComboButton.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/ComboButton.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 91d652288..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/ComboButton.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/form/templates/ComboButton.html':"<table class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitLeft\"\n\tcellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' role=\"presentation\"\n\t><tbody role=\"presentation\"><tr role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset dijitStretch dijitButtonNode\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"buttonNode\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"ondijitclick:_onClick,onkeypress:_onButtonKeyPress\"\n\t\t><div id=\"${id}_button\" class=\"dijitReset dijitButtonContents\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"titleNode\"\n\t\t\trole=\"button\" aria-labelledby=\"${id}_label\"\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitInline dijitIcon\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"iconNode\" role=\"presentation\"></div\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitInline dijitButtonText\" id=\"${id}_label\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\" role=\"presentation\"></div\n\t\t></div\n\t\t></td\n\t\t><td id=\"${id}_arrow\" class='dijitReset dijitRight dijitButtonNode dijitArrowButton'\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"_popupStateNode,focusNode,_buttonNode\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-event=\"onkeypress:_onArrowKeyPress\"\n\t\t\ttitle=\"${optionsTitle}\"\n\t\t\trole=\"button\" aria-haspopup=\"true\"\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitArrowButtonInner\" role=\"presentation\"></div\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitArrowButtonChar\" role=\"presentation\">&#9660;</div\n\t\t></td\n\t\t><td style=\"display:none !important;\"\n\t\t\t><input ${!nameAttrSetting} type=\"${type}\" value=\"${value}\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"valueNode\"\n\t\t/></td></tr></tbody\n></table>\n"}});
-define("dijit/form/ComboButton", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys", // keys
- "../focus", // focus.focus()
- "./DropDownButton",
- "dojo/text!./templates/ComboButton.html"
-], function(declare, event, keys, focus, DropDownButton, template){
- var DropDownButton = dijit.form.DropDownButton;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/ComboButton
-// summary:
-// A combination button and drop-down button.
-return declare("dijit.form.ComboButton", DropDownButton, {
- // summary:
- // A combination button and drop-down button.
- // Users can click one side to "press" the button, or click an arrow
- // icon to display the drop down.
- //
- // example:
- // | <button data-dojo-type="dijit.form.ComboButton" onClick="...">
- // | <span>Hello world</span>
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.Menu">...</div>
- // | </button>
- //
- // example:
- // | var button1 = new dijit.form.ComboButton({label: "hello world", onClick: foo, dropDown: "myMenu"});
- // | dojo.body().appendChild(button1.domNode);
- //
- templateString: template,
- // Map widget attributes to DOMNode attributes.
- _setIdAttr: "", // override _FormWidgetMixin which puts id on the focusNode
- _setTabIndexAttr: ["focusNode", "titleNode"],
- _setTitleAttr: "titleNode",
- // optionsTitle: String
- // Text that describes the options menu (accessibility)
- optionsTitle: "",
- baseClass: "dijitComboButton",
- // Set classes like dijitButtonContentsHover or dijitArrowButtonActive depending on
- // mouse action over specified node
- cssStateNodes: {
- "buttonNode": "dijitButtonNode",
- "titleNode": "dijitButtonContents",
- "_popupStateNode": "dijitDownArrowButton"
- },
- _focusedNode: null,
- _onButtonKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handler for right arrow key when focus is on left part of button
- if(evt.charOrCode == keys[this.isLeftToRight() ? "RIGHT_ARROW" : "LEFT_ARROW"]){
- focus.focus(this._popupStateNode);
- event.stop(evt);
- }
- },
- _onArrowKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handler for left arrow key when focus is on right part of button
- if(evt.charOrCode == keys[this.isLeftToRight() ? "LEFT_ARROW" : "RIGHT_ARROW"]){
- focus.focus(this.titleNode);
- event.stop(evt);
- }
- },
- focus: function(/*String*/ position){
- // summary:
- // Focuses this widget to according to position, if specified,
- // otherwise on arrow node
- // position:
- // "start" or "end"
- if(!this.disabled){
- focus.focus(position == "start" ? this.titleNode : this._popupStateNode);
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/CurrencyTextBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/CurrencyTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9626cfd74..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/CurrencyTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/CurrencyTextBox", [
- "dojo/currency", // currency._mixInDefaults currency.format currency.parse currency.regexp
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "./NumberTextBox"
-], function(currency, declare, lang, NumberTextBox){
- var NumberTextBox = dijit.form.NumberTextBox;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/CurrencyTextBox
- // summary:
- // A validating currency textbox
- /*=====
- declare(
- "dijit.form.CurrencyTextBox.__Constraints",
- [dijit.form.NumberTextBox.__Constraints, currency.__FormatOptions, currency.__ParseOptions], {
- // summary:
- // Specifies both the rules on valid/invalid values (minimum, maximum,
- // number of required decimal places), and also formatting options for
- // displaying the value when the field is not focused (currency symbol,
- // etc.)
- // description:
- // Follows the pattern of `dijit.form.NumberTextBox.constraints`.
- // In general developers won't need to set this parameter
- // example:
- // To ensure that the user types in the cents (for example, 1.00 instead of just 1):
- // | {fractional:true}
- });
- =====*/
- return declare("dijit.form.CurrencyTextBox", NumberTextBox, {
- // summary:
- // A validating currency textbox
- // description:
- // CurrencyTextBox is similar to `dijit.form.NumberTextBox` but has a few
- // extra features related to currency:
- //
- // 1. After specifying the currency type (american dollars, euros, etc.) it automatically
- // sets parse/format options such as how many decimal places to show.
- // 2. The currency mark (dollar sign, euro mark, etc.) is displayed when the field is blurred
- // but erased during editing, so that the user can just enter a plain number.
- // currency: [const] String
- // the [ISO4217]( currency code, a three letter sequence like "USD"
- currency: "",
- /*=====
- // constraints: dijit.form.CurrencyTextBox.__Constraints
- // Despite the name, this parameter specifies both constraints on the input
- // (including minimum/maximum allowed values) as well as
- // formatting options. See `dijit.form.CurrencyTextBox.__Constraints` for details.
- constraints: {},
- ======*/
- baseClass: "dijitTextBox dijitCurrencyTextBox",
- // Override regExpGen ValidationTextBox.regExpGen().... we use a reg-ex generating function rather
- // than a straight regexp to deal with locale (plus formatting options too?)
- regExpGen: function(constraints){
- // if focused, accept either currency data or NumberTextBox format
- return '(' + (this.focused ? this.inherited(arguments, [ lang.mixin({}, constraints, this.editOptions) ]) + '|' : '')
- + currency.regexp(constraints) + ')';
- },
- // Override NumberTextBox._formatter to deal with currencies, ex: converts "123.45" to "$123.45"
- _formatter: currency.format,
- _parser: currency.parse,
- parse: function(/*String*/ value, /*Object*/ constraints){
- // summary:
- // Parses string value as a Currency, according to the constraints object
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- var v = this.inherited(arguments);
- if(isNaN(v) && /\d+/.test(value)){ // currency parse failed, but it could be because they are using NumberTextBox format so try its parse
- v = lang.hitch(lang.mixin({}, this, { _parser: NumberTextBox.prototype._parser }), "inherited")(arguments);
- }
- return v;
- },
- _setConstraintsAttr: function(/*Object*/ constraints){
- if(!constraints.currency && this.currency){
- constraints.currency = this.currency;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments, [ currency._mixInDefaults(lang.mixin(constraints, { exponent: false })) ]); // get places
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/DataList.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/DataList.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index acfb5167c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/DataList.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/DataList", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.byId
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.trim
- "dojo/query", // query
- "dojo/store/Memory", //
- "../registry" // registry.add registry.remove
-], function(declare, dom, lang, query, MemoryStore, registry){
- // module:
- // dijit/form/DataList
- // summary:
- // Inefficient but small data store specialized for inlined data via OPTION tags
- function toItem(/*DOMNode*/ option){
- // summary:
- // Convert <option> node to hash
- return {
- id: option.value,
- value: option.value,
- name: lang.trim(option.innerText || option.textContent || '')
- };
- }
- return declare("dijit.form.DataList", MemoryStore, {
- // summary:
- // Inefficient but small data store specialized for inlined data via OPTION tags
- //
- // description:
- // Provides a store for inlined data like:
- //
- // | <datalist>
- // | <option value="AL">Alabama</option>
- // | ...
- constructor: function(/*Object?*/ params, /*DomNode|String*/ srcNodeRef){
- // store pointer to original DOM tree
- this.domNode = dom.byId(srcNodeRef);
- lang.mixin(this, params);
- if({
- registry.add(this); // add to registry so it can be easily found by id
- }
- = "none";
- this.inherited(arguments, [{
- data: query("option", this.domNode).map(toItem)
- }]);
- },
- destroy: function(){
- registry.remove(;
- },
- fetchSelectedItem: function(){
- // summary:
- // Get the option marked as selected, like `<option selected>`.
- // Not part of API.
- var option = query("> option[selected]", this.domNode)[0] || query("> option", this.domNode)[0];
- return option && toItem(option);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/DateTextBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/DateTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7257fb93a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/DateTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/DateTextBox", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "../Calendar",
- "./_DateTimeTextBox"
-], function(declare, Calendar, _DateTimeTextBox){
- var Calendar = dijit.Calendar;
- var _DateTimeTextBox = dijit.form._DateTimeTextBox;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/DateTextBox
- // summary:
- // A validating, serializable, range-bound date text box with a drop down calendar
- return declare("dijit.form.DateTextBox", _DateTimeTextBox, {
- // summary:
- // A validating, serializable, range-bound date text box with a drop down calendar
- //
- // Example:
- // | new dijit.form.DateTextBox({value: new Date(2009, 0, 20)})
- //
- // Example:
- // | <input data-dojo-type='dijit.form.DateTextBox' value='2009-01-20'>
- baseClass: "dijitTextBox dijitComboBox dijitDateTextBox",
- popupClass: Calendar,
- _selector: "date",
- // value: Date
- // The value of this widget as a JavaScript Date object, with only year/month/day specified.
- // If specified in markup, use the format specified in `stamp.fromISOString`.
- // set("value", ...) accepts either a Date object or a string.
- value: new Date("") // value.toString()="NaN"
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/DropDownButton.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/DropDownButton.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b5c33b806..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/DropDownButton.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/form/templates/DropDownButton.html':"<span class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitInline\"\n\t><span class='dijitReset dijitInline dijitButtonNode'\n\t\tdata-dojo-attach-event=\"ondijitclick:_onClick\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"_buttonNode\"\n\t\t><span class=\"dijitReset dijitStretch dijitButtonContents\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"focusNode,titleNode,_arrowWrapperNode\"\n\t\t\trole=\"button\" aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-labelledby=\"${id}_label\"\n\t\t\t><span class=\"dijitReset dijitInline dijitIcon\"\n\t\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"iconNode\"\n\t\t\t></span\n\t\t\t><span class=\"dijitReset dijitInline dijitButtonText\"\n\t\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode,_popupStateNode\"\n\t\t\t\tid=\"${id}_label\"\n\t\t\t></span\n\t\t\t><span class=\"dijitReset dijitInline dijitArrowButtonInner\"></span\n\t\t\t><span class=\"dijitReset dijitInline dijitArrowButtonChar\">&#9660;</span\n\t\t></span\n\t></span\n\t><input ${!nameAttrSetting} type=\"${type}\" value=\"${value}\" class=\"dijitOffScreen\" tabIndex=\"-1\"\n\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"valueNode\"\n/></span>\n"}});
-define("dijit/form/DropDownButton", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang", // hitch
- "dojo/query", // query
- "../registry", // registry.byNode
- "../popup", // dijit.popup2.hide
- "./Button",
- "../_Container",
- "../_HasDropDown",
- "dojo/text!./templates/DropDownButton.html"
-], function(declare, lang, query, registry, popup, Button, _Container, _HasDropDown, template){
- Button = dijit.form.Button;
- _Container = dijit._Container;
- _HasDropDown = dijit._HasDropDown;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/DropDownButton
-// summary:
-// A button with a drop down
-return declare("dijit.form.DropDownButton", [Button, _Container, _HasDropDown], {
- // summary:
- // A button with a drop down
- //
- // example:
- // | <button data-dojo-type="dijit.form.DropDownButton">
- // | Hello world
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.Menu">...</div>
- // | </button>
- //
- // example:
- // | var button1 = new dijit.form.DropDownButton({ label: "hi", dropDown: new dijit.Menu(...) });
- // | win.body().appendChild(button1);
- //
- baseClass : "dijitDropDownButton",
- templateString: template,
- _fillContent: function(){
- // Overrides Button._fillContent().
- //
- // My inner HTML contains both the button contents and a drop down widget, like
- // <DropDownButton> <span>push me</span> <Menu> ... </Menu> </DropDownButton>
- // The first node is assumed to be the button content. The widget is the popup.
- if(this.srcNodeRef){ // programatically created buttons might not define srcNodeRef
- //FIXME: figure out how to filter out the widget and use all remaining nodes as button
- // content, not just nodes[0]
- var nodes = query("*", this.srcNodeRef);
- this.inherited(arguments, [nodes[0]]);
- // save pointer to srcNode so we can grab the drop down widget after it's instantiated
- this.dropDownContainer = this.srcNodeRef;
- }
- },
- startup: function(){
- if(this._started){ return; }
- // the child widget from srcNodeRef is the dropdown widget. Insert it in the page DOM,
- // make it invisible, and store a reference to pass to the popup code.
- if(!this.dropDown && this.dropDownContainer){
- var dropDownNode = query("[widgetId]", this.dropDownContainer)[0];
- this.dropDown = registry.byNode(dropDownNode);
- delete this.dropDownContainer;
- }
- if(this.dropDown){
- popup.hide(this.dropDown);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- isLoaded: function(){
- // Returns whether or not we are loaded - if our dropdown has an href,
- // then we want to check that.
- var dropDown = this.dropDown;
- return (!!dropDown && (!dropDown.href || dropDown.isLoaded));
- },
- loadDropDown: function(/*Function*/ callback){
- // Default implementation assumes that drop down already exists,
- // but hasn't loaded it's data (ex: ContentPane w/href).
- // App must override if the drop down is lazy-created.
- var dropDown = this.dropDown;
- var handler = dropDown.on("load", lang.hitch(this, function(){
- handler.remove();
- callback();
- }));
- dropDown.refresh(); // tell it to load
- },
- isFocusable: function(){
- // Overridden so that focus is handled by the _HasDropDown mixin, not by
- // the _FormWidget mixin.
- return this.inherited(arguments) && !this._mouseDown;
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/FilteringSelect.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/FilteringSelect.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a9121bf1..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/FilteringSelect.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/FilteringSelect", [
- "dojo/data/util/filter", // filter.patternToRegExp
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/Deferred", // Deferred.when
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin
- "./MappedTextBox",
- "./ComboBoxMixin"
-], function(filter, declare, Deferred, lang, MappedTextBox, ComboBoxMixin){
- var MappedTextBox = dijit.form.MappedTextBox;
- var ComboBoxMixin = dijit.form.ComboBoxMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/FilteringSelect
- // summary:
- // An enhanced version of the HTML SELECT tag, populated dynamically
- return declare("dijit.form.FilteringSelect", [MappedTextBox, ComboBoxMixin], {
- // summary:
- // An enhanced version of the HTML SELECT tag, populated dynamically
- //
- // description:
- // An enhanced version of the HTML SELECT tag, populated dynamically. It works
- // very nicely with very large data sets because it can load and page data as needed.
- // It also resembles ComboBox, but does not allow values outside of the provided ones.
- // If OPTION tags are used as the data provider via markup, then the
- // OPTION tag's child text node is used as the displayed value when selected
- // while the OPTION tag's value attribute is used as the widget value on form submit.
- // To set the default value when using OPTION tags, specify the selected
- // attribute on 1 of the child OPTION tags.
- //
- // Similar features:
- // - There is a drop down list of possible values.
- // - You can only enter a value from the drop down list. (You can't
- // enter an arbitrary value.)
- // - The value submitted with the form is the hidden value (ex: CA),
- // not the displayed value a.k.a. label (ex: California)
- //
- // Enhancements over plain HTML version:
- // - If you type in some text then it will filter down the list of
- // possible values in the drop down list.
- // - List can be specified either as a static list or via a javascript
- // function (that can get the list from a server)
- // required: Boolean
- // True (default) if user is required to enter a value into this field.
- required: true,
- _lastDisplayedValue: "",
- _isValidSubset: function(){
- return this._opened;
- },
- isValid: function(){
- // Overrides ValidationTextBox.isValid()
- return !!this.item || (!this.required && this.get('displayedValue') == ""); // #5974
- },
- _refreshState: function(){
- if(!this.searchTimer){ // state will be refreshed after results are returned
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- },
- _callbackSetLabel: function(
- /*Array*/ result,
- /*Object*/ query,
- /*Object*/ options,
- /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Callback from after lookup of user entered value finishes
- // setValue does a synchronous lookup,
- // so it calls _callbackSetLabel directly,
- // and so does not pass dataObject
- // still need to test against _lastQuery in case it came too late
- if((query && query[this.searchAttr] !== this._lastQuery) || (!query && result.length &&[0]) != this._lastQuery)){
- return;
- }
- if(!result.length){
- //#3268: don't modify display value on bad input
- //#3285: change CSS to indicate error
- this.set("value", '', priorityChange || (priorityChange === undefined && !this.focused), this.textbox.value, null);
- }else{
- this.set('item', result[0], priorityChange);
- }
- },
- _openResultList: function(/*Object*/ results, /*Object*/ query, /*Object*/ options){
- // Callback when a data store query completes.
- // Overrides ComboBox._openResultList()
- // #3285: tap into search callback to see if user's query resembles a match
- if(query[this.searchAttr] !== this._lastQuery){
- return;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.item === undefined){ // item == undefined for keyboard search
- // If the search returned no items that means that the user typed
- // in something invalid (and they can't make it valid by typing more characters),
- // so flag the FilteringSelect as being in an invalid state
- this.validate(true);
- }
- },
- _getValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hook for get('value') to work.
- // don't get the textbox value but rather the previously set hidden value.
- // Use this.valueNode.value which isn't always set for other MappedTextBox widgets until blur
- return this.valueNode.value;
- },
- _getValueField: function(){
- // Overrides ComboBox._getValueField()
- return "value";
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*String*/ value, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange, /*String?*/ displayedValue, /*item?*/ item){
- // summary:
- // Hook so set('value', value) works.
- // description:
- // Sets the value of the select.
- // Also sets the label to the corresponding value by reverse lookup.
- if(!this._onChangeActive){ priorityChange = null; }
- if(item === undefined){
- if(value === null || value === ''){
- value = '';
- if(!lang.isString(displayedValue)){
- this._setDisplayedValueAttr(displayedValue||'', priorityChange);
- return;
- }
- }
- var self = this;
- this._lastQuery = value;
- Deferred.when(, function(item){
- self._callbackSetLabel(item? [item] : [], undefined, undefined, priorityChange);
- });
- }else{
- this.valueNode.value = value;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- },
- _setItemAttr: function(/*item*/ item, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange, /*String?*/ displayedValue){
- // summary:
- // Set the displayed valued in the input box, and the hidden value
- // that gets submitted, based on a store item.
- // description:
- // Users shouldn't call this function; they should be calling
- // set('item', value)
- // tags:
- // private
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._lastDisplayedValue = this.textbox.value;
- },
- _getDisplayQueryString: function(/*String*/ text){
- return text.replace(/([\\\*\?])/g, "\\$1");
- },
- _setDisplayedValueAttr: function(/*String*/ label, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Hook so set('displayedValue', label) works.
- // description:
- // Sets textbox to display label. Also performs reverse lookup
- // to set the hidden value. label should corresponding to item.searchAttr.
- if(label == null){ label = ''; }
- // This is called at initialization along with every custom setter.
- // Usually (or always?) the call can be ignored. If it needs to be
- // processed then at least make sure that the XHR request doesn't trigger an onChange()
- // event, even if it returns after creation has finished
- if(!this._created){
- if(!("displayedValue" in this.params)){
- return;
- }
- priorityChange = false;
- }
- // Do a reverse lookup to map the specified displayedValue to the hidden value.
- // Note that if there's a custom labelFunc() this code
- if({
- this.closeDropDown();
- var query = lang.clone(this.query); // #6196: populate query with user-specifics
- // Generate query
- var qs = this._getDisplayQueryString(label), q;
- if({
- // remove this branch for 2.0
- q = qs;
- }else{
- // Query on searchAttr is a regex for benefit of,
- // but with a toString() method to help
- // Search string like "Co*" converted to regex like /^Co.*$/i.
- q = filter.patternToRegExp(qs, this.ignoreCase);
- q.toString = function(){ return qs; };
- }
- this._lastQuery = query[this.searchAttr] = q;
- // If the label is not valid, the callback will never set it,
- // so the last valid value will get the warning textbox. Set the
- // textbox value now so that the impending warning will make
- // sense to the user
- this.textbox.value = label;
- this._lastDisplayedValue = label;
- this._set("displayedValue", label); // for watch("displayedValue") notification
- var _this = this;
- var options = {
- ignoreCase: this.ignoreCase,
- deep: true
- };
- lang.mixin(options, this.fetchProperties);
- this._fetchHandle =, options);
- Deferred.when(this._fetchHandle, function(result){
- _this._fetchHandle = null;
- _this._callbackSetLabel(result || [], query, options, priorityChange);
- }, function(err){
- _this._fetchHandle = null;
- if(!_this._cancelingQuery){ // don't treat canceled query as an error
- console.error('dijit.form.FilteringSelect: ' + err.toString());
- }
- });
- }
- },
- undo: function(){
- this.set('displayedValue', this._lastDisplayedValue);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/Form.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/Form.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 75615e7ae..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/Form.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/Form", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "../_Widget",
- "../_TemplatedMixin",
- "./_FormMixin",
- "../layout/_ContentPaneResizeMixin"
-], function(declare, domAttr, event, kernel, has, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _FormMixin, _ContentPaneResizeMixin){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _FormMixin = dijit.form._FormMixin;
- var _ContentPaneResizeMixin = dijit.layout._ContentPaneResizeMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/Form
- // summary:
- // Widget corresponding to HTML form tag, for validation and serialization
- return declare("dijit.form.Form", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _FormMixin, _ContentPaneResizeMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Widget corresponding to HTML form tag, for validation and serialization
- //
- // example:
- // | <form data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Form" id="myForm">
- // | Name: <input type="text" name="name" />
- // | </form>
- // | myObj = {name: "John Doe"};
- // | dijit.byId('myForm').set('value', myObj);
- // |
- // | myObj=dijit.byId('myForm').get('value');
- // HTML <FORM> attributes
- // name: String?
- // Name of form for scripting.
- name: "",
- // action: String?
- // Server-side form handler.
- action: "",
- // method: String?
- // HTTP method used to submit the form, either "GET" or "POST".
- method: "",
- // encType: String?
- // Encoding type for the form, ex: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
- encType: "",
- // accept-charset: String?
- // List of supported charsets.
- "accept-charset": "",
- // accept: String?
- // List of MIME types for file upload.
- accept: "",
- // target: String?
- // Target frame for the document to be opened in.
- target: "",
- templateString: "<form data-dojo-attach-point='containerNode' data-dojo-attach-event='onreset:_onReset,onsubmit:_onSubmit' ${!nameAttrSetting}></form>",
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // Setup name=foo string to be referenced from the template (but only if a name has been specified)
- // Unfortunately we can't use _setNameAttr to set the name due to IE limitations, see #8660
- this.nameAttrSetting = ? ("name='" + + "'") : "";
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- execute: function(/*Object*/ /*===== formContents =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated: use submit()
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- },
- onExecute: function(){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated: use onSubmit()
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- },
- _setEncTypeAttr: function(/*String*/ value){
- this.encType = value;
- domAttr.set(this.domNode, "encType", value);
- if(has("ie")){ this.domNode.encoding = value; }
- },
- reset: function(/*Event?*/ e){
- // summary:
- // restores all widget values back to their init values,
- // calls onReset() which can cancel the reset by returning false
- // create fake event so we can know if preventDefault() is called
- var faux = {
- returnValue: true, // the IE way
- preventDefault: function(){ // not IE
- this.returnValue = false;
- },
- stopPropagation: function(){},
- currentTarget: e ? : this.domNode,
- target: e ? : this.domNode
- };
- // if return value is not exactly false, and haven't called preventDefault(), then reset
- if(!(this.onReset(faux) === false) && faux.returnValue){
- this.inherited(arguments, []);
- }
- },
- onReset: function(/*Event?*/ /*===== e =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback when user resets the form. This method is intended
- // to be over-ridden. When the `reset` method is called
- // programmatically, the return value from `onReset` is used
- // to compute whether or not resetting should proceed
- // tags:
- // callback
- return true; // Boolean
- },
- _onReset: function(e){
- this.reset(e);
- event.stop(e);
- return false;
- },
- _onSubmit: function(e){
- var fp = this.constructor.prototype;
- // TODO: remove this if statement beginning with 2.0
- if(this.execute != fp.execute || this.onExecute != fp.onExecute){
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.form.Form:execute()/onExecute() are deprecated. Use onSubmit() instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.onExecute();
- this.execute(this.getValues());
- }
- if(this.onSubmit(e) === false){ // only exactly false stops submit
- event.stop(e);
- }
- },
- onSubmit: function(/*Event?*/ /*===== e =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback when user submits the form.
- // description:
- // This method is intended to be over-ridden, but by default it checks and
- // returns the validity of form elements. When the `submit`
- // method is called programmatically, the return value from
- // `onSubmit` is used to compute whether or not submission
- // should proceed
- // tags:
- // extension
- return this.isValid(); // Boolean
- },
- submit: function(){
- // summary:
- // programmatically submit form if and only if the `onSubmit` returns true
- if(!(this.onSubmit() === false)){
- this.containerNode.submit();
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/HorizontalRule.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/HorizontalRule.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a05509e69..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/HorizontalRule.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/HorizontalRule", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "../_Widget",
- "../_TemplatedMixin"
-], function(declare, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/HorizontalRule
-// summary:
-// Hash marks for `dijit.form.HorizontalSlider`
-return declare("dijit.form.HorizontalRule", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Hash marks for `dijit.form.HorizontalSlider`
- templateString: '<div class="dijitRuleContainer dijitRuleContainerH"></div>',
- // count: Integer
- // Number of hash marks to generate
- count: 3,
- // container: String
- // For HorizontalSlider, this is either "topDecoration" or "bottomDecoration",
- // and indicates whether this rule goes above or below the slider.
- container: "containerNode",
- // ruleStyle: String
- // CSS style to apply to individual hash marks
- ruleStyle: "",
- _positionPrefix: '<div class="dijitRuleMark dijitRuleMarkH" style="left:',
- _positionSuffix: '%;',
- _suffix: '"></div>',
- _genHTML: function(pos){
- return this._positionPrefix + pos + this._positionSuffix + this.ruleStyle + this._suffix;
- },
- // _isHorizontal: [protected extension] Boolean
- // VerticalRule will override this...
- _isHorizontal: true,
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var innerHTML;
- if(this.count == 1){
- innerHTML = this._genHTML(50, 0);
- }else{
- var i;
- var interval = 100 / (this.count-1);
- if(!this._isHorizontal || this.isLeftToRight()){
- innerHTML = this._genHTML(0, 0);
- for(i=1; i < this.count-1; i++){
- innerHTML += this._genHTML(interval*i, i);
- }
- innerHTML += this._genHTML(100, this.count-1);
- }else{
- innerHTML = this._genHTML(100, 0);
- for(i=1; i < this.count-1; i++){
- innerHTML += this._genHTML(100-interval*i, i);
- }
- innerHTML += this._genHTML(0, this.count-1);
- }
- }
- this.domNode.innerHTML = innerHTML;
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/HorizontalRuleLabels.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/HorizontalRuleLabels.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fd4799e24..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/HorizontalRuleLabels.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/HorizontalRuleLabels", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/number", // number.format
- "dojo/query", // query
- "./HorizontalRule"
-], function(declare, number, query, HorizontalRule){
- var HorizontalRule = dijit.form.HorizontalRule;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/HorizontalRuleLabels
-// summary:
-// Labels for `dijit.form.HorizontalSlider`
-return declare("dijit.form.HorizontalRuleLabels", HorizontalRule, {
- // summary:
- // Labels for `dijit.form.HorizontalSlider`
- templateString: '<div class="dijitRuleContainer dijitRuleContainerH dijitRuleLabelsContainer dijitRuleLabelsContainerH"></div>',
- // labelStyle: String
- // CSS style to apply to individual text labels
- labelStyle: "",
- // labels: String[]?
- // Array of text labels to render - evenly spaced from left-to-right or bottom-to-top.
- // Alternately, minimum and maximum can be specified, to get numeric labels.
- labels: [],
- // numericMargin: Integer
- // Number of generated numeric labels that should be rendered as '' on the ends when labels[] are not specified
- numericMargin: 0,
- // numericMinimum: Integer
- // Leftmost label value for generated numeric labels when labels[] are not specified
- minimum: 0,
- // numericMaximum: Integer
- // Rightmost label value for generated numeric labels when labels[] are not specified
- maximum: 1,
- // constraints: Object
- // pattern, places, lang, et al (see dojo.number) for generated numeric labels when labels[] are not specified
- constraints: {pattern:"#%"},
- _positionPrefix: '<div class="dijitRuleLabelContainer dijitRuleLabelContainerH" style="left:',
- _labelPrefix: '"><div class="dijitRuleLabel dijitRuleLabelH">',
- _suffix: '</div></div>',
- _calcPosition: function(pos){
- // summary:
- // Returns the value to be used in HTML for the label as part of the left: attribute
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- return pos;
- },
- _genHTML: function(pos, ndx){
- return this._positionPrefix + this._calcPosition(pos) + this._positionSuffix + this.labelStyle + this._labelPrefix + this.labels[ndx] + this._suffix;
- },
- getLabels: function(){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function to return array of labels to use for this slider.
- // Can specify a getLabels() method instead of a labels[] array, or min/max attributes.
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- // if the labels array was not specified directly, then see if <li> children were
- var labels = this.labels;
- if(!labels.length){
- // for markup creation, labels are specified as child elements
- labels = query("> li", this.srcNodeRef).map(function(node){
- return String(node.innerHTML);
- });
- }
- this.srcNodeRef.innerHTML = '';
- // if the labels were not specified directly and not as <li> children, then calculate numeric labels
- if(!labels.length && this.count > 1){
- var start = this.minimum;
- var inc = (this.maximum - start) / (this.count-1);
- for(var i=0; i < this.count; i++){
- labels.push((i < this.numericMargin || i >= (this.count-this.numericMargin)) ? '' : number.format(start, this.constraints));
- start += inc;
- }
- }
- return labels;
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.labels = this.getLabels();
- this.count = this.labels.length;
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/HorizontalSlider.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/HorizontalSlider.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c4031b37..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/HorizontalSlider.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/form/templates/HorizontalSlider.html':"<table class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitSlider dijitSliderH\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" rules=\"none\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onkeypress:_onKeyPress,onkeyup:_onKeyUp\"\n\t><tr class=\"dijitReset\"\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\" colspan=\"2\"></td\n\t\t><td data-dojo-attach-point=\"topDecoration\" class=\"dijitReset dijitSliderDecoration dijitSliderDecorationT dijitSliderDecorationH\"></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\" colspan=\"2\"></td\n\t></tr\n\t><tr class=\"dijitReset\"\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset dijitSliderButtonContainer dijitSliderButtonContainerH\"\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitSliderDecrementIconH\" style=\"display:none\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"decrementButton\"><span class=\"dijitSliderButtonInner\">-</span></div\n\t\t></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\"\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitSliderBar dijitSliderBumper dijitSliderBumperH dijitSliderLeftBumper\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"press:_onClkDecBumper\"></div\n\t\t></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\"\n\t\t\t><input data-dojo-attach-point=\"valueNode\" type=\"hidden\" ${!nameAttrSetting}\n\t\t\t/><div class=\"dijitReset dijitSliderBarContainerH\" role=\"presentation\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"sliderBarContainer\"\n\t\t\t\t><div role=\"presentation\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"progressBar\" class=\"dijitSliderBar dijitSliderBarH dijitSliderProgressBar dijitSliderProgressBarH\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"press:_onBarClick\"\n\t\t\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitSliderMoveable dijitSliderMoveableH\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t><div data-dojo-attach-point=\"sliderHandle,focusNode\" class=\"dijitSliderImageHandle dijitSliderImageHandleH\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"press:_onHandleClick\" role=\"slider\" valuemin=\"${minimum}\" valuemax=\"${maximum}\"></div\n\t\t\t\t\t></div\n\t\t\t\t></div\n\t\t\t\t><div role=\"presentation\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"remainingBar\" class=\"dijitSliderBar dijitSliderBarH dijitSliderRemainingBar dijitSliderRemainingBarH\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"press:_onBarClick\"></div\n\t\t\t></div\n\t\t></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\"\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitSliderBar dijitSliderBumper dijitSliderBumperH dijitSliderRightBumper\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"press:_onClkIncBumper\"></div\n\t\t></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset dijitSliderButtonContainer dijitSliderButtonContainerH\"\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitSliderIncrementIconH\" style=\"display:none\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"incrementButton\"><span class=\"dijitSliderButtonInner\">+</span></div\n\t\t></td\n\t></tr\n\t><tr class=\"dijitReset\"\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\" colspan=\"2\"></td\n\t\t><td data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode,bottomDecoration\" class=\"dijitReset dijitSliderDecoration dijitSliderDecorationB dijitSliderDecorationH\"></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\" colspan=\"2\"></td\n\t></tr\n></table>\n"}});
-define("dijit/form/HorizontalSlider", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dnd/move",
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/fx", // fx.animateProperty
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.position
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle
- "dojo/keys", // keys.DOWN_ARROW keys.END keys.HOME keys.LEFT_ARROW keys.PAGE_DOWN keys.PAGE_UP keys.RIGHT_ARROW keys.UP_ARROW
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("mozilla")
- "dojo/dnd/Moveable", // Moveable
- "dojo/dnd/Mover", // Mover Mover.prototype.destroy.apply
- "dojo/query", // query
- "../registry", // registry.findWidgets
- "../focus", // focus.focus()
- "../typematic",
- "./Button",
- "./_FormValueWidget",
- "../_Container",
- "dojo/text!./templates/HorizontalSlider.html"
-], function(array, declare, move, event, fx, domGeometry, domStyle, keys, lang, has, Moveable, Mover, query,
- registry, focus, typematic, Button, _FormValueWidget, _Container, template){
- var Button = dijit.form.Button;
- var _FormValueWidget = dijit.form._FormValueWidget;
- var _Container = dijit._Container;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/HorizontalSlider
-// summary:
-// A form widget that allows one to select a value with a horizontally draggable handle
-var _SliderMover = declare("dijit.form._SliderMover", Mover, {
- onMouseMove: function(e){
- var widget = this.widget;
- var abspos = widget._abspos;
- if(!abspos){
- abspos = widget._abspos = domGeometry.position(widget.sliderBarContainer, true);
- widget._setPixelValue_ = lang.hitch(widget, "_setPixelValue");
- widget._isReversed_ = widget._isReversed();
- }
- var pixelValue = e[widget._mousePixelCoord] - abspos[widget._startingPixelCoord];
- widget._setPixelValue_(widget._isReversed_ ? (abspos[widget._pixelCount]-pixelValue) : pixelValue, abspos[widget._pixelCount], false);
- },
- destroy: function(e){
- Mover.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
- var widget = this.widget;
- widget._abspos = null;
- widget._setValueAttr(widget.value, true);
- }
-var HorizontalSlider = declare("dijit.form.HorizontalSlider", [_FormValueWidget, _Container], {
- // summary:
- // A form widget that allows one to select a value with a horizontally draggable handle
- templateString: template,
- // Overrides FormValueWidget.value to indicate numeric value
- value: 0,
- // showButtons: [const] Boolean
- // Show increment/decrement buttons at the ends of the slider?
- showButtons: true,
- // minimum:: [const] Integer
- // The minimum value the slider can be set to.
- minimum: 0,
- // maximum: [const] Integer
- // The maximum value the slider can be set to.
- maximum: 100,
- // discreteValues: Integer
- // If specified, indicates that the slider handle has only 'discreteValues' possible positions,
- // and that after dragging the handle, it will snap to the nearest possible position.
- // Thus, the slider has only 'discreteValues' possible values.
- //
- // For example, if minimum=10, maxiumum=30, and discreteValues=3, then the slider handle has
- // three possible positions, representing values 10, 20, or 30.
- //
- // If discreteValues is not specified or if it's value is higher than the number of pixels
- // in the slider bar, then the slider handle can be moved freely, and the slider's value will be
- // computed/reported based on pixel position (in this case it will likely be fractional,
- // such as 123.456789).
- discreteValues: Infinity,
- // pageIncrement: Integer
- // If discreteValues is also specified, this indicates the amount of clicks (ie, snap positions)
- // that the slider handle is moved via pageup/pagedown keys.
- // If discreteValues is not specified, it indicates the number of pixels.
- pageIncrement: 2,
- // clickSelect: Boolean
- // If clicking the slider bar changes the value or not
- clickSelect: true,
- // slideDuration: Number
- // The time in ms to take to animate the slider handle from 0% to 100%,
- // when clicking the slider bar to make the handle move.
- slideDuration: registry.defaultDuration,
- // Map widget attributes to DOMNode attributes.
- _setIdAttr: "", // Override _FormWidget which sends id to focusNode
- baseClass: "dijitSlider",
- // Apply CSS classes to up/down arrows and handle per mouse state
- cssStateNodes: {
- incrementButton: "dijitSliderIncrementButton",
- decrementButton: "dijitSliderDecrementButton",
- focusNode: "dijitSliderThumb"
- },
- _mousePixelCoord: "pageX",
- _pixelCount: "w",
- _startingPixelCoord: "x",
- _handleOffsetCoord: "left",
- _progressPixelSize: "width",
- _onKeyUp: function(/*Event*/ e){
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey){ return; }
- this._setValueAttr(this.value, true);
- },
- _onKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ e){
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey){ return; }
- switch(e.charOrCode){
- case keys.HOME:
- this._setValueAttr(this.minimum, false);
- break;
- case keys.END:
- this._setValueAttr(this.maximum, false);
- break;
- // this._descending === false: if ascending vertical (min on top)
- // (this._descending || this.isLeftToRight()): if left-to-right horizontal or descending vertical
- case ((this._descending || this.isLeftToRight()) ? keys.RIGHT_ARROW : keys.LEFT_ARROW):
- case (this._descending === false ? keys.DOWN_ARROW : keys.UP_ARROW):
- case (this._descending === false ? keys.PAGE_DOWN : keys.PAGE_UP):
- this.increment(e);
- break;
- case ((this._descending || this.isLeftToRight()) ? keys.LEFT_ARROW : keys.RIGHT_ARROW):
- case (this._descending === false ? keys.UP_ARROW : keys.DOWN_ARROW):
- case (this._descending === false ? keys.PAGE_UP : keys.PAGE_DOWN):
- this.decrement(e);
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- event.stop(e);
- },
- _onHandleClick: function(e){
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; }
- if(!has("ie")){
- // make sure you get focus when dragging the handle
- // (but don't do on IE because it causes a flicker on mouse up (due to blur then focus)
- focus.focus(this.sliderHandle);
- }
- event.stop(e);
- },
- _isReversed: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns true if direction is from right to left
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- return !this.isLeftToRight();
- },
- _onBarClick: function(e){
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly || !this.clickSelect){ return; }
- focus.focus(this.sliderHandle);
- event.stop(e);
- var abspos = domGeometry.position(this.sliderBarContainer, true);
- var pixelValue = e[this._mousePixelCoord] - abspos[this._startingPixelCoord];
- this._setPixelValue(this._isReversed() ? (abspos[this._pixelCount] - pixelValue) : pixelValue, abspos[this._pixelCount], true);
- this._movable.onMouseDown(e);
- },
- _setPixelValue: function(/*Number*/ pixelValue, /*Number*/ maxPixels, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; }
- var count = this.discreteValues;
- if(count <= 1 || count == Infinity){ count = maxPixels; }
- count--;
- var pixelsPerValue = maxPixels / count;
- var wholeIncrements = Math.round(pixelValue / pixelsPerValue);
- this._setValueAttr(Math.max(Math.min((this.maximum-this.minimum)*wholeIncrements/count + this.minimum, this.maximum), this.minimum), priorityChange);
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*Number*/ value, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Hook so set('value', value) works.
- this._set("value", value);
- this.valueNode.value = value;
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", value);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var percent = (value - this.minimum) / (this.maximum - this.minimum);
- var progressBar = (this._descending === false) ? this.remainingBar : this.progressBar;
- var remainingBar = (this._descending === false) ? this.progressBar : this.remainingBar;
- if(this._inProgressAnim && this._inProgressAnim.status != "stopped"){
- this._inProgressAnim.stop(true);
- }
- if(priorityChange && this.slideDuration > 0 &&[this._progressPixelSize]){
- // animate the slider
- var _this = this;
- var props = {};
- var start = parseFloat([this._progressPixelSize]);
- var duration = this.slideDuration * (percent-start/100);
- if(duration == 0){ return; }
- if(duration < 0){ duration = 0 - duration; }
- props[this._progressPixelSize] = { start: start, end: percent*100, units:"%" };
- this._inProgressAnim = fx.animateProperty({ node: progressBar, duration: duration,
- onAnimate: function(v){
-[_this._progressPixelSize] = (100 - parseFloat(v[_this._progressPixelSize])) + "%";
- },
- onEnd: function(){
- delete _this._inProgressAnim;
- },
- properties: props
- });
- }else{
-[this._progressPixelSize] = (percent*100) + "%";
-[this._progressPixelSize] = ((1-percent)*100) + "%";
- }
- },
- _bumpValue: function(signedChange, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; }
- var s = domStyle.getComputedStyle(this.sliderBarContainer);
- var c = domGeometry.getContentBox(this.sliderBarContainer, s);
- var count = this.discreteValues;
- if(count <= 1 || count == Infinity){ count = c[this._pixelCount]; }
- count--;
- var value = (this.value - this.minimum) * count / (this.maximum - this.minimum) + signedChange;
- if(value < 0){ value = 0; }
- if(value > count){ value = count; }
- value = value * (this.maximum - this.minimum) / count + this.minimum;
- this._setValueAttr(value, priorityChange);
- },
- _onClkBumper: function(val){
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly || !this.clickSelect){ return; }
- this._setValueAttr(val, true);
- },
- _onClkIncBumper: function(){
- this._onClkBumper(this._descending === false ? this.minimum : this.maximum);
- },
- _onClkDecBumper: function(){
- this._onClkBumper(this._descending === false ? this.maximum : this.minimum);
- },
- decrement: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Decrement slider
- // tags:
- // private
- this._bumpValue(e.charOrCode == keys.PAGE_DOWN ? -this.pageIncrement : -1);
- },
- increment: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Increment slider
- // tags:
- // private
- this._bumpValue(e.charOrCode == keys.PAGE_UP ? this.pageIncrement : 1);
- },
- _mouseWheeled: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Event handler for mousewheel where supported
- event.stop(evt);
- var janky = !has("mozilla");
- var scroll = evt[(janky ? "wheelDelta" : "detail")] * (janky ? 1 : -1);
- this._bumpValue(scroll < 0 ? -1 : 1, true); // negative scroll acts like a decrement
- },
- startup: function(){
- if(this._started){ return; }
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
- if(this[child.container] != this.containerNode){
- this[child.container].appendChild(child.domNode);
- }
- }, this);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _typematicCallback: function(/*Number*/ count, /*Object*/ button, /*Event*/ e){
- if(count == -1){
- this._setValueAttr(this.value, true);
- }else{
- this[(button == (this._descending? this.incrementButton : this.decrementButton)) ? "decrement" : "increment"](e);
- }
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.showButtons){
- }
- // find any associated label element and add to slider focusnode.
- var label = query('label[for="''"]');
- if(label.length){
- label[0].id = ("_label");
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", label[0].id);
- }
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-valuemin", this.minimum);
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-valuemax", this.maximum);
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.showButtons){
- this._connects.push(typematic.addMouseListener(
- this.decrementButton, this, "_typematicCallback", 25, 500));
- this._connects.push(typematic.addMouseListener(
- this.incrementButton, this, "_typematicCallback", 25, 500));
- }
- this.connect(this.domNode, !has("mozilla") ? "onmousewheel" : "DOMMouseScroll", "_mouseWheeled");
- // define a custom constructor for a SliderMover that points back to me
- var mover = declare(_SliderMover, {
- widget: this
- });
- this._movable = new Moveable(this.sliderHandle, {mover: mover});
- this._layoutHackIE7();
- },
- destroy: function(){
- this._movable.destroy();
- if(this._inProgressAnim && this._inProgressAnim.status != "stopped"){
- this._inProgressAnim.stop(true);
- }
- this._supportingWidgets = registry.findWidgets(this.domNode); // tells destroy about pseudo-child widgets (ruler/labels)
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
-HorizontalSlider._Mover = _SliderMover; // for monkey patching
-return HorizontalSlider;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/MappedTextBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/MappedTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f8f69d19..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/MappedTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/MappedTextBox", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-construct", //
- "./ValidationTextBox"
-], function(declare, domConstruct, ValidationTextBox){
- var ValidationTextBox = dijit.form.ValidationTextBox;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/MappedTextBox
- // summary:
- // A dijit.form.ValidationTextBox subclass which provides a base class for widgets that have
- // a visible formatted display value, and a serializable
- // value in a hidden input field which is actually sent to the server.
- return declare("dijit.form.MappedTextBox", ValidationTextBox, {
- // summary:
- // A dijit.form.ValidationTextBox subclass which provides a base class for widgets that have
- // a visible formatted display value, and a serializable
- // value in a hidden input field which is actually sent to the server.
- // description:
- // The visible display may
- // be locale-dependent and interactive. The value sent to the server is stored in a hidden
- // input field which uses the `name` attribute declared by the original widget. That value sent
- // to the server is defined by the dijit.form.MappedTextBox.serialize method and is typically
- // locale-neutral.
- // tags:
- // protected
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // we want the name attribute to go to the hidden <input>, not the displayed <input>,
- // so override _FormWidget.postMixInProperties() setting of nameAttrSetting
- this.nameAttrSetting = "";
- },
- // Override default behavior to assign name to focusNode
- _setNameAttr: null,
- serialize: function(val /*=====, options =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function used to convert the get('value') result to a canonical
- // (non-localized) string. For example, will print dates in ISO format, and
- // numbers the same way as they are represented in javascript.
- // val: anything
- // options: Object?
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- return val.toString ? val.toString() : ""; // String
- },
- toString: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns widget as a printable string using the widget's value
- // tags:
- // protected
- var val = this.filter(this.get('value')); // call filter in case value is nonstring and filter has been customized
- return val != null ? (typeof val == "string" ? val : this.serialize(val, this.constraints)) : ""; // String
- },
- validate: function(){
- // Overrides `dijit.form.TextBox.validate`
- this.valueNode.value = this.toString();
- return this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- // Overrides `dijit._TemplatedMixin.buildRendering`
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Create a hidden <input> node with the serialized value used for submit
- // (as opposed to the displayed value).
- // Passing in name as markup rather than calling domConstruct.create() with an attrs argument
- // to make query(input[name=...]) work on IE. (see #8660)
- this.valueNode ="<input type='hidden'" + ( ? " name='" +'/g, "&quot;") + "'" : "") + "/>", this.textbox, "after");
- },
- reset: function(){
- // Overrides `dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.reset` to
- // reset the hidden textbox value to ''
- this.valueNode.value = '';
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/MultiSelect.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/MultiSelect.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c47064641..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/MultiSelect.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/MultiSelect", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.indexOf,
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.setMarginBox
- "dojo/query", // query
- "./_FormValueWidget"
-], function(array, declare, domGeometry, query, _FormValueWidget){
- var _FormValueWidget = dijit.form._FormValueWidget;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/MultiSelect
-// summary:
-// Widget version of a <select multiple=true> element,
-// for selecting multiple options.
-return declare("dijit.form.MultiSelect", _FormValueWidget, {
- // summary:
- // Widget version of a <select multiple=true> element,
- // for selecting multiple options.
- // size: Number
- // Number of elements to display on a page
- // NOTE: may be removed in version 2.0, since elements may have variable height;
- // set the size via style="..." or CSS class names instead.
- size: 7,
- templateString: "<select multiple='true' ${!nameAttrSetting} data-dojo-attach-point='containerNode,focusNode' data-dojo-attach-event='onchange: _onChange'></select>",
- addSelected: function(/*dijit.form.MultiSelect*/ select){
- // summary:
- // Move the selected nodes of a passed Select widget
- // instance to this Select widget.
- //
- // example:
- // | // move all the selected values from "bar" to "foo"
- // | dijit.byId("foo").addSelected(dijit.byId("bar"));
- select.getSelected().forEach(function(n){
- this.containerNode.appendChild(n);
- // scroll to bottom to see item
- // cannot use scrollIntoView since <option> tags don't support all attributes
- // does not work on IE due to a bug where <select> always shows scrollTop = 0
- this.domNode.scrollTop = this.domNode.offsetHeight; // overshoot will be ignored
- // scrolling the source select is trickier esp. on safari who forgets to change the scrollbar size
- var oldscroll = select.domNode.scrollTop;
- select.domNode.scrollTop = 0;
- select.domNode.scrollTop = oldscroll;
- },this);
- this._set('value', this.get('value'));
- },
- getSelected: function(){
- // summary:
- // Access the NodeList of the selected options directly
- return query("option",this.containerNode).filter(function(n){
- return n.selected; // Boolean
- }); // dojo.NodeList
- },
- _getValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hook so get('value') works.
- // description:
- // Returns an array of the selected options' values.
- // Don't call because it doesn't return a real array,
- // and that messes up dojo.toJson() calls like in the Form.html test
- return, function(n){
- return n.value;
- });
- },
- multiple: true, // for Form
- _setValueAttr: function(/*Array*/ values, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Hook so set('value', values) works.
- // description:
- // Set the value(s) of this Select based on passed values
- query("option",this.containerNode).forEach(function(n){
- n.selected = (array.indexOf(values,n.value) != -1);
- });
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- invertSelection: function(/*Boolean?*/ onChange){
- // summary:
- // Invert the selection
- // onChange: Boolean
- // If false, onChange is not fired.
- var val = [];
- query("option",this.containerNode).forEach(function(n){
- if(!n.selected){ val.push(n.value); }
- });
- this._setValueAttr(val, !(onChange === false || onChange == null));
- },
- _onChange: function(/*Event*/){
- this._handleOnChange(this.get('value'), true);
- },
- // for layout widgets:
- resize: function(/*Object*/ size){
- if(size){
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.domNode, size);
- }
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this._set('value', this.get('value'));
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/NumberSpinner.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/NumberSpinner.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e96848eeb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/NumberSpinner.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/NumberSpinner", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys", // keys.END keys.HOME
- "./_Spinner",
- "./NumberTextBox"
-], function(declare, event, keys, _Spinner, NumberTextBox){
- var _Spinner = dijit.form._Spinner;
- var NumberTextBox = dijit.form.NumberTextBox;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/NumberSpinner
-// summary:
-// Extends NumberTextBox to add up/down arrows and pageup/pagedown for incremental change to the value
-return declare("dijit.form.NumberSpinner", [_Spinner, NumberTextBox.Mixin], {
- // summary:
- // Extends NumberTextBox to add up/down arrows and pageup/pagedown for incremental change to the value
- //
- // description:
- // A `dijit.form.NumberTextBox` extension to provide keyboard accessible value selection
- // as well as icons for spinning direction. When using the keyboard, the typematic rules
- // apply, meaning holding the key will gradually increase or decrease the value and
- // accelerate.
- //
- // example:
- // | new dijit.form.NumberSpinner({ constraints:{ max:300, min:100 }}, "someInput");
- adjust: function(/*Object*/ val, /*Number*/ delta){
- // summary:
- // Change Number val by the given amount
- // tags:
- // protected
- var tc = this.constraints,
- v = isNaN(val),
- gotMax = !isNaN(tc.max),
- gotMin = !isNaN(tc.min)
- ;
- if(v && delta != 0){ // blank or invalid value and they want to spin, so create defaults
- val = (delta > 0) ?
- gotMin ? tc.min : gotMax ? tc.max : 0 :
- gotMax ? this.constraints.max : gotMin ? tc.min : 0
- ;
- }
- var newval = val + delta;
- if(v || isNaN(newval)){ return val; }
- if(gotMax && (newval > tc.max)){
- newval = tc.max;
- }
- if(gotMin && (newval < tc.min)){
- newval = tc.min;
- }
- return newval;
- },
- _onKeyPress: function(e){
- if((e.charOrCode == keys.HOME || e.charOrCode == keys.END) && !(e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey)
- && typeof this.get('value') != 'undefined' /* gibberish, so HOME and END are default editing keys*/){
- var value = this.constraints[(e.charOrCode == keys.HOME ? "min" : "max")];
- if(typeof value == "number"){
- this._setValueAttr(value, false);
- }
- // eat home or end key whether we change the value or not
- event.stop(e);
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/NumberTextBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/NumberTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a16cfbd55..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/NumberTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/NumberTextBox", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch lang.mixin
- "dojo/number", // number._realNumberRegexp number.format number.parse number.regexp
- "./RangeBoundTextBox"
-], function(declare, lang, number, RangeBoundTextBox){
- var RangeBoundTextBox = dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/NumberTextBox
- // summary:
- // A TextBox for entering numbers, with formatting and range checking
- /*=====
- declare(
- "dijit.form.NumberTextBox.__Constraints",
- [dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox.__Constraints, number.__FormatOptions, number.__ParseOptions], {
- // summary:
- // Specifies both the rules on valid/invalid values (minimum, maximum,
- // number of required decimal places), and also formatting options for
- // displaying the value when the field is not focused.
- // example:
- // Minimum/maximum:
- // To specify a field between 0 and 120:
- // | {min:0,max:120}
- // To specify a field that must be an integer:
- // | {fractional:false}
- // To specify a field where 0 to 3 decimal places are allowed on input:
- // | {places:'0,3'}
- });
- =====*/
- var NumberTextBoxMixin = declare("dijit.form.NumberTextBoxMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // A mixin for all number textboxes
- // tags:
- // protected
- // Override ValidationTextBox.regExpGen().... we use a reg-ex generating function rather
- // than a straight regexp to deal with locale (plus formatting options too?)
- regExpGen: number.regexp,
- /*=====
- // constraints: dijit.form.NumberTextBox.__Constraints
- // Despite the name, this parameter specifies both constraints on the input
- // (including minimum/maximum allowed values) as well as
- // formatting options like places (the number of digits to display after
- // the decimal point). See `dijit.form.NumberTextBox.__Constraints` for details.
- constraints: {},
- ======*/
- // value: Number
- // The value of this NumberTextBox as a Javascript Number (i.e., not a String).
- // If the displayed value is blank, the value is NaN, and if the user types in
- // an gibberish value (like "hello world"), the value is undefined
- // (i.e. get('value') returns undefined).
- //
- // Symmetrically, set('value', NaN) will clear the displayed value,
- // whereas set('value', undefined) will have no effect.
- value: NaN,
- // editOptions: [protected] Object
- // Properties to mix into constraints when the value is being edited.
- // This is here because we edit the number in the format "12345", which is
- // different than the display value (ex: "12,345")
- editOptions: { pattern: '#.######' },
- /*=====
- _formatter: function(value, options){
- // summary:
- // _formatter() is called by format(). It's the base routine for formatting a number,
- // as a string, for example converting 12345 into "12,345".
- // value: Number
- // The number to be converted into a string.
- // options: dojo.number.__FormatOptions?
- // Formatting options
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- return "12345"; // String
- },
- =====*/
- _formatter: number.format,
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._set("type", "text"); // in case type="number" was specified which messes up parse/format
- },
- _setConstraintsAttr: function(/*Object*/ constraints){
- var places = typeof constraints.places == "number"? constraints.places : 0;
- if(places){ places++; } // decimal rounding errors take away another digit of precision
- if(typeof constraints.max != "number"){
- constraints.max = 9 * Math.pow(10, 15-places);
- }
- if(typeof constraints.min != "number"){
- constraints.min = -9 * Math.pow(10, 15-places);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments, [ constraints ]);
- if(this.focusNode && this.focusNode.value && !isNaN(this.value)){
- this.set('value', this.value);
- }
- },
- _onFocus: function(){
- if(this.disabled){ return; }
- var val = this.get('value');
- if(typeof val == "number" && !isNaN(val)){
- var formattedValue = this.format(val, this.constraints);
- if(formattedValue !== undefined){
- this.textbox.value = formattedValue;
- }
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- format: function(/*Number*/ value, /*dojo.number.__FormatOptions*/ constraints){
- // summary:
- // Formats the value as a Number, according to constraints.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var formattedValue = String(value);
- if(typeof value != "number"){ return formattedValue; }
- if(isNaN(value)){ return ""; }
- // check for exponential notation that dojo.number.format chokes on
- if(!("rangeCheck" in this && this.rangeCheck(value, constraints)) && constraints.exponent !== false && /\de[-+]?\d/i.test(formattedValue)){
- return formattedValue;
- }
- if(this.editOptions && this.focused){
- constraints = lang.mixin({}, constraints, this.editOptions);
- }
- return this._formatter(value, constraints);
- },
- /*=====
- _parser: function(value, constraints){
- // summary:
- // Parses the string value as a Number, according to constraints.
- // value: String
- // String representing a number
- // constraints: dojo.number.__ParseOptions
- // Formatting options
- // tags:
- // protected
- return 123.45; // Number
- },
- =====*/
- _parser: number.parse,
- parse: function(/*String*/ value, /*number.__FormatOptions*/ constraints){
- // summary:
- // Replaceable function to convert a formatted string to a number value
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- var v = this._parser(value, lang.mixin({}, constraints, (this.editOptions && this.focused) ? this.editOptions : {}));
- if(this.editOptions && this.focused && isNaN(v)){
- v = this._parser(value, constraints); // parse w/o editOptions: not technically needed but is nice for the user
- }
- return v;
- },
- _getDisplayedValueAttr: function(){
- var v = this.inherited(arguments);
- return isNaN(v) ? this.textbox.value : v;
- },
- filter: function(/*Number*/ value){
- // summary:
- // This is called with both the display value (string), and the actual value (a number).
- // When called with the actual value it does corrections so that '' etc. are represented as NaN.
- // Otherwise it dispatches to the superclass's filter() method.
- //
- // See `dijit.form.TextBox.filter` for more details.
- return (value === null || value === '' || value === undefined) ? NaN : this.inherited(arguments); // set('value', null||''||undefined) should fire onChange(NaN)
- },
- serialize: function(/*Number*/ value, /*Object?*/ options){
- // summary:
- // Convert value (a Number) into a canonical string (ie, how the number literal is written in javascript/java/C/etc.)
- // tags:
- // protected
- return (typeof value != "number" || isNaN(value)) ? '' : this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _setBlurValue: function(){
- var val = lang.hitch(lang.mixin({}, this, { focused: true }), "get")('value'); // parse with editOptions
- this._setValueAttr(val, true);
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*Number*/ value, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange, /*String?*/ formattedValue){
- // summary:
- // Hook so set('value', ...) works.
- if(value !== undefined && formattedValue === undefined){
- formattedValue = String(value);
- if(typeof value == "number"){
- if(isNaN(value)){ formattedValue = '' }
- // check for exponential notation that number.format chokes on
- else if(("rangeCheck" in this && this.rangeCheck(value, this.constraints)) || this.constraints.exponent === false || !/\de[-+]?\d/i.test(formattedValue)){
- formattedValue = undefined; // lets format compute a real string value
- }
- }else if(!value){ // 0 processed in if branch above, ''|null|undefined flows through here
- formattedValue = '';
- value = NaN;
- }else{ // non-numeric values
- value = undefined;
- }
- }
- this.inherited(arguments, [value, priorityChange, formattedValue]);
- },
- _getValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hook so get('value') works.
- // Returns Number, NaN for '', or undefined for unparseable text
- var v = this.inherited(arguments); // returns Number for all values accepted by parse() or NaN for all other displayed values
- // If the displayed value of the textbox is gibberish (ex: "hello world"), this.inherited() above
- // returns NaN; this if() branch converts the return value to undefined.
- // Returning undefined prevents user text from being overwritten when doing _setValueAttr(_getValueAttr()).
- // A blank displayed value is still returned as NaN.
- if(isNaN(v) && this.textbox.value !== ''){
- if(this.constraints.exponent !== false && /\de[-+]?\d/i.test(this.textbox.value) && (new RegExp("^"+number._realNumberRegexp(lang.mixin({}, this.constraints))+"$").test(this.textbox.value))){ // check for exponential notation that parse() rejected (erroneously?)
