path: root/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer')
5 files changed, 2360 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/HTML5Entities.php b/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/HTML5Entities.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9421a12d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/HTML5Entities.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1533 @@
+ * @file
+ * This contains HTML5 entities to use with serializing.
+ *
+ * The list here is mildly different from the list at Entities because
+ * that list was generated from the w3c. It contains some entities that are
+ * not entirely proper such as &am; which maps to &. This list is meant to be
+ * a fallback for PHP versions prior to PHP 5.4 when dealing with encoding.
+ */
+namespace Masterminds\HTML5\Serializer;
+ * A mapping of entities to their html5 representation.
+ * Used for older PHP
+ * versions that don't have the mapping.
+ */
+class HTML5Entities
+ public static $map = array(
+ ' ' => '&Tab;',
+ "\n" => '&NewLine;',
+ '!' => '&excl;',
+ '"' => '&quot;',
+ '#' => '&num;',
+ '$' => '&dollar;',
+ '%' => '&percnt;',
+ '&' => '&amp;',
+ '\'' => '&apos;',
+ '(' => '&lpar;',
+ ')' => '&rpar;',
+ '*' => '&ast;',
+ '+' => '&plus;',
+ ',' => '&comma;',
+ '.' => '&period;',
+ '/' => '&sol;',
+ ':' => '&colon;',
+ ';' => '&semi;',
+ '<' => '&lt;',
+ '<⃒' => '&nvlt',
+ '=' => '&equals;',
+ '=⃥' => '&bne',
+ '>' => '&gt;',
+ '>⃒' => '&nvgt',
+ '?' => '&quest;',
+ '@' => '&commat;',
+ '[' => '&lbrack;',
+ '\\' => '&bsol;',
+ ']' => '&rsqb;',
+ '^' => '&Hat;',
+ '_' => '&lowbar;',
+ '`' => '&grave;',
+ 'fj' => '&fjlig',
+ '{' => '&lbrace;',
+ '|' => '&vert;',
+ '}' => '&rcub;',
+ ' ' => '&nbsp;',
+ '¡' => '&iexcl;',
+ '¢' => '&cent;',
+ '£' => '&pound;',
+ '¤' => '&curren;',
+ '¥' => '&yen;',
+ '¦' => '&brvbar;',
+ '§' => '&sect;',
+ '¨' => '&DoubleDot;',
+ '©' => '&copy;',
+ 'ª' => '&ordf;',
+ '«' => '&laquo;',
+ '¬' => '&not;',
+ '­' => '&shy;',
+ '®' => '&reg;',
+ '¯' => '&macr;',
+ '°' => '&deg;',
+ '±' => '&plusmn;',
+ '²' => '&sup2;',
+ '³' => '&sup3;',
+ '´' => '&DiacriticalAcute;',
+ 'µ' => '&micro;',
+ '¶' => '&para;',
+ '·' => '&CenterDot;',
+ '¸' => '&Cedilla;',
+ '¹' => '&sup1;',
+ 'º' => '&ordm;',
+ '»' => '&raquo;',
+ '¼' => '&frac14;',
+ '½' => '&half;',
+ '¾' => '&frac34;',
+ '¿' => '&iquest;',
+ 'À' => '&Agrave;',
+ 'Á' => '&Aacute;',
+ 'Â' => '&Acirc;',
+ 'Ã' => '&Atilde;',
+ 'Ä' => '&Auml;',
+ 'Å' => '&Aring;',
+ 'Æ' => '&AElig;',
+ 'Ç' => '&Ccedil;',
+ 'È' => '&Egrave;',
+ 'É' => '&Eacute;',
+ 'Ê' => '&Ecirc;',
+ 'Ë' => '&Euml;',
+ 'Ì' => '&Igrave;',
+ 'Í' => '&Iacute;',
+ 'Î' => '&Icirc;',
+ 'Ï' => '&Iuml;',
+ 'Ð' => '&ETH;',
+ 'Ñ' => '&Ntilde;',
+ 'Ò' => '&Ograve;',
+ 'Ó' => '&Oacute;',
+ 'Ô' => '&Ocirc;',
+ 'Õ' => '&Otilde;',
+ 'Ö' => '&Ouml;',
+ '×' => '&times;',
+ 'Ø' => '&Oslash;',
+ 'Ù' => '&Ugrave;',
+ 'Ú' => '&Uacute;',
+ 'Û' => '&Ucirc;',
+ 'Ü' => '&Uuml;',
+ 'Ý' => '&Yacute;',
+ 'Þ' => '&THORN;',
+ 'ß' => '&szlig;',
+ 'à' => '&agrave;',
+ 'á' => '&aacute;',
+ 'â' => '&acirc;',
+ 'ã' => '&atilde;',
+ 'ä' => '&auml;',
+ 'å' => '&aring;',
+ 'æ' => '&aelig;',
+ 'ç' => '&ccedil;',
+ 'è' => '&egrave;',
+ 'é' => '&eacute;',
+ 'ê' => '&ecirc;',
+ 'ë' => '&euml;',
+ 'ì' => '&igrave;',
+ 'í' => '&iacute;',
+ 'î' => '&icirc;',
+ 'ï' => '&iuml;',
+ 'ð' => '&eth;',
+ 'ñ' => '&ntilde;',
+ 'ò' => '&ograve;',
+ 'ó' => '&oacute;',
+ 'ô' => '&ocirc;',
+ 'õ' => '&otilde;',
+ 'ö' => '&ouml;',
+ '÷' => '&divide;',
+ 'ø' => '&oslash;',
+ 'ù' => '&ugrave;',
+ 'ú' => '&uacute;',
+ 'û' => '&ucirc;',
+ 'ü' => '&uuml;',
+ 'ý' => '&yacute;',
+ 'þ' => '&thorn;',
+ 'ÿ' => '&yuml;',
+ 'Ā' => '&Amacr;',
+ 'ā' => '&amacr;',
+ 'Ă' => '&Abreve;',
+ 'ă' => '&abreve;',
+ 'Ą' => '&Aogon;',
+ 'ą' => '&aogon;',
+ 'Ć' => '&Cacute;',
+ 'ć' => '&cacute;',
+ 'Ĉ' => '&Ccirc;',
+ 'ĉ' => '&ccirc;',
+ 'Ċ' => '&Cdot;',
+ 'ċ' => '&cdot;',
+ 'Č' => '&Ccaron;',
+ 'č' => '&ccaron;',
+ 'Ď' => '&Dcaron;',
+ 'ď' => '&dcaron;',
+ 'Đ' => '&Dstrok;',
+ 'đ' => '&dstrok;',
+ 'Ē' => '&Emacr;',
+ 'ē' => '&emacr;',
+ 'Ė' => '&Edot;',
+ 'ė' => '&edot;',
+ 'Ę' => '&Eogon;',
+ 'ę' => '&eogon;',
+ 'Ě' => '&Ecaron;',
+ 'ě' => '&ecaron;',
+ 'Ĝ' => '&Gcirc;',
+ 'ĝ' => '&gcirc;',
+ 'Ğ' => '&Gbreve;',
+ 'ğ' => '&gbreve;',
+ 'Ġ' => '&Gdot;',
+ 'ġ' => '&gdot;',
+ 'Ģ' => '&Gcedil;',
+ 'Ĥ' => '&Hcirc;',
+ 'ĥ' => '&hcirc;',
+ 'Ħ' => '&Hstrok;',
+ 'ħ' => '&hstrok;',
+ 'Ĩ' => '&Itilde;',
+ 'ĩ' => '&itilde;',
+ 'Ī' => '&Imacr;',
+ 'ī' => '&imacr;',
+ 'Į' => '&Iogon;',
+ 'į' => '&iogon;',
+ 'İ' => '&Idot;',
+ 'ı' => '&inodot;',
+ 'IJ' => '&IJlig;',
+ 'ij' => '&ijlig;',
+ 'Ĵ' => '&Jcirc;',
+ 'ĵ' => '&jcirc;',
+ 'Ķ' => '&Kcedil;',
+ 'ķ' => '&kcedil;',
+ 'ĸ' => '&kgreen;',
+ 'Ĺ' => '&Lacute;',
+ 'ĺ' => '&lacute;',
+ 'Ļ' => '&Lcedil;',
+ 'ļ' => '&lcedil;',
+ 'Ľ' => '&Lcaron;',
+ 'ľ' => '&lcaron;',
+ 'Ŀ' => '&Lmidot;',
+ 'ŀ' => '&lmidot;',
+ 'Ł' => '&Lstrok;',
+ 'ł' => '&lstrok;',
+ 'Ń' => '&Nacute;',
+ 'ń' => '&nacute;',
+ 'Ņ' => '&Ncedil;',
+ 'ņ' => '&ncedil;',
+ 'Ň' => '&Ncaron;',
+ 'ň' => '&ncaron;',
+ 'ʼn' => '&napos;',
+ 'Ŋ' => '&ENG;',
+ 'ŋ' => '&eng;',
+ 'Ō' => '&Omacr;',
+ 'ō' => '&omacr;',
+ 'Ő' => '&Odblac;',
+ 'ő' => '&odblac;',
+ 'Œ' => '&OElig;',
+ 'œ' => '&oelig;',
+ 'Ŕ' => '&Racute;',
+ 'ŕ' => '&racute;',
+ 'Ŗ' => '&Rcedil;',
+ 'ŗ' => '&rcedil;',
+ 'Ř' => '&Rcaron;',
+ 'ř' => '&rcaron;',
+ 'Ś' => '&Sacute;',
+ 'ś' => '&sacute;',
+ 'Ŝ' => '&Scirc;',
+ 'ŝ' => '&scirc;',
+ 'Ş' => '&Scedil;',
+ 'ş' => '&scedil;',
+ 'Š' => '&Scaron;',
+ 'š' => '&scaron;',
+ 'Ţ' => '&Tcedil;',
