path: root/lib/dojo/store
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dojo/store')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 1348 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dojo/store/Cache.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/store/Cache.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fd94521b5..000000000
--- a/lib/dojo/store/Cache.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-define("dojo/store/Cache", ["../_base/lang","../_base/Deferred" /*=====, "../_base/declare", "./api/Store" =====*/],
-function(lang, Deferred /*=====, declare, Store =====*/){
-// module:
-// dojo/store/Cache
-var Cache = function(masterStore, cachingStore, options){
- options = options || {};
- return lang.delegate(masterStore, {
- query: function(query, directives){
- var results = masterStore.query(query, directives);
- results.forEach(function(object){
- if(!options.isLoaded || options.isLoaded(object)){
- cachingStore.put(object);
- }
- });
- return results;
- },
- // look for a queryEngine in either store
- queryEngine: masterStore.queryEngine || cachingStore.queryEngine,
- get: function(id, directives){
- return Deferred.when(cachingStore.get(id), function(result){
- return result || Deferred.when(masterStore.get(id, directives), function(result){
- if(result){
- cachingStore.put(result, {id: id});
- }
- return result;
- });
- });
- },
- add: function(object, directives){
- return Deferred.when(masterStore.add(object, directives), function(result){
- // now put result in cache
- cachingStore.add(typeof result == "object" ? result : object, directives);
- return result; // the result from the add should be dictated by the masterStore and be unaffected by the cachingStore
- });
- },
- put: function(object, directives){
- // first remove from the cache, so it is empty until we get a response from the master store
- cachingStore.remove((directives && || this.getIdentity(object));
- return Deferred.when(masterStore.put(object, directives), function(result){
- // now put result in cache
- cachingStore.put(typeof result == "object" ? result : object, directives);
- return result; // the result from the put should be dictated by the masterStore and be unaffected by the cachingStore
- });
- },
- remove: function(id, directives){
- return Deferred.when(masterStore.remove(id, directives), function(result){
- return cachingStore.remove(id, directives);
- });
- },
- evict: function(id){
- return cachingStore.remove(id);
- }
- });
-lang.setObject("", Cache);
-var __CacheArgs = {
- // summary:
- // These are additional options for how caching is handled.
- // isLoaded: Function?
- // This is a function that will be called for each item in a query response to determine
- // if it is cacheable. If isLoaded returns true, the item will be cached, otherwise it
- // will not be cached. If isLoaded is not provided, all items will be cached.
-Cache = declare(Store, {
- // summary:
- // The Cache store wrapper takes a master store and a caching store,
- // caches data from the master into the caching store for faster
- // lookup. Normally one would use a memory store for the caching
- // store and a server store like JsonRest for the master store.
- // example:
- // | var master = new Memory(data);
- // | var cacher = new Memory();
- // | var store = new Cache(master, cacher);
- //
- constructor: function(masterStore, cachingStore, options){
- // masterStore:
- // This is the authoritative store, all uncached requests or non-safe requests will
- // be made against this store.
- // cachingStore:
- // This is the caching store that will be used to store responses for quick access.
- // Typically this should be a local store.
- // options: __CacheArgs?
- // These are additional options for how caching is handled.
- },
- query: function(query, directives){
- // summary:
- // Query the underlying master store and cache any results.
- // query: Object|String
- // The object or string containing query information. Dependent on the query engine used.
- // directives: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryOptions?
- // An optional keyword arguments object with additional parameters describing the query.
- // returns: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryResults
- // A QueryResults object that can be used to iterate over.
- },
- get: function(id, directives){
- // summary:
- // Get the object with the specific id.
- // id: Number
- // The identifier for the object in question.
- // directives: Object?
- // Any additional parameters needed to describe how the get should be performed.
- // returns: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryResults
- // A QueryResults object.
- },
- add: function(object, directives){
- // summary:
- // Add the given object to the store.
- // object: Object
- // The object to add to the store.
- // directives: dojo/store/api/Store.AddOptions?
- // Any additional parameters needed to describe how the add should be performed.
- // returns: Number
- // The new id for the object.
- },
- put: function(object, directives){
- // summary:
- // Put the object into the store (similar to an HTTP PUT).
- // object: Object
- // The object to put to the store.
- // directives: dojo/store/api/Store.PutDirectives?
- // Any additional parameters needed to describe how the put should be performed.
- // returns: Number
- // The new id for the object.
- },
- remove: function(id){
- // summary:
- // Remove the object with the specific id.
- // id: Number
- // The identifier for the object in question.
- },
- evict: function(id){
- // summary:
- // Remove the object with the given id from the underlying caching store.
- // id: Number
- // The identifier for the object in question.
- }
-return Cache;
diff --git a/lib/dojo/store/DataStore.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/store/DataStore.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 47a1fb9d8..000000000
--- a/lib/dojo/store/DataStore.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-define("dojo/store/DataStore", [
- "../_base/lang", "../_base/declare", "../_base/Deferred", "../_base/array",
- "./util/QueryResults", "./util/SimpleQueryEngine" /*=====, "./api/Store" =====*/
-], function(lang, declare, Deferred, array, QueryResults, SimpleQueryEngine /*=====, Store =====*/){
-// module:
-// dojo/store/DataStore
-// No base class, but for purposes of documentation, the base class is dojo/store/api/Store
-var base = null;
-/*===== base = Store; =====*/
-return declare("", base, {
- // summary:
- // This is an adapter for using Dojo Data stores with an object store consumer.