- var n = Number(this.textbox.value);
- return isNaN(n) ? undefined : n; // return exponential Number or undefined for random text (may not be possible to do with the above RegExp check)
- }else{
- return undefined; // gibberish
- }
- }else{
- return v; // Number or NaN for ''
- }
- },
- isValid: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
- // Overrides dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox.isValid to check that the editing-mode value is valid since
- // it may not be formatted according to the regExp validation rules
- if(!this.focused || this._isEmpty(this.textbox.value)){
- return this.inherited(arguments);
- }else{
- var v = this.get('value');
- if(!isNaN(v) && this.rangeCheck(v, this.constraints)){
- if(this.constraints.exponent !== false && /\de[-+]?\d/i.test(this.textbox.value)){ // exponential, parse doesn't like it
- return true; // valid exponential number in range
- }else{
- return this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- }else{
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- NumberTextBoxMixin = dijit.form.NumberTextBoxMixin;
- var NumberTextBox = declare("dijit.form.NumberTextBox", [RangeBoundTextBox,NumberTextBoxMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A TextBox for entering numbers, with formatting and range checking
- // description:
- // NumberTextBox is a textbox for entering and displaying numbers, supporting
- // the following main features:
- //
- // 1. Enforce minimum/maximum allowed values (as well as enforcing that the user types
- // a number rather than a random string)
- // 2. NLS support (altering roles of comma and dot as "thousands-separator" and "decimal-point"
- // depending on locale).
- // 3. Separate modes for editing the value and displaying it, specifically that
- // the thousands separator character (typically comma) disappears when editing
- // but reappears after the field is blurred.
- // 4. Formatting and constraints regarding the number of places (digits after the decimal point)
- // allowed on input, and number of places displayed when blurred (see `constraints` parameter).
- baseClass: "dijitTextBox dijitNumberTextBox"
- });
- NumberTextBox.Mixin = NumberTextBoxMixin; // for monkey patching
- return NumberTextBox;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/RadioButton.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/RadioButton.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e1a67d26..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/RadioButton.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/RadioButton", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "./CheckBox",
- "./_RadioButtonMixin"
-], function(declare, CheckBox, _RadioButtonMixin){
- var CheckBox = dijit.form.CheckBox;
- var _RadioButtonMixin = dijit.form._RadioButtonMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/RadioButton
- // summary:
- // Radio button widget
- return declare("dijit.form.RadioButton", [CheckBox, _RadioButtonMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Same as an HTML radio, but with fancy styling.
- baseClass: "dijitRadio"
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/RangeBoundTextBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/RangeBoundTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6283f8b56..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/RangeBoundTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/RangeBoundTextBox", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "./MappedTextBox"
-], function(declare, i18n, MappedTextBox){
- var MappedTextBox = dijit.form.MappedTextBox;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/RangeBoundTextBox
- // summary:
- // Base class for textbox form widgets which defines a range of valid values.
- /*=====
- dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox.__Constraints = function(){
- // min: Number
- // Minimum signed value. Default is -Infinity
- // max: Number
- // Maximum signed value. Default is +Infinity
- this.min = min;
- this.max = max;
- }
- =====*/
- return declare("dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox", MappedTextBox, {
- // summary:
- // Base class for textbox form widgets which defines a range of valid values.
- // rangeMessage: String
- // The message to display if value is out-of-range
- rangeMessage: "",
- /*=====
- // constraints: dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox.__Constraints
- constraints: {},
- ======*/
- rangeCheck: function(/*Number*/ primitive, /*dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox.__Constraints*/ constraints){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function used to validate the range of the numeric input value.
- // tags:
- // protected
- return ("min" in constraints? (,constraints.min) >= 0) : true) &&
- ("max" in constraints? (,constraints.max) <= 0) : true); // Boolean
- },
- isInRange: function(/*Boolean*/ /*===== isFocused =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Tests if the value is in the min/max range specified in constraints
- // tags:
- // protected
- return this.rangeCheck(this.get('value'), this.constraints);
- },
- _isDefinitelyOutOfRange: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns true if the value is out of range and will remain
- // out of range even if the user types more characters
- var val = this.get('value');
- var isTooLittle = false;
- var isTooMuch = false;
- if("min" in this.constraints){
- var min = this.constraints.min;
- min =, ((typeof min == "number") && min >= 0 && val !=0) ? 0 : min);
- isTooLittle = (typeof min == "number") && min < 0;
- }
- if("max" in this.constraints){
- var max = this.constraints.max;
- max =, ((typeof max != "number") || max > 0) ? max : 0);
- isTooMuch = (typeof max == "number") && max > 0;
- }
- return isTooLittle || isTooMuch;
- },
- _isValidSubset: function(){
- // summary:
- // Overrides `dijit.form.ValidationTextBox._isValidSubset`.
- // Returns true if the input is syntactically valid, and either within
- // range or could be made in range by more typing.
- return this.inherited(arguments) && !this._isDefinitelyOutOfRange();
- },
- isValid: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
- // Overrides dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.isValid to check that the value is also in range.
- return this.inherited(arguments) &&
- ((this._isEmpty(this.textbox.value) && !this.required) || this.isInRange(isFocused)); // Boolean
- },
- getErrorMessage: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
- // Overrides dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.getErrorMessage to print "out of range" message if appropriate
- var v = this.get('value');
- if(v !== null && v !== '' && v !== undefined && (typeof v != "number" || !isNaN(v)) && !this.isInRange(isFocused)){ // don't check isInRange w/o a real value
- return this.rangeMessage; // String
- }
- return this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(!this.rangeMessage){
- this.messages = i18n.getLocalization("dijit.form", "validate", this.lang);
- this.rangeMessage = this.messages.rangeMessage;
- }
- },
- _setConstraintsAttr: function(/*Object*/ constraints){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.focusNode){ // not set when called from postMixInProperties
- if(this.constraints.min !== undefined){
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-valuemin", this.constraints.min);
- }else{
- this.focusNode.removeAttribute("aria-valuemin");
- }
- if(this.constraints.max !== undefined){
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-valuemax", this.constraints.max);
- }else{
- this.focusNode.removeAttribute("aria-valuemax");
- }
- }
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*Number*/ value, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Hook so set('value', ...) works.
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", value);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- applyTextDir: function(/*===== element, text =====*/){
- // summary:
- // The function overridden in the _BidiSupport module,
- // originally used for setting element.dir according to this.textDir.
- // In this case does nothing.
- // element: Object
- // text: String
- // tags:
- // protected.
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/Select.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/Select.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 86abb8349..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/Select.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/form/templates/Select.html':"<table class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitLeft\"\n\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"_buttonNode,tableNode,focusNode\" cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'\n\trole=\"combobox\" aria-haspopup=\"true\"\n\t><tbody role=\"presentation\"><tr role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset dijitStretch dijitButtonContents dijitButtonNode\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t\t><span class=\"dijitReset dijitInline dijitButtonText\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode,_popupStateNode\"></span\n\t\t\t><input type=\"hidden\" ${!nameAttrSetting} data-dojo-attach-point=\"valueNode\" value=\"${value}\" aria-hidden=\"true\"\n\t\t/></td><td class=\"dijitReset dijitRight dijitButtonNode dijitArrowButton dijitDownArrowButton\"\n\t\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"titleNode\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitArrowButtonInner\" role=\"presentation\"></div\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitArrowButtonChar\" role=\"presentation\">&#9660;</div\n\t\t></td\n\t></tr></tbody\n></table>\n"}});
-define("dijit/form/Select", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove domClass.toggle
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.setMarginBox
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "./_FormSelectWidget",
- "../_HasDropDown",
- "../Menu",
- "../MenuItem",
- "../MenuSeparator",
- "../Tooltip",
- "dojo/text!./templates/Select.html",
- "dojo/i18n!./nls/validate"
-], function(array, declare, domAttr, domClass, domConstruct, domGeometry, event, i18n, lang,
- _FormSelectWidget, _HasDropDown, Menu, MenuItem, MenuSeparator, Tooltip, template){
- var _FormSelectWidget = dijit.form._FormSelectWidget;
- var _HasDropDown = dijit._HasDropDown;
- var _FormSelectWidget = dijit._FormSelectWidget;
- var Menu = dijit.Menu;
- var MenuItem = dijit.MenuItem;
- var MenuSeparator = dijit.MenuSeparator;
- var Tooltip = dijit.Tooltip;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/Select
-// summary:
-// This is a "styleable" select box - it is basically a DropDownButton which
-// can take a <select> as its input.
-var _SelectMenu = declare("dijit.form._SelectMenu", Menu, {
- // summary:
- // An internally-used menu for dropdown that allows us a vertical scrollbar
- buildRendering: function(){
- // summary:
- // Stub in our own changes, so that our domNode is not a table
- // otherwise, we won't respond correctly to heights/overflows
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var o = (this.menuTableNode = this.domNode);
- var n = (this.domNode = domConstruct.create("div", {style: {overflowX: "hidden", overflowY: "scroll"}}));
- if(o.parentNode){
- o.parentNode.replaceChild(n, o);
- }
- domClass.remove(o, "dijitMenuTable");
- n.className = o.className + " dijitSelectMenu";
- o.className = "dijitReset dijitMenuTable";
- o.setAttribute("role", "listbox");
- n.setAttribute("role", "presentation");
- n.appendChild(o);
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- // summary:
- // stop mousemove from selecting text on IE to be consistent with other browsers
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.connect(this.domNode, "onmousemove", event.stop);
- },
- resize: function(/*Object*/ mb){
- // summary:
- // Overridden so that we are able to handle resizing our
- // internal widget. Note that this is not a "full" resize
- // implementation - it only works correctly if you pass it a
- // marginBox.
- //
- // mb: Object
- // The margin box to set this dropdown to.
- if(mb){
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.domNode, mb);
- if("w" in mb){
- // We've explicitly set the wrapper <div>'s width, so set <table> width to match.
- // 100% is safer than a pixel value because there may be a scroll bar with
- // browser/OS specific width.
- = "100%";
- }
- }
- }
-var Select = declare("dijit.form.Select", [_FormSelectWidget, _HasDropDown], {
- // summary:
- // This is a "styleable" select box - it is basically a DropDownButton which
- // can take a <select> as its input.
- baseClass: "dijitSelect",
- templateString: template,
- // required: Boolean
- // Can be true or false, default is false.
- required: false,
- // state: [readonly] String
- // "Incomplete" if this select is required but unset (i.e. blank value), "" otherwise
- state: "",
- // message: String
- // Currently displayed error/prompt message
- message: "",
- // tooltipPosition: String[]
- // See description of dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition for details on this parameter.
- tooltipPosition: [],
- // emptyLabel: string
- // What to display in an "empty" dropdown
- emptyLabel: "&#160;", // &nbsp;
- // _isLoaded: Boolean
- // Whether or not we have been loaded
- _isLoaded: false,
- // _childrenLoaded: Boolean
- // Whether or not our children have been loaded
- _childrenLoaded: false,
- _fillContent: function(){
- // summary:
- // Set the value to be the first, or the selected index
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // set value from selected option
- if(this.options.length && !this.value && this.srcNodeRef){
- var si = this.srcNodeRef.selectedIndex || 0; // || 0 needed for when srcNodeRef is not a SELECT
- this.value = this.options[si >= 0 ? si : 0].value;
- }
- // Create the dropDown widget
- this.dropDown = new _SelectMenu({id: + "_menu"});
- domClass.add(this.dropDown.domNode, this.baseClass + "Menu");
- },
- _getMenuItemForOption: function(/*dijit.form.__SelectOption*/ option){
- // summary:
- // For the given option, return the menu item that should be
- // used to display it. This can be overridden as needed
- if(!option.value && !option.label){
- // We are a separator (no label set for it)
- return new MenuSeparator();
- }else{
- // Just a regular menu option
- var click = lang.hitch(this, "_setValueAttr", option);
- var item = new MenuItem({
- option: option,
- label: option.label || this.emptyLabel,
- onClick: click,
- disabled: option.disabled || false
- });
- item.focusNode.setAttribute("role", "listitem");
- return item;
- }
- },
- _addOptionItem: function(/*dijit.form.__SelectOption*/ option){
- // summary:
- // For the given option, add an option to our dropdown.
- // If the option doesn't have a value, then a separator is added
- // in that place.
- if(this.dropDown){
- this.dropDown.addChild(this._getMenuItemForOption(option));
- }
- },
- _getChildren: function(){
- if(!this.dropDown){
- return [];
- }
- return this.dropDown.getChildren();
- },
- _loadChildren: function(/*Boolean*/ loadMenuItems){
- // summary:
- // Resets the menu and the length attribute of the button - and
- // ensures that the label is appropriately set.
- // loadMenuItems: Boolean
- // actually loads the child menu items - we only do this when we are
- // populating for showing the dropdown.
- if(loadMenuItems === true){
- // this.inherited destroys this.dropDown's child widgets (MenuItems).
- // Avoid this.dropDown (Menu widget) having a pointer to a destroyed widget (which will cause
- // issues later in _setSelected). (see #10296)
- if(this.dropDown){
- delete this.dropDown.focusedChild;
- }
- if(this.options.length){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }else{
- // Drop down menu is blank but add one blank entry just so something appears on the screen
- // to let users know that they are no choices (mimicing native select behavior)
- array.forEach(this._getChildren(), function(child){ child.destroyRecursive(); });
- var item = new MenuItem({label: "&#160;"});
- this.dropDown.addChild(item);
- }
- }else{
- this._updateSelection();
- }
- this._isLoaded = false;
- this._childrenLoaded = true;
- if(!this._loadingStore){
- // Don't call this if we are loading - since we will handle it later
- this._setValueAttr(this.value);
- }
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(value){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- domAttr.set(this.valueNode, "value", this.get("value"));
- this.validate(this.focused); // to update this.state
- },
- _setDisabledAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.validate(this.focused); // to update this.state
- },
- _setRequiredAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
- this._set("required", value);
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-required", value);
- this.validate(this.focused); // to update this.state
- },
- _setDisplay: function(/*String*/ newDisplay){
- // summary:
- // sets the display for the given value (or values)
- var lbl = newDisplay || this.emptyLabel;
- this.containerNode.innerHTML = '<span class="dijitReset dijitInline ' + this.baseClass + 'Label">' + lbl + '</span>';
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-valuetext", lbl);
- },
- validate: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
- // summary:
- // Called by oninit, onblur, and onkeypress, and whenever required/disabled state changes
- // description:
- // Show missing or invalid messages if appropriate, and highlight textbox field.
- // Used when a select is initially set to no value and the user is required to
- // set the value.
- var isValid = this.disabled || this.isValid(isFocused);
- this._set("state", isValid ? "" : "Incomplete");
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-invalid", isValid ? "false" : "true");
- var message = isValid ? "" : this._missingMsg;
- if(message && this.focused && this._hasBeenBlurred){
-, this.domNode, this.tooltipPosition, !this.isLeftToRight());
- }else{
- Tooltip.hide(this.domNode);
- }
- this._set("message", message);
- return isValid;
- },
- isValid: function(/*Boolean*/ /*===== isFocused =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Whether or not this is a valid value. The only way a Select
- // can be invalid is when it's required but nothing is selected.
- return (!this.required || this.value === 0 || !(/^\s*$/.test(this.value || ""))); // handle value is null or undefined
- },
- reset: function(){
- // summary:
- // Overridden so that the state will be cleared.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- Tooltip.hide(this.domNode);
- this.validate(this.focused); // to update this.state
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // summary:
- // set the missing message
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._missingMsg = i18n.getLocalization("dijit.form", "validate",
- this.lang).missingMessage;
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- // summary:
- // stop mousemove from selecting text on IE to be consistent with other browsers
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.connect(this.domNode, "onmousemove", event.stop);
- },
- _setStyleAttr: function(/*String||Object*/ value){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- domClass.toggle(this.domNode, this.baseClass + "FixedWidth", !!;
- },
- isLoaded: function(){
- return this._isLoaded;
- },
- loadDropDown: function(/*Function*/ loadCallback){
- // summary:
- // populates the menu
- this._loadChildren(true);
- this._isLoaded = true;
- loadCallback();
- },
- closeDropDown: function(){
- // overriding _HasDropDown.closeDropDown()
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.dropDown && this.dropDown.menuTableNode){
- // Erase possible width: 100% setting from _SelectMenu.resize().
- // Leaving it would interfere with the next openDropDown() call, which
- // queries the natural size of the drop down.
- = "";
- }
- },
- uninitialize: function(preserveDom){
- if(this.dropDown && !this.dropDown._destroyed){
- this.dropDown.destroyRecursive(preserveDom);
- delete this.dropDown;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _onFocus: function(){
- this.validate(true); // show tooltip if second focus of required tooltip, but no selection
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _onBlur: function(){
- Tooltip.hide(this.domNode);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
-Select._Menu = _SelectMenu; // for monkey patching
-return Select;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/SimpleTextarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/SimpleTextarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f665857bc..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/SimpleTextarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/SimpleTextarea", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("opera")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.doc.selection win.doc.selection.createRange
- "./TextBox"
-], function(declare, domClass, has, win, TextBox){
- var TextBox = dijit.form.TextBox;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/SimpleTextarea
-// summary:
-// A simple textarea that degrades, and responds to
-// minimal LayoutContainer usage, and works with dijit.form.Form.
-// Doesn't automatically size according to input, like Textarea.
-return declare("dijit.form.SimpleTextarea", TextBox, {
- // summary:
- // A simple textarea that degrades, and responds to
- // minimal LayoutContainer usage, and works with dijit.form.Form.
- // Doesn't automatically size according to input, like Textarea.
- //
- // example:
- // | <textarea data-dojo-type="dijit.form.SimpleTextarea" name="foo" value="bar" rows=30 cols=40></textarea>
- //
- // example:
- // | new dijit.form.SimpleTextarea({ rows:20, cols:30 }, "foo");
- baseClass: "dijitTextBox dijitTextArea",
- // rows: Number
- // The number of rows of text.
- rows: "3",
- // rows: Number
- // The number of characters per line.
- cols: "20",
- templateString: "<textarea ${!nameAttrSetting} data-dojo-attach-point='focusNode,containerNode,textbox' autocomplete='off'></textarea>",
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // Copy value from srcNodeRef, unless user specified a value explicitly (or there is no srcNodeRef)
- // TODO: parser will handle this in 2.0
- if(!this.value && this.srcNodeRef){
- this.value = this.srcNodeRef.value;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(has("ie") && this.cols){ // attribute selectors is not supported in IE6
- domClass.add(this.textbox, "dijitTextAreaCols");
- }
- },
- filter: function(/*String*/ value){
- // Override TextBox.filter to deal with newlines... specifically (IIRC) this is for IE which writes newlines
- // as \r\n instead of just \n
- if(value){
- value = value.replace(/\r/g,"");
- }
- return this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _onInput: function(/*Event?*/ e){
- // Override TextBox._onInput() to enforce maxLength restriction
- if(this.maxLength){
- var maxLength = parseInt(this.maxLength);
- var value = this.textbox.value.replace(/\r/g,'');
- var overflow = value.length - maxLength;
- if(overflow > 0){
- var textarea = this.textbox;
- if(textarea.selectionStart){
- var pos = textarea.selectionStart;
- var cr = 0;
- if(has("opera")){
- cr = (this.textbox.value.substring(0,pos).match(/\r/g) || []).length;
- }
- this.textbox.value = value.substring(0,pos-overflow-cr)+value.substring(pos-cr);
- textarea.setSelectionRange(pos-overflow, pos-overflow);
- }else if(win.doc.selection){ //IE
- textarea.focus();
- var range = win.doc.selection.createRange();
- // delete overflow characters
- range.moveStart("character", -overflow);
- range.text = '';
- // show cursor
- }
- }
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/Slider.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/Slider.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e3c05b84..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/Slider.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/Slider", [
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "./HorizontalSlider",
- "./VerticalSlider",
- "./HorizontalRule",
- "./VerticalRule",
- "./HorizontalRuleLabels",
- "./VerticalRuleLabels"
-], function(kernel){
- // module:
- // dijit/form/Slider
- // summary:
- // Rollup of all the the Slider related widgets
- // For back-compat, remove for 2.0
- kernel.deprecated("Call require() for HorizontalSlider / VerticalRule, explicitly rather than 'dijit.form.Slider' itself", "", "2.0");
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/TextBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/TextBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f8f908d8d..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/TextBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/form/templates/TextBox.html':"<div class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitLeft\" id=\"widget_${id}\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitInputContainer\"\n\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputInner\" data-dojo-attach-point='textbox,focusNode' autocomplete=\"off\"\n\t\t\t${!nameAttrSetting} type='${type}'\n\t/></div\n></div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/form/TextBox", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("mozilla")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.doc.selection.createRange
- "./_FormValueWidget",
- "./_TextBoxMixin",
- "dojo/text!./templates/TextBox.html",
- ".." // to export dijit._setSelectionRange, remove in 2.0
-], function(declare, domConstruct, domStyle, kernel, lang, has, win,
- _FormValueWidget, _TextBoxMixin, template, dijit){
- var _FormValueWidget = dijit.form._FormValueWidget;
- var _TextBoxMixin = dijit.form._TextBoxMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/TextBox
- // summary:
- // A base class for textbox form inputs
- var TextBox = declare(/*====="dijit.form.TextBox", =====*/ [_FormValueWidget, _TextBoxMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A base class for textbox form inputs
- templateString: template,
- _singleNodeTemplate: '<input class="dijit dijitReset dijitLeft dijitInputField" data-dojo-attach-point="textbox,focusNode" autocomplete="off" type="${type}" ${!nameAttrSetting} />',
- _buttonInputDisabled: has("ie") ? "disabled" : "", // allows IE to disallow focus, but Firefox cannot be disabled for mousedown events
- baseClass: "dijitTextBox",
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- var type = this.type.toLowerCase();
- if(this.templateString && this.templateString.toLowerCase() == "input" || ((type == "hidden" || type == "file") && this.templateString == this.constructor.prototype.templateString)){
- this.templateString = this._singleNodeTemplate;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _onInput: function(e){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.intermediateChanges){ // _TextBoxMixin uses onInput
- var _this = this;
- // the setTimeout allows the key to post to the widget input box
- setTimeout(function(){ _this._handleOnChange(_this.get('value'), false); }, 0);
- }
- },
- _setPlaceHolderAttr: function(v){
- this._set("placeHolder", v);
- if(!this._phspan){
- this._attachPoints.push('_phspan');
- // dijitInputField class gives placeHolder same padding as the input field
- // parent node already has dijitInputField class but it doesn't affect this <span>
- // since it's position: absolute.
- this._phspan = domConstruct.create('span',{className:'dijitPlaceHolder dijitInputField'},this.textbox,'after');
- }
- this._phspan.innerHTML="";
- this._phspan.appendChild(document.createTextNode(v));
- this._updatePlaceHolder();
- },
- _updatePlaceHolder: function(){
- if(this._phspan){
- }
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(value, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange, /*String?*/ formattedValue){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._updatePlaceHolder();
- },
- getDisplayedValue: function(){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use get('displayedValue') instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated(this.declaredClass+"::getDisplayedValue() is deprecated. Use set('displayedValue') instead.", "", "2.0");
- return this.get('displayedValue');
- },
- setDisplayedValue: function(/*String*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set('displayedValue', ...) instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- kernel.deprecated(this.declaredClass+"::setDisplayedValue() is deprecated. Use set('displayedValue', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.set('displayedValue', value);
- },
- _onBlur: function(e){
- if(this.disabled){ return; }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._updatePlaceHolder();
- },
- _onFocus: function(/*String*/ by){
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._updatePlaceHolder();
- }
- });
- if(has("ie")){
- TextBox = declare(/*===== "dijit.form.TextBox.IEMixin", =====*/ TextBox, {
- declaredClass: "dijit.form.TextBox", // for user code referencing declaredClass
- _isTextSelected: function(){
- var range = win.doc.selection.createRange();
- var parent = range.parentElement();
- return parent == this.textbox && range.text.length == 0;
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // IE INPUT tag fontFamily has to be set directly using STYLE
- // the setTimeout gives IE a chance to render the TextBox and to deal with font inheritance
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- try{
- var s = domStyle.getComputedStyle(this.domNode); // can throw an exception if widget is immediately destroyed
- if(s){
- var ff = s.fontFamily;
- if(ff){
- var inputs = this.domNode.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
- if(inputs){
- for(var i=0; i < inputs.length; i++){
- inputs[i].style.fontFamily = ff;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }catch(e){/*when used in a Dialog, and this is called before the dialog is
- shown, s.fontFamily would trigger "Invalid Argument" error.*/}
- }), 0);
- }
- });
- // Overrides definition of _setSelectionRange from _TextBoxMixin (TODO: move to _TextBoxMixin.js?)
- dijit._setSelectionRange = _TextBoxMixin._setSelectionRange = function(/*DomNode*/ element, /*Number?*/ start, /*Number?*/ stop){
- if(element.createTextRange){
- var r = element.createTextRange();
- r.collapse(true);
- r.moveStart("character", -99999); // move to 0
- r.moveStart("character", start); // delta from 0 is the correct position
- r.moveEnd("character", stop-start);
- }
- }
- }else if(has("mozilla")){
- TextBox = declare(/*===== "dijit.form.TextBox.MozMixin", =====*/TextBox, {
- declaredClass: "dijit.form.TextBox", // for user code referencing declaredClass
- _onBlur: function(e){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.selectOnClick){
- // clear selection so that the next mouse click doesn't reselect
- this.textbox.selectionStart = this.textbox.selectionEnd = undefined;
- }
- }
- });
- }else{
- TextBox.prototype.declaredClass = "dijit.form.TextBox";
- }
- lang.setObject("dijit.form.TextBox", TextBox); // don't do direct assignment, it confuses API doc parser
- return TextBox;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c99816e72..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/Textarea", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.set
- "./_ExpandingTextAreaMixin",
- "./SimpleTextarea"
-], function(declare, domStyle, _ExpandingTextAreaMixin, SimpleTextarea){
- var _ExpandingTextAreaMixin = dijit.form._ExpandingTextAreaMixin;
- var SimpleTextarea = dijit.form.SimpleTextarea;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/Textarea
-// summary:
-// A textarea widget that adjusts it's height according to the amount of data.
-return declare("dijit.form.Textarea", [SimpleTextarea, _ExpandingTextAreaMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A textarea widget that adjusts it's height according to the amount of data.
- //
- // description:
- // A textarea that dynamically expands/contracts (changing it's height) as
- // the user types, to display all the text without requiring a scroll bar.
- //
- // Takes nearly all the parameters (name, value, etc.) that a vanilla textarea takes.
- // Rows is not supported since this widget adjusts the height.
- //
- // example:
- // | <textarea data-dojo-type="dijit.form.TextArea">...</textarea>
- // TODO: for 2.0, rename this to ExpandingTextArea, and rename SimpleTextarea to TextArea
- baseClass: "dijitTextBox dijitTextArea dijitExpandingTextArea",
- // Override SimpleTextArea.cols to default to width:100%, for backward compatibility
- cols: "",
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // tweak textarea style to reduce browser differences
- domStyle.set(this.textbox, { overflowY: 'hidden', overflowX: 'auto', boxSizing: 'border-box', MsBoxSizing: 'border-box', WebkitBoxSizing: 'border-box', MozBoxSizing: 'border-box' });
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/TimeTextBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/TimeTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 30d80b236..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/TimeTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/TimeTextBox", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/keys", // keys.DOWN_ARROW keys.ENTER keys.ESCAPE keys.TAB keys.UP_ARROW
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "../_TimePicker",
- "./_DateTimeTextBox"
-], function(declare, keys, lang, _TimePicker, _DateTimeTextBox){
- var _TimePicker = dijit._TimePicker;
- var _DateTimeTextBox = dijit.form._DateTimeTextBox;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/TimeTextBox
- // summary:
- // A validating, serializable, range-bound time text box with a drop down time picker
- /*=====
- declare(
- "dijit.form.TimeTextBox.__Constraints",
- [dijit.form._DateTimeTextBox.__Constraints, dijit._TimePicker.__Constraints]
- );
- =====*/
- return declare("dijit.form.TimeTextBox", _DateTimeTextBox, {
- // summary:
- // A validating, serializable, range-bound time text box with a drop down time picker
- baseClass: "dijitTextBox dijitComboBox dijitTimeTextBox",
- popupClass: _TimePicker,
- _selector: "time",
- // constraints: dijit.form.TimeTextBox.__Constraints
- constraints:{},
- // value: Date
- // The value of this widget as a JavaScript Date object. Note that the date portion implies time zone and daylight savings rules.
- //
- // Example:
- // | new dijit.form.TimeTextBox({value: stamp.fromISOString("T12:59:59", new Date())})
- //
- // When passed to the parser in markup, must be specified according to locale-independent
- // `stamp.fromISOString` format.
- //
- // Example:
- // | <input data-dojo-type='dijit.form.TimeTextBox' value='T12:34:00'>
- value: new Date(""), // value.toString()="NaN"
- //FIXME: in markup, you have no control over daylight savings
- _onKey: function(evt){
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // If the user has backspaced or typed some numbers, then filter the result list
- // by what they typed. Maybe there's a better way to detect this, like _handleOnChange()?
- switch(evt.keyCode){
- case keys.ENTER:
- case keys.TAB:
- case keys.ESCAPE:
- case keys.DOWN_ARROW:
- case keys.UP_ARROW:
- // these keys have special meaning
- break;
- default:
- // setTimeout() because the keystroke hasn't yet appeared in the <input>,
- // so the get('displayedValue') call below won't give the result we want.
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
- // set this.filterString to the filter to apply to the drop down list;
- // it will be used in openDropDown()
- var val = this.get('displayedValue');
- this.filterString = (val && !this.parse(val, this.constraints)) ? val.toLowerCase() : "";
- // close the drop down and reopen it, in order to filter the items shown in the list
- // and also since the drop down may need to be repositioned if the number of list items has changed
- // and it's being displayed above the <input>
- if(this._opened){
- this.closeDropDown();
- }
- this.openDropDown();
- }), 0);
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/ToggleButton.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/ToggleButton.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 21ee070cb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/ToggleButton.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/ToggleButton", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "./Button",
- "./_ToggleButtonMixin"
-], function(declare, kernel, Button, _ToggleButtonMixin){
- var Button = dijit.form.Button;
- var _ToggleButtonMixin = dijit.form._ToggleButtonMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/ToggleButton
- // summary:
- // A templated button widget that can be in two states (checked or not).
- return declare("dijit.form.ToggleButton", [Button, _ToggleButtonMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A templated button widget that can be in two states (checked or not).
- // Can be base class for things like tabs or checkbox or radio buttons
- baseClass: "dijitToggleButton",
- setChecked: function(/*Boolean*/ checked){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set('checked', true/false) instead.
- kernel.deprecated("setChecked("+checked+") is deprecated. Use set('checked',"+checked+") instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.set('checked', checked);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/ValidationTextBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/ValidationTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b9a0b42f6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/ValidationTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/form/templates/ValidationTextBox.html':"<div class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitLeft\"\n\tid=\"widget_${id}\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t><div class='dijitReset dijitValidationContainer'\n\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitValidationIcon dijitValidationInner\" value=\"&#935; \" type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"-1\" readonly=\"readonly\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t/></div\n\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitInputContainer\"\n\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputInner\" data-dojo-attach-point='textbox,focusNode' autocomplete=\"off\"\n\t\t\t${!nameAttrSetting} type='${type}'\n\t/></div\n></div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/form/ValidationTextBox", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "./TextBox",
- "../Tooltip",
- "dojo/text!./templates/ValidationTextBox.html",
- "dojo/i18n!./nls/validate"
-], function(declare, i18n, TextBox, Tooltip, template){
- var Tooltip = dijit.Tooltip;
- var TextBox = dijit.form.TextBox;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/ValidationTextBox
- // summary:
- // Base class for textbox widgets with the ability to validate content of various types and provide user feedback.
- /*=====
- dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.__Constraints = function(){
- // locale: String
- // locale used for validation, picks up value from this widget's lang attribute
- // _flags_: anything
- // various flags passed to regExpGen function
- this.locale = "";
- this._flags_ = "";
- }
- =====*/
- return declare("dijit.form.ValidationTextBox", TextBox, {
- // summary:
- // Base class for textbox widgets with the ability to validate content of various types and provide user feedback.
- // tags:
- // protected
- templateString: template,
- baseClass: "dijitTextBox dijitValidationTextBox",
- // required: Boolean
- // User is required to enter data into this field.
- required: false,
- // promptMessage: String
- // If defined, display this hint string immediately on focus to the textbox, if empty.
- // Also displays if the textbox value is Incomplete (not yet valid but will be with additional input).
- // Think of this like a tooltip that tells the user what to do, not an error message
- // that tells the user what they've done wrong.
- //
- // Message disappears when user starts typing.
- promptMessage: "",
- // invalidMessage: String
- // The message to display if value is invalid.
- // The translated string value is read from the message file by default.
- // Set to "" to use the promptMessage instead.
- invalidMessage: "$_unset_$",
- // missingMessage: String
- // The message to display if value is empty and the field is required.
- // The translated string value is read from the message file by default.
- // Set to "" to use the invalidMessage instead.
- missingMessage: "$_unset_$",
- // message: String
- // Currently error/prompt message.
- // When using the default tooltip implementation, this will only be
- // displayed when the field is focused.
- message: "",
- // constraints: dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.__Constraints
- // user-defined object needed to pass parameters to the validator functions
- constraints: {},
- // regExp: [extension protected] String
- // regular expression string used to validate the input
- // Do not specify both regExp and regExpGen
- regExp: ".*",
- regExpGen: function(/*dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.__Constraints*/ /*===== constraints =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function used to generate regExp when dependent on constraints.
- // Do not specify both regExp and regExpGen.
- // tags:
- // extension protected
- return this.regExp; // String
- },
- // state: [readonly] String
- // Shows current state (ie, validation result) of input (""=Normal, Incomplete, or Error)
- state: "",
- // tooltipPosition: String[]
- // See description of `dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition` for details on this parameter.
- tooltipPosition: [],
- _setValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hook so set('value', ...) works.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.validate(this.focused);
- },
- validator: function(/*anything*/ value, /*dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.__Constraints*/ constraints){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function used to validate the text input against the regular expression.
- // tags:
- // protected
- return (new RegExp("^(?:" + this.regExpGen(constraints) + ")"+(this.required?"":"?")+"$")).test(value) &&
- (!this.required || !this._isEmpty(value)) &&
- (this._isEmpty(value) || this.parse(value, constraints) !== undefined); // Boolean
- },
- _isValidSubset: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns true if the value is either already valid or could be made valid by appending characters.
- // This is used for validation while the user [may be] still typing.
- return == 0;
- },
- isValid: function(/*Boolean*/ /*===== isFocused =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Tests if value is valid.
- // Can override with your own routine in a subclass.
- // tags:
- // protected
- return this.validator(this.textbox.value, this.constraints);
- },
- _isEmpty: function(value){
- // summary:
- // Checks for whitespace
- return (this.trim ? /^\s*$/ : /^$/).test(value); // Boolean
- },
- getErrorMessage: function(/*Boolean*/ /*===== isFocused =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Return an error message to show if appropriate
- // tags:
- // protected
- return (this.required && this._isEmpty(this.textbox.value)) ? this.missingMessage : this.invalidMessage; // String
- },
- getPromptMessage: function(/*Boolean*/ /*===== isFocused =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Return a hint message to show when widget is first focused
- // tags:
- // protected
- return this.promptMessage; // String
- },
- _maskValidSubsetError: true,
- validate: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
- // summary:
- // Called by oninit, onblur, and onkeypress.
- // description:
- // Show missing or invalid messages if appropriate, and highlight textbox field.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var message = "";
- var isValid = this.disabled || this.isValid(isFocused);
- if(isValid){ this._maskValidSubsetError = true; }
- var isEmpty = this._isEmpty(this.textbox.value);
- var isValidSubset = !isValid && isFocused && this._isValidSubset();
- this._set("state", isValid ? "" : (((((!this._hasBeenBlurred || isFocused) && isEmpty) || isValidSubset) && this._maskValidSubsetError) ? "Incomplete" : "Error"));
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-invalid", isValid ? "false" : "true");
- if(this.state == "Error"){
- this._maskValidSubsetError = isFocused && isValidSubset; // we want the error to show up after a blur and refocus
- message = this.getErrorMessage(isFocused);
- }else if(this.state == "Incomplete"){
- message = this.getPromptMessage(isFocused); // show the prompt whenever the value is not yet complete
- this._maskValidSubsetError = !this._hasBeenBlurred || isFocused; // no Incomplete warnings while focused
- }else if(isEmpty){
- message = this.getPromptMessage(isFocused); // show the prompt whenever there's no error and no text
- }
- this.set("message", message);
- return isValid;
- },
- displayMessage: function(/*String*/ message){
- // summary:
- // Overridable method to display validation errors/hints.
- // By default uses a tooltip.
- // tags:
- // extension
- if(message && this.focused){
-, this.domNode, this.tooltipPosition, !this.isLeftToRight());
- }else{
- Tooltip.hide(this.domNode);
- }
- },
- _refreshState: function(){
- // Overrides TextBox._refreshState()
- this.validate(this.focused);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- //////////// INITIALIZATION METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////
- constructor: function(){
- this.constraints = {};
- },
- _setConstraintsAttr: function(/*Object*/ constraints){
- if(!constraints.locale && this.lang){
- constraints.locale = this.lang;
- }
- this._set("constraints", constraints);
- this._computePartialRE();
- },
- _computePartialRE: function(){
- var p = this.regExpGen(this.constraints);
- this.regExp = p;
- var partialre = "";
- // parse the regexp and produce a new regexp that matches valid subsets
- // if the regexp is .* then there's no use in matching subsets since everything is valid
- if(p != ".*"){ this.regExp.replace(/\\.|\[\]|\[.*?[^\\]{1}\]|\{.*?\}|\(\?[=:!]|./g,
- function(re){
- switch(re.charAt(0)){
- case '{':
- case '+':
- case '?':
- case '*':
- case '^':
- case '$':
- case '|':
- case '(':
- partialre += re;
- break;
- case ")":
- partialre += "|$)";
- break;
- default:
- partialre += "(?:"+re+"|$)";
- break;
- }
- }
- );}
- try{ // this is needed for now since the above regexp parsing needs more test verification
- "".search(partialre);
- }catch(e){ // should never be here unless the original RE is bad or the parsing is bad
- partialre = this.regExp;
- console.warn('RegExp error in ' + this.declaredClass + ': ' + this.regExp);
- } // should never be here unless the original RE is bad or the parsing is bad
- this._partialre = "^(?:" + partialre + ")$";
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.messages = i18n.getLocalization("dijit.form", "validate", this.lang);
- if(this.invalidMessage == "$_unset_$"){ this.invalidMessage = this.messages.invalidMessage; }
- if(!this.invalidMessage){ this.invalidMessage = this.promptMessage; }
- if(this.missingMessage == "$_unset_$"){ this.missingMessage = this.messages.missingMessage; }
- if(!this.missingMessage){ this.missingMessage = this.invalidMessage; }
- this._setConstraintsAttr(this.constraints); // this needs to happen now (and later) due to codependency on _set*Attr calls attachPoints
- },
- _setDisabledAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
- this.inherited(arguments); // call FormValueWidget._setDisabledAttr()
- this._refreshState();
- },
- _setRequiredAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
- this._set("required", value);
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-required", value);
- this._refreshState();
- },
- _setMessageAttr: function(/*String*/ message){
- this._set("message", message);
- this.displayMessage(message);
- },
- reset:function(){
- // Overrides dijit.form.TextBox.reset() by also
- // hiding errors about partial matches
- this._maskValidSubsetError = true;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _onBlur: function(){
- // the message still exists but for back-compat, and to erase the tooltip
- // (if the message is being displayed as a tooltip), call displayMessage('')
- this.displayMessage('');
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/VerticalRule.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/VerticalRule.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dd568d827..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/VerticalRule.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/VerticalRule", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "./HorizontalRule"
-], function(declare, HorizontalRule){
- var HorizontalRule = dijit.form.HorizontalRule;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/VerticalRule
- // summary:
- // Hash marks for the `dijit.form.VerticalSlider`
- return declare("dijit.form.VerticalRule", HorizontalRule, {
- // summary:
- // Hash marks for the `dijit.form.VerticalSlider`
- templateString: '<div class="dijitRuleContainer dijitRuleContainerV"></div>',
- _positionPrefix: '<div class="dijitRuleMark dijitRuleMarkV" style="top:',
- /*=====
- // container: String
- // This is either "leftDecoration" or "rightDecoration",
- // to indicate whether this rule goes to the left or to the right of the slider.
- // Note that on RTL system, "leftDecoration" would actually go to the right, and vice-versa.
- container: "",
- =====*/
- // Overrides HorizontalRule._isHorizontal
- _isHorizontal: false
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/VerticalRuleLabels.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/VerticalRuleLabels.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 45d8f41d8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/VerticalRuleLabels.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/VerticalRuleLabels", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "./HorizontalRuleLabels"
-], function(declare, HorizontalRuleLabels){
- var HorizontalRuleLabels = dijit.form.HorizontalRuleLabels;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/VerticalRuleLabels
- // summary:
- // Labels for the `dijit.form.VerticalSlider`
- return declare("dijit.form.VerticalRuleLabels", HorizontalRuleLabels, {
- // summary:
- // Labels for the `dijit.form.VerticalSlider`
- templateString: '<div class="dijitRuleContainer dijitRuleContainerV dijitRuleLabelsContainer dijitRuleLabelsContainerV"></div>',
- _positionPrefix: '<div class="dijitRuleLabelContainer dijitRuleLabelContainerV" style="top:',
- _labelPrefix: '"><span class="dijitRuleLabel dijitRuleLabelV">',
- _calcPosition: function(pos){
- // Overrides HorizontalRuleLabel._calcPosition()
- return 100-pos;
- },
- // needed to prevent labels from being reversed in RTL mode
- _isHorizontal: false
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/VerticalSlider.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/VerticalSlider.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 691441d02..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/VerticalSlider.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/form/templates/VerticalSlider.html':"<table class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitSlider dijitSliderV\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" rules=\"none\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onkeypress:_onKeyPress,onkeyup:_onKeyUp\"\n\t><tr class=\"dijitReset\"\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\"></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset dijitSliderButtonContainer dijitSliderButtonContainerV\"\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitSliderIncrementIconV\" style=\"display:none\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"decrementButton\"><span class=\"dijitSliderButtonInner\">+</span></div\n\t\t></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\"></td\n\t></tr\n\t><tr class=\"dijitReset\"\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\"></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\"\n\t\t\t><center><div class=\"dijitSliderBar dijitSliderBumper dijitSliderBumperV dijitSliderTopBumper\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"press:_onClkIncBumper\"></div></center\n\t\t></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\"></td\n\t></tr\n\t><tr class=\"dijitReset\"\n\t\t><td data-dojo-attach-point=\"leftDecoration\" class=\"dijitReset dijitSliderDecoration dijitSliderDecorationL dijitSliderDecorationV\"></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset dijitSliderDecorationC\" style=\"height:100%;\"\n\t\t\t><input data-dojo-attach-point=\"valueNode\" type=\"hidden\" ${!nameAttrSetting}\n\t\t\t/><center class=\"dijitReset dijitSliderBarContainerV\" role=\"presentation\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"sliderBarContainer\"\n\t\t\t\t><div role=\"presentation\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"remainingBar\" class=\"dijitSliderBar dijitSliderBarV dijitSliderRemainingBar dijitSliderRemainingBarV\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"press:_onBarClick\"><!--#5629--></div\n\t\t\t\t><div role=\"presentation\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"progressBar\" class=\"dijitSliderBar dijitSliderBarV dijitSliderProgressBar dijitSliderProgressBarV\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"press:_onBarClick\"\n\t\t\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitSliderMoveable dijitSliderMoveableV\" style=\"vertical-align:top;\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t><div data-dojo-attach-point=\"sliderHandle,focusNode\" class=\"dijitSliderImageHandle dijitSliderImageHandleV\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"press:_onHandleClick\" role=\"slider\" valuemin=\"${minimum}\" valuemax=\"${maximum}\"></div\n\t\t\t\t\t></div\n\t\t\t\t></div\n\t\t\t></center\n\t\t></td\n\t\t><td data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode,rightDecoration\" class=\"dijitReset dijitSliderDecoration dijitSliderDecorationR dijitSliderDecorationV\"></td\n\t></tr\n\t><tr class=\"dijitReset\"\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\"></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\"\n\t\t\t><center><div class=\"dijitSliderBar dijitSliderBumper dijitSliderBumperV dijitSliderBottomBumper\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"press:_onClkDecBumper\"></div></center\n\t\t></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\"></td\n\t></tr\n\t><tr class=\"dijitReset\"\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\"></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset dijitSliderButtonContainer dijitSliderButtonContainerV\"\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitSliderDecrementIconV\" style=\"display:none\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"incrementButton\"><span class=\"dijitSliderButtonInner\">-</span></div\n\t\t></td\n\t\t><td class=\"dijitReset\"></td\n\t></tr\n></table>\n"}});
-define("dijit/form/VerticalSlider", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "./HorizontalSlider",
- "dojo/text!./templates/VerticalSlider.html"
-], function(declare, HorizontalSlider, template){
- var HorizontalSlider = dijit.form.HorizontalSlider;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/VerticalSlider
- // summary:
- // A form widget that allows one to select a value with a vertically draggable handle
- return declare("dijit.form.VerticalSlider", HorizontalSlider, {
- // summary:
- // A form widget that allows one to select a value with a vertically draggable handle
- templateString: template,
- _mousePixelCoord: "pageY",
- _pixelCount: "h",
- _startingPixelCoord: "y",
- _handleOffsetCoord: "top",
- _progressPixelSize: "height",
- // _descending: Boolean
- // Specifies if the slider values go from high-on-top (true), or low-on-top (false)
- // TODO: expose this in 1.2 - the css progress/remaining bar classes need to be reversed
- _descending: true,
- _isReversed: function(){
- // summary:
- // Overrides HorizontalSlider._isReversed.
- // Indicates if values are high on top (with low numbers on the bottom).
- return this._descending;
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_AutoCompleterMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_AutoCompleterMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 57cbb27b6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_AutoCompleterMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,765 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_AutoCompleterMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/connect", // keys keys.SHIFT
- "dojo/data/util/filter", // patternToRegExp
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/Deferred", // Deferred.when
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.get
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys",
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.clone lang.hitch
- "dojo/query", // query
- "dojo/regexp", // regexp.escapeString
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "dojo/string", // string.substitute
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.doc.selection.createRange
- "./DataList",
- "../registry", // registry.byId
- "./_TextBoxMixin" // defines _TextBoxMixin.selectInputText
-], function(connect, filter, declare, Deferred, domAttr, event, keys, lang, query, regexp, has, string, win,
- DataList, registry, _TextBoxMixin){
- // module:
- // dijit/form/_AutoCompleterMixin
- // summary:
- // A mixin that implements the base functionality for `dijit.form.ComboBox`/`dijit.form.FilteringSelect`
- return declare("dijit.form._AutoCompleterMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // A mixin that implements the base functionality for `dijit.form.ComboBox`/`dijit.form.FilteringSelect`
- // description:
- // All widgets that mix in dijit.form._AutoCompleterMixin must extend `dijit.form._FormValueWidget`.
- // tags:
- // protected
- // item: Object
- // This is the item returned by the implementation that
- // provides the data for this ComboBox, it's the currently selected item.
- item: null,
- // pageSize: Integer
- // Argument to data provider.
- // Specifies number of search results per page (before hitting "next" button)
- pageSize: Infinity,
- // store: [const]
- // Reference to data provider object used by this ComboBox
- store: null,
- // fetchProperties: Object
- // Mixin to the store's fetch.
- // For example, to set the sort order of the ComboBox menu, pass:
- // | { sort: [{attribute:"name",descending: true}] }
- // To override the default queryOptions so that deep=false, do:
- // | { queryOptions: {ignoreCase: true, deep: false} }
- fetchProperties:{},
- // query: Object
- // A query that can be passed to 'store' to initially filter the items,
- // before doing further filtering based on `searchAttr` and the key.
- // Any reference to the `searchAttr` is ignored.
- query: {},
- // autoComplete: Boolean
- // If user types in a partial string, and then tab out of the `<input>` box,
- // automatically copy the first entry displayed in the drop down list to
- // the `<input>` field
- autoComplete: true,
- // highlightMatch: String
- // One of: "first", "all" or "none".
- //
- // If the ComboBox/FilteringSelect opens with the search results and the searched
- // string can be found, it will be highlighted. If set to "all"
- // then will probably want to change `queryExpr` parameter to '*${0}*'
- //
- // Highlighting is only performed when `labelType` is "text", so as to not
- // interfere with any HTML markup an HTML label might contain.
- highlightMatch: "first",
- // searchDelay: Integer
- // Delay in milliseconds between when user types something and we start
- // searching based on that value
- searchDelay: 100,
- // searchAttr: String
- // Search for items in the data store where this attribute (in the item)
- // matches what the user typed
- searchAttr: "name",
- // labelAttr: String?
- // The entries in the drop down list come from this attribute in the
- // items.
- // If not specified, the searchAttr attribute is used instead.
- labelAttr: "",
- // labelType: String
- // Specifies how to interpret the labelAttr in the data store items.
- // Can be "html" or "text".
- labelType: "text",
- // queryExpr: String
- // This specifies what query ComboBox/FilteringSelect sends to the data store,
- // based on what the user has typed. Changing this expression will modify
- // whether the drop down shows only exact matches, a "starting with" match,
- // etc. Use it in conjunction with highlightMatch.
- // query expression pattern.
- // `${0}` will be substituted for the user text.
- // `*` is used for wildcards.
- // `${0}*` means "starts with", `*${0}*` means "contains", `${0}` means "is"
- queryExpr: "${0}*",
- // ignoreCase: Boolean
- // Set true if the ComboBox/FilteringSelect should ignore case when matching possible items
- ignoreCase: true,
- // Flags to _HasDropDown to limit height of drop down to make it fit in viewport
- maxHeight: -1,
- // For backwards compatibility let onClick events propagate, even clicks on the down arrow button
- _stopClickEvents: false,
- _getCaretPos: function(/*DomNode*/ element){
- // khtml 3.5.2 has selection* methods as does webkit nightlies from 2005-06-22
- var pos = 0;
- if(typeof(element.selectionStart) == "number"){
- // FIXME: this is totally borked on Moz < 1.3. Any recourse?
- pos = element.selectionStart;
- }else if(has("ie")){
- // in the case of a mouse click in a popup being handled,
- // then the win.doc.selection is not the textarea, but the popup
- // var r = win.doc.selection.createRange();
- // hack to get IE 6 to play nice. What a POS browser.
- var tr = win.doc.selection.createRange().duplicate();
- var ntr = element.createTextRange();
- tr.move("character",0);
- ntr.move("character",0);
- try{
- // If control doesn't have focus, you get an exception.
- // Seems to happen on reverse-tab, but can also happen on tab (seems to be a race condition - only happens sometimes).
- // There appears to be no workaround for this - googled for quite a while.
- ntr.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", tr);
- pos = String(ntr.text).replace(/\r/g,"").length;
- }catch(e){
- // If focus has shifted, 0 is fine for caret pos.
- }
- }
- return pos;
- },
- _setCaretPos: function(/*DomNode*/ element, /*Number*/ location){
- location = parseInt(location);
- _TextBoxMixin.selectInputText(element, location, location);
- },
- _setDisabledAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
- // Additional code to set disabled state of ComboBox node.
- // Overrides _FormValueWidget._setDisabledAttr() or ValidationTextBox._setDisabledAttr().
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-disabled", value);
- },
- _abortQuery: function(){
- // stop in-progress query
- if(this.searchTimer){
- clearTimeout(this.searchTimer);
- this.searchTimer = null;
- }
- if(this._fetchHandle){
- if(this._fetchHandle.cancel){
- this._cancelingQuery = true;
- this._fetchHandle.cancel();
- this._cancelingQuery = false;
- }
- this._fetchHandle = null;
- }
- },
- _onInput: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handles paste events
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(evt.charOrCode == 229){ // IME or cut/paste event
- this._onKey(evt);
- }
- },
- _onKey: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Handles keyboard events
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; }
- var key = evt.charOrCode;
- // except for cutting/pasting case - ctrl + x/v
- if(evt.altKey || ((evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey) && (key != 'x' && key != 'v')) || key == keys.SHIFT){
- return; // throw out weird key combinations and spurious events
- }
- var doSearch = false;
- var pw = this.dropDown;
- var highlighted = null;
- this._prev_key_backspace = false;
- this._abortQuery();
- // _HasDropDown will do some of the work:
- // 1. when drop down is not yet shown:
- // - if user presses the down arrow key, call loadDropDown()
- // 2. when drop down is already displayed:
- // - on ESC key, call closeDropDown()
- // - otherwise, call dropDown.handleKey() to process the keystroke
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this._opened){
- highlighted = pw.getHighlightedOption();
- }
- switch(key){
- case keys.PAGE_DOWN:
- case keys.DOWN_ARROW:
- case keys.PAGE_UP:
- case keys.UP_ARROW:
- // Keystroke caused ComboBox_menu to move to a different item.
- // Copy new item to <input> box.
- if(this._opened){
- this._announceOption(highlighted);
- }
- event.stop(evt);
- break;
- case keys.ENTER:
- // prevent submitting form if user presses enter. Also
- // prevent accepting the value if either Next or Previous
- // are selected
- if(highlighted){
- // only stop event on prev/next
- if(highlighted == pw.nextButton){
- this._nextSearch(1);
- event.stop(evt);
- break;
- }else if(highlighted == pw.previousButton){
- this._nextSearch(-1);
- event.stop(evt);
- break;
- }
- }else{
- // Update 'value' (ex: KY) according to currently displayed text
- this._setBlurValue(); // set value if needed
- this._setCaretPos(this.focusNode, this.focusNode.value.length); // move cursor to end and cancel highlighting
- }
- // default case:
- // if enter pressed while drop down is open, or for FilteringSelect,
- // if we are in the middle of a query to convert a directly typed in value to an item,
- // prevent submit
- if(this._opened || this._fetchHandle){
- event.stop(evt);
- }
- // fall through
- case keys.TAB:
- var newvalue = this.get('displayedValue');
- // if the user had More Choices selected fall into the
- // _onBlur handler
- if(pw && (
- newvalue == pw._messages["previousMessage"] ||
- newvalue == pw._messages["nextMessage"])
- ){
- break;
- }
- if(highlighted){
- this._selectOption(highlighted);
- }
- // fall through
- case keys.ESCAPE:
- if(this._opened){
- this._lastQuery = null; // in case results come back later
- this.closeDropDown();
- }
- break;
- case ' ':
- if(highlighted){
- // user is effectively clicking a choice in the drop down menu
- event.stop(evt);
- this._selectOption(highlighted);
- this.closeDropDown();
- }else{
- // user typed a space into the input box, treat as normal character
- doSearch = true;
- }
- break;
- case keys.DELETE:
- case keys.BACKSPACE:
- this._prev_key_backspace = true;
- doSearch = true;
- break;
- default:
- // Non char keys (F1-F12 etc..) shouldn't open list.
- // Ascii characters and IME input (Chinese, Japanese etc.) should.
- //IME input produces keycode == 229.
- doSearch = typeof key == 'string' || key == 229;
- }
- if(doSearch){
- // need to wait a tad before start search so that the event
- // bubbles through DOM and we have value visible
- this.item = undefined; // undefined means item needs to be set
- this.searchTimer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, "_startSearchFromInput"),1);
- }
- },
- _autoCompleteText: function(/*String*/ text){
- // summary:
- // Fill in the textbox with the first item from the drop down
- // list, and highlight the characters that were
- // auto-completed. For example, if user typed "CA" and the
- // drop down list appeared, the textbox would be changed to
- // "California" and "ifornia" would be highlighted.
- var fn = this.focusNode;
- // IE7: clear selection so next highlight works all the time
- _TextBoxMixin.selectInputText(fn, fn.value.length);
- // does text autoComplete the value in the textbox?
- var caseFilter = this.ignoreCase? 'toLowerCase' : 'substr';
- if(text[caseFilter](0).indexOf(this.focusNode.value[caseFilter](0)) == 0){
- var cpos = this.autoComplete ? this._getCaretPos(fn) : fn.value.length;
- // only try to extend if we added the last character at the end of the input
- if((cpos+1) > fn.value.length){
- // only add to input node as we would overwrite Capitalisation of chars
- // actually, that is ok
- fn.value = text;//.substr(cpos);
- // visually highlight the autocompleted characters
- _TextBoxMixin.selectInputText(fn, cpos);
- }
- }else{
- // text does not autoComplete; replace the whole value and highlight
- fn.value = text;
- _TextBoxMixin.selectInputText(fn);
- }
- },
- _openResultList: function(/*Object*/ results, /*Object*/ query, /*Object*/ options){
- // summary:
- // Callback when a search completes.
- // description:
- // 1. generates drop-down list and calls _showResultList() to display it
- // 2. if this result list is from user pressing "more choices"/"previous choices"
- // then tell screen reader to announce new option
- this._fetchHandle = null;
- if( this.disabled ||
- this.readOnly ||
- (query[this.searchAttr] !== this._lastQuery) // TODO: better way to avoid getting unwanted notify
- ){
- return;
- }
- var wasSelected = this.dropDown.getHighlightedOption();
- this.dropDown.clearResultList();
- if(!results.length && options.start == 0){ // if no results and not just the previous choices button
- this.closeDropDown();
- return;
- }
- // Fill in the textbox with the first item from the drop down list,
- // and highlight the characters that were auto-completed. For
- // example, if user typed "CA" and the drop down list appeared, the
- // textbox would be changed to "California" and "ifornia" would be
- // highlighted.
- var nodes = this.dropDown.createOptions(
- results,
- options,
- lang.hitch(this, "_getMenuLabelFromItem")
- );
- // show our list (only if we have content, else nothing)
- this._showResultList();
- // #4091:
- // tell the screen reader that the paging callback finished by
- // shouting the next choice
- if(options.direction){
- if(1 == options.direction){
- this.dropDown.highlightFirstOption();
- }else if(-1 == options.direction){
- this.dropDown.highlightLastOption();
- }
- if(wasSelected){
- this._announceOption(this.dropDown.getHighlightedOption());
- }
- }else if(this.autoComplete && !this._prev_key_backspace
- // when the user clicks the arrow button to show the full list,
- // startSearch looks for "*".
- // it does not make sense to autocomplete
- // if they are just previewing the options available.
- && !/^[*]+$/.test(query[this.searchAttr].toString())){
- this._announceOption(nodes[1]); // 1st real item
- }
- },
- _showResultList: function(){
- // summary:
- // Display the drop down if not already displayed, or if it is displayed, then
- // reposition it if necessary (reposition may be necessary if drop down's height changed).
- this.closeDropDown(true);
- this.openDropDown();
- this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");
- },
- loadDropDown: function(/*Function*/ /*===== callback =====*/){
- // Overrides _HasDropDown.loadDropDown().
- // This is called when user has pressed button icon or pressed the down arrow key
- // to open the drop down.
- this._startSearchAll();
- },
- isLoaded: function(){
- // signal to _HasDropDown that it needs to call loadDropDown() to load the
- // drop down asynchronously before displaying it
- return false;
- },
- closeDropDown: function(){
- // Overrides _HasDropDown.closeDropDown(). Closes the drop down (assuming that it's open).
- // This method is the callback when the user types ESC or clicking
- // the button icon while the drop down is open. It's also called by other code.
- this._abortQuery();
- if(this._opened){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
- this.focusNode.removeAttribute("aria-activedescendant");
- }
- },
- _setBlurValue: function(){
- // if the user clicks away from the textbox OR tabs away, set the
- // value to the textbox value
- // #4617:
- // if value is now more choices or previous choices, revert
- // the value
- var newvalue = this.get('displayedValue');
- var pw = this.dropDown;
- if(pw && (
- newvalue == pw._messages["previousMessage"] ||
- newvalue == pw._messages["nextMessage"]
- )
- ){
- this._setValueAttr(this._lastValueReported, true);
- }else if(typeof this.item == "undefined"){
- // Update 'value' (ex: KY) according to currently displayed text
- this.item = null;
- this.set('displayedValue', newvalue);
- }else{
- if(this.value != this._lastValueReported){
- this._handleOnChange(this.value, true);
- }
- this._refreshState();
- }
- },
- _setItemAttr: function(/*item*/ item, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange, /*String?*/ displayedValue){
- // summary:
- // Set the displayed valued in the input box, and the hidden value
- // that gets submitted, based on a store item.
- // description:
- // Users shouldn't call this function; they should be calling
- // set('item', value)
- // tags:
- // private
- var value = '';
- if(item){
- if(!displayedValue){
- displayedValue = ? // remove getValue() for 2.0 (old API)
-, this.searchAttr) : item[this.searchAttr];
- }
- value = this._getValueField() != this.searchAttr ? : displayedValue;
- }
- this.set('value', value, priorityChange, displayedValue, item);
- },
- _announceOption: function(/*Node*/ node){
- // summary:
- // a11y code that puts the highlighted option in the textbox.
- // This way screen readers will know what is happening in the
- // menu.
- if(!node){
- return;
- }
- // pull the text value from the item attached to the DOM node
- var newValue;
- if(node == this.dropDown.nextButton ||
- node == this.dropDown.previousButton){
- newValue = node.innerHTML;
- this.item = undefined;
- this.value = '';
- }else{
- newValue = ( ? // remove getValue() for 2.0 (old API)
-, this.searchAttr) : node.item[this.searchAttr]).toString();
- this.set('item', node.item, false, newValue);
- }
- // get the text that the user manually entered (cut off autocompleted text)
- this.focusNode.value = this.focusNode.value.substring(0, this._lastInput.length);
- // set up ARIA activedescendant
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", domAttr.get(node, "id"));
- // autocomplete the rest of the option to announce change
- this._autoCompleteText(newValue);
- },
- _selectOption: function(/*DomNode*/ target){
- // summary:
- // Menu callback function, called when an item in the menu is selected.
