path: root/lib/dojo/_base
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dojo/_base')
24 files changed, 13234 insertions, 5829 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/Color.js b/lib/dojo/_base/Color.js
index 0ee5888d1..5f5c5af9b 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/Color.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/Color.js
@@ -5,98 +5,223 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.Color"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.Color"] = true;
-var d=dojo;
-var t=this;
-if(!(_2 instanceof d.Color)){
-return this;
-return this;
-var t=this;
-return [t.r,t.g,t.b];
-var t=this;
-return [t.r,t.g,t.b,t.a];
-var s=this[x].toString(16);
-return s.length<2?"0"+s:s;
-return "#"+_3.join("");
-var t=this,_5=t.r+", "+t.g+", "+t.b;
-return (_4?"rgba("+_5+", "+t.a:"rgb("+_5)+")";
-return this.toCss(true);
-var t=_9||new d.Color();
-return t.sanitize();
-var m=_a.toLowerCase().match(/^rgba?\(([\s\.,0-9]+)\)/);
-return m&&dojo.colorFromArray(m[1].split(/\s*,\s*/),_b);
-var t=_d||new d.Color(),_e=(_c.length==4)?4:8,_f=(1<<_e)-1;
-return null;
-var c=_c&_f;
-return t;
-var t=obj||new d.Color();
-return t.sanitize();
-var a=d.Color.named[str];
-return a&&d.colorFromArray(a,obj)||d.colorFromRgb(str,obj)||d.colorFromHex(str,obj);
+ var d = dojo;
+ dojo.Color = function(/*Array|String|Object*/ color){
+ // summary:
+ // Takes a named string, hex string, array of rgb or rgba values,
+ // an object with r, g, b, and a properties, or another `dojo.Color` object
+ // and creates a new Color instance to work from.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Work with a Color instance:
+ // | var c = new dojo.Color();
+ // | c.setColor([0,0,0]); // black
+ // | var hex = c.toHex(); // #000000
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Work with a node's color:
+ // | var color ="someNode", "backgroundColor");
+ // | var n = new dojo.Color(color);
+ // | // adjust the color some
+ // | n.r *= .5;
+ // | console.log(n.toString()); // rgb(128, 255, 255);
+ if(color){ this.setColor(color); }
+ };
+ // FIXME:
+ // there's got to be a more space-efficient way to encode or discover
+ // these!! Use hex?
+ dojo.Color.named = {
+ black: [0,0,0],
+ silver: [192,192,192],
+ gray: [128,128,128],
+ white: [255,255,255],
+ maroon: [128,0,0],
+ red: [255,0,0],
+ purple: [128,0,128],
+ fuchsia: [255,0,255],
+ green: [0,128,0],
+ lime: [0,255,0],
+ olive: [128,128,0],
+ yellow: [255,255,0],
+ navy: [0,0,128],
+ blue: [0,0,255],
+ teal: [0,128,128],
+ aqua: [0,255,255],
+ transparent: d.config.transparentColor || [255,255,255]
+ };
+ dojo.extend(dojo.Color, {
+ r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1,
+ _set: function(r, g, b, a){
+ var t = this; t.r = r; t.g = g; t.b = b; t.a = a;
+ },
+ setColor: function(/*Array|String|Object*/ color){
+ // summary:
+ // Takes a named string, hex string, array of rgb or rgba values,
+ // an object with r, g, b, and a properties, or another `dojo.Color` object
+ // and sets this color instance to that value.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var c = new dojo.Color(); // no color
+ // | c.setColor("#ededed"); // greyish
+ if(d.isString(color)){
+ d.colorFromString(color, this);
+ }else if(d.isArray(color)){
+ d.colorFromArray(color, this);
+ }else{
+ this._set(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
+ if(!(color instanceof d.Color)){ this.sanitize(); }
+ }
+ return this; // dojo.Color
+ },
+ sanitize: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Ensures the object has correct attributes
+ // description:
+ // the default implementation does nothing, include dojo.colors to
+ // augment it with real checks
+ return this; // dojo.Color
+ },
+ toRgb: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns 3 component array of rgb values
+ // example:
+ // | var c = new dojo.Color("#000000");
+ // | console.log(c.toRgb()); // [0,0,0]
+ var t = this;
+ return [t.r, t.g, t.b]; // Array
+ },
+ toRgba: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a 4 component array of rgba values from the color
+ // represented by this object.
+ var t = this;
+ return [t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a]; // Array
+ },
+ toHex: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a CSS color string in hexadecimal representation
+ // example:
+ // | console.log(new dojo.Color([0,0,0]).toHex()); // #000000
+ var arr =["r", "g", "b"], function(x){
+ var s = this[x].toString(16);
+ return s.length < 2 ? "0" + s : s;
+ }, this);
+ return "#" + arr.join(""); // String
+ },
+ toCss: function(/*Boolean?*/ includeAlpha){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a css color string in rgb(a) representation
+ // example:
+ // | var c = new dojo.Color("#FFF").toCss();
+ // | console.log(c); // rgb('255','255','255')
+ var t = this, rgb = t.r + ", " + t.g + ", " + t.b;
+ return (includeAlpha ? "rgba(" + rgb + ", " + t.a : "rgb(" + rgb) + ")"; // String
+ },
+ toString: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a visual representation of the color
+ return this.toCss(true); // String
+ }
+ });
+ dojo.blendColors = function(
+ /*dojo.Color*/ start,
+ /*dojo.Color*/ end,
+ /*Number*/ weight,
+ /*dojo.Color?*/ obj
+ ){
+ // summary:
+ // Blend colors end and start with weight from 0 to 1, 0.5 being a 50/50 blend,
+ // can reuse a previously allocated dojo.Color object for the result
+ var t = obj || new d.Color();
+ d.forEach(["r", "g", "b", "a"], function(x){
+ t[x] = start[x] + (end[x] - start[x]) * weight;
+ if(x != "a"){ t[x] = Math.round(t[x]); }
+ });
+ return t.sanitize(); // dojo.Color
+ };
+ dojo.colorFromRgb = function(/*String*/ color, /*dojo.Color?*/ obj){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a `dojo.Color` instance from a string of the form
+ // "rgb(...)" or "rgba(...)". Optionally accepts a `dojo.Color`
+ // object to update with the parsed value and return instead of
+ // creating a new object.
+ // returns:
+ // A dojo.Color object. If obj is passed, it will be the return value.
+ var m = color.toLowerCase().match(/^rgba?\(([\s\.,0-9]+)\)/);
+ return m && dojo.colorFromArray(m[1].split(/\s*,\s*/), obj); // dojo.Color
+ };
+ dojo.colorFromHex = function(/*String*/ color, /*dojo.Color?*/ obj){
+ // summary:
+ // Converts a hex string with a '#' prefix to a color object.
+ // Supports 12-bit #rgb shorthand. Optionally accepts a
+ // `dojo.Color` object to update with the parsed value.
+ //
+ // returns:
+ // A dojo.Color object. If obj is passed, it will be the return value.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var thing = dojo.colorFromHex("#ededed"); // grey, longhand
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var thing = dojo.colorFromHex("#000"); // black, shorthand
+ var t = obj || new d.Color(),
+ bits = (color.length == 4) ? 4 : 8,
+ mask = (1 << bits) - 1;
+ color = Number("0x" + color.substr(1));
+ if(isNaN(color)){
+ return null; // dojo.Color
+ }
+ d.forEach(["b", "g", "r"], function(x){
+ var c = color & mask;
+ color >>= bits;
+ t[x] = bits == 4 ? 17 * c : c;
+ });
+ t.a = 1;
+ return t; // dojo.Color
+ };
+ dojo.colorFromArray = function(/*Array*/ a, /*dojo.Color?*/ obj){
+ // summary:
+ // Builds a `dojo.Color` from a 3 or 4 element array, mapping each
+ // element in sequence to the rgb(a) values of the color.
+ // example:
+ // | var myColor = dojo.colorFromArray([237,237,237,0.5]); // grey, 50% alpha
+ // returns:
+ // A dojo.Color object. If obj is passed, it will be the return value.
+ var t = obj || new d.Color();
+ t._set(Number(a[0]), Number(a[1]), Number(a[2]), Number(a[3]));
+ if(isNaN(t.a)){ t.a = 1; }
+ return t.sanitize(); // dojo.Color
+ };
+ dojo.colorFromString = function(/*String*/ str, /*dojo.Color?*/ obj){
+ // summary:
+ // Parses `str` for a color value. Accepts hex, rgb, and rgba
+ // style color values.
+ // description:
+ // Acceptable input values for str may include arrays of any form
+ // accepted by dojo.colorFromArray, hex strings such as "#aaaaaa", or
+ // rgb or rgba strings such as "rgb(133, 200, 16)" or "rgba(10, 10,
+ // 10, 50)"
+ // returns:
+ // A dojo.Color object. If obj is passed, it will be the return value.
+ var a = d.Color.named[str];
+ return a && d.colorFromArray(a, obj) || d.colorFromRgb(str, obj) || d.colorFromHex(str, obj);
+ };
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/Deferred.js b/lib/dojo/_base/Deferred.js
index dfbabc4c0..3193024ab 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/Deferred.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/Deferred.js
@@ -5,126 +5,338 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.Deferred"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.Deferred"] = true;
-var _1=function(){
-var _2=Object.freeze||function(){
-var _4,_5,_6,_7,_8;
-var _9=this.promise={};
-function _a(_b){
-throw new Error("This deferred has already been resolved");
-function _c(){
-var _d;
-var _e=_8;;
-var _f=(_6?_e.error:_e.resolved);
-var _10=_f(_4);
-if(_10&&typeof _10.then==="function"){
-var _11=_d&&_10===undefined;
-var _15=_8;
-var _16=_15.progress;
-return this;
-var _1c=_1b==_1?this:new dojo.Deferred(_9.cancel);
-var _1d={resolved:_19,error:_1a,progress:_1b,deferred:_1c};
-return _1c.promise;
-var _1e=this;
-var _1f=_3&&_3(_1e);
-if(!(_1f instanceof Error)){
-_1f=new Error(_1f);
-return this.addCallbacks(dojo.hitch.apply(dojo,arguments));
-return this.addCallbacks(null,dojo.hitch.apply(dojo,arguments));
-var _23=dojo.hitch.apply(dojo,arguments);
-return this.addCallbacks(_23,_23);
+ var mutator = function(){};
+ var freeze = Object.freeze || function(){};
+ // A deferred provides an API for creating and resolving a promise.
+ dojo.Deferred = function(/*Function?*/canceller){
+ // summary:
+ // Deferreds provide a generic means for encapsulating an asynchronous
+ // operation and notifying users of the completion and result of the operation.
+ // description:
+ // The dojo.Deferred API is based on the concept of promises that provide a
+ // generic interface into the eventual completion of an asynchronous action.
+ // The motivation for promises fundamentally is about creating a
+ // separation of concerns that allows one to achieve the same type of
+ // call patterns and logical data flow in asynchronous code as can be
+ // achieved in synchronous code. Promises allows one
+ // to be able to call a function purely with arguments needed for
+ // execution, without conflating the call with concerns of whether it is
+ // sync or async. One shouldn't need to alter a call's arguments if the
+ // implementation switches from sync to async (or vice versa). By having
+ // async functions return promises, the concerns of making the call are
+ // separated from the concerns of asynchronous interaction (which are
+ // handled by the promise).
+ //
+ // The dojo.Deferred is a type of promise that provides methods for fulfilling the
+ // promise with a successful result or an error. The most important method for
+ // working with Dojo's promises is the then() method, which follows the
+ // CommonJS proposed promise API. An example of using a Dojo promise:
+ //
+ // | var resultingPromise = someAsyncOperation.then(function(result){
+ // | ... handle result ...
+ // | },
+ // | function(error){
+ // | ... handle error ...
+ // | });
+ //
+ // The .then() call returns a new promise that represents the result of the
+ // execution of the callback. The callbacks will never affect the original promises value.
+ //
+ // The dojo.Deferred instances also provide the following functions for backwards compatibility:
+ //
+ // * addCallback(handler)
+ // * addErrback(handler)
+ // * callback(result)
+ // * errback(result)
+ //
+ // Callbacks are allowed to return promisesthemselves, so
+ // you can build complicated sequences of events with ease.
+ //
+ // The creator of the Deferred may specify a canceller. The canceller
+ // is a function that will be called if Deferred.cancel is called
+ // before the Deferred fires. You can use this to implement clean
+ // aborting of an XMLHttpRequest, etc. Note that cancel will fire the
+ // deferred with a CancelledError (unless your canceller returns
+ // another kind of error), so the errbacks should be prepared to
+ // handle that error for cancellable Deferreds.
+ // example:
+ // | var deferred = new dojo.Deferred();
+ // | setTimeout(function(){ deferred.callback({success: true}); }, 1000);
+ // | return deferred;
+ // example:
+ // Deferred objects are often used when making code asynchronous. It
+ // may be easiest to write functions in a synchronous manner and then
+ // split code using a deferred to trigger a response to a long-lived
+ // operation. For example, instead of register a callback function to
+ // denote when a rendering operation completes, the function can
+ // simply return a deferred:
+ //
+ // | // callback style:
+ // | function renderLotsOfData(data, callback){
+ // | var success = false
+ // | try{
+ // | for(var x in data){
+ // | renderDataitem(data[x]);
+ // | }
+ // | success = true;
+ // | }catch(e){ }
+ // | if(callback){
+ // | callback(success);
+ // | }
+ // | }
+ //
+ // | // using callback style
+ // | renderLotsOfData(someDataObj, function(success){
+ // | // handles success or failure
+ // | if(!success){
+ // | promptUserToRecover();
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | // NOTE: no way to add another callback here!!
+ // example:
+ // Using a Deferred doesn't simplify the sending code any, but it
+ // provides a standard interface for callers and senders alike,
+ // providing both with a simple way to service multiple callbacks for
+ // an operation and freeing both sides from worrying about details
+ // such as "did this get called already?". With Deferreds, new
+ // callbacks can be added at any time.
+ //
+ // | // Deferred style:
+ // | function renderLotsOfData(data){
+ // | var d = new dojo.Deferred();
+ // | try{
+ // | for(var x in data){
+ // | renderDataitem(data[x]);
+ // | }
+ // | d.callback(true);
+ // | }catch(e){
+ // | d.errback(new Error("rendering failed"));
+ // | }
+ // | return d;
+ // | }
+ //
+ // | // using Deferred style
+ // | renderLotsOfData(someDataObj).then(null, function(){
+ // | promptUserToRecover();
+ // | });
+ // | // NOTE: addErrback and addCallback both return the Deferred
+ // | // again, so we could chain adding callbacks or save the
+ // | // deferred for later should we need to be notified again.
+ // example:
+ // In this example, renderLotsOfData is syncrhonous and so both
+ // versions are pretty artificial. Putting the data display on a
+ // timeout helps show why Deferreds rock:
+ //
+ // | // Deferred style and async func
+ // | function renderLotsOfData(data){
+ // | var d = new dojo.Deferred();
+ // | setTimeout(function(){
+ // | try{
+ // | for(var x in data){
+ // | renderDataitem(data[x]);
+ // | }
+ // | d.callback(true);
+ // | }catch(e){
+ // | d.errback(new Error("rendering failed"));
+ // | }
+ // | }, 100);
+ // | return d;
+ // | }
+ //
+ // | // using Deferred style
+ // | renderLotsOfData(someDataObj).then(null, function(){
+ // | promptUserToRecover();
+ // | });
+ //
+ // Note that the caller doesn't have to change his code at all to
+ // handle the asynchronous case.
+ var result, finished, isError, head, nextListener;
+ var promise = this.promise = {};
+ function complete(value){
+ if(finished){
+ throw new Error("This deferred has already been resolved");
+ }
+ result = value;
+ finished = true;
+ notify();
+ }
+ function notify(){
+ var mutated;
+ while(!mutated && nextListener){
+ var listener = nextListener;
+ nextListener =;
+ if(mutated = (listener.progress == mutator)){ // assignment and check
+ finished = false;
+ }
+ var func = (isError ? listener.error : listener.resolved);
+ if (func) {
+ try {
+ var newResult = func(result);
+ if (newResult && typeof newResult.then === "function") {
+ newResult.then(dojo.hitch(listener.deferred, "resolve"), dojo.hitch(listener.deferred, "reject"));
+ continue;
+ }
+ var unchanged = mutated && newResult === undefined;
+ listener.deferred[unchanged && isError ? "reject" : "resolve"](unchanged ? result : newResult);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ listener.deferred.reject(e);
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(isError){
+ listener.deferred.reject(result);
+ }else{
+ listener.deferred.resolve(result);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // calling resolve will resolve the promise
+ this.resolve = this.callback = function(value){
+ // summary:
+ // Fulfills the Deferred instance successfully with the provide value
+ this.fired = 0;
+ this.results = [value, null];
+ complete(value);
+ };
+ // calling error will indicate that the promise failed
+ this.reject = this.errback = function(error){
+ // summary:
+ // Fulfills the Deferred instance as an error with the provided error
+ isError = true;
+ this.fired = 1;
+ complete(error);
+ this.results = [null, error];
+ if(!error || error.log !== false){
+ (dojo.config.deferredOnError || function(x){ console.error(x); })(error);
+ }
+ };
+ // call progress to provide updates on the progress on the completion of the promise
+ this.progress = function(update){
+ // summary
+ // Send progress events to all listeners
+ var listener = nextListener;
+ while(listener){
+ var progress = listener.progress;
+ progress && progress(update);
+ listener =;
+ }
+ };
+ this.addCallbacks = function(/*Function?*/callback, /*Function?*/errback){
+ this.then(callback, errback, mutator);
+ return this;
+ };
+ // provide the implementation of the promise
+ this.then = promise.then = function(/*Function?*/resolvedCallback, /*Function?*/errorCallback, /*Function?*/progressCallback){
+ // summary
+ // Adds a fulfilledHandler, errorHandler, and progressHandler to be called for
+ // completion of a promise. The fulfilledHandler is called when the promise
+ // is fulfilled. The errorHandler is called when a promise fails. The
+ // progressHandler is called for progress events. All arguments are optional
+ // and non-function values are ignored. The progressHandler is not only an
+ // optional argument, but progress events are purely optional. Promise
+ // providers are not required to ever create progress events.
+ //
+ // This function will return a new promise that is fulfilled when the given
+ // fulfilledHandler or errorHandler callback is finished. This allows promise
+ // operations to be chained together. The value returned from the callback
+ // handler is the fulfillment value for the returned promise. If the callback
+ // throws an error, the returned promise will be moved to failed state.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // An example of using a CommonJS compliant promise:
+ // | asyncComputeTheAnswerToEverything().
+ // | then(addTwo).
+ // | then(printResult, onError);
+ // | >44
+ //
+ var returnDeferred = progressCallback == mutator ? this : new dojo.Deferred(promise.cancel);
+ var listener = {
+ resolved: resolvedCallback,
+ error: errorCallback,
+ progress: progressCallback,
+ deferred: returnDeferred
+ };
+ if(nextListener){
+ head = = listener;
+ }
+ else{
+ nextListener = head = listener;
+ }
+ if(finished){
+ notify();
+ }
+ return returnDeferred.promise;
+ };
+ var deferred = this;
+ this.cancel = promise.cancel = function () {
+ // summary:
+ // Cancels the asynchronous operation
+ if(!finished){
+ var error = canceller && canceller(deferred);
+ if(!finished){
+ if (!(error instanceof Error)) {
+ error = new Error(error);
+ }
+ error.log = false;
+ deferred.reject(error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ freeze(promise);
+ };
+ dojo.extend(dojo.Deferred, {
+ addCallback: function (/*Function*/callback) {
+ return this.addCallbacks(dojo.hitch.apply(dojo, arguments));
+ },
+ addErrback: function (/*Function*/errback) {
+ return this.addCallbacks(null, dojo.hitch.apply(dojo, arguments));
+ },
+ addBoth: function (/*Function*/callback) {
+ var enclosed = dojo.hitch.apply(dojo, arguments);
+ return this.addCallbacks(enclosed, enclosed);
+ },
+ fired: -1
+ });
-if(_24&&typeof _24.then==="function"){
-return _24.then(_25,_26,_27);
-return _25(_24);
+dojo.when = function(promiseOrValue, /*Function?*/callback, /*Function?*/errback, /*Function?*/progressHandler){
+ // summary:
+ // This provides normalization between normal synchronous values and
+ // asynchronous promises, so you can interact with them in a common way
+ // example:
+ // | function printFirstAndList(items){
+ // | dojo.when(findFirst(items), console.log);
+ // | dojo.when(findLast(items), console.log);
+ // | }
+ // | function findFirst(items){
+ // | return dojo.when(items, function(items){
+ // | return items[0];
+ // | });
+ // | }
+ // | function findLast(items){
+ // | return dojo.when(items, function(items){
+ // | return items[items.length];
+ // | });
+ // | }
+ // And now all three of his functions can be used sync or async.
+ // | printFirstAndLast([1,2,3,4]) will work just as well as
+ // | printFirstAndLast(dojo.xhrGet(...));
+ if(promiseOrValue && typeof promiseOrValue.then === "function"){
+ return promiseOrValue.then(callback, errback, progressHandler);
+ }
+ return callback(promiseOrValue);
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/NodeList.js b/lib/dojo/_base/NodeList.js
index 6df6db976..12b631a4b 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/NodeList.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/NodeList.js
@@ -5,228 +5,1012 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.NodeList"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.NodeList"] = true;
-var d=dojo;
-var ap=Array.prototype,_1=ap.slice,_2=ap.concat;
-var _3=function(a,_4,_5){
-var _6=_5||this._NodeListCtor||d._NodeListCtor;
-return _4?a._stash(_4):a;
-var _7=function(f,a,o){
-return function(_8){
-return f.apply(o,a);
-var _9=function(f,o){
-return function(){
-return this;
-var _a=function(f,o){
-return function(){
-var _b=function(f,o){
-return function(){
-return this.filter(_7(f,arguments,o));
-var _c=function(f,g,o){
-return function(){
-var a=arguments,_d=_7(f,a,o);
-return this;
-var _e=function(a){
-return a.length==1&&(typeof a[0]=="string");
-var _f=function(_10){
-var p=_10.parentNode;
-return _3(Array.apply(null,arguments));
-var nl=d.NodeList,nlp=nl.prototype;
-var f=ap[_11];
-return this._wrap(f.apply(this,arguments),_11=="slice"?this:null);
-var f=d[_12];
-return f.apply(d,[this].concat(,0)));
-var _17=_15.parse===true?true:false;
-if(typeof _15.template=="string"){
-var _18=_15.templateFunc||(dojo.string&&dojo.string.substitute);
-var _19=(typeof _15);
-return _15;
-return _1a.cloneNode(true);
-var _1e=_1b,_1f;
-var _20=ary.length;
-for(var i=_20-1;i>=0;i--){
-var _21=(_1d?this._cloneNode(ary[i]):ary[i]);
-return this;
-return this._parent;
-return new this._NodeListCtor();
-var t=d.isArray(this)?,0),,function(a){
-return a&&!d.isArray(a)&&(typeof NodeList!="undefined"&&a.constructor===NodeList||a.constructor===this._NodeListCtor)?,0):a;
-return this._wrap(_2.apply(t,m),this);
-return this._wrap(,_24,obj),this);
-return this;
-var _29=d.query(_27)[0];
-return this.forEach(function(_2a){,_29,_28);
-return (_2b?d._filterQueryResult(this,_2b):this).forEach(_f);
-return d.query(_2c).place(this[0],_2d)._stash(this);
-return this;
-return d.query(_2e,_2f).filter(function(_30){
-return _30!==undefined;
-return this._wrap(_2.apply([],ret),this);
-var a=arguments,_32=this,_33=0;
-if(typeof _31=="string"){
-return _32._stash(this);
-return this._wrap(d.filter(_32,a[_33],a[_33+1]),this);
-for(var i=0,_36;_36=this[i];i++){
-return this;
-var c=d.isFunction(_37)?_37:d.getObject(_37);
-return this.forEach(function(_39){
-new c(_38,_39);
-var t=new this._NodeListCtor();
-return t._stash(this);
-var _3a="on"+evt;
-return this.connect(_3a,a,b);
+ var d = dojo;
+ var ap = Array.prototype, aps = ap.slice, apc = ap.concat;
+ var tnl = function(/*Array*/ a, /*dojo.NodeList?*/ parent, /*Function?*/ NodeListCtor){
+ // summary:
+ // decorate an array to make it look like a `dojo.NodeList`.
+ // a:
+ // Array of nodes to decorate.
+ // parent:
+ // An optional parent NodeList that generated the current
+ // list of nodes. Used to call _stash() so the parent NodeList
+ // can be accessed via end() later.
+ // NodeListCtor:
+ // An optional constructor function to use for any
+ // new NodeList calls. This allows a certain chain of
+ // NodeList calls to use a different object than dojo.NodeList.
+ if(!a.sort){
+ // make sure it's a real array before we pass it on to be wrapped
+ a =, 0);
+ }
+ var ctor = NodeListCtor || this._NodeListCtor || d._NodeListCtor;
+ a.constructor = ctor;
+ dojo._mixin(a, ctor.prototype);
+ a._NodeListCtor = ctor;
+ return parent ? a._stash(parent) : a;
+ };
+ var loopBody = function(f, a, o){
+ a = [0].concat(, 0));
+ o = o ||;
+ return function(node){
+ a[0] = node;
+ return f.apply(o, a);
+ };
+ };
+ // adapters
+ var adaptAsForEach = function(f, o){
+ // summary:
+ // adapts a single node function to be used in the forEach-type
+ // actions. The initial object is returned from the specialized
+ // function.
+ // f: Function
+ // a function to adapt
+ // o: Object?
+ // an optional context for f
+ return function(){
+ this.forEach(loopBody(f, arguments, o));
+ return this; // Object
+ };
+ };
+ var adaptAsMap = function(f, o){
+ // summary:
+ // adapts a single node function to be used in the map-type
+ // actions. The return is a new array of values, as via ``
+ // f: Function
+ // a function to adapt
+ // o: Object?
+ // an optional context for f
+ return function(){
+ return, arguments, o));
+ };
+ };
+ var adaptAsFilter = function(f, o){
+ // summary:
+ // adapts a single node function to be used in the filter-type actions
+ // f: Function
+ // a function to adapt
+ // o: Object?
+ // an optional context for f
+ return function(){
+ return this.filter(loopBody(f, arguments, o));
+ };
+ };
+ var adaptWithCondition = function(f, g, o){
+ // summary:
+ // adapts a single node function to be used in the map-type
+ // actions, behaves like forEach() or map() depending on arguments
+ // f: Function
+ // a function to adapt
+ // g: Function
+ // a condition function, if true runs as map(), otherwise runs as forEach()
+ // o: Object?
+ // an optional context for f and g
+ return function(){
+ var a = arguments, body = loopBody(f, a, o);
+ if( ||, a)){
+ return; // self
+ }
+ this.forEach(body);
+ return this; // self
+ };
+ };
+ var magicGuard = function(a){
+ // summary:
+ // the guard function for dojo.attr() and
+ return a.length == 1 && (typeof a[0] == "string"); // inline'd type check
+ };
+ var orphan = function(node){
+ // summary:
+ // function to orphan nodes
+ var p = node.parentNode;
+ if(p){
+ p.removeChild(node);
+ }
+ };
+ // FIXME: should we move orphan() to dojo.html?
+ dojo.NodeList = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // dojo.NodeList is an of Array subclass which adds syntactic
+ // sugar for chaining, common iteration operations, animation, and
+ // node manipulation. NodeLists are most often returned as the
+ // result of dojo.query() calls.
+ // description:
+ // dojo.NodeList instances provide many utilities that reflect
+ // core Dojo APIs for Array iteration and manipulation, DOM
+ // manipulation, and event handling. Instead of needing to dig up
+ // functions in the dojo.* namespace, NodeLists generally make the
+ // full power of Dojo available for DOM manipulation tasks in a
+ // simple, chainable way.
+ // example:
+ // create a node list from a node
+ // | new dojo.NodeList(dojo.byId("foo"));
+ // example:
+ // get a NodeList from a CSS query and iterate on it
+ // | var l = dojo.query(".thinger");
+ // | l.forEach(function(node, index, nodeList){
+ // | console.log(index, node.innerHTML);
+ // | });
+ // example:
+ // use native and Dojo-provided array methods to manipulate a
+ // NodeList without needing to use dojo.* functions explicitly:
+ // | var l = dojo.query(".thinger");
+ // | // since NodeLists are real arrays, they have a length
+ // | // property that is both readable and writable and
+ // | // push/pop/shift/unshift methods
+ // | console.log(l.length);
+ // | l.push(dojo.create("span"));
+ // |
+ // | // dojo's normalized array methods work too:
+ // | console.log( l.indexOf(dojo.byId("foo")) );
+ // | // ...including the special "function as string" shorthand
+ // | console.log( l.every("item.nodeType == 1") );
+ // |
+ // | // NodeLists can be [..] indexed, or you can use the at()
+ // | // function to get specific items wrapped in a new NodeList:
+ // | var node = l[3]; // the 4th element
+ // | var newList =, 3); // the 2nd and 4th elements
+ // example:
+ // the style functions you expect are all there too:
+ // | // style() as a getter...
+ // | var borders = dojo.query(".thinger").style("border");
+ // | // ...and as a setter:
+ // | dojo.query(".thinger").style("border", "1px solid black");
+ // | // class manipulation
+ // | dojo.query("li:nth-child(even)").addClass("even");
+ // | // even getting the coordinates of all the items
+ // | var coords = dojo.query(".thinger").coords();
+ // example:
+ // DOM manipulation functions from the dojo.* namespace area also
+ // available:
+ // | // remove all of the elements in the list from their
+ // | // parents (akin to "deleting" them from the document)
+ // | dojo.query(".thinger").orphan();
+ // | // place all elements in the list at the front of #foo
+ // | dojo.query(".thinger").place("foo", "first");
+ // example:
+ // Event handling couldn't be easier. `dojo.connect` is mapped in,
+ // and shortcut handlers are provided for most DOM events:
+ // | // like dojo.connect(), but with implicit scope
+ // | dojo.query("li").connect("onclick", console, "log");
+ // |
+ // | // many common event handlers are already available directly:
+ // | dojo.query("li").onclick(console, "log");
+ // | var toggleHovered = dojo.hitch(dojo, "toggleClass", "hovered");
+ // | dojo.query("p")
+ // | .onmouseenter(toggleHovered)
+ // | .onmouseleave(toggleHovered);
+ // example:
+ // chainability is a key advantage of NodeLists:
+ // | dojo.query(".thinger")
+ // | .onclick(function(e){ /* ... */ })
+ // | .at(1, 3, 8) // get a subset
+ // | .style("padding", "5px")
+ // | .forEach(console.log);
+ return tnl(Array.apply(null, arguments));
+ };
+ //Allow things that new up a NodeList to use a delegated or alternate NodeList implementation.
+ d._NodeListCtor = d.NodeList;
+ var nl = d.NodeList, nlp = nl.prototype;
+ // expose adapters and the wrapper as private functions
+ nl._wrap = nlp._wrap = tnl;
+ nl._adaptAsMap = adaptAsMap;
+ nl._adaptAsForEach = adaptAsForEach;
+ nl._adaptAsFilter = adaptAsFilter;
+ nl._adaptWithCondition = adaptWithCondition;
+ // mass assignment
+ // add array redirectors
+ d.forEach(["slice", "splice"], function(name){
+ var f = ap[name];
+ //Use a copy of the this array via this.slice() to allow .end() to work right in the splice case.
+ // CANNOT apply ._stash()/end() to splice since it currently modifies
+ // the existing this array -- it would break backward compatibility if we copy the array before
+ // the splice so that we can use .end(). So only doing the stash option to this._wrap for slice.
+ nlp[name] = function(){ return this._wrap(f.apply(this, arguments), name == "slice" ? this : null); };
+ });
+ // concat should be here but some browsers with native NodeList have problems with it
+ // add array.js redirectors
+ d.forEach(["indexOf", "lastIndexOf", "every", "some"], function(name){
+ var f = d[name];
+ nlp[name] = function(){ return f.apply(d, [this].concat(, 0))); };
+ });
+ // add conditional methods
+ d.forEach(["attr", "style"], function(name){
+ nlp[name] = adaptWithCondition(d[name], magicGuard);
+ });
+ // add forEach actions
+ d.forEach(["connect", "addClass", "removeClass", "toggleClass", "empty", "removeAttr"], function(name){
+ nlp[name] = adaptAsForEach(d[name]);
+ });
+ dojo.extend(dojo.NodeList, {
+ _normalize: function(/*String||Element||Object||NodeList*/content, /*DOMNode?*/refNode){
+ // summary:
+ // normalizes data to an array of items to insert.
+ // description:
+ // If content is an object, it can have special properties "template" and
+ // "parse". If "template" is defined, then the template value is run through
+ // dojo.string.substitute (if dojo.string.substitute has been dojo.required elsewhere),
+ // or if templateFunc is a function on the content, that function will be used to
+ // transform the template into a final string to be used for for passing to dojo._toDom.
+ // If content.parse is true, then it is remembered for later, for when the content
+ // nodes are inserted into the DOM. At that point, the nodes will be parsed for widgets
+ // (if dojo.parser has been dojo.required elsewhere).
+ //Wanted to just use a DocumentFragment, but for the array/NodeList
+ //case that meant using cloneNode, but we may not want that.
+ //Cloning should only happen if the node operations span
+ //multiple refNodes. Also, need a real array, not a NodeList from the
+ //DOM since the node movements could change those NodeLists.
+ var parse = content.parse === true ? true : false;
+ //Do we have an object that needs to be run through a template?
+ if(typeof content.template == "string"){
+ var templateFunc = content.templateFunc || (dojo.string && dojo.string.substitute);
+ content = templateFunc ? templateFunc(content.template, content) : content;
+ }
+ var type = (typeof content);
+ if(type == "string" || type == "number"){
+ content = dojo._toDom(content, (refNode && refNode.ownerDocument));
+ if(content.nodeType == 11){
+ //DocumentFragment. It cannot handle cloneNode calls, so pull out the children.
+ content = dojo._toArray(content.childNodes);
+ }else{
+ content = [content];
+ }
+ }else if(!dojo.isArrayLike(content)){
+ content = [content];
+ }else if(!dojo.isArray(content)){
+ //To get to this point, content is array-like, but
+ //not an array, which likely means a DOM NodeList. Convert it now.
+ content = dojo._toArray(content);
+ }
+ //Pass around the parse info
+ if(parse){
+ content._runParse = true;
+ }
+ return content; //Array
+ },
+ _cloneNode: function(/*DOMNode*/ node){
+ // summary:
+ // private utiltity to clone a node. Not very interesting in the vanilla
+ // dojo.NodeList case, but delegates could do interesting things like
+ // clone event handlers if that is derivable from the node.
+ return node.cloneNode(true);
+ },
+ _place: function(/*Array*/ary, /*DOMNode*/refNode, /*String*/position, /*Boolean*/useClone){
+ // summary:
+ // private utility to handle placing an array of nodes relative to another node.
+ // description:
+ // Allows for cloning the nodes in the array, and for
+ // optionally parsing widgets, if ary._runParse is true.
+ //Avoid a disallowed operation if trying to do an innerHTML on a non-element node.
+ if(refNode.nodeType != 1 && position == "only"){
+ return;
+ }
+ var rNode = refNode, tempNode;
+ //Always cycle backwards in case the array is really a
+ //DOM NodeList and the DOM operations take it out of the live collection.
+ var length = ary.length;
+ for(var i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
+ var node = (useClone ? this._cloneNode(ary[i]) : ary[i]);
+ //If need widget parsing, use a temp node, instead of waiting after inserting into
+ //real DOM because we need to start widget parsing at one node up from current node,
+ //which could cause some already parsed widgets to be parsed again.
+ if(ary._runParse && dojo.parser && dojo.parser.parse){
+ if(!tempNode){
+ tempNode = rNode.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
+ }
+ tempNode.appendChild(node);
+ dojo.parser.parse(tempNode);
+ node = tempNode.firstChild;
+ while(tempNode.firstChild){
+ tempNode.removeChild(tempNode.firstChild);
+ }
+ }
+ if(i == length - 1){
+, rNode, position);
+ }else{
+ rNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, rNode);
+ }
+ rNode = node;
+ }
+ },
+ _stash: function(parent){
+ // summary:
+ // private function to hold to a parent NodeList. end() to return the parent NodeList.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // How to make a `dojo.NodeList` method that only returns the third node in
+ // the dojo.NodeList but allows access to the original NodeList by using this._stash:
+ // | dojo.extend(dojo.NodeList, {
+ // | third: function(){
+ // | var newNodeList = dojo.NodeList(this[2]);
+ // | return newNodeList._stash(this);
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | // then see how _stash applies a sub-list, to be .end()'ed out of
+ // | dojo.query(".foo")
+ // | .third()
+ // | .addClass("thirdFoo")
+ // | .end()
+ // | // access to the orig .foo list
+ // | .removeClass("foo")
+ // |
+ //
+ this._parent = parent;
+ return this; //dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ end: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Ends use of the current `dojo.NodeList` by returning the previous dojo.NodeList
+ // that generated the current dojo.NodeList.
+ // description:
+ // Returns the `dojo.NodeList` that generated the current `dojo.NodeList`. If there
+ // is no parent dojo.NodeList, an empty dojo.NodeList is returned.
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.query("a")
+ // | .filter(".disabled")
+ // | // operate on the anchors that only have a disabled class
+ // | .style("color", "grey")
+ // | .end()
+ // | // jump back to the list of anchors
+ // | .style(...)
+ //
+ if(this._parent){
+ return this._parent;
+ }else{
+ //Just return empy list.
+ return new this._NodeListCtor();
+ }
+ },
+ //
+ // FIXME: handle return values for #3244
+ //
+ // FIXME:
+ // need to wrap or implement:
+ // join (perhaps w/ innerHTML/outerHTML overload for toString() of items?)
+ // reduce
+ // reduceRight
+ /*=====
+ slice: function(begin, end){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a new NodeList, maintaining this one in place
+ // description:
+ // This method behaves exactly like the Array.slice method
+ // with the caveat that it returns a dojo.NodeList and not a
+ // raw Array. For more details, see Mozilla's (slice
+ // documentation)[]
+ // begin: Integer
+ // Can be a positive or negative integer, with positive
+ // integers noting the offset to begin at, and negative
+ // integers denoting an offset from the end (i.e., to the left
+ // of the end)
+ // end: Integer?
+ // Optional parameter to describe what position relative to
+ // the NodeList's zero index to end the slice at. Like begin,
+ // can be positive or negative.
+ return this._wrap(a.slice.apply(this, arguments));
+ },
+ splice: function(index, howmany, item){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a new NodeList, manipulating this NodeList based on
+ // the arguments passed, potentially splicing in new elements
+ // at an offset, optionally deleting elements
+ // description:
+ // This method behaves exactly like the Array.splice method
+ // with the caveat that it returns a dojo.NodeList and not a
+ // raw Array. For more details, see Mozilla's (splice
+ // documentation)[]
+ // For backwards compatibility, calling .end() on the spliced NodeList
+ // does not return the original NodeList -- splice alters the NodeList in place.
+ // index: Integer
+ // begin can be a positive or negative integer, with positive
+ // integers noting the offset to begin at, and negative
+ // integers denoting an offset from the end (i.e., to the left
+ // of the end)
+ // howmany: Integer?
+ // Optional parameter to describe what position relative to
+ // the NodeList's zero index to end the slice at. Like begin,
+ // can be positive or negative.
+ // item: Object...?
+ // Any number of optional parameters may be passed in to be
+ // spliced into the NodeList
+ // returns:
+ // dojo.NodeList
+ return this._wrap(a.splice.apply(this, arguments));
+ },
+ indexOf: function(value, fromIndex){
+ // summary:
+ // see dojo.indexOf(). The primary difference is that the acted-on
+ // array is implicitly this NodeList
+ // value: Object:
+ // The value to search for.
+ // fromIndex: Integer?:
+ // The loction to start searching from. Optional. Defaults to 0.
+ // description:
+ // For more details on the behavior of indexOf, see Mozilla's
+ // (indexOf
+ // docs)[]
+ // returns:
+ // Positive Integer or 0 for a match, -1 of not found.
+ return d.indexOf(this, value, fromIndex); // Integer
+ },
+ lastIndexOf: function(value, fromIndex){
+ // summary:
+ // see dojo.lastIndexOf(). The primary difference is that the
+ // acted-on array is implicitly this NodeList
+ // description:
+ // For more details on the behavior of lastIndexOf, see
+ // Mozilla's (lastIndexOf
+ // docs)[]
+ // value: Object
+ // The value to search for.
+ // fromIndex: Integer?
+ // The loction to start searching from. Optional. Defaults to 0.
+ // returns:
+ // Positive Integer or 0 for a match, -1 of not found.
+ return d.lastIndexOf(this, value, fromIndex); // Integer
+ },
+ every: function(callback, thisObject){
+ // summary:
+ // see `dojo.every()` and the (Array.every
+ // docs)[].
+ // Takes the same structure of arguments and returns as
+ // dojo.every() with the caveat that the passed array is
+ // implicitly this NodeList
+ // callback: Function: the callback
+ // thisObject: Object?: the context
+ return d.every(this, callback, thisObject); // Boolean
+ },
+ some: function(callback, thisObject){
+ // summary:
+ // Takes the same structure of arguments and returns as
+ // `dojo.some()` with the caveat that the passed array is
+ // implicitly this NodeList. See `dojo.some()` and Mozilla's
+ // (Array.some
+ // documentation)[].
+ // callback: Function: the callback
+ // thisObject: Object?: the context
+ return d.some(this, callback, thisObject); // Boolean
+ },
+ =====*/
+ concat: function(item){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a new NodeList comprised of items in this NodeList
+ // as well as items passed in as parameters
+ // description:
+ // This method behaves exactly like the Array.concat method
+ // with the caveat that it returns a `dojo.NodeList` and not a
+ // raw Array. For more details, see the (Array.concat
+ // docs)[]
+ // item: Object?
+ // Any number of optional parameters may be passed in to be
+ // spliced into the NodeList
+ // returns:
+ // dojo.NodeList
+ //return this._wrap(apc.apply(this, arguments));
+ // the line above won't work for the native NodeList :-(
+ // implementation notes:
+ // 1) Native NodeList is not an array, and cannot be used directly
+ // in concat() --- the latter doesn't recognize it as an array, and
+ // does not inline it, but append as a single entity.
+ // 2) On some browsers (e.g., Safari) the "constructor" property is
+ // read-only and cannot be changed. So we have to test for both
+ // native NodeList and dojo.NodeList in this property to recognize
+ // the node list.
+ var t = d.isArray(this) ? this :, 0),
+ m =, function(a){
+ return a && !d.isArray(a) &&
+ (typeof NodeList != "undefined" && a.constructor === NodeList || a.constructor === this._NodeListCtor) ?
+, 0) : a;
+ });
+ return this._wrap(apc.apply(t, m), this); // dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ map: function(/*Function*/ func, /*Function?*/ obj){
+ // summary:
+ // see The primary difference is that the acted-on
+ // array is implicitly this NodeList and the return is a
+ // dojo.NodeList (a subclass of Array)
+ ///return, func, obj, d.NodeList); // dojo.NodeList
+ return this._wrap(, func, obj), this); // dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ forEach: function(callback, thisObj){
+ // summary:
+ // see `dojo.forEach()`. The primary difference is that the acted-on
+ // array is implicitly this NodeList. If you want the option to break out
+ // of the forEach loop, use every() or some() instead.
+ d.forEach(this, callback, thisObj);
+ // non-standard return to allow easier chaining
+ return this; // dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ /*=====
+ coords: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns the box objects of all elements in a node list as
+ // an Array (*not* a NodeList). Acts like `dojo.coords`, though assumes
+ // the node passed is each node in this list.
+ return, d.coords); // Array
+ },
+ position: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns border-box objects (x/y/w/h) of all elements in a node list
+ // as an Array (*not* a NodeList). Acts like `dojo.position`, though
+ // assumes the node passed is each node in this list.
+ return, d.position); // Array
+ },
+ attr: function(property, value){
+ // summary:
+ // gets or sets the DOM attribute for every element in the
+ // NodeList. See also `dojo.attr`
+ // property: String
+ // the attribute to get/set
+ // value: String?
+ // optional. The value to set the property to
+ // returns:
+ // if no value is passed, the result is an array of attribute values
+ // If a value is passed, the return is this NodeList
+ // example:
+ // Make all nodes with a particular class focusable:
+ // | dojo.query(".focusable").attr("tabIndex", -1);
+ // example:
+ // Disable a group of buttons:
+ // | dojo.query("").attr("disabled", true);
+ // example:
+ // innerHTML can be assigned or retreived as well:
+ // | // get the innerHTML (as an array) for each list item
+ // | var ih = dojo.query("li.replaceable").attr("innerHTML");
+ return; // dojo.NodeList
+ return; // Array
+ },
+ style: function(property, value){
+ // summary:
+ // gets or sets the CSS property for every element in the NodeList
+ // property: String
+ // the CSS property to get/set, in JavaScript notation
+ // ("lineHieght" instead of "line-height")
+ // value: String?
+ // optional. The value to set the property to
+ // returns:
+ // if no value is passed, the result is an array of strings.
+ // If a value is passed, the return is this NodeList
+ return; // dojo.NodeList
+ return; // Array
+ },
+ addClass: function(className){
+ // summary:
+ // adds the specified class to every node in the list
+ // className: String|Array
+ // A String class name to add, or several space-separated class names,
+ // or an array of class names.
+ return; // dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ removeClass: function(className){
+ // summary:
+ // removes the specified class from every node in the list
+ // className: String|Array?
+ // An optional String class name to remove, or several space-separated
+ // class names, or an array of class names. If omitted, all class names
+ // will be deleted.
+ // returns:
+ // dojo.NodeList, this list
+ return; // dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ toggleClass: function(className, condition){
+ // summary:
+ // Adds a class to node if not present, or removes if present.
+ // Pass a boolean condition if you want to explicitly add or remove.
+ // condition: Boolean?
+ // If passed, true means to add the class, false means to remove.
+ // className: String
+ // the CSS class to add
+ return; // dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ connect: function(methodName, objOrFunc, funcName){
+ // summary:
+ // attach event handlers to every item of the NodeList. Uses dojo.connect()
+ // so event properties are normalized
+ // methodName: String
+ // the name of the method to attach to. For DOM events, this should be
+ // the lower-case name of the event
+ // objOrFunc: Object|Function|String
+ // if 2 arguments are passed (methodName, objOrFunc), objOrFunc should
+ // reference a function or be the name of the function in the global
+ // namespace to attach. If 3 arguments are provided
+ // (methodName, objOrFunc, funcName), objOrFunc must be the scope to
+ // locate the bound function in
+ // funcName: String?
+ // optional. A string naming the function in objOrFunc to bind to the
+ // event. May also be a function reference.
+ // example:
+ // add an onclick handler to every button on the page
+ // | dojo.query("div:nth-child(odd)").connect("onclick", function(e){
+ // | console.log("clicked!");
+ // | });
+ // example:
+ // attach to every odd div's onmouseover
+ // | dojo.query("div:nth-child(odd)").connect("onmouseover", foo, "bar");
+ },
+ empty: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // clears all content from each node in the list. Effectively
+ // equivalent to removing all child nodes from every item in
+ // the list.
+ return this.forEach("item.innerHTML='';"); // dojo.NodeList
+ // FIXME: should we be checking for and/or disposing of widgets below these nodes?
+ },
+ =====*/
+ // useful html methods
+ coords: adaptAsMap(d.coords),
+ position: adaptAsMap(d.position),
+ // FIXME: connectPublisher()? connectRunOnce()?
+ /*
+ destroy: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // destroys every item in the list.
+ this.forEach(d.destroy);
+ // FIXME: should we be checking for and/or disposing of widgets below these nodes?
+ },
+ */
+ place: function(/*String||Node*/ queryOrNode, /*String*/ position){
+ // summary:
+ // places elements of this node list relative to the first element matched
+ // by queryOrNode. Returns the original NodeList. See: ``
+ // queryOrNode:
+ // may be a string representing any valid CSS3 selector or a DOM node.
+ // In the selector case, only the first matching element will be used
+ // for relative positioning.
+ // position:
+ // can be one of:
+ // | "last" (default)
+ // | "first"
+ // | "before"
+ // | "after"
+ // | "only"
+ // | "replace"
+ // or an offset in the childNodes property
+ var item = d.query(queryOrNode)[0];
+ return this.forEach(function(node){, item, position); }); // dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ orphan: function(/*String?*/ simpleFilter){
+ // summary:
+ // removes elements in this list that match the simple filter
+ // from their parents and returns them as a new NodeList.
+ // simpleFilter:
+ // single-expression CSS rule. For example, ".thinger" or
+ // "#someId[attrName='value']" but not "div > span". In short,
+ // anything which does not invoke a descent to evaluate but
+ // can instead be used to test a single node is acceptable.
+ // returns:
+ // `dojo.NodeList` containing the orpahned elements
+ return (simpleFilter ? d._filterQueryResult(this, simpleFilter) : this).forEach(orphan); // dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ adopt: function(/*String||Array||DomNode*/ queryOrListOrNode, /*String?*/ position){
+ // summary:
+ // places any/all elements in queryOrListOrNode at a
+ // position relative to the first element in this list.
+ // Returns a dojo.NodeList of the adopted elements.
+ // queryOrListOrNode:
+ // a DOM node or a query string or a query result.
+ // Represents the nodes to be adopted relative to the
+ // first element of this NodeList.
+ // position:
+ // can be one of:
+ // | "last" (default)
+ // | "first"
+ // | "before"
+ // | "after"
+ // | "only"
+ // | "replace"
+ // or an offset in the childNodes property
+ return d.query(queryOrListOrNode).place(this[0], position)._stash(this); // dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ // FIXME: do we need this?
+ query: function(/*String*/ queryStr){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a new list whose memebers match the passed query,
+ // assuming elements of the current NodeList as the root for
+ // each search.
+ // example:
+ // assume a DOM created by this markup:
+ // | <div id="foo">
+ // | <p>
+ // | bacon is tasty, <span>dontcha think?</span>
+ // | </p>
+ // | </div>
+ // | <div id="bar">
+ // | <p>great commedians may not be funny <span>in person</span></p>
+ // | </div>
+ // If we are presented with the following defintion for a NodeList:
+ // | var l = new dojo.NodeList(dojo.byId("foo"), dojo.byId("bar"));
+ // it's possible to find all span elements under paragraphs
+ // contained by these elements with this sub-query:
+ // | var spans = l.query("p span");
+ // FIXME: probably slow
+ if(!queryStr){ return this; }
+ var ret ={
+ // FIXME: why would we ever get undefined here?
+ return d.query(queryStr, node).filter(function(subNode){ return subNode !== undefined; });
+ });
+ return this._wrap(apc.apply([], ret), this); // dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ filter: function(/*String|Function*/ simpleFilter){
+ // summary:
+ // "masks" the built-in javascript filter() method (supported
+ // in Dojo via `dojo.filter`) to support passing a simple
+ // string filter in addition to supporting filtering function
+ // objects.
+ // simpleFilter:
+ // If a string, a single-expression CSS rule. For example,
+ // ".thinger" or "#someId[attrName='value']" but not "div >
+ // span". In short, anything which does not invoke a descent
+ // to evaluate but can instead be used to test a single node
+ // is acceptable.
+ // example:
+ // "regular" JS filter syntax as exposed in dojo.filter:
+ // | dojo.query("*").filter(function(item){
+ // | // highlight every paragraph
+ // | return (item.nodeName == "p");
+ // | }).style("backgroundColor", "yellow");
+ // example:
+ // the same filtering using a CSS selector
+ // | dojo.query("*").filter("p").styles("backgroundColor", "yellow");
+ var a = arguments, items = this, start = 0;
+ if(typeof simpleFilter == "string"){ // inline'd type check
+ items = d._filterQueryResult(this, a[0]);
+ if(a.length == 1){
+ // if we only got a string query, pass back the filtered results
+ return items._stash(this); // dojo.NodeList
+ }
+ // if we got a callback, run it over the filtered items
+ start = 1;
+ }
+ return this._wrap(d.filter(items, a[start], a[start + 1]), this); // dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ /*
+ // FIXME: should this be "copyTo" and include parenting info?
+ clone: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // creates node clones of each element of this list
+ // and returns a new list containing the clones
+ },
+ */
+ addContent: function(/*String||DomNode||Object||dojo.NodeList*/ content, /*String||Integer?*/ position){
+ // summary:
+ // add a node, NodeList or some HTML as a string to every item in the
+ // list. Returns the original list.
+ // description:
+ // a copy of the HTML content is added to each item in the
+ // list, with an optional position argument. If no position
+ // argument is provided, the content is appended to the end of
+ // each item.
+ // content:
+ // DOM node, HTML in string format, a NodeList or an Object. If a DOM node or
+ // NodeList, the content will be cloned if the current NodeList has more than one
+ // element. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, no event handlers. If it is an Object,
+ // it should be an object with at "template" String property that has the HTML string
+ // to insert. If dojo.string has already been dojo.required, then dojo.string.substitute
+ // will be used on the "template" to generate the final HTML string. Other allowed
+ // properties on the object are: "parse" if the HTML
+ // string should be parsed for widgets (dojo.require("dojo.parser") to get that
+ // option to work), and "templateFunc" if a template function besides dojo.string.substitute
+ // should be used to transform the "template".
+ // position:
+ // can be one of:
+ // | "last"||"end" (default)
+ // | "first||"start"
+ // | "before"
+ // | "after"
+ // | "replace" (replaces nodes in this NodeList with new content)
+ // | "only" (removes other children of the nodes so new content is hte only child)
+ // or an offset in the childNodes property
+ // example:
+ // appends content to the end if the position is ommitted
+ // | dojo.query("h3 > p").addContent("hey there!");
+ // example:
+ // add something to the front of each element that has a
+ // "thinger" property:
+ // | dojo.query("[thinger]").addContent("...", "first");
+ // example:
+ // adds a header before each element of the list
+ // | dojo.query(".note").addContent("<h4>NOTE:</h4>", "before");
+ // example:
+ // add a clone of a DOM node to the end of every element in
+ // the list, removing it from its existing parent.
+ // | dojo.query(".note").addContent(dojo.byId("foo"));
+ // example:
+ // Append nodes from a templatized string.
+ // dojo.require("dojo.string");
+ // dojo.query(".note").addContent({
+ // template: '<b>${id}: </b><span>${name}</span>',
+ // id: "user332",
+ // name: "Mr. Anderson"
+ // });
+ // example:
+ // Append nodes from a templatized string that also has widgets parsed.
+ // dojo.require("dojo.string");
+ // dojo.require("dojo.parser");
+ // var notes = dojo.query(".note").addContent({
+ // template: '<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button">${text}</button>',
+ // parse: true,
+ // text: "Send"
+ // });
+ content = this._normalize(content, this[0]);
+ for(var i = 0, node; node = this[i]; i++){
+ this._place(content, node, position, i > 0);
+ }
+ return this; //dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ instantiate: function(/*String|Object*/ declaredClass, /*Object?*/ properties){
+ // summary:
+ // Create a new instance of a specified class, using the
+ // specified properties and each node in the nodeList as a
+ // srcNodeRef.
+ // example:
+ // Grabs all buttons in the page and converts them to diji.form.Buttons.
+ // | var buttons = dojo.query("button").instantiate("dijit.form.Button", {showLabel: true});
+ var c = d.isFunction(declaredClass) ? declaredClass : d.getObject(declaredClass);
+ properties = properties || {};
+ return this.forEach(function(node){
+ new c(properties, node);
+ }); // dojo.NodeList
+ },
+ at: function(/*===== index =====*/){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a new NodeList comprised of items in this NodeList
+ // at the given index or indices.
+ //
+ // index: Integer...
+ // One or more 0-based indices of items in the current
+ // NodeList. A negative index will start at the end of the
+ // list and go backwards.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Shorten the list to the first, second, and third elements
+ // | dojo.query("a").at(0, 1, 2).forEach(fn);
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Retrieve the first and last elements of a unordered list:
+ // | dojo.query("ul > li").at(0, -1).forEach(cb);
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Do something for the first element only, but end() out back to
+ // the original list and continue chaining:
+ // | dojo.query("a").at(0).onclick(fn).end().forEach(function(n){
+ // | console.log(n); // all anchors on the page.
+ // | })
+ //
+ // returns:
+ // dojo.NodeList
+ var t = new this._NodeListCtor();
+ d.forEach(arguments, function(i){
+ if(i < 0){ i = this.length + i }
+ if(this[i]){ t.push(this[i]); }
+ }, this);
+ return t._stash(this); // dojo.NodeList
+ }
+ });
+ = [
+ // summary: list of all DOM events used in NodeList
+ "blur", "focus", "change", "click", "error", "keydown", "keypress",
+ "keyup", "load", "mousedown", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "mousemove",
+ "mouseout", "mouseover", "mouseup", "submit"
+ ];
+ // FIXME: pseudo-doc the above automatically generated on-event functions
+ // syntactic sugar for DOM events
+ d.forEach(, function(evt){
+ var _oe = "on" + evt;
+ nlp[_oe] = function(a, b){
+ return this.connect(_oe, a, b);
+ }
+ // FIXME: should these events trigger publishes?
+ /*
+ return (a ? this.connect(_oe, a, b) :
+ this.forEach(function(n){
+ // FIXME:
+ // listeners get buried by
+ // addEventListener and can't be dug back
+ // out to be triggered externally.
+ // see:
+ //
+ console.log(n, evt, _oe);
+ // FIXME: need synthetic event support!
+ var _e = { target: n, faux: true, type: evt };
+ // dojo._event_listener._synthesizeEvent({}, { target: n, faux: true, type: evt });
+ try{ n[evt](_e); }catch(e){ console.log(e); }
+ try{ n[_oe](_e); }catch(e){ console.log(e); }
+ })
+ );
+ */
+ }
+ );
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/bootstrap.js b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/bootstrap.js
index 7cc168e5d..3ef3012a2 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/bootstrap.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/bootstrap.js
@@ -5,116 +5,500 @@
-if(typeof this["loadFirebugConsole"]=="function"){
-var cn=["assert","count","debug","dir","dirxml","error","group","groupEnd","info","profile","profileEnd","time","timeEnd","trace","warn","log"];
-var i=0,tn;
-var _1=tn+"";
-console[_1]=("log" in console)?function(){
-var a=Array.apply({},arguments);
-console["log"](a.join(" "));
-if(typeof dojo=="undefined"){
-var d=dojo;
-if(typeof dijit=="undefined"){
-if(typeof dojox=="undefined"){
-if(typeof djConfig!="undefined"){
-for(var _2 in djConfig){
-var _3="$Rev: 22487 $".match(/\d+/);
-return major+"."+minor+"."+patch+flag+" ("+revision+")";
-if(typeof OpenAjax!="undefined"){
-var _4,_5,_6={};
-for(var i in {toString:1}){
-var _9,s,i;
-for(_9 in _8){
-if(!(_9 in _7)||(_7[_9]!==s&&(!(_9 in _6)||_6[_9]!==s))){
-if(!(_9 in _7)||(_7[_9]!==s&&(!(_9 in _6)||_6[_9]!==s))){
-return _7;
-for(var i=1,l=arguments.length;i<l;i++){
-return _a;
-var _f=_e||;
-for(var i=0,p;_f&&(p=_c[i]);i++){
+// note:
+// 'djConfig' does not exist under 'dojo.*' so that it can be set before the
+// 'dojo' variable exists.
+// note:
+// Setting any of these variables *after* the library has loaded does
+// nothing at all.
+djConfig = {
+ // summary:
+ // Application code can set the global 'djConfig' prior to loading
+ // the library to override certain global settings for how dojo works.
+ //
+ // isDebug: Boolean
+ // Defaults to `false`. If set to `true`, ensures that Dojo provides
+ // extended debugging feedback via Firebug. If Firebug is not available
+ // on your platform, setting `isDebug` to `true` will force Dojo to
+ // pull in (and display) the version of Firebug Lite which is
+ // integrated into the Dojo distribution, thereby always providing a
+ // debugging/logging console when `isDebug` is enabled. Note that
+ // Firebug's `console.*` methods are ALWAYS defined by Dojo. If
+ // `isDebug` is false and you are on a platform without Firebug, these
+ // methods will be defined as no-ops.
+ isDebug: false,
+ // debugAtAllCosts: Boolean
+ // Defaults to `false`. If set to `true`, this triggers an alternate
+ // mode of the package system in which dependencies are detected and
+ // only then are resources evaluated in dependency order via
+ // `<script>` tag inclusion. This may double-request resources and
+ // cause problems with scripts which expect `dojo.require()` to
+ // preform synchronously. `debugAtAllCosts` can be an invaluable
+ // debugging aid, but when using it, ensure that all code which
+ // depends on Dojo modules is wrapped in `dojo.addOnLoad()` handlers.
+ // Due to the somewhat unpredictable side-effects of using
+ // `debugAtAllCosts`, it is strongly recommended that you enable this
+ // flag as a last resort. `debugAtAllCosts` has no effect when loading
+ // resources across domains. For usage information, see the
+ // [Dojo Book](
+ debugAtAllCosts: false,
+ // locale: String
+ // The locale to assume for loading localized resources in this page,
+ // specified according to [RFC 3066](
+ // Must be specified entirely in lowercase, e.g. `en-us` and `zh-cn`.
+ // See the documentation for `dojo.i18n` and `dojo.requireLocalization`
+ // for details on loading localized resources. If no locale is specified,
+ // Dojo assumes the locale of the user agent, according to `navigator.userLanguage`
+ // or `navigator.language` properties.
+ locale: undefined,
+ // extraLocale: Array
+ // No default value. Specifies additional locales whose
+ // resources should also be loaded alongside the default locale when
+ // calls to `dojo.requireLocalization()` are processed.
+ extraLocale: undefined,
+ // baseUrl: String
+ // The directory in which `dojo.js` is located. Under normal
+ // conditions, Dojo auto-detects the correct location from which it
+ // was loaded. You may need to manually configure `baseUrl` in cases
+ // where you have renamed `dojo.js` or in which `<base>` tags confuse
+ // some browsers (e.g. IE 6). The variable `dojo.baseUrl` is assigned
+ // either the value of `djConfig.baseUrl` if one is provided or the
+ // auto-detected root if not. Other modules are located relative to
+ // this path. The path should end in a slash.
+ baseUrl: undefined,
+ // modulePaths: Object
+ // A map of module names to paths relative to `dojo.baseUrl`. The
+ // key/value pairs correspond directly to the arguments which
+ // `dojo.registerModulePath` accepts. Specifiying
+ // `djConfig.modulePaths = { "foo": "../../bar" }` is the equivalent
+ // of calling `dojo.registerModulePath("foo", "../../bar");`. Multiple
+ // modules may be configured via `djConfig.modulePaths`.
