From f0cfe83e3725f9a3928da97a6e3085e79cb25309 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Dolgov Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 10:26:24 +0400 Subject: upgrade dojo to 1.8.3 (refs #570) --- lib/dojo/date/locale.js | 4 +- lib/dojo/date/locale.js.uncompressed.js | 694 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ lib/dojo/date/stamp.js | 4 +- lib/dojo/date/stamp.js.uncompressed.js | 144 +++++++ 4 files changed, 842 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) create mode 100644 lib/dojo/date/locale.js.uncompressed.js create mode 100644 lib/dojo/date/stamp.js.uncompressed.js (limited to 'lib/dojo/date') diff --git a/lib/dojo/date/locale.js b/lib/dojo/date/locale.js index 2d029b014..7d4106a43 100644 --- a/lib/dojo/date/locale.js +++ b/lib/dojo/date/locale.js @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ /* - Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. + Copyright (c) 2004-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license. see: for details */ //>>built -define("dojo/date/locale",["../_base/kernel","../_base/lang","../_base/array","../date","../cldr/supplemental","../regexp","../string","../i18n!../cldr/nls/gregorian"],function(_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,_6,_7,_8){_2.getObject("date.locale",true,_1);function _9(_a,_b,_c,_d){return _d.replace(/([a-z])\1*/ig,function(_e){var s,_f,c=_e.charAt(0),l=_e.length,_10=["abbr","wide","narrow"];switch(c){case "G":s=_b[(l<4)?"eraAbbr":"eraNames"][_a.getFullYear()<0?0:1];break;case "y":s=_a.getFullYear();switch(l){case 1:break;case 2:if(!_c.fullYear){s=String(s);s=s.substr(s.length-2);break;}default:_f=true;}break;case "Q":case "q":s=Math.ceil((_a.getMonth()+1)/3);_f=true;break;case "M":var m=_a.getMonth();if(l<3){s=m+1;_f=true;}else{var _11=["months","format",_10[l-3]].join("-");s=_b[_11][m];}break;case "w":var _12=0;,_12);_f=true;break;case "d":s=_a.getDate();_f=true;break;case "D";_f=true;break;case "E":var d=_a.getDay();if(l<3){s=d+1;_f=true;}else{var _13=["days","format",_10[l-3]].join("-");s=_b[_13][d];}break;case "a":var _14=(_a.getHours()<12)?"am":"pm";s=_c[_14]||_b["dayPeriods-format-wide-"+_14];break;case "h":case "H":case "K":case "k":var h=_a.getHours();switch(c){case "h":s=(h%12)||12;break;case "H":s=h;break;case "K":s=(h%12);break;case "k":s=h||24;break;}_f=true;break;case "m":s=_a.getMinutes();_f=true;break;case "s":s=_a.getSeconds();_f=true;break;case "S":s=Math.round(_a.getMilliseconds()*Math.pow(10,l-3));_f=true;break;case "v":case "z",true,_c);if(s){break;}l=4;case "Z":var,false,_c);var tz=[(_15<=0?"+":"-"),_7.pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(_15)/60),2),_7.pad(Math.abs(_15)%60,2)];if(l==4){tz.splice(0,0,"GMT");tz.splice(3,0,":");}s=tz.join("");break;default:throw new Error(" invalid pattern char: "+_d);}if(_f){s=_7.pad(s,l);}return s;});};,_17,_18){if(_17){return _4.getTimezoneName(_16);}else{return _16.getTimezoneOffset();}};,_1a){_1a=_1a||{};var _1b=_1.i18n.normalizeLocale(_1a.locale),_1c=_1a.formatLength||"short",,str=[],_1e=_2.hitch(this,_9,_19,_1d,_1a);if(_1a.selector=="year"){return _1f(_1d["dateFormatItem-yyyy"]||"yyyy",_1e);}var _20;if(_1a.selector!="date"){_20=_1a.timePattern||_1d["timeFormat-"+_1c];if(_20){str.push(_1f(_20,_1e));}}if(_1a.selector!="time"){_20=_1a.datePattern||_1d["dateFormat-"+_1c];if(_20){str.push(_1f(_20,_1e));}}return str.length==1?str[0]:_1d["dateTimeFormat-"+_1c].replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g,function(_21,key){return str[key];});};{return;};{_23=_23||{};var _24=_1.i18n.normalizeLocale(_23.locale),,_26=_23.formatLength||"short",_27=_23.datePattern||_25["dateFormat-"+_26],_28=_23.timePattern||_25["timeFormat-"+_26],_29;if(_23.selector=="date"){_29=_27;}else{if(_23.selector=="time"){_29=_28;}else{_29=_25["dateTimeFormat-"+_26].replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g,function(_2a,key){return [_28,_27][key];});}}var _2b=[],re=_1f(_29,_2.hitch(this,_2c,_2b,_25,_23));return {regexp:re,tokens:_2b,bundle:_25};};,_2e){var _2f=/[\u200E\u200F\u202A\u202E]/g,,_31=_30.tokens,_32=_30.bundle,re=new RegExp("^"+_30.regexp.replace(_2f,"")+"$",_30.strict?"":"i"),_33=re.exec(_2d&&_2d.replace(_2f,""));if(!_33){return null;}var _34=["abbr","wide","narrow"],_35=[1970,0,1,0,0,0,0],_36="",_37=_1.every(_33,function(v,i){if(!i){return true;}var _38=_31[i-1];var l=_38.length;switch(_38.charAt(0)){case "y":if(l!=2&&_2e.strict){_35[0]=v;}else{if(v<100){v=Number(v);var _39=""+new Date().getFullYear(),_3a=_39.substring(0,2)*100,_3b=Math.min(Number(_39.substring(2,4))+20,99);_35[0]=(v<_3b)?_3a+v:_3a-100+v;}else{if(_2e.strict){return false;}_35[0]=v;}}break;case "M":if(l>2){var _3c=_32["months-format-"+_34[l-3]].concat();if(!_2e.strict){v=v.replace(".","").toLowerCase();,function(s){return s.replace(".","").toLowerCase();});}v=_1.indexOf(_3c,v);if(v==-1){return false;}}else{v--;}_35[1]=v;break;case "E":case "e":var _3d=_32["days-format-"+_34[l-3]].concat();if(!_2e.strict){v=v.toLowerCase();,function(d){return d.toLowerCase();});}v=_1.indexOf(_3d,v);if(v==-1){return false;}break;case "D":_35[1]=0;case "d":_35[2]=v;break;case "a":var||_32["dayPeriods-format-wide-am"],||_32["dayPeriods-format-wide-pm"];if(!_2e.strict){var _3e=/\./g;v=v.replace(_3e,"").toLowerCase();am=am.replace(_3e,"").toLowerCase();pm=pm.replace(_3e,"").toLowerCase();}if(_2e.strict&&v!=am&&v!=pm){return false;}_36=(v==pm)?"p":(v==am)?"a":"";break;case "K":if(v==24){v=0;}case "h":case "H":case "k":if(v>23){return false;}_35[3]=v;break;case "m":_35[4]=v;break;case "s":_35[5]=v;break;case "S":_35[6]=v;}return true;});var _3f=+_35[3];if(_36==="p"&&_3f<12){_35[3]=_3f+12;}else{if(_36==="a"&&_3f==12){_35[3]=0;}}var _40=new Date(_35[0],_35[1],_35[2],_35[3],_35[4],_35[5],_35[6]);if(_2e.strict){_40.setFullYear(_35[0]);}var _41=_31.join(""),_42=_41.indexOf("d")!=-1,_43=_41.indexOf("M")!