path: root/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests')
23 files changed, 0 insertions, 2290 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Codec/TextCodecTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Codec/TextCodecTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 79a1dd96f..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Codec/TextCodecTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests\Codec;
-use Exception;
-use const Jaeger\BAGGAGE_HEADER_PREFIX;
-use Jaeger\Codec\TextCodec;
-use const Jaeger\DEBUG_ID_HEADER_KEY;
-use Jaeger\SpanContext;
-use const Jaeger\TRACE_ID_HEADER;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class TextCodecTest extends TestCase
- /** @var TextCodec */
- private $textCodec;
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->textCodec = new TextCodec();
- }
- public function testCanInjectSimpleContextInCarrier(): void
- {
- $context = new SpanContext('trace-id', 'span-id', null, null);
- $carrier = [];
- $this->textCodec->inject($context, $carrier);
- $this->assertCount(1 , $carrier);
- $this->assertArrayHasKey(TRACE_ID_HEADER, $carrier);
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider contextDataProvider
- * @param bool $urlEncode
- * @param $baggage
- */
- public function testCanInjectContextBaggageInCarrier(bool $urlEncode, $baggage, $injectedBaggage): void
- {
- $carrier = [];
- $context = new SpanContext('trace-id', 'span-id', null, null, $baggage);
- $textCodec = new TextCodec($urlEncode);
- $textCodec->inject($context, $carrier);
- $this->assertCount(1 + count($baggage) , $carrier);
- $this->assertArrayHasKey(TRACE_ID_HEADER, $carrier);
- foreach ($injectedBaggage as $key => $value) {
- $this->assertArrayHasKey(BAGGAGE_HEADER_PREFIX . $key, $carrier);
- $this->assertEquals($carrier[BAGGAGE_HEADER_PREFIX . $key], $value);
- }
- }
- public function contextDataProvider()
- {
- return [
- [false, ['baggage-1' => 'baggage value'], ['baggage-1' => 'baggage value']],
- [false, ['baggage-1' => ''], ['baggage-1' => '']],
- [true, ['baggage-1' => ''], ['baggage-1' => '']],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider carrierDataProvider
- * @param $urlEncode
- * @param $carrier
- * @param $traceId
- * @param $spanId
- * @param $parentId
- * @param $flags
- * @param $baggage
- * @throws \Exception
- */
- public function testSpanContextParsingFromHeader($urlEncode, $carrier, $traceId, $spanId, $parentId, $flags, $baggage): void
- {
- $textCodec = new TextCodec($urlEncode);
- $spanContext = $textCodec->extract($carrier);
- $this->assertEquals($traceId, $spanContext->getTraceId());
- $this->assertEquals($spanId, $spanContext->getSpanId());
- $this->assertEquals($parentId, $spanContext->getParentId());
- $this->assertEquals($flags, $spanContext->getFlags());
- $this->assertCount(count($baggage), $spanContext->getBaggage() ? $spanContext->getBaggage() : []);
- foreach ($baggage as $key => $value) {
- $this->assertEquals($value, $spanContext->getBaggageItem($key));
- }
- }
- public function carrierDataProvider(): array
- {
- return [
- [
- false,
- [
- TRACE_ID_HEADER => '32834e4115071776:f7802330248418d:f123456789012345:1'
- ],
- "3639838965278119798",
- "1114643325879075213",
- "-1070935975401544891",
- 1,
- []
- ],
- [
- false,
- [
- TRACE_ID_HEADER => '32834e4115071776:f7802330248418d:f123456789012345:1',
- BAGGAGE_HEADER_PREFIX . 'baggage-1' => '',
- ],
- "3639838965278119798",
- "1114643325879075213",
- "-1070935975401544891",
- 1,
- ['baggage-1' => '']
- ],
- [
- true,
- [
- TRACE_ID_HEADER => '32834e4115071776:f7802330248418d:f123456789012345:1',
- BAGGAGE_HEADER_PREFIX . 'baggage-1' => '',
- ],
- "3639838965278119798",
- "1114643325879075213",
- "-1070935975401544891",
- 1,
- ['baggage-1' => '']
- ]
- ];
- }
- public function testBaggageWithoutTraceContext(): void
- {
- $carrier = [BAGGAGE_HEADER_PREFIX.'test' => 'some data'];
- $this->expectException(Exception::class);
- $this->expectExceptionMessage('baggage without trace ctx');
- $this->textCodec->extract($carrier);
- }
- public function testInvalidSpanContextParsingFromHeader(): void
- {
- $carrier = [TRACE_ID_HEADER => 'invalid_data'];
- $this->expectException(Exception::class);
- $this->expectExceptionMessage('Malformed tracer state string.');
- $this->textCodec->extract($carrier);
- }
- public function testExtractDebugSpanContext(): void
- {
- $carrier = [DEBUG_ID_HEADER_KEY => 'debugId'];
- $spanContext = $this->textCodec->extract($carrier);
- $this->assertEquals('debugId', $spanContext->getDebugId());
- $this->assertNull($spanContext->getTraceId());
- $this->assertNull($spanContext->getSpanId());
- $this->assertNull($spanContext->getParentId());
- $this->assertNull($spanContext->getFlags());
- }
- public function testExtractEmptySpanContext(): void
- {
- $spanContext = $this->textCodec->extract([]);
- $this->assertNull($spanContext);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Codec/ZipkinCodecTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Codec/ZipkinCodecTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 047caac2e..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Codec/ZipkinCodecTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests\Codec;
-use Jaeger\Codec\ZipkinCodec;
-use Jaeger\SpanContext;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-use const Jaeger\DEBUG_FLAG;
-use const Jaeger\SAMPLED_FLAG;
-class ZipkinCodecTest extends TestCase
- /** @var ZipkinCodec */
- private $codec;
- function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->codec = new ZipkinCodec;
- }
- function testInject()
- {
- // Given
- $traceId = 123;
- $spanId = 456;
- $parentId = 789;
- $spanContext = new SpanContext(
- $traceId,
- $spanId,
- $parentId,
- );
- $carrier = [];
- // When
- $this->codec->inject($spanContext, $carrier);
- // Then
- $this->assertEquals('7b', $carrier['X-B3-TraceId']);
- $this->assertEquals('1c8', $carrier['X-B3-SpanId']);
- $this->assertEquals('315', $carrier['X-B3-ParentSpanId']);
- $this->assertSame(1, $carrier['X-B3-Flags']);
- }
- function testExtract()
- {
- // Given
- $carrier = [
- 'x-b3-traceid' => 'a53bf337d7e455e1',
- 'x-b3-spanid' => '153bf227d1f455a1',
- 'x-b3-parentspanid' => 'a53bf337d7e455e1',
- 'x-b3-flags' => '1',
- ];
- // When
- $spanContext = $this->codec->extract($carrier);
- // Then
- $this->assertEquals(new SpanContext(
- '-6540366612654696991',
- '1530082751262512545',
- '-6540366612654696991',
- ), $spanContext);
- }
- function testExtractWithoutParentSpanId()
- {
- // Given
- $carrier = [
- 'x-b3-traceid' => '8d824d69da5f50d9',
- 'x-b3-spanid' => '8d824d69da5f50d9',
- 'x-b3-flags' => '1',
- ];
- // When
- $spanContext = $this->codec->extract($carrier);
- // Then
- $this->assertEquals(new SpanContext(
- '-8249946450358742823',
- '-8249946450358742823',
- '0',
- ), $spanContext);
- }
- function testExtractInvalidHeader()
- {
- // Given
- $carrier = [
- 'x-b3-traceid' => 'zzzz',
- 'x-b3-spanid' => '463ac35c9f6413ad48485a3953bb6124',
- 'x-b3-flags' => '1',
- ];
- // When
- $spanContext = $this->codec->extract($carrier);
- // Then
- $this->assertEquals(null, $spanContext);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/ConfigTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/ConfigTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index da1a9781e..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/ConfigTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests;
-use Exception;
-use Jaeger\Config;
-use Jaeger\Reporter\ReporterInterface;
-use Jaeger\Sampler\SamplerInterface;
-use Jaeger\Tracer;
-use OpenTracing\GlobalTracer;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-use const Jaeger\SAMPLER_TYPE_CONST;
-class ConfigTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * @var Config