+ modulePaths: {},
+ // afterOnLoad: Boolean
+ // Indicates Dojo was added to the page after the page load. In this case
+ // Dojo will not wait for the page DOMContentLoad/load events and fire
+ // its dojo.addOnLoad callbacks after making sure all outstanding
+ // dojo.required modules have loaded. Only works with a built dojo.js,
+ // it does not work the dojo.js directly from source control.
+ afterOnLoad: false,
+ // addOnLoad: Function or Array
+ // Adds a callback via dojo.addOnLoad. Useful when Dojo is added after
+ // the page loads and djConfig.afterOnLoad is true. Supports the same
+ // arguments as dojo.addOnLoad. When using a function reference, use
+ // `djConfig.addOnLoad = function(){};`. For object with function name use
+ // `djConfig.addOnLoad = [myObject, "functionName"];` and for object with
+ // function reference use
+ // `djConfig.addOnLoad = [myObject, function(){}];`
+ addOnLoad: null,
+ // require: Array
+ // An array of module names to be loaded immediately after dojo.js has been included
+ // in a page.
+ require: [],
+ // defaultDuration: Array
+ // Default duration, in milliseconds, for wipe and fade animations within dijits.
+ // Assigned to dijit.defaultDuration.
+ defaultDuration: 200,
+ // dojoBlankHtmlUrl: String
+ // Used by some modules to configure an empty iframe. Used by and
+ // dojo.back, and dijit popup support in IE where an iframe is needed to make sure native
+ // controls do not bleed through the popups. Normally this configuration variable
+ // does not need to be set, except when using cross-domain/CDN Dojo builds.
+ // Save dojo/resources/blank.html to your domain and set `djConfig.dojoBlankHtmlUrl`
+ // to the path on your domain your copy of blank.html.
+ dojoBlankHtmlUrl: undefined,
+ // ioPublish: Boolean?
+ // Set this to true to enable publishing of topics for the different phases of
+ // IO operations. Publishing is done via dojo.publish. See dojo.__IoPublish for a list
+ // of topics that are published.
+ ioPublish: false,
+ // useCustomLogger: Anything?
+ // If set to a value that evaluates to true such as a string or array and
+ // isDebug is true and Firebug is not available or running, then it bypasses
+ // the creation of Firebug Lite allowing you to define your own console object.
+ useCustomLogger: undefined,
+ // transparentColor: Array
+ // Array containing the r, g, b components used as transparent color in dojo.Color;
+ // if undefined, [255,255,255] (white) will be used.
+ transparentColor: undefined,
+ // skipIeDomLoaded: Boolean
+ // For IE only, skip the DOMContentLoaded hack used. Sometimes it can cause an Operation
+ // Aborted error if the rest of the page triggers script defers before the DOM is ready.
+ // If this is config value is set to true, then dojo.addOnLoad callbacks will not be
+ // triggered until the page load event, which is after images and iframes load. If you
+ // want to trigger the callbacks sooner, you can put a script block in the bottom of
+ // your HTML that calls dojo._loadInit();. If you are using multiversion support, change
+ // "dojo." to the appropriate scope name for dojo.
+ skipIeDomLoaded: false
-_f=(p in _f?_f[p]:(_d?_f[p]={}:undefined));
+ // firebug stubs
+ if(typeof this["loadFirebugConsole"] == "function"){
+ // for Firebug 1.2
+ this["loadFirebugConsole"]();
+ }else{
+ this.console = this.console || {};
+ // Be careful to leave 'log' always at the end
+ var cn = [
+ "assert", "count", "debug", "dir", "dirxml", "error", "group",
+ "groupEnd", "info", "profile", "profileEnd", "time", "timeEnd",
+ "trace", "warn", "log"
+ ];
+ var i=0, tn;
+ while((tn=cn[i++])){
+ if(!console[tn]){
+ (function(){
+ var tcn = tn+"";
+ console[tcn] = ('log' in console) ? function(){
+ var a = Array.apply({}, arguments);
+ a.unshift(tcn+":");
+ console["log"](a.join(" "));
+ } : function(){}
+ console[tcn]._fake = true;
+ })();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // dojo is the root variable of (almost all) our public symbols -- make sure it is defined.
+ if(typeof dojo == "undefined"){
+ dojo = {
+ _scopeName: "dojo",
+ _scopePrefix: "",
+ _scopePrefixArgs: "",
+ _scopeSuffix: "",
+ _scopeMap: {},
+ _scopeMapRev: {}
+ };
+ }
+ var d = dojo;
+ //Need placeholders for dijit and dojox for scoping code.
+ if(typeof dijit == "undefined"){
+ dijit = {_scopeName: "dijit"};
+ }
+ if(typeof dojox == "undefined"){
+ dojox = {_scopeName: "dojox"};
+ }
+ if(!d._scopeArgs){
+ d._scopeArgs = [dojo, dijit, dojox];
+ }
+/*===== = {
+ // summary:
+ // Alias for the global scope
+ // (e.g. the window object in a browser).
+ // description:
+ // Refer to '' rather than referring to window to ensure your
+ // code runs correctly in contexts other than web browsers (e.g. Rhino on a server).
-return _f;
-var _13=_10.split("."),p=_13.pop(),obj=d._getProp(_13,true,_12);
-return obj&&p?(obj[p]=_11):undefined;
-return d._getProp(_14.split("."),_15,_16);
-return !!d.getObject(_17,false,obj);
+ = this;
+ d.config =/*===== djConfig = =====*/{
+ isDebug: false,
+ debugAtAllCosts: false
+ };
+ if(typeof djConfig != "undefined"){
+ for(var opt in djConfig){
+ d.config[opt] = djConfig[opt];
+ }
+ }
+ // Override locale setting, if specified
+ dojo.locale = {
+ // summary: the locale as defined by Dojo (read-only)
+ };
+ dojo.locale = d.config.locale;
+ var rev = "$Rev: 22487 $".match(/\d+/);
+ dojo.version = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Version number of the Dojo Toolkit
+ // major: Integer
+ // Major version. If total version is "1.2.0beta1", will be 1
+ // minor: Integer
+ // Minor version. If total version is "1.2.0beta1", will be 2
+ // patch: Integer
+ // Patch version. If total version is "1.2.0beta1", will be 0
+ // flag: String
+ // Descriptor flag. If total version is "1.2.0beta1", will be "beta1"
+ // revision: Number
+ // The SVN rev from which dojo was pulled
+ this.major = 0;
+ this.minor = 0;
+ this.patch = 0;
+ this.flag = "";
+ this.revision = 0;
+ }
+ dojo.version = {
+ major: 1, minor: 5, patch: 0, flag: "",
+ revision: rev ? +rev[0] : NaN,
+ toString: function(){
+ with(d.version){
+ return major + "." + minor + "." + patch + flag + " (" + revision + ")"; // String
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Register with the OpenAjax hub
+ if(typeof OpenAjax != "undefined"){
+ OpenAjax.hub.registerLibrary(dojo._scopeName, "", d.version.toString());
+ }
+ var extraNames, extraLen, empty = {};
+ for(var i in {toString: 1}){ extraNames = []; break; }
+ dojo._extraNames = extraNames = extraNames || ["hasOwnProperty", "valueOf", "isPrototypeOf",
+ "propertyIsEnumerable", "toLocaleString", "toString", "constructor"];
+ extraLen = extraNames.length;
+ dojo._mixin = function(/*Object*/ target, /*Object*/ source){
+ // summary:
+ // Adds all properties and methods of source to target. This addition
+ // is "prototype extension safe", so that instances of objects
+ // will not pass along prototype defaults.
+ var name, s, i;
+ for(name in source){
+ // the "tobj" condition avoid copying properties in "source"
+ // inherited from Object.prototype. For example, if target has a custom
+ // toString() method, don't overwrite it with the toString() method
+ // that source inherited from Object.prototype
+ s = source[name];
+ if(!(name in target) || (target[name] !== s && (!(name in empty) || empty[name] !== s))){
+ target[name] = s;
+ }
+ }
+ // IE doesn't recognize some custom functions in
+ if(extraLen && source){
+ for(i = 0; i < extraLen; ++i){
+ name = extraNames[i];
+ s = source[name];
+ if(!(name in target) || (target[name] !== s && (!(name in empty) || empty[name] !== s))){
+ target[name] = s;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return target; // Object
+ }
+ dojo.mixin = function(/*Object*/obj, /*Object...*/props){
+ // summary:
+ // Adds all properties and methods of props to obj and returns the
+ // (now modified) obj.
+ // description:
+ // `dojo.mixin` can mix multiple source objects into a
+ // destination object which is then returned. Unlike regular
+ // `` iteration, `dojo.mixin` is also smart about avoiding
+ // extensions which other toolkits may unwisely add to the root
+ // object prototype
+ // obj:
+ // The object to mix properties into. Also the return value.
+ // props:
+ // One or more objects whose values are successively copied into
+ // obj. If more than one of these objects contain the same value,
+ // the one specified last in the function call will "win".
+ // example:
+ // make a shallow copy of an object
+ // | var copy = dojo.mixin({}, source);
+ // example:
+ // many class constructors often take an object which specifies
+ // values to be configured on the object. In this case, it is
+ // often simplest to call `dojo.mixin` on the `this` object:
+ // | dojo.declare("acme.Base", null, {
+ // | constructor: function(properties){
+ // | // property configuration:
+ // | dojo.mixin(this, properties);
+ // |
+ // | console.log(this.quip);
+ // | // ...
+ // | },
+ // | quip: "I wasn't born yesterday, you know - I've seen movies.",
+ // | // ...
+ // | });
+ // |
+ // | // create an instance of the class and configure it
+ // | var b = new acme.Base({quip: "That's what it does!" });
+ // example:
+ // copy in properties from multiple objects
+ // | var flattened = dojo.mixin(
+ // | {
+ // | name: "Frylock",
+ // | braces: true
+ // | },
+ // | {
+ // | name: "Carl Brutanananadilewski"
+ // | }
+ // | );
+ // |
+ // | // will print "Carl Brutanananadilewski"
+ // | console.log(;
+ // | // will print "true"
+ // | console.log(flattened.braces);
+ if(!obj){ obj = {}; }
+ for(var i=1, l=arguments.length; i<l; i++){
+ d._mixin(obj, arguments[i]);
+ }
+ return obj; // Object
+ }
+ dojo._getProp = function(/*Array*/parts, /*Boolean*/create, /*Object*/context){
+ var obj=context ||;
+ for(var i=0, p; obj && (p=parts[i]); i++){
+ if(i == 0 && d._scopeMap[p]){
+ p = d._scopeMap[p];
+ }
+ obj = (p in obj ? obj[p] : (create ? obj[p]={} : undefined));
+ }
+ return obj; // mixed
+ }
+ dojo.setObject = function(/*String*/name, /*Object*/value, /*Object?*/context){
+ // summary:
+ // Set a property from a dot-separated string, such as "A.B.C"
+ // description:
+ // Useful for longer api chains where you have to test each object in
+ // the chain, or when you have an object reference in string format.
+ // Objects are created as needed along `path`. Returns the passed
+ // value if setting is successful or `undefined` if not.
+ // name:
+ // Path to a property, in the form "A.B.C".
+ // context:
+ // Optional. Object to use as root of path. Defaults to
+ // ``.
+ // example:
+ // set the value of ``, regardless of whether
+ // intermediate objects already exist:
+ // | dojo.setObject("", value);
+ // example:
+ // without `dojo.setObject`, we often see code like this:
+ // | // ensure that intermediate objects are available
+ // | if(!obj["parent"]){ obj.parent = {}; }
+ // | if(!obj.parent["child"]){ obj.parent.child= {}; }
+ // | // now we can safely set the property
+ // | obj.parent.child.prop = "some value";
+ // wheras with `dojo.setObject`, we can shorten that to:
+ // | dojo.setObject("parent.child.prop", "some value", obj);
+ var parts=name.split("."), p=parts.pop(), obj=d._getProp(parts, true, context);
+ return obj && p ? (obj[p]=value) : undefined; // Object
+ }
+ dojo.getObject = function(/*String*/name, /*Boolean?*/create, /*Object?*/context){
+ // summary:
+ // Get a property from a dot-separated string, such as "A.B.C"
+ // description:
+ // Useful for longer api chains where you have to test each object in
+ // the chain, or when you have an object reference in string format.
+ // name:
+ // Path to an property, in the form "A.B.C".
+ // create:
+ // Optional. Defaults to `false`. If `true`, Objects will be
+ // created at any point along the 'path' that is undefined.
+ // context:
+ // Optional. Object to use as root of path. Defaults to
+ // ''. Null may be passed.
+ return d._getProp(name.split("."), create, context); // Object
+ }
+ dojo.exists = function(/*String*/name, /*Object?*/obj){
+ // summary:
+ // determine if an object supports a given method
+ // description:
+ // useful for longer api chains where you have to test each object in
+ // the chain. Useful only for object and method detection.
+ // Not useful for testing generic properties on an object.
+ // In particular, dojo.exists("") when = ""
+ // will return false. Use ("bar" in foo) to test for those cases.
+ // name:
+ // Path to an object, in the form "A.B.C".
+ // obj:
+ // Object to use as root of path. Defaults to
+ // ''. Null may be passed.
+ // example:
+ // | // define an object
+ // | var foo = {
+ // | bar: { }
+ // | };
+ // |
+ // | // search the global scope
+ // | dojo.exists(""); // true
+ // | dojo.exists(""); // false
+ // |
+ // | // search from a particular scope
+ // | dojo.exists("bar", foo); // true
+ // | dojo.exists("bar.baz", foo); // false
+ return !!d.getObject(name, false, obj); // Boolean
+ }
+ dojo["eval"] = function(/*String*/ scriptFragment){
+ // summary:
+ // A legacy method created for use exclusively by internal Dojo methods. Do not use
+ // this method directly, the behavior of this eval will differ from the normal
+ // browser eval.
+ // description:
+ // Placed in a separate function to minimize size of trapped
+ // exceptions. Calling eval() directly from some other scope may
+ // complicate tracebacks on some platforms.
+ // returns:
+ // The result of the evaluation. Often `undefined`
+ return ? : eval(scriptFragment); // Object
+ }
+ /*=====
+ dojo.deprecated = function(behaviour, extra, removal){
+ // summary:
+ // Log a debug message to indicate that a behavior has been
+ // deprecated.
+ // behaviour: String
+ // The API or behavior being deprecated. Usually in the form
+ // of "myApp.someFunction()".
+ // extra: String?
+ // Text to append to the message. Often provides advice on a
+ // new function or facility to achieve the same goal during
+ // the deprecation period.
+ // removal: String?
+ // Text to indicate when in the future the behavior will be
+ // removed. Usually a version number.
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.deprecated("myApp.getTemp()", "use myApp.getLocaleTemp() instead", "1.0");
+ }
+ dojo.experimental = function(moduleName, extra){
+ // summary: Marks code as experimental.
+ // description:
+ // This can be used to mark a function, file, or module as
+ // experimental. Experimental code is not ready to be used, and the
+ // APIs are subject to change without notice. Experimental code may be
+ // completed deleted without going through the normal deprecation
+ // process.
+ // moduleName: String
+ // The name of a module, or the name of a module file or a specific
+ // function
+ // extra: String?
+ // some additional message for the user
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.experimental("");
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.experimental("", "PENDING approval from NOAA");
+ }
+ =====*/
+ //Real functions declared in dojo._firebug.firebug.
+ d.deprecated = d.experimental = function(){};
+// vim:ai:ts=4:noet
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_browser.js b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_browser.js
index 0d746833e..7d92d70e3 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_browser.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_browser.js
@@ -5,240 +5,470 @@
-if(typeof window!="undefined"){
-var d=dojo;
-var _1=document.getElementsByTagName("script");
-var _2=/dojo(\.xd)?\.js(\W|$)/i;
-for(var i=0;i<_1.length;i++){
-var _3=_1[i].getAttribute("src");
-var m=_3.match(_2);
-var _4=_1[i].getAttribute("djConfig");
-var _5=eval("({ "+_4+" })");
-for(var x in _5){
-var n=navigator;
-var _6=n.userAgent,_7=n.appVersion,tv=parseFloat(_7);
-var _8=Math.max(_7.indexOf("WebKit"),_7.indexOf("Safari"),0);
-d.isIE=parseFloat(_7.split("MSIE ")[1])||undefined;
-var _9=document.documentMode;
-var _a,_b;
-_a=new XMLHttpRequest();
-for(var i=0;i<3;++i){
-var _c=d._XMLHTTP_PROGIDS[i];
-_a=new ActiveXObject(_c);
-throw new Error("XMLHTTP not available: "+_b);
-return _a;
-var _e=_d.status||0,lp=location.protocol;
-return (_e>=200&&_e<300)||_e==304||_e==1223||(!_e&&(lp=="file:"||lp=="chrome:"||lp=="chrome-extension:"||lp=="app:"));
+dojo.isBrowser = {
+ // example:
+ // | if(dojo.isBrowser){ ... }
-var _f=window.location+"";
-var _10=document.getElementsByTagName("base");
-var _11=(_10&&_10.length>0);
-var _13=d._xhrObj();
-uri=(new dojo._Url(_f,uri)).toString();
-var err=Error("Unable to load "+uri+" status:"+_13.status);
-throw err;
-return null;
-throw e;
-return _13.responseText;
-var _14=window;
-var _15=function(_16,fp){
-var _17=_14.attachEvent||_14.addEventListener;
-var mll=d._windowUnloaders;
-var _18=0;
+dojo.isFF = {
+ // example:
+ // | if(dojo.isFF > 1){ ... }
-var _1a=0;
+dojo.isIE = {
+ // example:
+ // | if(dojo.isIE > 6){
+ // | // we are IE7
+ // | }
+dojo.isSafari = {
+ // example:
+ // | if(dojo.isSafari){ ... }
+ // example:
+ // Detect iPhone:
+ // | if(dojo.isSafari && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPhone") != -1){
+ // | // we are iPhone. Note, iPod touch reports "iPod" above and fails this test.
+ // | }
-var _1c=["*","group","roundrect","oval","shape","rect","imagedata","path","textpath","text"],i=0,l=1,s=document.createStyleSheet();
-s.addRule("v\\:"+_1c[i],"behavior:url(#default#VML); display:inline-block");
+dojo = {
+ // isBrowser: Boolean
+ // True if the client is a web-browser
+ isBrowser: true,
+ // isFF: Number | undefined
+ // Version as a Number if client is FireFox. undefined otherwise. Corresponds to
+ // major detected FireFox version (1.5, 2, 3, etc.)
+ isFF: 2,
+ // isIE: Number | undefined
+ // Version as a Number if client is MSIE(PC). undefined otherwise. Corresponds to
+ // major detected IE version (6, 7, 8, etc.)
+ isIE: 6,
+ // isKhtml: Number | undefined
+ // Version as a Number if client is a KHTML browser. undefined otherwise. Corresponds to major
+ // detected version.
+ isKhtml: 0,
+ // isWebKit: Number | undefined
+ // Version as a Number if client is a WebKit-derived browser (Konqueror,
+ // Safari, Chrome, etc.). undefined otherwise.
+ isWebKit: 0,
+ // isMozilla: Number | undefined
+ // Version as a Number if client is a Mozilla-based browser (Firefox,
+ // SeaMonkey). undefined otherwise. Corresponds to major detected version.
+ isMozilla: 0,
+ // isOpera: Number | undefined
+ // Version as a Number if client is Opera. undefined otherwise. Corresponds to
+ // major detected version.
+ isOpera: 0,
+ // isSafari: Number | undefined
+ // Version as a Number if client is Safari or iPhone. undefined otherwise.
+ isSafari: 0,
+ // isChrome: Number | undefined
+ // Version as a Number if client is Chrome browser. undefined otherwise.
+ isChrome: 0
+ // isMac: Boolean
+ // True if the client runs on Mac
+if(typeof window != 'undefined'){
+ dojo.isBrowser = true;
+ dojo._name = "browser";
+ // attempt to figure out the path to dojo if it isn't set in the config
+ (function(){
+ var d = dojo;
+ // this is a scope protection closure. We set browser versions and grab
+ // the URL we were loaded from here.
+ // grab the node we were loaded from
+ if(document && document.getElementsByTagName){
+ var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
+ var rePkg = /dojo(\.xd)?\.js(\W|$)/i;
+ for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++){
+ var src = scripts[i].getAttribute("src");
+ if(!src){ continue; }
+ var m = src.match(rePkg);
+ if(m){
+ // find out where we came from
+ if(!d.config.baseUrl){
+ d.config.baseUrl = src.substring(0, m.index);
+ }
+ // and find out if we need to modify our behavior
+ var cfg = scripts[i].getAttribute("djConfig");
+ if(cfg){
+ var cfgo = eval("({ "+cfg+" })");
+ for(var x in cfgo){
+ dojo.config[x] = cfgo[x];
+ }
+ }
+ break; // "first Dojo wins"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ d.baseUrl = d.config.baseUrl;
+ // fill in the rendering support information in dojo.render.*
+ var n = navigator;
+ var dua = n.userAgent,
+ dav = n.appVersion,
+ tv = parseFloat(dav);
+ if(dua.indexOf("Opera") >= 0){ d.isOpera = tv; }
+ if(dua.indexOf("AdobeAIR") >= 0){ d.isAIR = 1; }
+ d.isKhtml = (dav.indexOf("Konqueror") >= 0) ? tv : 0;
+ d.isWebKit = parseFloat(dua.split("WebKit/")[1]) || undefined;
+ d.isChrome = parseFloat(dua.split("Chrome/")[1]) || undefined;
+ d.isMac = dav.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0;
+ // safari detection derived from:
+ //
+ //
+ var index = Math.max(dav.indexOf("WebKit"), dav.indexOf("Safari"), 0);
+ if(index && !dojo.isChrome){
+ // try to grab the explicit Safari version first. If we don't get
+ // one, look for less than 419.3 as the indication that we're on something
+ // "Safari 2-ish".
+ d.isSafari = parseFloat(dav.split("Version/")[1]);
+ if(!d.isSafari || parseFloat(dav.substr(index + 7)) <= 419.3){
+ d.isSafari = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if(dua.indexOf("Gecko") >= 0 && !d.isKhtml && !d.isWebKit){ d.isMozilla = d.isMoz = tv; }
+ if(d.isMoz){
+ //We really need to get away from this. Consider a sane isGecko approach for the future.
+ d.isFF = parseFloat(dua.split("Firefox/")[1] || dua.split("Minefield/")[1]) || undefined;
+ }
+ if(document.all && !d.isOpera){
+ d.isIE = parseFloat(dav.split("MSIE ")[1]) || undefined;
+ //In cases where the page has an HTTP header or META tag with
+ //X-UA-Compatible, then it is in emulation mode.
+ //Make sure isIE reflects the desired version.
+ //document.documentMode of 5 means quirks mode.
+ //Only switch the value if documentMode's major version
+ //is different from isIE's major version.
+ var mode = document.documentMode;
+ if(mode && mode != 5 && Math.floor(d.isIE) != mode){
+ d.isIE = mode;
+ }
+ }
+ //Workaround to get local file loads of dojo to work on IE 7
+ //by forcing to not use native xhr.
+ if(dojo.isIE && window.location.protocol === "file:"){
+ dojo.config.ieForceActiveXXhr=true;
+ }
+ d.isQuirks = document.compatMode == "BackCompat";
+ // TODO: is the HTML LANG attribute relevant?
+ d.locale = dojo.config.locale || (d.isIE ? n.userLanguage : n.language).toLowerCase();
+ // These are in order of decreasing likelihood; this will change in time.
+ d._XMLHTTP_PROGIDS = ['Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0'];
+ d._xhrObj = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // does the work of portably generating a new XMLHTTPRequest object.
+ var http, last_e;
+ if(!dojo.isIE || !dojo.config.ieForceActiveXXhr){
+ try{ http = new XMLHttpRequest(); }catch(e){}
+ }
+ if(!http){
+ for(var i=0; i<3; ++i){
+ var progid = d._XMLHTTP_PROGIDS[i];
+ try{
+ http = new ActiveXObject(progid);
+ }catch(e){
+ last_e = e;
+ }
+ if(http){
+ d._XMLHTTP_PROGIDS = [progid]; // so faster next time
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!http){
+ throw new Error("XMLHTTP not available: "+last_e);
+ }
+ return http; // XMLHTTPRequest instance
+ }
+ d._isDocumentOk = function(http){
+ var stat = http.status || 0,
+ lp = location.protocol;
+ return (stat >= 200 && stat < 300) || // Boolean
+ stat == 304 || // allow any 2XX response code
+ stat == 1223 || // get it out of the cache
+ // Internet Explorer mangled the status code OR we're Titanium/browser chrome/chrome extension requesting a local file
+ (!stat && (lp == "file:" || lp == "chrome:" || lp == "chrome-extension:" || lp == "app:") );
+ }
+ //See if base tag is in use.
+ //This is to fix,
+ //but really, we need to find out how to get rid of the dojo._Url reference
+ //below and still have DOH work with the dojo.i18n test following some other
+ //test that uses the test frame to load a document (trac #2757).
+ //Opera still has problems, but perhaps a larger issue of base tag support
+ //with XHR requests (hasBase is true, but the request is still made to document
+ //path, not base path).
+ var owloc = window.location+"";
+ var base = document.getElementsByTagName("base");
+ var hasBase = (base && base.length > 0);
+ d._getText = function(/*URI*/ uri, /*Boolean*/ fail_ok){
+ // summary: Read the contents of the specified uri and return those contents.
+ // uri:
+ // A relative or absolute uri. If absolute, it still must be in
+ // the same "domain" as we are.
+ // fail_ok:
+ // Default false. If fail_ok and loading fails, return null
+ // instead of throwing.
+ // returns: The response text. null is returned when there is a
+ // failure and failure is okay (an exception otherwise)
+ // NOTE: must be declared before scope switches ie. this._xhrObj()
+ var http = d._xhrObj();
+ if(!hasBase && dojo._Url){
+ uri = (new dojo._Url(owloc, uri)).toString();
+ }
+ if(d.config.cacheBust){
+ //Make sure we have a string before string methods are used on uri
+ uri += "";
+ uri += (uri.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + String(d.config.cacheBust).replace(/\W+/g,"");
+ }
+'GET', uri, false);
+ try{
+ http.send(null);
+ if(!d._isDocumentOk(http)){
+ var err = Error("Unable to load "+uri+" status:"+ http.status);
+ err.status = http.status;
+ err.responseText = http.responseText;
+ throw err;
+ }
+ }catch(e){
+ if(fail_ok){ return null; } // null
+ // rethrow the exception
+ throw e;
+ }
+ return http.responseText; // String
+ }
+ var _w = window;
+ var _handleNodeEvent = function(/*String*/evtName, /*Function*/fp){
+ // summary:
+ // non-destructively adds the specified function to the node's
+ // evtName handler.
+ // evtName: should be in the form "onclick" for "onclick" handlers.
+ // Make sure you pass in the "on" part.
+ var _a = _w.attachEvent || _w.addEventListener;
+ evtName = _w.attachEvent ? evtName : evtName.substring(2);
+ _a(evtName, function(){
+ fp.apply(_w, arguments);
+ }, false);
+ };
+ d._windowUnloaders = [];
+ d.windowUnloaded = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // signal fired by impending window destruction. You may use
+ // dojo.addOnWindowUnload() to register a listener for this
+ // event. NOTE: if you wish to dojo.connect() to this method
+ // to perform page/application cleanup, be aware that this
+ // event WILL NOT fire if no handler has been registered with
+ // dojo.addOnWindowUnload. This behavior started in Dojo 1.3.
+ // Previous versions always triggered dojo.windowUnloaded. See
+ // dojo.addOnWindowUnload for more info.
+ var mll = d._windowUnloaders;
+ while(mll.length){
+ (mll.pop())();
+ }
+ d = null;
+ };
+ var _onWindowUnloadAttached = 0;
+ d.addOnWindowUnload = function(/*Object?|Function?*/obj, /*String|Function?*/functionName){
+ // summary:
+ // registers a function to be triggered when window.onunload
+ // fires.
+ // description:
+ // The first time that addOnWindowUnload is called Dojo
+ // will register a page listener to trigger your unload
+ // handler with. Note that registering these handlers may
+ // destory "fastback" page caching in browsers that support
+ // it. Be careful trying to modify the DOM or access
+ // JavaScript properties during this phase of page unloading:
+ // they may not always be available. Consider
+ // dojo.addOnUnload() if you need to modify the DOM or do
+ // heavy JavaScript work since it fires at the eqivalent of
+ // the page's "onbeforeunload" event.
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.addOnWindowUnload(functionPointer)
+ // | dojo.addOnWindowUnload(object, "functionName");
+ // | dojo.addOnWindowUnload(object, function(){ /* ... */});
+ d._onto(d._windowUnloaders, obj, functionName);
+ if(!_onWindowUnloadAttached){
+ _onWindowUnloadAttached = 1;
+ _handleNodeEvent("onunload", d.windowUnloaded);
+ }
+ };
+ var _onUnloadAttached = 0;
+ d.addOnUnload = function(/*Object?|Function?*/obj, /*String|Function?*/functionName){
+ // summary:
+ // registers a function to be triggered when the page unloads.
+ // description:
+ // The first time that addOnUnload is called Dojo will
+ // register a page listener to trigger your unload handler
+ // with.
+ //
+ // In a browser enviroment, the functions will be triggered
+ // during the window.onbeforeunload event. Be careful of doing
+ // too much work in an unload handler. onbeforeunload can be
+ // triggered if a link to download a file is clicked, or if
+ // the link is a javascript: link. In these cases, the
+ // onbeforeunload event fires, but the document is not
+ // actually destroyed. So be careful about doing destructive
+ // operations in a dojo.addOnUnload callback.
+ //
+ // Further note that calling dojo.addOnUnload will prevent
+ // browsers from using a "fast back" cache to make page
+ // loading via back button instantaneous.
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.addOnUnload(functionPointer)
+ // | dojo.addOnUnload(object, "functionName")
+ // | dojo.addOnUnload(object, function(){ /* ... */});
+ d._onto(d._unloaders, obj, functionName);
+ if(!_onUnloadAttached){
+ _onUnloadAttached = 1;
+ _handleNodeEvent("onbeforeunload", dojo.unloaded);
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ //START DOMContentLoaded
+ dojo._initFired = false;
+ dojo._loadInit = function(e){
+ if(dojo._scrollIntervalId){
+ clearInterval(dojo._scrollIntervalId);
+ dojo._scrollIntervalId = 0;
+ }
+ if(!dojo._initFired){
+ dojo._initFired = true;
+ //Help out IE to avoid memory leak.
+ if(!dojo.config.afterOnLoad && window.detachEvent){
+ window.detachEvent("onload", dojo._loadInit);
+ }
+ if(dojo._inFlightCount == 0){
+ dojo._modulesLoaded();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!dojo.config.afterOnLoad){
+ if(document.addEventListener){
+ //Standards. Hooray! Assumption here that if standards based,
+ //it knows about DOMContentLoaded. It is OK if it does not, the fall through
+ //to window onload should be good enough.
+ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", dojo._loadInit, false);
+ window.addEventListener("load", dojo._loadInit, false);
+ }else if(window.attachEvent){
+ window.attachEvent("onload", dojo._loadInit);
+ //DOMContentLoaded approximation. Diego Perini found this MSDN article
+ //that indicates doScroll is available after DOM ready, so do a setTimeout
+ //to check when it is available.
+ //
+ if(!dojo.config.skipIeDomLoaded && self ==={
+ dojo._scrollIntervalId = setInterval(function (){
+ try{
+ //When dojo is loaded into an iframe in an IE HTML Application
+ //(HTA), such as in a selenium test, javascript in the iframe
+ //can't see anything outside of it, so is true,
+ //but the iframe is not the top window and doScroll will be
+ //available before document.body is set. Test document.body
+ //before trying the doScroll trick
+ if(document.body){
+ document.documentElement.doScroll("left");
+ dojo._loadInit();
+ }
+ }catch (e){}
+ }, 30);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ try{
+ (function(){
+ document.namespaces.add("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
+ var vmlElems = ["*", "group", "roundrect", "oval", "shape", "rect", "imagedata", "path", "textpath", "text"],
+ i = 0, l = 1, s = document.createStyleSheet();
+ if(dojo.isIE >= 8){
+ i = 1;
+ l = vmlElems.length;
+ }
+ for(; i < l; ++i){
+ s.addRule("v\\:" + vmlElems[i], "behavior:url(#default#VML); display:inline-block");
+ }
+ })();
+ }catch(e){}
+ }
+ //END DOMContentLoaded
+ /*
+ OpenAjax.subscribe("OpenAjax", "onload", function(){
+ if(dojo._inFlightCount == 0){
+ dojo._modulesLoaded();
+ }
+ });
+ OpenAjax.subscribe("OpenAjax", "onunload", function(){
+ dojo.unloaded();
+ });
+ */
+} //if (typeof window != 'undefined')
+//Register any module paths set up in djConfig. Need to do this
+//in the hostenvs since hostenv_browser can read djConfig from a
+//script tag's attribute.
-var mp=dojo.config["modulePaths"];
-for(var _1d in mp){
+ var mp = dojo.config["modulePaths"];
+ if(mp){
+ for(var param in mp){
+ dojo.registerModulePath(param, mp[param]);
+ }
+ }
+//Load debug code if necessary.
+ dojo.require("dojo._firebug.firebug");
+ dojo.config.useXDomain = true;
+ dojo.require("dojo._base._loader.loader_xd");
+ dojo.require("dojo._base._loader.loader_debug");
+ dojo.require("dojo.i18n");
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_ff_ext.js b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_ff_ext.js
index 08242393d..94a0a8046 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_ff_ext.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_ff_ext.js
@@ -5,171 +5,334 @@
-if(typeof window!="undefined"){
-var d=dojo;
-var n=navigator;
-var _1=n.userAgent;
-var _2=n.appVersion;
-var tv=parseFloat(_2);
-return new XMLHttpRequest();
-var _3=d._loadUri;
-var _5=["file:","chrome:","resource:"].some(function(_6){
-return String(_4).indexOf(_6)==0;
-var l=Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.mozIJSSubScriptLoader);
-var _7=l.loadSubScript(_4,;
-return true;
-return _3.apply(d,arguments);
-var _9=_8.status||0;
-return (_9>=200&&_9<300)||_9==304||_9==1223||(!_9&&(location.protocol=="file:"||location.protocol=="chrome:"));
-var _a=false;
-var _d=d._xhrObj();
-_b=(new dojo._Url(_b)).toString();
-var _e=["file:","chrome:","resource:"].some(function(_f){
-return String(_b).indexOf(_f)==0;
-var _10=Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
-var _11=Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream);
-var _12=_10.newChannel(_b,null,null);
-return str;
-var err=Error("Unable to load "+_b+" status:"+_d.status);
-throw err;
-return null;
-throw e;
-return _d.responseText;
-var mll=d._windowUnloaders;
-var _15=[];
-var _16=null;
-var old=[,dojo.doc];
-var n;
-var t=document.getElementById(g);
-return old;
-var oc=_16;
-return oc;
-return oc;
-var a=dojo._toArray(arguments);
-var r=f();
-return r;
-var _17=(e&&e.type)?e.type.toLowerCase():"load";
+// a host environment specifically built for Mozilla extensions, but derived
+// from the browser host environment
+if(typeof window != 'undefined'){
+ dojo.isBrowser = true;
+ dojo._name = "browser";
+ //
+ // attempt to figure out the path to dojo if it isn't set in the config
+ (function(){
+ var d = dojo;
+ // this is a scope protection closure. We set browser versions and grab
+ // the URL we were loaded from here.
+ // FIXME: need to probably use a different reference to "document" to get the hosting XUL environment
+ d.baseUrl = d.config.baseUrl;
+ // fill in the rendering support information in dojo.render.*
+ var n = navigator;
+ var dua = n.userAgent;
+ var dav = n.appVersion;
+ var tv = parseFloat(dav);
+ d.isMozilla = d.isMoz = tv;
+ if(d.isMoz){
+ d.isFF = parseFloat(dua.split("Firefox/")[1]) || undefined;
+ }
+ // FIXME
+ d.isQuirks = document.compatMode == "BackCompat";
+ // FIXME
+ // TODO: is the HTML LANG attribute relevant?
+ d.locale = dojo.config.locale || n.language.toLowerCase();
+ d._xhrObj = function(){
+ return new XMLHttpRequest();
+ }
+ // monkey-patch _loadUri to handle file://, chrome://, and resource:// url's
+ var oldLoadUri = d._loadUri;
+ d._loadUri = function(uri, cb){
+ var handleLocal = ["file:", "chrome:", "resource:"].some(function(prefix){
+ return String(uri).indexOf(prefix) == 0;
+ });
+ if(handleLocal){
+ // see:
+ //
+ var l = Components.classes[";1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.mozIJSSubScriptLoader);
+ var value = l.loadSubScript(uri,
+ if(cb){ cb(value); }
+ return true;
+ }else{
+ // otherwise, call the pre-existing version
+ return oldLoadUri.apply(d, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ d._isDocumentOk = function(http){
+ var stat = http.status || 0;
+ return (stat >= 200 && stat < 300) || // Boolean
+ stat == 304 || // allow any 2XX response code
+ stat == 1223 || // get it out of the cache
+ (!stat && (location.protocol=="file:" || location.protocol=="chrome:") );
+ }
+ // var owloc = window.location+"";
+ // var base = document.getElementsByTagName("base");
+ // var hasBase = (base && base.length > 0);
+ var hasBase = false;
+ d._getText = function(/*URI*/ uri, /*Boolean*/ fail_ok){
+ // summary: Read the contents of the specified uri and return those contents.
+ // uri:
+ // A relative or absolute uri. If absolute, it still must be in
+ // the same "domain" as we are.
+ // fail_ok:
+ // Default false. If fail_ok and loading fails, return null
+ // instead of throwing.
+ // returns: The response text. null is returned when there is a
+ // failure and failure is okay (an exception otherwise)
+ // alert("_getText: " + uri);
+ // NOTE: must be declared before scope switches ie. this._xhrObj()
+ var http = d._xhrObj();
+ if(!hasBase && dojo._Url){
+ uri = (new dojo._Url(uri)).toString();
+ }
+ if(d.config.cacheBust){
+ //Make sure we have a string before string methods are used on uri
+ uri += "";
+ uri += (uri.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + String(d.config.cacheBust).replace(/\W+/g,"");
+ }
+ var handleLocal = ["file:", "chrome:", "resource:"].some(function(prefix){
+ return String(uri).indexOf(prefix) == 0;
+ });
+ if(handleLocal){
+ // see:
+ //
+ var ioService = Components.classes[";1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
+ var scriptableStream=Components
+ .classes[";1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream);
+ var channel = ioService.newChannel(uri, null, null);
+ var input =;
+ scriptableStream.init(input);
+ var str =;
+ scriptableStream.close();
+ input.close();
+ return str;
+ }else{
+'GET', uri, false);
+ try{
+ http.send(null);
+ // alert(http);
+ if(!d._isDocumentOk(http)){
+ var err = Error("Unable to load "+uri+" status:"+ http.status);
+ err.status = http.status;
+ err.responseText = http.responseText;
+ throw err;
+ }
+ }catch(e){
+ if(fail_ok){ return null; } // null
+ // rethrow the exception
+ throw e;
+ }
+ return http.responseText; // String
+ }
+ }
+ d._windowUnloaders = [];
+ d.windowUnloaded = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // signal fired by impending window destruction. You may use
+ // dojo.addOnWIndowUnload() or dojo.connect() to this method to perform
+ // page/application cleanup methods. See dojo.addOnWindowUnload for more info.
+ var mll = d._windowUnloaders;
+ while(mll.length){
+ (mll.pop())();
+ }
+ }
+ d.addOnWindowUnload = function(/*Object?*/obj, /*String|Function?*/functionName){
+ // summary:
+ // registers a function to be triggered when window.onunload fires.
+ // Be careful trying to modify the DOM or access JavaScript properties
+ // during this phase of page unloading: they may not always be available.
+ // Consider dojo.addOnUnload() if you need to modify the DOM or do heavy
+ // JavaScript work.
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.addOnWindowUnload(functionPointer)
+ // | dojo.addOnWindowUnload(object, "functionName")
+ // | dojo.addOnWindowUnload(object, function(){ /* ... */});
+ d._onto(d._windowUnloaders, obj, functionName);
+ }
+ // XUL specific APIs
+ var contexts = [];
+ var current = null;
+ dojo._defaultContext = [ window, document ];
+ dojo.pushContext = function(/*Object|String?*/g, /*MDocumentElement?*/d){
+ // summary:
+ // causes subsequent calls to Dojo methods to assume the
+ // passed object and, optionally, document as the default
+ // scopes to use. A 2-element array of the previous global and
+ // document are returned.
+ // description:
+ // dojo.pushContext treats contexts as a stack. The
+ // auto-detected contexts which are initially provided using
+ // dojo.setContext() require authors to keep state in order to
+ // "return" to a previous context, whereas the
+ // dojo.pushContext and dojo.popContext methods provide a more
+ // natural way to augment blocks of code to ensure that they
+ // execute in a different window or frame without issue. If
+ // called without any arguments, the default context (the
+ // context when Dojo is first loaded) is instead pushed into
+ // the stack. If only a single string is passed, a node in the
+ // intitial context's document is looked up and its
+ // contextWindow and contextDocument properties are used as
+ // the context to push. This means that iframes can be given
+ // an ID and code can be executed in the scope of the iframe's
+ // document in subsequent calls easily.
+ // g:
+ // The global context. If a string, the id of the frame to
+ // search for a context and document.
+ // d:
+ // The document element to execute subsequent code with.
+ var old = [, dojo.doc];
+ contexts.push(old);
+ var n;
+ if(!g && !d){
+ n = dojo._defaultContext;
+ }else{
+ n = [ g, d ];
+ if(!d && dojo.isString(g)){
+ var t = document.getElementById(g);
+ if(t.contentDocument){
+ n = [t.contentWindow, t.contentDocument];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ current = n;
+ dojo.setContext.apply(dojo, n);
+ return old; // Array
+ };
+ dojo.popContext = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // If the context stack contains elements, ensure that
+ // subsequent code executes in the *previous* context to the
+ // current context. The current context set ([global,
+ // document]) is returned.
+ var oc = current;
+ if(!contexts.length){
+ return oc;
+ }
+ dojo.setContext.apply(dojo, contexts.pop());
+ return oc;
+ };
+ // FIXME:
+ // don't really like the current arguments and order to
+ // _inContext, so don't make it public until it's right!
+ dojo._inContext = function(g, d, f){
+ var a = dojo._toArray(arguments);
+ f = a.pop();
+ if(a.length == 1){
+ d = null;
+ }
+ dojo.pushContext(g, d);
+ var r = f();
+ dojo.popContext();
+ return r;
+ };
+ })();
+ dojo._initFired = false;
+ // BEGIN DOMContentLoaded, from Dean Edwards (
+ dojo._loadInit = function(e){
+ dojo._initFired = true;
+ // allow multiple calls, only first one will take effect
+ // A bug in khtml calls events callbacks for document for event which isnt supported
+ // for example a created contextmenu event calls DOMContentLoaded, workaround
+ var type = (e && e.type) ? e.type.toLowerCase() : "load";
+ if(arguments.callee.initialized || (type != "domcontentloaded" && type != "load")){ return; }
+ arguments.callee.initialized = true;
+ if(dojo._inFlightCount == 0){
+ dojo._modulesLoaded();
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ (function(){
+ var _w = window;
+ var _handleNodeEvent = function(evtName, fp){
+ // summary:
+ // non-destructively adds the specified function to the node's
+ // evtName handler.
+ // evtName: should be in the form "onclick" for "onclick" handlers.
+ // Make sure you pass in the "on" part.
+ var oldHandler = _w[evtName] || function(){};
+ _w[evtName] = function(){
+ fp.apply(_w, arguments);
+ oldHandler.apply(_w, arguments);
+ };
+ };
+ // FIXME: dojo.unloaded requires dojo scope, so using anon function wrapper.
+ _handleNodeEvent("onbeforeunload", function() { dojo.unloaded(); });
+ _handleNodeEvent("onunload", function() { dojo.windowUnloaded(); });
+ })();
+ */
+ // this event fires a lot, namely for all plugin XUL overlays and for
+ // all iframes (in addition to window navigations). We only want
+ // Dojo's to fire once..but we might care if pages navigate. We'll
+ // probably need an extension-specific API
+ if(!dojo.config.afterOnLoad){
+ window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(e){
+ dojo._loadInit(e);
+ // console.log("DOM content loaded", e);
+ }, false);
+ }
+} //if (typeof window != 'undefined')
+//Register any module paths set up in djConfig. Need to do this
+//in the hostenvs since hostenv_browser can read djConfig from a
+//script tag's attribute.
-var mp=dojo.config["modulePaths"];
-for(var _18 in mp){
+ var mp = dojo.config["modulePaths"];
+ if(mp){
+ for(var param in mp){
+ dojo.registerModulePath(param, mp[param]);
+ }
+ }
+//Load debug code if necessary.
-var s=Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService);
+ // logging stub for extension logging
+ console.log = function(m){
+ var s = Components.classes[";1"].getService(
+ Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService
+ );
+ s.logStringMessage(m);
+ }
+ console.debug = function(){
+ console.log(dojo._toArray(arguments).join(" "));
+ }
+ // FIXME: what about the rest of the console.* methods? And is there any way to reach into firebug and log into it directly?
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_rhino.js b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_rhino.js
index 9cd882713..ee9ad8b43 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_rhino.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_rhino.js
@@ -5,149 +5,204 @@
+* Rhino host environment
+ dojo.baseUrl = dojo.config["baseUrl"];
+ dojo.baseUrl = "./";
-if(typeof print=="function"){
+dojo.locale = dojo.locale || String(java.util.Locale.getDefault().toString().replace('_','-').toLowerCase());
+dojo._name = 'rhino';
+dojo.isRhino = true;
+if(typeof print == "function"){
+ console.debug = print;
if(!("byId" in dojo)){
-if(id&&(typeof id=="string"||id instanceof String)){
-return _1.getElementById(id);
-return id;
-var _3=(new;
-var _4;
-return _3;
-var _6;
-return false;
-var _7=(_6?readText:readUri)(_5,"UTF-8");
-return "\\u"+_8.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
-return true;
-return false;
-function readText(_a,_b){
-var jf=new;
-var is=new;
-return dj_readInputStream(is,_b);
-function readUri(_c,_d){
-var _e=(new;
-var is=_e.getInputStream();
-return dj_readInputStream(is,_d);
-function dj_readInputStream(is,_f){
-var _10=new,_f));
-var sb=new java.lang.StringBuffer();
-var _11="";
-return sb.toString();
+ dojo.byId = function(id, doc){
+ if(id && (typeof id == "string" || id instanceof String)){
+ if(!doc){ doc = document; }
+ return doc.getElementById(id);
+ }
+ return id; // assume it's a node
+ }
-var _13=dojo._isLocalUrl(uri);
-var _14=(_13?readText:readUri)(uri,"UTF-8");
+dojo._isLocalUrl = function(/*String*/ uri) {
+ // summary:
+ // determines if URI is local or not.
+ var local = (new;
+ if(!local){
+ var stream;
+ //Try remote URL. Allow this method to throw,
+ //but still do cleanup.
+ try{
+ // try it as a file first, URL second
+ stream = (new;
+ // close the stream so we don't leak resources
+ stream.close();
+ }finally{
+ if(stream && stream.close){
+ stream.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return local;
-return _14;
+// see comments in spidermonkey loadUri
+dojo._loadUri = function(uri, cb){
+ try{
+ var local;
+ try{
+ local = dojo._isLocalUrl(uri);
+ }catch(e){
+ // no debug output; this failure just means the uri was not found.
+ return false;
+ }
+ //FIXME: Use Rhino 1.6 native readFile/readUrl if available?
+ if(cb){
+ var contents = (local ? readText : readUri)(uri, "UTF-8");
+ // patch up the input to eval until is fixed.
+ if(!eval("'\u200f'").length){
+ contents = String(contents).replace(/[\u200E\u200F\u202A-\u202E]/g, function(match){
+ return "\\u" + match.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
+ })
+ }
+ cb(eval('('+contents+')'));
+ }else{
+ load(uri);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }catch(e){
+ console.debug("rhino load('" + uri + "') failed. Exception: " + e);
+ return false;
+ }
-return null;
-throw e;
+dojo.exit = function(exitcode){
+ quit(exitcode);
+// reading a file from disk in Java is a humiliating experience by any measure.
+// Lets avoid that and just get the freaking text
+function readText(path, encoding){
+ encoding = encoding || "utf-8";
+ // NOTE: we intentionally avoid handling exceptions, since the caller will
+ // want to know
+ var jf = new;
+ var is = new;
+ return dj_readInputStream(is, encoding);
-dojo.doc=typeof document!="undefined"?document:null;
-return document.body;
-if(typeof setTimeout=="undefined"||typeof clearTimeout=="undefined"){
+function readUri(uri, encoding){
+ var conn = (new;
+ encoding = encoding || conn.getContentEncoding() || "utf-8";
+ var is = conn.getInputStream();
+ return dj_readInputStream(is, encoding);
-var def={sleepTime:_16,hasSlept:false,run:function(){
+function dj_readInputStream(is, encoding){
+ var input = new, encoding));
+ try {
+ var sb = new java.lang.StringBuffer();
+ var line = "";
+ while((line = input.readLine()) !== null){
+ sb.append(line);
+ sb.append(java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator"));
+ }
+ return sb.toString();
+ } finally {
+ input.close();
+ }
+dojo._getText = function(/*URI*/ uri, /*Boolean*/ fail_ok){
+ // summary: Read the contents of the specified uri and return those contents.
+ // uri:
+ // A relative or absolute uri.
+ // fail_ok:
+ // Default false. If fail_ok and loading fails, return null
+ // instead of throwing.
+ // returns: The response text. null is returned when there is a
+ // failure and failure is okay (an exception otherwise)
+ try{
+ var local = dojo._isLocalUrl(uri);
+ var text = (local ? readText : readUri)(uri, "UTF-8");
+ if(text !== null){
+ //Force JavaScript string.
+ text += "";
+ }
+ return text;
+ }catch(e){
+ if(fail_ok){
+ return null;
+ }else{
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+// summary:
+// return the document object associated with the
+dojo.doc = typeof document != "undefined" ? document : null;
+dojo.body = function(){
+ return document.body;
-var _17=new java.lang.Runnable(def);
-var _18=new java.lang.Thread(_17);
-return dojo._timeouts.push(_18)-1;
+// Supply setTimeout/clearTimeout implementations if they aren't already there
+// Note: this assumes that we define both if one is not provided... there might
+// be a better way to do this if there is a use case where one is defined but
+// not the other
+if(typeof setTimeout == "undefined" || typeof clearTimeout == "undefined"){
+ dojo._timeouts = [];
+ clearTimeout = function(idx){
+ if(!dojo._timeouts[idx]){ return; }
+ dojo._timeouts[idx].stop();
+ }
+ setTimeout = function(func, delay){
+ // summary: provides timed callbacks using Java threads
+ var def={
+ sleepTime:delay,
+ hasSlept:false,
+ run:function(){
+ if(!this.hasSlept){
+ this.hasSlept=true;
+ java.lang.Thread.currentThread().sleep(this.sleepTime);
+ }
+ try{
+ func();
+ }catch(e){
+ console.debug("Error running setTimeout thread:" + e);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var runnable = new java.lang.Runnable(def);
+ var thread = new java.lang.Thread(runnable);
+ thread.start();
+ return dojo._timeouts.push(thread)-1;
+ }
+//Register any module paths set up in djConfig. Need to do this
+//in the hostenvs since hostenv_browser can read djConfig from a
+//script tag's attribute.
-for(var param in dojo.config["modulePaths"]){
+ for(var param in dojo.config["modulePaths"]){
+ dojo.registerModulePath(param, dojo.config["modulePaths"][param]);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_spidermonkey.js b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_spidermonkey.js
index ca63f16ce..17b21f5f0 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_spidermonkey.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/hostenv_spidermonkey.js
@@ -5,46 +5,83 @@
+ * SpiderMonkey host environment
+ */
+ dojo.baseUrl = dojo.config["baseUrl"];
+ dojo.baseUrl = "./";
+dojo._name = 'spidermonkey';
+dojo.isSpidermonkey = {
+ // summary: Detect spidermonkey
-if(typeof print=="function"){
-if(typeof line2pc=="undefined"){
-throw new Error("attempt to use SpiderMonkey host environment when no 'line2pc' global");
+dojo.isSpidermonkey = true;
+dojo.exit = function(exitcode){
+ quit(exitcode);
-var s="";
-throw Error("whatever");
+if(typeof print == "function"){
+ console.debug = print;
+if(typeof line2pc == 'undefined'){
+ throw new Error("attempt to use SpiderMonkey host environment when no 'line2pc' global");
-var _3=s.match(/[^@]*\.js/gi);
-throw Error("could not parse stack string: '"+s+"'");
+dojo._spidermonkeyCurrentFile = function(depth){
+ //
+ // This is a hack that determines the current script file by parsing a
+ // generated stack trace (relying on the non-standard "stack" member variable
+ // of the SpiderMonkey Error object).
+ //
+ // If param depth is passed in, it'll return the script file which is that far down
+ // the stack, but that does require that you know how deep your stack is when you are
+ // calling.
+ //
+ var s = '';
+ try{
+ throw Error("whatever");
+ }catch(e){
+ s = e.stack;
+ }
+ // lines are like: bu_getCurrentScriptURI_spidermonkey("ScriptLoader.js")@burst/Runtime.js:101
+ var matches = s.match(/[^@]*\.js/gi);
+ if(!matches){
+ throw Error("could not parse stack string: '" + s + "'");
+ }
+ var fname = (typeof depth != 'undefined' && depth) ? matches[depth + 1] : matches[matches.length - 1];
+ if(!fname){
+ throw Error("could not find file name in stack string '" + s + "'");
+ }
+ //print("SpiderMonkeyRuntime got fname '" + fname + "' from stack string '" + s + "'");
+ return fname;
-var _4=(typeof _2!="undefined"&&_2)?_3[_2+1]:_3[_3.length-1];
-throw Error("could not find file name in stack string '"+s+"'");
+// print(dojo._spidermonkeyCurrentFile(0));
+dojo._loadUri = function(uri){
+ // spidermonkey load() evaluates the contents into the global scope (which
+ // is what we want).
+ // TODO: sigh, load() does not return a useful value.
+ // Perhaps it is returning the value of the last thing evaluated?
+ var ok = load(uri);
+ // console.log("spidermonkey load(", uri, ") returned ", ok);
+ return 1;
-return _4;
-var ok=load(_5);
-return 1;
+//Register any module paths set up in djConfig. Need to do this
+//in the hostenvs since hostenv_browser can read djConfig from a
+//script tag's attribute.
-for(var param in dojo.config["modulePaths"]){
+ for(var param in dojo.config["modulePaths"]){
+ dojo.registerModulePath(param, dojo.config["modulePaths"][param]);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/loader.js b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/loader.js
index 3f31040a1..9206de888 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/loader.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/loader.js
@@ -5,296 +5,800 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource[""] = true;
+ * loader.js - A bootstrap module. Runs before the hostenv_*.js file. Contains
+ * all of the package loading methods.
+ */
-var d=dojo;
-var mp=d._modulePrefixes;
-return !!(mp[_1]&&mp[_1].value);
-var mp=d._modulePrefixes;
-return mp[_2].value;
-return _2;
-var _5=((_3.charAt(0)=="/"||_3.match(/^\w+:/))?"":d.baseUrl)+_3;
-return !_4?d._loadUri(_5,cb):d._loadUriAndCheck(_5,_4,cb);
-return false;
-return true;
-var _7=d._getText(_6,true);
-_7+="\r\n//@ sourceURL="+_6;
-var _8=d["eval"](_7);
-return !!_7;
-var ok=false;
-console.error("failed loading "+_9+" with error: "+e);
-return !!(ok&&d._loadedModules[_a]);
-var _b=d._loaders;
-for(var x=0;x<_b.length;x++){
-var _c=d._unloaders;
-var _f=(typeof fn=="string")?_e[fn]:fn;
-var dca=d.config.addOnLoad;
-d.addOnLoad[(dca instanceof Array?"apply":"call")](d,dca);
-console.warn("files still in flight!");
-if(typeof setTimeout=="object"||(d.config.useXDomain&&d.isOpera)){
-var _12=_11.split(".");
-for(var i=_12.length;i>0;i--){
-var _13=_12.slice(0,i).join(".");
-var _14=d._getModulePrefix(_13);
-return _12;
-var _18=d._loadedModules[_16];
-return _18;
-var _19=d._getModuleSymbols(_16).join("/")+".js";
-var _1a=!_17?_16:null;
-var ok=d._loadPath(_19,_1a);
-throw new Error("Could not load '"+_16+"'; last tried '"+_19+"'");
-throw new Error("symbol '"+_16+"' is not defined after loading '"+_19+"'");
-return _18;
-return (d._loadedModules[_1b]=d.getObject(_1b,true));
-var _1d=_1c.common||[];
-var _1e=_1d.concat(_1c[d._name]||_1c["default"]||[]);
-for(var x=0;x<_1e.length;x++){
-var _1f=_1e[x];
-var _22=[];
-for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){
-var ore=new RegExp("^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$"),ire=new RegExp("^((([^\\[:]+):)?([^@]+)@)?(\\[([^\\]]+)\\]|([^\\[:]*))(:([0-9]+))?$");
-var n=null,_29=arguments,uri=[_29[0]];
-for(var i=1;i<_29.length;i++){
-var _2a=new d._Url(_29[i]+""),_2b=new d._Url(uri[0]+"");
-var _2c=_2b.path.substring(0,_2b.path.lastIndexOf("/")+1)+_2a.path;
-var _2d=_2c.split("/");
-for(var j=0;j<_2d.length;j++){
-var r=this.uri.match(ore);
-return this.uri;
-var loc=d._getModuleSymbols(_2e).join("/");
-return null;
-var _2f=loc.indexOf(":");
-return new d._Url(loc,url);
+ var d = dojo;
+ d.mixin(d, {
+ _loadedModules: {},
+ _inFlightCount: 0,
+ _hasResource: {},
+ _modulePrefixes: {
+ dojo: { name: "dojo", value: "." },
+ // dojox: { name: "dojox", value: "../dojox" },
+ // dijit: { name: "dijit", value: "../dijit" },
+ doh: { name: "doh", value: "../util/doh" },
+ tests: { name: "tests", value: "tests" }
+ },
+ _moduleHasPrefix: function(/*String*/module){
+ // summary: checks to see if module has been established
+ var mp = d._modulePrefixes;
+ return !!(mp[module] && mp[module].value); // Boolean
+ },
+ _getModulePrefix: function(/*String*/module){
+ // summary: gets the prefix associated with module
+ var mp = d._modulePrefixes;
+ if(d._moduleHasPrefix(module)){
+ return mp[module].value; // String
+ }
+ return module; // String
+ },
+ _loadedUrls: [],
+ // This variable is referenced by packages outside of bootstrap:
+ // FloatingPane.js and undo/browser.js
+ _postLoad: false,
+ //Egad! Lots of test files push on this directly instead of using dojo.addOnLoad.
+ _loaders: [],
+ _unloaders: [],
+ _loadNotifying: false
+ });
+ dojo._loadPath = function(/*String*/relpath, /*String?*/module, /*Function?*/cb){
+ // summary:
+ // Load a Javascript module given a relative path
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Loads and interprets the script located at relpath, which is
+ // relative to the script root directory. If the script is found but
+ // its interpretation causes a runtime exception, that exception is
+ // not caught by us, so the caller will see it. We return a true
+ // value if and only if the script is found.
+ //
+ // relpath:
+ // A relative path to a script (no leading '/', and typically ending
+ // in '.js').
+ // module:
+ // A module whose existance to check for after loading a path. Can be
+ // used to determine success or failure of the load.
+ // cb:
+ // a callback function to pass the result of evaluating the script
+ var uri = ((relpath.charAt(0) == '/' || relpath.match(/^\w+:/)) ? "" : d.baseUrl) + relpath;
+ try{
+ return !module ? d._loadUri(uri, cb) : d._loadUriAndCheck(uri, module, cb); // Boolean
+ }catch(e){
+ console.error(e);
+ return false; // Boolean
+ }
+ }
+ dojo._loadUri = function(/*String*/uri, /*Function?*/cb){
+ // summary:
+ // Loads JavaScript from a URI
+ // description:
+ // Reads the contents of the URI, and evaluates the contents. This is
+ // used to load modules as well as resource bundles. Returns true if
+ // it succeeded. Returns false if the URI reading failed. Throws if
+ // the evaluation throws.
+ // uri: a uri which points at the script to be loaded
+ // cb:
+ // a callback function to process the result of evaluating the script
+ // as an expression, typically used by the resource bundle loader to
+ // load JSON-style resources
+ if(d._loadedUrls[uri]){
+ return true; // Boolean
+ }
+ d._inFlightCount++; // block addOnLoad calls that arrive while we're busy downloading
+ var contents = d._getText(uri, true);
+ if(contents){ // not 404, et al
+ d._loadedUrls[uri] = true;
+ d._loadedUrls.push(uri);
+ if(cb){
+ contents = '('+contents+')';
+ }else{
+ //Only do the scoping if no callback. If a callback is specified,
+ //it is most likely the i18n bundle stuff.
+ contents = d._scopePrefix + contents + d._scopeSuffix;
+ }
+ if(!d.isIE){ contents += "\r\n//@ sourceURL=" + uri; } // debugging assist for Firebug
+ var value = d["eval"](contents);
+ if(cb){ cb(value); }
+ }
+ // Check to see if we need to call _callLoaded() due to an addOnLoad() that arrived while we were busy downloading
+ if(--d._inFlightCount == 0 && d._postLoad && d._loaders.length){
+ // We shouldn't be allowed to get here but Firefox allows an event
+ // (mouse, keybd, async xhrGet) to interrupt a synchronous xhrGet.
+ // If the current script block contains multiple require() statements, then after each
+ // require() returns, inFlightCount == 0, but we want to hold the _callLoaded() until
+ // all require()s are done since the out-of-sequence addOnLoad() presumably needs them all.
+ // setTimeout allows the next require() to start (if needed), and then we check this again.
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ // If inFlightCount > 0, then multiple require()s are running sequentially and
+ // the next require() started after setTimeout() was executed but before we got here.