- this.closeDropDown();
- if(target){
- this._announceOption(target);
- }
- this._setCaretPos(this.focusNode, this.focusNode.value.length);
- this._handleOnChange(this.value, true);
- },
- _startSearchAll: function(){
- this._startSearch('');
- },
- _startSearchFromInput: function(){
- this._startSearch(this.focusNode.value.replace(/([\\\*\?])/g, "\\$1"));
- },
- _getQueryString: function(/*String*/ text){
- return string.substitute(this.queryExpr, [text]);
- },
- _startSearch: function(/*String*/ key){
- // summary:
- // Starts a search for elements matching key (key=="" means to return all items),
- // and calls _openResultList() when the search completes, to display the results.
- if(!this.dropDown){
- var popupId = + "_popup",
- dropDownConstructor = lang.isString(this.dropDownClass) ?
- lang.getObject(this.dropDownClass, false) : this.dropDownClass;
- this.dropDown = new dropDownConstructor({
- onChange: lang.hitch(this, this._selectOption),
- id: popupId,
- dir: this.dir,
- textDir: this.textDir
- });
- this.focusNode.removeAttribute("aria-activedescendant");
- this.textbox.setAttribute("aria-owns",popupId); // associate popup with textbox
- }
- this._lastInput = key; // Store exactly what was entered by the user.
- // Setup parameters to be passed to store.query().
- // Create a new query to prevent accidentally querying for a hidden
- // value from FilteringSelect's keyField
- var query = lang.clone(this.query); // #5970
- var options = {
- start: 0,
- count: this.pageSize,
- queryOptions: { // remove for 2.0
- ignoreCase: this.ignoreCase,
- deep: true
- }
- };
- lang.mixin(options, this.fetchProperties);
- // Generate query
- var qs = this._getQueryString(key), q;
- if({
- // remove this branch for 2.0
- q = qs;
- }else{
- // Query on searchAttr is a regex for benefit of,
- // but with a toString() method to help
- // Search string like "Co*" converted to regex like /^Co.*$/i.
- q = filter.patternToRegExp(qs, this.ignoreCase);
- q.toString = function(){ return qs; };
- }
- this._lastQuery = query[this.searchAttr] = q;
- // Function to run the query, wait for the results, and then call _openResultList()
- var _this = this,
- startQuery = function(){
- var resPromise = _this._fetchHandle =, options);
- Deferred.when(resPromise, function(res){
- _this._fetchHandle = null;
- =;
- _this._openResultList(res, query, options);
- }, function(err){
- _this._fetchHandle = null;
- if(!_this._cancelingQuery){ // don't treat canceled query as an error
- console.error(_this.declaredClass + ' ' + err.toString());
- _this.closeDropDown();
- }
- });
- };
- // #5970: set _lastQuery, *then* start the timeout
- // otherwise, if the user types and the last query returns before the timeout,
- // _lastQuery won't be set and their input gets rewritten
- this.searchTimer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(query, _this){
- this.searchTimer = null;
- startQuery();
- // Setup method to handle clicking next/previous buttons to page through results
- this._nextSearch = this.dropDown.onPage = function(direction){
- options.start += options.count * direction;
- // tell callback the direction of the paging so the screen
- // reader knows which menu option to shout
- options.direction = direction;
- startQuery();
- _this.focus();
- };
- }, query, this), this.searchDelay);
- },
- _getValueField: function(){
- // summary:
- // Helper for postMixInProperties() to set this.value based on data inlined into the markup.
- // Returns the attribute name in the item (in dijit.form._ComboBoxDataStore) to use as the value.
- return this.searchAttr;
- },
- //////////// INITIALIZATION METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////
- constructor: function(){
- this.query={};
- this.fetchProperties={};
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- if(!{
- var srcNodeRef = this.srcNodeRef;
- var list = this.list;
- if(list){
- = registry.byId(list);
- }else{
- // if user didn't specify store, then assume there are option tags
- = new DataList({}, srcNodeRef);
- }
- // if there is no value set and there is an option list, set
- // the value to the first value to be consistent with native Select
- // Firefox and Safari set value
- // IE6 and Opera set selectedIndex, which is automatically set
- // by the selected attribute of an option tag
- // IE6 does not set value, Opera sets value = selectedIndex
- if(!("value" in this.params)){
- var item = (this.item =;
- if(item){
- var valueField = this._getValueField();
- // remove getValue() for 2.0 (old API)
- this.value = ?, valueField) : item[valueField];
- }
- }
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- // summary:
- // Subclasses must call this method from their postCreate() methods
- // tags:
- // protected
- // find any associated label element and add to ComboBox node.
- var label=query('label[for="''"]');
- if(label.length){
- label[0].id = ("_label");
- this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", label[0].id);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _getMenuLabelFromItem: function(/*Item*/ item){
- var label = this.labelFunc(item,,
- labelType = this.labelType;
- // If labelType is not "text" we don't want to screw any markup ot whatever.
- if(this.highlightMatch != "none" && this.labelType == "text" && this._lastInput){
- label = this.doHighlight(label, this._escapeHtml(this._lastInput));
- labelType = "html";
- }
- return {html: labelType == "html", label: label};
- },
- doHighlight: function(/*String*/ label, /*String*/ find){
- // summary:
- // Highlights the string entered by the user in the menu. By default this
- // highlights the first occurrence found. Override this method
- // to implement your custom highlighting.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var
- // Add (g)lobal modifier when this.highlightMatch == "all" and (i)gnorecase when this.ignoreCase == true
- modifiers = (this.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") + (this.highlightMatch == "all" ? "g" : ""),
- i = this.queryExpr.indexOf("${0}");
- find = regexp.escapeString(find); // escape regexp special chars
- return this._escapeHtml(label).replace(
- // prepend ^ when this.queryExpr == "${0}*" and append $ when this.queryExpr == "*${0}"
- new RegExp((i == 0 ? "^" : "") + "("+ find +")" + (i == (this.queryExpr.length - 4) ? "$" : ""), modifiers),
- '<span class="dijitComboBoxHighlightMatch">$1</span>'
- ); // returns String, (almost) valid HTML (entities encoded)
- },
- _escapeHtml: function(/*String*/ str){
- // TODO Should become dojo.html.entities(), when exists use instead
- // summary:
- // Adds escape sequences for special characters in XML: &<>"'
- str = String(str).replace(/&/gm, "&amp;").replace(/</gm, "&lt;")
- .replace(/>/gm, "&gt;").replace(/"/gm, "&quot;"); //balance"
- return str; // string
- },
- reset: function(){
- // Overrides the _FormWidget.reset().
- // Additionally reset the .item (to clean up).
- this.item = null;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- labelFunc: function(/*item*/ item, /**/ store){
- // summary:
- // Computes the label to display based on the store item.
- // returns:
- // The label that the ComboBox should display
- // tags:
- // private
- // Use toString() because XMLStore returns an XMLItem whereas this
- // method is expected to return a String (#9354).
- // Remove getValue() for 2.0 (old API)
- return (store._oldAPI ? store.getValue(item, this.labelAttr || this.searchAttr) :
- item[this.labelAttr || this.searchAttr]).toString(); // String
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*String*/ value, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange, /*String?*/ displayedValue, /*item?*/ item){
- // summary:
- // Hook so set('value', value) works.
- // description:
- // Sets the value of the select.
- this._set("item", item||null); // value not looked up in store
- if(!value){ value = ''; } // null translates to blank
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _setTextDirAttr: function(/*String*/ textDir){
- // summary:
- // Setter for textDir, needed for the dropDown's textDir update.
- // description:
- // Users shouldn't call this function; they should be calling
- // set('textDir', value)
- // tags:
- // private
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // update the drop down also (_ComboBoxMenuMixin)
- if(this.dropDown){
- this.dropDown._set("textDir", textDir);
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_ButtonMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_ButtonMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f00ebdb07..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_ButtonMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_ButtonMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.setSelectable
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "../registry" // registry.byNode
-], function(declare, dom, event, registry){
-// module:
-// dijit/form/_ButtonMixin
-// summary:
-// A mixin to add a thin standard API wrapper to a normal HTML button
-return declare("dijit.form._ButtonMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // A mixin to add a thin standard API wrapper to a normal HTML button
- // description:
- // A label should always be specified (through innerHTML) or the label attribute.
- // Attach points:
- // focusNode (required): this node receives focus
- // valueNode (optional): this node's value gets submitted with FORM elements
- // containerNode (optional): this node gets the innerHTML assignment for label
- // example:
- // | <button data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Button" onClick="...">Hello world</button>
- //
- // example:
- // | var button1 = new dijit.form.Button({label: "hello world", onClick: foo});
- // | dojo.body().appendChild(button1.domNode);
- // label: HTML String
- // Content to display in button.
- label: "",
- // type: [const] String
- // Type of button (submit, reset, button, checkbox, radio)
- type: "button",
- _onClick: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Internal function to handle click actions
- if(this.disabled){
- event.stop(e);
- return false;
- }
- var preventDefault = this.onClick(e) === false; // user click actions
- if(!preventDefault && this.type == "submit" && !(this.valueNode||this.focusNode).form){ // see if a non-form widget needs to be signalled
- for(var node=this.domNode; node.parentNode; node=node.parentNode){
- var widget=registry.byNode(node);
- if(widget && typeof widget._onSubmit == "function"){
- widget._onSubmit(e);
- preventDefault = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(preventDefault){
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- return !preventDefault;
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- dom.setSelectable(this.focusNode, false);
- },
- onClick: function(/*Event*/ /*===== e =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback for when button is clicked.
- // If type="submit", return true to perform submit, or false to cancel it.
- // type:
- // callback
- return true; // Boolean
- },
- _setLabelAttr: function(/*String*/ content){
- // summary:
- // Hook for set('label', ...) to work.
- // description:
- // Set the label (text) of the button; takes an HTML string.
- this._set("label", content);
- (this.containerNode||this.focusNode).innerHTML = content;
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_CheckBoxMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_CheckBoxMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 703f8ead7..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_CheckBoxMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_CheckBoxMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/_base/event" // event.stop
-], function(declare, domAttr, event){
- // module:
- // dijit/form/_CheckBoxMixin
- // summary:
- // Mixin to provide widget functionality corresponding to an HTML checkbox
- return declare("dijit.form._CheckBoxMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // Mixin to provide widget functionality corresponding to an HTML checkbox
- //
- // description:
- // User interacts with real html inputs.
- // On onclick (which occurs by mouse click, space-bar, or
- // using the arrow keys to switch the selected radio button),
- // we update the state of the checkbox/radio.
- //
- // type: [private] String
- // type attribute on <input> node.
- // Overrides `dijit.form.Button.type`. Users should not change this value.
- type: "checkbox",
- // value: String
- // As an initialization parameter, equivalent to value field on normal checkbox
- // (if checked, the value is passed as the value when form is submitted).
- value: "on",
- // readOnly: Boolean
- // Should this widget respond to user input?
- // In markup, this is specified as "readOnly".
- // Similar to disabled except readOnly form values are submitted.
- readOnly: false,
- // aria-pressed for toggle buttons, and aria-checked for checkboxes
- _aria_attr: "aria-checked",
- _setReadOnlyAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
- this._set("readOnly", value);
- domAttr.set(this.focusNode, 'readOnly', value);
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-readonly", value);
- },
- // Override dijit.form.Button._setLabelAttr() since we don't even have a containerNode.
- // Normally users won't try to set label, except when CheckBox or RadioButton is the child of a dojox.layout.TabContainer
- _setLabelAttr: undefined,
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- if(this.value == ""){
- this.value = "on";
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- reset: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Handle unlikely event that the <input type=checkbox> value attribute has changed
- this._set("value", this.params.value || "on");
- domAttr.set(this.focusNode, 'value', this.value);
- },
- _onClick: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Internal function to handle click actions - need to check
- // readOnly, since button no longer does that check.
- if(this.readOnly){
- event.stop(e);
- return false;
- }
- return this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_ComboBoxMenu.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_ComboBoxMenu.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e46db28ed..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_ComboBoxMenu.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_ComboBoxMenu", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.get
- "dojo/keys", // keys.DOWN_ARROW keys.PAGE_DOWN keys.PAGE_UP keys.UP_ARROW
- "../_WidgetBase",
- "../_TemplatedMixin",
- "./_ComboBoxMenuMixin",
- "./_ListMouseMixin"
-], function(declare, domClass, domConstruct, domStyle, keys,
- _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _ComboBoxMenuMixin, _ListMouseMixin){
- var _WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _ComboBoxMenuMixin = dijit.form._ComboBoxMenuMixin;
- var _ListMouseMixin = dijit.form._ListMouseMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/_ComboBoxMenu
- // summary:
- // Focus-less menu for internal use in `dijit.form.ComboBox`
- return declare("dijit.form._ComboBoxMenu",[_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _ListMouseMixin, _ComboBoxMenuMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Focus-less menu for internal use in `dijit.form.ComboBox`
- // Abstract methods that must be defined externally:
- // onChange: item was explicitly chosen (mousedown somewhere on the menu and mouseup somewhere on the menu)
- // onPage: next(1) or previous(-1) button pressed
- // tags:
- // private
- templateString: "<div class='dijitReset dijitMenu' data-dojo-attach-point='containerNode' style='overflow: auto; overflow-x: hidden;'>"
- +"<div class='dijitMenuItem dijitMenuPreviousButton' data-dojo-attach-point='previousButton' role='option'></div>"
- +"<div class='dijitMenuItem dijitMenuNextButton' data-dojo-attach-point='nextButton' role='option'></div>"
- +"</div>",
- baseClass: "dijitComboBoxMenu",
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(!this.isLeftToRight()){
- domClass.add(this.previousButton, "dijitMenuItemRtl");
- domClass.add(this.nextButton, "dijitMenuItemRtl");
- }
- },
- _createMenuItem: function(){
- return domConstruct.create("div", {
- "class": "dijitReset dijitMenuItem" +(this.isLeftToRight() ? "" : " dijitMenuItemRtl"),
- role: "option"
- });
- },
- onHover: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Add hover CSS
- domClass.add(node, "dijitMenuItemHover");
- },
- onUnhover: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Remove hover CSS
- domClass.remove(node, "dijitMenuItemHover");
- },
- onSelect: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Add selected CSS
- domClass.add(node, "dijitMenuItemSelected");
- },
- onDeselect: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Remove selected CSS
- domClass.remove(node, "dijitMenuItemSelected");
- },
- _page: function(/*Boolean*/ up){
- // summary:
- // Handles page-up and page-down keypresses
- var scrollamount = 0;
- var oldscroll = this.domNode.scrollTop;
- var height = domStyle.get(this.domNode, "height");
- // if no item is highlighted, highlight the first option
- if(!this.getHighlightedOption()){
- this.selectNextNode();
- }
- while(scrollamount<height){
- var highlighted_option = this.getHighlightedOption();
- if(up){
- // stop at option 1
- if(!highlighted_option.previousSibling ||
- == "none"){
- break;
- }
- this.selectPreviousNode();
- }else{
- // stop at last option
- if(!highlighted_option.nextSibling ||
- == "none"){
- break;
- }
- this.selectNextNode();
- }
- // going backwards
- var newscroll = this.domNode.scrollTop;
- scrollamount += (newscroll-oldscroll)*(up ? -1:1);
- oldscroll = newscroll;
- }
- },
- handleKey: function(evt){
- // summary:
- // Handle keystroke event forwarded from ComboBox, returning false if it's
- // a keystroke I recognize and process, true otherwise.
- switch(evt.charOrCode){
- case keys.DOWN_ARROW:
- this.selectNextNode();
- return false;
- case keys.PAGE_DOWN:
- this._page(false);
- return false;
- case keys.UP_ARROW:
- this.selectPreviousNode();
- return false;
- case keys.PAGE_UP:
- this._page(true);
- return false;
- default:
- return true;
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_ComboBoxMenuMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_ComboBoxMenuMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 826f0a1fb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_ComboBoxMenuMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_ComboBoxMenuMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.doc.createTextNode
- "dojo/i18n!./nls/ComboBox"
-], function(array, declare, domAttr, i18n, win){
-// module:
-// dijit/form/_ComboBoxMenuMixin
-// summary:
-// Focus-less menu for internal use in `dijit.form.ComboBox`
-return declare( "dijit.form._ComboBoxMenuMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // Focus-less menu for internal use in `dijit.form.ComboBox`
- // tags:
- // private
- // _messages: Object
- // Holds "next" and "previous" text for paging buttons on drop down
- _messages: null,
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._messages = i18n.getLocalization("dijit.form", "ComboBox", this.lang);
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // fill in template with i18n messages
- this.previousButton.innerHTML = this._messages["previousMessage"];
- this.nextButton.innerHTML = this._messages["nextMessage"];
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*Object*/ value){
- this.value = value;
- this.onChange(value);
- },
- onClick: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
- if(node == this.previousButton){
- this._setSelectedAttr(null);
- this.onPage(-1);
- }else if(node == this.nextButton){
- this._setSelectedAttr(null);
- this.onPage(1);
- }else{
- this.onChange(node);
- }
- },
- // stubs
- onChange: function(/*Number*/ /*===== direction =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Notifies ComboBox/FilteringSelect that user selected an option.
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onPage: function(/*Number*/ /*===== direction =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Notifies ComboBox/FilteringSelect that user clicked to advance to next/previous page.
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onClose: function(){
- // summary:
- // Callback from dijit.popup code to this widget, notifying it that it closed
- // tags:
- // private
- this._setSelectedAttr(null);
- },
- _createOption: function(/*Object*/ item, labelFunc){
- // summary:
- // Creates an option to appear on the popup menu subclassed by
- // `dijit.form.FilteringSelect`.
- var menuitem = this._createMenuItem();
- var labelObject = labelFunc(item);
- if(labelObject.html){
- menuitem.innerHTML = labelObject.label;
- }else{
- menuitem.appendChild(
- win.doc.createTextNode(labelObject.label)
- );
- }
- // #3250: in blank options, assign a normal height
- if(menuitem.innerHTML == ""){
- menuitem.innerHTML = "&#160;"; // &nbsp;
- }
- // update menuitem.dir if BidiSupport was required
- this.applyTextDir(menuitem, (menuitem.innerText || menuitem.textContent || ""));
- menuitem.item=item;
- return menuitem;
- },
- createOptions: function(results, options, labelFunc){
- // summary:
- // Fills in the items in the drop down list
- // results:
- // Array of items
- // options:
- // The options to the query function of the store
- //
- // labelFunc:
- // Function to produce a label in the drop down list from a item
- // display "Previous . . ." button
- = (options.start == 0) ? "none" : "";
- domAttr.set(this.previousButton, "id", + "_prev");
- // create options using _createOption function defined by parent
- // ComboBox (or FilteringSelect) class
- // #2309:
- // iterate over cache nondestructively
- array.forEach(results, function(item, i){
- var menuitem = this._createOption(item, labelFunc);
- domAttr.set(menuitem, "id", + i);
- this.nextButton.parentNode.insertBefore(menuitem, this.nextButton);
- }, this);
- // display "Next . . ." button
- var displayMore = false;
- // Try to determine if we should show 'more'...
- if( && ! && != -1){
- if((options.start + options.count) <{
- displayMore = true;
- }else if((options.start + options.count) > && options.count == results.length){
- // Weird return from a data store, where a start + count > maxOptions
- // implies maxOptions isn't really valid and we have to go into faking it.
- // And more or less assume more if count == results.length
- displayMore = true;
- }
- }else if(options.count == results.length){
- //Don't know the size, so we do the best we can based off count alone.
- //So, if we have an exact match to count, assume more.
- displayMore = true;
- }
- = displayMore ? "" : "none";
- domAttr.set(this.nextButton,"id", + "_next");
- return this.containerNode.childNodes;
- },
- clearResultList: function(){
- // summary:
- // Clears the entries in the drop down list, but of course keeps the previous and next buttons.
- var container = this.containerNode;
- while(container.childNodes.length > 2){
- container.removeChild(container.childNodes[container.childNodes.length-2]);
- }
- this._setSelectedAttr(null);
- },
- highlightFirstOption: function(){
- // summary:
- // Highlight the first real item in the list (not Previous Choices).
- this.selectFirstNode();
- },
- highlightLastOption: function(){
- // summary:
- // Highlight the last real item in the list (not More Choices).
- this.selectLastNode();
- },
- selectFirstNode: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.getHighlightedOption() == this.previousButton){
- this.selectNextNode();
- }
- },
- selectLastNode: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.getHighlightedOption() == this.nextButton){
- this.selectPreviousNode();
- }
- },
- getHighlightedOption: function(){
- return this._getSelectedAttr();
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_DateTimeTextBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_DateTimeTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 980c5ff21..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_DateTimeTextBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/form/templates/DropDownBox.html':"<div class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitLeft\"\n\tid=\"widget_${id}\"\n\trole=\"combobox\"\n\t><div class='dijitReset dijitRight dijitButtonNode dijitArrowButton dijitDownArrowButton dijitArrowButtonContainer'\n\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"_buttonNode, _popupStateNode\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitArrowButtonInner\" value=\"&#9660; \" type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"-1\" readonly=\"readonly\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t\t${_buttonInputDisabled}\n\t/></div\n\t><div class='dijitReset dijitValidationContainer'\n\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitValidationIcon dijitValidationInner\" value=\"&#935; \" type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"-1\" readonly=\"readonly\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t/></div\n\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitInputContainer\"\n\t\t><input class='dijitReset dijitInputInner' ${!nameAttrSetting} type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"textbox,focusNode\" role=\"textbox\" aria-haspopup=\"true\"\n\t/></div\n></div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/form/_DateTimeTextBox", [
- "dojo/date", // date
- "dojo/date/locale", // locale.regexp
- "dojo/date/stamp", // stamp.fromISOString stamp.toISOString
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject
- "./RangeBoundTextBox",
- "../_HasDropDown",
- "dojo/text!./templates/DropDownBox.html"
-], function(date, locale, stamp, declare, lang, RangeBoundTextBox, _HasDropDown, template){
- var _HasDropDown = dijit._HasDropDown;
- var RangeBoundTextBox = dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/_DateTimeTextBox
- // summary:
- // Base class for validating, serializable, range-bound date or time text box.
- new Date("X"); // workaround for #11279, new Date("") == NaN
- /*=====
- declare(
- "dijit.form._DateTimeTextBox.__Constraints",
- [RangeBoundTextBox.__Constraints, locale.__FormatOptions], {
- // summary:
- // Specifies both the rules on valid/invalid values (first/last date/time allowed),
- // and also formatting options for how the date/time is displayed.
- // example:
- // To restrict to dates within 2004, displayed in a long format like "December 25, 2005":
- // | {min:'2004-01-01',max:'2004-12-31', formatLength:'long'}
- });
- =====*/
- var _DateTimeTextBox = declare("dijit.form._DateTimeTextBox", [RangeBoundTextBox, _HasDropDown], {
- // summary:
- // Base class for validating, serializable, range-bound date or time text box.
- templateString: template,
- // hasDownArrow: [const] Boolean
- // Set this textbox to display a down arrow button, to open the drop down list.
- hasDownArrow: true,
- // openOnClick: [const] Boolean
- // Set to true to open drop down upon clicking anywhere on the textbox.
- openOnClick: true,
- /*=====
- // constraints: dijit.form._DateTimeTextBox.__Constraints
- // Despite the name, this parameter specifies both constraints on the input
- // (including starting/ending dates/times allowed) as well as
- // formatting options like whether the date is displayed in long (ex: December 25, 2005)
- // or short (ex: 12/25/2005) format. See `dijit.form._DateTimeTextBox.__Constraints` for details.
- constraints: {},
- ======*/
- // Override ValidationTextBox.regExpGen().... we use a reg-ex generating function rather
- // than a straight regexp to deal with locale (plus formatting options too?)
- regExpGen: locale.regexp,
- // datePackage: String
- // JavaScript namespace to find calendar routines. Uses Gregorian calendar routines
- // at, by default.
- datePackage: date,
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._set("type", "text"); // in case type="date"|"time" was specified which messes up parse/format
- },
- // Override to work for dates/times
- compare: function(/*Date*/ val1, /*Date*/ val2){
- var isInvalid1 = this._isInvalidDate(val1);
- var isInvalid2 = this._isInvalidDate(val2);
- return isInvalid1 ? (isInvalid2 ? 0 : -1) : (isInvalid2 ? 1 :, val2, this._selector));
- },
- // flag to _HasDropDown to make drop down Calendar width == <input> width
- forceWidth: true,
- format: function(/*Date*/ value, /**/ constraints){
- // summary:
- // Formats the value as a Date, according to specified locale (second argument)
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(!value){ return ''; }
- return this.dateLocaleModule.format(value, constraints);
- },
- "parse": function(/*String*/ value, /**/ constraints){
- // summary:
- // Parses as string as a Date, according to constraints
- // tags:
- // protected
- return this.dateLocaleModule.parse(value, constraints) || (this._isEmpty(value) ? null : undefined); // Date
- },
- // Overrides ValidationTextBox.serialize() to serialize a date in canonical ISO format.
- serialize: function(/*anything*/ val, /*Object?*/ options){
- if(val.toGregorian){
- val = val.toGregorian();
- }
- return stamp.toISOString(val, options);
- },
- // dropDownDefaultValue: Date
- // The default value to focus in the popupClass widget when the textbox value is empty.
- dropDownDefaultValue : new Date(),
- // value: Date
- // The value of this widget as a JavaScript Date object. Use get("value") / set("value", val) to manipulate.
- // When passed to the parser in markup, must be specified according to ``
- value: new Date(""), // value.toString()="NaN"
- _blankValue: null, // used by filter() when the textbox is blank
- // popupClass: [protected extension] String
- // Name of the popup widget class used to select a date/time.
- // Subclasses should specify this.
- popupClass: "", // default is no popup = text only
- // _selector: [protected extension] String
- // Specifies constraints.selector passed to functions, should be either
- // "date" or "time".
- // Subclass must specify this.
- _selector: "",
- constructor: function(/*Object*/ args){
- this.datePackage = args.datePackage || this.datePackage;
- this.dateFuncObj = typeof this.datePackage == "string" ?
- lang.getObject(this.datePackage, false) :// "string" part for back-compat, remove for 2.0
- this.datePackage;
- this.dateClassObj = this.dateFuncObj.Date || Date;
- this.dateLocaleModule = lang.getObject("locale", false, this.dateFuncObj);
- this.regExpGen = this.dateLocaleModule.regexp;
- this._invalidDate = this.constructor.prototype.value.toString();
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(!this.hasDownArrow){
- = "none";
- }
- // If openOnClick is true, we basically just want to treat the whole widget as the
- // button. We need to do that also if the actual drop down button will be hidden,
- // so that there's a mouse method for opening the drop down.
- if(this.openOnClick || !this.hasDownArrow){
- this._buttonNode = this.domNode;
- this.baseClass += " dijitComboBoxOpenOnClick";
- }
- },
- _setConstraintsAttr: function(/*Object*/ constraints){
- constraints.selector = this._selector;
- constraints.fullYear = true; // see #5465 - always format with 4-digit years
- var fromISO = stamp.fromISOString;
- if(typeof constraints.min == "string"){ constraints.min = fromISO(constraints.min); }
- if(typeof constraints.max == "string"){ constraints.max = fromISO(constraints.max); }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _isInvalidDate: function(/*Date*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Runs various tests on the value, checking for invalid conditions
- // tags:
- // private
- return !value || isNaN(value) || typeof value != "object" || value.toString() == this._invalidDate;
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*Date|String*/ value, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange, /*String?*/ formattedValue){
- // summary:
- // Sets the date on this textbox. Note: value can be a JavaScript Date literal or a string to be parsed.
- if(value !== undefined){
- if(typeof value == "string"){
- value = stamp.fromISOString(value);
- }
- if(this._isInvalidDate(value)){
- value = null;
- }
- if(value instanceof Date && !(this.dateClassObj instanceof Date)){
- value = new this.dateClassObj(value);
- }
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.value instanceof Date){
- this.filterString = "";
- }
- if(this.dropDown){
- this.dropDown.set('value', value, false);
- }
- },
- _set: function(attr, value){
- // Avoid spurious watch() notifications when value is changed to new Date object w/the same value
- if(attr == "value" && this.value instanceof Date &&, this.value) == 0){
- return;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _setDropDownDefaultValueAttr: function(/*Date*/ val){
- if(this._isInvalidDate(val)){
- // convert null setting into today's date, since there needs to be *some* default at all times.
- val = new this.dateClassObj();
- }
- this.dropDownDefaultValue = val;
- },
- openDropDown: function(/*Function*/ callback){
- // rebuild drop down every time, so that constraints get copied (#6002)
- if(this.dropDown){
- this.dropDown.destroy();
- }
- var PopupProto = lang.isString(this.popupClass) ? lang.getObject(this.popupClass, false) : this.popupClass,
- textBox = this,
- value = this.get("value");
- this.dropDown = new PopupProto({
- onChange: function(value){
- // this will cause InlineEditBox and other handlers to do stuff so make sure it's last
- textBox.set('value', value, true);
- },
- id: + "_popup",
- dir: textBox.dir,
- lang: textBox.lang,
- value: value,
- currentFocus: !this._isInvalidDate(value) ? value : this.dropDownDefaultValue,
- constraints: textBox.constraints,
- filterString: textBox.filterString, // for TimeTextBox, to filter times shown
- datePackage: textBox.datePackage,
- isDisabledDate: function(/*Date*/ date){
- // summary:
- // disables dates outside of the min/max of the _DateTimeTextBox
- return !textBox.rangeCheck(date, textBox.constraints);
- }
- });
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _getDisplayedValueAttr: function(){
- return this.textbox.value;
- },
- _setDisplayedValueAttr: function(/*String*/ value, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- this._setValueAttr(this.parse(value, this.constraints), priorityChange, value);
- }
- });
- return _DateTimeTextBox;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_ExpandingTextAreaMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_ExpandingTextAreaMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c06656863..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_ExpandingTextAreaMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_ExpandingTextAreaMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/_base/window" // win.body
-], function(declare, domConstruct, lang, win){
- // module:
- // dijit/form/_ExpandingTextAreaMixin
- // summary:
- // Mixin for textarea widgets to add auto-expanding capability
- // feature detection
- var needsHelpShrinking;
- return declare("dijit.form._ExpandingTextAreaMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // Mixin for textarea widgets to add auto-expanding capability
- _setValueAttr: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.resize();
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var textarea = this.textbox;
- if(needsHelpShrinking == undefined){
- var te = domConstruct.create('textarea', {rows:"5", cols:"20", value: ' ', style: {zoom:1, overflow:'hidden', visibility:'hidden', position:'absolute', border:"0px solid black", padding:"0px"}}, win.body(), "last");
- needsHelpShrinking = te.scrollHeight >= te.clientHeight;
- win.body().removeChild(te);
- }
- this.connect(textarea, "onscroll", "_resizeLater");
- this.connect(textarea, "onresize", "_resizeLater");
- this.connect(textarea, "onfocus", "_resizeLater");
- = "hidden";
- this._estimateHeight();
- this._resizeLater();
- },
- _onInput: function(e){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.resize();
- },
- _estimateHeight: function(){
- // summary:
- // Approximate the height when the textarea is invisible with the number of lines in the text.
- // Fails when someone calls setValue with a long wrapping line, but the layout fixes itself when the user clicks inside so . . .
- // In IE, the resize event is supposed to fire when the textarea becomes visible again and that will correct the size automatically.
- //
- var textarea = this.textbox;
- = "auto";
- // #rows = #newlines+1
- // Note: on Moz, the following #rows appears to be 1 too many.
- // Actually, Moz is reserving room for the scrollbar.
- // If you increase the font size, this behavior becomes readily apparent as the last line gets cut off without the +1.
- textarea.rows = (textarea.value.match(/\n/g) || []).length + 2;
- },
- _resizeLater: function(){
- this.defer("resize");
- },
- resize: function(){
- // summary:
- // Resizes the textarea vertically (should be called after a style/value change)
- function textareaScrollHeight(){
- var empty = false;
- if(textarea.value === ''){
- textarea.value = ' ';
- empty = true;
- }
- var sh = textarea.scrollHeight;
- if(empty){ textarea.value = ''; }
- return sh;
- }
- var textarea = this.textbox;
- if( == "hidden"){ textarea.scrollTop = 0; }
- if(this.busyResizing){ return; }
- this.busyResizing = true;
- if(textareaScrollHeight() || textarea.offsetHeight){
- var currentHeight =;
- if(!(/px/.test(currentHeight))){
- currentHeight = textareaScrollHeight();
- textarea.rows = 1;
- = currentHeight + "px";
- }
- var newH = Math.max(Math.max(textarea.offsetHeight, parseInt(currentHeight)) - textarea.clientHeight, 0) + textareaScrollHeight();
- var newHpx = newH + "px";
- if(newHpx !={
- textarea.rows = 1;
- = newHpx;
- }
- if(needsHelpShrinking){
- var origScrollHeight = textareaScrollHeight(),
- newScrollHeight = origScrollHeight,
- origMinHeight =,
- decrement = 4, // not too fast, not too slow
- thisScrollHeight;
- = newHpx; // maintain current height
- = "auto"; // allow scrollHeight to change
- while(newH > 0){
- = Math.max(newH - decrement, 4) + "px";
- thisScrollHeight = textareaScrollHeight();
- var change = newScrollHeight - thisScrollHeight;
- newH -= change;
- if(change < decrement){
- break; // scrollHeight didn't shrink
- }
- newScrollHeight = thisScrollHeight;
- decrement <<= 1;
- }
- = newH + "px";
- = origMinHeight;
- }
- = textareaScrollHeight() > textarea.clientHeight ? "auto" : "hidden";
- }else{
- // hidden content of unknown size
- this._estimateHeight();
- }
- this.busyResizing = false;
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_FormMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_FormMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eb7aa2b2..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_FormMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_FormMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.every array.filter array.forEach array.indexOf
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch lang.isArray
- "dojo/window" // winUtils.scrollIntoView
-], function(array, declare, kernel, lang, winUtils){
- // module:
- // dijit/form/_FormMixin
- // summary:
- // Mixin for containers of form widgets (i.e. widgets that represent a single value
- // and can be children of a <form> node or dijit.form.Form widget)
- return declare("dijit.form._FormMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // Mixin for containers of form widgets (i.e. widgets that represent a single value
- // and can be children of a <form> node or dijit.form.Form widget)
- // description:
- // Can extract all the form widgets
- // values and combine them into a single javascript object, or alternately
- // take such an object and set the values for all the contained
- // form widgets
- /*=====
- // value: Object
- // Name/value hash for each child widget with a name and value.
- // Child widgets without names are not part of the hash.
- //
- // If there are multiple child widgets w/the same name, value is an array,
- // unless they are radio buttons in which case value is a scalar (since only
- // one radio button can be checked at a time).
- //
- // If a child widget's name is a dot separated list (like a.b.c.d), it's a nested structure.
- //
- // Example:
- // | { name: "John Smith", interests: ["sports", "movies"] }
- =====*/
- // state: [readonly] String
- // Will be "Error" if one or more of the child widgets has an invalid value,
- // "Incomplete" if not all of the required child widgets are filled in. Otherwise, "",
- // which indicates that the form is ready to be submitted.
- state: "",
- // TODO:
- // * Repeater
- // * better handling for arrays. Often form elements have names with [] like
- // * people[3].sex (for a list of people [{name: Bill, sex: M}, ...])
- //
- //
- _getDescendantFormWidgets: function(/*dijit._WidgetBase[]?*/ children){
- // summary:
- // Returns all form widget descendants, searching through non-form child widgets like BorderContainer
- var res = [];
- array.forEach(children || this.getChildren(), function(child){
- if("value" in child){
- res.push(child);
- }else{
- res = res.concat(this._getDescendantFormWidgets(child.getChildren()));
- }
- }, this);
- return res;
- },
- reset: function(){
- array.forEach(this._getDescendantFormWidgets(), function(widget){
- if(widget.reset){
- widget.reset();
- }
- });
- },
- validate: function(){
- // summary:
- // returns if the form is valid - same as isValid - but
- // provides a few additional (ui-specific) features.
- // 1 - it will highlight any sub-widgets that are not
- // valid
- // 2 - it will call focus() on the first invalid
- // sub-widget
- var didFocus = false;
- return array.every(, function(widget){
- // Need to set this so that "required" widgets get their
- // state set.
- widget._hasBeenBlurred = true;
- var valid = widget.disabled || !widget.validate || widget.validate();
- if(!valid && !didFocus){
- // Set focus of the first non-valid widget
- winUtils.scrollIntoView(widget.containerNode || widget.domNode);
- widget.focus();
- didFocus = true;
- }
- return valid;
- }), function(item){ return item; });
- },
- setValues: function(val){
- kernel.deprecated(this.declaredClass+"::setValues() is deprecated. Use set('value', val) instead.", "", "2.0");
- return this.set('value', val);
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*Object*/ obj){
- // summary:
- // Fill in form values from according to an Object (in the format returned by get('value'))
- // generate map from name --> [list of widgets with that name]
- var map = { };
- array.forEach(this._getDescendantFormWidgets(), function(widget){
- if(!{ return; }
- var entry = map[] || (map[] = [] );
- entry.push(widget);
- });
- for(var name in map){
- if(!map.hasOwnProperty(name)){
- continue;
- }
- var widgets = map[name], // array of widgets w/this name
- values = lang.getObject(name, false, obj); // list of values for those widgets
- if(values === undefined){
- continue;
- }
- if(!lang.isArray(values)){
- values = [ values ];
- }
- if(typeof widgets[0].checked == 'boolean'){
- // for checkbox/radio, values is a list of which widgets should be checked
- array.forEach(widgets, function(w){
- w.set('value', array.indexOf(values, w.value) != -1);
- });
- }else if(widgets[0].multiple){
- // it takes an array (e.g. multi-select)
- widgets[0].set('value', values);
- }else{
- // otherwise, values is a list of values to be assigned sequentially to each widget
- array.forEach(widgets, function(w, i){
- w.set('value', values[i]);
- });
- }
- }
- /***
- * TODO: code for plain input boxes (this shouldn't run for inputs that are part of widgets)
- array.forEach(this.containerNode.elements, function(element){
- if( == ''){return}; // like "continue"
- var namePath =".");
- var myObj=obj;
- var name=namePath[namePath.length-1];
- for(var j=1,len2=namePath.length;j<len2;++j){
- var p=namePath[j - 1];
- // repeater support block
- var nameA=p.split("[");
- if(nameA.length > 1){
- if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]]) == "undefined"){
- myObj[nameA[0]]=[ ];
- } // if
- nameIndex=parseInt(nameA[1]);
- if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex]) == "undefined"){
- myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex] = { };
- }
- myObj=myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex];
- continue;
- } // repeater support ends
- if(typeof(myObj[p]) == "undefined"){
- myObj=undefined;
- break;
- };
- myObj=myObj[p];
- }
- if(typeof(myObj) == "undefined"){
- return; // like "continue"
- }
- if(typeof(myObj[name]) == "undefined" && this.ignoreNullValues){
- return; // like "continue"
- }
- // TODO: widget values (just call set('value', ...) on the widget)
- // TODO: maybe should call dojo.getNodeProp() instead
- switch(element.type){
- case "checkbox":
- element.checked = (name in myObj) &&
- array.some(myObj[name], function(val){ return val == element.value; });
- break;
- case "radio":
- element.checked = (name in myObj) && myObj[name] == element.value;
- break;
- case "select-multiple":
- element.selectedIndex=-1;
- array.forEach(element.options, function(option){
- option.selected = array.some(myObj[name], function(val){ return option.value == val; });
- });
- break;
- case "select-one":
- element.selectedIndex="0";
- array.forEach(element.options, function(option){
- option.selected = option.value == myObj[name];
- });
- break;
- case "hidden":
- case "text":
- case "textarea":
- case "password":
- element.value = myObj[name] || "";
- break;
- }
- });
- */
- // Note: no need to call this._set("value", ...) as the child updates will trigger onChange events
- // which I am monitoring.
- },
- getValues: function(){
- kernel.deprecated(this.declaredClass+"::getValues() is deprecated. Use get('value') instead.", "", "2.0");
- return this.get('value');
- },
- _getValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns Object representing form values. See description of `value` for details.
- // description:
- // The value is updated into this.value every time a child has an onChange event,
- // so in the common case this function could just return this.value. However,
- // that wouldn't work when:
- //
- // 1. User presses return key to submit a form. That doesn't fire an onchange event,
- // and even if it did it would come too late due to the setTimeout(..., 0) in _handleOnChange()
- //
- // 2. app for some reason calls this.get("value") while the user is typing into a
- // form field. Not sure if that case needs to be supported or not.
- // get widget values
- var obj = { };
- array.forEach(this._getDescendantFormWidgets(), function(widget){
- var name =;
- if(!name || widget.disabled){ return; }
- // Single value widget (checkbox, radio, or plain <input> type widget)
- var value = widget.get('value');
- // Store widget's value(s) as a scalar, except for checkboxes which are automatically arrays
- if(typeof widget.checked == 'boolean'){
- if(/Radio/.test(widget.declaredClass)){
- // radio button
- if(value !== false){
- lang.setObject(name, value, obj);
- }else{
- // give radio widgets a default of null
- value = lang.getObject(name, false, obj);
- if(value === undefined){
- lang.setObject(name, null, obj);
- }
- }
- }else{
- // checkbox/toggle button
- var ary=lang.getObject(name, false, obj);
- if(!ary){
- ary=[];
- lang.setObject(name, ary, obj);
- }
- if(value !== false){
- ary.push(value);
- }
- }
- }else{
- var prev=lang.getObject(name, false, obj);
- if(typeof prev != "undefined"){
- if(lang.isArray(prev)){
- prev.push(value);
- }else{
- lang.setObject(name, [prev, value], obj);
- }
- }else{
- // unique name
- lang.setObject(name, value, obj);
- }
- }
- });
- /***
- * code for plain input boxes (see also domForm.formToObject, can we use that instead of this code?
- * but it doesn't understand [] notation, presumably)
- var obj = { };
- array.forEach(this.containerNode.elements, function(elm){
- if(! {
- return; // like "continue"
- }
- var namePath =".");
- var myObj=obj;
- var name=namePath[namePath.length-1];
- for(var j=1,len2=namePath.length;j<len2;++j){
- var nameIndex = null;
- var p=namePath[j - 1];
- var nameA=p.split("[");
- if(nameA.length > 1){
- if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]]) == "undefined"){
- myObj[nameA[0]]=[ ];
- } // if
- nameIndex=parseInt(nameA[1]);
- if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex]) == "undefined"){
- myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex] = { };
- }
- }else if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]]) == "undefined"){
- myObj[nameA[0]] = { }
- } // if
- if(nameA.length == 1){
- myObj=myObj[nameA[0]];
- }else{
- myObj=myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex];
- } // if
- } // for
- if((elm.type != "select-multiple" && elm.type != "checkbox" && elm.type != "radio") || (elm.type == "radio" && elm.checked)){
- if(name == name.split("[")[0]){
- myObj[name]=elm.value;
- }else{
- // can not set value when there is no name
- }
- }else if(elm.type == "checkbox" && elm.checked){
- if(typeof(myObj[name]) == 'undefined'){
- myObj[name]=[ ];
- }
- myObj[name].push(elm.value);
- }else if(elm.type == "select-multiple"){
- if(typeof(myObj[name]) == 'undefined'){
- myObj[name]=[ ];
- }
- for(var jdx=0,len3=elm.options.length; jdx<len3; ++jdx){
- if(elm.options[jdx].selected){
- myObj[name].push(elm.options[jdx].value);
- }
- }
- } // if
- name=undefined;
- }); // forEach
- ***/
- return obj;
- },
- isValid: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns true if all of the widgets are valid.
- // Deprecated, will be removed in 2.0. Use get("state") instead.
- return this.state == "";
- },
- onValidStateChange: function(/*Boolean*/ /*===== isValid =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Stub function to connect to if you want to do something
- // (like disable/enable a submit button) when the valid
- // state changes on the form as a whole.
- //
- // Deprecated. Will be removed in 2.0. Use watch("state", ...) instead.
- },
- _getState: function(){
- // summary:
- // Compute what this.state should be based on state of children
- var states =, function(w){
- return w.get("state") || "";
- });
- return array.indexOf(states, "Error") >= 0 ? "Error" :
- array.indexOf(states, "Incomplete") >= 0 ? "Incomplete" : "";
- },
- disconnectChildren: function(){
- // summary:
- // Remove connections to monitor changes to children's value, error state, and disabled state,
- // in order to update Form.value and Form.state.
- array.forEach(this._childConnections || [], lang.hitch(this, "disconnect"));
- array.forEach(this._childWatches || [], function(w){ w.unwatch(); });
- },
- connectChildren: function(/*Boolean*/ inStartup){
- // summary:
- // Setup connections to monitor changes to children's value, error state, and disabled state,
- // in order to update Form.value and Form.state.
- //
- // You can call this function directly, ex. in the event that you
- // programmatically add a widget to the form *after* the form has been
- // initialized.
- var _this = this;
- // Remove old connections, if any
- this.disconnectChildren();
- this._descendants = this._getDescendantFormWidgets();
- // (Re)set this.value and this.state. Send watch() notifications but not on startup.
- var set = inStartup ? function(name, val){ _this[name] = val; } : lang.hitch(this, "_set");
- set("value", this.get("value"));
- set("state", this._getState());
- // Monitor changes to error state and disabled state in order to update
- // Form.state
- var conns = (this._childConnections = []),
- watches = (this._childWatches = []);
- array.forEach(array.filter(this._descendants,
- function(item){ return item.validate; }
- ),
- function(widget){
- // We are interested in whenever the widget changes validity state - or
- // whenever the disabled attribute on that widget is changed.
- array.forEach(["state", "disabled"], function(attr){
- watches.push(, function(){
- _this.set("state", _this._getState());
- }));
- });
- });
- // And monitor calls to child.onChange so we can update this.value
- var onChange = function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when child's value or disabled state changes
- // Use setTimeout() to collapse value changes in multiple children into a single
- // update to my value. Multiple updates will occur on:
- // 1. Form.set()
- // 2. Form.reset()
- // 3. user selecting a radio button (which will de-select another radio button,
- // causing two onChange events)
- if(_this._onChangeDelayTimer){
- clearTimeout(_this._onChangeDelayTimer);
- }
- _this._onChangeDelayTimer = setTimeout(function(){
- delete _this._onChangeDelayTimer;
- _this._set("value", _this.get("value"));
- }, 10);
- };
- array.forEach(
- array.filter(this._descendants, function(item){ return item.onChange; } ),
- function(widget){
- // When a child widget's value changes,
- // the efficient thing to do is to just update that one attribute in this.value,
- // but that gets a little complicated when a checkbox is checked/unchecked
- // since this.value["checkboxName"] contains an array of all the checkboxes w/the same name.
- // Doing simple thing for now.
- conns.push(_this.connect(widget, "onChange", onChange));
- // Disabling/enabling a child widget should remove it's value from this.value.
- // Again, this code could be more efficient, doing simple thing for now.
- watches.push("disabled", onChange));
- }
- );
- },
- startup: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Initialize value and valid/invalid state tracking. Needs to be done in startup()
- // so that children are initialized.
- this.connectChildren(true);
- // Make state change call onValidStateChange(), will be removed in 2.0
-"state", function(attr, oldVal, newVal){ this.onValidStateChange(newVal == ""); });
- },
- destroy: function(){
- this.disconnectChildren();
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_FormSelectWidget.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_FormSelectWidget.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ade84035c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_FormSelectWidget.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_FormSelectWidget", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.filter array.forEach array.some
- "dojo/aspect", // aspect.after
- "dojo/data/util/sorter", // util.sorter.createSortFunction
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.setSelectable
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.toggle
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // _scopeName
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.delegate lang.isArray lang.isObject lang.hitch
- "dojo/query", // query
- "./_FormValueWidget"
-], function(array, aspect, sorter, declare, dom, domClass, kernel, lang, query, _FormValueWidget){
- var _FormValueWidget = dijit.form._FormValueWidget;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/_FormSelectWidget
-// summary:
-// Extends _FormValueWidget in order to provide "select-specific"
-// values - i.e., those values that are unique to <select> elements.
-dijit.form.__SelectOption = function(){
- // value: String
- // The value of the option. Setting to empty (or missing) will
- // place a separator at that location
- // label: String
- // The label for our option. It can contain html tags.
- // selected: Boolean
- // Whether or not we are a selected option
- // disabled: Boolean
- // Whether or not this specific option is disabled
- this.value = value;
- this.label = label;
- this.selected = selected;
- this.disabled = disabled;
-return declare("dijit.form._FormSelectWidget", _FormValueWidget, {
- // summary:
- // Extends _FormValueWidget in order to provide "select-specific"
- // values - i.e., those values that are unique to <select> elements.
- // This also provides the mechanism for reading the elements from
- // a store, if desired.
- // multiple: [const] Boolean
- // Whether or not we are multi-valued
- multiple: false,
- // options: dijit.form.__SelectOption[]
- // The set of options for our select item. Roughly corresponds to
- // the html <option> tag.
- options: null,
- // store:
- // A store which, at the very least implements
- // to use for getting our list of options - rather than reading them
- // from the <option> html tags.
- store: null,
- // query: object
- // A query to use when fetching items from our store
- query: null,
- // queryOptions: object
- // Query options to use when fetching from the store
- queryOptions: null,
- // onFetch: Function
- // A callback to do with an onFetch - but before any items are actually
- // iterated over (i.e. to filter even further what you want to add)
- onFetch: null,
- // sortByLabel: Boolean
- // Flag to sort the options returned from a store by the label of
- // the store.
- sortByLabel: true,
- // loadChildrenOnOpen: Boolean
- // By default loadChildren is called when the items are fetched from the
- // store. This property allows delaying loadChildren (and the creation
- // of the options/menuitems) until the user clicks the button to open the
- // dropdown.
- loadChildrenOnOpen: false,
- getOptions: function(/*anything*/ valueOrIdx){
- // summary:
- // Returns a given option (or options).
- // valueOrIdx:
- // If passed in as a string, that string is used to look up the option
- // in the array of options - based on the value property.
- // (See dijit.form.__SelectOption).
- //
- // If passed in a number, then the option with the given index (0-based)
- // within this select will be returned.
- //
- // If passed in a dijit.form.__SelectOption, the same option will be
- // returned if and only if it exists within this select.
- //
- // If passed an array, then an array will be returned with each element
- // in the array being looked up.
- //
- // If not passed a value, then all options will be returned
- //
- // returns:
- // The option corresponding with the given value or index. null
- // is returned if any of the following are true:
- // - A string value is passed in which doesn't exist
- // - An index is passed in which is outside the bounds of the array of options
- // - A dijit.form.__SelectOption is passed in which is not a part of the select
- // NOTE: the compare for passing in a dijit.form.__SelectOption checks
- // if the value property matches - NOT if the exact option exists
- // NOTE: if passing in an array, null elements will be placed in the returned
- // array when a value is not found.
- var lookupValue = valueOrIdx, opts = this.options || [], l = opts.length;
- if(lookupValue === undefined){
- return opts; // dijit.form.__SelectOption[]
- }
- if(lang.isArray(lookupValue)){
- return, "return this.getOptions(item);", this); // dijit.form.__SelectOption[]
- }
- if(lang.isObject(valueOrIdx)){
- // We were passed an option - so see if it's in our array (directly),
- // and if it's not, try and find it by value.
- if(!array.some(this.options, function(o, idx){
- if(o === lookupValue ||
- (o.value && o.value === lookupValue.value)){
- lookupValue = idx;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- })){
- lookupValue = -1;
- }
- }
- if(typeof lookupValue == "string"){
- for(var i=0; i<l; i++){
- if(opts[i].value === lookupValue){
- lookupValue = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(typeof lookupValue == "number" && lookupValue >= 0 && lookupValue < l){
- return this.options[lookupValue]; // dijit.form.__SelectOption
- }
- return null; // null
- },
- addOption: function(/*dijit.form.__SelectOption|dijit.form.__SelectOption[]*/ option){
- // summary:
- // Adds an option or options to the end of the select. If value
- // of the option is empty or missing, a separator is created instead.
- // Passing in an array of options will yield slightly better performance
- // since the children are only loaded once.
- if(!lang.isArray(option)){ option = [option]; }
- array.forEach(option, function(i){
- if(i && lang.isObject(i)){
- this.options.push(i);
- }
- }, this);
- this._loadChildren();
- },
- removeOption: function(/*String|dijit.form.__SelectOption|Number|Array*/ valueOrIdx){
- // summary:
- // Removes the given option or options. You can remove by string
- // (in which case the value is removed), number (in which case the
- // index in the options array is removed), or select option (in
- // which case, the select option with a matching value is removed).
- // You can also pass in an array of those values for a slightly
- // better performance since the children are only loaded once.
- if(!lang.isArray(valueOrIdx)){ valueOrIdx = [valueOrIdx]; }
- var oldOpts = this.getOptions(valueOrIdx);
- array.forEach(oldOpts, function(i){
- // We can get null back in our array - if our option was not found. In
- // that case, we don't want to blow up...
- if(i){
- this.options = array.filter(this.options, function(node){
- return (node.value !== i.value || node.label !== i.label);
- });
- this._removeOptionItem(i);
- }
- }, this);
- this._loadChildren();
- },
- updateOption: function(/*dijit.form.__SelectOption|dijit.form.__SelectOption[]*/ newOption){
- // summary:
- // Updates the values of the given option. The option to update
- // is matched based on the value of the entered option. Passing
- // in an array of new options will yield better performance since
- // the children will only be loaded once.
- if(!lang.isArray(newOption)){ newOption = [newOption]; }
- array.forEach(newOption, function(i){
- var oldOpt = this.getOptions(i), k;
- if(oldOpt){
- for(k in i){ oldOpt[k] = i[k]; }
- }
- }, this);
- this._loadChildren();
- },
- setStore: function(/**/ store,
- /*anything?*/ selectedValue,
- /*Object?*/ fetchArgs){
- // summary:
- // Sets the store you would like to use with this select widget.
- // The selected value is the value of the new store to set. This
- // function returns the original store, in case you want to reuse
- // it or something.
- // store:
- // The store you would like to use - it MUST implement,
- // and MAY implement
- // selectedValue: anything?
- // The value that this widget should set itself to *after* the store
- // has been loaded
- // fetchArgs: Object?
- // The arguments that will be passed to the store's fetch() function
- var oStore =;
- fetchArgs = fetchArgs || {};
- if(oStore !== store){
- // Our store has changed, so update our notifications
- var h;
- while(h = this._notifyConnections.pop()){ h.remove(); }
- if(store && store.getFeatures()[""]){
- this._notifyConnections = [
- aspect.after(store, "onNew", lang.hitch(this, "_onNewItem"), true),
- aspect.after(store, "onDelete", lang.hitch(this, "_onDeleteItem"), true),
- aspect.after(store, "onSet", lang.hitch(this, "_onSetItem"), true)
- ];
- }
- this._set("store", store);
- }
- // Turn off change notifications while we make all these changes
- this._onChangeActive = false;
- // Remove existing options (if there are any)
- if(this.options && this.options.length){
- this.removeOption(this.options);
- }
- // Add our new options
- if(store){
- this._loadingStore = true;
- store.fetch(lang.delegate(fetchArgs, {
- onComplete: function(items, opts){
- if(this.sortByLabel && !fetchArgs.sort && items.length){
- items.sort(sorter.createSortFunction([{
- attribute: store.getLabelAttributes(items[0])[0]
- }], store));
- }
- if(fetchArgs.onFetch){
- items =, items, opts);
- }
- // TODO: Add these guys as a batch, instead of separately
- array.forEach(items, function(i){
- this._addOptionForItem(i);
- }, this);
- // Set our value (which might be undefined), and then tweak
- // it to send a change event with the real value
- this._loadingStore = false;
- this.set("value", "_pendingValue" in this ? this._pendingValue : selectedValue);
- delete this._pendingValue;
- if(!this.loadChildrenOnOpen){
- this._loadChildren();
- }else{
- this._pseudoLoadChildren(items);
- }
- this._fetchedWith = opts;
- this._lastValueReported = this.multiple ? [] : null;
- this._onChangeActive = true;
- this.onSetStore();
- this._handleOnChange(this.value);
- },
- scope: this
- }));
- }else{
- delete this._fetchedWith;
- }
- return oStore; //
- },
- // TODO: implement set() and watch() for store and query, although not sure how to handle
- // setting them individually rather than together (as in setStore() above)
- _setValueAttr: function(/*anything*/ newValue, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // set the value of the widget.
- // If a string is passed, then we set our value from looking it up.
- if(this._loadingStore){
- // Our store is loading - so save our value, and we'll set it when
- // we're done
- this._pendingValue = newValue;
- return;
- }
- var opts = this.getOptions() || [];
- if(!lang.isArray(newValue)){
- newValue = [newValue];
- }
- array.forEach(newValue, function(i, idx){
- if(!lang.isObject(i)){
- i = i + "";
- }
- if(typeof i === "string"){
- newValue[idx] = array.filter(opts, function(node){
- return node.value === i;
- })[0] || {value: "", label: ""};
- }
- }, this);
- // Make sure some sane default is set
- newValue = array.filter(newValue, function(i){ return i && i.value; });
- if(!this.multiple && (!newValue[0] || !newValue[0].value) && opts.length){
- newValue[0] = opts[0];
- }
- array.forEach(opts, function(i){
- i.selected = array.some(newValue, function(v){ return v.value === i.value; });
- });
- var val =, function(i){ return i.value; }),
- disp =, function(i){ return i.label; });
- this._set("value", this.multiple ? val : val[0]);
- this._setDisplay(this.multiple ? disp : disp[0]);
- this._updateSelection();
- this._handleOnChange(this.value, priorityChange);
- },
- _getDisplayedValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // returns the displayed value of the widget
- var val = this.get("value");
- if(!lang.isArray(val)){
- val = [val];
- }
- var ret =, function(v){
- if(v && "label" in v){
- return v.label;
- }else if(v){
- return v.value;
- }
- return null;
- }, this);
- return this.multiple ? ret : ret[0];
- },
- _loadChildren: function(){
- // summary:
- // Loads the children represented by this widget's options.
- // reset the menu to make it populatable on the next click
- if(this._loadingStore){ return; }
- array.forEach(this._getChildren(), function(child){
- child.destroyRecursive();
- });
- // Add each menu item
- array.forEach(this.options, this._addOptionItem, this);
- // Update states
- this._updateSelection();
- },
- _updateSelection: function(){
- // summary:
- // Sets the "selected" class on the item for styling purposes
- this._set("value", this._getValueFromOpts());
- var val = this.value;
- if(!lang.isArray(val)){
- val = [val];
- }
- if(val && val[0]){
- array.forEach(this._getChildren(), function(child){
- var isSelected = array.some(val, function(v){
- return child.option && (v === child.option.value);
- });
- domClass.toggle(child.domNode, this.baseClass + "SelectedOption", isSelected);
- child.domNode.setAttribute("aria-selected", isSelected);
- }, this);
- }
- },
- _getValueFromOpts: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns the value of the widget by reading the options for
- // the selected flag
- var opts = this.getOptions() || [];
- if(!this.multiple && opts.length){
- // Mirror what a select does - choose the first one
- var opt = array.filter(opts, function(i){
- return i.selected;
- })[0];
- if(opt && opt.value){
- return opt.value
- }else{
- opts[0].selected = true;
- return opts[0].value;
- }
- }else if(this.multiple){
- // Set value to be the sum of all selected
- return, function(i){
- return i.selected;
- }), function(i){
- return i.value;
- }) || [];
- }
- return "";
- },
- // Internal functions to call when we have store notifications come in
- _onNewItem: function(/*item*/ item, /*Object?*/ parentInfo){
- if(!parentInfo || !parentInfo.parent){
- // Only add it if we are top-level
- this._addOptionForItem(item);
- }
- },
- _onDeleteItem: function(/*item*/ item){
- var store =;
- this.removeOption(store.getIdentity(item));
- },
- _onSetItem: function(/*item*/ item){
- this.updateOption(this._getOptionObjForItem(item));
- },
- _getOptionObjForItem: function(item){
- // summary:
- // Returns an option object based off the given item. The "value"
- // of the option item will be the identity of the item, the "label"
- // of the option will be the label of the item. If the item contains
- // children, the children value of the item will be set
- var store =, label = store.getLabel(item),
- value = (label ? store.getIdentity(item) : null);
- return {value: value, label: label, item:item}; // dijit.form.__SelectOption
- },
- _addOptionForItem: function(/*item*/ item){
- // summary:
- // Creates (and adds) the option for the given item
- var store =;
- if(!store.isItemLoaded(item)){
- // We are not loaded - so let's load it and add later
- store.loadItem({item: item, onItem: function(i){
- this._addOptionForItem(i);
- },
- scope: this});
- return;
- }
- var newOpt = this._getOptionObjForItem(item);
- this.addOption(newOpt);
- },
- constructor: function(/*Object*/ keywordArgs){
- // summary:
- // Saves off our value, if we have an initial one set so we
- // can use it if we have a store as well (see startup())
- this._oValue = (keywordArgs || {}).value || null;
- this._notifyConnections = [];
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- dom.setSelectable(this.focusNode, false);
- },
- _fillContent: function(){
- // summary:
- // Loads our options and sets up our dropdown correctly. We
- // don't want any content, so we don't call any inherit chain
- // function.