- // You can provide a Dojo data store and use this adapter to interact with it through
- // the Dojo object store API
- target: "",
- constructor: function(options){
- // options: Object?
- // This provides any configuration information that will be mixed into the store,
- // including a reference to the Dojo data store under the property "store".
- lang.mixin(this, options);
- if(!"idProperty" in options){
- var idAttribute;
- try{
- idAttribute =;
- }catch(e){
- // some store are not requiring an item instance to give us the ID attributes
- // but some other do and throw errors in that case.
- }
- // if no idAttribute we have implicit id
- this.idProperty = (!idAttribute || !idAttributes[0]) || this.idProperty;
- }
- var features =;
- // check the feature set and null out any methods that shouldn't be available
- if(!features[""]){
- this.get = null;
- }
- if(!features[""]){
- this.getIdentity = null;
- }
- if(!features[""]){
- this.put = this.add = null;
- }
- },
- // idProperty: String
- // The object property to use to store the identity of the store items.
- idProperty: "id",
- // store:
- // The object store to convert to a data store
- store: null,
- // queryEngine: Function
- // Defines the query engine to use for querying the data store
- queryEngine: SimpleQueryEngine,
- _objectConverter: function(callback){
- var store =;
- var idProperty = this.idProperty;
- function convert(item){
- var object = {};
- var attributes = store.getAttributes(item);
- for(var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++){
- var attribute = attributes[i];
- var values = store.getValues(item, attribute);
- if(values.length > 1){
- for(var j = 0; j < values.length; j++){
- var value = values[j];
- if(typeof value == 'object' && store.isItem(value)){
- values[j] = convert(value);
- }
- }
- value = values;
- }else{
- var value = store.getValue(item, attribute);
- if(typeof value == 'object' && store.isItem(value)){
- value = convert(value);
- }
- }
- object[attributes[i]] = value;
- }
- if(!(idProperty in object) && store.getIdentity){
- object[idProperty] = store.getIdentity(item);
- }
- return object;
- }
- return function(item){
- return callback(convert(item));
- };
- },
- get: function(id, options){
- // summary:
- // Retrieves an object by it's identity. This will trigger a fetchItemByIdentity
- // id: Object?
- // The identity to use to lookup the object
- var returnedObject, returnedError;
- var deferred = new Deferred();
- identity: id,
- onItem: this._objectConverter(function(object){
- deferred.resolve(returnedObject = object);
- }),
- onError: function(error){
- deferred.reject(returnedError = error);
- }
- });
- if(returnedObject){
- // if it was returned synchronously
- return returnedObject;
- }
- if(returnedError){
- throw returnedError;
- }
- return deferred.promise;
- },
- put: function(object, options){
- // summary:
- // Stores an object by its identity.
- // object: Object
- // The object to store.
- // options: Object?
- // Additional metadata for storing the data. Includes a reference to an id
- // that the object may be stored with (i.e. { id: "foo" }).
- var id = options && typeof != "undefined" || this.getIdentity(object);
- var store =;
- var idProperty = this.idProperty;
- if(typeof id == "undefined"){
- store.newItem(object);
- }else{
- store.fetchItemByIdentity({
- identity: id,
- onItem: function(item){
- if(item){
- for(var i in object){
- if(i != idProperty && // don't copy id properties since they are immutable and should be omitted for implicit ids
- store.getValue(item, i) != object[i]){
- store.setValue(item, i, object[i]);
- }
- }
- }else{
- store.newItem(object);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- },
- remove: function(id){
- // summary:
- // Deletes an object by its identity.
- // id: Object
- // The identity to use to delete the object
- var store =;
- identity: id,
- onItem: function(item){
- store.deleteItem(item);
- }
- });
- },
- query: function(query, options){
- // summary:
- // Queries the store for objects.
- // query: Object
- // The query to use for retrieving objects from the store
- // options: Object?
- // Optional options object as used by the underlying Store.
- // returns: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryResults
- // A query results object that can be used to iterate over results.
- var fetchHandle;
- var deferred = new Deferred(function(){ fetchHandle.abort && fetchHandle.abort(); });
- = new Deferred();
- var converter = this._objectConverter(function(object){return object;});
- fetchHandle ={
- query: query,
- onBegin: function(count){
- },
- onComplete: function(results){
- deferred.resolve(, converter));
- },
- onError: function(error){
- deferred.reject(error);
- }
- }, options));
- return QueryResults(deferred);
- },
- getIdentity: function(object){
- // summary:
- // Fetch the identity for the given object.
- // object: Object
- // The data object to get the identity from.
- // returns: Number
- // The id of the given object.