+ if(d._inFlightCount == 0){
+ d._callLoaded();
+ }
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ return !!contents; // Boolean: contents? true : false
+ }
+ // FIXME: probably need to add logging to this method
+ dojo._loadUriAndCheck = function(/*String*/uri, /*String*/moduleName, /*Function?*/cb){
+ // summary: calls loadUri then findModule and returns true if both succeed
+ var ok = false;
+ try{
+ ok = d._loadUri(uri, cb);
+ }catch(e){
+ console.error("failed loading " + uri + " with error: " + e);
+ }
+ return !!(ok && d._loadedModules[moduleName]); // Boolean
+ }
+ dojo.loaded = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // signal fired when initial environment and package loading is
+ // complete. You should use dojo.addOnLoad() instead of doing a
+ // direct dojo.connect() to this method in order to handle
+ // initialization tasks that require the environment to be
+ // initialized. In a browser host, declarative widgets will
+ // be constructed when this function finishes runing.
+ d._loadNotifying = true;
+ d._postLoad = true;
+ var mll = d._loaders;
+ //Clear listeners so new ones can be added
+ //For other xdomain package loads after the initial load.
+ d._loaders = [];
+ for(var x = 0; x < mll.length; x++){
+ mll[x]();
+ }
+ d._loadNotifying = false;
+ //Make sure nothing else got added to the onload queue
+ //after this first run. If something did, and we are not waiting for any
+ //more inflight resources, run again.
+ if(d._postLoad && d._inFlightCount == 0 && mll.length){
+ d._callLoaded();
+ }
+ }
+ dojo.unloaded = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // signal fired by impending environment destruction. You should use
+ // dojo.addOnUnload() instead of doing a direct dojo.connect() to this
+ // method to perform page/application cleanup methods. See
+ // dojo.addOnUnload for more info.
+ var mll = d._unloaders;
+ while(mll.length){
+ (mll.pop())();
+ }
+ }
+ d._onto = function(arr, obj, fn){
+ if(!fn){
+ arr.push(obj);
+ }else if(fn){
+ var func = (typeof fn == "string") ? obj[fn] : fn;
+ arr.push(function(){; });
+ }
+ }
+ dojo.ready = dojo.addOnLoad = function(/*Object*/obj, /*String|Function?*/functionName){
+ // summary:
+ // Registers a function to be triggered after the DOM and dojo.require() calls
+ // have finished loading.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Registers a function to be triggered after the DOM has finished
+ // loading and `dojo.require` modules have loaded. Widgets declared in markup
+ // have been instantiated if `djConfig.parseOnLoad` is true when this fires.
+ //
+ // Images and CSS files may or may not have finished downloading when
+ // the specified function is called. (Note that widgets' CSS and HTML
+ // code is guaranteed to be downloaded before said widgets are
+ // instantiated, though including css resouces BEFORE any script elements
+ // is highly recommended).
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Register an anonymous function to run when everything is ready
+ // | dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ doStuff(); });
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Register a function to run when everything is ready by pointer:
+ // | var init = function(){ doStuff(); }
+ // | dojo.addOnLoad(init);
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Register a function to run scoped to `object`, either by name or anonymously:
+ // | dojo.addOnLoad(object, "functionName");
+ // | dojo.addOnLoad(object, function(){ doStuff(); });
+ d._onto(d._loaders, obj, functionName);
+ //Added for xdomain loading. dojo.addOnLoad is used to
+ //indicate callbacks after doing some dojo.require() statements.
+ //In the xdomain case, if all the requires are loaded (after initial
+ //page load), then immediately call any listeners.
+ if(d._postLoad && d._inFlightCount == 0 && !d._loadNotifying){
+ d._callLoaded();
+ }
+ }
+ //Support calling dojo.addOnLoad via djConfig.addOnLoad. Support all the
+ //call permutations of dojo.addOnLoad. Mainly useful when dojo is added
+ //to the page after the page has loaded.
+ var dca = d.config.addOnLoad;
+ if(dca){
+ d.addOnLoad[(dca instanceof Array ? "apply" : "call")](d, dca);
+ }
+ dojo._modulesLoaded = function(){
+ if(d._postLoad){ return; }
+ if(d._inFlightCount > 0){
+ console.warn("files still in flight!");
+ return;
+ }
+ d._callLoaded();
+ }
+ dojo._callLoaded = function(){
+ // The "object" check is for IE, and the other opera check fixes an
+ // issue in Opera where it could not find the body element in some
+ // widget test cases. For 0.9, maybe route all browsers through the
+ // setTimeout (need protection still for non-browser environments
+ // though). This might also help the issue with FF 2.0 and freezing
+ // issues where we try to do sync xhr while background css images are
+ // being loaded (trac #2572)? Consider for 0.9.
+ if(typeof setTimeout == "object" || (d.config.useXDomain && d.isOpera)){
+ setTimeout(
+ d.isAIR ? function(){ d.loaded(); } : d._scopeName + ".loaded();",
+ 0);
+ }else{
+ d.loaded();
+ }
+ }
+ dojo._getModuleSymbols = function(/*String*/modulename){
+ // summary:
+ // Converts a module name in dotted JS notation to an array
+ // representing the path in the source tree
+ var syms = modulename.split(".");
+ for(var i = syms.length; i>0; i--){
+ var parentModule = syms.slice(0, i).join(".");
+ if(i == 1 && !d._moduleHasPrefix(parentModule)){
+ // Support default module directory (sibling of dojo) for top-level modules
+ syms[0] = "../" + syms[0];
+ }else{
+ var parentModulePath = d._getModulePrefix(parentModule);
+ if(parentModulePath != parentModule){
+ syms.splice(0, i, parentModulePath);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return syms; // Array
+ }
+ dojo._global_omit_module_check = false;
+ dojo.loadInit = function(/*Function*/init){
+ // summary:
+ // Executes a function that needs to be executed for the loader's dojo.requireIf
+ // resolutions to work. This is needed mostly for the xdomain loader case where
+ // a function needs to be executed to set up the possible values for a dojo.requireIf
+ // call.
+ // init:
+ // a function reference. Executed immediately.
+ // description: This function is mainly a marker for the xdomain loader to know parts of
+ // code that needs be executed outside the function wrappper that is placed around modules.
+ // The init function could be executed more than once, and it should make no assumptions
+ // on what is loaded, or what modules are available. Only the functionality in Dojo Base
+ // is allowed to be used. Avoid using this method. For a valid use case,
+ // see the source for dojox.gfx.
+ init();
+ }
+ dojo._loadModule = dojo.require = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*Boolean?*/omitModuleCheck){
+ // summary:
+ // loads a Javascript module from the appropriate URI
+ // moduleName:
+ // module name to load, using periods for separators,
+ // e.g. "". Module paths are de-referenced by dojo's
+ // internal mapping of locations to names and are disambiguated by
+ // longest prefix. See `dojo.registerModulePath()` for details on
+ // registering new modules.
+ // omitModuleCheck:
+ // if `true`, omitModuleCheck skips the step of ensuring that the
+ // loaded file actually defines the symbol it is referenced by.
+ // For example if it called as `dojo.require("a.b.c")` and the
+ // file located at `a/b/c.js` does not define an object `a.b.c`,
+ // and exception will be throws whereas no exception is raised
+ // when called as `dojo.require("a.b.c", true)`
+ // description:
+ // Modules are loaded via dojo.require by using one of two loaders: the normal loader
+ // and the xdomain loader. The xdomain loader is used when dojo was built with a
+ // custom build that specified loader=xdomain and the module lives on a modulePath
+ // that is a whole URL, with protocol and a domain. The versions of Dojo that are on
+ // the Google and AOL CDNs use the xdomain loader.
+ //
+ // If the module is loaded via the xdomain loader, it is an asynchronous load, since
+ // the module is added via a dynamically created script tag. This
+ // means that dojo.require() can return before the module has loaded. However, this
+ // should only happen in the case where you do dojo.require calls in the top-level
+ // HTML page, or if you purposely avoid the loader checking for dojo.require
+ // dependencies in your module by using a syntax like dojo["require"] to load the module.
+ //
+ // Sometimes it is useful to not have the loader detect the dojo.require calls in the
+ // module so that you can dynamically load the modules as a result of an action on the
+ // page, instead of right at module load time.
+ //
+ // Also, for script blocks in an HTML page, the loader does not pre-process them, so
+ // it does not know to download the modules before the dojo.require calls occur.
+ //
+ // So, in those two cases, when you want on-the-fly module loading or for script blocks
+ // in the HTML page, special care must be taken if the dojo.required code is loaded
+ // asynchronously. To make sure you can execute code that depends on the dojo.required
+ // modules, be sure to add the code that depends on the modules in a dojo.addOnLoad()
+ // callback. dojo.addOnLoad waits for all outstanding modules to finish loading before
+ // executing. Example:
+ //
+ // | <script type="text/javascript">
+ // | dojo.require("foo");
+ // | dojo.require("bar");
+ // | dojo.addOnLoad(function(){
+ // | //you can now safely do something with foo and bar
+ // | });
+ // | </script>
+ //
+ // This type of syntax works with both xdomain and normal loaders, so it is good
+ // practice to always use this idiom for on-the-fly code loading and in HTML script
+ // blocks. If at some point you change loaders and where the code is loaded from,
+ // it will all still work.
+ //
+ // More on how dojo.require
+ // `dojo.require("A.B")` first checks to see if symbol A.B is
+ // defined. If it is, it is simply returned (nothing to do).
+ //
+ // If it is not defined, it will look for `A/B.js` in the script root
+ // directory.
+ //
+ // `dojo.require` throws an excpetion if it cannot find a file
+ // to load, or if the symbol `A.B` is not defined after loading.
+ //
+ // It returns the object `A.B`, but note the caveats above about on-the-fly loading and
+ // HTML script blocks when the xdomain loader is loading a module.
+ //
+ // `dojo.require()` does nothing about importing symbols into
+ // the current namespace. It is presumed that the caller will
+ // take care of that. For example, to import all symbols into a
+ // local block, you might write:
+ //
+ // | with (dojo.require("A.B")) {
+ // | ...
+ // | }
+ //
+ // And to import just the leaf symbol to a local variable:
+ //
+ // | var B = dojo.require("A.B");
+ // | ...
+ // returns: the required namespace object
+ omitModuleCheck = d._global_omit_module_check || omitModuleCheck;
+ //Check if it is already loaded.
+ var module = d._loadedModules[moduleName];
+ if(module){
+ return module;
+ }
+ // convert periods to slashes
+ var relpath = d._getModuleSymbols(moduleName).join("/") + '.js';
+ var modArg = !omitModuleCheck ? moduleName : null;
+ var ok = d._loadPath(relpath, modArg);
+ if(!ok && !omitModuleCheck){
+ throw new Error("Could not load '" + moduleName + "'; last tried '" + relpath + "'");
+ }
+ // check that the symbol was defined
+ // Don't bother if we're doing xdomain (asynchronous) loading.
+ if(!omitModuleCheck && !d._isXDomain){
+ // pass in false so we can give better error
+ module = d._loadedModules[moduleName];
+ if(!module){
+ throw new Error("symbol '" + moduleName + "' is not defined after loading '" + relpath + "'");
+ }
+ }
+ return module;
+ }
+ dojo.provide = function(/*String*/ resourceName){
+ // summary:
+ // Register a resource with the package system. Works in conjunction with `dojo.require`
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Each javascript source file is called a resource. When a
+ // resource is loaded by the browser, `dojo.provide()` registers
+ // that it has been loaded.
+ //
+ // Each javascript source file must have at least one
+ // `dojo.provide()` call at the top of the file, corresponding to
+ // the file name. For example, `js/dojo/foo.js` must have
+ // `dojo.provide("");` before any calls to
+ // `dojo.require()` are made.
+ //
+ // For backwards compatibility reasons, in addition to registering
+ // the resource, `dojo.provide()` also ensures that the javascript
+ // object for the module exists. For example,
+ // `dojo.provide("")`, in addition to
+ // registering that `FlickrStore.js` is a resource for the
+ // `` module, will ensure that the ``
+ // javascript object exists, so that calls like
+ // ` = function(){ ... }` don't fail.
+ //
+ // In the case of a build where multiple javascript source files
+ // are combined into one bigger file (similar to a .lib or .jar
+ // file), that file may contain multiple dojo.provide() calls, to
+ // note that it includes multiple resources.
+ //
+ // resourceName: String
+ // A dot-sperated string identifying a resource.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Safely create a `my` object, and make dojo.require("my.CustomModule") work
+ // | dojo.provide("my.CustomModule");
+ //Make sure we have a string.
+ resourceName = resourceName + "";
+ return (d._loadedModules[resourceName] = d.getObject(resourceName, true)); // Object
+ }
+ //Start of old bootstrap2:
+ dojo.platformRequire = function(/*Object*/modMap){
+ // summary:
+ // require one or more modules based on which host environment
+ // Dojo is currently operating in
+ // description:
+ // This method takes a "map" of arrays which one can use to
+ // optionally load dojo modules. The map is indexed by the
+ // possible dojo.name_ values, with two additional values:
+ // "default" and "common". The items in the "default" array will
+ // be loaded if none of the other items have been choosen based on
+ // dojo.name_, set by your host environment. The items in the
+ // "common" array will *always* be loaded, regardless of which
+ // list is chosen.
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.platformRequire({
+ // | browser: [
+ // | "foo.sample", // simple module
+ // | "foo.test",
+ // | ["", true] // skip object check in _loadModule (dojo.require)
+ // | ],
+ // | default: [ "foo.sample._base" ],
+ // | common: [ "important.module.common" ]
+ // | });
+ var common = modMap.common || [];
+ var result = common.concat(modMap[d._name] || modMap["default"] || []);
+ for(var x=0; x<result.length; x++){
+ var curr = result[x];
+ if(curr.constructor == Array){
+ d._loadModule.apply(d, curr);
+ }else{
+ d._loadModule(curr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dojo.requireIf = function(/*Boolean*/ condition, /*String*/ resourceName){
+ // summary:
+ // If the condition is true then call `dojo.require()` for the specified
+ // resource
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.requireIf(dojo.isBrowser, "my.special.Module");
+ if(condition === true){
+ // FIXME: why do we support chained require()'s here? does the build system?
+ var args = [];
+ for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++){
+ args.push(arguments[i]);
+ }
+ d.require.apply(d, args);
+ }
+ }
+ dojo.requireAfterIf = d.requireIf;
+ dojo.registerModulePath = function(/*String*/module, /*String*/prefix){
+ // summary:
+ // Maps a module name to a path
+ // description:
+ // An unregistered module is given the default path of ../[module],
+ // relative to Dojo root. For example, module acme is mapped to
+ // ../acme. If you want to use a different module name, use
+ // dojo.registerModulePath.
+ // example:
+ // If your dojo.js is located at this location in the web root:
+ // | /myapp/js/dojo/dojo/dojo.js
+ // and your modules are located at:
+ // | /myapp/js/foo/bar.js
+ // | /myapp/js/foo/baz.js
+ // | /myapp/js/foo/thud/xyzzy.js
+ // Your application can tell Dojo to locate the "foo" namespace by calling:
+ // | dojo.registerModulePath("foo", "../../foo");
+ // At which point you can then use dojo.require() to load the
+ // modules (assuming they provide() the same things which are
+ // required). The full code might be:
+ // | <script type="text/javascript"
+ // | src="/myapp/js/dojo/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
+ // | <script type="text/javascript">
+ // | dojo.registerModulePath("foo", "../../foo");
+ // | dojo.require("");
+ // | dojo.require("foo.baz");
+ // | dojo.require("foo.thud.xyzzy");
+ // | </script>
+ d._modulePrefixes[module] = { name: module, value: prefix };
+ }
+ dojo.requireLocalization = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*String?*/availableFlatLocales){
+ // summary:
+ // Declares translated resources and loads them if necessary, in the
+ // same style as dojo.require. Contents of the resource bundle are
+ // typically strings, but may be any name/value pair, represented in
+ // JSON format. See also `dojo.i18n.getLocalization`.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Load translated resource bundles provided underneath the "nls"
+ // directory within a package. Translated resources may be located in
+ // different packages throughout the source tree.
+ //
+ // Each directory is named for a locale as specified by RFC 3066,
+ // (, normalized in lowercase.
+ // Note that the two bundles in the example do not define all the
+ // same variants. For a given locale, bundles will be loaded for
+ // that locale and all more general locales above it, including a
+ // fallback at the root directory. For example, a declaration for
+ // the "de-at" locale will first load `nls/de-at/bundleone.js`,
+ // then `nls/de/bundleone.js` and finally `nls/bundleone.js`. The
+ // data will be flattened into a single Object so that lookups
+ // will follow this cascading pattern. An optional build step can
+ // preload the bundles to avoid data redundancy and the multiple
+ // network hits normally required to load these resources.
+ //
+ // moduleName:
+ // name of the package containing the "nls" directory in which the
+ // bundle is found
+ //
+ // bundleName:
+ // bundle name, i.e. the filename without the '.js' suffix. Using "nls" as a
+ // a bundle name is not supported, since "nls" is the name of the folder
+ // that holds bundles. Using "nls" as the bundle name will cause problems
+ // with the custom build.
+ //
+ // locale:
+ // the locale to load (optional) By default, the browser's user
+ // locale as defined by dojo.locale
+ //
+ // availableFlatLocales:
+ // A comma-separated list of the available, flattened locales for this
+ // bundle. This argument should only be set by the build process.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // A particular widget may define one or more resource bundles,
+ // structured in a program as follows, where moduleName is
+ // mycode.mywidget and bundleNames available include bundleone and
+ // bundletwo:
+ // | ...
+ // | mycode/
+ // | mywidget/
+ // | nls/
+ // | bundleone.js (the fallback translation, English in this example)
+ // | bundletwo.js (also a fallback translation)
+ // | de/
+ // | bundleone.js
+ // | bundletwo.js
+ // | de-at/
+ // | bundleone.js
+ // | en/
+ // | (empty; use the fallback translation)
+ // | en-us/
+ // | bundleone.js
+ // | en-gb/
+ // | bundleone.js
+ // | es/
+ // | bundleone.js
+ // | bundletwo.js
+ // | ...etc
+ // | ...
+ //
+ d.require("dojo.i18n");
+ d.i18n._requireLocalization.apply(d.hostenv, arguments);
+ };
+ var ore = new RegExp("^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$"),
+ ire = new RegExp("^((([^\\[:]+):)?([^@]+)@)?(\\[([^\\]]+)\\]|([^\\[:]*))(:([0-9]+))?$");
+ dojo._Url = function(/*dojo._Url|String...*/){
+ // summary:
+ // Constructor to create an object representing a URL.
+ // It is marked as private, since we might consider removing
+ // or simplifying it.
+ // description:
+ // Each argument is evaluated in order relative to the next until
+ // a canonical uri is produced. To get an absolute Uri relative to
+ // the current document use:
+ // new dojo._Url(document.baseURI, url)
+ var n = null,
+ _a = arguments,
+ uri = [_a[0]];
+ // resolve uri components relative to each other
+ for(var i = 1; i<_a.length; i++){
+ if(!_a[i]){ continue; }
+ // Safari doesn't support this.constructor so we have to be explicit
+ // FIXME: Tracked (and fixed) in Webkit bug 3537.
+ //
+ var relobj = new d._Url(_a[i]+""),
+ uriobj = new d._Url(uri[0]+"");
+ if(
+ relobj.path == "" &&
+ !relobj.scheme &&
+ !relobj.authority &&
+ !relobj.query
+ ){
+ if(relobj.fragment != n){
+ uriobj.fragment = relobj.fragment;
+ }
+ relobj = uriobj;
+ }else if(!relobj.scheme){
+ relobj.scheme = uriobj.scheme;
+ if(!relobj.authority){
+ relobj.authority = uriobj.authority;
+ if(relobj.path.charAt(0) != "/"){
+ var path = uriobj.path.substring(0,
+ uriobj.path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + relobj.path;
+ var segs = path.split("/");
+ for(var j = 0; j < segs.length; j++){
+ if(segs[j] == "."){
+ // flatten "./" references
+ if(j == segs.length - 1){
+ segs[j] = "";
+ }else{
+ segs.splice(j, 1);
+ j--;
+ }
+ }else if(j > 0 && !(j == 1 && segs[0] == "") &&
+ segs[j] == ".." && segs[j-1] != ".."){
+ // flatten "../" references
+ if(j == (segs.length - 1)){
+ segs.splice(j, 1);
+ segs[j - 1] = "";
+ }else{
+ segs.splice(j - 1, 2);
+ j -= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ relobj.path = segs.join("/");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uri = [];
+ if(relobj.scheme){
+ uri.push(relobj.scheme, ":");
+ }
+ if(relobj.authority){
+ uri.push("//", relobj.authority);
+ }
+ uri.push(relobj.path);
+ if(relobj.query){
+ uri.push("?", relobj.query);
+ }
+ if(relobj.fragment){
+ uri.push("#", relobj.fragment);
+ }
+ }
+ this.uri = uri.join("");
+ // break the uri into its main components
+ var r = this.uri.match(ore);
+ this.scheme = r[2] || (r[1] ? "" : n);
+ this.authority = r[4] || (r[3] ? "" : n);
+ this.path = r[5]; // can never be undefined
+ this.query = r[7] || (r[6] ? "" : n);
+ this.fragment = r[9] || (r[8] ? "" : n);
+ if(this.authority != n){
+ // server based naming authority
+ r = this.authority.match(ire);
+ this.user = r[3] || n;
+ this.password = r[4] || n;
+ = r[6] || r[7]; // ipv6 || ipv4
+ this.port = r[9] || n;
+ }
+ }
+ dojo._Url.prototype.toString = function(){ return this.uri; };
+ dojo.moduleUrl = function(/*String*/module, /*dojo._Url||String*/url){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a `dojo._Url` object relative to a module.
+ // example:
+ // | var pngPath = dojo.moduleUrl("acme","images/small.png");
+ // | console.dir(pngPath); // list the object properties
+ // | // create an image and set it's source to pngPath's value:
+ // | var img = document.createElement("img");
+ // | // NOTE: we assign the string representation of the url object
+ // | img.src = pngPath.toString();
+ // | // add our image to the document
+ // | dojo.body().appendChild(img);
+ // example:
+ // you may de-reference as far as you like down the package
+ // hierarchy. This is sometimes handy to avoid lenghty relative
+ // urls or for building portable sub-packages. In this example,
+ // the `acme.widget` and `acme.util` directories may be located
+ // under different roots (see `dojo.registerModulePath`) but the
+ // the modules which reference them can be unaware of their
+ // relative locations on the filesystem:
+ // | // somewhere in a configuration block
+ // | dojo.registerModulePath("acme.widget", "../../acme/widget");
+ // | dojo.registerModulePath("acme.util", "../../util");
+ // |
+ // | // ...
+ // |
+ // | // code in a module using acme resources
+ // | var tmpltPath = dojo.moduleUrl("acme.widget","templates/template.html");
+ // | var dataPath = dojo.moduleUrl("acme.util","resources/data.json");
+ var loc = d._getModuleSymbols(module).join('/');
+ if(!loc){ return null; }
+ if(loc.lastIndexOf("/") != loc.length-1){
+ loc += "/";
+ }
+ //If the path is an absolute path (starts with a / or is on another
+ //domain/xdomain) then don't add the baseUrl.
+ var colonIndex = loc.indexOf(":");
+ if(loc.charAt(0) != "/" && (colonIndex == -1 || colonIndex > loc.indexOf("/"))){
+ loc = d.baseUrl + loc;
+ }
+ return new d._Url(loc, url); // dojo._Url
+ }
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/loader_debug.js b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/loader_debug.js
index a28040f58..fa26d8efb 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/loader_debug.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/loader_debug.js
@@ -5,55 +5,82 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"] = true;
-var _2=dojo["_xdDebugQueue"];
-return dojo.nonDebugProvide.apply(dojo,arguments);
-var _4=dojo._xdDebugQueue;
-for(var _5 in dojo._xdInFlight){
-var _6=document.createElement("script");
+//Override dojo.provide, so we can trigger the next
+//script tag for the next local module. We can only add one
+//at a time because there are browsers that execute script tags
+//in the order that the code is received, and not in the DOM order.
+dojo.nonDebugProvide = dojo.provide;
+dojo.provide = function(resourceName){
+ var dbgQueue = dojo["_xdDebugQueue"];
+ if(dbgQueue && dbgQueue.length > 0 && resourceName == dbgQueue["currentResourceName"]){
+ //Set a timeout so the module can be executed into existence. Normally the
+ //dojo.provide call in a module is the first line. Don't want to risk attaching
+ //another script tag until the current one finishes executing.
+ if(dojo.isAIR){
+ window.setTimeout(function(){dojo._xdDebugFileLoaded(resourceName);}, 1);
+ }else{
+ window.setTimeout(dojo._scopeName + "._xdDebugFileLoaded('" + resourceName + "')", 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return dojo.nonDebugProvide.apply(dojo, arguments);
+dojo._xdDebugFileLoaded = function(resourceName){
+ if(!dojo._xdDebugScopeChecked){
+ //If using a scoped dojo, we need to expose dojo as a real global
+ //for the debugAtAllCosts stuff to work.
+ if(dojo._scopeName != "dojo"){
+ window.dojo = window[dojo.config.scopeMap[0][1]];
+ window.dijit = window[dojo.config.scopeMap[1][1]];
+ window.dojox = window[dojo.config.scopeMap[2][1]];
+ }
+ dojo._xdDebugScopeChecked = true;
+ }
+ var dbgQueue = dojo._xdDebugQueue;
+ if(resourceName && resourceName == dbgQueue.currentResourceName){
+ dbgQueue.shift();
+ }
+ if(dbgQueue.length == 0){
+ //Check for more modules that need debug loading.
+ //dojo._xdWatchInFlight will add more things to the debug
+ //queue if they just recently loaded but it was not detected
+ //between the dojo._xdWatchInFlight intervals.
+ dojo._xdWatchInFlight();
+ }
+ if(dbgQueue.length == 0){
+ dbgQueue.currentResourceName = null;
+ //Make sure nothing else is in flight.
+ //If something is still in flight, then it still
+ //needs to be added to debug queue after it loads.
+ for(var param in dojo._xdInFlight){
+ if(dojo._xdInFlight[param] === true){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ dojo._xdNotifyLoaded();
+ }else{
+ if(resourceName == dbgQueue.currentResourceName){
+ dbgQueue.currentResourceName = dbgQueue[0].resourceName;
+ var element = document.createElement("script");
+ element.type = "text/javascript";
+ element.src = dbgQueue[0].resourcePath;
+ document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(element);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/loader_xd.js b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/loader_xd.js
index 2ecab3db6..c60b86b05 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/loader_xd.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/_loader/loader_xd.js
@@ -5,461 +5,719 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base._loader.loader_xd"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base._loader.loader_xd"] = true;
+//Cross-domain resource loader.
-var _4=_1.replace(/(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*)$)/mg,"");
-var _5=[];
-var _6=/dojo.(require|requireIf|provide|requireAfterIf|platformRequire|requireLocalization)\s*\(([\w\W]*?)\)/mg;
-var _7;
-_5.push("\""+_7[1]+"\", "+_7[2]);
-var _8=[];
-var _9=dojo._xdExtractLoadInits(_1);
-for(var i=1;i<_9.length;i++){
-_8.push("return {");
-_8.push("depends: [");
-_8.push("\ndefineResource: function("+dojo._scopePrefixArgs+"){");
-_8.push("\n}, resourceName: '"+_2+"', resourcePath: '"+_3+"'};});");
-return _8.join("");
-var _b=/dojo.loadInit\s*\(/g;
-var _c=/[\(\)]/g;
-var _d=[];
-var _e;
-var _f=1;
-var _10;
-throw "unmatched paren around character "+_c.lastIndex+" in: "+_a;
-var _11=_b.lastIndex-_e[0].length;
-var _12=_c.lastIndex-_11;
-return (_d.length?_d:null);
-var _14=_13.indexOf(":");
-var _15=_13.indexOf("/");
-return true;
-var url=dojo.baseUrl;
-return true;
-return false;
-var _18=dojo._xdIsXDomainPath(_16);
-var uri=((_16.charAt(0)=="/"||_16.match(/^\w+:/))?"":dojo.baseUrl)+_16;
-return ((!_17||dojo._isXDomain)?dojo._loadUri(uri,cb,_18,_17):dojo._loadUriAndCheck(uri,_17,cb));
-return false;
-return 1;
-dojo._xdStartTime=(new Date()).getTime();
-var _1b=uri.lastIndexOf(".");
-var _1c=uri.substring(0,_1b)+".xd";
-var _1d=document.createElement("script");
-var _1e=dojo._getText(uri,null,true);
-return 0;
-var res=dojo._xdCreateResource(_1e,_1a,uri);
-var _1f=dojo["eval"](_1e+"\r\n//@ sourceURL="+uri);
-return true;
-var _20=res.depends;
-var _21=null;
-var _22=null;
-var _23=[];
-var dep=null;
-var _24=0;
-var _25=false;
-for(var i=0;i<_20.length;i++){
-var _26=dojo._xdUnpackDependency(dep);
-var _27=dep[0];
-var _28=_27.split(".");
-var _29=dojo._xdContents.push({content:res.defineResource,resourceName:res["resourceName"],resourcePath:res["resourcePath"],isDefined:false})-1;
-var _2e=dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(_2c).replace("-","_");
-var _2f=[_2a,"nls",_2b].join(".");
-var _30=dojo["provide"](_2f);
-var _31=[_2a,_2e,_2b].join(".");
-var _32=dojo._xdBundleMap[_31];
-for(var _33 in _32){
-var _34=dojo.config.extraLocale;
-if(!_34 instanceof Array){
-for(var i=0;i<_34.length;i++){
-var _3b=_3a.split(",");
-var _3c=dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(_39);
-var _3d="";
-for(var i=0;i<_3b.length;i++){
-var _3e=_3d.replace("-","_");
-var _3f=dojo.getObject([_37,"nls",_38].join("."));
-var _40=[_37,(_3e||"root"),_38].join(".");
-var _41=dojo._xdBundleMap[_40];
-var _46=dojo.moduleUrl(_42).toString();
-return dojo.xdRequireLocalization.apply(dojo,arguments);
-return dojo._xdRealRequireLocalization.apply(dojo,arguments);
-var _47=null;
-var _48=null;
-case "requireIf":
-case "requireAfterIf":
-case "platformRequire":
-var _49=dep[1];
-var _4a=_49["common"]||[];
-for(var i=0;i<_47.length;i++){
-if(_47[i] instanceof Array){
-case "require":
-case "i18n._preloadLocalizations":
-return {requires:_47,requiresAfter:_48};
-var _4b=null;
-var req;
-for(var i=0;i<dojo._xdOrderedReqs.length;i++){
-var req=_4c[_4c.length-1];
-var res=dojo._xdDepMap[req];
-var i,_4d,_4e;
+dojo._xdReset = function(){
+ //summary: Internal xd loader function. Resets the xd state.
+ //This flag indicates where or not we have crossed into xdomain territory. Once any resource says
+ //it is cross domain, then the rest of the resources have to be treated as xdomain because we need
+ //to evaluate resources in order. If there is a xdomain resource followed by a xhr resource, we can't load
+ //the xhr resource until the one before it finishes loading. The text of the xhr resource will be converted
+ //to match the format for a xd resource and put in the xd load queue.
+ dojo._isXDomain = dojo.config.useXDomain || false;
+ dojo._xdClearInterval();
+ dojo._xdInFlight = {};
+ dojo._xdOrderedReqs = [];
+ dojo._xdDepMap = {};
+ dojo._xdContents = [];
+ dojo._xdDefList = [];
+dojo._xdClearInterval = function(){
+ //summary: Internal xd loader function.
+ //Clears the interval timer used to check on the
+ //status of in-flight xd module resource requests.
+ if(dojo._xdTimer){
+ clearInterval(dojo._xdTimer);
+ dojo._xdTimer = 0;
+ }
-var _4f=dojo._xdContents[res.contentIndex];
-var _50=_4f.content;
+//Call reset immediately to set the state.
+dojo._xdCreateResource = function(/*String*/contents, /*String*/resourceName, /*String*/resourcePath){
+ //summary: Internal xd loader function. Creates an xd module source given an
+ //non-xd module contents.
+ //Remove comments. Not perfect, but good enough for dependency resolution.
+ var depContents = contents.replace(/(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*)$)/mg , "");
+ //Find dependencies.
+ var deps = [];
+ var depRegExp = /dojo.(require|requireIf|provide|requireAfterIf|platformRequire|requireLocalization)\s*\(([\w\W]*?)\)/mg;
+ var match;
+ while((match = depRegExp.exec(depContents)) != null){
+ if(match[1] == "requireLocalization"){
+ //Need to load the local bundles asap, since they are not
+ //part of the list of modules watched for loading.
+ eval(match[0]);
+ }else{
+ deps.push('"' + match[1] + '", ' + match[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ //Create resource object and the call to _xdResourceLoaded.
+ var output = [];
+ output.push(dojo._scopeName + "._xdResourceLoaded(function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){\n");
+ //See if there are any dojo.loadInit calls
+ var loadInitCalls = dojo._xdExtractLoadInits(contents);
+ if(loadInitCalls){
+ //Adjust fileContents since extractLoadInits removed something.
+ contents = loadInitCalls[0];
+ //Add any loadInit calls to the top of the xd file.
+ for(var i = 1; i < loadInitCalls.length; i++){
+ output.push(loadInitCalls[i] + ";\n");
+ }
+ }
+ output.push("return {");
+ //Add dependencies
+ if(deps.length > 0){
+ output.push("depends: [");
+ for(i = 0; i < deps.length; i++){
+ if(i > 0){
+ output.push(",\n");
+ }
+ output.push("[" + deps[i] + "]");
+ }
+ output.push("],");
+ }
+ //Add the contents of the file inside a function.
+ //Pass in scope arguments so we can support multiple versions of the
+ //same module on a page.
+ output.push("\ndefineResource: function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){");
+ //Don't put in the contents in the debugAtAllCosts case
+ //since the contents may have syntax errors. Let those
+ //get pushed up when the script tags are added to the page
+ //in the debugAtAllCosts case.
+ if(!dojo.config["debugAtAllCosts"] || resourceName == "dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"){
+ output.push(contents);
+ }
+ //Add isLocal property so we know if we have to do something different
+ //in debugAtAllCosts situations.
+ output.push("\n}, resourceName: '" + resourceName + "', resourcePath: '" + resourcePath + "'};});");
+ return output.join(""); //String
+dojo._xdExtractLoadInits = function(/*String*/fileContents){
+ //Extracts
+ var regexp = /dojo.loadInit\s*\(/g;
+ regexp.lastIndex = 0;
+ var parenRe = /[\(\)]/g;
+ parenRe.lastIndex = 0;
+ var results = [];
+ var matches;
+ while((matches = regexp.exec(fileContents))){
+ //Find end of the call by finding the matching end paren
+ parenRe.lastIndex = regexp.lastIndex;
+ var matchCount = 1;
+ var parenMatch;
+ while((parenMatch = parenRe.exec(fileContents))){
+ if(parenMatch[0] == ")"){
+ matchCount -= 1;
+ }else{
+ matchCount += 1;
+ }
+ if(matchCount == 0){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(matchCount != 0){
+ throw "unmatched paren around character " + parenRe.lastIndex + " in: " + fileContents;
+ }
+ //Put the master matching string in the results.
+ var startIndex = regexp.lastIndex - matches[0].length;
+ results.push(fileContents.substring(startIndex, parenRe.lastIndex));
+ //Remove the matching section.
+ var remLength = parenRe.lastIndex - startIndex;
+ fileContents = fileContents.substring(0, startIndex) + fileContents.substring(parenRe.lastIndex, fileContents.length);
+ //Move the master regexp past the last matching paren point.
+ regexp.lastIndex = parenRe.lastIndex - remLength;
+ regexp.lastIndex = parenRe.lastIndex;
+ }
+ if(results.length > 0){
+ results.unshift(fileContents);
+ }
+ return (results.length ? results : null);
+dojo._xdIsXDomainPath = function(/*string*/relpath) {
+ //summary: Figure out whether the path is local or x-domain
+ //If there is a colon before the first / then, we have a URL with a protocol.
+ var colonIndex = relpath.indexOf(":");
+ var slashIndex = relpath.indexOf("/");
+ if(colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < slashIndex){
+ return true;
+ }else{
+ //Is the base script URI-based URL a cross domain URL?
+ //If so, then the relpath will be evaluated relative to
+ //baseUrl, and therefore qualify as xdomain.
+ //Only treat it as xdomain if the page does not have a
+ //host (file:// url) or if the baseUrl does not match the
+ //current window's domain.
+ var url = dojo.baseUrl;
+ colonIndex = url.indexOf(":");
+ slashIndex = url.indexOf("/");
+ if(colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < slashIndex && (! || url.indexOf("http://" + != 0)){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+dojo._loadPath = function(/*String*/relpath, /*String?*/module, /*Function?*/cb){
+ //summary: Internal xd loader function. Overrides loadPath() from loader.js.
+ //xd loading requires slightly different behavior from loadPath().
+ var currentIsXDomain = dojo._xdIsXDomainPath(relpath);
+ dojo._isXDomain |= currentIsXDomain;
+ var uri = ((relpath.charAt(0) == '/' || relpath.match(/^\w+:/)) ? "" : dojo.baseUrl) + relpath;
+ try{
+ return ((!module || dojo._isXDomain) ? dojo._loadUri(uri, cb, currentIsXDomain, module) : dojo._loadUriAndCheck(uri, module, cb)); //Boolean
+ }catch(e){
+ console.error(e);
+ return false; //Boolean
+ }
+dojo._xdCharSet = "utf-8";
+dojo._loadUri = function(/*String*/uri, /*Function?*/cb, /*boolean*/currentIsXDomain, /*String?*/module){
+ //summary: Internal xd loader function. Overrides loadUri() from loader.js.
+ // xd loading requires slightly different behavior from loadPath().
+ //description: Wanted to override getText(), but it is used by
+ // the widget code in too many, synchronous ways right now.
+ if(dojo._loadedUrls[uri]){
+ return 1; //Boolean
+ }
+ //Add the module (resource) to the list of modules.
+ //Only do this work if we have a modlue name. Otherwise,
+ //it is a non-xd i18n bundle, which can load immediately and does not
+ //need to be tracked. Also, don't track dojo.i18n, since it is a prerequisite
+ //and will be loaded correctly if we load it right away: it has no dependencies.
+ if(dojo._isXDomain && module && module != "dojo.i18n"){
+ dojo._xdOrderedReqs.push(module);
+ //Add to waiting resources if it is an xdomain resource.
+ //Don't add non-xdomain i18n bundles, those get evaled immediately.
+ if(currentIsXDomain || uri.indexOf("/nls/") == -1){
+ dojo._xdInFlight[module] = true;
+ //Increment inFlightCount
+ //This will stop the modulesLoaded from firing all the way.
+ dojo._inFlightCount++;
+ }
+ //Start timer
+ if(!dojo._xdTimer){
+ if(dojo.isAIR){
+ dojo._xdTimer = setInterval(function(){dojo._xdWatchInFlight();}, 100);
+ }else{
+ dojo._xdTimer = setInterval(dojo._scopeName + "._xdWatchInFlight();", 100);
+ }
+ }
+ dojo._xdStartTime = (new Date()).getTime();
+ }
+ if (currentIsXDomain){
+ //Fix name to be a .xd.fileextension name.
+ var lastIndex = uri.lastIndexOf('.');
+ if(lastIndex <= 0){
+ lastIndex = uri.length - 1;
+ }
+ var xdUri = uri.substring(0, lastIndex) + ".xd";
+ if(lastIndex != uri.length - 1){
+ xdUri += uri.substring(lastIndex, uri.length);
+ }
+ if (dojo.isAIR){
+ xdUri = xdUri.replace("app:/", "/");
+ }
+ //Add to script src
+ var element = document.createElement("script");
+ element.type = "text/javascript";
+ if(dojo._xdCharSet){
+ element.charset = dojo._xdCharSet;
+ }
+ element.src = xdUri;
+ if(!dojo.headElement){
+ dojo._headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
+ //Head element may not exist, particularly in html
+ //html 4 or tag soup cases where the page does not
+ //have a head tag in it. Use html element, since that will exist.
+ //Seems to be an issue mostly with Opera 9 and to lesser extent Safari 2
+ if(!dojo._headElement){
+ dojo._headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
+ }
+ }
+ dojo._headElement.appendChild(element);
+ }else{
+ var contents = dojo._getText(uri, null, true);
+ if(contents == null){ return 0; /*boolean*/}
+ //If this is not xdomain, or if loading a i18n resource bundle, then send it down
+ //the normal eval/callback path.
+ if(dojo._isXDomain
+ && uri.indexOf("/nls/") == -1
+ && module != "dojo.i18n"){
+ var res = dojo._xdCreateResource(contents, module, uri);
+ dojo.eval(res);
+ }else{
+ if(cb){
+ contents = '('+contents+')';
+ }else{
+ //Only do the scoping if no callback. If a callback is specified,
+ //it is most likely the i18n bundle stuff.
+ contents = dojo._scopePrefix + contents + dojo._scopeSuffix;
+ }
+ var value = dojo["eval"](contents+"\r\n//@ sourceURL="+uri);
+ if(cb){
+ cb(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //These steps are done in the non-xd loader version of this function.
+ //Maintain these steps to fit in with the existing system.
+ dojo._loadedUrls[uri] = true;
+ dojo._loadedUrls.push(uri);
+ return true; //Boolean
+dojo._xdResourceLoaded = function(/*Object*/res){
+ //summary: Internal xd loader function. Called by an xd module resource when
+ //it has been loaded via a script tag.
+ //Evaluate the function with scopeArgs for multiversion support.
+ res = res.apply(, dojo._scopeArgs);
+ //Work through dependencies.
+ var deps = res.depends;
+ var requireList = null;
+ var requireAfterList = null;
+ var provideList = [];
+ if(deps && deps.length > 0){
+ var dep = null;
+ var insertHint = 0;
+ var attachedResource = false;
+ for(var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++){
+ dep = deps[i];
+ //Look for specific dependency indicators.
+ if (dep[0] == "provide"){
+ provideList.push(dep[1]);
+ }else{
+ if(!requireList){
+ requireList = [];
+ }
+ if(!requireAfterList){
+ requireAfterList = [];
+ }
+ var unpackedDeps = dojo._xdUnpackDependency(dep);
+ if(unpackedDeps.requires){
+ requireList = requireList.concat(unpackedDeps.requires);
+ }
+ if(unpackedDeps.requiresAfter){
+ requireAfterList = requireAfterList.concat(unpackedDeps.requiresAfter);
+ }
+ }
+ //Call the dependency indicator to allow for the normal dojo setup.
+ //Only allow for one dot reference, for the i18n._preloadLocalizations calls
+ //(and maybe future, one-dot things).
+ var depType = dep[0];
+ var objPath = depType.split(".");
+ if(objPath.length == 2){
+ dojo[objPath[0]][objPath[1]].apply(dojo[objPath[0]], dep.slice(1));
+ }else{
+ dojo[depType].apply(dojo, dep.slice(1));
+ }
+ }
+ //If loading the debugAtAllCosts module, eval it right away since we need
+ //its functions to properly load the other modules.
+ if(provideList.length == 1 && provideList[0] == "dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"){
+ res.defineResource(dojo);
+ }else{
+ //Save off the resource contents for definition later.
+ var contentIndex = dojo._xdContents.push({
+ content: res.defineResource,
+ resourceName: res["resourceName"],
+ resourcePath: res["resourcePath"],
+ isDefined: false
+ }) - 1;
+ //Add provide/requires to dependency map.
+ for(i = 0; i < provideList.length; i++){
+ dojo._xdDepMap[provideList[i]] = { requires: requireList, requiresAfter: requireAfterList, contentIndex: contentIndex };
+ }
+ }
+ //Now update the inflight status for any provided resources in this loaded resource.
+ //Do this at the very end (in a *separate* for loop) to avoid shutting down the
+ //inflight timer check too soon.
+ for(i = 0; i < provideList.length; i++){
+ dojo._xdInFlight[provideList[i]] = false;
+ }
+ }
+dojo._xdLoadFlattenedBundle = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*Object*/bundleData){
+ //summary: Internal xd loader function. Used when loading
+ //a flattened localized bundle via a script tag.
+ locale = locale || "root";
+ var jsLoc = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale).replace('-', '_');
+ var bundleResource = [moduleName, "nls", bundleName].join(".");
+ var bundle = dojo["provide"](bundleResource);
+ bundle[jsLoc] = bundleData;
+ //Assign the bundle for the original locale(s) we wanted.
+ var mapName = [moduleName, jsLoc, bundleName].join(".");
+ var bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName];
+ if(bundleMap){
+ for(var param in bundleMap){
+ bundle[param] = bundleData;
+ }
+ }
-var _51="";
-var _52=(dojo.config.xdWaitSeconds||15)*1000;
-var _53=(dojo._xdStartTime+_52)<(new Date()).getTime();
-for(var _54 in dojo._xdInFlight){
-_51+=_54+" ";
-throw "Could not load cross-domain resources: "+_51;
-var _55=dojo._xdDefList.length;
-for(var i=0;i<_55;i++){
-var _56=dojo._xdDefList[i];
+dojo._xdInitExtraLocales = function(){
+ // Simulate the extra locale work that dojo.requireLocalization does.
+ var extra = dojo.config.extraLocale;
+ if(extra){
+ if(!extra instanceof Array){
+ extra = [extra];
+ }
+ dojo._xdReqLoc = dojo.xdRequireLocalization;
+ dojo.xdRequireLocalization = function(m, b, locale, fLocales){
+ dojo._xdReqLoc(m,b,locale, fLocales);
+ if(locale){return;}
+ for(var i=0; i<extra.length; i++){
+ dojo._xdReqLoc(m,b,extra[i], fLocales);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+dojo._xdBundleMap = {};
+dojo.xdRequireLocalization = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*String*/availableFlatLocales){
+ //summary: Internal xd loader function. The xd version of dojo.requireLocalization.
+ //Account for allowing multiple extra locales. Do this here inside the function
+ //since dojo._xdInitExtraLocales() depends on djConfig being set up, but that only
+ //happens after hostenv_browser runs. loader_xd has to come before hostenv_browser
+ //though since hostenv_browser can do a dojo.require for the debug module.
+ if(dojo._xdInitExtraLocales){
+ dojo._xdInitExtraLocales();
+ dojo._xdInitExtraLocales = null;
+ dojo.xdRequireLocalization.apply(dojo, arguments);
+ return;
+ }
+ var locales = availableFlatLocales.split(",");
+ //Find the best-match locale to load.
+ //Assumes dojo.i18n has already been loaded. This is true for xdomain builds,
+ //since it is included in dojo.xd.js.
+ var jsLoc = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale);
+ var bestLocale = "";
+ for(var i = 0; i < locales.length; i++){
+ //Locale must match from start of string.
+ if(jsLoc.indexOf(locales[i]) == 0){
+ if(locales[i].length > bestLocale.length){
+ bestLocale = locales[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var fixedBestLocale = bestLocale.replace('-', '_');
+ //See if the bundle we are going to use is already loaded.
+ var bundleResource = dojo.getObject([moduleName, "nls", bundleName].join("."));
+ if(!bundleResource || !bundleResource[fixedBestLocale]){
+ //Need to remember what locale we wanted and which one we actually use.
+ //Then when we load the one we are actually using, use that bundle for the one
+ //we originally wanted.
+ var mapName = [moduleName, (fixedBestLocale||"root"), bundleName].join(".");
+ var bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName];
+ if(!bundleMap){
+ bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName] = {};
+ }
+ bundleMap[jsLoc.replace('-', '_')] = true;
+ //Do just a normal dojo.require so the resource tracking stuff works as usual.
+ dojo.require(moduleName + ".nls" + (bestLocale ? "." + bestLocale : "") + "." + bundleName);
+ }
-var _57=dojo._xdContents[i];
+// Replace dojo.requireLocalization with a wrapper
+dojo._xdRealRequireLocalization = dojo.requireLocalization;
+dojo.requireLocalization = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*String*/availableFlatLocales){
+ // summary: loads a bundle intelligently based on whether the module is
+ // local or xd. Overrides the local-case implementation.
+ var modulePath = dojo.moduleUrl(moduleName).toString();
+ if (dojo._xdIsXDomainPath(modulePath)) {
+ // call cross-domain loader
+ return dojo.xdRequireLocalization.apply(dojo, arguments);
+ } else {
+ // call local-loader
+ return dojo._xdRealRequireLocalization.apply(dojo, arguments);
+ }
+//This is a bit brittle: it has to know about the dojo methods that deal with dependencies
+//It would be ideal to intercept the actual methods and do something fancy at that point,
+//but I have concern about knowing which provide to match to the dependency in that case,
+//since scripts can load whenever they want, and trigger new calls to dojo._xdResourceLoaded().
+dojo._xdUnpackDependency = function(/*Array*/dep){
+ //summary: Internal xd loader function. Determines what to do with a dependency
+ //that was listed in an xd version of a module contents.
+ //Extract the dependency(ies).
+ var newDeps = null;
+ var newAfterDeps = null;
+ switch(dep[0]){
+ case "requireIf":
+ case "requireAfterIf":
+ //First arg (dep[1]) is the test. Depedency is dep[2].
+ if(dep[1] === true){
+ newDeps = [{name: dep[2], content: null}];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "platformRequire":
+ var modMap = dep[1];
+ var common = modMap["common"]||[];
+ newDeps = (modMap[dojo.hostenv.name_]) ? common.concat(modMap[dojo.hostenv.name_]||[]) : common.concat(modMap["default"]||[]);
+ //Flatten the array of arrays into a one-level deep array.
+ //Each result could be an array of 3 elements (the 3 arguments to dojo.require).
+ //We only need the first one.
+ if(newDeps){
+ for(var i = 0; i < newDeps.length; i++){
+ if(newDeps[i] instanceof Array){
+ newDeps[i] = {name: newDeps[i][0], content: null};
+ }else{
+ newDeps[i] = {name: newDeps[i], content: null};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "require":
+ //Just worry about dep[1]
+ newDeps = [{name: dep[1], content: null}];
+ break;
+ case "i18n._preloadLocalizations":
+ //We can eval these immediately, since they load i18n bundles.
+ //Since i18n bundles have no dependencies, whenever they are loaded
+ //in a script tag, they are evaluated immediately, so we do not have to
+ //treat them has an explicit dependency for the dependency mapping.
+ //We can call it immediately since dojo.i18n is part of dojo.xd.js.
+ dojo.i18n._preloadLocalizations.apply(dojo.i18n._preloadLocalizations, dep.slice(1));
+ break;
+ }
+ //The requireIf and requireAfterIf needs to be evaluated after the current resource is evaluated.
+ if(dep[0] == "requireAfterIf" || dep[0] == "requireIf"){
+ newAfterDeps = newDeps;
+ newDeps = null;
+ }
+ return {requires: newDeps, requiresAfter: newAfterDeps}; //Object
+dojo._xdWalkReqs = function(){
+ //summary: Internal xd loader function.
+ //Walks the requires and evaluates module resource contents in
+ //the right order.
+ var reqChain = null;
+ var req;
+ for(var i = 0; i < dojo._xdOrderedReqs.length; i++){
+ req = dojo._xdOrderedReqs[i];
+ if(dojo._xdDepMap[req]){
+ reqChain = [req];
+ reqChain[req] = true; //Allow for fast lookup of the req in the array
+ dojo._xdEvalReqs(reqChain);
+ }
+ }
-for(var _58 in dojo._xdInFlight){
-if(typeof dojo._xdInFlight[_58]=="boolean"){
+dojo._xdEvalReqs = function(/*Array*/reqChain){
+ //summary: Internal xd loader function.
+ //Does a depth first, breadth second search and eval of required modules.
+ while(reqChain.length > 0){
+ var req = reqChain[reqChain.length - 1];
+ var res = dojo._xdDepMap[req];
+ var i, reqs, nextReq;
+ if(res){
+ //Trace down any requires for this resource.
+ //START dojo._xdTraceReqs() inlining for small Safari 2.0 call stack
+ reqs = res.requires;
+ if(reqs && reqs.length > 0){
+ for(i = 0; i < reqs.length; i++){
+ nextReq = reqs[i].name;
+ if(nextReq && !reqChain[nextReq]){
+ //New req depedency. Follow it down.
+ reqChain.push(nextReq);
+ reqChain[nextReq] = true;
+ dojo._xdEvalReqs(reqChain);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //END dojo._xdTraceReqs() inlining for small Safari 2.0 call stack
+ //Evaluate the resource.
+ var contents = dojo._xdContents[res.contentIndex];
+ if(!contents.isDefined){
+ var content = contents.content;
+ content["resourceName"] = contents["resourceName"];
+ content["resourcePath"] = contents["resourcePath"];
+ dojo._xdDefList.push(content);
+ contents.isDefined = true;
+ }
+ dojo._xdDepMap[req] = null;
+ //Trace down any requireAfters for this resource.
+ //START dojo._xdTraceReqs() inlining for small Safari 2.0 call stack
+ reqs = res.requiresAfter;
+ if(reqs && reqs.length > 0){
+ for(i = 0; i < reqs.length; i++){
+ nextReq = reqs[i].name;
+ if(nextReq && !reqChain[nextReq]){
+ //New req depedency. Follow it down.
+ reqChain.push(nextReq);
+ reqChain[nextReq] = true;
+ dojo._xdEvalReqs(reqChain);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //END dojo._xdTraceReqs() inlining for small Safari 2.0 call stack
+ }
+ //Done with that require. Remove it and go to the next one.
+ reqChain.pop();
+ }
+dojo._xdWatchInFlight = function(){
+ //summary: Internal xd loader function.
+ //Monitors in-flight requests for xd module resources.
+ var noLoads = "";
+ var waitInterval = (dojo.config.xdWaitSeconds || 15) * 1000;
+ var expired = (dojo._xdStartTime + waitInterval) < (new Date()).getTime();
+ //If any xdInFlight are true, then still waiting for something to load.
+ //Come back later. If we timed out, report the things that did not load.
+ for(var param in dojo._xdInFlight){
+ if(dojo._xdInFlight[param] === true){
+ if(expired){
+ noLoads += param + " ";
+ }else{
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //All done. Clean up and notify.
+ dojo._xdClearInterval();
+ if(expired){
+ throw "Could not load cross-domain resources: " + noLoads;
+ }
+ dojo._xdWalkReqs();
+ var defLength = dojo._xdDefList.length;
+ for(var i= 0; i < defLength; i++){
+ var content = dojo._xdDefList[i];
+ if(dojo.config["debugAtAllCosts"] && content["resourceName"]){
+ if(!dojo["_xdDebugQueue"]){
+ dojo._xdDebugQueue = [];
+ }
+ dojo._xdDebugQueue.push({resourceName: content.resourceName, resourcePath: content.resourcePath});
+ }else{
+ //Evaluate the resource to bring it into being.
+ //Pass in scope args to allow multiple versions of modules in a page.
+ content.apply(, dojo._scopeArgs);
+ }
+ }
+ //Evaluate any resources that were not evaled before.
+ //This normally shouldn't happen with proper dojo.provide and dojo.require
+ //usage, but providing it just in case. Note that these may not be executed
+ //in the original order that the developer intended.
+ for(i = 0; i < dojo._xdContents.length; i++){
+ var current = dojo._xdContents[i];
+ if(current.content && !current.isDefined){
+ //Pass in scope args to allow multiple versions of modules in a page.
+ current.content.apply(, dojo._scopeArgs);
+ }
+ }
+ //Clean up for the next round of xd loading.
+ dojo._xdReset();
+ if(dojo["_xdDebugQueue"] && dojo._xdDebugQueue.length > 0){
+ dojo._xdDebugFileLoaded();
+ }else{
+ dojo._xdNotifyLoaded();
+ }
+dojo._xdNotifyLoaded = function(){
+ //Clear inflight count so we will finally do finish work.
+ //Just having a legitimate status (true or false) for an inflight item
+ //means that it is still being processed. Do the typeof test
+ //to avoid bad JavaScript that might tinker with Object.prototype.
+ for(var prop in dojo._xdInFlight){
+ if(typeof dojo._xdInFlight[prop] == "boolean"){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ dojo._inFlightCount = 0;
+ //Only trigger call loaded if dj_load_init has run.
+ if(dojo._initFired && !dojo._loadNotifying){
+ dojo._callLoaded();
+ }
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/array.js b/lib/dojo/_base/array.js
index 83c21c8d8..26fa1900d 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/array.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/array.js
@@ -5,75 +5,258 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.array"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.array"] = true;
-var _1=function(_2,_3,cb){
-return [(typeof _2=="string")?_2.split(""):_2,_3||,(typeof cb=="string")?new Function("item","index","array",cb):cb];
-var _4=function(_5,_6,_7,_8){
-var _9=_1(_6,_8,_7);
-for(var i=0,l=_6.length;i<l;++i){
-var _a=!!_9[2].call(_9[1],_6[i],i,_6);
-return _a;
-return _5;
-var _f=1,end=_b.length||0,i=0;
-return i;
-return -1;
-return dojo.indexOf(_10,_11,_12,true);
-var _15=_1(arr,_14,_13);
-for(var i=0,l=arr.length;i<l;++i){
-return _4(true,arr,_16,_17);
-return _4(false,arr,_18,_19);
-var _1c=_1(arr,_1b,_1a);
-var _1d=(arguments[3]?(new arguments[3]()):[]);
-for(var i=0,l=arr.length;i<l;++i){
-return _1d;
-var _20=_1(arr,_1f,_1e);
-var _21=[];
-for(var i=0,l=arr.length;i<l;++i){
-return _21;
+ var _getParts = function(arr, obj, cb){
+ return [
+ (typeof arr == "string") ? arr.split("") : arr,
+ obj ||,
+ // FIXME: cache the anonymous functions we create here?
+ (typeof cb == "string") ? new Function("item", "index", "array", cb) : cb
+ ];
+ };
+ var everyOrSome = function(/*Boolean*/every, /*Array|String*/arr, /*Function|String*/callback, /*Object?*/thisObject){
+ var _p = _getParts(arr, thisObject, callback); arr = _p[0];
+ for(var i=0,l=arr.length; i<l; ++i){
+ var result = !!_p[2].call(_p[1], arr[i], i, arr);
+ if(every ^ result){
+ return result; // Boolean
+ }
+ }
+ return every; // Boolean
+ };
+ dojo.mixin(dojo, {
+ indexOf: function( /*Array*/ array,
+ /*Object*/ value,
+ /*Integer?*/ fromIndex,
+ /*Boolean?*/ findLast){
+ // summary:
+ // locates the first index of the provided value in the
+ // passed array. If the value is not found, -1 is returned.
+ // description:
+ // This method corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 Array.indexOf method, with one difference: when
+ // run over sparse arrays, the Dojo function invokes the callback for every index whereas JavaScript
+ // 1.6's indexOf skips the holes in the sparse array.
+ // For details on this method, see:
+ //
+ var step = 1, end = array.length || 0, i = 0;
+ if(findLast){
+ i = end - 1;
+ step = end = -1;
+ }
+ if(fromIndex != undefined){ i = fromIndex; }
+ if((findLast && i > end) || i < end){
+ for(; i != end; i += step){
+ if(array[i] == value){ return i; }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1; // Number
+ },
+ lastIndexOf: function(/*Array*/array, /*Object*/value, /*Integer?*/fromIndex){
+ // summary:
+ // locates the last index of the provided value in the passed
+ // array. If the value is not found, -1 is returned.
+ // description:
+ // This method corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 Array.lastIndexOf method, with one difference: when
+ // run over sparse arrays, the Dojo function invokes the callback for every index whereas JavaScript
+ // 1.6's lastIndexOf skips the holes in the sparse array.
+ // For details on this method, see:
+ //
+ return dojo.indexOf(array, value, fromIndex, true); // Number
+ },
+ forEach: function(/*Array|String*/arr, /*Function|String*/callback, /*Object?*/thisObject){
+ // summary:
+ // for every item in arr, callback is invoked. Return values are ignored.
+ // If you want to break out of the loop, consider using dojo.every() or dojo.some().
+ // forEach does not allow breaking out of the loop over the items in arr.
+ // arr:
+ // the array to iterate over. If a string, operates on individual characters.
+ // callback:
+ // a function is invoked with three arguments: item, index, and array
+ // thisObject:
+ // may be used to scope the call to callback
+ // description:
+ // This function corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 Array.forEach() method, with one difference: when
+ // run over sparse arrays, this implemenation passes the "holes" in the sparse array to
+ // the callback function with a value of undefined. JavaScript 1.6's forEach skips the holes in the sparse array.
+ // For more details, see:
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | // log out all members of the array:
+ // | dojo.forEach(
+ // | [ "thinger", "blah", "howdy", 10 ],
+ // | function(item){
+ // | console.log(item);
+ // | }
+ // | );
+ // example:
+ // | // log out the members and their indexes
+ // | dojo.forEach(
+ // | [ "thinger", "blah", "howdy", 10 ],
+ // | function(item, idx, arr){
+ // | console.log(item, "at index:", idx);
+ // | }
+ // | );
+ // example:
+ // | // use a scoped object member as the callback
+ // |
+ // | var obj = {
+ // | prefix: "logged via obj.callback:",
+ // | callback: function(item){
+ // | console.log(this.prefix, item);
+ // | }
+ // | };
+ // |
+ // | // specifying the scope function executes the callback in that scope
+ // | dojo.forEach(
+ // | [ "thinger", "blah", "howdy", 10 ],
+ // | obj.callback,
+ // | obj
+ // | );
+ // |
+ // | // alternately, we can accomplish the same thing with dojo.hitch()
+ // | dojo.forEach(
+ // | [ "thinger", "blah", "howdy", 10 ],
+ // | dojo.hitch(obj, "callback")
+ // | );
+ // match the behavior of the built-in forEach WRT empty arrs
+ if(!arr || !arr.length){ return; }
+ // FIXME: there are several ways of handilng thisObject. Is
+ // always the default context?
+ var _p = _getParts(arr, thisObject, callback); arr = _p[0];
+ for(var i=0,l=arr.length; i<l; ++i){
+ _p[2].call(_p[1], arr[i], i, arr);
+ }
+ },
+ every: function(/*Array|String*/arr, /*Function|String*/callback, /*Object?*/thisObject){
+ // summary:
+ // Determines whether or not every item in arr satisfies the
+ // condition implemented by callback.
+ // arr:
+ // the array to iterate on. If a string, operates on individual characters.
+ // callback:
+ // a function is invoked with three arguments: item, index,
+ // and array and returns true if the condition is met.
+ // thisObject:
+ // may be used to scope the call to callback
+ // description:
+ // This function corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 Array.every() method, with one difference: when
+ // run over sparse arrays, this implemenation passes the "holes" in the sparse array to
+ // the callback function with a value of undefined. JavaScript 1.6's every skips the holes in the sparse array.