=-1;if(!_37||(_43&&_40.getMonth()>_35[1])||(_42&&_40.getDate()>_35[2])){return null;}if((_43&&_40.getMonth()<_35[1])||(_42&&_40.getDate()<_35[2])){_40=_4.add(_40,"hour",1);}return _40;};function _1f(_44,_45,_46,_47){var _48=function(x){return x;};_45=_45||_48;_46=_46||_48;_47=_47||_48;var _49=_44.match(/(''|[^'])+/g),_4a=_44.charAt(0)=="'";_1.forEach(_49,function(_4b,i){if(!_4b){_49[i]="";}else{_49[i]=(_4a?_46:_45)(_4b.replace(/''/g,"'"));_4a=!_4a;}});return _47(_49.join(""));};function _2c(_4c,_4d,_4e,_4f){_4f=_6.escapeString(_4f);if(!_4e.strict){_4f=_4f.replace(" a"," ?a");}return _4f.replace(/([a-z])\1*/ig,function(_50){var s,c=_50.charAt(0),l=_50.length,p2="",p3="";if(_4e.strict){if(l>1){p2="0"+"{"+(l-1)+"}";}if(l>2){p3="0"+"{"+(l-2)+"}";}}else{p2="0?";p3="0{0,2}";}switch(c){case "y":s="\\d{2,4}";break;case "M":s=(l>2)?"\\S+?":"1[0-2]|"+p2+"[1-9]";break;case "D":s="[12][0-9][0-9]|3[0-5][0-9]|36[0-6]|"+p2+"[1-9][0-9]|"+p3+"[1-9]";break;case "d":s="3[01]|[12]\\d|"+p2+"[1-9]";break;case "w":s="[1-4][0-9]|5[0-3]|"+p2+"[1-9]";break;case "E":s="\\S+";break;case "h":s="1[0-2]|"+p2+"[1-9]";break;case "k":s="1[01]|"+p2+"\\d";break;case "H":s="1\\d|2[0-3]|"+p2+"\\d";break;case "K":s="1\\d|2[0-4]|"+p2+"[1-9]";break;case "m":case "s":s="[0-5]\\d";break;case "S":s="\\d{"+l+"}";break;case "a":var||_4d["dayPeriods-format-wide-am"],||_4d["dayPeriods-format-wide-pm"];s=am+"|"+pm;if(!_4e.strict){if(am!=am.toLowerCase()){s+="|"+am.toLowerCase();}if(pm!=pm.toLowerCase()){s+="|"+pm.toLowerCase();}if(s.indexOf(".")!=-1){s+="|"+s.replace(/\./g,"");}}s=s.replace(/\./g,"\\.");break;default:s=".*";}if(_4c){_4c.push(_50);}return "("+s+")";}).replace(/[\xa0 ]/g,"[\\s\\xa0]");};var _51=[];,_53){_51.push({pkg:_52,name:_53});};{var _55={};_1.forEach(_51,function(_56){var _57=_1.i18n.getLocalization(_56.pkg,,_54);_55=_2.mixin(_55,_57);},this);return _55;};"dojo.cldr","gregorian");,_59,_5a,_5b){var _5c,,_5e=[_58,_5a,_59];if(_5a=="standAlone"){var key=_5e.join("-");_5c=_5d[key];if(_5c[0]==1){_5c=undefined;}}_5e[1]="format";return (_5c||_5d[_5e.join("-")]).concat();};,_60){var _61=_5.getWeekend(_60),day=(_5f||new Date()).getDay();if(_61.end<_61.start){_61.end+=7;if(day<_61.start){day+=7;}}return day>=_61.start&&day<=_61.end;};{return _4.difference(new Date(_62.getFullYear(),0,1,_62.getHours()),_62)+1;};,_64){if(arguments.length==1){_64=0;}var _65=new Date(_63.getFullYear(),0,1).getDay(),adj=(_65-_64+7)%7,_66=Math.floor((;if(_65==_64){_66++;}return _66;};return;}); \ No newline at end of file +define("dojo/date/locale",["../_base/lang","../_base/array","../date","../cldr/supplemental","../i18n","../regexp","../string","../i18n!../cldr/nls/gregorian","module"],function(_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,_6,_7,_8,_9){var _a={};_1.setObject(\//g,"."),_a);function _b(_c,_d,_e,_f){return _f.replace(/([a-z])\1*/ig,function(_10){var s,pad,c=_10.charAt(0),l=_10.length,_11=["abbr","wide","narrow"];switch(c){case "G":s=_d[(l<4)?"eraAbbr":"eraNames"][_c.getFullYear()<0?0:1];break;case "y":s=_c.getFullYear();switch(l){case 1:break;case 2:if(!_e.fullYear){s=String(s);s=s.substr(s.length-2);break;}default:pad=true;}break;case "Q":case "q":s=Math.ceil((_c.getMonth()+1)/3);pad=true;break;case "M":case "L":var m=_c.getMonth();if(l<3){s=m+1;pad=true;}else{var _12=["months",c=="L"?"standAlone":"format",_11[l-3]].join("-");s=_d[_12][m];}break;case "w":var _13=0;s=_a._getWeekOfYear(_c,_13);pad=true;break;case "d":s=_c.getDate();pad=true;break;case "D":s=_a._getDayOfYear(_c);pad=true;break;case "e":case "c":var d=_c.getDay();if(l<2){s=(d-_4.getFirstDayOfWeek(_e.locale)+8)%7;break;}case "E":d=_c.getDay();if(l<3){s=d+1;pad=true;}else{var _14=["days",c=="c"?"standAlone":"format",_11[l-3]].join("-");s=_d[_14][d];}break;case "a":var _15=_c.getHours()<12?"am":"pm";s=_e[_15]||_d["dayPeriods-format-wide-"+_15];break;case "h":case "H":case "K":case "k":var h=_c.getHours();switch(c){case "h":s=(h%12)||12;break;case "H":s=h;break;case "K":s=(h%12);break;case "k":s=h||24;break;}pad=true;break;case "m":s=_c.getMinutes();pad=true;break;case "s":s=_c.getSeconds();pad=true;break;case "S":s=Math.round(_c.getMilliseconds()*Math.pow(10,l-3));pad=true;break;case "v":case "z":s=_a._getZone(_c,true,_e);if(s){break;}l=4;case "Z":var _16=_a._getZone(_c,false,_e);var tz=[(_16<=0?"+":"-"),_7.pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(_16)/60),2),_7.pad(Math.abs(_16)%60,2)];if(l==4){tz.splice(0,0,"GMT");tz.splice(3,0,":");}s=tz.join("");break;default:throw new Error(" invalid pattern char: "+_f);}if(pad){s=_7.pad(s,l);}return s;});};_a._getZone=function(_17,_18,_19){if(_18){return _3.getTimezoneName(_17);}else{return _17.getTimezoneOffset();}};_a.format=function(_1a,_1b){_1b=_1b||{};var _1c=_5.normalizeLocale(_1b.locale),_1d=_1b.formatLength||"short",_1e=_a._getGregorianBundle(_1c),str=[],_1f=_1.hitch(this,_b,_1a,_1e,_1b);if(_1b.selector=="year"){return _20(_1e["dateFormatItem-yyyy"]||"yyyy",_1f);}var _21;if(_1b.selector!="date"){_21=_1b.timePattern||_1e["timeFormat-"+_1d];if(_21){str.push(_20(_21,_1f));}}if(_1b.selector!="time"){_21=_1b.datePattern||_1e["dateFormat-"+_1d];if(_21){str.push(_20(_21,_1f));}}return str.length==1?str[0]:_1e["dateTimeFormat-"+_1d].replace(/\'/g,"").replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g,function(_22,key){return str[key];});};_a.regexp=function(_23){return _a._parseInfo(_23).regexp;};_a._parseInfo=function(_24){_24=_24||{};var _25=_5.normalizeLocale(_24.locale),_26=_a._getGregorianBundle(_25),_27=_24.formatLength||"short",_28=_24.datePattern||_26["dateFormat-"+_27],_29=_24.timePattern||_26["timeFormat-"+_27],_2a;if(_24.selector=="date"){_2a=_28;}else{if(_24.selector=="time"){_2a=_29;}else{_2a=_26["dateTimeFormat-"+_27].replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g,function(_2b,key){return [_29,_28][key];});}}var _2c=[],re=_20(_2a,_1.hitch(this,_2d,_2c,_26,_24));return {regexp:re,tokens:_2c,bundle:_26};};_a.parse=function(_2e,_2f){var _30=/[\u200E\u200F\u202A\u202E]/g,_31=_a._parseInfo(_2f),_32=_31.tokens,_33=_31.bundle,re=new RegExp("^"+_31.regexp.replace(_30,"")+"$",_31.strict?"":"i"),_34=re.exec(_2e&&_2e.replace(_30,""));if(!