pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_filters2 SET order_id = 0 WHERE owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute([$_SESSION['uid']]); return; } function savefilterorder() { $data = json_decode($_POST['payload'], true); #file_put_contents("/tmp/saveorder.json", clean($_POST['payload'])); #$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("/tmp/saveorder.json"), true); if (!is_array($data['items'])) $data['items'] = json_decode($data['items'], true); $index = 0; if (is_array($data) && is_array($data['items'])) { $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_filters2 SET order_id = ? WHERE id = ? AND owner_uid = ?"); foreach ($data['items'][0]['items'] as $item) { $filter_id = (int) str_replace("FILTER:", "", $item['_reference']); if ($filter_id > 0) { $sth->execute([$index, $filter_id, $_SESSION['uid']]); ++$index; } } } return; } function testFilterDo() { $offset = (int) clean($_REQUEST["offset"]); $limit = (int) clean($_REQUEST["limit"]); $filter = array(); $filter["enabled"] = true; $filter["match_any_rule"] = checkbox_to_sql_bool(clean($_REQUEST["match_any_rule"])); $filter["inverse"] = checkbox_to_sql_bool(clean($_REQUEST["inverse"])); $filter["rules"] = array(); $filter["actions"] = array("dummy-action"); $res = $this->pdo->query("SELECT id,name FROM ttrss_filter_types"); $filter_types = array(); while ($line = $res->fetch()) { $filter_types[$line["id"]] = $line["name"]; } $scope_qparts = array(); $rctr = 0; foreach (clean($_REQUEST["rule"]) AS $r) { $rule = json_decode($r, true); if ($rule && $rctr < 5) { $rule["type"] = $filter_types[$rule["filter_type"]]; unset($rule["filter_type"]); $scope_inner_qparts = []; foreach ($rule["feed_id"] as $feed_id) { if (strpos($feed_id, "CAT:") === 0) { $cat_id = (int) substr($feed_id, 4); array_push($scope_inner_qparts, "cat_id = " . $this->pdo->quote($cat_id)); } else if ($feed_id > 0) { array_push($scope_inner_qparts, "feed_id = " . $this->pdo->quote($feed_id)); } } if (count($scope_inner_qparts) > 0) { array_push($scope_qparts, "(" . implode(" OR ", $scope_inner_qparts) . ")"); } array_push($filter["rules"], $rule); ++$rctr; } else { break; } } if (count($scope_qparts) == 0) $scope_qparts = ["true"]; $glue = $filter['match_any_rule'] ? " OR " : " AND "; $scope_qpart = join($glue, $scope_qparts); if (!$scope_qpart) $scope_qpart = "true"; $rv = array(); //while ($found < $limit && $offset < $limit * 1000 && time() - $started < ini_get("max_execution_time") * 0.7) { $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT ttrss_entries.id, ttrss_entries.title, ttrss_feeds.id AS feed_id, ttrss_feeds.title AS feed_title, ttrss_feed_categories.id AS cat_id, content, date_entered, link, author, tag_cache FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries LEFT JOIN ttrss_feeds ON (feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id) LEFT JOIN ttrss_feed_categories ON (ttrss_feeds.cat_id = ttrss_feed_categories.id) WHERE ref_id = ttrss_entries.id AND ($scope_qpart) AND ttrss_user_entries.owner_uid = ? ORDER BY date_entered DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"); $sth->execute([$_SESSION['uid']]); while ($line = $sth->fetch()) { $rc = RSSUtils::get_article_filters(array($filter), $line['title'], $line['content'], $line['link'], $line['author'], explode(",", $line['tag_cache'])); if (count($rc) > 0) { $line["content_preview"] = truncate_string(strip_tags($line["content"]), 200, '…'); $excerpt_length = 100; PluginHost::getInstance()->chain_hooks_callback(PluginHost::HOOK_QUERY_HEADLINES, function ($result) use (&$line) { $line = $result; }, $line, $excerpt_length); $content_preview = $line["content_preview"]; $tmp = "
  • " . $line["title"] . "
    " . "" . $line['feed_title'] . ", " . mb_substr($line["date_entered"], 0, 16) . "" . "
    " . $content_preview . "
    " . "