+ // For more details, see:
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | // returns false
+ // | dojo.every([1, 2, 3, 4], function(item){ return item>1; });
+ // example:
+ // | // returns true
+ // | dojo.every([1, 2, 3, 4], function(item){ return item>0; });
+ return everyOrSome(true, arr, callback, thisObject); // Boolean
+ },
+ some: function(/*Array|String*/arr, /*Function|String*/callback, /*Object?*/thisObject){
+ // summary:
+ // Determines whether or not any item in arr satisfies the
+ // condition implemented by callback.
+ // arr:
+ // the array to iterate over. If a string, operates on individual characters.
+ // callback:
+ // a function is invoked with three arguments: item, index,
+ // and array and returns true if the condition is met.
+ // thisObject:
+ // may be used to scope the call to callback
+ // description:
+ // This function corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 Array.some() method, with one difference: when
+ // run over sparse arrays, this implemenation passes the "holes" in the sparse array to
+ // the callback function with a value of undefined. JavaScript 1.6's some skips the holes in the sparse array.
+ // For more details, see:
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | // is true
+ // | dojo.some([1, 2, 3, 4], function(item){ return item>1; });
+ // example:
+ // | // is false
+ // | dojo.some([1, 2, 3, 4], function(item){ return item<1; });
+ return everyOrSome(false, arr, callback, thisObject); // Boolean
+ },
+ map: function(/*Array|String*/arr, /*Function|String*/callback, /*Function?*/thisObject){
+ // summary:
+ // applies callback to each element of arr and returns
+ // an Array with the results
+ // arr:
+ // the array to iterate on. If a string, operates on
+ // individual characters.
+ // callback:
+ // a function is invoked with three arguments, (item, index,
+ // array), and returns a value
+ // thisObject:
+ // may be used to scope the call to callback
+ // description:
+ // This function corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 method, with one difference: when
+ // run over sparse arrays, this implemenation passes the "holes" in the sparse array to
+ // the callback function with a value of undefined. JavaScript 1.6's map skips the holes in the sparse array.
+ // For more details, see:
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | // returns [2, 3, 4, 5]
+ // |[1, 2, 3, 4], function(item){ return item+1 });
+ var _p = _getParts(arr, thisObject, callback); arr = _p[0];
+ var outArr = (arguments[3] ? (new arguments[3]()) : []);
+ for(var i=0,l=arr.length; i<l; ++i){
+ outArr.push(_p[2].call(_p[1], arr[i], i, arr));
+ }
+ return outArr; // Array
+ },
+ filter: function(/*Array*/arr, /*Function|String*/callback, /*Object?*/thisObject){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a new Array with those items from arr that match the
+ // condition implemented by callback.
+ // arr:
+ // the array to iterate over.
+ // callback:
+ // a function that is invoked with three arguments (item,
+ // index, array). The return of this function is expected to
+ // be a boolean which determines whether the passed-in item
+ // will be included in the returned array.
+ // thisObject:
+ // may be used to scope the call to callback
+ // description:
+ // This function corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 Array.filter() method, with one difference: when
+ // run over sparse arrays, this implemenation passes the "holes" in the sparse array to
+ // the callback function with a value of undefined. JavaScript 1.6's filter skips the holes in the sparse array.
+ // For more details, see:
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | // returns [2, 3, 4]
+ // | dojo.filter([1, 2, 3, 4], function(item){ return item>1; });
+ var _p = _getParts(arr, thisObject, callback); arr = _p[0];
+ var outArr = [];
+ for(var i=0,l=arr.length; i<l; ++i){
+ if(_p[2].call(_p[1], arr[i], i, arr)){
+ outArr.push(arr[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return outArr; // Array
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/browser.js b/lib/dojo/_base/browser.js
index 67c1eef37..496fe46b3 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/browser.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/browser.js
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.browser"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.browser"] = true;
@@ -16,7 +17,13 @@ dojo.require("dojo._base.NodeList");
+//Need this to be the last code segment in base, so do not place any
+//dojo.requireIf calls in this file. Otherwise, due to how the build system
+//puts all requireIf dependencies after the current file, the require calls
+//could be called before all of base is defined.
+dojo.forEach(dojo.config.require, function(i){
+ dojo["require"](i);
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/connect.js b/lib/dojo/_base/connect.js
index 3905d92e7..f37af65b2 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/connect.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/connect.js
@@ -5,81 +5,306 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.connect"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.connect"] = true;
-return function(){
-var ap=Array.prototype,c=arguments.callee,ls=c._listeners,;
-var r=t&&t.apply(this,arguments);
-var i,_1;
-for(i in _1){
-if(!(i in ap)){
-return r;
+// this file courtesy of the TurboAjax Group, licensed under a Dojo CLA
+// low-level delegation machinery
+dojo._listener = {
+ // create a dispatcher function
+ getDispatcher: function(){
+ // following comments pulled out-of-line to prevent cloning them
+ // in the returned function.
+ // - indices (i) that are really in the array of listeners (ls) will
+ // not be in Array.prototype. This is the 'sparse array' trick
+ // that keeps us safe from libs that take liberties with built-in
+ // objects
+ // - listener is invoked with current scope (this)
+ return function(){
+ var ap=Array.prototype, c=arguments.callee, ls=c._listeners,;
+ // return value comes from original target function
+ var r = t && t.apply(this, arguments);
+ // make local copy of listener array so it is immutable during processing
+ var i, lls;
+ lls = [].concat(ls);
+ // invoke listeners after target function
+ for(i in lls){
+ if(!(i in ap)){
+ lls[i].apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ // return value comes from original target function
+ return r;
+ };
+ },
+ // add a listener to an object
+ add: function(/*Object*/ source, /*String*/ method, /*Function*/ listener){
+ // Whenever 'method' is invoked, 'listener' will have the same scope.
+ // Trying to supporting a context object for the listener led to
+ // complexity.
+ // Non trivial to provide 'once' functionality here
+ // because listener could be the result of a dojo.hitch call,
+ // in which case two references to the same hitch target would not
+ // be equivalent.
+ source = source ||;
+ // The source method is either null, a dispatcher, or some other function
+ var f = source[method];
+ // Ensure a dispatcher
+ if(!f || !f._listeners){
+ var d = dojo._listener.getDispatcher();
+ // original target function is special
+ = f;
+ // dispatcher holds a list of listeners
+ d._listeners = [];
+ // redirect source to dispatcher
+ f = source[method] = d;
+ }
+ // The contract is that a handle is returned that can
+ // identify this listener for disconnect.
+ //
+ // The type of the handle is private. Here is it implemented as Integer.
+ // DOM event code has this same contract but handle is Function
+ // in non-IE browsers.
+ //
+ // We could have separate lists of before and after listeners.
+ return f._listeners.push(listener); /*Handle*/
+ },
+ // remove a listener from an object
+ remove: function(/*Object*/ source, /*String*/ method, /*Handle*/ handle){
+ var f = (source ||[method];
+ // remember that handle is the index+1 (0 is not a valid handle)
+ if(f && f._listeners && handle--){
+ delete f._listeners[handle];
+ }
+ }
-var f=_2[_3];
-var d=dojo._listener.getDispatcher();;
+// Multiple delegation for arbitrary methods.
+// This unit knows nothing about DOM, but we include DOM aware documentation
+// and dontFix argument here to help the autodocs. Actual DOM aware code is in
+// event.js.
+dojo.connect = function(/*Object|null*/ obj,
+ /*String*/ event,
+ /*Object|null*/ context,
+ /*String|Function*/ method,
+ /*Boolean?*/ dontFix){
+ // summary:
+ // `dojo.connect` is the core event handling and delegation method in
+ // Dojo. It allows one function to "listen in" on the execution of
+ // any other, triggering the second whenever the first is called. Many
+ // listeners may be attached to a function, and source functions may
+ // be either regular function calls or DOM events.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Connects listeners to actions, so that after event fires, a
+ // listener is called with the same arguments passed to the original
+ // function.
+ //
+ // Since `dojo.connect` allows the source of events to be either a
+ // "regular" JavaScript function or a DOM event, it provides a uniform
+ // interface for listening to all the types of events that an
+ // application is likely to deal with though a single, unified
+ // interface. DOM programmers may want to think of it as
+ // "addEventListener for everything and anything".
+ //
+ // When setting up a connection, the `event` parameter must be a
+ // string that is the name of the method/event to be listened for. If
+ // `obj` is null, `` is assumed, meaning that connections
+ // to global methods are supported but also that you may inadvertently
+ // connect to a global by passing an incorrect object name or invalid
+ // reference.
+ //
+ // `dojo.connect` generally is forgiving. If you pass the name of a
+ // function or method that does not yet exist on `obj`, connect will
+ // not fail, but will instead set up a stub method. Similarly, null
+ // arguments may simply be omitted such that fewer than 4 arguments
+ // may be required to set up a connection See the examples for details.
+ //
+ // The return value is a handle that is needed to
+ // remove this connection with `dojo.disconnect`.
+ //
+ // obj:
+ // The source object for the event function.
+ // Defaults to `` if null.
+ // If obj is a DOM node, the connection is delegated
+ // to the DOM event manager (unless dontFix is true).
+ //
+ // event:
+ // String name of the event function in obj.
+ // I.e. identifies a property `obj[event]`.
+ //
+ // context:
+ // The object that method will receive as "this".
+ //
+ // If context is null and method is a function, then method
+ // inherits the context of event.
+ //
+ // If method is a string then context must be the source
+ // object object for method (context[method]). If context is null,
+ // is used.
+ //
+ // method:
+ // A function reference, or name of a function in context.
+ // The function identified by method fires after event does.
+ // method receives the same arguments as the event.
+ // See context argument comments for information on method's scope.
+ //
+ // dontFix:
+ // If obj is a DOM node, set dontFix to true to prevent delegation
+ // of this connection to the DOM event manager.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // When obj.onchange(), do ui.update():
+ // | dojo.connect(obj, "onchange", ui, "update");
+ // | dojo.connect(obj, "onchange", ui, ui.update); // same
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Using return value for disconnect:
+ // | var link = dojo.connect(obj, "onchange", ui, "update");
+ // | ...
+ // | dojo.disconnect(link);
+ //
+ // example:
+ // When onglobalevent executes, watcher.handler is invoked:
+ // | dojo.connect(null, "onglobalevent", watcher, "handler");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // When ob.onCustomEvent executes, customEventHandler is invoked:
+ // | dojo.connect(ob, "onCustomEvent", null, "customEventHandler");
+ // | dojo.connect(ob, "onCustomEvent", "customEventHandler"); // same
+ //
+ // example:
+ // When ob.onCustomEvent executes, customEventHandler is invoked
+ // with the same scope (this):
+ // | dojo.connect(ob, "onCustomEvent", null, customEventHandler);
+ // | dojo.connect(ob, "onCustomEvent", customEventHandler); // same
+ //
+ // example:
+ // When globalEvent executes, globalHandler is invoked
+ // with the same scope (this):
+ // | dojo.connect(null, "globalEvent", null, globalHandler);
+ // | dojo.connect("globalEvent", globalHandler); // same
+ // normalize arguments
+ var a=arguments, args=[], i=0;
+ // if a[0] is a String, obj was omitted
+ args.push(dojo.isString(a[0]) ? null : a[i++], a[i++]);
+ // if the arg-after-next is a String or Function, context was NOT omitted
+ var a1 = a[i+1];
+ args.push(dojo.isString(a1)||dojo.isFunction(a1) ? a[i++] : null, a[i++]);
+ // absorb any additional arguments
+ for(var l=a.length; i<l; i++){ args.push(a[i]); }
+ // do the actual work
+ return dojo._connect.apply(this, args); /*Handle*/
-return f._listeners.push(_4);
-var f=(_5||[_6];
-delete f._listeners[_7];
+// used by non-browser hostenvs. always overriden by event.js
+dojo._connect = function(obj, event, context, method){
+ var l=dojo._listener, h=l.add(obj, event, dojo.hitch(context, method));
+ return [obj, event, h, l]; // Handle
-var a=arguments,_d=[],i=0;
-var a1=a[i+1];
-for(var l=a.length;i<l;i++){
+dojo.disconnect = function(/*Handle*/ handle){
+ // summary:
+ // Remove a link created by dojo.connect.
+ // description:
+ // Removes the connection between event and the method referenced by handle.
+ // handle:
+ // the return value of the dojo.connect call that created the connection.
+ if(handle && handle[0] !== undefined){
+ dojo._disconnect.apply(this, handle);
+ // let's not keep this reference
+ delete handle[0];
+ }
-return dojo._connect.apply(this,_d);
-var l=dojo._listener,h=l.add(_e,_f,dojo.hitch(_10,_11));
-return [_e,_f,h,l];
-delete _12[0];
+dojo._disconnect = function(obj, event, handle, listener){
+ listener.remove(obj, event, handle);
-return [_16,dojo._listener.add(dojo._topics,_16,dojo.hitch(_17,_18))];
+// topic publish/subscribe
+dojo._topics = {};
+dojo.subscribe = function(/*String*/ topic, /*Object|null*/ context, /*String|Function*/ method){
+ // summary:
+ // Attach a listener to a named topic. The listener function is invoked whenever the
+ // named topic is published (see: dojo.publish).
+ // Returns a handle which is needed to unsubscribe this listener.
+ // context:
+ // Scope in which method will be invoked, or null for default scope.
+ // method:
+ // The name of a function in context, or a function reference. This is the function that
+ // is invoked when topic is published.
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.subscribe("alerts", null, function(caption, message){ alert(caption + "\n" + message); });
+ // | dojo.publish("alerts", [ "read this", "hello world" ]);
+ // support for 2 argument invocation (omitting context) depends on hitch
+ return [topic, dojo._listener.add(dojo._topics, topic, dojo.hitch(context, method))]; /*Handle*/
-var f=dojo._topics[_1a];
+dojo.unsubscribe = function(/*Handle*/ handle){
+ // summary:
+ // Remove a topic listener.
+ // handle:
+ // The handle returned from a call to subscribe.
+ // example:
+ // | var alerter = dojo.subscribe("alerts", null, function(caption, message){ alert(caption + "\n" + message); };
+ // | ...
+ // | dojo.unsubscribe(alerter);
+ if(handle){
+ dojo._listener.remove(dojo._topics, handle[0], handle[1]);
+ }
+dojo.publish = function(/*String*/ topic, /*Array*/ args){
+ // summary:
+ // Invoke all listener method subscribed to topic.
+ // topic:
+ // The name of the topic to publish.
+ // args:
+ // An array of arguments. The arguments will be applied
+ // to each topic subscriber (as first class parameters, via apply).
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.subscribe("alerts", null, function(caption, message){ alert(caption + "\n" + message); };
+ // | dojo.publish("alerts", [ "read this", "hello world" ]);
+ // Note that args is an array, which is more efficient vs variable length
+ // argument list. Ideally, var args would be implemented via Array
+ // throughout the APIs.
+ var f = dojo._topics[topic];
+ if(f){
+ f.apply(this, args||[]);
+ }
+dojo.connectPublisher = function( /*String*/ topic,
+ /*Object|null*/ obj,
+ /*String*/ event){
+ // summary:
+ // Ensure that every time obj.event() is called, a message is published
+ // on the topic. Returns a handle which can be passed to
+ // dojo.disconnect() to disable subsequent automatic publication on
+ // the topic.
+ // topic:
+ // The name of the topic to publish.
+ // obj:
+ // The source object for the event function. Defaults to
+ // if null.
+ // event:
+ // The name of the event function in obj.
+ // I.e. identifies a property obj[event].
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.connectPublisher("/ajax/start", dojo, "xhrGet");
+ var pf = function(){ dojo.publish(topic, arguments); }
+ return event ? dojo.connect(obj, event, pf) : dojo.connect(obj, pf); //Handle
-var pf=function(){
-return _1d?dojo.connect(obj,_1d,pf):dojo.connect(obj,pf);
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/declare.js b/lib/dojo/_base/declare.js
index f8ce201ec..8e46b12c0 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/declare.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/declare.js
@@ -5,419 +5,1044 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.declare"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.declare"] = true;
-var d=dojo,_1=d._mixin,op=Object.prototype,_2=op.toString,_3=new Function,_4=0,_5="constructor";
-function _6(_7){
-throw new Error("declare: "+_7);
-function _8(_9){
-var _a=[],_b=[{cls:0,refs:[]}],_c={},_d=1,l=_9.length,i=0,j,_e,_f,top,_10,rec,_11,_12;
-_6("mixin #"+i+" is unknown. Did you use dojo.require to pull it in?");
-if(!="[object Function]"){
-_6("mixin #"+i+" is not a callable constructor.");
-_6("can't build consistent linearization");
-return _a;
-function _13(_14,a,f){
-var _15,_16,_17,_18,_19,_1a,_1b,opf,pos,_1c=this._inherited=this._inherited||{};
-if(typeof _14=="string"){
-_6("can't deduce a name to call inherited()");
-if(_16&&typeof _16[_15]=="string"){
-_6("calling chained method with inherited: "+_15);
-_6("calling chained constructor with inherited");
-return a===true?f:f.apply(this,a||_14);
-function _1d(_1e,_1f){
-if(typeof _1e=="string"){
-return this.inherited(_1e,_1f,true);
-return this.inherited(_1e,true);
-function _20(cls){
-var _21=this.constructor._meta.bases;
-for(var i=0,l=_21.length;i<l;++i){
-return true;
-return this instanceof cls;
-function _22(_23,_24){
-var _25,i=0,l=d._extraNames.length;
-for(_25 in _24){
-function _26(_27,_28){
-var _29,t,i=0,l=d._extraNames.length;
-for(_29 in _28){
-if((t!==op[_29]||!(_29 in op))&&_29!=_5){
-if("[object Function]"){
-if((t!==op[_29]||!(_29 in op))&&_29!=_5){
-if("[object Function]"){
-return _27;
-function _2a(_2b){
-return this;
-function _2c(_2d,_2e){
-return function(){
-var a=arguments,_2f=a,a0=a[0],f,i,m,l=_2d.length,_30;
-if(!(this instanceof a.callee)){
-return _31(a);
-_30=new Array(_2d.length);
-function _32(_33,_34){
-return function(){
-var a=arguments,t=a,a0=a[0],f;
-if(!(this instanceof a.callee)){
-return _31(a);
-function _35(_36){
-return function(){
-var a=arguments,i=0,f,m;
-if(!(this instanceof a.callee)){
-return _31(a);
-function _37(_38,_39,_3a){
-return function(){
-var b,m,f,i=0,_3b=1;
-function _3c(_3d){
-var t=new _3;
-return t;
-function _31(_3e){
-var _3f=_3e.callee,t=_3c(_3f);
-return t;
-if(typeof _40!="string"){
-var _43,i,t,_44,_45,_46,_47,_48=1,_49=_41;
-if("[object Array]"){
-if("[object Function]"){
-_6("base class is not a callable constructor.");
-_6("unknown base class. Did you use dojo.require to pull it in?");
-_44=new Function;
-for(_45 in _47){
-if(_43[_45]&&typeof _47[_45]=="string"&&_45!=_5){
-return _44;
+ var d = dojo, mix = d._mixin, op = Object.prototype, opts = op.toString,
+ xtor = new Function, counter = 0, cname = "constructor";
+ function err(msg){ throw new Error("declare: " + msg); }
+ // C3 Method Resolution Order (see
+ function c3mro(bases){
+ var result = [], roots = [{cls: 0, refs: []}], nameMap = {}, clsCount = 1,
+ l = bases.length, i = 0, j, lin, base, top, proto, rec, name, refs;
+ // build a list of bases naming them if needed
+ for(; i < l; ++i){
+ base = bases[i];
+ if(!base){
+ err("mixin #" + i + " is unknown. Did you use dojo.require to pull it in?");
+ }else if( != "[object Function]"){
+ err("mixin #" + i + " is not a callable constructor.");
+ }
+ lin = base._meta ? base._meta.bases : [base];
+ top = 0;
+ // add bases to the name map
+ for(j = lin.length - 1; j >= 0; --j){
+ proto = lin[j].prototype;
+ if(!proto.hasOwnProperty("declaredClass")){
+ proto.declaredClass = "uniqName_" + (counter++);
+ }
+ name = proto.declaredClass;
+ if(!nameMap.hasOwnProperty(name)){
+ nameMap[name] = {count: 0, refs: [], cls: lin[j]};
+ ++clsCount;
+ }
+ rec = nameMap[name];
+ if(top && top !== rec){
+ rec.refs.push(top);
+ ++top.count;
+ }
+ top = rec;
+ }
+ ++top.count;
+ roots[0].refs.push(top);
+ }
+ // remove classes without external references recursively
+ while(roots.length){
+ top = roots.pop();
+ result.push(top.cls);
+ --clsCount;
+ // optimization: follow a single-linked chain
+ while(refs = top.refs, refs.length == 1){
+ top = refs[0];
+ if(!top || --top.count){
+ // branch or end of chain => do not end to roots
+ top = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ result.push(top.cls);
+ --clsCount;
+ }
+ if(top){
+ // branch
+ for(i = 0, l = refs.length; i < l; ++i){
+ top = refs[i];
+ if(!--top.count){
+ roots.push(top);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(clsCount){
+ err("can't build consistent linearization");
+ }
+ // calculate the superclass offset
+ base = bases[0];
+ result[0] = base ?
+ base._meta && base === result[result.length - base._meta.bases.length] ?
+ base._meta.bases.length : 1 : 0;
+ return result;
+ }
+ function inherited(args, a, f){
+ var name, chains, bases, caller, meta, base, proto, opf, pos,
+ cache = this._inherited = this._inherited || {};
+ // crack arguments
+ if(typeof args == "string"){
+ name = args;
+ args = a;
+ a = f;
+ }
+ f = 0;
+ caller = args.callee;
+ name = name || caller.nom;
+ if(!name){
+ err("can't deduce a name to call inherited()");
+ }
+ meta = this.constructor._meta;
+ bases = meta.bases;
+ pos = cache.p;
+ if(name != cname){
+ // method
+ if(cache.c !== caller){
+ // cache bust
+ pos = 0;
+ base = bases[0];
+ meta = base._meta;
+ if(meta.hidden[name] !== caller){
+ // error detection
+ chains = meta.chains;
+ if(chains && typeof chains[name] == "string"){
+ err("calling chained method with inherited: " + name);
+ }
+ // find caller
+ do{
+ meta = base._meta;
+ proto = base.prototype;
+ if(meta && (proto[name] === caller && proto.hasOwnProperty(name) || meta.hidden[name] === caller)){
+ break;
+ }
+ }while(base = bases[++pos]); // intentional assignment
+ pos = base ? pos : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // find next
+ base = bases[++pos];
+ if(base){
+ proto = base.prototype;
+ if(base._meta && proto.hasOwnProperty(name)){
+ f = proto[name];
+ }else{
+ opf = op[name];
+ do{
+ proto = base.prototype;
+ f = proto[name];
+ if(f && (base._meta ? proto.hasOwnProperty(name) : f !== opf)){
+ break;
+ }
+ }while(base = bases[++pos]); // intentional assignment
+ }
+ }
+ f = base && f || op[name];
+ }else{
+ // constructor
+ if(cache.c !== caller){
+ // cache bust
+ pos = 0;
+ meta = bases[0]._meta;
+ if(meta && meta.ctor !== caller){
+ // error detection
+ chains = meta.chains;
+ if(!chains || chains.constructor !== "manual"){
+ err("calling chained constructor with inherited");
+ }
+ // find caller
+ while(base = bases[++pos]){ // intentional assignment
+ meta = base._meta;
+ if(meta && meta.ctor === caller){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ pos = base ? pos : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // find next
+ while(base = bases[++pos]){ // intentional assignment
+ meta = base._meta;
+ f = meta ? meta.ctor : base;
+ if(f){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ f = base && f;
+ }
+ // cache the found super method
+ cache.c = f;
+ cache.p = pos;
+ // now we have the result
+ if(f){
+ return a === true ? f : f.apply(this, a || args);
+ }
+ // intentionally if a super method was not found
+ }
+ function getInherited(name, args){
+ if(typeof name == "string"){
+ return this.inherited(name, args, true);
+ }
+ return this.inherited(name, true);
+ }
+ // emulation of "instanceof"
+ function isInstanceOf(cls){
+ var bases = this.constructor._meta.bases;
+ for(var i = 0, l = bases.length; i < l; ++i){
+ if(bases[i] === cls){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return this instanceof cls;
+ }
+ function mixOwn(target, source){
+ var name, i = 0, l = d._extraNames.length;
+ // add props adding metadata for incoming functions skipping a constructor
+ for(name in source){
+ if(name != cname && source.hasOwnProperty(name)){
+ target[name] = source[name];
+ }
+ }
+ // process unenumerable methods on IE
+ for(; i < l; ++i){
+ name = d._extraNames[i];
+ if(name != cname && source.hasOwnProperty(name)){
+ target[name] = source[name];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // implementation of safe mixin function
+ function safeMixin(target, source){
+ var name, t, i = 0, l = d._extraNames.length;
+ // add props adding metadata for incoming functions skipping a constructor
+ for(name in source){
+ t = source[name];
+ if((t !== op[name] || !(name in op)) && name != cname){
+ if( == "[object Function]"){
+ // non-trivial function method => attach its name
+ t.nom = name;
+ }
+ target[name] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ // process unenumerable methods on IE
+ for(; i < l; ++i){
+ name = d._extraNames[i];
+ t = source[name];
+ if((t !== op[name] || !(name in op)) && name != cname){
+ if( == "[object Function]"){
+ // non-trivial function method => attach its name
+ t.nom = name;
+ }
+ target[name] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ return target;
+ }
+ function extend(source){
+ safeMixin(this.prototype, source);
+ return this;
+ }
+ // chained constructor compatible with the legacy dojo.declare()
+ function chainedConstructor(bases, ctorSpecial){
+ return function(){
+ var a = arguments, args = a, a0 = a[0], f, i, m,
+ l = bases.length, preArgs;
+ if(!(this instanceof a.callee)){
+ // not called via new, so force it
+ return applyNew(a);
+ }
+ //this._inherited = {};
+ // perform the shaman's rituals of the original dojo.declare()
+ // 1) call two types of the preamble
+ if(ctorSpecial && (a0 && a0.preamble || this.preamble)){
+ // full blown ritual
+ preArgs = new Array(bases.length);
+ // prepare parameters
+ preArgs[0] = a;
+ for(i = 0;;){
+ // process the preamble of the 1st argument
+ a0 = a[0];
+ if(a0){
+ f = a0.preamble;
+ if(f){
+ a = f.apply(this, a) || a;
+ }
+ }
+ // process the preamble of this class
+ f = bases[i].prototype;
+ f = f.hasOwnProperty("preamble") && f.preamble;
+ if(f){
+ a = f.apply(this, a) || a;
+ }
+ // one peculiarity of the preamble:
+ // it is called if it is not needed,
+ // e.g., there is no constructor to call
+ // let's watch for the last constructor
+ // (see ticket #9795)
+ if(++i == l){
+ break;
+ }
+ preArgs[i] = a;
+ }
+ }
+ // 2) call all non-trivial constructors using prepared arguments
+ for(i = l - 1; i >= 0; --i){
+ f = bases[i];
+ m = f._meta;
+ f = m ? m.ctor : f;
+ if(f){
+ f.apply(this, preArgs ? preArgs[i] : a);
+ }
+ }
+ // 3) continue the original ritual: call the postscript
+ f = this.postscript;
+ if(f){
+ f.apply(this, args);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // chained constructor compatible with the legacy dojo.declare()
+ function singleConstructor(ctor, ctorSpecial){
+ return function(){
+ var a = arguments, t = a, a0 = a[0], f;
+ if(!(this instanceof a.callee)){
+ // not called via new, so force it
+ return applyNew(a);
+ }
+ //this._inherited = {};
+ // perform the shaman's rituals of the original dojo.declare()
+ // 1) call two types of the preamble
+ if(ctorSpecial){
+ // full blown ritual
+ if(a0){
+ // process the preamble of the 1st argument
+ f = a0.preamble;
+ if(f){
+ t = f.apply(this, t) || t;
+ }
+ }
+ f = this.preamble;
+ if(f){
+ // process the preamble of this class
+ f.apply(this, t);
+ // one peculiarity of the preamble:
+ // it is called even if it is not needed,
+ // e.g., there is no constructor to call
+ // let's watch for the last constructor
+ // (see ticket #9795)
+ }
+ }
+ // 2) call a constructor
+ if(ctor){
+ ctor.apply(this, a);
+ }
+ // 3) continue the original ritual: call the postscript
+ f = this.postscript;
+ if(f){
+ f.apply(this, a);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // plain vanilla constructor (can use inherited() to call its base constructor)
+ function simpleConstructor(bases){
+ return function(){
+ var a = arguments, i = 0, f, m;
+ if(!(this instanceof a.callee)){
+ // not called via new, so force it
+ return applyNew(a);
+ }
+ //this._inherited = {};
+ // perform the shaman's rituals of the original dojo.declare()
+ // 1) do not call the preamble
+ // 2) call the top constructor (it can use this.inherited())
+ for(; f = bases[i]; ++i){ // intentional assignment
+ m = f._meta;
+ f = m ? m.ctor : f;
+ if(f){
+ f.apply(this, a);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // 3) call the postscript
+ f = this.postscript;
+ if(f){
+ f.apply(this, a);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function chain(name, bases, reversed){
+ return function(){
+ var b, m, f, i = 0, step = 1;
+ if(reversed){
+ i = bases.length - 1;
+ step = -1;
+ }
+ for(; b = bases[i]; i += step){ // intentional assignment
+ m = b._meta;
+ f = (m ? m.hidden : b.prototype)[name];
+ if(f){
+ f.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // forceNew(ctor)
+ // return a new object that inherits from ctor.prototype but
+ // without actually running ctor on the object.
+ function forceNew(ctor){
+ // create object with correct prototype using a do-nothing
+ // constructor
+ xtor.prototype = ctor.prototype;
+ var t = new xtor;
+ xtor.prototype = null; // clean up
+ return t;
+ }
+ // applyNew(args)
+ // just like 'new ctor()' except that the constructor and its arguments come
+ // from args, which must be an array or an arguments object
+ function applyNew(args){
+ // create an object with ctor's prototype but without
+ // calling ctor on it.
+ var ctor = args.callee, t = forceNew(ctor);
+ // execute the real constructor on the new object
+ ctor.apply(t, args);
+ return t;
+ }
+ d.declare = function(className, superclass, props){
+ // crack parameters
+ if(typeof className != "string"){
+ props = superclass;
+ superclass = className;
+ className = "";
+ }
+ props = props || {};
+ var proto, i, t, ctor, name, bases, chains, mixins = 1, parents = superclass;
+ // build a prototype
+ if( == "[object Array]"){
+ // C3 MRO
+ bases = c3mro(superclass);
+ t = bases[0];
+ mixins = bases.length - t;
+ superclass = bases[mixins];
+ }else{
+ bases = [0];
+ if(superclass){
+ if( == "[object Function]"){
+ t = superclass._meta;
+ bases = bases.concat(t ? t.bases : superclass);
+ }else{
+ err("base class is not a callable constructor.");
+ }
+ }else if(superclass !== null){
+ err("unknown base class. Did you use dojo.require to pull it in?")
+ }
+ }
+ if(superclass){
+ for(i = mixins - 1;; --i){
+ proto = forceNew(superclass);
+ if(!i){
+ // stop if nothing to add (the last base)
+ break;
+ }
+ // mix in properties
+ t = bases[i];
+ (t._meta ? mixOwn : mix)(proto, t.prototype);
+ // chain in new constructor
+ ctor = new Function;
+ ctor.superclass = superclass;
+ ctor.prototype = proto;
+ superclass = proto.constructor = ctor;
+ }
+ }else{
+ proto = {};
+ }
+ // add all properties
+ safeMixin(proto, props);
+ // add constructor
+ t = props.constructor;
+ if(t !== op.constructor){
+ t.nom = cname;
+ proto.constructor = t;
+ }
+ // collect chains and flags
+ for(i = mixins - 1; i; --i){ // intentional assignment
+ t = bases[i]._meta;
+ if(t && t.chains){
+ chains = mix(chains || {}, t.chains);
+ }
+ }
+ if(proto["-chains-"]){
+ chains = mix(chains || {}, proto["-chains-"]);
+ }
+ // build ctor
+ t = !chains || !chains.hasOwnProperty(cname);
+ bases[0] = ctor = (chains && chains.constructor === "manual") ? simpleConstructor(bases) :
+ (bases.length == 1 ? singleConstructor(props.constructor, t) : chainedConstructor(bases, t));
+ // add meta information to the constructor
+ ctor._meta = {bases: bases, hidden: props, chains: chains,
+ parents: parents, ctor: props.constructor};
+ ctor.superclass = superclass && superclass.prototype;
+ ctor.extend = extend;
+ ctor.prototype = proto;
+ proto.constructor = ctor;
+ // add "standard" methods to the prototype
+ proto.getInherited = getInherited;
+ proto.inherited = inherited;
+ proto.isInstanceOf = isInstanceOf;
+ // add name if specified
+ if(className){
+ proto.declaredClass = className;
+ d.setObject(className, ctor);
+ }
+ // build chains and add them to the prototype
+ if(chains){
+ for(name in chains){
+ if(proto[name] && typeof chains[name] == "string" && name != cname){
+ t = proto[name] = chain(name, bases, chains[name] === "after");
+ t.nom = name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // chained methods do not return values
+ // no need to chain "invisible" functions
+ return ctor; // Function
+ };
+ d.safeMixin = safeMixin;
+ /*=====
+ dojo.declare = function(className, superclass, props){
+ // summary:
+ // Create a feature-rich constructor from compact notation.
+ // className: String?:
+ // The optional name of the constructor (loosely, a "class")
+ // stored in the "declaredClass" property in the created prototype.
+ // It will be used as a global name for a created constructor.
+ // superclass: Function|Function[]:
+ // May be null, a Function, or an Array of Functions. This argument
+ // specifies a list of bases (the left-most one is the most deepest
+ // base).
+ // props: Object:
+ // An object whose properties are copied to the created prototype.
+ // Add an instance-initialization function by making it a property
+ // named "constructor".
+ // returns:
+ // New constructor function.
+ // description:
+ // Create a constructor using a compact notation for inheritance and
+ // prototype extension.
+ //
+ // Mixin ancestors provide a type of multiple inheritance.
+ // Prototypes of mixin ancestors are copied to the new class:
+ // changes to mixin prototypes will not affect classes to which
+ // they have been mixed in.
+ //
+ // Ancestors can be compound classes created by this version of
+ // dojo.declare. In complex cases all base classes are going to be
+ // linearized according to C3 MRO algorithm
+ // (see for more
+ // details).
+ //
+ // "className" is cached in "declaredClass" property of the new class,
+ // if it was supplied. The immediate super class will be cached in
+ // "superclass" property of the new class.
+ //
+ // Methods in "props" will be copied and modified: "nom" property
+ // (the declared name of the method) will be added to all copied
+ // functions to help identify them for the internal machinery. Be
+ // very careful, while reusing methods: if you use the same
+ // function under different names, it can produce errors in some
+ // cases.
+ //
+ // It is possible to use constructors created "manually" (without
+ // dojo.declare) as bases. They will be called as usual during the
+ // creation of an instance, their methods will be chained, and even
+ // called by "this.inherited()".
+ //
+ // Special property "-chains-" governs how to chain methods. It is
+ // a dictionary, which uses method names as keys, and hint strings
+ // as values. If a hint string is "after", this method will be
+ // called after methods of its base classes. If a hint string is
+ // "before", this method will be called before methods of its base
+ // classes.
+ //
+ // If "constructor" is not mentioned in "-chains-" property, it will
+ // be chained using the legacy mode: using "after" chaining,
+ // calling preamble() method before each constructor, if available,
+ // and calling postscript() after all constructors were executed.
+ // If the hint is "after", it is chained as a regular method, but
+ // postscript() will be called after the chain of constructors.
+ // "constructor" cannot be chained "before", but it allows
+ // a special hint string: "manual", which means that constructors
+ // are not going to be chained in any way, and programmer will call
+ // them manually using this.inherited(). In the latter case
+ // postscript() will be called after the construction.
+ //
+ // All chaining hints are "inherited" from base classes and
+ // potentially can be overridden. Be very careful when overriding
+ // hints! Make sure that all chained methods can work in a proposed
+ // manner of chaining.
+ //
+ // Once a method was chained, it is impossible to unchain it. The
+ // only exception is "constructor". You don't need to define a
+ // method in order to supply a chaining hint.
+ //
+ // If a method is chained, it cannot use this.inherited() because
+ // all other methods in the hierarchy will be called automatically.
+ //
+ // Usually constructors and initializers of any kind are chained
+ // using "after" and destructors of any kind are chained as
+ // "before". Note that chaining assumes that chained methods do not
+ // return any value: any returned value will be discarded.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.declare("",, {
+ // | // properties to be added to the class prototype
+ // | someValue: 2,
+ // | // initialization function
+ // | constructor: function(){
+ // | this.myComplicatedObject = new ReallyComplicatedObject();
+ // | },
+ // | // other functions
+ // | someMethod: function(){
+ // | doStuff();
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var MyBase = dojo.declare(null, {
+ // | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
+ // | // ...
+ // | });
+ // | var MyClass1 = dojo.declare(MyBase, {
+ // | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
+ // | // ...
+ // | });
+ // | var MyClass2 = dojo.declare(MyBase, {
+ // | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
+ // | // ...
+ // | });
+ // | var MyDiamond = dojo.declare([MyClass1, MyClass2], {
+ // | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
+ // | // ...
+ // | });
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var F = function(){ console.log("raw constructor"); };
+ // | F.prototype.method = function(){
+ // | console.log("raw method");
+ // | };
+ // | var A = dojo.declare(F, {
+ // | constructor: function(){
+ // | console.log("A.constructor");
+ // | },
+ // | method: function(){
+ // | console.log("before calling F.method...");
+ // | this.inherited(arguments);
+ // | console.log("...back in A");
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | new A().method();
+ // | // will print:
+ // | // raw constructor
+ // | // A.constructor
+ // | // before calling F.method...
+ // | // raw method
+ // | // ...back in A
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var A = dojo.declare(null, {
+ // | "-chains-": {
+ // | destroy: "before"
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | var B = dojo.declare(A, {
+ // | constructor: function(){
+ // | console.log("B.constructor");
+ // | },
+ // | destroy: function(){
+ // | console.log("B.destroy");
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | var C = dojo.declare(B, {
+ // | constructor: function(){
+ // | console.log("C.constructor");
+ // | },
+ // | destroy: function(){
+ // | console.log("C.destroy");
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | new C().destroy();
+ // | // prints:
+ // | // B.constructor
+ // | // C.constructor
+ // | // C.destroy
+ // | // B.destroy
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var A = dojo.declare(null, {
+ // | "-chains-": {
+ // | constructor: "manual"
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | var B = dojo.declare(A, {
+ // | constructor: function(){
+ // | // ...
+ // | // call the base constructor with new parameters
+ // | this.inherited(arguments, [1, 2, 3]);
+ // | // ...
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var A = dojo.declare(null, {
+ // | "-chains-": {
+ // | m1: "before"
+ // | },
+ // | m1: function(){
+ // | console.log("A.m1");
+ // | },
+ // | m2: function(){
+ // | console.log("A.m2");
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | var B = dojo.declare(A, {
+ // | "-chains-": {
+ // | m2: "after"
+ // | },
+ // | m1: function(){
+ // | console.log("B.m1");
+ // | },
+ // | m2: function(){
+ // | console.log("B.m2");
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | var x = new B();
+ // | x.m1();
+ // | // prints:
+ // | // B.m1
+ // | // A.m1
+ // | x.m2();
+ // | // prints:
+ // | // A.m2
+ // | // B.m2
+ return new Function(); // Function
+ };
+ =====*/
+ /*=====
+ dojo.safeMixin = function(target, source){
+ // summary:
+ // Mix in properties skipping a constructor and decorating functions
+ // like it is done by dojo.declare.
+ // target: Object
+ // Target object to accept new properties.
+ // source: Object
+ // Source object for new properties.
+ // description:
+ // This function is used to mix in properties like dojo._mixin does,
+ // but it skips a constructor property and decorates functions like
+ // dojo.declare does.
+ //
+ // It is meant to be used with classes and objects produced with
+ // dojo.declare. Functions mixed in with dojo.safeMixin can use
+ // this.inherited() like normal methods.
+ //
+ // This function is used to implement extend() method of a constructor
+ // produced with dojo.declare().
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var A = dojo.declare(null, {
+ // | m1: function(){
+ // | console.log("A.m1");
+ // | },
+ // | m2: function(){
+ // | console.log("A.m2");
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | var B = dojo.declare(A, {
+ // | m1: function(){
+ // | this.inherited(arguments);
+ // | console.log("B.m1");
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | B.extend({
+ // | m2: function(){
+ // | this.inherited(arguments);
+ // | console.log("B.m2");
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | var x = new B();
+ // | dojo.safeMixin(x, {
+ // | m1: function(){
+ // | this.inherited(arguments);
+ // | console.log("X.m1");
+ // | },
+ // | m2: function(){
+ // | this.inherited(arguments);
+ // | console.log("X.m2");
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | x.m2();
+ // | // prints:
+ // | // A.m1
+ // | // B.m1
+ // | // X.m1
+ };
+ =====*/
+ /*=====
+ Object.inherited = function(name, args, newArgs){
+ // summary:
+ // Calls a super method.
+ // name: String?
+ // The optional method name. Should be the same as the caller's
+ // name. Usually "name" is specified in complex dynamic cases, when
+ // the calling method was dynamically added, undecorated by
+ // dojo.declare, and it cannot be determined.
+ // args: Arguments
+ // The caller supply this argument, which should be the original
+ // "arguments".
+ // newArgs: Object?
+ // If "true", the found function will be returned without
+ // executing it.
+ // If Array, it will be used to call a super method. Otherwise
+ // "args" will be used.
+ // returns:
+ // Whatever is returned by a super method, or a super method itself,
+ // if "true" was specified as newArgs.
+ // description:
+ // This method is used inside method of classes produced with
+ // dojo.declare to call a super method (next in the chain). It is
+ // used for manually controlled chaining. Consider using the regular
+ // chaining, because it is faster. Use "this.inherited()" only in
+ // complex cases.
+ //
+ // This method cannot me called from automatically chained
+ // constructors including the case of a special (legacy)
+ // constructor chaining. It cannot be called from chained methods.
+ //
+ // If "this.inherited()" cannot find the next-in-chain method, it
+ // does nothing and returns "undefined". The last method in chain
+ // can be a default method implemented in Object, which will be
+ // called last.
+ //
+ // If "name" is specified, it is assumed that the method that
+ // received "args" is the parent method for this call. It is looked
+ // up in the chain list and if it is found the next-in-chain method
+ // is called. If it is not found, the first-in-chain method is
+ // called.
+ //
+ // If "name" is not specified, it will be derived from the calling
+ // method (using a methoid property "nom").
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var B = dojo.declare(A, {
+ // | method1: function(a, b, c){
+ // | this.inherited(arguments);
+ // | },
+ // | method2: function(a, b){
+ // | return this.inherited(arguments, [a + b]);
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | // next method is not in the chain list because it is added
+ // | // manually after the class was created.
+ // | B.prototype.method3 = function(){
+ // | console.log("This is a dynamically-added method.");
+ // | this.inherited("method3", arguments);
+ // | };
+ // example:
+ // | var B = dojo.declare(A, {
+ // | method: function(a, b){
+ // | var super = this.inherited(arguments, true);
+ // | // ...
+ // | if(!super){
+ // | console.log("there is no super method");
+ // | return 0;
+ // | }
+ // | return super.apply(this, arguments);
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ return {}; // Object
+ }
+ =====*/
+ /*=====
+ Object.getInherited = function(name, args){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a super method.
+ // name: String?
+ // The optional method name. Should be the same as the caller's
+ // name. Usually "name" is specified in complex dynamic cases, when
+ // the calling method was dynamically added, undecorated by
+ // dojo.declare, and it cannot be determined.
+ // args: Arguments
+ // The caller supply this argument, which should be the original
+ // "arguments".
+ // returns:
+ // Returns a super method (Function) or "undefined".
+ // description:
+ // This method is a convenience method for "this.inherited()".
+ // It uses the same algorithm but instead of executing a super
+ // method, it returns it, or "undefined" if not found.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var B = dojo.declare(A, {
+ // | method: function(a, b){
+ // | var super = this.getInherited(arguments);
+ // | // ...
+ // | if(!super){
+ // | console.log("there is no super method");
+ // | return 0;
+ // | }
+ // | return super.apply(this, arguments);
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ return {}; // Object
+ }
+ =====*/
+ /*=====
+ Object.isInstanceOf = function(cls){
+ // summary:
+ // Checks the inheritance chain to see if it is inherited from this
+ // class.
+ // cls: Function
+ // Class constructor.
+ // returns:
+ // "true", if this object is inherited from this class, "false"
+ // otherwise.
+ // description:
+ // This method is used with instances of classes produced with
+ // dojo.declare to determine of they support a certain interface or
+ // not. It models "instanceof" operator.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var A = dojo.declare(null, {
+ // | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
+ // | // ...
+ // | });
+ // | var B = dojo.declare(null, {
+ // | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
+ // | // ...
+ // | });
+ // | var C = dojo.declare([A, B], {
+ // | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
+ // | // ...
+ // | });
+ // | var D = dojo.declare(A, {
+ // | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
+ // | // ...
+ // | });
+ // |
+ // | var a = new A(), b = new B(), c = new C(), d = new D();
+ // |
+ // | console.log(a.isInstanceOf(A)); // true
+ // | console.log(b.isInstanceOf(A)); // false
+ // | console.log(c.isInstanceOf(A)); // true
+ // | console.log(d.isInstanceOf(A)); // true
+ // |
+ // | console.log(a.isInstanceOf(B)); // false
+ // | console.log(b.isInstanceOf(B)); // true
+ // | console.log(c.isInstanceOf(B)); // true
+ // | console.log(d.isInstanceOf(B)); // false
+ // |
+ // | console.log(a.isInstanceOf(C)); // false
+ // | console.log(b.isInstanceOf(C)); // false
+ // | console.log(c.isInstanceOf(C)); // true
+ // | console.log(d.isInstanceOf(C)); // false
+ // |
+ // | console.log(a.isInstanceOf(D)); // false
+ // | console.log(b.isInstanceOf(D)); // false
+ // | console.log(c.isInstanceOf(D)); // false
+ // | console.log(d.isInstanceOf(D)); // true
+ return {}; // Object
+ }
+ =====*/
+ /*=====
+ Object.extend = function(source){
+ // summary:
+ // Adds all properties and methods of source to constructor's
+ // prototype, making them available to all instances created with
+ // constructor. This method is specific to constructors created with
+ // dojo.declare.
+ // source: Object
+ // Source object which properties are going to be copied to the
+ // constructor's prototype.
+ // description:
+ // Adds source properties to the constructor's prototype. It can
+ // override existing properties.
+ //
+ // This method is similar to dojo.extend function, but it is specific
+ // to constructors produced by dojo.declare. It is implemented
+ // using dojo.safeMixin, and it skips a constructor property,
+ // and properly decorates copied functions.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var A = dojo.declare(null, {
+ // | m1: function(){},
+ // | s1: "Popokatepetl"
+ // | });
+ // | A.extend({
+ // | m1: function(){},
+ // | m2: function(){},
+ // | f1: true,
+ // | d1: 42
+ // | });
+ };
+ =====*/
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/event.js b/lib/dojo/_base/event.js
index 1e6ef788a..5268c6cff 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/event.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/event.js
@@ -5,355 +5,641 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.event"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.event"] = true;
+// this file courtesy of the TurboAjax Group, licensed under a Dojo CLA
-var _1=(dojo._event_listener={add:function(_2,_3,fp){
-var _4=_3;
-var _5=fp;
-return fp;
-return _9.slice(0,2)=="on"?_9.slice(2):_9;
-return _a!="keypress"?fp:function(e){
-case "keypress":
-return _b;
-return _1._fixEvent(_e,_f);
-var _10=dojo._listener;
-var _15=obj&&(obj.nodeType||obj.attachEvent||obj.addEventListener);
-var lid=_15?(_14?2:1):0,l=[dojo._listener,_1,_10][lid];
-var h=l.add(obj,_11,dojo.hitch(_12,_13));
-return [obj,_11,h,lid];
-var _19=dojo.isMac?"metaKey":"ctrlKey";
-return e[_19];
-return e.button&_1a;
-return e.button&1;
-return e.button&4;
-return e.button&2;
-return e.button==_1b;
-return e.button==0;
-return e.button==1;
-return e.button==2;
-var _1c=function(e,_1d){
-return (e.keyCode=_1d);
-return 0;
-var iel=dojo._listener;
-var _1e=(dojo._ieListenersName="_"+dojo._scopeName+"_listeners");
-var f=_1f[_20];
-var d=dojo._getIeDispatcher();;
-return f[_1e].push(ieh.push(_21)-1);
-var f=(_22||[_23],l=f&&f[_1e];
-delete ieh[l[_24]];
-delete l[_24];
-var ieh=iel.handlers;
-var kd=_25.onkeydown;
-var h=_1.add(_25,"onkeydown",_1._stealthKeyDown);
-return iel.add(_25,_26,_1._fixCallback(fp));
-var kd=_27.onkeydown;
-delete kd._stealthKeydownHandle;
-return _2a.slice(0,2)!="on"?"on"+_2a:_2a;
-var w=_2b&&(_2b.ownerDocument||_2b.document||_2b).parentWindow||window;
-return (evt);
-var se=evt.srcElement,doc=(se&&se.ownerDocument)||document;
-var _2c=((dojo.isIE<6)||(doc["compatMode"]=="BackCompat"))?doc.body:doc.documentElement;
-var _2d=dojo._getIeDocumentElementOffset();
-return _1._fixKeys(evt);
-case "keypress":
-var c=("charCode" in evt?evt.charCode:evt.keyCode);
-return evt;
-var kp=evt.currentTarget.onkeypress;
-var k=evt.keyCode;
-var _2e=k!=13&&k!=32&&k!=27&&(k<48||k>90)&&(k<96||k>111)&&(k<186||k>192)&&(k<219||k>222);
-var c=_2e?0:k;
-var _2f=_1._synthesizeEvent(evt,{type:"keypress",faux:true,charCode:c});,_2f);
-var _31=dojo.mixin({},evt,_30);
-return _31;
-case "keypress":
-var c=evt.which;
-return _1._synthesizeEvent(evt,{charCode:c});
-return evt;
-var _35=_1._add(_33,_34,fp);
-var k=evt.keyCode;
-var _36=k!=13&&k!=32&&(k<48||k>90)&&(k<96||k>111)&&(k<186||k>192)&&(k<219||k>222);
-var c=_36?0:k;
-var _37=_1._synthesizeEvent(evt,{type:"keypress",faux:true,charCode:c});,_37);
-return _35;
-case "keypress":
-return evt;
-var c=evt.charCode;
-return _1._synthesizeEvent(evt,{charCode:c,faux:true});
-return evt;
+ // DOM event listener machinery
+ var del = (dojo._event_listener = {
+ add: function(/*DOMNode*/ node, /*String*/ name, /*Function*/ fp){
+ if(!node){return;}
+ name = del._normalizeEventName(name);
+ fp = del._fixCallback(name, fp);
+ var oname = name;
+ if(
+ !dojo.isIE &&
+ (name == "mouseenter" || name == "mouseleave")
+ ){
+ var ofp = fp;
+ //oname = name;
+ name = (name == "mouseenter") ? "mouseover" : "mouseout";
+ fp = function(e){
+ if(!dojo.isDescendant(e.relatedTarget, node)){
+ // e.type = oname; // FIXME: doesn't take? SJM: event.type is generally immutable.
+ return, e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node.addEventListener(name, fp, false);
+ return fp; /*Handle*/
+ },
+ remove: function(/*DOMNode*/ node, /*String*/ event, /*Handle*/ handle){
+ // summary:
+ // clobbers the listener from the node
+ // node:
+ // DOM node to attach the event to
+ // event:
+ // the name of the handler to remove the function from
+ // handle:
+ // the handle returned from add
+ if(node){
+ event = del._normalizeEventName(event);
+ if(!dojo.isIE && (event == "mouseenter" || event == "mouseleave")){
+ event = (event == "mouseenter") ? "mouseover" : "mouseout";
+ }
+ node.removeEventListener(event, handle, false);
+ }
+ },
+ _normalizeEventName: function(/*String*/ name){
+ // Generally, name should be lower case, unless it is special
+ // somehow (e.g. a Mozilla DOM event).
+ // Remove 'on'.
+ return name.slice(0,2) =="on" ? name.slice(2) : name;
+ },
+ _fixCallback: function(/*String*/ name, fp){
+ // By default, we only invoke _fixEvent for 'keypress'
+ // If code is added to _fixEvent for other events, we have
+ // to revisit this optimization.
+ // This also applies to _fixEvent overrides for Safari and Opera
+ // below.
+ return name != "keypress" ? fp : function(e){ return, del._fixEvent(e, this)); };
+ },
+ _fixEvent: function(evt, sender){
+ // _fixCallback only attaches us to keypress.
+ // Switch on evt.type anyway because we might
+ // be called directly from dojo.fixEvent.
+ switch(evt.type){
+ case "keypress":
+ del._setKeyChar(evt);
+ break;
+ }
+ return evt;
+ },
+ _setKeyChar: function(evt){
+ evt.keyChar = evt.charCode ? String.fromCharCode(evt.charCode) : '';
+ evt.charOrCode = evt.keyChar || evt.keyCode;
+ },
+ // For IE and Safari: some ctrl-key combinations (mostly w/punctuation) do not emit a char code in IE
+ // we map those virtual key codes to ascii here
+ // not valid for all (non-US) keyboards, so maybe we shouldn't bother
+ _punctMap: {
+ 106:42,
+ 111:47,
+ 186:59,
+ 187:43,
+ 188:44,
+ 189:45,
+ 190:46,
+ 191:47,
+ 192:96,
+ 219:91,
+ 220:92,
+ 221:93,
+ 222:39
+ }
+ });
+ // DOM events
+ dojo.fixEvent = function(/*Event*/ evt, /*DOMNode*/ sender){
+ // summary:
+ // normalizes properties on the event object including event
+ // bubbling methods, keystroke normalization, and x/y positions
+ // evt: Event
+ // native event object
+ // sender: DOMNode
+ // node to treat as "currentTarget"
+ return del._fixEvent(evt, sender);
+ }
+ dojo.stopEvent = function(/*Event*/ evt){
+ // summary:
+ // prevents propagation and clobbers the default action of the
+ // passed event
+ // evt: Event
+ // The event object. If omitted, window.event is used on IE.
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ evt.stopPropagation();
+ // NOTE: below, this method is overridden for IE
+ }
+ // the default listener to use on dontFix nodes, overriden for IE
+ var node_listener = dojo._listener;
+ // Unify connect and event listeners
+ dojo._connect = function(obj, event, context, method, dontFix){
+ // FIXME: need a more strict test
+ var isNode = obj && (obj.nodeType||obj.attachEvent||obj.addEventListener);
+ // choose one of three listener options: raw (connect.js), DOM event on a Node, custom event on a Node
+ // we need the third option to provide leak prevention on broken browsers (IE)
+ var lid = isNode ? (dontFix ? 2 : 1) : 0, l = [dojo._listener, del, node_listener][lid];
+ // create a listener
+ var h = l.add(obj, event, dojo.hitch(context, method));
+ // formerly, the disconnect package contained "l" directly, but if client code
+ // leaks the disconnect package (by connecting it to a node), referencing "l"
+ // compounds the problem.
+ // instead we return a listener id, which requires custom _disconnect below.
+ // return disconnect package
+ return [ obj, event, h, lid ];
+ }
+ dojo._disconnect = function(obj, event, handle, listener){
+ ([dojo._listener, del, node_listener][listener]).remove(obj, event, handle);
+ }
+ // Constants
+ // Public: client code should test
+ // keyCode against these named constants, as the
+ // actual codes can vary by browser.
+ dojo.keys = {
+ // summary:
+ // Definitions for common key values
+ TAB: 9,
+ CLEAR: 12,
+ ENTER: 13,
+ SHIFT: 16,
+ CTRL: 17,
+ ALT: 18,
+ META: dojo.isSafari ? 91 : 224, // the apple key on macs
+ PAUSE: 19,
+ CAPS_LOCK: 20,
+ ESCAPE: 27,
+ SPACE: 32,
+ PAGE_UP: 33,
+ PAGE_DOWN: 34,
+ END: 35,
+ HOME: 36,
+ UP_ARROW: 38,
+ INSERT: 45,
+ DELETE: 46,
+ HELP: 47,
+ SELECT: 93,
+ NUMPAD_0: 96,
+ NUMPAD_1: 97,
+ NUMPAD_2: 98,
+ NUMPAD_3: 99,
+ NUMPAD_4: 100,
+ NUMPAD_5: 101,
+ NUMPAD_6: 102,
+ NUMPAD_7: 103,
+ NUMPAD_8: 104,
+ NUMPAD_9: 105,
+ F1: 112,
+ F2: 113,
+ F3: 114,
+ F4: 115,
+ F5: 116,
+ F6: 117,
+ F7: 118,
+ F8: 119,
+ F9: 120,
+ F10: 121,
+ F11: 122,
+ F12: 123,
+ F13: 124,
+ F14: 125,
+ F15: 126,
+ NUM_LOCK: 144,
+ // virtual key mapping
+ copyKey: dojo.isMac && !dojo.isAIR ? (dojo.isSafari ? 91 : 224 ) : 17
+ };
+ var evtCopyKey = dojo.isMac ? "metaKey" : "ctrlKey";
+ dojo.isCopyKey = function(e){
+ // summary:
+ // Checks an event for the copy key (meta on Mac, and ctrl anywhere else)
+ // e: Event
+ // Event object to examine
+ return e[evtCopyKey]; // Boolean
+ };
+ // Public: decoding mouse buttons from events
+ dojo.mouseButtons = {
+ // LEFT: Number
+ // Numeric value of the left mouse button for the platform.
+ LEFT: 0,
+ // MIDDLE: Number
+ // Numeric value of the middle mouse button for the platform.
+ MIDDLE: 1,
+ // RIGHT: Number
+ // Numeric value of the right mouse button for the platform.
+ RIGHT: 2,
+ isButton: function(e, button){
+ // summary:
+ // Checks an event object for a pressed button
+ // e: Event
+ // Event object to examine
+ // button: Number
+ // The button value (example: dojo.mouseButton.LEFT)
+ return e.button == button; // Boolean
+ },
+ isLeft: function(e){
+ // summary:
+ // Checks an event object for the pressed left button
+ // e: Event
+ // Event object to examine
+ return e.button == 0; // Boolean
+ },
+ isMiddle: function(e){
+ // summary:
+ // Checks an event object for the pressed middle button
+ // e: Event
+ // Event object to examine
+ return e.button == 1; // Boolean
+ },
+ isRight: function(e){
+ // summary:
+ // Checks an event object for the pressed right button
+ // e: Event
+ // Event object to examine
+ return e.button == 2; // Boolean
+ }
+ };
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ dojo.mouseButtons = {
+ LEFT: 1,
+ MIDDLE: 4,
+ RIGHT: 2,
+ // helper functions
+ isButton: function(e, button){ return e.button & button; },
+ isLeft: function(e){ return e.button & 1; },
+ isMiddle: function(e){ return e.button & 4; },
+ isRight: function(e){ return e.button & 2; }
+ };
+ }else{
+ dojo.mouseButtons = {
+ LEFT: 0,
+ MIDDLE: 1,
+ RIGHT: 2,
+ // helper functions
+ isButton: function(e, button){ return e.button == button; },
+ isLeft: function(e){ return e.button == 0; },
+ isMiddle: function(e){ return e.button == 1; },
+ isRight: function(e){ return e.button == 2; }
+ };
+ }
+ // IE event normalization
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ var _trySetKeyCode = function(e, code){
+ try{
+ // squelch errors when keyCode is read-only
+ // (e.g. if keyCode is ctrl or shift)
+ return (e.keyCode = code);
+ }catch(e){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // by default, use the standard listener
+ var iel = dojo._listener;
+ var listenersName = (dojo._ieListenersName = "_" + dojo._scopeName + "_listeners");
+ // dispatcher tracking property
+ if(!dojo.config._allow_leaks){
+ // custom listener that handles leak protection for DOM events
+ node_listener = iel = dojo._ie_listener = {
+ // support handler indirection: event handler functions are
+ // referenced here. Event dispatchers hold only indices.
+ handlers: [],
+ // add a listener to an object
+ add: function(/*Object*/ source, /*String*/ method, /*Function*/ listener){
+ source = source ||;
+ var f = source[method];
+ if(!f||!f[listenersName]){
+ var d = dojo._getIeDispatcher();
+ // original target function is special
+ = f && (ieh.push(f) - 1);
+ // dispatcher holds a list of indices into handlers table
+ d[listenersName] = [];
+ // redirect source to dispatcher
+ f = source[method] = d;
+ }
+ return f[listenersName].push(ieh.push(listener) - 1) ; /*Handle*/
+ },
+ // remove a listener from an object
+ remove: function(/*Object*/ source, /*String*/ method, /*Handle*/ handle){
+ var f = (source||[method], l = f && f[listenersName];
+ if(f && l && handle--){
+ delete ieh[l[handle]];
+ delete l[handle];
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // alias used above
+ var ieh = iel.handlers;
+ }
+ dojo.mixin(del, {
+ add: function(/*DOMNode*/ node, /*String*/ event, /*Function*/ fp){
+ if(!node){return;} // undefined
+ event = del._normalizeEventName(event);
+ if(event=="onkeypress"){
+ // we need to listen to onkeydown to synthesize
+ // keypress events that otherwise won't fire
+ // on IE
+ var kd = node.onkeydown;
+ if(!kd || !kd[listenersName] || !kd._stealthKeydownHandle){
+ var h = del.add(node, "onkeydown", del._stealthKeyDown);
+ kd = node.onkeydown;
+ kd._stealthKeydownHandle = h;
+ kd._stealthKeydownRefs = 1;
+ }else{
+ kd._stealthKeydownRefs++;
+ }
+ }
+ return iel.add(node, event, del._fixCallback(fp));
+ },
+ remove: function(/*DOMNode*/ node, /*String*/ event, /*Handle*/ handle){
+ event = del._normalizeEventName(event);
+ iel.remove(node, event, handle);
+ if(event=="onkeypress"){
+ var kd = node.onkeydown;
+ if(--kd._stealthKeydownRefs <= 0){
+ iel.remove(node, "onkeydown", kd._stealthKeydownHandle);
+ delete kd._stealthKeydownHandle;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _normalizeEventName: function(/*String*/ eventName){
+ // Generally, eventName should be lower case, unless it is
+ // special somehow (e.g. a Mozilla event)
+ // ensure 'on'
+ return eventName.slice(0,2) != "on" ? "on" + eventName : eventName;
+ },
+ _nop: function(){},
+ _fixEvent: function(/*Event*/ evt, /*DOMNode*/ sender){
+ // summary:
+ // normalizes properties on the event object including event
+ // bubbling methods, keystroke normalization, and x/y positions
+ // evt:
+ // native event object
+ // sender:
+ // node to treat as "currentTarget"
+ if(!evt){
+ var w = sender && (sender.ownerDocument || sender.document || sender).parentWindow || window;
+ evt = w.event;
+ }
+ if(!evt){return(evt);}
+ = evt.srcElement;
+ evt.currentTarget = (sender || evt.srcElement);
+ evt.layerX = evt.offsetX;
+ evt.layerY = evt.offsetY;
+ // FIXME: scroll position query is duped from dojo.html to
+ // avoid dependency on that entire module. Now that HTML is in
+ // Base, we should convert back to something similar there.