_34){return null;}var _35=["abbr","wide","narrow"],_36=[1970,0,1,0,0,0,0],_37="",_38=_2.every(_34,function(v,i){if(!i){return true;}var _39=_32[i-1],l=_39.length,c=_39.charAt(0);switch(c){case "y":if(l!=2&&_2f.strict){_36[0]=v;}else{if(v<100){v=Number(v);var _3a=""+new Date().getFullYear(),_3b=_3a.substring(0,2)*100,_3c=Math.min(Number(_3a.substring(2,4))+20,99);_36[0]=(v<_3c)?_3b+v:_3b-100+v;}else{if(_2f.strict){return false;}_36[0]=v;}}break;case "M":case "L":if(l>2){var _3d=_33["months-"+(c=="L"?"standAlone":"format")+"-"+_35[l-3]].concat();if(!_2f.strict){v=v.replace(".","").toLowerCase();,function(s){return s.replace(".","").toLowerCase();});}v=_2.indexOf(_3d,v);if(v==-1){return false;}}else{v--;}_36[1]=v;break;case "E":case "e":case "c":var _3e=_33["days-"+(c=="c"?"standAlone":"format")+"-"+_35[l-3]].concat();if(!_2f.strict){v=v.toLowerCase();,function(d){return d.toLowerCase();});}v=_2.indexOf(_3e,v);if(v==-1){return false;}break;case "D":_36[1]=0;case "d":_36[2]=v;break;case "a":var||_33["dayPeriods-format-wide-am"],||_33["dayPeriods-format-wide-pm"];if(!_2f.strict){var _3f=/\./g;v=v.replace(_3f,"").toLowerCase();am=am.replace(_3f,"").toLowerCase();pm=pm.replace(_3f,"").toLowerCase();}if(_2f.strict&&v!=am&&v!=pm){return false;}_37=(v==pm)?"p":(v==am)?"a":"";break;case "K":if(v==24){v=0;}case "h":case "H":case "k":if(v>23){return false;}_36[3]=v;break;case "m":_36[4]=v;break;case "s":_36[5]=v;break;case "S":_36[6]=v;}return true;});var _40=+_36[3];if(_37==="p"&&_40<12){_36[3]=_40+12;}else{if(_37==="a"&&_40==12){_36[3]=0;}}var _41=new Date(_36[0],_36[1],_36[2],_36[3],_36[4],_36[5],_36[6]);if(_2f.strict){_41.setFullYear(_36[0]);}var _42=_32.join(""),_43=_42.indexOf("d")!=-1,_44=_42.indexOf("M")!=-1;if(!_38||(_44&&_41.getMonth()>_36[1])||(_43&&_41.getDate()>_36[2])){return null;}if((_44&&_41.getMonth()<_36[1])||(_43&&_41.getDate()<_36[2])){_41=_3.add(_41,"hour",1);}return _41;};function _20(_45,_46,_47,_48){var _49=function(x){return x;};_46=_46||_49;_47=_47||_49;_48=_48||_49;var _4a=_45.match(/(''|[^'])+/g),_4b=_45.charAt(0)=="'";_2.forEach(_4a,function(_4c,i){if(!_4c){_4a[i]="";}else{_4a[i]=(_4b?_47:_46)(_4c.replace(/''/g,"'"));_4b=!_4b;}});return _48(_4a.join(""));};function _2d(_4d,_4e,_4f,_50){_50=_6.escapeString(_50);if(!_4f.strict){_50=_50.replace(" a"," ?a");}return _50.replace(/([a-z])\1*/ig,function(_51){var s,c=_51.charAt(0),l=_51.length,p2="",p3="";if(_4f.strict){if(l>1){p2="0"+"{"+(l-1)+"}";}if(l>2){p3="0"+"{"+(l-2)+"}";}}else{p2="0?";p3="0{0,2}";}switch(c){case "y":s="\\d{2,4}";break;case "M":case "L":s=(l>2)?"\\S+?":"1[0-2]|"+p2+"[1-9]";break;case "D":s="[12][0-9][0-9]|3[0-5][0-9]|36[0-6]|"+p2+"[1-9][0-9]|"+p3+"[1-9]";break;case "d":s="3[01]|[12]\\d|"+p2+"[1-9]";break;case "w":s="[1-4][0-9]|5[0-3]|"+p2+"[1-9]";break;case "E":case "e":case "c":s="\\S+";break;case "h":s="1[0-2]|"+p2+"[1-9]";break;case "k":s="1[01]|"+p2+"\\d";break;case "H":s="1\\d|2[0-3]|"+p2+"\\d";break;case "K":s="1\\d|2[0-4]|"+p2+"[1-9]";break;case "m":case "s":s="[0-5]\\d";break;case "S":s="\\d{"+l+"}";break;case "a":var||_4e["dayPeriods-format-wide-am"],||_4e["dayPeriods-format-wide-pm"];s=am+"|"+pm;if(!_4f.strict){if(am!=am.toLowerCase()){s+="|"+am.toLowerCase();}if(pm!=pm.toLowerCase()){s+="|"+pm.toLowerCase();}if(s.indexOf(".")!=-1){s+="|"+s.replace(/\./g,"");}}s=s.replace(/\./g,"\\.");break;default:s=".*";}if(_4d){_4d.push(_51);}return "("+s+")";}).replace(/[\xa0 ]/g,"[\\s\\xa0]");};var _52=[];_a.addCustomFormats=function(_53,_54){_52.push({pkg:_53,name:_54});};_a._getGregorianBundle=function(_55){var _56={};_2.forEach(_52,function(_57){var _58=_5.getLocalization(_57.pkg,,_55);_56=_1.mixin(_56,_58);},this);return _56;};_a.addCustomFormats(\/date\/locale$/,".cldr"),"gregorian");_a.getNames=function(_59,_5a,_5b,_5c){var _5d,_5e=_a._getGregorianBundle(_5c),_5f=[_59,_5b,_5a];if(_5b=="standAlone"){var key=_5f.join("-");_5d=_5e[key];if(_5d[0]==1){_5d=undefined;}}_5f[1]="format";return (_5d||_5e[_5f.join("-")]).concat();};_a.isWeekend=function(_60,_61){var _62=_4.getWeekend(_61),day=(_60||new Date()).getDay();if(_62.end<_62.start){_62.end+=7;if(day<_62.start){day+=7;}}return day>=_62.start&&day<=_62.end;};_a._getDayOfYear=function(_63){return _3.difference(new Date(_63.getFullYear(),0,1,_63.getHours()),_63)+1;};_a._getWeekOfYear=function(_64,_65){if(arguments.length==1){_65=0;}var _66=new Date(_64.getFullYear(),0,1).getDay(),adj=(_66-_65+7)%7,_67=Math.floor((_a._getDayOfYear(_64)+adj-1)/7);if(_66==_65){_67++;}return _67;};return _a;}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/dojo/date/locale.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/date/locale.js.uncompressed.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..904b674ab --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/dojo/date/locale.js.uncompressed.js @@ -0,0 +1,694 @@ +define("dojo/date/locale", [ + "../_base/lang", + "../_base/array", + "../date", + /*===== "../_base/declare", =====*/ + "../cldr/supplemental", + "../i18n", + "../regexp", + "../string", + "../i18n!../cldr/nls/gregorian", + "module" +], function(lang, array, date, /*===== declare, =====*/ supplemental, i18n, regexp, string, gregorian, module){ + +// module: +// dojo/date/locale + +var exports = { + // summary: + // This modules defines dojo/date/locale, localization methods for Date. +}; +lang.setObject(\//g, "."), exports); + +// Localization methods for Date. Honor local customs using locale-dependent dojo.cldr data. + +// Load the bundles containing localization information for +// names and formats + +//NOTE: Everything in this module assumes Gregorian calendars. +// Other calendars will be implemented in separate modules. + + // Format a pattern without literals + function formatPattern(dateObject, bundle, options, pattern){ + return pattern.replace(/([a-z])\1*/ig, function(match){ + var s, pad, + c = match.charAt(0), + l = match.length, + widthList = ["abbr", "wide", "narrow"]; + switch(c){ + case 'G': + s = bundle[(l < 4) ? "eraAbbr" : "eraNames"][dateObject.getFullYear() < 0 ? 