- return object[this.idProperty];
- }
diff --git a/lib/dojo/store/JsonRest.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/store/JsonRest.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bef67a03..000000000
--- a/lib/dojo/store/JsonRest.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-define("dojo/store/JsonRest", ["../_base/xhr", "../_base/lang", "../json", "../_base/declare", "./util/QueryResults" /*=====, "./api/Store" =====*/
-], function(xhr, lang, JSON, declare, QueryResults /*=====, Store =====*/){
-// No base class, but for purposes of documentation, the base class is dojo/store/api/Store
-var base = null;
-/*===== base = Store; =====*/
-var __HeaderOptions = {
- // headers: Object?
- // Additional headers to send along with the request.
- },
- __PutDirectives = declare(Store.PutDirectives, __HeaderOptions),
- __QueryOptions = declare(Store.QueryOptions, __HeaderOptions);
-return declare("", base, {
- // summary:
- // This is a basic store for RESTful communicating with a server through JSON
- // formatted data. It implements dojo/store/api/Store.
- constructor: function(options){
- // summary:
- // This is a basic store for RESTful communicating with a server through JSON
- // formatted data.
- // options: dojo/store/JsonRest
- // This provides any configuration information that will be mixed into the store
- this.headers = {};
- declare.safeMixin(this, options);
- },
- // headers: Object
- // Additional headers to pass in all requests to the server. These can be overridden
- // by passing additional headers to calls to the store.
- headers: {},
- // target: String
- // The target base URL to use for all requests to the server. This string will be
- // prepended to the id to generate the URL (relative or absolute) for requests
- // sent to the server
- target: "",
- // idProperty: String
- // Indicates the property to use as the identity property. The values of this
- // property should be unique.
- idProperty: "id",
- // sortParam: String
- // The query parameter to used for holding sort information. If this is omitted, than
- // the sort information is included in a functional query token to avoid colliding
- // with the set of name/value pairs.
- get: function(id, options){
- // summary:
- // Retrieves an object by its identity. This will trigger a GET request to the server using
- // the url ` + id`.
- // id: Number
- // The identity to use to lookup the object
- // options: Object?
- // HTTP headers. For consistency with other methods, if a `headers` key exists on this object, it will be
- // used to provide HTTP headers instead.
- // returns: Object
- // The object in the store that matches the given id.
- options = options || {};
- var headers = lang.mixin({ Accept: this.accepts }, this.headers, options.headers || options);
- return xhr("GET", {
- url: + id,
- handleAs: "json",
- headers: headers
- });
- },
- // accepts: String
- // Defines the Accept header to use on HTTP requests
- accepts: "application/javascript, application/json",
- getIdentity: function(object){
- // summary:
- // Returns an object's identity
- // object: Object
- // The object to get the identity from
- // returns: Number
- return object[this.idProperty];
- },
- put: function(object, options){
- // summary:
- // Stores an object. This will trigger a PUT request to the server
- // if the object has an id, otherwise it will trigger a POST request.
- // object: Object
- // The object to store.
- // options: __PutDirectives?
- // Additional metadata for storing the data. Includes an "id"
- // property if a specific id is to be used.
- // returns: dojo/_base/Deferred
- options = options || {};
- var id = ("id" in options) ? : this.getIdentity(object);
- var hasId = typeof id != "undefined";
- return xhr(hasId && !options.incremental ? "PUT" : "POST", {
- url: hasId ? + id :,
- postData: JSON.stringify(object),
- handleAs: "json",
- headers: lang.mixin({
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- Accept: this.accepts,
- "If-Match": options.overwrite === true ? "*" : null,
- "If-None-Match": options.overwrite === false ? "*" : null
- }, this.headers, options.headers)
- });
- },
- add: function(object, options){
- // summary:
- // Adds an object. This will trigger a PUT request to the server
- // if the object has an id, otherwise it will trigger a POST request.
- // object: Object
- // The object to store.
- // options: __PutDirectives?
- // Additional metadata for storing the data. Includes an "id"
- // property if a specific id is to be used.
- options = options || {};
- options.overwrite = false;
- return this.put(object, options);
- },
- remove: function(id, options){
- // summary:
- // Deletes an object by its identity. This will trigger a DELETE request to the server.
- // id: Number
- // The identity to use to delete the object
- // options: __HeaderOptions?
- // HTTP headers.
- options = options || {};
- return xhr("DELETE", {
- url: + id,
- headers: lang.mixin({}, this.headers, options.headers)
- });
- },
- query: function(query, options){
- // summary:
- // Queries the store for objects. This will trigger a GET request to the server, with the
- // query added as a query string.
- // query: Object
- // The query to use for retrieving objects from the store.
- // options: __QueryOptions?
- // The optional arguments to apply to the resultset.
- // returns: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryResults
- // The results of the query, extended with iterative methods.
- options = options || {};
- var headers = lang.mixin({ Accept: this.accepts }, this.headers, options.headers);
- if(options.start >= 0 || options.count >= 0){
- headers.Range = headers["X-Range"] //set X-Range for Opera since it blocks "Range" header
- = "items=" + (options.start || '0') + '-' +
- (("count" in options && options.count != Infinity) ?