+ var se = evt.srcElement, doc = (se && se.ownerDocument) || document;
+ // DO NOT replace the following to use dojo.body(), in IE, document.documentElement should be used
+ // here rather than document.body
+ var docBody = ((dojo.isIE < 6) || (doc["compatMode"] == "BackCompat")) ? doc.body : doc.documentElement;
+ var offset = dojo._getIeDocumentElementOffset();
+ evt.pageX = evt.clientX + dojo._fixIeBiDiScrollLeft(docBody.scrollLeft || 0) - offset.x;
+ evt.pageY = evt.clientY + (docBody.scrollTop || 0) - offset.y;
+ if(evt.type == "mouseover"){
+ evt.relatedTarget = evt.fromElement;
+ }
+ if(evt.type == "mouseout"){
+ evt.relatedTarget = evt.toElement;
+ }
+ evt.stopPropagation = del._stopPropagation;
+ evt.preventDefault = del._preventDefault;
+ return del._fixKeys(evt);
+ },
+ _fixKeys: function(evt){
+ switch(evt.type){
+ case "keypress":
+ var c = ("charCode" in evt ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode);
+ if (c==10){
+ // CTRL-ENTER is CTRL-ASCII(10) on IE, but CTRL-ENTER on Mozilla
+ c=0;
+ evt.keyCode = 13;
+ }else if(c==13||c==27){
+ c=0; // Mozilla considers ENTER and ESC non-printable
+ }else if(c==3){
+ c=99; // Mozilla maps CTRL-BREAK to CTRL-c
+ }
+ // Mozilla sets keyCode to 0 when there is a charCode
+ // but that stops the event on IE.
+ evt.charCode = c;
+ del._setKeyChar(evt);
+ break;
+ }
+ return evt;
+ },
+ _stealthKeyDown: function(evt){
+ // IE doesn't fire keypress for most non-printable characters.
+ // other browsers do, we simulate it here.
+ var kp = evt.currentTarget.onkeypress;
+ // only works if kp exists and is a dispatcher
+ if(!kp || !kp[listenersName]){ return; }
+ // munge key/charCode
+ var k=evt.keyCode;
+ // These are Windows Virtual Key Codes
+ //
+ var unprintable = k!=13 && k!=32 && k!=27 && (k<48||k>90) && (k<96||k>111) && (k<186||k>192) && (k<219||k>222);
+ // synthesize keypress for most unprintables and CTRL-keys
+ if(unprintable||evt.ctrlKey){
+ var c = unprintable ? 0 : k;
+ if(evt.ctrlKey){
+ if(k==3 || k==13){
+ return; // IE will post CTRL-BREAK, CTRL-ENTER as keypress natively
+ }else if(c>95 && c<106){
+ c -= 48; // map CTRL-[numpad 0-9] to ASCII
+ }else if((!evt.shiftKey)&&(c>=65&&c<=90)){
+ c += 32; // map CTRL-[A-Z] to lowercase
+ }else{
+ c = del._punctMap[c] || c; // map other problematic CTRL combinations to ASCII
+ }
+ }
+ // simulate a keypress event
+ var faux = del._synthesizeEvent(evt, {type: 'keypress', faux: true, charCode: c});
+, faux);
+ evt.cancelBubble = faux.cancelBubble;
+ evt.returnValue = faux.returnValue;
+ _trySetKeyCode(evt, faux.keyCode);
+ }
+ },
+ // Called in Event scope
+ _stopPropagation: function(){
+ this.cancelBubble = true;
+ },
+ _preventDefault: function(){
+ // Setting keyCode to 0 is the only way to prevent certain keypresses (namely
+ // ctrl-combinations that correspond to menu accelerator keys).
+ // Otoh, it prevents upstream listeners from getting this information
+ // Try to split the difference here by clobbering keyCode only for ctrl
+ // combinations. If you still need to access the key upstream, bubbledKeyCode is
+ // provided as a workaround.
+ this.bubbledKeyCode = this.keyCode;
+ if(this.ctrlKey){_trySetKeyCode(this, 0);}
+ this.returnValue = false;
+ }
+ });
+ // override stopEvent for IE
+ dojo.stopEvent = function(evt){
+ evt = evt || window.event;
+ }
+ }
+ del._synthesizeEvent = function(evt, props){
+ var faux = dojo.mixin({}, evt, props);
+ del._setKeyChar(faux);
+ // FIXME: would prefer to use dojo.hitch: dojo.hitch(evt, evt.preventDefault);
+ // but it throws an error when preventDefault is invoked on Safari
+ // does Event.preventDefault not support "apply" on Safari?
+ faux.preventDefault = function(){ evt.preventDefault(); };
+ faux.stopPropagation = function(){ evt.stopPropagation(); };
+ return faux;
+ }
+ // Opera event normalization
+ if(dojo.isOpera){
+ dojo.mixin(del, {
+ _fixEvent: function(evt, sender){
+ switch(evt.type){
+ case "keypress":
+ var c = evt.which;
+ if(c==3){
+ c=99; // Mozilla maps CTRL-BREAK to CTRL-c
+ }
+ // can't trap some keys at all, like INSERT and DELETE
+ // there is no differentiating info between DELETE and ".", or INSERT and "-"
+ c = c<41 && !evt.shiftKey ? 0 : c;
+ if(evt.ctrlKey && !evt.shiftKey && c>=65 && c<=90){
+ // lowercase CTRL-[A-Z] keys
+ c += 32;
+ }
+ return del._synthesizeEvent(evt, { charCode: c });
+ }
+ return evt;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Webkit event normalization
+ if(dojo.isWebKit){
+ del._add = del.add;
+ del._remove = del.remove;
+ dojo.mixin(del, {
+ add: function(/*DOMNode*/ node, /*String*/ event, /*Function*/ fp){
+ if(!node){return;} // undefined
+ var handle = del._add(node, event, fp);
+ if(del._normalizeEventName(event) == "keypress"){
+ // we need to listen to onkeydown to synthesize
+ // keypress events that otherwise won't fire
+ // in Safari 3.1+:
+ handle._stealthKeyDownHandle = del._add(node, "keydown", function(evt){
+ //A variation on the IE _stealthKeydown function
+ //Synthesize an onkeypress event, but only for unprintable characters.
+ var k=evt.keyCode;
+ // These are Windows Virtual Key Codes
+ //
+ var unprintable = k!=13 && k!=32 && (k<48 || k>90) && (k<96 || k>111) && (k<186 || k>192) && (k<219 || k>222);
+ // synthesize keypress for most unprintables and CTRL-keys
+ if(unprintable || evt.ctrlKey){
+ var c = unprintable ? 0 : k;
+ if(evt.ctrlKey){
+ if(k==3 || k==13){
+ return; // IE will post CTRL-BREAK, CTRL-ENTER as keypress natively
+ }else if(c>95 && c<106){
+ c -= 48; // map CTRL-[numpad 0-9] to ASCII
+ }else if(!evt.shiftKey && c>=65 && c<=90){
+ c += 32; // map CTRL-[A-Z] to lowercase
+ }else{
+ c = del._punctMap[c] || c; // map other problematic CTRL combinations to ASCII
+ }
+ }
+ // simulate a keypress event
+ var faux = del._synthesizeEvent(evt, {type: 'keypress', faux: true, charCode: c});
+, faux);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return handle; /*Handle*/
+ },
+ remove: function(/*DOMNode*/ node, /*String*/ event, /*Handle*/ handle){
+ if(node){
+ if(handle._stealthKeyDownHandle){
+ del._remove(node, "keydown", handle._stealthKeyDownHandle);
+ }
+ del._remove(node, event, handle);
+ }
+ },
+ _fixEvent: function(evt, sender){
+ switch(evt.type){
+ case "keypress":
+ if(evt.faux){ return evt; }
+ var c = evt.charCode;
+ c = c>=32 ? c : 0;
+ return del._synthesizeEvent(evt, {charCode: c, faux: true});
+ }
+ return evt;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ })();
-var ap=Array.prototype,h=dojo._ie_listener.handlers,c=_3c.callee,ls=c[dojo._ieListenersName],t=h[];
-var r=t&&t.apply(_3d,_3c);
-var lls=[].concat(ls);
-for(var i in lls){
-var f=h[lls[i]];
-if(!(i in ap)&&f){
-return r;
-return new Function(dojo._scopeName+"._ieDispatcher(arguments, this)");
-var f=dojo._event_listener._fixEvent;
-return function(e){
+ // keep this out of the closure
+ // closing over 'iel' or 'ieh' b0rks leak prevention
+ // ls[i] is an index into the master handler array
+ dojo._ieDispatcher = function(args, sender){
+ var ap = Array.prototype,
+ h = dojo._ie_listener.handlers,
+ c = args.callee,
+ ls = c[dojo._ieListenersName],
+ t = h[];
+ // return value comes from original target function
+ var r = t && t.apply(sender, args);
+ // make local copy of listener array so it's immutable during processing
+ var lls = [].concat(ls);
+ // invoke listeners after target function
+ for(var i in lls){
+ var f = h[lls[i]];
+ if(!(i in ap) && f){
+ f.apply(sender, args);
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ dojo._getIeDispatcher = function(){
+ // ensure the returned function closes over nothing ("new Function" apparently doesn't close)
+ return new Function(dojo._scopeName + "._ieDispatcher(arguments, this)"); // function
+ }
+ // keep this out of the closure to reduce RAM allocation
+ dojo._event_listener._fixCallback = function(fp){
+ var f = dojo._event_listener._fixEvent;
+ return function(e){ return, f(e, this)); };
+ }
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/fx.js b/lib/dojo/_base/fx.js
index 1c589402e..21243c1c9 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/fx.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/fx.js
@@ -5,298 +5,665 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.fx"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.fx"] = true;
+ Animation loosely package based on Dan Pupius' work, contributed under CLA:
-var d=dojo;
-var _1=d._mixin;
-return ((this.end-this.start)*n)+this.start;
-this.curve=new d._Line(this.curve[0],this.curve[1]);
-var _5=this._percent,_6=this.easing;
-return _6?_6(_5):_5;
-var a=_8||[];
-console.error("exception in animation handler for:",_7);
-return this;
-var _b=this;
-return _b;
-var de=_9||_b.delay,_c=dojo.hitch(_b,"_play",_a);
-return _b;
-return _b;
-var _e=this;
-_e._startTime=new Date().valueOf();
-var _f=_e.curve.getValue(_e._getStep());
-return _e;
-var _10=this;
-return _10;
-return _10;
-var _13=this;
-return _13;
-var _15=this;
-return _15;
-return _15;
-return this._paused?"paused":"playing";
-return "stopped";
-var _16=this;
-var _17=new Date().valueOf();
-var _18=(_17-_16._startTime)/(_16.duration);
-return _16;
-delete this._delayTimer;
-var ctr=0,_19=null,_1a={run:function(){
-var _1b=d.isIE?function(_1c){
-var _1e=_1({properties:{}},_1d),_1f=({});
-_1f.start=!("start" in _1e)?function(){
-var _20=d.animateProperty(_1e);
-return _20;
-return d._fade(_1({end:1},_21));
-return d._fade(_1({end:0},_22));
-return 0.5+((Math.sin((n+1.5)*Math.PI))/2);
-var _23=function(_24){
-for(var p in _24){
-var _25=_24[p];
-if(_25.start instanceof d.Color){
-_25.tempColor=new d.Color();
-var ret={};
-for(var p in this._properties){
-var _26=this._properties[p],_27=_26.start;
-if(_27 instanceof d.Color){
-return ret;
-var n=_28.node=d.byId(_28.node);
-var _29=new d.Animation(_28);
-var pm={};
-for(var p in{
-var _2b=(p.toLowerCase().indexOf("color")>=0);
-function _2c(_2d,p){
-var v={height:_2d.offsetHeight,width:_2d.offsetWidth}[p];
-return v;
-return (p=="opacity")?+v:(_2b?v:parseFloat(v));
-if(!("end" in _2a)){
-if(!("start" in _2a)){
-_2a.start=new d.Color(_2a.start);
-_2a.end=new d.Color(_2a.end);
-this.curve=new _23(pm);
-return _29;
-return d.animateProperty({node:_2e,duration:_30||d.Animation.prototype.duration,properties:_2f,easing:_31,onEnd:_32}).play(_33||0);
+ var d = dojo;
+ var _mixin = d._mixin;
+ dojo._Line = function(/*int*/ start, /*int*/ end){
+ // summary:
+ // dojo._Line is the object used to generate values from a start value
+ // to an end value
+ // start: int
+ // Beginning value for range
+ // end: int
+ // Ending value for range
+ this.start = start;
+ this.end = end;
+ };
+ dojo._Line.prototype.getValue = function(/*float*/ n){
+ // summary: Returns the point on the line
+ // n: a floating point number greater than 0 and less than 1
+ return ((this.end - this.start) * n) + this.start; // Decimal
+ };
+ dojo.Animation = function(args){
+ // summary:
+ // A generic animation class that fires callbacks into its handlers
+ // object at various states.
+ // description:
+ // A generic animation class that fires callbacks into its handlers
+ // object at various states. Nearly all dojo animation functions
+ // return an instance of this method, usually without calling the
+ // .play() method beforehand. Therefore, you will likely need to
+ // call .play() on instances of `dojo.Animation` when one is
+ // returned.
+ // args: Object
+ // The 'magic argument', mixing all the properties into this
+ // animation instance.
+ _mixin(this, args);
+ if(d.isArray(this.curve)){
+ this.curve = new d._Line(this.curve[0], this.curve[1]);
+ }
+ };
+ // Alias to drop come 2.0:
+ d._Animation = d.Animation;
+ d.extend(dojo.Animation, {
+ // duration: Integer
+ // The time in milliseonds the animation will take to run
+ duration: 350,
+ /*=====
+ // curve: dojo._Line|Array
+ // A two element array of start and end values, or a `dojo._Line` instance to be
+ // used in the Animation.
+ curve: null,
+ // easing: Function?
+ // A Function to adjust the acceleration (or deceleration) of the progress
+ // across a dojo._Line
+ easing: null,
+ =====*/
+ // repeat: Integer?
+ // The number of times to loop the animation
+ repeat: 0,
+ // rate: Integer?
+ // the time in milliseconds to wait before advancing to next frame
+ // (used as a fps timer: 1000/rate = fps)
+ rate: 20 /* 50 fps */,
+ /*=====
+ // delay: Integer?
+ // The time in milliseconds to wait before starting animation after it
+ // has been .play()'ed
+ delay: null,
+ // beforeBegin: Event?
+ // Synthetic event fired before a dojo.Animation begins playing (synchronous)
+ beforeBegin: null,
+ // onBegin: Event?
+ // Synthetic event fired as a dojo.Animation begins playing (useful?)
+ onBegin: null,
+ // onAnimate: Event?
+ // Synthetic event fired at each interval of a `dojo.Animation`
+ onAnimate: null,
+ // onEnd: Event?
+ // Synthetic event fired after the final frame of a `dojo.Animation`
+ onEnd: null,
+ // onPlay: Event?
+ // Synthetic event fired any time a `dojo.Animation` is play()'ed
+ onPlay: null,
+ // onPause: Event?
+ // Synthetic event fired when a `dojo.Animation` is paused
+ onPause: null,
+ // onStop: Event
+ // Synthetic event fires when a `dojo.Animation` is stopped
+ onStop: null,
+ =====*/
+ _percent: 0,
+ _startRepeatCount: 0,
+ _getStep: function(){
+ var _p = this._percent,
+ _e = this.easing
+ ;
+ return _e ? _e(_p) : _p;
+ },
+ _fire: function(/*Event*/ evt, /*Array?*/ args){
+ // summary:
+ // Convenience function. Fire event "evt" and pass it the
+ // arguments specified in "args".
+ // description:
+ // Convenience function. Fire event "evt" and pass it the
+ // arguments specified in "args".
+ // Fires the callback in the scope of the `dojo.Animation`
+ // instance.
+ // evt:
+ // The event to fire.
+ // args:
+ // The arguments to pass to the event.
+ var a = args||[];
+ if(this[evt]){
+ if(d.config.debugAtAllCosts){
+ this[evt].apply(this, a);
+ }else{
+ try{
+ this[evt].apply(this, a);
+ }catch(e){
+ // squelch and log because we shouldn't allow exceptions in
+ // synthetic event handlers to cause the internal timer to run
+ // amuck, potentially pegging the CPU. I'm not a fan of this
+ // squelch, but hopefully logging will make it clear what's
+ // going on
+ console.error("exception in animation handler for:", evt);
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this; // dojo.Animation
+ },
+ play: function(/*int?*/ delay, /*Boolean?*/ gotoStart){
+ // summary:
+ // Start the animation.
+ // delay:
+ // How many milliseconds to delay before starting.
+ // gotoStart:
+ // If true, starts the animation from the beginning; otherwise,
+ // starts it from its current position.
+ // returns: dojo.Animation
+ // The instance to allow chaining.
+ var _t = this;
+ if(_t._delayTimer){ _t._clearTimer(); }
+ if(gotoStart){
+ _t._stopTimer();
+ _t._active = _t._paused = false;
+ _t._percent = 0;
+ }else if(_t._active && !_t._paused){
+ return _t;
+ }
+ _t._fire("beforeBegin", [_t.node]);
+ var de = delay || _t.delay,
+ _p = dojo.hitch(_t, "_play", gotoStart);
+ if(de > 0){
+ _t._delayTimer = setTimeout(_p, de);
+ return _t;
+ }
+ _p();
+ return _t;
+ },
+ _play: function(gotoStart){
+ var _t = this;
+ if(_t._delayTimer){ _t._clearTimer(); }
+ _t._startTime = new Date().valueOf();
+ if(_t._paused){
+ _t._startTime -= _t.duration * _t._percent;
+ }
+ _t._active = true;
+ _t._paused = false;
+ var value = _t.curve.getValue(_t._getStep());
+ if(!_t._percent){
+ if(!_t._startRepeatCount){
+ _t._startRepeatCount = _t.repeat;
+ }
+ _t._fire("onBegin", [value]);
+ }
+ _t._fire("onPlay", [value]);
+ _t._cycle();
+ return _t; // dojo.Animation
+ },
+ pause: function(){
+ // summary: Pauses a running animation.
+ var _t = this;
+ if(_t._delayTimer){ _t._clearTimer(); }
+ _t._stopTimer();
+ if(!_t._active){ return _t; /*dojo.Animation*/ }
+ _t._paused = true;
+ _t._fire("onPause", [_t.curve.getValue(_t._getStep())]);
+ return _t; // dojo.Animation
+ },
+ gotoPercent: function(/*Decimal*/ percent, /*Boolean?*/ andPlay){
+ // summary:
+ // Sets the progress of the animation.
+ // percent:
+ // A percentage in decimal notation (between and including 0.0 and 1.0).
+ // andPlay:
+ // If true, play the animation after setting the progress.
+ var _t = this;
+ _t._stopTimer();
+ _t._active = _t._paused = true;
+ _t._percent = percent;
+ if(andPlay){; }
+ return _t; // dojo.Animation
+ },
+ stop: function(/*boolean?*/ gotoEnd){
+ // summary: Stops a running animation.
+ // gotoEnd: If true, the animation will end.
+ var _t = this;
+ if(_t._delayTimer){ _t._clearTimer(); }
+ if(!_t._timer){ return _t; /* dojo.Animation */ }
+ _t._stopTimer();
+ if(gotoEnd){
+ _t._percent = 1;
+ }
+ _t._fire("onStop", [_t.curve.getValue(_t._getStep())]);
+ _t._active = _t._paused = false;
+ return _t; // dojo.Animation
+ },
+ status: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a string token representation of the status of
+ // the animation, one of: "paused", "playing", "stopped"
+ if(this._active){
+ return this._paused ? "paused" : "playing"; // String
+ }
+ return "stopped"; // String
+ },
+ _cycle: function(){
+ var _t = this;
+ if(_t._active){
+ var curr = new Date().valueOf();
+ var step = (curr - _t._startTime) / (_t.duration);
+ if(step >= 1){
+ step = 1;
+ }
+ _t._percent = step;
+ // Perform easing
+ if(_t.easing){
+ step = _t.easing(step);
+ }
+ _t._fire("onAnimate", [_t.curve.getValue(step)]);
+ if(_t._percent < 1){
+ _t._startTimer();
+ }else{
+ _t._active = false;
+ if(_t.repeat > 0){
+ _t.repeat--;
+, true);
+ }else if(_t.repeat == -1){
+, true);
+ }else{
+ if(_t._startRepeatCount){
+ _t.repeat = _t._startRepeatCount;
+ _t._startRepeatCount = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ _t._percent = 0;
+ _t._fire("onEnd", [_t.node]);
+ !_t.repeat && _t._stopTimer();
+ }
+ }
+ return _t; // dojo.Animation
+ },
+ _clearTimer: function(){
+ // summary: Clear the play delay timer
+ clearTimeout(this._delayTimer);
+ delete this._delayTimer;
+ }
+ });
+ // the local timer, stubbed into all Animation instances
+ var ctr = 0,
+ timer = null,
+ runner = {
+ run: function(){}
+ };
+ d.extend(d.Animation, {
+ _startTimer: function(){
+ if(!this._timer){
+ this._timer = d.connect(runner, "run", this, "_cycle");
+ ctr++;
+ }
+ if(!timer){
+ timer = setInterval(d.hitch(runner, "run"), this.rate);
+ }
+ },
+ _stopTimer: function(){
+ if(this._timer){
+ d.disconnect(this._timer);
+ this._timer = null;
+ ctr--;
+ }
+ if(ctr <= 0){
+ clearInterval(timer);
+ timer = null;
+ ctr = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var _makeFadeable =
+ d.isIE ? function(node){
+ // only set the zoom if the "tickle" value would be the same as the
+ // default
+ var ns =;
+ // don't set the width to auto if it didn't already cascade that way.
+ // We don't want to f anyones designs
+ if(!ns.width.length &&, "width") == "auto"){
+ ns.width = "auto";
+ }
+ } :
+ function(){};
+ dojo._fade = function(/*Object*/ args){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns an animation that will fade the node defined by
+ // args.node from the start to end values passed (args.start
+ // args.end) (end is mandatory, start is optional)
+ args.node = d.byId(args.node);
+ var fArgs = _mixin({ properties: {} }, args),
+ props = ( = {});
+ props.start = !("start" in fArgs) ?
+ function(){
+ return, "opacity")||0;
+ } : fArgs.start;
+ props.end = fArgs.end;
+ var anim = d.animateProperty(fArgs);
+ d.connect(anim, "beforeBegin", d.partial(_makeFadeable, fArgs.node));
+ return anim; // dojo.Animation
+ };
+ /*=====
+ dojo.__FadeArgs = function(node, duration, easing){
+ // node: DOMNode|String
+ // The node referenced in the animation
+ // duration: Integer?
+ // Duration of the animation in milliseconds.
+ // easing: Function?
+ // An easing function.
+ this.node = node;
+ this.duration = duration;
+ this.easing = easing;
+ }
+ =====*/
+ dojo.fadeIn = function(/*dojo.__FadeArgs*/ args){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns an animation that will fade node defined in 'args' from
+ // its current opacity to fully opaque.
+ return d._fade(_mixin({ end: 1 }, args)); // dojo.Animation
+ };
+ dojo.fadeOut = function(/*dojo.__FadeArgs*/ args){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns an animation that will fade node defined in 'args'
+ // from its current opacity to fully transparent.
+ return d._fade(_mixin({ end: 0 }, args)); // dojo.Animation
+ };
+ dojo._defaultEasing = function(/*Decimal?*/ n){
+ // summary: The default easing function for dojo.Animation(s)
+ return 0.5 + ((Math.sin((n + 1.5) * Math.PI)) / 2);
+ };
+ var PropLine = function(properties){
+ // PropLine is an internal class which is used to model the values of
+ // an a group of CSS properties across an animation lifecycle. In
+ // particular, the "getValue" function handles getting interpolated
+ // values between start and end for a particular CSS value.
+ this._properties = properties;
+ for(var p in properties){
+ var prop = properties[p];
+ if(prop.start instanceof d.Color){
+ // create a reusable temp color object to keep intermediate results
+ prop.tempColor = new d.Color();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ PropLine.prototype.getValue = function(r){
+ var ret = {};
+ for(var p in this._properties){
+ var prop = this._properties[p],
+ start = prop.start;
+ if(start instanceof d.Color){
+ ret[p] = d.blendColors(start, prop.end, r, prop.tempColor).toCss();
+ }else if(!d.isArray(start)){
+ ret[p] = ((prop.end - start) * r) + start + (p != "opacity" ? prop.units || "px" : 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ /*=====
+ dojo.declare("dojo.__AnimArgs", [dojo.__FadeArgs], {
+ // Properties: Object?
+ // A hash map of style properties to Objects describing the transition,
+ // such as the properties of dojo._Line with an additional 'units' property
+ properties: {}
+ //TODOC: add event callbacks
+ });
+ =====*/
+ dojo.animateProperty = function(/*dojo.__AnimArgs*/ args){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns an animation that will transition the properties of
+ // node defined in `args` depending how they are defined in
+ // ``
+ //
+ // description:
+ // `dojo.animateProperty` is the foundation of most `dojo.fx`
+ // animations. It takes an object of "properties" corresponding to
+ // style properties, and animates them in parallel over a set
+ // duration.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // A simple animation that changes the width of the specified node.
+ // | dojo.animateProperty({
+ // | node: "nodeId",
+ // | properties: { width: 400 },
+ // | }).play();
+ // Dojo figures out the start value for the width and converts the
+ // integer specified for the width to the more expressive but
+ // verbose form `{ width: { end: '400', units: 'px' } }` which you
+ // can also specify directly. Defaults to 'px' if ommitted.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Animate width, height, and padding over 2 seconds... the
+ // pedantic way:
+ // | dojo.animateProperty({ node: node, duration:2000,
+ // | properties: {
+ // | width: { start: '200', end: '400', units:"px" },
+ // | height: { start:'200', end: '400', units:"px" },
+ // | paddingTop: { start:'5', end:'50', units:"px" }
+ // | }
+ // | }).play();
+ // Note 'paddingTop' is used over 'padding-top'. Multi-name CSS properties
+ // are written using "mixed case", as the hyphen is illegal as an object key.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Plug in a different easing function and register a callback for
+ // when the animation ends. Easing functions accept values between
+ // zero and one and return a value on that basis. In this case, an
+ // exponential-in curve.
+ // | dojo.animateProperty({
+ // | node: "nodeId",
+ // | // dojo figures out the start value
+ // | properties: { width: { end: 400 } },
+ // | easing: function(n){
+ // | return (n==0) ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (n - 1));
+ // | },
+ // | onEnd: function(node){
+ // | // called when the animation finishes. The animation
+ // | // target is passed to this function
+ // | }
+ // | }).play(500); // delay playing half a second
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Like all `dojo.Animation`s, animateProperty returns a handle to the
+ // Animation instance, which fires the events common to Dojo FX. Use `dojo.connect`
+ // to access these events outside of the Animation definiton:
+ // | var anim = dojo.animateProperty({
+ // | node:"someId",
+ // | properties:{
+ // | width:400, height:500
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | dojo.connect(anim,"onEnd", function(){
+ // | console.log("animation ended");
+ // | });
+ // | // play the animation now:
+ // |;
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Each property can be a function whose return value is substituted along.
+ // Additionally, each measurement (eg: start, end) can be a function. The node
+ // reference is passed direcly to callbacks.
+ // | dojo.animateProperty({
+ // | node:"mine",
+ // | properties:{
+ // | height:function(node){
+ // | // shrink this node by 50%
+ // | return dojo.position(node).h / 2
+ // | },
+ // | width:{
+ // | start:function(node){ return 100; },
+ // | end:function(node){ return 200; }
+ // | }
+ // | }
+ // | }).play();
+ //
+ var n = args.node = d.byId(args.node);
+ if(!args.easing){ args.easing = d._defaultEasing; }
+ var anim = new d.Animation(args);
+ d.connect(anim, "beforeBegin", anim, function(){
+ var pm = {};
+ for(var p in{
+ // Make shallow copy of properties into pm because we overwrite
+ // some values below. In particular if start/end are functions
+ // we don't want to overwrite them or the functions won't be
+ // called if the animation is reused.
+ if(p == "width" || p == "height"){
+ this.node.display = "block";
+ }
+ var prop =[p];
+ if(d.isFunction(prop)){
+ prop = prop(n);
+ }
+ prop = pm[p] = _mixin({}, (d.isObject(prop) ? prop: { end: prop }));
+ if(d.isFunction(prop.start)){
+ prop.start = prop.start(n);
+ }
+ if(d.isFunction(prop.end)){
+ prop.end = prop.end(n);
+ }
+ var isColor = (p.toLowerCase().indexOf("color") >= 0);
+ function getStyle(node, p){
+ //, "height") can return "auto" or "" on IE; this is more reliable:
+ var v = { height: node.offsetHeight, width: node.offsetWidth }[p];
+ if(v !== undefined){ return v; }
+ v =, p);
+ return (p == "opacity") ? +v : (isColor ? v : parseFloat(v));
+ }
+ if(!("end" in prop)){
+ prop.end = getStyle(n, p);
+ }else if(!("start" in prop)){
+ prop.start = getStyle(n, p);
+ }
+ if(isColor){
+ prop.start = new d.Color(prop.start);
+ prop.end = new d.Color(prop.end);
+ }else{
+ prop.start = (p == "opacity") ? +prop.start : parseFloat(prop.start);
+ }
+ }
+ this.curve = new PropLine(pm);
+ });
+ d.connect(anim, "onAnimate", d.hitch(d, "style", anim.node));
+ return anim; // dojo.Animation
+ };
+ dojo.anim = function( /*DOMNode|String*/ node,
+ /*Object*/ properties,
+ /*Integer?*/ duration,
+ /*Function?*/ easing,
+ /*Function?*/ onEnd,
+ /*Integer?*/ delay){
+ // summary:
+ // A simpler interface to `dojo.animateProperty()`, also returns
+ // an instance of `dojo.Animation` but begins the animation
+ // immediately, unlike nearly every other Dojo animation API.
+ // description:
+ // `dojo.anim` is a simpler (but somewhat less powerful) version
+ // of `dojo.animateProperty`. It uses defaults for many basic properties
+ // and allows for positional parameters to be used in place of the
+ // packed "property bag" which is used for other Dojo animation
+ // methods.
+ //
+ // The `dojo.Animation` object returned from `dojo.anim` will be
+ // already playing when it is returned from this function, so
+ // calling play() on it again is (usually) a no-op.
+ // node:
+ // a DOM node or the id of a node to animate CSS properties on
+ // duration:
+ // The number of milliseconds over which the animation
+ // should run. Defaults to the global animation default duration
+ // (350ms).
+ // easing:
+ // An easing function over which to calculate acceleration
+ // and deceleration of the animation through its duration.
+ // A default easing algorithm is provided, but you may
+ // plug in any you wish. A large selection of easing algorithms
+ // are available in `dojo.fx.easing`.
+ // onEnd:
+ // A function to be called when the animation finishes
+ // running.
+ // delay:
+ // The number of milliseconds to delay beginning the
+ // animation by. The default is 0.
+ // example:
+ // Fade out a node
+ // | dojo.anim("id", { opacity: 0 });
+ // example:
+ // Fade out a node over a full second
+ // | dojo.anim("id", { opacity: 0 }, 1000);
+ return d.animateProperty({ // dojo.Animation
+ node: node,
+ duration: duration || d.Animation.prototype.duration,
+ properties: properties,
+ easing: easing,
+ onEnd: onEnd
+ }).play(delay || 0);
+ };
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/html.js b/lib/dojo/_base/html.js
index 050841531..be5fd2aaa 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/html.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/html.js
@@ -5,745 +5,1830 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.html"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.html"] = true;
+// FIXME: need to add unit tests for all the semi-public methods
+ document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
+ // sane browsers don't have cache "issues"
-if(typeof id!="string"){
-return id;
-var _2=_1||dojo.doc,te=_2.getElementById(id);
-return te;
+// =============================
+// DOM Functions
+// =============================
+dojo.byId = function(id, doc){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns DOM node with matching `id` attribute or `null`
+ // if not found. If `id` is a DomNode, this function is a no-op.
+ //
+ // id: String|DOMNode
+ // A string to match an HTML id attribute or a reference to a DOM Node
+ //
+ // doc: Document?
+ // Document to work in. Defaults to the current value of
+ // dojo.doc. Can be used to retrieve
+ // node references from other documents.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Look up a node by ID:
+ // | var n = dojo.byId("foo");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Check if a node exists, and use it.
+ // | var n = dojo.byId("bar");
+ // | if(n){ doStuff() ... }
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Allow string or DomNode references to be passed to a custom function:
+ // | var foo = function(nodeOrId){
+ // | nodeOrId = dojo.byId(nodeOrId);
+ // | // ... more stuff
+ // | }
+if(dojo.isIE || dojo.isOpera){
+ dojo.byId = function(id, doc){
+ if(typeof id != "string"){
+ return id;
+ }
+ var _d = doc || dojo.doc, te = _d.getElementById(id);
+ // is better than just id in case the
+ // user has a name=id inside a form
+ if(te && ( == id || == id)){
+ return te;
+ }else{
+ var eles = _d.all[id];
+ if(!eles || eles.nodeName){
+ eles = [eles];
+ }
+ // if more than 1, choose first with the correct id
+ var i=0;
+ while((te=eles[i++])){
+ if((te.attributes && && == id)
+ || == id){
+ return te;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
-var _3=_2.all[id];
-var i=0;
-return te;
+ dojo.byId = function(id, doc){
+ // inline'd type check
+ return (typeof id == "string") ? (doc || dojo.doc).getElementById(id) : id; // DomNode
+ };
-return (typeof id=="string")?(_4||dojo.doc).getElementById(id):id;
-var d=dojo;
-var _5=d.byId;
-var _6=null,_7;
-var _9=_8.ownerDocument;
-return true;
-return false;
-var v=(_c.unselectable=_d?"":"on");
-d.query("*",_c).forEach("item.unselectable = '"+v+"'");
-var _e=function(_f,ref){
-var _10=ref.parentNode;
-var _11=function(_12,ref){
-var _13=ref.parentNode;
-if(typeof _14=="string"){
-if(typeof _16=="number"){
-var cn=_15.childNodes;
-case "before":
-case "after":
-case "replace":
-case "only":
-case "first":
-return _14;
-var gcs;
-var s;
-var dv=_17.ownerDocument.defaultView;
-return s||{};
-return _18.nodeType==1?_18.currentStyle:{};
-return _19.nodeType==1?_19.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(_19,null):{};
-return parseFloat(_1b)||0;
-return 0;
-return 4;
-return parseFloat(_1d);
-var _1e=style.left;
-var _1f=runtimeStyle.left;
-return _1d;
-var px=d._toPixelValue;
-var _20="DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha";
-var af=function(n,f){
-return n.filters.item(_20);
-return f?{}:null;
-return af(_21).Opacity/100;
-return 1;
-return gcs(_22).opacity;
-var ov=_24*100,_25=_24==1;"":1;
-return _24;
-}" progid:"+_20+"(Opacity="+ov+")";
-d.query("> td",_23).forEach(function(i){
-return _24;
-var _28={left:true,top:true};
-var _29=/margin|padding|width|height|max|min|offset/;
-var _2a=function(_2b,_2c,_2d){
-return _2b.offsetHeight;
-return _2b.offsetWidth;
-case 700:
-return "bold";
-case 400:
-return "normal";
-if(!(_2c in _28)){
-return _28[_2c]?px(_2b,_2d):_2d;
-var _2e=d.isIE?"styleFloat":"cssFloat",_2f={"cssFloat":_2e,"styleFloat":_2e,"float":_2e};,_31,_32){
-var n=_5(_30),_33=arguments.length,op=(_31=="opacity");
-return op?d._setOpacity(n,_32)[_31]=_32;
-return d._getOpacity(n);
-var s=gcs(n);
-if(_33==2&&typeof _31!="string"){
-for(var x in _31){,x,_31[x]);
-return s;
-return (_33==1)?s:_2a(n,_31,s[_31]||[_31]);
-var s=_34||gcs(n),l=px(n,s.paddingLeft),t=px(n,s.paddingTop);
-return {l:l,t:t,w:l+px(n,s.paddingRight),h:t+px(n,s.paddingBottom)};
-var ne="none",s=_35||gcs(n),bl=(s.borderLeftStyle!=ne?px(n,s.borderLeftWidth):0),bt=(s.borderTopStyle!=ne?px(n,s.borderTopWidth):0);
-return {l:bl,t:bt,w:bl+(s.borderRightStyle!=ne?px(n,s.borderRightWidth):0),h:bt+(s.borderBottomStyle!=ne?px(n,s.borderBottomWidth):0)};
-var s=_36||gcs(n),p=d._getPadExtents(n,s),b=d._getBorderExtents(n,s);
-return {l:p.l+b.l,t:p.t+b.t,w:p.w+b.w,h:p.h+b.h};
-var s=_37||gcs(n),l=px(n,s.marginLeft),t=px(n,s.marginTop),r=px(n,s.marginRight),b=px(n,s.marginBottom);
-return {l:l,t:t,w:l+r,h:t+b};
-var s=_39||gcs(_38),me=d._getMarginExtents(_38,s);
-var l=_38.offsetLeft-me.l,t=_38.offsetTop-me.t,p=_38.parentNode;
-var sl=parseFloat(s.left),st=parseFloat(;
-var pcs=gcs(p);
-var be=d._getBorderExtents(p,pcs);
-return {l:l,t:t,w:_38.offsetWidth+me.w,h:_38.offsetHeight+me.h};
-var s=_3b||gcs(_3a),pe=d._getPadExtents(_3a,s),be=d._getBorderExtents(_3a,s),w=_3a.clientWidth,h;
-return {l:pe.l,t:pe.t,w:w-pe.w-be.w,h:h-pe.h-be.h};
-var s=_3d||gcs(_3c),pe=d._getPadExtents(_3c,s),cb=d._getContentBox(_3c,s);
-return {l:cb.l-pe.l,t:cb.t-pe.t,w:cb.w+pe.w,h:cb.h+pe.h};
-return _3f.tagName=="BUTTON"||_3f.tagName=="INPUT"&&(_3f.getAttribute("type")||"").toUpperCase()=="BUTTON";
-var n=_40.tagName;
-return d.boxModel=="border-box"||n=="TABLE"||d._isButtonTag(_40);
-var pb=d._getPadBorderExtents(_41,_44);
-var s=_4a||gcs(_45),bb=d._usesBorderBox(_45),pb=bb?_4b:d._getPadBorderExtents(_45,s);
-var mb=d._getMarginExtents(_45,s);
-var _4b={l:0,t:0,w:0,h:0};
-var n=_5(_4c),s=gcs(n),b=box;
-return !b?d._getMarginBox(n,s):d._setMarginBox(n,b.l,b.t,b.w,b.h,s);
-var n=_5(_4d),s=gcs(n),b=box;
-return !b?d._getContentBox(n,s):d._setContentSize(n,b.w,b.h,s);
-var _4e=function(_4f,_50){
-return 0;
-var val,_51=0,_52=d.body();
-return 0;
-return _51;
-return "pageXOffset" in n?{x:n.pageXOffset,y:n.pageYOffset}:(n=d.doc.documentElement,n.clientHeight?{x:d._fixIeBiDiScrollLeft(n.scrollLeft),y:n.scrollTop}:(n=d.body(),{x:n.scrollLeft||0,y:n.scrollTop||0}));
-return "_bodyLtr" in d?d._bodyLtr:d._bodyLtr=(d.body().dir||d.doc.documentElement.dir||"ltr").toLowerCase()=="ltr";
-var de=d.doc.documentElement;
-var r=de.getBoundingClientRect();
-var l=r.left,;
-return {x:l<0?0:l,y:t<0?0:t};
-return {x:0,y:0};
-var dd=d.doc;
-var de=d.isQuirks?dd.body:dd.documentElement;
-return _53+de.clientWidth-de.scrollWidth;
-return _53;
-var db=d.body(),dh=db.parentNode,ret;
-var _56=d._getIeDocumentElementOffset();
-var cs=gcs(dh);
-var _57=_54;
-var n=_57.offsetLeft,t=_57.offsetTop;
-var _58=_57.parentNode;
-var pcs=gcs(_58);
-var _59=d._docScroll();
-return ret;
-var n=_5(_5a),s=gcs(n),mb=d._getMarginBox(n,s);
-var abs=d.position(n,_5b);
-return mb;
-var _5c={"class":"className","for":"htmlFor",tabindex:"tabIndex",readonly:"readOnly",colspan:"colSpan",frameborder:"frameBorder",rowspan:"rowSpan",valuetype:"valueType"},_5d={classname:"class",htmlfor:"for",tabindex:"tabIndex",readonly:"readOnly"},_5e={innerHTML:1,className:1,htmlFor:d.isIE,value:1};
-var _5f=function(_60){
-return _5d[_60.toLowerCase()]||_60;
-var _61=function(_62,_63){
-var _64=_62.getAttributeNode&&_62.getAttributeNode(_63);
-return _64&&_64.specified;
-var lc=_66.toLowerCase();
-return _5e[_5c[lc]||_66]||_61(_5(_65),_5d[lc]||_66);
-var _67={},_68=0,_69=dojo._scopeName+"attrid",_6a={col:1,colgroup:1,table:1,tbody:1,tfoot:1,thead:1,tr:1,title:1};
-var _6e=arguments.length,_6f;
-if(_6e==2&&typeof _6c!="string"){
-for(var x in _6c){
-return _6b;
-var lc=_6c.toLowerCase(),_70=_5c[lc]||_6c,_71=_5e[_70],_72=_5d[lc]||_6c;
-if(_70=="style"&&typeof _6d!="string"){,_6d);
-if(d.isIE&&_6b.tagName.toLowerCase() in _6a){
-var _73=d.attr(_6b,_69);
-var h=_67[_73][_70];
-delete _6b[_70];
-if(_71||typeof _6d=="boolean"){
-return _6b;
-if(_71&&typeof _6d!="undefined"){
-return _6d;
-if(_70!="href"&&(typeof _6d=="boolean"||d.isFunction(_6d))){
-return _6d;
-return _61(_6b,_72)?_6b.getAttribute(_72):null;
-var lc=_77.toLowerCase(),_78=_5c[lc]||_77;
-if((_78 in _76)&&_78!="href"){
-return _76[_78];
-var _79=_5d[lc]||_77;
-return _61(_76,_79)?_76.getAttribute(_79):null;
-var doc=d.doc;
-if(typeof tag=="string"){
-return tag;
-for(var c;c=_7c.lastChild;){
-var _7e={option:["select"],tbody:["table"],thead:["table"],tfoot:["table"],tr:["table","tbody"],td:["table","tbody","tr"],th:["table","thead","tr"],legend:["fieldset"],caption:["table"],colgroup:["table"],col:["table","colgroup"],li:["ul"]},_7f=/<\s*([\w\:]+)/,_80={},_81=0,_82="__"+d._scopeName+"ToDomId";
-for(var _83 in _7e){
-var tw=_7e[_83];
-tw.pre=_83=="option"?"<select multiple=\"multiple\">":"<"+tw.join("><")+">";"</"+tw.reverse().join("></")+">";
-var _85=doc[_82];
-var _86=_84.match(_7f),tag=_86?_86[1].toLowerCase():"",_87=_80[_85],_88,i,fc,df;
-return _87.removeChild(_87.firstChild);
-return df;
-var _89="className";
-return ((" "+_5(_8a)[_89]+" ").indexOf(" "+_8b+" ")>=0);
-var _8c=/\s+/,a1=[""],_8d=function(s){
-if(typeof s=="string"||s instanceof String){
-if(s.indexOf(" ")<0){
-return a1;
-return s.split(_8c);
-return s||"";
-var cls=_8e[_89],_90;
-cls=cls?" "+cls+" ":" ";
-for(var i=0,len=_8f.length,c;i<len;++i){
-if(c&&cls.indexOf(" "+c+" ")<0){
-cls+=c+" ";
-var cls;
-cls=" "+_91[_89]+" ";
-for(var i=0,len=_92.length;i<len;++i){
-cls=cls.replace(" "+_92[i]+" "," ");
+ var d = dojo;
+ var byId = d.byId;
+ var _destroyContainer = null,
+ _destroyDoc;
+ d.addOnWindowUnload(function(){
+ _destroyContainer = null; //prevent IE leak
+ });
+ dojo._destroyElement = function(node){
+ // summary:
+ // Existing alias for `dojo.destroy`. Deprecated, will be removed
+ // in 2.0
+ }
+ dojo._destroyElement = dojo.destroy = function(/*String|DomNode*/node){
+ // summary:
+ // Removes a node from its parent, clobbering it and all of its
+ // children.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Removes a node from its parent, clobbering it and all of its
+ // children. Function only works with DomNodes, and returns nothing.
+ //
+ // node:
+ // A String ID or DomNode reference of the element to be destroyed
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Destroy a node byId:
+ // | dojo.destroy("someId");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Destroy all nodes in a list by reference:
+ // | dojo.query(".someNode").forEach(dojo.destroy);
+ node = byId(node);
+ try{
+ var doc = node.ownerDocument;
+ // cannot use _destroyContainer.ownerDocument since this can throw an exception on IE
+ if(!_destroyContainer || _destroyDoc != doc){
+ _destroyContainer = doc.createElement("div");
+ _destroyDoc = doc;
+ }
+ _destroyContainer.appendChild(node.parentNode ? node.parentNode.removeChild(node) : node);
+ // NOTE: see This may be a bug and not a feature
+ _destroyContainer.innerHTML = "";
+ }catch(e){
+ /* squelch */
+ }
+ };
+ dojo.isDescendant = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*DomNode|String*/ancestor){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns true if node is a descendant of ancestor
+ // node: string id or node reference to test
+ // ancestor: string id or node reference of potential parent to test against
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Test is node id="bar" is a descendant of node id="foo"
+ // | if(dojo.isDescendant("bar", "foo")){ ... }
+ try{
+ node = byId(node);
+ ancestor = byId(ancestor);
+ while(node){
+ if(node == ancestor){
+ return true; // Boolean
+ }
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ }
+ }catch(e){ /* squelch, return false */ }
+ return false; // Boolean
+ };
+ dojo.setSelectable = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*Boolean*/selectable){
+ // summary:
+ // Enable or disable selection on a node
+ // node:
+ // id or reference to node
+ // selectable:
+ // state to put the node in. false indicates unselectable, true
+ // allows selection.
+ // example:
+ // Make the node id="bar" unselectable
+ // | dojo.setSelectable("bar");
+ // example:
+ // Make the node id="bar" selectable
+ // | dojo.setSelectable("bar", true);
+ node = byId(node);
+ if(d.isMozilla){
+ = selectable ? "" : "none";
+ }else if(d.isKhtml || d.isWebKit){
+ = selectable ? "auto" : "none";
+ }else if(d.isIE){
+ var v = (node.unselectable = selectable ? "" : "on");
+ d.query("*", node).forEach("item.unselectable = '"+v+"'");
+ }
+ //FIXME: else? Opera?
+ };
+ var _insertBefore = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*DomNode*/ref){
+ var parent = ref.parentNode;
+ if(parent){
+ parent.insertBefore(node, ref);
+ }
+ };
+ var _insertAfter = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*DomNode*/ref){
+ // summary:
+ // Try to insert node after ref
+ var parent = ref.parentNode;
+ if(parent){
+ if(parent.lastChild == ref){
+ parent.appendChild(node);
+ }else{
+ parent.insertBefore(node, ref.nextSibling);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ = function(node, refNode, position){
+ // summary:
+ // Attempt to insert node into the DOM, choosing from various positioning options.
+ // Returns the first argument resolved to a DOM node.
+ //
+ // node: String|DomNode
+ // id or node reference, or HTML fragment starting with "<" to place relative to refNode
+ //
+ // refNode: String|DomNode
+ // id or node reference to use as basis for placement
+ //
+ // position: String|Number?
+ // string noting the position of node relative to refNode or a
+ // number indicating the location in the childNodes collection of refNode.
+ // Accepted string values are:
+ // | * before
+ // | * after
+ // | * replace
+ // | * only
+ // | * first
+ // | * last
+ // "first" and "last" indicate positions as children of refNode, "replace" replaces refNode,
+ // "only" replaces all children. position defaults to "last" if not specified
+ //
+ // returns: DomNode
+ // Returned values is the first argument resolved to a DOM node.
+ //
+ // .place() is also a method of `dojo.NodeList`, allowing `dojo.query` node lookups.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Place a node by string id as the last child of another node by string id:
+ // |"someNode", "anotherNode");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Place a node by string id before another node by string id
+ // |"someNode", "anotherNode", "before");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Create a Node, and place it in the body element (last child):
+ // |"<div></div>", dojo.body());
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Put a new LI as the first child of a list by id:
+ // |"<li></li>", "someUl", "first");
+ refNode = byId(refNode);
+ if(typeof node == "string"){ // inline'd type check
+ node = node.charAt(0) == "<" ? d._toDom(node, refNode.ownerDocument) : byId(node);
+ }
+ if(typeof position == "number"){ // inline'd type check
+ var cn = refNode.childNodes;
+ if(!cn.length || cn.length <= position){
+ refNode.appendChild(node);
+ }else{
+ _insertBefore(node, cn[position < 0 ? 0 : position]);
+ }
+ }else{
+ switch(position){
+ case "before":
+ _insertBefore(node, refNode);
+ break;
+ case "after":
+ _insertAfter(node, refNode);
+ break;
+ case "replace":
+ refNode.parentNode.replaceChild(node, refNode);
+ break;
+ case "only":
+ d.empty(refNode);
+ refNode.appendChild(node);
+ break;
+ case "first":
+ if(refNode.firstChild){
+ _insertBefore(node, refNode.firstChild);
+ break;
+ }
+ // else fallthrough...
+ default: // aka: last
+ refNode.appendChild(node);
+ }
+ }
+ return node; // DomNode
+ }
+ // Box functions will assume this model.
+ // On IE/Opera, BORDER_BOX will be set if the primary document is in quirks mode.
+ // Can be set to change behavior of box setters.
+ // can be either:
+ // "border-box"
+ // "content-box" (default)
+ dojo.boxModel = "content-box";
+ // We punt per-node box mode testing completely.
+ // If anybody cares, we can provide an additional (optional) unit
+ // that overrides existing code to include per-node box sensitivity.
+ // Opera documentation claims that Opera 9 uses border-box in BackCompat mode.
+ // but experiments (Opera 9.10.8679 on Windows Vista) indicate that it actually continues to use content-box.
+ // IIRC, earlier versions of Opera did in fact use border-box.
+ // Opera guys, this is really confusing. Opera being broken in quirks mode is not our fault.
+ if(d.isIE /*|| dojo.isOpera*/){
+ // client code may have to adjust if compatMode varies across iframes
+ d.boxModel = document.compatMode == "BackCompat" ? "border-box" : "content-box";
+ }
+ // =============================
+ // Style Functions
+ // =============================
+ // getComputedStyle drives most of the style code.
+ // Wherever possible, reuse the returned object.
+ //
+ // API functions below that need to access computed styles accept an
+ // optional computedStyle parameter.
+ // If this parameter is omitted, the functions will call getComputedStyle themselves.
+ // This way, calling code can access computedStyle once, and then pass the reference to
+ // multiple API functions.
+ dojo.getComputedStyle = function(node){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a "computed style" object.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Gets a "computed style" object which can be used to gather
+ // information about the current state of the rendered node.
+ //
+ // Note that this may behave differently on different browsers.
+ // Values may have different formats and value encodings across
+ // browsers.
+ //
+ // Note also that this method is expensive. Wherever possible,
+ // reuse the returned object.
+ //
+ // Use the method for more consistent (pixelized)
+ // return values.
+ //
+ // node: DOMNode
+ // A reference to a DOM node. Does NOT support taking an
+ // ID string for speed reasons.
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.getComputedStyle(dojo.byId('foo')).borderWidth;
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Reusing the returned object, avoiding multiple lookups:
+ // | var cs = dojo.getComputedStyle(dojo.byId("someNode"));
+ // | var w = cs.width, h = cs.height;
+ return; // CSS2Properties
+ }
+ // Although we normally eschew argument validation at this
+ // level, here we test argument 'node' for (duck)type,
+ // by testing nodeType, ecause 'document' is the 'parentNode' of 'body'
+ // it is frequently sent to this function even
+ // though it is not Element.
+ var gcs;
+ if(d.isWebKit){
+ gcs = function(/*DomNode*/node){
+ var s;
+ if(node.nodeType == 1){
+ var dv = node.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+ s = dv.getComputedStyle(node, null);
+ if(!s &&{
+ = "";
+ s = dv.getComputedStyle(node, null);
+ }
+ }
+ return s || {};
+ };
+ }else if(d.isIE){
+ gcs = function(node){
+ // IE (as of 7) doesn't expose Element like sane browsers
+ return node.nodeType == 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE*/ ? node.currentStyle : {};
+ };
+ }else{
+ gcs = function(node){
+ return node.nodeType == 1 ?
+ node.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, null) : {};
+ };
+ }
+ dojo.getComputedStyle = gcs;
+ if(!d.isIE){
+ d._toPixelValue = function(element, value){
+ // style values can be floats, client code may want
+ // to round for integer pixels.
+ return parseFloat(value) || 0;
+ };
+ }else{
+ d._toPixelValue = function(element, avalue){
+ if(!avalue){ return 0; }
+ // on IE7, medium is usually 4 pixels
+ if(avalue == "medium"){ return 4; }
+ // style values can be floats, client code may
+ // want to round this value for integer pixels.
+ if(avalue.slice && avalue.slice(-2) == 'px'){ return parseFloat(avalue); }
+ with(element){
+ var sLeft = style.left;
+ var rsLeft = runtimeStyle.left;
+ runtimeStyle.left = currentStyle.left;
+ try{
+ // 'avalue' may be incompatible with style.left, which can cause IE to throw
+ // this has been observed for border widths using "thin", "medium", "thick" constants
+ // those particular constants could be trapped by a lookup
+ // but perhaps there are more
+ style.left = avalue;
+ avalue = style.pixelLeft;
+ }catch(e){
+ avalue = 0;
+ }
+ style.left = sLeft;
+ runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft;
+ }
+ return avalue;
+ }
+ }
+ var px = d._toPixelValue;
+ // FIXME: there opacity quirks on FF that we haven't ported over. Hrm.
+ /*=====
+ dojo._getOpacity = function(node){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns the current opacity of the passed node as a
+ // floating-point value between 0 and 1.
+ // node: DomNode
+ // a reference to a DOM node. Does NOT support taking an
+ // ID string for speed reasons.
+ // returns: Number between 0 and 1
+ return; // Number
+ }
+ =====*/
+ var astr = "DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha";
+ var af = function(n, f){
+ try{
+ return n.filters.item(astr);
+ }catch(e){
+ return f ? {} : null;
+ }
+ };
+ dojo._getOpacity =
+ d.isIE ? function(node){
+ try{
+ return af(node).Opacity / 100; // Number
+ }catch(e){
+ return 1; // Number
+ }
+ } :
+ function(node){
+ return gcs(node).opacity;
+ };
+ /*=====
+ dojo._setOpacity = function(node, opacity){
+ // summary:
+ // set the opacity of the passed node portably. Returns the
+ // new opacity of the node.
+ // node: DOMNode
+ // a reference to a DOM node. Does NOT support taking an
+ // ID string for performance reasons.
+ // opacity: Number
+ // A Number between 0 and 1. 0 specifies transparent.
+ // returns: Number between 0 and 1
+ return; // Number
+ }
+ =====*/
+ dojo._setOpacity =
+ d.isIE ? function(/*DomNode*/node, /*Number*/opacity){
+ var ov = opacity * 100, opaque = opacity == 1;
+ = opaque ? "" : 1;
+ if(!af(node)){
+ if(opaque){
+ return opacity;
+ }
+ += " progid:" + astr + "(Opacity=" + ov + ")";
+ }else{
+ af(node, 1).Opacity = ov;
+ }
+ // on IE7 Alpha(Filter opacity=100) makes text look fuzzy so disable it altogether (bug #2661),
+ //but still update the opacity value so we can get a correct reading if it is read later.
+ af(node, 1).Enabled = !opaque;
+ if(node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "tr"){
+ d.query("> td", node).forEach(function(i){
+ d._setOpacity(i, opacity);
+ });
+ }
+ return opacity;
+ } :
+ function(node, opacity){
+ return = opacity;
+ };
+ var _pixelNamesCache = {
+ left: true, top: true
+ };
+ var _pixelRegExp = /margin|padding|width|height|max|min|offset/; // |border
+ var _toStyleValue = function(node, type, value){
+ type = type.toLowerCase(); // FIXME: should we really be doing string case conversion here? Should we cache it? Need to profile!
+ if(d.isIE){
+ if(value == "auto"){
+ if(type == "height"){ return node.offsetHeight; }
+ if(type == "width"){ return node.offsetWidth; }
+ }
+ if(type == "fontweight"){
+ switch(value){
+ case 700: return "bold";
+ case 400:
+ default: return "normal";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!(type in _pixelNamesCache)){
+ _pixelNamesCache[type] = _pixelRegExp.test(type);
+ }
+ return _pixelNamesCache[type] ? px(node, value) : value;
+ };
+ var _floatStyle = d.isIE ? "styleFloat" : "cssFloat",
+ _floatAliases = { "cssFloat": _floatStyle, "styleFloat": _floatStyle, "float": _floatStyle }
+ ;
+ // public API
+ = function( /*DomNode|String*/ node,
+ /*String?|Object?*/ style,
+ /*String?*/ value){
+ // summary:
+ // Accesses styles on a node. If 2 arguments are
+ // passed, acts as a getter. If 3 arguments are passed, acts
+ // as a setter.
+ // description:
+ // Getting the style value uses the computed style for the node, so the value
+ // will be a calculated value, not just the immediate value.
+ // Also when getting values, use specific style names,
+ // like "borderBottomWidth" instead of "border" since compound values like
+ // "border" are not necessarily reflected as expected.
+ // If you want to get node dimensions, use `dojo.marginBox()`,
+ // `dojo.contentBox()` or `dojo.position()`.
+ // node:
+ // id or reference to node to get/set style for
+ // style:
+ // the style property to set in DOM-accessor format
+ // ("borderWidth", not "border-width") or an object with key/value
+ // pairs suitable for setting each property.
+ // value:
+ // If passed, sets value on the node for style, handling
+ // cross-browser concerns. When setting a pixel value,
+ // be sure to include "px" in the value. For instance, top: "200px".
+ // Otherwise, in some cases, some browsers will not apply the style.
+ // example:
+ // Passing only an ID or node returns the computed style object of
+ // the node:
+ // |"thinger");
+ // example:
+ // Passing a node and a style property returns the current
+ // normalized, computed value for that property:
+ // |"thinger", "opacity"); // 1 by default
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Passing a node, a style property, and a value changes the
+ // current display of the node and returns the new computed value
+ // |"thinger", "opacity", 0.5); // == 0.5
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Passing a node, an object-style style property sets each of the values in turn and returns the computed style object of the node:
+ // |"thinger", {
+ // | "opacity": 0.5,
+ // | "border": "3px solid black",
+ // | "height": "300px"
+ // | });
+ //
+ // example:
+ // When the CSS style property is hyphenated, the JavaScript property is camelCased.
+ // font-size becomes fontSize, and so on.
+ // |"thinger",{
+ // | fontSize:"14pt",
+ // | letterSpacing:"1.2em"
+ // | });
+ //
+ // example:
+ // dojo.NodeList implements .style() using the same syntax, omitting the "node" parameter, calling
+ // on every element of the list. See: `dojo.query()` and `dojo.NodeList()`
+ // | dojo.query(".someClassName").style("visibility","hidden");
+ // | // or
+ // | dojo.query("#baz > div").style({
+ // | opacity:0.75,
+ // | fontSize:"13pt"
+ // | });
+ var n = byId(node), args = arguments.length, op = (style == "opacity");
+ style = _floatAliases[style] || style;
+ if(args == 3){
+ return op ? d._setOpacity(n, value) :[style] = value; /*Number*/
+ }
+ if(args == 2 && op){
+ return d._getOpacity(n);
+ }
+ var s = gcs(n);
+ if(args == 2 && typeof style != "string"){ // inline'd type check
+ for(var x in style){
+, x, style[x]);
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ return (args == 1) ? s : _toStyleValue(n, style, s[style] ||[style]); /* CSS2Properties||String||Number */
+ }
+ // =============================
+ // Box Functions
+ // =============================
+ dojo._getPadExtents = function(/*DomNode*/n, /*Object*/computedStyle){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns object with special values specifically useful for node
+ // fitting.
+ // description:
+ // Returns an object with `w`, `h`, `l`, `t` properties:
+ // | l/t = left/top padding (respectively)
+ // | w = the total of the left and right padding
+ // | h = the total of the top and bottom padding
+ // If 'node' has position, l/t forms the origin for child nodes.
+ // The w/h are used for calculating boxes.
+ // Normally application code will not need to invoke this
+ // directly, and will use the functions instead.
+ var
+ s = computedStyle||gcs(n),
+ l = px(n, s.paddingLeft),
+ t = px(n, s.paddingTop);
+ return {
+ l: l,
+ t: t,
+ w: l+px(n, s.paddingRight),
+ h: t+px(n, s.paddingBottom)
+ };
+ }
+ dojo._getBorderExtents = function(/*DomNode*/n, /*Object*/computedStyle){
+ // summary:
+ // returns an object with properties useful for noting the border
+ // dimensions.
+ // description:
+ // * l/t = the sum of left/top border (respectively)
+ // * w = the sum of the left and right border
+ // * h = the sum of the top and bottom border
+ //
+ // The w/h are used for calculating boxes.
+ // Normally application code will not need to invoke this
+ // directly, and will use the functions instead.
