'use strict' /* global __, ngettext, App, Headlines, xhrPost, xhrJson, dojo, dijit, PluginHost, Notify, $$, Ajax */ const Article = { _scroll_reset_timeout: false, getScoreClass: function (score) { if (score > 500) { return "score-high"; } else if (score > 0) { return "score-half-high"; } else if (score < -100) { return "score-low"; } else if (score < 0) { return "score-half-low"; } else { return "score-neutral"; } }, getScorePic: function (score) { if (score > 500) { return "trending_up"; } else if (score > 0) { return "trending_up"; } else if (score < 0) { return "trending_down"; } else { return "trending_neutral"; } }, selectionSetScore: function () { const ids = Headlines.getSelected(); if (ids.length > 0) { const score = prompt(__("Please enter new score for selected articles:")); if (!isNaN(parseInt(score))) { ids.each((id) => { const row = $("RROW-" + id); if (row) { row.setAttribute("data-score", score); const pic = row.select(".icon-score")[0]; pic.innerHTML = Article.getScorePic(score); pic.setAttribute("title", score); ["score-low", "score-high", "score-half-low", "score-half-high", "score-neutral"] .each(function(scl) { if (row.hasClassName(scl)) row.removeClassName(scl); }); row.addClassName(Article.getScoreClass(score)); } }); } } else { alert(__("No articles selected.")); } }, setScore: function (id, pic) { const row = pic.up("div[id*=RROW]"); if (row) { const score_old = row.getAttribute("data-score"); const score = prompt(__("Please enter new score for this article:"), score_old); if (!isNaN(parseInt(score))) { row.setAttribute("data-score", score); const pic = row.select(".icon-score")[0]; pic.innerHTML = Article.getScorePic(score); pic.setAttribute("title", score); ["score-low", "score-high", "score-half-low", "score-half-high", "score-neutral"] .each(function(scl) { if (row.hasClassName(scl)) row.removeClassName(scl); }); row.addClassName(Article.getScoreClass(score)); } } }, popupOpenUrl: function(url) { const w = window.open(""); w.opener = null; w.location = url; }, /* popupOpenArticle: function(id) { const w = window.open("", "ttrss_article_popup", "height=900,width=900,resizable=yes,status=no,location=no,menubar=no,directories=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no"); if (w) { w.opener = null; w.location = "backend.php?op=article&method=view&mode=raw&html=1&zoom=1&id=" + id + "&csrf_token=" + App.getInitParam("csrf_token"); } }, */ cdmUnsetActive: function (event) { const row = $("RROW-" + Article.getActive()); if (row) { row.removeClassName("active"); if (event) event.stopPropagation(); return false; } }, close: function () { if (dijit.byId("content-insert")) dijit.byId("headlines-wrap-inner").removeChild( dijit.byId("content-insert")); Article.setActive(0); }, displayUrl: function (id) { const query = {op: "rpc", method: "getlinktitlebyid", id: id}; xhrJson("backend.php", query, (reply) => { if (reply && reply.link) { prompt(__("Article URL:"), reply.link); } }); }, openInNewWindow: function (id) { /* global __csrf_token */ App.postOpenWindow("backend.php", { "op": "article", "method": "redirect", "id": id, "csrf_token": __csrf_token }); Headlines.toggleUnread(id, 0); }, render: function (article) { App.cleanupMemory("content-insert"); dijit.byId("headlines-wrap-inner").addChild( dijit.byId("content-insert")); const c = dijit.byId("content-insert"); try { c.domNode.scrollTop = 0; } catch (e) { } c.attr('content', article); PluginHost.run(PluginHost.HOOK_ARTICLE_RENDERED, c.domNode); //Headlines.correctHeadlinesOffset(Article.getActive()); try { c.focus(); } catch (e) { } }, formatComments: function(hl) { let comments = ""; if (hl.comments || hl.num_comments > 0) { let comments_msg = __("comments"); if (hl.num_comments > 0) { comments_msg = hl.num_comments + " " + ngettext("comment", "comments", hl.num_comments) } comments = `(${comments_msg})`; } return comments; }, unpack: function(row) { if (row.hasAttribute("data-content")) { console.log("unpacking: " + row.id); const container = row.querySelector(".content-inner"); container.innerHTML = row.getAttribute("data-content").trim(); // blank content element might screw up onclick selection and keyboard moving if (container.textContent.length == 0) container.innerHTML += " "; // in expandable mode, save content for later, so that we can pack unfocused rows back if (App.isCombinedMode() && $("main").hasClassName("expandable")) row.setAttribute("data-content-original", row.getAttribute("data-content")); row.removeAttribute("data-content"); PluginHost.run(PluginHost.HOOK_ARTICLE_RENDERED_CDM, row); } }, pack: function(row) { if (row.hasAttribute("data-content-original")) { console.log("packing", row.id); row.setAttribute("data-content", row.getAttribute("data-content-original")); row.removeAttribute("data-content-original"); row.querySelector(".content-inner").innerHTML = " "; } }, view: function (id, no_expand) { this.setActive(id); Headlines.scrollToArticleId(id); if (!no_expand) { const hl = Headlines.objectById(id); if (hl) { const comments = this.formatComments(hl); const article = `
label_outline ${hl.tags_str}  (+)
${hl.content} ${hl.enclosures}
`; Headlines.toggleUnread(id, 0); this.render(article); } } return false; }, editTags: function (id) { if (dijit.byId("editTagsDlg")) dijit.byId("editTagsDlg").destroyRecursive(); xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "article", method: "editarticletags", param: id}, (transport) => { const dialog = new dijit.Dialog({ id: "editTagsDlg", title: __("Edit article Tags"), content: transport.responseText, execute: function () { if (this.validate()) { Notify.progress("Saving article tags...", true); xhrPost("backend.php", this.attr('value'), (transport) => { try { Notify.close(); dialog.hide(); const data = JSON.parse(transport.responseText); if (data) { const id = data.id; const tags = $("ATSTR-" + id); const tooltip = dijit.byId("ATSTRTIP-" + id); if (tags) tags.innerHTML = data.content; if (tooltip) tooltip.attr('label', data.content_full); } } catch (e) { App.Error.report(e); } }); } }, }); const tmph = dojo.connect(dialog, 'onShow', function () { dojo.disconnect(tmph); new Ajax.Autocompleter('tags_str', 'tags_choices', "backend.php?op=article&method=completeTags", {tokens: ',', paramName: "search"}); }); dialog.show(); }); }, cdmMoveToId: function (id, params) { params = params || {}; const force_to_top = params.force_to_top || false; const ctr = $("headlines-frame"); const row = $("RROW-" + id); if (!row || !ctr) return; if (force_to_top || !App.Scrollable.fitsInContainer(row, ctr)) { ctr.scrollTop = row.offsetTop; } }, setActive: function (id) { if (id != Article.getActive()) { console.log("setActive", id, "was", Article.getActive()); $$("div[id*=RROW][class*=active]").each((row) => { row.removeClassName("active"); Article.pack(row); }); const row = $("RROW-" + id); if (row) { Article.unpack(row); row.removeClassName("Unread"); row.addClassName("active"); PluginHost.run(PluginHost.HOOK_ARTICLE_SET_ACTIVE, row.getAttribute("data-article-id")); } } }, getActive: function () { const row = document.querySelector("#headlines-frame > div[id*=RROW][class*=active]"); if (row) return row.getAttribute("data-article-id"); else return 0; }, scrollByPages: function (page_offset) { App.Scrollable.scrollByPages($("content-insert"), page_offset); }, scroll: function (offset) { App.Scrollable.scroll($("content-insert"), offset); }, mouseIn: function (id) { this.post_under_pointer = id; }, mouseOut: function (/* id */) { this.post_under_pointer = false; }, getUnderPointer: function () { return this.post_under_pointer; } }