- (options.count + (options.start || 0) - 1) : '');
- }
- var hasQuestionMark ="?") > -1;
- if(query && typeof query == "object"){
- query = xhr.objectToQuery(query);
- query = query ? (hasQuestionMark ? "&" : "?") + query: "";
- }
- if(options && options.sort){
- var sortParam = this.sortParam;
- query += (query || hasQuestionMark ? "&" : "?") + (sortParam ? sortParam + '=' : "sort(");
- for(var i = 0; i<options.sort.length; i++){
- var sort = options.sort[i];
- query += (i > 0 ? "," : "") + (sort.descending ? '-' : '+') + encodeURIComponent(sort.attribute);
- }
- if(!sortParam){
- query += ")";
- }
- }
- var results = xhr("GET", {
- url: + (query || ""),
- handleAs: "json",
- headers: headers
- });
- = results.then(function(){
- var range = results.ioArgs.xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Range");
- return range && (range = range.match(/\/(.*)/)) && +range[1];
- });
- return QueryResults(results);
- }
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/dojo/store/Memory.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/store/Memory.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aeae33c7..000000000
--- a/lib/dojo/store/Memory.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-define("dojo/store/Memory", ["../_base/declare", "./util/QueryResults", "./util/SimpleQueryEngine" /*=====, "./api/Store" =====*/],
-function(declare, QueryResults, SimpleQueryEngine /*=====, Store =====*/){
-// module:
-// dojo/store/Memory
-// No base class, but for purposes of documentation, the base class is dojo/store/api/Store
-var base = null;
-/*===== base = Store; =====*/
-return declare("", base, {
- // summary:
- // This is a basic in-memory object store. It implements dojo/store/api/Store.
- constructor: function(options){
- // summary:
- // Creates a memory object store.
- // options: dojo/store/Memory
- // This provides any configuration information that will be mixed into the store.
- // This should generally include the data property to provide the starting set of data.
- for(var i in options){
- this[i] = options[i];
- }
- this.setData( || []);
- },
- // data: Array
- // The array of all the objects in the memory store
- data:null,
- // idProperty: String
- // Indicates the property to use as the identity property. The values of this
- // property should be unique.
- idProperty: "id",
- // index: Object
- // An index of data indices into the data array by id
- index:null,
- // queryEngine: Function
- // Defines the query engine to use for querying the data store
- queryEngine: SimpleQueryEngine,
- get: function(id){
- // summary:
- // Retrieves an object by its identity
- // id: Number
- // The identity to use to lookup the object
- // returns: Object
- // The object in the store that matches the given id.
- return[this.index[id]];
- },
- getIdentity: function(object){
- // summary:
- // Returns an object's identity
- // object: Object
- // The object to get the identity from
- // returns: Number
- return object[this.idProperty];
- },
- put: function(object, options){
- // summary:
- // Stores an object
- // object: Object
- // The object to store.
- // options: dojo/store/api/Store.PutDirectives?
- // Additional metadata for storing the data. Includes an "id"
- // property if a specific id is to be used.
- // returns: Number
- var data =,
- index = this.index,
- idProperty = this.idProperty;
- var id = object[idProperty] = (options && "id" in options) ? : idProperty in object ? object[idProperty] : Math.random();
- if(id in index){
- // object exists
- if(options && options.overwrite === false){
- throw new Error("Object already exists");
- }
- // replace the entry in data
- data[index[id]] = object;
- }else{
- // add the new object
- index[id] = data.push(object) - 1;
- }
- return id;
- },
- add: function(object, options){
- // summary:
- // Creates an object, throws an error if the object already exists
- // object: Object
- // The object to store.
- // options: dojo/store/api/Store.PutDirectives?
- // Additional metadata for storing the data. Includes an "id"
- // property if a specific id is to be used.
- // returns: Number
- (options = options || {}).overwrite = false;
- // call put with overwrite being false
- return this.put(object, options);
- },
- remove: function(id){
- // summary:
- // Deletes an object by its identity
- // id: Number
- // The identity to use to delete the object
- // returns: Boolean
- // Returns true if an object was removed, falsy (undefined) if no object matched the id
- var index = this.index;
- var data =;
- if(id in index){
- data.splice(index[id], 1);
- // now we have to reindex
- this.setData(data);
- return true;
- }
- },
- query: function(query, options){
- // summary:
- // Queries the store for objects.
- // query: Object
- // The query to use for retrieving objects from the store.
- // options: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryOptions?
- // The optional arguments to apply to the resultset.
- // returns: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryResults
- // The results of the query, extended with iterative methods.
- //
- // example:
- // Given the following store:
- //
- // | var store = new Memory({
- // | data: [
- // | {id: 1, name: "one", prime: false },
- // | {id: 2, name: "two", even: true, prime: true},
- // | {id: 3, name: "three", prime: true},
- // | {id: 4, name: "four", even: true, prime: false},
- // | {id: 5, name: "five", prime: true}
- // | ]
- // | });
- //
- // ...find all items where "prime" is true:
- //
- // | var results = store.query({ prime: true });
- //
- // ...or find all items where "even" is true:
- //
- // | var results = store.query({ even: true });
- return QueryResults(this.queryEngine(query, options)(;
- },
- setData: function(data){
- // summary:
- // Sets the given data as the source for this store, and indexes it
- // data: Object[]
- // An array of objects to use as the source of data.