- */
- private $config;
- /**
- * @var ReporterInterface
- */
- private $reporter;
- /**
- * @var SamplerInterface
- */
- private $sampler;
- /**
- * @var string
- */
- private $serviceName = 'test-service';
- function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->config = new Config([], $this->serviceName);
- $this->reporter = $this->createMock(ReporterInterface::class);
- $this->sampler = $this->createmock(SamplerInterface::class);
- }
- function testCreateTracer()
- {
- $tracer = $this->config->createTracer($this->reporter, $this->sampler);
- $this->assertEquals(Tracer::class, get_class($tracer));
- $this->assertEquals($this->serviceName, $tracer->getServiceName());
- }
- function testThrowExceptionWhenServiceNameIsNotDefined()
- {
- $this->expectException(Exception::class);
- $this->expectExceptionMessage('service_name required in the config or param.');
- new Config([]);
- }
- function testSetServiceNameFromConfig()
- {
- $config = new Config(['service_name' => 'test-service-name-from-config']);
- $serviceName = $config->getServiceName();
- $this->assertEquals('test-service-name-from-config', $serviceName);
- }
- /**
- * @test
- */
- public function shouldSetGlobalTracerAfterInitialize()
- {
- //given
- $config = new Config(['service_name' => 'test-service-name']);
- //when
- $config->initializeTracer();
- //then
- $tracer = GlobalTracer::get();
- $this->assertInstanceOf(Tracer::class, $tracer);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldThrowExceptionWhenCreatingNotSupportedSampler()
- {
- $config = new Config(['service_name' => 'test-service-name', 'sampler' => ['type' => 'unsupportedSampler']]);
- $this->expectException(Exception::class);
- $this->expectExceptionMessage('Unknown sampler type unsupportedSampler');
- $config->initializeTracer();
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldThrowExceptionWhenCreatingRateLimitingSamplerWithoutCacheComponent()
- {
- $config = new Config([
- 'service_name' => 'test-service-name',
- 'sampler' => ['type' => \Jaeger\SAMPLER_TYPE_RATE_LIMITING]
- ]);
- $this->expectException(Exception::class);
- $this->expectExceptionMessage('You cannot use RateLimitingSampler without cache component');
- $config->initializeTracer();
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldPassDifferentDispatchMode() {
- foreach (Config::getAvailableDispatchModes() as $dispatchMode) {
- $config = new Config(
- [
- 'sampler' => [
- 'param' => true,
- ],
- 'logging' => false,
- "local_agent" => [
- "reporting_host" => "localhost",
- ],
- 'dispatch_mode' => $dispatchMode,
- ],
- 'your-app-name'
- );
- $config->initializeTracer();
- $this->expectNotToPerformAssertions();
- }
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldPassConfiguredTagsToTracer()
- {
- $tags = [
- 'bar' => 'a-value',
- 'other.tag' => 'foo',
- ];
- $config = new Config([
- 'sampler' => [
- 'param' => true,
- ],
- 'service_name' => 'test-service-name',
- 'tags' => $tags,
- ]);
- $tracer = $config->initializeTracer();
- $span = $tracer->startSpan('test-span');
- $spanTags = $span->getTags();
- foreach ($tags as $name => $value) {
- $this->assertArrayHasKey($name, $spanTags, "Tag '$name' should be set on span");
- $this->assertEquals($value, $spanTags[$name]->value, "Tag '$name' should have configured value");
- }
- }
- /**
- * @test
- * @dataProvider shouldSetConfigPropertiesFromEnvVarsProvider
- */
- public function shouldSetConfigPropertiesFromEnvVars($varName, $varVal, $initialConfig, $valueGetter, $expectedVal)
- {
- $_ENV[$varName] = $varVal;
- $config = new Config([]);
- $configProperty = (new \ReflectionObject($config))->getProperty('config');
- $configProperty->setAccessible('true');
- $configArray = $configProperty->getValue($config);
- $this->assertSame($expectedVal, $valueGetter($configArray));
- }
- /**
- * @test
- * @dataProvider shouldSetConfigPropertiesFromEnvVarsProvider
- */
- public function shouldNotSetConfigPropertiesFromEnvVars($varName, $varVal, $initialConfig, $valueGetter, $expectedVal)
- {
- $_ENV[$varName] = $varVal;
- $config = new Config($initialConfig);
- $configProperty = (new \ReflectionObject($config))->getProperty('config');
- $configProperty->setAccessible('true');
- $configArray = $configProperty->getValue($config);
- $this->assertNotEquals($expectedVal, $valueGetter($configArray));
- }
- /**
- * 0 -> varName
- * 1 -> varVal
- * 2 -> initialConfig
- * 3 -> valueGetter
- * 4 -> expectedVal
- */
- public function shouldSetConfigPropertiesFromEnvVarsProvider() {
- return [
- [
- 'some-str',
- ['service_name' => 'some-other-str'],
- function ($a) { return $a['service_name']; },
- 'some-str',
- ],
- [
- 'some-str',
- ['tags' => 'some-other-str'],
- function ($a) { return $a['tags']; },
- 'some-str',
- ],
- [
- 'some-str',
- ['local_agent' => ['reporting_host' => 'some-other-str']],
- function ($a) { return $a['local_agent']['reporting_host'];},
- 'some-str',
- ],
- [
- '2222',
- ['local_agent' => ['reporting_port' => 1111]],
- function ($a) { return $a['local_agent']['reporting_port']; },
- 2222,
- ],
- [
- 'true',
- ['logging' => false],
- function ($a) { return $a['logging']; },
- true,
- ],
- [
- '2222',
- ['max_buffer_length' => 1111],
- function ($a) { return $a['max_buffer_length']; },
- 2222,
- ],
- [
- 'some-str',
- ['sampler' => ['type' => 'some-other-str']],
- function ($a) { return $a['sampler']['type']; },
- 'some-str',
- ],
- [
- 'some-str',
- ['sampler' => ['param' => 'some-other-str']],
- function ($a) { return $a['sampler']['param']; },
- 'some-str',
- ],
- ];
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Logger/StackLogger.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Logger/StackLogger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fd8789dc3..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Logger/StackLogger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests\Logger;
-use Psr\Log\LoggerTrait;
-class StackLogger implements \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
- /** @var array */
- protected $messagesStack = [];
- use LoggerTrait;
- public function log($level, $message, array $context = array()): void
- {
- $this->messagesStack[] = $message;
- }
- public function getLastMessage() {
- return array_pop($this->messagesStack);
- }
- public function getMessagesCount() {
- return count($this->messagesStack);
- }
- public function clear() {
- $this->messagesStack = [];
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Mapper/SpanToJaegerMapperTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Mapper/SpanToJaegerMapperTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d536cb63a..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Mapper/SpanToJaegerMapperTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-use Jaeger\Mapper\SpanToJaegerMapper;
-use Jaeger\Reporter\NullReporter;
-use Jaeger\Sampler\ConstSampler;
-use Jaeger\Span;
-use Jaeger\SpanContext;
-use Jaeger\Thrift\TagType;
-use Jaeger\Tracer;
-use const Jaeger\SAMPLED_FLAG;
-use const OpenTracing\Tags\COMPONENT;
-use const OpenTracing\Tags\PEER_HOST_IPV4;
-use const OpenTracing\Tags\PEER_PORT;
-use const OpenTracing\Tags\PEER_SERVICE;
-use const OpenTracing\Tags\SPAN_KIND;
-use const OpenTracing\Tags\SPAN_KIND_RPC_CLIENT;
-class SpanToJaegerMapperTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
- private $serviceName = "test-service";
- /**
- * @var Tracer
- */
- private $tracer;
- /**
- * @var SpanContext
- */
- private $context;
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->tracer = new Tracer($this->serviceName, new NullReporter, new ConstSampler);
- $this->context = new SpanContext(0, 0, 0, SAMPLED_FLAG);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- protected function tearDown(): void