- var opts = this.options;
- if(!opts){
- opts = this.options = this.srcNodeRef ? query("> *",
- this.srcNodeRef).map(function(node){
- if(node.getAttribute("type") === "separator"){
- return { value: "", label: "", selected: false, disabled: false };
- }
- return {
- value: (node.getAttribute("data-" + kernel._scopeName + "-value") || node.getAttribute("value")),
- label: String(node.innerHTML),
- // FIXME: disabled and selected are not valid on complex markup children (which is why we're
- // looking for data-dojo-value above. perhaps we should data-dojo-props="" this whole thing?)
- // decide before 1.6
- selected: node.getAttribute("selected") || false,
- disabled: node.getAttribute("disabled") || false
- };
- }, this) : [];
- }
- if(!this.value){
- this._set("value", this._getValueFromOpts());
- }else if(this.multiple && typeof this.value == "string"){
- this._set("value", this.value.split(","));
- }
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- // summary:
- // sets up our event handling that we need for functioning
- // as a select
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Make our event connections for updating state
- this.connect(this, "onChange", "_updateSelection");
- this.connect(this, "startup", "_loadChildren");
- this._setValueAttr(this.value, null);
- },
- startup: function(){
- // summary:
- // Connects in our store, if we have one defined
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var store =, fetchArgs = {};
- array.forEach(["query", "queryOptions", "onFetch"], function(i){
- if(this[i]){
- fetchArgs[i] = this[i];
- }
- delete this[i];
- }, this);
- if(store && store.getFeatures()[""]){
- // Temporarily set our store to null so that it will get set
- // and connected appropriately
- = null;
- this.setStore(store, this._oValue, fetchArgs);
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- // summary:
- // Clean up our connections
- var h;
- while(h = this._notifyConnections.pop()){ h.remove(); }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _addOptionItem: function(/*dijit.form.__SelectOption*/ /*===== option =====*/){
- // summary:
- // User-overridable function which, for the given option, adds an
- // item to the select. If the option doesn't have a value, then a
- // separator is added in that place. Make sure to store the option
- // in the created option widget.
- },
- _removeOptionItem: function(/*dijit.form.__SelectOption*/ /*===== option =====*/){
- // summary:
- // User-overridable function which, for the given option, removes
- // its item from the select.
- },
- _setDisplay: function(/*String or String[]*/ /*===== newDisplay =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function which will set the display for the
- // widget. newDisplay is either a string (in the case of
- // single selects) or array of strings (in the case of multi-selects)
- },
- _getChildren: function(){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function to return the children that this widget contains.
- return [];
- },
- _getSelectedOptionsAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // hooks into this.attr to provide a mechanism for getting the
- // option items for the current value of the widget.
- return this.getOptions(this.get("value"));
- },
- _pseudoLoadChildren: function(/*item[]*/ /*===== items =====*/){
- // summary:
- // a function that will "fake" loading children, if needed, and
- // if we have set to not load children until the widget opens.
- // items:
- // An array of items that will be loaded, when needed
- },
- onSetStore: function(){
- // summary:
- // a function that can be connected to in order to receive a
- // notification that the store has finished loading and all options
- // from that store are available
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_FormValueMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_FormValueMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 73a01b3fe..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_FormValueMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_FormValueMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/keys", // keys.ESCAPE
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie"), has("quirks")
- "./_FormWidgetMixin"
-], function(declare, domAttr, keys, has, _FormWidgetMixin){
- var _FormWidgetMixin = dijit.form._FormWidgetMixin;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/_FormValueMixin
- // summary:
- // Mixin for widgets corresponding to native HTML elements such as <input> or <select> that have user changeable values.
- return declare("dijit.form._FormValueMixin", _FormWidgetMixin, {
- // summary:
- // Mixin for widgets corresponding to native HTML elements such as <input> or <select> that have user changeable values.
- // description:
- // Each _FormValueMixin represents a single input value, and has a (possibly hidden) <input> element,
- // to which it serializes it's input value, so that form submission (either normal submission or via FormBind?)
- // works as expected.
- // readOnly: Boolean
- // Should this widget respond to user input?
- // In markup, this is specified as "readOnly".
- // Similar to disabled except readOnly form values are submitted.
- readOnly: false,
- _setReadOnlyAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
- domAttr.set(this.focusNode, 'readOnly', value);
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-readonly", value);
- this._set("readOnly", value);
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(has("ie")){ // IE won't stop the event with keypress
- this.connect(this.focusNode || this.domNode, "onkeydown", this._onKeyDown);
- }
- // Update our reset value if it hasn't yet been set (because this.set()
- // is only called when there *is* a value)
- if(this._resetValue === undefined){
- this._lastValueReported = this._resetValue = this.value;
- }
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(/*anything*/ newValue, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Hook so set('value', value) works.
- // description:
- // Sets the value of the widget.
- // If the value has changed, then fire onChange event, unless priorityChange
- // is specified as null (or false?)
- this._handleOnChange(newValue, priorityChange);
- },
- _handleOnChange: function(/*anything*/ newValue, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Called when the value of the widget has changed. Saves the new value in this.value,
- // and calls onChange() if appropriate. See _FormWidget._handleOnChange() for details.
- this._set("value", newValue);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- undo: function(){
- // summary:
- // Restore the value to the last value passed to onChange
- this._setValueAttr(this._lastValueReported, false);
- },
- reset: function(){
- // summary:
- // Reset the widget's value to what it was at initialization time
- this._hasBeenBlurred = false;
- this._setValueAttr(this._resetValue, true);
- },
- _onKeyDown: function(e){
- if(e.keyCode == keys.ESCAPE && !(e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey)){
- var te;
- if(has("ie") < 9 || (has("ie") && has("quirks"))){
- e.preventDefault(); // default behavior needs to be stopped here since keypress is too late
- te = document.createEventObject();
- te.keyCode = keys.ESCAPE;
- te.shiftKey = e.shiftKey;
- e.srcElement.fireEvent('onkeypress', te);
- }
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_FormValueWidget.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_FormValueWidget.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 01b5bbd7c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_FormValueWidget.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_FormValueWidget", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "./_FormWidget",
- "./_FormValueMixin"
-], function(declare, has, _FormWidget, _FormValueMixin){
-var _FormWidget = dijit.form._FormWidget;
-var _FormValueMixin = dijit.form._FormValueMixin;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/_FormValueWidget
-// summary:
-// FormValueWidget
-return declare("dijit.form._FormValueWidget", [_FormWidget, _FormValueMixin],
- // summary:
- // Base class for widgets corresponding to native HTML elements such as <input> or <select> that have user changeable values.
- // description:
- // Each _FormValueWidget represents a single input value, and has a (possibly hidden) <input> element,
- // to which it serializes it's input value, so that form submission (either normal submission or via FormBind?)
- // works as expected.
- // Don't attempt to mixin the 'type', 'name' attributes here programatically -- they must be declared
- // directly in the template as read by the parser in order to function. IE is known to specifically
- // require the 'name' attribute at element creation time. See #8484, #8660.
- _layoutHackIE7: function(){
- // summary:
- // Work around table sizing bugs on IE7 by forcing redraw
- if(has("ie") == 7){ // fix IE7 layout bug when the widget is scrolled out of sight
- var domNode = this.domNode;
- var parent = domNode.parentNode;
- var pingNode = domNode.firstChild || domNode; // target node most unlikely to have a custom filter
- var origFilter =; // save custom filter, most likely nothing
- var _this = this;
- while(parent && parent.clientHeight == 0){ // search for parents that haven't rendered yet
- (function ping(){
- var disconnectHandle = _this.connect(parent, "onscroll",
- function(){
- _this.disconnect(disconnectHandle); // only call once
- = (new Date()).getMilliseconds(); // set to anything that's unique
- setTimeout(function(){ = origFilter }, 0); // restore custom filter, if any
- }
- );
- })();
- parent = parent.parentNode;
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_FormWidget.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_FormWidget.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f4a44fc79..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_FormWidget.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_FormWidget", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/ready",
- "../_Widget",
- "../_CssStateMixin",
- "../_TemplatedMixin",
- "./_FormWidgetMixin"
-], function(declare, kernel, ready, _Widget, _CssStateMixin, _TemplatedMixin, _FormWidgetMixin){
-var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
-var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
-var _CssStateMixin = dijit._CssStateMixin;
-var _FormWidgetMixin = dijit.form._FormWidgetMixin;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/_FormWidget
-// summary:
-// FormWidget
-// Back compat w/1.6, remove for 2.0
- ready(0, function(){
- var requires = ["dijit/form/_FormValueWidget"];
- require(requires); // use indirection so modules not rolled into a build
- });
-return declare("dijit.form._FormWidget", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _CssStateMixin, _FormWidgetMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Base class for widgets corresponding to native HTML elements such as <checkbox> or <button>,
- // which can be children of a <form> node or a `dijit.form.Form` widget.
- //
- // description:
- // Represents a single HTML element.
- // All these widgets should have these attributes just like native HTML input elements.
- // You can set them during widget construction or afterwards, via `dijit._Widget.attr`.
- //
- // They also share some common methods.
- setDisabled: function(/*Boolean*/ disabled){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set('disabled', ...) instead.
- kernel.deprecated("setDisabled("+disabled+") is deprecated. Use set('disabled',"+disabled+") instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.set('disabled', disabled);
- },
- setValue: function(/*String*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set('value', ...) instead.
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.form._FormWidget:setValue("+value+") is deprecated. Use set('value',"+value+") instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.set('value', value);
- },
- getValue: function(){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use get('value') instead.
- kernel.deprecated(this.declaredClass+"::getValue() is deprecated. Use get('value') instead.", "", "2.0");
- return this.get('value');
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // Setup name=foo string to be referenced from the template (but only if a name has been specified)
- // Unfortunately we can't use _setNameAttr to set the name due to IE limitations, see #8484, #8660.
- // Regarding escaping, see heading "Attribute values" in
- //
- this.nameAttrSetting = ? ('name="' +'/g, "&quot;") + '"') : '';
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- // Override automatic assigning type --> focusNode, it causes exception on IE.
- // Instead, type must be specified as ${type} in the template, as part of the original DOM
- _setTypeAttr: null
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_FormWidgetMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_FormWidgetMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7900b6e28..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_FormWidgetMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_FormWidgetMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.get
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch lang.isArray
- "dojo/mouse", // mouse.isLeft
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("webkit")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "dojo/window", // winUtils.scrollIntoView
- "../a11y" // a11y.hasDefaultTabStop
-], function(array, declare, domAttr, domStyle, lang, mouse, has, win, winUtils, a11y){
-// module:
-// dijit/form/_FormWidgetMixin
-// summary:
-// Mixin for widgets corresponding to native HTML elements such as <checkbox> or <button>,
-// which can be children of a <form> node or a `dijit.form.Form` widget.
-return declare("dijit.form._FormWidgetMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // Mixin for widgets corresponding to native HTML elements such as <checkbox> or <button>,
- // which can be children of a <form> node or a `dijit.form.Form` widget.
- //
- // description:
- // Represents a single HTML element.
- // All these widgets should have these attributes just like native HTML input elements.
- // You can set them during widget construction or afterwards, via `dijit._Widget.attr`.
- //
- // They also share some common methods.
- // name: [const] String
- // Name used when submitting form; same as "name" attribute or plain HTML elements
- name: "",
- // alt: String
- // Corresponds to the native HTML <input> element's attribute.
- alt: "",
- // value: String
- // Corresponds to the native HTML <input> element's attribute.
- value: "",
- // type: [const] String
- // Corresponds to the native HTML <input> element's attribute.
- type: "text",
- // tabIndex: Integer
- // Order fields are traversed when user hits the tab key
- tabIndex: "0",
- _setTabIndexAttr: "focusNode", // force copy even when tabIndex default value, needed since Button is <span>
- // disabled: Boolean
- // Should this widget respond to user input?
- // In markup, this is specified as "disabled='disabled'", or just "disabled".
- disabled: false,
- // intermediateChanges: Boolean
- // Fires onChange for each value change or only on demand
- intermediateChanges: false,
- // scrollOnFocus: Boolean
- // On focus, should this widget scroll into view?
- scrollOnFocus: true,
- // Override _WidgetBase mapping id to this.domNode, needs to be on focusNode so <label> etc.
- // works with screen reader
- _setIdAttr: "focusNode",
- _setDisabledAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
- this._set("disabled", value);
- domAttr.set(this.focusNode, 'disabled', value);
- if(this.valueNode){
- domAttr.set(this.valueNode, 'disabled', value);
- }
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-disabled", value ? "true" : "false");
- if(value){
- // reset these, because after the domNode is disabled, we can no longer receive
- // mouse related events, see #4200
- this._set("hovering", false);
- this._set("active", false);
- // clear tab stop(s) on this widget's focusable node(s) (ComboBox has two focusable nodes)
- var attachPointNames = "tabIndex" in this.attributeMap ? this.attributeMap.tabIndex :
- ("_setTabIndexAttr" in this) ? this._setTabIndexAttr : "focusNode";
- array.forEach(lang.isArray(attachPointNames) ? attachPointNames : [attachPointNames], function(attachPointName){
- var node = this[attachPointName];
- // complex code because tabIndex=-1 on a <div> doesn't work on FF
- if(has("webkit") || a11y.hasDefaultTabStop(node)){ // see #11064 about webkit bug
- node.setAttribute('tabIndex', "-1");
- }else{
- node.removeAttribute('tabIndex');
- }
- }, this);
- }else{
- if(this.tabIndex != ""){
- this.set('tabIndex', this.tabIndex);
- }
- }
- },
- _onFocus: function(/*String*/ by){
- // If user clicks on the widget, even if the mouse is released outside of it,
- // this widget's focusNode should get focus (to mimic native browser hehavior).
- // Browsers often need help to make sure the focus via mouse actually gets to the focusNode.
- if(by == "mouse" && this.isFocusable()){
- // IE exhibits strange scrolling behavior when refocusing a node so only do it when !focused.
- var focusConnector = this.connect(this.focusNode, "onfocus", function(){
- this.disconnect(mouseUpConnector);
- this.disconnect(focusConnector);
- });
- // Set a global event to handle mouseup, so it fires properly
- // even if the cursor leaves this.domNode before the mouse up event.
- var mouseUpConnector = this.connect(win.body(), "onmouseup", function(){
- this.disconnect(mouseUpConnector);
- this.disconnect(focusConnector);
- // if here, then the mousedown did not focus the focusNode as the default action
- if(this.focused){
- this.focus();
- }
- });
- }
- if(this.scrollOnFocus){
- this.defer(function(){ winUtils.scrollIntoView(this.domNode); }); // without defer, the input caret position can change on mouse click
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- isFocusable: function(){
- // summary:
- // Tells if this widget is focusable or not. Used internally by dijit.
- // tags:
- // protected
- return !this.disabled && this.focusNode && (domStyle.get(this.domNode, "display") != "none");
- },
- focus: function(){
- // summary:
- // Put focus on this widget
- if(!this.disabled && this.focusNode.focus){
- try{ this.focusNode.focus(); }catch(e){}/*squelch errors from hidden nodes*/
- }
- },
- compare: function(/*anything*/ val1, /*anything*/ val2){
- // summary:
- // Compare 2 values (as returned by get('value') for this widget).
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(typeof val1 == "number" && typeof val2 == "number"){
- return (isNaN(val1) && isNaN(val2)) ? 0 : val1 - val2;
- }else if(val1 > val2){
- return 1;
- }else if(val1 < val2){
- return -1;
- }else{
- return 0;
- }
- },
- onChange: function(/*===== newValue =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback when this widget's value is changed.
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- // _onChangeActive: [private] Boolean
- // Indicates that changes to the value should call onChange() callback.
- // This is false during widget initialization, to avoid calling onChange()
- // when the initial value is set.
- _onChangeActive: false,
- _handleOnChange: function(/*anything*/ newValue, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- // summary:
- // Called when the value of the widget is set. Calls onChange() if appropriate
- // newValue:
- // the new value
- // priorityChange:
- // For a slider, for example, dragging the slider is priorityChange==false,
- // but on mouse up, it's priorityChange==true. If intermediateChanges==false,
- // onChange is only called form priorityChange=true events.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this._lastValueReported == undefined && (priorityChange === null || !this._onChangeActive)){
- // this block executes not for a change, but during initialization,
- // and is used to store away the original value (or for ToggleButton, the original checked state)
- this._resetValue = this._lastValueReported = newValue;
- }
- this._pendingOnChange = this._pendingOnChange
- || (typeof newValue != typeof this._lastValueReported)
- || (, this._lastValueReported) != 0);
- if((this.intermediateChanges || priorityChange || priorityChange === undefined) && this._pendingOnChange){
- this._lastValueReported = newValue;
- this._pendingOnChange = false;
- if(this._onChangeActive){
- if(this._onChangeHandle){
- this._onChangeHandle.remove();
- }
- // defer allows hidden value processing to run and
- // also the onChange handler can safely adjust focus, etc
- this._onChangeHandle = this.defer(
- function(){
- this._onChangeHandle = null;
- this.onChange(newValue);
- }); // try to collapse multiple onChange's fired faster than can be processed
- }
- }
- },
- create: function(){
- // Overrides _Widget.create()
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._onChangeActive = true;
- },
- destroy: function(){
- if(this._onChangeHandle){ // destroy called before last onChange has fired
- this._onChangeHandle.remove();
- this.onChange(this._lastValueReported);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_ListBase.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_ListBase.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c993c9d34..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_ListBase.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_ListBase", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/window" // winUtils.scrollIntoView
-], function(declare, winUtils){
-// module:
-// dijit/form/_ListBase
-// summary:
-// Focus-less menu to handle UI events consistently
-return declare( "dijit.form._ListBase", null, {
- // summary:
- // Focus-less menu to handle UI events consistently
- // Abstract methods that must be defined externally:
- // onSelect: item is active (mousedown but not yet mouseup, or keyboard arrow selected but no Enter)
- // onDeselect: cancels onSelect
- // tags:
- // private
- // selected: DOMnode
- // currently selected node
- selected: null,
- _getTarget: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- var tgt =;
- var container = this.containerNode;
- if(tgt == container || tgt == this.domNode){ return null; }
- while(tgt && tgt.parentNode != container){
- // recurse to the top
- tgt = tgt.parentNode;
- }
- return tgt;
- },
- selectFirstNode: function(){
- // summary:
- // Select the first displayed item in the list.
- var first = this.containerNode.firstChild;
- while(first && == "none"){
- first = first.nextSibling;
- }
- this._setSelectedAttr(first);
- },
- selectLastNode: function(){
- // summary:
- // Select the last displayed item in the list
- var last = this.containerNode.lastChild;
- while(last && == "none"){
- last = last.previousSibling;
- }
- this._setSelectedAttr(last);
- },
- selectNextNode: function(){
- // summary:
- // Select the item just below the current selection.
- // If nothing selected, select first node.
- var selectedNode = this._getSelectedAttr();
- if(!selectedNode){
- this.selectFirstNode();
- }else{
- var next = selectedNode.nextSibling;
- while(next && == "none"){
- next = next.nextSibling;
- }
- if(!next){
- this.selectFirstNode();
- }else{
- this._setSelectedAttr(next);
- }
- }
- },
- selectPreviousNode: function(){
- // summary:
- // Select the item just above the current selection.
- // If nothing selected, select last node (if
- // you select Previous and try to keep scrolling up the list).
- var selectedNode = this._getSelectedAttr();
- if(!selectedNode){
- this.selectLastNode();
- }else{
- var prev = selectedNode.previousSibling;
- while(prev && == "none"){
- prev = prev.previousSibling;
- }
- if(!prev){
- this.selectLastNode();
- }else{
- this._setSelectedAttr(prev);
- }
- }
- },
- _setSelectedAttr: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Does the actual select.
- if(this.selected != node){
- var selectedNode = this._getSelectedAttr();
- if(selectedNode){
- this.onDeselect(selectedNode);
- this.selected = null;
- }
- if(node && node.parentNode == this.containerNode){
- this.selected = node;
- winUtils.scrollIntoView(node);
- this.onSelect(node);
- }
- }else if(node){
- this.onSelect(node);
- }
- },
- _getSelectedAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns the selected node.
- var v = this.selected;
- return (v && v.parentNode == this.containerNode) ? v : (this.selected = null);
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_ListMouseMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_ListMouseMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 733a2a63f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_ListMouseMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_ListMouseMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/touch",
- "./_ListBase"
-], function(declare, event, touch, _ListBase){
-var _ListBase = dijit.form._ListBase;
-// module:
-// dijit/form/_ListMouseMixin
-// summary:
-// a mixin to handle mouse or touch events for a focus-less menu
-return declare( "dijit.form._ListMouseMixin", _ListBase, {
- // summary:
- // a Mixin to handle mouse or touch events for a focus-less menu
- // Abstract methods that must be defined externally:
- // onClick: item was chosen (mousedown somewhere on the menu and mouseup somewhere on the menu)
- // tags:
- // private
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.connect(this.domNode,, "_onMouseDown");
- this.connect(this.domNode, touch.release, "_onMouseUp");
- this.connect(this.domNode, "onmouseover", "_onMouseOver");
- this.connect(this.domNode, "onmouseout", "_onMouseOut");
- },
- _onMouseDown: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- event.stop(evt);
- if(this._hoveredNode){
- this.onUnhover(this._hoveredNode);
- this._hoveredNode = null;
- }
- this._isDragging = true;
- this._setSelectedAttr(this._getTarget(evt));
- },
- _onMouseUp: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- event.stop(evt);
- this._isDragging = false;
- var selectedNode = this._getSelectedAttr();
- var target = this._getTarget(evt);
- var hoveredNode = this._hoveredNode;
- if(selectedNode && target == selectedNode){
- this.onClick(selectedNode);
- }else if(hoveredNode && target == hoveredNode){ // drag to select
- this._setSelectedAttr(hoveredNode);
- this.onClick(hoveredNode);
- }
- },
- _onMouseOut: function(/*Event*/ /*===== evt ====*/){
- if(this._hoveredNode){
- this.onUnhover(this._hoveredNode);
- if(this._getSelectedAttr() == this._hoveredNode){
- this.onSelect(this._hoveredNode);
- }
- this._hoveredNode = null;
- }
- if(this._isDragging){
- this._cancelDrag = (new Date()).getTime() + 1000; // cancel in 1 second if no _onMouseOver fires
- }
- },
- _onMouseOver: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- if(this._cancelDrag){
- var time = (new Date()).getTime();
- if(time > this._cancelDrag){
- this._isDragging = false;
- }
- this._cancelDrag = null;
- }
- var node = this._getTarget(evt);
- if(!node){ return; }
- if(this._hoveredNode != node){
- if(this._hoveredNode){
- this._onMouseOut({ target: this._hoveredNode });
- }
- if(node && node.parentNode == this.containerNode){
- if(this._isDragging){
- this._setSelectedAttr(node);
- }else{
- this._hoveredNode = node;
- this.onHover(node);
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_RadioButtonMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_RadioButtonMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ab34f226..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_RadioButtonMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_RadioButtonMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/query", // query
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.doc
- "../registry" // registry.getEnclosingWidget
-], function(array, declare, domAttr, event, lang, query, win, registry){
- // module:
- // dijit/form/_RadioButtonMixin
- // summary:
- // Mixin to provide widget functionality for an HTML radio button
- return declare("dijit.form._RadioButtonMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // Mixin to provide widget functionality for an HTML radio button
- // type: [private] String
- // type attribute on <input> node.
- // Users should not change this value.
- type: "radio",
- _getRelatedWidgets: function(){
- // Private function needed to help iterate over all radio buttons in a group.
- var ary = [];
- query("input[type=radio]", this.focusNode.form || win.doc).forEach( // can't use name= since query doesn't support [] in the name
- lang.hitch(this, function(inputNode){
- if( == && inputNode.form == this.focusNode.form){
- var widget = registry.getEnclosingWidget(inputNode);
- if(widget){
- ary.push(widget);
- }
- }
- })
- );
- return ary;
- },
- _setCheckedAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
- // If I am being checked then have to deselect currently checked radio button
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(!this._created){ return; }
- if(value){
- array.forEach(this._getRelatedWidgets(), lang.hitch(this, function(widget){
- if(widget != this && widget.checked){
- widget.set('checked', false);
- }
- }));
- }
- },
- _onClick: function(/*Event*/ e){
- if(this.checked || this.disabled){ // nothing to do
- event.stop(e);
- return false;
- }
- if(this.readOnly){ // ignored by some browsers so we have to resync the DOM elements with widget values
- event.stop(e);
- array.forEach(this._getRelatedWidgets(), lang.hitch(this, function(widget){
- domAttr.set(this.focusNode || this.domNode, 'checked', widget.checked);
- }));
- return false;
- }
- return this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_Spinner.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_Spinner.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f2c4aac8f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_Spinner.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/form/templates/Spinner.html':"<div class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitLeft\"\n\tid=\"widget_${id}\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitButtonNode dijitSpinnerButtonContainer\"\n\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitSpinnerButtonInner\" type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"-1\" readonly=\"readonly\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t/><div class=\"dijitReset dijitLeft dijitButtonNode dijitArrowButton dijitUpArrowButton\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"upArrowNode\"\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitArrowButtonInner\"\n\t\t\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField\" value=\"&#9650;\" type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"-1\" readonly=\"readonly\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t\t\t\t${_buttonInputDisabled}\n\t\t\t/></div\n\t\t></div\n\t\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitLeft dijitButtonNode dijitArrowButton dijitDownArrowButton\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"downArrowNode\"\n\t\t\t><div class=\"dijitArrowButtonInner\"\n\t\t\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField\" value=\"&#9660;\" type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"-1\" readonly=\"readonly\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t\t\t\t${_buttonInputDisabled}\n\t\t\t/></div\n\t\t></div\n\t></div\n\t><div class='dijitReset dijitValidationContainer'\n\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitValidationIcon dijitValidationInner\" value=\"&#935;\" type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"-1\" readonly=\"readonly\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t/></div\n\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitInputContainer\"\n\t\t><input class='dijitReset dijitInputInner' data-dojo-attach-point=\"textbox,focusNode\" type=\"${type}\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onkeypress:_onKeyPress\"\n\t\t\trole=\"spinbutton\" autocomplete=\"off\" ${!nameAttrSetting}\n\t/></div\n></div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/form/_Spinner", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys", // keys keys.DOWN_ARROW keys.PAGE_DOWN keys.PAGE_UP keys.UP_ARROW
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("mozilla")
- "dijit/typematic",
- "./RangeBoundTextBox",
- "dojo/text!./templates/Spinner.html",
- "./_TextBoxMixin" // selectInputText
-], function(declare, event, keys, lang, has, typematic, RangeBoundTextBox, template, _TextBoxMixin){
- var RangeBoundTextBox = dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox;
- // module:
- // dijit/form/_Spinner
- // summary:
- // Mixin for validation widgets with a spinner.
- return declare("dijit.form._Spinner", RangeBoundTextBox, {
- // summary:
- // Mixin for validation widgets with a spinner.
- // description:
- // This class basically (conceptually) extends `dijit.form.ValidationTextBox`.
- // It modifies the template to have up/down arrows, and provides related handling code.
- // defaultTimeout: Number
- // Number of milliseconds before a held arrow key or up/down button becomes typematic
- defaultTimeout: 500,
- // minimumTimeout: Number
- // minimum number of milliseconds that typematic event fires when held key or button is held
- minimumTimeout: 10,
- // timeoutChangeRate: Number
- // Fraction of time used to change the typematic timer between events.
- // 1.0 means that each typematic event fires at defaultTimeout intervals.
- // < 1.0 means that each typematic event fires at an increasing faster rate.
- timeoutChangeRate: 0.90,
- // smallDelta: Number
- // Adjust the value by this much when spinning using the arrow keys/buttons
- smallDelta: 1,
- // largeDelta: Number
- // Adjust the value by this much when spinning using the PgUp/Dn keys
- largeDelta: 10,
- templateString: template,
- baseClass: "dijitTextBox dijitSpinner",
- // Set classes like dijitUpArrowButtonHover or dijitDownArrowButtonActive depending on
- // mouse action over specified node
- cssStateNodes: {
- "upArrowNode": "dijitUpArrowButton",
- "downArrowNode": "dijitDownArrowButton"
- },
- adjust: function(val /*=====, delta =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Overridable function used to adjust a primitive value(Number/Date/...) by the delta amount specified.
- // The val is adjusted in a way that makes sense to the object type.
- // val: Object
- // delta: Number
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- return val;
- },
- _arrowPressed: function(/*Node*/ nodePressed, /*Number*/ direction, /*Number*/ increment){
- // summary:
- // Handler for arrow button or arrow key being pressed
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; }
- this._setValueAttr(this.adjust(this.get('value'), direction*increment), false);
- _TextBoxMixin.selectInputText(this.textbox, this.textbox.value.length);
- },
- _arrowReleased: function(/*Node*/ /*===== node =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Handler for arrow button or arrow key being released
- this._wheelTimer = null;
- },
- _typematicCallback: function(/*Number*/ count, /*DOMNode*/ node, /*Event*/ evt){
- var inc=this.smallDelta;
- if(node == this.textbox){
- var key = evt.charOrCode;
- inc = (key == keys.PAGE_UP || key == keys.PAGE_DOWN) ? this.largeDelta : this.smallDelta;
- node = (key == keys.UP_ARROW || key == keys.PAGE_UP) ? this.upArrowNode : this.downArrowNode;
- }
- if(count == -1){ this._arrowReleased(node); }
- else{ this._arrowPressed(node, (node == this.upArrowNode) ? 1 : -1, inc); }
- },
- _wheelTimer: null,
- _mouseWheeled: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // Mouse wheel listener where supported
- event.stop(evt);
- // FIXME: Safari bubbles
- // be nice to DOH and scroll as much as the event says to
- var wheelDelta = evt.wheelDelta / 120;
- if(Math.floor(wheelDelta) != wheelDelta){
- // If not an int multiple of 120, then its touchpad scrolling.
- // This can change very fast so just assume 1 wheel click to make it more manageable.
- wheelDelta = evt.wheelDelta > 0 ? 1 : -1;
- }
- var scrollAmount = evt.detail ? (evt.detail * -1) : wheelDelta;
- if(scrollAmount !== 0){
- var node = this[(scrollAmount > 0 ? "upArrowNode" : "downArrowNode" )];
- this._arrowPressed(node, scrollAmount, this.smallDelta);
- if(!this._wheelTimer){
- clearTimeout(this._wheelTimer);
- }
- this._wheelTimer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this,"_arrowReleased",node), 50);
- }
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // extra listeners
- this.connect(this.domNode, !has("mozilla") ? "onmousewheel" : 'DOMMouseScroll', "_mouseWheeled");
- this._connects.push(typematic.addListener(this.upArrowNode, this.textbox, {charOrCode:keys.UP_ARROW,ctrlKey:false,altKey:false,shiftKey:false,metaKey:false}, this, "_typematicCallback", this.timeoutChangeRate, this.defaultTimeout, this.minimumTimeout));
- this._connects.push(typematic.addListener(this.downArrowNode, this.textbox, {charOrCode:keys.DOWN_ARROW,ctrlKey:false,altKey:false,shiftKey:false,metaKey:false}, this, "_typematicCallback", this.timeoutChangeRate, this.defaultTimeout, this.minimumTimeout));
- this._connects.push(typematic.addListener(this.upArrowNode, this.textbox, {charOrCode:keys.PAGE_UP,ctrlKey:false,altKey:false,shiftKey:false,metaKey:false}, this, "_typematicCallback", this.timeoutChangeRate, this.defaultTimeout, this.minimumTimeout));
- this._connects.push(typematic.addListener(this.downArrowNode, this.textbox, {charOrCode:keys.PAGE_DOWN,ctrlKey:false,altKey:false,shiftKey:false,metaKey:false}, this, "_typematicCallback", this.timeoutChangeRate, this.defaultTimeout, this.minimumTimeout));
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_TextBoxMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_TextBoxMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bf8b7f85..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_TextBoxMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_TextBoxMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.byId
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys", // keys.ALT keys.CAPS_LOCK keys.CTRL keys.META keys.SHIFT
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin
- ".." // for exporting dijit._setSelectionRange, dijit.selectInputText
-], function(array, declare, dom, event, keys, lang, dijit){
-// module:
-// dijit/form/_TextBoxMixin
-// summary:
-// A mixin for textbox form input widgets
-var _TextBoxMixin = declare("dijit.form._TextBoxMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // A mixin for textbox form input widgets
- // trim: Boolean
- // Removes leading and trailing whitespace if true. Default is false.
- trim: false,
- // uppercase: Boolean
- // Converts all characters to uppercase if true. Default is false.
- uppercase: false,
- // lowercase: Boolean
- // Converts all characters to lowercase if true. Default is false.
- lowercase: false,
- // propercase: Boolean
- // Converts the first character of each word to uppercase if true.
- propercase: false,
- // maxLength: String
- // HTML INPUT tag maxLength declaration.
- maxLength: "",
- // selectOnClick: [const] Boolean
- // If true, all text will be selected when focused with mouse
- selectOnClick: false,
- // placeHolder: String
- // Defines a hint to help users fill out the input field (as defined in HTML 5).
- // This should only contain plain text (no html markup).
- placeHolder: "",
- _getValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hook so get('value') works as we like.
- // description:
- // For `dijit.form.TextBox` this basically returns the value of the <input>.
- //
- // For `dijit.form.MappedTextBox` subclasses, which have both
- // a "displayed value" and a separate "submit value",
- // This treats the "displayed value" as the master value, computing the
- // submit value from it via this.parse().
- return this.parse(this.get('displayedValue'), this.constraints);
- },
- _setValueAttr: function(value, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange, /*String?*/ formattedValue){
- // summary:
- // Hook so set('value', ...) works.
- //
- // description:
- // Sets the value of the widget to "value" which can be of
- // any type as determined by the widget.
- //
- // value:
- // The visual element value is also set to a corresponding,
- // but not necessarily the same, value.
- //
- // formattedValue:
- // If specified, used to set the visual element value,
- // otherwise a computed visual value is used.
- //
- // priorityChange:
- // If true, an onChange event is fired immediately instead of
- // waiting for the next blur event.
- var filteredValue;
- if(value !== undefined){
- // TODO: this is calling filter() on both the display value and the actual value.
- // I added a comment to the filter() definition about this, but it should be changed.
- filteredValue = this.filter(value);
- if(typeof formattedValue != "string"){
- if(filteredValue !== null && ((typeof filteredValue != "number") || !isNaN(filteredValue))){
- formattedValue = this.filter(this.format(filteredValue, this.constraints));
- }else{ formattedValue = ''; }
- }
- }
- if(formattedValue != null && formattedValue != undefined && ((typeof formattedValue) != "number" || !isNaN(formattedValue)) && this.textbox.value != formattedValue){
- this.textbox.value = formattedValue;
- this._set("displayedValue", this.get("displayedValue"));
- }
- if(this.textDir == "auto"){
- this.applyTextDir(this.focusNode, formattedValue);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments, [filteredValue, priorityChange]);
- },
- // displayedValue: String
- // For subclasses like ComboBox where the displayed value
- // (ex: Kentucky) and the serialized value (ex: KY) are different,
- // this represents the displayed value.
- //
- // Setting 'displayedValue' through set('displayedValue', ...)
- // updates 'value', and vice-versa. Otherwise 'value' is updated
- // from 'displayedValue' periodically, like onBlur etc.
- //
- // TODO: move declaration to MappedTextBox?
- // Problem is that ComboBox references displayedValue,
- // for benefit of FilteringSelect.
- displayedValue: "",
- _getDisplayedValueAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hook so get('displayedValue') works.
- // description:
- // Returns the displayed value (what the user sees on the screen),
- // after filtering (ie, trimming spaces etc.).
- //
- // For some subclasses of TextBox (like ComboBox), the displayed value
- // is different from the serialized value that's actually
- // sent to the server (see dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.serialize)
- // TODO: maybe we should update this.displayedValue on every keystroke so that we don't need
- // this method
- // TODO: this isn't really the displayed value when the user is typing
- return this.filter(this.textbox.value);
- },
- _setDisplayedValueAttr: function(/*String*/ value){
- // summary:
- // Hook so set('displayedValue', ...) works.
- // description:
- // Sets the value of the visual element to the string "value".
- // The widget value is also set to a corresponding,
- // but not necessarily the same, value.
- if(value === null || value === undefined){ value = '' }
- else if(typeof value != "string"){ value = String(value) }
- this.textbox.value = value;
- // sets the serialized value to something corresponding to specified displayedValue
- // (if possible), and also updates the textbox.value, for example converting "123"
- // to "123.00"
- this._setValueAttr(this.get('value'), undefined);
- this._set("displayedValue", this.get('displayedValue'));
- // textDir support
- if(this.textDir == "auto"){
- this.applyTextDir(this.focusNode, value);
- }
- },
- format: function(value /*=====, constraints =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Replaceable function to convert a value to a properly formatted string.
- // value: String
- // constraints: Object
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- return ((value == null || value == undefined) ? "" : (value.toString ? value.toString() : value));
- },
- parse: function(value /*=====, constraints =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Replaceable function to convert a formatted string to a value
- // value: String
- // constraints: Object
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- return value; // String
- },
- _refreshState: function(){
- // summary:
- // After the user types some characters, etc., this method is
- // called to check the field for validity etc. The base method
- // in `dijit.form.TextBox` does nothing, but subclasses override.
- // tags:
- // protected
- },
- /*=====
- onInput: function(event){
- // summary:
- // Connect to this function to receive notifications of various user data-input events.
- // Return false to cancel the event and prevent it from being processed.
- // event:
- // keydown | keypress | cut | paste | input
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- =====*/
- onInput: function(){},
- __skipInputEvent: false,
- _onInput: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called AFTER the input event has happened
- // set text direction according to textDir that was defined in creation
- if(this.textDir == "auto"){
- this.applyTextDir(this.focusNode, this.focusNode.value);
- }
- this._refreshState();
- // In case someone is watch()'ing for changes to displayedValue
- this._set("displayedValue", this.get("displayedValue"));
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- // setting the value here is needed since value="" in the template causes "undefined"
- // and setting in the DOM (instead of the JS object) helps with form reset actions
- this.textbox.setAttribute("value", this.textbox.value); // DOM and JS values should be the same
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // normalize input events to reduce spurious event processing
- // onkeydown: do not forward modifier keys
- // set charOrCode to numeric keycode
- // onkeypress: do not forward numeric charOrCode keys (already sent through onkeydown)
- // onpaste & oncut: set charOrCode to 229 (IME)
- // oninput: if primary event not already processed, set charOrCode to 229 (IME), else do not forward
- var handleEvent = function(e){
- var charCode = e.charOrCode || e.keyCode || 229;
- if(e.type == "keydown"){
- switch(charCode){ // ignore "state" keys
- case keys.SHIFT:
- case keys.ALT:
- case keys.CTRL:
- case keys.META:
- case keys.CAPS_LOCK:
- return;
- default:
- if(charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90){ return; } // keydown for A-Z can be processed with keypress
- }
- }
- if(e.type == "keypress" && typeof charCode != "string"){ return; }
- if(e.type == "input"){
- if(this.__skipInputEvent){ // duplicate event
- this.__skipInputEvent = false;
- return;
- }
- }else{
- this.__skipInputEvent = true;
- }
- // create fake event to set charOrCode and to know if preventDefault() was called
- var faux = lang.mixin({}, e, {
- charOrCode: charCode,
- wasConsumed: false,
- preventDefault: function(){
- faux.wasConsumed = true;
- e.preventDefault();
- },
- stopPropagation: function(){ e.stopPropagation(); }
- });
- // give web page author a chance to consume the event
- if(this.onInput(faux) === false){
- event.stop(faux); // return false means stop
- }
- if(faux.wasConsumed){ return; } // if preventDefault was called
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, "_onInput", faux), 0); // widget notification after key has posted
- };
- array.forEach([ "onkeydown", "onkeypress", "onpaste", "oncut", "oninput", "oncompositionend" ], function(event){
- this.connect(this.textbox, event, handleEvent);
- }, this);
- },
- _blankValue: '', // if the textbox is blank, what value should be reported
- filter: function(val){
- // summary:
- // Auto-corrections (such as trimming) that are applied to textbox
- // value on blur or form submit.
- // description:
- // For MappedTextBox subclasses, this is called twice
- // - once with the display value
- // - once the value as set/returned by set('value', ...)
- // and get('value'), ex: a Number for NumberTextBox.
- //
- // In the latter case it does corrections like converting null to NaN. In
- // the former case the NumberTextBox.filter() method calls this.inherited()
- // to execute standard trimming code in TextBox.filter().
- //
- // TODO: break this into two methods in 2.0
- //
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- if(val === null){ return this._blankValue; }
- if(typeof val != "string"){ return val; }
- if(this.trim){
- val = lang.trim(val);
- }
- if(this.uppercase){
- val = val.toUpperCase();
- }
- if(this.lowercase){
- val = val.toLowerCase();
- }
- if(this.propercase){
- val = val.replace(/[^\s]+/g, function(word){
- return word.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1);
- });
- }
- return val;
- },
- _setBlurValue: function(){
- this._setValueAttr(this.get('value'), true);
- },
- _onBlur: function(e){
- if(this.disabled){ return; }
- this._setBlurValue();
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this._selectOnClickHandle){
- this.disconnect(this._selectOnClickHandle);
- }
- },
- _isTextSelected: function(){
- return this.textbox.selectionStart == this.textbox.selectionEnd;
- },
- _onFocus: function(/*String*/ by){
- if(this.disabled || this.readOnly){ return; }
- // Select all text on focus via click if nothing already selected.
- // Since mouse-up will clear the selection need to defer selection until after mouse-up.
- // Don't do anything on focus by tabbing into the widget since there's no associated mouse-up event.
- if(this.selectOnClick && by == "mouse"){
- this._selectOnClickHandle = this.connect(this.domNode, "onmouseup", function(){
- // Only select all text on first click; otherwise users would have no way to clear
- // the selection.
- this.disconnect(this._selectOnClickHandle);
- // Check if the user selected some text manually (mouse-down, mouse-move, mouse-up)
- // and if not, then select all the text
- if(this._isTextSelected()){
- _TextBoxMixin.selectInputText(this.textbox);
- }
- });
- }
- // call this.inherited() before refreshState(), since this.inherited() will possibly scroll the viewport
- // (to scroll the TextBox into view), which will affect how _refreshState() positions the tooltip
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._refreshState();
- },
- reset: function(){
- // Overrides dijit._FormWidget.reset().
- // Additionally resets the displayed textbox value to ''
- this.textbox.value = '';
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _setTextDirAttr: function(/*String*/ textDir){
- // summary:
- // Setter for textDir.
- // description:
- // Users shouldn't call this function; they should be calling
- // set('textDir', value)
- // tags:
- // private
- // only if new textDir is different from the old one
- // and on widgets creation.
- if(!this._created
- || this.textDir != textDir){
- this._set("textDir", textDir);
- // so the change of the textDir will take place immediately.
- this.applyTextDir(this.focusNode, this.focusNode.value);
- }
- }
-_TextBoxMixin._setSelectionRange = dijit._setSelectionRange = function(/*DomNode*/ element, /*Number?*/ start, /*Number?*/ stop){
- if(element.setSelectionRange){
- element.setSelectionRange(start, stop);
- }
-_TextBoxMixin.selectInputText = dijit.selectInputText = function(/*DomNode*/ element, /*Number?*/ start, /*Number?*/ stop){
- // summary:
- // Select text in the input element argument, from start (default 0), to stop (default end).
- // TODO: use functions in _editor/selection.js?
- element = dom.byId(element);
- if(isNaN(start)){ start = 0; }
- if(isNaN(stop)){ stop = element.value ? element.value.length : 0; }
- try{
- element.focus();
- _TextBoxMixin._setSelectionRange(element, start, stop);
- }catch(e){ /* squelch random errors (esp. on IE) from unexpected focus changes or DOM nodes being hidden */ }
-return _TextBoxMixin;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/_ToggleButtonMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/_ToggleButtonMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d044fcc66..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/_ToggleButtonMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/_ToggleButtonMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr" // domAttr.set
-], function(declare, domAttr){
-// module:
-// dijit/form/_ToggleButtonMixin
-// summary:
-// A mixin to provide functionality to allow a button that can be in two states (checked or not).
-return declare("dijit.form._ToggleButtonMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // A mixin to provide functionality to allow a button that can be in two states (checked or not).
- // checked: Boolean
- // Corresponds to the native HTML <input> element's attribute.
- // In markup, specified as "checked='checked'" or just "checked".
- // True if the button is depressed, or the checkbox is checked,
- // or the radio button is selected, etc.
- checked: false,
- // aria-pressed for toggle buttons, and aria-checked for checkboxes
- _aria_attr: "aria-pressed",
- _onClick: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- var original = this.checked;
- this._set('checked', !original); // partially set the toggled value, assuming the toggle will work, so it can be overridden in the onclick handler
- var ret = this.inherited(arguments); // the user could reset the value here
- this.set('checked', ret ? this.checked : original); // officially set the toggled or user value, or reset it back
- return ret;
- },
- _setCheckedAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- this._set("checked", value);
- domAttr.set(this.focusNode || this.domNode, "checked", value);
- (this.focusNode || this.domNode).setAttribute(this._aria_attr, value ? "true" : "false"); // aria values should be strings
- this._handleOnChange(value, priorityChange);
- },
- reset: function(){
- // summary:
- // Reset the widget's value to what it was at initialization time
- this._hasBeenBlurred = false;
- // set checked state to original setting
- this.set('checked', this.params.checked || false);
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dd9807dda..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/nls/ComboBox", { root:
-//begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Previous choices",
- nextMessage: "More choices"
-//end v1.x content
-"zh": true,
-"zh-tw": true,
-"tr": true,
-"th": true,
-"sv": true,
-"sl": true,
-"sk": true,
-"ru": true,
-"ro": true,
-"pt": true,
-"pt-pt": true,
-"pl": true,
-"nl": true,
-"nb": true,
-"ko": true,
-"kk": true,
-"ja": true,
-"it": true,
-"hu": true,
-"hr": true,
-"he": true,
-"fr": true,
-"fi": true,
-"es": true,
-"el": true,
-"de": true,
-"da": true,
-"cs": true,
-"ca": true,
-"az": true,
-"ar": true
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d05609c1..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/nls/Textarea", { root:
-//begin v1.x content
-// used by both the editor and textarea widgets to provide information to screen reader users
- iframeEditTitle: 'edit area', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'edit area frame' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
-"zh": true,
-"zh-tw": true,
-"tr": true,
-"th": true,
-"sv": true,
-"sl": true,
-"sk": true,
-"ru": true,
-"ro": true,
-"pt": true,
-"pt-pt": true,
-"pl": true,
-"nl": true,
-"nb": true,
-"ko": true,
-"kk": true,
-"ja": true,
-"it": true,
-"hu": true,
-"hr": true,
-"he": true,
-"fr": true,
-"fi": true,
-"es": true,
-"el": true,
-"de": true,
-"da": true,
-"cs": true,
-"ca": true,
-"az": true,
-"ar": true
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ar/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ar/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a9a3200f2..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ar/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ar/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "الاختيارات السابقة",
- nextMessage: "مزيد من الاختيارات"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ar/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ar/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 81201afe3..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ar/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ar/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'مساحة التحرير', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'اطار مساحة التحرير' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ar/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ar/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fb023d28e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ar/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ar/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "القيمة التي تم ادخالها غير صحيحة.",
- missingMessage: "يجب ادخال هذه القيمة.",
- rangeMessage: "هذه القيمة ليس بالمدى الصحيح."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/az/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/az/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e65e9e47b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/az/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/az/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- "previousMessage" : "Əvvəlki variantlar",
- "nextMessage" : "Başqa variantlar"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/az/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/az/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fd34894d..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/az/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/az/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- "iframeEditTitle" : "Redaktə sahəsi",
- "iframeFocusTitle" : "Redaktə sahəsi çərçivəsi"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/az/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/az/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 25d65cd7c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/az/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/az/validate", //begin v1.x content
- "rangeMessage" : "Bu dəyər aralıq xaricində.",
- "invalidMessage" : "Girilən dəyər keçərli deyil.",
- "missingMessage" : "Bu deyər lazımlı."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ca/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ca/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dd7f93d5..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ca/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ca/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Opcions anteriors",
- nextMessage: "Més opcions"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ca/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ca/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index af65a94dd..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ca/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ca/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
-/* used by both the editor and textarea widgets to provide information to screen reader users */
- iframeEditTitle: 'àrea d\'edició', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'Marc de l\'àrea d\'edició' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ca/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ca/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 93315bf7f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ca/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ca/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "El valor introduït no és vàlid",
- missingMessage: "Aquest valor és necessari",
- rangeMessage: "Aquest valor és fora de l'interval"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/cs/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/cs/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 72727c73c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/cs/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/cs/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Předchozí volby",
- nextMessage: "Další volby"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/cs/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/cs/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c40ef6ec..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/cs/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/cs/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'oblast úprav', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'rámec oblasti úprav' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/cs/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/cs/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3615adf5e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/cs/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/cs/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Zadaná hodnota není platná.",
- missingMessage: "Tato hodnota je vyžadována.",
- rangeMessage: "Tato hodnota je mimo rozsah."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/da/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/da/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b73523524..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/da/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/da/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Forrige valg",
- nextMessage: "Flere valg"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/da/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/da/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 403f258c8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/da/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/da/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'redigeringsområde', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'ramme om redigeringsområde' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/da/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/da/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 57027fa9a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/da/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/da/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Den angivne værdi er ikke gyldig.",
- missingMessage: "Værdien er påkrævet.",
- rangeMessage: "Værdien er uden for intervallet."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/de/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/de/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4240e9ded..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/de/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/de/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Vorherige Auswahl",
- nextMessage: "Weitere Auswahlmöglichkeiten"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/de/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/de/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c068e8904..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/de/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/de/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
-/* used by both the editor and textarea widgets to provide information to screen reader users */
- iframeEditTitle: 'Editierbereich', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'Rahmen für Editierbereich' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/de/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/de/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0981eeeca..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/de/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/de/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Der eingegebene Wert ist ungültig. ",
- missingMessage: "Dieser Wert ist erforderlich.",
- rangeMessage: "Dieser Wert liegt außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs. "
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/el/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/el/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f9c33c75d..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/el/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/el/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Προηγούμενες επιλογές",
- nextMessage: "Περισσότερες επιλογές"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/el/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/el/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f39ae1d10..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/el/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/el/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'περιοχή επεξεργασίας', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'πλαίσιο περιοχής επεξεργασίας' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/el/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/el/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e3b31baee..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/el/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/el/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Η τιμή που καταχωρήσατε δεν είναι έγκυρη.",
- missingMessage: "Η τιμή αυτή πρέπει απαραίτητα να καθοριστεί.",
- rangeMessage: "Η τιμή αυτή δεν ανήκει στο εύρος έγκυρων τιμών."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/es/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/es/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 408d0249b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/es/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/es/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Opciones anteriores",
- nextMessage: "Más opciones"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/es/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/es/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a0b43a0b3..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/es/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/es/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'área de edición', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'marco del área de edición' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/es/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/es/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 090112fd0..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/es/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/es/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "El valor especificado no es válido.",
- missingMessage: "Este valor es necesario.",
- rangeMessage: "Este valor está fuera del intervalo."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/fi/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/fi/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index daa672824..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/fi/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/fi/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Edelliset valinnat",
- nextMessage: "Lisää valintoja"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/fi/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/fi/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b9d4383b4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/fi/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/fi/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'muokkausalue', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'muokkausalueen kehys' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/fi/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/fi/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b568bc18..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/fi/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/fi/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Annettu arvo ei kelpaa.",
- missingMessage: "Tämä arvo on pakollinen.",
- rangeMessage: "Tämä arvo on sallitun alueen ulkopuolella."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/fr/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/fr/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d5dfd7437..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/fr/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/fr/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Choix précédents",
- nextMessage: "Plus de choix"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/fr/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/fr/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c5d32d7e4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/fr/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/fr/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: "zone d'édition", // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: "cadre de la zone d'édition" // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/fr/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/fr/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cc4981ce2..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/fr/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/fr/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "La valeur indiquée n'est pas correcte.",
- missingMessage: "Cette valeur est requise.",
- rangeMessage: "Cette valeur n'est pas comprise dans la plage autorisée."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/he/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/he/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 907faf18b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/he/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/he/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "האפשרויות הקודמות",
- nextMessage: "אפשרויות נוספות"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/he/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/he/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 92a762002..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/he/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/he/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'אזור עריכה', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'מסגרת אזור עריכה' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/he/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/he/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c4121d1a7..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/he/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/he/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "הערך שצוין אינו חוקי.",
- missingMessage: "זהו ערך דרוש.",
- rangeMessage: "הערך מחוץ לטווח."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/hr/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/hr/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c242142cd..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/hr/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/hr/ComboBox", ({
- previousMessage: "Prethodni izbori",
- nextMessage: "Više izbora"
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/hr/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/hr/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bfe511dc9..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/hr/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/hr/Textarea", // used by both the editor and textarea widgets to provide information to screen reader users
- iframeEditTitle: 'područje uređivanja', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'okvir područja uređivanja' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/hr/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/hr/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 80784c8e1..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/hr/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/hr/validate", ({
- invalidMessage: "Unesena vrijednost nije važeća.",
- missingMessage: "Potrebna je ova vrijednost.",
- rangeMessage: "Ova vrijednost je izvan raspona."
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/hu/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/hu/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ed25acfa..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/hu/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/hu/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Előző menüpontok",
- nextMessage: "További menüpontok"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/hu/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/hu/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 02afcf4e7..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/hu/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/hu/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'szerkesztési terület', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'szerkesztési terület keret' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/hu/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/hu/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 919b15034..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/hu/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/hu/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "A megadott érték érvénytelen.",
- missingMessage: "Meg kell adni egy értéket.",
- rangeMessage: "Az érték kívül van a megengedett tartományon."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/it/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/it/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e5826b345..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/it/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/it/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Scelte precedenti",
- nextMessage: "Altre scelte"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/it/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/it/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6df02c030..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/it/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/it/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'modifica area', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'modifica frame area' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/it/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/it/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 115674276..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/it/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/it/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Il valore immesso non è valido.",
- missingMessage: "Questo valore è obbligatorio.",
- rangeMessage: "Questo valore non è compreso nell'intervallo."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ja/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ja/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d08892c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ja/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ja/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "以前の選択項目",
- nextMessage: "追加の選択項目"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ja/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ja/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 87230ac19..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ja/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ja/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: '編集域', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: '編集域フレーム' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ja/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ja/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ec91882e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ja/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ja/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "入力した値は無効です。",
- missingMessage: "この値は必須です。",
- rangeMessage: "この値は範囲外です。"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/kk/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/kk/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b213b9c87..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/kk/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/kk/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Алдыңғы нұсқалар",
- nextMessage: "Басқа нұсқалар"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/kk/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/kk/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 44bccd3ae..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/kk/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/kk/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
-/* used by both the editor and textarea widgets to provide information to screen reader users */
- iframeEditTitle: 'өңдеу аумағы', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'өңдеу аумағының жақтауы' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/kk/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/kk/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d0bb1b1d..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/kk/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/kk/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Енгізілген мән жарамды емес.",
- missingMessage: "Бұл мән міндетті.",
- rangeMessage: "Бұл мән ауқымнан тыс."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ko/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ko/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 97b209cda..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ko/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ko/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "이전 선택사항",
- nextMessage: "기타 선택사항"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ko/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ko/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ac40771e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ko/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ko/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: '편집 영역', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: '편집 영역 프레임' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ko/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ko/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e0df76239..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ko/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ko/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "입력된 값이 올바르지 않습니다.",
- missingMessage: "이 값은 필수입니다.",
- rangeMessage: "이 값은 범위를 벗어납니다."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/nb/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/nb/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a0bfbd944..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/nb/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/nb/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Tidligere valg",
- nextMessage: "Flere valg"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/nb/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/nb/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 79a0a5072..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/nb/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/nb/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'redigeringsområde', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'ramme for redigeringsområde' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/nb/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/nb/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 061c798b1..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/nb/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/nb/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Den angitte verdien er ikke gyldig.",
- missingMessage: "Denne verdien er obligatorisk.",
- rangeMessage: "Denne verdien er utenfor gyldig område."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/nl/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/nl/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cfa476f1..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/nl/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/nl/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Eerdere opties",
- nextMessage: "Meer opties"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/nl/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/nl/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d1d8b3ec..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/nl/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/nl/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'veld bewerken', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'veldkader bewerken' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/nl/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/nl/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 269cf4d45..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/nl/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/nl/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "De opgegeven waarde is ongeldig.",
- missingMessage: "Deze waarde is verplicht.",
- rangeMessage: "Deze waarde is niet toegestaan."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pl/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/pl/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ab668c282..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pl/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/pl/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Poprzednie wybory",
- nextMessage: "Więcej wyborów"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pl/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/pl/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bb7a13e55..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pl/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/pl/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'edycja obszaru', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'edycja ramki obszaru' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pl/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/pl/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 91dc973cb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pl/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/pl/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Wprowadzona wartość jest niepoprawna.",
- missingMessage: "Ta wartość jest wymagana.",
- rangeMessage: "Ta wartość jest spoza zakresu."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt-pt/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt-pt/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a24c4cb7..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt-pt/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/pt-pt/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Opções anteriores",
- nextMessage: "Mais opções"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt-pt/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt-pt/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b2cf2f453..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt-pt/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/pt-pt/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'área de edição', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'painel da área de edição' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt-pt/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt-pt/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 625b062b9..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt-pt/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/pt-pt/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "O valor introduzido não é válido.",
- missingMessage: "Este valor é requerido.",
- rangeMessage: "Este valor encontra-se fora do intervalo."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b4c8367be..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/pt/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Opções anteriores",
- nextMessage: "Mais opções"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 08bd6d6ed..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/pt/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'editar área', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'editar quadro da área' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 592caf7db..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/pt/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/pt/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "O valor inserido não é válido.",
- missingMessage: "Este valor é necessário.",
- rangeMessage: "Este valor está fora do intervalo. "
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ro/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ro/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 05864f56e..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ro/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ro/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Alegeri anterioare",
- nextMessage: "Mai multe alegeri"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ro/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ro/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ca92074f9..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ro/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ro/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
-/* used by both the editor and textarea widgets to provide information to screen reader users */
- iframeEditTitle: 'zonă de editare', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'cadru zonă de editare' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ro/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ro/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 165ed83fa..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ro/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ro/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Valoarea introdusă nu este validă.",
- missingMessage: "Această valoare este necesară.",
- rangeMessage: "Această valoare este în afara intervalului. "
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ru/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ru/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f807e9e0d..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ru/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ru/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Предыдущие варианты",
- nextMessage: "Следующие варианты"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ru/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ru/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e1d7da6a9..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ru/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ru/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'область редактирования', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'фрейм области редактирования' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ru/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/ru/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bcacc1116..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/ru/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/ru/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Указано недопустимое значение.",
- missingMessage: "Это обязательное значение.",
- rangeMessage: "Это значение вне диапазона."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sk/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/sk/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ce093a9b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sk/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/sk/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Predchádzajúce voľby",
- nextMessage: "Ďalšie voľby"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sk/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/sk/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6386d33c9..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sk/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/sk/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
-/* used by both the editor and textarea widgets to provide information to screen reader users */
- iframeEditTitle: 'upraviť oblasť', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'upraviť rám oblasti' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sk/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/sk/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a9efd9c1c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sk/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/sk/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Zadaná hodnota nie je platná.",
- missingMessage: "Táto hodnota je vyžadovaná.",
- rangeMessage: "Táto hodnota je mimo rozsah."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sl/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/sl/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b28199f7..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sl/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/sl/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Prejšnje izbire",
- nextMessage: "Dodatne izbire"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sl/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/sl/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ce65dc984..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sl/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/sl/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
-/* used by both the editor and textarea widgets to provide information to screen reader users */
- iframeEditTitle: 'urejevalno področje', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'okvir urejevalnega področja' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sl/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/sl/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ffa3e0fd4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sl/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/sl/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Vnesena vrednost ni veljavna.",
- missingMessage: "Ta vrednost je zahtevana.",
- rangeMessage: "Ta vrednost je izven območja."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sv/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/sv/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c1dad3ec..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sv/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/sv/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Föregående alternativ",
- nextMessage: "Fler alternativ"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sv/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/sv/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ec08afa29..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sv/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/sv/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'redigeringsområde', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'redigeringsområdesram' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sv/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/sv/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c4c74757..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/sv/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/sv/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Det angivna värdet är ogiltigt.",
- missingMessage: "Värdet är obligatoriskt.",
- rangeMessage: "Värdet är utanför intervallet."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/th/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/th/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e9288d8eb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/th/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/th/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "การเลือกก่อนหน้า",
- nextMessage: "การเลือกเพิ่มเติม"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/th/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/th/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ca1b672d..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/th/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/th/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
-/* used by both the editor and textarea widgets to provide information to screen reader users */
- iframeEditTitle: 'แก้ไขพื้นที่', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'แก้ไขกรอบพื้นที่' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/th/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/th/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e0b3a04a6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/th/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/th/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "ค่าที่ป้อนไม่ถูกต้อง",
- missingMessage: "จำเป็นต้องมีค่านี้",
- rangeMessage: "ค่านี้เกินช่วง"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/tr/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/tr/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c4f31957..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/tr/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/tr/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "Önceki seçenekler",
- nextMessage: "Diğer seçenekler"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/tr/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/tr/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6406bd177..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/tr/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/tr/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: 'düzenleme alanı', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: 'düzenleme alanı çerçevesi' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/tr/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/tr/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index acee03a0a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/tr/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/tr/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "Girilen değer geçersiz.",
- missingMessage: "Bu değer gerekli.",
- rangeMessage: "Bu değer aralık dışında."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 421ddb51a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/form/nls/validate", { root:
-//begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "The value entered is not valid.",
- missingMessage: "This value is required.",
- rangeMessage: "This value is out of range."