- if(data.items){
- // just for convenience with the data format IFRS expects
- this.idProperty = data.identifier;
- data = = data.items;
- }else{
- = data;
- }
- this.index = {};
- for(var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++){
- this.index[data[i][this.idProperty]] = i;
- }
- }
diff --git a/lib/dojo/store/Observable.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/store/Observable.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ed6ad7f6c..000000000
--- a/lib/dojo/store/Observable.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-define("dojo/store/Observable", ["../_base/kernel", "../_base/lang", "../_base/Deferred", "../_base/array" /*=====, "./api/Store" =====*/
-], function(kernel, lang, Deferred, array /*=====, Store =====*/){
-// module:
-// dojo/store/Observable
-var Observable = function(/*Store*/ store){
- // summary:
- // The Observable store wrapper takes a store and sets an observe method on query()
- // results that can be used to monitor results for changes.
- //
- // description:
- // Observable wraps an existing store so that notifications can be made when a query
- // is performed.
- //
- // example:
- // Create a Memory store that returns an observable query, and then log some
- // information about that query.
- //
- // | var store = Observable(new Memory({
- // | data: [
- // | {id: 1, name: "one", prime: false},
- // | {id: 2, name: "two", even: true, prime: true},
- // | {id: 3, name: "three", prime: true},
- // | {id: 4, name: "four", even: true, prime: false},
- // | {id: 5, name: "five", prime: true}
- // | ]
- // | }));
- // | var changes = [], results = store.query({ prime: true });
- // | var observer = results.observe(function(object, previousIndex, newIndex){
- // | changes.push({previousIndex:previousIndex, newIndex:newIndex, object:object});
- // | });
- //
- // See the Observable tests for more information.
- var undef, queryUpdaters = [], revision = 0;
- // a Comet driven store could directly call notify to notify observers when data has
- // changed on the backend
- // create a new instance
- store = lang.delegate(store);
- store.notify = function(object, existingId){
- revision++;
- var updaters = queryUpdaters.slice();
- for(var i = 0, l = updaters.length; i < l; i++){
- updaters[i](object, existingId);
- }
- };
- var originalQuery = store.query;
- store.query = function(query, options){
- options = options || {};
- var results = originalQuery.apply(this, arguments);
- if(results && results.forEach){
- var nonPagedOptions = lang.mixin({}, options);
- delete nonPagedOptions.start;
- delete nonPagedOptions.count;
- var queryExecutor = store.queryEngine && store.queryEngine(query, nonPagedOptions);
- var queryRevision = revision;
- var listeners = [], queryUpdater;
- results.observe = function(listener, includeObjectUpdates){
- if(listeners.push(listener) == 1){
- // first listener was added, create the query checker and updater
- queryUpdaters.push(queryUpdater = function(changed, existingId){
- Deferred.when(results, function(resultsArray){
- var atEnd = resultsArray.length != options.count;
- var i, l, listener;
- if(++queryRevision != revision){
- throw new Error("Query is out of date, you must observe() the query prior to any data modifications");
- }
- var removedObject, removedFrom = -1, insertedInto = -1;
- if(existingId !== undef){
- // remove the old one
- for(i = 0, l = resultsArray.length; i < l; i++){
- var object = resultsArray[i];
- if(store.getIdentity(object) == existingId){
- removedObject = object;
- removedFrom = i;
- if(queryExecutor || !changed){// if it was changed and we don't have a queryExecutor, we shouldn't remove it because updated objects would be eliminated
- resultsArray.splice(i, 1);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(queryExecutor){
- // add the new one
- if(changed &&
- // if a matches function exists, use that (probably more efficient)
- (queryExecutor.matches ? queryExecutor.matches(changed) : queryExecutor([changed]).length)){
- var firstInsertedInto = removedFrom > -1 ?
- removedFrom : // put back in the original slot so it doesn't move unless it needs to (relying on a stable sort below)
- resultsArray.length;
- resultsArray.splice(firstInsertedInto, 0, changed); // add the new item
- insertedInto = array.indexOf(queryExecutor(resultsArray), changed); // sort it
- // we now need to push the chagne back into the original results array
- resultsArray.splice(firstInsertedInto, 1); // remove the inserted item from the previous index
- if((options.start && insertedInto == 0) ||
- (!atEnd && insertedInto == resultsArray.length)){
- // if it is at the end of the page, assume it goes into the prev or next page
- insertedInto = -1;
- }else{
- resultsArray.splice(insertedInto, 0, changed); // and insert into the results array with the correct index
- }
- }
- }else if(changed){
- // we don't have a queryEngine, so we can't provide any information
- // about where it was inserted or moved to. If it is an update, we leave it's position alone, other we at least indicate a new object
- if(existingId !== undef){
- // an update, keep the index the same
- insertedInto = removedFrom;
- }else if(!options.start){
- // a new object
- insertedInto = store.defaultIndex || 0;
- resultsArray.splice(insertedInto, 0, changed);
- }
- }
- if((removedFrom > -1 || insertedInto > -1) &&
- (includeObjectUpdates || !queryExecutor || (removedFrom != insertedInto))){
- var copyListeners = listeners.slice();
- for(i = 0;listener = copyListeners[i]; i++){
- listener(changed || removedObject, removedFrom, insertedInto);
- }
- }
- });
- });
- }
- var handle = {};
- // TODO: Remove cancel in 2.0.