+ var
+ ne = "none",
+ s = computedStyle||gcs(n),
+ bl = (s.borderLeftStyle != ne ? px(n, s.borderLeftWidth) : 0),
+ bt = (s.borderTopStyle != ne ? px(n, s.borderTopWidth) : 0);
+ return {
+ l: bl,
+ t: bt,
+ w: bl + (s.borderRightStyle!=ne ? px(n, s.borderRightWidth) : 0),
+ h: bt + (s.borderBottomStyle!=ne ? px(n, s.borderBottomWidth) : 0)
+ };
+ }
+ dojo._getPadBorderExtents = function(/*DomNode*/n, /*Object*/computedStyle){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns object with properties useful for box fitting with
+ // regards to padding.
+ // description:
+ // * l/t = the sum of left/top padding and left/top border (respectively)
+ // * w = the sum of the left and right padding and border
+ // * h = the sum of the top and bottom padding and border
+ //
+ // The w/h are used for calculating boxes.
+ // Normally application code will not need to invoke this
+ // directly, and will use the functions instead.
+ var
+ s = computedStyle||gcs(n),
+ p = d._getPadExtents(n, s),
+ b = d._getBorderExtents(n, s);
+ return {
+ l: p.l + b.l,
+ t: p.t + b.t,
+ w: p.w + b.w,
+ h: p.h + b.h
+ };
+ }
+ dojo._getMarginExtents = function(n, computedStyle){
+ // summary:
+ // returns object with properties useful for box fitting with
+ // regards to box margins (i.e., the outer-box).
+ //
+ // * l/t = marginLeft, marginTop, respectively
+ // * w = total width, margin inclusive
+ // * h = total height, margin inclusive
+ //
+ // The w/h are used for calculating boxes.
+ // Normally application code will not need to invoke this
+ // directly, and will use the functions instead.
+ var
+ s = computedStyle||gcs(n),
+ l = px(n, s.marginLeft),
+ t = px(n, s.marginTop),
+ r = px(n, s.marginRight),
+ b = px(n, s.marginBottom);
+ if(d.isWebKit && (s.position != "absolute")){
+ // FIXME: Safari's version of the computed right margin
+ // is the space between our right edge and the right edge
+ // of our offsetParent.
+ // What we are looking for is the actual margin value as
+ // determined by CSS.
+ // Hack solution is to assume left/right margins are the same.
+ r = l;
+ }
+ return {
+ l: l,
+ t: t,
+ w: l+r,
+ h: t+b
+ };
+ }
+ // Box getters work in any box context because offsetWidth/clientWidth
+ // are invariant wrt box context
+ //
+ // They do *not* work for display: inline objects that have padding styles
+ // because the user agent ignores padding (it's bogus styling in any case)
+ //
+ // Be careful with IMGs because they are inline or block depending on
+ // browser and browser mode.
+ // Although it would be easier to read, there are not separate versions of
+ // _getMarginBox for each browser because:
+ // 1. the branching is not expensive
+ // 2. factoring the shared code wastes cycles (function call overhead)
+ // 3. duplicating the shared code wastes bytes
+ dojo._getMarginBox = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*Object*/computedStyle){
+ // summary:
+ // returns an object that encodes the width, height, left and top
+ // positions of the node's margin box.
+ var s = computedStyle || gcs(node), me = d._getMarginExtents(node, s);
+ var l = node.offsetLeft - me.l, t = node.offsetTop - me.t, p = node.parentNode;
+ if(d.isMoz){
+ // Mozilla:
+ // If offsetParent has a computed overflow != visible, the offsetLeft is decreased
+ // by the parent's border.
+ // We don't want to compute the parent's style, so instead we examine node's
+ // computed left/top which is more stable.
+ var sl = parseFloat(s.left), st = parseFloat(;
+ if(!isNaN(sl) && !isNaN(st)){
+ l = sl, t = st;
+ }else{
+ // If child's computed left/top are not parseable as a number (e.g. "auto"), we
+ // have no choice but to examine the parent's computed style.
+ if(p &&{
+ var pcs = gcs(p);
+ if(pcs.overflow != "visible"){
+ var be = d._getBorderExtents(p, pcs);
+ l += be.l, t += be.t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else if(d.isOpera || (d.isIE > 7 && !d.isQuirks)){
+ // On Opera and IE 8, offsetLeft/Top includes the parent's border
+ if(p){
+ be = d._getBorderExtents(p);
+ l -= be.l;
+ t -= be.t;
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ l: l,
+ t: t,
+ w: node.offsetWidth + me.w,
+ h: node.offsetHeight + me.h
+ };
+ }
+ dojo._getContentBox = function(node, computedStyle){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns an object that encodes the width, height, left and top
+ // positions of the node's content box, irrespective of the
+ // current box model.
+ // clientWidth/Height are important since the automatically account for scrollbars
+ // fallback to offsetWidth/Height for special cases (see #3378)
+ var s = computedStyle || gcs(node),
+ pe = d._getPadExtents(node, s),
+ be = d._getBorderExtents(node, s),
+ w = node.clientWidth,
+ h
+ ;
+ if(!w){
+ w = node.offsetWidth, h = node.offsetHeight;
+ }else{
+ h = node.clientHeight, be.w = be.h = 0;
+ }
+ // On Opera, offsetLeft includes the parent's border
+ if(d.isOpera){ pe.l += be.l; pe.t += be.t; };
+ return {
+ l: pe.l,
+ t: pe.t,
+ w: w - pe.w - be.w,
+ h: h - pe.h - be.h
+ };
+ }
+ dojo._getBorderBox = function(node, computedStyle){
+ var s = computedStyle || gcs(node),
+ pe = d._getPadExtents(node, s),
+ cb = d._getContentBox(node, s)
+ ;
+ return {
+ l: cb.l - pe.l,
+ t: cb.t - pe.t,
+ w: cb.w + pe.w,
+ h: cb.h + pe.h
+ };
+ }
+ // Box setters depend on box context because interpretation of width/height styles
+ // vary wrt box context.
+ //
+ // The value of dojo.boxModel is used to determine box context.
+ // dojo.boxModel can be set directly to change behavior.
+ //
+ // Beware of display: inline objects that have padding styles
+ // because the user agent ignores padding (it's a bogus setup anyway)
+ //
+ // Be careful with IMGs because they are inline or block depending on
+ // browser and browser mode.
+ //
+ // Elements other than DIV may have special quirks, like built-in
+ // margins or padding, or values not detectable via computedStyle.
+ // In particular, margins on TABLE do not seems to appear
+ // at all in computedStyle on Mozilla.
+ dojo._setBox = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*Number?*/l, /*Number?*/t, /*Number?*/w, /*Number?*/h, /*String?*/u){
+ // summary:
+ // sets width/height/left/top in the current (native) box-model
+ // dimentions. Uses the unit passed in u.
+ // node:
+ // DOM Node reference. Id string not supported for performance
+ // reasons.
+ // l:
+ // left offset from parent.
+ // t:
+ // top offset from parent.
+ // w:
+ // width in current box model.
+ // h:
+ // width in current box model.
+ // u:
+ // unit measure to use for other measures. Defaults to "px".
+ u = u || "px";
+ var s =;
+ if(!isNaN(l)){ s.left = l + u; }
+ if(!isNaN(t)){ = t + u; }
+ if(w >= 0){ s.width = w + u; }
+ if(h >= 0){ s.height = h + u; }
+ }
+ dojo._isButtonTag = function(/*DomNode*/node) {
+ // summary:
+ // True if the node is BUTTON or INPUT.type="button".
+ return node.tagName == "BUTTON"
+ || node.tagName=="INPUT" && (node.getAttribute("type")||'').toUpperCase() == "BUTTON"; // boolean
+ }
+ dojo._usesBorderBox = function(/*DomNode*/node){
+ // summary:
+ // True if the node uses border-box layout.
+ // We could test the computed style of node to see if a particular box
+ // has been specified, but there are details and we choose not to bother.
+ // TABLE and BUTTON (and INPUT type=button) are always border-box by default.
+ // If you have assigned a different box to either one via CSS then
+ // box functions will break.
+ var n = node.tagName;
+ return d.boxModel=="border-box" || n=="TABLE" || d._isButtonTag(node); // boolean
+ }
+ dojo._setContentSize = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*Number*/widthPx, /*Number*/heightPx, /*Object*/computedStyle){
+ // summary:
+ // Sets the size of the node's contents, irrespective of margins,
+ // padding, or borders.
+ if(d._usesBorderBox(node)){
+ var pb = d._getPadBorderExtents(node, computedStyle);
+ if(widthPx >= 0){ widthPx += pb.w; }
+ if(heightPx >= 0){ heightPx += pb.h; }
+ }
+ d._setBox(node, NaN, NaN, widthPx, heightPx);
+ }
+ dojo._setMarginBox = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*Number?*/leftPx, /*Number?*/topPx,
+ /*Number?*/widthPx, /*Number?*/heightPx,
+ /*Object*/computedStyle){
+ // summary:
+ // sets the size of the node's margin box and placement
+ // (left/top), irrespective of box model. Think of it as a
+ // passthrough to dojo._setBox that handles box-model vagaries for
+ // you.
+ var s = computedStyle || gcs(node),
+ // Some elements have special padding, margin, and box-model settings.
+ // To use box functions you may need to set padding, margin explicitly.
+ // Controlling box-model is harder, in a pinch you might set dojo.boxModel.
+ bb = d._usesBorderBox(node),
+ pb = bb ? _nilExtents : d._getPadBorderExtents(node, s)
+ ;
+ if(d.isWebKit){
+ // on Safari (3.1.2), button nodes with no explicit size have a default margin
+ // setting an explicit size eliminates the margin.
+ // We have to swizzle the width to get correct margin reading.
+ if(d._isButtonTag(node)){
+ var ns =;
+ if(widthPx >= 0 && !ns.width) { ns.width = "4px"; }
+ if(heightPx >= 0 && !ns.height) { ns.height = "4px"; }
+ }
+ }
+ var mb = d._getMarginExtents(node, s);
+ if(widthPx >= 0){ widthPx = Math.max(widthPx - pb.w - mb.w, 0); }
+ if(heightPx >= 0){ heightPx = Math.max(heightPx - pb.h - mb.h, 0); }
+ d._setBox(node, leftPx, topPx, widthPx, heightPx);
+ }
+ var _nilExtents = { l:0, t:0, w:0, h:0 };
+ // public API
+ dojo.marginBox = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*Object?*/box){
+ // summary:
+ // Getter/setter for the margin-box of node.
+ // description:
+ // Getter/setter for the margin-box of node.
+ // Returns an object in the expected format of box (regardless
+ // if box is passed). The object might look like:
+ // `{ l: 50, t: 200, w: 300: h: 150 }`
+ // for a node offset from its parent 50px to the left, 200px from
+ // the top with a margin width of 300px and a margin-height of
+ // 150px.
+ // node:
+ // id or reference to DOM Node to get/set box for
+ // box:
+ // If passed, denotes that dojo.marginBox() should
+ // update/set the margin box for node. Box is an object in the
+ // above format. All properties are optional if passed.
+ // example:
+ // Retrieve the marginbox of a passed node
+ // | var box = dojo.marginBox("someNodeId");
+ // | console.dir(box);
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Set a node's marginbox to the size of another node
+ // | var box = dojo.marginBox("someNodeId");
+ // | dojo.marginBox("someOtherNode", box);
+ var n = byId(node), s = gcs(n), b = box;
+ return !b ? d._getMarginBox(n, s) : d._setMarginBox(n, b.l, b.t, b.w, b.h, s); // Object
+ }
+ dojo.contentBox = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*Object?*/box){
+ // summary:
+ // Getter/setter for the content-box of node.
+ // description:
+ // Returns an object in the expected format of box (regardless if box is passed).
+ // The object might look like:
+ // `{ l: 50, t: 200, w: 300: h: 150 }`
+ // for a node offset from its parent 50px to the left, 200px from
+ // the top with a content width of 300px and a content-height of
+ // 150px. Note that the content box may have a much larger border
+ // or margin box, depending on the box model currently in use and
+ // CSS values set/inherited for node.
+ // While the getter will return top and left values, the
+ // setter only accepts setting the width and height.
+ // node:
+ // id or reference to DOM Node to get/set box for
+ // box:
+ // If passed, denotes that dojo.contentBox() should
+ // update/set the content box for node. Box is an object in the
+ // above format, but only w (width) and h (height) are supported.
+ // All properties are optional if passed.
+ var n = byId(node), s = gcs(n), b = box;
+ return !b ? d._getContentBox(n, s) : d._setContentSize(n, b.w, b.h, s); // Object
+ }
+ // =============================
+ // Positioning
+ // =============================
+ var _sumAncestorProperties = function(node, prop){
+ if(!(node = (node||0).parentNode)){return 0}
+ var val, retVal = 0, _b = d.body();
+ while(node &&{
+ if(gcs(node).position == "fixed"){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ val = node[prop];
+ if(val){
+ retVal += val - 0;
+ // opera and khtml #body & #html has the same values, we only
+ // need one value
+ if(node == _b){ break; }
+ }
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ }
+ return retVal; // integer
+ }
+ dojo._docScroll = function(){
+ var n =;
+ return "pageXOffset" in n? { x:n.pageXOffset, y:n.pageYOffset } :
+ (n=d.doc.documentElement, n.clientHeight? { x:d._fixIeBiDiScrollLeft(n.scrollLeft), y:n.scrollTop } :
+ (n=d.body(), { x:n.scrollLeft||0, y:n.scrollTop||0 }));
+ };
+ dojo._isBodyLtr = function(){
+ return "_bodyLtr" in d? d._bodyLtr :
+ d._bodyLtr = (d.body().dir || d.doc.documentElement.dir || "ltr").toLowerCase() == "ltr"; // Boolean
+ }
+ dojo._getIeDocumentElementOffset = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // returns the offset in x and y from the document body to the
+ // visual edge of the page
+ // description:
+ // The following values in IE contain an offset:
+ // | event.clientX
+ // | event.clientY
+ // | node.getBoundingClientRect().left
+ // | node.getBoundingClientRect().top
+ // But other position related values do not contain this offset,
+ // such as node.offsetLeft, node.offsetTop, and
+ // The offset is always (2, 2) in LTR direction.
+ // When the body is in RTL direction, the offset counts the width
+ // of left scroll bar's width. This function computes the actual
+ // offset.
+ //NOTE: assumes we're being called in an IE browser
+ var de = d.doc.documentElement; // only deal with HTML element here, _abs handles body/quirks
+ if(d.isIE < 8){
+ var r = de.getBoundingClientRect(); // works well for IE6+
+ //console.debug('rect left,top = ' + r.left+',' + ', html client left/top = ' + de.clientLeft+','+de.clientTop + ', rtl = ' + (!d._isBodyLtr()) + ', quirks = ' + d.isQuirks);
+ var l = r.left,
+ t =;
+ if(d.isIE < 7){
+ l += de.clientLeft; // scrollbar size in strict/RTL, or,
+ t += de.clientTop; // HTML border size in strict
+ }
+ return {
+ x: l < 0? 0 : l, // FRAME element border size can lead to inaccurate negative values
+ y: t < 0? 0 : t
+ };
+ }else{
+ return {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ dojo._fixIeBiDiScrollLeft = function(/*Integer*/ scrollLeft){
+ // In RTL direction, scrollLeft should be a negative value, but IE < 8
+ // returns a positive one. All codes using documentElement.scrollLeft
+ // must call this function to fix this error, otherwise the position
+ // will offset to right when there is a horizontal scrollbar.
+ var dd = d.doc;
+ if(d.isIE < 8 && !d._isBodyLtr()){
+ var de = d.isQuirks ? dd.body : dd.documentElement;
+ return scrollLeft + de.clientWidth - de.scrollWidth; // Integer
+ }
+ return scrollLeft; // Integer
+ }
+ // FIXME: need a setter for coords or a moveTo!!
+ dojo._abs = dojo.position = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*Boolean?*/includeScroll){
+ // summary:
+ // Gets the position and size of the passed element relative to
+ // the viewport (if includeScroll==false), or relative to the
+ // document root (if includeScroll==true).
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Returns an object of the form:
+ // { x: 100, y: 300, w: 20, h: 15 }
+ // If includeScroll==true, the x and y values will include any
+ // document offsets that may affect the position relative to the
+ // viewport.
+ // Uses the border-box model (inclusive of border and padding but
+ // not margin). Does not act as a setter.
+ var db = d.body(), dh = db.parentNode, ret;
+ node = byId(node);
+ if(node["getBoundingClientRect"]){
+ // IE6+, FF3+, super-modern WebKit, and Opera 9.6+ all take this branch
+ ret = node.getBoundingClientRect();
+ ret = { x: ret.left, y:, w: ret.right - ret.left, h: ret.bottom - };
+ if(d.isIE){
+ // On IE there's a 2px offset that we need to adjust for, see _getIeDocumentElementOffset()
+ var offset = d._getIeDocumentElementOffset();
+ // fixes the position in IE, quirks mode
+ ret.x -= offset.x + (d.isQuirks ? db.clientLeft+db.offsetLeft : 0);
+ ret.y -= offset.y + (d.isQuirks ? db.clientTop+db.offsetTop : 0);
+ }else if(d.isFF == 3){
+ // In FF3 you have to subtract the document element margins.
+ // Fixed in FF3.5 though.
+ var cs = gcs(dh);
+ ret.x -= px(dh, cs.marginLeft) + px(dh, cs.borderLeftWidth);
+ ret.y -= px(dh, cs.marginTop) + px(dh, cs.borderTopWidth);
+ }
+ }else{
+ // FF2 and older WebKit
+ ret = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ w: node.offsetWidth,
+ h: node.offsetHeight
+ };
+ if(node["offsetParent"]){
+ ret.x -= _sumAncestorProperties(node, "scrollLeft");
+ ret.y -= _sumAncestorProperties(node, "scrollTop");
+ var curnode = node;
+ do{
+ var n = curnode.offsetLeft,
+ t = curnode.offsetTop;
+ ret.x += isNaN(n) ? 0 : n;
+ ret.y += isNaN(t) ? 0 : t;
+ cs = gcs(curnode);
+ if(curnode != node){
+ if(d.isMoz){
+ // tried left+right with differently sized left/right borders
+ // it really is 2xleft border in FF, not left+right, even in RTL!
+ ret.x += 2 * px(curnode,cs.borderLeftWidth);
+ ret.y += 2 * px(curnode,cs.borderTopWidth);
+ }else{
+ ret.x += px(curnode, cs.borderLeftWidth);
+ ret.y += px(curnode, cs.borderTopWidth);
+ }
+ }
+ // static children in a static div in FF2 are affected by the div's border as well
+ // but offsetParent will skip this div!
+ if(d.isMoz && cs.position=="static"){
+ var parent=curnode.parentNode;
+ while(parent!=curnode.offsetParent){
+ var pcs=gcs(parent);
+ if(pcs.position=="static"){
+ ret.x += px(curnode,pcs.borderLeftWidth);
+ ret.y += px(curnode,pcs.borderTopWidth);
+ }
+ parent=parent.parentNode;
+ }
+ }
+ curnode = curnode.offsetParent;
+ }while((curnode != dh) && curnode);
+ }else if(node.x && node.y){
+ ret.x += isNaN(node.x) ? 0 : node.x;
+ ret.y += isNaN(node.y) ? 0 : node.y;
+ }
+ }
+ // account for document scrolling
+ // if offsetParent is used, ret value already includes scroll position
+ // so we may have to actually remove that value if !includeScroll
+ if(includeScroll){
+ var scroll = d._docScroll();
+ ret.x += scroll.x;
+ ret.y += scroll.y;
+ }
+ return ret; // Object
+ }
+ dojo.coords = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*Boolean?*/includeScroll){
+ // summary:
+ // Deprecated: Use position() for border-box x/y/w/h
+ // or marginBox() for margin-box w/h/l/t.
+ // Returns an object representing a node's size and position.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Returns an object that measures margin-box (w)idth/(h)eight
+ // and absolute position x/y of the border-box. Also returned
+ // is computed (l)eft and (t)op values in pixels from the
+ // node's offsetParent as returned from marginBox().
+ // Return value will be in the form:
+ //| { l: 50, t: 200, w: 300: h: 150, x: 100, y: 300 }
+ // Does not act as a setter. If includeScroll is passed, the x and
+ // y params are affected as one would expect in dojo.position().
+ var n = byId(node), s = gcs(n), mb = d._getMarginBox(n, s);
+ var abs = d.position(n, includeScroll);
+ mb.x = abs.x;
+ mb.y = abs.y;
+ return mb;
+ }
+ // =============================
+ // Element attribute Functions
+ // =============================
+ // dojo.attr() should conform to
+ var _propNames = {
+ // properties renamed to avoid clashes with reserved words
+ "class": "className",
+ "for": "htmlFor",
+ // properties written as camelCase
+ tabindex: "tabIndex",
+ readonly: "readOnly",
+ colspan: "colSpan",
+ frameborder: "frameBorder",
+ rowspan: "rowSpan",
+ valuetype: "valueType"
+ },
+ _attrNames = {
+ // original attribute names
+ classname: "class",
+ htmlfor: "for",
+ // for IE
+ tabindex: "tabIndex",
+ readonly: "readOnly"
+ },
+ _forcePropNames = {
+ innerHTML: 1,
+ className: 1,
+ htmlFor: d.isIE,
+ value: 1
+ };
+ var _fixAttrName = function(/*String*/ name){
+ return _attrNames[name.toLowerCase()] || name;
+ };
+ var _hasAttr = function(node, name){
+ var attr = node.getAttributeNode && node.getAttributeNode(name);
+ return attr && attr.specified; // Boolean
+ };
+ // There is a difference in the presence of certain properties and their default values
+ // between browsers. For example, on IE "disabled" is present on all elements,
+ // but it is value is "false"; "tabIndex" of <div> returns 0 by default on IE, yet other browsers
+ // can return -1.
+ dojo.hasAttr = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*String*/name){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns true if the requested attribute is specified on the
+ // given element, and false otherwise.
+ // node:
+ // id or reference to the element to check
+ // name:
+ // the name of the attribute
+ // returns:
+ // true if the requested attribute is specified on the
+ // given element, and false otherwise
+ var lc = name.toLowerCase();
+ return _forcePropNames[_propNames[lc] || name] || _hasAttr(byId(node), _attrNames[lc] || name); // Boolean
+ }
+ var _evtHdlrMap = {}, _ctr = 0,
+ _attrId = dojo._scopeName + "attrid",
+ // the next dictionary lists elements with read-only innerHTML on IE
+ _roInnerHtml = {col: 1, colgroup: 1,
+ // frameset: 1, head: 1, html: 1, style: 1,
+ table: 1, tbody: 1, tfoot: 1, thead: 1, tr: 1, title: 1};
+ dojo.attr = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*String|Object*/name, /*String?*/value){
+ // summary:
+ // Gets or sets an attribute on an HTML element.
+ // description:
+ // Handles normalized getting and setting of attributes on DOM
+ // Nodes. If 2 arguments are passed, and a the second argumnt is a
+ // string, acts as a getter.
+ //
+ // If a third argument is passed, or if the second argument is a
+ // map of attributes, acts as a setter.
+ //
+ // When passing functions as values, note that they will not be
+ // directly assigned to slots on the node, but rather the default
+ // behavior will be removed and the new behavior will be added
+ // using `dojo.connect()`, meaning that event handler properties
+ // will be normalized and that some caveats with regards to
+ // non-standard behaviors for onsubmit apply. Namely that you
+ // should cancel form submission using `dojo.stopEvent()` on the
+ // passed event object instead of returning a boolean value from
+ // the handler itself.
+ // node:
+ // id or reference to the element to get or set the attribute on
+ // name:
+ // the name of the attribute to get or set.
+ // value:
+ // The value to set for the attribute
+ // returns:
+ // when used as a getter, the value of the requested attribute
+ // or null if that attribute does not have a specified or
+ // default value;
+ //
+ // when used as a setter, the DOM node
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | // get the current value of the "foo" attribute on a node
+ // | dojo.attr(dojo.byId("nodeId"), "foo");
+ // | // or we can just pass the id:
+ // | dojo.attr("nodeId", "foo");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | // use attr() to set the tab index
+ // | dojo.attr("nodeId", "tabIndex", 3);
+ // |
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Set multiple values at once, including event handlers:
+ // | dojo.attr("formId", {
+ // | "foo": "bar",
+ // | "tabIndex": -1,
+ // | "method": "POST",
+ // | "onsubmit": function(e){
+ // | // stop submitting the form. Note that the IE behavior
+ // | // of returning true or false will have no effect here
+ // | // since our handler is connect()ed to the built-in
+ // | // onsubmit behavior and so we need to use
+ // | // dojo.stopEvent() to ensure that the submission
+ // | // doesn't proceed.
+ // | dojo.stopEvent(e);
+ // |
+ // | // submit the form with Ajax
+ // | dojo.xhrPost({ form: "formId" });
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Style is s special case: Only set with an object hash of styles
+ // | dojo.attr("someNode",{
+ // | id:"bar",
+ // | style:{
+ // | width:"200px", height:"100px", color:"#000"
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Again, only set style as an object hash of styles:
+ // | var obj = { color:"#fff", backgroundColor:"#000" };
+ // | dojo.attr("someNode", "style", obj);
+ // |
+ // | // though shorter to use `` in this case:
+ // |"someNode", obj);
+ node = byId(node);
+ var args = arguments.length, prop;
+ if(args == 2 && typeof name != "string"){ // inline'd type check
+ // the object form of setter: the 2nd argument is a dictionary
+ for(var x in name){
+ d.attr(node, x, name[x]);
+ }
+ return node; // DomNode
+ }
+ var lc = name.toLowerCase(),
+ propName = _propNames[lc] || name,
+ forceProp = _forcePropNames[propName],
+ attrName = _attrNames[lc] || name;
+ if(args == 3){
+ // setter
+ do{
+ if(propName == "style" && typeof value != "string"){ // inline'd type check
+ // special case: setting a style
+, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(propName == "innerHTML"){
+ // special case: assigning HTML
+ if(d.isIE && node.tagName.toLowerCase() in _roInnerHtml){
+ d.empty(node);
+ node.appendChild(d._toDom(value, node.ownerDocument));
+ }else{
+ node[propName] = value;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if(d.isFunction(value)){
+ // special case: assigning an event handler
+ // clobber if we can
+ var attrId = d.attr(node, _attrId);
+ if(!attrId){
+ attrId = _ctr++;
+ d.attr(node, _attrId, attrId);
+ }
+ if(!_evtHdlrMap[attrId]){
+ _evtHdlrMap[attrId] = {};
+ }
+ var h = _evtHdlrMap[attrId][propName];
+ if(h){
+ d.disconnect(h);
+ }else{
+ try{
+ delete node[propName];
+ }catch(e){}
+ }
+ // ensure that event objects are normalized, etc.
+ _evtHdlrMap[attrId][propName] = d.connect(node, propName, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(forceProp || typeof value == "boolean"){
+ // special case: forcing assignment to the property
+ // special case: setting boolean to a property instead of attribute
+ node[propName] = value;
+ break;
+ }
+ // node's attribute
+ node.setAttribute(attrName, value);
+ }while(false);
+ return node; // DomNode
+ }
+ // getter
+ // should we access this attribute via a property or
+ // via getAttribute()?
+ value = node[propName];
+ if(forceProp && typeof value != "undefined"){
+ // node's property
+ return value; // Anything
+ }
+ if(propName != "href" && (typeof value == "boolean" || d.isFunction(value))){
+ // node's property
+ return value; // Anything
+ }
+ // node's attribute
+ // we need _hasAttr() here to guard against IE returning a default value
+ return _hasAttr(node, attrName) ? node.getAttribute(attrName) : null; // Anything
+ }
+ dojo.removeAttr = function(/*DomNode|String*/ node, /*String*/ name){
+ // summary:
+ // Removes an attribute from an HTML element.
+ // node:
+ // id or reference to the element to remove the attribute from
+ // name:
+ // the name of the attribute to remove
+ byId(node).removeAttribute(_fixAttrName(name));
+ }
+ dojo.getNodeProp = function(/*DomNode|String*/ node, /*String*/ name){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns an effective value of a property or an attribute.
+ // node:
+ // id or reference to the element to remove the attribute from
+ // name:
+ // the name of the attribute
+ node = byId(node);
+ var lc = name.toLowerCase(),
+ propName = _propNames[lc] || name;
+ if((propName in node) && propName != "href"){
+ // node's property
+ return node[propName]; // Anything
+ }
+ // node's attribute
+ var attrName = _attrNames[lc] || name;
+ return _hasAttr(node, attrName) ? node.getAttribute(attrName) : null; // Anything
+ }
+ dojo.create = function(tag, attrs, refNode, pos){
+ // summary:
+ // Create an element, allowing for optional attribute decoration
+ // and placement.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // A DOM Element creation function. A shorthand method for creating a node or
+ // a fragment, and allowing for a convenient optional attribute setting step,
+ // as well as an optional DOM placement reference.
+ //|
+ // Attributes are set by passing the optional object through `dojo.attr`.
+ // See `dojo.attr` for noted caveats and nuances, and API if applicable.
+ //|
+ // Placement is done via ``, assuming the new node to be the action
+ // node, passing along the optional reference node and position.
+ //
+ // tag: String|DomNode
+ // A string of the element to create (eg: "div", "a", "p", "li", "script", "br"),
+ // or an existing DOM node to process.
+ //
+ // attrs: Object
+ // An object-hash of attributes to set on the newly created node.
+ // Can be null, if you don't want to set any attributes/styles.
+ // See: `dojo.attr` for a description of available attributes.
+ //
+ // refNode: String?|DomNode?
+ // Optional reference node. Used by `` to place the newly created
+ // node somewhere in the dom relative to refNode. Can be a DomNode reference
+ // or String ID of a node.
+ //
+ // pos: String?
+ // Optional positional reference. Defaults to "last" by way of ``,
+ // though can be set to "first","after","before","last", "replace" or "only"
+ // to further control the placement of the new node relative to the refNode.
+ // 'refNode' is required if a 'pos' is specified.
+ //
+ // returns: DomNode
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Create a DIV:
+ // | var n = dojo.create("div");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Create a DIV with content:
+ // | var n = dojo.create("div", { innerHTML:"<p>hi</p>" });
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Place a new DIV in the BODY, with no attributes set
+ // | var n = dojo.create("div", null, dojo.body());
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Create an UL, and populate it with LI's. Place the list as the first-child of a
+ // node with id="someId":
+ // | var ul = dojo.create("ul", null, "someId", "first");
+ // | var items = ["one", "two", "three", "four"];
+ // | dojo.forEach(items, function(data){
+ // | dojo.create("li", { innerHTML: data }, ul);
+ // | });
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Create an anchor, with an href. Place in BODY:
+ // | dojo.create("a", { href:"foo.html", title:"Goto FOO!" }, dojo.body());
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Create a `dojo.NodeList()` from a new element (for syntatic sugar):
+ // | dojo.query(dojo.create('div'))
+ // | .addClass("newDiv")
+ // | .onclick(function(e){ console.log('clicked', })
+ // | .place("#someNode"); // redundant, but cleaner.
+ var doc = d.doc;
+ if(refNode){
+ refNode = byId(refNode);
+ doc = refNode.ownerDocument;
+ }
+ if(typeof tag == "string"){ // inline'd type check
+ tag = doc.createElement(tag);
+ }
+ if(attrs){ d.attr(tag, attrs); }
+ if(refNode){, refNode, pos); }
+ return tag; // DomNode
+ }
+ /*=====
+ dojo.empty = function(node){
+ // summary:
+ // safely removes all children of the node.
+ // node: DOMNode|String
+ // a reference to a DOM node or an id.
+ // example:
+ // Destroy node's children byId:
+ // | dojo.empty("someId");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Destroy all nodes' children in a list by reference:
+ // | dojo.query(".someNode").forEach(dojo.empty);
+ }
+ =====*/
+ d.empty =
+ d.isIE ? function(node){
+ node = byId(node);
+ for(var c; c = node.lastChild;){ // intentional assignment
+ d.destroy(c);
+ }
+ } :
+ function(node){
+ byId(node).innerHTML = "";
+ };
+ /*=====
+ dojo._toDom = function(frag, doc){
+ // summary:
+ // instantiates an HTML fragment returning the corresponding DOM.
+ // frag: String
+ // the HTML fragment
+ // doc: DocumentNode?
+ // optional document to use when creating DOM nodes, defaults to
+ // dojo.doc if not specified.
+ // returns: DocumentFragment
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Create a table row:
+ // | var tr = dojo._toDom("<tr><td>First!</td></tr>");
+ }
+ =====*/
+ // support stuff for dojo._toDom
+ var tagWrap = {
+ option: ["select"],
+ tbody: ["table"],
+ thead: ["table"],
+ tfoot: ["table"],
+ tr: ["table", "tbody"],
+ td: ["table", "tbody", "tr"],
+ th: ["table", "thead", "tr"],
+ legend: ["fieldset"],
+ caption: ["table"],
+ colgroup: ["table"],
+ col: ["table", "colgroup"],
+ li: ["ul"]
+ },
+ reTag = /<\s*([\w\:]+)/,
+ masterNode = {}, masterNum = 0,
+ masterName = "__" + d._scopeName + "ToDomId";
+ // generate start/end tag strings to use
+ // for the injection for each special tag wrap case.
+ for(var param in tagWrap){
+ var tw = tagWrap[param];
+ tw.pre = param == "option" ? '<select multiple="multiple">' : "<" + tw.join("><") + ">";
+ = "</" + tw.reverse().join("></") + ">";
+ // the last line is destructive: it reverses the array,
+ // but we don't care at this point
+ }
+ d._toDom = function(frag, doc){
+ // summary:
+ // converts HTML string into DOM nodes.
+ doc = doc || d.doc;
+ var masterId = doc[masterName];
+ if(!masterId){
+ doc[masterName] = masterId = ++masterNum + "";
+ masterNode[masterId] = doc.createElement("div");
+ }
+ // make sure the frag is a string.
+ frag += "";
+ // find the starting tag, and get node wrapper
+ var match = frag.match(reTag),
+ tag = match ? match[1].toLowerCase() : "",
+ master = masterNode[masterId],
+ wrap, i, fc, df;
+ if(match && tagWrap[tag]){
+ wrap = tagWrap[tag];
+ master.innerHTML = wrap.pre + frag +;
+ for(i = wrap.length; i; --i){
+ master = master.firstChild;
+ }
+ }else{
+ master.innerHTML = frag;
+ }
+ // one node shortcut => return the node itself
+ if(master.childNodes.length == 1){
+ return master.removeChild(master.firstChild); // DOMNode
+ }
+ // return multiple nodes as a document fragment
+ df = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+ while(fc = master.firstChild){ // intentional assignment
+ df.appendChild(fc);
+ }
+ return df; // DOMNode
+ }
+ // =============================
+ // (CSS) Class Functions
+ // =============================
+ var _className = "className";
+ dojo.hasClass = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*String*/classStr){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns whether or not the specified classes are a portion of the
+ // class list currently applied to the node.
+ //
+ // node:
+ // String ID or DomNode reference to check the class for.
+ //
+ // classStr:
+ // A string class name to look for.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Do something if a node with id="someNode" has class="aSillyClassName" present
+ // | if(dojo.hasClass("someNode","aSillyClassName")){ ... }
+ return ((" "+ byId(node)[_className] +" ").indexOf(" " + classStr + " ") >= 0); // Boolean
+ };
+ var spaces = /\s+/, a1 = [""],
+ str2array = function(s){
+ if(typeof s == "string" || s instanceof String){
+ if(s.indexOf(" ") < 0){
+ a1[0] = s;
+ return a1;
+ }else{
+ return s.split(spaces);
+ }
+ }
+ // assumed to be an array
+ return s || "";
+ };
+ dojo.addClass = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*String|Array*/classStr){
+ // summary:
+ // Adds the specified classes to the end of the class list on the
+ // passed node. Will not re-apply duplicate classes.
+ //
+ // node:
+ // String ID or DomNode reference to add a class string too
+ //
+ // classStr:
+ // A String class name to add, or several space-separated class names,
+ // or an array of class names.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Add a class to some node:
+ // | dojo.addClass("someNode", "anewClass");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Add two classes at once:
+ // | dojo.addClass("someNode", "firstClass secondClass");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Add two classes at once (using array):
+ // | dojo.addClass("someNode", ["firstClass", "secondClass"]);
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Available in `dojo.NodeList` for multiple additions
+ // | dojo.query("ul > li").addClass("firstLevel");
+ node = byId(node);
+ classStr = str2array(classStr);
+ var cls = node[_className], oldLen;
+ cls = cls ? " " + cls + " " : " ";
+ oldLen = cls.length;
+ for(var i = 0, len = classStr.length, c; i < len; ++i){
+ c = classStr[i];
+ if(c && cls.indexOf(" " + c + " ") < 0){
+ cls += c + " ";
+ }
+ }
+ if(oldLen < cls.length){
+ node[_className] = cls.substr(1, cls.length - 2);
+ }
+ };
+ dojo.removeClass = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*String|Array?*/classStr){
+ // summary:
+ // Removes the specified classes from node. No `dojo.hasClass`
+ // check is required.
+ //
+ // node:
+ // String ID or DomNode reference to remove the class from.
+ //
+ // classStr:
+ // An optional String class name to remove, or several space-separated
+ // class names, or an array of class names. If omitted, all class names
+ // will be deleted.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Remove a class from some node:
+ // | dojo.removeClass("someNode", "firstClass");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Remove two classes from some node:
+ // | dojo.removeClass("someNode", "firstClass secondClass");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Remove two classes from some node (using array):
+ // | dojo.removeClass("someNode", ["firstClass", "secondClass"]);
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Remove all classes from some node:
+ // | dojo.removeClass("someNode");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Available in `dojo.NodeList()` for multiple removal
+ // | dojo.query(".foo").removeClass("foo");
+ node = byId(node);
+ var cls;
+ if(classStr !== undefined){
+ classStr = str2array(classStr);
+ cls = " " + node[_className] + " ";
+ for(var i = 0, len = classStr.length; i < len; ++i){
+ cls = cls.replace(" " + classStr[i] + " ", " ");
+ }
+ cls = d.trim(cls);
+ }else{
+ cls = "";
+ }
+ if(node[_className] != cls){ node[_className] = cls; }
+ };
+ dojo.toggleClass = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*String|Array*/classStr, /*Boolean?*/condition){
+ // summary:
+ // Adds a class to node if not present, or removes if present.
+ // Pass a boolean condition if you want to explicitly add or remove.
+ // condition:
+ // If passed, true means to add the class, false means to remove.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.toggleClass("someNode", "hovered");
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Forcefully add a class
+ // | dojo.toggleClass("someNode", "hovered", true);
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Available in `dojo.NodeList()` for multiple toggles
+ // | dojo.query(".toggleMe").toggleClass("toggleMe");
+ if(condition === undefined){
+ condition = !d.hasClass(node, classStr);
+ }
+ d[condition ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](node, classStr);
+ };
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/json.js b/lib/dojo/_base/json.js
index 7d8c5af65..4d50400c9 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/json.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/json.js
@@ -5,77 +5,150 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.json"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.json"] = true;
-return eval("("+_1+")");
-return ("\""+_2.replace(/(["\\])/g,"\\$1")+"\"").replace(/[\f]/g,"\\f").replace(/[\b]/g,"\\b").replace(/[\n]/g,"\\n").replace(/[\t]/g,"\\t").replace(/[\r]/g,"\\r");
-return "undefined";
-var _5=typeof it;
-return it+"";
-return "null";
-return dojo._escapeString(it);
-var _6=arguments.callee;
-var _7;
-var _8=_3?_4+dojo.toJsonIndentStr:"";
-var tf=it.__json__||it.json;
-return _6(_7,_3,_8);
-throw new Error("Can't serialize DOM nodes");
-var _9=_3?" ":"";
-var _a=_3?"\n":"";
-var _d=_6(_c,_3,_8);
-if(typeof _d!="string"){
-return _a+_8+_d;
-return "["+_b.join(","+_9)+_a+_4+"]";
-return null;
-var _e=[],_f;
-for(_f in it){
-var _10,val;
-if(typeof _f=="number"){
-if(typeof _f=="string"){
+dojo.fromJson = function(/*String*/ json){
+ // summary:
+ // Parses a [JSON]( string to return a JavaScript object.
+ // description:
+ // Throws for invalid JSON strings, but it does not use a strict JSON parser. It
+ // delegates to eval(). The content passed to this method must therefore come
+ // from a trusted source.
+ // json:
+ // a string literal of a JSON item, for instance:
+ // `'{ "foo": [ "bar", 1, { "baz": "thud" } ] }'`
+ return eval("(" + json + ")"); // Object
-if(typeof val!="string"){
+dojo._escapeString = function(/*String*/str){
+ //summary:
+ // Adds escape sequences for non-visual characters, double quote and
+ // backslash and surrounds with double quotes to form a valid string
+ // literal.
+ return ('"' + str.replace(/(["\\])/g, '\\$1') + '"').
+ replace(/[\f]/g, "\\f").replace(/[\b]/g, "\\b").replace(/[\n]/g, "\\n").
+ replace(/[\t]/g, "\\t").replace(/[\r]/g, "\\r"); // string
+dojo.toJsonIndentStr = "\t";
+dojo.toJson = function(/*Object*/ it, /*Boolean?*/ prettyPrint, /*String?*/ _indentStr){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a [JSON]( serialization of an object.
+ // description:
+ // Returns a [JSON]( serialization of an object.
+ // Note that this doesn't check for infinite recursion, so don't do that!
+ // it:
+ // an object to be serialized. Objects may define their own
+ // serialization via a special "__json__" or "json" function
+ // property. If a specialized serializer has been defined, it will
+ // be used as a fallback.
+ // prettyPrint:
+ // if true, we indent objects and arrays to make the output prettier.
+ // The variable `dojo.toJsonIndentStr` is used as the indent string --
+ // to use something other than the default (tab), change that variable
+ // before calling dojo.toJson().
+ // _indentStr:
+ // private variable for recursive calls when pretty printing, do not use.
+ // example:
+ // simple serialization of a trivial object
+ // | var jsonStr = dojo.toJson({ howdy: "stranger!", isStrange: true });
+ // |'{"howdy":"stranger!","isStrange":true}', jsonStr);
+ // example:
+ // a custom serializer for an objects of a particular class:
+ // | dojo.declare("Furby", null, {
+ // | furbies: "are strange",
+ // | furbyCount: 10,
+ // | __json__: function(){
+ // | },
+ // | });
+ if(it === undefined){
+ return "undefined";
+ }
+ var objtype = typeof it;
+ if(objtype == "number" || objtype == "boolean"){
+ return it + "";
+ }
+ if(it === null){
+ return "null";
+ }
+ if(dojo.isString(it)){
+ return dojo._escapeString(it);
+ }
+ // recurse
+ var recurse = arguments.callee;
+ // short-circuit for objects that support "json" serialization
+ // if they return "self" then just pass-through...
+ var newObj;
+ _indentStr = _indentStr || "";
+ var nextIndent = prettyPrint ? _indentStr + dojo.toJsonIndentStr : "";
+ var tf = it.__json__||it.json;
+ if(dojo.isFunction(tf)){
+ newObj =;
+ if(it !== newObj){
+ return recurse(newObj, prettyPrint, nextIndent);
+ }
+ }
+ if(it.nodeType && it.cloneNode){ // isNode
+ // we can't seriailize DOM nodes as regular objects because they have cycles
+ // DOM nodes could be serialized with something like outerHTML, but
+ // that can be provided by users in the form of .json or .__json__ function.
+ throw new Error("Can't serialize DOM nodes");
+ }
+ var sep = prettyPrint ? " " : "";
+ var newLine = prettyPrint ? "\n" : "";
+ // array
+ if(dojo.isArray(it)){
+ var res =, function(obj){
+ var val = recurse(obj, prettyPrint, nextIndent);
+ if(typeof val != "string"){
+ val = "undefined";
+ }
+ return newLine + nextIndent + val;
+ });
+ return "[" + res.join("," + sep) + newLine + _indentStr + "]";
+ }
+ /*
+ // look in the registry
+ try {
+ window.o = it;
+ newObj = dojo.json.jsonRegistry.match(it);
+ return recurse(newObj, prettyPrint, nextIndent);
+ }catch(e){
+ // console.log(e);
+ }
+ // it's a function with no adapter, skip it
+ */
+ if(objtype == "function"){
+ return null; // null
+ }
+ // generic object code path
+ var output = [], key;
+ for(key in it){
+ var keyStr, val;
+ if(typeof key == "number"){
+ keyStr = '"' + key + '"';
+ }else if(typeof key == "string"){
+ keyStr = dojo._escapeString(key);
+ }else{
+ // skip non-string or number keys
+ continue;
+ }
+ val = recurse(it[key], prettyPrint, nextIndent);
+ if(typeof val != "string"){
+ // skip non-serializable values
+ continue;
+ }
+ // FIXME: use += on Moz!!
+ // MOW NOTE: using += is a pain because you have to account for the dangling comma...
+ output.push(newLine + nextIndent + keyStr + ":" + sep + val);
+ }
+ return "{" + output.join("," + sep) + newLine + _indentStr + "}"; // String
-return "{"+_e.join(","+_9)+_a+_4+"}";
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/lang.js b/lib/dojo/_base/lang.js
index e7721a352..0e9c7c2f9 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/lang.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/lang.js
@@ -5,144 +5,388 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.lang"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.lang"] = true;
-var d=dojo,_1=Object.prototype.toString;
-return (typeof it=="string"||it instanceof String);
-return it&&(it instanceof Array||typeof it=="array");
-return"[object Function]";
-return it!==undefined&&(it===null||typeof it=="object"||d.isArray(it)||d.isFunction(it));
-return it&&it!==undefined&&!d.isString(it)&&!d.isFunction(it)&&!(it.tagName&&it.tagName.toLowerCase()=="form")&&(d.isArray(it)||isFinite(it.length));
-return it&&!d.isFunction(it)&&/\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}/.test(String(it));
-for(var i=1,l=arguments.length;i<l;i++){
-return _2;
-var _6=d._toArray(arguments,2);
-var _7=d.isString(_5);
-return function(){
-var _8=d._toArray(arguments);
-var f=_7?(_4||[_5]:_5;
-return f&&f.apply(_4||this,_6.concat(_8));
-return d._hitchArgs.apply(d,arguments);
-throw (["dojo.hitch: scope[\"",_a,"\"] is null (scope=\"",_9,"\")"].join(""));
-return function(){
-return _9[_a].apply(_9,arguments||[]);
-return !_9?_a:function(){
-return _a.apply(_9,arguments||[]);
-function _b(){
-return function(_c,_d){
-var _e=new _b();
-return _e;
-var _f=function(obj,_10,_11){
-return (_11||[]).concat(,_10||0));
-var _12=function(obj,_13,_14){
-var arr=_14||[];
-for(var x=_13||0;x<obj.length;x++){
-return arr;
-return ((obj.item)?_12:_f).apply(this,arguments);
-var arr=[null];
-return d.hitch.apply(d,arr.concat(d._toArray(arguments)));
-var _16=d._extraNames,_17=_16.length,_18={};
-if(!o||typeof o!="object"||d.isFunction(o)){
-return o;
-if(o.nodeType&&"cloneNode" in o){
-return o.cloneNode(true);
-if(o instanceof Date){
-return new Date(o.getTime());
-var r,i,l,s,_19;
-if(i in o){
-r=o.constructor?new o.constructor():{};
-for(_19 in o){
-if(!(_19 in r)||(r[_19]!==s&&(!(_19 in _18)||_18[_19]!==s))){
-if(!(_19 in r)||(r[_19]!==s&&(!(_19 in _18)||_18[_19]!==s))){
-return r;
-return str.trim();
-return str.replace(/^\s\s*/,"").replace(/\s\s*$/,"");
-var _1a=/\{([^\}]+)\}/g;
-return _1b.replace(_1c||_1a,d.isFunction(map)?map:function(_1d,k){
-return d.getObject(k,false,map);
+ var d = dojo, opts = Object.prototype.toString;
+ // Crockford (ish) functions
+ dojo.isString = function(/*anything*/ it){
+ // summary:
+ // Return true if it is a String
+ return (typeof it == "string" || it instanceof String); // Boolean
+ }
+ dojo.isArray = function(/*anything*/ it){
+ // summary:
+ // Return true if it is an Array.
+ // Does not work on Arrays created in other windows.
+ return it && (it instanceof Array || typeof it == "array"); // Boolean
+ }
+ dojo.isFunction = function(/*anything*/ it){
+ // summary:
+ // Return true if it is a Function
+ return === "[object Function]";
+ };
+ dojo.isObject = function(/*anything*/ it){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns true if it is a JavaScript object (or an Array, a Function
+ // or null)
+ return it !== undefined &&
+ (it === null || typeof it == "object" || d.isArray(it) || d.isFunction(it)); // Boolean
+ }
+ dojo.isArrayLike = function(/*anything*/ it){
+ // summary:
+ // similar to dojo.isArray() but more permissive
+ // description:
+ // Doesn't strongly test for "arrayness". Instead, settles for "isn't
+ // a string or number and has a length property". Arguments objects
+ // and DOM collections will return true when passed to
+ // dojo.isArrayLike(), but will return false when passed to
+ // dojo.isArray().
+ // returns:
+ // If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, return `true`
+ return it && it !== undefined && // Boolean
+ // keep out built-in constructors (Number, String, ...) which have length
+ // properties
+ !d.isString(it) && !d.isFunction(it) &&
+ !(it.tagName && it.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'form') &&
+ (d.isArray(it) || isFinite(it.length));
+ }
+ dojo.isAlien = function(/*anything*/ it){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns true if it is a built-in function or some other kind of
+ // oddball that *should* report as a function but doesn't
+ return it && !d.isFunction(it) && /\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}/.test(String(it)); // Boolean
+ }
+ dojo.extend = function(/*Object*/ constructor, /*Object...*/ props){
+ // summary:
+ // Adds all properties and methods of props to constructor's
+ // prototype, making them available to all instances created with
+ // constructor.
+ for(var i=1, l=arguments.length; i<l; i++){
+ d._mixin(constructor.prototype, arguments[i]);
+ }
+ return constructor; // Object
+ }
+ dojo._hitchArgs = function(scope, method /*,...*/){
+ var pre = d._toArray(arguments, 2);
+ var named = d.isString(method);
+ return function(){
+ // arrayify arguments
+ var args = d._toArray(arguments);
+ // locate our method
+ var f = named ? (scope||[method] : method;
+ // invoke with collected args
+ return f && f.apply(scope || this, pre.concat(args)); // mixed
+ } // Function
+ }
+ dojo.hitch = function(/*Object*/scope, /*Function|String*/method /*,...*/){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a function that will only ever execute in the a given scope.
+ // This allows for easy use of object member functions
+ // in callbacks and other places in which the "this" keyword may
+ // otherwise not reference the expected scope.
+ // Any number of default positional arguments may be passed as parameters
+ // beyond "method".
+ // Each of these values will be used to "placehold" (similar to curry)
+ // for the hitched function.
+ // scope:
+ // The scope to use when method executes. If method is a string,
+ // scope is also the object containing method.
+ // method:
+ // A function to be hitched to scope, or the name of the method in
+ // scope to be hitched.
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.hitch(foo, "bar")();
+ // runs in the scope of foo
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.hitch(foo, myFunction);
+ // returns a function that runs myFunction in the scope of foo
+ // example:
+ // Expansion on the default positional arguments passed along from
+ // hitch. Passed args are mixed first, additional args after.
+ // | var foo = { bar: function(a, b, c){ console.log(a, b, c); } };
+ // | var fn = dojo.hitch(foo, "bar", 1, 2);
+ // | fn(3); // logs "1, 2, 3"
+ // example:
+ // | var foo = { bar: 2 };
+ // | dojo.hitch(foo, function(){ = 10; })();
+ // execute an anonymous function in scope of foo
+ if(arguments.length > 2){
+ return d._hitchArgs.apply(d, arguments); // Function
+ }
+ if(!method){
+ method = scope;
+ scope = null;
+ }
+ if(d.isString(method)){
+ scope = scope ||;
+ if(!scope[method]){ throw(['dojo.hitch: scope["', method, '"] is null (scope="', scope, '")'].join('')); }
+ return function(){ return scope[method].apply(scope, arguments || []); }; // Function
+ }
+ return !scope ? method : function(){ return method.apply(scope, arguments || []); }; // Function
+ }
+ /*=====
+ dojo.delegate = function(obj, props){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a new object which "looks" to obj for properties which it
+ // does not have a value for. Optionally takes a bag of properties to
+ // seed the returned object with initially.
+ // description:
+ // This is a small implementaton of the Boodman/Crockford delegation
+ // pattern in JavaScript. An intermediate object constructor mediates
+ // the prototype chain for the returned object, using it to delegate
+ // down to obj for property lookup when object-local lookup fails.
+ // This can be thought of similarly to ES4's "wrap", save that it does
+ // not act on types but rather on pure objects.
+ // obj:
+ // The object to delegate to for properties not found directly on the
+ // return object or in props.
+ // props:
+ // an object containing properties to assign to the returned object
+ // returns:
+ // an Object of anonymous type
+ // example:
+ // | var foo = { bar: "baz" };
+ // | var thinger = dojo.delegate(foo, { thud: "xyzzy"});
+ // | == "baz"; // delegated to foo
+ // | foo.thud == undefined; // by definition
+ // | thinger.thud == "xyzzy"; // mixed in from props
+ // | = "thonk";
+ // | == "thonk"; // still delegated to foo's bar
+ }
+ =====*/
+ dojo.delegate = dojo._delegate = (function(){
+ // boodman/crockford delegation w/ cornford optimization
+ function TMP(){}
+ return function(obj, props){
+ TMP.prototype = obj;
+ var tmp = new TMP();
+ TMP.prototype = null;
+ if(props){
+ d._mixin(tmp, props);
+ }
+ return tmp; // Object
+ }
+ })();
+ /*=====
+ dojo._toArray = function(obj, offset, startWith){
+ // summary:
+ // Converts an array-like object (i.e. arguments, DOMCollection) to an
+ // array. Returns a new Array with the elements of obj.
+ // obj: Object
+ // the object to "arrayify". We expect the object to have, at a
+ // minimum, a length property which corresponds to integer-indexed
+ // properties.
+ // offset: Number?
+ // the location in obj to start iterating from. Defaults to 0.
+ // Optional.
+ // startWith: Array?
+ // An array to pack with the properties of obj. If provided,
+ // properties in obj are appended at the end of startWith and
+ // startWith is the returned array.
+ }
+ =====*/
+ var efficient = function(obj, offset, startWith){
+ return (startWith||[]).concat(, offset||0));
+ };
+ var slow = function(obj, offset, startWith){
+ var arr = startWith||[];
+ for(var x = offset || 0; x < obj.length; x++){
+ arr.push(obj[x]);
+ }
+ return arr;
+ };
+ dojo._toArray =
+ d.isIE ? function(obj){
+ return ((obj.item) ? slow : efficient).apply(this, arguments);
+ } :
+ efficient;
+ dojo.partial = function(/*Function|String*/method /*, ...*/){
+ // summary:
+ // similar to hitch() except that the scope object is left to be
+ // whatever the execution context eventually becomes.
+ // description:
+ // Calling dojo.partial is the functional equivalent of calling:
+ // | dojo.hitch(null, funcName, ...);
+ var arr = [ null ];
+ return d.hitch.apply(d, arr.concat(d._toArray(arguments))); // Function
+ }
+ var extraNames = d._extraNames, extraLen = extraNames.length, empty = {};
+ dojo.clone = function(/*anything*/ o){
+ // summary:
+ // Clones objects (including DOM nodes) and all children.
+ // Warning: do not clone cyclic structures.
+ if(!o || typeof o != "object" || d.isFunction(o)){
+ // null, undefined, any non-object, or function
+ return o; // anything
+ }
+ if(o.nodeType && "cloneNode" in o){
+ // DOM Node
+ return o.cloneNode(true); // Node
+ }
+ if(o instanceof Date){
+ // Date
+ return new Date(o.getTime()); // Date
+ }
+ var r, i, l, s, name;
+ if(d.isArray(o)){
+ // array
+ r = [];
+ for(i = 0, l = o.length; i < l; ++i){
+ if(i in o){
+ r.push(d.clone(o[i]));
+ }
+ }
+// we don't clone functions for performance reasons
+// }else if(d.isFunction(o)){
+// // function
+// r = function(){ return o.apply(this, arguments); };
+ }else{
+ // generic objects
+ r = o.constructor ? new o.constructor() : {};
+ }
+ for(name in o){
+ // the "tobj" condition avoid copying properties in "source"
+ // inherited from Object.prototype. For example, if target has a custom
+ // toString() method, don't overwrite it with the toString() method
+ // that source inherited from Object.prototype
+ s = o[name];
+ if(!(name in r) || (r[name] !== s && (!(name in empty) || empty[name] !== s))){
+ r[name] = d.clone(s);
+ }
+ }
+ // IE doesn't recognize some custom functions in
+ if(extraLen){
+ for(i = 0; i < extraLen; ++i){
+ name = extraNames[i];
+ s = o[name];
+ if(!(name in r) || (r[name] !== s && (!(name in empty) || empty[name] !== s))){
+ r[name] = s; // functions only, we don't clone them
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return r; // Object
+ }
+ /*=====
+ dojo.trim = function(str){
+ // summary:
+ // Trims whitespace from both sides of the string
+ // str: String
+ // String to be trimmed
+ // returns: String
+ // Returns the trimmed string
+ // description:
+ // This version of trim() was selected for inclusion into the base due
+ // to its compact size and relatively good performance
+ // (see [Steven Levithan's blog](
+ // Uses String.prototype.trim instead, if available.
+ // The fastest but longest version of this function is located at
+ // dojo.string.trim()
+ return ""; // String
+ }
+ =====*/
+ dojo.trim = String.prototype.trim ?
+ function(str){ return str.trim(); } :
+ function(str){ return str.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); };
+ /*=====
+ dojo.replace = function(tmpl, map, pattern){
+ // summary:
+ // Performs parameterized substitutions on a string. Throws an
+ // exception if any parameter is unmatched.
+ // tmpl: String
+ // String to be used as a template.
+ // map: Object|Function
+ // If an object, it is used as a dictionary to look up substitutions.
+ // If a function, it is called for every substitution with following
+ // parameters: a whole match, a name, an offset, and the whole template
+ // string (see
+ // for more details).
+ // pattern: RegEx?
+ // Optional regular expression objects that overrides the default pattern.
+ // Must be global and match one item. The default is: /\{([^\}]+)\}/g,
+ // which matches patterns like that: "{xxx}", where "xxx" is any sequence
+ // of characters, which doesn't include "}".
+ // returns: String
+ // Returns the substituted string.
+ // example:
+ // | // uses a dictionary for substitutions:
+ // | dojo.replace("Hello, {name.first} {name.last} AKA {nick}!",
+ // | {
+ // | nick: "Bob",
+ // | name: {
+ // | first: "Robert",
+ // | middle: "X",
+ // | last: "Cringely"
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | // returns: Hello, Robert Cringely AKA Bob!
+ // example:
+ // | // uses an array for substitutions:
+ // | dojo.replace("Hello, {0} {2}!",
+ // | ["Robert", "X", "Cringely"]);
+ // | // returns: Hello, Robert Cringely!
+ // example:
+ // | // uses a function for substitutions:
+ // | function sum(a){
+ // | var t = 0;
+ // | dojo.forEach(a, function(x){ t += x; });
+ // | return t;
+ // | }
+ // | dojo.replace(
+ // | "{count} payments averaging {avg} USD per payment.",
+ // | dojo.hitch(
+ // | { payments: [11, 16, 12] },
+ // | function(_, key){
+ // | switch(key){
+ // | case "count": return this.payments.length;
+ // | case "min": return Math.min.apply(Math, this.payments);
+ // | case "max": return Math.max.apply(Math, this.payments);
+ // | case "sum": return sum(this.payments);
+ // | case "avg": return sum(this.payments) / this.payments.length;
+ // | }
+ // | }
+ // | )
+ // | );
+ // | // prints: 3 payments averaging 13 USD per payment.
+ // example:
+ // | // uses an alternative PHP-like pattern for substitutions:
+ // | dojo.replace("Hello, ${0} ${2}!",
+ // | ["Robert", "X", "Cringely"], /\$\{([^\}]+)\}/g);
+ // | // returns: Hello, Robert Cringely!
+ return ""; // String
+ }
+ =====*/
+ var _pattern = /\{([^\}]+)\}/g;
+ dojo.replace = function(tmpl, map, pattern){
+ return tmpl.replace(pattern || _pattern, d.isFunction(map) ?
+ map : function(_, k){ return d.getObject(k, false, map); });
+ };
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/query-sizzle.js b/lib/dojo/_base/query-sizzle.js
index ac26c1816..5d160ec55 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/query-sizzle.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/query-sizzle.js
@@ -5,624 +5,865 @@
-if(typeof dojo!="undefined"){
-return new _3();
-return _1;
-return new _3(_1);
-return new _3();
-return dojo.Sizzle(_1,_2,new _3());
-return dojo.Sizzle.filter(_5,_4);
-var _6=/((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^[\]]*\]|[^[\]]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?/g,_7=0,_8=Object.prototype.toString;
-var _9=function(_a,_b,_c,_d){
-return [];
-if(!_a||typeof _a!=="string"){
-return _c;
-var _e=[],m,_f,_10,_11,_12,_13,_14=true;
-var _16="",_17;
-var _18=[];
-for(var i=0,l=_f.length;i<l;i++){
-var ret=_d?{expr:_e.pop(),set:_19(_d)}:_9.find(_e.pop(),_e.length===1&&_b.parentNode?_b.parentNode:_b);
-var cur=_e.pop(),pop=cur;
-throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: "+(cur||_a);
-if("[object Array]"){
-for(var i=0;_10[i]!=null;i++){
-for(var i=0;_10[i]!=null;i++){
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.query"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.query"] = true;
+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v0.9
+ * Copyright 2009, John Resig
+ * Redistributed with the Dojo Toolkit under the terms of the New BSD license.
+ * More information:
+ *
+ * This version from github, dated 1/23/2009, commit: e374a73bbffc12ec3b5f252e7f76e593c508dfa5
+ * Modified for dojo loader, and to fit into dojo namespace. This was done by passing
+ * dojo object to anonymous function, then assigning Sizzle to dojo.Sizzle instead of window.Sizzle.
+ * Then an alias for dojo.query and dojo._filterQueryResult(). dojo.psuedos is not mapped.
+ * Finally, dojo.provide/require added.
+ */
+//This file gets copied to dojo/_base/query.js, so set the provide accordingly.
+if(typeof dojo != "undefined"){
+ dojo.provide("dojo._base.query");
+ dojo.require("dojo._base.NodeList");
+ //Start Dojo mappings.
