path: root/lib/dojo/store/DataStore.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dojo/store/DataStore.js')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dojo/store/DataStore.js b/lib/dojo/store/DataStore.js
index 99c81fd5d..e65eb0e60 100644
--- a/lib/dojo/store/DataStore.js
+++ b/lib/dojo/store/DataStore.js
@@ -4,139 +4,5 @@
see: for details
-if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource[""] = true;
-dojo.declare("", null, {
- target: "",
- constructor: function(options){
- // summary:
- // This is an adapter for using Dojo Data stores with an object store consumer.
- // You can provide a Dojo data store and use this adapter to interact with it through
- // the Dojo object store API
- // options: Object?
- // This provides any configuration information that will be mixed into the store,
- // including a reference to the Dojo data store under the property "store".
- dojo.mixin(this, options);
- },
- _objectConverter: function(callback){
- var store =;
- return function(item){
- var object = {};
- var attributes = store.getAttributes(item);
- for(var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++){
- object[attributes[i]] = store.getValue(item, attributes[i]);
- }
- return callback(object);
- };
- },
- get: function(id, options){
- // summary:
- // Retrieves an object by it's identity. This will trigger a fetchItemByIdentity
- // id: Object?
- // The identity to use to lookup the object
- var returnedObject, returnedError;
- var deferred = new dojo.Deferred();
- identity: id,
- onItem: this._objectConverter(function(object){
- deferred.resolve(returnedObject = object);
- }),
- onError: function(error){
- deferred.reject(returnedError = error);
- }
- });
- if(returnedObject){
- // if it was returned synchronously
- return returnedObject;
- }
- if(returnedError){
- throw returnedError;
- }
- return deferred.promise;
- },
- put: function(object, options){
- // summary:
- // Stores an object by its identity.
- // object: Object
- // The object to store.
- // options: Object?
- // Additional metadata for storing the data. Includes a reference to an id
- // that the object may be stored with (i.e. { id: "foo" }).
- var id = options && typeof != "undefined" || this.getIdentity(object);
- var store =;
- if(typeof id == "undefined"){
- store.newItem(object);
- }else{
- store.fetchItemByIdentity({
- identity: id,
- onItem: function(item){
- if(item){
- for(var i in object){
- if(store.getValue(item, i) != object[i]){
- store.setValue(item, i, object[i]);
- }
- }
- }else{
- store.newItem(object);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- },
- remove: function(id){
- // summary:
- // Deletes an object by its identity.
- // id: Object
- // The identity to use to delete the object
- var store =;
- identity: id,
- onItem: function(item){
- store.deleteItem(item);
- }
- });
- },
- query: function(query, options){
- // summary:
- // Queries the store for objects.
- // query: Object
- // The query to use for retrieving objects from the store
- // options: Object?
- // Optional options object as used by the underlying Store.
- // returns:
- // A query results object that can be used to iterate over results.
- var returnedObject, returnedError;
- var deferred = new dojo.Deferred();
- = new dojo.Deferred();
- var converter = this._objectConverter(function(object){return object;});
- query: query,
- onBegin: function(count){
- },
- onComplete: function(results){
- deferred.resolve(, converter));
- },
- onError: function(error){
- deferred.reject(error);
- }
- }, options));
- return;
- },
- getIdentity: function(object){
- // summary:
- // Fetch the identity for the given object.
- // object: Object
- // The data object to get the identity from.
- // returns: Number
- // The id of the given object.
- return object[this.idProperty ||[0]];
- }
+define("dojo/store/DataStore",["../_base/lang","../_base/declare","../_base/Deferred","../_base/array","./util/QueryResults"],function(_1,_2,_3,_4,_5){return _2("",null,{target:"",constructor:function(_6){_1.mixin(this,_6);if(!"idProperty" in _6){var _7;try{;}catch(e){}this.idProperty=(!_7||!idAttributes[0])||this.idProperty;}var;if(!_8[""]){this.get=null;}if(!_8[""]){this.getIdentity=null;}if(!_8[""]){this.put=this.add=null;}},idProperty:"id",store:null,_objectConverter:function(_9){var;var _b=this.idProperty;return function(_c){var _d={};var _e=_a.getAttributes(_c);for(var i=0;i<_e.length;i++){_d[_e[i]]=_a.getValue(_c,_e[i]);}if(!(_b in _d)){_d[_b]=_a.getIdentity(_c);}return _9(_d);};},get:function(id,_f){var _10,_11;var _12=new _3();{identity:id,onItem:this._objectConverter(function(_13){_12.resolve(_10=_13);}),onError:function(_14){_12.reject(_11=_14);}});if(_10){return _10;}if(_11){throw _11;}return _12.promise;},put:function(_15,_16){var id=_16&&typeof!="undefined"||this.getIdentity(_15);var;var _18=this.idProperty;if(typeof id=="undefined"){_17.newItem(_15);}else{_17.fetchItemByIdentity({identity:id,onItem:function(_19){if(_19){for(var i in _15){if(i!=_18&&_17.getValue(_19,i)!=_15[i]){_17.setValue(_19,i,_15[i]);}}}else{_17.newItem(_15);}}});}},remove:function(id){var;{identity:id,onItem:function(_1b){_1a.deleteItem(_1b);}});},query:function(_1c,_1d){var _1e;var _1f=new _3(function(){_1e.abort&&_1e.abort();}); _3();var _20=this._objectConverter(function(_21){return _21;});{query:_1c,onBegin:function(_22){;},onComplete:function(_23){_1f.resolve(,_20));},onError:function(_24){_1f.reject(_24);}},_1d));return _5(_1f);},getIdentity:function(_25){return _25[this.idProperty];}});}); \ No newline at end of file