0 : 1]; + break; + case 'y': + s = dateObject.getFullYear(); + switch(l){ + case 1: + break; + case 2: + if(!options.fullYear){ + s = String(s); s = s.substr(s.length - 2); + break; + } + // fallthrough + default: + pad = true; + } + break; + case 'Q': + case 'q': + s = Math.ceil((dateObject.getMonth()+1)/3); +// switch(l){ +// case 1: case 2: + pad = true; +// break; +// case 3: case 4: // unimplemented +// } + break; + case 'M': + case 'L': + var m = dateObject.getMonth(); + if(l<3){ + s = m+1; pad = true; + }else{ + var propM = [ + "months", + c == 'L' ? "standAlone" : "format", + widthList[l-3] + ].join("-"); + s = bundle[propM][m]; + } + break; + case 'w': + var firstDay = 0; + s = exports._getWeekOfYear(dateObject, firstDay); pad = true; + break; + case 'd': + s = dateObject.getDate(); pad = true; + break; + case 'D': + s = exports._getDayOfYear(dateObject); pad = true; + break; + case 'e': + case 'c': + var d = dateObject.getDay(); + if(l<2){ + s = (d - supplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek(options.locale) + 8) % 7 + break; + } + // fallthrough + case 'E': + d = dateObject.getDay(); + if(l<3){ + s = d+1; pad = true; + }else{ + var propD = [ + "days", + c == 'c' ? "standAlone" : "format", + widthList[l-3] + ].join("-"); + s = bundle[propD][d]; + } + break; + case 'a': + var timePeriod = dateObject.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'; + s = options[timePeriod] || bundle['dayPeriods-format-wide-' + timePeriod]; + break; + case 'h': + case 'H': + case 'K': + case 'k': + var h = dateObject.getHours(); + // strange choices in the date format make it impossible to write this succinctly + switch (c){ + case 'h': // 1-12 + s = (h % 12) || 12; + break; + case 'H': // 0-23 + s = h; + break; + case 'K': // 0-11 + s = (h % 12); + break; + case 'k': // 1-24 + s = h || 24; + break; + } + pad = true; + break; + case 'm': + s = dateObject.getMinutes(); pad = true; + break; + case 's': + s = dateObject.getSeconds(); pad = true; + break; + case 'S': + s = Math.round(dateObject.getMilliseconds() * Math.pow(10, l-3)); pad = true; + break; + case 'v': // FIXME: don't know what this is. seems to be same as z? + case 'z': + // We only have one timezone to offer; the one from the browser + s = exports._getZone(dateObject, true, options); + if(s){break;} + l=4; + // fallthrough... use GMT if tz not available + case 'Z': + var offset = exports._getZone(dateObject, false, options); + var tz = [ + (offset<=0 ? "+" : "-"), + string.pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(offset)/60), 2), + string.pad(Math.abs(offset)% 60, 2) + ]; + if(l==4){ + tz.splice(0, 0, "GMT"); + tz.splice(3, 0, ":"); + } + s = tz.join(""); + break; +// case 'Y': case 'u': case 'W': case 'F': case 'g': case 'A': +// console.log(match+" modifier unimplemented"); + default: + throw new Error(" invalid pattern char: "+pattern); + } + if(pad){ s = string.pad(s, l); } + return s; + }); + } + +/*===== +var __FormatOptions = exports.__FormatOptions = declare(null, { + // selector: String + // choice of 'time','date' (default: date and time) + // formatLength: String + // choice of long, short, medium or full (plus any custom additions). Defaults to 'short' + // datePattern:String + // override pattern with this string + // timePattern:String + // override pattern with this string + // am: String + // override strings for am in times + // pm: String + // override strings for pm in times + // locale: String + // override the locale used to determine formatting rules + // fullYear: Boolean + // (format only) use 4 digit years whenever 2 digit years are called for + // strict: Boolean + // (parse only) strict parsing, off by default +}); +=====*/ + +exports._getZone = function(/*Date*/ dateObject, /*boolean*/ getName, /*__FormatOptions?*/ options){ + // summary: + // Returns the zone (or offset) for the given date and options. This + // is broken out into a separate function so that it can be overridden + // by timezone-aware code. + // + // dateObject: + // the date and/or time being formatted. + // + // getName: + // Whether to return the timezone string (if true), or the offset (if false) + // + // options: + // The options being used for formatting + if(getName){ + return date.getTimezoneName(dateObject); + }else{ + return dateObject.getTimezoneOffset(); + } +}; + + +exports.format = function(/*Date*/ dateObject, /*__FormatOptions?*/ options){ + // summary: + // Format a Date object as a String, using locale-specific settings. + // + // description: + // Create a string from a Date object using a known localized pattern. + // By default, this method formats both date and time from dateObject. + // Formatting patterns are chosen appropriate to the locale. Different + // formatting lengths may be chosen, with "full" used by default. + // Custom patterns may be used or registered with translations using + // the dojo/date/locale.addCustomFormats() method. + // Formatting patterns are implemented using [the syntax described at + //]( + // + // dateObject: + // the date and/or time to be formatted. If a time only is formatted, + // the values in the year, month, and day fields are irrelevant. The + // opposite is true when formatting only dates. + + options = options || {}; + + var locale = i18n.normalizeLocale(options.locale), + formatLength = options.formatLength || 'short', + bundle = exports._getGregorianBundle(locale), + str = [], + sauce = lang.hitch(this, formatPattern, dateObject, bundle, options); + if(options.selector == "year"){ + return _processPattern(bundle["dateFormatItem-yyyy"] || "yyyy", sauce); + } + var pattern; + if(options.selector != "date"){ + pattern = options.timePattern || bundle["timeFormat-"+formatLength]; + if(pattern){str.push(_processPattern(pattern, sauce));} + } + if(options.selector != "time"){ + pattern = options.datePattern || bundle["dateFormat-"+formatLength]; + if(pattern){str.push(_processPattern(pattern, sauce));} + } + + return str.length == 1 ? str[0] : bundle["dateTimeFormat-"+formatLength].replace(/\'/g,'').replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, + function(match, key){ return str[key]; }); // String +}; + +exports.regexp = function(/*__FormatOptions?