- handle.remove = handle.cancel = function(){
- // remove this listener
- var index = array.indexOf(listeners, listener);
- if(index > -1){ // check to make sure we haven't already called cancel
- listeners.splice(index, 1);
- if(!listeners.length){
- // no more listeners, remove the query updater too
- queryUpdaters.splice(array.indexOf(queryUpdaters, queryUpdater), 1);
- }
- }
- };
- return handle;
- };
- }
- return results;
- };
- var inMethod;
- function whenFinished(method, action){
- var original = store[method];
- if(original){
- store[method] = function(value){
- if(inMethod){
- // if one method calls another (like add() calling put()) we don't want two events
- return original.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- inMethod = true;
- try{
- var results = original.apply(this, arguments);
- Deferred.when(results, function(results){
- action((typeof results == "object" && results) || value);
- });
- return results;
- }finally{
- inMethod = false;
- }
- };
- }
- }
- // monitor for updates by listening to these methods
- whenFinished("put", function(object){
- store.notify(object, store.getIdentity(object));
- });
- whenFinished("add", function(object){
- store.notify(object);
- });
- whenFinished("remove", function(id){
- store.notify(undefined, id);
- });
- return store;
-lang.setObject("", Observable);
-return Observable;
diff --git a/lib/dojo/store/api/Store.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/store/api/Store.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f571b78b..000000000
--- a/lib/dojo/store/api/Store.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-define("dojo/store/api/Store", ["../../_base/declare"], function(declare){
-// module:
-// dojo/api/Store
-var Store = declare(null, {
- // summary:
- // This is an abstract API that data provider implementations conform to.
- // This file defines methods signatures and intentionally leaves all the
- // methods unimplemented. For more information on the ,
- // please visit:
- // Every method and property is optional, and is only needed if the functionality
- // it provides is required.
- // Every method may return a promise for the specified return value if the
- // execution of the operation is asynchronous (except
- // for query() which already defines an async return value).
- // idProperty: String
- // If the store has a single primary key, this indicates the property to use as the
- // identity property. The values of this property should be unique.
- idProperty: "id",
- // queryEngine: Function
- // If the store can be queried locally (on the client side in JS), this defines
- // the query engine to use for querying the data store.
- // This takes a query and query options and returns a function that can execute
- // the provided query on a JavaScript array. The queryEngine may be replace to
- // provide more sophisticated querying capabilities. For example:
- // | var query = store.queryEngine({foo:"bar"}, {count:10});
- // | query(someArray) -> filtered array
- // The returned query function may have a "matches" property that can be
- // used to determine if an object matches the query. For example:
- // | query.matches({id:"some-object", foo:"bar"}) -> true
- // | query.matches({id:"some-object", foo:"something else"}) -> false
- queryEngine: null,
- get: function(id){
- // summary:
- // Retrieves an object by its identity
- // id: Number
- // The identity to use to lookup the object
- // returns: Object
- // The object in the store that matches the given id.
- },
- getIdentity: function(object){
- // summary:
- // Returns an object's identity
- // object: Object
- // The object to get the identity from
- // returns: String|Number
- },
- put: function(object, directives){
- // summary:
- // Stores an object
- // object: Object
- // The object to store.
- // directives: dojo/store/api/Store.PutDirectives?
- // Additional directives for storing objects.
- // returns: Number|String
- },
- add: function(object, directives){
- // summary:
- // Creates an object, throws an error if the object already exists
- // object: Object
- // The object to store.
- // directives: dojo/store/api/Store.PutDirectives?
- // Additional directives for creating objects.
- // returns: Number|String
- },
- remove: function(id){
- // summary:
- // Deletes an object by its identity
- // id: Number
- // The identity to use to delete the object
- delete this.index[id];
- var data =,
- idProperty = this.idProperty;
- for(var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++){
- if(data[i][idProperty] == id){
- data.splice(i, 1);
- return;
- }
- }
- },
- query: function(query, options){
- // summary:
- // Queries the store for objects. This does not alter the store, but returns a
- // set of data from the store.
- // query: String|Object|Function
- // The query to use for retrieving objects from the store.
- // options: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryOptions
- // The optional arguments to apply to the resultset.
- // returns: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryResults
- // The results of the query, extended with iterative methods.
- //
- // example:
- // Given the following store:
- //
- // ...find all items where "prime" is true:
- //
- // | store.query({ prime: true }).forEach(function(object){
- // | // handle each object
- // | });
- },
- transaction: function(){
- // summary:
- // Starts a new transaction.
- // Note that a store user might not call transaction() prior to using put,
- // delete, etc. in which case these operations effectively could be thought of
- // as "auto-commit" style actions.
- // returns: dojo/store/api/Store.Transaction
- // This represents the new current transaction.
- },
- getChildren: function(parent, options){
- // summary:
- // Retrieves the children of an object.
- // parent: Object
- // The object to find the children of.
- // options: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryOptions?
- // Additional options to apply to the retrieval of the children.
- // returns: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryResults
- // A result set of the children of the parent object.
