elem = $elem; $this->xpath = $xpath; $this->doc = $doc; try { $source = $elem->getElementsByTagName("source")->item(0); // we don't need element if ($source) $elem->removeChild($source); } catch (DOMException $e) { // } } function get_author() { $author = $this->elem->getElementsByTagName("author")->item(0); if ($author) { $name = $author->getElementsByTagName("name")->item(0); if ($name) return $name->nodeValue; $email = $author->getElementsByTagName("email")->item(0); if ($email) return $email->nodeValue; if ($author->nodeValue) return $author->nodeValue; } $author = $this->xpath->query("dc:creator", $this->elem)->item(0); if ($author) { return $author->nodeValue; } } function get_comments_url() { //RSS only. Use a query here to avoid namespace clashes (e.g. with slash). //might give a wrong result if a default namespace was declared (possible with XPath 2.0) $com_url = $this->xpath->query("comments", $this->elem)->item(0); if($com_url) return $com_url->nodeValue; //Atom Threading Extension (RFC 4685) stuff. Could be used in RSS feeds, so it's in common. //'text/html' for type is too restrictive? $com_url = $this->xpath->query("atom:link[@rel='replies' and contains(@type,'text/html')]/@href", $this->elem)->item(0); if($com_url) return $com_url->nodeValue; } function get_comments_count() { //also query for ATE stuff here $query = "slash:comments|thread:total|atom:link[@rel='replies']/@thread:count"; $comments = $this->xpath->query($query, $this->elem)->item(0); if ($comments) { return $comments->nodeValue; } } function count_children($node) { return $node->getElementsByTagName("*")->length; } function subtree_or_text($node) { if ($this->count_children($node) == 0) { return $node->nodeValue; } else { return $node->c14n(); } } } ?>