*/ options){ + // summary: + // Builds the regular needed to parse a localized date + + return exports._parseInfo(options).regexp; // String +}; + +exports._parseInfo = function(/*__FormatOptions?*/ options){ + options = options || {}; + var locale = i18n.normalizeLocale(options.locale), + bundle = exports._getGregorianBundle(locale), + formatLength = options.formatLength || 'short', + datePattern = options.datePattern || bundle["dateFormat-" + formatLength], + timePattern = options.timePattern || bundle["timeFormat-" + formatLength], + pattern; + if(options.selector == 'date'){ + pattern = datePattern; + }else if(options.selector == 'time'){ + pattern = timePattern; + }else{ + pattern = bundle["dateTimeFormat-"+formatLength].replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, + function(match, key){ return [timePattern, datePattern][key]; }); + } + + var tokens = [], + re = _processPattern(pattern, lang.hitch(this, _buildDateTimeRE, tokens, bundle, options)); + return {regexp: re, tokens: tokens, bundle: bundle}; +}; + +exports.parse = function(/*String*/ value, /*__FormatOptions?*/ options){ + // summary: + // Convert a properly formatted string to a primitive Date object, + // using locale-specific settings. + // + // description: + // Create a Date object from a string using a known localized pattern. + // By default, this method parses looking for both date and time in the string. + // Formatting patterns are chosen appropriate to the locale. Different + // formatting lengths may be chosen, with "full" used by default. + // Custom patterns may be used or registered with translations using + // the dojo/date/locale.addCustomFormats() method. + // + // Formatting patterns are implemented using [the syntax described at + //]( + // When two digit years are used, a century is chosen according to a sliding + // window of 80 years before and 20 years after present year, for both `yy` and `yyyy` patterns. + // year < 100CE requires strict mode. + // + // value: + // A string representation of a date + + // remove non-printing bidi control chars from input and pattern + var controlChars = /[\u200E\u200F\u202A\u202E]/g, + info = exports._parseInfo(options), + tokens = info.tokens, bundle = info.bundle, + re = new RegExp("^" + info.regexp.replace(controlChars, "") + "$", + info.strict ? "" : "i"), + match = re.exec(value && value.replace(controlChars, "")); + + if(!match){ return null; } // null + + var widthList = ['abbr', 'wide', 'narrow'], + result = [1970,0,1,0,0,0,0], // will get converted to a Date at the end + amPm = "", + valid = array.every(match, function(v, i){ + if(!i){return true;} + var token = tokens[i-1], + l = token.length, + c = token.charAt(0); + switch(c){ + case 'y': + if(l != 2 && options.strict){ + //interpret year literally, so '5' would be 5 A.D. + result[0] = v; + }else{ + if(v<100){ + v = Number(v); + //choose century to apply, according to a sliding window + //of 80 years before and 20 years after present year + var year = '' + new Date().getFullYear(), + century = year.substring(0, 2) * 100, + cutoff = Math.min(Number(year.substring(2, 4)) + 20, 99); + result[0] = (v < cutoff) ? century + v : century - 100 + v; + }else{ + //we expected 2 digits and got more... + if(options.strict){ + return false; + } + //interpret literally, so '150' would be 150 A.D. + //also tolerate '1950', if 'yyyy' input passed to 'yy' format + result[0] = v; + } + } + break; + case 'M': + case 'L': + if(l>2){ + var months = bundle['months-' + + (c == 'L' ? 'standAlone' : 'format') + + '-' + widthList[l-3]].concat(); + if(!options.strict){ + //Tolerate abbreviating period in month part + //Case-insensitive comparison + v = v.replace(".","").toLowerCase(); + months =, function(s){ return s.replace(".","").toLowerCase(); } ); + } + v = array.indexOf(months, v); + if(v == -1){ +// console.log("dojo/date/locale.parse: Could not parse month name: '" + v + "'."); + return false; + } + }else{ + v--; + } + result[1] = v; + break; + case 'E': + case 'e': + case 'c': + var days = bundle['days-' + + (c == 'c' ? 'standAlone' : 'format') + + '-' + widthList[l-3]].concat(); + if(!options.strict){ + //Case-insensitive comparison + v = v.toLowerCase(); + days =, function(d){return d.toLowerCase();}); + } + v = array.indexOf(days, v); + if(v == -1){ +// console.log("dojo/date/locale.parse: Could not parse weekday name: '" + v + "'."); + return false; + } + + //TODO: not sure what to actually do with this input, + //in terms of setting something on the Date obj...? + //without more context, can't affect the actual date + //TODO: just validate? + break; + case 'D': + result[1] = 0; + // fallthrough... + case 'd': + result[2] = v; + break; + case 'a': //am/pm + var am = || bundle['dayPeriods-format-wide-am'], + pm = || bundle['dayPeriods-format-wide-pm']; + if(!options.strict){ + var period = /\./g; + v = v.replace(period,'').toLowerCase(); + am = am.replace(period,'').toLowerCase(); + pm = pm.replace(period,'').toLowerCase(); + } + if(options.strict && v != am && v != pm){ +// console.log("dojo/date/locale.parse: Could not parse am/pm part."); + return false; + } + + // we might not have seen the hours field yet, so store the state and apply hour change later + amPm = (v == pm) ? 