- },
- getMetadata: function(object){
- // summary:
- // Returns any metadata about the object. This may include attribution,
- // cache directives, history, or version information.
- // object: Object
- // The object to return metadata for.
- // returns: Object
- // An object containing metadata.
- }
-Store.PutDirectives = declare(null, {
- // summary:
- // Directives passed to put() and add() handlers for guiding the update and
- // creation of stored objects.
- // id: String|Number?
- // Indicates the identity of the object if a new object is created
- // before: Object?
- // If the collection of objects in the store has a natural ordering,
- // this indicates that the created or updated object should be placed before the
- // object specified by the value of this property. A value of null indicates that the
- // object should be last.
- // parent: Object?,
- // If the store is hierarchical (with single parenting) this property indicates the
- // new parent of the created or updated object.
- // overwrite: Boolean?
- // If this is provided as a boolean it indicates that the object should or should not
- // overwrite an existing object. A value of true indicates that a new object
- // should not be created, the operation should update an existing object. A
- // value of false indicates that an existing object should not be updated, a new
- // object should be created (which is the same as an add() operation). When
- // this property is not provided, either an update or creation is acceptable.
-Store.SortInformation = declare(null, {
- // summary:
- // An object describing what attribute to sort on, and the direction of the sort.
- // attribute: String
- // The name of the attribute to sort on.
- // descending: Boolean
- // The direction of the sort. Default is false.
-Store.QueryOptions = declare(null, {
- // summary:
- // Optional object with additional parameters for query results.
- // sort: dojo/store/api/Store.SortInformation[]?
- // A list of attributes to sort on, as well as direction
- // For example:
- // | [{attribute:"price, descending: true}].
- // If the sort parameter is omitted, then the natural order of the store may be
- // applied if there is a natural order.
- // start: Number?
- // The first result to begin iteration on
- // count: Number?
- // The number of how many results should be returned.
-Store.QueryResults = declare(null, {
- // summary:
- // This is an object returned from query() calls that provides access to the results
- // of a query. Queries may be executed asynchronously.
- forEach: function(callback, thisObject){
- // summary:
- // Iterates over the query results, based on
- //
- // Note that this may executed asynchronously. The callback may be called
- // after this function returns.
- // callback:
- // Function that is called for each object in the query results
- // thisObject:
- // The object to use as |this| in the callback.
- },
- filter: function(callback, thisObject){
- // summary:
- // Filters the query results, based on
- //
- // Note that this may executed asynchronously. The callback may be called
- // after this function returns.
- // callback:
- // Function that is called for each object in the query results
- // thisObject:
- // The object to use as |this| in the callback.
- // returns: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryResults
- },
- map: function(callback, thisObject){
- // summary:
- // Maps the query results, based on
- //
- // Note that this may executed asynchronously. The callback may be called
- // after this function returns.
- // callback:
- // Function that is called for each object in the query results
- // thisObject:
- // The object to use as |this| in the callback.
- // returns: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryResults
- },
- then: function(callback, errorHandler){
- // summary:
- // This registers a callback for when the query is complete, if the query is asynchronous.
- // This is an optional method, and may not be present for synchronous queries.
- // callback:
- // This is called when the query is completed successfully, and is passed a single argument
- // that is an array representing the query results.
- // errorHandler:
- // This is called if the query failed, and is passed a single argument that is the error
- // for the failure.
- },
- observe: function(listener, includeAllUpdates){
- // summary:
- // This registers a callback for notification of when data is modified in the query results.
- // This is an optional method, and is usually provided by dojo/store/Observable.
- // listener: Function
- // The listener function is called when objects in the query results are modified
- // to affect the query result. The listener function is called with the following arguments:
- // | listener(object, removedFrom, insertedInto);
- //
- // - The object parameter indicates the object that was create, modified, or deleted.
- // - The removedFrom parameter indicates the index in the result array where
- // the object used to be. If the value is -1, then the object is an addition to
- // this result set (due to a new object being created, or changed such that it
- // is a part of the result set).
- // - The insertedInto parameter indicates the index in the result array where
- // the object should be now. If the value is -1, then the object is a removal
- // from this result set (due to an object being deleted, or changed such that it
- // is not a part of the result set).
- // includeAllUpdates:
- // This indicates whether or not to include object updates that do not affect
- // the inclusion or order of the object in the query results. By default this is false,
- // which means that if any object is updated in such a way that it remains
- // in the result set and it's position in result sets is not affected, then the listener
- // will not be fired.
- },
- // total: Number|Promise?
- // This property should be included in if the query options included the "count"
- // property limiting the result set. This property indicates the total number of objects
- // matching the query (as if "start" and "count" weren't present). This may be
- // a promise if the query is asynchronous.
- total: 0
-Store.Transaction = declare(null, {
- // summary:
- // This is an object returned from transaction() calls that represents the current
- // transaction.
- commit: function(){
- // summary:
- // Commits the transaction. This may throw an error if it fails. Of if the operation
- // is asynchronous, it may return a promise that represents the eventual success
- // or failure of the commit.
- },
- abort: function(callback, thisObject){
- // summary:
- // Aborts the transaction. This may throw an error if it fails. Of if the operation
- // is asynchronous, it may return a promise that represents the eventual success
- // or failure of the abort.