+ 'ţ' => '&tcedil;',
+ 'Ť' => '&Tcaron;',
+ 'ť' => '&tcaron;',
+ 'Ŧ' => '&Tstrok;',
+ 'ŧ' => '&tstrok;',
+ 'Ũ' => '&Utilde;',
+ 'ũ' => '&utilde;',
+ 'Ū' => '&Umacr;',
+ 'ū' => '&umacr;',
+ 'Ŭ' => '&Ubreve;',
+ 'ŭ' => '&ubreve;',
+ 'Ů' => '&Uring;',
+ 'ů' => '&uring;',
+ 'Ű' => '&Udblac;',
+ 'ű' => '&udblac;',
+ 'Ų' => '&Uogon;',
+ 'ų' => '&uogon;',
+ 'Ŵ' => '&Wcirc;',
+ 'ŵ' => '&wcirc;',
+ 'Ŷ' => '&Ycirc;',
+ 'ŷ' => '&ycirc;',
+ 'Ÿ' => '&Yuml;',
+ 'Ź' => '&Zacute;',
+ 'ź' => '&zacute;',
+ 'Ż' => '&Zdot;',
+ 'ż' => '&zdot;',
+ 'Ž' => '&Zcaron;',
+ 'ž' => '&zcaron;',
+ 'ƒ' => '&fnof;',
+ 'Ƶ' => '&imped;',
+ 'ǵ' => '&gacute;',
+ 'ȷ' => '&jmath;',
+ 'ˆ' => '&circ;',
+ 'ˇ' => '&Hacek;',
+ '˘' => '&Breve;',
+ '˙' => '&dot;',
+ '˚' => '&ring;',
+ '˛' => '&ogon;',
+ '˜' => '&DiacriticalTilde;',
+ '˝' => '&DiacriticalDoubleAcute;',
+ '̑' => '&DownBreve;',
+ 'Α' => '&Alpha;',
+ 'Β' => '&Beta;',
+ 'Γ' => '&Gamma;',
+ 'Δ' => '&Delta;',
+ 'Ε' => '&Epsilon;',
+ 'Ζ' => '&Zeta;',
+ 'Η' => '&Eta;',
+ 'Θ' => '&Theta;',
+ 'Ι' => '&Iota;',
+ 'Κ' => '&Kappa;',
+ 'Λ' => '&Lambda;',
+ 'Μ' => '&Mu;',
+ 'Ν' => '&Nu;',
+ 'Ξ' => '&Xi;',
+ 'Ο' => '&Omicron;',
+ 'Π' => '&Pi;',
+ 'Ρ' => '&Rho;',
+ 'Σ' => '&Sigma;',
+ 'Τ' => '&Tau;',
+ 'Υ' => '&Upsilon;',
+ 'Φ' => '&Phi;',
+ 'Χ' => '&Chi;',
+ 'Ψ' => '&Psi;',
+ 'Ω' => '&Omega;',
+ 'α' => '&alpha;',
+ 'β' => '&beta;',
+ 'γ' => '&gamma;',
+ 'δ' => '&delta;',
+ 'ε' => '&epsi;',
+ 'ζ' => '&zeta;',
+ 'η' => '&eta;',
+ 'θ' => '&theta;',
+ 'ι' => '&iota;',
+ 'κ' => '&kappa;',
+ 'λ' => '&lambda;',
+ 'μ' => '&mu;',
+ 'ν' => '&nu;',
+ 'ξ' => '&xi;',
+ 'ο' => '&omicron;',
+ 'π' => '&pi;',
+ 'ρ' => '&rho;',
+ 'ς' => '&sigmav;',
+ 'σ' => '&sigma;',
+ 'τ' => '&tau;',
+ 'υ' => '&upsi;',
+ 'φ' => '&phi;',
+ 'χ' => '&chi;',
+ 'ψ' => '&psi;',
+ 'ω' => '&omega;',
+ 'ϑ' => '&thetasym;',
+ 'ϒ' => '&upsih;',
+ 'ϕ' => '&straightphi;',
+ 'ϖ' => '&piv;',
+ 'Ϝ' => '&Gammad;',
+ 'ϝ' => '&gammad;',
+ 'ϰ' => '&varkappa;',
+ 'ϱ' => '&rhov;',
+ 'ϵ' => '&straightepsilon;',
+ '϶' => '&backepsilon;',
+ 'Ё' => '&IOcy;',
+ 'Ђ' => '&DJcy;',
+ 'Ѓ' => '&GJcy;',
+ 'Є' => '&Jukcy;',
+ 'Ѕ' => '&DScy;',
+ 'І' => '&Iukcy;',
+ 'Ї' => '&YIcy;',
+ 'Ј' => '&Jsercy;',
+ 'Љ' => '&LJcy;',
+ 'Њ' => '&NJcy;',
+ 'Ћ' => '&TSHcy;',
+ 'Ќ' => '&KJcy;',
+ 'Ў' => '&Ubrcy;',
+ 'Џ' => '&DZcy;',
+ 'А' => '&Acy;',
+ 'Б' => '&Bcy;',
+ 'В' => '&Vcy;',
+ 'Г' => '&Gcy;',
+ 'Д' => '&Dcy;',
+ 'Е' => '&IEcy;',
+ 'Ж' => '&ZHcy;',
+ 'З' => '&Zcy;',
+ 'И' => '&Icy;',
+ 'Й' => '&Jcy;',
+ 'К' => '&Kcy;',
+ 'Л' => '&Lcy;',
+ 'М' => '&Mcy;',
+ 'Н' => '&Ncy;',
+ 'О' => '&Ocy;',
+ 'П' => '&Pcy;',
+ 'Р' => '&Rcy;',
+ 'С' => '&Scy;',
+ 'Т' => '&Tcy;',
+ 'У' => '&Ucy;',
+ 'Ф' => '&Fcy;',
+ 'Х' => '&KHcy;',
+ 'Ц' => '&TScy;',
+ 'Ч' => '&CHcy;',
+ 'Ш' => '&SHcy;',
+ 'Щ' => '&SHCHcy;',
+ 'Ъ' => '&HARDcy;',
+ 'Ы' => '&Ycy;',
+ 'Ь' => '&SOFTcy;',
+ 'Э' => '&Ecy;',
+ 'Ю' => '&YUcy;',
+ 'Я' => '&YAcy;',
+ 'а' => '&acy;',
+ 'б' => '&bcy;',
+ 'в' => '&vcy;',
+ 'г' => '&gcy;',
+ 'д' => '&dcy;',
+ 'е' => '&iecy;',
+ 'ж' => '&zhcy;',
+ 'з' => '&zcy;',
+ 'и' => '&icy;',
+ 'й' => '&jcy;',
+ 'к' => '&kcy;',
+ 'л' => '&lcy;',
+ 'м' => '&mcy;',
+ 'н' => '&ncy;',
+ 'о' => '&ocy;',
+ 'п' => '&pcy;',
+ 'р' => '&rcy;',
+ 'с' => '&scy;',
+ 'т' => '&tcy;',
+ 'у' => '&ucy;',
+ 'ф' => '&fcy;',
+ 'х' => '&khcy;',
+ 'ц' => '&tscy;',
+ 'ч' => '&chcy;',
+ 'ш' => '&shcy;',
+ 'щ' => '&shchcy;',
+ 'ъ' => '&hardcy;',
+ 'ы' => '&ycy;',
+ 'ь' => '&softcy;',
+ 'э' => '&ecy;',
+ 'ю' => '&yucy;',
+ 'я' => '&yacy;',
+ 'ё' => '&iocy;',
+ 'ђ' => '&djcy;',
+ 'ѓ' => '&gjcy;',
+ 'є' => '&jukcy;',
+ 'ѕ' => '&dscy;',
+ 'і' => '&iukcy;',
+ 'ї' => '&yicy;',
+ 'ј' => '&jsercy;',
+ 'љ' => '&ljcy;',
+ 'њ' => '&njcy;',
+ 'ћ' => '&tshcy;',
+ 'ќ' => '&kjcy;',
+ 'ў' => '&ubrcy;',
+ 'џ' => '&dzcy;',
+ ' ' => '&ensp;',
+ ' ' => '&emsp;',
+ ' ' => '&emsp13;',
+ ' ' => '&emsp14;',
+ ' ' => '&numsp;',
+ ' ' => '&puncsp;',
+ ' ' => '&ThinSpace;',
+ ' ' => '&hairsp;',
+ '​' => '&ZeroWidthSpace;',
+ '‌' => '&zwnj;',
+ '‍' => '&zwj;',
+ '‎' => '&lrm;',
+ '‏' => '&rlm;',
+ '‐' => '&hyphen;',
+ '–' => '&ndash;',
+ '—' => '&mdash;',
+ '―' => '&horbar;',
+ '‖' => '&Verbar;',
+ '‘' => '&OpenCurlyQuote;',
+ '’' => '&rsquo;',
+ '‚' => '&sbquo;',
+ '“' => '&OpenCurlyDoubleQuote;',
+ '”' => '&rdquo;',
+ '„' => '&bdquo;',
+ '†' => '&dagger;',
+ '‡' => '&Dagger;',
+ '•' => '&bull;',
+ '‥' => '&nldr;',
+ '…' => '&hellip;',
+ '‰' => '&permil;',
+ '‱' => '&pertenk;',
+ '′' => '&prime;',
+ '″' => '&Prime;',
+ '‴' => '&tprime;',
+ '‵' => '&backprime;',
+ '‹' => '&lsaquo;',
+ '›' => '&rsaquo;',
+ '‾' => '&oline;',
+ '⁁' => '&caret;',
+ '⁃' => '&hybull;',
+ '⁄' => '&frasl;',
+ '⁏' => '&bsemi;',
+ '⁗' => '&qprime;',
+ ' ' => '&MediumSpace;',
+ '  ' => '&ThickSpace',
+ '⁠' => '&NoBreak;',
+ '⁡' => '&af;',
+ '⁢' => '&InvisibleTimes;',
+ '⁣' => '&ic;',
+ '€' => '&euro;',
+ '⃛' => '&TripleDot;',
+ '⃜' => '&DotDot;',
+ 'ℂ' => '&complexes;',
+ '℅' => '&incare;',
+ 'ℊ' => '&gscr;',
+ 'ℋ' => '&HilbertSpace;',
+ 'ℌ' => '&Hfr;',
+ 'ℍ' => '&Hopf;',
+ 'ℎ' => '&planckh;',
+ 'ℏ' => '&planck;',
+ 'ℐ' => '&imagline;',
+ 'ℑ' => '&Ifr;',
+ 'ℒ' => '&lagran;',
+ 'ℓ' => '&ell;',
+ 'ℕ' => '&naturals;',
+ '№' => '&numero;',
+ '℗' => '&copysr;',
+ '℘' => '&wp;',
+ 'ℙ' => '&primes;',
+ 'ℚ' => '&rationals;',
+ 'ℛ' => '&realine;',
+ 'ℜ' => '&Rfr;',
+ 'ℝ' => '&Ropf;',
+ '℞' => '&rx;',
+ '™' => '&trade;',
+ 'ℤ' => '&Zopf;',
+ '℧' => '&mho;',
+ 'ℨ' => '&Zfr;',
+ '℩' => '&iiota;',
+ 'ℬ' => '&Bscr;',
+ 'ℭ' => '&Cfr;',
+ 'ℯ' => '&escr;',
+ 'ℰ' => '&expectation;',
+ 'ℱ' => '&Fouriertrf;',
+ 'ℳ' => '&Mellintrf;',