'p' : (v == am) ? 'a' : ''; + break; + case 'K': //hour (1-24) + if(v == 24){ v = 0; } + // fallthrough... + case 'h': //hour (1-12) + case 'H': //hour (0-23) + case 'k': //hour (0-11) + //TODO: strict bounds checking, padding + if(v > 23){ +// console.log("dojo/date/locale.parse: Illegal hours value"); + return false; + } + + //in the 12-hour case, adjusting for am/pm requires the 'a' part + //which could come before or after the hour, so we will adjust later + result[3] = v; + break; + case 'm': //minutes + result[4] = v; + break; + case 's': //seconds + result[5] = v; + break; + case 'S': //milliseconds + result[6] = v; +// break; +// case 'w': +//TODO var firstDay = 0; +// default: +//TODO: throw? +// console.log("dojo/date/locale.parse: unsupported pattern char=" + token.charAt(0)); + } + return true; + }); + + var hours = +result[3]; + if(amPm === 'p' && hours < 12){ + result[3] = hours + 12; //e.g., 3pm -> 15 + }else if(amPm === 'a' && hours == 12){ + result[3] = 0; //12am -> 0 + } + + //TODO: implement a getWeekday() method in order to test + //validity of input strings containing 'EEE' or 'EEEE'... + + var dateObject = new Date(result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3], result[4], result[5], result[6]); // Date + if(options.strict){ + dateObject.setFullYear(result[0]); + } + + // Check for overflow. The Date() constructor normalizes things like April 32nd... + //TODO: why isn't this done for times as well? + var allTokens = tokens.join(""), + dateToken = allTokens.indexOf('d') != -1, + monthToken = allTokens.indexOf('M') != -1; + + if(!valid || + (monthToken && dateObject.getMonth() > result[1]) || + (dateToken && dateObject.getDate() > result[2])){ + return null; + } + + // Check for underflow, due to DST shifts. See #9366 + // This assumes a 1 hour dst shift correction at midnight + // We could compare the timezone offset after the shift and add the difference instead. + if((monthToken && dateObject.getMonth() < result[1]) || + (dateToken && dateObject.getDate() < result[2])){ + dateObject = date.add(dateObject, "hour", 1); + } + + return dateObject; // Date +}; + +function _processPattern(pattern, applyPattern, applyLiteral, applyAll){ + //summary: Process a pattern with literals in it + + // Break up on single quotes, treat every other one as a literal, except '' which becomes ' + var identity = function(x){return x;}; + applyPattern = applyPattern || identity; + applyLiteral = applyLiteral || identity; + applyAll = applyAll || identity; + + //split on single quotes (which escape literals in date format strings) + //but preserve escaped single quotes (e.g., o''clock) + var chunks = pattern.match(/(''|[^'])+/g), + literal = pattern.charAt(0) == "'"; + + array.forEach(chunks, function(chunk, i){ + if(!chunk){ + chunks[i]=''; + }else{ + chunks[i]=(literal ? applyLiteral : applyPattern)(chunk.replace(/''/g, "'")); + literal = !literal; + } + }); + return applyAll(chunks.join('')); +} + +function _buildDateTimeRE(tokens, bundle, options, pattern){ + pattern = regexp.escapeString(pattern); + if(!options.strict){ pattern = pattern.replace(" a", " ?a"); } // kludge to tolerate no space before am/pm + return pattern.replace(/([a-z])\1*/ig, function(match){ + // Build a simple regexp. Avoid captures, which would ruin the tokens list + var s, + c = match.charAt(0), + l = match.length, + p2 = '', p3 = ''; + if(options.strict){ + if(l > 1){ p2 = '0' + '{'+(l-1)+'}'; } + if(l > 2){ p3 = '0' + '{'+(l-2)+'}'; } + }else{ + p2 = '0?'; p3 = '0{0,2}'; + } + switch(c){ + case 'y': + s = '\\d{2,4}'; + break; + case 'M': + case 'L': + s = (l>2) ? '\\S+?' : '1[0-2]|'+p2+'[1-9]'; + break; + case 'D': + s = '[12][0-9][0-9]|3[0-5][0-9]|36[0-6]|'+p2+'[1-9][0-9]|'+p3+'[1-9]'; + break; + case 'd': + s = '3[01]|[12]\\d|'+p2+'[1-9]'; + break; + case 'w': + s = '[1-4][0-9]|5[0-3]|'+p2+'[1-9]'; + break; + case 'E': + case 'e': + case 'c': + s = '\\S+'; + break; + case 'h': //hour (1-12) + s = '1[0-2]|'+p2+'[1-9]'; + break; + case 'k': //hour (0-11) + s = '1[01]|'+p2+'\\d'; + break; + case 'H': //hour (0-23) + s = '1\\d|2[0-3]|'+p2+'\\d'; + break; + case 'K': //hour (1-24) + s = '1\\d|2[0-4]|'+p2+'[1-9]'; + break; + case 'm': + case 's': + s = '[0-5]\\d'; + break; + case 'S': + s = '\\d{'+l+'}'; + break; + case 'a': + var am = || bundle['dayPeriods-format-wide-am'], + pm = || bundle['dayPeriods-format-wide-pm']; + s = am + '|' + pm; + if(!options.strict){ + if(am != am.toLowerCase()){ s += '|' + am.toLowerCase(); } + if(pm != pm.toLowerCase()){ s += '|' + pm.toLowerCase(); } + if(s.indexOf('.') != -1){ s += '|' + s.replace(/\./g, ""); } + } + s = s.replace(/\./g, "\\."); + break; + default: + // case 'v': + // case 'z': + // case 'Z': + s = ".*"; +// console.log("parse of date format, pattern=" + pattern); + } + + if(tokens){ tokens.push(match); } + + return "(" + s + ")"; // add capture + }).replace(/[\xa0 ]/g, "[\\s\\xa0]"); // normalize whitespace. Need explicit handling of \xa0 for IE. +} + +var _customFormats = []; +exports.addCustomFormats = function(/*String*/ packageName, /*String*/ bundleName){ + // summary: + // Add a reference to a bundle containing localized custom formats to be + // used by date/time formatting and parsing routines. + // + // description: + // The user may add custom localized formats where the bundle has properties following the + // same naming convention used by dojo.cldr: `dateFormat-xxxx` / `timeFormat-xxxx` + // The pattern string should match the format used by the CLDR. + // See dojo/date/locale.format() for details. + // The resources must be loaded by dojo.requireLocalization() prior to use + + _customFormats.push({pkg:packageName,name:bundleName}); +}; + +exports._getGregorianBundle = function(/*String*/ locale){ + var gregorian = {}; + array.forEach(_customFormats, function(desc){ + var bundle = i18n.getLocalization(desc.pkg,, locale); + gregorian = lang.mixin(gregorian, bundle); + }, this); + return gregorian; /*Object*/ +}; + +exports.addCustomFormats(\/date\/locale$/, ".cldr"),"gregorian"); + +exports.getNames = function(/*String*/ item, /*String*/ type, /*String?