/* global dijit */ define(["dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/dom-construct", "dijit/Tree", "dijit/Menu"], function (declare, domConstruct) { return declare("fox.FeedTree", dijit.Tree, { _onKeyPress: function(/* Event */ e) { return; // Stop dijit.Tree from interpreting keystrokes }, _createTreeNode: function(args) { const tnode = new dijit._TreeNode(args); const icon = dojo.doc.createElement('img'); if (args.item.icon && args.item.icon[0]) { icon.src = args.item.icon[0]; } else { icon.src = 'images/blank_icon.gif'; } icon.className = 'tinyFeedIcon'; domConstruct.place(icon, tnode.iconNode, 'only'); const id = args.item.id[0]; const bare_id = parseInt(id.substr(id.indexOf(':')+1)); if (bare_id < _label_base_index) { const span = dojo.doc.createElement('span'); const fg_color = args.item.fg_color[0]; const bg_color = args.item.bg_color[0]; span.innerHTML = "α"; span.className = 'labelColorIndicator'; span.setStyle({ color: fg_color, backgroundColor: bg_color}); domConstruct.place(span, tnode.iconNode, 'only'); } if (id.match("FEED:")) { let menu = new dijit.Menu(); menu.row_id = bare_id; menu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({ label: __("Mark as read"), onClick: function() { Feeds.catchupFeed(this.getParent().row_id); }})); if (bare_id > 0) { menu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({ label: __("Edit feed"), onClick: function() { CommonDialogs.editFeed(this.getParent().row_id, false); }})); /* menu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({ label: __("Update feed"), onClick: function() { heduleFeedUpdate(this.getParent().row_id, false); }})); */ } menu.bindDomNode(tnode.domNode); tnode._menu = menu; } if (id.match("CAT:") && bare_id >= 0) { let menu = new dijit.Menu(); menu.row_id = bare_id; menu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({ label: __("Mark as read"), onClick: function() { Feeds.catchupFeed(this.getParent().row_id, true); }})); menu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({ label: __("(Un)collapse"), onClick: function() { dijit.byId("feedTree").collapseCat(this.getParent().row_id); }})); menu.bindDomNode(tnode.domNode); tnode._menu = menu; } if (id.match("CAT:")) { loading = dojo.doc.createElement('img'); loading.className = 'loadingNode'; loading.src = 'images/blank_icon.gif'; domConstruct.place(loading, tnode.labelNode, 'after'); tnode.loadingNode = loading; } if (id.match("CAT:") && bare_id == -1) { let menu = new dijit.Menu(); menu.row_id = bare_id; menu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({ label: __("Mark all feeds as read"), onClick: function() { Feeds.catchupAllFeeds(); }})); menu.bindDomNode(tnode.domNode); tnode._menu = menu; } ctr = dojo.doc.createElement('span'); ctr.className = 'counterNode'; ctr.innerHTML = args.item.unread > 0 ? args.item.unread : args.item.auxcounter; //args.item.unread > 0 ? ctr.addClassName("unread") : ctr.removeClassName("unread"); args.item.unread > 0 || args.item.auxcounter > 0 ? Element.show(ctr) : Element.hide(ctr); args.item.unread == 0 && args.item.auxcounter > 0 ? ctr.addClassName("aux") : ctr.removeClassName("aux"); domConstruct.place(ctr, tnode.rowNode, 'first'); tnode.counterNode = ctr; //tnode.labelNode.innerHTML = args.label; return tnode; }, postCreate: function() { this.connect(this.model, "onChange", "updateCounter"); this.connect(this, "_expandNode", function() { this.hideRead(getInitParam("hide_read_feeds"), getInitParam("hide_read_shows_special")); }); this.inherited(arguments); }, updateCounter: function (item) { const tree = this; //console.log("updateCounter: " + item.id[0] + " " + item.unread + " " + tree); let node = tree._itemNodesMap[item.id]; if (node) { node = node[0]; if (node.counterNode) { ctr = node.counterNode; ctr.innerHTML = item.unread > 0 ? item.unread : item.auxcounter; item.unread > 0 || item.auxcounter > 0 ? item.unread > 0 ? Effect.Appear(ctr, {duration : 0.3, queue: { position: 'end', scope: 'CAPPEAR-' + item.id, limit: 1 }}) : Element.show(ctr) : Element.hide(ctr); item.unread == 0 && item.auxcounter > 0 ? ctr.addClassName("aux") : ctr.removeClassName("aux"); } } }, getTooltip: function (item) { if (item.updated) return item.updated; else return ""; }, getIconClass: function (item, opened) { return (!item || this.model.mayHaveChildren(item)) ? (opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" : "dijitFolderClosed") : "feedIcon"; }, getLabelClass: function (item, opened) { return (item.unread == 0) ? "dijitTreeLabel" : "dijitTreeLabel Unread"; }, getRowClass: function (item, opened) { let rc = (!item.error || item.error == '') ? "dijitTreeRow" : "dijitTreeRow Error"; if (item.unread > 0) rc += " Unread"; if (item.updates_disabled > 0) rc += " UpdatesDisabled"; return rc; }, getLabel: function(item) { let name = String(item.name); /* Horrible */ name = name.replace(/"/g, "\""); name = name.replace(/&/g, "&"); name = name.replace(/—/g, "-"); name = name.replace(/</g, "<"); name = name.replace(/>/g, ">"); /* var label; if (item.unread > 0) { label = name + " (" + item.unread + ")"; } else { label = name; } */ return name; }, expandParentNodes: function(feed, is_cat, list) { try { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { const id = String(list[i].id); let item = this._itemNodesMap[id]; if (item) { item = item[0]; this._expandNode(item); } } } catch (e) { exception_error(e); } }, findNodeParentsAndExpandThem: function(feed, is_cat, root, parents) { // expands all parents of specified feed to properly mark it as active // my fav thing about frameworks is doing everything myself try { const test_id = is_cat ? 'CAT:' + feed : 'FEED:' + feed; if (!root) { if (!this.model || !this.model.store) return false; const items = this.model.store._arrayOfTopLevelItems; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (String(items[i].id) == test_id) { this.expandParentNodes(feed, is_cat, parents); } else { this.findNodeParentsAndExpandThem(feed, is_cat, items[i], []); } } } else if (root.items) { parents.push(root); for (let i = 0; i < root.items.length; i++) { if (String(root.items[i].id) == test_id) { this.expandParentNodes(feed, is_cat, parents); } else { this.findNodeParentsAndExpandThem(feed, is_cat, root.items[i], parents.slice(0)); } } } else if (String(root.id) == test_id) { this.expandParentNodes(feed, is_cat, parents.slice(0)); } } catch (e) { exception_error(e); } }, selectFeed: function(feed, is_cat) { this.findNodeParentsAndExpandThem(feed, is_cat, false, false); if (is_cat) treeNode = this._itemNodesMap['CAT:' + feed]; else treeNode = this._itemNodesMap['FEED:' + feed]; if (treeNode) { treeNode = treeNode[0]; if (!is_cat) this._expandNode(treeNode); this.set("selectedNodes", [treeNode]); this.focusNode(treeNode); // focus headlines to route key events there setTimeout(function() { $("headlines-frame").focus(); }, 0); } }, setFeedIcon: function(feed, is_cat, src) { if (is_cat) treeNode = this._itemNodesMap['CAT:' + feed]; else treeNode = this._itemNodesMap['FEED:' + feed]; if (treeNode) { treeNode = treeNode[0]; const icon = dojo.doc.createElement('img'); icon.src = src; icon.className = 'tinyFeedIcon'; domConstruct.place(icon, treeNode.iconNode, 'only'); return true; } return false; }, setFeedExpandoIcon: function(feed, is_cat, src) { if (is_cat) treeNode = this._itemNodesMap['CAT:' + feed]; else treeNode = this._itemNodesMap['FEED:' + feed]; if (treeNode) { treeNode = treeNode[0]; if (treeNode.loadingNode) { treeNode.loadingNode.src = src; return true; } else { const icon = dojo.doc.createElement('img'); icon.src = src; icon.className = 'loadingExpando'; domConstruct.place(icon, treeNode.expandoNode, 'only'); return true; } } return false; }, hasCats: function() { return this.model.hasCats(); }, hideReadCat: function (cat, hide, show_special) { if (this.hasCats()) { const tree = this; if (cat && cat.items) { let cat_unread = tree.hideReadFeeds(cat.items, hide, show_special); const id = String(cat.id); const node = tree._itemNodesMap[id]; const bare_id = parseInt(id.substr(id.indexOf(":")+1)); if (node) { const check_unread = tree.model.getFeedUnread(bare_id, true); if (hide && cat_unread == 0 && check_unread == 0 && (id != "CAT:-1" || !show_special)) { Effect.Fade(node[0].rowNode, {duration : 0.3, queue: { position: 'end', scope: 'FFADE-' + id, limit: 1 }}); } else { Element.show(node[0].rowNode); ++cat_unread; } } } } }, hideRead: function (hide, show_special) { if (this.hasCats()) { const tree = this; const cats = this.model.store._arrayOfTopLevelItems; cats.each(function(cat) { tree.hideReadCat(cat, hide, show_special); }); } else { this.hideReadFeeds(this.model.store._arrayOfTopLevelItems, hide, show_special); } }, hideReadFeeds: function (items, hide, show_special) { const tree = this; let cat_unread = 0; items.each(function(feed) { const id = String(feed.id); // it's a subcategory if (feed.items) { tree.hideReadCat(feed, hide, show_special); } else { // it's a feed const bare_id = parseInt(feed.bare_id); const unread = feed.unread[0]; const has_error = feed.error[0] != ''; const node = tree._itemNodesMap[id]; if (node) { if (hide && unread == 0 && !has_error && (bare_id > 0 || bare_id < _label_base_index || !show_special)) { Effect.Fade(node[0].rowNode, {duration : 0.3, queue: { position: 'end', scope: 'FFADE-' + id, limit: 1 }}); } else { Element.show(node[0].rowNode); ++cat_unread; } } } }); return cat_unread; }, collapseCat: function(id) { if (!this.model.hasCats()) return; const tree = this; const node = tree._itemNodesMap['CAT:' + id][0]; const item = tree.model.store._itemsByIdentity['CAT:' + id]; if (node && item) { if (!node.isExpanded) tree._expandNode(node); else tree._collapseNode(node); } }, getVisibleUnreadFeeds: function() { const items = this.model.store._arrayOfAllItems; const rv = []; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const id = String(items[i].id); const box = this._itemNodesMap[id]; if (box) { const row = box[0].rowNode; let cat = false; try { cat = box[0].rowNode.parentNode.parentNode; } catch (e) { } if (row) { if (Element.visible(row) && (!cat || Element.visible(cat))) { const feed_id = String(items[i].bare_id); const is_cat = !id.match('FEED:'); const unread = this.model.getFeedUnread(feed_id, is_cat); if (unread > 0) rv.push([feed_id, is_cat]); } } } } return rv; }, getNextFeed: function (feed, is_cat) { if (is_cat) { treeItem = this.model.store._itemsByIdentity['CAT:' + feed]; } else { treeItem = this.model.store._itemsByIdentity['FEED:' + feed]; } const items = this.model.store._arrayOfAllItems; let item = items[0]; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i] == treeItem) { for (let j = i+1; j < items.length; j++) { const id = String(items[j].id); const box = this._itemNodesMap[id]; if (box) { const row = box[0].rowNode; const cat = box[0].rowNode.parentNode.parentNode; if (Element.visible(cat) && Element.visible(row)) { item = items[j]; break; } } } break; } } if (item) { return [this.model.store.getValue(item, 'bare_id'), !this.model.store.getValue(item, 'id').match('FEED:')]; } else { return false; } }, getPreviousFeed: function (feed, is_cat) { if (is_cat) { treeItem = this.model.store._itemsByIdentity['CAT:' + feed]; } else { treeItem = this.model.store._itemsByIdentity['FEED:' + feed]; } const items = this.model.store._arrayOfAllItems; let item = items[0] == treeItem ? items[items.length-1] : items[0]; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i] == treeItem) { for (let j = i-1; j > 0; j--) { const id = String(items[j].id); const box = this._itemNodesMap[id]; if (box) { const row = box[0].rowNode; const cat = box[0].rowNode.parentNode.parentNode; if (Element.visible(cat) && Element.visible(row)) { item = items[j]; break; } } } break; } } if (item) { return [this.model.store.getValue(item, 'bare_id'), !this.model.store.getValue(item, 'id').match('FEED:')]; } else { return false; } }, getFeedCategory: function(feed) { try { return this.getNodesByItem(this.model.store. _itemsByIdentity["FEED:" + feed])[0]. getParent().item.bare_id[0]; } catch (e) { return false; } }, }); });