+ 'ℴ' => '&orderof;',
+ 'ℵ' => '&aleph;',
+ 'ℶ' => '&beth;',
+ 'ℷ' => '&gimel;',
+ 'ℸ' => '&daleth;',
+ 'ⅅ' => '&CapitalDifferentialD;',
+ 'ⅆ' => '&DifferentialD;',
+ 'ⅇ' => '&exponentiale;',
+ 'ⅈ' => '&ImaginaryI;',
+ '⅓' => '&frac13;',
+ '⅔' => '&frac23;',
+ '⅕' => '&frac15;',
+ '⅖' => '&frac25;',
+ '⅗' => '&frac35;',
+ '⅘' => '&frac45;',
+ '⅙' => '&frac16;',
+ '⅚' => '&frac56;',
+ '⅛' => '&frac18;',
+ '⅜' => '&frac38;',
+ '⅝' => '&frac58;',
+ '⅞' => '&frac78;',
+ '←' => '&larr;',
+ '↑' => '&uarr;',
+ '→' => '&srarr;',
+ '↓' => '&darr;',
+ '↔' => '&harr;',
+ '↕' => '&UpDownArrow;',
+ '↖' => '&nwarrow;',
+ '↗' => '&UpperRightArrow;',
+ '↘' => '&LowerRightArrow;',
+ '↙' => '&swarr;',
+ '↚' => '&nleftarrow;',
+ '↛' => '&nrarr;',
+ '↝' => '&rarrw;',
+ '↝̸' => '&nrarrw',
+ '↞' => '&Larr;',
+ '↟' => '&Uarr;',
+ '↠' => '&twoheadrightarrow;',
+ '↡' => '&Darr;',
+ '↢' => '&larrtl;',
+ '↣' => '&rarrtl;',
+ '↤' => '&LeftTeeArrow;',
+ '↥' => '&UpTeeArrow;',
+ '↦' => '&map;',
+ '↧' => '&DownTeeArrow;',
+ '↩' => '&larrhk;',
+ '↪' => '&rarrhk;',
+ '↫' => '&larrlp;',
+ '↬' => '&looparrowright;',
+ '↭' => '&harrw;',
+ '↮' => '&nleftrightarrow;',
+ '↰' => '&Lsh;',
+ '↱' => '&rsh;',
+ '↲' => '&ldsh;',
+ '↳' => '&rdsh;',
+ '↵' => '&crarr;',
+ '↶' => '&curvearrowleft;',
+ '↷' => '&curarr;',
+ '↺' => '&olarr;',
+ '↻' => '&orarr;',
+ '↼' => '&leftharpoonup;',
+ '↽' => '&leftharpoondown;',
+ '↾' => '&RightUpVector;',
+ '↿' => '&uharl;',
+ '⇀' => '&rharu;',
+ '⇁' => '&rhard;',
+ '⇂' => '&RightDownVector;',
+ '⇃' => '&dharl;',
+ '⇄' => '&rightleftarrows;',
+ '⇅' => '&udarr;',
+ '⇆' => '&lrarr;',
+ '⇇' => '&llarr;',
+ '⇈' => '&upuparrows;',
+ '⇉' => '&rrarr;',
+ '⇊' => '&downdownarrows;',
+ '⇋' => '&leftrightharpoons;',
+ '⇌' => '&rightleftharpoons;',
+ '⇍' => '&nLeftarrow;',
+ '⇎' => '&nhArr;',
+ '⇏' => '&nrArr;',
+ '⇐' => '&DoubleLeftArrow;',
+ '⇑' => '&DoubleUpArrow;',
+ '⇒' => '&Implies;',
+ '⇓' => '&Downarrow;',
+ '⇔' => '&hArr;',
+ '⇕' => '&Updownarrow;',
+ '⇖' => '&nwArr;',
+ '⇗' => '&neArr;',
+ '⇘' => '&seArr;',
+ '⇙' => '&swArr;',
+ '⇚' => '&lAarr;',
+ '⇛' => '&rAarr;',
+ '⇝' => '&zigrarr;',
+ '⇤' => '&LeftArrowBar;',
+ '⇥' => '&RightArrowBar;',
+ '⇵' => '&DownArrowUpArrow;',
+ '⇽' => '&loarr;',
+ '⇾' => '&roarr;',
+ '⇿' => '&hoarr;',
+ '∀' => '&forall;',
+ '∁' => '&comp;',
+ '∂' => '&part;',
+ '∂̸' => '&npart',
+ '∃' => '&Exists;',
+ '∄' => '&nexist;',
+ '∅' => '&empty;',
+ '∇' => '&nabla;',
+ '∈' => '&isinv;',
+ '∉' => '&notin;',
+ '∋' => '&ReverseElement;',
+ '∌' => '&notniva;',
+ '∏' => '&prod;',
+ '∐' => '&Coproduct;',
+ '∑' => '&sum;',
+ '−' => '&minus;',
+ '∓' => '&MinusPlus;',
+ '∔' => '&plusdo;',
+ '∖' => '&ssetmn;',
+ '∗' => '&lowast;',
+ '∘' => '&compfn;',
+ '√' => '&Sqrt;',
+ '∝' => '&prop;',
+ '∞' => '&infin;',
+ '∟' => '&angrt;',
+ '∠' => '&angle;',
+ '∠⃒' => '&nang',
+ '∡' => '&angmsd;',
+ '∢' => '&angsph;',
+ '∣' => '&mid;',
+ '∤' => '&nshortmid;',
+ '∥' => '&shortparallel;',
+ '∦' => '&nparallel;',
+ '∧' => '&and;',
+ '∨' => '&or;',
+ '∩' => '&cap;',
+ '∩︀' => '&caps',
+ '∪' => '&cup;',
+ '∪︀' => '&cups',
+ '∫' => '&Integral;',
+ '∬' => '&Int;',
+ '∭' => '&tint;',
+ '∮' => '&ContourIntegral;',
+ '∯' => '&DoubleContourIntegral;',
+ '∰' => '&Cconint;',
+ '∱' => '&cwint;',
+ '∲' => '&cwconint;',
+ '∳' => '&awconint;',
+ '∴' => '&there4;',
+ '∵' => '&Because;',
+ '∶' => '&ratio;',
+ '∷' => '&Colon;',
+ '∸' => '&minusd;',
+ '∺' => '&mDDot;',
+ '∻' => '&homtht;',
+ '∼' => '&sim;',
+ '∼⃒' => '&nvsim',
+ '∽' => '&bsim;',
+ '∽̱' => '&race',
+ '∾' => '&ac;',
+ '∾̳' => '&acE',
+ '∿' => '&acd;',
+ '≀' => '&wr;',
+ '≁' => '&NotTilde;',
+ '≂' => '&esim;',
+ '≂̸' => '&nesim',
+ '≃' => '&simeq;',
+ '≄' => '&nsime;',
+ '≅' => '&TildeFullEqual;',
+ '≆' => '&simne;',
+ '≇' => '&ncong;',
+ '≈' => '&approx;',
+ '≉' => '&napprox;',
+ '≊' => '&ape;',
+ '≋' => '&apid;',
+ '≋̸' => '&napid',
+ '≌' => '&bcong;',
+ '≍' => '&CupCap;',
+ '≍⃒' => '&nvap',
+ '≎' => '&bump;',
+ '≎̸' => '&nbump',
+ '≏' => '&HumpEqual;',
+ '≏̸' => '&nbumpe',
+ '≐' => '&esdot;',
+ '≐̸' => '&nedot',
+ '≑' => '&doteqdot;',
+ '≒' => '&fallingdotseq;',
+ '≓' => '&risingdotseq;',
+ '≔' => '&coloneq;',
+ '≕' => '&eqcolon;',
+ '≖' => '&ecir;',
+ '≗' => '&circeq;',
+ '≙' => '&wedgeq;',
+ '≚' => '&veeeq;',
+ '≜' => '&triangleq;',
+ '≟' => '&equest;',
+ '≠' => '&NotEqual;',
+ '≡' => '&Congruent;',
+ '≡⃥' => '&bnequiv',
+ '≢' => '&NotCongruent;',
+ '≤' => '&leq;',
+ '≤⃒' => '&nvle',
+ '≥' => '&ge;',
+ '≥⃒' => '&nvge',
+ '≦' => '&lE;',
+ '≦̸' => '&nlE',
+ '≧' => '&geqq;',
+ '≧̸' => '&NotGreaterFullEqual',
+ '≨' => '&lneqq;',
+ '≨︀' => '&lvertneqq',
+ '≩' => '&gneqq;',
+ '≩︀' => '&gvertneqq',
+ '≪' => '&ll;',
+ '≪̸' => '&nLtv',
+ '≪⃒' => '&nLt',
+ '≫' => '&gg;',
+ '≫̸' => '&NotGreaterGreater',
+ '≫⃒' => '&nGt',
+ '≬' => '&between;',
+ '≭' => '&NotCupCap;',
+ '≮' => '&NotLess;',
+ '≯' => '&ngtr;',
+ '≰' => '&NotLessEqual;',
+ '≱' => '&ngeq;',
+ '≲' => '&LessTilde;',
+ '≳' => '&GreaterTilde;',
+ '≴' => '&nlsim;',
+ '≵' => '&ngsim;',
+ '≶' => '&lessgtr;',
+ '≷' => '&gl;',
+ '≸' => '&ntlg;',
+ '≹' => '&NotGreaterLess;',
+ '≺' => '&prec;',
+ '≻' => '&succ;',
+ '≼' => '&PrecedesSlantEqual;',
+ '≽' => '&succcurlyeq;',
+ '≾' => '&precsim;',
+ '≿' => '&SucceedsTilde;',
+ '≿̸' => '&NotSucceedsTilde',
+ '⊀' => '&npr;',
+ '⊁' => '&NotSucceeds;',
+ '⊂' => '&sub;',
+ '⊂⃒' => '&vnsub',
+ '⊃' => '&sup;',
+ '⊃⃒' => '&nsupset',
+ '⊄' => '&nsub;',
+ '⊅' => '&nsup;',
+ '⊆' => '&SubsetEqual;',
+ '⊇' => '&supe;',
+ '⊈' => '&NotSubsetEqual;',
+ '⊉' => '&NotSupersetEqual;',
+ '⊊' => '&subsetneq;',
+ '⊊︀' => '&vsubne',