+ dojo.query = function(/*String*/ query, /*String|DOMNode?*/ root, /*Function?*/listCtor){
+ listCtor = listCtor || dojo.NodeList;
+ if(!query){
+ return new listCtor();
+ }
+ if(query.constructor == listCtor){
+ return query;
+ }
+ if(!dojo.isString(query)){
+ return new listCtor(query); // dojo.NodeList
+ }
+ if(dojo.isString(root)){
+ root = dojo.byId(root);
+ if(!root){ return new listCtor(); }
+ }
+ return dojo.Sizzle(query, root, new listCtor());
+ }
+ dojo._filterQueryResult = function(nodeList, simpleFilter){
+ return dojo.Sizzle.filter(simpleFilter, nodeList);
+ }
-return _c;
+//Main Sizzle code follows...
+//ns argument, added for dojo, used at the end of the file.
+var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^[\]]*\]|[^[\]]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?/g,
+ done = 0,
+ toString = Object.prototype.toString;
+var Sizzle = function(selector, context, results, seed) {
+ results = results || [];
+ context = context || document;
+ if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 )
+ return [];
+ if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
+ return results;
+ }
+ var parts = [], m, set, checkSet, check, mode, extra, prune = true;
+ // Reset the position of the chunker regexp (start from head)
+ chunker.lastIndex = 0;
+ while ( (m = chunker.exec(selector)) !== null ) {
+ parts.push( m[1] );
+ if ( m[2] ) {
+ extra = RegExp.rightContext;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( parts.length > 1 && Expr.match.POS.exec( selector ) ) {
+ if ( parts.length === 2 && Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ) {
+ var later = "", match;
+ // Position selectors must be done after the filter
+ while ( (match = Expr.match.POS.exec( selector )) ) {
+ later += match[0];
+ selector = selector.replace( Expr.match.POS, "" );
+ }
+ set = Sizzle.filter( later, Sizzle( selector, context ) );
+ } else {
+ set = Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ?
+ [ context ] :
+ Sizzle( parts.shift(), context );
+ while ( parts.length ) {
+ var tmpSet = [];
+ selector = parts.shift();
+ if ( Expr.relative[ selector ] )
+ selector += parts.shift();
+ for ( var i = 0, l = set.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ Sizzle( selector, set[i], tmpSet );
+ }
+ set = tmpSet;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ var ret = seed ?
+ { expr: parts.pop(), set: makeArray(seed) } :
+ Sizzle.find( parts.pop(), parts.length === 1 && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : context );
+ set = Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set );
+ if ( parts.length > 0 ) {
+ checkSet = makeArray(set);
+ } else {
+ prune = false;
+ }
+ while ( parts.length ) {
+ var cur = parts.pop(), pop = cur;
+ if ( !Expr.relative[ cur ] ) {
+ cur = "";
+ } else {
+ pop = parts.pop();
+ }
+ if ( pop == null ) {
+ pop = context;
+ }
+ Expr.relative[ cur ]( checkSet, pop );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !checkSet ) {
+ checkSet = set;
+ }
+ if ( !checkSet ) {
+ throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + (cur || selector);
+ }
+ if ( === "[object Array]" ) {
+ if ( !prune ) {
+ results.push.apply( results, checkSet );
+ } else if ( context.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( checkSet[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) {
+ results.push( set[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( checkSet[i] && checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+ results.push( set[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ makeArray( checkSet, results );
+ }
+ if ( extra ) {
+ Sizzle( extra, context, results, seed );
+ }
+ return results;
-return _9(_1b,null,null,set);
+Sizzle.matches = function(expr, set){
+ return Sizzle(expr, null, null, set);
-var set,_1e;
-return [];
-for(var i=0,l=_15.order.length;i<l;i++){
-var _1f=_15.order[i],_1e;
-var _20=RegExp.leftContext;
-return {set:set,expr:_1c};
+Sizzle.find = function(expr, context){
+ var set, match;
+ if ( !expr ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, l = Expr.order.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var type = Expr.order[i], match;
+ if ( (match = Expr.match[ type ].exec( expr )) ) {
+ var left = RegExp.leftContext;
+ if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) !== "\\" ) {
+ match[1] = (match[1] || "").replace(/\\/g, "");
+ set = Expr.find[ type ]( match, context );
+ if ( set != null ) {
+ expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !set ) {
+ set = context.getElementsByTagName("*");
+ }
+ return {set: set, expr: expr};
-var old=_21,_23=[],_24=set,_25,_26;
-for(var _27 in _15.filter){
-var _28=_15.filter[_27],_29=null,_2a=0,_2b,_2c;
-var _2d=null,_2e;
-for(var i=0;(_2e=_24[i])!==undefined;i++){
-for(var i=0;(_2c=_24[i])!==undefined;i++){
-var _2f=not^!!_2b;
-return [];
-throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: "+_21;
-return _24;
+Sizzle.filter = function(expr, set, inplace, not){
+ var old = expr, result = [], curLoop = set, match, anyFound;
+ while ( expr && set.length ) {
+ for ( var type in Expr.filter ) {
+ if ( (match = Expr.match[ type ].exec( expr )) != null ) {
+ var filter = Expr.filter[ type ], goodArray = null, goodPos = 0, found, item;
+ anyFound = false;
+ if ( curLoop == result ) {
+ result = [];
+ }
+ if ( Expr.preFilter[ type ] ) {
+ match = Expr.preFilter[ type ]( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not );
+ if ( !match ) {
+ anyFound = found = true;
+ } else if ( match[0] === true ) {
+ goodArray = [];
+ var last = null, elem;
+ for ( var i = 0; (elem = curLoop[i]) !== undefined; i++ ) {
+ if ( elem && last !== elem ) {
+ goodArray.push( elem );
+ last = elem;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( match ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; (item = curLoop[i]) !== undefined; i++ ) {
+ if ( item ) {
+ if ( goodArray && item != goodArray[goodPos] ) {
+ goodPos++;
+ }
+ found = filter( item, match, goodPos, goodArray );
+ var pass = not ^ !!found;
+ if ( inplace && found != null ) {
+ if ( pass ) {
+ anyFound = true;
+ } else {
+ curLoop[i] = false;
+ }
+ } else if ( pass ) {
+ result.push( item );
+ anyFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( found !== undefined ) {
+ if ( !inplace ) {
+ curLoop = result;
+ }
+ expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+ if ( !anyFound ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ expr = expr.replace(/\s*,\s*/, "");
+ // Improper expression
+ if ( expr == old ) {
+ if ( anyFound == null ) {
+ throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + expr;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ old = expr;
+ }
+ return curLoop;
-var _15=_9.selectors={order:["ID","NAME","TAG"],match:{ID:/#((?:[\w\u0128-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)/,CLASS:/\.((?:[\w\u0128-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)/,NAME:/\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u0128-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,ATTR:/\[((?:[\w\u0128-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\]/,TAG:/^((?:[\w\u0128-\uFFFF\*_-]|\\.)+)/,CHILD:/:(only|nth|last|first)-child\(?(even|odd|[\dn+-]*)\)?/,POS:/:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)\(?(\d*)\)?(?:[^-]|$)/,PSEUDO:/:((?:[\w\u0128-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]*)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\2\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/},attrMap:{"class":"className","for":"htmlFor"},relative:{"+":function(_30,_31){
-for(var i=0,l=_30.length;i<l;i++){
-var _32=_30[i];
-var cur=_32.previousSibling;
-_30[i]=typeof _31==="string"?cur||false:cur===_31;
-if(typeof _31==="string"){
-if(typeof _34==="string"&&!/\W/.test(_34)){
-for(var i=0,l=_33.length;i<l;i++){
-var _35=_33[i];
-var _36=_35.parentNode;
-for(var i=0,l=_33.length;i<l;i++){
-var _35=_33[i];
-_33[i]=typeof _34==="string"?_35.parentNode:_35.parentNode===_34;
-if(typeof _34==="string"){
-var _39="done"+(_7++),_3a=_3b;
-var _3c=_38=_38.toUpperCase();
-var _40="done"+(_7++),_41=_3b;
-if(typeof _3f==="string"&&!_3f.match(/\W/)){
-var _42=_3f=_3f.toUpperCase();
-var m=_44.getElementById(_43[1]);
-return m?[m]:[];
-return _46.getElementsByName?_46.getElementsByName(_45[1]):null;
-return _48.getElementsByTagName(_47[1]);
-_49=" "+_49[1].replace(/\\/g,"")+" ";
-for(var i=0;_4a[i];i++){
-if(not^(" "+_4a[i].className+" ").indexOf(_49)>=0){
-return false;
-return _4d[1];
-return _4e[1].toUpperCase();
-var _50=/(-?)(\d*)n((?:\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(_4f[2]=="even"&&"2n"||_4f[2]=="odd"&&"2n+1"||!/\D/.test(_4f[2])&&"0n+"+_4f[2]||_4f[2]);
-return _4f;
-var _52=_51[1];
-_51[4]=" "+_51[4]+" ";
-return _51;
-var ret=_9.filter(_53[3],_54,_55,true^not);
-return false;
-return _53;
-return _57;
-return _58.disabled===false&&_58.type!=="hidden";
-return _59.disabled===true;
-return _5a.checked===true;
-return _5b.selected===true;
-return !!_5c.firstChild;
-return !_5d.firstChild;
-return !!_9(_5f[3],_5e).length;
-return /h\d/i.test(_60.nodeName);
-return "text"===_61.type;
-return "radio"===_62.type;
-return "checkbox"===_63.type;
-return "file"===_64.type;
-return "password"===_65.type;
-return "submit"===_66.type;
-return "image"===_67.type;
-return "reset"===_68.type;
-return "button"===_69.type||_69.nodeName.toUpperCase()==="BUTTON";
-return /input|select|textarea|button/i.test(_6a.nodeName);
-return i===0;
-return i===_6e.length-1;
-return i%2===0;
-return i%2===1;
-return i<_72[3]-0;
-return i>_74[3]-0;
-return _76[3]-0==i;
-return _78[3]-0==i;
-var _7b=_7a[1],_7c=_79.parentNode;
-var _7d=_7a[0];
-var _7e=1;
-for(var _7f=_7c.firstChild;_7f;_7f=_7f.nextSibling){
-return _79.nodeIndex==1;
-return _79.nodeIndex==_7c[_7d];
-return _7c[_7d]==1;
-var add=false,_80=_7a[2],_81=_7a[3];
-return true;
-return add;
-var _85=_83[1],_86=_15.filters[_85];
-return _86(_82,i,_83,_84);
-return (_82.textContent||_82.innerText||"").indexOf(_83[3])>=0;
-var not=_83[3];
-for(var i=0,l=not.length;i<l;i++){
-return false;
-return true;
-return _87.nodeType===1&&_87.getAttribute("id")===_88;
-return (_8a==="*"&&_89.nodeType===1)||_89.nodeName===_8a;
-return _8c.test(_8b.className);
-var _8f=_8d[_8e[1]]||_8d.getAttribute(_8e[1]),_90=_8f+"",_91=_8e[2],_92=_8e[4];
-return _8f==null?false:_91==="="?_90===_92:_91==="*="?_90.indexOf(_92)>=0:_91==="~="?(" "+_90+" ").indexOf(_92)>=0:!_8e[4]?_8f:_91==="!="?_90!=_92:_91==="^="?_90.indexOf(_92)===0:_91==="$="?_90.substr(_90.length-_92.length)===_92:_91==="|="?_90===_92||_90.substr(0,_92.length+1)===_92+"-":false;
-var _96=_94[2],_97=_15.setFilters[_96];
-return _97(_93,i,_94,_95);
-for(var _98 in _15.match){
-var _19=function(_99,_9a){;
-return _9a;
-return _99;
+var Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
+ order: [ "ID", "NAME", "TAG" ],
+ match: {
+ ID: /#((?:[\w\u0128-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)/,
+ CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u0128-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)/,
+ NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u0128-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,
+ ATTR: /\[((?:[\w\u0128-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\]/,
+ TAG: /^((?:[\w\u0128-\uFFFF\*_-]|\\.)+)/,
+ CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child\(?(even|odd|[\dn+-]*)\)?/,
+ POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)\(?(\d*)\)?(?:[^-]|$)/,
+ PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u0128-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]*)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\2\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/
+ },
+ attrMap: {
+ "class": "className",
+ "for": "htmlFor"
+ },
+ relative: {
+ "+": function(checkSet, part){
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ var cur = elem.previousSibling;
+ while ( cur && cur.nodeType !== 1 ) {
+ cur = cur.previousSibling;
+ }
+ checkSet[i] = typeof part === "string" ?
+ cur || false :
+ cur === part;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( typeof part === "string" ) {
+ Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+ }
+ },
+ ">": function(checkSet, part){
+ if ( typeof part === "string" && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
+ part = part.toUpperCase();
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ var parent = elem.parentNode;
+ checkSet[i] = parent.nodeName === part ? parent : false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ checkSet[i] = typeof part === "string" ?
+ elem.parentNode :
+ elem.parentNode === part;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( typeof part === "string" ) {
+ Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "": function(checkSet, part){
+ var doneName = "done" + (done++), checkFn = dirCheck;
+ if ( !part.match(/\W/) ) {
+ var nodeCheck = part = part.toUpperCase();
+ checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+ }
+ checkFn("parentNode", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck);
+ },
+ "~": function(checkSet, part){
+ var doneName = "done" + (done++), checkFn = dirCheck;
+ if ( typeof part === "string" && !part.match(/\W/) ) {
+ var nodeCheck = part = part.toUpperCase();
+ checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+ }
+ checkFn("previousSibling", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck);
+ }
+ },
+ find: {
+ ID: function(match, context){
+ if ( context.getElementById ) {
+ var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+ return m ? [m] : [];
+ }
+ },
+ NAME: function(match, context){
+ return context.getElementsByName ? context.getElementsByName(match[1]) : null;
+ },
+ TAG: function(match, context){
+ return context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);
+ }
+ },
+ preFilter: {
+ CLASS: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not){
+ match = " " + match[1].replace(/\\/g, "") + " ";
+ for ( var i = 0; curLoop[i]; i++ ) {
+ if ( not ^ (" " + curLoop[i].className + " ").indexOf(match) >= 0 ) {
+ if ( !inplace )
+ result.push( curLoop[i] );
+ } else if ( inplace ) {
+ curLoop[i] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ID: function(match){
+ return match[1];
+ },
+ TAG: function(match){
+ return match[1].toUpperCase();
+ },
+ CHILD: function(match){
+ if ( match[1] == "nth" ) {
+ // parse equations like 'even', 'odd', '5', '2n', '3n+2', '4n-1', '-n+6'
+ var test = /(-?)(\d*)n((?:\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(
+ match[2] == "even" && "2n" || match[2] == "odd" && "2n+1" ||
+ !/\D/.test( match[2] ) && "0n+" + match[2] || match[2]);
+ // calculate the numbers (first)n+(last) including if they are negative
+ match[2] = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0;
+ match[3] = test[3] - 0;
+ }
+ // TODO: Move to normal caching system
+ match[0] = "done" + (done++);
+ return match;
+ },
+ ATTR: function(match){
+ var name = match[1];
+ if ( Expr.attrMap[name] ) {
+ match[1] = Expr.attrMap[name];
+ }
+ if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
+ match[4] = " " + match[4] + " ";
+ }
+ return match;
+ },
+ PSEUDO: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not){
+ if ( match[1] === "not" ) {
+ // If we're dealing with a complex expression, or a simple one
+ if ( match[3].match(chunker).length > 1 ) {
+ match[3] = Sizzle(match[3], null, null, curLoop);
+ } else {
+ var ret = Sizzle.filter(match[3], curLoop, inplace, true ^ not);
+ if ( !inplace ) {
+ result.push.apply( result, ret );
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return match;
+ },
+ POS: function(match){
+ match.unshift( true );
+ return match;
+ }
+ },
+ filters: {
+ enabled: function(elem){
+ return elem.disabled === false && elem.type !== "hidden";
+ },
+ disabled: function(elem){
+ return elem.disabled === true;
+ },
+ checked: function(elem){
+ return elem.checked === true;
+ },
+ selected: function(elem){
+ // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
+ // options in Safari work properly
+ elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+ return elem.selected === true;
+ },
+ parent: function(elem){
+ return !!elem.firstChild;
+ },
+ empty: function(elem){
+ return !elem.firstChild;
+ },
+ has: function(elem, i, match){
+ return !!Sizzle( match[3], elem ).length;
+ },
+ header: function(elem){
+ return /h\d/i.test( elem.nodeName );
+ },
+ text: function(elem){
+ return "text" === elem.type;
+ },
+ radio: function(elem){
+ return "radio" === elem.type;
+ },
+ checkbox: function(elem){
+ return "checkbox" === elem.type;
+ },
+ file: function(elem){
+ return "file" === elem.type;
+ },
+ password: function(elem){
+ return "password" === elem.type;
+ },
+ submit: function(elem){
+ return "submit" === elem.type;
+ },
+ image: function(elem){
+ return "image" === elem.type;
+ },
+ reset: function(elem){
+ return "reset" === elem.type;
+ },
+ button: function(elem){
+ return "button" === elem.type || elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "BUTTON";
+ },
+ input: function(elem){
+ return /input|select|textarea|button/i.test(elem.nodeName);
+ }
+ },
+ setFilters: {
+ first: function(elem, i){
+ return i === 0;
+ },
+ last: function(elem, i, match, array){
+ return i === array.length - 1;
+ },
+ even: function(elem, i){
+ return i % 2 === 0;
+ },
+ odd: function(elem, i){
+ return i % 2 === 1;
+ },
+ lt: function(elem, i, match){
+ return i < match[3] - 0;
+ },
+ gt: function(elem, i, match){
+ return i > match[3] - 0;
+ },
+ nth: function(elem, i, match){
+ return match[3] - 0 == i;
+ },
+ eq: function(elem, i, match){
+ return match[3] - 0 == i;
+ }
+ },
+ filter: {
+ CHILD: function(elem, match){
+ var type = match[1], parent = elem.parentNode;
+ var doneName = match[0];
+ if ( parent && !parent[ doneName ] ) {
+ var count = 1;
+ for ( var node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) {
+ if ( node.nodeType == 1 ) {
+ node.nodeIndex = count++;
+ }
+ }
+ parent[ doneName ] = count - 1;
+ }
+ if ( type == "first" ) {
+ return elem.nodeIndex == 1;
+ } else if ( type == "last" ) {
+ return elem.nodeIndex == parent[ doneName ];
+ } else if ( type == "only" ) {
+ return parent[ doneName ] == 1;
+ } else if ( type == "nth" ) {
+ var add = false, first = match[2], last = match[3];
+ if ( first == 1 && last == 0 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( first == 0 ) {
+ if ( elem.nodeIndex == last ) {
+ add = true;
+ }
+ } else if ( (elem.nodeIndex - last) % first == 0 && (elem.nodeIndex - last) / first >= 0 ) {
+ add = true;
+ }
+ return add;
+ }
+ },
+ PSEUDO: function(elem, match, i, array){
+ var name = match[1], filter = Expr.filters[ name ];
+ if ( filter ) {
+ return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+ } else if ( name === "contains" ) {
+ return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || "").indexOf(match[3]) >= 0;
+ } else if ( name === "not" ) {
+ var not = match[3];
+ for ( var i = 0, l = not.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( not[i] === elem ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ ID: function(elem, match){
+ return elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.getAttribute("id") === match;
+ },
+ TAG: function(elem, match){
+ return (match === "*" && elem.nodeType === 1) || elem.nodeName === match;
+ },
+ CLASS: function(elem, match){
+ return match.test( elem.className );
+ },
+ ATTR: function(elem, match){
+ var result = elem[ match[1] ] || elem.getAttribute( match[1] ), value = result + "", type = match[2], check = match[4];
+ return result == null ?
+ false :
+ type === "=" ?
+ value === check :
+ type === "*=" ?
+ value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+ type === "~=" ?
+ (" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+ !match[4] ?
+ result :
+ type === "!=" ?
+ value != check :
+ type === "^=" ?
+ value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
+ type === "$=" ?
+ value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
+ type === "|=" ?
+ value === check || value.substr(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" :
+ false;
+ },
+ POS: function(elem, match, i, array){
+ var name = match[2], filter = Expr.setFilters[ name ];
+ if ( filter ) {
+ return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+ }
+ }
+ }
-var ret=_9c||[];
-if("[object Array]"){
-if(typeof _9b.length==="number"){
-for(var i=0,l=_9b.length;i<l;i++){
-for(var i=0;_9b[i];i++){
+for ( var type in Expr.match ) {
+ Expr.match[ type ] = RegExp( Expr.match[ type ].source + /(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source );
-return ret;
+var makeArray = function(array, results) {
+ array = array );
+ if ( results ) {
+ results.push.apply( results, array );
+ return results;
+ }
+ return array;
+// Perform a simple check to determine if the browser is capable of
+// converting a NodeList to an array using builtin methods.
+try {
+ document.documentElement.childNodes );
+// Provide a fallback method if it does not work
+} catch(e){
+ makeArray = function(array, results) {
+ var ret = results || [];
+ if ( === "[object Array]" ) {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply( ret, array );
+ } else {
+ if ( typeof array.length === "number" ) {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ ret.push( array[i] );
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0; array[i]; i++ ) {
+ ret.push( array[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+// Check to see if the browser returns elements by name when
+// querying by getElementById (and provide a workaround)
-var _9d=document.createElement("form"),id="script"+(new Date).getTime();
-_9d.innerHTML="<input name='"+id+"'/>";
-var _9e=document.documentElement;
-var m=_a0.getElementById(_9f[1]);
-return m?[1]||m.getAttributeNode&&m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue===_9f[1]?[m]:undefined:[];
-var _a3=_a1.getAttributeNode&&_a1.getAttributeNode("id");
-return _a1.nodeType===1&&_a3&&_a3.nodeValue===_a2;
+ // We're going to inject a fake input element with a specified name
+ var form = document.createElement("form"),
+ id = "script" + (new Date).getTime();
+ form.innerHTML = "<input name='" + id + "'/>";
+ // Inject it into the root element, check its status, and remove it quickly
+ var root = document.documentElement;
+ root.insertBefore( form, root.firstChild );
+ // The workaround has to do additional checks after a getElementById
+ // Which slows things down for other browsers (hence the branching)
+ if ( !!document.getElementById( id ) ) {
+ Expr.find.ID = function(match, context){
+ if ( context.getElementById ) {
+ var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+ return m ? === match[1] || m.getAttributeNode && m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === match[1] ? [m] : undefined : [];
+ }
+ };
+ Expr.filter.ID = function(elem, match){
+ var node = elem.getAttributeNode && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
+ return elem.nodeType === 1 && node && node.nodeValue === match;
+ };
+ }
+ root.removeChild( form );
+// Check to see if the browser returns only elements
+// when doing getElementsByTagName("*")
-var div=document.createElement("div");
-var _a6=_a5.getElementsByTagName(_a4[1]);
-var tmp=[];
-for(var i=0;_a6[i];i++){
-return _a6;
+ // Create a fake element
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.appendChild( document.createComment("") );
+ // Make sure no comments are found
+ if ( div.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0 ) {
+ Expr.find.TAG = function(match, context){
+ var results = context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);
+ // Filter out possible comments
+ if ( match[1] === "*" ) {
+ var tmp = [];
+ for ( var i = 0; results[i]; i++ ) {
+ if ( results[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+ tmp.push( results[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ results = tmp;
+ }
+ return results;
+ };
+ }
-var _a7=_9;
-return _19(_a9.querySelectorAll(_a8),_aa);
-return _a7(_a8,_a9,_aa,_ab);
+if ( document.querySelectorAll ) (function(){
+ var oldSizzle = Sizzle;
+ Sizzle = function(query, context, extra, seed){
+ context = context || document;
+ if ( !seed && context.nodeType === 9 ) {
+ try {
+ return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra );
+ } catch(e){}
+ }
+ return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed);
+ };
+ Sizzle.find = oldSizzle.find;
+ Sizzle.filter = oldSizzle.filter;
+ Sizzle.selectors = oldSizzle.selectors;
+ Sizzle.matches = oldSizzle.matches;
+if ( document.documentElement.getElementsByClassName ) {
+ Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");
+ Expr.find.CLASS = function(match, context) {
+ return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);
+ };
-return _ad.getElementsByClassName(_ac[1]);
-function _3d(dir,cur,_ae,_af,_b0){
-for(var i=0,l=_af.length;i<l;i++){
-var _b1=_af[i];
-var _b2=false;
-var _b3=_b1[_ae];
-function _3b(dir,cur,_b4,_b5,_b6){
-for(var i=0,l=_b5.length;i<l;i++){
-var _b7=_b5[i];
-var _b8=false;
-if(typeof cur!=="string"){
+function dirNodeCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck ) {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ var match = false;
+ while ( elem && elem.nodeType ) {
+ var done = elem[doneName];
+ if ( done ) {
+ match = checkSet[ done ];
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 )
+ elem[doneName] = i;
+ if ( elem.nodeName === cur ) {
+ match = elem;
+ break;
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ }
+ checkSet[i] = match;
+ }
+ }
+function dirCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck ) {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ var match = false;
+ while ( elem && elem.nodeType ) {
+ if ( elem[doneName] ) {
+ match = checkSet[ elem[doneName] ];
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ elem[doneName] = i;
+ if ( typeof cur !== "string" ) {
+ if ( elem === cur ) {
+ match = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if ( Sizzle.filter( cur, [elem] ).length > 0 ) {
+ match = elem;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ }
+ checkSet[i] = match;
+ }
+ }
+var contains = document.compareDocumentPosition ? function(a, b){
+ return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16;
+} : function(a, b){
+ return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true);
-var _1a=document.compareDocumentPosition?function(a,b){
-return a.compareDocumentPosition(b)&16;
-return a!==b&&(a.contains?a.contains(b):true);
-})(typeof dojo=="undefined"?null:dojo);
+(ns || window).Sizzle = Sizzle;
+})(typeof dojo == "undefined" ? null : dojo);
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/query.js b/lib/dojo/_base/query.js
index ecf84682c..7b9878e47 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/query.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/query.js
@@ -5,793 +5,1520 @@
-if(typeof dojo!="undefined"){
-var _1=d.trim;
-var _2=d.forEach;
-var _3=d._NodeListCtor=d.NodeList;
-var _4=function(){
-return d.doc;
-var _5=((d.isWebKit||d.isMozilla)&&((_4().compatMode)=="BackCompat"));
-var _6=!!_4().firstChild["children"]?"children":"childNodes";
-var _7=">~+";
-var _8=false;
-var _9=function(){
-return true;
-var _a=function(_b){
-_b+=" * ";
-_b+=" ";
-var ts=function(s,e){
-return _1(_b.slice(s,e));
-var _c=[];
-var _d=-1,_e=-1,_f=-1,_10=-1,_11=-1,_12=-1,_13=-1,lc="",cc="",_14;
-var x=0,ql=_b.length,_15=null,_16=null;
-var _17=function(){
-var tv=(_13==x)?null:ts(_13,x);
-var _18=function(){
-var _19=function(){
-var _1a=function(){
-var _1b=function(){
-_15.query=_15.infixOper.query+" "+_15.query;
-return (_8)?this.otag:this.tag;
-var cmf=_16.matchFor;
-var _1c=("|~^$*".indexOf(lc)>=0)?lc:"";
-if((cc==" ")&&(lc!=cc)){
-return _c;
-var _1d=function(_1e,_1f){
-return _1f;
-return _1e;
-return function(){
-return _1e.apply(window,arguments)&&_1f.apply(window,arguments);
-var _20=function(i,arr){
-var r=arr||[];
-return r;
-var _21=function(n){
-return (1==n.nodeType);
-var _22="";
-var _23=function(_24,_25){
-return _22;
-return _24.className||_22;
-return _24.htmlFor||_22;
-return (_8?_24.getAttribute(_25):_24.getAttribute(_25,2))||_22;
-var _26={"*=":function(_27,_28){
-return function(_29){
-return (_23(_29,_27).indexOf(_28)>=0);
-return function(_2c){
-return (_23(_2c,_2a).indexOf(_2b)==0);
-var _2f=" "+_2e;
-return function(_30){
-var ea=" "+_23(_30,_2d);
-return (ea.lastIndexOf(_2e)==(ea.length-_2e.length));
-var _33=" "+_32+" ";
-return function(_34){
-var ea=" "+_23(_34,_31)+" ";
-return (ea.indexOf(_33)>=0);
-var _37=" "+_36+"-";
-return function(_38){
-var ea=" "+_23(_38,_35);
-return ((ea==_36)||(ea.indexOf(_37)==0));
-return function(_3b){
-return (_23(_3b,_39)==_3a);
-var _3c=(typeof _4().firstChild.nextElementSibling=="undefined");
-var _3d=!_3c?"nextElementSibling":"nextSibling";
-var _3e=!_3c?"previousElementSibling":"previousSibling";
-var _3f=(_3c?_21:_9);
-var _40=function(_41){
-return false;
-return true;
-var _42=function(_43){
-return false;
-return true;
-var _44=function(_45){
-var _46=_45.parentNode;
-var i=0,_47=_46[_6],ci=(_45["_i"]||-1),cl=(_46["_l"]||-1);
-return -1;
-var l=_47.length;
-return ci;
-for(var te=_46["firstElementChild"]||_46["firstChild"];te;te=te[_3d]){
-return ci;
-var _48=function(_49){
-return !((_44(_49))%2);
-var _4a=function(_4b){
-return ((_44(_4b))%2);
-var _4c={"checked":function(_4d,_4e){
-return function(_4f){
-return !!("checked" in _4f?_4f.checked:_4f.selected);
-return _40;
-return _42;
-return function(_52){
-return false;
-return false;
-return true;
-return function(_55){
-var cn=_55.childNodes;
-var cnl=_55.childNodes.length;
-for(var x=cnl-1;x>=0;x--){
-var nt=cn[x].nodeType;
-return false;
-return true;
-var cz=_57.charAt(0);
-return function(_58){
-return (_58.innerHTML.indexOf(_57)>=0);
-var p=_a(_5a)[0];
-var _5b={el:1};
-var ntf=_5c(p,_5b);
-return function(_5d){
-return (!ntf(_5d));
-var pi=parseInt;
-return _4a;
-return _48;
-var _60=_5f.split("n",2);
-var _61=_60[0]?((_60[0]=="-")?-1:pi(_60[0])):1;
-var idx=_60[1]?pi(_60[1]):0;
-var lb=0,ub=-1;
-return function(_62){
-var i=_44(_62);
-return (i>=lb)&&(ub<0||i<=ub)&&((i%_61)==idx);
-var _63=pi(_5f);
-return function(_64){
-return (_44(_64)==_63);
-var _65=(d.isIE)?function(_66){
-var clc=_66.toLowerCase();
-return function(_67){
-return (_8?_67.getAttribute(_66):_67[_66]||_67[clc]);
-return function(_69){
-return (_69&&_69.getAttribute&&_69.hasAttribute(_68));
-var _5c=function(_6a,_6b){
-return _9;
-var ff=null;
-if(!("el" in _6b)){
-if(!("tag" in _6b)){
-return (_6c&&(_6c.tagName==_6a.getTag()));
-if(!("classes" in _6b)){
-var re=new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)"+_6d+"(?:\\s|$)");
-return re.test(_6e.className);
-if(!("pseudos" in _6b)){
-if(!("attrs" in _6b)){
-var _71;
-var a=_70.attr;
-if(!("id" in _6b)){
-return (!!_72&&(;
-if(!("default" in _6b)){
-return ff;
-var _73=function(_74){
-return function(_75,ret,bag){
-return ret;
-var _77=function(_78){
-return function(_79,ret,bag){
-var te=_79[_3d];
-return ret;
-var _7a=function(_7b){
-return function(_7c,ret,bag){
-var te,x=0,_7d=_7c[_6];
-return ret;
-var _7e=function(_7f,_80){
-var pn=_7f.parentNode;
-return !!pn;
-var _81={};
-var _82=function(_83){
-var _84=_81[_83.query];
-return _84;
-var io=_83.infixOper;
-var _85=(io?io.oper:"");
-var _86=_5c(_83,{el:1});
-var qt=_83.tag;
-var _87=("*"==qt);
-var ecs=_4()["getElementsByClassName"];
-var te=d.byId(,(_88.ownerDocument||_88));
-return _20(te,arr);
-return _20(te,arr);
-if(ecs&&/\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}/.test(String(ecs))&&_83.classes.length&&!_5){
-var _89=_83.classes.join(" ");
-var ret=_20(0,arr),te,x=0;
-var _8b=_8a.getElementsByClassName(_89);
-return ret;
-var ret=_20(0,arr),te,x=0;
-var _8d=_8c.getElementsByTagName(_83.getTag());
-return ret;
-var ret=_20(0,arr),te,x=0;
-var _8f=_8e.getElementsByTagName(_83.getTag());
-return ret;
-var _90={el:1};
-return _81[_83.query]=_84;
-var _91=function(_92,_93){
-var _94=_20(_92),qp,x,te,qpl=_93.length,bag,ret;
-for(var i=0;i<qpl;i++){
-var gef=_82(qp);
-for(var j=0;(te=_94[j]);j++){
-return ret;
-var _95={},_96={};
-var _97=function(_98){
-var _99=_a(_1(_98));
-var tef=_82(_99[0]);
-return function(_9a){
-var r=tef(_9a,new _3());
-return r;
-return function(_9b){
-return _91(_9b,_99);
-var nua=navigator.userAgent;
-var wk="WebKit/";
-var _9c=(d.isWebKit&&(nua.indexOf(wk)>0)&&(parseFloat(nua.split(wk)[1])>528));
-var _9d=d.isIE?"commentStrip":"nozip";
-var qsa="querySelectorAll";
-var _9e=(!!_4()[qsa]&&(!d.isSafari||(d.isSafari>3.1)||_9c));
-var _9f=/n\+\d|([^ ])?([>~+])([^ =])?/g;
-var _a0=function(_a1,pre,ch,_a2){
-return ch?(pre?pre+" ":"")+ch+(_a2?" "+_a2:""):_a1;
-var _a3=function(_a4,_a5){
-var _a6=_96[_a4];
-return _a6;
-var _a7=_95[_a4];
-return _a7;
-var qcz=_a4.charAt(0);
-var _a8=(-1==_a4.indexOf(" "));
-var _a9=(_9e&&(!_a5)&&(_7.indexOf(qcz)==-1)&&(!d.isIE||(_a4.indexOf(":")==-1))&&(!(_5&&(_a4.indexOf(".")>=0)))&&(_a4.indexOf(":contains")==-1)&&(_a4.indexOf(":checked")==-1)&&(_a4.indexOf("|=")==-1));
-var tq=(_7.indexOf(_a4.charAt(_a4.length-1))>=0)?(_a4+" *"):_a4;
-return _96[_a4]=function(_aa){
-throw "";
-var r=_aa[qsa](tq);
-return r;
-return _a3(_a4,true)(_aa);
-var _ab=_a4.split(/\s*,\s*/);
-return _95[_a4]=((_ab.length<2)?_97(_a4):function(_ac){
-var _ad=0,ret=[],tp;
-return ret;
-var _ae=0;
-var _af=d.isIE?function(_b0){
-return (_b0.getAttribute("_uid")||_b0.setAttribute("_uid",++_ae)||_ae);
-return _b0.uniqueID;
-return (_b1._uid||(_b1._uid=++_ae));
-var _76=function(_b2,bag){
-return 1;
-var id=_af(_b2);
-return bag[id]=1;
-return 0;
-var _b3="_zipIdx";
-var _b4=function(arr){
-return (_3._wrap)?_3._wrap(arr):arr;
-var ret=new _3();
-return ret;
-return ret;
-var _b5=_ae+"";
-for(var x=1,te;te=arr[x];x++){
-for(var x=1,te;te=arr[x];x++){
-for(var x=1,te;te=arr[x];x++){
-return ret;
-return new _3();
-return _b6;
-if(typeof _b6!="string"){
-return new _3(_b6);
-if(typeof _b7=="string"){
-return new _3();
-var od=_b7.ownerDocument||_b7.documentElement;
-_8=(_b7.contentType&&_b7.contentType=="application/xml")||(d.isOpera&&(_b7.doctype||od.toString()=="[object XMLDocument]"))||(!!od)&&(d.isIE?od.xml:(_b7.xmlVersion||od.xmlVersion));
-var r=_a3(_b6)(_b7);
-return r;
-return _b4(r);
-var _ba=new d._NodeListCtor();
-var _bb=_5c(_a(_b9)[0]);
-for(var x=0,te;te=_b8[x];x++){
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.query"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.query"] = true;
+if(typeof dojo != "undefined"){
+ dojo.provide("dojo._base.query");
+ dojo.require("dojo._base.NodeList");
+ dojo.require("dojo._base.lang");
-return _ba;
+ dojo.query() architectural overview:
+ dojo.query is a relatively full-featured CSS3 query library. It is
+ designed to take any valid CSS3 selector and return the nodes matching
+ the selector. To do this quickly, it processes queries in several
+ steps, applying caching where profitable.
+ The steps (roughly in reverse order of the way they appear in the code):
+ 1.) check to see if we already have a "query dispatcher"
+ - if so, use that with the given parameterization. Skip to step 4.
+ 2.) attempt to determine which branch to dispatch the query to:
+ - JS (optimized DOM iteration)
+ - native (FF3.1+, Safari 3.1+, IE 8+)
+ 3.) tokenize and convert to executable "query dispatcher"
+ - this is where the lion's share of the complexity in the
+ system lies. In the DOM version, the query dispatcher is
+ assembled as a chain of "yes/no" test functions pertaining to
+ a section of a simple query statement (".blah:nth-child(odd)"
+ but not "div div", which is 2 simple statements). Individual
+ statement dispatchers are cached (to prevent re-definition)
+ as are entire dispatch chains (to make re-execution of the
+ same query fast)
+ 4.) the resulting query dispatcher is called in the passed scope
+ (by default the top-level document)
+ - for DOM queries, this results in a recursive, top-down
+ evaluation of nodes based on each simple query section
+ - for native implementations, this may mean working around spec
+ bugs. So be it.
+ 5.) matched nodes are pruned to ensure they are unique (if necessary)
+ // define everything in a closure for compressability reasons. "d" is an
+ // alias to "dojo" (or the toolkit alias object, e.g., "acme").
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Toolkit aliases
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // if you are extracing dojo.query for use in your own system, you will
+ // need to provide these methods and properties. No other porting should be
+ // necessary, save for configuring the system to use a class other than
+ // dojo.NodeList as the return instance instantiator
+ var trim = d.trim;
+ var each = d.forEach;
+ // d.isIE; // float
+ // d.isSafari; // float
+ // d.isOpera; // float
+ // d.isWebKit; // float
+ // d.doc ; // document element
+ var qlc = d._NodeListCtor = d.NodeList;
+ var getDoc = function(){ return d.doc; };
+ // NOTE(alex): the spec is idiotic. CSS queries should ALWAYS be case-sensitive, but nooooooo
+ var cssCaseBug = ((d.isWebKit||d.isMozilla) && ((getDoc().compatMode) == "BackCompat"));
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Global utilities
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // on browsers that support the "children" collection we can avoid a lot of
+ // iteration on chaff (non-element) nodes.
+ // why.
+ var childNodesName = !!getDoc().firstChild["children"] ? "children" : "childNodes";
+ var specials = ">~+";
+ // global thunk to determine whether we should treat the current query as
+ // case sensitive or not. This switch is flipped by the query evaluator
+ // based on the document passed as the context to search.
+ var caseSensitive = false;
+ // how high?
+ var yesman = function(){ return true; };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Tokenizer
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ var getQueryParts = function(query){
+ // summary:
+ // state machine for query tokenization
+ // description:
+ // instead of using a brittle and slow regex-based CSS parser,
+ // dojo.query implements an AST-style query representation. This
+ // representation is only generated once per query. For example,
+ // the same query run multiple times or under different root nodes
+ // does not re-parse the selector expression but instead uses the
+ // cached data structure. The state machine implemented here
+ // terminates on the last " " (space) charachter and returns an
+ // ordered array of query component structures (or "parts"). Each
+ // part represents an operator or a simple CSS filtering
+ // expression. The structure for parts is documented in the code
+ // below.
+ // NOTE:
+ // this code is designed to run fast and compress well. Sacrifices
+ // to readibility and maintainability have been made. Your best
+ // bet when hacking the tokenizer is to put The Donnas on *really*
+ // loud (may we recommend their "Spend The Night" release?) and
+ // just assume you're gonna make mistakes. Keep the unit tests
+ // open and run them frequently. Knowing is half the battle ;-)
+ if(specials.indexOf(query.slice(-1)) >= 0){
+ // if we end with a ">", "+", or "~", that means we're implicitly
+ // searching all children, so make it explicit
+ query += " * "
+ }else{
+ // if you have not provided a terminator, one will be provided for
+ // you...
+ query += " ";
+ }
+ var ts = function(/*Integer*/ s, /*Integer*/ e){
+ // trim and slice.
+ // take an index to start a string slice from and an end position
+ // and return a trimmed copy of that sub-string
+ return trim(query.slice(s, e));
+ }
+ // the overall data graph of the full query, as represented by queryPart objects
+ var queryParts = [];
+ // state keeping vars
+ var inBrackets = -1, inParens = -1, inMatchFor = -1,
+ inPseudo = -1, inClass = -1, inId = -1, inTag = -1,
+ lc = "", cc = "", pStart;
+ // iteration vars
+ var x = 0, // index in the query
+ ql = query.length,
+ currentPart = null, // data structure representing the entire clause
+ _cp = null; // the current pseudo or attr matcher
+ // several temporary variables are assigned to this structure durring a
+ // potential sub-expression match:
+ // attr:
+ // a string representing the current full attribute match in a
+ // bracket expression
+ // type:
+ // if there's an operator in a bracket expression, this is
+ // used to keep track of it
+ // value:
+ // the internals of parenthetical expression for a pseudo. for
+ // :nth-child(2n+1), value might be "2n+1"
+ var endTag = function(){
+ // called when the tokenizer hits the end of a particular tag name.
+ // Re-sets state variables for tag matching and sets up the matcher
+ // to handle the next type of token (tag or operator).
+ if(inTag >= 0){
+ var tv = (inTag == x) ? null : ts(inTag, x); // .toLowerCase();
+ currentPart[ (specials.indexOf(tv) < 0) ? "tag" : "oper" ] = tv;
+ inTag = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ var endId = function(){
+ // called when the tokenizer might be at the end of an ID portion of a match
+ if(inId >= 0){
+ = ts(inId, x).replace(/\\/g, "");
+ inId = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ var endClass = function(){
+ // called when the tokenizer might be at the end of a class name
+ // match. CSS allows for multiple classes, so we augment the
+ // current item with another class in its list
+ if(inClass >= 0){
+ currentPart.classes.push(ts(inClass+1, x).replace(/\\/g, ""));
+ inClass = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ var endAll = function(){
+ // at the end of a simple fragment, so wall off the matches
+ endId(); endTag(); endClass();
+ }
+ var endPart = function(){
+ endAll();
+ if(inPseudo >= 0){
+ currentPart.pseudos.push({ name: ts(inPseudo+1, x) });
+ }
+ // hint to the selector engine to tell it whether or not it
+ // needs to do any iteration. Many simple selectors don't, and
+ // we can avoid significant construction-time work by advising
+ // the system to skip them
+ currentPart.loops = (
+ currentPart.pseudos.length ||
+ currentPart.attrs.length ||
+ currentPart.classes.length );
+ currentPart.oquery = currentPart.query = ts(pStart, x); // save the full expression as a string
+ // otag/tag are hints to suggest to the system whether or not
+ // it's an operator or a tag. We save a copy of otag since the
+ // tag name is cast to upper-case in regular HTML matches. The
+ // system has a global switch to figure out if the current
+ // expression needs to be case sensitive or not and it will use
+ // otag or tag accordingly
+ currentPart.otag = currentPart.tag = (currentPart["oper"]) ? null : (currentPart.tag || "*");
+ if(currentPart.tag){
+ // if we're in a case-insensitive HTML doc, we likely want
+ // the toUpperCase when matching on element.tagName. If we
+ // do it here, we can skip the string op per node
+ // comparison
+ currentPart.tag = currentPart.tag.toUpperCase();
+ }
+ // add the part to the list
+ if(queryParts.length && (queryParts[queryParts.length-1].oper)){
+ // operators are always infix, so we remove them from the
+ // list and attach them to the next match. The evaluator is
+ // responsible for sorting out how to handle them.
+ currentPart.infixOper = queryParts.pop();
+ currentPart.query = currentPart.infixOper.query + " " + currentPart.query;
+ /*
+ console.debug( "swapping out the infix",
+ currentPart.infixOper,
+ "and attaching it to",
+ currentPart);
+ */
+ }
+ queryParts.push(currentPart);
+ currentPart = null;
+ }
+ // iterate over the query, charachter by charachter, building up a
+ // list of query part objects
+ for(; lc=cc, cc=query.charAt(x), x < ql; x++){
+ // cc: the current character in the match
+ // lc: the last charachter (if any)
+ // someone is trying to escape something, so don't try to match any
+ // fragments. We assume we're inside a literal.
+ if(lc == "\\"){ continue; }
+ if(!currentPart){ // a part was just ended or none has yet been created
+ // NOTE: I hate all this alloc, but it's shorter than writing tons of if's
+ pStart = x;
+ // rules describe full CSS sub-expressions, like:
+ // #someId
+ // .className:first-child
+ // but not:
+ // thinger > div.howdy[type=thinger]
+ // the indidual components of the previous query would be
+ // split into 3 parts that would be represented a structure
+ // like:
+ // [
+ // {
+ // query: "thinger",
+ // tag: "thinger",
+ // },
+ // {
+ // query: "div.howdy[type=thinger]",
+ // classes: ["howdy"],
+ // infixOper: {
+ // query: ">",
+ // oper: ">",
+ // }
+ // },
+ // ]
+ currentPart = {
+ query: null, // the full text of the part's rule
+ pseudos: [], // CSS supports multiple pseud-class matches in a single rule
+ attrs: [], // CSS supports multi-attribute match, so we need an array
+ classes: [], // class matches may be additive, e.g.: .thinger.blah.howdy
+ tag: null, // only one tag...
+ oper: null, // ...or operator per component. Note that these wind up being exclusive.
+ id: null, // the id component of a rule
+ getTag: function(){
+ return (caseSensitive) ? this.otag : this.tag;
+ }
+ };
+ // if we don't have a part, we assume we're going to start at
+ // the beginning of a match, which should be a tag name. This
+ // might fault a little later on, but we detect that and this
+ // iteration will still be fine.
+ inTag = x;
+ }
+ if(inBrackets >= 0){
+ // look for a the close first
+ if(cc == "]"){ // if we're in a [...] clause and we end, do assignment
+ if(!_cp.attr){
+ // no attribute match was previously begun, so we
+ // assume this is an attribute existance match in the
+ // form of [someAttributeName]
+ _cp.attr = ts(inBrackets+1, x);
+ }else{
+ // we had an attribute already, so we know that we're
+ // matching some sort of value, as in [attrName=howdy]
+ _cp.matchFor = ts((inMatchFor||inBrackets+1), x);
+ }
+ var cmf = _cp.matchFor;
+ if(cmf){
+ // try to strip quotes from the matchFor value. We want
+ // [attrName=howdy] to match the same
+ // as [attrName = 'howdy' ]
+ if( (cmf.charAt(0) == '"') || (cmf.charAt(0) == "'") ){
+ _cp.matchFor = cmf.slice(1, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ // end the attribute by adding it to the list of attributes.
+ currentPart.attrs.push(_cp);
+ _cp = null; // necessary?
+ inBrackets = inMatchFor = -1;
+ }else if(cc == "="){
+ // if the last char was an operator prefix, make sure we
+ // record it along with the "=" operator.
+ var addToCc = ("|~^$*".indexOf(lc) >=0 ) ? lc : "";
+ _cp.type = addToCc+cc;
+ _cp.attr = ts(inBrackets+1, x-addToCc.length);
+ inMatchFor = x+1;
+ }
+ // now look for other clause parts
+ }else if(inParens >= 0){
+ // if we're in a parenthetical expression, we need to figure
+ // out if it's attached to a pseduo-selector rule like
+ // :nth-child(1)
+ if(cc == ")"){
+ if(inPseudo >= 0){
+ _cp.value = ts(inParens+1, x);
+ }
+ inPseudo = inParens = -1;
+ }
+ }else if(cc == "#"){
+ // start of an ID match
+ endAll();
+ inId = x+1;
+ }else if(cc == "."){
+ // start of a class match
+ endAll();
+ inClass = x;
+ }else if(cc == ":"){
+ // start of a pseudo-selector match
+ endAll();
+ inPseudo = x;
+ }else if(cc == "["){
+ // start of an attribute match.
+ endAll();
+ inBrackets = x;
+ // provide a new structure for the attribute match to fill-in
+ _cp = {
+ /*=====
+ attr: null, type: null, matchFor: null
+ =====*/
+ };
+ }else if(cc == "("){
+ // we really only care if we've entered a parenthetical
+ // expression if we're already inside a pseudo-selector match
+ if(inPseudo >= 0){
+ // provide a new structure for the pseudo match to fill-in
+ _cp = {
+ name: ts(inPseudo+1, x),
+ value: null
+ }
+ currentPart.pseudos.push(_cp);
+ }
+ inParens = x;
+ }else if(
+ (cc == " ") &&
+ // if it's a space char and the last char is too, consume the
+ // current one without doing more work
+ (lc != cc)
+ ){
+ endPart();
+ }
+ }
+ return queryParts;
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // DOM query infrastructure
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ var agree = function(first, second){
+ // the basic building block of the yes/no chaining system. agree(f1,
+ // f2) generates a new function which returns the boolean results of
+ // both of the passed functions to a single logical-anded result. If
+ // either are not possed, the other is used exclusively.
+ if(!first){ return second; }
+ if(!second){ return first; }
+ return function(){
+ return first.apply(window, arguments) && second.apply(window, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ var getArr = function(i, arr){
+ // helps us avoid array alloc when we don't need it
+ var r = arr||[]; // FIXME: should this be 'new d._NodeListCtor()' ?
+ if(i){ r.push(i); }
+ return r;
+ };
+ var _isElement = function(n){ return (1 == n.nodeType); };
+ // FIXME: need to coalesce _getAttr with defaultGetter
+ var blank = "";
+ var _getAttr = function(elem, attr){
+ if(!elem){ return blank; }
+ if(attr == "class"){
+ return elem.className || blank;
+ }
+ if(attr == "for"){
+ return elem.htmlFor || blank;
+ }
+ if(attr == "style"){
+ return || blank;
+ }
+ return (caseSensitive ? elem.getAttribute(attr) : elem.getAttribute(attr, 2)) || blank;
+ };
+ var attrs = {
+ "*=": function(attr, value){
+ return function(elem){
+ // E[foo*="bar"]
+ // an E element whose "foo" attribute value contains
+ // the substring "bar"
+ return (_getAttr(elem, attr).indexOf(value)>=0);
+ }
+ },
+ "^=": function(attr, value){
+ // E[foo^="bar"]
+ // an E element whose "foo" attribute value begins exactly
+ // with the string "bar"
+ return function(elem){
+ return (_getAttr(elem, attr).indexOf(value)==0);
+ }
+ },
+ "$=": function(attr, value){
+ // E[foo$="bar"]
+ // an E element whose "foo" attribute value ends exactly
+ // with the string "bar"
+ var tval = " "+value;
+ return function(elem){
+ var ea = " "+_getAttr(elem, attr);
+ return (ea.lastIndexOf(value)==(ea.length-value.length));
+ }
+ },
+ "~=": function(attr, value){
+ // E[foo~="bar"]
+ // an E element whose "foo" attribute value is a list of
+ // space-separated values, one of which is exactly equal
+ // to "bar"
+ // return "[contains(concat(' ',@"+attr+",' '), ' "+ value +" ')]";
+ var tval = " "+value+" ";
+ return function(elem){
+ var ea = " "+_getAttr(elem, attr)+" ";
+ return (ea.indexOf(tval)>=0);
+ }
+ },
+ "|=": function(attr, value){
+ // E[hreflang|="en"]
+ // an E element whose "hreflang" attribute has a
+ // hyphen-separated list of values beginning (from the
+ // left) with "en"
+ var valueDash = " "+value+"-";
+ return function(elem){
+ var ea = " "+_getAttr(elem, attr);
+ return (
+ (ea == value) ||
+ (ea.indexOf(valueDash)==0)
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ "=": function(attr, value){
+ return function(elem){
+ return (_getAttr(elem, attr) == value);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // avoid testing for node type if we can. Defining this in the negative
+ // here to avoid negation in the fast path.
+ var _noNES = (typeof getDoc().firstChild.nextElementSibling == "undefined");
+ var _ns = !_noNES ? "nextElementSibling" : "nextSibling";
+ var _ps = !_noNES ? "previousElementSibling" : "previousSibling";
+ var _simpleNodeTest = (_noNES ? _isElement : yesman);
+ var _lookLeft = function(node){
+ // look left
+ while(node = node[_ps]){
+ if(_simpleNodeTest(node)){ return false; }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ var _lookRight = function(node){
+ // look right
+ while(node = node[_ns]){
+ if(_simpleNodeTest(node)){ return false; }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ var getNodeIndex = function(node){
+ var root = node.parentNode;
+ var i = 0,
+ tret = root[childNodesName],
+ ci = (node["_i"]||-1),
+ cl = (root["_l"]||-1);
+ if(!tret){ return -1; }
+ var l = tret.length;
+ // we calcuate the parent length as a cheap way to invalidate the
+ // cache. It's not 100% accurate, but it's much more honest than what
+ // other libraries do
+ if( cl == l && ci >= 0 && cl >= 0 ){
+ // if it's legit, tag and release
+ return ci;
+ }
+ // else re-key things
+ root["_l"] = l;
+ ci = -1;
+ for(var te = root["firstElementChild"]||root["firstChild"]; te; te = te[_ns]){
+ if(_simpleNodeTest(te)){
+ te["_i"] = ++i;
+ if(node === te){
+ // NOTE:
+ // shortcuting the return at this step in indexing works
+ // very well for benchmarking but we avoid it here since
+ // it leads to potential O(n^2) behavior in sequential
+ // getNodexIndex operations on a previously un-indexed
+ // parent. We may revisit this at a later time, but for
+ // now we just want to get the right answer more often
+ // than not.
+ ci = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ci;
+ };
+ var isEven = function(elem){
+ return !((getNodeIndex(elem)) % 2);
+ };
+ var isOdd = function(elem){
+ return ((getNodeIndex(elem)) % 2);
+ };
+ var pseudos = {
+ "checked": function(name, condition){
+ return function(elem){
+ return !!("checked" in elem ? elem.checked : elem.selected);
+ }
+ },
+ "first-child": function(){ return _lookLeft; },
+ "last-child": function(){ return _lookRight; },
+ "only-child": function(name, condition){
+ return function(node){
+ if(!_lookLeft(node)){ return false; }
+ if(!_lookRight(node)){ return false; }
+ return true;
+ };
+ },
+ "empty": function(name, condition){
+ return function(elem){
+ // DomQuery and jQuery get this wrong, oddly enough.
+ // The CSS 3 selectors spec is pretty explicit about it, too.
+ var cn = elem.childNodes;
+ var cnl = elem.childNodes.length;
+ // if(!cnl){ return true; }
+ for(var x=cnl-1; x >= 0; x--){
+ var nt = cn[x].nodeType;
+ if((nt === 1)||(nt == 3)){ return false; }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ "contains": function(name, condition){
+ var cz = condition.charAt(0);
+ if( cz == '"' || cz == "'" ){ //remove quote
+ condition = condition.slice(1, -1);
+ }
+ return function(elem){
+ return (elem.innerHTML.indexOf(condition) >= 0);
+ }
+ },
+ "not": function(name, condition){
+ var p = getQueryParts(condition)[0];
+ var ignores = { el: 1 };
+ if(p.tag != "*"){
+ ignores.tag = 1;
+ }
+ if(!p.classes.length){
+ ignores.classes = 1;
+ }
+ var ntf = getSimpleFilterFunc(p, ignores);
+ return function(elem){
+ return (!ntf(elem));
+ }
+ },
+ "nth-child": function(name, condition){
+ var pi = parseInt;
+ // avoid re-defining function objects if we can
+ if(condition == "odd"){
+ return isOdd;
+ }else if(condition == "even"){
+ return isEven;
+ }
+ // FIXME: can we shorten this?
+ if(condition.indexOf("n") != -1){
+ var tparts = condition.split("n", 2);
+ var pred = tparts[0] ? ((tparts[0] == '-') ? -1 : pi(tparts[0])) : 1;
+ var idx = tparts[1] ? pi(tparts[1]) : 0;
+ var lb = 0, ub = -1;
+ if(pred > 0){
+ if(idx < 0){
+ idx = (idx % pred) && (pred + (idx % pred));
+ }else if(idx>0){
+ if(idx >= pred){
+ lb = idx - idx % pred;
+ }
+ idx = idx % pred;
+ }
+ }else if(pred<0){
+ pred *= -1;
+ // idx has to be greater than 0 when pred is negative;
+ // shall we throw an error here?
+ if(idx > 0){
+ ub = idx;
+ idx = idx % pred;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pred > 0){
+ return function(elem){
+ var i = getNodeIndex(elem);
+ return (i>=lb) && (ub<0 || i<=ub) && ((i % pred) == idx);
+ }
+ }else{
+ condition = idx;
+ }
+ }
+ var ncount = pi(condition);
+ return function(elem){
+ return (getNodeIndex(elem) == ncount);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var defaultGetter = (d.isIE) ? function(cond){
+ var clc = cond.toLowerCase();
+ if(clc == "class"){ cond = "className"; }
+ return function(elem){
+ return (caseSensitive ? elem.getAttribute(cond) : elem[cond]||elem[clc]);
+ }
+ } : function(cond){
+ return function(elem){
+ return (elem && elem.getAttribute && elem.hasAttribute(cond));
+ }
+ };
+ var getSimpleFilterFunc = function(query, ignores){
+ // generates a node tester function based on the passed query part. The
+ // query part is one of the structures generatd by the query parser
+ // when it creates the query AST. The "ignores" object specifies which
+ // (if any) tests to skip, allowing the system to avoid duplicating
+ // work where it may have already been taken into account by other
+ // factors such as how the nodes to test were fetched in the first
+ // place
+ if(!query){ return yesman; }
+ ignores = ignores||{};
+ var ff = null;
+ if(!("el" in ignores)){
+ ff = agree(ff, _isElement);
+ }
+ if(!("tag" in ignores)){
+ if(query.tag != "*"){
+ ff = agree(ff, function(elem){
+ return (elem && (elem.tagName == query.getTag()));
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if(!("classes" in ignores)){
+ each(query.classes, function(cname, idx, arr){
+ // get the class name
+ /*
+ var isWildcard = cname.charAt(cname.length-1) == "*";
+ if(isWildcard){
+ cname = cname.substr(0, cname.length-1);
+ }
+ // I dislike the regex thing, even if memozied in a cache, but it's VERY short
+ var re = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + cname + (isWildcard ? ".*" : "") + "(?:\\s|$)");
+ */
+ var re = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + cname + "(?:\\s|$)");
+ ff = agree(ff, function(elem){
+ return re.test(elem.className);
+ });
+ ff.count = idx;
+ });
+ }
+ if(!("pseudos" in ignores)){
+ each(query.pseudos, function(pseudo){
+ var pn =;
+ if(pseudos[pn]){
+ ff = agree(ff, pseudos[pn](pn, pseudo.value));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if(!("attrs" in ignores)){
+ each(query.attrs, function(attr){
+ var matcher;
+ var a = attr.attr;
+ // type, attr, matchFor
+ if(attr.type && attrs[attr.type]){
+ matcher = attrs[attr.type](a, attr.matchFor);
+ }else if(a.length){
+ matcher = defaultGetter(a);
+ }
+ if(matcher){
+ ff = agree(ff, matcher);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if(!("id" in ignores)){
+ if({
+ ff = agree(ff, function(elem){
+ return (!!elem && ( ==;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if(!ff){
+ if(!("default" in ignores)){
+ ff = yesman;
+ }
+ }
+ return ff;
+ };
+ var _nextSibling = function(filterFunc){
+ return function(node, ret, bag){
+ while(node = node[_ns]){
+ if(_noNES && (!_isElement(node))){ continue; }
+ if(
+ (!bag || _isUnique(node, bag)) &&
+ filterFunc(node)
+ ){
+ ret.push(node);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ };
+ var _nextSiblings = function(filterFunc){
+ return function(root, ret, bag){
+ var te = root[_ns];
+ while(te){
+ if(_simpleNodeTest(te)){
+ if(bag && !_isUnique(te, bag)){
+ break;
+ }
+ if(filterFunc(te)){
+ ret.push(te);
+ }
+ }
+ te = te[_ns];
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ };
+ // get an array of child *elements*, skipping text and comment nodes
+ var _childElements = function(filterFunc){
+ filterFunc = filterFunc||yesman;
+ return function(root, ret, bag){
+ // get an array of child elements, skipping text and comment nodes
+ var te, x = 0, tret = root[childNodesName];
+ while(te = tret[x++]){
+ if(
+ _simpleNodeTest(te) &&
+ (!bag || _isUnique(te, bag)) &&
+ (filterFunc(te, x))
+ ){
+ ret.push(te);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ };
+ /*
+ // thanks, Dean!
+ var itemIsAfterRoot = d.isIE ? function(item, root){
+ return (item.sourceIndex > root.sourceIndex);
+ } : function(item, root){
+ return (item.compareDocumentPosition(root) == 2);
+ };
+ */
+ // test to see if node is below root
+ var _isDescendant = function(node, root){
+ var pn = node.parentNode;
+ while(pn){
+ if(pn == root){
+ break;
+ }
+ pn = pn.parentNode;
+ }
+ return !!pn;
+ };
+ var _getElementsFuncCache = {};
+ var getElementsFunc = function(query){
+ var retFunc = _getElementsFuncCache[query.query];
+ // if we've got a cached dispatcher, just use that
+ if(retFunc){ return retFunc; }
+ // else, generate a new on
+ // NOTE:
+ // this function returns a function that searches for nodes and
+ // filters them. The search may be specialized by infix operators
+ // (">", "~", or "+") else it will default to searching all
+ // descendants (the " " selector). Once a group of children is
+ // founde, a test function is applied to weed out the ones we
+ // don't want. Many common cases can be fast-pathed. We spend a
+ // lot of cycles to create a dispatcher that doesn't do more work
+ // than necessary at any point since, unlike this function, the
+ // dispatchers will be called every time. The logic of generating
+ // efficient dispatchers looks like this in pseudo code:
+ //
+ // # if it's a purely descendant query (no ">", "+", or "~" modifiers)
+ // if infixOperator == " ":
+ // if only(id):
+ // return def(root):
+ // return d.byId(id, root);
+ //
+ // elif id:
+ // return def(root):
+ // return filter(d.byId(id, root));
+ //
+ // elif cssClass && getElementsByClassName:
+ // return def(root):
+ // return filter(root.getElementsByClassName(cssClass));
+ //
+ // elif only(tag):
+ // return def(root):
+ // return root.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
+ //
+ // else:
+ // # search by tag name, then filter
+ // return def(root):
+ // return filter(root.getElementsByTagName(tagName||"*"));
+ //
+ // elif infixOperator == ">":
+ // # search direct children
+ // return def(root):
+ // return filter(root.children);
+ //
+ // elif infixOperator == "+":
+ // # search next sibling
+ // return def(root):
+ // return filter(root.nextElementSibling);
+ //
+ // elif infixOperator == "~":
+ // # search rightward siblings
+ // return def(root):
+ // return filter(nextSiblings(root));
+ var io = query.infixOper;
+ var oper = (io ? io.oper : "");
+ // the default filter func which tests for all conditions in the query
+ // part. This is potentially inefficient, so some optimized paths may
+ // re-define it to test fewer things.
