/dev/null 2>&1 define('SMART_RPC_COUNTERS', false); // If enabled, stores feed counter information on the server side and sends // only diffs to the client. In the nutshell, it saves your bandwidth and // makes UI more responsive, but eats server memory. // This option can introduce a lot of weird interface glitches in // some use-cases (if you have more than one tt-rss window open, for example) // so it is disabled by default. define('GLOBAL_ENABLE_LABELS', false); // Labels are a security risk, so this option can globally disable them for all users. define('ENABLE_LOGIN_SSL', false); // Redirect to SSL url for login define('MAIL_RESET_PASS', true); // Send mail to user on password reset define('MAIL_FROM', 'TT-RSS Daemon '); // Pretty obvious, I suppose. define('ENABLE_FEED_BROWSER', true); // Enable or disable local feed browser define('TMP_DIRECTORY', '/tmp'); // Directory for temporary files define('FEEDS_FRAME_REFRESH', 600); // Auto refresh interval for feeds frame (in seconds) define('MAX_UPDATE_TIME', 0); // Limit one update sequence run to this number of seconds. // The valiue is not exact, because it is being checked between feed updates, // which could use abritrary amount of time. Feeds which could not be updated // in time, are being skipped. // If this option is enabled (non-zero) feeds are updated in random order. // It is also recommended to set FEEDS_FRAME_REFRESH to a lower value if using // this option. define('DISABLE_SESSIONS', false); // Disables sessions (this is ONLY useful for commandline daemons using // tt-rss code, DON'T enable this option EVER) // vim:ft=php ?>