+ '⊋' => '&supsetneq;',
+ '⊋︀' => '&vsupne',
+ '⊍' => '&cupdot;',
+ '⊎' => '&UnionPlus;',
+ '⊏' => '&sqsub;',
+ '⊏̸' => '&NotSquareSubset',
+ '⊐' => '&sqsupset;',
+ '⊐̸' => '&NotSquareSuperset',
+ '⊑' => '&SquareSubsetEqual;',
+ '⊒' => '&SquareSupersetEqual;',
+ '⊓' => '&sqcap;',
+ '⊓︀' => '&sqcaps',
+ '⊔' => '&sqcup;',
+ '⊔︀' => '&sqcups',
+ '⊕' => '&CirclePlus;',
+ '⊖' => '&ominus;',
+ '⊗' => '&CircleTimes;',
+ '⊘' => '&osol;',
+ '⊙' => '&CircleDot;',
+ '⊚' => '&ocir;',
+ '⊛' => '&oast;',
+ '⊝' => '&odash;',
+ '⊞' => '&boxplus;',
+ '⊟' => '&boxminus;',
+ '⊠' => '&timesb;',
+ '⊡' => '&sdotb;',
+ '⊢' => '&vdash;',
+ '⊣' => '&dashv;',
+ '⊤' => '&DownTee;',
+ '⊥' => '&perp;',
+ '⊧' => '&models;',
+ '⊨' => '&DoubleRightTee;',
+ '⊩' => '&Vdash;',
+ '⊪' => '&Vvdash;',
+ '⊫' => '&VDash;',
+ '⊬' => '&nvdash;',
+ '⊭' => '&nvDash;',
+ '⊮' => '&nVdash;',
+ '⊯' => '&nVDash;',
+ '⊰' => '&prurel;',
+ '⊲' => '&vartriangleleft;',
+ '⊳' => '&vrtri;',
+ '⊴' => '&LeftTriangleEqual;',
+ '⊴⃒' => '&nvltrie',
+ '⊵' => '&RightTriangleEqual;',
+ '⊵⃒' => '&nvrtrie',
+ '⊶' => '&origof;',
+ '⊷' => '&imof;',
+ '⊸' => '&mumap;',
+ '⊹' => '&hercon;',
+ '⊺' => '&intcal;',
+ '⊻' => '&veebar;',
+ '⊽' => '&barvee;',
+ '⊾' => '&angrtvb;',
+ '⊿' => '&lrtri;',
+ '⋀' => '&xwedge;',
+ '⋁' => '&xvee;',
+ '⋂' => '&bigcap;',
+ '⋃' => '&bigcup;',
+ '⋄' => '&diamond;',
+ '⋅' => '&sdot;',
+ '⋆' => '&Star;',
+ '⋇' => '&divonx;',
+ '⋈' => '&bowtie;',
+ '⋉' => '&ltimes;',
+ '⋊' => '&rtimes;',
+ '⋋' => '&lthree;',
+ '⋌' => '&rthree;',
+ '⋍' => '&backsimeq;',
+ '⋎' => '&curlyvee;',
+ '⋏' => '&curlywedge;',
+ '⋐' => '&Sub;',
+ '⋑' => '&Supset;',
+ '⋒' => '&Cap;',
+ '⋓' => '&Cup;',
+ '⋔' => '&pitchfork;',
+ '⋕' => '&epar;',
+ '⋖' => '&lessdot;',
+ '⋗' => '&gtrdot;',
+ '⋘' => '&Ll;',
+ '⋘̸' => '&nLl',
+ '⋙' => '&Gg;',
+ '⋙̸' => '&nGg',
+ '⋚' => '&lesseqgtr;',
+ '⋚︀' => '&lesg',
+ '⋛' => '&gtreqless;',
+ '⋛︀' => '&gesl',
+ '⋞' => '&curlyeqprec;',
+ '⋟' => '&cuesc;',
+ '⋠' => '&NotPrecedesSlantEqual;',
+ '⋡' => '&NotSucceedsSlantEqual;',
+ '⋢' => '&NotSquareSubsetEqual;',
+ '⋣' => '&NotSquareSupersetEqual;',
+ '⋦' => '&lnsim;',
+ '⋧' => '&gnsim;',
+ '⋨' => '&precnsim;',
+ '⋩' => '&scnsim;',
+ '⋪' => '&nltri;',
+ '⋫' => '&ntriangleright;',
+ '⋬' => '&nltrie;',
+ '⋭' => '&NotRightTriangleEqual;',
+ '⋮' => '&vellip;',
+ '⋯' => '&ctdot;',
+ '⋰' => '&utdot;',
+ '⋱' => '&dtdot;',
+ '⋲' => '&disin;',
+ '⋳' => '&isinsv;',
+ '⋴' => '&isins;',
+ '⋵' => '&isindot;',
+ '⋵̸' => '&notindot',
+ '⋶' => '&notinvc;',
+ '⋷' => '&notinvb;',
+ '⋹' => '&isinE;',
+ '⋹̸' => '&notinE',
+ '⋺' => '&nisd;',
+ '⋻' => '&xnis;',
+ '⋼' => '&nis;',
+ '⋽' => '&notnivc;',
+ '⋾' => '&notnivb;',
+ '⌅' => '&barwed;',
+ '⌆' => '&doublebarwedge;',
+ '⌈' => '&lceil;',
+ '⌉' => '&RightCeiling;',
+ '⌊' => '&LeftFloor;',
+ '⌋' => '&RightFloor;',
+ '⌌' => '&drcrop;',
+ '⌍' => '&dlcrop;',
+ '⌎' => '&urcrop;',
+ '⌏' => '&ulcrop;',
+ '⌐' => '&bnot;',
+ '⌒' => '&profline;',
+ '⌓' => '&profsurf;',
+ '⌕' => '&telrec;',
+ '⌖' => '&target;',
+ '⌜' => '&ulcorner;',
+ '⌝' => '&urcorner;',
+ '⌞' => '&llcorner;',
+ '⌟' => '&drcorn;',
+ '⌢' => '&frown;',
+ '⌣' => '&smile;',
+ '⌭' => '&cylcty;',
+ '⌮' => '&profalar;',
+ '⌶' => '&topbot;',
+ '⌽' => '&ovbar;',
+ '⌿' => '&solbar;',
+ '⍼' => '&angzarr;',
+ '⎰' => '&lmoust;',
+ '⎱' => '&rmoust;',
+ '⎴' => '&OverBracket;',
+ '⎵' => '&bbrk;',
+ '⎶' => '&bbrktbrk;',
+ '⏜' => '&OverParenthesis;',
+ '⏝' => '&UnderParenthesis;',
+ '⏞' => '&OverBrace;',
+ '⏟' => '&UnderBrace;',
+ '⏢' => '&trpezium;',
+ '⏧' => '&elinters;',
+ '␣' => '&blank;',
+ 'Ⓢ' => '&oS;',
+ '─' => '&HorizontalLine;',
+ '│' => '&boxv;',
+ '┌' => '&boxdr;',
+ '┐' => '&boxdl;',
+ '└' => '&boxur;',
+ '┘' => '&boxul;',
+ '├' => '&boxvr;',
+ '┤' => '&boxvl;',
+ '┬' => '&boxhd;',
+ '┴' => '&boxhu;',
+ '┼' => '&boxvh;',
+ '═' => '&boxH;',
+ '║' => '&boxV;',
+ '╒' => '&boxdR;',
+ '╓' => '&boxDr;',
+ '╔' => '&boxDR;',
+ '╕' => '&boxdL;',
+ '╖' => '&boxDl;',
+ '╗' => '&boxDL;',
+ '╘' => '&boxuR;',
+ '╙' => '&boxUr;',
+ '╚' => '&boxUR;',
+ '╛' => '&boxuL;',
+ '╜' => '&boxUl;',
+ '╝' => '&boxUL;',
+ '╞' => '&boxvR;',
+ '╟' => '&boxVr;',
+ '╠' => '&boxVR;',
+ '╡' => '&boxvL;',
+ '╢' => '&boxVl;',
+ '╣' => '&boxVL;',
+ '╤' => '&boxHd;',
+ '╥' => '&boxhD;',
+ '╦' => '&boxHD;',
+ '╧' => '&boxHu;',
+ '╨' => '&boxhU;',
+ '╩' => '&boxHU;',
+ '╪' => '&boxvH;',
+ '╫' => '&boxVh;',
+ '╬' => '&boxVH;',
+ '▀' => '&uhblk;',
+ '▄' => '&lhblk;',
+ '█' => '&block;',
+ '░' => '&blk14;',
+ '▒' => '&blk12;',
+ '▓' => '&blk34;',
+ '□' => '&Square;',
+ '▪' => '&squarf;',
+ '▫' => '&EmptyVerySmallSquare;',
+ '▭' => '&rect;',
+ '▮' => '&marker;',
+ '▱' => '&fltns;',
+ '△' => '&bigtriangleup;',
+ '▴' => '&blacktriangle;',
+ '▵' => '&triangle;',
+ '▸' => '&blacktriangleright;',
+ '▹' => '&rtri;',
+ '▽' => '&bigtriangledown;',
+ '▾' => '&blacktriangledown;',
+ '▿' => '&triangledown;',
+ '◂' => '&blacktriangleleft;',
+ '◃' => '&ltri;',
+ '◊' => '&lozenge;',
+ '○' => '&cir;',
+ '◬' => '&tridot;',
+ '◯' => '&bigcirc;',
+ '◸' => '&ultri;',
+ '◹' => '&urtri;',
+ '◺' => '&lltri;',
+ '◻' => '&EmptySmallSquare;',
+ '◼' => '&FilledSmallSquare;',
+ '★' => '&starf;',
+ '☆' => '&star;',
+ '☎' => '&phone;',
+ '♀' => '&female;',
+ '♂' => '&male;',
+ '♠' => '&spadesuit;',
+ '♣' => '&clubs;',
+ '♥' => '&hearts;',
+ '♦' => '&diamondsuit;',
+ '♪' => '&sung;',
+ '♭' => '&flat;',
+ '♮' => '&natur;',
+ '♯' => '&sharp;',
+ '✓' => '&check;',
+ '✗' => '&cross;',
+ '✠' => '&maltese;',
+ '✶' => '&sext;',
+ '❘' => '&VerticalSeparator;',
+ '❲' => '&lbbrk;',
+ '❳' => '&rbbrk;',
+ '⟈' => '&bsolhsub;',
+ '⟉' => '&suphsol;',