  • "; array_push($rv, $tmp); } } print json_encode($rv); } private function getfilterrules_list($filter_id) { $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT reg_exp, inverse, match_on, feed_id, cat_id, cat_filter, ttrss_filter_types.description AS field FROM ttrss_filters2_rules, ttrss_filter_types WHERE filter_id = ? AND filter_type = ttrss_filter_types.id ORDER BY reg_exp"); $sth->execute([$filter_id]); $rv = ""; while ($line = $sth->fetch()) { if ($line["match_on"]) { $feeds = json_decode($line["match_on"], true); $feeds_fmt = []; foreach ($feeds as $feed_id) { if (strpos($feed_id, "CAT:") === 0) { $feed_id = (int)substr($feed_id, 4); array_push($feeds_fmt, Feeds::getCategoryTitle($feed_id)); } else { if ($feed_id) array_push($feeds_fmt, Feeds::getFeedTitle((int)$feed_id)); else array_push($feeds_fmt, __("All feeds")); } } $where = implode(", ", $feeds_fmt); } else { $where = $line["cat_filter"] ? Feeds::getCategoryTitle($line["cat_id"]) : ($line["feed_id"] ? Feeds::getFeedTitle($line["feed_id"]) : __("All feeds")); } # $where = $line["cat_id"] . "/" . $line["feed_id"]; $inverse = $line["inverse"] ? "inverse" : ""; $rv .= "
  • " . T_sprintf("%s on %s in %s %s", htmlspecialchars($line["reg_exp"]), $line["field"], $where, $line["inverse"] ? __("(inverse)") : "") . "
  • "; } return $rv; } function getfiltertree() { $root = array(); $root['id'] = 'root'; $root['name'] = __('Filters'); $root['enabled'] = true; $root['items'] = array(); $filter_search = ($_SESSION["prefs_filter_search"] ?? ""); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT *, (SELECT action_param FROM ttrss_filters2_actions WHERE filter_id = ttrss_filters2.id ORDER BY id LIMIT 1) AS action_param, (SELECT action_id FROM ttrss_filters2_actions WHERE filter_id = ttrss_filters2.id ORDER BY id LIMIT 1) AS action_id, (SELECT description FROM ttrss_filter_actions WHERE id = (SELECT action_id FROM ttrss_filters2_actions WHERE filter_id = ttrss_filters2.id ORDER BY id LIMIT 1)) AS action_name, (SELECT reg_exp FROM ttrss_filters2_rules WHERE filter_id = ttrss_filters2.id ORDER BY id LIMIT 1) AS reg_exp FROM ttrss_filters2 WHERE owner_uid = ? ORDER BY order_id, title"); $sth->execute([$_SESSION['uid']]); $folder = array(); $folder['items'] = array(); while ($line = $sth->fetch()) { $name = $this->getFilterName($line["id"]); $match_ok = false; if ($filter_search) { if (mb_strpos($line['title'], $filter_search) !== false) { $match_ok = true; } $rules_sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT reg_exp FROM ttrss_filters2_rules WHERE filter_id = ?"); $rules_sth->execute([$line['id']]); while ($rule_line = $rules_sth->fetch()) { if (mb_strpos($rule_line['reg_exp'], $filter_search) !== false) { $match_ok = true; break; } } } if ($line['action_id'] == 7) { $label_sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT fg_color, bg_color FROM ttrss_labels2 WHERE caption = ? AND owner_uid = ?"); $label_sth->execute([$line['action_param'], $_SESSION['uid']]); if ($label_row = $label_sth->fetch()) { //$fg_color = $label_row["fg_color"]; $bg_color = $label_row["bg_color"]; $name[1] = "label" . $name[1]; } } $filter = array(); $filter['id'] = 'FILTER:' . $line['id']; $filter['bare_id'] = $line['id']; $filter['name'] = $name[0]; $filter['param'] = $name[1]; $filter['checkbox'] = false; $filter['last_triggered'] = $line["last_triggered"] ? TimeHelper::make_local_datetime($line["last_triggered"], false) : null; $filter['enabled'] = sql_bool_to_bool($line["enabled"]); $filter['rules'] = $this->getfilterrules_list($line['id']); if (!$filter_search || $match_ok) { array_push($folder['items'], $filter); } } $root['items'] = $folder['items']; $fl = array(); $fl['identifier'] = 'id'; $fl['label'] = 'name'; $fl['items'] = array($root); print json_encode($fl); return; } function edit() { $filter_id = clean($_REQUEST["id"]); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM ttrss_filters2 WHERE id = ? AND owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute([$filter_id, $_SESSION['uid']]); if ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $enabled = $row["enabled"]; $match_any_rule = $row["match_any_rule"]; $inverse = $row["inverse"]; $title = htmlspecialchars($row["title"]); print "
    "; print_hidden("op", "pref-filters"); print_hidden("id", "$filter_id"); print_hidden("method", "editSave"); print_hidden("csrf_token", $_SESSION['csrf_token']); print "
    " . __('Select')."