-//end v1.x content
-"zh": true,
-"zh-tw": true,
-"tr": true,
-"th": true,
-"sv": true,
-"sl": true,
-"sk": true,
-"ru": true,
-"ro": true,
-"pt": true,
-"pt-pt": true,
-"pl": true,
-"nl": true,
-"nb": true,
-"ko": true,
-"kk": true,
-"ja": true,
-"it": true,
-"hu": true,
-"hr": true,
-"he": true,
-"fr": true,
-"fi": true,
-"es": true,
-"el": true,
-"de": true,
-"da": true,
-"cs": true,
-"ca": true,
-"az": true,
-"ar": true
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh-tw/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh-tw/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dbcf05530..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh-tw/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/zh-tw/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "前一個選擇項",
- nextMessage: "其他選擇項"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh-tw/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh-tw/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 825ebbbd4..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh-tw/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/zh-tw/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: '編輯區', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: '編輯區框' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh-tw/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh-tw/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cc5e08fb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh-tw/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/zh-tw/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "輸入的值無效。",
- missingMessage: "必須提供此值。",
- rangeMessage: "此值超出範圍。"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 346794a3a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh/ComboBox.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/zh/ComboBox", //begin v1.x content
- previousMessage: "先前选项",
- nextMessage: "更多选项"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e1aca268a..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh/Textarea.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/zh/Textarea", //begin v1.x content
- iframeEditTitle: '编辑区', // primary title for editable IFRAME, for screen readers when focus is in the editing area
- iframeFocusTitle: '编辑区框架' // secondary title for editable IFRAME when focus is on outer container
- // to let user know that focus has moved out of editing area and to the
- // parent element of the editing area
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh/validate.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh/validate.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8044a7633..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/form/nls/zh/validate.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/form/nls/zh/validate", //begin v1.x content
- invalidMessage: "输入的值无效。",
- missingMessage: "此值是必需值。",
- rangeMessage: "此值超出范围。"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/hccss.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/hccss.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 80ea79231..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/hccss.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/hccss", [
- "require", // require.toUrl
- "dojo/_base/config", // config.blankGif
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domConstruct.create domStyle.getComputedStyle
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domClass.add domConstruct.create domStyle.getComputedStyle
- "dojo/dom-style", // domClass.add domConstruct.create domStyle.getComputedStyle
- "dojo/ready", // ready
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("mozilla")
- "dojo/_base/window" // win.body
-], function(require, config, domClass, domConstruct, domStyle, ready, has, win){
- // module:
- // dijit/hccss
- // summary:
- // Test if computer is in high contrast mode, and sets dijit_a11y flag on <body> if it is.
- if(has("ie") || has("mozilla")){ // NOTE: checking in Safari messes things up
- // priority is 90 to run ahead of parser priority of 100
- ready(90, function(){
- // summary:
- // Detects if we are in high-contrast mode or not
- // create div for testing if high contrast mode is on or images are turned off
- var div = domConstruct.create("div",{
- id: "a11yTestNode",
- style:{
- cssText:'border: 1px solid;'
- + 'border-color:red green;'
- + 'position: absolute;'
- + 'height: 5px;'
- + 'top: -999px;'
- + 'background-image: url("' + (config.blankGif || require.toUrl("dojo/resources/blank.gif")) + '");'
- }
- }, win.body());
- // test it
- var cs = domStyle.getComputedStyle(div);
- if(cs){
- var bkImg = cs.backgroundImage;
- var needsA11y = (cs.borderTopColor == cs.borderRightColor) || (bkImg != null && (bkImg == "none" || bkImg == "url(invalid-url:)" ));
- if(needsA11y){
- domClass.add(win.body(), "dijit_a11y");
- }
- if(has("ie")){
- div.outerHTML = ""; // prevent mixed-content warning, see
- }else{
- win.body().removeChild(div);
- }
- }
- });
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/AccordionContainer.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/AccordionContainer.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a4da71b3d..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/AccordionContainer.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,555 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/layout/templates/AccordionButton.html':"<div data-dojo-attach-event='onclick:_onTitleClick' class='dijitAccordionTitle' role=\"presentation\">\n\t<div data-dojo-attach-point='titleNode,focusNode' data-dojo-attach-event='onkeypress:_onTitleKeyPress'\n\t\t\tclass='dijitAccordionTitleFocus' role=\"tab\" aria-expanded=\"false\"\n\t\t><span class='dijitInline dijitAccordionArrow' role=\"presentation\"></span\n\t\t><span class='arrowTextUp' role=\"presentation\">+</span\n\t\t><span class='arrowTextDown' role=\"presentation\">-</span\n\t\t><img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" class=\"dijitIcon\" data-dojo-attach-point='iconNode' style=\"vertical-align: middle\" role=\"presentation\"/>\n\t\t<span role=\"presentation\" data-dojo-attach-point='titleTextNode' class='dijitAccordionText'></span>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/layout/AccordionContainer", [
- "require",
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/fx", // fx.Animation
- "dojo/dom", // dom.setSelectable
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.attr
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.remove
- "dojo/dom-construct", //
- "dojo/dom-geometry",
- "dojo/_base/kernel",
- "dojo/keys", // keys
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject lang.hitch
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "dojo/topic", // publish
- "../focus", // focus.focus()
- "../_base/manager", // manager.defaultDuration
- "dojo/ready",
- "../_Widget",
- "../_Container",
- "../_TemplatedMixin",
- "../_CssStateMixin",
- "./StackContainer",
- "./ContentPane",
- "dojo/text!./templates/AccordionButton.html"
-], function(require, array, declare, event, fx, dom, domAttr, domClass, domConstruct, domGeometry,
- kernel, keys, lang, has, topic, focus, manager, ready,
- _Widget, _Container, _TemplatedMixin, _CssStateMixin, StackContainer, ContentPane, template){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _Container = dijit._Container;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _CssStateMixin = dijit._CssStateMixin;
- var StackContainer = dijit.layout.StackContainer;
- var ContentPane = dijit.layout.ContentPane;
- // module:
- // dijit/layout/AccordionContainer
- // summary:
- // Holds a set of panes where every pane's title is visible, but only one pane's content is visible at a time,
- // and switching between panes is visualized by sliding the other panes up/down.
- // Design notes:
- //
- // An AccordionContainer is a StackContainer, but each child (typically ContentPane)
- // is wrapped in a _AccordionInnerContainer. This is hidden from the caller.
- //
- // The resulting markup will look like:
- //
- // <div class=dijitAccordionContainer>
- // <div class=dijitAccordionInnerContainer> (one pane)
- // <div class=dijitAccordionTitle> (title bar) ... </div>
- // <div class=dijtAccordionChildWrapper> (content pane) </div>
- // </div>
- // </div>
- //
- // Normally the dijtAccordionChildWrapper is hidden for all but one child (the shown
- // child), so the space for the content pane is all the title bars + the one dijtAccordionChildWrapper,
- // which on claro has a 1px border plus a 2px bottom margin.
- //
- // During animation there are two dijtAccordionChildWrapper's shown, so we need
- // to compensate for that.
- var AccordionButton = declare("dijit.layout._AccordionButton", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _CssStateMixin], {
- // summary:
- // The title bar to click to open up an accordion pane.
- // Internal widget used by AccordionContainer.
- // tags:
- // private
- templateString: template,
- // label: String
- // Title of the pane
- label: "",
- _setLabelAttr: {node: "titleTextNode", type: "innerHTML" },
- // title: String
- // Tooltip that appears on hover
- title: "",
- _setTitleAttr: {node: "titleTextNode", type: "attribute", attribute: "title"},
- // iconClassAttr: String
- // CSS class for icon to left of label
- iconClassAttr: "",
- _setIconClassAttr: { node: "iconNode", type: "class" },
- baseClass: "dijitAccordionTitle",
- getParent: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns the AccordionContainer parent.
- // tags:
- // private
- return this.parent;
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var titleTextNodeId =' ','_');
- domAttr.set(this.titleTextNode, "id", titleTextNodeId+"_title");
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", domAttr.get(this.titleTextNode, "id"));
- dom.setSelectable(this.domNode, false);
- },
- getTitleHeight: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns the height of the title dom node.
- return domGeometry.getMarginSize(this.domNode).h; // Integer
- },
- // TODO: maybe the parent should set these methods directly rather than forcing the code
- // into the button widget?
- _onTitleClick: function(){
- // summary:
- // Callback when someone clicks my title.
- var parent = this.getParent();
- parent.selectChild(this.contentWidget, true);
- focus.focus(this.focusNode);
- },
- _onTitleKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- return this.getParent()._onKeyPress(evt, this.contentWidget);
- },
- _setSelectedAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ isSelected){
- this._set("selected", isSelected);
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", isSelected);
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-selected", isSelected);
- this.focusNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", isSelected ? "0" : "-1");
- }
- });
- var AccordionInnerContainer = declare("dijit.layout._AccordionInnerContainer", [_Widget, _CssStateMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Internal widget placed as direct child of AccordionContainer.containerNode.
- // When other widgets are added as children to an AccordionContainer they are wrapped in
- // this widget.
- // buttonWidget: Function || String
- // Class to use to instantiate title
- // (Wish we didn't have a separate widget for just the title but maintaining it
- // for backwards compatibility, is it worth it?)
- buttonWidget: null,
- // contentWidget: dijit._Widget
- // Pointer to the real child widget
- contentWidget: null,
- baseClass: "dijitAccordionInnerContainer",
- // tell nested layout widget that we will take care of sizing
- isLayoutContainer: true,
- buildRendering: function(){
- // Builds a template like:
- // <div class=dijitAccordionInnerContainer>
- // Button
- // <div class=dijitAccordionChildWrapper>
- // ContentPane
- // </div>
- // </div>
- // Create wrapper div, placed where the child is now
- this.domNode ="<div class='" + this.baseClass +
- "' role='presentation'>", this.contentWidget.domNode, "after");
- // wrapper div's first child is the button widget (ie, the title bar)
- var child = this.contentWidget,
- cls = lang.isString(this.buttonWidget) ? lang.getObject(this.buttonWidget) : this.buttonWidget;
- this.button = child._buttonWidget = (new cls({
- contentWidget: child,
- label: child.title,
- title: child.tooltip,
- dir: child.dir,
- lang: child.lang,
- textDir: child.textDir,
- iconClass: child.iconClass,
- id: + "_button",
- parent: this.parent
- })).placeAt(this.domNode);
- // and then the actual content widget (changing it from prior-sibling to last-child),
- // wrapped by a <div class=dijitAccordionChildWrapper>
- this.containerNode ="<div class='dijitAccordionChildWrapper' style='display:none'>", this.domNode);
-, this.containerNode);
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Map changes in content widget's title etc. to changes in the button
- var button = this.button;
- this._contentWidgetWatches = [
-'title', lang.hitch(this, function(name, oldValue, newValue){
- button.set("label", newValue);
- })),
-'tooltip', lang.hitch(this, function(name, oldValue, newValue){
- button.set("title", newValue);
- })),
-'iconClass', lang.hitch(this, function(name, oldValue, newValue){
- button.set("iconClass", newValue);
- }))
- ];
- },
- _setSelectedAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ isSelected){
- this._set("selected", isSelected);
- this.button.set("selected", isSelected);
- if(isSelected){
- var cw = this.contentWidget;
- if(cw.onSelected){ cw.onSelected(); }
- }
- },
- startup: function(){
- // Called by _Container.addChild()
- this.contentWidget.startup();
- },
- destroy: function(){
- this.button.destroyRecursive();
- array.forEach(this._contentWidgetWatches || [], function(w){ w.unwatch(); });
- delete this.contentWidget._buttonWidget;
- delete this.contentWidget._wrapperWidget;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- destroyDescendants: function(/*Boolean*/ preserveDom){
- // since getChildren isn't working for me, have to code this manually
- this.contentWidget.destroyRecursive(preserveDom);
- }
- });
- var AccordionContainer = declare("dijit.layout.AccordionContainer", StackContainer, {
- // summary:
- // Holds a set of panes where every pane's title is visible, but only one pane's content is visible at a time,
- // and switching between panes is visualized by sliding the other panes up/down.
- // example:
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.AccordionContainer">
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="pane 1">
- // | </div>
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="pane 2">
- // | <p>This is some text</p>
- // | </div>
- // | </div>
- // duration: Integer
- // Amount of time (in ms) it takes to slide panes
- duration: manager.defaultDuration,
- // buttonWidget: [const] String
- // The name of the widget used to display the title of each pane
- buttonWidget: AccordionButton,
- // _verticalSpace: Number
- // Pixels of space available for the open pane
- // (my content box size minus the cumulative size of all the title bars)
- _verticalSpace: 0,
- baseClass: "dijitAccordionContainer",
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- = "hidden"; // TODO: put this in dijit.css
- this.domNode.setAttribute("role", "tablist"); // TODO: put this in template
- },
- startup: function(){
- if(this._started){ return; }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.selectedChildWidget){
- var style =;
- style.display = "";
- style.overflow = "auto";
- this.selectedChildWidget._wrapperWidget.set("selected", true);
- }
- },
- layout: function(){
- // Implement _LayoutWidget.layout() virtual method.
- // Set the height of the open pane based on what room remains.
- var openPane = this.selectedChildWidget;
- if(!openPane){ return;}
- // space taken up by title, plus wrapper div (with border/margin) for open pane
- var wrapperDomNode = openPane._wrapperWidget.domNode,
- wrapperDomNodeMargin = domGeometry.getMarginExtents(wrapperDomNode),
- wrapperDomNodePadBorder = domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(wrapperDomNode),
- wrapperContainerNode = openPane._wrapperWidget.containerNode,
- wrapperContainerNodeMargin = domGeometry.getMarginExtents(wrapperContainerNode),
- wrapperContainerNodePadBorder = domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(wrapperContainerNode),
- mySize = this._contentBox;
- // get cumulative height of all the unselected title bars
- var totalCollapsedHeight = 0;
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
- if(child != openPane){
- // Using domGeometry.getMarginSize() rather than domGeometry.position() since claro has 1px bottom margin
- // to separate accordion panes. Not sure that works perfectly, it's probably putting a 1px
- // margin below the bottom pane (even though we don't want one).
- totalCollapsedHeight += domGeometry.getMarginSize(child._wrapperWidget.domNode).h;
- }
- });
- this._verticalSpace = mySize.h - totalCollapsedHeight - wrapperDomNodeMargin.h
- - wrapperDomNodePadBorder.h - wrapperContainerNodeMargin.h - wrapperContainerNodePadBorder.h
- - openPane._buttonWidget.getTitleHeight();
- // Memo size to make displayed child
- this._containerContentBox = {
- h: this._verticalSpace,
- w: this._contentBox.w - wrapperDomNodeMargin.w - wrapperDomNodePadBorder.w
- - wrapperContainerNodeMargin.w - wrapperContainerNodePadBorder.w
- };
- if(openPane){
- openPane.resize(this._containerContentBox);
- }
- },
- _setupChild: function(child){
- // Overrides _LayoutWidget._setupChild().
- // Put wrapper widget around the child widget, showing title
- child._wrapperWidget = AccordionInnerContainer({
- contentWidget: child,
- buttonWidget: this.buttonWidget,
- id: + "_wrapper",
- dir: child.dir,
- lang: child.lang,
- textDir: child.textDir,
- parent: this
- });
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- addChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child, /*Integer?*/ insertIndex){
- if(this._started){
- // Adding a child to a started Accordion is complicated because children have
- // wrapper widgets. Default code path (calling this.inherited()) would add
- // the new child inside another child's wrapper.
- // First add in child as a direct child of this AccordionContainer
- var refNode = this.containerNode;
- if(insertIndex && typeof insertIndex == "number"){
- var children =; // get wrapper panes
- if(children && children.length >= insertIndex){
- refNode = children[insertIndex-1].domNode;
- insertIndex = "after";
- }
- }
-, refNode, insertIndex);
- if(!child._started){
- child.startup();
- }
- // Then stick the wrapper widget around the child widget
- this._setupChild(child);
- // Code below copied from StackContainer
- topic.publish("-addChild", child, insertIndex); // publish
- this.layout();
- if(!this.selectedChildWidget){
- this.selectChild(child);
- }
- }else{
- // We haven't been started yet so just add in the child widget directly,
- // and the wrapper will be created on startup()
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- },
- removeChild: function(child){
- // Overrides _LayoutWidget.removeChild().
- // Destroy wrapper widget first, before StackContainer.getChildren() call.
- // Replace wrapper widget with true child widget (ContentPane etc.).
- // This step only happens if the AccordionContainer has been started; otherwise there's no wrapper.
- if(child._wrapperWidget){
-, child._wrapperWidget.domNode, "after");
- child._wrapperWidget.destroy();
- delete child._wrapperWidget;
- }
- domClass.remove(child.domNode, "dijitHidden");
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- getChildren: function(){
- // Overrides _Container.getChildren() to return content panes rather than internal AccordionInnerContainer panes
- return, function(child){
- return child.declaredClass == "dijit.layout._AccordionInnerContainer" ? child.contentWidget : child;
- }, this);
- },
- destroy: function(){
- if(this._animation){
- this._animation.stop();
- }
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
- // If AccordionContainer has been started, then each child has a wrapper widget which
- // also needs to be destroyed.
- if(child._wrapperWidget){
- child._wrapperWidget.destroy();
- }else{
- child.destroyRecursive();
- }
- });
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _showChild: function(child){
- // Override StackContainer._showChild() to set visibility of _wrapperWidget.containerNode
- return this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _hideChild: function(child){
- // Override StackContainer._showChild() to set visibility of _wrapperWidget.containerNode
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _transition: function(/*dijit._Widget?*/ newWidget, /*dijit._Widget?*/ oldWidget, /*Boolean*/ animate){
- // Overrides StackContainer._transition() to provide sliding of title bars etc.
- if(has("ie") < 8){
- // workaround animation bugs by not animating; not worth supporting animation for IE6 & 7
- animate = false;
- }
- if(this._animation){
- // there's an in-progress animation. speedily end it so we can do the newly requested one
- this._animation.stop(true);
- delete this._animation;
- }
- var self = this;
- if(newWidget){
- newWidget._wrapperWidget.set("selected", true);
- var d = this._showChild(newWidget); // prepare widget to be slid in
- // Size the new widget, in case this is the first time it's being shown,
- // or I have been resized since the last time it was shown.
- // Note that page must be visible for resizing to work.
- if(this.doLayout && newWidget.resize){
- newWidget.resize(this._containerContentBox);
- }
- }
- if(oldWidget){
- oldWidget._wrapperWidget.set("selected", false);
- if(!animate){
- this._hideChild(oldWidget);
- }
- }
- if(animate){
- var newContents = newWidget._wrapperWidget.containerNode,
- oldContents = oldWidget._wrapperWidget.containerNode;
- // During the animation we will be showing two dijitAccordionChildWrapper nodes at once,
- // which on claro takes up 4px extra space (compared to stable AccordionContainer).
- // Have to compensate for that by immediately shrinking the pane being closed.
- var wrapperContainerNode = newWidget._wrapperWidget.containerNode,
- wrapperContainerNodeMargin = domGeometry.getMarginExtents(wrapperContainerNode),
- wrapperContainerNodePadBorder = domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(wrapperContainerNode),
- animationHeightOverhead = wrapperContainerNodeMargin.h + wrapperContainerNodePadBorder.h;
- = (self._verticalSpace - animationHeightOverhead) + "px";
- this._animation = new fx.Animation({
- node: newContents,
- duration: this.duration,
- curve: [1, this._verticalSpace - animationHeightOverhead - 1],
- onAnimate: function(value){
- value = Math.floor(value); // avoid fractional values
- = value + "px";
- = (self._verticalSpace - animationHeightOverhead - value) + "px";
- },
- onEnd: function(){
- delete self._animation;
- = "auto";
- = "none";
- = "auto";
- self._hideChild(oldWidget);
- }
- });
- this._animation.onStop = this._animation.onEnd;
- }
- return d; // If child has an href, promise that fires when the widget has finished loading
- },
- // note: we are treating the container as controller here
- _onKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ e, /*dijit._Widget*/ fromTitle){
- // summary:
- // Handle keypress events
- // description:
- // This is called from a handler on AccordionContainer.domNode
- // (setup in StackContainer), and is also called directly from
- // the click handler for accordion labels
- if(this.disabled || e.altKey || !(fromTitle || e.ctrlKey)){
- return;
- }
- var c = e.charOrCode;
- if((fromTitle && (c == keys.LEFT_ARROW || c == keys.UP_ARROW)) ||
- (e.ctrlKey && c == keys.PAGE_UP)){
- this._adjacent(false)._buttonWidget._onTitleClick();
- event.stop(e);
- }else if((fromTitle && (c == keys.RIGHT_ARROW || c == keys.DOWN_ARROW)) ||
- (e.ctrlKey && (c == keys.PAGE_DOWN || c == keys.TAB))){
- this._adjacent(true)._buttonWidget._onTitleClick();
- event.stop(e);
- }
- }
- });
- // Back compat w/1.6, remove for 2.0
- if(!kernel.isAsync){
- ready(0, function(){
- var requires = ["dijit/layout/AccordionPane"];
- require(requires); // use indirection so modules not rolled into a build
- });
- }
- // For monkey patching
- AccordionContainer._InnerContainer = AccordionInnerContainer;
- AccordionContainer._Button = AccordionButton;
- return AccordionContainer;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/AccordionPane.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/AccordionPane.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4459329f8..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/AccordionPane.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/layout/AccordionPane", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "./ContentPane"
-], function(declare, kernel, ContentPane){
- var ContentPane = dijit.layout.ContentPane;
- // module:
- // dijit/layout/AccordionPane
- // summary:
- // Deprecated widget. Use `dijit.layout.ContentPane` instead.
- return declare("dijit.layout.AccordionPane", ContentPane, {
- // summary:
- // Deprecated widget. Use `dijit.layout.ContentPane` instead.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- constructor: function(){
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.layout.AccordionPane deprecated, use ContentPane instead", "", "2.0");
- },
- onSelected: function(){
- // summary:
- // called when this pane is selected
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/BorderContainer.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/BorderContainer.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ae97c0e7..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/BorderContainer.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,556 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/layout/BorderContainer", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.filter array.forEach
- "dojo/cookie", // cookie
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove domClass.toggle
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.destroy
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.marginBox
- "dojo/dom-style", //
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys",
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject lang.hitch
- "dojo/on",
- "dojo/touch",
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body win.doc win.doc.createElement
- "../_WidgetBase",
- "../_Widget",
- "../_TemplatedMixin",
- "./_LayoutWidget",
- "./utils" // layoutUtils.layoutChildren
-], function(array, cookie, declare, domClass, domConstruct, domGeometry, domStyle, event, keys, lang, on, touch, win,
- _WidgetBase, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _LayoutWidget, layoutUtils){
- var _WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _LayoutWidget = dijit.layout._LayoutWidget;
-// module:
-// dijit/layout/BorderContainer
-// summary:
-// Provides layout in up to 5 regions, a mandatory center with optional borders along its 4 sides.
-var _Splitter = declare("dijit.layout._Splitter", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin ],
- // summary:
- // A draggable spacer between two items in a `dijit.layout.BorderContainer`.
- // description:
- // This is instantiated by `dijit.layout.BorderContainer`. Users should not
- // create it directly.
- // tags:
- // private
- // container: [const] dijit.layout.BorderContainer
- // Pointer to the parent BorderContainer
- container: null,
- // child: [const] dijit.layout._LayoutWidget
- // Pointer to the pane associated with this splitter
- child: null,
- // region: [const] String
- // Region of pane associated with this splitter.
- // "top", "bottom", "left", "right".
- region: null,
- // live: [const] Boolean
- // If true, the child's size changes and the child widget is redrawn as you drag the splitter;
- // otherwise, the size doesn't change until you drop the splitter (by mouse-up)
- live: true,
- templateString: '<div class="dijitSplitter" data-dojo-attach-event="onkeypress:_onKeyPress,press:_startDrag,onmouseenter:_onMouse,onmouseleave:_onMouse" tabIndex="0" role="separator"><div class="dijitSplitterThumb"></div></div>',
- constructor: function(){
- this._handlers = [];
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.horizontal = /top|bottom/.test(this.region);
- this._factor = /top|left/.test(this.region) ? 1 : -1;
- this._cookieName = + "_" + this.region;
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- domClass.add(this.domNode, "dijitSplitter" + (this.horizontal ? "H" : "V"));
- if(this.container.persist){
- // restore old size
- var persistSize = cookie(this._cookieName);
- if(persistSize){
-[this.horizontal ? "height" : "width"] = persistSize;
- }
- }
- },
- _computeMaxSize: function(){
- // summary:
- // Return the maximum size that my corresponding pane can be set to
- var dim = this.horizontal ? 'h' : 'w',
- childSize = domGeometry.getMarginBox(this.child.domNode)[dim],
- center = array.filter(this.container.getChildren(), function(child){ return child.region == "center";})[0],
- spaceAvailable = domGeometry.getMarginBox(center.domNode)[dim]; // can expand until center is crushed to 0
- return Math.min(this.child.maxSize, childSize + spaceAvailable);
- },
- _startDrag: function(e){
- if(!this.cover){
- this.cover = win.doc.createElement('div');
- domClass.add(this.cover, "dijitSplitterCover");
-, this.child.domNode, "after");
- }
- domClass.add(this.cover, "dijitSplitterCoverActive");
- // Safeguard in case the stop event was missed. Shouldn't be necessary if we always get the mouse up.
- if(this.fake){ domConstruct.destroy(this.fake); }
- if(!(this._resize ={ //TODO: disable live for IE6?
- // create fake splitter to display at old position while we drag
- (this.fake = this.domNode.cloneNode(true)).removeAttribute("id");
- domClass.add(this.domNode, "dijitSplitterShadow");
-, this.domNode, "after");
- }
- domClass.add(this.domNode, "dijitSplitterActive dijitSplitter" + (this.horizontal ? "H" : "V") + "Active");
- if(this.fake){
- domClass.remove(this.fake, "dijitSplitterHover dijitSplitter" + (this.horizontal ? "H" : "V") + "Hover");
- }
- //Performance: load data info local vars for onmousevent function closure
- var factor = this._factor,
- isHorizontal = this.horizontal,
- axis = isHorizontal ? "pageY" : "pageX",
- pageStart = e[axis],
- splitterStyle =,
- dim = isHorizontal ? 'h' : 'w',
- childStart = domGeometry.getMarginBox(this.child.domNode)[dim],
- max = this._computeMaxSize(),
- min = this.child.minSize || 20,
- region = this.region,
- splitterAttr = region == "top" || region == "bottom" ? "top" : "left", // style attribute of splitter to adjust
- splitterStart = parseInt(splitterStyle[splitterAttr], 10),
- resize = this._resize,
- layoutFunc = lang.hitch(this.container, "_layoutChildren",,
- de = win.doc;
- this._handlers = this._handlers.concat([
- on(de, touch.move, this._drag = function(e, forceResize){
- var delta = e[axis] - pageStart,
- childSize = factor * delta + childStart,
- boundChildSize = Math.max(Math.min(childSize, max), min);
- if(resize || forceResize){
- layoutFunc(boundChildSize);
- }
- // TODO: setting style directly (usually) sets content box size, need to set margin box size
- splitterStyle[splitterAttr] = delta + splitterStart + factor*(boundChildSize - childSize) + "px";
- }),
- on(de, "dragstart", event.stop),
- on(win.body(), "selectstart", event.stop),
- on(de, touch.release, lang.hitch(this, "_stopDrag"))
- ]);
- event.stop(e);
- },
- _onMouse: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Handler for onmouseenter / onmouseleave events
- var o = (e.type == "mouseover" || e.type == "mouseenter");
- domClass.toggle(this.domNode, "dijitSplitterHover", o);
- domClass.toggle(this.domNode, "dijitSplitter" + (this.horizontal ? "H" : "V") + "Hover", o);
- },
- _stopDrag: function(e){
- try{
- if(this.cover){
- domClass.remove(this.cover, "dijitSplitterCoverActive");
- }
- if(this.fake){ domConstruct.destroy(this.fake); }
- domClass.remove(this.domNode, "dijitSplitterActive dijitSplitter"
- + (this.horizontal ? "H" : "V") + "Active dijitSplitterShadow");
- this._drag(e); //TODO: redundant with onmousemove?
- this._drag(e, true);
- }finally{
- this._cleanupHandlers();
- delete this._drag;
- }
- if(this.container.persist){
- cookie(this._cookieName,[this.horizontal ? "height" : "width"], {expires:365});
- }
- },
- _cleanupHandlers: function(){
- var h;
- while(h = this._handlers.pop()){ h.remove(); }
- },
- _onKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // should we apply typematic to this?
- this._resize = true;
- var horizontal = this.horizontal;
- var tick = 1;
- switch(e.charOrCode){
- case horizontal ? keys.UP_ARROW : keys.LEFT_ARROW:
- tick *= -1;
-// break;
- case horizontal ? keys.DOWN_ARROW : keys.RIGHT_ARROW:
- break;
- default:
-// this.inherited(arguments);
- return;
- }
- var childSize = domGeometry.getMarginSize(this.child.domNode)[ horizontal ? 'h' : 'w' ] + this._factor * tick;
- this.container._layoutChildren(, Math.max(Math.min(childSize, this._computeMaxSize()), this.child.minSize));
- event.stop(e);
- },
- destroy: function(){
- this._cleanupHandlers();
- delete this.child;
- delete this.container;
- delete this.cover;
- delete this.fake;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
-var _Gutter = declare("dijit.layout._Gutter", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin],
- // summary:
- // Just a spacer div to separate side pane from center pane.
- // Basically a trick to lookup the gutter/splitter width from the theme.
- // description:
- // Instantiated by `dijit.layout.BorderContainer`. Users should not
- // create directly.
- // tags:
- // private
- templateString: '<div class="dijitGutter" role="presentation"></div>',
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.horizontal = /top|bottom/.test(this.region);
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- domClass.add(this.domNode, "dijitGutter" + (this.horizontal ? "H" : "V"));
- }
-var BorderContainer = declare("dijit.layout.BorderContainer", _LayoutWidget, {
- // summary:
- // Provides layout in up to 5 regions, a mandatory center with optional borders along its 4 sides.
- //
- // description:
- // A BorderContainer is a box with a specified size, such as style="width: 500px; height: 500px;",
- // that contains a child widget marked region="center" and optionally children widgets marked
- // region equal to "top", "bottom", "leading", "trailing", "left" or "right".
- // Children along the edges will be laid out according to width or height dimensions and may
- // include optional splitters (splitter="true") to make them resizable by the user. The remaining
- // space is designated for the center region.
- //
- // The outer size must be specified on the BorderContainer node. Width must be specified for the sides
- // and height for the top and bottom, respectively. No dimensions should be specified on the center;
- // it will fill the remaining space. Regions named "leading" and "trailing" may be used just like
- // "left" and "right" except that they will be reversed in right-to-left environments.
- //
- // For complex layouts, multiple children can be specified for a single region. In this case, the
- // layoutPriority flag on the children determines which child is closer to the edge (low layoutPriority)
- // and which child is closer to the center (high layoutPriority). layoutPriority can also be used
- // instead of the design attribute to control layout precedence of horizontal vs. vertical panes.
- // example:
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.BorderContainer" data-dojo-props="design: 'sidebar', gutters: false"
- // | style="width: 400px; height: 300px;">
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane" data-dojo-props="region: 'top'">header text</div>
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane" data-dojo-props="region: 'right', splitter: true" style="width: 200px;">table of contents</div>
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane" data-dojo-props="region: 'center'">client area</div>
- // | </div>
- // design: String
- // Which design is used for the layout:
- // - "headline" (default) where the top and bottom extend
- // the full width of the container
- // - "sidebar" where the left and right sides extend from top to bottom.
- design: "headline",
- // gutters: [const] Boolean
- // Give each pane a border and margin.
- // Margin determined by domNode.paddingLeft.
- // When false, only resizable panes have a gutter (i.e. draggable splitter) for resizing.
- gutters: true,
- // liveSplitters: [const] Boolean
- // Specifies whether splitters resize as you drag (true) or only upon mouseup (false)
- liveSplitters: true,
- // persist: Boolean
- // Save splitter positions in a cookie.
- persist: false,
- baseClass: "dijitBorderContainer",
- // _splitterClass: Function||String
- // Optional hook to override the default Splitter widget used by BorderContainer
- _splitterClass: _Splitter,
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // change class name to indicate that BorderContainer is being used purely for
- // layout (like LayoutContainer) rather than for pretty formatting.
- if(!this.gutters){
- this.baseClass += "NoGutter";
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- startup: function(){
- if(this._started){ return; }
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), this._setupChild, this);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _setupChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child){
- // Override _LayoutWidget._setupChild().
- var region = child.region;
- if(region){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- domClass.add(child.domNode, this.baseClass+"Pane");
- var ltr = this.isLeftToRight();
- if(region == "leading"){ region = ltr ? "left" : "right"; }
- if(region == "trailing"){ region = ltr ? "right" : "left"; }
- // Create draggable splitter for resizing pane,
- // or alternately if splitter=false but BorderContainer.gutters=true then
- // insert dummy div just for spacing
- if(region != "center" && (child.splitter || this.gutters) && !child._splitterWidget){
- var _Splitter = child.splitter ? this._splitterClass : _Gutter;
- if(lang.isString(_Splitter)){
- _Splitter = lang.getObject(_Splitter); // for back-compat, remove in 2.0
- }
- var splitter = new _Splitter({
- id: + "_splitter",
- container: this,
- child: child,
- region: region,
- live: this.liveSplitters
- });
- splitter.isSplitter = true;
- child._splitterWidget = splitter;
-, child.domNode, "after");
- // Splitters aren't added as Contained children, so we need to call startup explicitly
- splitter.startup();
- }
- child.region = region; // TODO: technically wrong since it overwrites "trailing" with "left" etc.
- }
- },
- layout: function(){
- // Implement _LayoutWidget.layout() virtual method.
- this._layoutChildren();
- },
- addChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child, /*Integer?*/ insertIndex){
- // Override _LayoutWidget.addChild().
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this._started){
- this.layout(); //OPT
- }
- },
- removeChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child){
- // Override _LayoutWidget.removeChild().
- var region = child.region;
- var splitter = child._splitterWidget;
- if(splitter){
- splitter.destroy();
- delete child._splitterWidget;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this._started){
- this._layoutChildren();
- }
- // Clean up whatever style changes we made to the child pane.
- // Unclear how height and width should be handled.
- domClass.remove(child.domNode, this.baseClass+"Pane");
- domStyle.set(child.domNode, {
- top: "auto",
- bottom: "auto",
- left: "auto",
- right: "auto",
- position: "static"
- });
- domStyle.set(child.domNode, region == "top" || region == "bottom" ? "width" : "height", "auto");
- },
- getChildren: function(){
- // Override _LayoutWidget.getChildren() to only return real children, not the splitters.
- return array.filter(this.inherited(arguments), function(widget){
- return !widget.isSplitter;
- });
- },
- // TODO: remove in 2.0
- getSplitter: function(/*String*/region){
- // summary:
- // Returns the widget responsible for rendering the splitter associated with region
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- return array.filter(this.getChildren(), function(child){
- return child.region == region;
- })[0]._splitterWidget;
- },
- resize: function(newSize, currentSize){
- // Overrides _LayoutWidget.resize().
- // resetting potential padding to 0px to provide support for 100% width/height + padding
- // TODO: this hack doesn't respect the box model and is a temporary fix
- if(!this.cs || !{
- var node = this.domNode;
- this.cs = domStyle.getComputedStyle(node);
- = domGeometry.getPadExtents(node, this.cs);
- = domStyle.toPixelValue(node, this.cs.paddingRight);
- = domStyle.toPixelValue(node, this.cs.paddingBottom);
- domStyle.set(node, "padding", "0px");
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _layoutChildren: function(/*String?*/ changedChildId, /*Number?*/ changedChildSize){
- // summary:
- // This is the main routine for setting size/position of each child.
- // description:
- // With no arguments, measures the height of top/bottom panes, the width
- // of left/right panes, and then sizes all panes accordingly.
- //
- // With changedRegion specified (as "left", "top", "bottom", or "right"),
- // it changes that region's width/height to changedRegionSize and
- // then resizes other regions that were affected.
- // changedChildId:
- // Id of the child which should be resized because splitter was dragged.
- // changedChildSize:
- // The new width/height (in pixels) to make specified child
- if(!this._borderBox || !this._borderBox.h){
- // We are currently hidden, or we haven't been sized by our parent yet.
- // Abort. Someone will resize us later.
- return;
- }
- // Generate list of wrappers of my children in the order that I want layoutChildren()
- // to process them (i.e. from the outside to the inside)
- var wrappers =, function(child, idx){
- return {
- pane: child,
- weight: [
- child.region == "center" ? Infinity : 0,
- child.layoutPriority,
- ( == "sidebar" ? 1 : -1) * (/top|bottom/.test(child.region) ? 1 : -1),
- idx
- ]
- };
- }, this);
- wrappers.sort(function(a, b){
- var aw = a.weight, bw = b.weight;
- for(var i=0; i<aw.length; i++){
- if(aw[i] != bw[i]){
- return aw[i] - bw[i];
- }
- }
- return 0;
- });
- // Make new list, combining the externally specified children with splitters and gutters
- var childrenAndSplitters = [];
- array.forEach(wrappers, function(wrapper){
- var pane = wrapper.pane;
- childrenAndSplitters.push(pane);
- if(pane._splitterWidget){
- childrenAndSplitters.push(pane._splitterWidget);
- }
- });
- // Compute the box in which to lay out my children
- var dim = {
- l:,
- t:,
- w: this._borderBox.w -,
- h: this._borderBox.h -
- };
- // Layout the children, possibly changing size due to a splitter drag
- layoutUtils.layoutChildren(this.domNode, dim, childrenAndSplitters,
- changedChildId, changedChildSize);
- },
- destroyRecursive: function(){
- // Destroy splitters first, while getChildren() still works
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
- var splitter = child._splitterWidget;
- if(splitter){
- splitter.destroy();
- }
- delete child._splitterWidget;
- });
- // Then destroy the real children, and myself
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
-// This argument can be specified for the children of a BorderContainer.
-// Since any widget can be specified as a LayoutContainer child, mix it
-// into the base widget class. (This is a hack, but it's effective.)
-lang.extend(_WidgetBase, {
- // region: [const] String
- // Parameter for children of `dijit.layout.BorderContainer`.
- // Values: "top", "bottom", "leading", "trailing", "left", "right", "center".
- // See the `dijit.layout.BorderContainer` description for details.
- region: '',
- // layoutPriority: [const] Number
- // Parameter for children of `dijit.layout.BorderContainer`.
- // Children with a higher layoutPriority will be placed closer to the BorderContainer center,
- // between children with a lower layoutPriority.
- layoutPriority: 0,
- // splitter: [const] Boolean
- // Parameter for child of `dijit.layout.BorderContainer` where region != "center".
- // If true, enables user to resize the widget by putting a draggable splitter between
- // this widget and the region=center widget.
- splitter: false,
- // minSize: [const] Number
- // Parameter for children of `dijit.layout.BorderContainer`.
- // Specifies a minimum size (in pixels) for this widget when resized by a splitter.
- minSize: 0,
- // maxSize: [const] Number
- // Parameter for children of `dijit.layout.BorderContainer`.
- // Specifies a maximum size (in pixels) for this widget when resized by a splitter.
- maxSize: Infinity
-// For monkey patching
-BorderContainer._Splitter = _Splitter;
-BorderContainer._Gutter = _Gutter;
-return BorderContainer;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/ContentPane.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/ContentPane.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index eb57db2e0..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/ContentPane.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/layout/ContentPane", [
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin lang.delegate lang.hitch lang.isFunction lang.isObject
- "../_Widget",
- "./_ContentPaneResizeMixin",
- "dojo/string", // string.substitute
- "dojo/html", // html._ContentSetter html._emptyNode
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/loading",
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/Deferred", // Deferred
- "dojo/dom", // dom.byId
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.attr
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body win.doc.createDocumentFragment
- "dojo/_base/xhr", // xhr.get
- "dojo/i18n" // i18n.getLocalization
-], function(kernel, lang, _Widget, _ContentPaneResizeMixin, string, html, nlsLoading,
- array, declare, Deferred, dom, domAttr, win, xhr, i18n){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _ContentPaneResizeMixin = dijit.layout._ContentPaneResizeMixin;
-// module:
-// dijit/layout/ContentPane
-// summary:
-// A widget containing an HTML fragment, specified inline
-// or by uri. Fragment may include widgets.
-return declare("dijit.layout.ContentPane", [_Widget, _ContentPaneResizeMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A widget containing an HTML fragment, specified inline
- // or by uri. Fragment may include widgets.
- //
- // description:
- // This widget embeds a document fragment in the page, specified
- // either by uri, javascript generated markup or DOM reference.
- // Any widgets within this content are instantiated and managed,
- // but laid out according to the HTML structure. Unlike IFRAME,
- // ContentPane embeds a document fragment as would be found
- // inside the BODY tag of a full HTML document. It should not
- // contain the HTML, HEAD, or BODY tags.
- // For more advanced functionality with scripts and
- // stylesheets, see dojox.layout.ContentPane. This widget may be
- // used stand alone or as a base class for other widgets.
- // ContentPane is useful as a child of other layout containers
- // such as BorderContainer or TabContainer, but note that those
- // widgets can contain any widget as a child.
- //
- // example:
- // Some quick samples:
- // To change the innerHTML: cp.set('content', '<b>new content</b>')
- //
- // Or you can send it a NodeList: cp.set('content', dojo.query('div [class=selected]', userSelection))
- //
- // To do an ajax update: cp.set('href', url)
- // href: String
- // The href of the content that displays now.
- // Set this at construction if you want to load data externally when the
- // pane is shown. (Set preload=true to load it immediately.)
- // Changing href after creation doesn't have any effect; Use set('href', ...);
- href: "",
- // content: String || DomNode || NodeList || dijit._Widget
- // The innerHTML of the ContentPane.
- // Note that the initialization parameter / argument to set("content", ...)
- // can be a String, DomNode, Nodelist, or _Widget.
- content: "",
- // extractContent: Boolean
- // Extract visible content from inside of <body> .... </body>.
- // I.e., strip <html> and <head> (and it's contents) from the href
- extractContent: false,
- // parseOnLoad: Boolean
- // Parse content and create the widgets, if any.
- parseOnLoad: true,
- // parserScope: String
- // Flag passed to parser. Root for attribute names to search for. If scopeName is dojo,
- // will search for data-dojo-type (or dojoType). For backwards compatibility
- // reasons defaults to dojo._scopeName (which is "dojo" except when
- // multi-version support is used, when it will be something like dojo16, dojo20, etc.)
- parserScope: kernel._scopeName,
- // preventCache: Boolean
- // Prevent caching of data from href's by appending a timestamp to the href.
- preventCache: false,
- // preload: Boolean
- // Force load of data on initialization even if pane is hidden.
- preload: false,
- // refreshOnShow: Boolean
- // Refresh (re-download) content when pane goes from hidden to shown
- refreshOnShow: false,
- // loadingMessage: String
- // Message that shows while downloading
- loadingMessage: "<span class='dijitContentPaneLoading'><span class='dijitInline dijitIconLoading'></span>${loadingState}</span>",
- // errorMessage: String
- // Message that shows if an error occurs
- errorMessage: "<span class='dijitContentPaneError'><span class='dijitInline dijitIconError'></span>${errorState}</span>",
- // isLoaded: [readonly] Boolean
- // True if the ContentPane has data in it, either specified
- // during initialization (via href or inline content), or set
- // via set('content', ...) / set('href', ...)
- //
- // False if it doesn't have any content, or if ContentPane is
- // still in the process of downloading href.
- isLoaded: false,
- baseClass: "dijitContentPane",
- /*======
- // ioMethod: dojo.xhrGet|dojo.xhrPost
- // Function that should grab the content specified via href.
- ioMethod: dojo.xhrGet,
- ======*/
- // ioArgs: Object
- // Parameters to pass to xhrGet() request, for example:
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane" data-dojo-props="href: './bar', ioArgs: {timeout: 500}">
- ioArgs: {},
- // onLoadDeferred: [readonly] dojo.Deferred
- // This is the `dojo.Deferred` returned by set('href', ...) and refresh().
- // Calling onLoadDeferred.addCallback() or addErrback() registers your
- // callback to be called only once, when the prior set('href', ...) call or
- // the initial href parameter to the constructor finishes loading.
- //
- // This is different than an onLoad() handler which gets called any time any href
- // or content is loaded.
- onLoadDeferred: null,
- // Cancel _WidgetBase's _setTitleAttr because we don't want the title attribute (used to specify
- // tab labels) to be copied to ContentPane.domNode... otherwise a tooltip shows up over the
- // entire pane.
- _setTitleAttr: null,
- // Flag to parser that I'll parse my contents, so it shouldn't.
- stopParser: true,
- // template: [private] Boolean
- // Flag from the parser that this ContentPane is inside a template
- // so the contents are pre-parsed.
- // (TODO: this declaration can be commented out in 2.0)
- template: false,
- create: function(params, srcNodeRef){
- // Convert a srcNodeRef argument into a content parameter, so that the original contents are
- // processed in the same way as contents set via set("content", ...), calling the parser etc.
- // Avoid modifying original params object since that breaks NodeList instantiation, see #11906.
- if((!params || !params.template) && srcNodeRef && !("href" in params) && !("content" in params)){
- var df = win.doc.createDocumentFragment();
- srcNodeRef = dom.byId(srcNodeRef);
- while(srcNodeRef.firstChild){
- df.appendChild(srcNodeRef.firstChild);
- }
- params = lang.delegate(params, {content: df});
- }
- this.inherited(arguments, [params, srcNodeRef]);
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var messages = i18n.getLocalization("dijit", "loading", this.lang);
- this.loadingMessage = string.substitute(this.loadingMessage, messages);
- this.errorMessage = string.substitute(this.errorMessage, messages);
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Since we have no template we need to set this.containerNode ourselves, to make getChildren() work.
- // For subclasses of ContentPane that do have a template, does nothing.
- if(!this.containerNode){
- this.containerNode = this.domNode;
- }
- // remove the title attribute so it doesn't show up when hovering
- // over a node (TODO: remove in 2.0, no longer needed after #11490)
- this.domNode.title = "";
- if(!domAttr.get(this.domNode,"role")){
- this.domNode.setAttribute("role", "group");
- }
- },
- startup: function(){
- // summary:
- // Call startup() on all children including non _Widget ones like dojo.dnd.Source objects
- // This starts all the widgets
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // And this catches stuff like dojo.dnd.Source
- if(this._contentSetter){
- array.forEach(this._contentSetter.parseResults, function(obj){
- if(!obj._started && !obj._destroyed && lang.isFunction(obj.startup)){
- obj.startup();
- obj._started = true;
- }
- }, this);
- }
- },
- setHref: function(/*String|Uri*/ href){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set('href', ...) instead.
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.layout.ContentPane.setHref() is deprecated. Use set('href', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
- return this.set("href", href);
- },
- _setHrefAttr: function(/*String|Uri*/ href){
- // summary:
- // Hook so set("href", ...) works.
- // description:
- // Reset the (external defined) content of this pane and replace with new url
- // Note: It delays the download until widget is shown if preload is false.
- // href:
- // url to the page you want to get, must be within the same domain as your mainpage
- // Cancel any in-flight requests (a set('href', ...) will cancel any in-flight set('href', ...))
- this.cancel();
- this.onLoadDeferred = new Deferred(lang.hitch(this, "cancel"));
- this.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(lang.hitch(this, "onLoad"));
- this._set("href", href);
- // _setHrefAttr() is called during creation and by the user, after creation.
- // Assuming preload == false, only in the second case do we actually load the URL;
- // otherwise it's done in startup(), and only if this widget is shown.
- if(this.preload || (this._created && this._isShown())){
- this._load();
- }else{
- // Set flag to indicate that href needs to be loaded the next time the
- // ContentPane is made visible
- this._hrefChanged = true;
- }
- return this.onLoadDeferred; // Deferred
- },
- setContent: function(/*String|DomNode|Nodelist*/data){
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use set('content', ...) instead.
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.layout.ContentPane.setContent() is deprecated. Use set('content', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
- this.set("content", data);
- },
- _setContentAttr: function(/*String|DomNode|Nodelist*/data){
- // summary:
- // Hook to make set("content", ...) work.
- // Replaces old content with data content, include style classes from old content
- // data:
- // the new Content may be String, DomNode or NodeList
- //
- // if data is a NodeList (or an array of nodes) nodes are copied
- // so you can import nodes from another document implicitly
- // clear href so we can't run refresh and clear content
- // refresh should only work if we downloaded the content
- this._set("href", "");
- // Cancel any in-flight requests (a set('content', ...) will cancel any in-flight set('href', ...))
- this.cancel();
- // Even though user is just setting content directly, still need to define an onLoadDeferred
- // because the _onLoadHandler() handler is still getting called from setContent()
- this.onLoadDeferred = new Deferred(lang.hitch(this, "cancel"));
- if(this._created){
- // For back-compat reasons, call onLoad() for set('content', ...)
- // calls but not for content specified in srcNodeRef (ie: <div data-dojo-type=ContentPane>...</div>)
- // or as initialization parameter (ie: new ContentPane({content: ...})
- this.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(lang.hitch(this, "onLoad"));
- }
- this._setContent(data || "");
- this._isDownloaded = false; // mark that content is from a set('content') not a set('href')
- return this.onLoadDeferred; // Deferred
- },
- _getContentAttr: function(){
- // summary:
- // Hook to make get("content") work
- return this.containerNode.innerHTML;
- },
- cancel: function(){
- // summary:
- // Cancels an in-flight download of content
- if(this._xhrDfd && (this._xhrDfd.fired == -1)){
- this._xhrDfd.cancel();
- }
- delete this._xhrDfd; // garbage collect
- this.onLoadDeferred = null;
- },
- uninitialize: function(){
- if(this._beingDestroyed){
- this.cancel();
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- destroyRecursive: function(/*Boolean*/ preserveDom){
- // summary:
- // Destroy the ContentPane and its contents
- // if we have multiple controllers destroying us, bail after the first
- if(this._beingDestroyed){
- return;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _onShow: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when the ContentPane is made visible
- // description:
- // For a plain ContentPane, this is called on initialization, from startup().
- // If the ContentPane is a hidden pane of a TabContainer etc., then it's
- // called whenever the pane is made visible.
- //
- // Does necessary processing, including href download and layout/resize of
- // child widget(s)
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.href){
- if(!this._xhrDfd && // if there's an href that isn't already being loaded
- (!this.isLoaded || this._hrefChanged || this.refreshOnShow)
- ){
- return this.refresh(); // If child has an href, promise that fires when the load is complete
- }
- }
- },
- refresh: function(){
- // summary:
- // [Re]download contents of href and display
- // description:
- // 1. cancels any currently in-flight requests
- // 2. posts "loading..." message
- // 3. sends XHR to download new data
- // Cancel possible prior in-flight request
- this.cancel();
- this.onLoadDeferred = new Deferred(lang.hitch(this, "cancel"));
- this.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(lang.hitch(this, "onLoad"));
- this._load();
- return this.onLoadDeferred; // If child has an href, promise that fires when refresh is complete
- },
- _load: function(){
- // summary:
- // Load/reload the href specified in this.href
- // display loading message
- this._setContent(this.onDownloadStart(), true);
- var self = this;
- var getArgs = {
- preventCache: (this.preventCache || this.refreshOnShow),
- url: this.href,
- handleAs: "text"
- };
- if(lang.isObject(this.ioArgs)){
- lang.mixin(getArgs, this.ioArgs);
- }
- var hand = (this._xhrDfd = (this.ioMethod || xhr.get)(getArgs));
- hand.addCallback(function(html){
- try{
- self._isDownloaded = true;
- self._setContent(html, false);
- self.onDownloadEnd();
- }catch(err){
- self._onError('Content', err); // onContentError
- }
- delete self._xhrDfd;
- return html;
- });
- hand.addErrback(function(err){
- if(!hand.canceled){
- // show error message in the pane
- self._onError('Download', err); // onDownloadError
- }
- delete self._xhrDfd;
- return err;
- });
- // Remove flag saying that a load is needed
- delete this._hrefChanged;
- },
- _onLoadHandler: function(data){
- // summary:
- // This is called whenever new content is being loaded
- this._set("isLoaded", true);
- try{
- this.onLoadDeferred.callback(data);
- }catch(e){
- console.error('Error '+this.widgetId+' running custom onLoad code: ' + e.message);
- }
- },
- _onUnloadHandler: function(){
- // summary:
- // This is called whenever the content is being unloaded
- this._set("isLoaded", false);
- try{
- this.onUnload();
- }catch(e){
- console.error('Error '+this.widgetId+' running custom onUnload code: ' + e.message);
- }
- },
- destroyDescendants: function(/*Boolean*/ preserveDom){
- // summary:
- // Destroy all the widgets inside the ContentPane and empty containerNode
- // Make sure we call onUnload (but only when the ContentPane has real content)
- if(this.isLoaded){
- this._onUnloadHandler();
- }
- // Even if this.isLoaded == false there might still be a "Loading..." message
- // to erase, so continue...
- // For historical reasons we need to delete all widgets under this.containerNode,
- // even ones that the user has created manually.
- var setter = this._contentSetter;
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(widget){
- if(widget.destroyRecursive){
- widget.destroyRecursive(preserveDom);
- }
- });
- if(setter){
- // Most of the widgets in setter.parseResults have already been destroyed, but
- // things like Menu that have been moved to <body> haven't yet
- array.forEach(setter.parseResults, function(widget){
- if(widget.destroyRecursive && widget.domNode && widget.domNode.parentNode == win.body()){
- widget.destroyRecursive(preserveDom);
- }
- });
- delete setter.parseResults;
- }
- // And then clear away all the DOM nodes
- if(!preserveDom){
- html._emptyNode(this.containerNode);
- }
- // Delete any state information we have about current contents
- delete this._singleChild;
- },
- _setContent: function(/*String|DocumentFragment*/ cont, /*Boolean*/ isFakeContent){
- // summary:
- // Insert the content into the container node
- // first get rid of child widgets
- this.destroyDescendants();
- // html.set will take care of the rest of the details
- // we provide an override for the error handling to ensure the widget gets the errors
- // configure the setter instance with only the relevant widget instance properties
- // NOTE: unless we hook into attr, or provide property setters for each property,
- // we need to re-configure the ContentSetter with each use
- var setter = this._contentSetter;
- if(! (setter && setter instanceof html._ContentSetter)){
- setter = this._contentSetter = new html._ContentSetter({
- node: this.containerNode,
- _onError: lang.hitch(this, this._onError),
- onContentError: lang.hitch(this, function(e){
- // fires if a domfault occurs when we are appending this.errorMessage
- // like for instance if domNode is a UL and we try append a DIV
- var errMess = this.onContentError(e);
- try{
- this.containerNode.innerHTML = errMess;
- }catch(e){
- console.error('Fatal '' could not change content due to '+e.message, e);
- }
- })/*,
- _onError */
- });
- }
- var setterParams = lang.mixin({
- cleanContent: this.cleanContent,
- extractContent: this.extractContent,
- parseContent: !cont.domNode && this.parseOnLoad,
- parserScope: this.parserScope,
- startup: false,
- dir: this.dir,
- lang: this.lang,
- textDir: this.textDir
- }, this._contentSetterParams || {});
- setter.set( (lang.isObject(cont) && cont.domNode) ? cont.domNode : cont, setterParams );
- // setter params must be pulled afresh from the ContentPane each time
- delete this._contentSetterParams;
- if(this.doLayout){
- this._checkIfSingleChild();
- }
- if(!isFakeContent){
- if(this._started){
- // Startup each top level child widget (and they will start their children, recursively)
- delete this._started;
- this.startup();
- // Call resize() on each of my child layout widgets,
- // or resize() on my single child layout widget...
- // either now (if I'm currently visible) or when I become visible
- this._scheduleLayout();
- }
- this._onLoadHandler(cont);
- }
- },
- _onError: function(type, err, consoleText){
- this.onLoadDeferred.errback(err);
- // shows user the string that is returned by on[type]Error
- // override on[type]Error and return your own string to customize
- var errText = this['on' + type + 'Error'].call(this, err);
- if(consoleText){
- console.error(consoleText, err);
- }else if(errText){// a empty string won't change current content
- this._setContent(errText, true);
- }
- },
- // EVENT's, should be overide-able
- onLoad: function(/*===== data =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Event hook, is called after everything is loaded and widgetified
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onUnload: function(){
- // summary:
- // Event hook, is called before old content is cleared
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onDownloadStart: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called before download starts.
- // description:
- // The string returned by this function will be the html
- // that tells the user we are loading something.
- // Override with your own function if you want to change text.
- // tags:
- // extension
- return this.loadingMessage;
- },
- onContentError: function(/*Error*/ /*===== error =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Called on DOM faults, require faults etc. in content.
- //
- // In order to display an error message in the pane, return
- // the error message from this method, as an HTML string.
- //
- // By default (if this method is not overriden), it returns
- // nothing, so the error message is just printed to the console.
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- onDownloadError: function(/*Error*/ /*===== error =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Called when download error occurs.
- //
- // In order to display an error message in the pane, return
- // the error message from this method, as an HTML string.
- //
- // Default behavior (if this method is not overriden) is to display
- // the error message inside the pane.
- // tags:
- // extension
- return this.errorMessage;
- },
- onDownloadEnd: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when download is finished.
- // tags:
- // callback
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/LayoutContainer.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/LayoutContainer.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0881ba5a1..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/LayoutContainer.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/layout/LayoutContainer", [
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/_base/lang",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "../_WidgetBase",
- "./_LayoutWidget",
- "./utils" // layoutUtils.layoutChildren
-], function(kernel, lang, declare, _WidgetBase, _LayoutWidget, layoutUtils){
- var _WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
- var _LayoutWidget = dijit.layout._LayoutWidget;
-// module:
-// dijit/layout/LayoutContainer
-// summary:
-// Deprecated. Use `dijit.layout.BorderContainer` instead.
-// This argument can be specified for the children of a LayoutContainer.
-// Since any widget can be specified as a LayoutContainer child, mix it
-// into the base widget class. (This is a hack, but it's effective.)
-lang.extend(_WidgetBase, {
- // layoutAlign: String
- // "none", "left", "right", "bottom", "top", and "client".
- // See the LayoutContainer description for details on this parameter.
- layoutAlign: 'none'
-return declare("dijit.layout.LayoutContainer", _LayoutWidget, {
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use `dijit.layout.BorderContainer` instead.
- //
- // description:
- // Provides Delphi-style panel layout semantics.
- //
- // A LayoutContainer is a box with a specified size (like style="width: 500px; height: 500px;"),
- // that contains children widgets marked with "layoutAlign" of "left", "right", "bottom", "top", and "client".
- // It takes it's children marked as left/top/bottom/right, and lays them out along the edges of the box,
- // and then it takes the child marked "client" and puts it into the remaining space in the middle.
- //
- // Left/right positioning is similar to CSS's "float: left" and "float: right",
- // and top/bottom positioning would be similar to "float: top" and "float: bottom", if there were such
- // CSS.
- //
- // Note that there can only be one client element, but there can be multiple left, right, top,
- // or bottom elements.
- //
- // example:
- // | <style>
- // | html, body{ height: 100%; width: 100%; }
- // | </style>
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.LayoutContainer" style="width: 100%; height: 100%">
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane" data-dojo-props="layoutAlign: 'top'">header text</div>
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane" data-dojo-props="layoutAlign: 'left'" style="width: 200px;">table of contents</div>
- // | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane" data-dojo-props="layoutAlign: 'client'">client area</div>
- // | </div>
- //
- // Lays out each child in the natural order the children occur in.
- // Basically each child is laid out into the "remaining space", where "remaining space" is initially
- // the content area of this widget, but is reduced to a smaller rectangle each time a child is added.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- baseClass: "dijitLayoutContainer",
- constructor: function(){
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.layout.LayoutContainer is deprecated", "use BorderContainer instead", 2.0);
- },
- layout: function(){
- layoutUtils.layoutChildren(this.domNode, this._contentBox, this.getChildren());
- },
- addChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child, /*Integer?*/ insertIndex){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this._started){
- layoutUtils.layoutChildren(this.domNode, this._contentBox, this.getChildren());
- }
- },
- removeChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ widget){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this._started){
- layoutUtils.layoutChildren(this.domNode, this._contentBox, this.getChildren());
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/LinkPane.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/LinkPane.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f70607185..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/LinkPane.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/layout/LinkPane", [
- "./ContentPane",
- "../_TemplatedMixin",
- "dojo/_base/declare" // declare
-], function(ContentPane, _TemplatedMixin, declare){
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var ContentPane = dijit.layout.ContentPane;
- // module:
- // dijit/layout/LinkPane
- // summary:
- // A ContentPane with an href where (when declared in markup)
- // the title is specified as innerHTML rather than as a title attribute.
- return declare("dijit.layout.LinkPane", [ContentPane, _TemplatedMixin], {
- // summary:
- // A ContentPane with an href where (when declared in markup)
- // the title is specified as innerHTML rather than as a title attribute.
