elem->getElementsByTagName("id")->item(0); if ($id) { return $id->nodeValue; } else { return clean($this->get_link()); } } function get_date() { $updated = $this->elem->getElementsByTagName("updated")->item(0); if ($updated) { return strtotime($updated->nodeValue); } $published = $this->elem->getElementsByTagName("published")->item(0); if ($published) { return strtotime($published->nodeValue); } $date = $this->xpath->query("dc:date", $this->elem)->item(0); if ($date) { return strtotime($date->nodeValue); } } function get_link() { $links = $this->elem->getElementsByTagName("link"); foreach ($links as $link) { if ($link && $link->hasAttribute("href") && (!$link->hasAttribute("rel") || $link->getAttribute("rel") == "alternate" || $link->getAttribute("rel") == "standout")) { $base = $this->xpath->evaluate("string(ancestor-or-self::*[@xml:base][1]/@xml:base)", $link); if ($base) return rewrite_relative_url($base, clean(trim($link->getAttribute("href")))); else return clean(trim($link->getAttribute("href"))); } } } function get_title() { $title = $this->elem->getElementsByTagName("title")->item(0); if ($title) { return clean(trim($title->nodeValue)); } } function get_content() { $content = $this->elem->getElementsByTagName("content")->item(0); if ($content) { if ($content->hasAttribute('type')) { if ($content->getAttribute('type') == 'xhtml') { for ($i = 0; $i < $content->childNodes->length; $i++) { $child = $content->childNodes->item($i); if ($child->hasChildNodes()) { return $this->doc->saveHTML($child); } } } } return $this->subtree_or_text($content); } } function get_description() { $content = $this->elem->getElementsByTagName("summary")->item(0); if ($content) { if ($content->hasAttribute('type')) { if ($content->getAttribute('type') == 'xhtml') { for ($i = 0; $i < $content->childNodes->length; $i++) { $child = $content->childNodes->item($i); if ($child->hasChildNodes()) { return $this->doc->saveHTML($child); } } } } return $this->subtree_or_text($content); } } function get_categories() { $categories = $this->elem->getElementsByTagName("category"); $cats = []; foreach ($categories as $cat) { if ($cat->hasAttribute("term")) array_push($cats, $cat->getAttribute("term")); } $categories = $this->xpath->query("dc:subject", $this->elem); foreach ($categories as $cat) { array_push($cats, $cat->nodeValue); } return $this->normalize_categories($cats); } function _get_enclosures() { $links = $this->elem->getElementsByTagName("link"); $encs = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { if ($link && $link->hasAttribute("href") && $link->hasAttribute("rel")) { if ($link->getAttribute("rel") == "enclosure") { $enc = new FeedEnclosure(); $enc->type = clean($link->getAttribute("type")); $enc->link = clean($link->getAttribute("href")); $enc->length = clean($link->getAttribute("length")); array_push($encs, $enc); } } } $encs = array_merge($encs, parent::_get_enclosures()); return $encs; } function get_language() { $lang = $this->elem->getAttributeNS(self::NS_XML, "lang"); if (!empty($lang)) { return clean($lang); } else { // Fall back to the language declared on the feed, if any. foreach ($this->doc->childNodes as $child) { if (method_exists($child, "getAttributeNS")) { return clean($child->getAttributeNS(self::NS_XML, "lang")); } } } } }