- {
- $this->tracer = null;
- $this->context = null;
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldProperlyInitializeAtConstructTime(): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation');
- $span->setTags([
- "tag-bool1" => true,
- "tag-bool2" => false,
- "tag-int" => 1234567,
- "tag-float" => 1.23456,
- "tag-string" => "hello-world"
- ]);
- $mapper = new SpanToJaegerMapper();
- $thriftSpan = $mapper->mapSpanToJaeger($span);
- $index = 0;
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->key, "component");
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->vType, TagType::STRING);
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->vStr, $this->serviceName);
- $index++;
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->key, "tag-bool1");
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->vType, TagType::BOOL);
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->vBool, true);
- $index++;
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->key, "tag-bool2");
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->vType, TagType::BOOL);
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->vBool, false);
- $index++;
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->key, "tag-int");
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->vType, TagType::LONG);
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->vLong, 1234567);
- $index++;
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->key, "tag-float");
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->vType, TagType::DOUBLE);
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->vDouble, 1.23456);
- $index++;
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->key, "tag-string");
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->vType, TagType::STRING);
- $this->assertEquals($thriftSpan->tags[$index]->vStr, "hello-world");
- $index++;
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider specialTagProvider
- * @param array<string, mixed> $tags
- * @return void
- */
- public function testSpecialTagsAreAdded(array $tags): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation');
- $span->setTags($tags);
- // The component tag is always added, even if it's not specified in tags
- $expectedTagValues = array_merge([COMPONENT => $this->serviceName], $tags);
- $mapper = new SpanToJaegerMapper();
- $thriftSpan = $mapper->mapSpanToJaeger($span);
- $foundTags = [];
- foreach ($thriftSpan->tags as $tag) {
- $foundTags[] = $tag->key;
- switch ($tag->key) {
- case PEER_HOST_IPV4:
- case SPAN_KIND:
- $this->assertEquals(TagType::STRING, $tag->vType, 'Incorrect tag value type');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedTagValues[$tag->key], $tag->vStr, 'Incorrect tag value');
- break;
- case PEER_PORT:
- $this->assertEquals(TagType::LONG, $tag->vType, 'Incorrect tag value type');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedTagValues[$tag->key], $tag->vLong, 'Incorrect tag value');
- break;
- }
- }
- $this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing(array_keys($expectedTagValues), $foundTags, 'Some of the tags are missing');
- }
- public function specialTagProvider(): array
- {
- return [
- [
- [
- 'bool_tag' => true,
- PEER_SERVICE => 'my_service',
- PEER_HOST_IPV4 => '',
- PEER_PORT => 443,
- COMPONENT => 'grpc',
- ],
- ],
- [
- [
- 'int_tag' => 5,
- PEER_HOST_IPV4 => '',
- PEER_PORT => 80,
- ],
- ],
- [
- [
- 'string_tag' => 'testing-tag',
- PEER_PORT => 80,
- COMPONENT => 'grpc',
- ],
- ],
- [
- [
- 'string_tag' => 'testing-tag',
- ],
- ],
- ];
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/CompositeReporterTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/CompositeReporterTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ef95ebfe7..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/CompositeReporterTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests\Reporter;
-use Jaeger\Reporter\CompositeReporter;
-use Jaeger\Reporter\ReporterInterface;
-use Jaeger\Span;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class CompositeReporterTest extends TestCase
- /** @var CompositeReporter */
- private $reporter;
- /** @var ReporterInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject */
- private $childReporter1;
- /** @var ReporterInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject */
- private $childReporter2;
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->childReporter1 = $this->createMock(ReporterInterface::class);
- $this->childReporter2 = $this->createMock(ReporterInterface::class);
- $this->reporter = new CompositeReporter($this->childReporter1, $this->childReporter2);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldReportSpan()
- {
- /** @var \Jaeger\Span|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject $span */
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $this->childReporter1->expects($this->once())->method('reportSpan')->with($span);
- $this->childReporter2->expects($this->once())->method('reportSpan')->with($span);
- $this->reporter->reportSpan($span);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldCloseReporter()
- {
- $this->childReporter1->expects($this->once())->method('close');
- $this->childReporter2->expects($this->once())->method('close');
- $this->reporter->close();
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/InMemoryReporterTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/InMemoryReporterTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 966a62fa4..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/InMemoryReporterTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests\Reporter;
-use Jaeger\Reporter\InMemoryReporter;
-use Jaeger\Span;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class InMemoryReporterTest extends TestCase
- /** @test */
- public function shouldReportSpan()
- {
- /** @var \Jaeger\Span|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject $span */
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $reporter = new InMemoryReporter();
- $reporter->reportSpan($span);
- $reporter->close();
- $spans = $reporter->getSpans();
- $this->assertEquals([$span], $spans);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/LoggingReporterTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/LoggingReporterTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index dc7c490d2..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/LoggingReporterTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests\Reporter;
-use Jaeger\Reporter\LoggingReporter;
-use Jaeger\Span;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
-class LoggingReporterTest extends TestCase
- /** @test */
- public function shouldReportSpan()
- {
- /**
- * @var NullLogger|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject v
- * @var Span|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject $span
- */
- $logger = $this->createMock(NullLogger::class);
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $reporter = new LoggingReporter($logger);
- $logger->expects($this->once())
- ->method('debug')
- ->with($this->stringStartsWith('Reporting span'));
- $reporter->reportSpan($span);
- $reporter->close();
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/NullReporterTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/NullReporterTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e6a66cb8a..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/NullReporterTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests\Reporter;
-use Jaeger\Reporter\NullReporter;
-use Jaeger\Span;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class NullReporterTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * Nothing to test because NullReporter doing nothing.