- // description:
- // LinkPane is just a ContentPane that is declared in markup similarly
- // to an anchor. The anchor's body (the words between `<a>` and `</a>`)
- // become the title of the widget (used for TabContainer, AccordionContainer, etc.)
- // example:
- // | <a href="foo.html">my title</a>
- // I'm using a template because the user may specify the input as
- // <a href="foo.html">title</a>, in which case we need to get rid of the
- // <a> because we don't want a link.
- templateString: '<div class="dijitLinkPane" data-dojo-attach-point="containerNode"></div>',
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // If user has specified node contents, they become the title
- // (the link must be plain text)
- if(this.srcNodeRef){
- this.title += this.srcNodeRef.innerHTML;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _fillContent: function(){
- // Overrides _Templated._fillContent().
- // _Templated._fillContent() relocates srcNodeRef innerHTML to templated container node,
- // but in our case the srcNodeRef innerHTML is the title, so shouldn't be
- // copied
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/ScrollingTabController.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/ScrollingTabController.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a37f2189..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/ScrollingTabController.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,514 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/layout/templates/ScrollingTabController.html':"<div class=\"dijitTabListContainer-${tabPosition}\" style=\"visibility:hidden\">\n\t<div data-dojo-type=\"dijit.layout._ScrollingTabControllerMenuButton\"\n\t\t\tclass=\"tabStripButton-${tabPosition}\"\n\t\t\tid=\"${id}_menuBtn\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-props=\"containerId: '${containerId}', iconClass: 'dijitTabStripMenuIcon',\n\t\t\t\t\tdropDownPosition: ['below-alt', 'above-alt']\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"_menuBtn\" showLabel=\"false\" title=\"\">&#9660;</div>\n\t<div data-dojo-type=\"dijit.layout._ScrollingTabControllerButton\"\n\t\t\tclass=\"tabStripButton-${tabPosition}\"\n\t\t\tid=\"${id}_leftBtn\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-props=\"iconClass:'dijitTabStripSlideLeftIcon', showLabel:false, title:''\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"_leftBtn\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onClick: doSlideLeft\">&#9664;</div>\n\t<div data-dojo-type=\"dijit.layout._ScrollingTabControllerButton\"\n\t\t\tclass=\"tabStripButton-${tabPosition}\"\n\t\t\tid=\"${id}_rightBtn\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-props=\"iconClass:'dijitTabStripSlideRightIcon', showLabel:false, title:''\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"_rightBtn\" data-dojo-attach-event=\"onClick: doSlideRight\">&#9654;</div>\n\t<div class='dijitTabListWrapper' data-dojo-attach-point='tablistWrapper'>\n\t\t<div role='tablist' data-dojo-attach-event='onkeypress:onkeypress'\n\t\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point='containerNode' class='nowrapTabStrip'></div>\n\t</div>\n</div>",
-'url:dijit/layout/templates/_ScrollingTabControllerButton.html':"<div data-dojo-attach-event=\"onclick:_onClick\">\n\t<div role=\"presentation\" class=\"dijitTabInnerDiv\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"innerDiv,focusNode\">\n\t\t<div role=\"presentation\" class=\"dijitTabContent dijitButtonContents\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"tabContent\">\n\t\t\t<img role=\"presentation\" alt=\"\" src=\"${_blankGif}\" class=\"dijitTabStripIcon\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"iconNode\"/>\n\t\t\t<span data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode,titleNode\" class=\"dijitButtonText\"></span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n</div>"}});
-define("dijit/layout/ScrollingTabController", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.contains
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.contentBox
- "dojo/dom-style", //
- "dojo/_base/fx", // Animation
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/query", // query
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie"), has("webkit"), has("quirks")
- "../registry", // registry.byId()
- "dojo/text!./templates/ScrollingTabController.html",
- "dojo/text!./templates/_ScrollingTabControllerButton.html",
- "./TabController",
- "./utils", // marginBox2contextBox, layoutChildren
- "../_WidgetsInTemplateMixin",
- "../Menu",
- "../MenuItem",
- "../form/Button",
- "../_HasDropDown",
- "dojo/NodeList-dom" //
-], function(array, declare, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle, fx, lang, query, has,
- registry, tabControllerTemplate, buttonTemplate, TabController, layoutUtils, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin,
- Menu, MenuItem, Button, _HasDropDown){
-var _WidgetsInTemplateMixin = dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin;
-var Menu = dijit.Menu;
-var _HasDropDown = dijit._HasDropDown;
-var TabController = dijit.layout.TabController;
-// module:
-// dijit/layout/ScrollingTabController
-// summary:
-// Set of tabs with left/right arrow keys and a menu to switch between tabs not
-// all fitting on a single row.
-var ScrollingTabController = declare("dijit.layout.ScrollingTabController", [TabController, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Set of tabs with left/right arrow keys and a menu to switch between tabs not
- // all fitting on a single row.
- // Works only for horizontal tabs (either above or below the content, not to the left
- // or right).
- // tags:
- // private
- baseClass: "dijitTabController dijitScrollingTabController",
- templateString: tabControllerTemplate,
- // useMenu: [const] Boolean
- // True if a menu should be used to select tabs when they are too
- // wide to fit the TabContainer, false otherwise.
- useMenu: true,
- // useSlider: [const] Boolean
- // True if a slider should be used to select tabs when they are too
- // wide to fit the TabContainer, false otherwise.
- useSlider: true,
- // tabStripClass: [const] String
- // The css class to apply to the tab strip, if it is visible.
- tabStripClass: "",
- widgetsInTemplate: true,
- // _minScroll: Number
- // The distance in pixels from the edge of the tab strip which,
- // if a scroll animation is less than, forces the scroll to
- // go all the way to the left/right.
- _minScroll: 5,
- // Override default behavior mapping class to DOMNode
- _setClassAttr: { node: "containerNode", type: "class" },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var n = this.domNode;
- this.scrollNode = this.tablistWrapper;
- this._initButtons();
- if(!this.tabStripClass){
- this.tabStripClass = "dijitTabContainer" +
- this.tabPosition.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
- this.tabPosition.substr(1).replace(/-.*/, "") +
- "None";
- domClass.add(n, "tabStrip-disabled")
- }
- domClass.add(this.tablistWrapper, this.tabStripClass);
- },
- onStartup: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // TabController is hidden until it finishes drawing, to give
- // a less visually jumpy instantiation. When it's finished, set visibility to ""
- // to that the tabs are hidden/shown depending on the container's visibility setting.
- domStyle.set(this.domNode, "visibility", "");
- this._postStartup = true;
- },
- onAddChild: function(page, insertIndex){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // changes to the tab button label or iconClass will have changed the width of the
- // buttons, so do a resize
- array.forEach(["label", "iconClass"], function(attr){
- this.pane2watches[].push(
- this.pane2button[].watch(attr, lang.hitch(this, function(){
- if(this._postStartup && this._dim){
- this.resize(this._dim);
- }
- }))
- );
- }, this);
- // Increment the width of the wrapper when a tab is added
- // This makes sure that the buttons never wrap.
- // The value 200 is chosen as it should be bigger than most
- // Tab button widths.
- domStyle.set(this.containerNode, "width",
- (domStyle.get(this.containerNode, "width") + 200) + "px");
- },
- onRemoveChild: function(page, insertIndex){
- // null out _selectedTab because we are about to delete that dom node
- var button = this.pane2button[];
- if(this._selectedTab === button.domNode){
- this._selectedTab = null;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _initButtons: function(){
- // summary:
- // Creates the buttons used to scroll to view tabs that
- // may not be visible if the TabContainer is too narrow.
- // Make a list of the buttons to display when the tab labels become
- // wider than the TabContainer, and hide the other buttons.
- // Also gets the total width of the displayed buttons.
- this._btnWidth = 0;
- this._buttons = query("> .tabStripButton", this.domNode).filter(function(btn){
- if((this.useMenu && btn == this._menuBtn.domNode) ||
- (this.useSlider && (btn == this._rightBtn.domNode || btn == this._leftBtn.domNode))){
- this._btnWidth += domGeometry.getMarginSize(btn).w;
- return true;
- }else{
- domStyle.set(btn, "display", "none");
- return false;
- }
- }, this);
- },
- _getTabsWidth: function(){
- var children = this.getChildren();
- if(children.length){
- var leftTab = children[this.isLeftToRight() ? 0 : children.length - 1].domNode,
- rightTab = children[this.isLeftToRight() ? children.length - 1 : 0].domNode;
- return rightTab.offsetLeft + domStyle.get(rightTab, "width") - leftTab.offsetLeft;
- }else{
- return 0;
- }
- },
- _enableBtn: function(width){
- // summary:
- // Determines if the tabs are wider than the width of the TabContainer, and
- // thus that we need to display left/right/menu navigation buttons.
- var tabsWidth = this._getTabsWidth();
- width = width || domStyle.get(this.scrollNode, "width");
- return tabsWidth > 0 && width < tabsWidth;
- },
- resize: function(dim){
- // summary:
- // Hides or displays the buttons used to scroll the tab list and launch the menu
- // that selects tabs.
- // Save the dimensions to be used when a child is renamed.
- this._dim = dim;
- // Set my height to be my natural height (tall enough for one row of tab labels),
- // and my content-box width based on margin-box width specified in dim parameter.
- // But first reset scrollNode.height in case it was set by layoutChildren() call
- // in a previous run of this method.
- = "auto";
- var cb = this._contentBox = layoutUtils.marginBox2contentBox(this.domNode, {h: 0, w: dim.w});
- cb.h = this.scrollNode.offsetHeight;
- domGeometry.setContentSize(this.domNode, cb);
- // Show/hide the left/right/menu navigation buttons depending on whether or not they
- // are needed.
- var enable = this._enableBtn(this._contentBox.w);
-"display", enable ? "" : "none");
- // Position and size the navigation buttons and the tablist
- this._leftBtn.layoutAlign = "left";
- this._rightBtn.layoutAlign = "right";
- this._menuBtn.layoutAlign = this.isLeftToRight() ? "right" : "left";
- layoutUtils.layoutChildren(this.domNode, this._contentBox,
- [this._menuBtn, this._leftBtn, this._rightBtn, {domNode: this.scrollNode, layoutAlign: "client"}]);
- // set proper scroll so that selected tab is visible
- if(this._selectedTab){
- if(this._anim && this._anim.status() == "playing"){
- this._anim.stop();
- }
- this.scrollNode.scrollLeft = this._convertToScrollLeft(this._getScrollForSelectedTab());
- }
- // Enable/disabled left right buttons depending on whether or not user can scroll to left or right
- this._setButtonClass(this._getScroll());
- this._postResize = true;
- // Return my size so layoutChildren() can use it.
- // Also avoids IE9 layout glitch on browser resize when scroll buttons present
- return {h: this._contentBox.h, w: dim.w};
- },
- _getScroll: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns the current scroll of the tabs where 0 means
- // "scrolled all the way to the left" and some positive number, based on #
- // of pixels of possible scroll (ex: 1000) means "scrolled all the way to the right"
- return (this.isLeftToRight() || has("ie") < 8 || (has("ie") && has("quirks")) || has("webkit")) ? this.scrollNode.scrollLeft :
- domStyle.get(this.containerNode, "width") - domStyle.get(this.scrollNode, "width")
- + (has("ie") == 8 ? -1 : 1) * this.scrollNode.scrollLeft;
- },
- _convertToScrollLeft: function(val){
- // summary:
- // Given a scroll value where 0 means "scrolled all the way to the left"
- // and some positive number, based on # of pixels of possible scroll (ex: 1000)
- // means "scrolled all the way to the right", return value to set this.scrollNode.scrollLeft
- // to achieve that scroll.
- //
- // This method is to adjust for RTL funniness in various browsers and versions.
- if(this.isLeftToRight() || has("ie") < 8 || (has("ie") && has("quirks")) || has("webkit")){
- return val;
- }else{
- var maxScroll = domStyle.get(this.containerNode, "width") - domStyle.get(this.scrollNode, "width");
- return (has("ie") == 8 ? -1 : 1) * (val - maxScroll);
- }
- },
- onSelectChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ page){
- // summary:
- // Smoothly scrolls to a tab when it is selected.
- var tab = this.pane2button[];
- if(!tab || !page){return;}
- var node = tab.domNode;
- // Save the selection
- if(node != this._selectedTab){
- this._selectedTab = node;
- // Scroll to the selected tab, except on startup, when scrolling is handled in resize()
- if(this._postResize){
- var sl = this._getScroll();
- if(sl > node.offsetLeft ||
- sl + domStyle.get(this.scrollNode, "width") <
- node.offsetLeft + domStyle.get(node, "width")){
- this.createSmoothScroll().play();
- }
- }
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _getScrollBounds: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns the minimum and maximum scroll setting to show the leftmost and rightmost
- // tabs (respectively)
- var children = this.getChildren(),
- scrollNodeWidth = domStyle.get(this.scrollNode, "width"), // about 500px
- containerWidth = domStyle.get(this.containerNode, "width"), // 50,000px
- maxPossibleScroll = containerWidth - scrollNodeWidth, // scrolling until right edge of containerNode visible
- tabsWidth = this._getTabsWidth();
- if(children.length && tabsWidth > scrollNodeWidth){
- // Scrolling should happen
- return {
- min: this.isLeftToRight() ? 0 : children[children.length-1].domNode.offsetLeft,
- max: this.isLeftToRight() ?
- (children[children.length-1].domNode.offsetLeft + domStyle.get(children[children.length-1].domNode, "width")) - scrollNodeWidth :
- maxPossibleScroll
- };
- }else{
- // No scrolling needed, all tabs visible, we stay either scrolled to far left or far right (depending on dir)
- var onlyScrollPosition = this.isLeftToRight() ? 0 : maxPossibleScroll;
- return {
- min: onlyScrollPosition,
- max: onlyScrollPosition
- };
- }
- },
- _getScrollForSelectedTab: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns the scroll value setting so that the selected tab
- // will appear in the center
- var w = this.scrollNode,
- n = this._selectedTab,
- scrollNodeWidth = domStyle.get(this.scrollNode, "width"),
- scrollBounds = this._getScrollBounds();
- // TODO: scroll minimal amount (to either right or left) so that
- // selected tab is fully visible, and just return if it's already visible?
- var pos = (n.offsetLeft + domStyle.get(n, "width")/2) - scrollNodeWidth/2;
- pos = Math.min(Math.max(pos, scrollBounds.min), scrollBounds.max);
- // TODO:
- // If scrolling close to the left side or right side, scroll
- // all the way to the left or right. See this._minScroll.
- // (But need to make sure that doesn't scroll the tab out of view...)
- return pos;
- },
- createSmoothScroll: function(x){
- // summary:
- // Creates a dojo._Animation object that smoothly scrolls the tab list
- // either to a fixed horizontal pixel value, or to the selected tab.
- // description:
- // If an number argument is passed to the function, that horizontal
- // pixel position is scrolled to. Otherwise the currently selected
- // tab is scrolled to.
- // x: Integer?
- // An optional pixel value to scroll to, indicating distance from left.
- // Calculate position to scroll to
- if(arguments.length > 0){
- // position specified by caller, just make sure it's within bounds
- var scrollBounds = this._getScrollBounds();
- x = Math.min(Math.max(x, scrollBounds.min), scrollBounds.max);
- }else{
- // scroll to center the current tab
- x = this._getScrollForSelectedTab();
- }
- if(this._anim && this._anim.status() == "playing"){
- this._anim.stop();
- }
- var self = this,
- w = this.scrollNode,
- anim = new fx.Animation({
- beforeBegin: function(){
- if(this.curve){ delete this.curve; }
- var oldS = w.scrollLeft,
- newS = self._convertToScrollLeft(x);
- anim.curve = new fx._Line(oldS, newS);
- },
- onAnimate: function(val){
- w.scrollLeft = val;
- }
- });
- this._anim = anim;
- // Disable/enable left/right buttons according to new scroll position
- this._setButtonClass(x);
- return anim; // dojo._Animation
- },
- _getBtnNode: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Gets a button DOM node from a mouse click event.
- // e:
- // The mouse click event.
- var n =;
- while(n && !domClass.contains(n, "tabStripButton")){
- n = n.parentNode;
- }
- return n;
- },
- doSlideRight: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Scrolls the menu to the right.
- // e:
- // The mouse click event.
- this.doSlide(1, this._getBtnNode(e));
- },
- doSlideLeft: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Scrolls the menu to the left.
- // e:
- // The mouse click event.
- this.doSlide(-1,this._getBtnNode(e));
- },
- doSlide: function(/*Number*/ direction, /*DomNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Scrolls the tab list to the left or right by 75% of the widget width.
- // direction:
- // If the direction is 1, the widget scrolls to the right, if it is
- // -1, it scrolls to the left.
- if(node && domClass.contains(node, "dijitTabDisabled")){return;}
- var sWidth = domStyle.get(this.scrollNode, "width");
- var d = (sWidth * 0.75) * direction;
- var to = this._getScroll() + d;
- this._setButtonClass(to);
- this.createSmoothScroll(to).play();
- },
- _setButtonClass: function(/*Number*/ scroll){
- // summary:
- // Disables the left scroll button if the tabs are scrolled all the way to the left,
- // or the right scroll button in the opposite case.
- // scroll: Integer
- // amount of horizontal scroll
- var scrollBounds = this._getScrollBounds();
- this._leftBtn.set("disabled", scroll <= scrollBounds.min);
- this._rightBtn.set("disabled", scroll >= scrollBounds.max);
- }
-var ScrollingTabControllerButtonMixin = declare("dijit.layout._ScrollingTabControllerButtonMixin", null, {
- baseClass: "dijitTab tabStripButton",
- templateString: buttonTemplate,
- // Override inherited tabIndex: 0 from dijit.form.Button, because user shouldn't be
- // able to tab to the left/right/menu buttons
- tabIndex: "",
- // Similarly, override FormWidget.isFocusable() because clicking a button shouldn't focus it
- // either (this override avoids focus() call in FormWidget.js)
- isFocusable: function(){ return false; }
-ScrollingTabControllerButtonMixin = dijit.layout._ScrollingTabControllerButtonMixin;
-// Class used in template
- [Button, ScrollingTabControllerButtonMixin]);
-// Class used in template
- "dijit.layout._ScrollingTabControllerMenuButton",
- [Button, _HasDropDown, ScrollingTabControllerButtonMixin],
- // id of the TabContainer itself
- containerId: "",
- // -1 so user can't tab into the button, but so that button can still be focused programatically.
- // Because need to move focus to the button (or somewhere) before the menu is hidden or IE6 will crash.
- tabIndex: "-1",
- isLoaded: function(){
- // recreate menu every time, in case the TabContainer's list of children (or their icons/labels) have changed
- return false;
- },
- loadDropDown: function(callback){
- this.dropDown = new Menu({
- id: this.containerId + "_menu",
- dir: this.dir,
- lang: this.lang,
- textDir: this.textDir
- });
- var container = registry.byId(this.containerId);
- array.forEach(container.getChildren(), function(page){
- var menuItem = new MenuItem({
- id: + "_stcMi",
- label: page.title,
- iconClass: page.iconClass,
- dir: page.dir,
- lang: page.lang,
- textDir: page.textDir,
- onClick: function(){
- container.selectChild(page);
- }
- });
- this.dropDown.addChild(menuItem);
- }, this);
- callback();
- },
- closeDropDown: function(/*Boolean*/ focus){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this.dropDown){
- this.dropDown.destroyRecursive();
- delete this.dropDown;
- }
- }
-return ScrollingTabController;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/SplitContainer.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/SplitContainer.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b411c931..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/SplitContainer.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/layout/SplitContainer", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.indexOf array.some
- "dojo/cookie", // cookie
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.setSelectable
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create domConstruct.destroy
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.marginBox domGeometry.position
- "dojo/dom-style", //
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.extend lang.hitch
- "dojo/on",
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("mozilla")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.doc.createElement win.doc.documentElement
- "../registry", // registry.getUniqueId()
- "../_WidgetBase",
- "./_LayoutWidget"
-], function(array, cookie, declare, dom, domClass, domConstruct, domGeometry, domStyle,
- event, kernel, lang, on, has, win, registry, _WidgetBase, _LayoutWidget){
-var _WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
-var _LayoutWidget = dijit.layout._LayoutWidget;
-// module:
-// dijit/layout/SplitContainer
-// summary:
-// Deprecated. Use `dijit.layout.BorderContainer` instead.
-// FIXME: make it prettier
-// FIXME: active dragging upwards doesn't always shift other bars (direction calculation is wrong in this case)
-// FIXME: sizeWidth should be a CSS attribute (at 7 because css wants it to be 7 until we fix to css)
-// These arguments can be specified for the children of a SplitContainer.
-// Since any widget can be specified as a SplitContainer child, mix them
-// into the base widget class. (This is a hack, but it's effective.)
-lang.extend(_WidgetBase, {
- // sizeMin: [deprecated] Integer
- // Deprecated. Parameter for children of `dijit.layout.SplitContainer`.
- // Minimum size (width or height) of a child of a SplitContainer.
- // The value is relative to other children's sizeShare properties.
- sizeMin: 10,
- // sizeShare: [deprecated] Integer
- // Deprecated. Parameter for children of `dijit.layout.SplitContainer`.
- // Size (width or height) of a child of a SplitContainer.
- // The value is relative to other children's sizeShare properties.
- // For example, if there are two children and each has sizeShare=10, then
- // each takes up 50% of the available space.
- sizeShare: 10
-return declare("dijit.layout.SplitContainer", _LayoutWidget, {
- // summary:
- // Deprecated. Use `dijit.layout.BorderContainer` instead.
- // description:
- // A Container widget with sizing handles in-between each child.
- // Contains multiple children widgets, all of which are displayed side by side
- // (either horizontally or vertically); there's a bar between each of the children,
- // and you can adjust the relative size of each child by dragging the bars.
- //
- // You must specify a size (width and height) for the SplitContainer.
- // tags:
- // deprecated
- constructor: function(){
- kernel.deprecated("dijit.layout.SplitContainer is deprecated", "use BorderContainer with splitter instead", 2.0);
- },
- // activeSizing: Boolean
- // If true, the children's size changes as you drag the bar;
- // otherwise, the sizes don't change until you drop the bar (by mouse-up)
- activeSizing: false,
- // sizerWidth: Integer
- // Size in pixels of the bar between each child
- sizerWidth: 7,
- // orientation: String
- // either 'horizontal' or vertical; indicates whether the children are
- // arranged side-by-side or up/down.
- orientation: 'horizontal',
- // persist: Boolean
- // Save splitter positions in a cookie
- persist: true,
- baseClass: "dijitSplitContainer",
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited("postMixInProperties",arguments);
- this.isHorizontal = (this.orientation == 'horizontal');
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.sizers = [];
- // overflow has to be explicitly hidden for splitContainers using gekko (trac #1435)
- // to keep other combined css classes from inadvertantly making the overflow visible
- if(has("mozilla")){
- = '-moz-scrollbars-none'; // hidden doesn't work
- }
- // create the fake dragger
- if(typeof this.sizerWidth == "object"){
- try{ //FIXME: do this without a try/catch
- this.sizerWidth = parseInt(this.sizerWidth.toString());
- }catch(e){ this.sizerWidth = 7; }
- }
- var sizer = win.doc.createElement('div');
- this.virtualSizer = sizer;
- = 'relative';
- // #1681: work around the dreaded 'quirky percentages in IE' layout bug
- // If the splitcontainer's dimensions are specified in percentages, it
- // will be resized when the virtualsizer is displayed in _showSizingLine
- // (typically expanding its bounds unnecessarily). This happens because
- // we use position: relative for .dijitSplitContainer.
- // The workaround: instead of changing the display style attribute,
- // switch to changing the zIndex (bring to front/move to back)
- = 10;
- sizer.className = this.isHorizontal ? 'dijitSplitContainerVirtualSizerH' : 'dijitSplitContainerVirtualSizerV';
- this.domNode.appendChild(sizer);
- dom.setSelectable(sizer, false);
- },
- destroy: function(){
- delete this.virtualSizer;
- if(this._ownconnects){
- var h;
- while(h = this._ownconnects.pop()){ h.remove(); }
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- startup: function(){
- if(this._started){ return; }
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child, i, children){
- // attach the children and create the draggers
- this._setupChild(child);
- if(i < children.length-1){
- this._addSizer();
- }
- }, this);
- if(this.persist){
- this._restoreState();
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _setupChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- = "absolute";
- domClass.add(child.domNode, "dijitSplitPane");
- },
- _onSizerMouseDown: function(e){
- if({
- for(var i=0;i<this.sizers.length;i++){
- if(this.sizers[i].id =={
- break;
- }
- }
- if(i<this.sizers.length){
- this.beginSizing(e,i);
- }
- }
- },
- _addSizer: function(index){
- index = index === undefined ? this.sizers.length : index;
- // TODO: use a template for this!!!
- var sizer = win.doc.createElement('div');
- this.sizers.splice(index,0,sizer);
- this.domNode.appendChild(sizer);
- sizer.className = this.isHorizontal ? 'dijitSplitContainerSizerH' : 'dijitSplitContainerSizerV';
- // add the thumb div
- var thumb = win.doc.createElement('div');
- thumb.className = 'thumb';
- sizer.appendChild(thumb);
- // FIXME: are you serious? why aren't we using mover start/stop combo?
- this.connect(sizer, "onmousedown", '_onSizerMouseDown');
- dom.setSelectable(sizer, false);
- },
- removeChild: function(widget){
- // summary:
- // Remove sizer, but only if widget is really our child and
- // we have at least one sizer to throw away
- if(this.sizers.length){
- var i = array.indexOf(this.getChildren(), widget);
- if(i != -1){
- if(i == this.sizers.length){
- i--;
- }
- domConstruct.destroy(this.sizers[i]);
- this.sizers.splice(i,1);
- }
- }
- // Remove widget and repaint
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this._started){
- this.layout();
- }
- },
- addChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child, /*Integer?*/ insertIndex){
- // summary:
- // Add a child widget to the container
- // child:
- // a widget to add
- // insertIndex:
- // postion in the "stack" to add the child widget
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this._started){
- // Do the stuff that startup() does for each widget
- var children = this.getChildren();
- if(children.length > 1){
- this._addSizer(insertIndex);
- }
- // and then reposition (ie, shrink) every pane to make room for the new guy
- this.layout();
- }
- },
- layout: function(){
- // summary:
- // Do layout of panels
- // base class defines this._contentBox on initial creation and also
- // on resize
- this.paneWidth = this._contentBox.w;
- this.paneHeight = this._contentBox.h;
- var children = this.getChildren();
- if(!children.length){ return; }
- //
- // calculate space
- //
- var space = this.isHorizontal ? this.paneWidth : this.paneHeight;
- if(children.length > 1){
- space -= this.sizerWidth * (children.length - 1);
- }
- //
- // calculate total of SizeShare values
- //
- var outOf = 0;
- array.forEach(children, function(child){
- outOf += child.sizeShare;
- });
- //
- // work out actual pixels per sizeshare unit
- //
- var pixPerUnit = space / outOf;
- //
- // set the SizeActual member of each pane
- //
- var totalSize = 0;
- array.forEach(children.slice(0, children.length - 1), function(child){
- var size = Math.round(pixPerUnit * child.sizeShare);
- child.sizeActual = size;
- totalSize += size;
- });
- children[children.length-1].sizeActual = space - totalSize;
- //
- // make sure the sizes are ok
- //
- this._checkSizes();
- //
- // now loop, positioning each pane and letting children resize themselves
- //
- var pos = 0;
- var size = children[0].sizeActual;
- this._movePanel(children[0], pos, size);
- children[0].position = pos;
- pos += size;
- // if we don't have any sizers, our layout method hasn't been called yet
- // so bail until we are called..TODO: REVISIT: need to change the startup
- // algorithm to guaranteed the ordering of calls to layout method
- if(!this.sizers){
- return;
- }
- array.some(children.slice(1), function(child, i){
- // error-checking
- if(!this.sizers[i]){
- return true;
- }
- // first we position the sizing handle before this pane
- this._moveSlider(this.sizers[i], pos, this.sizerWidth);
- this.sizers[i].position = pos;
- pos += this.sizerWidth;
- size = child.sizeActual;
- this._movePanel(child, pos, size);
- child.position = pos;
- pos += size;
- }, this);
- },
- _movePanel: function(panel, pos, size){
- var box;
- if(this.isHorizontal){
- = pos + 'px'; // TODO: resize() takes l and t parameters too, don't need to set manually
- = 0;
- box = {w: size, h: this.paneHeight};
- if(panel.resize){
- panel.resize(box);
- }else{
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(panel.domNode, box);
- }
- }else{
- = 0; // TODO: resize() takes l and t parameters too, don't need to set manually
- = pos + 'px';
- box = {w: this.paneWidth, h: size};
- if(panel.resize){
- panel.resize(box);
- }else{
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(panel.domNode, box);
- }
- }
- },
- _moveSlider: function(slider, pos, size){
- if(this.isHorizontal){
- = pos + 'px';
- = 0;
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(slider, { w: size, h: this.paneHeight });
- }else{
- = 0;
- = pos + 'px';
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(slider, { w: this.paneWidth, h: size });
- }
- },
- _growPane: function(growth, pane){
- if(growth > 0){
- if(pane.sizeActual > pane.sizeMin){
- if((pane.sizeActual - pane.sizeMin) > growth){
- // stick all the growth in this pane
- pane.sizeActual = pane.sizeActual - growth;
- growth = 0;
- }else{
- // put as much growth in here as we can
- growth -= pane.sizeActual - pane.sizeMin;
- pane.sizeActual = pane.sizeMin;
- }
- }
- }
- return growth;
- },
- _checkSizes: function(){
- var totalMinSize = 0;
- var totalSize = 0;
- var children = this.getChildren();
- array.forEach(children, function(child){
- totalSize += child.sizeActual;
- totalMinSize += child.sizeMin;
- });
- // only make adjustments if we have enough space for all the minimums
- if(totalMinSize <= totalSize){
- var growth = 0;
- array.forEach(children, function(child){
- if(child.sizeActual < child.sizeMin){
- growth += child.sizeMin - child.sizeActual;
- child.sizeActual = child.sizeMin;
- }
- });
- if(growth > 0){
- var list = this.isDraggingLeft ? children.reverse() : children;
- array.forEach(list, function(child){
- growth = this._growPane(growth, child);
- }, this);
- }
- }else{
- array.forEach(children, function(child){
- child.sizeActual = Math.round(totalSize * (child.sizeMin / totalMinSize));
- });
- }
- },
- beginSizing: function(e, i){
- var children = this.getChildren();
- this.paneBefore = children[i];
- this.paneAfter = children[i+1];
- this.isSizing = true;
- this.sizingSplitter = this.sizers[i];
- if(!this.cover){
- this.cover = domConstruct.create('div', {
- style: {
- position:'absolute',
- zIndex:5,
- top: 0,
- left: 0,
- width: "100%",
- height: "100%"
- }
- }, this.domNode);
- }else{
- = 5;
- }
- = 6;
- // TODO: REVISIT - we want MARGIN_BOX and core hasn't exposed that yet (but can't we use it anyway if we pay attention? we do elsewhere.)
- this.originPos = domGeometry.position(children[0].domNode, true);
- var client, screen;
- if(this.isHorizontal){
- client = e.layerX || e.offsetX || 0;
- screen = e.pageX;
- this.originPos = this.originPos.x;
- }else{
- client = e.layerY || e.offsetY || 0;
- screen = e.pageY;
- this.originPos = this.originPos.y;
- }
- this.startPoint = this.lastPoint = screen;
- this.screenToClientOffset = screen - client;
- this.dragOffset = this.lastPoint - this.paneBefore.sizeActual - this.originPos - this.paneBefore.position;
- if(!this.activeSizing){
- this._showSizingLine();
- }
- //
- // attach mouse events
- //
- this._ownconnects = [
- on(win.doc.documentElement, "mousemove", lang.hitch(this, "changeSizing")),
- on(win.doc.documentElement, "mouseup", lang.hitch(this, "endSizing"))
- ];
- event.stop(e);
- },
- changeSizing: function(e){
- if(!this.isSizing){ return; }
- this.lastPoint = this.isHorizontal ? e.pageX : e.pageY;
- this.movePoint();
- if(this.activeSizing){
- this._updateSize();
- }else{
- this._moveSizingLine();
- }
- event.stop(e);
- },
- endSizing: function(){
- if(!this.isSizing){ return; }
- if(this.cover){
- = -1;
- }
- if(!this.activeSizing){
- this._hideSizingLine();
- }
- this._updateSize();
- this.isSizing = false;
- if(this.persist){
- this._saveState(this);
- }
- var h;
- while(h = this._ownconnects.pop()){ h.remove(); }
- },
- movePoint: function(){
- // make sure lastPoint is a legal point to drag to
- var p = this.lastPoint - this.screenToClientOffset;
- var a = p - this.dragOffset;
- a = this.legaliseSplitPoint(a);
- p = a + this.dragOffset;
- this.lastPoint = p + this.screenToClientOffset;
- },
- legaliseSplitPoint: function(a){
- a += this.sizingSplitter.position;
- this.isDraggingLeft = !!(a > 0);
- if(!this.activeSizing){
- var min = this.paneBefore.position + this.paneBefore.sizeMin;
- if(a < min){
- a = min;
- }
- var max = this.paneAfter.position + (this.paneAfter.sizeActual - (this.sizerWidth + this.paneAfter.sizeMin));
- if(a > max){
- a = max;
- }
- }
- a -= this.sizingSplitter.position;
- this._checkSizes();
- return a;
- },
- _updateSize: function(){
- //FIXME: sometimes this.lastPoint is NaN
- var pos = this.lastPoint - this.dragOffset - this.originPos;
- var start_region = this.paneBefore.position;
- var end_region = this.paneAfter.position + this.paneAfter.sizeActual;
- this.paneBefore.sizeActual = pos - start_region;
- this.paneAfter.position = pos + this.sizerWidth;
- this.paneAfter.sizeActual = end_region - this.paneAfter.position;
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
- child.sizeShare = child.sizeActual;
- });
- if(this._started){
- this.layout();
- }
- },
- _showSizingLine: function(){
- this._moveSizingLine();
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.virtualSizer,
- this.isHorizontal ? { w: this.sizerWidth, h: this.paneHeight } : { w: this.paneWidth, h: this.sizerWidth });
- = 'block';
- },
- _hideSizingLine: function(){
- = 'none';
- },
- _moveSizingLine: function(){
- var pos = (this.lastPoint - this.startPoint) + this.sizingSplitter.position;
- domStyle.set(this.virtualSizer,(this.isHorizontal ? "left" : "top"),pos+"px");
- //[ this.isHorizontal ? "left" : "top" ] = pos + 'px'; // FIXME: remove this line if the previous is better
- },
- _getCookieName: function(i){
- return + "_" + i;
- },
- _restoreState: function(){
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child, i){
- var cookieName = this._getCookieName(i);
- var cookieValue = cookie(cookieName);
- if(cookieValue){
- var pos = parseInt(cookieValue);
- if(typeof pos == "number"){
- child.sizeShare = pos;
- }
- }
- }, this);
- },
- _saveState: function(){
- if(!this.persist){
- return;
- }
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child, i){
- cookie(this._getCookieName(i), child.sizeShare, {expires:365});
- }, this);
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/StackContainer.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/StackContainer.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fad72813b..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/StackContainer.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/layout/StackContainer", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.indexOf array.some
- "dojo/cookie", // cookie
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.replace
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.isAsync
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.extend
- "dojo/ready",
- "dojo/topic", // publish
- "../registry", // registry.byId
- "../_WidgetBase",
- "./_LayoutWidget",
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/common"
-], function(array, cookie, declare, domClass, kernel, lang, ready, topic,
- registry, _WidgetBase, _LayoutWidget){
-var _WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
-var _LayoutWidget = dijit.layout._LayoutWidget;
-var StackController = dijit.layout.StackController;
-// module:
-// dijit/layout/StackContainer
-// summary:
-// A container that has multiple children, but shows only one child at a time.
-// Back compat w/1.6, remove for 2.0
- ready(0, function(){
- var requires = ["dijit/layout/StackController"];
- require(requires); // use indirection so modules not rolled into a build
- });
-// These arguments can be specified for the children of a StackContainer.
-// Since any widget can be specified as a StackContainer child, mix them
-// into the base widget class. (This is a hack, but it's effective.)
-lang.extend(_WidgetBase, {
- // selected: Boolean
- // Parameter for children of `dijit.layout.StackContainer` or subclasses.
- // Specifies that this widget should be the initially displayed pane.
- // Note: to change the selected child use `dijit.layout.StackContainer.selectChild`
- selected: false,
- // closable: Boolean
- // Parameter for children of `dijit.layout.StackContainer` or subclasses.
- // True if user can close (destroy) this child, such as (for example) clicking the X on the tab.
- closable: false,
- // iconClass: String
- // Parameter for children of `dijit.layout.StackContainer` or subclasses.
- // CSS Class specifying icon to use in label associated with this pane.
- iconClass: "dijitNoIcon",
- // showTitle: Boolean
- // Parameter for children of `dijit.layout.StackContainer` or subclasses.
- // When true, display title of this widget as tab label etc., rather than just using
- // icon specified in iconClass
- showTitle: true
-return declare("dijit.layout.StackContainer", _LayoutWidget, {
- // summary:
- // A container that has multiple children, but shows only
- // one child at a time
- //
- // description:
- // A container for widgets (ContentPanes, for example) That displays
- // only one Widget at a time.
- //
- // Publishes topics [widgetId]-addChild, [widgetId]-removeChild, and [widgetId]-selectChild
- //
- // Can be base class for container, Wizard, Show, etc.
- // doLayout: Boolean
- // If true, change the size of my currently displayed child to match my size
- doLayout: true,
- // persist: Boolean
- // Remembers the selected child across sessions
- persist: false,
- baseClass: "dijitStackContainer",
- // selectedChildWidget: [readonly] dijit._Widget
- // References the currently selected child widget, if any.
- // Adjust selected child with selectChild() method.
- selectedChildWidget: null,
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- domClass.add(this.domNode, "dijitLayoutContainer");
- this.containerNode.setAttribute("role", "tabpanel");
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.connect(this.domNode, "onkeypress", this._onKeyPress);
- },
- startup: function(){
- if(this._started){ return; }
- var children = this.getChildren();
- // Setup each page panel to be initially hidden
- array.forEach(children, this._setupChild, this);
- // Figure out which child to initially display, defaulting to first one
- if(this.persist){
- this.selectedChildWidget = registry.byId(cookie( + "_selectedChild"));
- }else{
- array.some(children, function(child){
- if(child.selected){
- this.selectedChildWidget = child;
- }
- return child.selected;
- }, this);
- }
- var selected = this.selectedChildWidget;
- if(!selected && children[0]){
- selected = this.selectedChildWidget = children[0];
- selected.selected = true;
- }
- // Publish information about myself so any StackControllers can initialize.
- // This needs to happen before this.inherited(arguments) so that for
- // TabContainer, this._contentBox doesn't include the space for the tab labels.
- topic.publish("-startup", {children: children, selected: selected});
- // Startup each child widget, and do initial layout like setting this._contentBox,
- // then calls this.resize() which does the initial sizing on the selected child.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- resize: function(){
- // Resize is called when we are first made visible (it's called from startup()
- // if we are initially visible). If this is the first time we've been made
- // visible then show our first child.
- if(!this._hasBeenShown){
- this._hasBeenShown = true;
- var selected = this.selectedChildWidget;
- if(selected){
- this._showChild(selected);
- }
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _setupChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child){
- // Overrides _LayoutWidget._setupChild()
- this.inherited(arguments);
- domClass.replace(child.domNode, "dijitHidden", "dijitVisible");
- // remove the title attribute so it doesn't show up when i hover
- // over a node
- child.domNode.title = "";
- },
- addChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child, /*Integer?*/ insertIndex){
- // Overrides _Container.addChild() to do layout and publish events
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this._started){
- topic.publish("-addChild", child, insertIndex); // publish
- // in case the tab titles have overflowed from one line to two lines
- // (or, if this if first child, from zero lines to one line)
- // TODO: w/ScrollingTabController this is no longer necessary, although
- // ScrollTabController.resize() does need to get called to show/hide
- // the navigation buttons as appropriate, but that's handled in ScrollingTabController.onAddChild().
- // If this is updated to not layout [except for initial child added / last child removed], update
- // "childless startup" test in StackContainer.html to check for no resize event after second addChild()
- this.layout();
- // if this is the first child, then select it
- if(!this.selectedChildWidget){
- this.selectChild(child);
- }
- }
- },
- removeChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ page){
- // Overrides _Container.removeChild() to do layout and publish events
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this._started){
- // this will notify any tablists to remove a button; do this first because it may affect sizing
- topic.publish( + "-removeChild", page); // publish
- }
- // If all our children are being destroyed than don't run the code below (to select another page),
- // because we are deleting every page one by one
- if(this._descendantsBeingDestroyed){ return; }
- // Select new page to display, also updating TabController to show the respective tab.
- // Do this before layout call because it can affect the height of the TabController.
- if(this.selectedChildWidget === page){
- this.selectedChildWidget = undefined;
- if(this._started){
- var children = this.getChildren();
- if(children.length){
- this.selectChild(children[0]);
- }
- }
- }
- if(this._started){
- // In case the tab titles now take up one line instead of two lines
- // (note though that ScrollingTabController never overflows to multiple lines),
- // or the height has changed slightly because of addition/removal of tab which close icon
- this.layout();
- }
- },
- selectChild: function(/*dijit._Widget|String*/ page, /*Boolean*/ animate){
- // summary:
- // Show the given widget (which must be one of my children)
- // page:
- // Reference to child widget or id of child widget
- page = registry.byId(page);
- if(this.selectedChildWidget != page){
- // Deselect old page and select new one
- var d = this._transition(page, this.selectedChildWidget, animate);
- this._set("selectedChildWidget", page);
- topic.publish("-selectChild", page); // publish
- if(this.persist){
- cookie( + "_selectedChild",;
- }
- }
- return d; // If child has an href, promise that fires when the child's href finishes loading
- },
- _transition: function(newWidget, oldWidget /*===== , animate =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Hide the old widget and display the new widget.
- // Subclasses should override this.
- // newWidget: dijit._Widget
- // The newly selected widget.
- // oldWidget: dijit._Widget
- // The previously selected widget.
- // animate: Boolean
- // Used by AccordionContainer to turn on/off slide effect.
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- if(oldWidget){
- this._hideChild(oldWidget);
- }
- var d = this._showChild(newWidget);
- // Size the new widget, in case this is the first time it's being shown,
- // or I have been resized since the last time it was shown.
- // Note that page must be visible for resizing to work.
- if(newWidget.resize){
- if(this.doLayout){
- newWidget.resize(this._containerContentBox || this._contentBox);
- }else{
- // the child should pick it's own size but we still need to call resize()
- // (with no arguments) to let the widget lay itself out
- newWidget.resize();
- }
- }
- return d; // If child has an href, promise that fires when the child's href finishes loading
- },
- _adjacent: function(/*Boolean*/ forward){
- // summary:
- // Gets the next/previous child widget in this container from the current selection.
- var children = this.getChildren();
- var index = array.indexOf(children, this.selectedChildWidget);
- index += forward ? 1 : children.length - 1;
- return children[ index % children.length ]; // dijit._Widget
- },
- forward: function(){
- // summary:
- // Advance to next page.
- return this.selectChild(this._adjacent(true), true);
- },
- back: function(){
- // summary:
- // Go back to previous page.
- return this.selectChild(this._adjacent(false), true);
- },
- _onKeyPress: function(e){
- topic.publish("-containerKeyPress", { e: e, page: this}); // publish
- },
- layout: function(){
- // Implement _LayoutWidget.layout() virtual method.
- var child = this.selectedChildWidget;
- if(child && child.resize){
- if(this.doLayout){
- child.resize(this._containerContentBox || this._contentBox);
- }else{
- child.resize();
- }
- }
- },
- _showChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ page){
- // summary:
- // Show the specified child by changing it's CSS, and call _onShow()/onShow() so
- // it can do any updates it needs regarding loading href's etc.
- // returns:
- // Promise that fires when page has finished showing, or true if there's no href
- var children = this.getChildren();
- page.isFirstChild = (page == children[0]);
- page.isLastChild = (page == children[children.length-1]);
- page._set("selected", true);
- domClass.replace(page.domNode, "dijitVisible", "dijitHidden");
- return (page._onShow && page._onShow()) || true;
- },
- _hideChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ page){
- // summary:
- // Hide the specified child by changing it's CSS, and call _onHide() so
- // it's notified.
- page._set("selected", false);
- domClass.replace(page.domNode, "dijitHidden", "dijitVisible");
- page.onHide && page.onHide();
- },
- closeChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ page){
- // summary:
- // Callback when user clicks the [X] to remove a page.
- // If onClose() returns true then remove and destroy the child.
- // tags:
- // private
- var remove = page.onClose(this, page);
- if(remove){
- this.removeChild(page);
- // makes sure we can clean up executeScripts in ContentPane onUnLoad
- page.destroyRecursive();
- }
- },
- destroyDescendants: function(/*Boolean*/ preserveDom){
- this._descendantsBeingDestroyed = true;
- this.selectedChildWidget = undefined;
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
- if(!preserveDom){
- this.removeChild(child);
- }
- child.destroyRecursive(preserveDom);
- }, this);
- this._descendantsBeingDestroyed = false;
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/StackController.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/StackController.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e5432cdd..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/StackController.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/layout/StackController", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.indexOf
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys", // keys
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "../focus", // focus.focus()
- "../registry", // registry.byId
- "../_Widget",
- "../_TemplatedMixin",
- "../_Container",
- "../form/ToggleButton",
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/common"
-], function(array, declare, event, keys, lang, has,
- focus, registry, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _Container, ToggleButton){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
- var _Container = dijit._Container;
- var ToggleButton = dijit.form.ToggleButton;
- // module:
- // dijit/layout/StackController
- // summary:
- // Set of buttons to select a page in a `dijit.layout.StackContainer`
- var StackButton = declare("dijit.layout._StackButton", ToggleButton, {
- // summary:
- // Internal widget used by StackContainer.
- // description:
- // The button-like or tab-like object you click to select or delete a page
- // tags:
- // private
- // Override _FormWidget.tabIndex.
- // StackContainer buttons are not in the tab order by default.
- // Probably we should be calling this.startupKeyNavChildren() instead.
- tabIndex: "-1",
- // closeButton: Boolean
- // When true, display close button for this tab
- closeButton: false,
- _setCheckedAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.focusNode.removeAttribute("aria-pressed");
- },
- buildRendering: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- (this.focusNode || this.domNode).setAttribute("role", "tab");
- },
- onClick: function(/*Event*/ /*===== evt =====*/){
- // summary:
- // This is for TabContainer where the tabs are <span> rather than button,
- // so need to set focus explicitly (on some browsers)
- // Note that you shouldn't override this method, but you can connect to it.
- focus.focus(this.focusNode);
- // ... now let StackController catch the event and tell me what to do
- },
- onClickCloseButton: function(/*Event*/ evt){
- // summary:
- // StackContainer connects to this function; if your widget contains a close button
- // then clicking it should call this function.
- // Note that you shouldn't override this method, but you can connect to it.
- evt.stopPropagation();
- }
- });
- var StackController = declare("dijit.layout.StackController", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _Container], {
- // summary:
- // Set of buttons to select a page in a `dijit.layout.StackContainer`
- // description:
- // Monitors the specified StackContainer, and whenever a page is
- // added, deleted, or selected, updates itself accordingly.
- baseClass: "dijitStackController",
- templateString: "<span role='tablist' data-dojo-attach-event='onkeypress'></span>",
- // containerId: [const] String
- // The id of the page container that I point to
- containerId: "",
- // buttonWidget: [const] Constructor
- // The button widget to create to correspond to each page
- buttonWidget: StackButton,
- constructor: function(){
- this.pane2button = {}; // mapping from pane id to buttons
- this.pane2connects = {}; // mapping from pane id to this.connect() handles
- this.pane2watches = {}; // mapping from pane id to watch() handles
- },
- postCreate: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Listen to notifications from StackContainer
- this.subscribe(this.containerId+"-startup", "onStartup");
- this.subscribe(this.containerId+"-addChild", "onAddChild");
- this.subscribe(this.containerId+"-removeChild", "onRemoveChild");
- this.subscribe(this.containerId+"-selectChild", "onSelectChild");
- this.subscribe(this.containerId+"-containerKeyPress", "onContainerKeyPress");
- },
- onStartup: function(/*Object*/ info){
- // summary:
- // Called after StackContainer has finished initializing
- // tags:
- // private
- array.forEach(info.children, this.onAddChild, this);
- if(info.selected){
- // Show button corresponding to selected pane (unless selected
- // is null because there are no panes)
- this.onSelectChild(info.selected);
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- for(var pane in this.pane2button){
- this.onRemoveChild(registry.byId(pane));
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- onAddChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ page, /*Integer?*/ insertIndex){
- // summary:
- // Called whenever a page is added to the container.
- // Create button corresponding to the page.
- // tags:
- // private
- // create an instance of the button widget
- // (remove typeof buttonWidget == string support in 2.0)
- var cls = lang.isString(this.buttonWidget) ? lang.getObject(this.buttonWidget) : this.buttonWidget;
- var button = new cls({
- id: + "_" +,
- label: page.title,
- dir: page.dir,
- lang: page.lang,
- textDir: page.textDir,
- showLabel: page.showTitle,
- iconClass: page.iconClass,
- closeButton: page.closable,
- title: page.tooltip
- });
- button.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
- // map from page attribute to corresponding tab button attribute
- var pageAttrList = ["title", "showTitle", "iconClass", "closable", "tooltip"],
- buttonAttrList = ["label", "showLabel", "iconClass", "closeButton", "title"];
- // watch() so events like page title changes are reflected in tab button
- this.pane2watches[] =, function(pageAttr, idx){
- return, function(name, oldVal, newVal){
- button.set(buttonAttrList[idx], newVal);
- });
- });
- // connections so that clicking a tab button selects the corresponding page
- this.pane2connects[] = [
- this.connect(button, 'onClick', lang.hitch(this,"onButtonClick", page)),
- this.connect(button, 'onClickCloseButton', lang.hitch(this,"onCloseButtonClick", page))
- ];
- this.addChild(button, insertIndex);
- this.pane2button[] = button;
- page.controlButton = button; // this value might be overwritten if two tabs point to same container
- if(!this._currentChild){ // put the first child into the tab order
- button.focusNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", "0");
- button.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
- this._currentChild = page;
- }
- // make sure all tabs have the same length
- if(!this.isLeftToRight() && has("ie") && this._rectifyRtlTabList){
- this._rectifyRtlTabList();
- }
- },
- onRemoveChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ page){
- // summary:
- // Called whenever a page is removed from the container.
- // Remove the button corresponding to the page.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this._currentChild === page){ this._currentChild = null; }
- // disconnect/unwatch connections/watches related to page being removed
- array.forEach(this.pane2connects[], lang.hitch(this, "disconnect"));
- delete this.pane2connects[];
- array.forEach(this.pane2watches[], function(w){ w.unwatch(); });
- delete this.pane2watches[];
- var button = this.pane2button[];
- if(button){
- this.removeChild(button);
- delete this.pane2button[];
- button.destroy();
- }
- delete page.controlButton;
- },
- onSelectChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ page){
- // summary:
- // Called when a page has been selected in the StackContainer, either by me or by another StackController
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!page){ return; }
- if(this._currentChild){
- var oldButton=this.pane2button[];
- oldButton.set('checked', false);
- oldButton.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
- oldButton.focusNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1");
- }
- var newButton=this.pane2button[];
- newButton.set('checked', true);
- newButton.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
- this._currentChild = page;
- newButton.focusNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", "0");
- var container = registry.byId(this.containerId);
- container.containerNode.setAttribute("aria-labelledby",;
- },
- onButtonClick: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ page){
- // summary:
- // Called whenever one of my child buttons is pressed in an attempt to select a page
- // tags:
- // private
- if( === {
- //In case the user clicked the checked button, keep it in the checked state because it remains to be the selected stack page.
- var button=this.pane2button[];
- button.set('checked', true);
- }
- var container = registry.byId(this.containerId);
- container.selectChild(page);
- },
- onCloseButtonClick: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ page){
- // summary:
- // Called whenever one of my child buttons [X] is pressed in an attempt to close a page
- // tags:
- // private
- var container = registry.byId(this.containerId);
- container.closeChild(page);
- if(this._currentChild){
- var b = this.pane2button[];
- if(b){
- focus.focus(b.focusNode || b.domNode);
- }
- }
- },
- // TODO: this is a bit redundant with forward, back api in StackContainer
- adjacent: function(/*Boolean*/ forward){
- // summary:
- // Helper for onkeypress to find next/previous button
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!this.isLeftToRight() && (!this.tabPosition || /top|bottom/.test(this.tabPosition))){ forward = !forward; }
- // find currently focused button in children array
- var children = this.getChildren();
- var current = array.indexOf(children, this.pane2button[]);
- // pick next button to focus on
- var offset = forward ? 1 : children.length - 1;
- return children[ (current + offset) % children.length ]; // dijit._Widget
- },
- onkeypress: function(/*Event*/ e){
- // summary:
- // Handle keystrokes on the page list, for advancing to next/previous button
- // and closing the current page if the page is closable.
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.disabled || e.altKey ){ return; }
- var forward = null;
- if(e.ctrlKey || !e._djpage){
- switch(e.charOrCode){
- case keys.LEFT_ARROW:
- case keys.UP_ARROW:
- if(!e._djpage){ forward = false; }
- break;
- case keys.PAGE_UP:
- if(e.ctrlKey){ forward = false; }
- break;
- case keys.RIGHT_ARROW:
- case keys.DOWN_ARROW:
- if(!e._djpage){ forward = true; }
- break;
- case keys.PAGE_DOWN:
- if(e.ctrlKey){ forward = true; }
- break;
- case keys.HOME:
- case keys.END:
- var children = this.getChildren();
- if(children && children.length){
- children[e.charOrCode == keys.HOME ? 0 : children.length-1].onClick();
- }
- event.stop(e);
- break;
- case keys.DELETE:
- if(this._currentChild.closable){
- this.onCloseButtonClick(this._currentChild);
- }
- event.stop(e);
- break;
- default:
- if(e.ctrlKey){
- if(e.charOrCode === keys.TAB){
- this.adjacent(!e.shiftKey).onClick();
- event.stop(e);
- }else if(e.charOrCode == "w"){
- if(this._currentChild.closable){
- this.onCloseButtonClick(this._currentChild);
- }
- event.stop(e); // avoid browser tab closing.
- }
- }
- }
- // handle next/previous page navigation (left/right arrow, etc.)
- if(forward !== null){
- this.adjacent(forward).onClick();
- event.stop(e);
- }
- }
- },
- onContainerKeyPress: function(/*Object*/ info){
- // summary:
- // Called when there was a keypress on the container
- // tags:
- // private
- info.e._djpage =;
- this.onkeypress(info.e);
- }
- });
- StackController.StackButton = StackButton; // for monkey patching
- return StackController;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/TabContainer.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/TabContainer.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 109ace0f1..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/TabContainer.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/layout/TabContainer", [
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "./_TabContainerBase",
- "./TabController",
- "./ScrollingTabController"
-], function(lang, declare, _TabContainerBase, TabController, ScrollingTabController){
- var _TabContainerBase = dijit.layout._TabContainerBase;
- var TabController = dijit.layout.TabController;
- var ScrollingTabController = dijit.layout.ScrollingTabController;
- // module:
- // dijit/layout/TabContainer
- // summary:
- // A Container with tabs to select each child (only one of which is displayed at a time).
- return declare("dijit.layout.TabContainer", _TabContainerBase, {
- // summary:
- // A Container with tabs to select each child (only one of which is displayed at a time).
- // description:
- // A TabContainer is a container that has multiple panes, but shows only
- // one pane at a time. There are a set of tabs corresponding to each pane,
- // where each tab has the name (aka title) of the pane, and optionally a close button.
- // useMenu: [const] Boolean
- // True if a menu should be used to select tabs when they are too
- // wide to fit the TabContainer, false otherwise.
- useMenu: true,
- // useSlider: [const] Boolean
- // True if a slider should be used to select tabs when they are too
- // wide to fit the TabContainer, false otherwise.
- useSlider: true,
- // controllerWidget: String
- // An optional parameter to override the widget used to display the tab labels
- controllerWidget: "",
- _makeController: function(/*DomNode*/ srcNode){
- // summary:
- // Instantiate tablist controller widget and return reference to it.
- // Callback from _TabContainerBase.postCreate().
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- var cls = this.baseClass + "-tabs" + (this.doLayout ? "" : " dijitTabNoLayout"),
- TabController = lang.getObject(this.controllerWidget);
- return new TabController({
- id: + "_tablist",
- dir: this.dir,
- lang: this.lang,
- textDir: this.textDir,
- tabPosition: this.tabPosition,
- doLayout: this.doLayout,
- containerId:,
- "class": cls,
- nested: this.nested,
- useMenu: this.useMenu,
- useSlider: this.useSlider,
- tabStripClass: this.tabStrip ? this.baseClass + (this.tabStrip ? "":"No") + "Strip": null
- }, srcNode);
- },
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Scrolling controller only works for horizontal non-nested tabs
- if(!this.controllerWidget){
- this.controllerWidget = (this.tabPosition == "top" || this.tabPosition == "bottom") && !this.nested ?
- "dijit.layout.ScrollingTabController" : "dijit.layout.TabController";
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/TabController.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/TabController.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d62a4038d..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/TabController.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/layout/templates/_TabButton.html':"<div role=\"presentation\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"titleNode\" data-dojo-attach-event='onclick:onClick'>\n <div role=\"presentation\" class='dijitTabInnerDiv' data-dojo-attach-point='innerDiv'>\n <div role=\"presentation\" class='dijitTabContent' data-dojo-attach-point='tabContent'>\n \t<div role=\"presentation\" data-dojo-attach-point='focusNode'>\n\t\t <img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" class=\"dijitIcon dijitTabButtonIcon\" data-dojo-attach-point='iconNode' />\n\t\t <span data-dojo-attach-point='containerNode' class='tabLabel'></span>\n\t\t <span class=\"dijitInline dijitTabCloseButton dijitTabCloseIcon\" data-dojo-attach-point='closeNode'\n\t\t \t\tdata-dojo-attach-event='onclick: onClickCloseButton' role=\"presentation\">\n\t\t <span data-dojo-attach-point='closeText' class='dijitTabCloseText'>[x]</span\n\t\t ></span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/layout/TabController", [
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.setSelectable
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.attr
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.toggle
- "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch lang.trim
- "./StackController",
- "../Menu",
- "../MenuItem",
- "dojo/text!./templates/_TabButton.html",
- "dojo/i18n!../nls/common"
-], function(declare, dom, domAttr, domClass, i18n, lang, StackController, Menu, MenuItem, template){
- var StackController = dijit.layout.StackController;
- var Menu = dijit.Menu;
- var MenuItem = dijit.MenuItem;
- // module:
- // dijit/layout/TabController
- // summary:
- // Set of tabs (the things with titles and a close button, that you click to show a tab panel).
- // Used internally by `dijit.layout.TabContainer`.
- var TabButton = declare("dijit.layout._TabButton", StackController.StackButton, {
- // summary:
- // A tab (the thing you click to select a pane).
- // description:
- // Contains the title of the pane, and optionally a close-button to destroy the pane.
- // This is an internal widget and should not be instantiated directly.
- // tags:
- // private
- // baseClass: String
- // The CSS class applied to the domNode.
- baseClass: "dijitTab",
- // Apply dijitTabCloseButtonHover when close button is hovered
- cssStateNodes: {
- closeNode: "dijitTabCloseButton"
- },
- templateString: template,
- // Override _FormWidget.scrollOnFocus.
- // Don't scroll the whole tab container into view when the button is focused.
- scrollOnFocus: false,
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- dom.setSelectable(this.containerNode, false);
- },
- startup: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var n = this.domNode;
- // Required to give IE6 a kick, as it initially hides the
- // tabs until they are focused on.
- setTimeout(function(){
- n.className = n.className;
- }, 1);
- },
- _setCloseButtonAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ disp){
- // summary:
- // Hide/show close button
- this._set("closeButton", disp);
- domClass.toggle(this.innerDiv, "dijitClosable", disp);
- = disp ? "" : "none";
- if(disp){
- var _nlsResources = i18n.getLocalization("dijit", "common");
- if(this.closeNode){
- domAttr.set(this.closeNode,"title", _nlsResources.itemClose);
- }
- // add context menu onto title button
- this._closeMenu = new Menu({
- id:"_Menu",
- dir: this.dir,
- lang: this.lang,
- textDir: this.textDir,
- targetNodeIds: [this.domNode]
- });
- this._closeMenu.addChild(new MenuItem({
- label: _nlsResources.itemClose,
- dir: this.dir,
- lang: this.lang,
- textDir: this.textDir,
- onClick: lang.hitch(this, "onClickCloseButton")
- }));
- }else{
- if(this._closeMenu){
- this._closeMenu.destroyRecursive();
- delete this._closeMenu;
- }
- }
- },
- _setLabelAttr: function(/*String*/ content){
- // summary:
- // Hook for set('label', ...) to work.
- // description:
- // takes an HTML string.