+ '⟦' => '&LeftDoubleBracket;',
+ '⟧' => '&RightDoubleBracket;',
+ '⟨' => '&langle;',
+ '⟩' => '&RightAngleBracket;',
+ '⟪' => '&Lang;',
+ '⟫' => '&Rang;',
+ '⟬' => '&loang;',
+ '⟭' => '&roang;',
+ '⟵' => '&longleftarrow;',
+ '⟶' => '&LongRightArrow;',
+ '⟷' => '&LongLeftRightArrow;',
+ '⟸' => '&xlArr;',
+ '⟹' => '&DoubleLongRightArrow;',
+ '⟺' => '&xhArr;',
+ '⟼' => '&xmap;',
+ '⟿' => '&dzigrarr;',
+ '⤂' => '&nvlArr;',
+ '⤃' => '&nvrArr;',
+ '⤄' => '&nvHarr;',
+ '⤅' => '&Map;',
+ '⤌' => '&lbarr;',
+ '⤍' => '&bkarow;',
+ '⤎' => '&lBarr;',
+ '⤏' => '&dbkarow;',
+ '⤐' => '&drbkarow;',
+ '⤑' => '&DDotrahd;',
+ '⤒' => '&UpArrowBar;',
+ '⤓' => '&DownArrowBar;',
+ '⤖' => '&Rarrtl;',
+ '⤙' => '&latail;',
+ '⤚' => '&ratail;',
+ '⤛' => '&lAtail;',
+ '⤜' => '&rAtail;',
+ '⤝' => '&larrfs;',
+ '⤞' => '&rarrfs;',
+ '⤟' => '&larrbfs;',
+ '⤠' => '&rarrbfs;',
+ '⤣' => '&nwarhk;',
+ '⤤' => '&nearhk;',
+ '⤥' => '&searhk;',
+ '⤦' => '&swarhk;',
+ '⤧' => '&nwnear;',
+ '⤨' => '&toea;',
+ '⤩' => '&seswar;',
+ '⤪' => '&swnwar;',
+ '⤳' => '&rarrc;',
+ '⤳̸' => '&nrarrc',
+ '⤵' => '&cudarrr;',
+ '⤶' => '&ldca;',
+ '⤷' => '&rdca;',
+ '⤸' => '&cudarrl;',
+ '⤹' => '&larrpl;',
+ '⤼' => '&curarrm;',
+ '⤽' => '&cularrp;',
+ '⥅' => '&rarrpl;',
+ '⥈' => '&harrcir;',
+ '⥉' => '&Uarrocir;',
+ '⥊' => '&lurdshar;',
+ '⥋' => '&ldrushar;',
+ '⥎' => '&LeftRightVector;',
+ '⥏' => '&RightUpDownVector;',
+ '⥐' => '&DownLeftRightVector;',
+ '⥑' => '&LeftUpDownVector;',
+ '⥒' => '&LeftVectorBar;',
+ '⥓' => '&RightVectorBar;',
+ '⥔' => '&RightUpVectorBar;',
+ '⥕' => '&RightDownVectorBar;',
+ '⥖' => '&DownLeftVectorBar;',
+ '⥗' => '&DownRightVectorBar;',
+ '⥘' => '&LeftUpVectorBar;',
+ '⥙' => '&LeftDownVectorBar;',
+ '⥚' => '&LeftTeeVector;',
+ '⥛' => '&RightTeeVector;',
+ '⥜' => '&RightUpTeeVector;',
+ '⥝' => '&RightDownTeeVector;',
+ '⥞' => '&DownLeftTeeVector;',
+ '⥟' => '&DownRightTeeVector;',
+ '⥠' => '&LeftUpTeeVector;',
+ '⥡' => '&LeftDownTeeVector;',
+ '⥢' => '&lHar;',
+ '⥣' => '&uHar;',
+ '⥤' => '&rHar;',
+ '⥥' => '&dHar;',
+ '⥦' => '&luruhar;',
+ '⥧' => '&ldrdhar;',
+ '⥨' => '&ruluhar;',
+ '⥩' => '&rdldhar;',
+ '⥪' => '&lharul;',
+ '⥫' => '&llhard;',
+ '⥬' => '&rharul;',
+ '⥭' => '&lrhard;',
+ '⥮' => '&udhar;',
+ '⥯' => '&ReverseUpEquilibrium;',
+ '⥰' => '&RoundImplies;',
+ '⥱' => '&erarr;',
+ '⥲' => '&simrarr;',
+ '⥳' => '&larrsim;',
+ '⥴' => '&rarrsim;',
+ '⥵' => '&rarrap;',
+ '⥶' => '&ltlarr;',
+ '⥸' => '&gtrarr;',
+ '⥹' => '&subrarr;',
+ '⥻' => '&suplarr;',
+ '⥼' => '&lfisht;',
+ '⥽' => '&rfisht;',
+ '⥾' => '&ufisht;',
+ '⥿' => '&dfisht;',
+ '⦅' => '&lopar;',
+ '⦆' => '&ropar;',
+ '⦋' => '&lbrke;',
+ '⦌' => '&rbrke;',
+ '⦍' => '&lbrkslu;',
+ '⦎' => '&rbrksld;',
+ '⦏' => '&lbrksld;',
+ '⦐' => '&rbrkslu;',
+ '⦑' => '&langd;',
+ '⦒' => '&rangd;',
+ '⦓' => '&lparlt;',
+ '⦔' => '&rpargt;',
+ '⦕' => '&gtlPar;',
+ '⦖' => '&ltrPar;',
+ '⦚' => '&vzigzag;',
+ '⦜' => '&vangrt;',
+ '⦝' => '&angrtvbd;',
+ '⦤' => '&ange;',
+ '⦥' => '&range;',
+ '⦦' => '&dwangle;',
+ '⦧' => '&uwangle;',
+ '⦨' => '&angmsdaa;',
+ '⦩' => '&angmsdab;',
+ '⦪' => '&angmsdac;',
+ '⦫' => '&angmsdad;',
+ '⦬' => '&angmsdae;',
+ '⦭' => '&angmsdaf;',
+ '⦮' => '&angmsdag;',
+ '⦯' => '&angmsdah;',
+ '⦰' => '&bemptyv;',
+ '⦱' => '&demptyv;',
+ '⦲' => '&cemptyv;',
+ '⦳' => '&raemptyv;',
+ '⦴' => '&laemptyv;',
+ '⦵' => '&ohbar;',
+ '⦶' => '&omid;',
+ '⦷' => '&opar;',
+ '⦹' => '&operp;',
+ '⦻' => '&olcross;',
+ '⦼' => '&odsold;',
+ '⦾' => '&olcir;',
+ '⦿' => '&ofcir;',
+ '⧀' => '&olt;',
+ '⧁' => '&ogt;',
+ '⧂' => '&cirscir;',
+ '⧃' => '&cirE;',
+ '⧄' => '&solb;',
+ '⧅' => '&bsolb;',
+ '⧉' => '&boxbox;',
+ '⧍' => '&trisb;',
+ '⧎' => '&rtriltri;',
+ '⧏' => '&LeftTriangleBar;',
+ '⧏̸' => '&NotLeftTriangleBar',
+ '⧐' => '&RightTriangleBar;',
+ '⧐̸' => '&NotRightTriangleBar',
+ '⧜' => '&iinfin;',
+ '⧝' => '&infintie;',
+ '⧞' => '&nvinfin;',
+ '⧣' => '&eparsl;',
+ '⧤' => '&smeparsl;',
+ '⧥' => '&eqvparsl;',
+ '⧫' => '&lozf;',
+ '⧴' => '&RuleDelayed;',
+ '⧶' => '&dsol;',
+ '⨀' => '&xodot;',
+ '⨁' => '&bigoplus;',
+ '⨂' => '&bigotimes;',
+ '⨄' => '&biguplus;',
+ '⨆' => '&bigsqcup;',
+ '⨌' => '&iiiint;',
+ '⨍' => '&fpartint;',
+ '⨐' => '&cirfnint;',
+ '⨑' => '&awint;',
+ '⨒' => '&rppolint;',
+ '⨓' => '&scpolint;',
+ '⨔' => '&npolint;',
+ '⨕' => '&pointint;',
+ '⨖' => '&quatint;',
+ '⨗' => '&intlarhk;',
+ '⨢' => '&pluscir;',
+ '⨣' => '&plusacir;',
+ '⨤' => '&simplus;',
+ '⨥' => '&plusdu;',
+ '⨦' => '&plussim;',
+ '⨧' => '&plustwo;',
+ '⨩' => '&mcomma;',
+ '⨪' => '&minusdu;',
+ '⨭' => '&loplus;',
+ '⨮' => '&roplus;',
+ '⨯' => '&Cross;',
+ '⨰' => '&timesd;',
+ '⨱' => '&timesbar;',
+ '⨳' => '&smashp;',
+ '⨴' => '&lotimes;',
+ '⨵' => '&rotimes;',
+ '⨶' => '&otimesas;',
+ '⨷' => '&Otimes;',
+ '⨸' => '&odiv;',
+ '⨹' => '&triplus;',
+ '⨺' => '&triminus;',
+ '⨻' => '&tritime;',
+ '⨼' => '&iprod;',
+ '⨿' => '&amalg;',
+ '⩀' => '&capdot;',
+ '⩂' => '&ncup;',
+ '⩃' => '&ncap;',
+ '⩄' => '&capand;',
+ '⩅' => '&cupor;',
+ '⩆' => '&cupcap;',
+ '⩇' => '&capcup;',
+ '⩈' => '&cupbrcap;',
+ '⩉' => '&capbrcup;',
+ '⩊' => '&cupcup;',
+ '⩋' => '&capcap;',
+ '⩌' => '&ccups;',
+ '⩍' => '&ccaps;',
+ '⩐' => '&ccupssm;',
+ '⩓' => '&And;',
+ '⩔' => '&Or;',
+ '⩕' => '&andand;',
+ '⩖' => '&oror;',
+ '⩗' => '&orslope;',
+ '⩘' => '&andslope;',
+ '⩚' => '&andv;',
+ '⩛' => '&orv;',
+ '⩜' => '&andd;',
+ '⩝' => '&ord;',
+ '⩟' => '&wedbar;',
+ '⩦' => '&sdote;',
+ '⩪' => '&simdot;',
+ '⩭' => '&congdot;',
+ '⩭̸' => '&ncongdot',
+ '⩮' => '&easter;',
+ '⩯' => '&apacir;',
+ '⩰' => '&apE;',
+ '⩰̸' => '&napE',
+ '⩱' => '&eplus;',
+ '⩲' => '&pluse;',
+ '⩳' => '&Esim;',