- *
- * @test
- */
- public function shouldReportSpan()
- {
- /** @var \Jaeger\Span|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject $span */
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $reporter = new NullReporter();
- $reporter->reportSpan($span);
- $reporter->close();
- // Only needed to avoid PhpUnit message: "This test did not perform any assertions"
- $this->assertTrue(true);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/RemoteReporterTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/RemoteReporterTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b85f06d0..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Reporter/RemoteReporterTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests\Reporter;
-use Jaeger\Reporter\RemoteReporter;
-use Jaeger\Sender\UdpSender;
-use Jaeger\Span;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class RemoteReporterTest extends TestCase
- /** @var RemoteReporter */
- private $reporter;
- /** @var UdpSender|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject */
- private $transport;
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->transport = $this->createMock(UdpSender::class);
- $this->reporter = new RemoteReporter($this->transport);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldReportSpan()
- {
- /** @var Span|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject $span */
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $this->transport->expects($this->once())->method('append')->with($span);
- $this->reporter->reportSpan($span);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldCloseReporter()
- {
- $this->transport->expects($this->once())->method('flush');
- $this->transport->expects($this->once())->method('close');
- $this->reporter->close();
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sampler/ConstSamplerTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sampler/ConstSamplerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 85cb80504..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sampler/ConstSamplerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests\Sampler;
-use Jaeger\Sampler\ConstSampler;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-use const Jaeger\SAMPLER_PARAM_TAG_KEY;
-use const Jaeger\SAMPLER_TYPE_CONST;
-use const Jaeger\SAMPLER_TYPE_TAG_KEY;
-class ConstSamplerTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * @test
- * @dataProvider samplerProvider
- * @param bool $decision
- * @param mixed $traceId
- */
- public function shouldDetermineWhetherOrTraceShouldBeSampled($decision, $traceId)
- {
- $sampler = new ConstSampler($decision);
- list($sampled, $tags) = $sampler->isSampled($traceId);
- $this->assertEquals($decision, $sampled);
- $this->assertEquals([
- SAMPLER_PARAM_TAG_KEY => $decision,
- ], $tags);
- $sampler->close();
- }
- public function samplerProvider()
- {
- return [
- [true, 1],
- [true, PHP_INT_MAX],
- [false, 1],
- [false, PHP_INT_MAX],
- ];
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sampler/ProbablisticSamplerTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sampler/ProbablisticSamplerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2840ebf8c..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sampler/ProbablisticSamplerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests\Sampler;
-use Jaeger\Sampler\ProbabilisticSampler;
-use OutOfBoundsException;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-use const Jaeger\SAMPLER_PARAM_TAG_KEY;
-use const Jaeger\SAMPLER_TYPE_TAG_KEY;
-class ProbablisticSamplerTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * @test
- * @dataProvider samplerProvider
- * @param float $rate
- * @param mixed $traceId
- * @param bool $decision
- */
- public function shouldDetermineWhetherOrTraceShouldBeSampled($rate, $traceId, $decision)
- {
- $sampler = new ProbabilisticSampler($rate);
- list($sampled, $tags) = $sampler->isSampled($traceId);
- $this->assertEquals($decision, $sampled);
- $this->assertEquals([
- ], $tags);
- $sampler->close();
- }
- public function samplerProvider()
- {
- return [
- [1.0, PHP_INT_MAX-1, true],
- [0, 0, false],
- [0.5, PHP_INT_MIN + 10, true],
- [0.5, PHP_INT_MAX - 10, false],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @test
- * @dataProvider rateProvider
- * @param mixed $rate
- */
- public function shouldThrowOutOfBoundsExceptionInCaseOfInvalidRate($rate)
- {
- $this->expectException(OutOfBoundsException::class);
- $this->expectExceptionMessage('Sampling rate must be between 0.0 and 1.0.');
- new ProbabilisticSampler($rate);
- }
- public function rateProvider()
- {
- return [
- [1.1],
- [-0.1],
- ];
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sampler/RateLimitSamplerTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sampler/RateLimitSamplerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f6b8a632..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sampler/RateLimitSamplerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests\Sampler;
-use Cache\Adapter\PHPArray\ArrayCachePool;
-use Jaeger\Sampler\RateLimitingSampler;
-use Jaeger\Util\RateLimiter;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-use const Jaeger\SAMPLER_PARAM_TAG_KEY;
-use const Jaeger\SAMPLER_TYPE_TAG_KEY;
-class RateLimitSamplerTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * @test
- * @dataProvider maxRateProvider
- * @param integer $maxTracesPerSecond
- * @param bool $decision
- * @throws
- */
- public function shouldDetermineWhetherOrTraceShouldBeSampled($maxTracesPerSecond, $decision)
- {
- $sampler = new RateLimitingSampler(
- $maxTracesPerSecond,
- new RateLimiter(new ArrayCachePool(), 'balance', 'lastTick')
- );
- $sampler->isSampled();
- list($sampled, $tags) = $sampler->isSampled();
- $this->assertEquals($decision, $sampled);
- $this->assertEquals([
- SAMPLER_PARAM_TAG_KEY => $maxTracesPerSecond,
- ], $tags);
- $sampler->close();
- }
- public function maxRateProvider()
- {
- return [
- [1000000, true],
- [1, false],
- [0, false],
- ];
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/ScopeManagerTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/ScopeManagerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 43a303642..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/ScopeManagerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests;
-use Jaeger\ScopeManager;
-use Jaeger\Span;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class ScopeManagerTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * @var ScopeManager
- */
- private $scopeManager;
- function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->scopeManager = new ScopeManager();
- }
- function testActivate()
- {
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $scope = $this->scopeManager->activate($span, true);
- $this->assertEquals($scope->getSpan(), $span);
- }
- function testAbleGetActiveScope()
- {
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $this->assertNull($this->scopeManager->getActive());
- $scope = $this->scopeManager->activate($span, false);
- $this->assertEquals($scope, $this->scopeManager->getActive());
- }
- function testScopeClosingDeactivates()
- {
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $scope = $this->scopeManager->activate($span, false);
- $scope->close();
- $this->assertNull($this->scopeManager->getActive());
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/ScopeTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/ScopeTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e36a8de3d..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/ScopeTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests;
-use Jaeger\Scope;
-use Jaeger\ScopeManager;
-use Jaeger\Span;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class ScopeTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * @var ScopeManager|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
- */
- private $scopeManager;
- /**
- * @var Span|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
- */
- private $span;
- function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->scopeManager = $this->createMock(ScopeManager::class);
- $this->span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- }
- function testCloseDoNotFinishSpanOnClose()
- {
- $scope = new Scope($this->scopeManager, $this->span, false);
- $this->scopeManager->method('getActive')->willReturn($scope);