- // Inherited ToggleButton implementation will Set the label (text) of the button;
- // Need to set the alt attribute of icon on tab buttons if no label displayed
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(!this.showLabel && !this.params.title){
- this.iconNode.alt = lang.trim(this.containerNode.innerText || this.containerNode.textContent || '');
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- if(this._closeMenu){
- this._closeMenu.destroyRecursive();
- delete this._closeMenu;
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
- var TabController = declare("dijit.layout.TabController", StackController, {
- // summary:
- // Set of tabs (the things with titles and a close button, that you click to show a tab panel).
- // Used internally by `dijit.layout.TabContainer`.
- // description:
- // Lets the user select the currently shown pane in a TabContainer or StackContainer.
- // TabController also monitors the TabContainer, and whenever a pane is
- // added or deleted updates itself accordingly.
- // tags:
- // private
- baseClass: "dijitTabController",
- templateString: "<div role='tablist' data-dojo-attach-event='onkeypress:onkeypress'></div>",
- // tabPosition: String
- // Defines where tabs go relative to the content.
- // "top", "bottom", "left-h", "right-h"
- tabPosition: "top",
- // buttonWidget: Constructor
- // The tab widget to create to correspond to each page
- buttonWidget: TabButton,
- _rectifyRtlTabList: function(){
- // summary:
- // For left/right TabContainer when page is RTL mode, rectify the width of all tabs to be equal, otherwise the tab widths are different in IE
- if(0 >= this.tabPosition.indexOf('-h')){ return; }
- if(!this.pane2button){ return; }
- var maxWidth = 0;
- for(var pane in this.pane2button){
- var ow = this.pane2button[pane].innerDiv.scrollWidth;
- maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, ow);
- }
- //unify the length of all the tabs
- for(pane in this.pane2button){
- this.pane2button[pane] = maxWidth + 'px';
- }
- }
- });
- TabController.TabButton = TabButton; // for monkey patching
- return TabController;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/_ContentPaneResizeMixin.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/_ContentPaneResizeMixin.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fbeb3c6eb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/_ContentPaneResizeMixin.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/layout/_ContentPaneResizeMixin", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.filter array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.has
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.contains domClass.toggle
- "dojo/dom-geometry",// domGeometry.contentBox domGeometry.marginBox
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin
- "dojo/query", // query
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "dojo/_base/window", //
- "../registry", // registry.byId
- "./utils", // marginBox2contextBox
- "../_Contained"
-], function(array, declare, domAttr, domClass, domGeometry, lang, query, has, win,
- registry, layoutUtils, _Contained){
-var _Contained = dijit._Contained;
-// module:
-// dijit/layout/_ContentPaneResizeMixin
-// summary:
-// Resize() functionality of ContentPane. If there's a single layout widget
-// child then it will call resize() with the same dimensions as the ContentPane.
-// Otherwise just calls resize on each child.
-return declare("dijit.layout._ContentPaneResizeMixin", null, {
- // summary:
- // Resize() functionality of ContentPane. If there's a single layout widget
- // child then it will call resize() with the same dimensions as the ContentPane.
- // Otherwise just calls resize on each child.
- //
- // Also implements basic startup() functionality, where starting the parent
- // will start the children
- // doLayout: Boolean
- // - false - don't adjust size of children
- // - true - if there is a single visible child widget, set it's size to
- // however big the ContentPane is
- doLayout: true,
- // isLayoutContainer: [protected] Boolean
- // Indicates that this widget will call resize() on it's child widgets
- // when they become visible.
- isLayoutContainer: true,
- startup: function(){
- // summary:
- // See `dijit.layout._LayoutWidget.startup` for description.
- // Although ContentPane doesn't extend _LayoutWidget, it does implement
- // the same API.
- if(this._started){ return; }
- var parent = this.getParent();
- this._childOfLayoutWidget = parent && parent.isLayoutContainer;
- // I need to call resize() on my child/children (when I become visible), unless
- // I'm the child of a layout widget in which case my parent will call resize() on me and I'll do it then.
- this._needLayout = !this._childOfLayoutWidget;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this._isShown()){
- this._onShow();
- }
- if(!this._childOfLayoutWidget){
- // If my parent isn't a layout container, since my style *may be* width=height=100%
- // or something similar (either set directly or via a CSS class),
- // monitor when my size changes so that I can re-layout.
- // For browsers where I can't directly monitor when my size changes,
- // monitor when the viewport changes size, which *may* indicate a size change for me.
- this.connect(has("ie") ? this.domNode :, 'onresize', function(){
- // Using function(){} closure to ensure no arguments to resize.
- this._needLayout = !this._childOfLayoutWidget;
- this.resize();
- });
- }
- },
- _checkIfSingleChild: function(){
- // summary:
- // Test if we have exactly one visible widget as a child,
- // and if so assume that we are a container for that widget,
- // and should propagate startup() and resize() calls to it.
- // Skips over things like data stores since they aren't visible.
- var childNodes = query("> *", this.containerNode).filter(function(node){
- return node.tagName !== "SCRIPT"; // or a regexp for hidden elements like script|area|map|etc..
- }),
- childWidgetNodes = childNodes.filter(function(node){
- return domAttr.has(node, "data-dojo-type") || domAttr.has(node, "dojoType") || domAttr.has(node, "widgetId");
- }),
- candidateWidgets = array.filter(, function(widget){
- return widget && widget.domNode && widget.resize;
- });
- if(
- // all child nodes are widgets
- childNodes.length == childWidgetNodes.length &&
- // all but one are invisible (like
- candidateWidgets.length == 1
- ){
- this._singleChild = candidateWidgets[0];
- }else{
- delete this._singleChild;
- }
- // So we can set overflow: hidden to avoid a safari bug w/scrollbars showing up (#9449)
- domClass.toggle(this.containerNode, this.baseClass + "SingleChild", !!this._singleChild);
- },
- resize: function(changeSize, resultSize){
- // summary:
- // See `dijit.layout._LayoutWidget.resize` for description.
- // Although ContentPane doesn't extend _LayoutWidget, it does implement
- // the same API.
- // For the TabContainer --> BorderContainer --> ContentPane case, _onShow() is
- // never called, so resize() is our trigger to do the initial href download (see [20099]).
- // However, don't load href for closed TitlePanes.
- if(!this._wasShown && !== false){
- this._onShow();
- }
- this._resizeCalled = true;
- this._scheduleLayout(changeSize, resultSize);
- },
- _scheduleLayout: function(changeSize, resultSize){
- // summary:
- // Resize myself, and call resize() on each of my child layout widgets, either now
- // (if I'm currently visible) or when I become visible
- if(this._isShown()){
- this._layout(changeSize, resultSize);
- }else{
- this._needLayout = true;
- this._changeSize = changeSize;
- this._resultSize = resultSize;
- }
- },
- _layout: function(changeSize, resultSize){
- // summary:
- // Resize myself according to optional changeSize/resultSize parameters, like a layout widget.
- // Also, since I am a Container widget, each of my children expects me to
- // call resize() or layout() on them.
- //
- // Should be called on initialization and also whenever we get new content
- // (from an href, or from set('content', ...))... but deferred until
- // the ContentPane is visible
- // Set margin box size, unless it wasn't specified, in which case use current size.
- if(changeSize){
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.domNode, changeSize);
- }
- // Compute content box size of containerNode in case we [later] need to size our single child.
- var cn = this.containerNode;
- if(cn === this.domNode){
- // If changeSize or resultSize was passed to this method and this.containerNode ==
- // this.domNode then we can compute the content-box size without querying the node,
- // which is more reliable (similar to LayoutWidget.resize) (see for example #9449).
- var mb = resultSize || {};
- lang.mixin(mb, changeSize || {}); // changeSize overrides resultSize
- if(!("h" in mb) || !("w" in mb)){
- mb = lang.mixin(domGeometry.getMarginBox(cn), mb); // just use domGeometry.setMarginBox() to fill in missing values
- }
- this._contentBox = layoutUtils.marginBox2contentBox(cn, mb);
- }else{
- this._contentBox = domGeometry.getContentBox(cn);
- }
- this._layoutChildren();
- delete this._needLayout;
- },
- _layoutChildren: function(){
- // Call _checkIfSingleChild() again in case app has manually mucked w/the content
- // of the ContentPane (rather than changing it through the set("content", ...) API.
- if(this.doLayout){
- this._checkIfSingleChild();
- }
- if(this._singleChild && this._singleChild.resize){
- var cb = this._contentBox || domGeometry.getContentBox(this.containerNode);
- // note: if widget has padding this._contentBox will have l and t set,
- // but don't pass them to resize() or it will doubly-offset the child
- this._singleChild.resize({w: cb.w, h: cb.h});
- }else{
- // All my child widgets are independently sized (rather than matching my size),
- // but I still need to call resize() on each child to make it layout.
- array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(widget){
- if(widget.resize){
- widget.resize();
- }
- });
- }
- },
- _isShown: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns true if the content is currently shown.
- // description:
- // If I am a child of a layout widget then it actually returns true if I've ever been visible,
- // not whether I'm currently visible, since that's much faster than tracing up the DOM/widget
- // tree every call, and at least solves the performance problem on page load by deferring loading
- // hidden ContentPanes until they are first shown
- if(this._childOfLayoutWidget){
- // If we are TitlePane, etc - we return that only *IF* we've been resized
- if(this._resizeCalled && "open" in this){
- return;
- }
- return this._resizeCalled;
- }else if("open" in this){
- return; // for TitlePane, etc.
- }else{
- var node = this.domNode, parent = this.domNode.parentNode;
- return ( != 'none') && ( != 'hidden') && !domClass.contains(node, "dijitHidden") &&
- parent && && ( != 'none');
- }
- },
- _onShow: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called when the ContentPane is made visible
- // description:
- // For a plain ContentPane, this is called on initialization, from startup().
- // If the ContentPane is a hidden pane of a TabContainer etc., then it's
- // called whenever the pane is made visible.
- //
- // Does layout/resize of child widget(s)
- if(this._needLayout){
- // If a layout has been scheduled for when we become visible, do it now
- this._layout(this._changeSize, this._resultSize);
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Need to keep track of whether ContentPane has been shown (which is different than
- // whether or not it's currently visible).
- this._wasShown = true;
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/_LayoutWidget.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/_LayoutWidget.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1111d2539..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/_LayoutWidget.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/layout/_LayoutWidget", [
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin
- "../_Widget",
- "../_Container",
- "../_Contained",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.marginBox
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "dojo/_base/window" //
-], function(lang, _Widget, _Container, _Contained,
- declare, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle, has, win){
- var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
- var _Container = dijit._Container;
- var _Contained = dijit._Contained;
- // module:
- // dijit/layout/_LayoutWidget
- // summary:
- // _LayoutWidget Base class for a _Container widget which is responsible for laying out its children.
- // Widgets which mixin this code must define layout() to manage placement and sizing of the children.
- return declare("dijit.layout._LayoutWidget", [_Widget, _Container, _Contained], {
- // summary:
- // Base class for a _Container widget which is responsible for laying out its children.
- // Widgets which mixin this code must define layout() to manage placement and sizing of the children.
- // baseClass: [protected extension] String
- // This class name is applied to the widget's domNode
- // and also may be used to generate names for sub nodes,
- // for example dijitTabContainer-content.
- baseClass: "dijitLayoutContainer",
- // isLayoutContainer: [protected] Boolean
- // Indicates that this widget is going to call resize() on its
- // children widgets, setting their size, when they become visible.
- isLayoutContainer: true,
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- domClass.add(this.domNode, "dijitContainer");
- },
- startup: function(){
- // summary:
- // Called after all the widgets have been instantiated and their
- // dom nodes have been inserted somewhere under win.doc.body.
- //
- // Widgets should override this method to do any initialization
- // dependent on other widgets existing, and then call
- // this superclass method to finish things off.
- //
- // startup() in subclasses shouldn't do anything
- // size related because the size of the widget hasn't been set yet.
- if(this._started){ return; }
- // Need to call inherited first - so that child widgets get started
- // up correctly
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // If I am a not being controlled by a parent layout widget...
- var parent = this.getParent && this.getParent();
- if(!(parent && parent.isLayoutContainer)){
- // Do recursive sizing and layout of all my descendants
- // (passing in no argument to resize means that it has to glean the size itself)
- this.resize();
- // Since my parent isn't a layout container, and my style *may be* width=height=100%
- // or something similar (either set directly or via a CSS class),
- // monitor when viewport size changes so that I can re-layout.
- this.connect(, 'onresize', function(){
- // Using function(){} closure to ensure no arguments passed to resize().
- this.resize();
- });
- }
- },
- resize: function(changeSize, resultSize){
- // summary:
- // Call this to resize a widget, or after its size has changed.
- // description:
- // Change size mode:
- // When changeSize is specified, changes the marginBox of this widget
- // and forces it to relayout its contents accordingly.
- // changeSize may specify height, width, or both.
- //
- // If resultSize is specified it indicates the size the widget will
- // become after changeSize has been applied.
- //
- // Notification mode:
- // When changeSize is null, indicates that the caller has already changed
- // the size of the widget, or perhaps it changed because the browser
- // window was resized. Tells widget to relayout its contents accordingly.
- //
- // If resultSize is also specified it indicates the size the widget has
- // become.
- //
- // In either mode, this method also:
- // 1. Sets this._borderBox and this._contentBox to the new size of
- // the widget. Queries the current domNode size if necessary.
- // 2. Calls layout() to resize contents (and maybe adjust child widgets).
- //
- // changeSize: Object?
- // Sets the widget to this margin-box size and position.
- // May include any/all of the following properties:
- // | {w: int, h: int, l: int, t: int}
- //
- // resultSize: Object?
- // The margin-box size of this widget after applying changeSize (if
- // changeSize is specified). If caller knows this size and
- // passes it in, we don't need to query the browser to get the size.
- // | {w: int, h: int}
- var node = this.domNode;
- // set margin box size, unless it wasn't specified, in which case use current size
- if(changeSize){
- domGeometry.setMarginBox(node, changeSize);
- }
- // If either height or width wasn't specified by the user, then query node for it.
- // But note that setting the margin box and then immediately querying dimensions may return
- // inaccurate results, so try not to depend on it.
- var mb = resultSize || {};
- lang.mixin(mb, changeSize || {}); // changeSize overrides resultSize
- if( !("h" in mb) || !("w" in mb) ){
- mb = lang.mixin(domGeometry.getMarginBox(node), mb); // just use domGeometry.marginBox() to fill in missing values
- }
- // Compute and save the size of my border box and content box
- // (w/out calling domGeometry.getContentBox() since that may fail if size was recently set)
- var cs = domStyle.getComputedStyle(node);
- var me = domGeometry.getMarginExtents(node, cs);
- var be = domGeometry.getBorderExtents(node, cs);
- var bb = (this._borderBox = {
- w: mb.w - (me.w + be.w),
- h: mb.h - (me.h + be.h)
- });
- var pe = domGeometry.getPadExtents(node, cs);
- this._contentBox = {
- l: domStyle.toPixelValue(node, cs.paddingLeft),
- t: domStyle.toPixelValue(node, cs.paddingTop),
- w: bb.w - pe.w,
- h: bb.h - pe.h
- };
- // Callback for widget to adjust size of its children
- this.layout();
- },
- layout: function(){
- // summary:
- // Widgets override this method to size and position their contents/children.
- // When this is called this._contentBox is guaranteed to be set (see resize()).
- //
- // This is called after startup(), and also when the widget's size has been
- // changed.
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- },
- _setupChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/child){
- // summary:
- // Common setup for initial children and children which are added after startup
- // tags:
- // protected extension
- var cls = this.baseClass + "-child "
- + (child.baseClass ? this.baseClass + "-" + child.baseClass : "");
- domClass.add(child.domNode, cls);
- },
- addChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child, /*Integer?*/ insertIndex){
- // Overrides _Container.addChild() to call _setupChild()
- this.inherited(arguments);
- if(this._started){
- this._setupChild(child);
- }
- },
- removeChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ child){
- // Overrides _Container.removeChild() to remove class added by _setupChild()
- var cls = this.baseClass + "-child"
- + (child.baseClass ?
- " " + this.baseClass + "-" + child.baseClass : "");
- domClass.remove(child.domNode, cls);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/_TabContainerBase.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/_TabContainerBase.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a6090429..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/_TabContainerBase.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-'url:dijit/layout/templates/TabContainer.html':"<div class=\"dijitTabContainer\">\n\t<div class=\"dijitTabListWrapper\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"tablistNode\"></div>\n\t<div data-dojo-attach-point=\"tablistSpacer\" class=\"dijitTabSpacer ${baseClass}-spacer\"></div>\n\t<div class=\"dijitTabPaneWrapper ${baseClass}-container\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\"></div>\n</div>\n"}});
-define("dijit/layout/_TabContainerBase", [
- "dojo/text!./templates/TabContainer.html",
- "./StackContainer",
- "./utils", // marginBox2contextBox, layoutChildren
- "../_TemplatedMixin",
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.contentBox
- "dojo/dom-style" //
-], function(template, StackContainer, layoutUtils, _TemplatedMixin, declare, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle){
- var StackContainer = dijit.layout.StackContainer;
- var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
-// module:
-// dijit/layout/_TabContainerBase
-// summary:
-// Abstract base class for TabContainer. Must define _makeController() to instantiate
-// and return the widget that displays the tab labels
-return declare("dijit.layout._TabContainerBase", [StackContainer, _TemplatedMixin], {
- // summary:
- // Abstract base class for TabContainer. Must define _makeController() to instantiate
- // and return the widget that displays the tab labels
- // description:
- // A TabContainer is a container that has multiple panes, but shows only
- // one pane at a time. There are a set of tabs corresponding to each pane,
- // where each tab has the name (aka title) of the pane, and optionally a close button.
- // tabPosition: String
- // Defines where tabs go relative to tab content.
- // "top", "bottom", "left-h", "right-h"
- tabPosition: "top",
- baseClass: "dijitTabContainer",
- // tabStrip: [const] Boolean
- // Defines whether the tablist gets an extra class for layouting, putting a border/shading
- // around the set of tabs. Not supported by claro theme.
- tabStrip: false,
- // nested: [const] Boolean
- // If true, use styling for a TabContainer nested inside another TabContainer.
- // For tundra etc., makes tabs look like links, and hides the outer
- // border since the outer TabContainer already has a border.
- nested: false,
- templateString: template,
- postMixInProperties: function(){
- // set class name according to tab position, ex: dijitTabContainerTop
- this.baseClass += this.tabPosition.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.tabPosition.substr(1).replace(/-.*/, "");
- this.srcNodeRef && domStyle.set(this.srcNodeRef, "visibility", "hidden");
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- buildRendering: function(){
- this.inherited(arguments);
- // Create the tab list that will have a tab (a.k.a. tab button) for each tab panel
- this.tablist = this._makeController(this.tablistNode);
- if(!this.doLayout){ domClass.add(this.domNode, "dijitTabContainerNoLayout"); }
- if(this.nested){
- /* workaround IE's lack of support for "a > b" selectors by
- * tagging each node in the template.
- */
- domClass.add(this.domNode, "dijitTabContainerNested");
- domClass.add(this.tablist.containerNode, "dijitTabContainerTabListNested");
- domClass.add(this.tablistSpacer, "dijitTabContainerSpacerNested");
- domClass.add(this.containerNode, "dijitTabPaneWrapperNested");
- }else{
- domClass.add(this.domNode, "tabStrip-" + (this.tabStrip ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
- }
- },
- _setupChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ tab){
- // Overrides StackContainer._setupChild().
- domClass.add(tab.domNode, "dijitTabPane");
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- startup: function(){
- if(this._started){ return; }
- // wire up the tablist and its tabs
- this.tablist.startup();
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- layout: function(){
- // Overrides StackContainer.layout().
- // Configure the content pane to take up all the space except for where the tabs are
- if(!this._contentBox || typeof(this._contentBox.l) == "undefined"){return;}
- var sc = this.selectedChildWidget;
- if(this.doLayout){
- // position and size the titles and the container node
- var titleAlign = this.tabPosition.replace(/-h/, "");
- this.tablist.layoutAlign = titleAlign;
- var children = [this.tablist, {
- domNode: this.tablistSpacer,
- layoutAlign: titleAlign
- }, {
- domNode: this.containerNode,
- layoutAlign: "client"
- }];
- layoutUtils.layoutChildren(this.domNode, this._contentBox, children);
- // Compute size to make each of my children.
- // children[2] is the margin-box size of this.containerNode, set by layoutChildren() call above
- this._containerContentBox = layoutUtils.marginBox2contentBox(this.containerNode, children[2]);
- if(sc && sc.resize){
- sc.resize(this._containerContentBox);
- }
- }else{
- // just layout the tab controller, so it can position left/right buttons etc.
- if(this.tablist.resize){
- //make the tabs zero width so that they don't interfere with width calc, then reset
- var s =;
- s.width="0";
- var width = domGeometry.getContentBox(this.domNode).w;
- s.width="";
- this.tablist.resize({w: width});
- }
- // and call resize() on the selected pane just to tell it that it's been made visible
- if(sc && sc.resize){
- sc.resize();
- }
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- if(this.tablist){
- this.tablist.destroy();
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/layout/utils.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/layout/utils.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c2845332..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/layout/utils.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/layout/utils", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.filter array.forEach
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.marginBox
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin
- ".." // for exporting symbols to dijit, remove in 2.0
-], function(array, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle, lang, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/layout/utils
- // summary:
- // marginBox2contentBox() and layoutChildren()
- var layout = lang.getObject("layout", true, dijit);
- /*===== layout = dijit.layout =====*/
- layout.marginBox2contentBox = function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Object*/ mb){
- // summary:
- // Given the margin-box size of a node, return its content box size.
- // Functions like domGeometry.contentBox() but is more reliable since it doesn't have
- // to wait for the browser to compute sizes.
- var cs = domStyle.getComputedStyle(node);
- var me = domGeometry.getMarginExtents(node, cs);
- var pb = domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(node, cs);
- return {
- l: domStyle.toPixelValue(node, cs.paddingLeft),
- t: domStyle.toPixelValue(node, cs.paddingTop),
- w: mb.w - (me.w + pb.w),
- h: mb.h - (me.h + pb.h)
- };
- };
- function capitalize(word){
- return word.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1);
- }
- function size(widget, dim){
- // size the child
- var newSize = widget.resize ? widget.resize(dim) : domGeometry.setMarginBox(widget.domNode, dim);
- // record child's size
- if(newSize){
- // if the child returned it's new size then use that
- lang.mixin(widget, newSize);
- }else{
- // otherwise, call getMarginBox(), but favor our own numbers when we have them.
- // the browser lies sometimes
- lang.mixin(widget, domGeometry.getMarginBox(widget.domNode));
- lang.mixin(widget, dim);
- }
- }
- layout.layoutChildren = function(/*DomNode*/ container, /*Object*/ dim, /*Widget[]*/ children,
- /*String?*/ changedRegionId, /*Number?*/ changedRegionSize){
- // summary:
- // Layout a bunch of child dom nodes within a parent dom node
- // container:
- // parent node
- // dim:
- // {l, t, w, h} object specifying dimensions of container into which to place children
- // children:
- // an array of Widgets or at least objects containing:
- // * domNode: pointer to DOM node to position
- // * region or layoutAlign: position to place DOM node
- // * resize(): (optional) method to set size of node
- // * id: (optional) Id of widgets, referenced from resize object, below.
- // changedRegionId:
- // If specified, the slider for the region with the specified id has been dragged, and thus
- // the region's height or width should be adjusted according to changedRegionSize
- // changedRegionSize:
- // See changedRegionId.
- // copy dim because we are going to modify it
- dim = lang.mixin({}, dim);
- domClass.add(container, "dijitLayoutContainer");
- // Move "client" elements to the end of the array for layout. a11y dictates that the author
- // needs to be able to put them in the document in tab-order, but this algorithm requires that
- // client be last. TODO: move these lines to LayoutContainer? Unneeded other places I think.
- children = array.filter(children, function(item){ return item.region != "center" && item.layoutAlign != "client"; })
- .concat(array.filter(children, function(item){ return item.region == "center" || item.layoutAlign == "client"; }));
- // set positions/sizes
- array.forEach(children, function(child){
- var elm = child.domNode,
- pos = (child.region || child.layoutAlign);
- if(!pos){
- throw new Error("No region setting for " +
- }
- // set elem to upper left corner of unused space; may move it later
- var elmStyle =;
- elmStyle.left = dim.l+"px";
- = dim.t+"px";
- elmStyle.position = "absolute";
- domClass.add(elm, "dijitAlign" + capitalize(pos));
- // Size adjustments to make to this child widget
- var sizeSetting = {};
- // Check for optional size adjustment due to splitter drag (height adjustment for top/bottom align
- // panes and width adjustment for left/right align panes.
- if(changedRegionId && changedRegionId =={
- sizeSetting[child.region == "top" || child.region == "bottom" ? "h" : "w"] = changedRegionSize;
- }
- // set size && adjust record of remaining space.
- // note that setting the width of a <div> may affect its height.
- if(pos == "top" || pos == "bottom"){
- sizeSetting.w = dim.w;
- size(child, sizeSetting);
- dim.h -= child.h;
- if(pos == "top"){
- dim.t += child.h;
- }else{
- = dim.t + dim.h + "px";
- }
- }else if(pos == "left" || pos == "right"){
- sizeSetting.h = dim.h;
- size(child, sizeSetting);
- dim.w -= child.w;
- if(pos == "left"){
- dim.l += child.w;
- }else{
- elmStyle.left = dim.l + dim.w + "px";
- }
- }else if(pos == "client" || pos == "center"){
- size(child, dim);
- }
- });
- };
- return {
- marginBox2contentBox: layout.marginBox2contentBox,
- layoutChildren: layout.layoutChildren
- };
diff --git a/lib/dijit/main.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/main.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 159bb4276..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/main.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/main", [
- "dojo/_base/kernel"
-], function(dojo){
- // module:
- // dijit
- // summary:
- // The dijit package main module
- return dojo.dijit;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/ar/common.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/ar/common.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dfcc3257..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/ar/common.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/ar/common", //begin v1.x content
- buttonOk: "حسنا",
- buttonCancel: "الغاء",
- buttonSave: "حفظ",
- itemClose: "اغلاق"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/ar/loading.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/ar/loading.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bde1e1863..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/ar/loading.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/ar/loading", //begin v1.x content
- loadingState: "جاري التحميل...",
- errorState: "عفوا، حدث خطأ"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/az/common.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/az/common.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 65b35efda..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/az/common.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/az/common", //begin v1.x content
- "buttonOk" : "Ok",
- "buttonCancel" : "Ləğv et",
- "buttonSave" : "Saxla",
- "itemClose" : "Bağla"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/az/loading.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/az/loading.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 37e09b227..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/az/loading.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/az/loading", //begin v1.x content
- "loadingState" : "Yüklənir...",
- "errorState" : "Problem yarandı"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/ca/common.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/ca/common.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 58a22bcc9..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/ca/common.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/ca/common", //begin v1.x content
- buttonOk: "D'acord",
- buttonCancel: "Cancel·la",
- buttonSave: "Desa",
- itemClose: "Tanca"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/ca/loading.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/ca/loading.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ce522f532..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/ca/loading.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/ca/loading", //begin v1.x content
- loadingState: "S'està carregant...",
- errorState: "Ens sap greu. S'ha produït un error."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/common.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/common.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f638be148..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/common.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/nls/common", { root:
-//begin v1.x content
- buttonOk: "OK",
- buttonCancel: "Cancel",
- buttonSave: "Save",
- itemClose: "Close"
-//end v1.x content
-"zh": true,
-"zh-tw": true,
-"tr": true,
-"th": true,
-"sv": true,
-"sl": true,
-"sk": true,
-"ru": true,
-"ro": true,
-"pt": true,
-"pt-pt": true,
-"pl": true,
-"nl": true,
-"nb": true,
-"ko": true,
-"kk": true,
-"ja": true,
-"it": true,
-"hu": true,
-"hr": true,
-"he": true,
-"fr": true,
-"fi": true,
-"es": true,
-"el": true,
-"de": true,
-"da": true,
-"cs": true,
-"ca": true,
-"az": true,
-"ar": true
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/cs/common.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/cs/common.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a484bf07d..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/cs/common.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/cs/common", //begin v1.x content
- buttonOk: "OK",
- buttonCancel: "Storno",
- buttonSave: "Uložit",
- itemClose: "Zavřít"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/cs/loading.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/cs/loading.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 32ca48f61..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/cs/loading.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/cs/loading", //begin v1.x content
- loadingState: "Probíhá načítání...",
- errorState: "Omlouváme se, došlo k chybě"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/da/common.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/da/common.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d46deeeb3..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/da/common.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/da/common", //begin v1.x content
- buttonOk: "OK",
- buttonCancel: "Annullér",
- buttonSave: "Gem",
- itemClose: "Luk"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/da/loading.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/da/loading.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 974256380..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/da/loading.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/da/loading", //begin v1.x content
- loadingState: "Indlæser...",
- errorState: "Der er opstået en fejl"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/de/common.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/de/common.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 44aafedaf..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/de/common.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/de/common", //begin v1.x content
- buttonOk: "OK",
- buttonCancel: "Abbrechen",
- buttonSave: "Speichern",
- itemClose: "Schließen"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/de/loading.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/de/loading.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 507511db6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/de/loading.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/de/loading", //begin v1.x content
- loadingState: "Wird geladen...",
- errorState: "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/el/common.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/el/common.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b81b8964..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/el/common.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/el/common", //begin v1.x content
- buttonOk: "ΟΚ",
- buttonCancel: "Ακύρωση",
- buttonSave: "Αποθήκευση",
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--- a/lib/dijit/nls/el/loading.js.uncompressed.js
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- loadingState: "Φόρτωση...",
- errorState: "Σας ζητούμε συγνώμη, παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα"
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--- a/lib/dijit/nls/es/common.js.uncompressed.js
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--- a/lib/dijit/nls/es/loading.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
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-"dijit/nls/es/loading", //begin v1.x content
- loadingState: "Cargando...",
- errorState: "Lo siento, se ha producido un error"
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--- a/lib/dijit/nls/fi/common.js.uncompressed.js
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--- a/lib/dijit/nls/fi/loading.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/fi/loading", //begin v1.x content
- loadingState: "Lataus on meneillään...",
- errorState: "On ilmennyt virhe."
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--- a/lib/dijit/nls/fr/common.js.uncompressed.js
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--- a/lib/dijit/nls/fr/loading.js.uncompressed.js
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- loadingState: "Chargement...",
- errorState: "Une erreur est survenue"
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--- a/lib/dijit/nls/he/common.js.uncompressed.js
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--- a/lib/dijit/nls/he/loading.js.uncompressed.js
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- loadingState: "טעינה...‏",
- errorState: "אירעה שגיאה"
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--- a/lib/dijit/nls/hr/loading.js.uncompressed.js
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- loadingState: "Učitavanje...",
- errorState: "Žao nam je, došlo je do pogreške"
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--- a/lib/dijit/nls/hu/loading.js.uncompressed.js
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- loadingState: "Betöltés...",
- errorState: "Sajnálom, hiba történt"
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--- a/lib/dijit/nls/it/loading.js.uncompressed.js
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-"dijit/nls/it/loading", //begin v1.x content
- loadingState: "Caricamento in corso...",
- errorState: "Si è verificato un errore"
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-"dijit/nls/ja/loading", //begin v1.x content
- loadingState: "ロード中...",
- errorState: "エラーが発生しました。"
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- errorState: "Кешіріңіз, қате орын алды"
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- loadingState: "로드 중...",
- errorState: "죄송합니다. 오류가 발생했습니다."
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--- a/lib/dijit/nls/loading.js.uncompressed.js
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- errorState: "Sorry, an error occurred"
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- errorState: "Det oppsto en feil"
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- errorState: "Er is een fout opgetreden"
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- errorState: "Lamentamos, mas ocorreu um erro"
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- errorState: "Desculpe, ocorreu um erro"
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- errorState: "Ne pare rău, a apărut o eroare "
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- errorState: "Извините, возникла ошибка"
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- loadingState: "Nalaganje ...",
- errorState: "Oprostite, prišlo je do napake."
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- errorState: "Det uppstod ett fel."
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- itemClose: "ปิด"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/th/loading.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/th/loading.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 79d7260ed..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/th/loading.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/th/loading", //begin v1.x content
- loadingState: "กำลังโหลด...",
- errorState: "ขออภัย เกิดข้อผิดพลาด"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/tr/common.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/tr/common.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a42ab30f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/tr/common.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/tr/common", //begin v1.x content
- buttonOk: "Tamam",
- buttonCancel: "İptal",
- buttonSave: "Kaydet",
- itemClose: "Kapat"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/tr/loading.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/tr/loading.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 432f2aa06..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/tr/loading.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/tr/loading", //begin v1.x content
- loadingState: "Yükleniyor...",
- errorState: "Üzgünüz, bir hata oluştu"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/zh-tw/common.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/zh-tw/common.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cfe45c2b2..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/zh-tw/common.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/zh-tw/common", //begin v1.x content
- buttonOk: "確定",
- buttonCancel: "取消",
- buttonSave: "儲存",
- itemClose: "關閉"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/zh-tw/loading.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/zh-tw/loading.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a4401f2cd..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/zh-tw/loading.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/zh-tw/loading", //begin v1.x content
- loadingState: "載入中...",
- errorState: "抱歉,發生錯誤"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/zh/common.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/zh/common.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ff30575c0..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/zh/common.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/zh/common", //begin v1.x content
- buttonOk: "确定",
- buttonCancel: "取消",
- buttonSave: "保存",
- itemClose: "关闭"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/nls/zh/loading.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/nls/zh/loading.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c04d8cb94..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/nls/zh/loading.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"dijit/nls/zh/loading", //begin v1.x content
- loadingState: "正在加载...",
- errorState: "对不起,发生了错误"
-//end v1.x content
diff --git a/lib/dijit/place.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/place.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5283da478..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/place.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/place", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.some
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.getMarginBox domGeometry.position
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "dojo/window", // winUtils.getBox
- "." // dijit (defining to match API doc)
-], function(array, domGeometry, domStyle, kernel, win, winUtils, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/place
- // summary:
- // Code to place a popup relative to another node
- function _place(/*DomNode*/ node, choices, layoutNode, aroundNodeCoords){
- // summary:
- // Given a list of spots to put node, put it at the first spot where it fits,
- // of if it doesn't fit anywhere then the place with the least overflow
- // choices: Array
- // Array of elements like: {corner: 'TL', pos: {x: 10, y: 20} }
- // Above example says to put the top-left corner of the node at (10,20)
- // layoutNode: Function(node, aroundNodeCorner, nodeCorner, size)
- // for things like tooltip, they are displayed differently (and have different dimensions)
- // based on their orientation relative to the parent. This adjusts the popup based on orientation.
- // It also passes in the available size for the popup, which is useful for tooltips to
- // tell them that their width is limited to a certain amount. layoutNode() may return a value expressing
- // how much the popup had to be modified to fit into the available space. This is used to determine
- // what the best placement is.
- // aroundNodeCoords: Object
- // Size of aroundNode, ex: {w: 200, h: 50}
- // get {x: 10, y: 10, w: 100, h:100} type obj representing position of
- // viewport over document
- var view = winUtils.getBox();
- // This won't work if the node is inside a <div style="position: relative">,
- // so reattach it to win.doc.body. (Otherwise, the positioning will be wrong
- // and also it might get cutoff)
- if(!node.parentNode || String(node.parentNode.tagName).toLowerCase() != "body"){
- win.body().appendChild(node);
- }
- var best = null;
- array.some(choices, function(choice){
- var corner = choice.corner;
- var pos = choice.pos;
- var overflow = 0;
- // calculate amount of space available given specified position of node
- var spaceAvailable = {
- w: {
- 'L': view.l + view.w - pos.x,
- 'R': pos.x - view.l,
- 'M': view.w
- }[corner.charAt(1)],
- h: {
- 'T': view.t + view.h - pos.y,
- 'B': pos.y - view.t,
- 'M': view.h
- }[corner.charAt(0)]
- };
- // configure node to be displayed in given position relative to button
- // (need to do this in order to get an accurate size for the node, because
- // a tooltip's size changes based on position, due to triangle)
- if(layoutNode){
- var res = layoutNode(node, choice.aroundCorner, corner, spaceAvailable, aroundNodeCoords);
- overflow = typeof res == "undefined" ? 0 : res;
- }
- // get node's size
- var style =;
- var oldDisplay = style.display;
- var oldVis = style.visibility;
- if(style.display == "none"){
- style.visibility = "hidden";
- style.display = "";
- }
- var mb = domGeometry. getMarginBox(node);
- style.display = oldDisplay;
- style.visibility = oldVis;
- // coordinates and size of node with specified corner placed at pos,
- // and clipped by viewport
- var
- startXpos = {
- 'L': pos.x,
- 'R': pos.x - mb.w,
- 'M': Math.max(view.l, Math.min(view.l + view.w, pos.x + (mb.w >> 1)) - mb.w) // M orientation is more flexible
- }[corner.charAt(1)],
- startYpos = {
- 'T': pos.y,
- 'B': pos.y - mb.h,
- 'M': Math.max(view.t, Math.min(view.t + view.h, pos.y + (mb.h >> 1)) - mb.h)
- }[corner.charAt(0)],
- startX = Math.max(view.l, startXpos),
- startY = Math.max(view.t, startYpos),
- endX = Math.min(view.l + view.w, startXpos + mb.w),
- endY = Math.min(view.t + view.h, startYpos + mb.h),
- width = endX - startX,
- height = endY - startY;
- overflow += (mb.w - width) + (mb.h - height);
- if(best == null || overflow < best.overflow){
- best = {
- corner: corner,
- aroundCorner: choice.aroundCorner,
- x: startX,
- y: startY,
- w: width,
- h: height,
- overflow: overflow,
- spaceAvailable: spaceAvailable
- };
- }
- return !overflow;
- });
- // In case the best position is not the last one we checked, need to call
- // layoutNode() again.
- if(best.overflow && layoutNode){
- layoutNode(node, best.aroundCorner, best.corner, best.spaceAvailable, aroundNodeCoords);
- }
- // And then position the node. Do this last, after the layoutNode() above
- // has sized the node, due to browser quirks when the viewport is scrolled
- // (specifically that a Tooltip will shrink to fit as though the window was
- // scrolled to the left).
- //
- // In RTL mode, set style.right rather than style.left so in the common case,
- // window resizes move the popup along with the aroundNode.
- var l = domGeometry.isBodyLtr(),
- s =;
- = best.y + "px";
- s[l ? "left" : "right"] = (l ? best.x : view.w - best.x - best.w) + "px";
- s[l ? "right" : "left"] = "auto"; // needed for FF or else tooltip goes to far left
- return best;
- }
- /*=====
- = function(){
- // x: Integer
- // horizontal coordinate in pixels, relative to document body
- // y: Integer
- // vertical coordinate in pixels, relative to document body
- this.x = x;
- this.y = y;
- };
- =====*/
- /*=====
- = function(){
- // x: Integer
- // horizontal offset in pixels, relative to document body
- // y: Integer
- // vertical offset in pixels, relative to document body
- // w: Integer
- // width in pixels. Can also be specified as "width" for backwards-compatibility.
- // h: Integer
- // height in pixels. Can also be specified as "height" from backwards-compatibility.
- this.x = x;
- this.y = y;
- this.w = w;
- this.h = h;
- };
- =====*/
- return ( = {
- // summary:
- // Code to place a DOMNode relative to another DOMNode.
- // Load using require(["dijit/place"], function(place){ ... }).
- at: function(node, pos, corners, padding){
- // summary:
- // Positions one of the node's corners at specified position
- // such that node is fully visible in viewport.
- // description:
- // NOTE: node is assumed to be absolutely or relatively positioned.
- // node: DOMNode
- // The node to position
- // pos:
- // Object like {x: 10, y: 20}
- // corners: String[]
- // Array of Strings representing order to try corners in, like ["TR", "BL"].
- // Possible values are:
- // * "BL" - bottom left
- // * "BR" - bottom right
- // * "TL" - top left
- // * "TR" - top right
- // padding:
- // optional param to set padding, to put some buffer around the element you want to position.
- // example:
- // Try to place node's top right corner at (10,20).
- // If that makes node go (partially) off screen, then try placing
- // bottom left corner at (10,20).
- // | place(node, {x: 10, y: 20}, ["TR", "BL"])
- var choices =, function(corner){
- var c = { corner: corner, pos: {x:pos.x,y:pos.y} };
- if(padding){
- c.pos.x += corner.charAt(1) == 'L' ? padding.x : -padding.x;
- c.pos.y += corner.charAt(0) == 'T' ? padding.y : -padding.y;
- }
- return c;
- });
- return _place(node, choices);
- },
- around: function(
- /*DomNode*/ node,
- /*DomNode ||*/ anchor,
- /*String[]*/ positions,
- /*Boolean*/ leftToRight,
- /*Function?*/ layoutNode){
- // summary:
- // Position node adjacent or kitty-corner to anchor
- // such that it's fully visible in viewport.
- //
- // description:
- // Place node such that corner of node touches a corner of
- // aroundNode, and that node is fully visible.
- //
- // anchor:
- // Either a DOMNode or a __Rectangle (object with x, y, width, height).
- //
- // positions:
- // Ordered list of positions to try matching up.
- // * before: places drop down to the left of the anchor node/widget, or to the right in the case
- // of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic; aligns either the top of the drop down
- // with the top of the anchor, or the bottom of the drop down with bottom of the anchor.
- // * after: places drop down to the right of the anchor node/widget, or to the left in the case
- // of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic; aligns either the top of the drop down
- // with the top of the anchor, or the bottom of the drop down with bottom of the anchor.
- // * before-centered: centers drop down to the left of the anchor node/widget, or to the right
- // in the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
- // * after-centered: centers drop down to the right of the anchor node/widget, or to the left
- // in the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
- // * above-centered: drop down is centered above anchor node
- // * above: drop down goes above anchor node, left sides aligned
- // * above-alt: drop down goes above anchor node, right sides aligned
- // * below-centered: drop down is centered above anchor node
- // * below: drop down goes below anchor node
- // * below-alt: drop down goes below anchor node, right sides aligned
- //
- // layoutNode: Function(node, aroundNodeCorner, nodeCorner)
- // For things like tooltip, they are displayed differently (and have different dimensions)
- // based on their orientation relative to the parent. This adjusts the popup based on orientation.
- //
- // leftToRight:
- // True if widget is LTR, false if widget is RTL. Affects the behavior of "above" and "below"
- // positions slightly.
- //
- // example:
- // | placeAroundNode(node, aroundNode, {'BL':'TL', 'TR':'BR'});
- // This will try to position node such that node's top-left corner is at the same position
- // as the bottom left corner of the aroundNode (ie, put node below
- // aroundNode, with left edges aligned). If that fails it will try to put
- // the bottom-right corner of node where the top right corner of aroundNode is
- // (ie, put node above aroundNode, with right edges aligned)
- //
- // if around is a DOMNode (or DOMNode id), convert to coordinates
- var aroundNodePos = (typeof anchor == "string" || "offsetWidth" in anchor)
- ? domGeometry.position(anchor, true)
- : anchor;
- // Adjust anchor positioning for the case that a parent node has overflw hidden, therefore cuasing the anchor not to be completely visible
- if(anchor.parentNode){
- var parent = anchor.parentNode;
- while(parent && parent.nodeType == 1 && parent.nodeName != "BODY"){ //ignoring the body will help performance
- var parentPos = domGeometry.position(parent, true);
- var parentStyleOverflow = domStyle.getComputedStyle(parent).overflow;
- if(parentStyleOverflow == "hidden" || parentStyleOverflow == "auto" || parentStyleOverflow == "scroll"){
- var bottomYCoord = Math.min(aroundNodePos.y + aroundNodePos.h, parentPos.y + parentPos.h);
- var rightXCoord = Math.min(aroundNodePos.x + aroundNodePos.w, parentPos.x + parentPos.w);
- aroundNodePos.x = Math.max(aroundNodePos.x, parentPos.x);
- aroundNodePos.y = Math.max(aroundNodePos.y, parentPos.y);
- aroundNodePos.h = bottomYCoord - aroundNodePos.y;
- aroundNodePos.w = rightXCoord - aroundNodePos.x;
- }
- parent = parent.parentNode;
- }
- }
- var x = aroundNodePos.x,
- y = aroundNodePos.y,
- width = "w" in aroundNodePos ? aroundNodePos.w : (aroundNodePos.w = aroundNodePos.width),
- height = "h" in aroundNodePos ? aroundNodePos.h : (kernel.deprecated("place.around: { x:"+x+", y:"+y+", height:"+aroundNodePos.height+", width:"+width+" } has been deprecated. Please use { x:"+x+", y:"+y+", h:"+aroundNodePos.height+", w:"+width+" }", "", "2.0"), aroundNodePos.h = aroundNodePos.height);
- // Convert positions arguments into choices argument for _place()
- var choices = [];
- function push(aroundCorner, corner){
- choices.push({
- aroundCorner: aroundCorner,
- corner: corner,
- pos: {
- x: {
- 'L': x,
- 'R': x + width,
- 'M': x + (width >> 1)
- }[aroundCorner.charAt(1)],
- y: {
- 'T': y,
- 'B': y + height,
- 'M': y + (height >> 1)
- }[aroundCorner.charAt(0)]
- }
- })
- }
- array.forEach(positions, function(pos){
- var ltr = leftToRight;
- switch(pos){
- case "above-centered":
- push("TM", "BM");
- break;
- case "below-centered":
- push("BM", "TM");
- break;
- case "after-centered":
- ltr = !ltr;
- // fall through
- case "before-centered":
- push(ltr ? "ML" : "MR", ltr ? "MR" : "ML");
- break;
- case "after":
- ltr = !ltr;
- // fall through
- case "before":
- push(ltr ? "TL" : "TR", ltr ? "TR" : "TL");
- push(ltr ? "BL" : "BR", ltr ? "BR" : "BL");
- break;
- case "below-alt":
- ltr = !ltr;
- // fall through
- case "below":
- // first try to align left borders, next try to align right borders (or reverse for RTL mode)
- push(ltr ? "BL" : "BR", ltr ? "TL" : "TR");
- push(ltr ? "BR" : "BL", ltr ? "TR" : "TL");
- break;
- case "above-alt":
- ltr = !ltr;
- // fall through
- case "above":
- // first try to align left borders, next try to align right borders (or reverse for RTL mode)
- push(ltr ? "TL" : "TR", ltr ? "BL" : "BR");
- push(ltr ? "TR" : "TL", ltr ? "BR" : "BL");
- break;
- default:
- // To assist dijit/_base/place, accept arguments of type {aroundCorner: "BL", corner: "TL"}.
- // Not meant to be used directly.
- push(pos.aroundCorner, pos.corner);
- }
- });
- var position = _place(node, choices, layoutNode, {w: width, h: height});
- position.aroundNodePos = aroundNodePos;
- return position;
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/popup.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/popup.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3470df0b6..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/popup.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/popup", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.some
- "dojo/aspect",
- "dojo/_base/connect", // connect._keypress
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom", // dom.isDescendant
- "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
- "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create domConstruct.destroy
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.isBodyLtr
- "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.set
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/keys",
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/on",
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("mozilla")
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "./place",
- "./BackgroundIframe",
- "." // dijit (defining dijit.popup to match API doc)
-], function(array, aspect, connect, declare, dom, domAttr, domConstruct, domGeometry, domStyle, event, keys, lang, on, has, win,
- place, BackgroundIframe, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/popup
- // summary:
- // Used to show drop downs (ex: the select list of a ComboBox)
- // or popups (ex: right-click context menus)
- /*=====
- dijit.popup.__OpenArgs = function(){
- // popup: Widget
- // widget to display
- // parent: Widget
- // the button etc. that is displaying this popup
- // around: DomNode
- // DOM node (typically a button); place popup relative to this node. (Specify this *or* "x" and "y" parameters.)
- // x: Integer
- // Absolute horizontal position (in pixels) to place node at. (Specify this *or* "around" parameter.)
- // y: Integer
- // Absolute vertical position (in pixels) to place node at. (Specify this *or* "around" parameter.)
- // orient: Object|String
- // When the around parameter is specified, orient should be a list of positions to try, ex:
- // | [ "below", "above" ]
- // For backwards compatibility it can also be an (ordered) hash of tuples of the form
- // (around-node-corner, popup-node-corner), ex:
- // | { "BL": "TL", "TL": "BL" }
- // where BL means "bottom left" and "TL" means "top left", etc.
- //
- // tries to position the popup according to each specified position, in order,
- // until the popup appears fully within the viewport.
- //
- // The default value is ["below", "above"]
- //
- // When an (x,y) position is specified rather than an around node, orient is either
- // "R" or "L". R (for right) means that it tries to put the popup to the right of the mouse,
- // specifically positioning the popup's top-right corner at the mouse position, and if that doesn't
- // fit in the viewport, then it tries, in order, the bottom-right corner, the top left corner,
- // and the top-right corner.
- // onCancel: Function
- // callback when user has canceled the popup by
- // 1. hitting ESC or
- // 2. by using the popup widget's proprietary cancel mechanism (like a cancel button in a dialog);
- // i.e. whenever popupWidget.onCancel() is called, args.onCancel is called
- // onClose: Function
- // callback whenever this popup is closed
- // onExecute: Function
- // callback when user "executed" on the popup/sub-popup by selecting a menu choice, etc. (top menu only)
- // padding: dijit.__Position
- // adding a buffer around the opening position. This is only useful when around is not set.
- this.popup = popup;
- this.parent = parent;
- this.around = around;
- this.x = x;
- this.y = y;
- this.orient = orient;
- this.onCancel = onCancel;
- this.onClose = onClose;
- this.onExecute = onExecute;
- this.padding = padding;
- }
- =====*/
- /*=====
- dijit.popup = {
- // summary:
- // Used to show drop downs (ex: the select list of a ComboBox)
- // or popups (ex: right-click context menus).
- //
- // Access via require(["dijit/popup"], function(popup){ ... }).
- moveOffScreen: function(widget){
- // summary:
- // Moves the popup widget off-screen.
- // Do not use this method to hide popups when not in use, because
- // that will create an accessibility issue: the offscreen popup is
- // still in the tabbing order.
- // widget: dijit._WidgetBase
- // The widget
- },
- hide: function(widget){
- // summary:
- // Hide this popup widget (until it is ready to be shown).
- // Initialization for widgets that will be used as popups
- //
- // Also puts widget inside a wrapper DIV (if not already in one)
- //
- // If popup widget needs to layout it should
- // do so when it is made visible, and popup._onShow() is called.
- // widget: dijit._WidgetBase
- // The widget
- },
- open: function(args){
- // summary:
- // Popup the widget at the specified position
- // example:
- // opening at the mouse position
- // |{popup: menuWidget, x: evt.pageX, y: evt.pageY});
- // example:
- // opening the widget as a dropdown
- // |{parent: this, popup: menuWidget, around: this.domNode, onClose: function(){...}});
- //
- // Note that whatever widget called should also listen to its own _onBlur callback
- // (fired from _base/focus.js) to know that focus has moved somewhere else and thus the popup should be closed.
- // args: dijit.popup.__OpenArgs
- // Parameters
- return {}; // Object specifying which position was chosen
- },
- close: function(popup){
- // summary:
- // Close specified popup and any popups that it parented.
- // If no popup is specified, closes all popups.
- // widget: dijit._WidgetBase?
- // The widget, optional
- }
- };
- =====*/
- var PopupManager = declare(null, {
- // _stack: dijit._Widget[]
- // Stack of currently popped up widgets.
- // (someone opened _stack[0], and then it opened _stack[1], etc.)
- _stack: [],
- // _beginZIndex: Number
- // Z-index of the first popup. (If first popup opens other
- // popups they get a higher z-index.)
- _beginZIndex: 1000,
- _idGen: 1,
- _createWrapper: function(/*Widget*/ widget){
- // summary:
- // Initialization for widgets that will be used as popups.
- // Puts widget inside a wrapper DIV (if not already in one),
- // and returns pointer to that wrapper DIV.
- var wrapper = widget._popupWrapper,
- node = widget.domNode;
- if(!wrapper){
- // Create wrapper <div> for when this widget [in the future] will be used as a popup.
- // This is done early because of IE bugs where creating/moving DOM nodes causes focus
- // to go wonky, see tests/robot/Toolbar.html to reproduce
- wrapper = domConstruct.create("div",{
- "class":"dijitPopup",
- style:{ display: "none"},
- role: "presentation"
- }, win.body());
- wrapper.appendChild(node);
- var s =;
- s.display = "";
- s.visibility = "";
- s.position = "";
- = "0px";
- widget._popupWrapper = wrapper;
- aspect.after(widget, "destroy", function(){
- domConstruct.destroy(wrapper);
- delete widget._popupWrapper;
- });
- }
- return wrapper;
- },
- moveOffScreen: function(/*Widget*/ widget){
- // summary:
- // Moves the popup widget off-screen.
- // Do not use this method to hide popups when not in use, because
- // that will create an accessibility issue: the offscreen popup is
- // still in the tabbing order.
- // Create wrapper if not already there
- var wrapper = this._createWrapper(widget);
- domStyle.set(wrapper, {
- visibility: "hidden",
- top: "-9999px", // prevent transient scrollbar causing misalign (#5776), and initial flash in upper left (#10111)
- display: ""
- });
- },
- hide: function(/*Widget*/ widget){
- // summary:
- // Hide this popup widget (until it is ready to be shown).
- // Initialization for widgets that will be used as popups
- //
- // Also puts widget inside a wrapper DIV (if not already in one)
- //
- // If popup widget needs to layout it should
- // do so when it is made visible, and popup._onShow() is called.
- // Create wrapper if not already there
- var wrapper = this._createWrapper(widget);
- domStyle.set(wrapper, "display", "none");
- },
- getTopPopup: function(){
- // summary:
- // Compute the closest ancestor popup that's *not* a child of another popup.
- // Ex: For a TooltipDialog with a button that spawns a tree of menus, find the popup of the button.
- var stack = this._stack;
- for(var pi=stack.length-1; pi > 0 && stack[pi].parent === stack[pi-1].widget; pi--){
- /* do nothing, just trying to get right value for pi */
- }
- return stack[pi];
- },
- open: function(/*dijit.popup.__OpenArgs*/ args){
- // summary:
- // Popup the widget at the specified position
- //
- // example:
- // opening at the mouse position
- // |{popup: menuWidget, x: evt.pageX, y: evt.pageY});
- //
- // example:
- // opening the widget as a dropdown
- // |{parent: this, popup: menuWidget, around: this.domNode, onClose: function(){...}});
- //
- // Note that whatever widget called should also listen to its own _onBlur callback
- // (fired from _base/focus.js) to know that focus has moved somewhere else and thus the popup should be closed.
- var stack = this._stack,
- widget = args.popup,
- orient = args.orient || ["below", "below-alt", "above", "above-alt"],
- ltr = args.parent ? args.parent.isLeftToRight() : domGeometry.isBodyLtr(),
- around = args.around,
- id = (args.around && ? ("_dropdown") : ("popup_"+this._idGen++);
- // If we are opening a new popup that isn't a child of a currently opened popup, then
- // close currently opened popup(s). This should happen automatically when the old popups
- // gets the _onBlur() event, except that the _onBlur() event isn't reliable on IE, see [22198].
- while(stack.length && (!args.parent || !dom.isDescendant(args.parent.domNode, stack[stack.length-1].widget.domNode))){
- this.close(stack[stack.length-1].widget);
- }
- // Get pointer to popup wrapper, and create wrapper if it doesn't exist
- var wrapper = this._createWrapper(widget);
- domAttr.set(wrapper, {
- id: id,
- style: {
- zIndex: this._beginZIndex + stack.length
- },
- "class": "dijitPopup " + (widget.baseClass || widget["class"] || "").split(" ")[0] +"Popup",
- dijitPopupParent: args.parent ? : ""
- });
- if(has("ie") || has("mozilla")){
- if(!widget.bgIframe){
- // setting widget.bgIframe triggers cleanup in _Widget.destroy()
- widget.bgIframe = new BackgroundIframe(wrapper);
- }
- }
- // position the wrapper node and make it visible
- var best = around ?
- place.around(wrapper, around, orient, ltr, widget.orient ? lang.hitch(widget, "orient") : null) :
-, args, orient == 'R' ? ['TR','BR','TL','BL'] : ['TL','BL','TR','BR'], args.padding);
- = "";
- = "visible";
- = "visible"; // counteract effects from _HasDropDown
- var handlers = [];
- // provide default escape and tab key handling
- // (this will work for any widget, not just menu)
- handlers.push(on(wrapper, connect._keypress, lang.hitch(this, function(evt){
- if(evt.charOrCode == keys.ESCAPE && args.onCancel){
- event.stop(evt);
- args.onCancel();
- }else if(evt.charOrCode === keys.TAB){
- event.stop(evt);
- var topPopup = this.getTopPopup();
- if(topPopup && topPopup.onCancel){
- topPopup.onCancel();
- }
- }
- })));
- // watch for cancel/execute events on the popup and notify the caller
- // (for a menu, "execute" means clicking an item)
- if(widget.onCancel && args.onCancel){
- handlers.push(widget.on("cancel", args.onCancel));
- }
- handlers.push(widget.on(widget.onExecute ? "execute" : "change", lang.hitch(this, function(){
- var topPopup = this.getTopPopup();
- if(topPopup && topPopup.onExecute){
- topPopup.onExecute();
- }
- })));
- stack.push({
- widget: widget,
- parent: args.parent,
- onExecute: args.onExecute,
- onCancel: args.onCancel,
- onClose: args.onClose,
- handlers: handlers
- });
- if(widget.onOpen){
- // TODO: in 2.0 standardize onShow() (used by StackContainer) and onOpen() (used here)
- widget.onOpen(best);
- }
- return best;
- },
- close: function(/*Widget?*/ popup){
- // summary:
- // Close specified popup and any popups that it parented.
- // If no popup is specified, closes all popups.
- var stack = this._stack;
- // Basically work backwards from the top of the stack closing popups
- // until we hit the specified popup, but IIRC there was some issue where closing
- // a popup would cause others to close too. Thus if we are trying to close B in [A,B,C]
- // closing C might close B indirectly and then the while() condition will run where stack==[A]...
- // so the while condition is constructed defensively.
- while((popup && array.some(stack, function(elem){return elem.widget == popup;})) ||
- (!popup && stack.length)){
- var top = stack.pop(),
- widget = top.widget,
- onClose = top.onClose;
- if(widget.onClose){
- // TODO: in 2.0 standardize onHide() (used by StackContainer) and onClose() (used here)
- widget.onClose();
- }
- var h;
- while(h = top.handlers.pop()){ h.remove(); }
- // Hide the widget and it's wrapper unless it has already been destroyed in above onClose() etc.
- if(widget && widget.domNode){
- this.hide(widget);
- }
- if(onClose){
- onClose();
- }
- }
- }
- });
- return (dijit.popup = new PopupManager());
diff --git a/lib/dijit/registry.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/registry.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c571f15bb..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/registry.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/registry", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "dojo/_base/unload", // unload.addOnWindowUnload
- "dojo/_base/window", // win.body
- "." // dijit._scopeName
-], function(array, has, unload, win, dijit){
- // module:
- // dijit/registry
- // summary:
- // Registry of existing widget on page, plus some utility methods.
- // Must be accessed through AMD api, ex:
- // require(["dijit/registry"], function(registry){ registry.byId("foo"); })
- var _widgetTypeCtr = {}, hash = {};
- var registry = {
- // summary:
- // A set of widgets indexed by id
- length: 0,
- add: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ widget){
- // summary:
- // Add a widget to the registry. If a duplicate ID is detected, a error is thrown.
- //
- // widget: dijit._Widget
- // Any dijit._Widget subclass.
- if(hash[]){
- throw new Error("Tried to register widget with id==" + + " but that id is already registered");
- }
- hash[] = widget;
- this.length++;
- },
- remove: function(/*String*/ id){
- // summary:
- // Remove a widget from the registry. Does not destroy the widget; simply
- // removes the reference.
- if(hash[id]){
- delete hash[id];
- this.length--;
- }
- },
- byId: function(/*String|Widget*/ id){
- // summary:
- // Find a widget by it's id.
- // If passed a widget then just returns the widget.
- return typeof id == "string" ? hash[id] : id; // dijit._Widget
- },
- byNode: function(/*DOMNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Returns the widget corresponding to the given DOMNode
- return hash[node.getAttribute("widgetId")]; // dijit._Widget
- },
- toArray: function(){
- // summary:
- // Convert registry into a true Array
- //
- // example:
- // Work with the widget .domNodes in a real Array
- // |, function(w){ return w.domNode; });
- var ar = [];
- for(var id in hash){
- ar.push(hash[id]);
- }
- return ar; // dijit._Widget[]
- },
- getUniqueId: function(/*String*/widgetType){
- // summary:
- // Generates a unique id for a given widgetType
- var id;
- do{
- id = widgetType + "_" +
- (widgetType in _widgetTypeCtr ?
- ++_widgetTypeCtr[widgetType] : _widgetTypeCtr[widgetType] = 0);
- }while(hash[id]);
- return dijit._scopeName == "dijit" ? id : dijit._scopeName + "_" + id; // String
- },
- findWidgets: function(/*DomNode*/ root){
- // summary:
- // Search subtree under root returning widgets found.
- // Doesn't search for nested widgets (ie, widgets inside other widgets).