+ '⩴' => '&Colone;',
+ '⩵' => '&Equal;',
+ '⩷' => '&ddotseq;',
+ '⩸' => '&equivDD;',
+ '⩹' => '&ltcir;',
+ '⩺' => '&gtcir;',
+ '⩻' => '&ltquest;',
+ '⩼' => '&gtquest;',
+ '⩽' => '&les;',
+ '⩽̸' => '&nles',
+ '⩾' => '&ges;',
+ '⩾̸' => '&nges',
+ '⩿' => '&lesdot;',
+ '⪀' => '&gesdot;',
+ '⪁' => '&lesdoto;',
+ '⪂' => '&gesdoto;',
+ '⪃' => '&lesdotor;',
+ '⪄' => '&gesdotol;',
+ '⪅' => '&lap;',
+ '⪆' => '&gap;',
+ '⪇' => '&lne;',
+ '⪈' => '&gne;',
+ '⪉' => '&lnap;',
+ '⪊' => '&gnap;',
+ '⪋' => '&lesseqqgtr;',
+ '⪌' => '&gEl;',
+ '⪍' => '&lsime;',
+ '⪎' => '&gsime;',
+ '⪏' => '&lsimg;',
+ '⪐' => '&gsiml;',
+ '⪑' => '&lgE;',
+ '⪒' => '&glE;',
+ '⪓' => '&lesges;',
+ '⪔' => '&gesles;',
+ '⪕' => '&els;',
+ '⪖' => '&egs;',
+ '⪗' => '&elsdot;',
+ '⪘' => '&egsdot;',
+ '⪙' => '&el;',
+ '⪚' => '&eg;',
+ '⪝' => '&siml;',
+ '⪞' => '&simg;',
+ '⪟' => '&simlE;',
+ '⪠' => '&simgE;',
+ '⪡' => '&LessLess;',
+ '⪡̸' => '&NotNestedLessLess',
+ '⪢' => '&GreaterGreater;',
+ '⪢̸' => '&NotNestedGreaterGreater',
+ '⪤' => '&glj;',
+ '⪥' => '&gla;',
+ '⪦' => '&ltcc;',
+ '⪧' => '&gtcc;',
+ '⪨' => '&lescc;',
+ '⪩' => '&gescc;',
+ '⪪' => '&smt;',
+ '⪫' => '&lat;',
+ '⪬' => '&smte;',
+ '⪬︀' => '&smtes',
+ '⪭' => '&late;',
+ '⪭︀' => '&lates',
+ '⪮' => '&bumpE;',
+ '⪯' => '&preceq;',
+ '⪯̸' => '&NotPrecedesEqual',
+ '⪰' => '&SucceedsEqual;',
+ '⪰̸' => '&NotSucceedsEqual',
+ '⪳' => '&prE;',
+ '⪴' => '&scE;',
+ '⪵' => '&precneqq;',
+ '⪶' => '&scnE;',
+ '⪷' => '&precapprox;',
+ '⪸' => '&succapprox;',
+ '⪹' => '&precnapprox;',
+ '⪺' => '&succnapprox;',
+ '⪻' => '&Pr;',
+ '⪼' => '&Sc;',
+ '⪽' => '&subdot;',
+ '⪾' => '&supdot;',
+ '⪿' => '&subplus;',
+ '⫀' => '&supplus;',
+ '⫁' => '&submult;',
+ '⫂' => '&supmult;',
+ '⫃' => '&subedot;',
+ '⫄' => '&supedot;',
+ '⫅' => '&subE;',
+ '⫅̸' => '&nsubE',
+ '⫆' => '&supseteqq;',
+ '⫆̸' => '&nsupseteqq',
+ '⫇' => '&subsim;',
+ '⫈' => '&supsim;',
+ '⫋' => '&subsetneqq;',
+ '⫋︀' => '&vsubnE',
+ '⫌' => '&supnE;',
+ '⫌︀' => '&varsupsetneqq',
+ '⫏' => '&csub;',
+ '⫐' => '&csup;',
+ '⫑' => '&csube;',
+ '⫒' => '&csupe;',
+ '⫓' => '&subsup;',
+ '⫔' => '&supsub;',
+ '⫕' => '&subsub;',
+ '⫖' => '&supsup;',
+ '⫗' => '&suphsub;',
+ '⫘' => '&supdsub;',
+ '⫙' => '&forkv;',
+ '⫚' => '&topfork;',
+ '⫛' => '&mlcp;',
+ '⫤' => '&Dashv;',
+ '⫦' => '&Vdashl;',
+ '⫧' => '&Barv;',
+ '⫨' => '&vBar;',
+ '⫩' => '&vBarv;',
+ '⫫' => '&Vbar;',
+ '⫬' => '&Not;',
+ '⫭' => '&bNot;',
+ '⫮' => '&rnmid;',
+ '⫯' => '&cirmid;',
+ '⫰' => '&midcir;',
+ '⫱' => '&topcir;',
+ '⫲' => '&nhpar;',
+ '⫳' => '&parsim;',
+ '⫽︀' => '&varsupsetneqq',
+ 'ff' => '&fflig;',
+ 'fi' => '&filig;',
+ 'fl' => '&fllig;',
+ 'ffi' => '&ffilig;',
+ 'ffl' => '&ffllig;',
+ '𝒜' => '&Ascr;',
+ '𝒞' => '&Cscr;',
+ '𝒟' => '&Dscr;',
+ '𝒢' => '&Gscr;',
+ '𝒥' => '&Jscr;',
+ '𝒦' => '&Kscr;',
+ '𝒩' => '&Nscr;',
+ '𝒪' => '&Oscr;',
+ '𝒫' => '&Pscr;',
+ '𝒬' => '&Qscr;',
+ '𝒮' => '&Sscr;',
+ '𝒯' => '&Tscr;',
+ '𝒰' => '&Uscr;',
+ '𝒱' => '&Vscr;',
+ '𝒲' => '&Wscr;',
+ '𝒳' => '&Xscr;',
+ '𝒴' => '&Yscr;',
+ '𝒵' => '&Zscr;',
+ '𝒶' => '&ascr;',
+ '𝒷' => '&bscr;',
+ '𝒸' => '&cscr;',
+ '𝒹' => '&dscr;',
+ '𝒻' => '&fscr;',
+ '𝒽' => '&hscr;',
+ '𝒾' => '&iscr;',
+ '𝒿' => '&jscr;',
+ '𝓀' => '&kscr;',
+ '𝓁' => '&lscr;',
+ '𝓂' => '&mscr;',
+ '𝓃' => '&nscr;',
+ '𝓅' => '&pscr;',
+ '𝓆' => '&qscr;',
+ '𝓇' => '&rscr;',
+ '𝓈' => '&sscr;',
+ '𝓉' => '&tscr;',
+ '𝓊' => '&uscr;',
+ '𝓋' => '&vscr;',
+ '𝓌' => '&wscr;',
+ '𝓍' => '&xscr;',
+ '𝓎' => '&yscr;',
+ '𝓏' => '&zscr;',
+ '𝔄' => '&Afr;',
+ '𝔅' => '&Bfr;',
+ '𝔇' => '&Dfr;',
+ '𝔈' => '&Efr;',
+ '𝔉' => '&Ffr;',
+ '𝔊' => '&Gfr;',
+ '𝔍' => '&Jfr;',
+ '𝔎' => '&Kfr;',
+ '𝔏' => '&Lfr;',
+ '𝔐' => '&Mfr;',
+ '𝔑' => '&Nfr;',
+ '𝔒' => '&Ofr;',
+ '𝔓' => '&Pfr;',
+ '𝔔' => '&Qfr;',
+ '𝔖' => '&Sfr;',
+ '𝔗' => '&Tfr;',
+ '𝔘' => '&Ufr;',
+ '𝔙' => '&Vfr;',
+ '𝔚' => '&Wfr;',
+ '𝔛' => '&Xfr;',
+ '𝔜' => '&Yfr;',
+ '𝔞' => '&afr;',
+ '𝔟' => '&bfr;',
+ '𝔠' => '&cfr;',
+ '𝔡' => '&dfr;',
+ '𝔢' => '&efr;',
+ '𝔣' => '&ffr;',
+ '𝔤' => '&gfr;',
+ '𝔥' => '&hfr;',
+ '𝔦' => '&ifr;',
+ '𝔧' => '&jfr;',
+ '𝔨' => '&kfr;',
+ '𝔩' => '&lfr;',
+ '𝔪' => '&mfr;',
+ '𝔫' => '&nfr;',
+ '𝔬' => '&ofr;',
+ '𝔭' => '&pfr;',
+ '𝔮' => '&qfr;',
+ '𝔯' => '&rfr;',
+ '𝔰' => '&sfr;',
+ '𝔱' => '&tfr;',
+ '𝔲' => '&ufr;',
+ '𝔳' => '&vfr;',
+ '𝔴' => '&wfr;',
+ '𝔵' => '&xfr;',
+ '𝔶' => '&yfr;',
+ '𝔷' => '&zfr;',
+ '𝔸' => '&Aopf;',
+ '𝔹' => '&Bopf;',
+ '𝔻' => '&Dopf;',
+ '𝔼' => '&Eopf;',
+ '𝔽' => '&Fopf;',
+ '𝔾' => '&Gopf;',
+ '𝕀' => '&Iopf;',
+ '𝕁' => '&Jopf;',
+ '𝕂' => '&Kopf;',
+ '𝕃' => '&Lopf;',
+ '𝕄' => '&Mopf;',
+ '𝕆' => '&Oopf;',
+ '𝕊' => '&Sopf;',
+ '𝕋' => '&Topf;',
+ '𝕌' => '&Uopf;',
+ '𝕍' => '&Vopf;',
+ '𝕎' => '&Wopf;',
+ '𝕏' => '&Xopf;',
+ '𝕐' => '&Yopf;',
+ '𝕒' => '&aopf;',
+ '𝕓' => '&bopf;',
+ '𝕔' => '&copf;',
+ '𝕕' => '&dopf;',
+ '𝕖' => '&eopf;',
+ '𝕗' => '&fopf;',
+ '𝕘' => '&gopf;',
+ '𝕙' => '&hopf;',
+ '𝕚' => '&iopf;',
+ '𝕛' => '&jopf;',
+ '𝕜' => '&kopf;',
+ '𝕝' => '&lopf;',
+ '𝕞' => '&mopf;',
+ '𝕟' => '&nopf;',
+ '𝕠' => '&oopf;',
+ '𝕡' => '&popf;',
+ '𝕢' => '&qopf;',
+ '𝕣' => '&ropf;',
+ '𝕤' => '&sopf;',
+ '𝕥' => '&topf;',
+ '𝕦' => '&uopf;',
+ '𝕧' => '&vopf;',
+ '𝕨' => '&wopf;',
+ '𝕩' => '&xopf;',
+ '𝕪' => '&yopf;',
+ '𝕫' => '&zopf;',
+ );
diff --git a/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/OutputRules.php b/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/OutputRules.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec467f22c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/OutputRules.php
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+ * @file
+ * The rules for generating output in the serializer.