- $this->scopeManager->expects($this->once())->method('getActive');
- $this->span->expects($this->never())->method('finish');
- $this->scopeManager->expects($this->once())->method('setActive');
- $scope->close();
- }
- function testCloseFinishSpanOnClose()
- {
- $scope = new Scope($this->scopeManager, $this->span, true);
- $this->scopeManager->method('getActive')->willReturn($scope);
- $this->scopeManager->expects($this->once())->method('getActive');
- $this->span->expects($this->once())->method('finish');
- $this->scopeManager->expects($this->once())->method('setActive');
- $scope->close();
- }
- function testGetSpan()
- {
- $scope = new Scope($this->scopeManager, $this->span, false);
- $this->assertEquals($this->span, $scope->getSpan());
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sender/JaegerThriftSenderTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sender/JaegerThriftSenderTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bd6d0a7b..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sender/JaegerThriftSenderTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests\Sender;
-use Jaeger\Sender\JaegerSender;
-use Jaeger\Sender\UdpSender;
-use Jaeger\Span;
-use Jaeger\SpanContext;
-use Jaeger\Thrift\Agent\AgentClient;
-use Jaeger\Thrift\Batch;
-use Jaeger\Tracer;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class JaegerThriftSenderTest extends TestCase
- /** @var Tracer|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject */
- private $tracer;
- /** @var SpanContext|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject */
- private $context;
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $tracer = $this->createMock(Tracer::class);
- $tracer->method('getIpAddress')->willReturn('');
- $tracer->method('getServiceName')->willReturn('');
- $this->tracer = $tracer;
- $context = $this->createMock(SpanContext::class);
- $this->context = $context;
- }
- public function testFlush(): void
- {
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $span->method('getOperationName')->willReturn('dummy-operation');
- $span->method('getTracer')->willReturn($this->tracer);
- $span->method('getContext')->willReturn($this->context);
- $client = $this->createMock(AgentClient::class);
- $sender = new JaegerSender($client);
- $sender->setMaxBufferLength(64000);
- $client
- ->expects(self::exactly(1))
- ->method('emitBatch');
- $sender->append($span);
- $sender->append($span);
- $sender->append($span);
- self::assertEquals(3, $sender->flush());
- }
- public function testEmitBatch() {
- $client = $this->createMock(AgentClient::class);
- $sender = new JaegerSender($client);
- $sender->setMaxBufferLength(64000);
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $span->method('getOperationName')->willReturn('dummy-operation');
- $span->method('getTracer')->willReturn($this->tracer);
- $span->method('getContext')->willReturn($this->context);
- $client
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('emitBatch')
- ->with($this->callback(function ($batch) {
- /** @var Batch $batch */
- $this->assertInstanceOf(Batch::class, $batch);
- $this->assertCount(1, $batch->spans);
- /** @var \Jaeger\Thrift\Span $span */
- $span = $batch->spans[0];
- $this->assertInstanceOf(\Jaeger\Thrift\Span::class, $span);
- $this->assertSame("dummy-operation", $span->operationName);
- return true;
- }));
- $sender->append($span);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $sender->flush());
- }
- public function testMaxBufferLength() {
- $tracer = $this->createMock(Tracer::class);
- $tracer->method('getIpAddress')->willReturn('');
- $tracer->method('getServiceName')->willReturn('');
- $context = $this->createMock(SpanContext::class);
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $span->method('getOperationName')->willReturn('dummy-operation');
- $span->method('getTracer')->willReturn($tracer);
- $span->method('getContext')->willReturn($context);
- $client = $this->createMock(AgentClient::class);
- $mockBuilder = $this->getMockBuilder(JaegerSender::class);
- $mockMethods = ['emitJaegerBatch'];
- if (method_exists($mockBuilder, "onlyMethods")) {
- $mockBuilder = $mockBuilder->onlyMethods($mockMethods);
- } else {
- $mockBuilder = $mockBuilder->setMethods($mockMethods);
- }
- $sender = $mockBuilder->setConstructorArgs([$client])->getMock();
- $sender->setMaxBufferLength(800);
- $sender->expects(self::exactly(2))
- ->method('emitJaegerBatch')
- ->withConsecutive(
- [self::countOf(2)],
- [self::countOf(1)]
- );
- // jaeger batch overhead parameter = 512
- $sender->append($span); // 512 + 143 < 800 - chunk 1
- $sender->append($span); // 512 + 143*2 => 798 < 800 - chunk 1
- $sender->append($span); // 512 + 143*3 > 800 - chunk 2
- self::assertEquals(3, $sender->flush());
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sender/UdpSenderTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sender/UdpSenderTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9011d00e3..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/Sender/UdpSenderTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests\Sender;
-use Jaeger\Sender\UdpSender;
-use Jaeger\Span;
-use Jaeger\SpanContext;
-use Jaeger\Thrift\Agent\AgentClient;
-use Jaeger\Thrift\Agent\Zipkin\Annotation as ZipkinAnnotation;
-use Jaeger\Thrift\Agent\Zipkin\Span as ZipkinSpan;
-use Jaeger\Tracer;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class UdpSenderTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * @var UdpSender
- */
- private $sender;
- /**
- * @var AgentClient
- */
- private $client;
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->client = $this->createMock(AgentClient::class);
- $this->sender = new UdpSender($this->client, 64000);
- }
- public function testMaxBufferLength(): void
- {
- $tracer = $this->createMock(Tracer::class);
- $tracer->method('getIpAddress')->willReturn('');
- $tracer->method('getServiceName')->willReturn('');
- $context = $this->createMock(SpanContext::class);
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $span->method('getOperationName')->willReturn('dummy-operation');
- $span->method('getTracer')->willReturn($tracer);
- $span->method('getContext')->willReturn($context);
- $sender = new UdpSender($this->client, 100);
- $this->client
- ->expects(self::exactly(2))
- ->method('emitZipkinBatch')
- ->withConsecutive(
- [self::countOf(2)],
- [self::countOf(1)]
- );
- // one span has a length of ~25
- $sender->append($span); // 30 + 25 < 100 - chunk 1
- $sender->append($span); // 30 + 25 * 2 < 100 - chunk 1
- $sender->append($span); // 30 + 25 * 3 > 100 - chunk 2
- self::assertEquals(3, $sender->flush());
- }
- public function testFlush(): void
- {
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->sender->flush());
- $logTimeStamp = (int) (microtime(true) * 1000000);
- $tracer = $this->createMock(Tracer::class);
- $tracer->method('getIpAddress')->willReturn('');
- $tracer->method('getServiceName')->willReturn('');
- $context = $this->createMock(SpanContext::class);
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $span->method('getTracer')->willReturn($tracer);
- $span->method('getContext')->willReturn($context);
- $span
- ->expects($this->atLeastOnce())
- ->method('getLogs')
- ->willReturn([
- [
- 'timestamp' => $logTimeStamp,
- 'fields' => [
- 'foo' => 'bar',
- ],
- ],
- ]);
- $this->client
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('emitZipkinBatch')
- ->with($this->callback(function ($spans) use ($logTimeStamp) {
- $this->assertCount(1, $spans);
- /* @var $annotation ZipkinSpan */
- $span = $spans[0];
- $this->assertInstanceOf(ZipkinSpan::class, $span);
- $this->assertCount(1, $span->annotations);
- /* @var $annotation ZipkinAnnotation */
- $annotation = $span->annotations[0];
- $this->assertInstanceOf(ZipkinAnnotation::class, $annotation);
- $this->assertSame($logTimeStamp, $annotation->timestamp);
- $this->assertSame(
- json_encode([
- 'foo' => 'bar',
- ]),
- $annotation->value
- );
- return true;
- }));
- $this->sender->append($span);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->sender->flush());
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/SpanContextTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/SpanContextTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 998061088..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/SpanContextTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests;