*/ context, /*String?*/ locale){ + // summary: + // Used to get localized strings from dojo.cldr for day or month names. + // + // item: + // 'months' || 'days' + // type: + // 'wide' || 'abbr' || 'narrow' (e.g. "Monday", "Mon", or "M" respectively, in English) + // context: + // 'standAlone' || 'format' (default) + // locale: + // override locale used to find the names + + var label, + lookup = exports._getGregorianBundle(locale), + props = [item, context, type]; + if(context == 'standAlone'){ + var key = props.join('-'); + label = lookup[key]; + // Fall back to 'format' flavor of name + if(label[0] == 1){ label = undefined; } // kludge, in the absence of real aliasing support in dojo.cldr + } + props[1] = 'format'; + + // return by copy so changes won't be made accidentally to the in-memory model + return (label || lookup[props.join('-')]).concat(); /*Array*/ +}; + +exports.isWeekend = function(/*Date?*/ dateObject, /*String?*/ locale){ + // summary: + // Determines if the date falls on a weekend, according to local custom. + + var weekend = supplemental.getWeekend(locale), + day = (dateObject || new Date()).getDay(); + if(weekend.end < weekend.start){ + weekend.end += 7; + if(day < weekend.start){ day += 7; } + } + return day >= weekend.start && day <= weekend.end; // Boolean +}; + +// These are used only by format and strftime. Do they need to be public? Which module should they go in? + +exports._getDayOfYear = function(/*Date*/ dateObject){ + // summary: + // gets the day of the year as represented by dateObject + return date.difference(new Date(dateObject.getFullYear(), 0, 1, dateObject.getHours()), dateObject) + 1; // Number +}; + +exports._getWeekOfYear = function(/*Date*/ dateObject, /*Number*/ firstDayOfWeek){ + if(arguments.length == 1){ firstDayOfWeek = 0; } // Sunday + + var firstDayOfYear = new Date(dateObject.getFullYear(), 0, 1).getDay(), + adj = (firstDayOfYear - firstDayOfWeek + 7) % 7, + week = Math.floor((exports._getDayOfYear(dateObject) + adj - 1) / 7); + + // if year starts on the specified day, start counting weeks at 1 + if(firstDayOfYear == firstDayOfWeek){ week++; } + + return week; // Number +}; + +return exports; +}); diff --git a/lib/dojo/date/stamp.js b/lib/dojo/date/stamp.js index 029a0130b..708ee7250 100644 --- a/lib/dojo/date/stamp.js +++ b/lib/dojo/date/stamp.js @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ /* - Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. + Copyright (c) 2004-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license. see: for details */ //>>built -define("dojo/date/stamp",["../_base/kernel","../_base/lang","../_base/array"],function(_1,_2,_3){_2.getObject("date.stamp",true,_1);,_5){if(!{^(?:(\d{4})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?)?)?(?:T(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(.\d+)?)?((?:[+-](\d{2}):(\d{2}))|Z)?)?$/;}var,_7=null;if(_6){_6.shift();if(_6[1]){_6[1]--;}if(_6[6]){_6[6]*=1000;}if(_5){_5=new Date(_5);_3.forEach(["FullYear","Month","Date","Hours","Minutes","Seconds","Milliseconds"],function(_8){return _5["get"+_8]();}),function(_9,_a){_6[_a]=_6[_a]||_9;});}_7=new Date(_6[0]||1970,_6[1]||0,_6[2]||1,_6[3]||0,_6[4]||0,_6[5]||0,_6[6]||0);if(_6[0]<100){_7.setFullYear(_6[0]||1970);}var _b=0,_c=_6[7]&&_6[7].charAt(0);if(_c!="Z"){_b=((_6[8]||0)*60)+(Number(_6[9])||0);if(_c!="-"){_b*=-1;}}if(_c){_b-=_7.getTimezoneOffset();}if(_b){_7.setTime(_7.getTime()+_b*60000);}}return _7;};,_e){var _f=function(n){return (n<10)?"0"+n:n;};_e=_e||{};var _10=[],_11=_e.zulu?"getUTC":"get",_12="";if(_e.selector!="time"){var _13=_d[_11+"FullYear"]();_12=["0000".substr((_13+"").length)+_13,_f(_d[_11+"Month"]()+1),_f(_d[_11+"Date"]())].join("-");}_10.push(_12);if(_e.selector!="date"){var _14=[_f(_d[_11+"Hours"]()),_f(_d[_11+"Minutes"]()),_f(_d[_11+"Seconds"]())].join(":");var _15=_d[_11+"Milliseconds"]();if(_e.milliseconds){_14+="."+(_15<100?"0":"")+_f(_15);}if(_e.zulu){_14+="Z";}else{if(_e.selector!="time"){var _16=_d.getTimezoneOffset();var _17=Math.abs(_16);_14+=(_16>0?"-":"+")+_f(Math.floor(_17/60))+":"+_f(_17%60);}}_10.push(_14);}return _10.join("T");};return;}); \ No newline at end of file +define("dojo/date/stamp",["../_base/lang","../_base/array"],function(_1,_2){var _3={};_1.setObject("",_3);_3.fromISOString=function(_4,_5){if(!_3._isoRegExp){_3._isoRegExp=/^(?:(\d{4})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?)?)?(?:T(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(.\d+)?)?((?:[+-](\d{2}):(\d{2}))|Z)?)?$/;}var _6=_3._isoRegExp.exec(_4),_7=null;if(_6){_6.shift();if(_6[1]){_6[1]--;}if(_6[6]){_6[6]*=1000;}if(_5){_5=new Date(_5);_2.forEach(["FullYear","Month","Date","Hours","Minutes","Seconds","Milliseconds"],function(_8){return _5["get"+_8]();}),function(_9,_a){_6[_a]=_6[_a]||_9;});}_7=new Date(_6[0]||1970,_6[1]||0,_6[2]||1,_6[3]||0,_6[4]||0,_6[5]||0,_6[6]||0);if(_6[0]<100){_7.setFullYear(_6[0]||1970);}var _b=0,_c=_6[7]&&_6[7].charAt(0);if(_c!="Z"){_b=((_6[8]||0)*60)+(Number(_6[9])||0);if(_c!="-"){_b*=-1;}}if(_c){_b-=_7.getTimezoneOffset();}if(_b){_7.setTime(_7.getTime()+_b*60000);}}return _7;};_3.toISOString=function(_d,_e){var _f=function(n){return (n<10)?"0"+n:n;};_e=_e||{};var _10=[],_11=_e.zulu?"getUTC":"get",_12="";if(_e.selector!="time"){var _13=_d[_11+"FullYear"]();_12=["0000".substr((_13+"").length)+_13,_f(_d[_11+"Month"]()+1),_f(_d[_11+"Date"]())].join("-");}_10.push(_12);if(_e.selector!