    "; print "
    "; print "
    ".__("Apply actions")."
    "; print ""; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; if ($enabled) { $checked = "checked=\"1\""; } else { $checked = ""; } print "
    "; print ""; if ($match_any_rule) { $checked = "checked=\"1\""; } else { $checked = ""; } print "
    "; print ""; print "
    "; if ($inverse) { $checked = "checked=\"1\""; } else { $checked = ""; } print ""; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; } } private function getRuleName($rule) { if (!$rule) $rule = json_decode(clean($_REQUEST["rule"]), true); $feeds = $rule["feed_id"]; $feeds_fmt = []; if (!is_array($feeds)) $feeds = [$feeds]; foreach ($feeds as $feed_id) { if (strpos($feed_id, "CAT:") === 0) { $feed_id = (int)substr($feed_id, 4); array_push($feeds_fmt, Feeds::getCategoryTitle($feed_id)); } else { if ($feed_id) array_push($feeds_fmt, Feeds::getFeedTitle((int)$feed_id)); else array_push($feeds_fmt, __("All feeds")); } } $feed = implode(", ", $feeds_fmt); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT description FROM ttrss_filter_types WHERE id = ?"); $sth->execute([(int)$rule["filter_type"]]); if ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $filter_type = $row["description"]; } else { $filter_type = "?UNKNOWN?"; } $inverse = isset($rule["inverse"]) ? "inverse" : ""; return "" . T_sprintf("%s on %s in %s %s", htmlspecialchars($rule["reg_exp"]), "$filter_type", "$feed", isset($rule["inverse"]) ? __("(inverse)") : "") . ""; } function printRuleName() { print $this->getRuleName(json_decode(clean($_REQUEST["rule"]), true)); } private function getActionName($action) { $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT description FROM ttrss_filter_actions WHERE id = ?"); $sth->execute([(int)$action["action_id"]]); $title = ""; if ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $title = __($row["description"]); if ($action["action_id"] == 4 || $action["action_id"] == 6 || $action["action_id"] == 7) $title .= ": " . $action["action_param"]; if ($action["action_id"] == 9) { list ($pfclass, $pfaction) = explode(":", $action["action_param"]); $filter_actions = PluginHost::getInstance()->get_filter_actions(); foreach ($filter_actions as $fclass => $factions) { foreach ($factions as $faction) { if ($pfaction == $faction["action"] && $pfclass == $fclass) { $title .= ": " . $fclass . ": " . $faction["description"]; break; } } } } } return $title; } function printActionName() { print $this->getActionName(json_decode(clean($_REQUEST["action"]), true)); } function editSave() { $filter_id = clean($_REQUEST["id"]); $enabled = checkbox_to_sql_bool(clean($_REQUEST["enabled"] ?? false)); $match_any_rule = checkbox_to_sql_bool(clean($_REQUEST["match_any_rule"])); $inverse = checkbox_to_sql_bool(clean($_REQUEST["inverse"] ?? false)); $title = clean($_REQUEST["title"]); $this->pdo->beginTransaction(); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_filters2 SET enabled = ?, match_any_rule = ?, inverse = ?, title = ? WHERE id = ? AND owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute([$enabled, $match_any_rule, $inverse, $title, $filter_id, $_SESSION['uid']]); $this->saveRulesAndActions($filter_id); $this->pdo->commit(); } function remove() { $ids = explode(",", clean($_REQUEST["ids"])); $ids_qmarks = arr_qmarks($ids); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM ttrss_filters2 WHERE id IN ($ids_qmarks) AND owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute(array_merge($ids, [$_SESSION['uid']])); } private function saveRulesAndActions($filter_id) { $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM ttrss_filters2_rules WHERE filter_id = ?"); $sth->execute([$filter_id]); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM ttrss_filters2_actions WHERE filter_id = ?"); $sth->execute([$filter_id]); if (!is_array(clean($_REQUEST["rule"] ?? ""))) $_REQUEST["rule"] = []; if (!is_array(clean($_REQUEST["action"] ?? ""))) $_REQUEST["action"] = []; if ($filter_id) { /* create rules */ $rules = array(); $actions = array(); foreach (clean($_REQUEST["rule"]) as $rule) { $rule = json_decode($rule, true); unset($rule["id"]); if (array_search($rule, $rules) === false) { array_push($rules, $rule); } } foreach (clean($_REQUEST["action"]) as $action) { $action = json_decode($action, true); unset($action["id"]); if (array_search($action, $actions) === false) { array_push($actions, $action); } } $rsth = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO ttrss_filters2_rules (filter_id, reg_exp,filter_type,feed_id,cat_id,match_on,inverse) VALUES (?, ?, ?, NULL, NULL, ?, ?)"); foreach ($rules as $rule) { if ($rule) { $reg_exp = trim($rule["reg_exp"]); $inverse = isset($rule["inverse"]) ? 