-use Jaeger\SpanContext;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class SpanContextTest extends TestCase
- public function testIsDebugIdContainerOnly()
- {
- $ctx = new SpanContext(null, null, null, null, null, 'value1');
- $this->assertTrue($ctx->isDebugIdContainerOnly());
- $this->assertEquals($ctx->getDebugId(), 'value1');
- $ctx = new SpanContext(1, 2, 3, 1);
- $this->assertFalse($ctx->isDebugIdContainerOnly());
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider contextDataProvider
- */
- public function testBaggageInit($traceId, $spanId, $parentId, $flags, $baggage, $expected)
- {
- $ctx = new SpanContext($traceId, $spanId, $parentId, $flags, $baggage);
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $ctx->getBaggage());
- }
- public function contextDataProvider()
- {
- return [
- [null, null, null, null, [], []],
- [null, null, null, null, null, []],
- [null, null, null, null, ['key' => 'val'], ['key' => 'val']],
- ];
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/SpanTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/SpanTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d23879680..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/SpanTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests;
-use Jaeger\Reporter\NullReporter;
-use Jaeger\Sampler\ConstSampler;
-use Jaeger\Span;
-use Jaeger\SpanContext;
-use Jaeger\Thrift\Agent\Zipkin\AnnotationType;
-use Jaeger\Tracer;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-use const Jaeger\SAMPLED_FLAG;
-class SpanTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * @var Tracer
- */
- private $tracer;
- /**
- * @var SpanContext
- */
- private $context;
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->tracer = new Tracer('test-service', new NullReporter, new ConstSampler);
- $this->context = new SpanContext(0, 0,0, SAMPLED_FLAG);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- protected function tearDown(): void
- {
- $this->tracer = null;
- $this->context = null;
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldProperlyInitializeAtConstructTime(): void
- {
- $tags = [
- 'foo-1' => 'test-component-1',
- 'foo-2' => 'test-component-2',
- 'foo-3' => 'test-component-3',
- ];
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation', $tags);
- $this->assertEquals( 3, count($span->getTags()));
- $this->assertEquals($this->tracer, $span->getTracer());
- $this->assertEquals(false, $span->isDebug());
- $this->assertEquals(null, $span->getEndTime());
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldSetComponentThroughTag(): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation');
- $span->setTag('component', 'libredis');
- $spanReflection = new \ReflectionClass(Span::class);
- $component = $spanReflection->getProperty('component');
- $component->setAccessible(true);
- $this->assertEquals( 0, count($span->getTags()));
- $this->assertEquals( 'libredis', $component->getValue($span));
- $this->assertEquals( 'libredis', $span->getComponent());
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldSetTags(): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation');
- $this->assertEquals( 0, count($span->getTags()));
- $span->setTags([
- 'foo-1' => 'test-component-1',
- 'foo-2' => 'test-component-2',
- 'foo-3' => 'test-component-3',
- ]);
- $this->assertEquals( 3, count($span->getTags()));
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldSetDifferentTypeOfTags() {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation');
- $this->assertEquals( 0, count($span->getTags()));
- $span->setTags([
- 'tag-bool1' => true,
- 'tag-bool2' => false,
- 'tag-int' => 1234567,
- 'tag-float' => 1.23456,
- 'tag-string' => "hello-world"
- ]);
- $tags = array_values($span->getTags());
- $this->assertEquals( 5, count($tags));
- $index = 0;
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->annotation_type === AnnotationType::BOOL);
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->value === true);
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->key === 'tag-bool1');
- $index++;
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->annotation_type === AnnotationType::BOOL);
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->value === false);
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->key === 'tag-bool2');
- $index++;
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->annotation_type === AnnotationType::I64);
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->value === 1234567);
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->key === 'tag-int');
- $index++;
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->annotation_type === AnnotationType::DOUBLE);
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->value === 1.23456);
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->key === 'tag-float');
- $index++;
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->annotation_type === AnnotationType::STRING);
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->value === "hello-world");
- $this->assertTrue($tags[$index]->key === 'tag-string');
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldOverwriteTheSameTag(): void
- {
- // Given
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation');
- // When
- $span->setTag('foo', 'test-component-1');
- $span->setTag('foo', 'test-component-2');
- // Then
- $this->assertEquals( 1, count($span->getTags()));
- $this->assertEquals( 'test-component-2', $span->getTags()['foo']->value);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldAddLogRecordsToTheSpan(): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation');
- $fields01 = [
- 'event' => 'error',
- 'message' => 'dummy error message',
- ];
- $fields02 = [
- 'foo' => 'bar',
- ];
- $dateTime01 = new \DateTime('+5 seconds');
- $dateTime02 = $dateTime01->getTimestamp();
- $dateTime03 = microtime(true) + 5;
- $span->log($fields01, $dateTime01);
- $span->log($fields02, $dateTime01->getTimestamp()*1000000);
- $span->log($fields02, $dateTime03);
- $span->log($fields02);
- $logs = $span->getLogs();
- $this->assertCount(4, $logs);
- $this->assertIsInt($logs[0]['timestamp']);
- $this->assertEquals((int)($dateTime01->format('U.u')*1000000), $logs[0]['timestamp']);
- $this->assertSame($fields01, $logs[0]['fields']);
- $this->assertIsInt($logs[1]['timestamp']);
- $this->assertSame($dateTime02*1000000, $logs[1]['timestamp']);
- $this->assertSame($fields02, $logs[1]['fields']);
- $this->assertIsInt($logs[2]['timestamp']);
- $this->assertSame((int) ($dateTime03 * 1000000), $logs[2]['timestamp']);
- $this->assertSame($fields02, $logs[2]['fields']);
- $this->assertIsInt($logs[3]['timestamp']);
- $this->assertSame($fields02, $logs[3]['fields']);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function timingDefaultTimes(): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation');
- $span->finish();
- $this->assertEquals(0.0, round(($span->getEndTime() - $span->getStartTime()) / 1000000));
- }
- /** @test */
- public function timingSetStartTimeAsDateTime(): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation', [], new \DateTime('-2 seconds'));
- $span->finish();
- $this->assertSpanDuration($span);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function timingSetEndTimeAsDateTime(): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation');
- $endTime = new \DateTime('+2 seconds');
- // add microseconds because php < 7.1 has a bug
- //
- if (version_compare(phpversion(), '7.1', '<')) {
- list($usec) = explode(' ', microtime());
- $endTime = \DateTime::createFromFormat('U.u', $endTime->format('U')+$usec);
- }
- $span->finish($endTime);
- $this->assertSpanDuration($span);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function timingSetStartTimeAsInt(): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation', [], (int) round((microtime(true) - 2) * 1000000));
- $span->finish();
- $this->assertSpanDuration($span);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function timingSetEndTimeAsInt(): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation');
- $span->finish((int) round((microtime(true) + 2) * 1000000));
- $this->assertSpanDuration($span);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function timingSetStartTimeAsFloat(): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation', [], microtime(true) - 2);