+ *
+ * These output rules are likely to generate output similar to the document that
+ * was parsed. It is not intended to output exactly the document that was parsed.
+ */
+namespace Masterminds\HTML5\Serializer;
+use Masterminds\HTML5\Elements;
+ * Generate the output html5 based on element rules.
+ */
+class OutputRules implements RulesInterface
+ /**
+ * Defined in
+ */
+ const NAMESPACE_HTML = '';
+ const NAMESPACE_MATHML = '';
+ const NAMESPACE_SVG = '';
+ const NAMESPACE_XLINK = '';
+ const NAMESPACE_XML = '';
+ const NAMESPACE_XMLNS = '';
+ /**
+ * Holds the HTML5 element names that causes a namespace switch.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $implicitNamespaces = array(
+ );
+ const IM_IN_HTML = 1;
+ const IM_IN_SVG = 2;
+ const IM_IN_MATHML = 3;
+ /**
+ * Used as cache to detect if is available ENT_HTML5.
+ *
+ * @var bool
+ */
+ private $hasHTML5 = false;
+ protected $traverser;
+ protected $encode = false;
+ protected $out;
+ protected $outputMode;
+ private $xpath;
+ protected $nonBooleanAttributes = array(
+ /*
+ array(
+ 'nodeNamespace'=>'',
+ 'attrNamespace'=>'',
+ 'nodeName'=>'img', 'nodeName'=>array('img', 'a'),
+ 'attrName'=>'alt', 'attrName'=>array('title', 'alt'),
+ ),
+ */
+ array(
+ 'nodeNamespace' => '',
+ 'attrName' => array('href',
+ 'hreflang',
+ 'http-equiv',
+ 'icon',
+ 'id',
+ 'keytype',
+ 'kind',
+ 'label',
+ 'lang',
+ 'language',
+ 'list',
+ 'maxlength',
+ 'media',
+ 'method',
+ 'name',
+ 'placeholder',
+ 'rel',
+ 'rows',
+ 'rowspan',
+ 'sandbox',
+ 'spellcheck',
+ 'scope',
+ 'seamless',
+ 'shape',
+ 'size',
+ 'sizes',
+ 'span',
+ 'src',
+ 'srcdoc',
+ 'srclang',
+ 'srcset',
+ 'start',
+ 'step',
+ 'style',
+ 'summary',
+ 'tabindex',
+ 'target',
+ 'title',
+ 'type',
+ 'value',
+ 'width',
+ 'border',
+ 'charset',
+ 'cite',
+ 'class',
+ 'code',
+ 'codebase',
+ 'color',
+ 'cols',
+ 'colspan',
+ 'content',
+ 'coords',
+ 'data',
+ 'datetime',
+ 'default',
+ 'dir',
+ 'dirname',
+ 'enctype',
+ 'for',
+ 'form',
+ 'formaction',
+ 'headers',
+ 'height',
+ 'accept',
+ 'accept-charset',
+ 'accesskey',
+ 'action',
+ 'align',
+ 'alt',
+ 'bgcolor',
+ ),
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'nodeNamespace' => '',
+ 'xpath' => 'starts-with(local-name(), \'data-\')',
+ ),
+ );
+ const DOCTYPE = '<!DOCTYPE html>';
+ public function __construct($output, $options = array())
+ {
+ if (isset($options['encode_entities'])) {
+ $this->encode = $options['encode_entities'];
+ }
+ $this->outputMode = static::IM_IN_HTML;
+ $this->out = $output;
+ $this->hasHTML5 = defined('ENT_HTML5');
+ }
+ public function addRule(array $rule)
+ {
+ $this->nonBooleanAttributes[] = $rule;
+ }
+ public function setTraverser(Traverser $traverser)
+ {
+ $this->traverser = $traverser;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function unsetTraverser()
+ {
+ $this->traverser = null;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function document($dom)
+ {
+ $this->doctype();
+ if ($dom->documentElement) {
+ foreach ($dom->childNodes as $node) {
+ $this->traverser->node($node);
+ }
+ $this->nl();
+ }
+ }
+ protected function doctype()
+ {
+ $this->wr(static::DOCTYPE);
+ $this->nl();
+ }
+ public function element($ele)
+ {
+ $name = $ele->tagName;
+ // Per spec:
+ // If the element has a declared namespace in the HTML, MathML or
+ // SVG namespaces, we use the lname instead of the tagName.
+ if ($this->traverser->isLocalElement($ele)) {
+ $name = $ele->localName;
+ }
+ // If we are in SVG or MathML there is special handling.
+ // Using if/elseif instead of switch because it's faster in PHP.
+ if ('svg' == $name) {
+ $this->outputMode = static::IM_IN_SVG;
+ $name = Elements::normalizeSvgElement($name);
+ } elseif ('math' == $name) {
+ $this->outputMode = static::IM_IN_MATHML;
+ }
+ $this->openTag($ele);
+ if (Elements::isA($name, Elements::TEXT_RAW)) {
+ foreach ($ele->childNodes as $child) {
+ if ($child instanceof \DOMCharacterData) {
+ $this->wr($child->data);
+ } elseif ($child instanceof \DOMElement) {
+ $this->element($child);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Handle children.
+ if ($ele->hasChildNodes()) {
+ $this->traverser->children($ele->childNodes);
+ }
+ // Close out the SVG or MathML special handling.
+ if ('svg' == $name || 'math' == $name) {
+ $this->outputMode = static::IM_IN_HTML;
+ }
+ }
+ // If not unary, add a closing tag.
+ if (!Elements::isA($name, Elements::VOID_TAG)) {
+ $this->closeTag($ele);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write a text node.
+ *
+ * @param \DOMText $ele The text node to write.
+ */
+ public function text($ele)
+ {
+ if (isset($ele->parentNode) && isset($ele->parentNode->tagName) && Elements::isA($ele->parentNode->localName, Elements::TEXT_RAW)) {
+ $this->wr($ele->data);
+ return;
+ }
+ // FIXME: This probably needs some flags set.
+ $this->wr($this->enc($ele->data));
+ }
+ public function cdata($ele)
+ {
+ // This encodes CDATA.
+ $this->wr($ele->ownerDocument->saveXML($ele));
+ }
+ public function comment($ele)
+ {
+ // These produce identical output.
+ // $this->wr('<!--')->wr($ele->data)->wr('-->');
+ $this->wr($ele->ownerDocument->saveXML($ele));
+ }
+ public function processorInstruction($ele)
+ {
+ $this->wr('<?')
+ ->wr($ele->target)
+ ->wr(' ')
+ ->wr($ele->data)
+ ->wr('?>');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write the namespace attributes.
+ *
+ * @param \DOMNode $ele The element being written.
+ */
+ protected function namespaceAttrs($ele)
+ {
+ if (!$this->xpath || $this->xpath->document !== $ele->ownerDocument) {
+ $this->xpath = new \DOMXPath($ele->ownerDocument);
+ }
+ foreach ($this->xpath->query('namespace::*[not(.=../../namespace::*)]', $ele) as $nsNode) {
+ if (!in_array($nsNode->nodeValue, $this->implicitNamespaces)) {
+ $this->wr(' ')->wr($nsNode->nodeName)->wr('="')->wr($nsNode->nodeValue)->wr('"');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write the opening tag.
+ *
+ * Tags for HTML, MathML, and SVG are in the local name. Otherwise, use the
+ * qualified name (8.3).
+ *
+ * @param \DOMNode $ele The element being written.
+ */
+ protected function openTag($ele)
+ {
+ $this->wr('<')->wr($this->traverser->isLocalElement($ele) ? $ele->localName : $ele->tagName);
+ $this->attrs($ele);
+ $this->namespaceAttrs($ele);
+ if ($this->outputMode == static::IM_IN_HTML) {
+ $this->wr('>');
+ } // If we are not in html mode we are in SVG, MathML, or XML embedded content.
+ else {
+ if ($ele->hasChildNodes()) {
+ $this->wr('>');
+ } // If there are no children this is self closing.
+ else {
+ $this->wr(' />');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected function attrs($ele)
+ {
+ // FIXME: Needs support for xml, xmlns, xlink, and namespaced elements.
+ if (!$ele->hasAttributes()) {
+ return $this;
+ }
+ // TODO: Currently, this always writes name="value", and does not do
+ // value-less attributes.
+ $map = $ele->attributes;
+ $len = $map->length;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
+ $node = $map->item($i);
+ $val = $this->enc($node->value, true);
+ // XXX: The spec says that we need to ensure that anything in
+ // the XML, XMLNS, or XLink NS's should use the canonical
+ // prefix. It seems that DOM does this for us already, but there
+ // may be exceptions.
+ $name = $node->nodeName;
+ // Special handling for attributes in SVG and MathML.
+ // Using if/elseif instead of switch because it's faster in PHP.
+ if ($this->outputMode == static::IM_IN_SVG) {
+ $name = Elements::normalizeSvgAttribute($name);
+ } elseif ($this->outputMode == static::IM_IN_MATHML) {
+ $name = Elements::normalizeMathMlAttribute($name);
+ }
+ $this->wr(' ')->wr($name);
+ if ((isset($val) && '' !== $val) || $this->nonBooleanAttribute($node)) {
+ $this->wr('="')->wr($val)->wr('"');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected function nonBooleanAttribute(\DOMAttr $attr)
+ {
+ $ele = $attr->ownerElement;
+ foreach ($this->nonBooleanAttributes as $rule) {
+ if (isset($rule['nodeNamespace']) && $rule['nodeNamespace'] !== $ele->namespaceURI) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($rule['attNamespace']) && $rule['attNamespace'] !== $attr->namespaceURI) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($rule['nodeName']) && !is_array($rule['nodeName']) && $rule['nodeName'] !== $ele->localName) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($rule['nodeName']) && is_array($rule['nodeName']) && !in_array($ele->localName, $rule['nodeName'], true)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($rule['attrName']) && !is_array($rule['attrName']) && $rule['attrName'] !== $attr->localName) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($rule['attrName']) && is_array($rule['attrName']) && !in_array($attr->localName, $rule['attrName'], true)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($rule['xpath'])) {
+ $xp = $this->getXPath($attr);
+ if (isset($rule['prefixes'])) {
+ foreach ($rule['prefixes'] as $nsPrefix => $ns) {
+ $xp->registerNamespace($nsPrefix, $ns);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$xp->evaluate($rule['xpath'], $attr)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private function getXPath(\DOMNode $node)
+ {
+ if (!$this->xpath) {
+ $this->xpath = new \DOMXPath($node->ownerDocument);
+ }
+ return $this->xpath;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write the closing tag.