="date"){var _14=[_f(_d[_11+"Hours"]()),_f(_d[_11+"Minutes"]()),_f(_d[_11+"Seconds"]())].join(":");var _15=_d[_11+"Milliseconds"]();if(_e.milliseconds){_14+="."+(_15<100?"0":"")+_f(_15);}if(_e.zulu){_14+="Z";}else{if(_e.selector!="time"){var _16=_d.getTimezoneOffset();var _17=Math.abs(_16);_14+=(_16>0?"-":"+")+_f(Math.floor(_17/60))+":"+_f(_17%60);}}_10.push(_14);}return _10.join("T");};return _3;}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/dojo/date/stamp.js.uncompressed.js b/lib/dojo/date/stamp.js.uncompressed.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7dc86947 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/dojo/date/stamp.js.uncompressed.js @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +define("dojo/date/stamp", ["../_base/lang", "../_base/array"], function(lang, array){ + +// module: +// dojo/date/stamp + +var stamp = { + // summary: + // TODOC +}; +lang.setObject("", stamp); + +// Methods to convert dates to or from a wire (string) format using well-known conventions + +stamp.fromISOString = function(/*String*/ formattedString, /*Number?*/ defaultTime){ + // summary: + // Returns a Date object given a string formatted according to a subset of the ISO-8601 standard. + // + // description: + // Accepts a string formatted according to a profile of ISO8601 as defined by + // [RFC3339](, except that partial input is allowed. + // Can also process dates as specified [by the W3C]( + // The following combinations are valid: + // + // - dates only + // - yyyy + // - yyyy-MM + // - yyyy-MM-dd + // - times only, with an optional time zone appended + // - THH:mm + // - THH:mm:ss + // - THH:mm:ss.SSS + // - and "datetimes" which could be any combination of the above + // + // timezones may be specified as Z (for UTC) or +/- followed by a time expression HH:mm + // Assumes the local time zone if not specified. Does not validate. Improperly formatted + // input may return null. Arguments which are out of bounds will be handled + // by the Date constructor (e.g. January 32nd typically gets resolved to February 1st) + // Only years between 100 and 9999 are supported. + // formattedString: + // A string such as 2005-06-30T08:05:00-07:00 or 2005-06-30 or T08:05:00 + // defaultTime: + // Used for defaults for fields omitted in the formattedString. + // Uses 1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z by default. + + if(!stamp._isoRegExp){ + stamp._isoRegExp = +//TODO: could be more restrictive and check for 00-59, etc. + /^(?:(\d{4})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?)?)?(?:T(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(.\d+)?)?((?:[+-](\d{2}):(\d{2}))|Z)?)?$/; + } + + var match = stamp._isoRegExp.exec(formattedString), + result = null; + + if(match){ + match.shift(); + if(match[1]){match[1]--;} // Javascript Date months are 0-based + if(match[6]){match[6] *= 1000;} // Javascript Date expects fractional seconds as milliseconds + + if(defaultTime){ + // mix in defaultTime. Relatively expensive, so use || operators for the fast path of defaultTime === 0 + defaultTime = new Date(defaultTime); + array.forEach(["FullYear", "Month", "Date", "Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds", "Milliseconds"], function(prop){ + return defaultTime["get" + prop](); + }), function(value, index){ + match[index] = match[index] || value; + }); + } + result = new Date(match[0]||1970, match[1]||0, match[2]||1, match[3]||0, match[4]||0, match[5]||0, match[6]||0); //TODO: UTC defaults + if(match[0] < 100){ + result.setFullYear(match[0] || 1970); + } + + var offset = 0, + zoneSign = match[7] && match[7].charAt(0); + if(zoneSign != 'Z'){ + offset = ((match[8] || 0) * 60) + (Number(match[9]) || 0); + if(zoneSign != '-'){ offset *= -1; } + } + if(zoneSign){ + offset -= result.getTimezoneOffset(); + } + if(offset){ + result.setTime(result.getTime() + offset * 60000); + } + } + + return result; // Date or null +}; + +/*===== +var __Options = { + // selector: String + // "date" or "time" for partial formatting of the Date object. + // Both date and time will be formatted by default. + // zulu: Boolean + // if true, UTC/GMT is used for a timezone + // milliseconds: Boolean + // if true, output milliseconds +}; +=====*/ + +stamp.toISOString = function(/*Date*/ dateObject, /*__Options?*/ options){ + // summary: + // Format a Date object as a string according a subset of the ISO-8601 standard + // + // description: + // When options.selector is omitted, output follows [RFC3339]( + // The local time zone is included as an offset from GMT, except when selector=='time' (time without a date) + // Does not check bounds. Only years between 100 and 9999 are supported. + // + // dateObject: + // A Date object + + var _ = function(n){ return (n < 10) ? "0" + n : n; }; + options = options || {}; + var formattedDate = [], + getter = options.zulu ? "getUTC" : "get", + date = ""; + if(options.selector != "time"){ + var year = dateObject[getter+"FullYear"](); + date = ["0000".substr((year+"").length)+year, _(dateObject[getter+"Month"]()+1), _(dateObject[getter+"Date"]())].join('-'); + } + formattedDate.push(date); + if(options.selector != "date"){ + var time = [_(dateObject[getter+"Hours"]()), _(dateObject[getter+"Minutes"]()), _(dateObject[getter+"Seconds"]())].join(':'); + var millis = dateObject[getter+"Milliseconds"](); + if(options.milliseconds){ + time += "."+ (millis < 100 ? "0" : "") + _(millis); + } + if(options.zulu){ + time += "Z"; + }else if(options.selector != "time"){ + var timezoneOffset = dateObject.getTimezoneOffset(); + var absOffset = Math.abs(timezoneOffset); + time += (timezoneOffset > 0 ? "-" : "+") + + _(Math.floor(absOffset/60)) + ":" + _(absOffset%60); + } + formattedDate.push(time); + } + return formattedDate.join('T'); // String +}; + +return stamp; +}); -- cgit v1.2.3