- $span->finish();
- $this->assertSpanDuration($span);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function timingSetEndTimeAsFloat(): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation');
- $span->finish(microtime(true) + 2);
- $this->assertSpanDuration($span);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function timingSetMixedTimes(): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation', [], new \DateTime());
- $span->finish(microtime(true) + 2);
- $this->assertSpanDuration($span);
- }
- protected function assertSpanDuration(Span $span): void
- {
- $this->assertEquals(2, (int)(($span->getEndTime() - $span->getStartTime()) / 1000000));
- }
- /** @test */
- public function invalidStartTime(): void
- {
- $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class);
- $this->expectExceptionMessage('Time should be one of the types int|float|DateTime|null, got string.');
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation', [], 'string');
- }
- /** @test */
- public function invalidEndTime(): void
- {
- $span = new Span($this->context, $this->tracer, 'test-operation');
- $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class);
- $this->expectExceptionMessage('Time should be one of the types int|float|DateTime|null, got array.');
- $span->finish([]);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/ThriftUdpTransportTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/ThriftUdpTransportTest.php
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index abc4e32aa..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/ThriftUdpTransportTest.php
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@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests;
-use Jaeger\Config;
-use Jaeger\Tests\Logger\StackLogger;
-use Jaeger\ThriftUdpTransport;
-use Jaeger\Tracer;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-use Thrift\Exception\TTransportException;
-class ThriftUdpTransportTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * @var ThriftUdpTransport
- */
- private $transport;
- /**
- * @var StackLogger
- */
- private $logger;
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->logger = new StackLogger();
- $this->transport = new ThriftUdpTransport('', 12345, $this->logger);
- }
- public function testisOpenWhenOpen()
- {
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 0);
- $this->assertTrue($this->transport->isOpen());
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 0);
- }
- public function testisOpenWhenClosed()
- {
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 0);
- $this->transport->close();
- $this->assertFalse($this->transport->isOpen());
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 0);
- }
- public function testClose()
- {
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 0);
- $this->transport->close();
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 0);
- $this->transport->write('hello');
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 1);
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getLastMessage(), 'transport is closed');
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 0);
- }
- public function testDoubleClose()
- {
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 0);
- $this->transport->close();
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 0);
- $this->transport->close();
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 1);
- $this->assertEquals(
- $this->logger->getLastMessage(),
- "can't close empty socket"
- );
- }
- public function testException()
- {
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 0);
- $this->transport->open();
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 0);
- $this->transport->write(str_repeat("some string", 10000));
- $this->assertEquals($this->logger->getMessagesCount(), 1);
- $msg = $this->logger->getLastMessage();
- $pattern = "/socket_write failed: \[code - \d+\] Message too long/";
- if (method_exists($this, "assertMatchesRegularExpression")) {
- $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression($pattern, $msg);
- } else {
- $this->assertRegExp($pattern, $msg);
- }
- }
- public function testProtocolVersionIPv4()
- {
- $config = new Config([
- Config::IP_VERSION => Config::IPV4
- ], "testServiceName");
- $transport = new ThriftUdpTransport('', 12345, $this->logger, $config);
- $reflectionTransport = new \ReflectionClass($transport);
- $ipProtocolVersionMethod = $reflectionTransport->getMethod("ipProtocolVersion");
- $ipProtocolVersionMethod->setAccessible(true);
- $this->assertEquals(Config::IPV4, $ipProtocolVersionMethod->invoke($transport));
- }
- public function testProtocolVersionIPv6()
- {
- $config = new Config([
- Config::IP_VERSION => Config::IPV6
- ], "testServiceName");
- $transport = new ThriftUdpTransport('', 12345, $this->logger, $config);
- $reflectionTransport = new \ReflectionClass($transport);
- $ipProtocolVersionMethod = $reflectionTransport->getMethod("ipProtocolVersion");
- $ipProtocolVersionMethod->setAccessible(true);
- $this->assertEquals(Config::IPV6, $ipProtocolVersionMethod->invoke($transport));
- }
- public function testProtocolVersionDefault()
- {
- $config = new Config([
- ], "testServiceName");
- $transport = new ThriftUdpTransport('', 12345, $this->logger, $config);
- $reflectionTransport = new \ReflectionClass($transport);
- $ipProtocolVersionMethod = $reflectionTransport->getMethod("ipProtocolVersion");
- $ipProtocolVersionMethod->setAccessible(true);
- $this->assertEquals(Config::IPV4, $ipProtocolVersionMethod->invoke($transport));
- }
- public function testCreateSocket()
- {
- $transport = $this->getMockBuilder(ThriftUdpTransport::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()
- ->getMock();
- $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($transport);
- $method = $reflectionClass->getMethod("setLogger");
- $method->setAccessible(true);
- $method->invokeArgs($transport, [$this->logger]);
- $method = $reflectionClass->getMethod("createSocket");
- $method->setAccessible(true);
- $res = $method->invokeArgs($transport, [Config::IPV6]);
- $this->assertNotFalse($res);
- $transport = $this->getMockBuilder(ThriftUdpTransport::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()
- ->getMock();
- $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($transport);
- $method = $reflectionClass->getMethod("setLogger");
- $method->setAccessible(true);
- $method->invokeArgs($transport, [$this->logger]);
- $method = $reflectionClass->getMethod("createSocket");
- $method->setAccessible(true);
- $res = $method->invokeArgs($transport, [Config::IPV4]);
- $this->assertNotFalse($res);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/TracerTest.php b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/TracerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e7b4c05f..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/Jaeger/TracerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-namespace Jaeger\Tests;
-use Jaeger\Reporter\ReporterInterface;
-use Jaeger\Sampler\SamplerInterface;
-use Jaeger\Scope;
-use Jaeger\ScopeManager;
-use Jaeger\Span;
-use Jaeger\SpanContext;
-use Jaeger\Tracer;
-use OpenTracing\Exceptions\UnsupportedFormat;
-use OpenTracing\NoopSpanContext;
-use OpenTracing\UnsupportedFormatException;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
-use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
-use const Jaeger\BAGGAGE_HEADER_PREFIX;
-use const Jaeger\DEBUG_ID_HEADER_KEY;
-use const Jaeger\TRACE_ID_HEADER;
-use const Jaeger\ZIPKIN_SPAN_FORMAT;
-use const OpenTracing\Formats\TEXT_MAP;
-class TracerTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * @var ReporterInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
- */
- private $reporter;
- /**
- * @var SamplerInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
- */
- private $sampler;
- /**
- * @var LoggerInterface
- */
- private $logger;
- /**
- * @var ScopeManager|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
- */
- private $scopeManager;
- /**
- * @var Tracer
- */
- private $tracer;
- /**
- * @var string
- */
- private $serviceName = 'test-service';
- /**
- * @var string
- */
- private $operationName = 'test-operation';
- public function setUp(): void
- {
- $this->scopeManager = $this->createMock(ScopeManager::class);
- $this->sampler = $this->createMock(SamplerInterface::class);