+ *
+ * Tags for HTML, MathML, and SVG are in the local name. Otherwise, use the
+ * qualified name (8.3).
+ *
+ * @param \DOMNode $ele The element being written.
+ */
+ protected function closeTag($ele)
+ {
+ if ($this->outputMode == static::IM_IN_HTML || $ele->hasChildNodes()) {
+ $this->wr('</')->wr($this->traverser->isLocalElement($ele) ? $ele->localName : $ele->tagName)->wr('>');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write to the output.
+ *
+ * @param string $text The string to put into the output
+ *
+ * @return $this
+ */
+ protected function wr($text)
+ {
+ fwrite($this->out, $text);
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write a new line character.
+ *
+ * @return $this
+ */
+ protected function nl()
+ {
+ fwrite($this->out, PHP_EOL);
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Encode text.
+ *
+ * When encode is set to false, the default value, the text passed in is
+ * escaped per section 8.3 of the html5 spec. For details on how text is
+ * escaped see the escape() method.
+ *
+ * When encoding is set to true the text is converted to named character
+ * references where appropriate. Section 8.1.4 Character references of the
+ * html5 spec refers to using named character references. This is useful for
+ * characters that can't otherwise legally be used in the text.
+ *
+ * The named character references are listed in section 8.5.
+ *
+ * @see True encoding will turn all named character references into their entities.
+ * This includes such characters as +.# and many other common ones. By default
+ * encoding here will just escape &'<>".
+ *
+ * Note, PHP 5.4+ has better html5 encoding.
+ *
+ * @todo Use the Entities class in php 5.3 to have html5 entities.
+ *
+ * @param string $text Text to encode.
+ * @param bool $attribute True if we are encoding an attrubute, false otherwise.
+ *
+ * @return string The encoded text.
+ */
+ protected function enc($text, $attribute = false)
+ {
+ // Escape the text rather than convert to named character references.
+ if (!$this->encode) {
+ return $this->escape($text, $attribute);
+ }
+ // If we are in PHP 5.4+ we can use the native html5 entity functionality to
+ // convert the named character references.
+ if ($this->hasHTML5) {
+ return htmlentities($text, ENT_HTML5 | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);
+ } // If a version earlier than 5.4 html5 entities are not entirely handled.
+ // This manually handles them.
+ else {
+ return strtr($text, HTML5Entities::$map);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Escape test.
+ *
+ * According to the html5 spec section 8.3 Serializing HTML fragments, text
+ * within tags that are not style, script, xmp, iframe, noembed, and noframes
+ * need to be properly escaped.
+ *
+ * The & should be converted to &amp;, no breaking space unicode characters
+ * converted to &nbsp;, when in attribute mode the " should be converted to
+ * &quot;, and when not in attribute mode the < and > should be converted to
+ * &lt; and &gt;.
+ *
+ * @see
+ *
+ * @param string $text Text to escape.
+ * @param bool $attribute True if we are escaping an attrubute, false otherwise.
+ */
+ protected function escape($text, $attribute = false)
+ {
+ // Not using htmlspecialchars because, while it does escaping, it doesn't
+ // match the requirements of section 8.5. For example, it doesn't handle
+ // non-breaking spaces.
+ if ($attribute) {
+ $replace = array(
+ '"' => '&quot;',
+ '&' => '&amp;',
+ "\xc2\xa0" => '&nbsp;',
+ );
+ } else {
+ $replace = array(
+ '<' => '&lt;',
+ '>' => '&gt;',
+ '&' => '&amp;',
+ "\xc2\xa0" => '&nbsp;',
+ );
+ }
+ return strtr($text, $replace);
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/ b/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..849a47f3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# The Serializer (Writer) Model
+The serializer roughly follows sections _8.1 Writing HTML documents_ and section
+_8.3 Serializing HTML fragments_ by converting DOMDocument, DOMDocumentFragment,
+and DOMNodeList into HTML5.
+ [ HTML5 ] // Interface for saving.
+ ||
+ [ Traverser ] // Walk the DOM
+ ||
+ [ Rules ] // Convert DOM elements into strings.
+ ||
+ [ HTML5 ] // HTML5 document or fragment in text.
+## HTML5 Class
+Provides the top level interface for saving.
+## The Traverser
+Walks the DOM finding each element and passing it off to the output rules to
+convert to HTML5.
+## Output Rules
+The output rules are defined in the RulesInterface which can have multiple
+implementations. Currently, the OutputRules is the default implementation that
+converts a DOM as is into HTML5.
+## HTML5 String
+The output of the process it HTML5 as a string or saved to a file. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/RulesInterface.php b/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/RulesInterface.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69a6ecdad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/RulesInterface.php
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * @file
+ * The interface definition for Rules to generate output.
+ */
+namespace Masterminds\HTML5\Serializer;
+ * To create a new rule set for writing output the RulesInterface needs to be implemented.
+ * The resulting class can be specified in the options with the key of rules.
+ *
+ * For an example implementation see Serializer\OutputRules.
+ */
+interface RulesInterface
+ /**
+ * The class constructor.
+ *
+ * Note, before the rules can be used a traverser must be registered.
+ *
+ * @param mixed $output The output stream to write output to.
+ * @param array $options An array of options.
+ */
+ public function __construct($output, $options = array());
+ /**
+ * Register the traverser used in but the rules.
+ *
+ * Note, only one traverser can be used by the rules.
+ *
+ * @param Traverser $traverser The traverser used in the rules.
+ *
+ * @return RulesInterface $this for the current object.
+ */
+ public function setTraverser(Traverser $traverser);
+ /**
+ * Write a document element (\DOMDocument).
+ *
+ * Instead of returning the result write it to the output stream ($output)
+ * that was passed into the constructor.
+ *
+ * @param \DOMDocument $dom
+ */
+ public function document($dom);
+ /**
+ * Write an element.
+ *
+ * Instead of returning the result write it to the output stream ($output)
+ * that was passed into the constructor.
+ *
+ * @param mixed $ele
+ */
+ public function element($ele);
+ /**
+ * Write a text node.
+ *
+ * Instead of returning the result write it to the output stream ($output)
+ * that was passed into the constructor.
+ *
+ * @param mixed $ele
+ */
+ public function text($ele);
+ /**
+ * Write a CDATA node.
+ *
+ * Instead of returning the result write it to the output stream ($output)
+ * that was passed into the constructor.
+ *
+ * @param mixed $ele
+ */
+ public function cdata($ele);
+ /**
+ * Write a comment node.
+ *
+ * Instead of returning the result write it to the output stream ($output)
+ * that was passed into the constructor.
+ *
+ * @param mixed $ele
+ */
+ public function comment($ele);
+ /**
+ * Write a processor instruction.
+ *
+ * To learn about processor instructions see InstructionProcessor
+ *
+ * Instead of returning the result write it to the output stream ($output)
+ * that was passed into the constructor.
+ *
+ * @param mixed $ele
+ */
+ public function processorInstruction($ele);
diff --git a/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/Traverser.php b/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/Traverser.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e8d7924e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/af_readability/vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/Traverser.php
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+namespace Masterminds\HTML5\Serializer;
+ * Traverser for walking a DOM tree.
+ *
+ * This is a concrete traverser designed to convert a DOM tree into an
+ * HTML5 document. It is not intended to be a generic DOMTreeWalker
+ * implementation.
+ *
+ * @see
+ */
+class Traverser
+ /**
+ * Namespaces that should be treated as "local" to HTML5.
+ */
+ protected static $local_ns = array(
+ '' => 'html',
+ '' => 'math',
+ '' => 'svg',
+ );
+ protected $dom;
+ protected $options;
+ protected $encode = false;
+ protected $rules;
+ protected $out;
+ /**
+ * Create a traverser.
+ *
+ * @param \DOMNode|\DOMNodeList $dom The document or node to traverse.
+ * @param resource $out A stream that allows writing. The traverser will output into this
+ * stream.
+ * @param array $options An array of options for the traverser as key/value pairs. These include:
+ * - encode_entities: A bool to specify if full encding should happen for all named
+ * charachter references. Defaults to false which escapes &'<>".
+ * - output_rules: The path to the class handling the output rules.
+ */
+ public function __construct($dom, $out, RulesInterface $rules, $options = array())
+ {
+ $this->dom = $dom;
+ $this->out = $out;
+ $this->rules = $rules;
+ $this->options = $options;
+ $this->rules->setTraverser($this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tell the traverser to walk the DOM.
+ *
+ * @return resource $out Returns the output stream.
+ */
+ public function walk()
+ {
+ if ($this->dom instanceof \DOMDocument) {
+ $this->rules->document($this->dom);
+ } elseif ($this->dom instanceof \DOMDocumentFragment) {
+ // Document fragments are a special case. Only the children need to
+ // be serialized.
+ if ($this->dom->hasChildNodes()) {
+ $this->children($this->dom->childNodes);
+ }
+ } // If NodeList, loop
+ elseif ($this->dom instanceof \DOMNodeList) {
+ // If this is a NodeList of DOMDocuments this will not work.
+ $this->children($this->dom);
+ } // Else assume this is a DOMNode-like datastructure.
+ else {
+ $this->node($this->dom);
+ }
+ return $this->out;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Process a node in the DOM.
+ *
+ * @param mixed $node A node implementing \DOMNode.
+ */
+ public function node($node)
+ {
+ // A listing of types is at
+ switch ($node->nodeType) {
+ $this->rules->element($node);
+ break;
+ $this->rules->text($node);
+ break;
+ $this->rules->cdata($node);
+ break;
+ case XML_PI_NODE:
+ $this->rules->processorInstruction($node);
+ break;
+ $this->rules->comment($node);
+ break;
+ // Currently we don't support embedding DTDs.
+ default:
+ //print '<!-- Skipped -->';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Walk through all the nodes on a node list.
+ *
+ * @param \DOMNodeList $nl A list of child elements to walk through.
+ */
+ public function children($nl)
+ {
+ foreach ($nl as $node) {
+ $this->node($node);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Is an element local?
+ *
+ * @param mixed $ele An element that implement \DOMNode.
+ *
+ * @return bool true if local and false otherwise.
+ */
+ public function isLocalElement($ele)
+ {
+ $uri = $ele->namespaceURI;
+ if (empty($uri)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return isset(static::$local_ns[$uri]);
+ }