- }
-return Store;
diff --git a/lib/dojo/store/util/QueryResults.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/store/util/QueryResults.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 58503179a..000000000
--- a/lib/dojo/store/util/QueryResults.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-define("dojo/store/util/QueryResults", ["../../_base/array", "../../_base/lang", "../../_base/Deferred"
-], function(array, lang, Deferred){
-// module:
-// dojo/store/util/QueryResults
-var QueryResults = function(results){
- // summary:
- // A function that wraps the results of a store query with additional
- // methods.
- // description:
- // QueryResults is a basic wrapper that allows for array-like iteration
- // over any kind of returned data from a query. While the simplest store
- // will return a plain array of data, other stores may return deferreds or
- // promises; this wrapper makes sure that *all* results can be treated
- // the same.
- //
- // Additional methods include `forEach`, `filter` and `map`.
- // results: Array|dojo/promise/Promise
- // The result set as an array, or a promise for an array.
- // returns:
- // An array-like object that can be used for iterating over.
- // example:
- // Query a store and iterate over the results.
- //
- // | store.query({ prime: true }).forEach(function(item){
- // | // do something
- // | });
- if(!results){
- return results;
- }
- // if it is a promise it may be frozen
- if(results.then){
- results = lang.delegate(results);
- }
- function addIterativeMethod(method){
- if(!results[method]){
- results[method] = function(){
- var args = arguments;
- return Deferred.when(results, function(results){
-, results);
- return QueryResults(array[method].apply(array, args));
- });
- };
- }
- }
- addIterativeMethod("forEach");
- addIterativeMethod("filter");
- addIterativeMethod("map");
- if(!{
- = Deferred.when(results, function(results){
- return results.length;
- });
- }
- return results; // Object
-lang.setObject("", QueryResults);
-return QueryResults;
diff --git a/lib/dojo/store/util/SimpleQueryEngine.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/store/util/SimpleQueryEngine.js.uncompressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index faf712781..000000000
--- a/lib/dojo/store/util/SimpleQueryEngine.js.uncompressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-define("dojo/store/util/SimpleQueryEngine", ["../../_base/array" /*=====, "../api/Store" =====*/], function(arrayUtil /*=====, Store =====*/){
-// module:
-// dojo/store/util/SimpleQueryEngine
-return function(query, options){
- // summary:
- // Simple query engine that matches using filter functions, named filter
- // functions or objects by name-value on a query object hash
- //
- // description:
- // The SimpleQueryEngine provides a way of getting a QueryResults through
- // the use of a simple object hash as a filter. The hash will be used to
- // match properties on data objects with the corresponding value given. In
- // other words, only exact matches will be returned.
- //
- // This function can be used as a template for more complex query engines;
- // for example, an engine can be created that accepts an object hash that
- // contains filtering functions, or a string that gets evaluated, etc.
- //
- // When creating a new, simply set the store's queryEngine
- // field as a reference to this function.
- //
- // query: Object
- // An object hash with fields that may match fields of items in the store.
- // Values in the hash will be compared by normal == operator, but regular expressions
- // or any object that provides a test() method are also supported and can be
- // used to match strings by more complex expressions
- // (and then the regex's or object's test() method will be used to match values).
- //
- // options: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryOptions?
- // An object that contains optional information such as sort, start, and count.
- //
- // returns: Function
- // A function that caches the passed query under the field "matches". See any
- // of the "query" methods on dojo.stores.
- //
- // example:
- // Define a store with a reference to this engine, and set up a query method.
- //
- // | var myStore = function(options){
- // | // ...more properties here
- // | this.queryEngine = SimpleQueryEngine;
- // | // define our query method
- // | this.query = function(query, options){
- // | return QueryResults(this.queryEngine(query, options)(;
- // | };
- // | };
- // create our matching query function
- switch(typeof query){
- default:
- throw new Error("Can not query with a " + typeof query);
- case "object": case "undefined":
- var queryObject = query;
- query = function(object){
- for(var key in queryObject){
- var required = queryObject[key];
- if(required && required.test){
- // an object can provide a test method, which makes it work with regex
- if(!required.test(object[key], object)){
- return false;
- }
- }else if(required != object[key]){
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- };
- break;
- case "string":
- // named query
- if(!this[query]){
- throw new Error("No filter function " + query + " was found in store");
- }
- query = this[query];
- // fall through
- case "function":
- // fall through
- }
- function execute(array){
- // execute the whole query, first we filter
- var results = arrayUtil.filter(array, query);
- // next we sort
- var sortSet = options && options.sort;
- if(sortSet){
- results.sort(typeof sortSet == "function" ? sortSet : function(a, b){
- for(var sort, i=0; sort = sortSet[i]; i++){
- var aValue = a[sort.attribute];
- var bValue = b[sort.attribute];
- if (aValue != bValue){
- return !!sort.descending == (aValue == null || aValue > bValue) ? -1 : 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- });
- }
- // now we paginate
- if(options && (options.start || options.count)){
- var total = results.length;
- results = results.slice(options.start || 0, (options.start || 0) + (options.count || Infinity));
- = total;
- }
- return results;
- }
- execute.matches = query;
- return execute;