+ var filterFunc = getSimpleFilterFunc(query, { el: 1 });
+ var qt = query.tag;
+ var wildcardTag = ("*" == qt);
+ var ecs = getDoc()["getElementsByClassName"];
+ if(!oper){
+ // if there's no infix operator, then it's a descendant query. ID
+ // and "elements by class name" variants can be accelerated so we
+ // call them out explicitly:
+ if({
+ // testing shows that the overhead of yesman() is acceptable
+ // and can save us some bytes vs. re-defining the function
+ // everywhere.
+ filterFunc = (!query.loops && wildcardTag) ?
+ yesman :
+ getSimpleFilterFunc(query, { el: 1, id: 1 });
+ retFunc = function(root, arr){
+ var te = d.byId(, (root.ownerDocument||root));
+ if(!te || !filterFunc(te)){ return; }
+ if(9 == root.nodeType){ // if root's a doc, we just return directly
+ return getArr(te, arr);
+ }else{ // otherwise check ancestry
+ if(_isDescendant(te, root)){
+ return getArr(te, arr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else if(
+ ecs &&
+ // isAlien check. Workaround for Prototype.js being totally evil/dumb.
+ /\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}/.test(String(ecs)) &&
+ query.classes.length &&
+ !cssCaseBug
+ ){
+ // it's a class-based query and we've got a fast way to run it.
+ // ignore class and ID filters since we will have handled both
+ filterFunc = getSimpleFilterFunc(query, { el: 1, classes: 1, id: 1 });
+ var classesString = query.classes.join(" ");
+ retFunc = function(root, arr, bag){
+ var ret = getArr(0, arr), te, x=0;
+ var tret = root.getElementsByClassName(classesString);
+ while((te = tret[x++])){
+ if(filterFunc(te, root) && _isUnique(te, bag)){
+ ret.push(te);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ }else if(!wildcardTag && !query.loops){
+ // it's tag only. Fast-path it.
+ retFunc = function(root, arr, bag){
+ var ret = getArr(0, arr), te, x=0;
+ var tret = root.getElementsByTagName(query.getTag());
+ while((te = tret[x++])){
+ if(_isUnique(te, bag)){
+ ret.push(te);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ }else{
+ // the common case:
+ // a descendant selector without a fast path. By now it's got
+ // to have a tag selector, even if it's just "*" so we query
+ // by that and filter
+ filterFunc = getSimpleFilterFunc(query, { el: 1, tag: 1, id: 1 });
+ retFunc = function(root, arr, bag){
+ var ret = getArr(0, arr), te, x=0;
+ // we use getTag() to avoid case sensitivity issues
+ var tret = root.getElementsByTagName(query.getTag());
+ while((te = tret[x++])){
+ if(filterFunc(te, root) && _isUnique(te, bag)){
+ ret.push(te);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ }
+ }else{
+ // the query is scoped in some way. Instead of querying by tag we
+ // use some other collection to find candidate nodes
+ var skipFilters = { el: 1 };
+ if(wildcardTag){
+ skipFilters.tag = 1;
+ }
+ filterFunc = getSimpleFilterFunc(query, skipFilters);
+ if("+" == oper){
+ retFunc = _nextSibling(filterFunc);
+ }else if("~" == oper){
+ retFunc = _nextSiblings(filterFunc);
+ }else if(">" == oper){
+ retFunc = _childElements(filterFunc);
+ }
+ }
+ // cache it and return
+ return _getElementsFuncCache[query.query] = retFunc;
+ };
+ var filterDown = function(root, queryParts){
+ // NOTE:
+ // this is the guts of the DOM query system. It takes a list of
+ // parsed query parts and a root and finds children which match
+ // the selector represented by the parts
+ var candidates = getArr(root), qp, x, te, qpl = queryParts.length, bag, ret;
+ for(var i = 0; i < qpl; i++){
+ ret = [];
+ qp = queryParts[i];
+ x = candidates.length - 1;
+ if(x > 0){
+ // if we have more than one root at this level, provide a new
+ // hash to use for checking group membership but tell the
+ // system not to post-filter us since we will already have been
+ // gauranteed to be unique
+ bag = {};
+ ret.nozip = true;
+ }
+ var gef = getElementsFunc(qp);
+ for(var j = 0; (te = candidates[j]); j++){
+ // for every root, get the elements that match the descendant
+ // selector, adding them to the "ret" array and filtering them
+ // via membership in this level's bag. If there are more query
+ // parts, then this level's return will be used as the next
+ // level's candidates
+ gef(te, ret, bag);
+ }
+ if(!ret.length){ break; }
+ candidates = ret;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // the query runner
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // these are the primary caches for full-query results. The query
+ // dispatcher functions are generated then stored here for hash lookup in
+ // the future
+ var _queryFuncCacheDOM = {},
+ _queryFuncCacheQSA = {};
+ // this is the second level of spliting, from full-length queries (e.g.,
+ // " .bar") into simple query expressions (e.g., ["",
+ // ".bar"])
+ var getStepQueryFunc = function(query){
+ var qparts = getQueryParts(trim(query));
+ // if it's trivial, avoid iteration and zipping costs
+ if(qparts.length == 1){
+ // we optimize this case here to prevent dispatch further down the
+ // chain, potentially slowing things down. We could more elegantly
+ // handle this in filterDown(), but it's slower for simple things
+ // that need to be fast (e.g., "#someId").
+ var tef = getElementsFunc(qparts[0]);
+ return function(root){
+ var r = tef(root, new qlc());
+ if(r){ r.nozip = true; }
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ // otherwise, break it up and return a runner that iterates over the parts recursively
+ return function(root){
+ return filterDown(root, qparts);
+ }
+ };
+ // NOTES:
+ // * we can't trust QSA for anything but document-rooted queries, so
+ // caching is split into DOM query evaluators and QSA query evaluators
+ // * caching query results is dirty and leak-prone (or, at a minimum,
+ // prone to unbounded growth). Other toolkits may go this route, but
+ // they totally destroy their own ability to manage their memory
+ // footprint. If we implement it, it should only ever be with a fixed
+ // total element reference # limit and an LRU-style algorithm since JS
+ // has no weakref support. Caching compiled query evaluators is also
+ // potentially problematic, but even on large documents the size of the
+ // query evaluators is often < 100 function objects per evaluator (and
+ // LRU can be applied if it's ever shown to be an issue).
+ // * since IE's QSA support is currently only for HTML documents and even
+ // then only in IE 8's "standards mode", we have to detect our dispatch
+ // route at query time and keep 2 separate caches. Ugg.
+ // we need to determine if we think we can run a given query via
+ // querySelectorAll or if we'll need to fall back on DOM queries to get
+ // there. We need a lot of information about the environment and the query
+ // to make the determiniation (e.g. does it support QSA, does the query in
+ // question work in the native QSA impl, etc.).
+ var nua = navigator.userAgent;
+ // some versions of Safari provided QSA, but it was buggy and crash-prone.
+ // We need te detect the right "internal" webkit version to make this work.
+ var wk = "WebKit/";
+ var is525 = (
+ d.isWebKit &&
+ (nua.indexOf(wk) > 0) &&
+ (parseFloat(nua.split(wk)[1]) > 528)
+ );
+ // IE QSA queries may incorrectly include comment nodes, so we throw the
+ // zipping function into "remove" comments mode instead of the normal "skip
+ // it" which every other QSA-clued browser enjoys
+ var noZip = d.isIE ? "commentStrip" : "nozip";
+ var qsa = "querySelectorAll";
+ var qsaAvail = (
+ !!getDoc()[qsa] &&
+ // see #5832
+ (!d.isSafari || (d.isSafari > 3.1) || is525 )
+ );
+ //Don't bother with n+3 type of matches, IE complains if we modify those.
+ var infixSpaceRe = /n\+\d|([^ ])?([>~+])([^ =])?/g;
+ var infixSpaceFunc = function(match, pre, ch, post) {
+ return ch ? (pre ? pre + " " : "") + ch + (post ? " " + post : "") : /*n+3*/ match;
+ };
+ var getQueryFunc = function(query, forceDOM){
+ //Normalize query. The CSS3 selectors spec allows for omitting spaces around
+ //infix operators, >, ~ and +
+ //Do the work here since detection for spaces is used as a simple "not use QSA"
+ //test below.
+ query = query.replace(infixSpaceRe, infixSpaceFunc);
+ if(qsaAvail){
+ // if we've got a cached variant and we think we can do it, run it!
+ var qsaCached = _queryFuncCacheQSA[query];
+ if(qsaCached && !forceDOM){ return qsaCached; }
+ }
+ // else if we've got a DOM cached variant, assume that we already know
+ // all we need to and use it
+ var domCached = _queryFuncCacheDOM[query];
+ if(domCached){ return domCached; }
+ // TODO:
+ // today we're caching DOM and QSA branches separately so we
+ // recalc useQSA every time. If we had a way to tag root+query
+ // efficiently, we'd be in good shape to do a global cache.
+ var qcz = query.charAt(0);
+ var nospace = (-1 == query.indexOf(" "));
+ // byId searches are wicked fast compared to QSA, even when filtering
+ // is required
+ if( (query.indexOf("#") >= 0) && (nospace) ){
+ forceDOM = true;
+ }
+ var useQSA = (
+ qsaAvail && (!forceDOM) &&
+ // as per CSS 3, we can't currently start w/ combinator:
+ //
+ (specials.indexOf(qcz) == -1) &&
+ // IE's QSA impl sucks on pseudos
+ (!d.isIE || (query.indexOf(":") == -1)) &&
+ (!(cssCaseBug && (query.indexOf(".") >= 0))) &&
+ // FIXME:
+ // need to tighten up browser rules on ":contains" and "|=" to
+ // figure out which aren't good
+ // Latest webkit (around 531.21.8) does not seem to do well with :checked on option
+ // elements, even though according to spec, selected options should
+ // match :checked. So go nonQSA for it:
+ //
+ (query.indexOf(":contains") == -1) && (query.indexOf(":checked") == -1) &&
+ (query.indexOf("|=") == -1) // some browsers don't grok it
+ );
+ // TODO:
+ // if we've got a descendant query (e.g., "> .thinger" instead of
+ // just ".thinger") in a QSA-able doc, but are passed a child as a
+ // root, it should be possible to give the item a synthetic ID and
+ // trivially rewrite the query to the form "#synid > .thinger" to
+ // use the QSA branch
+ if(useQSA){
+ var tq = (specials.indexOf(query.charAt(query.length-1)) >= 0) ?
+ (query + " *") : query;
+ return _queryFuncCacheQSA[query] = function(root){
+ try{
+ // the QSA system contains an egregious spec bug which
+ // limits us, effectively, to only running QSA queries over
+ // entire documents. See:
+ //
+ // despite this, we can also handle QSA runs on simple
+ // selectors, but we don't want detection to be expensive
+ // so we're just checking for the presence of a space char
+ // right now. Not elegant, but it's cheaper than running
+ // the query parser when we might not need to
+ if(!((9 == root.nodeType) || nospace)){ throw ""; }
+ var r = root[qsa](tq);
+ // skip expensive duplication checks and just wrap in a NodeList
+ r[noZip] = true;
+ return r;
+ }catch(e){
+ // else run the DOM branch on this query, ensuring that we
+ // default that way in the future
+ return getQueryFunc(query, true)(root);
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ // DOM branch
+ var parts = query.split(/\s*,\s*/);
+ return _queryFuncCacheDOM[query] = ((parts.length < 2) ?
+ // if not a compound query (e.g., ".foo, .bar"), cache and return a dispatcher
+ getStepQueryFunc(query) :
+ // if it *is* a complex query, break it up into its
+ // constituent parts and return a dispatcher that will
+ // merge the parts when run
+ function(root){
+ var pindex = 0, // avoid array alloc for every invocation
+ ret = [],
+ tp;
+ while((tp = parts[pindex++])){
+ ret = ret.concat(getStepQueryFunc(tp)(root));
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ var _zipIdx = 0;
+ // NOTE:
+ // this function is Moo inspired, but our own impl to deal correctly
+ // with XML in IE
+ var _nodeUID = d.isIE ? function(node){
+ if(caseSensitive){
+ // XML docs don't have uniqueID on their nodes
+ return (node.getAttribute("_uid") || node.setAttribute("_uid", ++_zipIdx) || _zipIdx);
+ }else{
+ return node.uniqueID;
+ }
+ } :
+ function(node){
+ return (node._uid || (node._uid = ++_zipIdx));
+ };
+ // determine if a node in is unique in a "bag". In this case we don't want
+ // to flatten a list of unique items, but rather just tell if the item in
+ // question is already in the bag. Normally we'd just use hash lookup to do
+ // this for us but IE's DOM is busted so we can't really count on that. On
+ // the upside, it gives us a built in unique ID function.
+ var _isUnique = function(node, bag){
+ if(!bag){ return 1; }
+ var id = _nodeUID(node);
+ if(!bag[id]){ return bag[id] = 1; }
+ return 0;
+ };
+ // attempt to efficiently determine if an item in a list is a dupe,
+ // returning a list of "uniques", hopefully in doucment order
+ var _zipIdxName = "_zipIdx";
+ var _zip = function(arr){
+ if(arr && arr.nozip){
+ return (qlc._wrap) ? qlc._wrap(arr) : arr;
+ }
+ // var ret = new d._NodeListCtor();
+ var ret = new qlc();
+ if(!arr || !arr.length){ return ret; }
+ if(arr[0]){
+ ret.push(arr[0]);
+ }
+ if(arr.length < 2){ return ret; }
+ _zipIdx++;
+ // we have to fork here for IE and XML docs because we can't set
+ // expandos on their nodes (apparently). *sigh*
+ if(d.isIE && caseSensitive){
+ var szidx = _zipIdx+"";
+ arr[0].setAttribute(_zipIdxName, szidx);
+ for(var x = 1, te; te = arr[x]; x++){
+ if(arr[x].getAttribute(_zipIdxName) != szidx){
+ ret.push(te);
+ }
+ te.setAttribute(_zipIdxName, szidx);
+ }
+ }else if(d.isIE && arr.commentStrip){
+ try{
+ for(var x = 1, te; te = arr[x]; x++){
+ if(_isElement(te)){
+ ret.push(te);
+ }
+ }
+ }catch(e){ /* squelch */ }
+ }else{
+ if(arr[0]){ arr[0][_zipIdxName] = _zipIdx; }
+ for(var x = 1, te; te = arr[x]; x++){
+ if(arr[x][_zipIdxName] != _zipIdx){
+ ret.push(te);
+ }
+ te[_zipIdxName] = _zipIdx;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ // the main executor
+ d.query = function(/*String*/ query, /*String|DOMNode?*/ root){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns nodes which match the given CSS3 selector, searching the
+ // entire document by default but optionally taking a node to scope
+ // the search by. Returns an instance of dojo.NodeList.
+ // description:
+ // dojo.query() is the swiss army knife of DOM node manipulation in
+ // Dojo. Much like Prototype's "$$" (bling-bling) function or JQuery's
+ // "$" function, dojo.query provides robust, high-performance
+ // CSS-based node selector support with the option of scoping searches
+ // to a particular sub-tree of a document.
+ //
+ // Supported Selectors:
+ // --------------------
+ //
+ // dojo.query() supports a rich set of CSS3 selectors, including:
+ //
+ // * class selectors (e.g., `.foo`)
+ // * node type selectors like `span`
+ // * ` ` descendant selectors
+ // * `>` child element selectors
+ // * `#foo` style ID selectors
+ // * `*` universal selector
+ // * `~`, the immediately preceeded-by sibling selector
+ // * `+`, the preceeded-by sibling selector
+ // * attribute queries:
+ // | * `[foo]` attribute presence selector
+ // | * `[foo='bar']` attribute value exact match
+ // | * `[foo~='bar']` attribute value list item match
+ // | * `[foo^='bar']` attribute start match
+ // | * `[foo$='bar']` attribute end match
+ // | * `[foo*='bar']` attribute substring match
+ // * `:first-child`, `:last-child`, and `:only-child` positional selectors
+ // * `:empty` content emtpy selector
+ // * `:checked` pseudo selector
+ // * `:nth-child(n)`, `:nth-child(2n+1)` style positional calculations
+ // * `:nth-child(even)`, `:nth-child(odd)` positional selectors
+ // * `:not(...)` negation pseudo selectors
+ //
+ // Any legal combination of these selectors will work with
+ // `dojo.query()`, including compound selectors ("," delimited).
+ // Very complex and useful searches can be constructed with this
+ // palette of selectors and when combined with functions for
+ // manipulation presented by dojo.NodeList, many types of DOM
+ // manipulation operations become very straightforward.
+ //
+ // Unsupported Selectors:
+ // ----------------------
+ //
+ // While dojo.query handles many CSS3 selectors, some fall outside of
+ // what's resaonable for a programmatic node querying engine to
+ // handle. Currently unsupported selectors include:
+ //
+ // * namespace-differentiated selectors of any form
+ // * all `::` pseduo-element selectors
+ // * certain pseduo-selectors which don't get a lot of day-to-day use:
+ // | * `:root`, `:lang()`, `:target`, `:focus`
+ // * all visual and state selectors:
+ // | * `:root`, `:active`, `:hover`, `:visisted`, `:link`,
+ // `:enabled`, `:disabled`
+ // * `:*-of-type` pseudo selectors
+ //
+ // dojo.query and XML Documents:
+ // -----------------------------
+ //
+ // `dojo.query` (as of dojo 1.2) supports searching XML documents
+ // in a case-sensitive manner. If an HTML document is served with
+ // a doctype that forces case-sensitivity (e.g., XHTML 1.1
+ // Strict), dojo.query() will detect this and "do the right
+ // thing". Case sensitivity is dependent upon the document being
+ // searched and not the query used. It is therefore possible to
+ // use case-sensitive queries on strict sub-documents (iframes,
+ // etc.) or XML documents while still assuming case-insensitivity
+ // for a host/root document.
+ //
+ // Non-selector Queries:
+ // ---------------------
+ //
+ // If something other than a String is passed for the query,
+ // `dojo.query` will return a new `dojo.NodeList` instance
+ // constructed from that parameter alone and all further
+ // processing will stop. This means that if you have a reference
+ // to a node or NodeList, you can quickly construct a new NodeList
+ // from the original by calling `dojo.query(node)` or
+ // `dojo.query(list)`.
+ //
+ // query:
+ // The CSS3 expression to match against. For details on the syntax of
+ // CSS3 selectors, see <>
+ // root:
+ // A DOMNode (or node id) to scope the search from. Optional.
+ // returns: dojo.NodeList
+ // An instance of `dojo.NodeList`. Many methods are available on
+ // NodeLists for searching, iterating, manipulating, and handling
+ // events on the matched nodes in the returned list.
+ // example:
+ // search the entire document for elements with the class "foo":
+ // | dojo.query(".foo");
+ // these elements will match:
+ // | <span class="foo"></span>
+ // | <span class="foo bar"></span>
+ // | <p class="thud foo"></p>
+ // example:
+ // search the entire document for elements with the classes "foo" *and* "bar":
+ // | dojo.query("");
+ // these elements will match:
+ // | <span class="foo bar"></span>
+ // while these will not:
+ // | <span class="foo"></span>
+ // | <p class="thud foo"></p>
+ // example:
+ // find `<span>` elements which are descendants of paragraphs and
+ // which have a "highlighted" class:
+ // | dojo.query("p span.highlighted");
+ // the innermost span in this fragment matches:
+ // | <p class="foo">
+ // | <span>...
+ // | <span class="highlighted foo bar">...</span>
+ // | </span>
+ // | </p>
+ // example:
+ // set an "odd" class on all odd table rows inside of the table
+ // `#tabular_data`, using the `>` (direct child) selector to avoid
+ // affecting any nested tables:
+ // | dojo.query("#tabular_data > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd)").addClass("odd");
+ // example:
+ // remove all elements with the class "error" from the document
+ // and store them in a list:
+ // | var errors = dojo.query(".error").orphan();
+ // example:
+ // add an onclick handler to every submit button in the document
+ // which causes the form to be sent via Ajax instead:
+ // | dojo.query("input[type='submit']").onclick(function(e){
+ // | dojo.stopEvent(e); // prevent sending the form
+ // | var btn =;
+ // | dojo.xhrPost({
+ // | form: btn.form,
+ // | load: function(data){
+ // | // replace the form with the response
+ // | var div = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
+ // |, btn.form, "after");
+ // | div.innerHTML = data;
+ // |, "display", "none");
+ // | }
+ // | });
+ // | });
+ //Set list constructor to desired value. This can change
+ //between calls, so always re-assign here.
+ qlc = d._NodeListCtor;
+ if(!query){
+ return new qlc();
+ }
+ if(query.constructor == qlc){
+ return query;
+ }
+ if(typeof query != "string"){ // inline'd type check
+ return new qlc(query); // dojo.NodeList
+ }
+ if(typeof root == "string"){ // inline'd type check
+ root = d.byId(root);
+ if(!root){ return new qlc(); }
+ }
+ root = root||getDoc();
+ var od = root.ownerDocument||root.documentElement;
+ // throw the big case sensitivity switch
+ // NOTE:
+ // Opera in XHTML mode doesn't detect case-sensitivity correctly
+ // and it's not clear that there's any way to test for it
+ caseSensitive = (root.contentType && root.contentType=="application/xml") ||
+ (d.isOpera && (root.doctype || od.toString() == "[object XMLDocument]")) ||
+ (!!od) &&
+ (d.isIE ? od.xml : (root.xmlVersion||od.xmlVersion));
+ // NOTE:
+ // adding "true" as the 2nd argument to getQueryFunc is useful for
+ // testing the DOM branch without worrying about the
+ // behavior/performance of the QSA branch.
+ var r = getQueryFunc(query)(root);
+ // FIXME:
+ // need to investigate this branch WRT #8074 and #8075
+ if(r && r.nozip && !qlc._wrap){
+ return r;
+ }
+ return _zip(r); // dojo.NodeList
+ }
+ // FIXME: need to add infrastructure for post-filtering pseudos, ala :last
+ d.query.pseudos = pseudos;
+ // one-off function for filtering a NodeList based on a simple selector
+ d._filterQueryResult = function(nodeList, simpleFilter){
+ var tmpNodeList = new d._NodeListCtor();
+ var filterFunc = getSimpleFilterFunc(getQueryParts(simpleFilter)[0]);
+ for(var x = 0, te; te = nodeList[x]; x++){
+ if(filterFunc(te)){ tmpNodeList.push(te); }
+ }
+ return tmpNodeList;
+ }
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/window.js b/lib/dojo/_base/window.js
index 44239d92c..5c6e2e952 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/window.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/window.js
@@ -5,45 +5,104 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.window"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.window"] = true;
-return dojo.doc.body||dojo.doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+dojo.doc = {
+ // summary:
+ // Alias for the current document. 'dojo.doc' can be modified
+ // for temporary context shifting. Also see dojo.withDoc().
+ // description:
+ // Refer to dojo.doc rather
+ // than referring to 'window.document' to ensure your code runs
+ // correctly in managed contexts.
+ // example:
+ // | n.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement('div'));
+dojo.doc = window["document"] || null;
+dojo.body = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Return the body element of the document
+ // return the body object associated with dojo.doc
+ // example:
+ // | dojo.body().appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement('div'));
+ // Note: document.body is not defined for a strict xhtml document
+ // Would like to memoize this, but dojo.doc can change vi dojo.withDoc().
+ return dojo.doc.body || dojo.doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; // Node
+dojo.setContext = function(/*Object*/globalObject, /*DocumentElement*/globalDocument){
+ // summary:
+ // changes the behavior of many core Dojo functions that deal with
+ // namespace and DOM lookup, changing them to work in a new global
+ // context (e.g., an iframe). The varibles and dojo.doc
+ // are modified as a result of calling this function and the result of
+ // `dojo.body()` likewise differs.
+ = globalObject;
+ dojo.doc = globalDocument;
-var _c=dojo.doc,_d=dojo._bodyLtr,_e=dojo.isQuirks;
-delete dojo._bodyLtr;
-if(_a&&typeof _9=="string"){
-return _9.apply(_a,_b||[]);
-delete dojo._bodyLtr;
+dojo.withGlobal = function( /*Object*/globalObject,
+ /*Function*/callback,
+ /*Object?*/thisObject,
+ /*Array?*/cbArguments){
+ // summary:
+ // Invoke callback with globalObject as and
+ // globalObject.document as dojo.doc.
+ // description:
+ // Invoke callback with globalObject as and
+ // globalObject.document as dojo.doc. If provided, globalObject
+ // will be executed in the context of object thisObject
+ // When callback() returns or throws an error, the
+ // and dojo.doc will be restored to its previous state.
+ var oldGlob =;
+ try{
+ = globalObject;
+ return, globalObject.document, callback, thisObject, cbArguments);
+ }finally{
+ = oldGlob;
+ }
+dojo.withDoc = function( /*DocumentElement*/documentObject,
+ /*Function*/callback,
+ /*Object?*/thisObject,
+ /*Array?*/cbArguments){
+ // summary:
+ // Invoke callback with documentObject as dojo.doc.
+ // description:
+ // Invoke callback with documentObject as dojo.doc. If provided,
+ // callback will be executed in the context of object thisObject
+ // When callback() returns or throws an error, the dojo.doc will
+ // be restored to its previous state.
+ var oldDoc = dojo.doc,
+ oldLtr = dojo._bodyLtr,
+ oldQ = dojo.isQuirks;
+ try{
+ dojo.doc = documentObject;
+ delete dojo._bodyLtr; // uncache
+ dojo.isQuirks = dojo.doc.compatMode == "BackCompat"; // no need to check for QuirksMode which was Opera 7 only
+ if(thisObject && typeof callback == "string"){
+ callback = thisObject[callback];
+ }
+ return callback.apply(thisObject, cbArguments || []);
+ }finally{
+ dojo.doc = oldDoc;
+ delete dojo._bodyLtr; // in case it was undefined originally, and set to true/false by the alternate document
+ if(oldLtr !== undefined){ dojo._bodyLtr = oldLtr; }
+ dojo.isQuirks = oldQ;
+ }
diff --git a/lib/dojo/_base/xhr.js b/lib/dojo/_base/xhr.js
index 5823371cf..818f8e418 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/_base/xhr.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/_base/xhr.js
@@ -5,433 +5,937 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.xhr"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dojo._base.xhr"] = true;
-var _1=dojo,_2=_1.config;
-function _3(_4,_5,_6){
-var _7=_4[_5];
-if(typeof _7=="string"){
-var _9=null;
-var _a=_1.byId(_8);
-var _c=(_a.type||"").toLowerCase();
-return _9;
-var _f={};
-var _10="file|submit|image|reset|button|";
-var _13=(_11.type||"").toLowerCase();
-return _f;
-var enc=encodeURIComponent;
-var _14=[];
-var _15={};
-for(var _16 in map){
-var _17=map[_16];
-var _18=enc(_16)+"=";
-for(var i=0;i<_17.length;i++){
-return _14.join("&");
-return _1.objectToQuery(_1.formToObject(_19));
-return _1.toJson(_1.formToObject(_1a),_1b);
-var ret={};
-var qp=str.split("&");
-var dec=decodeURIComponent;
-var _1d=_1c.split("=");
-var _1e=dec(_1d.shift());
-var val=dec(_1d.join("="));
-if(typeof ret[_1e]=="string"){
-return ret;
-var _1f=_1._contentHandlers=dojo.contentHandlers={text:function(xhr){
-return xhr.responseText;
-return _1.fromJson(xhr.responseText||null);
-console.warn("Consider using the standard mimetype:application/json."+" json-commenting can introduce security issues. To"+" decrease the chances of hijacking, use the standard the 'json' handler and"+" prefix your json with: {}&&\n"+"Use djConfig.useCommentedJson=true to turn off this message.");
-var _20=xhr.responseText;
-var _21=_20.indexOf("/*");
-var _22=_20.lastIndexOf("*/");
-throw new Error("JSON was not comment filtered");
-return _1.fromJson(_20.substring(_21+2,_22));
-return _1.eval(xhr.responseText);
-var _23=xhr.responseXML;
-var ms=function(n){
-return "MSXML"+n+".DOMDocument";
-var dp=["Microsoft.XMLDOM",ms(6),ms(4),ms(3),ms(2)];
-var dom=new ActiveXObject(p);
-return false;
-return true;
-return _23;
-return _1f["json-comment-filtered"](xhr);
-return _1f["json"](xhr);
-var _28={args:_24,url:_24.url};
-var _29=null;
-var _2a=_1.byId(_24.form);
-var _2b=_2a.getAttributeNode("action");
-var _2c=[{}];
-_2c.push({"dojo.preventCache":new Date().valueOf()});
-var d=new _1.Deferred(_25);
-return _27(_2d,d);
-var ld=_24.load;
-var err=_24.error;
-var _30=_24.handle;
-return res;
-return res;
-return res;
-return d;
-var _32=function(dfd){
-var xhr=dfd.ioArgs.xhr;
-var _33=typeof xhr.abort;
-var err=dfd.ioArgs.error;
-err=new Error("xhr cancelled");
-return err;
-var _34=function(dfd){
-var ret=_1f[dfd.ioArgs.handleAs](dfd.ioArgs.xhr);
-return ret===undefined?null:ret;
-var _35=function(_36,dfd){
-return _36;
-var _37=null;
-var _38=[];
-var _39=0;
-var _3a=function(dfd){
-var _3b=function(){
-var now=(new Date()).getTime();
-for(var i=0,tif;i<_38.length&&(tif=_38[i]);i++){
-var dfd=tif.dfd;
-var _3c=function(){
-var err=new Error("timeout exceeded");
-var _40=dfd.ioArgs.args;
-dfd.startTime=(new Date()).getTime();
-var _41="application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
-var _42=function(dfd){
-return dfd.ioArgs.xhr.readyState;
-var _43=function(dfd){
-return 4==dfd.ioArgs.xhr.readyState;
-var _44=function(dfd){
-var xhr=dfd.ioArgs.xhr;
-var err=new Error("Unable to load "+dfd.ioArgs.url+" status:"+xhr.status);
-var dfd=_1._ioSetArgs(_47,_32,_34,_35);
-var _49=dfd.ioArgs;
-var xhr=_49.xhr=_1._xhrObj(_49.args);
-return dfd;
-if("postData" in _47){
-if("putData" in _47){
-if("rawBody" in _47){
-for(var hdr in _47.headers){
-if(!_47.headers||!("X-Requested-With" in _47.headers)){
-return dfd;
-return _1.xhr("GET",_4a);
-return _1.xhr("POST",_4b,true);
-return _1.xhr("PUT",_4c,true);
-return _1.xhr("DELETE",_4d);
+ var _d = dojo, cfg = _d.config;
+ function setValue(/*Object*/obj, /*String*/name, /*String*/value){
+ //summary:
+ // For the named property in object, set the value. If a value
+ // already exists and it is a string, convert the value to be an
+ // array of values.
+ //Skip it if there is no value
+ if(value === null){
+ return;
+ }
+ var val = obj[name];
+ if(typeof val == "string"){ // inline'd type check
+ obj[name] = [val, value];
+ }else if(_d.isArray(val)){
+ val.push(value);
+ }else{
+ obj[name] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ dojo.fieldToObject = function(/*DOMNode||String*/ inputNode){
+ // summary:
+ // Serialize a form field to a JavaScript object.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Returns the value encoded in a form field as
+ // as a string or an array of strings. Disabled form elements
+ // and unchecked radio and checkboxes are skipped. Multi-select
+ // elements are returned as an array of string values.
+ var ret = null;
+ var item = _d.byId(inputNode);
+ if(item){
+ var _in =;
+ var type = (item.type||"").toLowerCase();
+ if(_in && type && !item.disabled){
+ if(type == "radio" || type == "checkbox"){
+ if(item.checked){ ret = item.value }
+ }else if(item.multiple){
+ ret = [];
+ _d.query("option", item).forEach(function(opt){
+ if(opt.selected){
+ ret.push(opt.value);
+ }
+ });
+ }else{
+ ret = item.value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret; // Object
+ }
+ dojo.formToObject = function(/*DOMNode||String*/ formNode){
+ // summary:
+ // Serialize a form node to a JavaScript object.
+ // description:
+ // Returns the values encoded in an HTML form as
+ // string properties in an object which it then returns. Disabled form
+ // elements, buttons, and other non-value form elements are skipped.
+ // Multi-select elements are returned as an array of string values.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // This form:
+ // | <form id="test_form">
+ // | <input type="text" name="blah" value="blah">
+ // | <input type="text" name="no_value" value="blah" disabled>
+ // | <input type="button" name="no_value2" value="blah">
+ // | <select type="select" multiple name="multi" size="5">
+ // | <option value="blah">blah</option>
+ // | <option value="thud" selected>thud</option>
+ // | <option value="thonk" selected>thonk</option>
+ // | </select>
+ // | </form>
+ //
+ // yields this object structure as the result of a call to
+ // formToObject():
+ //
+ // | {
+ // | blah: "blah",
+ // | multi: [
+ // | "thud",
+ // | "thonk"
+ // | ]
+ // | };
+ var ret = {};
+ var exclude = "file|submit|image|reset|button|";
+ _d.forEach(dojo.byId(formNode).elements, function(item){
+ var _in =;
+ var type = (item.type||"").toLowerCase();
+ if(_in && type && exclude.indexOf(type) == -1 && !item.disabled){
+ setValue(ret, _in, _d.fieldToObject(item));
+ if(type == "image"){
+ ret[_in+".x"] = ret[_in+".y"] = ret[_in].x = ret[_in].y = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return ret; // Object
+ }
+ dojo.objectToQuery = function(/*Object*/ map){
+ // summary:
+ // takes a name/value mapping object and returns a string representing
+ // a URL-encoded version of that object.
+ // example:
+ // this object:
+ //
+ // | {
+ // | blah: "blah",
+ // | multi: [
+ // | "thud",
+ // | "thonk"
+ // | ]
+ // | };
+ //
+ // yields the following query string:
+ //
+ // | "blah=blah&multi=thud&multi=thonk"
+ // FIXME: need to implement encodeAscii!!
+ var enc = encodeURIComponent;
+ var pairs = [];
+ var backstop = {};
+ for(var name in map){
+ var value = map[name];
+ if(value != backstop[name]){
+ var assign = enc(name) + "=";
+ if(_d.isArray(value)){
+ for(var i=0; i < value.length; i++){
+ pairs.push(assign + enc(value[i]));
+ }
+ }else{
+ pairs.push(assign + enc(value));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return pairs.join("&"); // String
+ }
+ dojo.formToQuery = function(/*DOMNode||String*/ formNode){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a URL-encoded string representing the form passed as either a
+ // node or string ID identifying the form to serialize
+ return _d.objectToQuery(_d.formToObject(formNode)); // String
+ }
+ dojo.formToJson = function(/*DOMNode||String*/ formNode, /*Boolean?*/prettyPrint){
+ // summary:
+ // Create a serialized JSON string from a form node or string
+ // ID identifying the form to serialize
+ return _d.toJson(_d.formToObject(formNode), prettyPrint); // String
+ }
+ dojo.queryToObject = function(/*String*/ str){
+ // summary:
+ // Create an object representing a de-serialized query section of a
+ // URL. Query keys with multiple values are returned in an array.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // This string:
+ //
+ // | "foo=bar&foo=baz&thinger=%20spaces%20=blah&zonk=blarg&"
+ //
+ // results in this object structure:
+ //
+ // | {
+ // | foo: [ "bar", "baz" ],
+ // | thinger: " spaces =blah",
+ // | zonk: "blarg"
+ // | }
+ //
+ // Note that spaces and other urlencoded entities are correctly
+ // handled.
+ // FIXME: should we grab the URL string if we're not passed one?
+ var ret = {};
+ var qp = str.split("&");
+ var dec = decodeURIComponent;
+ _d.forEach(qp, function(item){
+ if(item.length){
+ var parts = item.split("=");
+ var name = dec(parts.shift());
+ var val = dec(parts.join("="));
+ if(typeof ret[name] == "string"){ // inline'd type check
+ ret[name] = [ret[name]];
+ }
+ if(_d.isArray(ret[name])){
+ ret[name].push(val);
+ }else{
+ ret[name] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return ret; // Object
+ }
+ // need to block async callbacks from snatching this thread as the result
+ // of an async callback might call another sync XHR, this hangs khtml forever
+ // must checked by watchInFlight()
+ dojo._blockAsync = false;
+ // MOW: remove dojo._contentHandlers alias in 2.0
+ var handlers = _d._contentHandlers = dojo.contentHandlers = {
+ // summary:
+ // A map of availble XHR transport handle types. Name matches the
+ // `handleAs` attribute passed to XHR calls.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // A map of availble XHR transport handle types. Name matches the
+ // `handleAs` attribute passed to XHR calls. Each contentHandler is
+ // called, passing the xhr object for manipulation. The return value
+ // from the contentHandler will be passed to the `load` or `handle`
+ // functions defined in the original xhr call.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // Creating a custom content-handler:
+ // | dojo.contentHandlers.makeCaps = function(xhr){
+ // | return xhr.responseText.toUpperCase();
+ // | }
+ // | // and later:
+ // | dojo.xhrGet({
+ // | url:"foo.txt",
+ // | handleAs:"makeCaps",
+ // | load: function(data){ /* data is a toUpper version of foo.txt */ }
+ // | });
+ text: function(xhr){
+ // summary: A contentHandler which simply returns the plaintext response data
+ return xhr.responseText;
+ },
+ json: function(xhr){
+ // summary: A contentHandler which returns a JavaScript object created from the response data
+ return _d.fromJson(xhr.responseText || null);
+ },
+ "json-comment-filtered": function(xhr){
+ // summary: A contentHandler which expects comment-filtered JSON.
+ // description:
+ // A contentHandler which expects comment-filtered JSON.
+ // the json-comment-filtered option was implemented to prevent
+ // "JavaScript Hijacking", but it is less secure than standard JSON. Use
+ // standard JSON instead. JSON prefixing can be used to subvert hijacking.
+ //
+ // Will throw a notice suggesting to use application/json mimetype, as
+ // json-commenting can introduce security issues. To decrease the chances of hijacking,
+ // use the standard `json` contentHandler, and prefix your "JSON" with: {}&&
+ //
+ // use djConfig.useCommentedJson = true to turn off the notice
+ if(!dojo.config.useCommentedJson){
+ console.warn("Consider using the standard mimetype:application/json."
+ + " json-commenting can introduce security issues. To"
+ + " decrease the chances of hijacking, use the standard the 'json' handler and"
+ + " prefix your json with: {}&&\n"
+ + "Use djConfig.useCommentedJson=true to turn off this message.");
+ }
+ var value = xhr.responseText;
+ var cStartIdx = value.indexOf("\/*");
+ var cEndIdx = value.lastIndexOf("*\/");
+ if(cStartIdx == -1 || cEndIdx == -1){
+ throw new Error("JSON was not comment filtered");
+ }
+ return _d.fromJson(value.substring(cStartIdx+2, cEndIdx));
+ },
+ javascript: function(xhr){
+ // summary: A contentHandler which evaluates the response data, expecting it to be valid JavaScript
+ // FIXME: try Moz and IE specific eval variants?
+ return _d.eval(xhr.responseText);
+ },
+ xml: function(xhr){
+ // summary: A contentHandler returning an XML Document parsed from the response data
+ var result = xhr.responseXML;
+ if(_d.isIE && (!result || !result.documentElement)){
+ //WARNING: this branch used by the xml handling in,
+ //so be sure to test if making changes below.
+ var ms = function(n){ return "MSXML" + n + ".DOMDocument"; }
+ var dp = ["Microsoft.XMLDOM", ms(6), ms(4), ms(3), ms(2)];
+ _d.some(dp, function(p){
+ try{
+ var dom = new ActiveXObject(p);
+ dom.async = false;
+ dom.loadXML(xhr.responseText);
+ result = dom;
+ }catch(e){ return false; }
+ return true;
+ });
+ }
+ return result; // DOMDocument
+ },
+ "json-comment-optional": function(xhr){
+ // summary: A contentHandler which checks the presence of comment-filtered JSON and
+ // alternates between the `json` and `json-comment-filtered` contentHandlers.
+ if(xhr.responseText && /^[^{\[]*\/\*/.test(xhr.responseText)){
+ return handlers["json-comment-filtered"](xhr);
+ }else{
+ return handlers["json"](xhr);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /*=====
+ dojo.__IoArgs = function(){
+ // url: String
+ // URL to server endpoint.
+ // content: Object?
+ // Contains properties with string values. These
+ // properties will be serialized as name1=value2 and
+ // passed in the request.
+ // timeout: Integer?
+ // Milliseconds to wait for the response. If this time
+ // passes, the then error callbacks are called.
+ // form: DOMNode?
+ // DOM node for a form. Used to extract the form values
+ // and send to the server.
+ // preventCache: Boolean?
+ // Default is false. If true, then a
+ // "dojo.preventCache" parameter is sent in the request
+ // with a value that changes with each request
+ // (timestamp). Useful only with GET-type requests.
+ // handleAs: String?
+ // Acceptable values depend on the type of IO
+ // transport (see specific IO calls for more information).
+ // rawBody: String?
+ // Sets the raw body for an HTTP request. If this is used, then the content
+ // property is ignored. This is mostly useful for HTTP methods that have
+ // a body to their requests, like PUT or POST. This property can be used instead
+ // of postData and putData for dojo.rawXhrPost and dojo.rawXhrPut respectively.
+ // ioPublish: Boolean?
+ // Set this explicitly to false to prevent publishing of topics related to
+ // IO operations. Otherwise, if djConfig.ioPublish is set to true, topics
+ // will be published via dojo.publish for different phases of an IO operation.
+ // See dojo.__IoPublish for a list of topics that are published.
+ // load: Function?
+ // This function will be
+ // called on a successful HTTP response code.
+ // error: Function?
+ // This function will
+ // be called when the request fails due to a network or server error, the url
+ // is invalid, etc. It will also be called if the load or handle callback throws an
+ // exception, unless djConfig.debugAtAllCosts is true. This allows deployed applications
+ // to continue to run even when a logic error happens in the callback, while making
+ // it easier to troubleshoot while in debug mode.
+ // handle: Function?
+ // This function will
+ // be called at the end of every request, whether or not an error occurs.
+ this.url = url;
+ this.content = content;
+ this.timeout = timeout;
+ this.form = form;
+ this.preventCache = preventCache;
+ this.handleAs = handleAs;
+ this.ioPublish = ioPublish;
+ this.load = function(response, ioArgs){
+ // ioArgs: dojo.__IoCallbackArgs
+ // Provides additional information about the request.
+ // response: Object
+ // The response in the format as defined with handleAs.
+ }
+ this.error = function(response, ioArgs){
+ // ioArgs: dojo.__IoCallbackArgs
+ // Provides additional information about the request.
+ // response: Object
+ // The response in the format as defined with handleAs.
+ }
+ this.handle = function(loadOrError, response, ioArgs){
+ // loadOrError: String
+ // Provides a string that tells you whether this function
+ // was called because of success (load) or failure (error).
+ // response: Object
+ // The response in the format as defined with handleAs.
+ // ioArgs: dojo.__IoCallbackArgs
+ // Provides additional information about the request.
+ }
+ }
+ =====*/
+ /*=====
+ dojo.__IoCallbackArgs = function(args, xhr, url, query, handleAs, id, canDelete, json){
+ // args: Object
+ // the original object argument to the IO call.
+ // xhr: XMLHttpRequest
+ // For XMLHttpRequest calls only, the
+ // XMLHttpRequest object that was used for the
+ // request.
+ // url: String
+ // The final URL used for the call. Many times it
+ // will be different than the original args.url
+ // value.
+ // query: String
+ // For non-GET requests, the
+ // name1=value1&name2=value2 parameters sent up in
+ // the request.
+ // handleAs: String
+ // The final indicator on how the response will be
+ // handled.
+ // id: String
+ // For calls only, the internal
+ // script ID used for the request.
+ // canDelete: Boolean
+ // For calls only, indicates
+ // whether the script tag that represents the
+ // request can be deleted after callbacks have
+ // been called. Used internally to know when
+ // cleanup can happen on JSONP-type requests.
+ // json: Object
+ // For calls only: holds the JSON
+ // response for JSONP-type requests. Used
+ // internally to hold on to the JSON responses.
+ // You should not need to access it directly --
+ // the same object should be passed to the success
+ // callbacks directly.
+ this.args = args;
+ this.xhr = xhr;
+ this.url = url;
+ this.query = query;
+ this.handleAs = handleAs;
+ = id;
+ this.canDelete = canDelete;
+ this.json = json;
+ }
+ =====*/
+ /*=====
+ dojo.__IoPublish = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // This is a list of IO topics that can be published
+ // if djConfig.ioPublish is set to true. IO topics can be
+ // published for any Input/Output, network operation. So,
+ // dojo.xhr, and can all
+ // trigger these topics to be published.
+ // start: String
+ // "/dojo/io/start" is sent when there are no outstanding IO
+ // requests, and a new IO request is started. No arguments
+ // are passed with this topic.
+ // send: String
+ // "/dojo/io/send" is sent whenever a new IO request is started.
+ // It passes the dojo.Deferred for the request with the topic.
+ // load: String
+ // "/dojo/io/load" is sent whenever an IO request has loaded
+ // successfully. It passes the response and the dojo.Deferred
+ // for the request with the topic.
+ // error: String
+ // "/dojo/io/error" is sent whenever an IO request has errored.
+ // It passes the error and the dojo.Deferred
+ // for the request with the topic.
+ // done: String
+ // "/dojo/io/done" is sent whenever an IO request has completed,
+ // either by loading or by erroring. It passes the error and
+ // the dojo.Deferred for the request with the topic.
+ // stop: String
+ // "/dojo/io/stop" is sent when all outstanding IO requests have
+ // finished. No arguments are passed with this topic.
+ this.start = "/dojo/io/start";
+ this.send = "/dojo/io/send";
+ this.load = "/dojo/io/load";
+ this.error = "/dojo/io/error";
+ this.done = "/dojo/io/done";
+ this.stop = "/dojo/io/stop";
+ }
+ =====*/
+ dojo._ioSetArgs = function(/*dojo.__IoArgs*/args,
+ /*Function*/canceller,
+ /*Function*/okHandler,
+ /*Function*/errHandler){
+ // summary:
+ // sets up the Deferred and ioArgs property on the Deferred so it
+ // can be used in an io call.
+ // args:
+ // The args object passed into the public io call. Recognized properties on
+ // the args object are:
+ // canceller:
+ // The canceller function used for the Deferred object. The function
+ // will receive one argument, the Deferred object that is related to the
+ // canceller.
+ // okHandler:
+ // The first OK callback to be registered with Deferred. It has the opportunity
+ // to transform the OK response. It will receive one argument -- the Deferred
+ // object returned from this function.
+ // errHandler:
+ // The first error callback to be registered with Deferred. It has the opportunity
+ // to do cleanup on an error. It will receive two arguments: error (the
+ // Error object) and dfd, the Deferred object returned from this function.
+ var ioArgs = {args: args, url: args.url};
+ //Get values from form if requestd.
+ var formObject = null;
+ if(args.form){
+ var form = _d.byId(args.form);
+ //IE requires going through getAttributeNode instead of just getAttribute in some form cases,
+ //so use it for all. See #2844
+ var actnNode = form.getAttributeNode("action");
+ ioArgs.url = ioArgs.url || (actnNode ? actnNode.value : null);
+ formObject = _d.formToObject(form);
+ }
+ // set up the query params
+ var miArgs = [{}];
+ if(formObject){
+ // potentially over-ride url-provided params w/ form values
+ miArgs.push(formObject);
+ }
+ if(args.content){
+ // stuff in content over-rides what's set by form
+ miArgs.push(args.content);
+ }
+ if(args.preventCache){
+ miArgs.push({"dojo.preventCache": new Date().valueOf()});
+ }
+ ioArgs.query = _d.objectToQuery(_d.mixin.apply(null, miArgs));
+ // .. and the real work of getting the deferred in order, etc.
+ ioArgs.handleAs = args.handleAs || "text";
+ var d = new _d.Deferred(canceller);
+ d.addCallbacks(okHandler, function(error){
+ return errHandler(error, d);
+ });
+ //Support specifying load, error and handle callback functions from the args.
+ //For those callbacks, the "this" object will be the args object.
+ //The callbacks will get the deferred result value as the
+ //first argument and the ioArgs object as the second argument.
+ var ld = args.load;
+ if(ld && _d.isFunction(ld)){
+ d.addCallback(function(value){
+ return, value, ioArgs);
+ });
+ }
+ var err = args.error;
+ if(err && _d.isFunction(err)){
+ d.addErrback(function(value){
+ return, value, ioArgs);
+ });
+ }
+ var handle = args.handle;
+ if(handle && _d.isFunction(handle)){
+ d.addBoth(function(value){
+ return, value, ioArgs);
+ });
+ }
+ //Plug in topic publishing, if dojo.publish is loaded.
+ if(cfg.ioPublish && _d.publish && ioArgs.args.ioPublish !== false){
+ d.addCallbacks(
+ function(res){
+ _d.publish("/dojo/io/load", [d, res]);
+ return res;
+ },
+ function(res){
+ _d.publish("/dojo/io/error", [d, res]);
+ return res;
+ }
+ );
+ d.addBoth(function(res){
+ _d.publish("/dojo/io/done", [d, res]);
+ return res;
+ });
+ }
+ d.ioArgs = ioArgs;
+ // FIXME: need to wire up the xhr object's abort method to something
+ // analagous in the Deferred
+ return d;
+ }
+ var _deferredCancel = function(/*Deferred*/dfd){
+ // summary: canceller function for dojo._ioSetArgs call.
+ dfd.canceled = true;
+ var xhr = dfd.ioArgs.xhr;
+ var _at = typeof xhr.abort;
+ if(_at == "function" || _at == "object" || _at == "unknown"){
+ xhr.abort();
+ }
+ var err = dfd.ioArgs.error;
+ if(!err){
+ err = new Error("xhr cancelled");
+ err.dojoType="cancel";
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+ var _deferredOk = function(/*Deferred*/dfd){
+ // summary: okHandler function for dojo._ioSetArgs call.
+ var ret = handlers[dfd.ioArgs.handleAs](dfd.ioArgs.xhr);
+ return ret === undefined ? null : ret;
+ }
+ var _deferError = function(/*Error*/error, /*Deferred*/dfd){
+ // summary: errHandler function for dojo._ioSetArgs call.
+ if(!dfd.ioArgs.args.failOk){
+ console.error(error);
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ // avoid setting a timer per request. It degrades performance on IE
+ // something fierece if we don't use unified loops.
+ var _inFlightIntvl = null;
+ var _inFlight = [];
+ //Use a separate count for knowing if we are starting/stopping io calls.
+ //Cannot use _inFlight.length since it can change at a different time than
+ //when we want to do this kind of test. We only want to decrement the count
+ //after a callback/errback has finished, since the callback/errback should be
+ //considered as part of finishing a request.
+ var _pubCount = 0;
+ var _checkPubCount = function(dfd){
+ if(_pubCount <= 0){
+ _pubCount = 0;
+ if(cfg.ioPublish && _d.publish && (!dfd || dfd && dfd.ioArgs.args.ioPublish !== false)){
+ _d.publish("/dojo/io/stop");
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var _watchInFlight = function(){
+ //summary:
+ // internal method that checks each inflight XMLHttpRequest to see
+ // if it has completed or if the timeout situation applies.
+ var now = (new Date()).getTime();
+ // make sure sync calls stay thread safe, if this callback is called
+ // during a sync call and this results in another sync call before the
+ // first sync call ends the browser hangs
+ if(!_d._blockAsync){
+ // we need manual loop because we often modify _inFlight (and therefore 'i') while iterating
+ // note: the second clause is an assigment on purpose, lint may complain
+ for(var i = 0, tif; i < _inFlight.length && (tif = _inFlight[i]); i++){
+ var dfd = tif.dfd;
+ var func = function(){
+ if(!dfd || dfd.canceled || !tif.validCheck(dfd)){
+ _inFlight.splice(i--, 1);
+ _pubCount -= 1;
+ }else if(tif.ioCheck(dfd)){
+ _inFlight.splice(i--, 1);
+ tif.resHandle(dfd);
+ _pubCount -= 1;
+ }else if(dfd.startTime){
+ //did we timeout?
+ if(dfd.startTime + (dfd.ioArgs.args.timeout || 0) < now){
+ _inFlight.splice(i--, 1);
+ var err = new Error("timeout exceeded");
+ err.dojoType = "timeout";
+ dfd.errback(err);
+ //Cancel the request so the io module can do appropriate cleanup.
+ dfd.cancel();
+ _pubCount -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if(dojo.config.debugAtAllCosts){
+ }else{
+ try{
+ }catch(e){
+ dfd.errback(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _checkPubCount(dfd);
+ if(!_inFlight.length){
+ clearInterval(_inFlightIntvl);
+ _inFlightIntvl = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ dojo._ioCancelAll = function(){
+ //summary: Cancels all pending IO requests, regardless of IO type
+ //(xhr, script, iframe).
+ try{
+ _d.forEach(_inFlight, function(i){
+ try{
+ i.dfd.cancel();
+ }catch(e){/*squelch*/}
+ });
+ }catch(e){/*squelch*/}
+ }
+ //Automatically call cancel all io calls on unload
+ //in IE for trac issue #2357.
+ if(_d.isIE){
+ _d.addOnWindowUnload(_d._ioCancelAll);
+ }
+ _d._ioNotifyStart = function(/*Deferred*/dfd){
+ // summary:
+ // If dojo.publish is available, publish topics
+ // about the start of a request queue and/or the
+ // the beginning of request.
+ // description:
+ // Used by IO transports. An IO transport should
+ // call this method before making the network connection.
+ if(cfg.ioPublish && _d.publish && dfd.ioArgs.args.ioPublish !== false){
+ if(!_pubCount){
+ _d.publish("/dojo/io/start");
+ }
+ _pubCount += 1;
+ _d.publish("/dojo/io/send", [dfd]);
+ }
+ }
+ _d._ioWatch = function(dfd, validCheck, ioCheck, resHandle){
+ // summary:
+ // Watches the io request represented by dfd to see if it completes.
+ // dfd: Deferred
+ // The Deferred object to watch.
+ // validCheck: Function
+ // Function used to check if the IO request is still valid. Gets the dfd
+ // object as its only argument.
+ // ioCheck: Function
+ // Function used to check if basic IO call worked. Gets the dfd
+ // object as its only argument.
+ // resHandle: Function
+ // Function used to process response. Gets the dfd
+ // object as its only argument.
+ var args = dfd.ioArgs.args;
+ if(args.timeout){
+ dfd.startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
+ }
+ _inFlight.push({dfd: dfd, validCheck: validCheck, ioCheck: ioCheck, resHandle: resHandle});
+ if(!_inFlightIntvl){
+ _inFlightIntvl = setInterval(_watchInFlight, 50);
+ }
+ // handle sync requests
+ //A weakness: async calls in flight
+ //could have their handlers called as part of the
+ //_watchInFlight call, before the sync's callbacks
+ // are called.
+ if(args.sync){
+ _watchInFlight();
+ }
+ }
+ var _defaultContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
+ var _validCheck = function(/*Deferred*/dfd){
+ return dfd.ioArgs.xhr.readyState; //boolean
+ }
+ var _ioCheck = function(/*Deferred*/dfd){
+ return 4 == dfd.ioArgs.xhr.readyState; //boolean
+ }
+ var _resHandle = function(/*Deferred*/dfd){
+ var xhr = dfd.ioArgs.xhr;
+ if(_d._isDocumentOk(xhr)){
+ dfd.callback(dfd);
+ }else{
+ var err = new Error("Unable to load " + dfd.ioArgs.url + " status:" + xhr.status);
+ err.status = xhr.status;
+ err.responseText = xhr.responseText;
+ dfd.errback(err);
+ }
+ }
+ dojo._ioAddQueryToUrl = function(/*dojo.__IoCallbackArgs*/ioArgs){
+ //summary: Adds query params discovered by the io deferred construction to the URL.
+ //Only use this for operations which are fundamentally GET-type operations.
+ if(ioArgs.query.length){
+ ioArgs.url += (ioArgs.url.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + ioArgs.query;
+ ioArgs.query = null;
+ }
+ }
+ /*=====
+ dojo.declare("dojo.__XhrArgs", dojo.__IoArgs, {
+ constructor: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // In addition to the properties listed for the dojo._IoArgs type,
+ // the following properties are allowed for dojo.xhr* methods.
+ // handleAs: String?
+ // Acceptable values are: text (default), json, json-comment-optional,
+ // json-comment-filtered, javascript, xml. See `dojo.contentHandlers`
+ // sync: Boolean?
+ // false is default. Indicates whether the request should
+ // be a synchronous (blocking) request.
+ // headers: Object?
+ // Additional HTTP headers to send in the request.
+ // failOk: Boolean?
+ // false is default. Indicates whether a request should be
+ // allowed to fail (and therefore no console error message in
+ // the event of a failure)
+ this.handleAs = handleAs;
+ this.sync = sync;
+ this.headers = headers;
+ this.failOk = failOk;
+ }
+ });
+ =====*/
+ dojo.xhr = function(/*String*/ method, /*dojo.__XhrArgs*/ args, /*Boolean?*/ hasBody){
+ // summary:
+ // Sends an HTTP request with the given method.
+ // description:
+ // Sends an HTTP request with the given method.
+ // See also dojo.xhrGet(), xhrPost(), xhrPut() and dojo.xhrDelete() for shortcuts
+ // for those HTTP methods. There are also methods for "raw" PUT and POST methods
+ // via dojo.rawXhrPut() and dojo.rawXhrPost() respectively.
+ // method:
+ // HTTP method to be used, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. Should be uppercase.
+ // hasBody:
+ // If the request has an HTTP body, then pass true for hasBody.
+ //Make the Deferred object for this xhr request.
+ var dfd = _d._ioSetArgs(args, _deferredCancel, _deferredOk, _deferError);
+ var ioArgs = dfd.ioArgs;
+ //Pass the args to _xhrObj, to allow alternate XHR calls based specific calls, like
+ //the one used for iframe proxies.
+ var xhr = ioArgs.xhr = _d._xhrObj(ioArgs.args);
+ //If XHR factory fails, cancel the deferred.
+ if(!xhr){
+ dfd.cancel();
+ return dfd;
+ }
+ //Allow for specifying the HTTP body completely.
+ if("postData" in args){
+ ioArgs.query = args.postData;
+ }else if("putData" in args){
+ ioArgs.query = args.putData;
+ }else if("rawBody" in args){
+ ioArgs.query = args.rawBody;
+ }else if((arguments.length > 2 && !hasBody) || "POST|PUT".indexOf(method.toUpperCase()) == -1){
+ //Check for hasBody being passed. If no hasBody,
+ //then only append query string if not a POST or PUT request.
+ _d._ioAddQueryToUrl(ioArgs);
+ }
+ // IE 6 is a steaming pile. It won't let you call apply() on the native function (
+ // workaround for IE6's apply() "issues"
+, ioArgs.url, args.sync !== true, args.user || undefined, args.password || undefined);
+ if(args.headers){
+ for(var hdr in args.headers){
+ if(hdr.toLowerCase() === "content-type" && !args.contentType){
+ args.contentType = args.headers[hdr];
+ }else if(args.headers[hdr]){
+ //Only add header if it has a value. This allows for instnace, skipping
+ //insertion of X-Requested-With by specifying empty value.
+ xhr.setRequestHeader(hdr, args.headers[hdr]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME: is this appropriate for all content types?
+ xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", args.contentType || _defaultContentType);
+ if(!args.headers || !("X-Requested-With" in args.headers)){
+ xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
+ }
+ // FIXME: set other headers here!
+ _d._ioNotifyStart(dfd);
+ if(dojo.config.debugAtAllCosts){
+ xhr.send(ioArgs.query);
+ }else{
+ try{
+ xhr.send(ioArgs.query);
+ }catch(e){
+ ioArgs.error = e;
+ dfd.cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ _d._ioWatch(dfd, _validCheck, _ioCheck, _resHandle);
+ xhr = null;
+ return dfd; // dojo.Deferred
+ }
+ dojo.xhrGet = function(/*dojo.__XhrArgs*/ args){
+ // summary:
+ // Sends an HTTP GET request to the server.
+ return _d.xhr("GET", args); // dojo.Deferred
+ }
+ dojo.rawXhrPost = dojo.xhrPost = function(/*dojo.__XhrArgs*/ args){
+ // summary:
+ // Sends an HTTP POST request to the server. In addtion to the properties
+ // listed for the dojo.__XhrArgs type, the following property is allowed:
+ // postData:
+ // String. Send raw data in the body of the POST request.
+ return _d.xhr("POST", args, true); // dojo.Deferred
+ }
+ dojo.rawXhrPut = dojo.xhrPut = function(/*dojo.__XhrArgs*/ args){
+ // summary:
+ // Sends an HTTP PUT request to the server. In addtion to the properties
+ // listed for the dojo.__XhrArgs type, the following property is allowed:
+ // putData:
+ // String. Send raw data in the body of the PUT request.
+ return _d.xhr("PUT", args, true); // dojo.Deferred
+ }
+ dojo.xhrDelete = function(/*dojo.__XhrArgs*/ args){
+ // summary:
+ // Sends an HTTP DELETE request to the server.
+ return _d.xhr("DELETE", args); //dojo.Deferred
+ }
+ /*
+ dojo.wrapForm = function(formNode){
+ //summary:
+ // A replacement for FormBind, but not implemented yet.
+ // FIXME: need to think harder about what extensions to this we might
+ // want. What should we allow folks to do w/ this? What events to
+ // set/send?
+ throw new Error("dojo.wrapForm not yet implemented");
+ }
+ */