1 : 0; $filter_type = (int)trim($rule["filter_type"]); $match_on = json_encode($rule["feed_id"]); $rsth->execute([$filter_id, $reg_exp, $filter_type, $match_on, $inverse]); } } $asth = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO ttrss_filters2_actions (filter_id, action_id, action_param) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); foreach ($actions as $action) { if ($action) { $action_id = (int)$action["action_id"]; $action_param = $action["action_param"]; $action_param_label = $action["action_param_label"]; if ($action_id == 7) { $action_param = $action_param_label; } if ($action_id == 6) { $action_param = (int)str_replace("+", "", $action_param); } $asth->execute([$filter_id, $action_id, $action_param]); } } } } function add() { $enabled = checkbox_to_sql_bool(clean($_REQUEST["enabled"])); $match_any_rule = checkbox_to_sql_bool(clean($_REQUEST["match_any_rule"])); $title = clean($_REQUEST["title"]); $inverse = checkbox_to_sql_bool(clean($_REQUEST["inverse"])); $this->pdo->beginTransaction(); /* create base filter */ $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO ttrss_filters2 (owner_uid, match_any_rule, enabled, title, inverse) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); $sth->execute([$_SESSION['uid'], $match_any_rule, $enabled, $title, $inverse]); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT MAX(id) AS id FROM ttrss_filters2 WHERE owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute([$_SESSION['uid']]); if ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $filter_id = $row['id']; $this->saveRulesAndActions($filter_id); } $this->pdo->commit(); } function index() { if (array_key_exists("search", $_REQUEST)) { $filter_search = clean($_REQUEST["search"]); $_SESSION["prefs_filter_search"] = $filter_search; } else { $filter_search = ($_SESSION["prefs_filter_search"] ?? ""); } print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    ". "" . __('Select').""; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print "
    "; # toolbar print "
    "; # toolbar-frame print "
    "; print "
    ". __("Loading, please wait...")."
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; #pane PluginHost::getInstance()->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, "prefFilters"); print "
    "; #container } function newfilter() { print "
    "; print_hidden("op", "pref-filters"); print_hidden("method", "add"); print_hidden("csrf_token", $_SESSION['csrf_token']); print "
    "; print "
    "; print ""; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    ". "" . __('Select').""; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print " "; print " "; print "
    "; print ""; print "
    "; print "
    ".__("Apply actions")."
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    ". "" . __('Select').""; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print " "; print " "; print "
    "; print ""; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print ""; print "
    "; print ""; print "
    "; print ""; print "
    "; print "
    "; print ""; } function newrule() { $rule = json_decode(clean($_REQUEST["rule"]), true); if ($rule) { $reg_exp = htmlspecialchars($rule["reg_exp"]); $filter_type = $rule["filter_type"]; $feed_id = $rule["feed_id"]; $inverse_checked = isset($rule["inverse"]) ? "checked" : ""; } else { $reg_exp = ""; $filter_type = 1; $feed_id = ["0"]; $inverse_checked = ""; } print ""; $res = $this->pdo->query("SELECT id,description FROM ttrss_filter_types WHERE id != 5 ORDER BY description"); $filter_types = array(); while ($line = $res->fetch()) { $filter_types[$line["id"]] = __($line["description"]); } print "
    "; print "
    "; print ""; print "
    "; print "
    "; print ""; print "
    "; print "
    "; print " "; print_select_hash("filter_type", $filter_type, $filter_types, 'dojoType="fox.form.Select"'); print " "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print ""; print_feed_multi_select("feed_id", $feed_id, 'style="width : 500px; height : 300px" dojoType="dijit.form.MultiSelect"'); print ""; print "
    "; print "
    "; print ""; print "
    "; } function newaction() { $action = json_decode(clean($_REQUEST["action"]), true); if ($action) { $action_param = $action["action_param"]; $action_id = (int)$action["action_id"]; } else { $action_param = ""; $action_id = 0; } print "
    "; print "
    ".__("Perform Action")."