- var outAry = [];
- function getChildrenHelper(root){
- for(var node = root.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling){
- if(node.nodeType == 1){
- var widgetId = node.getAttribute("widgetId");
- if(widgetId){
- var widget = hash[widgetId];
- if(widget){ // may be null on page w/multiple dojo's loaded
- outAry.push(widget);
- }
- }else{
- getChildrenHelper(node);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- getChildrenHelper(root);
- return outAry;
- },
- _destroyAll: function(){
- // summary:
- // Code to destroy all widgets and do other cleanup on page unload
- // Clean up focus manager lingering references to widgets and nodes
- dijit._curFocus = null;
- dijit._prevFocus = null;
- dijit._activeStack = [];
- // Destroy all the widgets, top down
- array.forEach(registry.findWidgets(win.body()), function(widget){
- // Avoid double destroy of widgets like Menu that are attached to <body>
- // even though they are logically children of other widgets.
- if(!widget._destroyed){
- if(widget.destroyRecursive){
- widget.destroyRecursive();
- }else if(widget.destroy){
- widget.destroy();
- }
- }
- });
- },
- getEnclosingWidget: function(/*DOMNode*/ node){
- // summary:
- // Returns the widget whose DOM tree contains the specified DOMNode, or null if
- // the node is not contained within the DOM tree of any widget
- while(node){
- var id = node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute("widgetId");
- if(id){
- return hash[id];
- }
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return null;
- },
- // In case someone needs to access hash.
- // Actually, this is accessed from WidgetSet back-compatibility code
- _hash: hash
- };
- if(has("ie")){
- // Only run _destroyAll() for IE because we think it's only necessary in that case,
- // and because it causes problems on FF. See bug #3531 for details.
- unload.addOnWindowUnload(function(){
- registry._destroyAll();
- });
- }
- /*=====
- dijit.registry = {
- // summary:
- // A list of widgets on a page.
- };
- =====*/
- dijit.registry = registry;
- return registry;
diff --git a/lib/dijit/tree/ForestStoreModel.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/tree/ForestStoreModel.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3531b0d10..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/tree/ForestStoreModel.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/tree/ForestStoreModel", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.indexOf array.some
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/_base/window", //
- "./TreeStoreModel"
-], function(array, declare, lang, win, TreeStoreModel){
-var TreeStoreModel = dijit.tree.TreeStoreModel;
-// module:
-// dijit/tree/ForestStoreModel
-// summary:
-// Interface between a dijit.Tree and a store that doesn't have a root item,
-// a.k.a. a store that has multiple "top level" items.
-return declare("dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel", TreeStoreModel, {
- // summary:
- // Interface between a dijit.Tree and a store that doesn't have a root item,
- // a.k.a. a store that has multiple "top level" items.
- //
- // description
- // Use this class to wrap a store, making all the items matching the specified query
- // appear as children of a fabricated "root item". If no query is specified then all the
- // items returned by fetch() on the underlying store become children of the root item.
- // This class allows dijit.Tree to assume a single root item, even if the store doesn't have one.
- //
- // When using this class the developer must override a number of methods according to their app and
- // data, including:
- // - onNewRootItem
- // - onAddToRoot
- // - onLeaveRoot
- // - onNewItem
- // - onSetItem
- // Parameters to constructor
- // rootId: String
- // ID of fabricated root item
- rootId: "$root$",
- // rootLabel: String
- // Label of fabricated root item
- rootLabel: "ROOT",
- // query: String
- // Specifies the set of children of the root item.
- // example:
- // | {type:'continent'}
- query: null,
- // End of parameters to constructor
- constructor: function(params){
- // summary:
- // Sets up variables, etc.
- // tags:
- // private
- // Make dummy root item
- this.root = {
- store: this,
- root: true,
- id: params.rootId,
- label: params.rootLabel,
- children: params.rootChildren // optional param
- };
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Methods for traversing hierarchy
- mayHaveChildren: function(/**/ item){
- // summary:
- // Tells if an item has or may have children. Implementing logic here
- // avoids showing +/- expando icon for nodes that we know don't have children.
- // (For efficiency reasons we may not want to check if an element actually
- // has children until user clicks the expando node)
- // tags:
- // extension
- return item === this.root || this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- getChildren: function(/**/ parentItem, /*function(items)*/ callback, /*function*/ onError){
- // summary:
- // Calls onComplete() with array of child items of given parent item, all loaded.
- if(parentItem === this.root){
- if(this.root.children){
- // already loaded, just return
- callback(this.root.children);
- }else{
- query: this.query,
- onComplete: lang.hitch(this, function(items){
- this.root.children = items;
- callback(items);
- }),
- onError: onError
- });
- }
- }else{
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Inspecting items
- isItem: function(/* anything */ something){
- return (something === this.root) ? true : this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- fetchItemByIdentity: function(/* object */ keywordArgs){
- if(keywordArgs.identity =={
- var scope = keywordArgs.scope?;
- if(keywordArgs.onItem){
-, this.root);
- }
- }else{
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- },
- getIdentity: function(/* item */ item){
- return (item === this.root) ? : this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- getLabel: function(/* item */ item){
- return (item === this.root) ? this.root.label : this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Write interface
- newItem: function(/* dojo.dnd.Item */ args, /*Item*/ parent, /*int?*/ insertIndex){
- // summary:
- // Creates a new item. See for details on args.
- // Used in drag & drop when item from external source dropped onto tree.
- if(parent === this.root){
- this.onNewRootItem(args);
- return;
- }else{
- return this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- },
- onNewRootItem: function(/* dojo.dnd.Item */ /*===== args =====*/){
- // summary:
- // User can override this method to modify a new element that's being
- // added to the root of the tree, for example to add a flag like root=true
- },
- pasteItem: function(/*Item*/ childItem, /*Item*/ oldParentItem, /*Item*/ newParentItem, /*Boolean*/ bCopy, /*int?*/ insertIndex){
- // summary:
- // Move or copy an item from one parent item to another.
- // Used in drag & drop
- if(oldParentItem === this.root){
- if(!bCopy){
- // It's onLeaveRoot()'s responsibility to modify the item so it no longer matches
- // this.query... thus triggering an onChildrenChange() event to notify the Tree
- // that this element is no longer a child of the root node
- this.onLeaveRoot(childItem);
- }
- }
- this.inherited(arguments, [childItem,
- oldParentItem === this.root ? null : oldParentItem,
- newParentItem === this.root ? null : newParentItem,
- bCopy,
- insertIndex
- ]);
- if(newParentItem === this.root){
- // It's onAddToRoot()'s responsibility to modify the item so it matches
- // this.query... thus triggering an onChildrenChange() event to notify the Tree
- // that this element is now a child of the root node
- this.onAddToRoot(childItem);
- }
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Handling for top level children
- onAddToRoot: function(/* item */ item){
- // summary:
- // Called when item added to root of tree; user must override this method
- // to modify the item so that it matches the query for top level items
- // example:
- // | store.setValue(item, "root", true);
- // tags:
- // extension
- console.log(this, ": item ", item, " added to root");
- },
- onLeaveRoot: function(/* item */ item){
- // summary:
- // Called when item removed from root of tree; user must override this method
- // to modify the item so it doesn't match the query for top level items
- // example:
- // | store.unsetAttribute(item, "root");
- // tags:
- // extension
- console.log(this, ": item ", item, " removed from root");
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Events from data store
- _requeryTop: function(){
- // reruns the query for the children of the root node,
- // sending out an onSet notification if those children have changed
- var oldChildren = this.root.children || [];
- query: this.query,
- onComplete: lang.hitch(this, function(newChildren){
- this.root.children = newChildren;
- // If the list of children or the order of children has changed...
- if(oldChildren.length != newChildren.length ||
- array.some(oldChildren, function(item, idx){ return newChildren[idx] != item;})){
- this.onChildrenChange(this.root, newChildren);
- }
- })
- });
- },
- onNewItem: function(/* */ item, /* Object */ parentInfo){
- // summary:
- // Handler for when new items appear in the store. Developers should override this
- // method to be more efficient based on their app/data.
- // description:
- // Note that the default implementation requeries the top level items every time
- // a new item is created, since any new item could be a top level item (even in
- // addition to being a child of another item, since items can have multiple parents).
- //
- // If developers can detect which items are possible top level items (based on the item and the
- // parentInfo parameters), they should override this method to only call _requeryTop() for top
- // level items. Often all top level items have parentInfo==null, but
- // that will depend on which store you use and what your data is like.
- // tags:
- // extension
- this._requeryTop();
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- onDeleteItem: function(/*Object*/ item){
- // summary:
- // Handler for delete notifications from underlying store
- // check if this was a child of root, and if so send notification that root's children
- // have changed
- if(array.indexOf(this.root.children, item) != -1){
- this._requeryTop();
- }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- onSetItem: function(/* item */ item,
- /* attribute-name-string */ attribute,
- /* object | array */ oldValue,
- /* object | array */ newValue){
- // summary:
- // Updates the tree view according to changes to an item in the data store.
- // Developers should override this method to be more efficient based on their app/data.
- // description:
- // Handles updates to an item's children by calling onChildrenChange(), and
- // other updates to an item by calling onChange().
- //
- // Also, any change to any item re-executes the query for the tree's top-level items,
- // since this modified item may have started/stopped matching the query for top level items.
- //
- // If possible, developers should override this function to only call _requeryTop() when
- // the change to the item has caused it to stop/start being a top level item in the tree.
- // tags:
- // extension
- this._requeryTop();
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/tree/TreeStoreModel.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/tree/TreeStoreModel.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e8087c27..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/tree/TreeStoreModel.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/tree/TreeStoreModel", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.filter array.forEach array.indexOf array.some
- "dojo/aspect", // aspect.after
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/json", // json.stringify
- "dojo/_base/lang" // lang.hitch
-], function(array, aspect, declare, json, lang){
- // module:
- // dijit/tree/TreeStoreModel
- // summary:
- // Implements dijit.Tree.model connecting to a store with a single
- // root item.
- return declare("dijit.tree.TreeStoreModel", null, {
- // summary:
- // Implements dijit.Tree.model connecting to a store with a single
- // root item. Any methods passed into the constructor will override
- // the ones defined here.
- // store:
- // Underlying store
- store: null,
- // childrenAttrs: String[]
- // One or more attribute names (attributes in the item) that specify that item's children
- childrenAttrs: ["children"],
- // newItemIdAttr: String
- // Name of attribute in the Object passed to newItem() that specifies the id.
- //
- // If newItemIdAttr is set then it's used when newItem() is called to see if an
- // item with the same id already exists, and if so just links to the old item
- // (so that the old item ends up with two parents).
- //
- // Setting this to null or "" will make every drop create a new item.
- newItemIdAttr: "id",
- // labelAttr: String
- // If specified, get label for tree node from this attribute, rather
- // than by calling store.getLabel()
- labelAttr: "",
- // root: [readonly]
- // Pointer to the root item (read only, not a parameter)
- root: null,
- // query: anything
- // Specifies datastore query to return the root item for the tree.
- // Must only return a single item. Alternately can just pass in pointer
- // to root item.
- // example:
- // | {id:'ROOT'}
- query: null,
- // deferItemLoadingUntilExpand: Boolean
- // Setting this to true will cause the TreeStoreModel to defer calling loadItem on nodes
- // until they are expanded. This allows for lazying loading where only one
- // loadItem (and generally one network call, consequently) per expansion
- // (rather than one for each child).
- // This relies on partial loading of the children items; each children item of a
- // fully loaded item should contain the label and info about having children.
- deferItemLoadingUntilExpand: false,
- constructor: function(/* Object */ args){
- // summary:
- // Passed the arguments listed above (store, etc)
- // tags:
- // private
- lang.mixin(this, args);
- this.connects = [];
- var store =;
- if(!store.getFeatures()['']){
- throw new Error("dijit.Tree: store must support");
- }
- // if the store supports Notification, subscribe to the notification events
- if(store.getFeatures()['']){
- this.connects = this.connects.concat([
- aspect.after(store, "onNew", lang.hitch(this, "onNewItem"), true),
- aspect.after(store, "onDelete", lang.hitch(this, "onDeleteItem"), true),
- aspect.after(store, "onSet", lang.hitch(this, "onSetItem"), true)
- ]);
- }
- },
- destroy: function(){
- var h;
- while(h = this.connects.pop()){ h.remove(); }
- // TODO: should cancel any in-progress processing of getRoot(), getChildren()
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Methods for traversing hierarchy
- getRoot: function(onItem, onError){
- // summary:
- // Calls onItem with the root item for the tree, possibly a fabricated item.
- // Calls onError on error.
- if(this.root){
- onItem(this.root);
- }else{
- query: this.query,
- onComplete: lang.hitch(this, function(items){
- if(items.length != 1){
- throw new Error(this.declaredClass + ": query " + json.stringify(this.query) + " returned " + items.length +
- " items, but must return exactly one item");
- }
- this.root = items[0];
- onItem(this.root);
- }),
- onError: onError
- });
- }
- },
- mayHaveChildren: function(/**/ item){
- // summary:
- // Tells if an item has or may have children. Implementing logic here
- // avoids showing +/- expando icon for nodes that we know don't have children.
- // (For efficiency reasons we may not want to check if an element actually
- // has children until user clicks the expando node)
- return array.some(this.childrenAttrs, function(attr){
- return, attr);
- }, this);
- },
- getChildren: function(/**/ parentItem, /*function(items)*/ onComplete, /*function*/ onError){
- // summary:
- // Calls onComplete() with array of child items of given parent item, all loaded.
- var store =;
- if(!store.isItemLoaded(parentItem)){
- // The parent is not loaded yet, we must be in deferItemLoadingUntilExpand
- // mode, so we will load it and just return the children (without loading each
- // child item)
- var getChildren = lang.hitch(this, arguments.callee);
- store.loadItem({
- item: parentItem,
- onItem: function(parentItem){
- getChildren(parentItem, onComplete, onError);
- },
- onError: onError
- });
- return;
- }
- // get children of specified item
- var childItems = [];
- for(var i=0; i<this.childrenAttrs.length; i++){
- var vals = store.getValues(parentItem, this.childrenAttrs[i]);
- childItems = childItems.concat(vals);
- }
- // count how many items need to be loaded
- var _waitCount = 0;
- if(!this.deferItemLoadingUntilExpand){
- array.forEach(childItems, function(item){ if(!store.isItemLoaded(item)){ _waitCount++; } });
- }
- if(_waitCount == 0){
- // all items are already loaded (or we aren't loading them). proceed...
- onComplete(childItems);
- }else{
- // still waiting for some or all of the items to load
- array.forEach(childItems, function(item, idx){
- if(!store.isItemLoaded(item)){
- store.loadItem({
- item: item,
- onItem: function(item){
- childItems[idx] = item;
- if(--_waitCount == 0){
- // all nodes have been loaded, send them to the tree
- onComplete(childItems);
- }
- },
- onError: onError
- });
- }
- });
- }
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Inspecting items
- isItem: function(/* anything */ something){
- return; // Boolean
- },
- fetchItemByIdentity: function(/* object */ keywordArgs){
- },
- getIdentity: function(/* item */ item){
- return; // Object
- },
- getLabel: function(/**/ item){
- // summary:
- // Get the label for an item
- if(this.labelAttr){
- return,this.labelAttr); // String
- }else{
- return; // String
- }
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Write interface
- newItem: function(/* dojo.dnd.Item */ args, /*Item*/ parent, /*int?*/ insertIndex){
- // summary:
- // Creates a new item. See `` for details on args.
- // Used in drag & drop when item from external source dropped onto tree.
- // description:
- // Developers will need to override this method if new items get added
- // to parents with multiple children attributes, in order to define which
- // children attribute points to the new item.
- var pInfo = {parent: parent, attribute: this.childrenAttrs[0]}, LnewItem;
- if(this.newItemIdAttr && args[this.newItemIdAttr]){
- // Maybe there's already a corresponding item in the store; if so, reuse it.
- this.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: args[this.newItemIdAttr], scope: this, onItem: function(item){
- if(item){
- // There's already a matching item in store, use it
- this.pasteItem(item, null, parent, true, insertIndex);
- }else{
- // Create new item in the tree, based on the drag source.
-, pInfo);
- if(LnewItem && (insertIndex!=undefined)){
- // Move new item to desired position
- this.pasteItem(LnewItem, parent, parent, false, insertIndex);
- }
- }
- }});
- }else{
- // [as far as we know] there is no id so we must assume this is a new item
-, pInfo);
- if(LnewItem && (insertIndex!=undefined)){
- // Move new item to desired position
- this.pasteItem(LnewItem, parent, parent, false, insertIndex);
- }
- }
- },
- pasteItem: function(/*Item*/ childItem, /*Item*/ oldParentItem, /*Item*/ newParentItem, /*Boolean*/ bCopy, /*int?*/ insertIndex){
- // summary:
- // Move or copy an item from one parent item to another.
- // Used in drag & drop
- var store =,
- parentAttr = this.childrenAttrs[0]; // name of "children" attr in parent item
- // remove child from source item, and record the attribute that child occurred in
- if(oldParentItem){
- array.forEach(this.childrenAttrs, function(attr){
- if(store.containsValue(oldParentItem, attr, childItem)){
- if(!bCopy){
- var values = array.filter(store.getValues(oldParentItem, attr), function(x){
- return x != childItem;
- });
- store.setValues(oldParentItem, attr, values);
- }
- parentAttr = attr;
- }
- });
- }
- // modify target item's children attribute to include this item
- if(newParentItem){
- if(typeof insertIndex == "number"){
- // call slice() to avoid modifying the original array, confusing the data store
- var childItems = store.getValues(newParentItem, parentAttr).slice();
- childItems.splice(insertIndex, 0, childItem);
- store.setValues(newParentItem, parentAttr, childItems);
- }else{
- store.setValues(newParentItem, parentAttr,
- store.getValues(newParentItem, parentAttr).concat(childItem));
- }
- }
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Callbacks
- onChange: function(/**/ /*===== item =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback whenever an item has changed, so that Tree
- // can update the label, icon, etc. Note that changes
- // to an item's children or parent(s) will trigger an
- // onChildrenChange() so you can ignore those changes here.
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onChildrenChange: function(/*===== parent, newChildrenList =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback to do notifications about new, updated, or deleted items.
- // parent:
- // newChildrenList:[]
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onDelete: function(/**/ /*===== item =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Callback when an item has been deleted.
- // description:
- // Note that there will also be an onChildrenChange() callback for the parent
- // of this item.
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Events from data store
- onNewItem: function(/* */ item, /* Object */ parentInfo){
- // summary:
- // Handler for when new items appear in the store, either from a drop operation
- // or some other way. Updates the tree view (if necessary).
- // description:
- // If the new item is a child of an existing item,
- // calls onChildrenChange() with the new list of children
- // for that existing item.
- //
- // tags:
- // extension
- // We only care about the new item if it has a parent that corresponds to a TreeNode
- // we are currently displaying
- if(!parentInfo){
- return;
- }
- // Call onChildrenChange() on parent (ie, existing) item with new list of children
- // In the common case, the new list of children is simply parentInfo.newValue or
- // [ parentInfo.newValue ], although if items in the store has multiple
- // child attributes (see `childrenAttr`), then it's a superset of parentInfo.newValue,
- // so call getChildren() to be sure to get right answer.
- this.getChildren(parentInfo.item, lang.hitch(this, function(children){
- this.onChildrenChange(parentInfo.item, children);
- }));
- },
- onDeleteItem: function(/*Object*/ item){
- // summary:
- // Handler for delete notifications from underlying store
- this.onDelete(item);
- },
- onSetItem: function(item, attribute /*===== , oldValue, newValue =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Updates the tree view according to changes in the data store.
- // description:
- // Handles updates to an item's children by calling onChildrenChange(), and
- // other updates to an item by calling onChange().
- //
- // See `onNewItem` for more details on handling updates to an item's children.
- // item: Item
- // attribute: attribute-name-string
- // oldValue: object | array
- // newValue: object | array
- // tags:
- // extension
- if(array.indexOf(this.childrenAttrs, attribute) != -1){
- // item's children list changed
- this.getChildren(item, lang.hitch(this, function(children){
- // See comments in onNewItem() about calling getChildren()
- this.onChildrenChange(item, children);
- }));
- }else{
- // item's label/icon/etc. changed.
- this.onChange(item);
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/tree/_dndContainer.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/tree/_dndContainer.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f457e6d5..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/tree/_dndContainer.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/tree/_dndContainer", [
- "dojo/aspect", // aspect.after
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove domClass.replace
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject lang.mixin lang.hitch
- "dojo/mouse", // mouse.enter, mouse.leave
- "dojo/on"
-], function(aspect, declare, domClass, event, lang, mouse, on){
- // module:
- // dijit/tree/_dndContainer
- // summary:
- // This is a base class for `dijit.tree._dndSelector`, and isn't meant to be used directly.
- // It's modeled after `dojo.dnd.Container`.
- return declare("dijit.tree._dndContainer", null, {
- // summary:
- // This is a base class for `dijit.tree._dndSelector`, and isn't meant to be used directly.
- // It's modeled after `dojo.dnd.Container`.
- // tags:
- // protected
- /*=====
- // current: DomNode
- // The currently hovered TreeNode.rowNode (which is the DOM node
- // associated w/a given node in the tree, excluding it's descendants)
- current: null,
- =====*/
- constructor: function(tree, params){
- // summary:
- // A constructor of the Container
- // tree: Node
- // Node or node's id to build the container on
- // params: dijit.tree.__SourceArgs
- // A dict of parameters, which gets mixed into the object
- // tags:
- // private
- this.tree = tree;
- this.node = tree.domNode; // TODO: rename; it's not a TreeNode but the whole Tree
- lang.mixin(this, params);
- // class-specific variables
- this.current = null; // current TreeNode's DOM node
- // states
- this.containerState = "";
- domClass.add(this.node, "dojoDndContainer");
- // set up events
- = [
- // container level events
- on(this.node, mouse.enter, lang.hitch(this, "onOverEvent")),
- on(this.node, mouse.leave, lang.hitch(this, "onOutEvent")),
- // switching between TreeNodes
- aspect.after(this.tree, "_onNodeMouseEnter", lang.hitch(this, "onMouseOver"), true),
- aspect.after(this.tree, "_onNodeMouseLeave", lang.hitch(this, "onMouseOut"), true),
- // cancel text selection and text dragging
- on(this.node, "dragstart", lang.hitch(event, "stop")),
- on(this.node, "selectstart", lang.hitch(event, "stop"))
- ];
- },
- destroy: function(){
- // summary:
- // Prepares this object to be garbage-collected
- var h;
- while(h ={ h.remove(); }
- // this.clearItems();
- this.node = this.parent = null;
- },
- // mouse events
- onMouseOver: function(widget /*===== , evt =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Called when mouse is moved over a TreeNode
- // widget: TreeNode
- // evt: Event
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.current = widget;
- },
- onMouseOut: function(/*===== widget, evt =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Called when mouse is moved away from a TreeNode
- // widget: TreeNode
- // evt: Event
- // tags:
- // protected
- this.current = null;
- },
- _changeState: function(type, newState){
- // summary:
- // Changes a named state to new state value
- // type: String
- // A name of the state to change
- // newState: String
- // new state
- var prefix = "dojoDnd" + type;
- var state = type.toLowerCase() + "State";
- //domClass.replace(this.node, prefix + newState, prefix + this[state]);
- domClass.replace(this.node, prefix + newState, prefix + this[state]);
- this[state] = newState;
- },
- _addItemClass: function(node, type){
- // summary:
- // Adds a class with prefix "dojoDndItem"
- // node: Node
- // A node
- // type: String
- // A variable suffix for a class name
- domClass.add(node, "dojoDndItem" + type);
- },
- _removeItemClass: function(node, type){
- // summary:
- // Removes a class with prefix "dojoDndItem"
- // node: Node
- // A node
- // type: String
- // A variable suffix for a class name
- domClass.remove(node, "dojoDndItem" + type);
- },
- onOverEvent: function(){
- // summary:
- // This function is called once, when mouse is over our container
- // tags:
- // protected
- this._changeState("Container", "Over");
- },
- onOutEvent: function(){
- // summary:
- // This function is called once, when mouse is out of our container
- // tags:
- // protected
- this._changeState("Container", "");
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/tree/_dndSelector.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/tree/_dndSelector.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 133ef1924..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/tree/_dndSelector.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/tree/_dndSelector", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.filter array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/connect", // connect.isCopyKey
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
- "dojo/mouse", // mouse.isLeft
- "dojo/on",
- "dojo/touch",
- "dojo/_base/window", //
- "./_dndContainer"
-], function(array, connect, declare, lang, mouse, on, touch, win, _dndContainer){
- // module:
- // dijit/tree/_dndSelector
- // summary:
- // This is a base class for `dijit.tree.dndSource` , and isn't meant to be used directly.
- // It's based on `dojo.dnd.Selector`.
- return declare("dijit.tree._dndSelector", _dndContainer, {
- // summary:
- // This is a base class for `dijit.tree.dndSource` , and isn't meant to be used directly.
- // It's based on `dojo.dnd.Selector`.
- // tags:
- // protected
- /*=====
- // selection: Hash<String, DomNode>
- // (id, DomNode) map for every TreeNode that's currently selected.
- // The DOMNode is the TreeNode.rowNode.
- selection: {},
- =====*/
- constructor: function(){
- // summary:
- // Initialization
- // tags:
- // private
- this.selection={};
- this.anchor = null;
- this.tree.domNode.setAttribute("aria-multiselect", !this.singular);
- on(this.tree.domNode,, lang.hitch(this,"onMouseDown")),
- on(this.tree.domNode, touch.release, lang.hitch(this,"onMouseUp")),
- on(this.tree.domNode, touch.move, lang.hitch(this,"onMouseMove"))
- );
- },
- // singular: Boolean
- // Allows selection of only one element, if true.
- // Tree hasn't been tested in singular=true mode, unclear if it works.
- singular: false,
- // methods
- getSelectedTreeNodes: function(){
- // summary:
- // Returns a list of selected node(s).
- // Used by dndSource on the start of a drag.
- // tags:
- // protected
- var nodes=[], sel = this.selection;
- for(var i in sel){
- nodes.push(sel[i]);
- }
- return nodes;
- },
- selectNone: function(){
- // summary:
- // Unselects all items
- // tags:
- // private
- this.setSelection([]);
- return this; // self
- },
- destroy: function(){
- // summary:
- // Prepares the object to be garbage-collected
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this.selection = this.anchor = null;
- },
- addTreeNode: function(/*dijit._TreeNode*/node, /*Boolean?*/isAnchor){
- // summary:
- // add node to current selection
- // node: Node
- // node to add
- // isAnchor: Boolean
- // Whether the node should become anchor.
- this.setSelection(this.getSelectedTreeNodes().concat( [node] ));
- if(isAnchor){ this.anchor = node; }
- return node;
- },
- removeTreeNode: function(/*dijit._TreeNode*/node){
- // summary:
- // remove node from current selection
- // node: Node
- // node to remove
- this.setSelection(this._setDifference(this.getSelectedTreeNodes(), [node]));
- return node;
- },
- isTreeNodeSelected: function(/*dijit._TreeNode*/node){
- // summary:
- // return true if node is currently selected
- // node: Node
- // the node to check whether it's in the current selection
- return && !!this.selection[];
- },
- setSelection: function(/*dijit._treeNode[]*/ newSelection){
- // summary:
- // set the list of selected nodes to be exactly newSelection. All changes to the
- // selection should be passed through this function, which ensures that derived
- // attributes are kept up to date. Anchor will be deleted if it has been removed
- // from the selection, but no new anchor will be added by this function.
- // newSelection: Node[]
- // list of tree nodes to make selected
- var oldSelection = this.getSelectedTreeNodes();
- array.forEach(this._setDifference(oldSelection, newSelection), lang.hitch(this, function(node){
- node.setSelected(false);
- if(this.anchor == node){
- delete this.anchor;
- }
- delete this.selection[];
- }));
- array.forEach(this._setDifference(newSelection, oldSelection), lang.hitch(this, function(node){
- node.setSelected(true);
- this.selection[] = node;
- }));
- this._updateSelectionProperties();
- },
- _setDifference: function(xs,ys){
- // summary:
- // Returns a copy of xs which lacks any objects
- // occurring in ys. Checks for membership by
- // modifying and then reading the object, so it will
- // not properly handle sets of numbers or strings.
- array.forEach(ys, function(y){ y.__exclude__ = true; });
- var ret = array.filter(xs, function(x){ return !x.__exclude__; });
- // clean up after ourselves.
- array.forEach(ys, function(y){ delete y['__exclude__'] });
- return ret;
- },
- _updateSelectionProperties: function(){
- // summary:
- // Update the following tree properties from the current selection:
- // path[s], selectedItem[s], selectedNode[s]
- var selected = this.getSelectedTreeNodes();
- var paths = [], nodes = [];
- array.forEach(selected, function(node){
- nodes.push(node);
- paths.push(node.getTreePath());
- });
- var items =,function(node){ return node.item; });
- this.tree._set("paths", paths);
- this.tree._set("path", paths[0] || []);
- this.tree._set("selectedNodes", nodes);
- this.tree._set("selectedNode", nodes[0] || null);
- this.tree._set("selectedItems", items);
- this.tree._set("selectedItem", items[0] || null);
- },
- // mouse events
- onMouseDown: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Event processor for onmousedown/ontouchstart
- // e: Event
- // onmousedown/ontouchstart event
- // tags:
- // protected
- // ignore click on expando node
- if(!this.current || this.tree.isExpandoNode(, this.current)){ return; }
- if(!mouse.isLeft(e)){ return; } // ignore right-click
- e.preventDefault();
- var treeNode = this.current,
- copy = connect.isCopyKey(e), id =;
- // if shift key is not pressed, and the node is already in the selection,
- // delay deselection until onmouseup so in the case of DND, deselection
- // will be canceled by onmousemove.
- if(!this.singular && !e.shiftKey && this.selection[id]){
- this._doDeselect = true;
- return;
- }else{
- this._doDeselect = false;
- }
- this.userSelect(treeNode, copy, e.shiftKey);
- },
- onMouseUp: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Event processor for onmouseup/ontouchend
- // e: Event
- // onmouseup/ontouchend event
- // tags:
- // protected
- // _doDeselect is the flag to indicate that the user wants to either ctrl+click on
- // a already selected item (to deselect the item), or click on a not-yet selected item
- // (which should remove all current selection, and add the clicked item). This can not
- // be done in onMouseDown, because the user may start a drag after mousedown. By moving
- // the deselection logic here, the user can drags an already selected item.
- if(!this._doDeselect){ return; }
- this._doDeselect = false;
- this.userSelect(this.current, connect.isCopyKey(e), e.shiftKey);
- },
- onMouseMove: function(/*===== e =====*/){
- // summary:
- // event processor for onmousemove/ontouchmove
- // e: Event
- // onmousemove/ontouchmove event
- this._doDeselect = false;
- },
- _compareNodes: function(n1, n2){
- if(n1 === n2){
- return 0;
- }
- if('sourceIndex' in document.documentElement){ //IE
- //TODO: does not yet work if n1 and/or n2 is a text node
- return n1.sourceIndex - n2.sourceIndex;
- }else if('compareDocumentPosition' in document.documentElement){ //FF, Opera
- return n1.compareDocumentPosition(n2) & 2 ? 1: -1;
- }else if(document.createRange){ //Webkit
- var r1 = doc.createRange();
- r1.setStartBefore(n1);
- var r2 = doc.createRange();
- r2.setStartBefore(n2);
- return r1.compareBoundaryPoints(r1.END_TO_END, r2);
- }else{
- throw Error("dijit.tree._compareNodes don't know how to compare two different nodes in this browser");
- }
- },
- userSelect: function(node, multi, range){
- // summary:
- // Add or remove the given node from selection, responding
- // to a user action such as a click or keypress.
- // multi: Boolean
- // Indicates whether this is meant to be a multi-select action (e.g. ctrl-click)
- // range: Boolean
- // Indicates whether this is meant to be a ranged action (e.g. shift-click)
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.singular){
- if(this.anchor == node && multi){
- this.selectNone();
- }else{
- this.setSelection([node]);
- this.anchor = node;
- }
- }else{
- if(range && this.anchor){
- var cr = this._compareNodes(this.anchor.rowNode, node.rowNode),
- begin, end, anchor = this.anchor;
- if(cr < 0){ //current is after anchor
- begin = anchor;
- end = node;
- }else{ //current is before anchor
- begin = node;
- end = anchor;
- }
- var nodes = [];
- //add everything betweeen begin and end inclusively
- while(begin != end){
- nodes.push(begin);
- begin = this.tree._getNextNode(begin);
- }
- nodes.push(end);
- this.setSelection(nodes);
- }else{
- if( this.selection[ ] && multi ){
- this.removeTreeNode( node );
- }else if(multi){
- this.addTreeNode(node, true);
- }else{
- this.setSelection([node]);
- this.anchor = node;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- getItem: function(/*String*/ key){
- // summary:
- // Returns the dojo.dnd.Item (representing a dragged node) by it's key (id).
- // Called by dojo.dnd.Source.checkAcceptance().
- // tags:
- // protected
- var widget = this.selection[key];
- return {
- data: widget,
- type: ["treeNode"]
- }; // dojo.dnd.Item
- },
- forInSelectedItems: function(/*Function*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
- // summary:
- // Iterates over selected items;
- // see `dojo.dnd.Container.forInItems()` for details
- o = o ||;
- for(var id in this.selection){
- // console.log("selected item id: " + id);
-, this.getItem(id), id, this);
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/lib/dijit/tree/dndSource.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/tree/dndSource.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d161e369f..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/tree/dndSource.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/tree/dndSource", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.indexOf
- "dojo/_base/connect", // isCopyKey
- "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
- "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add
- "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.position
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin lang.hitch
- "dojo/on", // subscribe
- "dojo/touch",
- "dojo/topic",
- "dojo/dnd/Manager", // DNDManager.manager
- "./_dndSelector"
-], function(array, connect, declare, domClass, domGeometry, lang, on, touch, topic, DNDManager, _dndSelector){
-// module:
-// dijit/tree/dndSource
-// summary:
-// Handles drag and drop operations (as a source or a target) for `dijit.Tree`
-dijit.tree.__SourceArgs = function(){
- // summary:
- // A dict of parameters for Tree source configuration.
- // isSource: Boolean?
- // Can be used as a DnD source. Defaults to true.
- // accept: String[]
- // List of accepted types (text strings) for a target; defaults to
- // ["text", "treeNode"]
- // copyOnly: Boolean?
- // Copy items, if true, use a state of Ctrl key otherwise,
- // dragThreshold: Number
- // The move delay in pixels before detecting a drag; 0 by default
- // betweenThreshold: Integer
- // Distance from upper/lower edge of node to allow drop to reorder nodes
- this.isSource = isSource;
- this.accept = accept;
- this.autoSync = autoSync;
- this.copyOnly = copyOnly;
- this.dragThreshold = dragThreshold;
- this.betweenThreshold = betweenThreshold;
-return declare("dijit.tree.dndSource", _dndSelector, {
- // summary:
- // Handles drag and drop operations (as a source or a target) for `dijit.Tree`
- // isSource: [private] Boolean
- // Can be used as a DnD source.
- isSource: true,
- // accept: String[]
- // List of accepted types (text strings) for the Tree; defaults to
- // ["text"]
- accept: ["text", "treeNode"],
- // copyOnly: [private] Boolean
- // Copy items, if true, use a state of Ctrl key otherwise
- copyOnly: false,
- // dragThreshold: Number
- // The move delay in pixels before detecting a drag; 5 by default
- dragThreshold: 5,
- // betweenThreshold: Integer
- // Distance from upper/lower edge of node to allow drop to reorder nodes
- betweenThreshold: 0,
- constructor: function(/*dijit.Tree*/ tree, /*dijit.tree.__SourceArgs*/ params){
- // summary:
- // a constructor of the Tree DnD Source
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!params){ params = {}; }
- lang.mixin(this, params);
- this.isSource = typeof params.isSource == "undefined" ? true : params.isSource;
- var type = params.accept instanceof Array ? params.accept : ["text", "treeNode"];
- this.accept = null;
- if(type.length){
- this.accept = {};
- for(var i = 0; i < type.length; ++i){
- this.accept[type[i]] = 1;
- }
- }
- // class-specific variables
- this.isDragging = false;
- this.mouseDown = false;
- this.targetAnchor = null; // DOMNode corresponding to the currently moused over TreeNode
- this.targetBox = null; // coordinates of this.targetAnchor
- this.dropPosition = ""; // whether mouse is over/after/before this.targetAnchor
- this._lastX = 0;
- this._lastY = 0;
- // states
- this.sourceState = "";
- if(this.isSource){
- domClass.add(this.node, "dojoDndSource");
- }
- this.targetState = "";
- if(this.accept){
- domClass.add(this.node, "dojoDndTarget");
- }
- // set up events
- this.topics = [
- topic.subscribe("/dnd/source/over", lang.hitch(this, "onDndSourceOver")),
- topic.subscribe("/dnd/start", lang.hitch(this, "onDndStart")),
- topic.subscribe("/dnd/drop", lang.hitch(this, "onDndDrop")),
- topic.subscribe("/dnd/cancel", lang.hitch(this, "onDndCancel"))
- ];
- },
- // methods
- checkAcceptance: function(/*===== source, nodes =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Checks if the target can accept nodes from this source
- // source: dijit.tree.dndSource
- // The source which provides items
- // nodes: DOMNode[]
- // Array of DOM nodes corresponding to nodes being dropped, dijitTreeRow nodes if
- // source is a dijit.Tree.
- // tags:
- // extension
- return true; // Boolean
- },
- copyState: function(keyPressed){
- // summary:
- // Returns true, if we need to copy items, false to move.
- // It is separated to be overwritten dynamically, if needed.
- // keyPressed: Boolean
- // The "copy" control key was pressed
- // tags:
- // protected
- return this.copyOnly || keyPressed; // Boolean
- },
- destroy: function(){
- // summary:
- // Prepares the object to be garbage-collected.
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var h;
- while(h = this.topics.pop()){ h.remove(); }
- this.targetAnchor = null;
- },
- _onDragMouse: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Helper method for processing onmousemove/onmouseover events while drag is in progress.
- // Keeps track of current drop target.
- var m = DNDManager.manager(),
- oldTarget = this.targetAnchor, // the TreeNode corresponding to TreeNode mouse was previously over
- newTarget = this.current, // TreeNode corresponding to TreeNode mouse is currently over
- oldDropPosition = this.dropPosition; // the previous drop position (over/before/after)
- // calculate if user is indicating to drop the dragged node before, after, or over
- // (i.e., to become a child of) the target node
- var newDropPosition = "Over";
- if(newTarget && this.betweenThreshold > 0){
- // If mouse is over a new TreeNode, then get new TreeNode's position and size
- if(!this.targetBox || oldTarget != newTarget){
- this.targetBox = domGeometry.position(newTarget.rowNode, true);
- }
- if((e.pageY - this.targetBox.y) <= this.betweenThreshold){
- newDropPosition = "Before";
- }else if((e.pageY - this.targetBox.y) >= (this.targetBox.h - this.betweenThreshold)){
- newDropPosition = "After";
- }
- }
- if(newTarget != oldTarget || newDropPosition != oldDropPosition){
- if(oldTarget){
- this._removeItemClass(oldTarget.rowNode, oldDropPosition);
- }
- if(newTarget){
- this._addItemClass(newTarget.rowNode, newDropPosition);
- }
- // Check if it's ok to drop the dragged node on/before/after the target node.
- if(!newTarget){
- m.canDrop(false);
- }else if(newTarget == this.tree.rootNode && newDropPosition != "Over"){
- // Can't drop before or after tree's root node; the dropped node would just disappear (at least visually)
- m.canDrop(false);
- }else{
- // Guard against dropping onto yourself (TODO: guard against dropping onto your descendant, #7140)
- var model = this.tree.model,
- sameId = false;
- if(m.source == this){
- for(var dragId in this.selection){
- var dragNode = this.selection[dragId];
- if(dragNode.item === newTarget.item){
- sameId = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(sameId){
- m.canDrop(false);
- }else if(this.checkItemAcceptance(newTarget.rowNode, m.source, newDropPosition.toLowerCase())
- && !this._isParentChildDrop(m.source, newTarget.rowNode)){
- m.canDrop(true);
- }else{
- m.canDrop(false);
- }
- }
- this.targetAnchor = newTarget;
- this.dropPosition = newDropPosition;
- }
- },
- onMouseMove: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Called for any onmousemove/ontouchmove events over the Tree
- // e: Event
- // onmousemouse/ontouchmove event
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.isDragging && this.targetState == "Disabled"){ return; }
- this.inherited(arguments);
- var m = DNDManager.manager();
- if(this.isDragging){
- this._onDragMouse(e);
- }else{
- if(this.mouseDown && this.isSource &&
- (Math.abs(e.pageX-this._lastX)>=this.dragThreshold || Math.abs(e.pageY-this._lastY)>=this.dragThreshold)){
- var nodes = this.getSelectedTreeNodes();
- if(nodes.length){
- if(nodes.length > 1){
- //filter out all selected items which has one of their ancestor selected as well
- var seen = this.selection, i = 0, r = [], n, p;
- nextitem: while((n = nodes[i++])){
- for(p = n.getParent(); p && p !== this.tree; p = p.getParent()){
- if(seen[]){ //parent is already selected, skip this node
- continue nextitem;
- }
- }
- //this node does not have any ancestors selected, add it
- r.push(n);
- }
- nodes = r;
- }
- nodes =, function(n){return n.domNode});
- m.startDrag(this, nodes, this.copyState(connect.isCopyKey(e)));
- }
- }
- }
- },
- onMouseDown: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Event processor for onmousedown/ontouchstart
- // e: Event
- // onmousedown/ontouchend event
- // tags:
- // private
- this.mouseDown = true;
- this.mouseButton = e.button;
- this._lastX = e.pageX;
- this._lastY = e.pageY;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- onMouseUp: function(e){
- // summary:
- // Event processor for onmouseup/ontouchend
- // e: Event
- // onmouseup/ontouchend event
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.mouseDown){
- this.mouseDown = false;
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- },
- onMouseOut: function(){
- // summary:
- // Event processor for when mouse is moved away from a TreeNode
- // tags:
- // private
- this.inherited(arguments);
- this._unmarkTargetAnchor();
- },
- checkItemAcceptance: function(/*===== target, source, position =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Stub function to be overridden if one wants to check for the ability to drop at the node/item level
- // description:
- // In the base case, this is called to check if target can become a child of source.
- // When betweenThreshold is set, position="before" or "after" means that we
- // are asking if the source node can be dropped before/after the target node.
- // target: DOMNode
- // The dijitTreeRoot DOM node inside of the TreeNode that we are dropping on to
- // Use dijit.getEnclosingWidget(target) to get the TreeNode.
- // source: dijit.tree.dndSource
- // The (set of) nodes we are dropping
- // position: String
- // "over", "before", or "after"
- // tags:
- // extension
- return true;
- },
- // topic event processors
- onDndSourceOver: function(source){
- // summary:
- // Topic event processor for /dnd/source/over, called when detected a current source.
- // source: Object
- // The dijit.tree.dndSource / dojo.dnd.Source which has the mouse over it
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this != source){
- this.mouseDown = false;
- this._unmarkTargetAnchor();
- }else if(this.isDragging){
- var m = DNDManager.manager();
- m.canDrop(false);
- }
- },
- onDndStart: function(source, nodes, copy){
- // summary:
- // Topic event processor for /dnd/start, called to initiate the DnD operation
- // source: Object
- // The dijit.tree.dndSource / dojo.dnd.Source which is providing the items
- // nodes: DomNode[]
- // The list of transferred items, dndTreeNode nodes if dragging from a Tree
- // copy: Boolean
- // Copy items, if true, move items otherwise
- // tags:
- // private
- if(this.isSource){
- this._changeState("Source", this == source ? (copy ? "Copied" : "Moved") : "");
- }
- var accepted = this.checkAcceptance(source, nodes);
- this._changeState("Target", accepted ? "" : "Disabled");
- if(this == source){
- DNDManager.manager().overSource(this);
- }
- this.isDragging = true;
- },
- itemCreator: function(nodes /*===== , target, source =====*/){
- // summary:
- // Returns objects passed to `Tree.model.newItem()` based on DnD nodes
- // dropped onto the tree. Developer must override this method to enable
- // dropping from external sources onto this Tree, unless the Tree.model's items
- // happen to look like {id: 123, name: "Apple" } with no other attributes.
- // description:
- // For each node in nodes[], which came from source, create a hash of name/value
- // pairs to be passed to Tree.model.newItem(). Returns array of those hashes.
- // nodes: DomNode[]
- // target: DomNode
- // source: dojo.dnd.Source
- // returns: Object[]
- // Array of name/value hashes for each new item to be added to the Tree, like:
- // | [
- // | { id: 123, label: "apple", foo: "bar" },
- // | { id: 456, label: "pear", zaz: "bam" }
- // | ]
- // tags:
- // extension
- // TODO: for 2.0 refactor so itemCreator() is called once per drag node, and
- // make signature itemCreator(sourceItem, node, target) (or similar).
- return, function(node){
- return {
- "id":,
- "name": node.textContent || node.innerText || ""
- };
- }); // Object[]
- },
- onDndDrop: function(source, nodes, copy){
- // summary:
- // Topic event processor for /dnd/drop, called to finish the DnD operation.
- // description:
- // Updates data store items according to where node was dragged from and dropped
- // to. The tree will then respond to those data store updates and redraw itself.
- // source: Object
- // The dijit.tree.dndSource / dojo.dnd.Source which is providing the items
- // nodes: DomNode[]
- // The list of transferred items, dndTreeNode nodes if dragging from a Tree
- // copy: Boolean
- // Copy items, if true, move items otherwise
- // tags:
- // protected
- if(this.containerState == "Over"){
- var tree = this.tree,
- model = tree.model,
- target = this.targetAnchor;
- this.isDragging = false;
- // Compute the new parent item
- var newParentItem;
- var insertIndex;
- newParentItem = (target && target.item) || tree.item;
- if(this.dropPosition == "Before" || this.dropPosition == "After"){
- // TODO: if there is no parent item then disallow the drop.
- // Actually this should be checked during onMouseMove too, to make the drag icon red.
- newParentItem = (target.getParent() && target.getParent().item) || tree.item;
- // Compute the insert index for reordering
- insertIndex = target.getIndexInParent();
- if(this.dropPosition == "After"){
- insertIndex = target.getIndexInParent() + 1;
- }
- }else{
- newParentItem = (target && target.item) || tree.item;
- }
- // If necessary, use this variable to hold array of hashes to pass to model.newItem()
- // (one entry in the array for each dragged node).
- var newItemsParams;
- array.forEach(nodes, function(node, idx){
- // dojo.dnd.Item representing the thing being dropped.
- // Don't confuse the use of item here (meaning a DnD item) with the
- // uses below where item means item.
- var sourceItem = source.getItem(;
- // Information that's available if the source is another Tree
- // (possibly but not necessarily this tree, possibly but not
- // necessarily the same model as this Tree)
- if(array.indexOf(sourceItem.type, "treeNode") != -1){
- var childTreeNode =,
- childItem = childTreeNode.item,
- oldParentItem = childTreeNode.getParent().item;
- }
- if(source == this){
- // This is a node from my own tree, and we are moving it, not copying.
- // Remove item from old parent's children attribute.
- // TODO: dijit.tree.dndSelector should implement deleteSelectedNodes()
- // and this code should go there.
- if(typeof insertIndex == "number"){
- if(newParentItem == oldParentItem && childTreeNode.getIndexInParent() < insertIndex){
- insertIndex -= 1;
- }
- }
- model.pasteItem(childItem, oldParentItem, newParentItem, copy, insertIndex);
- }else if(model.isItem(childItem)){
- // Item from same model
- // (maybe we should only do this branch if the source is a tree?)
- model.pasteItem(childItem, oldParentItem, newParentItem, copy, insertIndex);
- }else{
- // Get the hash to pass to model.newItem(). A single call to
- // itemCreator() returns an array of hashes, one for each drag source node.
- if(!newItemsParams){
- newItemsParams = this.itemCreator(nodes, target.rowNode, source);
- }
- // Create new item in the tree, based on the drag source.
- model.newItem(newItemsParams[idx], newParentItem, insertIndex);
- }
- }, this);
- // Expand the target node (if it's currently collapsed) so the user can see
- // where their node was dropped. In particular since that node is still selected.
- this.tree._expandNode(target);
- }
- this.onDndCancel();
- },
- onDndCancel: function(){
- // summary:
- // Topic event processor for /dnd/cancel, called to cancel the DnD operation
- // tags:
- // private
- this._unmarkTargetAnchor();
- this.isDragging = false;
- this.mouseDown = false;
- delete this.mouseButton;
- this._changeState("Source", "");
- this._changeState("Target", "");
- },
- // When focus moves in/out of the entire Tree
- onOverEvent: function(){
- // summary:
- // This method is called when mouse is moved over our container (like onmouseenter)
- // tags:
- // private
- this.inherited(arguments);
- DNDManager.manager().overSource(this);
- },
- onOutEvent: function(){
- // summary:
- // This method is called when mouse is moved out of our container (like onmouseleave)
- // tags:
- // private
- this._unmarkTargetAnchor();
- var m = DNDManager.manager();
- if(this.isDragging){
- m.canDrop(false);
- }
- m.outSource(this);
- this.inherited(arguments);
- },
- _isParentChildDrop: function(source, targetRow){
- // summary:
- // Checks whether the dragged items are parent rows in the tree which are being
- // dragged into their own children.
- //
- // source:
- // The DragSource object.
- //
- // targetRow:
- // The tree row onto which the dragged nodes are being dropped.
- //
- // tags:
- // private
- // If the dragged object is not coming from the tree this widget belongs to,
- // it cannot be invalid.
- if(!source.tree || source.tree != this.tree){
- return false;
- }
- var root = source.tree.domNode;
- var ids = source.selection;
- var node = targetRow.parentNode;
- // Iterate up the DOM hierarchy from the target drop row,
- // checking of any of the dragged nodes have the same ID.
- while(node != root && !ids[]){
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return && ids[];
- },
- _unmarkTargetAnchor: function(){
- // summary:
- // Removes hover class of the current target anchor
- // tags:
- // private
- if(!this.targetAnchor){ return; }
- this._removeItemClass(this.targetAnchor.rowNode, this.dropPosition);
- this.targetAnchor = null;
- this.targetBox = null;
- this.dropPosition = null;
- },
- _markDndStatus: function(copy){
- // summary:
- // Changes source's state based on "copy" status
- this._changeState("Source", copy ? "Copied" : "Moved");
- }
diff --git a/lib/dijit/tree/model.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/tree/model.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9345825e2..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/tree/model.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- "dijit.tree.model",
- null,
- // summary:
- // Contract for any data provider object for the tree.
- // description:
- // Tree passes in values to the constructor to specify the callbacks.
- // "item" is typically a but it's just a black box so
- // it could be anything.
- //
- // This (like ``) is just documentation, and not meant to be used.
- destroy: function(){
- // summary:
- // Destroys this object, releasing connections to the store
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Methods for traversing hierarchy
- getRoot: function(onItem){
- // summary:
- // Calls onItem with the root item for the tree, possibly a fabricated item.
- // Throws exception on error.
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- mayHaveChildren: function(item){
- // summary:
- // Tells if an item has or may have children. Implementing logic here
- // avoids showing +/- expando icon for nodes that we know don't have children.
- // (For efficiency reasons we may not want to check if an element actually
- // has children until user clicks the expando node)
- // item:
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- getChildren: function(parentItem, onComplete){
- // summary:
- // Calls onComplete() with array of child items of given parent item, all loaded.
- // Throws exception on error.
- // parentItem:
- // onComplete: function(items)
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Inspecting items
- isItem: function(something){
- // summary:
- // Returns true if *something* is an item and came from this model instance.
- // Returns false if *something* is a literal, an item from another model instance,
- // or is any object other than an item.
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- fetchItemByIdentity: function(keywordArgs){
- // summary:
- // Given the identity of an item, this method returns the item that has
- // that identity through the onItem callback. Conforming implementations
- // should return null if there is no item with the given identity.
- // Implementations of fetchItemByIdentity() may sometimes return an item
- // from a local cache and may sometimes fetch an item from a remote server.
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- getIdentity: function(item){
- // summary:
- // Returns identity for an item
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- getLabel: function(item){
- // summary:
- // Get the label for an item
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Write interface
- newItem: function(args, parent, insertIndex){
- // summary:
- // Creates a new item. See `` for details on args.
- // args: dojo.dnd.Item
- // parent: Item
- // insertIndex: int?
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- pasteItem: function(childItem, oldParentItem, newParentItem, bCopy){
- // summary:
- // Move or copy an item from one parent item to another.
- // Used in drag & drop.
- // If oldParentItem is specified and bCopy is false, childItem is removed from oldParentItem.
- // If newParentItem is specified, childItem is attached to newParentItem.
- // childItem: Item
- // oldParentItem: Item
- // newParentItem: Item
- // bCopy: Boolean
- // tags:
- // extension
- },
- // =======================================================================
- // Callbacks
- onChange: function(item){
- // summary:
- // Callback whenever an item has changed, so that Tree
- // can update the label, icon, etc. Note that changes
- // to an item's children or parent(s) will trigger an
- // onChildrenChange() so you can ignore those changes here.
- // item:
- // tags:
- // callback
- },
- onChildrenChange: function(parent, newChildrenList){
- // summary:
- // Callback to do notifications about new, updated, or deleted items.
- // parent:
- // newChildrenList:[]
- // tags:
- // callback
- }
-=====*/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/dijit/typematic.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dijit/typematic.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dc27a32c..000000000
--- a/lib/dijit/typematic.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-define("dijit/typematic", [
- "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
- "dojo/_base/connect", // connect.connect
- "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
- "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
- "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin, lang.hitch
- "dojo/on",
- "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie")
- "." // setting dijit.typematic global
-], function(array, connect, event, kernel, lang, on, has, dijit){
-// module:
-// dijit/typematic
-// summary:
-// These functions are used to repetitively call a user specified callback
-// method when a specific key or mouse click over a specific DOM node is
-// held down for a specific amount of time.
-// Only 1 such event is allowed to occur on the browser page at 1 time.
-var typematic = (dijit.typematic = {
- // summary:
- // These functions are used to repetitively call a user specified callback
- // method when a specific key or mouse click over a specific DOM node is
- // held down for a specific amount of time.
- // Only 1 such event is allowed to occur on the browser page at 1 time.
- _fireEventAndReload: function(){
- this._timer = null;
- this._callback(++this._count, this._node, this._evt);
- // Schedule next event, timer is at most minDelay (default 10ms) to avoid
- // browser overload (particularly avoiding starving DOH robot so it never gets to send a mouseup)
- this._currentTimeout = Math.max(
- this._currentTimeout < 0 ? this._initialDelay :
- (this._subsequentDelay > 1 ? this._subsequentDelay : Math.round(this._currentTimeout * this._subsequentDelay)),
- this._minDelay);
- this._timer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, "_fireEventAndReload"), this._currentTimeout);
- },
- trigger: function(/*Event*/ evt, /*Object*/ _this, /*DOMNode*/ node, /*Function*/ callback, /*Object*/ obj, /*Number*/ subsequentDelay, /*Number*/ initialDelay, /*Number?*/ minDelay){
- // summary:
- // Start a timed, repeating callback sequence.
- // If already started, the function call is ignored.
- // This method is not normally called by the user but can be
- // when the normal listener code is insufficient.
- // evt:
- // key or mouse event object to pass to the user callback
- // _this:
- // pointer to the user's widget space.
- // node:
- // the DOM node object to pass the the callback function
- // callback:
- // function to call until the sequence is stopped called with 3 parameters:
- // count:
- // integer representing number of repeated calls (0..n) with -1 indicating the iteration has stopped
- // node:
- // the DOM node object passed in
- // evt:
- // key or mouse event object
- // obj:
- // user space object used to uniquely identify each typematic sequence
- // subsequentDelay (optional):
- // if > 1, the number of milliseconds until the 3->n events occur
- // or else the fractional time multiplier for the next event's delay, default=0.9
- // initialDelay (optional):
- // the number of milliseconds until the 2nd event occurs, default=500ms
- // minDelay (optional):
- // the maximum delay in milliseconds for event to fire, default=10ms
- if(obj != this._obj){
- this.stop();
- this._initialDelay = initialDelay || 500;
- this._subsequentDelay = subsequentDelay || 0.90;
- this._minDelay = minDelay || 10;
- this._obj = obj;
- this._evt = evt;
- this._node = node;
- this._currentTimeout = -1;
- this._count = -1;
- this._callback = lang.hitch(_this, callback);
- this._fireEventAndReload();
- this._evt = lang.mixin({faux: true}, evt);
- }
- },
- stop: function(){
- // summary:
- // Stop an ongoing timed, repeating callback sequence.
- if(this._timer){
- clearTimeout(this._timer);
- this._timer = null;
- }
- if(this._obj){
- this._callback(-1, this._node, this._evt);
- this._obj = null;
- }
- },
- addKeyListener: function(/*DOMNode*/ node, /*Object*/ keyObject, /*Object*/ _this, /*Function*/ callback, /*Number*/ subsequentDelay, /*Number*/ initialDelay, /*Number?*/ minDelay){
- // summary:
- // Start listening for a specific typematic key.
- // See also the trigger method for other parameters.
- // keyObject:
- // an object defining the key to listen for:
- // charOrCode:
- // the printable character (string) or keyCode (number) to listen for.
- // keyCode:
- // (deprecated - use charOrCode) the keyCode (number) to listen for (implies charCode = 0).
- // charCode:
- // (deprecated - use charOrCode) the charCode (number) to listen for.
- // ctrlKey:
- // desired ctrl key state to initiate the callback sequence:
- // - pressed (true)
- // - released (false)
- // - either (unspecified)
- // altKey:
- // same as ctrlKey but for the alt key
- // shiftKey:
- // same as ctrlKey but for the shift key
- // returns:
- // a connection handle
- if(keyObject.keyCode){
- keyObject.charOrCode = keyObject.keyCode;
- kernel.deprecated("keyCode attribute parameter for dijit.typematic.addKeyListener is deprecated. Use charOrCode instead.", "", "2.0");
- }else if(keyObject.charCode){
- keyObject.charOrCode = String.fromCharCode(keyObject.charCode);
- kernel.deprecated("charCode attribute parameter for dijit.typematic.addKeyListener is deprecated. Use charOrCode instead.", "", "2.0");
- }
- var handles = [
- on(node, connect._keypress, lang.hitch(this, function(evt){
- if(evt.charOrCode == keyObject.charOrCode &&
- (keyObject.ctrlKey === undefined || keyObject.ctrlKey == evt.ctrlKey) &&
- (keyObject.altKey === undefined || keyObject.altKey == evt.altKey) &&
- (keyObject.metaKey === undefined || keyObject.metaKey == (evt.metaKey || false)) && // IE doesn't even set metaKey
- (keyObject.shiftKey === undefined || keyObject.shiftKey == evt.shiftKey)){
- event.stop(evt);
- typematic.trigger(evt, _this, node, callback, keyObject, subsequentDelay, initialDelay, minDelay);
- }else if(typematic._obj == keyObject){
- typematic.stop();
- }
- })),
- on(node, "keyup", lang.hitch(this, function(){
- if(typematic._obj == keyObject){
- typematic.stop();
- }
- }))
- ];
- return { remove: function(){ array.forEach(handles, function(h){ h.remove(); }); } };
- },
- addMouseListener: function(/*DOMNode*/ node, /*Object*/ _this, /*Function*/ callback, /*Number*/ subsequentDelay, /*Number*/ initialDelay, /*Number?*/ minDelay){
- // summary:
- // Start listening for a typematic mouse click.
- // See the trigger method for other parameters.
- // returns:
- // a connection handle
- var handles = [
- on(node, "mousedown", lang.hitch(this, function(evt){
- event.stop(evt);
- typematic.trigger(evt, _this, node, callback, node, subsequentDelay, initialDelay, minDelay);
- })),
- on(node, "mouseup", lang.hitch(this, function(evt){
- if(this._obj){
- event.stop(evt);
- }
- typematic.stop();
- })),
- on(node, "mouseout", lang.hitch(this, function(evt){
- event.stop(evt);
- typematic.stop();
- })),
- on(node, "mousemove", lang.hitch(this, function(evt){
- evt.preventDefault();
- })),
- on(node, "dblclick", lang.hitch(this, function(evt){
- event.stop(evt);
- if(has("ie")){
- typematic.trigger(evt, _this, node, callback, node, subsequentDelay, initialDelay, minDelay);
- setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, typematic.stop), 50);
- }
- }))
- ];
- return { remove: function(){ array.forEach(handles, function(h){ h.remove(); }); } };
- },
- addListener: function(/*Node*/ mouseNode, /*Node*/ keyNode, /*Object*/ keyObject, /*Object*/ _this, /*Function*/ callback, /*Number*/ subsequentDelay, /*Number*/ initialDelay, /*Number?*/ minDelay){
- // summary:
- // Start listening for a specific typematic key and mouseclick.
- // This is a thin wrapper to addKeyListener and addMouseListener.
- // See the addMouseListener and addKeyListener methods for other parameters.
- // mouseNode:
- // the DOM node object to listen on for mouse events.
- // keyNode:
- // the DOM node object to listen on for key events.
- // returns:
- // a connection handle
- var handles = [
- this.addKeyListener(keyNode, keyObject, _this, callback, subsequentDelay, initialDelay, minDelay),
- this.addMouseListener(mouseNode, _this, callback, subsequentDelay, initialDelay, minDelay)
- ];
- return { remove: function(){ array.forEach(handles, function(h){ h.remove(); }); } };
- }
-return typematic;