- $this->reporter = $this->createMock(ReporterInterface::class);
- $this->logger = new NullLogger();
- $this->tracer = new Tracer($this->serviceName, $this->reporter, $this->sampler, true, $this->logger, $this->scopeManager);
- }
- public function testStartSpan(): void
- {
- $span = $this->tracer->startSpan($this->operationName);
- $this->assertEquals($this->operationName, $span->getOperationName());
- }
- public function testStartActiveSpan(): void
- {
- $tracer = new Tracer($this->serviceName, $this->reporter, $this->sampler);
- $tracer->startActiveSpan('test-operation1');
- $this->assertEquals('test-operation1', $tracer->getActiveSpan()->getOperationName());
- $scope = $tracer->startActiveSpan('test-operation2');
- $this->assertEquals('test-operation2', $tracer->getActiveSpan()->getOperationName());
- $scope->close();
- $this->assertEquals('test-operation1', $tracer->getActiveSpan()->getOperationName());
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldAddConfiguredTagsToStartedSpanWhenSampled(): void
- {
- $this->sampler->expects($this->any())
- ->method('isSampled')
- ->willReturn([true, []]);
- $tags = [
- 'bar' => 'a-value',
- 'other.tag' => 'foo',
- ];
- $tracer = new Tracer(
- $this->serviceName,
- $this->reporter,
- $this->sampler,
- true,
- $this->logger,
- $this->scopeManager,
- $tags
- );
- $span = $tracer->startSpan('test-span');
- $spanTags = $span->getTags();
- foreach ($tags as $name => $value) {
- $this->assertArrayHasKey($name, $spanTags, "Tag '$name' should be set on span");
- $this->assertEquals($value, $spanTags[$name]->value, "Tag '$name' should have configured value");
- }
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldAddNoConfiguredTagsToStartedSpanWhenNotSampled(): void
- {
- $this->sampler->expects($this->any())
- ->method('isSampled')
- ->willReturn([false, []]);
- $tags = [
- 'bar' => 'a-value',
- 'other.tag' => 'foo',
- ];
- $tracer = new Tracer(
- $this->serviceName,
- $this->reporter,
- $this->sampler,
- true,
- $this->logger,
- $this->scopeManager,
- $tags
- );
- $span = $tracer->startSpan('test-span');
- $this->assertEquals([], $span->getTags(), 'No tags should be set when not sampled');
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldThrowExceptionOnInvalidFormat(): void
- {
- $spanContext = new SpanContext(0, 0, 0, 0);
- $carrier = [];
- $this->expectException(UnsupportedFormatException::class);
- $this->expectExceptionMessage('The format "bad-format" is not supported.');
- $this->tracer->inject($spanContext, 'bad-format', $carrier);
- $this->assertSame([], $carrier);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldNotThrowExceptionOnInvalidContext(): void
- {
- $spanContext = new NoopSpanContext();
- $carrier = [];
- $this->tracer->inject($spanContext, ZIPKIN_SPAN_FORMAT, $carrier);
- $this->assertSame([], $carrier);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldInjectSpanContextToCarrier(): void
- {
- $spanContext = new SpanContext(0, 0, 0, 0);
- $carrier = [];
- $this->tracer->inject($spanContext, TEXT_MAP, $carrier);
- $this->assertCount(1, $carrier);
- $this->assertEquals('0:0:0:0', $carrier[TRACE_ID_HEADER]);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldThrowExceptionOnExtractInvalidFormat(): void
- {
- $this->expectException(UnsupportedFormatException::class);
- $this->expectExceptionMessage('The format "bad-format" is not supported.');
- $this->tracer->extract('bad-format', []);
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldNotThrowExceptionOnExtractFromMalformedState(): void
- {
- $this->assertNull($this->tracer->extract(TEXT_MAP, ['uber-trace-id' => '']));
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldExtractSpanContextFromCarrier(): void
- {
- $carrier = ['uber-trace-id' => '32834e4115071776:f7802330248418d:f123456789012345:1'];
- $this->assertInstanceOf(SpanContext::class, $this->tracer->extract(TEXT_MAP, $carrier));
- }
- public function testGetScopeManager()
- {
- $this->assertEquals($this->scopeManager, $this->tracer->getScopeManager());
- }
- public function testGetActiveSpan(): void
- {
- $span = $this->createMock(Span::class);
- $scope = $this->createMock(Scope::class);
- $scope->expects($this->once())->method('getSpan')->willReturn($span);
- $this->scopeManager->expects($this->once())->method('getActive')->willReturn($scope);
- $this->assertEquals($span, $this->tracer->getActiveSpan());
- }
- public function testGetActiveSpanNull(): void
- {
- $this->scopeManager->expects($this->once())->method('getActive')->willReturn(null);
- $this->assertEquals(null, $this->tracer->getActiveSpan());
- }
- public function testFlush(): void
- {
- $this->reporter->expects($this->once())->method('close');
- $this->tracer->flush();
- }
- /** @test */
- public function shouldHandleEmptyHostName(): void
- {
- $tracer = new \ReflectionClass(Tracer::class);
- $getHostByName = $tracer->getMethod('getHostByName');
- $getHostByName->setAccessible(true);
- $stub = $this->getMockBuilder(Tracer::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()
- ->getMockForAbstractClass();
- $logger = $tracer->getProperty('logger');
- $logger->setAccessible(true);
- $logger->setValue($stub, $this->logger);
- $this->assertEquals('', $getHostByName->invokeArgs($stub, [null]));
- }
diff --git a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/ b/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa828030f..000000000
--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Jaeger Bindings for PHP OpenTracing API: Unit Tests
-Welcome to the Jaeger Testing Suite.
-This folder includes all the unit tests that test Jaeger components, ensuring that you enjoy a bug free library.
-## Current PHP Support
-| version | status |
-| 7.0 | ✔ |
-| 7.1 | ✔ |
-| 7.2 | ✔ |
-## Getting Started
-This testing suite uses [Travis CI]( for each run.
-Every commit pushed to this repository will queue a build into the continuous integration service and will run all tests
-to ensure that everything is going well and the project is stable.
-The testing suite can be run on your own machine. The main dependency is [PHPUnit](
-which can be installed using [Composer](
-# run this command from project root
-$ composer install
-Then run the tests by calling command from the terminal as follows:
-$ composer test
-## Run Tests for Supported Versions
-There is also an ability to run tests for different PHP versions. To achieve this we offer use
-[docker]( approach:
-$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/usr/app php:7.0 ./usr/app/tests/
-$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/usr/app php:7.1 ./usr/app/tests/
-$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/usr/app php:7.2 ./usr/app/tests/
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--- a/vendor/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# trace ERR through pipes
-set -o pipefail
-# trace ERR through 'time command' and other functions
-set -o errtrace
-# set -u : exit the script if you try to use an uninitialised variable
-set -o nounset
-# set -e : exit the script if any statement returns a non-true return value
-set -o errexit
-# to avoid message:
-# "Do not run Composer as root/super user! See for details"
-export TERM=xterm-256color
-echo "[INFO]: Install OS dependencies..."
-apt-get update -yq > /dev/null 2>&1
-apt-get install -yq git wget unzip zip > /dev/null 2>&1
-echo "[INFO]: Install PHP extensions..."
-docker-php-ext-install bcmath sockets > /dev/null 2>&1
-pecl install hrtime > /dev/null 2>&1
-docker-php-ext-enable hrtime > /dev/null 2>&1
-echo "[INFO]: Install Xdebug to enable code coverage..."
-pecl install xdebug > /dev/null 2>&1
-docker-php-ext-enable xdebug > /dev/null 2>&1
-cd /tmp
-echo "[INFO]: Install Composer..."
-EXPECTED_SIGNATURE="$(wget -q -O -"
-php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
-ACTUAL_SIGNATURE="$(php -r "echo hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php');")"
- >&2 echo '[ERROR]: Invalid installer signature'
- rm composer-setup.php
- exit 1
-php composer-setup.php --quiet
-rm composer-setup.php
-# this step is required to be able to overwrite composer.lock
-cp -R /usr/app /usr/tests
-cd /usr/tests
-rm -f composer.lock
-echo "[INFO]: Install library dependencies..."
-php /tmp/composer.phar install \
- --no-interaction \
- --no-ansi \
- --no-progress \
- --no-suggest
-echo -e "[INFO]: Run tests...\n"
-/tmp/composer.phar test