    "; print "
    "; print ""; $param_box_hidden = ($action_id == 7 || $action_id == 4 || $action_id == 6 || $action_id == 9) ? "" : "display : none"; $param_hidden = ($action_id == 4 || $action_id == 6) ? "" : "display : none"; $label_param_hidden = ($action_id == 7) ? "" : "display : none"; $plugin_param_hidden = ($action_id == 9) ? "" : "display : none"; print ""; print " "; //print " " . __("with parameters:") . " "; print ""; print_label_select("action_param_label", $action_param, "id='filterDlg_actionParamLabel' style=\"$label_param_hidden\" dojoType='fox.form.Select'"); $filter_actions = PluginHost::getInstance()->get_filter_actions(); $filter_action_hash = array(); foreach ($filter_actions as $fclass => $factions) { foreach ($factions as $faction) { $filter_action_hash[$fclass . ":" . $faction["action"]] = $fclass . ": " . $faction["description"]; } } if (count($filter_action_hash) == 0) { $filter_plugin_disabled = "disabled"; $filter_action_hash["no-data"] = __("No actions available"); } else { $filter_plugin_disabled = ""; } print_select_hash("filterDlg_actionParamPlugin", $action_param, $filter_action_hash, "style=\"$plugin_param_hidden\" dojoType='fox.form.Select' $filter_plugin_disabled", "action_param_plugin"); print ""; print " "; // tiny layout hack print "
    "; print ""; print "
    "; } private function getFilterName($id) { $sth = $this->pdo->prepare( "SELECT title,match_any_rule,f.inverse AS inverse,COUNT(DISTINCT r.id) AS num_rules,COUNT(DISTINCT a.id) AS num_actions FROM ttrss_filters2 AS f LEFT JOIN ttrss_filters2_rules AS r ON (r.filter_id = f.id) LEFT JOIN ttrss_filters2_actions AS a ON (a.filter_id = f.id) WHERE f.id = ? GROUP BY f.title, f.match_any_rule, f.inverse"); $sth->execute([$id]); if ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $title = $row["title"]; $num_rules = $row["num_rules"]; $num_actions = $row["num_actions"]; $match_any_rule = $row["match_any_rule"]; $inverse = $row["inverse"]; if (!$title) $title = __("[No caption]"); $title = sprintf(_ngettext("%s (%d rule)", "%s (%d rules)", (int) $num_rules), $title, $num_rules); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM ttrss_filters2_actions WHERE filter_id = ? ORDER BY id LIMIT 1"); $sth->execute([$id]); $actions = ""; if ($line = $sth->fetch()) { $actions = $this->getActionName($line); $num_actions -= 1; } if ($match_any_rule) $title .= " (" . __("matches any rule") . ")"; if ($inverse) $title .= " (" . __("inverse") . ")"; if ($num_actions > 0) $actions = sprintf(_ngettext("%s (+%d action)", "%s (+%d actions)", (int) $num_actions), $actions, $num_actions); return [$title, $actions]; } return []; } function join() { $ids = explode(",", clean($_REQUEST["ids"])); if (count($ids) > 1) { $base_id = array_shift($ids); $ids_qmarks = arr_qmarks($ids); $this->pdo->beginTransaction(); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_filters2_rules SET filter_id = ? WHERE filter_id IN ($ids_qmarks)"); $sth->execute(array_merge([$base_id], $ids)); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_filters2_actions SET filter_id = ? WHERE filter_id IN ($ids_qmarks)"); $sth->execute(array_merge([$base_id], $ids)); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM ttrss_filters2 WHERE id IN ($ids_qmarks)"); $sth->execute($ids); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_filters2 SET match_any_rule = true WHERE id = ?"); $sth->execute([$base_id]); $this->pdo->commit(); $this->optimizeFilter($base_id); } } private function optimizeFilter($id) { $this->pdo->beginTransaction(); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM ttrss_filters2_actions WHERE filter_id = ?"); $sth->execute([$id]); $tmp = array(); $dupe_ids = array(); while ($line = $sth->fetch()) { $id = $line["id"]; unset($line["id"]); if (array_search($line, $tmp) === false) { array_push($tmp, $line); } else { array_push($dupe_ids, $id); } } if (count($dupe_ids) > 0) { $ids_str = join(",", $dupe_ids); $this->pdo->query("DELETE FROM ttrss_filters2_actions WHERE id IN ($ids_str)"); } $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM ttrss_filters2_rules WHERE filter_id = ?"); $sth->execute([$id]); $tmp = array(); $dupe_ids = array(); while ($line = $sth->fetch()) { $id = $line["id"]; unset($line["id"]); if (array_search($line, $tmp) === false) { array_push($tmp, $line); } else { array_push($dupe_ids, $id); } } if (count($dupe_ids) > 0) { $ids_str = join(",", $dupe_ids); $this->pdo->query("DELETE FROM ttrss_filters2_rules WHERE id IN ($ids_str)"); } $this->pdo->commit(); } }